by dr. satish pathak md dnb professor in radiodiagnosis
by dr. satish pathak md dnb professor in radiodiagnosis
BY DR. SATISH PATHAK MD DNB PROFESSOR IN RADIODIAGNOSIS MAMATA MEDICAL COLLEGE KHAMMAM-AP Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Discovered X-ray In NOV 1895 Awarded First Noble prize in Physics in the Year 1901 Plain Skiagram of Abdomen Intravenous Urography Ultrasonography And Color doppler CT Scan Angiography MRI SPECT & PET The Kidney: A pair of bean-shaped organs approximately 9-12 cm long; 5-7.5cm average breadth; width 2.5cm Retroperitoneal organ extending from T12 to L4 when the body is in the erect position. The right kidney is positioned slightly(1.5cm) lower than the left because of the liver. Renal hilum: most medial portion of kidney giving entrance/exit to vessels and nerves. Anterior to posterior structures in hilum Renal vein Renal artery Ureter Lymphatic and sympathetic fibres Fat(renal sinus fat) Bean Shaped Retroperitoneal Structure Internal structure Within the dense, connective tissue of the renal capsule, the Kidney substance is divided into an outer cortex and an inner Medulla. Cortex-contains glomeruli, Bowman's capsules, and proximal and distal convoluted tubules. •It forms renal columns of bertin, which extend between medullary pyramids. Medulla-consists of 8 to 16 striated pyramids and contains collecting ducts and loops of Henle. The apex of each pyramid ends as a papilla where collecting ducts open. The kidney is bound externally by a tough fibro-elastic capsule(not visible on imaging). Calyces-each minor calyx receive one papillae 2 or more adjacent minor calyces unite to form major calyx, of which there are two to three per kidney. Renal pelvis-the dilated upper portion of the ureter that receives the major calyces. Usually intra renal but can be extra renal History Abdominal Preparation Positioning Exposure Factors The renal edge may be visible, outlined by the perirenal fat. Intrarenal anatomy is never visible. Non-opacified ureters are never seen on KUB Kidneys are about 11-15 cm( 3.5 vertebral bodies) in length. Left kidney is higher and longer than right kidney due to liver on right side Bladder may be outlined by the perivesical fat Plain radiography is mainly useful for urinary tract calculi. It is, however, Only 50% accurate for Ureteric Calculi, so extremely unreliable for ureteric calculi Assessment of urinary tract including renal parenchyma, calyces and pelvis after intravenous injection of contrast There is a decline in the number of intravenous urograms done over the last decade because of the newer imaging modalities like CT and ultrasound. Low Kv(65-75), high mA(600-1000) and short exposure time should be used to get optimum contrast. Indications To see the anatomy and physiology of urinary system Trauma Calculi- renal, ureteric, bladder Congenital anomalies- ectopic kidney, horseshoe kidney, renal agenesis Infective pathology Renal tumour Unknown Haematuria Renal hypertension Bladder pathology- diverticula, fistula Vesico ureteric reflux Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to iodinated CM Renal insufficency Hepato renal syndrome Thyrotoxicosis, Pregnancy, (Allow 28 days from childbirth) Procedure & Preparation •Appointment •Bowel preparation •Pt comes NBM •LO non ionic Contrast 50- 100ml ‒Adult 1ml/kg ---paediatric •300mgI/kg •600mgI/ kg Films Plain KUB/scout film /preliminary film Supine, full length AP of abdomen in inspiration. The lower border of cassette is at the level of symphysis pubis and the x-ray beam is centered in the midline at the level of iliac crests. Purpose: To demonstrate bowel preparation, check exposure factor, and location of radio-opaque stones or any radio-opaque artifacts. Films Immediate film : AP of the renal areas10”x12” film This film is exposed 1014 s after the injection (app. Arm to kidney time) Aims to show the nephrogram, i.e renal parenchyma opacified by contrast medium in renal tubules. Note: all the films are taken in full expiration only 5-min film: cross kidney AP film-10?x 12? To determine if excretion is symmetrical and is invaluable for assessing the need to modify the techinque, eg a further injection of CM if there has been poor initial opacification. Classical series of films Abdominal Compression band is applied over distal ends of ureters to retard flow of opacified urine into bladder and to produce better pelvicalyceal distension. Compression is contraindicated: After recent abdominal surgery, renal trauma, aortic aneurysm, When the 5-min film shows already distended calyces Classic series of films 15 min film: cross-kidney film-15”x12” There is usually adequate distension of the pelvicalyceal systems with opaque urine by this time. Compression is released when satisfactory demonstration of the pelvicalyceal system has been achieved. Classical series of films Full length Release film: Taken immediately after removing the compression band Demonstration of ureters optimally Partial visualization of a non-obstructed but otherwise normal ureter is acceptable Post void film Either a full length abdominal film or a coned view of the bladder with the tube angled 15° caudad and centred 5 cm above the symphysis pubis based on earlier findings. Main aim of films is to Assess bladder emptying VUR Aid diagnosis of intra-lum. &VUJ calculi Post void Residual volume of urine. Additional films:IVU modifications Posterior obliques of kidneys, ureters or bladder: To determine whether the radiopaque shadow is in the ureter or outside. Position: Pt. is rotated 30-35° in rt or lt side depending on pathology side. IVU modifications Prone film: Better visualization of ureters To investigate pelviureteric and ureteric obstruction as the heavy contrast laden urine will more readily gravitate to the site of the obstruction. To displace the overlying bowel gas towards periphery. Position: Pt. lies prone after doing 15 min full film and after 4-5 min. of lying prone (so that lower ureter is dependent part) full film is taken. There are several other modifications depending on the findings and clinical pathology. Advantages The strengths of urography are: rapid overview of the entire urinary tract, detailed anatomy of the collecting system, demonstration of calcifications, it is sensitive for obstruction, and low cost, Disadvantages it depends on kidney function, it provides little assessment of parenchymal structure (eg. cystic vs. solid), the perinephric space is not demonstrated, it necessitates the use of radiation and contrast medium, and it provides no assessment of glomerular filtration rate. USG The most frequently performed radiological investigation of the urinary system. Useful for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures Patient preparation: none Transducer: broad band high frequency probe for thin and pediatric patients. Low frequency(2-6MHz) for abdomen and pelvis work Patient position: conventionally-lateral position with the side of interest uppermost. Complementary views: anterior, posterior oblique, prone. Approach to Scanning LIVER STOMACH I AORTA K Right kidney scanning approach: anterior, lateral, posterior Liver is the acoustic window IVC S K Left kidney: requires a posterior approach, through the spleen Air-filled bowel impedes anterior scanning Sonographic Appearance Renal sinus is most echogenic part due to fat Renal pelvis is echo free structure within the renal sinus when visible esp. with full bladder in females Cortex is mid-gray, less echogenic than liver or spleen. Medullary pyramids are hypoechoic compared to renal cortex Capsule is smooth and echogenic Ureters are normally not seen Right Kidney Long Axis Anterior Superior Inferior Liver Sinus Cortex Diaphragm Posterior Normal right kidney(long axis) pyramid Renal cortex Arcuate artery capsule renal sinus Left Kidney Long Axis Anterior Inferior Superior Rib Shadow Kidney Posterior Spleen LEFT KIDNEY- LONG AXIS Seeking posterior approach may be More rewarding. Neonatal kidney pyramid Renal cortex Column of Bertin Note: Renal pyramids Can be Confused with cysts in Pediatric age group Renal dimensions Length of normal kidney: 9 ? 14 cm Right kidney smaller than left kidney Discrepancy > 2 cm between two kidneys: Considered significant & needs further evaluation Renal length between 8 ? 9 cm Correlated to patient’s phenotype particularly height Renal length < 8 cm definitely reduced Should be attributed to chronic renal failure Fiorini F et al. J Ultrasound 2007 ; 10 : 161 ? 167. Normal Variants Dromedary humps: Lateral kidney bulge, same echogenicity as the cortex Persistent fetal lobulation: Renal surface indentations between pyramids Hypertrophied column of Bertin: Cortical tissue indents the renal sinus Double collecting system: Sinus divided by a hypertrophied column of Bertin Junctional fusion defect: Dromedary hump Common renal variation •Focal bulge on lateral border of left kidney •Result from adaptation of renal surface to adjacent spleen •Easily differentiated from renal mass by Doppler Paspulati RM et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 25 ? 41. Persistent fetal lobulation Renal surface indentations between pyramids May be single or multiple Mistaken for renal scarring Paspulati RM et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 25 ? 41. Prominent column of Bertin (PCB) Mistaken for intra-renal tumor •Continuity with renal cortex •Similar echo pattern as renal parenchyma •Similar vascular pattern by color & power Doppler Paspulati RM et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 25 ? 41. Junctional fusion defect Mistaken for cortical scar or angiomyolipoma Triangular hyperechoic structure Antero-superior or postero-inferior surface of kidney Continuity with central sinus by echogenic line ?inter -renicular septum? Paspulati RM et al. Ultrasound Clin 2006 ; 1 : 25 ? 41. Challenging test to perform owing small size, their depth and variation in anatomy. Research suggests that 95% of the main renal arteries can be adequately examined in adults The key to renal doppler is accurate demonstration of the vascular anatomy, which requires knowledge of normal anatomy, normal and abnormal waveforms Other imaging modalities to assess renal vessels Catheter angiography-gold standard but invasive Computed tomographic angiography ○ High resolution than MRA but requires contrast administration ○ C/I in renal failure Magnetic resonance angiography ( expensive, time consuming) Advantages of renal doppler Doppler sonography is inexpensive, noninvasive and doesn't require contrast material. Provides both physiological and anatomical information Assess the need for intervention Clarifies uncertain or indeterminate CTA or MRA Protocol • The renal doppler includes complete evaluation of kidneys, survey of aorta from celiac artery to iliac bifurcation with both gray-scale and color flow doppler, PSV measurements for aorta at the level of renal arteries to determine renal artery-aorta velocity measurements. • pulsed doppler waveforms are obtained from Aorta Ostium of main renal artery mid segment of renal artery Hilum of kidney Segmental arteries Upper pole of kidney Middle pole of kidney Lower pole of kidney Norma right renal artery Transverse gray scale image Right main renal artery Transverse color Doppler image Right main renal artery Moukaddam H et al. Ultrasound Clin 2007 ; 2 : 455 ‒ 475. Normal left renal artery Gray scale image Color Doppler image Proximal main left renal artery Proximal main left renal artery Moukaddam H et al. Ultrasound Clin 2007 ; 2 : 455 ‒ 475. Axial scan in left lateral decubitus Using right kidney as acoustic window Schematic drawing Color Doppler US Right main renal artery & vein Meola M et al. J Ultrasound 2008 ; 11 : 55 ‒ 73. R E N A L A R T E R I A L S Y S T E M Blood supply The main renal artery divides into segmental arteries near hilum First division is posterior segmental ar. The main renal artery then divides into 4 segmental br. near the hilum(apical, upper, middle and lower anterior) Segmental arteries divide into lobar arteries. Lobar arteries divide into interlobar arteries(lie between pyramids/lobes These branch into arcuate arteries that run along the base of pyramids Arcuate interlobular ar. Afferent arterioles Normal segmental & interlobar renal arteries Color Doppler image of the kidney Normal segmental renal arteries (long arrows) Normal inter-lobar renal arteries (short arrows) Moukaddam H et al. Ultrasound Clin 2007 ; 2 : 455 ‒ 475. Renal angiogram MDCT RENAL ANGIOGRAM Renal vein and lymphatic drainage Kidney is mainly drained by single main renal vein. Left renal vein is 3times longer than right renal vein, which passes anterior to aorta to drain into IVC(8095%) Common variants: circumarotic 7-9% retroaortic 2-3% Left renal vein has 3 tributaries: joined by left adrenal vein, left gonadal vein and lumbar veins, none for RRV. Unlike arterial system, multiple communications exist between the renal segments within venous system. Lymphatic drainage: follows arteries to the paraaortic lymph nodes. Largely replaced by MDCTA & MRV Indications To confirm diagnosis of RVT prior to thrombolysis. To evaluate anatomical variations prior to IVC filter placement. Prior to portal HT surgery for spleno-renal shunt surgery. To define renal venous anatomy in renal transplant donors. Spaces Around the Kidney Perirenal Space ‒ bounded by the Gerota’s fascia which fuses superiorly, laterally and medially Fascia encloses the kidneys, adrenal glands, renal vasculature and proximal ureter The fascial envelope is functionally open caudally just above the pelvic brim Ureter emerges from the peri-renal space and traverses caudad in anterior pararenal space Gerota’s fascia ‒ anterior fuses in front of the great vessels with the contralateral anterior renal fascia Zuckerkandle’s fascia ‒ posterior passes behind the kidney to merge with the fascia of quadratus lumborum and psoas major, to attach to the vertebral column. Both Fuse laterally to form the lateral-conal fascia. RENAL FACIA AND SPACES ADRENALS & URETERS Ureters: Connects renal pelvis to the bladder 25-30cm long 3mm in diameter Courses inferiorly over psoas. Normally, three ?functionally? narrow regions exist along the course of each ureter . Urinary Bladder U.Bladder is situated in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity, behind and just above the symphysis pubis. Exact position depends on the degree of distension. Acts as a reservoir for urine from the kidneys and subsequently expels it via the external urethra. It is a hollow muscular organ lying in the anterior part of the pelvis outside the peritoneum. The ureters enter the postero lateral angles of the base and the urethra leaves inferiorly at the narrow neck. Urinary Bladder The interior of the bladder is covered with mucous membrane thrown into folds, except in the trigone between the ureteric orifices. USG and CT are the primary imaging methods for evaluation. MRI has limited role. Patient is asked to drink 1lit. Of water 20 min. before procedure First un-enhanced phase obtained. 40ml. Of 300mgI/ml non-ionic CM at the rate of 2ml/sec. After a delay of 4-8min. Additional 80mi of contrast injected at the rate of 2ml/sec. After a delay of 120sec/3min. IInd contrst enhanced phase of Synchronus nephrographic and Pyelographic phase is obtained Striated paint brush appearance in renal tubular ectesia Static fluid MR Urography Excretory T1 MR Urography Static fluid MR Urography Most common MR means of evaluating urinary tract. SFMR urography treats urinary tract as static column Of fluid. Uses one of the varieties of T2W sequence utilizing Long T2 relaxation time of urine. Sequence like HASTE which are also utilized in MRCP Are used to obtain the images. Others like SSFSE are Also utilized. 3D respiratory gated sequence for creating MIP and VRT images. Excretory T1 MR Urography It is analogous to CT urography. Gadolinium bases contrast is injected IV Adequate hydration improves distensibility of the Urinary tract. Low dose Diuretics are also helpful in improving distensibility and and delineation of the urinary tract Sequences like LAVA, VIBE, THRIVE are utilized For adequate fat suppression and obtaining images Of urinary tract. Normal urinary system on nuclear medicine imaging The techniques used in Nuclear Medicine involve labelling of a specific molecule with a radioactive atom; a quantity of which is administered to the patient. The labelled molecules follow their specific biochemical pathways inside the body. The atoms used are radioactive and undergo random decay, emitting gamma ray photons. Photons are detected outside the body by the detector NaJ(Tl) crystal- of the gamma camera. PET_CT scanning Normal bladder Normal kidneys The PET/CT systems now in wide clinical use combine a multidetector PET system with a multidetector computed tomography (CT) scanner in a single unit