оборудване за бензиновози
оборудване за бензиновози
Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 3 / 77 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. TANK TRUCK EQUIPMENT ............................................................... 5 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.13. 1.14. TRAILERS, SEMITRAILERS and RIGIT TANKS for fuels ............................. 6 Manhole covers .................................................................................. 7 Pneumatic control units ....................................................................... 9 Adapters and fittings for Bottom loading .............................................. 10 Super light ball valves ....................................................................... 12 Foot valves ...................................................................................... 12 Nozzles and parts ............................................................................. 14 Vapour recovery adapters and valves .................................................. 16 Overfill protection system LIBERTY ..................................................... 18 Compensators, sight flow, DDC .......................................................... 19 SAFETY AND CONTROL SYSTEM SCS ................................................... 21 HOSES ............................................................................................ 22 Hose reels........................................................................................ 24 Pumps and filters .............................................................................. 25 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. Flowmeters and accesoires................................................................. 32 Manifolds ......................................................................................... 37 Grounding reels ................................................................................ 37 1.14.1. 1.14.2. 1.14.3. 1.14.4. 1.14.5. 1.14.6. Spare parts for BLACKMER TXD2A ............................................................. 26 Spare parts for BLACKMER TXD2.5A .......................................................... 27 Spare parts for BLACKMER TX3 .................................................................28 Spare parts for BLACKMER TX4 .................................................................29 Spare parts for BLACKMER TXH3C ............................................................. 30 SPARE PARTS FOR ALFONS HAAR PUMPS ...................................................31 II. TANKS FOR LPG ............................................................................ 38 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. New tanks from MACOLA ................................................................... 38 Hoses for LPG................................................................................... 39 Hose ends, nozzles for LPG ................................................................ 40 Level gauge for LPG – REGO ROTOGAGES® .......................................... 43 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. Safety valves REGO .......................................................................... 44 Ball valves for LPG ............................................................................ 45 Sight flo indicators, manometers for LPG ............................................. 45 Internal foot valves for LPG and NH3 ................................................... 47 Spare parts, tools ............................................................................. 48 Flowmeters for LPG ........................................................................... 49 2.11. Pumps and spare parts for LPG ........................................................... 51 2.12. 2.13. 2.14. Compensators .................................................................................. 56 Other equipment for LPG ................................................................... 56 Compressors and spare parts for LPG .................................................. 56 2.4.1. 2.4.2. 1” Rotogages® for Large Mobile Containers .................................................43 ¾” Rotogages® for Small Mobile Containers ................................................43 2.10.1. 2.10.2. Metering systems ....................................................................................49 Spare parts for LC MA7 ............................................................................50 2.11.1. 2.11.2. 2.11.3. 2.11.4. 2.11.5. 2.11.6. Pumps ...................................................................................................51 Spare parts for BLACKMER LGLD2E , LGLD3F ..............................................52 Spare parts for BLACKMER – LGL 1.25/ LGL 1.5 ..........................................53 Spare parts for BLACKMER LGLD4B ........................................................... 54 Spare parts for BLACKMER TLGLF3C .......................................................... 55 PUMP ALFONS HAAR GFPSC 80 912 D4 ...................................................... 56 2.14.1. BLACKMER LB161....................................................................................57 III.TANK TRUCKS FOR BITUMEN ........................................................ 58 IV. FOOD TANK TRUCKS ..................................................................... 59 4.1. 4.2. ETA tank trucks for milk, wine and water ............................................. 59 Equipment for food tank trucks........................................................... 59 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 4 / 77 V. CHEMICAL TANK TRUCKS .............................................................. 61 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. Chemical hoses................................................................................. 61 Ball valves and butterfly valves........................................................... 62 Fittings ............................................................................................ 62 Dry dicconnect couplings ................................................................... 63 Flowmeters ...................................................................................... 63 Compensators .................................................................................. 63 Pumps and compressors .................................................................... 64 Other equipment............................................................................... 64 Seals for manhose covers .................................................................. 64 VI. BULK TANK TRUCKS ...................................................................... 65 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.4.1. 6.4.2. Trailers, semitrailers ARDOR .............................................................. 65 Fittings, valves, manometers .............................................................. 65 COMPRESSORS................................................................................. 65 Hoses .............................................................................................. 66 Hoses for abrasive media ......................................................................... 66 Hoses for hot air ..................................................................................... 67 VII. COUPLINGS ............................................................................. 68 VIII. PIPES, ELBOWS, FLANGES ....................................................... 71 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 8.1. 8.2. KAMLOK .......................................................................................... 68 TW .................................................................................................. 68 GUILLEMINE ..................................................................................... 69 Safety clamps................................................................................... 70 Reductions ....................................................................................... 70 Other fittings .................................................................................... 70 Flanges ............................................................................................ 71 Pipes, elbows, reductions ................................................................... 72 IX. ADR SAFETY SIGNS FOR VEHILES ................................................. 73 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. Standard and folding embossed panels ................................................ 73 Identifying marks for vehicles ............................................................. 74 Extinguisher holders .......................................................................... 74 Articles for ADR ................................................................................ 74 Signals in conformity of ADR regulations .............................................. 75 Rear reflecting and fluorescent trailer panels acc.ECE 70 ....................... 76 Conspicuity stripes in conformity with ECE 104 ..................................... 76 X. OTHER EQUIPMENT FROM DAIS .................................................... 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com I. TANK TRUCK EQUIPMENT TANK SYSTEMS from A to Z 5 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 6 / 77 1.1. TRAILERS, SEMITRAILERS and RIGIT TANKS for fuels Dais is a official distributor of truck body builders, a trailer and semi-trailer manufacturer.Satisfied customers using our vehicles are the proof hereof. Many years of experience and a high innovation ability are the basis to offer tailor-made designed transport solutions to our customers. Our carefully selected, world-wide recognized system suppliers, too are combined in our extensive quality management system. Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 guarantees a high quality level of ROHR vehicles for commercial use also in future. Economic efficiency as well as safety for human beings and the environment is our main precept; the highest possible customer satisfaction always our main target. Road Tankers Semi-trailer type offer a maximum pay-load ROHR produces semi-trailers for mineral oil supply to petrol stations with a tank capacity of up to 50.000 l. Tanks are shaped either in the well-known cylindrical/round and box-type shape or, and this in new, in a cylindrical/elliptical shape. The weight-optimized ROHR-design is well developed, tried and tested and offers an empty weight reduction of 10 % and a vehicle length of less 1 m compared to conventional designs. A low high-centre of gravity point and a tipping-over safety device, build-in in series, ensure a safe and excellent road performance, even in fringe range conditions. More pay-load due to the reduced empty-weight for lower logistic costs and positive economic side effects. SEME-TRAILERS: RIGIT TANKS and TRAILERS: For JET A1: Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 7 / 77 1.2. Manhole covers Aluminum super lite manhole covers from OPW/CIVACON Technical Material Seals Temperature Max air flow Weight Standarts Aluminum alloy 5764 Acryl-nitril or Viton -20ºC to +70ºC 3 7000m /h at 0.35bar 9.5 kg EN13314, EN13317, ADR 6.7 (CW) T400-249217GJ – 20” (58D) T400-240017GJ – 20” Size 10” PAF With locking system Hose for overfill sensor Hole for P/V valve w/ flamearrester Security facility for padlock, wire or plastic seal Automatic sealing of the P/V vent in a roll over situation Secure 24-bolt fixing as required by ADR Manhole covers T400-249217GJ (CW) T400-240017GJ (58D) Т400-PFC01A 20” alum 20” alum, type 58D PAF 10” with lock ACCESOIRES 58-41-84 6835 NV3000E LC01013 12022 11728 11730 11732 11740 51-30-32 58-00-28 20" WELD RING ALU, 5.3 MM 20" WELD RING Steel High-flow P/V vent, EN14595 Dip tube assy, 2m O-ring 10” for PAF, pos.9 Spring, pos.7 Latch Roller, pos.15 Roller Pin, pos.16 O-Ring for PAF, Viton, pos11 Seal 20” for manlid Plug 1 ¼” for 58-00-28D Other seals for manhole covers Part # VD-250/270/8-NBR VD-310/330/11-NBR VD-284/340/8-NBR VD-305/335/10-EP VD-505/535/15-EP VD-305/335/10-VI VD-505/535/15-VI Name From NBR From NBR From NBR From EPDM From EPDM From Viton From Viton d 250 310 284 305 505 305 505 Dais made manhole seal at customer request. D 270 330 340 335 535 335 535 S 8 11 8 10 15 10 15 Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 8 / 77 Aluminum manhole covers Alfons Haar DO 530/300/2A/DD Manhole cover with emergency pressure relief valve. Part #1361011. Nominal pressure : 0 bar Design temperature : 50°C Opening pressure of emergency pressure relief valve : 0,35 bar Pressure loss at flow rate of 2400 l/min and lift-off 10 mm : 0,4 bar Weight : approx. 10 kg NBR seals Pos 01 02 03 04 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 Qty 1 1 1 1 2 24 2 4 4 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 8 2 6 14 14 4 Part # AH-1283754 AH-1678279 AH-1283576 AH-1283568 AH-1283282 AH-1094838 AH-1054267 AH-1283673 AH-1283614 AH-1283266 AH-1080500 AH-1080810 AH-1131679 AH-1283258 AH-1327913 AH-1328391 AH-1283681 AH-1283690 AH-1080586 AH-1023710 AH-1076899 AH-1284130 Name BASE PLATE 2A COVER WITH SAFETY VALVE ASSEMBLY ARM PRESET LEVER BOLT WASHER 10,5 -ST GALZN DIN 125 CLAMPING SLEEVE 3 X16-1.4310 DIN HEX. SCREW M10X30-8.8-A2E DIN933-A.SHORT,DIN76 HEXAGON NUT M 10-8-A2E DIN 985 PRESS.SPRING 4 X45 X 70 C=0 PRESET HOOK HEX. SCREW M10X90-8.8-A2E DIN 933 LOCK NUT M10 205-PA GASKET PD 556 SEAL RING, MAN HOLE COVER CLIP S 333/12 SZ W1 HEX. SCREW M10X50-8.8-A2E DIN933-A.SHORT,DIN76 HEX. SCREW M10X35-8.8-A2E DIN933-A.SHORT,DIN76 BOLT FOR CLIP HEXAGON NUT M 10-8-A2E DIN 934 SPRING WASHER A 10-A2E DIN 1 HEX. SCREW M 10X70-8.8-A2E DIN 933-A.SHORT,DIN76 Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 9 / 77 1.3. Pneumatic control units Pneumatic control Units SENING Part # S-STB Name Pneumatic control unit for one compartment. К, 1,2,3,4,5 S-STB-A Pneumatic control unit for one compartment. К, 1,2,3,4,5 Price Pneumatic control units Alfons Haar AH-1005070 AH-1009610 AH-1061050 AH-1009636 AH-1019607 AH-1019615 AH-1140040 Control Block PST 2A, black. Needs PE-L / PE-R or PWEL / PWER Main Control Block PST 3A, green. eeds PE-L / PE-R или PWEL / PWER End black, left. PE-L End block, right. PE-R End block, left w/ elbow. PWEL End block, right w/ elbow. PWER Pneumatic controlunit w/o indication PSTRO Spare parts for pneumatic control unit Alfons Haar Pos 1 2 3 4 – BLACK 4 – GREEN 4 – RED 5 6 7 8 9 Part # AH-1061034 AH-1061042 AH-1041360 AH-1059099 AH-1059102 AH-1059110 AH-1040983 AH-1041076 AH-1020117 AH-1041203 AH-1020001 Name top assy. compl. piston compl. clamp knob compl. black knob compl. Green knob compl. Red plate choice “1”,”2”....”8” clamping ring o-ring connector o-ring Price За допълнителни схеми, моля потърсете ни на офисните телефони. Pneumatic remote and emergency release PFN 1A PFN 1A Rigit design for foot or meter cabinet door activation. Color: black Working pressure: to 8 bar Weight: 0,350 kg connection: hose 6 х 1 Pneumatic remote and emergency release PFN-1B Rigit design for foot or meter cabinet door activation. Part # AH-1155101 PFN-1BA Price Part # AH-1005088 Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 10 / 77 Pneumatic accessories Photo Part # PN-PA12 Name Hose PA 12, 6 х 1, black Price PN-T100 Water capture, pressure regulator and oil lubricant на резба G ¼” PN-6560 Mini ball valve, first end - ¼” male thread, second end – for hose 6 x 1 Mini ball valve, both ends – for hose 6 x 1 PN-50020 Connector, G ¼”; for hose 6 x 1 PN-REG16 Fastener PN-M0101 Manometer, axial, to 12 bar, G 1/8”, plastic PN-55040 Connector straight, plasric, both ends – hose 6x1 PN-50040 Connector straight, metal, both ends – hose 6x1 PN-55130 PN-50150 PN-55230 PN-50230 PN-55310 Connector 90° elbow, plasric, both ends – hose 6x1 Connector 90° elbow, metal, both ends – hose 6x1 Connector T-type, plasric, both ends – hose 6x1 Connector T-type, metal, both ends – hose 6x1 Connector Y-type, plasric, both ends – hose 6x1 PN-50310 Connector Y-type, metal, both ends – hose 6x1 PN-7000SC-1/8 Silencer on 1/8” male thread PN-7000SC-1/4 Silencer on ¼” male thread PN-6570 PN-55115-1/4 PN-55115-1/8 Connector 90° elbow, plasric, first end - ¼” male thread, second end – for hose 6 x 1 Connector 90° elbow, plasric, first end – 1/8” male thread, second end – for hose 6 x 1 PN-8610 Plug for connector CIV3AIR Pneumatic group kit. PN-T100, PN-6570, PN-50020, PN-REG16, PN-M0101 1.4. Adapters and fittings for Bottom loading 876-A 871-EDB ELBOW 876-AL40 876-AL4030 H71271 871EDB-AL40 H08347M 60TT 60TTF 60TT-A H20583M H04137M 4” API x 4” Kamlok adapter, alum. 4” API x 3” Kamlok adapter, alum. BUNA-A sels for 876-AL40, 876AL4030, 875-AL40 4” API x 4” BSP, w/ lever, alum. BUNA-A seal for 871EDB-AL40 Elbow top seal x 4”KAMLOK Elbow top seal x 4”NPT thread Elbow top seal x 4”KAMLOK Sight glass for 60TT BUNA-A seal for 60TT Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 11 / 77 API adapters OPW / CIVACON 891BA 891NB - W/ sight glass - Aluminum lever - Two piece - w/o lever - two piece - w/ sight glass 875-AL40 lightweight, corr. resistant, up to 3bar, w/ locking lever Spare parts and accesoires for API adapters Part # 861HRK-ALUM 861ORK 891HRK 891BRK 891ORK 891SRK FD-174 11240 11456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 11548 11905 2 11550 10806M 11534 H20051M 11850 11545 11544 11543 1,4 11661 11662 11618 11365M 3 H51437M 3 H51384M 3 11366M 3 11705 1,2,4 11536 1,4 10840 1,4 H06924M 1,2,4 H20182M 1,4 11490 1,4 H20199M 1,4 11460 1 H08901M 1,4 11623 1,4 11664 11665 11703 11704 1,4 H20057M 3 H20058M 2 12080 Name Handle repair kit for API 861, 897BAL & 897NB O-ring Repair Kit for API 861BA, 897BAL & 897NB Handle Repair Kit for API 891BA & 891NB, 1) Sight Glass Repair Kit for API 861, 891BA & 891NB, 3) (replaces 861BRK) O-Ring Repair Kit for API 891BA and 891NB, 2) Shaft Repair Kit API 891BA and 891NB, 4) 4”TTMA seal SIGHT GLASS, 4” TTMA SIGHT GLASS, 4” TTMA FOR ETHANOL Body Machined O-Ring Adaptor Face Lock Washer Screw Stop Pin Poppet Link Poppet/Handle Link, Shaft Shaft E-Clip E-Clip Clevis Pin Sight Glass O-Ring Float Ball Screw Quad Ring Bearing Nylon Washer O-Ring Spring Hub Nylon Washer Handle Fulcrum Pin Bowtie Clip Spring Bearing Retaining Ring Washer Lock Washer O-Ring Plug, 3/8” NPT 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1-included in 891HRK, 2- included in 891ORK, 3- included in 891BRK, 4- included in 891SRK Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 12 / 77 1.5. Super light ball valves Full Flow Ball Valves and 2-way Ball Valves are specially designed for handling different types of fuels such as diesel, gasoline, Jet fuel etc. In Tank trucks. Mann Tek Ball Valves in Aluminum offer weight saving benefits to the road tanker industry and they are also used in different types of fixed plant and mobile fuelling applications. All sizes of Mann Tek Ball Valves and 2-way Valves are available with pneumatic actuation in either single or double acting form. Suitable for tank trucks, transport of solvents, JET, paints, etc. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Working pressure: 10 bar. Test pressure: 15 bar Burst pressure: 50 bar Materials: Body: aluminum Flanges: Alum, steel Internal parts: ALU, SS Seals: VITON, TEFLON Size/sphera: DN50/45, DN80/70, DN100/98 Part # FFBV-S50-RR-V FFBV-S50-MM-V FFBV-S50-TT-V FFBV-S50-TT-V-A FFBV-S80-RR-V FFBV-S80-TT-V FFBV-S80-TT-V-A FFBV-T80-TT-V-A Selection: 1 2 FFBVA 3 80- 4 F 5 F- 6 V 1. Name: FFBV 2. Orientation: S – globe, A – angle, T – T-type 3. Size: 50, 80, 100 4., 5. Connection: F - flange PN 10/16, M – Male thread, F – Female thread, T – TW flange, W – for welding, R – wafer type 6. Seals: V – Viton, T – PTFE 7. Actuator /Option/: A Name Super light ball valve, globe, DN50, wafer type, Viton Super light ball valve, globe, DN50, male BSP threaded, Viton Super light ball valve, globe, DN50, Flange TW, Viton Super light ball valve, globe, DN50, flange TW, Viton, w/ pneumatic actuator Super light ball valve, globe, DN80, wafer type, Viton Super light ball valve, globe, DN80, flange TW, Viton Super light ball valve, globe, DN80, flange TW, Viton, w/ pneumatic actuator Super light ball valve,T-type, DN80, flange TW, Viton, w/ pneumatic actuator Price 1.6. Foot valves OPW / CIVACON’s EURO100-Line Bottom Valves are designed for increased safety, durability and service performance. The EURO100-Line high fl ow bottom valves are available as Compact 100-1 series, Super Compact 1002 series and 4” TTMA or TW 100-3 series. COMPACT, square flange 140х140 EURO100-1-AL40 EURO100-1S-AL40 EURO100-1B-AL40 4”, non-pressure balanced 4”, non-pressure balanced sequential operation 4", pressure balanced EURO100-2-AL40 EURO100-2S-AL40 EURO100-2B-AL40 4”, non-pressure balanced 4”, non-pressure balanced sequential operation 4", pressure balanced SUPER COMPACT MODEL, square flange 140х140 COMPACT, flange 4”TTMA EURO100-3S-AL40 4” non-pressure balanced, sequenced ACCESSOIRES 10-01-74/EU FD-174 FD-220/162 SF644-ST40 EURO100RK Squar flange, alum 140X140 Gasket for flange TW3, 4” TTMA 4” Gasket for sump flange 4'' SUMP FLANGE + GASKET FOR 21-00-00 Seal kit for EURO100-series Bottom Valve For more flanges see chapter PIPE and FLANGES. Size:DN100 /4”/ Working pressure: 500kPa /5 bar/ Burst pressure: 2500kPa /25bar/ Self-closing piston-type operation Max flow: 2500 lt/min Hard anodized and stainless steel internals Seals: GFLT Viton Working temperature:-20ºC to +70ºC Weight EURO 100-1:4.2 kg Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 13 / 77 Foot valves SENING BO100 S-BO100 S-BO100-ENV S-BO100-RK Foot valve BO100 Safety valve for BO100 Repaire kit for SENING BO100 Foot valves Alfons Haar Part # Name Price AH-2132646 PBVL-100100-S-FL90-15P AH-2166414 PBVL-100100-U-FL90-P AH-2165434 PBVO-100100-S-FL90-15P AH-2165245 PBVO-100100-U-FL90-P AH-2161689 PBVL-100100-S-FLT-15P AH-2161815 PBVL-100100-U-FLT-P PBVH – Pneumatic foot valve, elbow design, unloading height 115 mm, pressure-balanced, with viton seals, for low-viscosity and viscous mineral oil products and non-corrosive and / or suspension-free liquids, AH-1299316 PBVH-100100-FL90 AH-1326070 PBVH-100100-FL90-15 AH-1648590 PBVH-10080-FL90 AH-1325376 PBVH-100100-FL90MN AH-1326089 PBVH-100100-FL90-15MN AH-1648604 PBVH-10080-FL90-MN AH-1665258 PBVH-100100-FL90-15MA PBVJ – Pneumatic foot valve, elbow design, unloading height 65 mm, pressurebalanced, with viton seals, for low-viscosity and viscous mineral oil products and non-corrosive and / or suspension-free liquids. AH-1300268 PBVJ-100100-FL90 AH-1327255 PBVJ-100100-FL90-15 AH-1327239 PBVJ-100100-FL90-MN AH-1327263 PBVJ-100100-FL90-15MN AH-1608025 PBVJ-100100-FL90-G5MN AH-1665266 PBVJ-100100-FL90-15MA PBVK – Pneumatic foot valve, elbow design, unloading height 23 mm, pressure-balanced, with viton seals, for low-viscosity and viscous mineral oil products and non-corrosive and / or suspension-free liquids. AH-1300063 PBVK-100100-FL90 AH-1327654 PBVK-100100-FL90-15 AH-1327662 PBVK-100100-FL90-15MN AH-1633950 PBVK-100100-FL90-15MN-1X3 For other foot valves or questions please contact office. We offer all spare parts, repair kits, schemas and information for Alfons Haar foot valves. MN – with emergency opening, 15 – with pressure relief valve 15 bar FL90 – angle design, FLT – T-design MA – with Namur magnetic sensor 100100 – flanges DN100TW220 x DN100TW3 10080 – flanges DN100TW220 x DN80TW1 G5 – for bottom loading via manifold suitable 1X3 – with valve for prolonged closure. S – Balansed. It can be used for closing valve for bottom loading U – Non balansed. It cann’t be used for closing valve for bottom loading Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 14 / 77 1.7. Nozzles and parts ELAFLEX ZV 400/500 ZV-400-1 Flow rate: 450 l/m Inlet: 1 ½”M swivel High performance manual operated ZV-400-3F dispensing nozzles Flow rate: 450 l/m with “TW” coupling MK Inlet:1½”F thread 50 for Diesel, fuel oil, petroleum etc. Operating ZR19 ZR32 pressure up to 10 bar ZV-432-1 Flow rate: 250 l/m Inlet:1½”М swivel Spaut: 1½”(32mm) ZV-438-1 Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet:1½”М swivel Spaut: 1 ½” (38mm) ZV-438-2 Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet: 2”М swivel Spaut: 1½” (38mm) ZVA32 EA305 EA389 ED237U EF184 EK324 EO271-VI EO301 EO317 ER312 EU226 ZV-400-1F Flow rate: 450 l/m Inlet: 1 ½”М thread ZV-500-2 Flow rate: 750 l/m Inlet: 2”М swivel ZR38 ZR50 ZV-432-1F Flow rate: 250 l/m Inlet:1½”М thread Spaut: 1½”(32mm) ZV-438-1F Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet: 1½”М thread Spaut: 1½” (38mm) ZV-438-2F Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet: 2”М thread Spaut: 1½” (38mm) ZV-400-2 Flow rate: 450 l/m Inlet: 2”М swivel ZV-500-2F ZV-500-4F Flow rate: 750 l/m Inlet: 2”М thread Flow rate: 750 l/m Inlet: 2”F thread ZRB25 ZRK30 ZRB38 ZV-432-3 Flow rate: 250 l/m Inlet:1½”F swivel Spaut: 1½”(32mm) ZV-438-3 Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet:1½”F swivel Spaut: 1½” (38mm) ZV-550-2 Flow rate: 650 l/m Inlet: 2”М swivel Spaut: 2” (50mm) Nozzle Piston assembly Lever assembly 55 mm Seal 16 x 5 x 5 PU Hold-open latch Plastic cover (scuffguard) black O-ring 35 х 2,5, Viton O-ring O-ring Spout 39 x 185 Washer dia. 16 mm HIFLO-Automatic nozzle DN 32 (1¼"), flow rate up to 200 l/min. Working pressure 1,5 - 6 bar. For gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, petroleum, Avgas and Jet-A1. N o t suitable for viscous oils and water or solvents. 0190L-586L ZV-400-2F Flow rate: 450 l/m Inlet: 2”М thread Aluminum 1 ½”, w/o spaut, 400 l/m at 0,7 bar ZR32FLEX ZV-432-3F Flow rate: 250 l/m Inlet:1½”F thread Spaut: 1½”(32mm) ZV-438-3F Flow rate: 400 l/m Inlet:1½”F thread Spaut: 1½” (38mm) ZV-550-2F Flow rate: 650 l/m Inlet: 2”М thread Spaut: 2” (50mm) Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 0190L-587L 1290L-0055 0297-9030 0297-9040 15 / 77 Aluminum 2”, без Spaut, 650 l/m at 0,7 bar Automatic, 1½”, alum., 260 l/m at 2bar Spaut 1 ½” for 0190 and 2190 Spaut 2” for 0190L and 1290L You can find hose ends, swivels and fitting in catalog “FITTINGS”. Suitable hose you can find in catalog “HOSES” SPARE PARTS FOR ZV 400/500 Part # EA400 EB401 EB405 EB533 EB534 EC408 ED357 EF162 EF411 EG403 EG407 EG467 EK413 EK415 EM551 EO447 EU406 EV402 EW6 GSD-50-NBR TWK-50AG-MS TWK-5040AG-MS TWM-50-MS VD-24/11-PE VD-47/34-PE VD-48/39-PE VD-60/49-PE Name Piston assembly standard Stem Pull rod Lever pin Split pin Circlip 51 x 2 Sliding washer 40x30x1 Main spring 86 x 2 mm Check valve spring Lever Stem bearing Plastic glass insert Check valve poppet Bellow Ring nut M 30 O-ring Washer dia. 21 mm Piston Assembling tool Seal for TW-50 Crown, 2” М thread Crown, 1 ½” М thread Ring for TW w/ lever Flat seal PU 24/11 Flat seal PU 47/34 Flat seal PU 48/39 Flat seal PU 60/49 Price Other flat seals you can find in catalog “Fittings” Other ZVA parts – in catalog “STATIONS” Other couplings – in catalog “Fittings” Hoses – in “HOSES” Swivels Inlet Outlet Bar Part # 1”AG 1 ½”AG 1 ½”AG 2 “AG 2”AG 1”IG 1”IG 1”F NPT 1 ¼”IG 1 ½”IG 2”IG 1”AG 1 ½”AG 2”AG 2”AG 1 ½”IG 1”AG 1”M NPT 1”M NPT 1 ¼”AG 1 ½”AG 2”AG 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 10 10 10 36SLD-5 / DG-100100-MS DG-150150-AADG-150200-AADG-200200-AADG-200150-AI36SLD-4 / DG-100100-MS DG-100100-INDG-100100-NNDG-125125-IADG-150150-IADG-200200-IA- Price -MS -SS For special application as JET, biodiesel, chemicals, AdBlue and others please contact the office. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 16 / 77 1.8. Vapour recovery adapters and valves DAIS offers a full range of parts for equipment removal system money Vapor Recovery Stage I. All valves meet the requirements of ADR / EN. Typical vapour recovery Case w/o flamearrester. Case w/ flamearrester. VAPOUR KAMLOK COUPLINGS 633CV-AL4030 633CV-AL4040 D00272B H20546M 633CV-AL4040-ST 633CV-AL3030-ST 633RCV-AL4030 VRS-075300-AL VRS-075300-MS 4”vapour kamlok coupling with hose tail for 3” hose, MS levers 4”vapour kamlok coupling with hose tail for 4” hose, MS levers Brass handle for 633CV Seal 4” for 633CV 4”vapour kamlok coupling with hose tail for 4” hose, ST levers 3”vapour kamlok coupling with hose tail for 3” hose, ST levers 4”vapour kamlok coupling with thread 3” female BSP Hose end hose DN x thread DN80, aluminum Hose end hose DN x thread DN80, brass Adapter for vapour recovery 633LVB-201 1711Т-7085 1711T-AL FD-174 H20009 891BRK 201 Vent valves • Material: aluminum • Internal pressure: 500 mbar • Working t° : -20°C to +70°C • Flow rate: 950 m3h @ 55 mbar • External pressure: 2 to 7 bar • Connection: 3” TW • Self opening at: 60 mbar • Seal: Viton GFLT 4” High fl ow vapour recovery adaptor equipped with sight glass Plastic dust cap for 633LVB-201 Metal dust cap for 633LVB-201 Gasket 4”TTMA for 633LVB-201 from Polyiretane Repair kit for 633LVB Sight Glass Repair Kit (replaces 861BRK) Interlock valve Т195SVE 1995RK 1995TWD-2B 1995TWD-2BRK 199TWD-SV 1995TWD-RK LC-94021 SK-088 Vapor recovery vent, EN13083 Repair Kit 1995RK VAPOR-LINE VENT WITH TW-FLANGE (replaces 1995TWD-2) Repair kit 1995TWD-2B VAPOR-LINE VENT (SMART VENT) WITH TW-FLANGE Repair Kit 199TWD-2 VAPOUR HOSE, LENGTH 15 CM, EXCL CLAMPS. Clamp 80-85mm, for LC-94021 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 17 / 77 PKVF Vent valve, pneumatically actuated for tank venting leak-proof in case of overturned tank. AH-1231398 AH-2180897 AH-1640697 AH-1052604 PKVF-65/1B . sequence control, prepared for flamearrester LTD … tº= -25ºC ÷ 70ºC PKVF-65/1B-N. sequence control, prepared for flamearrester LTD … tº= -40ºC ÷ 60ºC PKVF-65/1B-C. sequence control, with mounted cover. tº= -25ºC ÷ 70ºC PKV-65/1B. parallel control, prepared for flamearrester LTD … tº= -25ºC ÷ 70ºC LTD Flamearresters. For mounting on PKVF AH-2180904 AH-1667811 AH-1320960 AH-1321079 AH-1320994 AH-1320986 LTD-3B-60, 3”, low profil, TW. Conn. DN60. LTD-1B-60, 3”, TW. connection DN60. LTD-1B, 3”, TW. Conn. oval flange O-ring 95x2 NBR for LTD-1B and LTD-1B-60 Screen Glas for LTD Ring for LTD. 3 holes PVRVF Coaming vacuum safety vent AH-1362581 PVRVF 4 A1 – Vapour-transfer-valve with sequence control, pneumatically actuated, for mineral oil tankers, non-corrosive vapours. for DN 80 hose, Self-opening at vacuum 30-40 mbar, Temperature range: -25 to 70°C PVREV Coaming vacuum safety vent with End-of-Line Flame Arrester AH-1641995 PVREV-100A1E. Coaming vacuum safety vent with End-of-Line Flame Arrester FD-154 Gasket for TW1, TTMA 3" P/V valve and flamearresters SENING Part # S-DO70-F S-DBG-2 Name P/V vent sequential Flamearrester, outlet 2” BSP female thread Price DAIS provides all spare parts for valves and flamearresters. For more information call the office phone. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 18 / 77 1.9. Overfill protection system LIBERTY DAIS offers a full range of sensors, testers, connectors and other equipment systems against overfilling. Both optical and thermistor. The OPWFTG Civacon Liberty overfill prevention system is designed for tank trucks, tank-truck loading bays, storage depots and service stations. In the event of a possible overfill situation sensed by the Liberty sensors, the Liberty rack monitors output relay will send a signal to a terminal automation system to shutdown the loading operation. The Liberty failsafe and self-checking electronic sensors are available as 2-wire Thermistor, 2-wire quick start Optic, or 5-wire Optic. Directive 94/63/EC 20.12.1994 taken to control emissions of organic substances during storage and transport. The important points are: • 4.3. Referenced connectors must be located on one side of the vehicle. • 5. Safety lock • 5.1. Filling is prohibited until there permissive signal from the combined overflow monitor and grounding. In case of overflow or loss of grounding, the control unit must close drip valve. • 5.2. Filling hose is permitted only for vapours is not connected to the truck and the free passage of vapours laundering system to the oil terminal. • This means that the connectors must be equipped with a pressure sensor. Despite the directive in the EN13922 for overflow protection writes that the plug must be 10-pin with 4-J slots and a black cap. OPTIC and THERMISTOR SENSORS CONFORM EN13922 1000R H70997 NC030082 1112-007EB 1112-0018EB 1301-007GEB 1301-0018GEB H52936M 1551-0018J 1651-007E 1651-0018E 1051-0018E ROM 2-wire bottom sensor Welding socket for 1000R WELDING boss and blind stop ASSY for bottom sensor AJUSTABLE 5-WIRE OPTIC SENSOR, 2”, BSPP, 7” SHAFT, BSPP, CONFORM EN13922. Replaces 1111-007J AJUSTABLE 5-WIRE OPTIC SENSOR, 2”, BSPP, 18” SHAFT, BSPP, CONFORM EN13922. Replaces 1111-0018J Replacement sensor, 5-wire, 7”shaft. Replaces 1301-007E Replacement sensor, 5-wire, 18”shaft. Replaces 1301-0018E Replacement cap for sensor Adjustable 2-wirw optic sensor, 2”, BSPP, 18” shaft, conform EN13922, suitable for new ROM 3205E. Replaces 1551-0018B Replacement sensor, 2-wire, 7”shaft, conform EN13922 Replacement sensor, 2-wire, 18”shaft, conform EN13922 ROM 2-WIRE OPTIC SENSOR 18” SHAFT BSPP, SUITABLE FOR OLD ROM 3204E 1351-007 REPLACEMENT OPTIC SENSOR, 2-WIRE, ROM, 7” SHAFT 1351-0018 REPLACEMENT OPTIC SENSOR, 2-WIRE, ROM, 18” SHAFT 1601-1601 REPLACEMENT THERMISTOR TIP 1410R- 0010 SS316 tube, 12” (305 mm) lenght 1410R- 0020 SS316 tube, 20” (508 mm) length 1410R- 0060 SS316 tube, 60” (1525 mm) lenght 1410R- 0120 SS316 tube, 120” (3050 mm) lenght Cable glands, acc. ADR, ATEX II 2G 1D, BSP threaded EL05116 Cable gland, 1/2", for 6-12 mm cable, plastic EL05116-50 Set of 50pcs cable glands EL05116 EL05117 Cable gland, 1/2", for cable 8-16 mm, plastic Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 19 / 77 ADR cable, oil resistant, ozone and weather resistant, black, 5-wire, according to optic sensor wire colors ADR5075-1 Per meter ADR5075-100 Roll 100 meters COUPLUNGS AND ACCESSOIRES 4103E 4103E-PS 4150-4150 4403E 4450-4450 4403B 4450B API PATTERN OPTIC SOCKET, 6-PIN, BASEEFA, 3 JSLOTS, replaces 4100E. 4103E WITH PRESSURE SWITCH CONFORM VOC 94/63C. Replaces 4100PS Blue cap and cable for 41030E 10-PIN THERMISTOR SOCKET, GREEN CAP, 4 J-SLOTS. Replaces 4101E Green cap and cable for 4403E 10-PIN optic/thermistor socket w/ pressure switch, conform EN13922 & VOC 94/63C, 4 J-SLOTS. Replaces 4101B. Black cap and cable for 4403B & 4401B EL00001 Grounding bolt 1391-1391 5-wire optic tester 1395-1395 Test cable with “BLUE” couplung for 1391-1391 1396-1396 Test cable with “BLACK” couplung for 1391-1391, EN13922 ON BOARD OVERFILL PROTECTION MONITOR 3205E ROM II PLUS monitor. Handles up to 8 top and 12 bottom sensors. The Liberty on-board control monitors, with diagnostic display, 2-wire and 5-wire optic sensor compatibility with all other brands of rack monitors. Replaces 3204E. 1.10. Compensators, sight flow, DDC COMPENSATORS FOR TANK TRUCKS Dais offers all types tank truck compensators for light fuels. With flanges TW from forget aluminum. Conductive. Part # ERV-G50-TW ERV-G65-TW ERV-G80-TW ERV-G100-TW Price Selection: ERV-G50-TW 1 2 3 4 ERV- G 50- TW 1. Name 2. Type: G-Yellow. For light fuels. 3. Size /DN/: 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200 4. Connecting: TW – with TW flanges fro tank trucks Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 20 / 77 SIGHT FLOW INDICATORS FOR FUELS Specification of glasses: working pressure 10 bar. Threads BSP, flanges DIN28459 L 83 83 58 D 41 41 41 Part # SG19-CR SG19-CR-PROP SG25-MS 58 41 SG25-CR 58 41 SG25-CR-PROP 125 136 95 95 132 112 135 154 154 174 SG3-MS SG4-AL TSG3-MS TSG3-AL TSG4-AL Description ¾” NPT threaded, cromated ¾” NPT threaded, cromated w/ propeler 1” Female BSP x 1”Male BSP, brass 1” Female BSP x 1”Male BSP, cromated 1” Female BSP x 1”Male BSP, cremated with propeler 3” Female BSP x 3”Male BSP, brass 4” Female BSP x 4”Male BSP, alum 3” М BSP x TW1, brass 3” М BSP x TW1, alum 4” М BSP x TW3, alum Price Description for SG 1” for SG3” ,TSG 3” for SG4” new, TSG 4” Seal for SG1, PU Seal for SG3, PU Seal for SG3 & TSG3, NBR Seal for TSG4, PU Price For industrial sight fglow inducators see INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SPARE PARTS for Sight low indicators D 30 90 115 33 88 92 102 d 24,5 76 101 24 77 77 102 S 25 45 50 2 3 6 4.5 Part # EG122-1 TW514 SG4-NEU-GLASS VD-33/24-PE VD-88/77-PE TWD-80-NBR SGD-100 Dry Disconnect Couplers DDCM-050200-AL DDCM-050200-MS DDCM-050200-MS DDCM-065250-AL DDCM-065250-MS 2”, alum, female, female threaded DN50 2”, brass, female, female threaded DN50 2”, SS, female, female threaded DN50 2 ½ ”, alum, female, female threaded DN65 2 ½ ”, brass, female, female threaded DN65 DDCM-065250-SS 2 ½”, SS, female, female threaded DN65 DDCV-050200-AL DDCV-050200-MS DDCV-050200-SS DDCV-065250-AL DDCV-065250-MS DDCV-065250-SS DDCK-PE25 DDCK-PE50 DDCK-PE65 DDCK-PE80 2”, alum, male, female threaded DN50 2”, brass, male, female threaded DN50 2”, SS, male, female threaded DN50 2 ½ ”, alum, male, female threaded DN65 2 ½ ”, brass, male, female threaded DN65 2 ½”, SS, male, female threaded DN65 Cap far DDCV, polypropelen, DN25 Cap far DDCV, polypropelen, DN50 Cap far DDCV, polypropelen, DN65 Cap far DDCV, polypropelen, DN80 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 21 / 77 1.11. SAFETY AND CONTROL SYSTEM SCS The SCS sealed parcel delivery system is intended to monitor liquid products transported by meter-less tanktrucks, and is in accordance with the Europia code of practice. It also follows the recent EU directive on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) not to use dipsticks anymore on tanktrucks for petroleum products. The SCS system is mounted on bulk petroleum tanktrucks and has been designed to allow for the tanktruck to be electronically sealed, providing a " sealed parcel delivery" system after the loading has been completed eliminating the use of dipsticks. 2 Wire Sensors 5 Wire Sensors Proxy Sensors Pneumatic Interface Gantry Interface ZONE 1 ZONE 0 8 Channel Power Supply SAFE AREA SAFETY AND CONTROL SYSTEM-”SCS” SCS-300 SCS monitor EPU-600 VCI-500 3470E 897SCS API-300 MAN-300 MAN-300-I ESC10-105000 API / Dome Sensors SCS Electronics Pawer supply unit and reserve accumulator supply Communication interface Bluetooth printer 4” API Adapter with handle and sight flow indicators Double sensor for API adapters Sensor on manhose cover Sensor for tank tilt Cable set for SCS-300 24V Truck Battery Veh Comms Interface Comms Device Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 22 / 77 1.12. HOSES Composite hoses GASSOFLEX GASSOFLEX petrol hoses transfer hoses are constructed from multi-layers of thermoplastic films which form a sealing and permeation barrier, suported by fabric layers for mechanical strength To prevent the accumulation of static charge generated in use, all metal parts of the assembly have been electrically bonded during manufacture GASSOFLEX composite hoses are suitable for use in operating temperatures from -30ºC to +115ºC (-22ºF to +240ºF) dependent on the conveyent CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY Working t° 2” 1м 1,5м 2м 3м 3,5м 4м 4,5 м 5м 5,5 м 6м 2 ½” 3” 4” The price of the hose ends are included male thread. Hoses are available in sizes that are not listed in the table. DAIS offers a hose equipped with a desired quick link from the catalog "FITTINGS". Selection: GGE-030040-FTDB 1 2 3 4 5 GGE- 0300 40- FT DB 1. GGE Product name 2. Lenght: in cm, from 0100 to 3000 /100cm to 3000cm/. 3. Size: 10 – 1”, 15 – 1 ½”, 20 – 2”, 25 – 2 ½”, 30 – 3”, 40 – 4” 4. First end: BF – male thread; FT – flange; KM – quick connector KAMLOK, TW, Storz; TD – DDC 5. Second and: as pos 4. Ruber hose PARKER CARBURITE 10 Working tº Vacuum Tolerances I.D. L Hose construction Tube: Black, smooth, NBR rubber compound, resistant to oil and fuel with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 % Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics and embedded steel wire helix Cover: Black, smooth, antistatic (R < 1 MΩ/m) NBR/SBR rubber compound, oil, fuel, abrasion, and weather resistant # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -25 °C ÷ +80 °C Max. 0,8 bar (600 mm Hg) ≤ I.D. 38 mm: ± 0,79 mm > I.D. 38 mm: ± 1,59 mm ± 1% Applications Designed for suction and delivery of mineral oils and fuels (with aromatic content not exceeding 50 %) in road and rail tankers, service stations and refineries. For heavy duty applications CARBURITE H is recommended. Part # IH36531012 IH36531002 IH36530205 IH36531001 IH36530208 IH36530211 Price I.D. 32 38 50 63,5 75 100 O.D. 42 48 60 75 87 114 WP 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar BP 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar W 0,98 1,13 1,46 2,09 2,68 4,02 Bend R 190 mm 240 mm 300 mm 380 mm 450 mm 600 mm Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 23 / 77 Ruber hose PARKER CARBOCORD EN 12115 Working tº I.D. Manufactured according to EN 12115 meets TRbF 131 Teil 2 par. 5.5 (flame resistance) Tolerances O.D. L. -25 °C ÷ +80 °C 19 - 38 mm: ± 0,50 50 mm: ± 0,70 63,5 - 100 mm: ± 0,80 31 - 51 mm: ± 1,00 66 - 91 mm: ± 1,20 116 mm: ± 1,60 ± 1% Hose construction Applications Tube: Black, smooth, NBR rubber compound, resistant to oil and fuel with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 %. Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics and built-in copper wires to provide electricalcontinuity between both ends. Cover: Black, smooth, NBR/SBR rubber compound, antistatic (R < 1 MΩ/m), oil, fuel, abrasion, ageing and weather resistant.. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Suitable for delivery of oil and fuel with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 %. Part # IH36522309 IH36522310 IH36522311 IH36522312 IH36522313 IH36522314 IH36522315 IH36522316 Price I.D. 19 25 32 38 50 63.5 75 100 O.D. 31 37 44 51 66 79.5 91 116 WP 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar Ruber hose ELAFLEX TW Working tº BP 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar W 0,60 0,89 1,00 1,30 2,00 2,40 2,80 3,80 Bend R 125 mm 150 mm 175 mm 225 mm 275 mm 300 mm 350 mm 450 mm -30 °C ÷ +90 °C, временно до 110 °C Applications "Yellow Band" smooth bore tank truck hose with kink resistant steel helix for all petroleum based products. Certification. Approved to German military standard VG 95 955 type S. Complies with EN 12115 and EN 1761. Hose construction Tube: NBR, black, NBR rubber compound. Resistant to oil and fuel with an aromatic content not exceeding 50 %. Electrical conductivity < 10 6 Ohm. Reinforcement: Textile braids and embedded non-kinking galvanised steel helix in the conductive layer. Cover: Chloroprene (CR) black, conductive. Electrical conductivity < 10 6 Ohm. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Part # TW19 TW25 TW32 TW38 TW50 TW63 TW75 TW80 TW100 Price I.D. 19 25 32 38 50 63 75 80 100 O.D. 31 37 44 51 66 79 91 96 116 WP 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 20 bar 16 bar BP 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 25 bar W 0,8 0,9 1,2 1,4 2,1 2,8 3,3 3,5 4,7 Bend R 70 mm 80 mm 90 mm 100 mm 130 mm 160 mm 180 mm 190 mm 250 mm For hoses with steel helix ELAFLEX XTW, LTW, hoses w/o steel helix HD, FHD, XHD and other hoses please consult office. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 24 / 77 1.13. Hose reels DAIS presents industry leader for reels Alfons Haar. We offer spare parts and elements. Reels are operated manually, pneumatically or hydraulically. You can find and very compact reels that seamlessly installed between the cab and the vessel to tanker. BROAD HOSE REELS: For hoses Price DN32 DN35 DN38 DN40 DN45 DN50 AH-1675300 HPSI-400-530-305 19 17 15 15 13 AH-1675318 HPSI-400-600-305 32 29 25 26 13 AH-1675342 HPSI-500-600-305 41 37 34 34 18 AH-1675350 HPSI-500-650-405 50 46 25 25 23 20 AH-1675369 HPSI-600-600-305 49 46 43 44 23 AH-1675385 HPSI-600-650-305 72 68 43 44 40 AH-1675407 HPSI-600-800-405 87 81 76 78 49 45 AH-1675415 HPSI-700-600-305 57 54 51 48 26 AH-1675431 HPSI-700-650-405 70 66 38 35 32 30 AH-1675440 HPSI-700-800-405 102 96 91 85 54 51 Reels can be operated with: HK92 - with handle for manual retracting, MZFS - with hydraulic motor, AIR - with pneumatic motor. We offer reels of different sizes, and all spare parts for them. Part # Model NARROW HOSE REELS: Z X 68 4 0 5 73 93 110 115 141 161 178 206 Hose ID OD 38 52 40 54 50 66 32 44 38 52 40 54 32 44 50 66 38 52 32 44 40 54 38 52 50 66 Y 900 7.5м 7.5м 5.5м 14м 13м 13м 22м 9м 20м 30м 20м 27м 14м 1000 10м 10м 8м 19м 18м 18м 30м 14м 28м 40м 28м 38м 22м 1100 13м 13м 11м 29м 24м 24м 44м 20м 37м 59м 37м 50м 31м 1200 16.5м 14м 12м 36м 31м 29м 55м 23м 47м 74м 45м 64м 34м 1300 20м 17м 15м 42м 38м 36м 64м 27м 58м 86м 56м 78м 42м 1400 24м 20.5м 19м 50м 47м 43м 76м 34м 71м 102м 67м 96м 52м 1500 28м 25м 23м 61м 55м 52м 93м 44м 83м 120м 76м 110м 66м 1600 33м 29м 28м 1700 38м 34м 29.5м Operation: Part # AH-1627178 AH-1629634 AH-S118591 AH-S118559 AH-S104140 AH-1662275 Name Operation kit. Chain, plate, etc.. Handle HK92 Hydraulic motor 11 cm³/rev MZFS Hydraulic motor 16 cm³/rev MZFS Hydraulic motor 19 cm³/rev MZFS Pneumatic motor AirSTAR 237 Price For a concrete offer for the reel with or without drive please contact our office. 1800 43м 39м 34м Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 25 / 77 1.14. Pumps and filters Durable pumps for fast and quiet operation. Transport pumps and compressors Blackmer (www.mouvex.com, www.blackmer.com ) are worldwide used for: Fuel oil delivery truck; Fleet refueling; Lube oil; Aviation refuelers; Transport of: petro chemicals, gasoline, biofuels, solvents and many more BLACKMER TXH3B BLACKMER TX MOUVEX CC8 Alfons Haar FPOG 100 PUMPS BLACKMER and MOUVEX Part # Р-р Min Flow rate Max Flow rate TX15 CC8-40A TX2 CC8-50A TX25 CC8-65A TX3 TXH3 AH-2152827 CC8-80F TX4 1.5” 1.5” 2” 2” 2.5” 2.5” 3” 3” 4” 3” 4” 6 m3/h@400rpm 19 m3/h@500rpm 13 m3/h@520rpm 24 m3/h@500rpm 22 m3/h@520rpm 28 m3/h@500rpm 48 m3/h@520rpm 33 m3/h@750rpm 24 m3/h@400rpm 40 m3/h@500rpm 92 m3/h@400rpm 12 m3/h@780rpm 48 m3/h@1200rpm 16 m3/h@640rpm 47 m3/h@1000rpm 27 m3/h@640rpm 61 m3/h@1000rpm 60 m3/h@640rpm 53 m3/h@1200rpm 78 m3/h@1300rpm 81 m3/h@1000rpm 115 m3/h@500rpm Strainer Цена Part # Price PF80-CC8-BU-ST BM-740054 PF80-CC8-BU-ST BM-740057 PF80-CC8-BU-ST BM-740062 BM-740062 PF100-CC8-BU-ST SFY-F04-ST Hydraulic adapters for BLACKMER and MOUVEX pumps BM-895141 For pumps TX1.5, TXD2A, TXD2.5A, TXD1220, TXD1225, TXV2.5, TXH3C, TLGLF3C, STX2, STX1220 TX1.5, TXD2, TXD1220, STX2, STX1220 (For H-series hydraulic motors) TXD2A, TXD2.5A, TXD1220, TXD1225, TXV2.5B, TXH3C, TLGLF3C, STX2, STX1220 LGLD2E, CRL2 BM-895142 TXD3, TXD1230, TXV3B, LGLD3E, CRL3 1.25" BM-895140 TXD3, TXD1230, TXV3B, LGLD3E, CRL3 1" BM-895143 TXH35A 1.25" BM-894425 TX206A (Keyed Pump Shaft) 1.25" BM-892037 TX206A (Splined Pump Shaft) 1.25" BM-892228 STX3 1.25" BM-892229 LGLD4A, CRL4, TLGLF4B 1.25" Part # BM-891205 BM-891464 BM-891458 Shaft diam 1" 1" 1.25" 1.25" Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 26 / 77 BLACKMER TX Pumps series Blackmer TX are specialy designrd for hydrocarbons – gasoline, diesel, kerosene, light fuels, light oils, JET. Positive displacemet. Double shaft. Integrated by-pass. Макс. pressure 8.6 bar. 1.14.1. Pos 1 2 4 5 5A 7 8 9 10 12 13A 14 20 21 Part # BM-411453 BM-431401 BM-411401 BM-920316 BM-920310 BM-423955 BM-471415 BM-471420 BM-471425 BM-471428 BM-471418 BM-471427 BM-471429 BM-451417 BM-451415 BM-531421 BM-021403 BM-261411 BM-091419 BM-093924 BM-091429 BM-031425 BM-031426 BM-920331 Spare parts for BLACKMER TXD2A Name RV CAP W/HOLE ADJUSTING SCREW COVER CAPSCREW CAPSCREW SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC R/V (36-50 psi) SPRING - STEEL/ZINC R/V (51-75 psi) SPRING - STEEL R/V (76-110 psi) (Std.) SPRING - STEEL/ZINC R/V (111-125 psi) SPRING - STAINLESS R/V (51-75 psi)* SPRING - STAINLESS R/V (76-110 psi)* SPRING - STAINLESS R/V (111-125 psi)* VALVE VALVE GASKET CYLINDER ROTOR & SHAFT VANE - DURAVANE® VANE - BRONZE VANE - LAMINATE HEAD HEAD with drain CAPSCREW Price Pos 24 24A 24B 26 27A 28 35 42 42A 42B 72 73 76 76A 77 88 104 123A 186 Part # BM-903156 BM-903521 BM-903522 BM-381406 BM-041431 BM-920285 BM-909130 BM-651411 BM-654405 BM-381421 BM-920351 BM-701947 BM-701914 BM-702242 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-123905 BM-701981 BM-331918 BM-701480 BM-341601 BM-903091 BM-898950 Name BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET BEARING COVER CAPSCREW KEY FLANGE - 2" NPT FLANGE - 2" weld GASKET CAPSCREW O-RING 7-SQ CUT 6" ID NIT O-RING 2-258 FKM O-RING 2-259 TS PFA PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING Grease Relief FITTING PUSH ROD GASKET OIL SEAL SLINGER RING SHAFT PROTECTOR LOCKNUT TOOL MAINT KIT TXD2A Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 1.14.2. Pos 1 2 4 5 5A 7 8 9 10 12 13A 14 20 21 24 24A 24B 26 Part # BM-411453 BM-431401 BM-411607 BM-920316 BM-920310 BM-423955 BM-471631 BM-471614 BM-471632 BM-471615 BM-451623 BM-451624 BM-531603 BM-021605 BM-261665 BM-261667 BM-091619 BM-091624 BM-091627 BM-031425 BM-031426 BM-920331 BM-903156 BM-903521 BM-903522 BM-381406 27 / 77 Spare parts for BLACKMER TXD2.5A Name RV CAP W/HOLE ADJUSTING SCREW COVER CAPSCREW CAPSCREW SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC, (76-110 psi) SPRING - STEEL/ZINC, (111-125 psi) SPRING - STAINLESS, (51-110 psi) SPRING - STAINLESS, (111-125 psi) VALVE VALVE (Nickel Plated) GASKET CYLINDER ROTOR & SHAFT double ended ROTOR & SHAFT single ended VANE - DURAVANE® VANE - BRONZE VANE - LAMINATE HEAD HEAD with drain CAPSCREW BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET Price Pos 27A 28 42 42A 42B 42C 72 73 76 76A 77 88 104 123A 186 Part # BM-041431 BM-041433 BM-920285 BM-651603 BM-651611 BM-651608 BM-381650 BM-920471 BM-920532 BM-920491 BM-701925 BM-701924 BM-702079 BM-701947 BM-701914 BM-702242 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-121607 BM-701981 BM-331918 BM-701480 BM-341601 BM-903091 BM-898951 Name BEARING COVER BEARING COVER CAPSCREW FLANGE - 2" NPT FLANGE - 2 1/2" NPT FLANGE 2 1/2" weld GASKET CAPSCREW 2" NPT Flange CAPSCREW – 2 ½" NPT Flange CAPSCREW - 2 ½" Weld Flange O-RING 2-234 NIT O-RING 2-234 FKM O-RING 2-234 TS PFA O-RING 7-SQ CUT 6" ID NIT O-RING 2-258 FKM O-RING 2-259 TS PFA PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING Grease Relief FITTING PUSH ROD GASKET OIL SEAL SLINGER RING SHAFT PROTECTOR LOCKNUT TOOL MAINT KIT TXD2.5A Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 1.14.3. Pos 5 10 14 21 24 24A 24B 26 28 35 42A 42C 72 73 76 76А 77 88 104 153 153D 153L Part # BM-920331 BM-531803 BM-091819 BM-920369 BM-903172 BM-903523 BM-903524 BM-381817 BM-920285 BM-909178 BM-381816 BM-702002 BM-701944 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-121807 BM-533908 BM-331908 BM-331880 BM-701936 BM-711912 BM-903019 BM-898952 Spare parts for BLACKMER TX3 Name CAPSCREW GASKET VANE - DURAVANE® CAPSCREW BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET CAPSCREW KEY GASKET O-RING 2-239 NIT O-RING 7-SQ CUT 8" ID NIT PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING Grease Relief FITTING PUSH ROD GASKET OIL SEAL MECHANICAL SEAL (INCN) O-RING 2-239 NIT O-RING 2-224 NIT LOCKNUT TOOL MAINT KIT TXD3E Price 28 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 1.14.4. Pos 1 2 3 4 5 5A 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 20 21 24 24A 24B 24C 26 27 27A 28 35 42 42A 42B 72 73 76 76A 77 88 104 153 Part # BM-413957 BM-436307 BM-436355 BM-411904 BM-920351 BM-920348 BM-426355 BM-476305 BM-456315 BM-531903 BM-021906 BM-261950 BM-091924 BM-031908 BM-920510 BM-903182 BM-721937 BM-922104 BM-922923 BM-386950 BM-041905 BM-041903 BM-920491 BM-909135 BM-651900 BM-651905 BM-381903 BM-920532 BM-702023 BM-702024 BM-702093 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-121905 BM-533908 BM-904190 BM-336958 BM-898953 Spare parts for BLACKMER TX4 Name RV CAP W/ HOLE ADJUSTING SCREW LOCKNUT COVER CAPSCREW CAPSCREW W/ HOLE SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE GASKET CYLINDER ROTOR & SHAFT VANE - DURAVANE® HEAD CAPSCREW BEARING LOCK COLLAR SETSCREW NUT GASKET BEARING COVER BEARING COVER CAPSCREW KEY FLANGE FLANGE GASKET CAPSCREW O-RING 2-274 NIT O-RING 2-274 FKM O-RING 2-274 TS PFA PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING FITTING PUSH ROD GASKET OIL SEAL MECHANICAL SEAL (INCN) MAINT KIT TX4A Price 29 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 1.14.5. Pos 1 2 4 5 5A 7 8 9 10 14 20 21 24 24A 24B 24C 26 27 28 42 42A 42B 72 73 76 76A 77 88 104 123A 153 186 Part # BM-411453 BM-431401 BM-411607 BM-920316 BM-920310 BM-423955 BM-471631 BM-451623 BM-531603 BM-091619 BM-031425 BM-920331 BM-903156 BM-903583 BM-903522 BM-924060 BM-383940 BM-041431 BM-920285 BM-651803 BM-655102 BM-381816 BM-920532 BM-920510 BM-701914 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-121607 BM-701981 BM-331918 BM-701480 BM-331655 BM-341601 BM-903091 Spare parts for BLACKMER TXH3C Name RV CAP W/HOLE ADJUSTING SCREW COVER CAPSCREW CAPSCREW SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE GASKET VANE - DURAVANE® HEAD CAPSCREW BEARING LOCKNUT W/SETSCREW LOCKWASHER SETSCREW GASKET BEARING COVER CAPSCREW FLANGE FLANGE GASKET CAPSCREW CAPSCREW O-RING 2-258 FKM PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING FITTING PUSH ROD GASKET OIL SEAL SLINGER RING MECHANICAL SEAL (IVCV) SHAFT PROTECTOR LOCKNUT TOOL Price 30 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 1.14.6. Pos 6 7 8 10 13 16 17 4 6 9 11 14 6 7 8 10 13 16 18 19 31 / 77 SPARE PARTS FOR ALFONS HAAR PUMPS FPCG 80-700 (-500,-600) Name Part # FPCJ, FPCG, FPCN 80-700 (-500,-600) SAFETY CAP (за FPCG) AH-1102121 DUST COVER FP 80/1, OPEN AH-1032760 NEEDLE BEARING RNA 6906 AH-1025518 O-ring 146 х 3, NBR AH-1039764 Mechanical seal 35 Haar/FAP-D AH-1035432 Vane FP80 delrin 158x25x7.8 AH-1032956 GASKET FOR V 80 AH-1032689 FPFN, FPFG 80-700 (-500, -600) NEEDLE BEARING RNA 6906 AH-1025518 O-ring 146 х 3, NBR AH-1039764 Mechanical seal 35 Haar/FAP-D AH-1035432 Vane FP80 delrin 158x25x7.8 AH-1032956 GASKET FOR 5WS80 AH-1045934 FPFG, FPCG 80-975 (-815, -1135) SAFETY CAP AH-1102130 DUST COVER FP 80/2, OPEN AH-1032859 Needle bearing RNA 69/32 AH-1025496 O-RING 174 X 3 NBR AH-1020990 Mechanical seal 40 Haar/FAP-D AH-1035440 VANE FPZ 80/2 158X31x9.8 AH-1048500 ROTOR FP.G 80/2 CPL. AH-1379190 GASKET FOR 5WS80 AH-1045934 FPFG, FPCG 50 VANE F.FP 50, 68х20 AH-1636185 Strainers and spare parts AH-1069060 Screen for PF 80/1A, 1000μm, Nylon AH-1082392 Screen for PF 80/4A, 450μm, Nylon AH-1069086 Screen for PF 100/1A, 1000μm, Nylon AH-1145998 Screen for PF 100/6A, 500mic, SS AH-1046302 Gasket for PF 80 AH-1046310 Gasket for PF 100 Strainer PF 80 - DN 80, TW1 flange, alum. body, 3.4kg AH-1013102 Strainer PF 80/1A, screen Nylon 1000 mic Strainer PF 100 - DN 100, TW3 flange, alum. body, 3.7kg AH-1015660 Strainer PF 100/1A, screen Nylon 1000 mic AH-1297372 Strainer insert for flowmeter PGMVC 80 Price FPCG 80-975 (-815, -1135) FPCG 80-975 (-815, -1135) Strainer PF80 / PF100 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 32 / 77 1.15. Flowmeters and accesoires When you need accurate measuring DAIS offers flow ISOIL. High precision 2 ", 3", For gravity and pump discharge, Electronic or mechanical, With temperature compensation, with pneumatic control valve specifically designed for tanks. SBM150G + VEGA T SBM75 + VEGA T SBM150G SBM75 CEE Electric head: VEGA T with options: temperature compensation , pre set, valve control High precision flowmeter SBM150 - 3”; Flow rate from 100 to 1300 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,1 %; Repeatability: 0,01% - Certifications: MID, ATEX and PED Equipped with: strainer; air separator; pneumatic check valve; pneumatic 2-stage control valve; plate Application: for pump or pump discharging with or without pre set Electric head: VEGA T with options: temperature compensation , pre set, valve control High precision flowmeter SBM75 - 2”; Flow rate from 50 to 500 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,15 %; Repeatability: 0,02% - Certifications: MID, ATEX and PED Equipped with: strainer; air separator; check valve; pneumatic 2-way control valve; plate Application: for pump discharging with or without pre set Electric head: VEGA T with options: temperature compensation , valve control High precision flowmeter SBM150 - 3”; Flow rate from 100 to 1300 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,1 %; Repeatability: 0,01% - Certifications: MID, ATEX and PED Equipped with: strainer; air separator; check valve; pneumatic 2-way control valve; Application: for gravity and pump discharging w/o pre set Mechanical head VR7887 High precision flowmeter SBM75 CEE - 2”; Flow rate from 50 to 500 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,15 %; Repeatability: 0,02% - Certifications: MID, ATEX and PED Equipped with: strainer; air separator; check valve; Application: for pump discharging w/o pre set Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com SBM150 CEE 33 / 77 Mechanical head VR7887 High precision flowmeter SBM150 CEE - 2”; Flow rate from from 100 to 1300 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,1 %; Repeatability: 0,01% - Certifications: MID, ATEX and PED Equipped with: strainer; air separator, check valve; Application:for gravity discharging w/o pre set ACCESSOIRES VEGA-T Precision Electric head suitable for SBM32, SBM75, SBM150, P9000. Specially designed for tanks with large display. Iintuitive controls, Ex, power battery, temperature compensation. Preset amount. Suitable for connection to any meter. PULSE EMITTER EM6422 Pulse emitter EM6422, developed by ISOIL IMPIANTI, converts the rotary motion of a Positive Displacement Flowmeter into electric pulses. It allows the meter to interface with an electronic control device. ATEX II 2 GD-EEx d IIB T5 100°C, IP67, t°: -40÷75°C, 5÷30 VDC, Bidirectional. Suitable for any flowmeter. V705P TMU295 LS/AS 150 3” aluminium pre set valve. Working temperature: 10°C ≤ T ≤ +100°C. Maximum working pressure: 1000 kPa. Printer for tank truck, 24VDC 3” Filter air separator Basket with perforated plate in carbon steel and net in stainless steel AISI 304 Inlet with welding counterflange WP 1000 kPa. Vent valve with SS ball, leverages and piston in aluminium. Nitril gaskets. Inlet and outlet flanges at 90°. Working temperature: -10°C ≤ T ≤ + 50°C. Flow rate to 1300 l/m. Part # PT100T PT100BT V735 Name Resistance thermal probe. 4 wires-Class A. Non Ex execution. To be used with VEGA T counter for tank truck appli cation. Suitable for piping from 2" to 10" Platinum resistance thermal probe, 4 wire, EEx-d, ½” NPT thread, AISI 316 probe 60mm lenght, suitable for piping form 3" to 10" 3” aluminium air check valve. To be fitted on SBM150 and BM200 meters. ANSI150 FF flanges. Nitril gaskets. Working temperature: -10°C ≤ T ≤ +100°C Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 34 / 77 SPARE PARTS FOR ISOIL SBM150 Pos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part # IS-80COG063 IS-80COB072 IS-80COB339 IS-80PR3075 IS-80RO1180 IS-80DA1018 IS-80VI4267 IS-80SP6021 IS-80CU1100 IS-80GU1630 IS-80GU1627 Name Body Front cover Rear cover Stud Washer Nut Screw Dowel pin Bearing OR seal, NBR OR seal, Viton Price Pos 11. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. Part # IS-80AL0293 IS-80SP5033 IS-80SP5009 IS-80KI0135 IS-80RO2078 IS-80COC075 IS-80COC045 IS-80DA1006 Name Rotor spindle Spirol pin Spirol pin Kit BM 36/1 Rotor Left vanes couple Right vanes couple Nut Price Spare parts for Alfons Haar flowmeters Part # AH-1297372 AH-1297380 Description Price Filter basket for PGMVC 80 flowmeter Filter basket for PGMVC 180 flowmeter Spare parts for SENING flowmeters Part # Description S-24992 Filter cone with bush for old model flowmeters (FI100/FI-80/GMVZ1000) S-20641 Spring part for models FI-100/FI-80/GMVZ1000 S-24158 Filter cone without bush for flowmeter (GMVZ1003, GMVZ1004) Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 35 / 77 Gravity flowmeter ALMA GRAVICOMPT Gravity metering system - manifold configuration deliveries of all kind of petroleum products, on road tanker and semitrailer devices, GRAVICOMPT manifold Manifold fully equipped semitrailer. • MICROCOMPT Electronic calculator o Large bright display o 3 buttons • ADRIANE 4" Turbine meter o Equipped with pulse emitter and sight glass o Flow rate : from 8 to 80m3/h • Manifold N compartment equipped : o Flowrate and preset management o Dual flow output valve • Temperature sensor o For temp. compensation at 15°c or 20°c GRAVICOMPT advantages • High accuracy, repeatability & reliability • Efficient double pulse transmitter for low flow control • Very low pressure drop, optimum flow-rate • Flow range: 8-80 m3/h, TTMA flanges, Sight glass • Reverse flow 150 m3/h for bottom loading • Category: Ex II 2 G • Pulse transmitter: 2H00: Ex II 2 G (m) or Ex II 1 G (ia) ELECTRONIC HEAD • Category: Ex II 2 (1) G • Compliance with OIML R. 117 & EMC • Controls delivery operations, flow regulation, quantitypreset • Connection to Cab Printer, Bill of delivery, Bills,Reports • Allows compartment Sealing, connection to on-boardcomputer • Bright and large display, robust Push-Buttons, easyto-use Gravity flowmeter ALMA FLEXICOMPT Мобилен разходомер за контролно измерване на светли горива и разтворители с вискозитет под 13 cSt. С енергонезависима памет за последните 100 операции. Литиеви батерии с живот 4 години.Макс. налягане 5 bar Куплира се директно на API адаптора при разтоварване на 4“. Задната страна е на 3“ за куплиране с маркуч Flow rate 1300л литра в минута, въздухоотделител и температурен сензор. Тегло 4,5кг. ATEX Conformity Zone:1 Accuracy +/- 0.5%,Repeatability 0.02%, Работна температура от -25 до + 50 градуса Flowmeter ALMA MOBICOMPT Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 36 / 77 За контролно измерване на светли горива, монтиране директно на маркуча: на пистолет или на макарата Flow rate от 40 до 420 литра в минута, работна температура от -20 до +40°C. Размер DN32 (1 1/4“).Дължина само 16 см Ех 1G Zone 0 взривозащитен Захранване на батерии – 7 години живот или 5000 работни часа. Тегло : 0,750 кг Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 37 / 77 1.16. Manifolds CF1 – Single maniflod Allow unloading from API adapters and one hose reel or flowmeter. CF1x-yy x – Number of compartments yy – distance between center of API adapters: 11” (2800mm); 14” (356omm) CF2 – Double manifold Allow unloading from API adapters and two hose reel or flowmeter. CF2x-yy x – Number of compartments yy – distance between center of API adapters: 11” (2800mm); 14” (356omm) Manifolds ALFONS HAAR DAIS offers full range of manifolds Alfons Haar and spare parts for them. For more information call DAIS. Pos 2 Part # AH-1294330 AH-1305758 AH-1294055 Name Price PK 100 A PN BET KOLLEKTOR DN100 PN10 PMV 100 C PN.MANIFOLD VALVE VENTILEINSATZ KPL. mit W-AnschluЯ 1.17. Grounding reels Тяло от пластмаса усилено със стъклени нишки, Цвят: жълт, Проводник: неръждаема стомана обвита с жълт PUR Дължина на проводника: 8 m Съпротивление на целия проводник: 3.6Ω Работна температура: -20°C - +40°C, Тегло: 4.1 kg Живот: над 10’000 захващания, Сертификат: Ex II 3G Eex nA I / T6 Part # KPE VDV-028 Name Заземителна макара Заземителна макара Price 650,00 лв 380.00 лв Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com II. 38 / 77 TANKS FOR LPG 2.1. New tanks from MACOLA - OMSP Macola was established in Padua in the early 1970s by Giuseppe and Ferruccio Macola. - OMSP Macola began by manufacturing pumps and measuring instruments for tank trucks designed to transport flammable and petroleum substances. - At around this time, a new alternative fuel Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) came onto the market. OMSP Macola recognised the importance of this product because of its new properties which were better for the environment. Thus we began to focus on designs for LPG and this led in 1978 to OMSP Macola bringing out the first LPG trucks for road transportation. - To do this, the company needed more space and equipment so we expanded to a second factory near Padua’s industrial zone. - We soon consolidated our position in the market, stopped manufacturing goods for the petroleum sector, and started to specialise in making self-supporting tanks for transporting liquefied gases by road. - We began to manufacture for the European market and were soon known throughout most of Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa. - Our speciality became high quality technology, and we were validated by the sector’s most important inspection bodies: TÜV Germany, TÜV Austria, DNV Norway, DRIRE France, BUREAU VERITAS Spain, LLOYD’S REGISTER, ISCIR Romania and many other organisations including Greek, Czeck, Slovenian, Bulgarian etc. - Design expanded to include sea transportation in agreement with IMO and RINA, and train transportation in agreement with FS, SNCF and BAM. - 1997 was a turning point for OMSP Macola because we moved offices (600 m2) and production plant (4,200 m2) to a new site of 23,000 m2 in the industrial zone of Saonara near Padova, 800 m from the exit to Padua’s industrial zone on the Venice-Bologna motorway. - Today production is more efficient and we are expanding into new markets. - In 2005 OMSP Macola opened a subsidiary in Romania for the maintenance and servicing of our large fleet of gas tankers sold in eastern Europe. - Today we are ISO 9001 certified, have doubled the surface with a second workshop and office building on the Saonara site and have become a leader at EU level in the gas road tanker industry with a production of approximately 150 gas road tankers per year, for LPG, CO2, LIN, LAR LOX transport. This production is exported throughout Europe and in parts of Africa and the Middle East. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 39 / 77 2.2. Hoses for LPG RUBBER HOSE Parker ROBUR Hose Construction Tube: Low diffusion rate seamless extruded NBR rubber compound of uniform thickness. Reinforcement: Two braids of high tensile steel wire Cover: Black, SBR/CR rubber compound pin-pricked to prevent the formation of blisters, resistant to abrasion, oils, ozone and weathering. Working tº: -30°C ÷ +70°C Tolerances: Lenght: ± 1% Applications. Liquid gas applications (methane, propane, LPG) in the loading and unloading of tankers and in the service stations. RUBBER HOSE Parker GASTRUCK 1762 Hose Construction Tube: Low diffusion rate NBR rubber compound of uniform thickness Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics, embedded built-in copper wire to facilitate the electrical connection between the hose and the end couplings Cover: Black, smooth, antistatic (R < 1 MW/m), abrasion, oil, fuel and weather resistant NBR/SBR rubber compound. Pin-pricked to prevent the formation of blisters. According to EN 1762 Working tº: -30 °C ÷ +70°C Tolerances: Lenght: ± 1% Applications. Liquid gas application (methane, propane, LPG) loading of tankers. According to EN 1762 ELAFLEX LPG Hose Construction Tube: Nitrile rubber (NBR), black, seamlessly extruded, electrically conductive, diffusion resistant Reinforcement: 2 textile braids/2 crossed tinned copper strands Cover: Chloroprene (CR), black, perforated, electrically conductive, flame and abrasion resistant, ozone - UV and ageing resistant. Applications. As reel hose for supplies to domestic and industrial storage tanks, as pump hose for vehicle refuelling, for bulk loading and unloading from rail tankers, road tankers and ships. Correspond to EN standard 1762. Working tº: -40 °C ÷ +70°C # Part # Price I.D. /mm/ O.D. /mm/ Work P 19 25 32 38 51 39,5 38,5 45,6 52 66,5 50 bar 50 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 19 25 32 38 50 31 38 45 52 66 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 19 25 32 38 50 31 38 45 52 66 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar 25 bar Burst P Weight /kg/ Bend R 620 bar 560 bar 440 bar 340 bar 320 bar 1,03 1,41 1,82 2,00 2,86 100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 280 mm 350 mm 100 bar 100 bar 100 bar 100 bar 100 bar 0,61 0,83 1,00 1,27 1,84 160 mm 200 mm 250 mm 320 mm 400 mm 0,6 0,8 1,0 1.2 2,0 100 mm 150 mm 175 mm 200 mm 250 mm ROBUR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IH36520565 IH36520566 IH36520567 IH36520568 IH36520569 GASTRUCK 1762 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IH36520580 IH36520581 IH36520582 IH36520583 IH36520584 LPG 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. LPG19 LPG25 LPG32 LPG38 LPG50 For other hoses see catalog INDUSTRIAL HOSES. 40 bar 40 bar 40 bar 40 bar 40 bar Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 40 / 77 2.3. Hose ends, nozzles for LPG ACME hose ends with safety clamps Part # For hose MSL-256175 MSL-326175 MSL-508225 MSL-508325 MSL-758325 ACME feale thread 25x6 32x6 50x8 50x8 75x8 Fem. thread ACME 1¾” Fem. thread ACME 1¾” Fem. thread ACME 2¼” Fem. thread ACME 3¼” Fem. thread ACME 3¼” 25x6 32x6 38x7 50x7 75x8 Male thread NPT 1” Male thread NPT 1 ¼” Male thread NPT 1 ½” Male thread NPT 2” Male thread NPT 3” Price NPT hose ends with safety clamps SVC-256100-ST SVC-326125-ST SVC-387150-ST SVC-507200-ST SVC-758300-ST Flanged hose ends with safety clamps. Flange PN25/40 steel FSL-025006-ST2 FSL-032006-ST2 FSL-038007-ST2 FSL-050008-ST2 25x6 32x6 38x7 50x8 flange DN32 PN25/40 & flange DN40 PN25/40 flange DN40 PN25/40 flange DN50 PN25/40 FSL-075008-ST2 75x8 flange DN80 PN25/40 Reducion Female ACME x Male NPT for liquid phase (w/o vapour equalizing), brass Part # NPT thread ACME thread 3175B 3175 3175A 3185 3195 ½” M NPT ¾” M NPT 1” M NPT 1 ¼” M NPT 2” M NPT Price 1 ¾” Female ACME 1 ¾” Female ACME 1 ¾” Female ACME 2¼” Female ACME 3¼” Female ACME Reducion Female ACME x Male NPT for liquid phase (with vapour equalizing), brass 3171 3171А 3181 3181А 3191 3/8” NPT ½” NPT ¾” NPT 1” NPT 1 ¼” NPT 1¼” ACME 1¼” ACME 1¾” ACME 1¾” ACME 2 ¼” ACME Reduction Male ACME x Male NPT, brass or steel Part # 5765E 5767H 5769H 5769K A5765E A5769H A5769K NPT thread 1” NPT 2” NPT 2” NPT 3” NPT 1” NPT, ST 2” NPT, ST 3” NPT, ST ACME thread ACME 1¾” ACME 2¼” ACME 3¼” ACME 3¼ ACME 1¾” ACME 3¼” ACME 3¼ Price ACME thread ACME 1¾” ACME 2¼” ACME 3¼” Price Seal A2697-20R-1 A3184-8R-1 Price A3194-8R-1 A2697-20R-1 A3194-8R-1 Double nippel Male ACME x Male ACME, brass Part # 5765М 5767М 5769М ACME thread ACME 1¾” ACME 2¼” ACME 3¼” Seal A2697-20R-1 A3184-8R-1 A3194-8R-1 Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 41 / 77 Reduction flange DN50PN25/40 to male thread ACME, steel Part # FGM-A5765E Flange DN50PN25/40 ACME thread ACME 1¾” Price Seal Price A2697-20R-1 Flange with female thead Flange Part # FGM-050100-ST-NPT DN50PN25/40 Fem. thread Price 1” fem NPT Seal for ACME, NBR Description Part # A2797-20R-1 A2697-20R-1 A3184-8R-1 A3194-8R-1 За ACME 1¼” За ACME 1¾” За ACME 2¼” За ACME 3¼” Price for 1 pc For 1 pc Pack ACME plugs + chain + ring, Nylon C5763N C5765N C5767N C5769N Plug, male tread ACME 1 ¼” Plug, male tread ACME 1 ¾” Plug, male tread ACME 2 ¼” Plug, male tread ACME 3 ¼” ACME cap + chain + ring 3144-91 3174-93 3184-90 3194-90 Cap for female thread ACME 1 ¼” Cap for female thread ACME 1 ¾” Cap for female thread ACME 2 ¼” Cap for female thread ACME 3 ¼” Blind flanges and gaskets for LPG Blind flanges, steel Part # DN DN 15 DN20 DN25 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 Price Gaskets for, 2mm Part # FL-DIN2527-DN15 FL-DIN2527-DN20 FL-DIN2527-DN25 FL-DIN2527-DN32 FL-DIN2527-DN40 FL-DIN2527-DN50 FL-DIN2527-DN65 FL-DIN2527-DN80 FL-DIN2527-DN100 C4300-DN15 C4300-DN20 C4300-DN25 C4300-DN32 C4300-DN40 C4300-DN50 C4300-DN65 C4300-DN80 C4300-DN100 Adapters for liquid and vapour phase REGO 7573DC Part # 7573DC 3183AC 7579CT 6579C 7579CT 6579C Description Adapter 1 ¼” ACME, ¾” M NPT, vapour phase Adapter 1 ¾” ACME, 1 ¼” M NPT, vapour phase Adapter 1 ¾” ACME, 1 ¼” M NPT, liquid phase Adapter 1 ¾” ACME, 1 ¼” M NPT, liquid phase, high flow rate Price Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 42 / 77 Nozzles and adapters REGO Elaflex A7797A Part # A7797A GG10 A7707L A7708L A7571LA A7571LB A7575L3 A7575L4 А7707L A7708L GG10 Vapour phase Liquid phase А7571 А7575 Description Inlet: 1”F NPT, outlet ACME 1 ¾” + holender + check valve Inlet: 1”F NPT swivel, Outlet ACME 1 ¾” + holender + check valve Inlet: 1”F NPT, Outlet: 1”F NPT. Inlet: 1”F NPT, Outlet: 1”F NPT, angle Adapter ½ ”M NPT x 1 ¼”ACME, w/o valve, for vapour phase Adapter ¾” M NPT x 1 ¼”ACME, w/o valve, for vapour phase Adapter 1 ¾” M NPT x 1 ¾”ACME, w/o check valve Adapter 1”M NPT x 1 ¾”ACME, w/o check valve Price Swivels for hose Part # Description DG-100100-IN-MS Swivel, brass, inlet 1” BSP felame thread, outlet – 1” NPT threaded. WP 25 bar. Max pressure 40 bar. Seals Viton. DG-100100-NN-SS Swivel, SS 316, inlet 1” NPT female thread, outlet – 1” NPT threaded. WP 25 bar. Max pressure 40 bar. Seals Viton. Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 43 / 77 2.4. Level gauge for LPG – REGO ROTOGAGES® 2.4.1. 1” Rotogages® for Large Mobile Containers ROTOGAGES 1” A9091-18L Dial Plate A9094TS Тяло за нивомер A9091М48 Dip tube for reservoir with diam 62”- 79” A9091М60 Dip tube for reservoir with diam 80”- 99” A9091М72 Dip tube for reservoir with diam 100”-147” 2.4.2. ¾” Rotogages® for Small Mobile Containers Rotogages® are designed to provide accurate determination of LPG container contents. They may be end or side mounted in a standard ¾” NPT coupling on stationary or mobile containers. To guarantee accurate measurement, they should not be used on stationary containers that exceed 60” I.D. or on mobile containers, subject to vibration, with an I.D. of more than 24”. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 44 / 77 2.5. Safety valves REGO External Hydrostatic Relief Valves Designed especially for the protection of piping and shut-off valves where there is a possibility of trapping liquid LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia. They may be installed in pipelines and hoses located between shut-off valves or in the side boss of RegO® shut-off valves.. Materials: Body (3125, 3127, 3129): Brass; Body (SS8001, SS8002, SS8021, SS8022): SS; Spring: SS; Seat Disc: Resilient Rubber. Part # 3127G 3129G 3127H 3129H 3127P 3129P 3127J 3129J 3127K 3129K 3125L 3127L 3129L 3127U 3129U Bar Body 17.2 MS 19 20.7 24.1 MS 25.9 MS 27.6 31 MS Thread Height ¼” ½” ¼” ½” ¼” ½” ¼” ½” ¼” ½” 50 66 50 66 50 66 50 66 50 66 40 50 66 50 66 ¼” ½” ¼” ½” Accessoires Price Cap 7545-40 7545-40 7545-40 included 7545-40 3129-40P 7545-40 3129-10* 3129-10* 3129-10* 3129-10* 3129-10* 3129-10* 3129-10* Semi-Internal “Pop-Action” Pressure Relief Valves 7583G, 8684G, 8685G. Designed for use as a primary relief valve on ASME containers such as 250, 500 and 1,000 gallon tanks. Underwriters’ Laboratories lists containers systems on which these types of valves are mounted outside the hood without additional protection, if mounted near the hood and fitted with a protective cap.. 7534G and 7534. Designed especially for use as a primary relief valve on large stationary storage containers, these low profile relief valves are generally mounted in half couplings. However, they are designed so that the inlet ports clear the bottom of a full 2” coupling. This assures that the relief valve should always be capable of maximum flow under emergency conditions.. External Thread to Part # Bar Safty cap Price thread tank 7583G ACME 17 ¾” 7583-40X 8684G ACME 17 1” 8684-40 8685G ACME 17 1 ¼” 7585-40X 7534B M. NPT 9 2” 7534-40 7534G M. NPT 17 Fully Internal “Pop-Action” Pressure Relief Valves Designed specifically for use as a primary relief valve in ASME transports and delivery trucks with 2” and 3” NPT couplings. MATERIALS: Spring.......................................................................... Stainless Steel Stem............................................................................ Stainless Steel Stem Bushing............................................... 17 - 4PH Stainless Steel Seat Disc................................................... Resilient Synthetic Rubber Part # A8434N A8434G A8436N A8436G Bar 18 17 18 17 Thread Protective cap, included 2” M. NPT A8434-11B 3” M. NPT A8436-11B Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 45 / 77 2.6. Ball valves for LPG Ball valves female thread Part # BV-012-MS BV-025-MS BV-032-MS BV-038-MS BV-050-MS Size ½“F 1“F 1 ¼” F 1 ½” F 2” F WP 32 bar 25 bar 20 bar 20 bar 16 bar Price Size DN15 DN20 DN25 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 WP 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN16/40 40 bar PN40 16 bar PN16 Price WP 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 40 bar PN40 Price Ball valves type FA1 and FA2 Part # BV-FA1-015-ST BV-FA1-020-ST BV-FA1-025-ST BV-FA1-032-ST BV-FA1-038-ST BV-FA1-050-ST BV-FA2-065-ST BV-FA2-080-ST BV-FA2-100-ST 3-way ball valves FA4 (type ‘L’ and ‘Т’) Part # BV-FA4-015-ST BV-FA4-020-ST BV-FA4-025-ST BV-FA4-032-ST BV-FA4-040-ST BV-FA4-050-ST BV-FA4-065-ST BV-FA4-080-ST BV-FA4-100-ST Size DN15 DN20 DN25 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DAIS offers pneumatic and electric actuators for ball valves. For prices and more information please contact our office. Needle Valves 1224, 1316 and 1318. Inlet male NPT x outlet male NPT Part # 1224WA 1316WA 1318WA Inlet ¼” male NPT 9/16” male NPT 9/16” male NPT Outlet ¼” male NPT 1/8” male NPT ¼” male NPT Price Connection Operation Tee Handle Knurled Slotted Price Vent Valves Part # TSS3169 3165C 3165SC ¼”NPT 2.7. Sight flo indicators, manometers for LPG Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 46 / 77 Designed to promote maximum pump efficiency, these indicators enable bulk plant operators to visually inspect liquid flow conditions. With glass on both sides of the indicator, flow can be observed from either side, even under some poor light conditions. The integral swing check also serves as a back-check valve to prevent reverse flow and product loss if the hose fails in a loading operation. Part # А7794 А7796 Part # MM100GL MM63GL MM63GL-A Name Sight flow indicato 2” female NPT thread Sight flow indicato 3” female NPT thread Name Manometer, 25bar, glicerine, DN100, 3/4” BSP threaded, ATEX Manometer, 25bar, glicerine, DN63, 3/4” BSP threaded, ATEX Manometer, 25bar, glicerine, DN63, 3/4” BSP threaded, for control purpose, ATEX Price Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 47 / 77 2.8. Internal foot valves for LPG and NH3 DAIS presents internal foot valves REGO. Suitable for LPG and NH3. They can be manually or pneumatically driven and have built excess flow valve. A3209D A3212R & A3213R Part # Type A3209D050 A3209D080 A3209DT050 A3209DT080 A3212R105 A3212R175 A3212R250 A3213R200 A3213R300 A3213R400 A3217FR260 A3219FA400L A3219FA600L Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Angle, NPT threaded Angle, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Straight, NPT threaded Single flange, right Straight, ASA 300 lbs Straight, ASA 300 lbs A3209PA A3209TL 3200L A3219FPA Part # A3209PA A3209TL A3217FPA 3200L 3200C A3217RF Size 1 ¼” 1 ¼” 1 ¼” 1 ¼” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3” 3” 4” 4” LPG flow rate 50 GPM 80 GPM 50 GPM 80 GPM 105 GPM 175 GPM 250 GPM 200 GPM 300 GPM 400 GPM 260 GPM 400 GPM 600 GPM 3219FPA Pneumatic actuator Thermal release A3209PA A3209PAF A3209TL A3213PA A3213TL Price A3217FPA A3219FPA A3213PA A3219RT A3213TL A3217FPA A3219RT Name Price Part # Name Pneumatic actuator Pneumatic actuator А3213PA Thermal release Thermal release A3213TL Pneumatic actuator Pneumatic actuator A3219FPA Operating lever 329.00 лв. A3219RT Thermal release Remote Cable Kit: 30m Foot Cable, 6 Cable Clamps, QuickLink, Sign, Fuse Link, Steel Nut and Bolt For other type of valves, spare parts, more accessoires, questions please consult DAIS office. Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 48 / 77 2.9. Spare parts, tools DAIS offers full range of repair kits, maintenance kits, seals and tools for ReGo products. For more information contact the office. Repair kits for foot valves 2” Part # A3212А-50 A3212А-80 А3212R-50 Name Repair kit for series А Set of seals for hendle for series A and R Repair kit for series R Price Repair kits for foot valves 3” Part # A3213A-K150 A3213A-K200 A3213A-K300 A3213A-K400 A3213A-50 A3213A-80 Name Spring for excess flow, О-ring + piston Spring for excess flow, О-ring + piston Spring for excess flow, О-ring + piston Spring for excess flow, О-ring + piston Repair kit Repair kit Price Maintenance kits for nozzles А7797 Part # A7797-10M A7797-13M A7797-50 A7797-75 A7797A-4 Name Handle kit Body kit Set of seals Piston, threaded adaptor, handle kit Piston, threaded adaptor Price Name Tool for А8434 Tool for А8436 Aluminium key for ACME thread Price Tools Part # А8434-40 А8436-40 3195-50 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 49 / 77 2.10. Flowmeters for LPG 2.10.1. Metering systems High precision flowmeter SBM75 GPL SBM75 GPL - 2”; Flow rate from 50 to 380 l/min - Material: aluminum - Accuracy: +/- 0,15 %; Repeatability: 0,02% - MID, PED and ATEX Certified Electric head: VEGA T with main functions: temperature compensations; PreSet; valve control Equipped with: strainer, air eliminator; check valve; differential valve VEGA T Precision Electric head suitable for BM200GPL, SBM75GPL. Specially designed for tanks with large display. Iintuitive controls, Ex, power battery, temperature compensation. Preset amount. Suitable for connection to any meter. LPG-Tronic Get all the advantages of a Turbine Meter : - Long life reliability, more than 10 years without parts to change - High accuracy and stability, stop loosing product ! - Small and light, easy to install, easy to calibrate And all those of a powerful electronic controller : - Volume and temperature measurement; mass calculation ; display of all parameters - Delivery full control, pre-set, Flow control, Inter-locks and Safety functions, … - Connection to Cab Printer, on-board Computer, Remote Control device, Electronic Payment Device, GPS / GPRS, … ETALCOMPT Mobile flowmeter for LPG. 2”,connection on ACME thread. Accuracy +/- 0.5%, Repeatability 0.02% Working pressure 40 bar (tested at 60 bar) Flow rate from 6 to 30 m3/h MA7-A. LPG Meter with mechanical register, differential valve, air eliminator and strainer Size: 50mm / 2 " Flow Range 38-380L/min Max. Pressure 25Bar/350PSI Accuracy ±0.2% Repeatability ≤0.05% Seal & Gasket Buna"N";Viton;Teflon available Stranier Mesh 200M LPG only Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.10.2. 50 / 77 Spare parts for LC MA7 Pos. 0336 0250 0165 0163 0161 0574 Pos. 0361 0005 0325 Part # SMP-38344 SMP-38307 SMP-38343 SMP-38306 SMP-38305 SMP-39217 Part # SMP-38380 SMP-38375 SMP-38375-A SMP-38407 Name Gear, 24 teeth Packing gland assy Gear , packing assy Gear, displacement pinion (2) Gear, blocking rotor Retaining ring Name Reed (AirSeparator) Filter 100 Mesh (Filter) Filter 100 Mesh (Filter) Diaphragm (Diff.valve) Price Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 51 / 77 2.11. Pumps and spare parts for LPG 2.11.1. TLGL Pumps LGL2,LGL3,LGL4 LGL 1.25, LGL1.5 BV by-pass Standard mobile pumps for LPG. With a double shaft for direct coupling to the PTO or hydraulic pump. With built-in by-pass. Full range of spare parts for LPG pumps in stock. TLGLF3 and TLGLF4 pumps are designed for connecting directly to the flange of the container truck. This reduces the need for piping, valves, external vazduhootdeliteli that reduce flow and introducing air. As a result, we have a long life and reliability. The pumps are equipped with a shaft on both sides. They also have a second emergency drain output. In addition, both pumps have internal valve reduces noise and vibration LGLF3 is compact and very easy to work truck. Flow rate from 227 to 416 ref / min. Pressure up to 8.62 bar. Blackmer are manufacturer and by-pass valve for LPG. Dimensions are 1 ", 1 ½", 2 ". BLACKMER LGL PUMPS AND SPARE PARTS Model LGB1E LGRL125 LGRLF125 LGL125 LGLF125 LGL15 LGLF15 4/1R/Q0/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/C/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/C/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/0/PO 4/AR/Q0/1/B/1/C/0/0/0/0/PO LGLD2 4/40/QA/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/N/PO LGLH2 4/40/QA/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/X/PO LGLD3 4/40/QA/1/B/1/0/0/0/0/N/PO TLGLF3 4/40/QA/1/B/1/0/0/0/1/X/PO LGLD4 4/40/QA/2/B/1/0/0/0/0/X/PO TLGLF4 4/40/QA/2/B/1/0/0/0/N/X/PO rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 1750 rpm 330 rpm 520 rpm 660 rpm Flow rate 30 l/m 53 l/m 53 l/m 68 l/m 68 l/m 110 l/m 110 l/m 6,84 m3/h 11,34 m3/h 14,76 m3/h 330 520 640 400 870 330 520 640 400 800 13,38 m3/h 24,54 m3/h 30,18 m3/h 197 l/m 488 l/m 29,52 m3/h 49,98 m3/h 61,32 m3/h 606 l/m 1325 l/m 4/1/0/0 4/1/0/0 5/1/0/0 5/1/0/0 6/1/N/N 10,34 bar 10,34 bar External by-pass valves BLACKMER BV075 BV1 BV125 BV15 BV2 Pressure 8,2 bar 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 3/4” 1” 1.25” 1.5” 2” rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm 10,34 bar 10,34 bar 8,62 bar 10,34 bar Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.11.2. Spare parts for BLACKMER LGLD2E , LGLD3F Pos Name 5 8 9 10 14 21 24 24A 24B 26 28 35 41 42 42A 71 72 73 76 76А 77 104 123A 153 153D 153E CAPSCREW SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE O-RING 2-230 NIT VANE - DURAVANE® CAPSCREW BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET CAPSCREW KEY LINER FLANGE O-RING 2-231 NIT DISC O-RING 2-257 NIT PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING FITTING PUSH ROD OIL SEAL SLINGER RING MECHANICAL SEAL (SNCN) O-RING 2-226 NIT O-RING 2-220 NIT LOCKNUT TOOL Part # Price LGLD2 BM-920331 BM-471423 BM-454405 BM-701919 BM-091419 BM-920351 BM-903156 BM-903521 BM-903522 BM-383940 BM-920285 BM-909130 BM-184405 BM-654401 BM-702004 BM-064412 BM-702022 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-123905 BM-331918 BM-701480 BM-334439 BM-711924 BM-711918 BM-903091 Part # Price LGLD3 BM-920331 BM-475135 BM-455129 BM-701925 BM-095131 BM-920369 BM-903166 BM-903523 BM-903524 BM-385125 BM-920285 BM-909130 BM-185111 BM-655112 BM-702002 BM-065112 BM-702041 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-125105 BM-331908 BM-335225 BM-702025 BM-711912 BM-903091 52 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.11.3. Pos 7 8 9 10 13 13A 14 24 24A 24B 26 27 27А 35 41 41 41 41A 41A 41A 71 72 77 77 77 104 153 Part # BM-423955 BM-471428 BM-453077 BM-711924 BM-262300 BM-263076 BM-093088 BM-903114 BM-903534 BM-903533 BM-383075 BM-043070 BM-043071 BM-909152 BM-183019 BM-183020 BM-183310 BM-183003 BM-183004 BM-183301 BM-063075 BM-701918 BM-123004 BM-123076 BM-123401 BM-331927 BM-333045 Spare parts for BLACKMER – LGL 1.25/ LGL 1.5 Name SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE O-RING 2-226 NIT ROTOR & SHAFT ROTOR & SHAFT VANE - DURAVANE® BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET BEARING COVER BEARING COVER KEY-SHAFT LINER LINER LINER LINER LINER LINER DISC O-RING 2-242 NIT PUSH ROD PUSH ROD PUSH ROD OIL SEAL MECHANICAL SEAL (SNCN) Price 53 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.11.4. Spare parts for BLACKMER LGLD4B Pos Part # Name 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 13 14 20 24 24A 25B 26 27 28 35 41 42 42A 42B 71 71A 71B 72 73 74 76 76A 77 88 104 153 186 BM-413957 BM-436310 BM-432039 BM-412001 BM-920663 BM-426355 BM-472039 BM-452001 BM-701946 BM-262041 BM-092019 BM-032041 BM-903166 BM-903541 BM-903542 BM-385125 BM-041815 BM-920285 BM-909183 BM-182000 BM-652005 BM-701937 BM-920640 BM-062039 BM-920015 BM-909634 BM-702039 BM-908198 BM-182040 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-122009 BM-701926 BM-331908 BM-332050 BM-341801 BM-903092 RV CAP W/ HOLE ADJUSTING SCREW NUT COVER CAPSCREW SPRING GUIDE SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE O-RING 2-246 NIT ROTOR & SHAFT TLGLF4B VANE - DURAVANE® HEAD TLGLF4B BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET BEARING COVER CAPSCREW KEY LINER FLANGE O-RING 2-240 NIT CAPSCREW DISC CAPSCREW LOCKWASHER O-RING 7-9142 NIT PIPE PLUG KEY GREASE FITTING FITTING PUSHROD - COMPOSITE O-RING 2-221 NIT OIL SEAL MECHANICAL SEAL (SNCN) SHAFT PROTECTOR LOCKNUT TOOL Price 54 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.11.5. Pos 5 8 9 10 13 14 21 24 24A 24B 26 28 35 41 42A 71 72 73 76 76A 77 104 123 186 Part # BM-920331 BM-471428 BM-451417 BM-701919 BM-265147 BM-095132 BM-920351 BM-903156 BM-903521 BM-903522 BM-383940 BM-920285 BM-909130 BM-185101 BM-702004 BM-065121 BM-711923 BM-908198 BM-317815 BM-701992 BM-121607 BM-331918 BM-701480 BM-341601 BM-903091 BM-898980 BM-899225 BM-899080 BM-899125 Spare parts for BLACKMER TLGLF3C Name CAPSCREW SPRING - STEEL/ZINC VALVE O-RING 2-230 NIT ROTOR & SHAFT VANE - DURAVANE® CAPSCREW BEARING LOCKNUT LOCKWASHER GASKET CAPSCREW KEY LINER O-RING 2-231 NIT DISC O-RING 2-261 NIT PIPE PLUG GREASE FITTING FITTING PUSH ROD OIL SEAL SLINGER RING SHAFT PROTECTOR LOCKNUT TOOL MAINT KIT TLGLF3-ALT MAINT KIT TLGLF3C REBUILD KIT TLGLF3-ALT REBUILD KIT TLGLF3C Price 55 / 77 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.11.6. 56 / 77 PUMP ALFONS HAAR GFPSC 80 912 D4 Самозасмукваща помпа за LPG. PN 25, Фланци DN 80 , DIN 2501 Раб. об.: 300-650об./мин. Диференциално налягане pmax = 10 bar Тегло = 68 kg Температура: -25°C до +70°C Теоретичен Flow rate: 912 cm³/U Part # AH-1198501 AH-1048500 AH-1128414 Name Помпа Ламели FPZ 80/2 MS-EINLAGE 158X31 X 9,8 Механично уплънение Price 2.12. Compensators ORANGE BAND expansion joints for LPG acc. to EN 589. For tank trucks and refuelling stations. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C, temporarily up to 100°C. Electrically dissipative. Liner: NBR (nitrile), seamless; Reinforcement: PA textile cord; Cover: CR, pricked; Marking: Orange band, ERV DN .., PN 25, production date; Flanges: Swiveling, DIN 2635/PN 40 carbon steel, zinc plated Part # ERV-OR25-25 ERV-OR32-25 ERV-OR40-25 ERV-OR50-25 ERV-OR65-25 ERV-OR80-25 ЕRV-OR100-25 Name DN25, flange DN25PN25/40 DN32, flange DN32PN25/40 DN40, flange DN40PN25/40 DN50, flange DN50PN25/40 DN65, flange DN65PN25/40 DN80, flange DN80PN25/40 DN100, flange DN100PN25/40 Price 2.13. Other equipment for LPG Breakaway valve. Defferent types. For more information consult to the office or see cataloag FITTINGS, chapter ABV, ABV-S. Hose reels for LPG. HPSI 3A-F-1 1/4 600 530 305 RA HPSI 3A-F-1 1/4 600 600 305 RA HPSI 3A-F-1 1/4 600 600 305 RA 3-way ball valve ALFA VALVOLE. Steel, shera - SS304, stem SS410, seal PTFE. For more 3-way valve consult to the office 2.14. Compressors and spare parts for LPG Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 2.14.1. Pos 1 1A 57 / 77 BLACKMER LB161 Description Crankcase Assy – with Oil Filter (std) Qty Part No 1 BM-792100 Price Pos 20 Crankcase Assy – no Oil Filter BM-792103 21 Crankcase Assy - with Ext. Shaft BM-792155 22A Crankcase Assy - Ext Shaft&Oil Filter BM-792171 30 Description Bearing Cover Plate Qty Part No 1 BM-793106 Oil Seal 1 BM-793143 Bearing Adjustment Shim Kit 1 BM-793133 Oil Filter Fitting 1 BM-794725 Crankcase 1 BM-792102 60A Gasket - Oil Screen * 1 BM-792136 Oil Intake Screen 1 BM-792135 60B Gasket - Oil Screen Plug * 1 BM-792123 2B Oil Filter 1 BM-794726 60C Gasket - Inspection Plate * 1 BM-792122 2C Breather Filter 1 BM-792070 60D Gasket - Bearing Carrier Assy 1 BM-792124 3 Oil Screen Plug 1 BM-792145 60L Gasket - Oil Pump Cover * 1 BM-794721 2 5A Oil Pump Kit 1 BM-794760 61A O-Ring - Oil Screen * 1 BM-792175 7 Oil Pressure Gauge 1 BM-790012 61D O-Ring - Oil Bayonet * 1 BM-792174 11 Oil Bayonet Assembly 1 BM-792162 63C Capscrew - Hex Hd 4 BM-793116 12A Inspection Plate 1 BM-792105 63D Capscrew - Soc Hd 4 BM-790559 13A Bearing Carrier 1 BM-792104 63E Capscrew - Hex Hd 4 BM-792093 15A Bearing Cup 2 BM-793126 63U Capscrew - Hex Hd 6 BM-792093 Crankshaft Assy (w\ 18A,19,96B) 1 BM-792157 72B Elbow 1 BM-790453 BM-792191 73A Pipe Plug 1 BM-792166 16 Crankshaft Assy-Ext (w\ 18A,19,96B) 18A 19 Bearing Cone 2 BM-793142 96A Pipe Plug 1 BM-790488 Orifice 2 BM-792146 96B Pipe Plug 2 BM-790309 Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com III. 58 / 77 TANK TRUCKS FOR BITUMEN PUMP BLACKMER CC8-AP CC8-AP is specially designed for kardan mounting for high viscosity products such as heavy oil, bitumen and oils to 900cSt. Vane type. With a double shaft. Built-in by-pass. The pump is available with three types of bypass: with spring - 4 and 8 bar; without compensating with pneumatic spring to 5,5 bar; with pneumatic shifter with spring - from 2 to 8 bar. With 12 vane and piston. CC8-50-AP CC8-65-AP Flow rate @750 rpm 36 m3/h(600 l/m) 42 m3/h (700 l/m) Pressure 8 bar 8 bar PUMP BLACKMER AM NOYEE The pump is mounted on a steel shape and is welded directly to the tank. There are two valves that allow you to perform the following operations: filling, emptying, transferring. There is a special opening for pouring solvent after use to prevent hardening of bitumen rpm 500 Rpm 400 Rpm 350 Rpm Flow rate 40 m3/h 32 m3/h 28 m3/h Pressure 3,5 bar 3,5 bar 3,5 bar Viscosity 80 Cst 400 Cst 700 Cst Power 7,5 kW 6,0 kW 5,0 kW MANHOLES and MANHOLE COVERS Manhole covers Part # Size 20” KN-3781 KN-AT1210 18 7/8” Price Manholes Part # KN-2537 KN-1497 For m.cover KN-3781 KN-AT1210 Price HOSE FOR BITUMEN Part # HB50 HB75 HB100 Price Hot Bitumen hose "Brown Band", for filling of hot bitumen and heavy fuel oil. Temperature range -25° to max. +200°C. Also suitable for all petroleum based products as the yellow band type TW. Not suitable for lignite-tar oil and coal-tar oils. Meets EN 13 482. Lining and cover : NBR, seamless, antistatic Reinforcements : Two textile braids with tinned copper strands andembedded steel helix, zinc plated BALL VALVES FOR BITUMEN WITH HEATING Description Ball valves for bitumen, fuel oil and other products which need heating tap. Material stainless or carbon steel. Sizes from DN10 to DN200, working pressure PN10-PN40. With flanges or wafer type. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com IV. 59 / 77 FOOD TANK TRUCKS 4.1. ETA tank trucks for milk, wine and water Stainless steel road tankers for liquid food products, milk, wine and water. DAIS is the official representative for Bulgaria of ETA, France, the world leader in the manufacturing of road tankers for transport of liquid cargo food, a world leader in the manufacture of silos for storage of food and non-food products and a major supplier of worldwide companies such as Nestle, DANONE , L `oreal. Road tankers and silos are manufactured according to customer size, type of storage desired product temperature exclusively from INOX. DAIS offers all consumables and spare parts for the products of ETA, France, butterfly valves, hoses, special milk armored and special rubber lining of food, different sizes, and electric centrifugal pumps, flow meters for food. DAIS also offers a machine for cleaning the inside of tanks, specially developed and patented by the company ETA, France. Please for more information contact our office 4.2. Equipment for food tank trucks Rubber Hose Parker. Different size - 1 ', 2', 3 ', etc.. For more information you can find in the catalog HOSES. Models: DRINKPRESS WB/L10, GAMBRINUS WB, ENOTRIA, FALERNO, MILK SM, RESILO, suitable for different products. Certificates F.D.A. Coupled with appropriate fittings and clamps PVC hoses Parker ; Models ALIREX, ENOREX, APERSPIR, VINITPRES, ITTIREX. Certificates F.D.A., coupled with appropriate fittings and clamps. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 60 / 77 Stainless steel couplings for hoses : KAMLOK,TW from catalog FITTINGS Couplings with male or female tread "dairy produce/milk" thread. Available with securing brackets/clamps on the side of the hose. Stainless steel. Types of VMS and MMS. Technical data and possible sizes can be found in the catalog "fittings" WHITE BAND expansion joints for foodstuffs, also oil and fat containing food. Liner conforms to German foodstuff regulations. Not approved for drinking water. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C, temporarily up to 100°C. Electrically non-conductive. Liner : NBR bright coloured, seamless, abrasion resistant Reinforcement : PA textile cord; Cover : Chloroprene (CR) Marking : White band, ERV DN .., PN .., production date Flanges : Swiveling, PN 10/16, carbon steel, zinc plated Pumps BLACKMER BLK 4-T for high-viscosity food products such as glucose syrup, sugar, concentrated orange juice, vegetable oil, chocolate and ect. Flow rate: 42 m3 / h Pressure: 7 bar Temperature: 120 º C Advantages: Good, reliable, stainless steel, reversible, for many applications, easy maintenance, easy to clean, compact. We offer installation and all spare parts for pumps. Standards: 3A, FDA Installation: to cardan shaft with electric or hydraulic motor NOTE! For special applications please contact our office, also about certificates for a concrete food product. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com V. 61 / 77 CHEMICAL TANK TRUCKS DAIS offers both new tanks for chemicals and spare parts. For tanks, please refer to the office of DAIS. 5.1. Chemical hoses Rubber hoses Parker and composite hose GASSOFLEX. Different sizes. For aggressive chemicals: POLIAX D10, POLIAX D SM, POLIAX UPE, ELAFLON, ELAFLON PLUS FEP. For light chemicals: PYTHON, BEVERA, More information you can find in catalog HOSES. Dais has hose for any fkuid. RUBBER HOSE Parker PYTHON 30 Working tº Hose construction Tube: Black, antistatic, smooth EPDM nitrosamine free rubber compound, resistant to light-chemical media Reinforcement: Synthetic textile yarns Cover: Yellow, smooth EPDM nitrosamine free rubber compound # 1. 2. 3. 4. -40°C ÷ +120°C, temporary to 140°C Application Designed for air, cold and hot water and light-chemical media. Major properties of PYTHON hoses are: high ozone resistance; antistatic resistance; high and low temperature resistance; non-staining cover; high flexibility Part # IH30351256 IH36351250 IH36351251 IH36351253 RUBBER HOSE Price I.D. 25 32 38 50 O.D. 37 44 51 66 WP 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar 30 bar BP 90 bar 90 bar 90 bar 90 bar Weight 0,88 0,95 1,20 1,93 R min 150 mm 320 mm 380 mm 500 mm Parker POLIAX CON UPE SM EN 12115 -15 °C ÷ +100 °C For aggressive chemicals and solvents the hose is intended to be used at room temperature. The hose can be cleaned and sterilized with usual detergents or steam – a temperature of +130 °C for short periods.. Application POLIAX UPE CON SM EN 12115 is suitable for suction and delivery of a wide range of highly aggressive chemicals such as most industrial acids, alkalis, oils, fuels and solvents. Hose construction Tube: Translucent, smooth, non-conductive ultra high molecular weightpolyethylene (UHMWPE), suitable for foodstuff contact according to FDA, EEC Directive Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics, embedded steel wire helix and built-in copper wires to allow the electrical connection between hose and couplings ( CON) Cover: Black, antistatic (R < 1 M Ω/m), EPDM rubber compound, heat, abrasion, ageing and weather resistant. # 1. 2. 3. 4. Part # IH36811530 IH36811531 IH36811532 IH36811534 Price I.D. 25 32 38 50 O.D. 37 44 51 66 WP 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar 16 bar BP 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar 64 bar Weight 0,87 1,07 1,35 2,29 R min 230 260 340 410 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 62 / 77 5.2. Ball valves and butterfly valves Ball valves for stainless steel. Seals from PTFE. Many types.. Butterfly valves model 899, PTFE liner, Disc from SS, stainless steel scrape 244, seals from Viton.. 899-DI50-01 DN50, with handle, cast iron body 899-DI80-01 DN80, with handle, cast iron body 899-DI100-01 DN100, with handle, cast iron body 899-SS50-01 DN50, with handle, stainless steel body 899-SS80-01 DN80, with handle, stainless steel body 899-SS100-01 DN100, with handle, stainless steel body Butterfly valves with wide range of seals. Cast iron body, stainless steel disc TM-1152050 DN50, NBR seal TM-1152065 DN65, NBR seal TM-1152080 DN80, NBR seal TM-1152100 DN10, NBR seal TM-1157050 DN50, Silicone seal TM-1157065 DN65, Silicone seal TM-1157080 DN80, Silicone seal TM-1154050 DN50, Viton seal TM-1154065 DN65, Viton seal TM-1154080 DN80, Viton seal Butterfly valves, Teflon coating on the inside, scrape stainless steel fully Teflon, Teflon seals. Suitable for sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric acids. TM-1155050 DN50, PTFE seal TM-1155050 DN65, PTFE seal TM-1155080 DN80, PTFE seal 5.3. Fittings Hose fittings: KAMLOK, TW and many others. Stainless steel and type FSL from catalog „FITTINGS” Fittings with male or female "chemical" thread. Securing brackets on the side of the hose. Stainless steel. Types VCS and MCS. Technical data and possible sizes can be found in the catalog "fittings" Teflon flanges. Teflon male and female threaded ends Teflon Swivels, reductions, nipples, flanges and more. Teflon couplings: KAMLOK, TW, STORZ, GUILLEMINE, Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 63 / 77 5.4. Dry dicconnect couplings Stainless steel valve fittings: DDC, KAMVALOK, DRYDIS 316 , Hastelloy and 304 with different types of seals. For more information catalog "fittings" Connectors EPSILON for particularly expensive and highly dangerous chemicals. Two stage opening. Loss of product only 1ml at 2 "valve. Working environment - up to 25 bar and 240 ° C. Material SS316 or Hastelloy. BREAKAWAY Valves. Wide range of sizes. SS316L or Hastelloy. For more information please check catalog FITTINGS, ABV, ABVS. 5.5. Flowmeters Stainless steel flow meters ISOIL. Kit with air separator, strainer, check valve. Mechanical or electronic control head. Sizes 2” up to 6”. Approved type. DAIS offers full range of spare parts. Approved for commercial metering. VEGA-T Precision Electric head suitable for INOX meters. Specially designed for tanks with large display. Iintuitive controls, Ex, power battery, temperature compensation. Preset amount. Suitable for connection to any meter. 5.6. Compensators Rubber joints ERV-GRxx (green). For acids and bases and aggressive materials, where xx is the diameter of 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600. Operating pressure 16 bar to size DN150, and 10 bar above DN150. Swivel flanges PN10/16. Are not suitable for drinking water. Please consult the chemical compatibility. ERV-GR50-10 ERV-GR65-10 ERV-GR80-10 ERV-GR50-10 ERV-GR65-10 ERV-GR80-10 DN50, steel flanges DN65, steel flanges DN80, steel flanges DN50, stainless steel flanges DN65, stainless steel flanges DN80, stainless steel flanges Rubber joints ERV- Teflon coating on the inside. Resistant to all kind of chemical products Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 64 / 77 5.7. Pumps and compressors Pumps BLACKMER STX3. Entirely of stainless steel. For acids, bases, inks, soaps and more. Vane pump with integrated valve. Double shaft. DAIS offers assembly and all spare parts for pumps. Not suitable for the sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and other highly aggressive chemicals. STX3 with Flow rate 946 L / min @ 800 rpm. STX1220A with Flow rate 348 L / min @ 1,200 rpm, STX2A with Flow rate 227 L / min @ 780 rpm. Loading and unloading of AdBlue tanks and wagons. STX3-DEF with Flow rate of 946 L / min @ 800 rpm. STX1220A-DEF with Flow rate of 348 L / min @ 1,200 rpm STX2A-DEF with Flow rate of 227 L / min @ 780 rpm differential pressure of 8.6 bar Developed by Stainless Steel 316 with external bearings, metallic Duravanes, PTFE seals and Blackmer Chem. mechanical seal PVC pump for highly corrosive chemicals, such as sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. STL-01 - a concentration up to 60% STL-02 - for concentrations above 60% Vane compressors for chemical discharging BLACKMER Enterprise. Available mounting and service interventions. E56 – Flow rate 59m3/h @ 1600rpm E106 – Flow rate 128m3/h @ 1600rpm E156 – Flow rate 172m3/h @ 1600rpm 5.8. Other equipment LIBERTY overfilling protection system for chemical products with stainless steel sensors 1410R-xxxx. 1410R- 0010 От SS316 с 12” (305 mm) тръба 1410R- 0020 От SS316 с 20” (508 mm) тръба 1410R- 0060 От SS316 с 60” (1525 mm) тръба Grounding reels. See Grounding reels for tank trucks. 5.9. Seals for manhose covers PTFE manhole seals. Easy mounting.Different shapes and lengths FV5005-1510D165 FV5005-2010S165 FV5005-1616D175 FV5005-1616S175 FV-SWR1510R50 FV-S1010-W FV-S1510-W Teflon braided seal PTFE 15x10x1650mm Teflon braided seal PTFE with silicone 20x10x1650mm Teflon braided seal PTFE 16x16x1750mm Teflon braided seal PTFE with silicone 15x10x1650mm Silicone seal, 15 х 10mm, 1м Square seal,10х10, white rubber, 1m Square seal,15х10, white rubber, 1m NOTE! For special applications and chemical compatibility of the chosen items please do not hesitate to contact our DAIS office. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com VI. 65 / 77 BULK TANK TRUCKS 6.1. Trailers, semitrailers ARDOR · · · · Semitrailers for bulk transportation up to 59m3. Lorry/hopper for bulk food transportation up to 80m3 Trailers for bulk transportation up to32m3. Superstructures for bukl transportation up 29m3. More information you can find in catalog „SILO TRAILERS and equipment” and on www.cisterni.eu 6.2. Fittings, valves, manometers You can find a lot of hose ends, quick qouplers, manometers, valves, etc. in our catalogs Photo Part. # ARD-SNGLB ARD-301980 ARD-301981 Description Pneamatic switch 1 pc, red Pneumatic switch group 2 pcs, red and black Pneumatic switch group 3 pcd, ref and two black ARD-301913 Vibration membrane for pinch valve 6.3. COMPRESSORS DAIS represent on the Bulgarian market screw compressors BLACKMER Mounting on the tractor directly with cardan shaft or hydraulic motor, if there is no possibility for shaft drive. Flow rate of 250 to 1500 m3 / h Suitable for cement, flour, lime, grain, limestone, sand, sugar, gravel, feed, PVC granules More information can be found in the catalog "Bulk tanks and equipment" in our office and on the addresses www.cisterni.eu and www.vintovikompresori.com Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 66 / 77 6.4. Hoses 6.4.1. Hoses for abrasive media RUBER HOSE Parker CEMENT SM 10 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Applications Suitable for suction and delivery of dry cement to road tankers and storage bins or silos. On request, with built-in copper wires to provide electrical continuity between both ends (CEMENT SM/E). Construction Tube: Black, antistatic smooth BR/NR rubber compound, abrasion resistant (60 - 70 mm2) Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics, embedded steel wire helix. Cover: Black, abrasion and weatherresistant, SBR rubber compound. RUBER HOSE Parker CEMENT 713 10 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Applications Suitable for delivery of dry cement , grain, seeds and animal feed to road tankers and storage bins or silos. Construction Tube: Smooth, black, antistatic, abrasion resistant SBR/ NBR rubber compound: max 60-70 mm2 Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics and builtin copper wire giving electrical Cover: Black, abrasion and weatherresistant, SBR rubber compound. RUBER HOSE Parker LIBECCIO EN ISO 3861 -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Applications Suitable for conveying of wet and dry sand and grit blasting materials. This hose is manufactured to carry a working pressure of 10 bar, but the EN ISO 3861 prescribes a max. W.P. of 6.3 bar. Construction Tube: NBR/SBR , smooth, black, antistatic, abrasion resistant, abrasion ISO 4649: max 60 - 70 mm2 Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics yarns. Cover: Black, smooth, antistatic, weather and abrasion resistant SBR/NBR compound. The cover is pinpricked to prevent blistering and bubbling, max. resistance on finished hose: 2,0 MΩ/m RUBER HOSE ELAFLEX ZD -30 °C ÷ +70 °C Applications Grey band hose for dry cement, plaster, kieselguhr, granulates, wheat and feeding stuffs. The especially thick inner tube is almost indestructible. There is practically no abrasion and a comparatively very long life time is also achieved with abrasive mediums. Construction Tube: Special rubber compound black, el. conductive Reinforcement: One textile braid with tinned copper strands. Cover: SBR black, electrically conductive Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com # Part # Price I.D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 67 / 77 CEMENT SM 10 IH36923105 75 IH36923102 100 CEMENT 713 10 IH36822217 75 IH36822220 100 LIBECCIO EN ISO 3861 IH36820209 80 IH36820211 100 ZD ZD75 75 ZD100 100 O.D. W.P. B. P. Weight Bend Rad 93 118 10 bar 10 bar 30 bar 30 bar 3,53 4,80 450 600 93 120 10 bar 10 bar 30 bar 30 bar 2,92 4,29 900 1200 105 125 10 bar 10 bar 40 bar 40 bar 4,32 5,30 800 1000 91 120 6 bar 6 bar 30 bar 30 bar 3,0 4,5 400 550 6.4.2. Hoses for hot air RUBER HOSE Parker AIRTEMP 220 -40 °C ÷ +220 °C. Applications Hot air delivery hose designed for compressors and pneumatic systems like flexible connection between motor blower and road tanker used for dry pellets, abrasive powders and granular material transport. Construction Tube: Black, smooth, insulating, EPR rubber compound with very good resistance to high temperature. Reinforcement: Synthetic textile fabrics yarns. Cover: Black (N), smooth, insulating, wrapped finish EPDM rubber compound, resistant to heat, abrasion, ozone and weather. RUBER HOSE ELAFLES KS -30 °C ÷ +160 °C. Applications Hot Air Compressor Hose for discharge of silo bulk vehicles. Temperature range - 30° C up to + 160° C . Special type available with steel helix. Construction Lining : EPDM ( black or light*) colour ), seamless, smooth, higher resistant against hot air Intermed. layer : EP DM, black Reinforcement: Textile braids Cover: Rubberized textile braids # 1. 2. 1. 2. Part # AIRTEMP 220 IH36346012 IH36346013 KS KS65 KS75 Price I.D. O.D. W.P. B. P. Weight Bend Rad 65 75 83 93 10 bar 10 bar 30 bar 30 bar 2,40 2,62 455 550 65 75 83 93 10 bar 10 bar 30 bar 30 bar 2,40 2,62 455 550 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 68 / 77 VII. COUPLINGS DAIS offers a full range of hose ends and all types of fittings, such as: KAMLOK, KAMVALOK, DRYLOK, TW, STORZ, GUILLEMINE and others. In the catalog "FITTINGS" you will find complete information about fitting, materials and dimensions. 7.1. KAMLOK SS 633A ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" 5” 6” 633C ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” 633E ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” 634A ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” SS SS SS MS MS MS MS AL 633B ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6" 633D ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” 633F ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” 634B ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4” 5” 6” AL AL AL SS MS AL SS MS AL SS MS AL SS MS AL SEALS FOR KAMLOKs ½” & ¾” NBR (BUNA) VITON 1” 1 ¼” 1 ½” 2” 2 ½” 3” 4” H06595M H06480M H06477M H06430M H20544M H20545M H20546M H20547M H00966M H00967M H00968M H00972M H00973M H00974M H00975M H00976M 7.2. TW 5” H20548M 6” H20549M H00977M Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com Coupling Adappter VK-5040-MS VK-50-MS VK-80-MS VK-100-MS VK-5040-SS VK-50-SS VK-80-SS VK-100-SS MK-50-MS MK-80-MS MK-100-MS MK-50-SS MK-80-SS MK-100-SS Chain K200 TWH-50-MS TWH-80-MS Cap for VK MB-50-MS MB-80-MS MB-100-MS MB-50-AL MB-80-AL MB-50-SS MB-80-SS Rubber -NBR Wight rubber. -W 69 / 77 CSM -CS Plug for MK VB-50-MS VB-80-MS VB-100-MS VB-50-AL VB-80-AL VB-100-AL VB-50-SS VB-80-SS Poly uretane -PE Viton EPDM PTFE -VI -EP -TS Viton/ PTFE -TG Size /mm/ 50 80 100 50 80 TWD-50TWD-80TWO-100GSD-50GSD-80TWD-…-… Flat seals. From different materials. TWO- …- …O-ring for size 100. From different materials. GSD-…-.. Seal for high pressure or suction from a great height. Different material for making 7.3. GUILLEMINE For hose Female thread with ot without lock Male thread with ot without lock Cap with ot without lock Information on size, materials and spare parts for GUILLEMINE you will find in the catalog "FITTINGS" or consult the office. DAIS offers reductions to other connectors. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 70 / 77 7.4. Safety clamps VHV - Hose fittings (ferrule type) , male thread, suitable for self-assembly MHV - Hose fittings (ferrule type) , female thread, suitable for self-assembly MC - Female hose fittings with re-usable safety clamps. SK-E Single bolt clamps SZ- Double bolt clamps SC – Safety clamps VC - Male hose couplings with re-usable safety clamps 7.5. Reductions DAIS offers a full range of reductions, reducers, flanges and nipples, stainless steel, brass or aluminum. For more information see catalog "FITTINGS" or call us for consultation at the office. Reductions Double nippel Nippel reduction Socket Socket reduction 7.6. Other fittings Hose ends, quick connections, clamps, reductions, and etc. you can find in catalog “FITTINGS” Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 71 / 77 VIII. PIPES, ELBOWS, FLANGES 8.1. Flanges Flange TTMA with rim for welding, acc. ADR. Aluminum alloy EN AW 5754/AlMg3. Working pressure/t° 10 bar - +110°C, to 6 bar - +220°C, for bitumrn. Øk Øl d D b DN Part # 89 143 124 8 х 11 13 80 TTMA-AL3 108 168 149 8 х 11 13 100 TTMA-AL4 89 143 124 8 х 11 13 80 TTMA-ST3 108 168 149 8 х 11 13 100 TTMA-ST4 Seals for TTMA 143 124 GASK0013 168 149 GASK0014 Flange TW with rim for welding, acc. ADR. Aluminum alloy EN AW 5754/AlMg3. Working pressure/t° 10 bar - +110°C, to 6 bar - +220°C, for bitumrn. Øk Øl d D b DN Part # 57 154 130 8 х 11 13 50 DN50TW1 76 154 130 8 х 11 13 65 DN65TW1 89 154 130 8 х 11 13 80 DN80TW1 108 174 150 8 х 14 16 100 DN100TW3 133 204 176 8 х 14 18 125 DN125TW5 159 240 210 12 х 14 21 150 DN150TW7 Price Price FLANGE SEALS from polyuretane Part # FD-154 FD-174 Name Seal for ТW1, from polyuretane Seal for ТТМА, TW3, from polyuretane FD-220/162 Gasket for sump flange Square flange kit: two flanges, two seals and bolts. For BLACKMER pumps and strainers. Without rim for welding Price TQFA-ST91 TQFA-ST115 TQFA-SS91 TQFA-AL77 Square alum flange with rim for welding, acc. ADR. Aluminum alloy EN AW 5754/AlMg3. Working pressure/t° 10 bar - +110°C, to 6 bar - +220°C, for bitumrn Øk Øl d D b DN Part # 108 130 150 4 х 14 19 100 TQFA-AL100 Other seals and flanges you can find in catalog „FITTINGS”. Price Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 72 / 77 8.2. Pipes, elbows, reductions Round tubes, DxS, AlMgSi0,5 D S Lenght Part # 56 3 6m RT-56/3-AL 58 3 6m RT-58/3-AL 60 3 6m RT-60/3-AL 76 3 3m RT-76/3-AL, 3m 86 3 6m RT-86/3-AL 89 3 6m RT-89/3-AL, (tube 6m) 89 3 1m RT-89/3-AL, 1m 108 3 6m RT-108/3-AL, (tube 6m) 108 3 1m RT-108/3-AL, 1m Aluminium elbows for welding small radius, alloy AlMgSi0,5 76 3 ELB-076/3-AL 80 3 ELB-080/3-AL 89 3 ELB-089/3-AL 90 4 ELB-090/4-AL 108 4 ELB-108/4-AL Price Concentric reduction, alum, D x d x S, AlMgSi0,5 D d S 76 42 3 RDC-76/42/3-AL 76 46 3 RDC-76/46/3-AL 76 48 3 RDC-76/48/3-AL 76 56 3 RDC-76/56/3-AL 89 60 3 RDC-89/60/3-AL 89 76 3 RDC-89/76/3-AL 106 86 3 RDC-106/86/3-AL 108 89 3 RDC-108/89/3-AL 159 108 5 RDC-159/108/5-AL Eccentric reduction, alum., D x d x S, AlMgSi0,5 D d S 76 56 3 ERD-76/56/3-AL 89 60 5 ERD-89/60/5-AL 89 76 3 ERD-89/76/3-AL 108 89 4 ERD-108/89/4-AL 108 89 5 ERD-108/89/5-AL 133 108 3 ERD-133/108/3-AL 133 108 4 ERD-133/108/4-AL 159 108 4 ERD-159/108/4-AL Saddles, alum., D x S, AlMgSi0,5 D S 108 43 SLD-108/4-AL Alloy: EN AW-6060 T66 (AlMgSi0,5) Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com IX. 73 / 77 ADR SAFETY SIGNS FOR VEHILES DAIS is the official representative of BICMA, Italy, which has more than 30 years of leadership in the manufacture and supply of road signs in ADR, ADR clothing, signaling and signs, reflective marking tapes and signs. DAIS, accept requests for production of road signs of the Bulgarian language oversized, special, agricultural and other goods. Please if you do not find your desired product in our catalog do not hesitate to contact us for more information by phone. 9.1. Standard and folding embossed panels Embossed panel SS automatically convertible petrol - diesel, 300x400 Neutral device 300х400x1 mm, alum-vertical folding with bracket Horizontal folding SS holder 300х400, for numbers 70x118mm Embossed panel SS, convertible petrol – diesel. 300x400 + 300x80 BC-91452 BC-91207 BC-92110 BC-91451 300x400 Stainless steel ST – 35.00 лв. SS – 39.00 лв. Panels with interchangeable embossed numbers for dangerous load transport (A.D.R.) Zinc plated steel Код, име на продукт BC-91001 BC-91002 BC-91003 BC-91004 BC-91005 BC-91006 BC-91007 BC-91008 BC-91009 BC-91010 BC-91011 BC-91012 BC-91013 BC-91014 BC-91015 BC-91033 BC-91633 BC-91035 BC-M BC-91101 BC-91102 BC-91103 BC-91104 BC-91105 BC-91106 BC-91107 BC-91108 BC-91109 BC-91110 BC-91111 BC-91112 BC-91113 BC-91114 BC-91115 30-1202, diesel 33-1203, gasoline 30-1223, kerosene 23-1965, LPG 23-1978, liruid propane 23-1971, Natural gas 23-1951, Liquid argon 23-1977, Liquid nitrogen 22-2187, Carbon dioxide 223-1966, Liquid hydrogen 225-1073, Liquid oxygen 263-1040, Ethylene dioxide 23-1011, Butane 223-1038, Refrigereted ethylene 223-1972, LNG 60-1710, Toxic substanses 33-1170, Ethanol 30-3256, Heavy oil 30-3257, Bitumen BC-91040 BC-91080 BC-91081 BC-91082 BC-91083 BC-91084 BC-91085 BC-91086 BC-91087 BC-91088 BC-91089 BC-91090 BC-91051 BC-91052 Stainless steel holder 400 х 300 for numbers 70x118 Stainless steel embossed number „1” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „2” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „3” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „4” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „5” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „6” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „7” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „8” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed number „0” 70 х 118, 1 pc. Stainless steel embossed letter „Х” 70 х 118, 1 бр. Stainless steel embossed letter „ ” (blank) 70 х 118 Stainless steel embossed numbers set 39.pcs. Stainless steel embossed numbers set 10pcs. Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 74 / 77 9.2. Identifying marks for vehicles BC-90111 BC-90112 BC-90116 TIR panel 400 x 250 x 1mm aluminium TIR vertical folding device 400 x 250 x 1 mm aliminium TIR horizontal folding device 400 x 250 x 1 mm aliminium 9.3. Extinguisher holders BC-70001 BC-70003 BC-70012 BC-70011 Plastic extinguisher holder for 6kg black, with rhomboid glass Plastic extinguisher holder for 6kg red, with rhomboid glass Plastic extinguisher holder for 9/12kg red, without glass Plastic extinguisher holder for 6kg red, rhomboid glass Warning triangle box 430 x 65 x 35 mm Wheel chock appoved DIN 76051 Hodel for wheel chock with plastic hook Wheel chock appoved DIN 76051 with holder BC-70090 BC-95805 BC-95807 BC-95806 9.4. Articles for ADR Eyewash bottle Eyewash bottle with 200 saline solution Eyewash liquid 200мл First aid kit BC-95503 BC-95504 BC-95517 BC-95603 Ventilated elastic glasses BC-95501 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 75 / 77 9.5. Signals in conformity of ADR regulations Dangerous substances for the environment Self-adhesive flammable gases cl. 2 Self-adhesive flammable gases cl. 3 Self-adhesive inflammable gases on contact in water cl. 4 BC-99639 BC-99628 BC-99602 BC-99605 Self-adhesive explosive substances cl. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Self-adhesive explosive substances cl. 1.4 Self-adhesive explosive substances cl. 1.5 Self-adhesive explosive substances cl. 1.6 BC-99616 BC-99617 BC-99618 BC-99627 Self-adhesive toxic gases cl. 2 Self-adhesive inflammable solid cl. 4 Self-adhesive comburent or organic reroxides cl. 5.2 Self-adhesive spontaneously inflammable substances cl.4 BC-99629 BC-99603 BC-–99636 BC-99604 Self-adhesive radioactive substances category 2, cl.7/B Self-adhesive corrosive substances cl.8 Self-adhesive non inflammable compressed gas cl.2 Self-adhesive general danger cl.9 BC-99611 BC-99614 BC-99601 BC-99615 Self-adhesive fissile material cl.7 Self-adhesive toxic substances cl.6.1 Self-adhesive biological danger and decaying matter cl.6.2 Self-adhesive radioactive substances category 1, cl.7/A BC-99630 BC-99607 BC-99609 BC-99610 Self-adhesive radioactive substances category 3, cl.7/C Self-adhesive radioactive cl.7/D Self-adhesive signal for transport over 20°C, cl.9 Self-adhesive comburent or organic reroxides cl. 5.1 BC-99612 BC-99613 BC-99624 BC-99625 Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com 76 / 77 9.6. Rear reflecting and fluorescent trailer panels acc.ECE 70 Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Rear reflecting and fluorescent truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 Fig.1. Fig.2. Fig.3. 0.8mm alum BC-90044 BC-90042 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90054 BC-90052 BC-90097 1.2mm alum BC-90084 BC-90085 BC-90087 стикер BC-99201 BC-99202 BC-99203 2mm alum BC-90070 BC-90081 BC-90075 Rear reflecting/reflecting truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 amendmend 01 Fig.1. Fig.2. Fig.3. 0.8mm alum BC-90151 BC-90152 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90154 BC-90155 BC-90156 1.2mm alum BC-90095 BC-90086 BC-90088 стикер BC-99204 BC-99205 BC-99206 2mm alum BC-90157 BC-90158 BC-90159 Rear reflecting/fluorescent truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 amendmend 01 Fig.1. Fig.2. Fig.3. 0.8mm alum BC-90160 BC-90161 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90163 BC-90164 BC-90165 Fig.4 1.2mm alum BC-90094 BC-90166 BC-90167 стикер BC-99207 BC-99208 BC-99209 2mm alum BC-90168 BC-90169 BC-90170 Fig.5 Fig.6 Rear reflecting and fluorescent truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 Fig.4. Fig.5. Fig.6. 0.8mm alum BC-90043 BC-90041 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90053 BC-90051 BC-90098 1.2mm alum BC-90083 BC-90089 BC-90091 2mm alum BC-90069 BC-90082 BC-90077 Rear reflecting/reflecting truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 amendmend 01 Fig.4. Fig.5. Fig.6. 0.8mm alum BC-90171 BC-90172 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90174 BC-90175 BC-90176 1.2mm alum BC-90096 BC-90090 BC-90092 2mm alum BC-90177 BC-90178 BC-90179 Rear reflecting/fluorescent truck panels with conformity with regulation ECE 070 amendmend 01 Fig.4. Fig.5. Fig.6. 0.8mm alum BC-90180 BC-90181 -- 0.8mm alum BC-90183 BC-90184 BC-90185 1.2mm alum BC-90093 BC-90186 BC-90187 2mm alum BC-90188 BC-90189 BC-90190 стикер BC-99211 BC-99212 BC-99213 стикер BC-99214 BC-99215 BC-99216 стикер BC-99217 BC-99218 BC-99219 9.7. Conspicuity stripes in conformity with ECE 104 Yellow band White band Red band For rigit surface BC-70701, 50м BC-70701-1, 1м BC-70702, 50м BC-70702-1, 1м BC-70703, 50м BC-70703-1, 1м Self-adhesive BC-70751, 50м BC-70751-1, 1м BC-70752, 50м BC-70752-1, 1м BC-70753, 50м BC-70753-1, 1м Worm welding BC-70901, 50м BC-70901-1, 1м BC-70902, 50м BC-70902-1, 1м BC-70903, 50м BC-70903-1, 1м Str. Nicolae Teclu nr.5 , cam.3-7, Sector 3 , 032368 București Tel.: +40 21 780 45 58, Fax: +40 21 780 45 58 email: office_ro@opwmarket.com, www.dais-ro.com X. 77 / 77 OTHER EQUIPMENT FROM DAIS Industrial hoses Ducting hoses Safety couplings Equipment for fuel service stations Domestic stations FITTINGS Industrial equipment COMPENSATORS
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