patti warashina - Seattle Art Dealers Association
patti warashina - Seattle Art Dealers Association
January 2013 patti warashina at DAVIDSON GALLERIES Scrutiny, 2011. Low-fire Clay, Underglaze, Glaze, Mixed Media. 82.5 x 40 x 25.5 inches. OPENING RECEPTIONS: First Thursday, January 2, 6-8pm I NTERNATIONAL WOOD E NGR AVING Invitational - Part II EXHIBITIONS: January 3 - February 1, 2014 PATTI WARASHINA Scrutiny Join us for a unique celebration of fine prints. One weekend only, January 31 - February 2, at the Portland Art Museum We are excited to announce the inaugural Portland Fine Print Fair. This event will feature 21 important collections from the United States, Canada, and Japan of etchings, woodcuts and lithographs dating from 1500 to the present, and afford an exciting opportunity to peruse and purchase original museum-quality prints. Free Admission Saturday & Sunday Play Pals, 2010. Low-fire Clay, Underglaze, Glaze, Mixed Media. 60 x 35.5 x 15 inches. PORTLAND AND FINE PRINT FFAIR NEWS: Catalog List 86 is available, featuring both antique and contemporary works • Camille Patha’s Retrospective begins at Tacoma Art Museum in February, 2014. PORTLAND AR ART MUSEUM• OREGON 313 Occidental Ave S • Seattle, WA 98104 Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10 am-5:30 pm Painting & Sculpture • 206 624-7684 Contemporary Print & Drawing Center • 206 624-1324 Antique Print Department • 206 624-6700 UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS FEBRUARY: Robert Marx - New Works MARCH: Nate Steigenga JAMES MARTIN EVERYBODY WITH VIOLINS ON THE ROOF JANUARY 2 - 25, 2014 James Martin, Opposed To Coal Power, 2013, gouache on paper, 9.5 x 14 inches James Martin, Pickerel Weed 2, 2013, gouache on paper, 12.5 x 16.5 inches OPENING RECEPTION JANUARY 2, 6 - 8PM JAMES MARTIN EVERYONE WITH VIOLINS ON THE ROOF JAN 2 - JAN 25, 2014 TONY ANGELL SPIRIT COMPANIONS DEC 5, 2013 - JAN 25, 2014 E D K A M U DA DION Z WIRNER Autumn Gleaning From the Garden’s Edge: Paintings and Works on Paper January 2 – February 2, 2014 Saturday Afternoon Reception for the Artists: January 4, 4:00 - 6:00 pm The gallery is pleased to welcome Dion Zwirner into its group of ar tists. Zwirner is an established painter who earned her BFA and MFA degrees from the San Francisco Ar t Institute. Her work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions nationally since 1990 and is in corporate and institutional collections in Washington, California, Oregon, and Arizona. The ar tist maintains a studio on Bainbridge Island, Washington. Ed Kamuda, Skagit Farm, 2013, oil and wax varnish on board, 20 x 17 in. Dion Zwirner, A Certain Kind of Light, 2013, oil on canvas over board, 48 x 36 in. 1922 Pike Place Seattle, WA 98101 Mon - Sat 10:30-5:30 and Sun 11:00-4:00 206.443.3315 Pike Place Market EG RA ERY January 2 - February 15 Jaunuary 2 - February 15 Claude Zervas Sculpture and Works on Paper Sale of Francine Seders Gallery Inventory Collection Opening reception: First Thursday, January 2 We are pleased to offer for sale a selection of works from the inventory of the Francine Seders Gallery as she closes her gallery to move on to other ways of working with artists. Artist Notes: We are pleased to announce representation of the Estate of Michael Dailey. We are pleased to announce representation of Norman Lundin. We are pleased to announce representation of Claude Zervas. Recent acquisitions: Progressive Corporation Collection purchased Mark Newport’s work. Whiting Tennis’ work purchased for the Orange County Museum of Art’s permanent collection with funds from the New Foundation, Seattle. Because Seders chose to mount one-person exhibitions for her artists in the final months of her gallery, we have offered her space here at Greg Kucera Gallery for this sale. These drawings render computed quasicrystals of varying degrees of geometric symmetry. Quasicrystalline patterns are aperiodic tilings of the plane which means they can fill space continuously without translational symmetry. They are related to the mathematics of Penrose tiling and also the Ghiri tiling found in Islamic architecture. –Claude Zervas Current Exhibitions: Tim Roda Photographs University of Alaska Anchorage through February 3 Featured will be paintings and drawings by such Northwest masters as Wendell Brazeau, Michael Dailey, Robert Jones, Norman Lundin, and George Tsutakawa; works on paper by Joseph Goldberg, Karen Ganz, Andreas Grunert, Juliana Heyne, and James Martin; and many others. To honor our esteemed colleague, the Seattle Art Dealers Association, has established a $3,000 fund for acquisition of Northwest artists through the Tacoma Art Museum. We are hopeful that others will join us in support of this fund and to honor Francine Seders for her nearly 50 years of service to our arts community. James Martin April 3 - May 17 Chris Engman New Photographs and Constructions FURTIVE LION, 1966, watercolor on paper, 8.75 x 21.5 inches PRAIA, 1995, oil on canvas, 20.5 x 26 inches Darren Waterston Paintings and Works on Paper GALLERY 212 THIRD AVENUE S SEATTLE, WA 98104 206.624.0770 Robert Jones Q2S8, 2013 Brushed pigment ink on watercolor paper 27.5 x 21.5 inches Upcoming Exhibitions: February 20 - March 29 Paintings from the Estate of Michael Dailey GREG KUCERA Opening reception: First Thursday, January 2 Wendell Brazeau George Tsutakawa 212 THIRD AVENUE S SEATTLE, WA 98104 206.624.0770 Q5S8, 2013 Brushed pigment ink on watercolor paper 27.5 x 19.5 inches Q2S5A, 2013 Brushed pigment ink on watercolor paper 27.5 x 21.5 inches MONUMENTS WITH RAINBOW, ca. 1963, acrylic, 16 x 16 inches SASA STUDY, 1970, sumi on paper, 28.25 x 30.25 inches Heidi Oberheide NEW PAINTINGS Peter Gross NEW PAINTINGS Jan 2 - Feb 1, 2014 above: Blue, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 18” x 22” left: Light Flash, 2013 acrylic on canvas, 22” x 30” First Thursday Artist Reception Jan 2, 6-8 pm above: Pyrofix, 2013, oil on canvas over panel, 48” x 84” right: Chromablast, 2013, oil on canvas over panel, 60” x 48” L I N DA H O D G E S G ALLERY 316 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104 206 624 3034 Tuesday-Saturday 10:30-5:00 C E L E B R AT I N G 3 1 Ye a r s UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS Feb: Jack Chevalier / Kate Vrijmoet March: Robert McCauley Sonja Blomdahl, Apricot/Cream, 7.5”h x 15”w, blown glass, 2004 photo: Ben Lerman WINTER GROUP EXHIBITION SELECTED WORKS BY REPRESENTED ARTISTS JANUARY 9 – MARCH 1, 2014 110 UNION ST. #200, SEATTLE, 98101 206.587.6501 | TRAVERGALLERY.COM Seattle Art Dealers Association c/o Encore Media Group 425 N 85TH ST Seattle WA 98103 Return Service Requested eS t To I-5 N Pl ac Al le Pin e y W e ac Pl et ke rk Pi Ma e Pik e South Lake Union es te From I-5 S rn Av From I-5 N ion hA ve nu e nu e ffe rso Pr ef on 11 ta in 5 e 6 4th Avenue S ion 3rd Avenue S ns Published by Encore Media Group Je xte 8 3 2 S Jackson To I-90 E To 1-5 4 12 S King St Galleries with map placement (and occasional pages inside) es eE 203 Dexter Avenue North • 652-5855 • S Main J am 2nd Avenue S 14 WINSTON WACHTER FINE ART (N and S) nu 110 Union St, 2nd Fl • 587-6501 • From I-5 ve TRAVER GALLERY Galleries with display pages and map placement. ry dA 13 125 South Jackson St • 405-4040 • Key er 2n S Washington To H-99 N, From H-99 S Occidental Ave S 12 STONINGTON GALLERY To I-5 S Smith Tower Occidental Elliott Bay 1225 Second Avenue • 223-0273 • 114 3rd Ave South • 323-2808 • ve Pioneer Square Alaskan Way 11 PLATFORM GALLERY bia 7 Yesler Way 1922 Pike Place • 443-3315 • PATRICIA ROVZAR GALLERY lum To H-99 S Washington State Ferry Terminal 316 1st Ave S • 624-3034 • 10 To I-5 S 99 1st Avenue S LISA HARRIS GALLERY e ue 9 ion Ch 212 3rd Ave S • 624-0770 • 604 2nd Ave • 903-6220 • ar en LINDA HODGES GALLERY nu ley Av ay 8 e ve rn 7 JAMES HARRIS GALLERY M W GREG KUCERA GALLERY hA nu tA te 6 300 S Washington St • 587-4033 • ad n G. GIBSON GALLERY M Co 123 South Jackson St • 625-0055 • 5 7t ve 1s es GALLERY IMA e dA S ka 220 3rd Ave S • 622-2833 • 5 n iso as 4 FOSTER/WHITE GALLERY nu ing ve le att c Se ubli ry P bra Li 2n r Sp N hA e e ca Al Seattle Design Center • 322-9440 • 3 W 313 Occidental Ave S • 624-1324 • FETHERSTON GALLERY Al DAVIDSON GALLERIES st 2 1210 2nd Ave • 628-9501 • Po ABMEYER + WOOD 6t nu nu ne ve Se John St. To I-5 S ve dA SADE is a publication of the Seattle Art Dealers Association (SADA). 14 e hA 3r 1 10 8t y nu sit ve er 4t iv Un hA ue le att Se Art um se Mu 1 Thomas St. 5t en Un 13 99 To I-5 N 9th Ave N e st 8th Ave N To H-99 N Pik Po Dexter Ave N 9 St ew ar tS t Vi rg in ia St iv Ol Safeco Field (Mariners) King Street Station Qwest Stadium (Seahawks) (N and S) From I-90 W 90 n
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319 Third Ave South • 763-5565 •