DFAT Diplomatic List January 2015 - Department of Foreign Affairs
DFAT Diplomatic List January 2015 - Department of Foreign Affairs
DIPLOMATIC LIST January 2015 DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE CONTENTS Index of Missions 2 Missions and representations accredited to Ireland 5 National Days 178 Order of Precedence 179 Honorary Consular Representatives 184 1 Index of Missions ALBANIA ..................................................................................................... 5 ALGERIA ..................................................................................................... 6 ANDORRA ................................................................................................... 8 ANGOLA ...................................................................................................... 9 ARGENTINA ............................................................................................. 10 ARMENIA .................................................................................................. 11 AUSTRALIA .............................................................................................. 12 AUSTRIA ................................................................................................... 13 AZERBAIJAN ............................................................................................ 14 BAHRAIN .................................................................................................. 15 BANGLADESH .......................................................................................... 16 BANGLADESH (contd) ............................................................................. 17 BELARUS .................................................................................................. 18 BELGIUM .................................................................................................. 19 BOLIVIA .................................................................................................... 20 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ............................................................... 21 BOTSWANA .............................................................................................. 22 BRAZIL ...................................................................................................... 23 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM .......................................................................... 24 BULGARIA ................................................................................................ 25 BURKINA FASO ....................................................................................... 26 BURKINA FASO (contd) ........................................................................... 27 CAMBODIA ............................................................................................... 28 CANADA.................................................................................................... 29 CANADA (contd) ....................................................................................... 30 CANADA (contd) ....................................................................................... 31 CHILE ......................................................................................................... 32 CHINA ........................................................................................................ 33 CHINA (contd)............................................................................................ 34 COLOMBIA ............................................................................................... 36 COLOMBIA (contd) ................................................................................... 37 COSTA RICA ............................................................................................. 38 CÔTE D’IVOIRE ........................................................................................ 39 CROATIA ................................................................................................... 40 CUBA ......................................................................................................... 41 CYPRUS ..................................................................................................... 42 CZECH REPUBLIC.................................................................................... 43 DENMARK ................................................................................................ 44 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ......................................................................... 45 EGYPT ........................................................................................................ 46 El SALVADOR .......................................................................................... 47 ERITREA .................................................................................................... 48 ESTONIA.................................................................................................... 49 ETHIOPIA .................................................................................................. 50 EUROPEAN COMMISSION ..................................................................... 51 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ..................................................................... 52 FIJI .............................................................................................................. 53 FINLAND ................................................................................................... 54 FRANCE ..................................................................................................... 55 GABONESE REPUBLIC ........................................................................... 57 THE GAMBIA ............................................................................................ 58 GEORGIA ................................................................................................... 59 GERMANY ................................................................................................ 60 2 GHANA ...................................................................................................... 62 GREECE ..................................................................................................... 65 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA.................................................................. 66 REPUBLIC OF GUINEA ........................................................................... 67 HOLY SEE ................................................................................................. 68 HONDURAS............................................................................................... 69 HUNGARY ................................................................................................. 70 ICELAND ................................................................................................... 71 INDIA ......................................................................................................... 72 INDONESIA ............................................................................................... 73 IRAN ........................................................................................................... 75 IRAQ ........................................................................................................... 76 ISRAEL....................................................................................................... 77 ITALY......................................................................................................... 78 JAMAICA ................................................................................................... 80 JAPAN ........................................................................................................ 81 JORDAN ..................................................................................................... 82 KAZAKHSTAN ......................................................................................... 83 KAZAKHSTAN (contd) ............................................................................. 84 KENYA....................................................................................................... 85 KOREA (DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF) ............................ 86 KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) .......................................................................... 87 KOSOVO .................................................................................................... 88 KUWAIT .................................................................................................... 89 LAO ............................................................................................................ 90 LATVIA ...................................................................................................... 91 LEBANON.................................................................................................. 92 LESOTHO .................................................................................................. 93 LIBERIA ..................................................................................................... 94 LIBYA ........................................................................................................ 95 LITHUANIA ............................................................................................... 96 LUXEMBOURG......................................................................................... 97 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA .................................................................. 98 MALAWI .................................................................................................... 99 MALAYSIA.............................................................................................. 100 MALTA .................................................................................................... 101 MAURITIUS............................................................................................. 102 MEXICO ................................................................................................... 103 MEXICO (contd.)...................................................................................... 104 MOLDOVA .............................................................................................. 105 MONGOLIA ............................................................................................. 106 MONTENEGRO ....................................................................................... 107 MOROCCO .............................................................................................. 108 MOZAMBIQUE ....................................................................................... 109 MYANMAR ............................................................................................. 110 NAMIBIA ................................................................................................. 111 NEPAL ...................................................................................................... 112 NETHERLANDS ...................................................................................... 113 NEW ZEALAND ...................................................................................... 114 NICARAGUA ........................................................................................... 116 NIGERIA .................................................................................................. 117 NIGERIA (contd) ...................................................................................... 118 NORWAY ................................................................................................. 119 OMAN ...................................................................................................... 120 PAKISTAN ............................................................................................... 121 3 PALESTINIAN MISSION ........................................................................ 122 PANAMA ................................................................................................. 123 PARAGUAY............................................................................................. 124 PERU ........................................................................................................ 125 PHILIPPINES ........................................................................................... 126 PHILIPPINES (contd) ............................................................................... 127 POLAND .................................................................................................. 128 PORTUGAL ............................................................................................. 130 QATAR ..................................................................................................... 131 ROMANIA................................................................................................ 132 ROMANIA (contd) ................................................................................... 133 RUSSIA .................................................................................................... 134 RWANDA................................................................................................. 136 SAN MARINO.......................................................................................... 137 SAUDI ARABIA ...................................................................................... 138 SAUDI ARABIA (contd) .......................................................................... 139 SAUDI ARABIA (contd) .......................................................................... 140 SERBIA .................................................................................................... 141 SIERRA LEONE....................................................................................... 142 SIERRA LEONE (contd) .......................................................................... 143 SINGAPORE ............................................................................................ 144 SLOVAK REPUBLIC .............................................................................. 145 SLOVENIA ............................................................................................... 146 SOUTH AFRICA ...................................................................................... 147 SPAIN ....................................................................................................... 148 SRI LANKA ............................................................................................. 150 SUDAN ..................................................................................................... 151 SWEDEN .................................................................................................. 153 SWITZERLAND ...................................................................................... 154 SYRIA....................................................................................................... 155 TANZANIA .............................................................................................. 156 THAILAND .............................................................................................. 157 TUNISIA................................................................................................... 159 TURKEY .................................................................................................. 161 UGANDA ................................................................................................. 163 UKRAINE ................................................................................................. 164 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ................................................................... 165 UNITED KINGDOM ................................................................................ 166 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES .......... 168 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ........................................................... 169 URUGUAY ............................................................................................... 172 UZBEKISTAN .......................................................................................... 173 VENEZUELA ........................................................................................... 174 VIETNAM ................................................................................................ 175 ZAMBIA ................................................................................................... 176 ZIMBABWE ............................................................................................. 177 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF HEADS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ACCREDITED TO IRELAND ................................................................. 179 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (contd) ........................................................ 180 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND .......... 184 4 ALBANIA National Day: 28th November EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA 33 St. George’s Drive, London SW1V 4DG Tel: 004420 7828 8897. Fax: 004420 7828 8869. E-Mail: embassy.london@mfa.gov.al Web page: www.albanianembassy.co.uk His Excellency Mr. Mal Berisha Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Teuta Starova Minister Counsellor Mrs. Mamica Toska Minister Counsellor Ms. Entela Gjika Counsellor Mrs. Gentjana Nino First Secretary Dr. Xhoana Papakostandini Third Secretary 5 ALGERIA National Day: 1st November EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA 1-3 Riding House Street, London W1W 7DR Tel: 004420 7299 7077. Fax: 004420 72297076. E-Mail: info@algerianembassy.org.uk Website: www.algerianembassy.org.uk Consular Section 6 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5EW Tel: 004420 7589 6885. Fax: 004420 7589 7725. E-Mail: consular@algerianconsulate.org.uk Website: www.algerianconsulate.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Amar Abba Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mamica Toska Minister Counsellor Mr. Mourad Adjabi Minister Counsellor Miss Dalila Samah Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul Mr. Ali Kessai Minister Plenipotentiary Colonel Menouar Zidane Defence Attaché Mr. Mohamed Reda Bouchenafa Counsellor Mr. Boubekere Sedik Anane Counsellor and Deputy Consul Mr. Ahmed Adib Counsellor 6 ALGERIA (contd) Mr. Selim Abbes Ghenouchi Diplomatic Secretary and Chancery Attaché Mr. Mohiedine Benhamida Diplomatic Secretary Mr. Hacene Derdiche Attaché Mr. Mohamed Hamdani Attaché and Vice Consul Mr. Anis Guen Attaché Mrs. Fouzia Salhi Attaché and Deputy Consul Mr. Abdelhafid Hachem Attaché Mr. Lies Amici Attaché Mr. Said Chemmakh Attaché Mr. Laalmi Hoggas Attaché 7 ANDORRA National Day: 8th September EMBASSY OF THE PRINCIPALITY OF ANDORRA c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs C/Prat de la Creu 62-64 AD 500 Anodorra la Vella Principality of Andorra Phone (+376) 875 704/Fax (+376) 869559 Email: exteriors@govern.ad Website: www.andorra.ad Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Cristina Mota Gouveia Minister-Counsellor and Chargé d’Affaires a.i. 8 ANGOLA National Day: 11th November EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA 22 Dorset Street, London W1U 6QY Tel: 0044 207 299 9850. Fax: 0044 207 486 9397. Email: embassy@angola.org.uk Website: www.angola.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Miguel Gaspar Fernandes Neto Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Emília Neto Mr. Eduardo Neto Sangueve Minister Counsellor Mr. Henrique Assis Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Diogo Cristiano First Secretary Mr. Edgar Manual Camacho Second Secretary Mr. Jorge Kachava Third Secretary Mrs. Maria Caetana Amado Attaché (Finance) Mr. António Nascimento Attaché (Press) Mrs. Delta Cadete First Secretary (Consular) Mr. Samoro Neto Attaché (Administration) Mr. Joāo Domingos Pascoal Attaché (Protocol) Mrs. Eunice Ferreira de Almeida Ambassador’s Secretary 9 ARGENTINA National Day: 25th May EMBASSY OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 15 Ailesbury Drive, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 1546 / 01 269 1713. Fax: 01 260 0404. E-Mail: eirla@mrecic.gov.ar (General) / adm_eirla@mrecic.gov.ar (Administrative) Her Excellency Ms. Silvia M. Merega Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Brookville 2 Simmonscourt Ave. Ballsbridge Mr. Rafael Galetto First Secretary Mr. Mario Hector Caviglia Attaché (Administration) Non-Resident (London) Group Captain Guillermo Garces Defence Attaché 134 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 97 10 ARMENIA National Day 21st September EMBASSY OF ARMENIA 25A Cheniston Gardens, London W8 6TG Tel: 004420 7938 5435. Fax: 004420 7938 2595. E-Mail: armemb@armenianembassyuk.com / consular@armenianembassyuk.com Website: www.armenianembassy.org.uk / www.armenianembassyuk.com His Excellency Mr. Armen Sarkissian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Karen Israyelyan Second Secretary Mrs. Anna Grigoryan Mr. Gevorg Terteryan Third Secretary Mrs. Marina Makaryan 11 AUSTRALIA National Day: 26th January AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY 7th Floor, Fitzwilton House, Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 664 5300. Fax: 01 662 3566. E-mail: austremb.dublin@dfat.gov.au Website: www.ireland.embassy.gov.au Her Excellency Dr. Ruth P. Adler Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Conrad Goonerage Mr. Paul McEachern First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Chau Tran Ms. Catherine Earnshaw First Secretary and Consul Mr. David Wright Non-Resident (London) Brigadier Bill Sowry Defence Attaché Mr. Christopher O’Keeffe Counsellor (Customs) 12 AUSTRIA National Day: 26th October AUSTRIAN EMBASSY 15 Ailesbury Court / 93 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 4577 / 01 269 1451. Fax: 01 283 0860. E-mail: dublin-ob@bmeia.gv.at Commercial Section Merrion Centre, 2nd Floor, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 283 0488 E-mail: dublin@wko.at His Excellency Dr. Thomas Nader Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ingrid Thorbjørnsrud Mr. Ralf Hospodarsky Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Doris Fida-Šrajner First Secretary and Consul Mr. Bernard Šrajner Mr. Wilhelm Nest Counsellor (Commercial) Mr. Harald Pichler Non-Resident (London) Colonel Ronald Coloman Vartok Defence Attaché Warrant Officer Otto Riegler Assistant Defence Attaché 13 AZERBAIJAN National Day: 28th May EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN 4 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL Tel: 004420 7938 3412. Fax: 004420 7937 1783. E-Mail: London@mission.mfa.gov.az Website: www.azembassy.org.uk Consular Section Tel: 004420 7938 5482 His Excellency Mr. Fakhraddin Isa Oglu Gurbanov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Saida Samadova Mr. Azar Gulabli First Secretary (Humanitarian) Mr. Vusal Abdullayev First Secretary (Economic) Mr. Farhad Isayev Second Secretary (Protocol and Culture) Mr. Alibay Gahramanov Second Secretary (Consular) Mr. Jeyhun Novruzov Second Secretary (Political) Mr. Ayaz Mustafayev Third Secretary (Press) Mr. Giyasaddin Guliyev Attaché Mr. Nizami Mehtiyev Attaché (Finance) 14 BAHRAIN National Day: 16th December EMBASSY OF THE KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN 30 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QB Tel: 004420 7201 9170. Fax: 004420 7201 9183. E-Mail: information@bahrainembassy.co.uk Web page: www.bahrainembassy.co.uk Her Excellency Ms. Alice Thomas Samaan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Hayfa Ali Ahmed Matar Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Tariq Khalid Mohamed Counsellor Mr. Hussain Makhlooq Counsellor Mr. Hussain MohammedAlam First Secretary Shaikh Ali Ahmed Al Khalifa Third Secretary Mr. Suban Abdulrahman Alzayani Cultural Counsellor Cultural Office 89 Gloucester Road, London, SW7 4AU Tel: 004420 7341 0770 Fax: 004420 7373 4210 Email: info@bcao.co.uk 15 BANGLADESH National Day: 26th March EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH 28 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5JA Tel: 0044 20 7584 0081. Fax: 004420 7581 7477. E-Mail: info@bhclondon@org.uk Web page: www.bhclondon.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Khondker M Talha Deputy High Commissioner, Charge d’Affaires a.i. Ms. Masuma Haque Mr. T M Jobaer Minister (Consular) Ms. Fahamina Masud Ms. Sharifa Khan Counsellor (Commerce) Mr. Sayem Ahmed First Secretary and Head of Chancery Ms. Afroja Khanam Mr. Mohammad Monirul Islam Kabir First Secretary Ms. Chayanika Saha Mr. Md Mominul Islam Attaché Mst. Sarmin Akter Ms. Shirin Akther Second Secretary Mr. Mansurullah Khan Second Secretary (Protocol) 16 BANGLADESH (contd) Mr. KFM Sharhad Shakil Administrative Officer Mr. M.M. Shihab uddin Administrative Officer Mr. Md. Ataul Hug Assistant Cypher Officer Mr. Abdus Salam Personal Officer 17 BELARUS National Day: 3rd July EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS 6 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL Tel: 004420 7937 3288. Fax: 004420 7361 0005. E-mail: uk.london@mfa.gov.by Web page: www.uk.mfa.gov.by His Excellency Mr. Sergei F. Aleinik Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Valery Dougan Counsellor Mrs. Larisa Zelenaya Mr. Vitali Shumski Counsellor (Economic and Commercial) Mrs. Yulia Milko-Chernomorets Mr. Leonid Lebedev Counsellor (Security) Mrs. Natalya Lebedeva Mr. Dmitry Basik First Secretary (Economic and Commercial) Mrs. Elizaveta Basik Mr. Yury Prudnikovich First Secretary (Consular) Mrs. Vera Prudnikovich Mr. Andrei Silitsky Attaché (Maintaing Computers, Website, Logistics) Mrs. Elena Silitskaya 18 BELGIUM National Day: 21st July EMBASSY OF BELGIUM 1 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 631 5283 / 84 / 85 / 86. Fax: 01 667 5665. E-Mail : Dublin@diplobel.fed.be Web page: www.diplomatie.belgium.be/dublin His Excellency Mr. Philippe Roland Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Laurence Roland 44-46 Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Mrs. Agnes Scheers Counsellor (Consular and Administrative) and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Kaarlo Suotamo Mr. Jacques Vanhoucke Attaché (Economic and Commercial) Flemish Region and Walloon Regions Trade Section Flanders Investment and Trade, representing the Flemish, Brussels and Walloon Regions Tel: 01 631 5287, E-mail: Dublin@fitagency.com 19 BOLIVIA National Day: 6th August EMBASSY OF THE PLURINATIONAL STATE OF BOLIVIA 106 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AD Tel: 004420 7235 4255 / 2257. Fax: 004420 7235 1286. E-Mail: embbol@bolivianembassy.co.uk Web page: www.boembassy-london.com His Excellency Mr. Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Eduardo Daza Sandoval Second Secretary 20 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA National Day: 1 March EMBASSY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 5 – 7 Lexham Gardens, London W8 5JJ Tel: 004420 7373 0867. Fax: 004420 7373 0871. E-Mail: embassy@bhembassy.co.uk Website: www.bhembassy.co.uk His Excellency Mr. Mustafa Mujezinović Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Mensur Jusic Minister Counsellor Mrs. Slavica Grozdanic Counsellor (Consular) Mr. Nevenko Grozdanic Mrs. Jasmina Turajlic Second Secretary 21 BOTSWANA National Day: 30th September EMBASSY OF BOTSWANA 6 Stratford Place, London W1C 1AY Tel: 0044 207 499 0031. Fax: 0044 207 495 8595. His Excellency Mr. Roy Warren Blackbeard Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Mabedi Motlhabani Counsellor/Head of Chancery Mr. Mpho Mosie Mfolwe First Secretary Mrs. Dikeledi Mfolwe Mrs. Irene Gofaone Rowland First Secretary Mr. Joel Rowland Colonel Lambert Tshweneetsile Defence Attaché Mrs. Tebo Tshweneetsile Mr. Modisaotsile Magaga Training Attaché Mrs. Onalenna Magaga Mr. Binn Matengu Assistant Commercial Attaché Mrs. Bonolo Matengu Mrs. Adalinah Magagane First Secretary (Administration) Mr. Sello Magagane Mrs. Ambrosia Matsetse-Chisonta Attaché (Administration) Mr. Arnold Chisonta 22 BRAZIL National Day: 7th September EMBASSY OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Block 8, 6th Floor, Harcourt Centre, Charlotte Way, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 475 6000 Fax: 01 475 1341. General E-Mail: brasemb.dublin@itamaraty.gov.br His Excellency Mr. Afonso José Sena Cardoso Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Solange Escosteguy Cardoso Mr. Luiz Cesar Gasser Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Claudia Pavao Da Silveira Gasser Mr. André Baker Méio Counsellor, Head of Political & Commercial Mr. Daniela Oliveira Guerra Third Secretary Ms. Maria Lucia de Fatima Batista Chancery Officer Ms. Andréa Milhomem Seixas Chancery Officer and Vice-Consul Ms. Carolina Miceli De Araujo Chancery Officer and Vice-Consul 23 ‘Esterel’ 3 Temple Road Dublin 6 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM National Day: 23rd February EMBASSY OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 19/20 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG Tel: 004420 7581 0521. Fax: 004420 7235 9717. E-Mail: info@bdhcl.co.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Mohd Aziyan Abdullah Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Darmawati HJ Ahmad Minister Counsellor Ms. Pengiran Rooslina Weti Pengiran Kamaludin Acting Minister Counsellor, Charge D’Affaires a.i. Mr. Mohd Zaine HJ Bagul First Secretary 24 BULGARIA National Day: 3rd March EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA 22 Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 3293 / 01 660 3022. Fax: 01 660 3915. E-Mail: Embassy.Dublin@mfa.bg Web page: www.mfa.bg/dublin His Excellency Mr. Branimir Zaimov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ana Zaimova Mr. Rossen Hristov Genchev Counsellor Mrs. Elena Gencheva Non Resident (London) Mr. Plamen Dimitrov Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Commercial and Economic Section Mr. Todor Krastev First Secretary (Social and Labour) Mr. Miroslav Gospodinov Liaison Officer of the Ministry of Interior of Bulgaria 25 BURKINA FASO National Day 11th December EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BURKINA FASO 16 Place Guy d’Arezzo, 1180 Brussels, Belgium Tel: 00 322 345 9912. Fax: 00 322 345 0612. Email: ambassade.burkina@skynet.be Website: www.ambassadeduburkina.be His Excellency Mr. Frédéric Assomption Korsaga Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Daouda Diallo Minister Counsellor Mr. Ibrahima Toure Minister Counsellor Mrs. Toure Mr. Robert Compaore Counsellor Mrs. Compaore Ms. Mariam Fofana Counsellor Ms. Clarisse Marie Hortense Zoura Counsellor (Customs) Mr. Amadou Sagnon Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Emmanuel Lalsomde Counsellor (Economic) Mrs. Lalsomde Mrs. Odile Kabore Attaché (Finance) Mr. Kabore 26 BURKINA FASO (contd) Mr. Patrice Traore Attaché Mrs. Traore Mrs. Berthe Jeanne S.W. Ouedraogo Attaché Mrs. Abibata Toure Attaché (Consular) Mr. Toure Mr. Hamado Tankoano Attaché Mrs. Tankoano 27 CAMBODIA National Day: 9th November THE ROYAL EMBASSY OF CAMBODIA 64 Brondesbury Park, Willesden Green, London NW6 7AT Tel: 004420 8451 7850. Fax: 004420 8451 7594. E-Mail: cambodianembassy@btconnect.com Web page: www.cambodianembassy.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Ban Borom Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Sunna Som Counsellor Mr. Sengky Paul First Secretary Mr. Sovanneth Khun First Secretary Mrs. Chan Nary Sou Third Secretary 28 CANADA National Day: 1st July EMBASSY OF CANADA 3rd Floor, 7/8 Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 234 4000. Fax: 01 234 4001. E-mail: Hilary.Knight@international.gc.ca Web page: www.canada.ie His Excellency Mr. Kevin M. Vickers Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Suzanne Cormie Counsellor (Commercial) Ms. Naomi Gilker Second Secretary and Vice Consul. Non Resident (London) Ms. Sharon Chomyn Minister (Immigration) Mr. Joel Godard Counsellor RCMP Mr. Derek Huzlak Counsellor Mr. Pascal Laurin Counsellor (Immigration) Dr. Rene LeMontagne Attaché (Medical) Dr. Patrick Theriault Attaché (Medical) Mr. Michael Ryan First Secretary Ms. Alison Corbett First Secretary (immigration) 29 “Glanmire” 22 Oakley Road Ranelagh Dublin 6 CANADA (contd) Ms. Gaynor Rent First Secretary (immigration) Mr. Craig Goldsby First Secretary (immigration) Ms. Meghan Pendleton First Secretary (immigration) Ms. Thomas Triantafillou First Secretary (immigration) Ms. Nancy Fummerton First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. Alain Bernier First Secretary (Immigration) Ms. Lisa Catana First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. Sacha Taylor First Secretary (Immigration) Ms. Marie-Helen Cormier First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. John White Attaché Mr. David Matheson Attaché Mr. Kyriakos Nicolau Second Secretary (Immigration) Ms. Ebony Morris Second Secretary (Immigration) 30 CANADA (contd) Mr. Mohammed Derkaoui Attaché Brigadier-General Matthew Overton Commander& Defence Attaché Colonel Rory Radford Assistant Defence Attaché 31 CHILE National Day: 18th September EMBASSY OF CHILE 44 Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 667 5094. Fax: 01 667 5156. E-Mail: echile.irlanda@minrel.gov.cl Web page: www.chileabroad.gov.cl/irlanda Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Renato Gómez Third Secretary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Non-Resident (London) Navy Captain Ronald Baash Barberis Defence and Naval Attaché 32 5 Leeson Park Ranelagh Dublin 6 CHINA National Day: 1st October EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 40 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 1707 / 01 260 1119. Fax: 01 283 9938. E-mail: pa.chineseembassy.ie@gmail.com Web page: http://ie.chineseembassy.org Political Section 40 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 219 0031 Fax: 01 283 9938 Administration Section 77 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01269 0032 Fax: 01 283 9938 Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Office Nutley Lodge, Seaview Terrace, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 260 0580 Fax: 01 269 6966 Website: http://ie.mofcom.gov.cn Visa and Consular Section 118 Merrion Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 219 6651 Fax: 01 219 6647 Education Section 77 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 260 3906 Fax: 01 219 6647 Culture Section 77 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 7852 Fax: 01 219 6647 Technology Section 26 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 1501 Fax: 01 283 9938 His Excellency Mr. Jianguo Xu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Li Ni 33 15A Shrewsbury Road Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 CHINA (contd) Mr. Lijun Wu Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Liqing Zhang Ms. Shujing Zhang Counsellor (Economic and Commercial) Mr. Zhijun Yang First Secretary (Science and Technology) Ms. Xin Zhang Mr. Xiaochuang Wu First Secretary (Education) Ms. Xiaohong Li Ms. Fei Huang First Secretary (Culture) Mr. Kai Guo First Secretary (Visa) Ms. Li Jin Mr. Qiang Ren First Secretary (Administration) Ms. Lili Song Mr. Jianwei Chen First Secretary (Administration) Ms. Liqun Wang Mr. Xiongwen Pan Second Secretary (Political) Ms. Xiao Long 34 CHINA (contd) Mr. Shaofu Li Second Secretary (Commercial) Ms. Fang Ma Ms. Qian Cao Second Secretary Mr. Jingbing Jiang Third Secretary (Consular) Ms. Ying Zang Mr. Sen Li Attaché (Commercial) Ms. Jiejing Liang Mr. Dayang Song Attaché (Commercial) Mr. Zisen Yu Attaché (Political) Ms. Qiong Du 35 COLOMBIA National Day: 20th July EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA 3 Hans Crescent, London SW1X 0LN Tel: 004420 7589 5037 / 9177. Fax: 004420 7581 1829 . E-mail: elondres@cancilleria.gov.co Web page: www.colombianembassy.co.uk Consulate General 3rd Floor – 35 Portland Place, London W1B 1AE Tel: 004420 7637 9893 / 004420 7927 7121. Fax: 004420 7637 5604 E-mail: clondres@cancilleria.gov.co Web page: www.consuladocolombia.net Commercial Office 6th Floor, 2 Conduit Street, London W1S 2XB Tel: 004420 7491 3535. Fax: 004420 7491 4295 E-mail: london@proexport.com.co His Excellency Mr. Néstor Osorio Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Juan Manuel Uribe-Robledo Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Andrea Jimenez-Herrera Counsellor Miss Beatriz Mejía-Asserias Minister Counsellor Mrs. Ximena Garrido-Restrepo Consul General Mrs. Ines Elvira Herrera - Ramirez First Consul Mr. Juan Guillermo Pérez Attaché (Commercial) 36 COLOMBIA (contd) Mr. Rodrigo Paris-Rojas First Secretary Mrs. Nelsy Munar-Jaramillo Deputy Consul Mrs. Anyurivet Daza-Cuervo Deputy Consul Mrs. Mercedes Osma-Peralta First Secretary Miss Laura Querubin-Borrero Second Secretary 37 COSTA RICA National Day: 15th September EMBASSY OF COSTA RICA Email: info@costaricanembassy.co.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Rafael Sáenz Rodríguez Minister Counsellor and Consul General, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Carlos Garbanzo Blanco Counsellor and Consul 38 CÔTE D’IVOIRE National Day: 7th August EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1X 8BJ Tel: 0044 207 235 6991. Fax: 0044 207 259 5320. E-mail: info@ambaci-uk.org His Excellency Mr. Claude Stanislas Bouah-Kamon Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Vanié Née Bede Roselyne Salomé Counsellor Mr. Siaba Diomande Serge Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Mimran David Jacques Counsellor (Economic) Mr. N’Diaye Diagna Mamadou Counsellor (Commercial) Mr. Dremane Koné Counsellor Mr. Rabé Gadji Counsellor (Consular) Mr. Mory Diarrassouba Counsellor (Commercial) Mr. Atse Euloge Innocent Counsellor (International Organisations) Mrs. Bitah Agathe Counsellor (Communications and Press) 39 CROATIA National Day: 25th June EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Adelaide Chambers, Peter Street, Dublin 8 Tel: 01 476 7181. Fax: 01 476 7183. E-Mail: dublin@mvep.hr Web page: http://ie.mfa.hr Her Excellency Ms. Jasna Ognjanovac Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Anamarija Džidic Second Secretary Non-Resident (London) Colonel Ante Zelic Military Attaché 40 CUBA National Day: 1st January EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA 32B Westland Square, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 6718300 / 01 671 8320 E-Mail: infocubadublin@eircom.net Web page: www.cubadiplomatica.cu/irlanda His Excellency Mr. Hermes Herrera Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ana Rosa Rojas Mrs. Ana Rosa Rojas Counsellor 41 31 Kincora Park Clontarf Dublin 3 CYPRUS National Day: 1st October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS 71 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 676 3060. Fax: 01 676 3099. Web page: www.mfa.gov.cy/embassydublin E-mail: dublinembassy@mfa.gov.cy His Excellency Dr. Michalis Stavrinos Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Marita Stavrinos Mr. Petros Mavrikios First Secretary Mrs. Maria Georghiou Non-Resident (London) Mr. George Argyris Commercial Counsellor 42 41 Wellington Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 CZECH REPUBLIC National Day: 28th October EMBASSY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC 57 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 1135 / 01 668 1343 / 087 618 9055 (outside office hours). Fax: 01 668 1660. E-Mail: Dublin@embassy.mzv.cz / Consulate_Dublin@mzv.cz / Commerce_Dublin@mzv.cz Web page: www.mzv.cz/dublin Her Excellency Mrs. Hana Mottlová Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. John Stephen McCollum Mr. Peter Kubera Second Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission (Political and EU) 43 DENMARK National Day: 16th April THE ROYAL DANISH EMBASSY 7th Floor, Block E, Iveagh Court, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 475 6404 / 01 475 6505. Fax: 01 478 4536. E-mail: dubamb@um.dk Web page: www.ambdublin.um.dk His Excellency Mr. Carsten Søndergaard Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Lone Søndergaard Kilbride Hill Herbert Road Bray Co. Wicklow Mrs. Seemab Ghazal Sheikh Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, Mr. Wasim Ahmed Zafar Non-Resident (London) Mr. Sigmundur Isfeld Minister Counsellor and Representative of the Government of the Faroes 44 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC National Day: 27th February EMBASSY OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 139 Inverness Terrace, London W2 6JF Tel: 0044 20 7727 7091. Fax: 0044 20 7727 3693. E-mail: info@dominicanembassy.org.uk Web page: www.dominicanembassy.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Katia de Jesus McKenzie Minister Counsellor and Chargé d’Affaires a.i. 45 EGYPT National Day: 23rd July EMBASSY OF THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT 12 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 6718 / 01 660 6566. Fax: 01 668 3745. E-mail: info@embegyptireland.ie Web page: www.embegyptireland.ie His Excellency Mr. Sherif Elkholi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Fayda Elkholi Mr. Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Salwa Mohamed Mostafa Abdelaal Mr. Mostafa Mohamed Youssef Third Secretary Mrs. Marwa Mahmoud Mr. Yousri Ashour Kotb Hozayen Administrative Attaché Mrs. Marwa Mohamed Hassan Amien Alaam Mr. Ibrahim Hassan Administrative & Financial Attaché Mrs. Nadia Taha Mrs. Neveen Moubark Administrative & Financial Attaché Mr. Ahmed Farouk Osman Mr. Hatem Elsisi Administrative & Financial Attaché Mrs. Omnia Abdelhameid 46 Egypt House Brennanstown Road Cabinteely Dublin 18 El SALVADOR National Day: 15th September EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF EL SALVADOR 8 Dorset Square London NW1 6PU Tel: 0044 207 224 9800. Fax: 0044 207 224 9878 E-mail: embajadalondres@rree.gob.sv / elsalvador.embassy@gmail.com His Excellency Mr. Werner Matías Romero Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Roger Atwood Miss Gilda Velásquez Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Rosella Badía Minister Counsellor (Economic Affairs and International Organisations) Ms. Beatriz Alfaro Counsellor 47 ERITREA National Day: 24th May EMBASSY OF THE STATE OF ERITREA 96 White Lion Street, Islington Angel, London N1 9PF Tel: 004420 7713 0096. Fax: 004420 7713 0161. E-Mail: eriemaba@eriembauk.com His Excellency Mr. Tesfamicael Gerahtu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Haregu Tesfamariam First Secretary Mr. Salih Abdalla Second Secretary 48 ESTONIA National Day: 24th February EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA 3rd Floor, Block E, Iveagh Court, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 478 8888. Fax: 01 478 8887. E-Mail: embassy.dublin@mfa.ee Web page: www.estemb.ie Her Excellency Mrs. Kristi Karelsohn Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Tiina Jokst Second Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission 49 ETHIOPIA National Day: 28th May EMBASSY OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 26 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 678 7062 / 3. Fax: 01 6787065. E-Mail: info@ethiopianembassy.ie Web page: www.ethiopianembassy.ie Her Excellency Mrs. Lela-alem Gebreyohanes Tedla Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Tsehaye Gebrekidan Mekonnen Minister Counsellor Mrs. Genet Kidane Aregawe Mr. Hailu Neri Beza Counsellor Mrs. Zelalem Alemu Sraga Mr. Mulugeta Asseratte Counsellor Mrs. Askale Woldegiogis Chamare Attaché Mr. Bezabeh Kebede Tessema Mrs. Ehite Gebremichael Attaché Mr. Zewdu Tefera Worke 50 5 Hillside Drive Landscape Road Rathfarnham Dublin 14 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Europe Day: 9th May EUROPEAN COMMISSION 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 634 1111. Fax: 01 634 1112. E-mail: eu-ie-info-request@ec.europa.eu Web page: www.euireland.ie Ms. Barbara Nolan Head of European Commission Representation in Ireland Mr. Gerard McNamara Ms. Ruth Deasy Head of Press Mr. Jonathan Claridge Head of Political Section Mr. Timothy Hayes Head of Information and Communication Mrs. Catherine Hayes 51 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Europe Day: 9th May EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 605 7900. Fax: 01 605 7999. E-mail: epdublin@europarl.europa.eu Web page: www.europarl.ie Mr. Francis Jacobs Head of Office Mrs. Susan Leonard Jacobs Mr. Harry O’Connor Deputy Head of Office 52 FIJI National Day 10th October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE FIJI ISLANDS 34 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 5DN Tel: 004420 7584 3661. Fax: 004420 7584 2838. E-Mail: mail@fijihighcommission.org.uk Web page: www.fijihighcommission.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Naivakarurubalavu Solo Mara Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Semesa Sautu Counsellor Mrs. Maca Tulakepa First Secretary Mr. Samuela Tulakepa 53 FINLAND National Day: 6th December EMBASSY OF FINLAND Russell House, Stokes Place, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 478 1344. Fax: 01 478 3727. E-mail: sanomat.dub@formin.fi Web page: www.finland.ie Her Excellency Mrs. Hilkka Nenonen Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Rainer Lahmann 17 Shrewsbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ms. Laura Kaisa Mirjami Leidy Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Eeva Helminen Attaché (Consular Affairs) Mr. Carlos Alexis Mejia Castillo Non-Resident (London) Lt. Colonel Simo Hautala Defence Attaché Embassy of Finland 38 Chesham Place London SW1X 8HW Mr. Pekka Tolonen Vice President, Head of Region Finpro UK Finland Trade Centre 177 Hammersmith Road London W6 8BS 54 FRANCE National Day: 14th July EMBASSY OF FRANCE 36 Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 277 5000. Fax: 01 277 5001. E-Mail: chancellerie@ambafrance-ie.org / ambassadeur@ambafrance-ie.org Web page: www.ambafrance-ie.org Office of the Commercial Counsellor Marine House, Clanwilliam Place, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 668 0777. Fax: 01 661 7291. E-Mail: dublin@missioneco.org Web page: www.missioneco.org/irlande Office of Cultural & Scientific Services 1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 708 8300. Fax: 01 676 9403. E-Mail: scac@ambafrance-ie.org Web page: www.ambafrance-ie.org His Excellency Mr. Jean-Pierre Thébault Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Aurore Thébault Mr. Philippe Ray First Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Elizabeth Ray Ms. Isabelle Cohen First Secretary Mr. Frédéric Rauser Counsellor (Cultural) Mrs. Eva Rauser Mrs. Laura Torrebruno Counsellor (Economic) 55 53 Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 FRANCE (contd) Mrs. Pauline Tanchoux-Janin Consul Mrs. Gisele Hivert-Messeca Attaché (Economic and Commercial) Mr. Soufiane Dahbi Attaché (Deputy to the Economic Counsellor) Non-Resident (London) Mrs. Laurence Dubois-Destrizais Counsellor (Economic) Colonel Alain Bayle Defence Attaché Mr. Ludovic Halbwax Attaché (Taxation) Mrs. Nadine Joly Attachée (Police) Mr. Jean-Jacques Richard Attaché (Customs) Mrs. France Henry-Labordere Counsellor (Social Affairs) Captain Yves Le Corre Deputy Defence Attaché (Naval) Mr. Yves Rolland Liaison Officer (Police) Ms. Malika Ghanem-Cipria Liaison Officer (Police) Mr. Franc Chaix Deputy Attaché (Police) 56 GABONESE REPUBLIC National Day: 17 August EMBASSY OF THE GABONESE REPUBLIC 27 Elvaston Place, London SW7 5NL Tel: 004420 7823 9986. Fax: 004420 7584 0047. Website: www.gaboneseembassy.org Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Médard Nze Ekome Chargé d’Affaires a.i. 57 THE GAMBIA National Day: 18th February EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA 57 Kensington Court, London W8 5DG Tel: 004420 7937 6316. Fax: 004420 7937 9095. E-mail: gambiahighcomuk@btconnect.com Her Excellency Mrs. Elizabeth Ya Eli Harding Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Yusupha Bojang Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Gaston Sambou First Secretary 58 GEORGIA National Day: 26th May EMBASSY OF GEORGIA 5 Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 905 9191 / 01 531 1190. E-Mail: dublin.emb@mfa.gov.ge Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Resident in Great Britain Brigadier-General David Nairashvili Defence Attaché Mr. George Zurabashvili Resident in Ireland Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Chargé d’Affaires Mrs. Irina Bochorishvili Ms. Ana Lominadze Counsellor 59 GERMANY National Day: 3rd October EMBASSY OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 31 Trimleston Avenue, Booterstown, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 269 3011. Fax: 01 269 3800. E-mail: info@dublin.diplo.de Website: www.dublin.diplo.de His Excellency Mr. Matthias Hӧpfner Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Christina Hopfner Mr. Wolfram von Heynitz Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Robert Ferdinand Hallen First Secretary (Management and Consul) Mrs. Sabine Hallen Mr. Peter Bernard Adams First Secretary Mrs. Birgit Adams Ms. Barbara Schmidt Third Secretary (Consular) Ms. Susan Tapella Third Secretary (Cultural, Press and Economic) Mr. Kai Zimmermann Mr. Marko Hilse Assistant Attaché Mr. Rainer Bauer Assistant Attaché Mrs. Martina Kriemhilde Brink-Bauer 60 ‘Danesfield’ Seaview Terrace Donnybrook Dublin 4 GERMANY (contd) Mrs. Martina Kriemhilde Brink-Bauer Assistant Attaché Mr. Rainer Bauer Mr. Rolf Schirmer Assistant Attaché Ms. Nelly Reske Assistant Attaché Non-Resident (London) Colonel Andreas Pfeiffer Military Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Dirk-Peter Wiegmann Assistant Attaché (Air) Colonel Jorg Rutten Military Attaché Captain Henrich Liebig Naval Attaché Commander Jan Hackstein Assistant Naval Attaché Chief Inspector Holger Primas Liaison Officer 61 GHANA National Day: 6th March Office of the High Commissioner for Ghana 13 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PN Tel: 0044 207 201 5900. Fax: 0044 207 245 9552 E-mail: ghmfa31@ghc-uk.org Website: www.ghanahighcommissionuk.com Monday-Friday: 09.30-13.00 and 14.00-17.30 Passports, Immigration, Education, Trade & Investment IMO Affairs and Police Liaison Office 104 Highgate Hill, N6 5HE Tel: 0044 208 342 7501 E-mail gh.donlon@yahoo.com Website: www.ghanahighcommissionuk.com Monday-Friday: 09.30-13.00 Vacant High Commissioner Mr. George Blankson Minister/Consular and Welfare, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Damptey B. Asare Minister/ Head of Chancery Commodore Seth Vincent Aidoo Coomson Defence Adviser Wing Commander (CDR) Eric Agyen-Fremsong Deputy Defence Adviser Mr. Alex Owiredu Adu Minister/Passport & Immgration Mrs. Azara Al-Hassan Prempeh Minister/IMO Affairs Mr. William Addo Mahama Osafo Minister/Education 62 GHANA (contd) Mr. Seidu Kotomah Minister/Treasury Mr. Peter K. Taylor Minister-Counsellor/Political & Economic Ms. Zuwera Ibrahimah Mohammed Minister-Counsellor/Head of Information Mr. Thomas Mbun Minister-Counsellor/Treasury Mr. Kofi Addo Minister-Counsellor/Trade Ms. Elizabeth Apollonia Dassah (ACP) Minister-Counsellor/Police Liaison Ms. Neematu Ziblim Adam Counsellor/Protocol & Administration Mr. Daniel Nsiah Counsellor/Finance Mr. Bennet Gyau-Yeboah Counsellor/Consular & Welfare Mrs.Anita Osei Poku Counsellor/Education Mrs. Elsie Awuku First Secretary/Education Mr. Emmanuel Bebaako-Mensah First Secretary/Passport and Immigration Mrs. Linda Hogba-Adzanku First Secretary/Finance Mrs. Georgina Ankora First Secretary/Finance 63 GHANA (contd) Mrs. Abigail Brown First Secretary/Administration Mrs. Matylda Bondzie First Secretary/Consular & Welfare Ms. Elizabeth Nkansah First Secretary/Passports & Immigration Mr. Richard Opata Sackitey Second Secretary/Finance Mr. Godfred Azure Second Secretary/Protocol Mr. Eric Nyarku Third Secretary/Protocol Ms. Rose A. Agyapong Second Secretary/Administration WOI Lambert Ponedong Chief Clerk/Defence WOI Tetteh Adico Finance/Defence Sgt. Daniel Appiatu Adom Movement Clerk Mr. George Amarh Attaché Technical Mr. Isaac Oteng Adusei Attaché Technical Mr. Joeph Nortey Attaché Technical Mr. Hery Osae Attaché Technical 64 GREECE National Day: 25th March EMBASSY OF GREECE 1 Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 676 7254. Fax: 01 661 8892. E-mail: amboffice.dub@mfa.gr Web page: www.ypex.gov.gr/dublin Her Excellency Mrs. Constantina Zagorianou-Prifti Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Marino Avenue West Killiney Co. Dublin Ms. Olga Anagnostopoulou Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Vassiliki Gargoula Counsellor (Press) Ms. Tina Ntzioura Attaché (Administration) Mr. Panagiotis Moulieris Attaché (Communications) Mrs. Sofia Sazandrishvili Non-Resident (London) 1A Holland Park London W11 3TP Tel: 004420 7727 3785 Fax: 004420 7221 2818 Captain Apostolos Trivlidis Attaché (Defence) 65 REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA 13 Fawcett Street SW10 9HN, London Tel 004420 7351 3042 E-mail: info@guatemalanembassy.co.uk hffp://reinounido.minex.gob.gf His Excellency Mr. Acisclo Valladares Molina Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Raquel Urruela de Valladares Mr. Lesther Antonio Ortega Lemus Minister Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Lizzi Maffioli- Moore First Secretary & Consul Mr. Noble Mark Moore Mrs. Cecilia Santamarina de Orive Cultural Attaché Mr. Jose Orive Vides 66 REPUBLIC OF GUINEA National Day: 2nd October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA 258 Belsize Road, London SW6 4BT Tel: 0044 207 316 1861. Fax: 0044 207316 1868. E-mail: ambaguineeuk@yahoo.co.uk His Excellency Mr. Paul Goa Zoumanigui Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Sangare Ramatoulaye Sy Economic Counsellor Mr. Jean Emile Curtis First Secretary (Finance & Consular Affairs) Mrs. Balde Fatoumata Dioulde 67 HOLY SEE National Day: 29th June APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE 183 Navan Road, Dublin 7 Tel: 01 838 0577. Fax: 01 838 0276. E-Mail: nuncioirl@eircom.net Web page: www.vatican.va His Excellency Most Reverend Charles John Brown Apostolic Nuncio Very Reverend Monsignor Amaury Medina Blanco Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission 68 HONDURAS National Day: 15th September EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS 4th Floor, 136 Baker Street, London W1U 6UD Tel: 0044 207 486 4880. Fax: 0044 207 486 4550. E-Mail: hondurasuk@lineone.net H.E. Mr. Iván Romero-Mártinez Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Sonia Carpio Minister Ms. Claudina María Martínez Argueta First Secretary 69 HUNGARY National Days: 15th March, 20th August, 23rd October EMBASSY OF HUNGARY 2 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 661 2902 / 01 661 2903 / 01 661 2905. Fax: 01 661 2880 E-Mail: mission.dub@mfa.gov.hu Web page: www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/dublin His Excellency Dr. Tamás Magyarics Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. László Bakos Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Veronika Lajos Mr. Gergely Janzsó Head of Consulate Mr. Péter Horváth First Counsellor, Commercial Attaché Ms. Judit Körmendi Head of Chancery Non-Resident (London) Colonel József Gulyás Defence Attaché 70 25 Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 ICELAND National Day: 17th June EMBASSY OF ICELAND 2A Hans Street, London SW1X 0JE Tel: 004420 7259 3999. Fax: 004420 7245 9649. E-mail: icemb.london@utn.stjr.is WebPage: www.iceland.is/uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Ingibjorg Davidsdóttir Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Axel Nikulásson Counsellor Mrs. Gudny Reynisdóttir Miss Vigdis Palsdottir Attaché 71 INDIA National Days: 26th January, 15th August EMBASSY OF INDIA 6 Leeson Park, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 497 0806/ 01 497 0987 / 01 496 6770. Fax: 01 497 8074 E-Mail: amb.dublin@mea.gov.in/hoc.dublin@mea.gov.in cons.dublin@mea.gov.in (for consular matters) Web page: www.indianembassy.ie Her Excellency Mrs. Radhika Lal Lokesh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Prem Kumar Raghav Counsellor Mrs. Usha Rani Raghav Mr. Benjamin Besra First Secretary Mrs. Modlin Besra Mr. Partha Ray First Secretary Mrs. Temina Ray Mr. Amit Kumar Sarkar Attaché Mrs. Chameli Sarkar Mr. C.M.M. Haris Attaché Mrs. Vaheeda Haris 72 INDONESIA National Day: 17th August EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 2HW Tel: 004420 7499 7661. Fax: 004420 7491 4993. E-Mail: kbri@btconnect.com Web page: www.indonesianembassy.org.uk Consular Section 38 Adams Row, London W1K 2HW His Excellency Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hamzah Thayeb Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Lastry Thayeb Mr. Harry RJ Kandou Minister and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Miabella Suga Kandou Mrs. Masriati Lita Saadia Pratama Minister Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Husni Pratama Mr. Eka Aryamo Suripto Minister Counsellor Mr. Dino R. Kusnadi Counsellor Mr. Dindin Wahyudin Counsellor Mrs. Rossy Verona First Secretary (Political) Mr. Yan Hermawan Ms. Heni Hamidah First Secretary (Information and Socio-Cultural) Mr. Wandi Adriano Syamsu Second Secretary (Protocol and Consular) 73 INDONESIA (contd) Mr. Fadjar Tjahjanto First Secretary Mr. Wandi Adriano Syamsu Second Secretary (Protocol and Consular) Mr. Fadjar Tjahjanto First Secretary Mrs. Hastin Aristya Bhaki Dumadi First Secretary Ms. Silvia Juliana Malau Third Secretary Mrs. Veronika Vonny Handayani Third Secretary Mr. Yudho Priambudhi Asruchin Third Secretary Mr. Fajar Narfian Attaché Mrs. Diah Ayuvitriani Ms. Bitaria Citra Dewi Attaché Colonel Jonni Mahroza Attaché (Defence) Mrs. Merry Maryati Attaché (Trade) Professor Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman Attaché (Education) Capt. Sahattua P. Simatupang Attaché (Transportation) Maj. Parimeng Assistant to Defence Attaché Mr. Jhonny Sakti Meyer Siburian Head of Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board London – Office Mr. Delfinur Rizky Novihamzah Staff Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board London – Office 74 IRAN National Day: 11th February EMBASSY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN 72 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 288 5881 / 01 288 0252. Fax: 01 283 4246. E-mail: iranembassy@indigo.ie Web page: HTTP://DUBLIN.MFA.GOV.IR His Excellency Mr. Javad Kachoueian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Fatemeh Kachoueian Mr. Mohammad Shokrani First Counsellor Mrs. Farshideh Shokrani Mr. Masoud Nili First Counsellor Mrs. Seyedeh Nili Mr. Shahrokh Nazemi Second Counsellor Mrs. Fahimeh Nazemi Mr. Hamid Reza Ahmadi Attaché Mrs. Tahereh Ahmadi 75 IRAQ EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ 21 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5JE Tel: 0044 207 590 7650. Fax: 0044 207 590 7679 Web page: www.mofamission.gov.iq Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Muhieddin Hussien Abdullah Al-Taaie Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge d’Affaires a.i. 76 ISRAEL National Day: 6th May EMBASSY OF ISRAEL 122 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 230 9400. Fax: 01 230 9446. E-mail: info@dublin.mfa.gov.il Web page: www.israel.ie His Excellency Mr. Boaz Modai Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Nurit Tinari-Modai Mrs. Nurit Tinari-Modai Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Simha Amitai Minister Counsellor (Admin) & Consul Mr. Shlomo Amitai Mr. Tommy Tal Haimov Second Secretary Mrs. Nitzin Golani Haimov Mr. Roy Saydon Attaché Non Resident (London) Colonel Eitan Arad Defence and Armed Forces Attaché Defence Office Embassy of Israel 2 Palace Green London W8 4QB Tel: 0044 207 416 8198 Fax: 0044 207 416 8196 Mrs. Naama Oryan Kaplan First Secretary (Tourism) 77 ITALY National Day: 2nd June THE EMBASSY OF ITALY 63/65 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 1744 / 01 664 2300. Fax: 01 668 2759. E-mail: ambasciata.dublino@esteri.it Web page: www.ambdublino.esteri.it Italian Cultural Institute 11 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 662 0509 Fax: 01 676 6716 E-Mail: iicdublino@esteri.it Web page: www.iicdublino.esteri.it His Excellency Mr. Giovanni Adorni Braccesi Chiassi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Carlo Siciliano First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andrea Orchidea Attaché (Administration, Consular and Social Affairs) Ms. Manuela Colletti 78 Lucan House Lucan Co. Dublin ITALY (contd) Non-Resident (London) Office of the Defence Attachés Embassy of Italy 7/10 Hobart Place, Eaton Square, London SW1W OHH Tel: 004420 7259 4505/7259 4600 Rear Admiral Gianluigi Reversi Attaché (Defence & Naval) Col. Mauro Gabetta Attaché (Air) Col. Stefano Mannino Attaché (Army) Office of the Police Attaché Embassy of Italy 14 Three Kings Yard, London W1K 4EH Tel: 004420 7312 2263 Mr. Luca Golzi Attaché (Police) Office of the Italian Financial Police Embassy of Italy 14 Three Kings Yard, London W1K 4EH Tel: 004420 7312 2251. Col. Emilio Renzo Fiora Attaché (Financial Crimes, Customs & Excise) 79 JAMAICA National Day: 6th August EMBASSY OF JAMAICA 1-2 Prince Consort Road, SW7 2BZ, London Tel: 004420 7823 9911. Fax: 004420 7589 5154. E-mail: jamhigh@jhcuk.com Her Excellency Mrs. Aloun Ndombet-Assamba Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 80 JAPAN National Day: 23rd December EMBASSY OF JAPAN Nutley Building, Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 202 8300 Fax: 01 283 8726 (General) / 01 260 1285 (Consular) / 01 202 8350 (Cultural). E-Mail: protocol@ir.mofa.go.jp Web page: www.ie.emb-japan.go.jp His Excellency Mr. Chihiro Atsumi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ikuko Atsumi Mr. Kojiro Uchiyama Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Karen Uchiyama Mr. Naoki Yoshimura First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Erika Yoshimura Mr. Masana Isozaki First Secretary (Consular) Mrs. Asako Isozaki Mr. Yuichi Yamada Second Secretary (Information and Culture) Mr. Takeshi Hara Second Secretary (Administration) Mr. Yoshikazu Nishina Second Secretary Mrs. Saeko Nishina Mr. Yosuke Kawana Second Secretary (Economic) Mrs. Rika Kawana Mr. Hitoshi Ikeda Attaché Mrs. Erica Ikeda 81 JORDAN National Day: 25th May EMBASSY OF THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN 6 Upper Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London W8 7HA Tel: 004420 7937 3685. Fax: 004420 7937 8795. E-Mail: london@fm.gov.jo Website: www.jordanembassy.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Mazen Homoud Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Majed Al Qatarneh Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission. Miss Sabah Al Rafie First Secretary Miss Raya Al Kadi Second Secretary Mr. Ammar Haidar Counsellor (Press) 82 KAZAKHSTAN National Day: 16th December EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN 125 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA Tel: 0044 207 925 1757. Fax: 0044 207 930 8990. E-Mail: london@mfa.kz Web page: www.kazakhstanembassy.org.uk Consular Section of the Embassy Tel: 0044 207 925 7522. Fax: 0044 207 389 0600 E-mail: consulate@mfa.kz Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Dauletbek Kussainov Minister-Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Arkin Akhmetov Minister-Counsellor. Mr. Daulet Batrashev Minister-Counsellor Mr. Talgat Bazarbekov Counsellor Mr. Yesbol Abenov Counsellor Mr. Seikzhan Medeuov First Secrtary and Consul Mr. Mikhail Aubakirov First Secretary Mr. Vagiz Teberikov First Secretary Mrs. Ainur Karbozova Second Secretary 83 KAZAKHSTAN (contd) Mr. Murat Rustemov Second Secretary Mr. Bauyrzhan Nurbalin Third Secretary and PA to the Ambassador Ms. Moldr Amreyeva Third Secretary Mr. Khaknazar Smailov Attaché Mrs. Kamshat Kumisbay Attaché Mr. Yerlan Utegenov Attaché 84 KENYA National Day: 12th December EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA 11 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 613 6380. Fax: 01 668 5506. E-Mail: info@kenyaembassyireland.net Web page: www.kenyaembassyireland.net His Excellency Mr. Richard Angulu Opembe Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Suzanne Wanjiro Gachukia-Opembe Mrs. Immaculate N. Wambua Minister Counsellor Mr. Paul Musili Wambua Mr. Cosmas Kimutai Sigei Second Secretary (Political) Miss Veronica Chepkoech Mrs. Patricia Mwikali Muange Second Secretary (Finance) Mr. Bernard Muange Mwangangi Ms. Cecilia Mburi Muriithi Attaché (Administration) 85 The Castle Claremont Road Cornelscourt Hill Foxrock Dublin 18 KOREA (DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF) National Day: 9th September EMBASSY OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA 73 Gunnersbury Avenue, London W5 4LP Tel: 004420 8992 4965. Fax: 004420 8992 2053. E-Mail: prkinfo@yahoo.com His Excellency Mr. HYON Hak Bong Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Choe Jin Ok Mr. Mun Myong Sin First Secretary 86 KOREA (REPUBLIC OF) National Day: 3rd October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 15 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 8800. Fax: 01 660 8716. E-mail: irekoremb@mofa.go.kr Web page: http://irl.mofat.go.kr His Excellency Mr. Hae-yun Park Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Jung Hee Lee Mr. Jin-Weon Chae Counsellor Ms. Jinhee Park Mr. Hawon Kim First Secretary Mrs. Myeunsook Kim Ms. Ju Yearn Sun Second Secretary Ms. Junghwa Kim Third Secretary 87 Seoul Manor Brennanstown Road Cabinteely Dublin 18 KOSOVO EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO 100 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5NO Tel: 0044 207 659 6140 / 0044 207 664 8607. Fax: 0044 207 659 6137 E-mail: embassy.uk@ks-gov.net His Excellency Mr. Lirim Greiçevci Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Bejtullah Destani Minister Counsellor Mr. Faton Osmani Consul Mr. Mustafe Avdiu Vice- Consul 88 KUWAIT National Day: 25th February EMBASSY OF THE STATE OF KUWAIT 2 Albert Gate, Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7JU Tel: 004420 7590 3400 His Excellency Mr. Khaled Al-Duwaisan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Hasan Zaman Counsellor Mr. Bader Al-Munayekh First Secretary Mr. Sami Al-Zamanan First Secretary Mr. Nawaf Al-Ahmad Second Secretary Mr. Talal Al-Shatti Second Secretary Mrs. Mona Behbehani Second Secretary Resident in Dublin One Grand Parade Ranelagh Dublin 6 Tel: 01 531 0090 Fax: 01 525 2824 Mrs. Maysaa Al Wuhaib Cultural Attaché 89 LAO National Day: EMBASSY OF THE LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 74 Ave Raymond-Poincaré, 75 116 Paris Tel: 0033 145 530 298. Fax:0033 147 275 789. E-mail: ambalaoparis@wanadoo.fr Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Boungnalith Southichak Counsellor, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. 90 LATVIA National Day: 18th November EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA 92 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 478 0161. Fax: 01 478 0162. (Consular) Tel: 01 478 0156 E-Mail: embassy.ireland@mfa.gov.lv Web Page: www.am.gov.lv/ireland / www.latvia.ie / www.latvija.ie His Excellency Dr. Gints Apals Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Vija Buša Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Rita Zᾱlῑte Third Secretary 91 LEBANON National Day: 22nd November EMBASSY OF LEBANON 21 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QN Tel: 004420 7727 6696 / 004420 7727 6710. Fax: 004420 7243 1699. E-Mail: emb.leb@btinternet.com Her Excellency Mrs. Inaam Osseiran Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Toni Frangie Counsellor Mr. Mazen Kabbara Counsellor Mrs. Maya Jabbado Mr. Raed ElKhadem Counsellor 92 LESOTHO National Day: 4th October EMBASSY OF THE KINGDOM OF LESOTHO 52 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 676 2233. Fax: 01 676 2258. E-Mail: info@lesothoembassy.ie Web site: www.lesothoembassy.ie His Excellency Mr. Paramente Phamotse Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Moipone Augustina Phamotse Mr. Nkhotha Machachamise First Secretary Mrs. Mabataung Machachamise Mrs. Lineo Motsopa Third Secretary Mr. Motlatsi Motsopa 93 LIBERIA National Day: 26th July EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA 23 Fitzroy Square W1T 6EW Tel: 0044 207 388 5489. Fax: 0044 207 380 1593 E-mail: info@embassyofliberia.org.uk Web site: www.embassyofliberia.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Anthony Koiwu Selmah Minister Counsellor (Press and Public) 94 LIBYA National Day: 1st September EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE’S BUREAU OF THE GREAT SOCIALIST PEOPLE'S LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIAYA 15 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7LY Tel: 004420 7201 8280. Fax: 004420 7245 0588. Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 95 LITHUANIA National Day: 16th February EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA 47 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 203 5737. Fax: 01 283 9354. E-Mail: amb.ie@urm.lt Web page: http://ie.mfa.lt Consular Section Tel: 01 203 5757 E-Mail: konsulinis.ie1@urm.lt Her Excellency Ms. Rasa Adomaitiené Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Aidas Adomaitis Mrs. Audronė Markevičienė Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andrius Visockis Third Secretary (Consular) Mr. Simonas Narvydas Attaché Ms. Gintaré Narvydé 96 LUXEMBOURG National Day: 23rd June EMBASSY OF THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG 27 Wilton Crescent, London SW1X 8SD Tel: 004420 7235 6961. Fax: 004420 7235 9734. E-Mail: londres.amb@mae.etat.lu Web page: http://londres.mae.lu/en His Excellency Mr. Patrick Engleberg Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Jean Claude Kugener Deputy Head of Mission. 97 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA National Day: 8th September EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Buckingham Court, 75-83 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6PE Tel: 004420 7976 0535. Fax: 004420 7976 0539. E-Mail: Sek.london@mfa.gov.mk His Excellency Mr. Jovan Donev Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Olivera Chaushevska-Dihovska Counsellor Mrs. Dihouski Goce Mr. Bojan Gjorgjev Counsellor 98 MALAWI National Day: EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALAWI His Excellency Mr. Bernard Herbert Sande Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 99 MALAYSIA National Day: 31st August EMBASSY OF MALAYSIA Level 3A - 5A, Shelbourne House, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 667 7280. Fax: 01 667 7283. E-Mail: maldublin@kln.gov.my / mwdublin@mwdublin.ie Web page: www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/dublin His Excellency Mr. Syed Sultan Bin Mohd Idris Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Mohamed Yasin Counsellor Mrs. Juraida Abd Jamil Mr. Norazilee Abd Aziz Counsellor (Education Attaché) Mrs. Arinah Othman Mr. Abd Rahim Ahmad First Secretary (Education) Mrs. Nurretina Ahmad Shariff Mr. Mohd Noor Sahid Second Secretary Mrs. Mazlina Muhammad Ali 100 MALTA National Day: 21st September EMBASSY OF MALTA 15 Leeson Street Lower, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 676 2340. Fax: 01 6766066 Mobile: 083 3452 288. E-mail: maltaembassy.dublin@gov.mt Vacant Resident in Great Britain Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Miss Chantal Sciberras Chargé d’Affaires Resident in Ireland 101 MAURITIUS National Day: 12th March EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS 32-33 Elvaston Place, London SW7 5NW Tel: 0044 207 581 0294. Fax: 0044 207 823 8437. E-mail: londonmhc@btinternet.com His Excellency Mr. Abhimanu Kundasamy Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mahalutchmee Kundasamy Mr. Mohamed Iqbal Latona Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Rakesh Bhye Bhuckory First Secretary Mr. Keswar Dooraree Attaché 102 MEXICO National Day: 16th September EMBASSY OF MEXICO 19 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Tel: 01 667 3105. Fax: 01 664 1013. E-mail: info@embamex.ie Web page: www.embamex.ie His Excellency Mr. Carlos Eugenio Garcia de Alba Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Enrique Palos Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Balduino Diego Trejo Ms. Laura Mora Cultural, Economic, Tourism Attaché Ms. Lucila Prieto Third Secretary Mr. Humberto Cruz Farias Attaché Non Resident (London) Air Force Sergeant Jaime Juarez Cosio Diplomatic Attaché (Air and Military) General Jesús Pablo Franco Martinez Air and Military Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Cruz Carillo Gonzalez Deputy Attaché (Air and Military) Admiral José Nicolas Aguayo Ramírez Naval Attaché Captain Audberto López Rosas Deputy Naval Attaché 103 22 Highfield Road Rathgar Dublin 6 MEXICO (contd.) Non Resident (Madrid) Captain Faustino Hernandez Juarez Deputy Naval Attaché Mr. Hector Sanchez Baene Counsellor Mr. Mario Alberto Gonzalez Alvarez Commercial Attaché 104 MOLDOVA National Day: 27th August EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 5 Dolphin Square, Edensor Road, Chiswick, London W4 2ST Tel: 004420 8995 6818. Fax: 004420 8995 6927. E-Mail: embassy.london@mfa.md / londra@mfa.md Web page: www.britania.mfa.gov.md His Excellency Mr. Iulian Fruntaşu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Vladimir Sacagiu First Secretary (Consul) Mrs. Rita Sacagiu 105 MONGOLIA National Day: 11th July EMBASSY OF MONGOLIA 7-8 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL Tel: 004420 7937 0150. Fax: 004420 7937 1117. E-Mail: office@embassyofmongolia.co.uk Web page: www.embassyofmongolia.co.uk His Excellency Mr. Tulga Narkhuu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Burmaa Batbold Mr. Gankhuyag Sodnom Counsellor (Consular Affairs) Mr. Angar Davaasuren Counsellor (Finance, Trade & Economic Affairs) Mr. Bold-Erdene Yadamsuren Second Secretary (Politial Affairs) Mr. Munkhjin Batsumber Third Secretary (Education & Cultural Affairs) Ms. Uyanga Sukhbaatar Attaché (Visa & Consular Affairs) 106 MONTENEGRO National Day: 13th July EMBASSY OF MONTENEGRO 18 Call Cott Street, London W8 7SU Tel: 0044 207 727 6007 Fax: 0044 207 243 9358. E-Mail: UnitedKingdom@mfa.gov.me Her Excellency Professor Dr. Ljubiša Stanković Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 107 MOROCCO National Day: 30th July EMBASSY OF THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO 39 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 9449 Fax: 01 660 9468. E-Mail: sifamdub@indigo.ie His Excellency Mr. Anas Khales Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mounia Ghannam Khales Mr. Abdelghani Baki Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Hafida Chouqairi Mrs. Fatima Zahra El Jai Counsellor Mr. Adil Rocafi Mr. Hicham Boulaid Attaché (Finance) Mrs. Lamya Crofti 108 “Windermere” Westminister Road Foxrock Dublin 18 MOZAMBIQUE National Day: EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOZAMBIQUE 21 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6EL Tel: 0044 207 383 3800 Fax:0044 207 383 3801. Webpage: www.mozambiquehighcommission.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Carlos dos Santos Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Maria Isabel dos Santos 109 MYANMAR National Day: 4th January EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR 19A Charles Street W1J 5DX Tel: 0044 207 148 0740/0044 207 499 4340 Fax: 0044 207 409 7043 Web page: www.myanmarembassylondon.com His Excellency Mr. Kyaw Zwar Minn Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Daw Ei Ei Tin Counsellor 110 NAMIBIA National Day: 21st March EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA 6 Chandos Street, London W1G 9LU Tel: 004420 7636 6244. Fax: 004420 7637 5694. E-mail: info@namibiahc.org.uk Web page: www.namibiahc.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Steve Vemunavi Katjiuanjo Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Hedwig K. Tjituka First Secretary Mr. Eldo K. Kaiyamo First Secretary Mr. Kanaki Tjejamba First Secretary Mrs. Girly Tjejamba Mr. Finastus B. Mutiwali Second Secretary Mrs. Magrietha Mutiwali Mrs. Josephine Boois Third Secretary Mr. Erich Boois 111 NEPAL EMBASSY OF NEPAL 12A Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QU Tel: 004420 7229 1594 / 6231 / 5352 Fax: 004420 7792 9861. E-mail: eon@nepembassy.org.uk Web page: www.nepembassy.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Tej Bahadur Chhetri Counsellor & Deputy Chief of Mission, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Ganesh P. Adhikari Attaché (Accounts and Administration) Mrs. Sushila Adhikari Mr. Babukaji Dongol Attaché 112 NETHERLANDS National Day: 27th April THE ROYAL NETHERLANDS EMBASSY 160 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 3444. Fax: 01 283 9690. E-mail: dub-info@minbuza.nl Web page: www.netherlandsembassy.ie His Excellency Mr. Paul Schellekens Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Maureen Schellekens Mr. Thom Kluck Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Paula Kuitenbrouwer Mr. Roy Kenkel Second Secretary Non-Resident (London) Mr. Henk Hoefdraad Counsellor (Science & Technology) Captain G.J.H. (Harrie) Welmer Attaché (Defence) Lieutenant Colonel van de Put Deptuy Defence Attaché Mr. H.M. De Jong Attaché (Agriculture) 113 5 Brighton Road Foxrock Co. Dublin NEW ZEALAND National Day: 6th February EMBASSY OF NEW ZEALAND 2nd Floor, New Zealand House, 80 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4TQ Tel: 004420 7930 8422. Fax: 004420 7839 4580. E-Mail: aboutnz@newzealandhc.org.uk Consular E-mail: consular@newzealandhc.org.uk Web page: www.nzembassy.com/uk His Excellency Mr. Alexander Lockwood Smith Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Robert Taylor Deputy Chief of Mission Brigadier Anthony Michael Hayward Head of Defence Staff Ms. Jenny Tyne Counsellor (Management and Consular) Mr. Sam Lewis Counsellor (Commercial) Mr. Gary Smith Counsellor (Police) Mr. Ross Grigg Counsellor (Immigration) Mr. Richard Kay First Secretary (Political) Mr. Jock Gilray First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. Andrew Vincent First Secretary 114 NEW ZEALAND (contd) Mr. John Riley First Secretary (Trade and Economic) Mr. Peter Ford First Secretary (Technical) Vacant Second Secretary Mr. Robert Bell Attaché Resident in Brussels Mr. Steven Ainsworth Counsellor (Veterinary) Ms. Karla Falloon Counsellor (Science and Technology) Mr. Matthew Rosingrave Counsellor (Customs) 115 NICARAGUA National Day: 15th September EMBASSY OF NICARAGUA Vähäniityntie 12 C, 00570 Helsinki Tel: 00358 9698 0600. Fax: 00358 96981265. E-Mail: embajada@emb-nicaragua.fi His Excellency Dr. Ricardo José Alvarado Noguera Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Paula Katariina Blomster 116 NIGERIA National Day: 1st October EMBASSY OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA 56 Leeson Park, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 660 4366. Fax: 01 660 4092. E-Mail: enquiries@nigerianembassydublin.org Web page: www.nigerianembassydublin.org Her Excellency Dr. Bolere Elizabeth Ketebu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Olusola Iginia Minister/Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Iyabode Iginla Mr. Umar Ahmed Abba Minister (Consular & Immigration) Mrs. Jamilah Umar Mr. Abubakar Jidda Counsellor (Trade and Investment) Mrs. Elizabeth Jidda Mr. Emmanuel Ndubuisi Nkwocha First Secretary (Policial and Economic) Mrs. Ngozi Beatrice Nkwocha Mrs. Jennifer Z. George First Secretary Mr. Okirika Thomas George Mrs. Astirah Stella Adeoti Attaché (Immigration) Mr. Mustapha Sani Attaché (Immigration) Mrs. Amina Mustapha Sani 117 Temple House 15 Temple Road Dartry Dublin 6 NIGERIA (contd) Mr. Patrick Oses Oyedoh Attaché (Immigration) Mrs. Eghe Amenze Oyedoh Non-Resident (London) Major General J.M. Ogodi Defence Attaché 118 NORWAY National Day: 17th May THE ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSY 34 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 662 1800. Fax: 01 662 1890. E-mail: emb.dublin@mfa.no Web page: www.norway.ie His Excellency Mr. Roald Næss Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Venke Næss Mr. Sølve Steinhovden Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Sjoukje K. Steinhovden Non-Resident (London) Captain (N) Øystein K. Wemberg Defence Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Ellef Iverson Assistant Defence Attaché 119 OMAN National Day: 18th November EMBASSY OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN 167 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5HE Tel: 004420 7225 0001. Fax: 004420 7589 2505. E-mail: theembassy@omanembassy.org.uk H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Zahir Al Hinai Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Yousef Ahmed Al-Jabri Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Ahmed Ali Al-Rashdi Counsellor and Head of Administration and Finance Mr. Abdul Malik Mohamed Juma Al-Bulushi Counsellor Mr. Abdul Ghani Malallah Al-Raisi Counsellor Mr. Sammar Ahmed Al-Zadjali First Secretary Miss Siba Ali Al-Moosa First Secretary Mr. Sayyed Faisal Harib Al-Busaidi First Secretary Mr. Abdulla Jumaa Al-Harbi First Secretary Mrs. Saida Abdullah Al-Subhi Cultural Attaché, Cultural Attach Mr. Ali Mansoor Nasser Al-Nasseri Information Attaché Mr. Hamed Mohamed Ali Al-Amri Health Attaché Dr. Mohamed Al Bandari Cultural Attaché Mr. Musallam Al Amri Cutural Attaché Assistant Cultural Attaché Office 64 Ennismore Gardens London SW7 1NH 120 PAKISTAN National Day: 23rd March EMBASSY OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN 1B Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 261 3032 / 01 261 3033. Fax: 01 261 3007. E- Mail: pakembassydublin@gmail.com Web page: www.pakembassydublin.com Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Syed Rizwan Ahmed Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mrs. Tabinda Jabeen Non-Resident (London) Colonel Zulfiqar Ali Bhatty Army and Air Attaché 121 PALESTINIAN MISSION National Day: 15th November PALESTINIAN MISSION 10 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 210 3515. Fax: 01 210 3513. E-mail: info@gdp.ie Web page: www.gdp.ie His Excellency Mr. Ahmad Abdelrazek Ambassador - Head of Mission Mrs. Rania Abdallah Ms. Jilan Abdalmajid Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Rami Abdullmagid Attaché Ms. Noura Halimeh Attaché 122 PANAMA EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 40 Hertford Street London W1J 7SH Tel:0044 207 493 4646 Email: Panama1@btconnect.com Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Margarita Zurita T Third Secretary, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. 123 PARAGUAY EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY 3rd Floor, 344 Kensington High Street, London W14 8NS Tel: 004420 7610 4180. Fax: 004420 7371 4297. E-mail: embapar@btconnect.com Web-Page: www.paraguayembassy.co.uk His Excellency Mr. Miguel Angel Solano-López Casco Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 124 PERU National Day: 28th July EMBASSY OF PERU 52 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9SP Tel: 004420 7235 1917. Fax: 004420 7235 4463. E-mail: postmaster@peruembassy-uk.com Web-Page: www.peruembassy-uk.com His Excellency Mr. Julio Munos-Deacon Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Laura Marcela Chávez de Munoz Ms. Daniel Roca Minister, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Manuel Carrasco Counsellor (Political) Mrs. Petra Carrasco Miss. Julissa Macchiavello Counsellor (Political and Multilateral Affairs) Mr. Guillermo Pardavé Second Secretary (Culture, Tourism and Press) Mr. Vidal Eduardo Choroco Second Secretary (Public Affairs) Mr. Alberto Hart Second Secretary (Trade, Investment and Cooperation) Mrs. Amelia Hart Miss. Silvana Mendoza Third Secretary Mrs. Ana Rosa Bustamante Attaché (Administration) Mr. Luis Alberto Horna 125 PHILIPPINES National Day: 12th June EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 6-8 Suffolk Street, London SW1Y 4SG Email: embassy@philemb.co.uk Tel: 004420 7451 1780 Fax 004420 7930 9787 Non Resident His Excellency Mr. Enrique A. Manalo Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Senan T. Mangalile Minister and Consul Ms. Myla Grace Macahilig First Secretary and Consul Ms. Kristine Leilani R. Salle First Secretary and Consul Mr. Voltaire Dela Cruz Mauricio First Secretary and Consul Mr. Emmanuel Donato Guzman Third Secretary and Vice Consul Mr. Rommel Romato Third Secretary and Vice Consul Mrs. Joan Lourdes Lavilla Attaché (Labor) Ms. Anne Marie Kristine Umali Attaché (Commercial) Mrs. Edith Mallillin Attaché Mr. Gil Modesto Attaché Mr. Federico Silao Attaché 126 PHILIPPINES (contd) Mrs. Cecilia Santos Attaché Mrs. Teresa Modesto Attaché Mrs. Marilyn Galanza Attaché Mr. Pantaleon Lucas Attaché Ms. Flora Magdalena Gorordo Attaché Mr. Rico Garcia Attaché Mr. Tomas Rais Attaché Ms. Esperanza Cobarrubias Welfare Officer Ms. Vivian M Pascua Attaché Ms. Millecent J. Verceles Attaché 127 POLAND National Day: 3rd May EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND 5 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 283 0855. Fax: 01 269 8309. E-mail: Dublin@msz.gov.pl Web page: www.dublin.msz.gov.pl Consular Section 4–8 Eden Quay, 3rd Floor, Dublin 1 Tel: 01 871 8020. Fax: 01 872 7792. E-mail: dublin.consul@msz.gov.pl Commercial Section 4 The Vicarage, St. John’s Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 1370. Fax: 01 269 7662 E-mail: dublin@trade.gov.pl Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Piotr Rakowski First Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Ms. Aleksandra Derra Mr. Jacek Jędruszak First Counsellor (Trade and Investment) Mrs. Ewa Jędruszak Mr. Milosz Grygierczyk First Secretary Mrs. Justyna Szatraj- Grygierczyk Ms. Anna Wiśniewska Second Secretary (Administration) Mr. Przemysław Buczkowski First Secretary (Trade and Investment) 128 POLAND (contd) Mrs. Katarzyna Smoter Counsellor (Head of Consular Section) Mr. Wojciech Dzięgiel First Secretary (Consular) Mrs. Joanna Dzięgiel Mr. Rafał Beniamin Smoter First Secretary (Consular) Mrs. Karolina Rogulska Second Secretary Mr. Lukasz Rogulski 129 PORTUGAL National Day: 10th June EMBASSY OF PORTUGAL 15 Leeson Park, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 412 7040/5. Fax: 01 497 0299. E-Mail: embport@dublin.dgaccp.pt Web page: www.embassyportugal.ie / www.embaixadaportugal.ie His Excellency Mr. Bernardo Futscher Pereira Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Maria Manuel Stocker Mr. Joao Macedo Deputy Head of Mission Mr. José Paulo do Carmo Pinto Attaché (Consular) Mrs. Maria de Luz do Carmo Pinto Mrs. Maria de Luz do Carmo Pinto Attaché (Administration) Mr. José Paulo do Carmo Pinto Resident in UK Mr. António Soveral Padeira Tourism Counsellor 130 Knocksinna House Knocksinna Foxrock Dublin 18 QATAR National Day: 18th December EMBASSY OF THE STATE OF QATAR 1 South Audley Street, London W1K 1NB Tel: 004420 7493 2200. Fax: 004420 7493 2661. E-mail: amblondon@mofa.gov.qa Web: www.qatarembassy.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Khalid Rashid Al-Hamoudi Al-Mansouri Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mooza Saif Al-Mansouri Mr. Khalis Bin Ahmed Bin Khalifa Al-Ahmed Al-THani Counsellor Mr. Fahad Ibrahim A.A. Al-Mushairi Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Rashid Abdulla Al-Dehaimi First Secretary Mr. Ali Ghanem A Al-Fouhaid Al-Hajri Counsellor Mr. Mubarak Ajlan Al-Kuwari Third Secretary Mrs. Leila Fanous Attaché (Press) Mr. Mohamed Abdulla Al-Kaabi Attaché (Cultural) Mr. Abdulla Ali Al-Ansari Attaché (Medical) 131 ROMANIA National Day: 1st December EMBASSY OF ROMANIA 26 Waterloo Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 1085, 01 668 1275 Fax: 01 668 1761. E-mail: ambrom@eircom.net Web Page: http://dublin.mae.ro Her Excellency Mrs. Manuela Breazu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Leslie Jones Mr. Dan Nicolae Tudor Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Marcela Corina Tudor Mrs. Alina Cristina Pop First Secretary (Cultural, Political and EU) Mr. Daniel Ristea First Secretary (Political and Press) Ms. Silvana Andrada Ghimici Third Secretary Mr. Ciprian-Vasile Maftei Attaché (Home Affairs) Mrs. Carmen Gabriela Maftei Miss Cristine Mihail Third Secretary Mrs. Luiza Garofita Girleanu Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Marian Girleanu Mr. Marius Badea Attaché Mrs. Aura Ecaterina Badea 132 ROMANIA (contd) Non-Resident (London) Mrs. Ileana Stănică Attaché (Social Affairs) Colonel Ciprian-Mircea Radulescu Defence Attaché 133 RUSSIA National Day: 12th June EMBASSY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 184-186 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 14 Tel: 01 492 2048. Fax: 01 492 3525. E-mail: info@russianembassy.ie Web page: www.ireland.mid.ru Consular / Visa Section Tel: 01 492 2048. Fax: 01 492 6938. E-mail: duconsul@indigo.ie His Excellency Mr. Maxim Alexandrovich Peshkov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Nina Peshkova 75 Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Mr. Nikolay Ivanov Minister Counsellor Mrs. Galina Ivanova Colonel Alexey Y. Korkach Attaché (Defence) Mrs. Larissa Korkach Mr. Viktor Shorin Counsellor (Political) Mrs. Ludmila Shorina Mr. Pavel Dergachev Counsellor (Commercial) Mrs. Svetlana Dergacheva Mr. Andrey Nikeryasov Counsellor (Disarmament, International Organisations, Cultural & Press) Mrs. Lilya Nikeryasova Mr. Nikolay Alekseev Counsellor (Commercial) Mrs. Alla Alekseeva 134 RUSSIA (contd) Mr. Victor Milyutin Assistant Defence Attaché Mrs. Anna Milyutina Mr. Victor Tsotsov First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Tatiana Tsotsova Mr. Dmitry Andreyko First Secretary Mrs. Elena Andreyko Mr. Alexey Krasilnikov Second Secretary (Russian Diaspora) Mrs. Ofeliya Krasilnikova Mr. Kirill Klepalov Second Secretary Mr. Alexey Enyagin Vice Consul Mrs. Yulia Enyagina Mr. Alexander Svigach Third Secretary Mrs. Olga Svigach Mr. Artur Pankov Attaché (Protocol) Mr. Vitaly Koloskov Attaché (Administrative) Mrs. Anna Koloskova Mr. Konstantin Fedorov Attaché Mrs. Yulia Fedorova Mr. Andrey Gusev Attaché (Administrative) Mrs. Alexandra Guseva 135 RWANDA National Day: 4th July EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF RWANDA 120-122 Seymour Place, London W1H 1NR Tel: 004420 7224 9832. Fax: 004420 7724 8642. E-mail: uk@rwandaahc.org Web page: www.rwandahc.org His Excellency Mr. Williams B.N. Nkurunziza Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Leonia Nkuruh Mrs. Linda Kalimba First Counsellor Mr. Patrick Gihana Mulenga Mr. James Wizeye First Secretary Mrs. Eppy Izere Mr. Patrick Gihana Mulenga Attaché (Commercial) Mrs. Linda Kalimba 136 SAN MARINO National Day: 3rd September EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO Palazzo Begni, Contrada Omerelli, 47890 San Marino, Republic of San Marino Tel: 00378 0549 882215. Fax: 00378 0549 992018. E-mail: segreteriadistato@esteri.sm / dario.galassi@esteri.sm His Excellency Mr. Dario Galassi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ursula Amadei 137 SAUDI ARABIA National Day: 23rd September ROYAL EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA 6 & 7 Fitzwilliam Square East, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 676 0704. Fax: 01 676 0715. E-Mail: prsedi@gmail.com Cultural Bureau “The Stockyard” Sherriff Street Upper, Dublin 1 His Excellency Mr. Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Aldriss Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Amal Alkhodairy Mr. Saeed Mutheeb Counsellor Mrs. Aicha Asireei Mr. Khaled Al Shamrani First Secretary Mrs. Gaitha Alhalafi Mr. Mofareh Alasiri Attaché Mrs. Hend Alghamdi Mr. Esmat Abdulrahman B. Abualkhayour Attaché Mrs. Walaa Alhow Mr. Zayed Sulaiman A. Aljumah Attaché Mrs. Alanood Alhader Mr. Samiyahya B. Al Tomaihi Attaché Mrs. Mariam Alshaikhhussain Mr. Ali Abdulrahman Alasqah Attaché 138 SAUDI ARABIA (contd) Mr. Rami Alqurashi Attaché Mrs. Mai Alqurashi Mr. Ibrahim Al Rashedi Attaché Mrs. Fatimah Al Rashedi Dr. Khaled Abdullah S. Aleisa Cultural Attaché Mr. Khalid Alrasheed Cultural Attaché Mrs. Sarah Salem M. Altamimi Mr. Abdullah Qassim Hasheme Cultural Attaché Mr. Abdulaziz Ibrahim Al Jobiri Cultural Attaché Mr. Salem Mokhlef S Alshammary Attaché Mrs. Eman Saud Alshammary Mr. Ahmed Hamed Al Quarashi Attaché Mr. Muteb Al Rusayyis Attaché Mrs. Mona Mubarak A Almawash Mr. Yazeed Suleiman D. Alderaiwesh Attaché Mrs. Fatima Bin Shuail Mr. Rashed H.H. Alajme Attaché Mrs. Bakheeta Abdullah S Alshamri Mr. Ahmad Al Arifi Attaché 139 SAUDI ARABIA (contd) Mr. Saeed Malhan Attaché Dr. Ahmad Moreb Cultural Attaché Mrs. Inaam Alhamad Dr. Safran Al Makaty Cultural Attaché Mrs. Afaf Al Makaty Dr. Abdulelah Haizan Cultural Attaché Mrs. Maha Bin Hayyan Mr. Massy Sangal Alotaibi Cultural Attaché Mr. Bandar Alneseyan Cultural Attaché Mr. Khalid Alotaibi Cultural Attaché Mrs. Amal Talaq Alosaimi Mr. Naif Alnefaie Cultural Attaché Mr. Bader Abdulaziz Ibn Wargan Cultural Attaché Mr. Omar Almutairi Cultural Attaché Mr. Waddah Mohammed Alfayez Cultural Attaché Mrs. Hatif Alrashed Mr. Omer A. A. Hussain Cultural Attaché Non-Resident (London) Brigadier-General Abdullah Bin Saleh Alzoogaibi Defence Attaché 140 SERBIA National Day: 15th February EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 28 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QB Tel: 004420 7235 9049. Fax: 004420 7235 7092. E-Mail: london@serbianembassy.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Ognjen Pribićević Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Nebojša Radojicić Minister Counsellor Col. Saša Perović Defence Attaché Mrs. Natasa Marić First Counsellor (Political Affairs and Press) Mr. Saša Uzelac First Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Mrs. Ljiljana Zarubica Counsellor (Consular Affairs) Major. Bojan Velicković Assistant Defence Attaché Mrs. Branislava Perin Jarić First Secretary Ms. Emilija Marinkov Second Secretary Mrs. Neda Mijajlović Second Secretary 141 SIERRA LEONE National Day: 27th April EMBASSY OF SIERRA LEONE 41 Eagle Street, Holborn, London WC 1R 4TL Tel: 004420 7404 0140. Fax: 004420 7430 9862. E-Mail: info@slhc-uk.org.uk His Excellency Mr. Edward Mohamed Turay Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Isatu Turay Mr. Tamba Ngegba Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Kumba Ngegba Mr. Sahr Prince Demba Minister Counsellor/Head of Chancery Mrs. Tonda Demba Mrs. Josephine Marah Counsellor Mr. Obai Taylor Kamara Counsellor Mrs. Lovetta Taylor Kamara Mrs. Clara Famata Koromo First Secretary Mrs. Sia Annie Tejan First Secretary Mr. Tommy Tejan Mr. Musa Bai Sesay Second Secretary/Consular Mrs. Isha Isatu Sesay 142 SIERRA LEONE (contd) Mr. John Ellie Attaché (Finance) Mrs. Zainab P. Ellie Mr. Sordie Suday Sesay Information Attaché Mrs. Fatmata Sesay 143 SINGAPORE National Day: 9th August EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE 9 Wilton Crescent, Belgravia, London SW1X 8SP Tel: 004420 7235 8315. Fax: 004420 7245 6583. E-Mail: Singhc_lon@sgmfa.gov.sg Web page: www.mfa.gov.sg/london His Excellency Ms. FOO Chi Hsia Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Chia Wei Wen Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Lee Han Yin Counsellor (Liaison Office) Mr. Chia Yew Boon Miss Charlene Chow First Secretary (Political) Mr. Harbhajan Singh First Secretary (Administration and Consular) Mdm. Gurcharan Kaur Mr. Ranjeet Singh First Secretary (Maritime) Miss Chong Lee Fee First Secretary (Maritime) Miss Sue Pang Second Secretary (Political) Miss Yeoh May Ling Second Secretary (Commercial) Mr. Bartholomew Goh Attaché (Administration and Consular) Mdm. Loh Soh Hang 144 SLOVAK REPUBLIC National Day: 1st September EMBASSY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC 80 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 661 9594/ 01 661 9562. Fax: 01 661 9553. E-mail: emb.dublin@mzv.sk Web page: www.mzv.sk/dublin His Excellency Dušan Matulay Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Gianni Avila Mr. Roman Goga First Secretary Mrs. Anna Gogová Non-Resident (London) Colonel Milan Gavias Defence Attaché 145 SLOVENIA National Day: 25th June EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA 10 Little College Street, London, SW1P 3SH Tel:0044 207 222 5700. Fax:0044 207 222 5277. E-Mail: vlo@gov.si Web page: www.london.embassy.si His Excellency Mr. Tadej Rupel Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Milko Dolinsek Minister Plenipotentiary Mrs. Renata Cveblar Bek Minister Plenipotentiary (Economics) Mrs. Mateja Kracun Minister Counsellor Mr. Miha Erman First Counsellor 146 SOUTH AFRICA National Day: 27th April EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 2nd Floor, Alexandra House, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 661 5553. Fax: 01 661 5590 / 01 661 5582 E-mail: Dublin.info@dirco.gov.za His Excellency Mr. Ahlangene Cyprian Sigcau Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Vuyoazi Sigcau Mr. Willie van der Westhuizen Counsellor (Political) Mrs. Hester Heléne van der Westhuizen Mr. Livingstone Vukile Mdlalo First Secretary (Political) Ms. Dimakatso Dorothy Lydia Motsepe First Secretary (Administration) Ms. Estelle Shkaidy Third Secretary (Administration and Consular) 147 Whitesails Marine Parade Sandycove Co. Dublin SPAIN National Day: 12th October EMBASSY OF SPAIN 17A Merlyn Park, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 283 9900 / 01 269 1640 / 01 269 2597. Fax: 01 269 1854. E-Mail: emb.dublin.inf@maec.es Web page: www.maec.es/embajadas/dublin Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Rafael Soriano Deputy Head of Mission, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mrs. Nicoletta Boboshevsky Mr. Ángel Carrascal Counsellor Mr. Javier Moral Counsellor (Economic and Commercial) Mr. Gonzalo Ceballos Counsellor (Tourism) Ms. Rosa Leon Attaché Non-Resident (London) Lieutenant Colonel Francsco Cipriano Cabezas Roda Defence Attaché (Military and Naval) Mr. Victor Diaz Del Rio Fery Defence Attaché ( Military, Naval and Air) Mr. Gonzalo Capellan Counsellor (Education) 148 Ailesbury House Ailesbury Road Dublin 4 SPAIN (contd) Mrs. Beatriz Garcés de Marcilla Counsellor (Environment, Rural Areas and Marine) Ms. Blanca Sánchez-Robles Counsellor (Labour and Social Security) Mr. José Damián Dávila Baena Counsellor Mr. Felix Alvarez Saavedra Counsellor Ms. Esther Corral Counsellor (Press) Mr. Luis González-Quevedo Counsellor (Agriculture, Food and Environment) Mr. Carlos Nieto Attaché Mr. Oscar Asensi Attaché Ms. Maria Sanjurjo Couselo Attaché Mr. Juan Francisco Yunquera Attaché Mr. Jorge López Fondón Home Affairs Attaché 149 SRI LANKA National Day: 4th February EMBASSY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA 13 Hyde Park Gardens, London W2 2LU Tel: 004420 7262 1841-6 Fax: 004420 7262 7970. E-Mail: mail@slhc-london.co.uk Web page: www.slhclondon.org Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Neville Gladwin de Silva Deputy Head of Mission Mr. E.M.S.B. Ekanayake Minister Mrs. Renuka Ekanayake Mrs. Sonali Wijeratne Minister (Commerce) Mr. I.P. Karunajeewa Minister Counsellor (Consular) Mrs. Shadia Ilham Karunajeewa Mr. W.G.S. Prasanna Counsellor Mrs. Vasantha Wickramanayake Mr. K.T. Fonseka First Secretary Mrs. Thusitha Ranasinghe Mr. A.P. J. N. Kamara First Secretary (Commerce) Mrs. Manoja Iroshini Bandara 150 SUDAN National Day: 1st January EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE SUDAN 3 Cleveland Row, St. James's, London SW1A 1DD Tel: 004420 7839 8080. Fax: 004420 7839 7560. E-Mail: admin@sudanembassy.co.uk Web page: www.sudanembassy.co.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Omer Elamin Abdalla Fadlalla Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Head of Mission, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Gaffar Somi Tutu Kuku Counsellor Dr. Mohamed Abdalla Abdelhameed Ahmed Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Mohamed Osman Akasha E. H. Mohamed Counsellor Mr. Omer Hamid Abdalla Hamid Second Secretary Mr. Muawai Medani Ahmed Elameen Counsellor Dr. Khalid Al Mubarak Counsellor (Press) Mr. Ahmed Mohamedain Abdallah Mohamedain First Secretary Mr. Ibrahim Elbadawi Mohamed Ali Attaché Mr. Adil Abdelfadeel Alhaj Khamis Attaché 151 SUDAN (contd) Mr. Nadir Salah Abuelgaith Abdelmajed Attaché Mr. Mohamed Abdelhamid I. Abdelkarim Attaché 152 SWEDEN National Day: 6th June EMBASSY OF SWEDEN Non-Resident (Stockholm) Her Excellency Ms. Ulrika Sundberg Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gustav Adolfs torg 1 SE – 103 39 Stockholm Tel: 0046 8405 4319 E-mail: ulrika.sundberg@gov.se Office for Stockholm-based Ambassadors/Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Mr. Fredrik Warnehed Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gustav Adolfs torg 1 SE – 103 39 Stockholm Tel: 0046 8405 8114 Email: fredrik.warnehed@gov.se Tel: 0046 8405 1000 (Switchboard) E-mail: ud-kss@gov.se (organizational) 153 SWITZERLAND National Day: 1st August EMBASSY OF SWITZERLAND 6 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 218 6382 / 01 218 6383. Fax: 01 283 0344. E-mail: dub.vertretung@eda.admin.ch Web page: www.eda.admin.ch/dublin Her Excellency Mrs. Marie-Claude Meylan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Stephen Glasspool Non-Resident (London) Colonel Hans Eberhart Attaché (Defence) Ms. Margrith Ledermann Prestofelippo Consul General Ms. Susanne Catherine Hemund Consul Ms. Martina Garamendi-Laim Vice Consul Mr. Hans-Rudolf Bolli Vice-Consul Ms. Liliana Helena Adele Varani Perrenoud Vice-Consul 154 SYRIA National Day: 17th April EMBASSY OF THE SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC 8 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH Tel: 004420 7245 9012. Fax: 004420 7235 4621. E-Mail: info@syrianembassy.co.uk / paoffice@syriaembassy.co.uk Web page: www.syremb.com Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 155 TANZANIA National Day: 26th April EMBASSY OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA 3 Stratford Place, London W1C 1AS Tel: 004420 7569 1470. Fax: 004420 7495 8817. E-mail: tanzarep@tanzania-online.gov.uk Web page: www.tanzania-online.gov.uk His Excellency Mr. Peter Allan Kallaghe Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Chabaka Kilumanga Deputy Head of Mission Col. Pelegreen Jacob Mrope Attaché (Defence) Mr. Yusuf Kashangwa Minister Counsellor (Commerce) Mr. Idrissa Zahran Minister Counsellor (Information) Mr. Sylvester Ambokile Counsellor (Consular) Mrs. Caroline Kitana Chipeta Head of Chancery Mr. Amos Msanjila First Secretary (Political) Mr. Clement Paul Kiondo Administrative Attaché Mr. Wema Kibona Financial Attaché Mrs. Rose Kiondo Secretary to the Ambassador 156 THAILAND National Day: 5th December THE ROYAL THAI EMBASSY 29-30 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5JB Tel: 004420 7225 5500/004420 7589 2944. Fax: 004420 7823 9695. E-Mail: rtelondon@thaiembassyuk.org.uk Web site: www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Nadhavathna Krishnamra Minister and Deputy Head of Mission, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mrs. Priabthip Krishnamra Mr. Chulit Stavorn Attaché (Commercial)/Minister Mrs. Porntip Stavorn Miss. Ketsuda Supradit Attaché (Finance)/Minister Miss. Orrawan Nuypakdee Attaché (Education)/Minister Mrs. Tritaporn Khomapat Attaché (Agricultural)/Minister Mr. Somprasong Khomapat Miss. Supharumpai Hantweepanich Attaché (Customs) Minister Mrs. Piyapin Niyomreks Minister Counsellor Mr. Piyawat Niyomreks Ms. Usa Kullaprawithaya Attaché (Science and Technology)/Minister Counsellor 157 THAILAND (contd) Mrs. Jinchana Osottanakorn Attaché (Investment)/Minister Counsellor Mr. Narongsak Osottanakorn Miss. Kitsiri Kaewpipat Attaché (Industry)/Minister Counsellor Mr. Jirakarn Bejrajati Assistant Attaché (Commercial)/Minister Counsellor Mrs. Tonghathai Bejrajati Mr. Phuchphop Mongkolnavin Counsellor Ms. Phantuma Mongkolnavin Mr. Kittipod Hongsombud Counsellor Miss. Tarichaya Kamperayanon Assistant Attaché (Commercial)/Counsellor Mr. Natthapol Na Songkhla First Secretary Mrs. Wichawan Na Songkhla Miss. Jidapa Lumyong First Secretary Miss. Duansib Pathamasoonthorn First Secretary Miss Kemawadee Osathaphan First Secretary Mr. Nathawut Malisuwan First Secretary Mrs. Kwanjit Pongamphai Attaché Mr. Sivachart Pongamphai 158 TUNISIA National Day: 20th March (Independence Day) EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA 29 Prince’s Gate, London SW7 1QG Tel: 004420 7584 8117. Fax: 004420 7584 3205. E-Mail: London@tunisianembassy.co.uk Website: www.at-londres.diplomatic.gov.tn His Excellency Mr. Nabil Ammar Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Hager Ammar Mr. Riadh Dridi Counsellor Mrs. Faouzia Dridi Mr. Naoufel Hdia Counsellor Ms. Thouraya Bouzidi Mr. Karim Boussaha Counsellor Ms. Aida Toumi First Secretary Mr. Imed Dinar First Secretary Ms. Aida Queslati Mr. Amor Majbri First Secretary Ms. Narjess Bakkar Miss. Zahra Rebii Administrator Mr. Nasreddine Neji Attaché Ms. Mouna Sassi 159 TUNISIA (contd) Mr. Ali Fathallah Attaché Ms. Marie-Noele Lafontaine Mr. Ezzine Chehidi Attaché Commander Hosni Zorgati Deputy Military Naval and Air Attaché Ms. Mounira Ben Abdallah 160 TURKEY National Day: 29th October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY No 8 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 5240 / 01 660 1623. Fax: 01 668 5014. E-Mail: embassy.dublin@mfa.gov.tr Consulate E-Mail: consulate.dub@mfa.gov.tr Web Page: www.dublin.be.mfa.gov.tr His Excellency Mr. Necip Egüz Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Hayrunnisa Şenay Egüz Mrs. Işil Gürler Ileri Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Zeki Güler Counsellor Mrs. Fatma Banu Güler Ms. Zübeyde Meltem Aydemir Commercial Counsellor Ms. Melek Dilşen Seymenoğlu Legal Counsellor Mr. Cemal Sangu First Secretary Mrs. Gülsen Sangu Ms. Ece Topaloğlu Second Secretary Mr. Murat Yakişir Second Secretary 161 TURKEY (contd) Mr. Akin Turken Attaché Mr. Gokhan Turan Attaché Mrs. Nesrin Turan Mr. Ertugrul Musaoğlu Attaché Mrs. Emine Musaoğlu Non-resident London Captain Ömer Özkan Attaché (Defence)TURKEY (contd) Mr. Irfan Önal Director (Tourism) 162 UGANDA National Day: 9th October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Uganda House, 58-59 Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DX Tel: 004420 8 939 5783. Fax: 004420 8 939 9825. E-Mail: info@ugandahighcommission.co.uk Web page: www.ugandahighcommission.co.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Mumtaz Kassam Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Asaba Amooti-Winyi Counsellor Mr. Bernard Nangumya Second Secretary Mr. Fred Moses Mukhooli Third Secretary Ms. Jesca Magoba Ssenyonga Attaché (Administration) Mr. Siras Edward Kirabo Ssenyonga 163 UKRAINE National Day: 24th August EMBASSY OF UKRAINE 16 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 8601 / 01 668 5189. Fax: 01 669 7917. E-Mail: ukrembassy@eircom.net Web page: www.mfa.gov.ua/ireland His Excellency Mr. Sergii Reva Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Iryna Drozdenko Mr. Serhii Romanenko Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Olena Romanenko Mr. Dmytro Matiuschenko First Secretary Mrs. Maiia Matiuschenko Mrs. Viktoria Bozhko Third Secretary Mr. Illia Bozhko Non Resident (London) Colonel Pavlo Tertytskyi Defence Attaché 164 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES National Day: 2nd December EMBASSY OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 45-47 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 0000 / Fax: 01 237 5920 E-mail: dublin@mofa.gov.ae His Excellency Mr. Khalid Nasser Rashid Lootah Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mohra Meteab Alqubaisi Mr. Mohamed Hmoud Hamad Al-Shamisi Third Secretary Alia Al-Shamisi Ms. Muna Khamis Juma AlFalahi Attaché Mr. Khaled Nasser Khamis Nasser Al-Nuaimi Attaché Mrs. Mariam Saeed Al Nuaimi 165 UNITED KINGDOM National Day: 14th June THE BRITISH EMBASSY 29 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 205 3700. Fax: 01 205 3885. E-mail: chancery.dublin@fco.gov.uk WebPage: www.britishembassy.ie His Excellency Mr. Dominick John Chilcott Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Jane Chilcott Mr. Neil Holland Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Sarah Holland Mr. John Webster First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Claire Webster Mr. Paul Winter First Secretary (Fiscal Crime) Mr. Mark Binnington Second Secretary (Economic) Mrs. Emma Binnington Mr. Geoffrey Johnson Regional Overseas Security Manager Mrs. Theresa Johnson Mr. D. A. Doig NCA Liaison 166 Glencairn Sandyford Co. Dublin UNITED KINGDOM (contd) Non Resident (London) Colonel Sean English Defence Attaché Cdr. Tim Henry Naval Attaché Lt. Col Adrian Jones Military Attaché Wg. Cdr. Archie McCallum, RAF Air Attaché 167 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES UN World Refugee Day: 20th June UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES Merrion House, Suite 4, 1–3 Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 New Address wef 10th October 2014, 102 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 631 4510. Fax: 01 631 4616. E-Mail: iredu@unhcr.org Web page: www.unhcr.ie Ms. Sophie Magennis Head of National Office Mr. Mark Kelly Ms. Yolanda Kennedy External Relations Officer 168 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA National Day: 4th July EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 42 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 630 6200. Fax: 01 668 9946. E-Mail: dublinrsvp@state.gov Web Page: www.usembassy.ie His Excellency Mr. Kevin F. O’Malley Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Dena Hengen O’ Malley Mr. Stuart Dwyer Deputy Chief of Mission Mrs. Julie Dwyer Lieutenant Colonel Sean Cosden Attaché (Defence and Air) Mrs. Elizabeth Cosden Mr. Wilfred A. Côté First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Ann Marie Côté Ms. Susan Cleary First Secretary (Public Affairs) Mr. Colin Cleary Ms. Lauren Lovelace First Secretary Mr. Daniel Morrison Ms. Shannon B. Farrell First Secretary - Consul Ms. Jennifer McAlpine Dilem First Secretary (Management) Mr. Alil Dilem Mr. Brian D. Jensen First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Janelle Jensen 169 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (contd) Mr. William J. Paton First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Margaret Sheeran Paton Ms. Jennifer Counter Second Secretary (Political) Ms. Karyn N. Grey Attaché Mr. Thomas E. Griffith Second Secretary Mrs. Beth M. Andonov Second Secretary, Vice- Consul Mr. Walter Andonov Mrs. Sara A. Berner Second Secretary Mr. John Paul Berner Ms. Stephanie C. Arnold Second Secretary (Management) Mr. Komla Penty Mr. Marc A Snider Second Secretary – Consul Ms. Ellen Chow Mr. John V. McNichols Attaché Mrs. Lesley McNichols Ms. Jennifer L. McAndrew Second Secretary Ms. Ann F. Granatino Attaché (Management) Ms. Meredith T. Metzler Second Secretary (Vice Consul) Sergeant Jamilah Y. Posey Attaché (Army) 170 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (contd) Non-Resident (London) Mr. John G. Raucci Attaché (Legal) Ms. Joan A. Buckley Assistant Attaché (Legal) Mr. Bruce Travers Attaché (Legal) Mr. Mark Oliphant Attaché Mr. Steven Pearson Attaché Mrs. Trenia Pearson Mr. James Griffin Assistant Attaché Mr. Eric Jackson Assistant Attaché Mr. Scott Bryson Assistant Attaché Mr. James Gee Assistant Attaché 171 URUGUAY National Day: 25 August EMBASSY OF THE ORIENTAL REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY 125 Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SF Tel: 004420 7937 4170. Fax: 004420 7376 0502 E-Mail: urureinounido@mrree.gub.uy Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Licentiate Marcelo Bachechi Pavone Second Secretary and Head of Consular Affairs, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Dr. Patricia Benítez Counsellor Mr. Christophe Wind 172 UZBEKISTAN National Day: EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN His Excellency Mr. Otabek Akbarov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Jamshed Safarov Counsellor (Political) Mr. Rustam Kayumov First Secretary (Trade and Economic) Mr. Rustam Ismailov Second Secretary (Consular) Mr. Akmal Saidov Third Secretary (Cultur and Arts) Mr. Bakhtiyor Turayev Attaché (Culture, Education and Science) 173 VENEZUELA National Day: 5th July EMBASSY OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA 1 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2HW Tel: 0044 207 581 2776 / 0044 207 584 4206. Fax: 0044 207 589 8887. E-mail: info@venezlon.co.uk Website: www.venezlon.co.uk Consular Section 56 Grafton Way, London W1T 5DL Tel: 0044 207 529 8620. Fax: 0044 207 383 3253. Email: consulado@venezlon.co.uk Vacant Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Alvaro Sánchez Counsellor and Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Mr. Henry Suárez First Secretary Mr. Williams Suárez First Secretary Mr. Néstor López First Secretary Miss Nathalie Vivas Second SecretaryLA (contd) Mr. Yaruma Rodríguez Second Secretary Mr. Roberto Bayley Second Secretary Ms. Virna Yohana Chávez Medina Legal Attaché 174 VIETNAM National Day: 2nd September EMBASSY OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM 12-14 Victoria Road, London W8 5RD Tel: 004420 7937 1912. Fax: 004420 7565 3853. E-Mail: vanphong@vietnamembassy.org.uk Web page: www.vietnamembassy.org.uk Commercial Section 108 Campden Hill Road, London W8 7AR Tel: 004420 3560 1524. Fax: 004420 3560 1524. His Excellency Mr. Vu Quang Minh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Nguyen Minh Hanh Ms. Le Thi Thu Hang Minister Counseller and Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy Commercial Counsellor Ms. Doan Phuong Lan Counsellor (Economic) Mr. Nguyen Van Phong First Secretary (Political) Mrs. Tran Thi Huong Lien Counsellor (Consular) Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong First Secretary (Education) Mr. Do Hoang Linh Third Secretary (Political) Mr. Luu Nghia Phuong Attaché (Economic) Mrs. Nguyen Ngoc Diep Third Secretary (Protocol) 175 ZAMBIA National Day: 24th October EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA Zambia House, 2 Palace Gate, London W8 5NG Tel: 004420 7589 6655 / 004420 7581 2142. Fax: 004420 7581 1353. E-Mail: zhcl@btconnect.com His Excellency Mr. Paul William Lumbi Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Chola Chama Deputy High Commissioner Mrs. Ikayi G. Mushinge Counsellor - Economics Mr. Akalalambili M. Kaluwe Counsellor- Political Lt. Col. Eliard Shimaala Defence Advisor Mr. Amos Chanda First Secretary- Press Mrs. Alice MM Shanshima First Secretary-Immigration Portpher Sakala First Secretary- Consular Mr. Donald Pelekamoyo First Secretary- Tourism Ms. Beatrice M. Chitamalika Second Secretary 176 ZIMBABWE National Day: 18th April EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe House, 429 Strand, London WC2R OJR Tel: 004420 7836 7755. Fax: 004420 7379 1167. E-mail: zimlondon@yahoo.co.uk zimembassy@zimlondon.gov.zw His Excellency Mr. Gabriel Mharadze Machinga Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Esteri Machinga Group Captain Alinos Nhamoinesu Defence Attaché Mr. Donald T. Charumbira Counsellor Mr. Clever Bangwayo Counsellor Mr. Edmore Mudala Counsellor Ms. Ndudzo Tugwete Counsellor Mrs. Esther Kaisi Third Secretary Mrs. Miriam M. Panganayi Third Secretary 177 NATIONAL DAYS January 1 1 4 26 26 Cuba Sudan Myanmar Australia India February 4 6 11 15 16 18 23 24 25 27 Sri Lanka New Zealand Iran Serbia Lithuania Gambia Brunei Estonia Kuwait Dominican Republic March 1 3 6 12 15 20 21 23 25 26 Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Ghana Mauritius Hungary Tunisia Namibia Pakistan Greece Bangladesh April 16 17 18 19 26 27 27 27 Denmark Syria Zimbabwe Holy See Tanzania Netherlands South Africa Sierra Leone May 3 6 9 17 24 25 25 26 28 28 28 Poland Israel Europe Day Norway Eritrea Argentina Jordan Georgia Azerbaijan Ethiopia Nepal June 2 6 10 12 12 14 17 20 23 25 25 29 Italy Sweden Portugal Philippines Russia United Kingdom Iceland World Refugee Day Luxembourg Slovenia Croatia Holy See July 1 3 4 4 5 11 13 14 20 21 23 26 28 30 Canada Belarus U.S.A Rwanda Venezuela Mongolia Montenegro France Colombia Belgium Egypt Liberia Peru Morocco August 1 6 6 7 9 15 17 17 20 24 25 27 31 Switzerland Bolivia Jamaica Côte d’Ivoire Singapore India Indonesia Gabonese Rep. Hungary Ukraine Uruguay Moldova Malaysia 178 September 1 1 2 3 7 8 8 9 15 15 15 15 16 18 21 21 23 30 Libya Slovak Republic Vietnam San Marino Brazil Andorra Macedonia Korea (DPR of) Costa Rica El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Mexico Chile Armenia Malta Saudi Arabia Botswana October 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 9 10 12 23 24 26 28 29 China Cyprus Nigeria Guinea Germany Korea (Rep. of) Lesotho Uganda Fiji Spain Hungary Zambia Austria Czech Republic Turkey November 1 9 11 15 18 18 22 28 Algeria Cambodia Angola Palestine Latvia Oman Lebanon Albania December 1 2 5 6 11 12 16 16 18 23 Romania U.A.E Thailand Finland Burkina Faso Kenya Bahrain Kazakhstan Qatar Japan ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF HEADS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ACCREDITED TO IRELAND HOLY SEE H.E. Most Reverend Charles John Brown 16.02.12 KUWAIT H.E. Mr. Khaled Al-Duwaisan 09.09.94 BOTSWANA H.E. Mr. Roy Blackbeard 01.02.00 SAN MARINO H.E. Mr. Dario Galassi 15.11.01 NICARAGUA H.E. Dr. Ricardo José Alvarado Noguera 08.04.04 ZIMBABWE H.E. Mr. Gabriel Mharadze Machinga 24.10.06 QATAR H.E. Mr. Khalid Rashid Al-Hamoudi Al-Mansouri 25.01.07 AZERBAIJAN H.E. Mr. Fakhraddin Gurbanov 20.11.07 ERITREA H.E. Mr. Tesfamicael Gerahtu 10.04.08 GAMBIA H.E. Mrs. Elizabeth Ya Eli Harding 15.05.08 MAURITIUS H.E. Mr. Abhimanu Kundasamy 17.06.08 LEBANON H.E. Mrs. Inaam Osseiran 25.11.08 MOROCCO H.E. Mr. Anas Khales 13.01.09 MALTA H.E. Mr. Joseph Zammit Tabona 29.06.09 SAUDI ARABIA H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Aldriss 11.09.09 GREECE H.E. Ms. Constantina Zagorianou-Prifti 10.11.09 UAE H.E. Mr. Khalid Nasser Rashid Lootah 17.02.10 OMAN H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Abdullah Zahir Al Hinai 25.06.10 SIERRA LEONE H.E. Mr. Edward Mohamed Turay 25.06.10 ISRAEL H.E. Mr. Boaz Modai 14.09.10 UKRAINE H.E. Mr. Sergii Reva 28.09.10 EL SALVADOR H.E. Mr. Werner Matías Romero 17.11.10 ETHIOPIA H.E. Mrs. Lela-alem Gebreyohanes Tedla 12.01.11 179 CROATIA ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (contd) H.E. Ms. Jasna Ognjanovac 20.04.11 LESOTHO H.E. Mr. Paramente Phamotse 20.04.11 JAPAN H.E. Mr. Chihiro Atsumi 16.06.11 MEXICO H.E. Mr. Carlos Eugenio Garcia de Alba 16.06.11 VIETNAM H.E. Mr. Vu Quang Minh 16.06.11 EGYPT H.E. Mr. Sherif Elkholi 13.09.11 CYPRUS H.E. Mr. Michalis Stavrinos 13.09.11 NORWAY H.E. Mr. Roald Næss 13.09.11 HUNGARY H.E. Mr. Tamás Magyarics 11.10.11 ALGERIA H.E. Mr. Amar Abba 11.10.11 JORDAN H.E. Mr. Mazen Homoud 16.02.12 MONTENEGRO H.E. Professor Dr. Ljubiša Stanković 16.02.12 MOZAMBIQUE H.E. Mr. Carlos dos Santos 14.03.12 KOREA (DPR) H.E. Mr. HYON Hak Bong 14.03.12 UK H.E. Mr. Dominick John Chilcott 19.04.12 PORTUGAL H.E. Mr. Bernardo Futscher Pereira 19.04.12 RUSSIA H.E. Mr. Maxim Alexandrovich Peshkov 19.04.12 BAHRAIN H.E. Ms. Alice Thomas Samaan 23.05.12 TANZANIA H.E. Mr. Peter Allan Kallaghe 23.05.12 INDONESIA H.E. Mr. Teuku Mohammad Hamzah Thayeb 23.05.12 GUATEMALA H.E. Mr. Acisclo Valladares Molina 20.06.12 FIJI H.E. Mr. Naivakarurubalavu Solo Mara 20.06.12 MOLDOVA H.E. Mr. Iulian Fruntaşu 20.06.12 NETHERLANDS H.E. Mr. Paul Schellekens 13.09.12 HONDURAS H.E. Mr. Iván Romero-Mártinez 23.10.12 CÔTE D’IVOIRE H.E. Mr. Claude Stanislas Bouah-Kamon 23.10.12 180 AUSTRIA ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (contd) H.E. Mr. Thomas Nader 14.11.12 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA H.E. Mr. Mustafa Mujezinović 14.11.12 SLOVAK REPUBLIC H.E. Mr. Dušan Matulay 16.01.13 AUSTRALIA H.E. Ms. Ruth P. Adler 16.01.13 TURKEY H.E. Mr. Necip Egüz 27.02.13 PHILIPPINES H.E. Mr. Enrique A. Manalo 27.02.13 JAMAICA H.E. Mrs. Aloun Ndombet-Assamba 26.02.13 ANGOLA H.E. Mr. Miguel Gaspar Fernandes Neto 26.03.13 BELARUS H.E. Mr. Sergei F. Aleinik 26.03.13 BURKINA FASO H.E. Mr. Frédéric Assomption Korsaga 26.03.13 KOSOVO H.E. Mr. Lirim Greiçevci 21.05.13 MALAWI H.E. Mr. Bernard Herbert Sande 21.05.13 UZBEKISTAN H.E. Mr. Otabek Akbarov 21.05.13 KOREA (Rep. of) H.E. Mr. Hae-yun Park 27.06.13 BULGARIA H.E. Mr. Branimir Zaimov 12.09.13 BELGIUM H.E. Mr. Philippe Roland 12.09.13 INDIA H.E. Mrs. Radhika Lal Lokesh 12.09.13 LATVIA H.E. Dr. Gints Apals 03.10.13 ARGENTINA H.E. Ms. Silvia M. Merega 03.10.13 FINLAND H.E. Mrs. Hilkka Nenonen 03.10.13 LUXEMBOURG H.E. Mr. Patrick Engelberg 10.10.13 ALBANIA H.E. Mr. Mal Berisha 10.10.13 NEW ZEALAND H.E. Mr. Alexander Lockwood Smith 10.10.13 ROMANIA H.E. Mrs Manuela Breazu 28.11.13 MONGOLIA H.E. Mr. Narkhuu Tulga 28.11.13 RWANDA H.E. Mr. Williams B.N. Nkurunziza 28.11.13 181 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (contd) SWITZERLAND H.E. Mrs. Marie-Claude Meylan 14.01.14 CZECH REPUBLIC H.E. Mrs. Hana Mottlová 14.01.14 TUNISIA H.E. Mr. Nabil Ammar 14.01.14 CUBA H.E. Mr. Hermes Herrera 14.01.14 ITALY H.E. Mr. Giovanni Adorni Bracessi Chiassi 14.01.14 ZAMBIA H.E. Mr Paul William Lumbi 14.01.14 BRAZIL H.E. Mr. Afonso José Sena Cardoso 12.02.14 SOUTH AFRICA H.E. Mr. Ahlangene Cyprian Sigcau 12.02.14 FRANCE H.E. Mr. Jean-Pierre Thébault 12.02.14 PARAGUAY H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Solano-López Casco 11.03.14 PERU H.E. Mr. Julio Ernesto Munoz-Deacon 11.03.14 CHINA H.E. Mr. Jianguo Xu 15.04.14 IRAN H.E. Mr. Javad Kachoueian 15.04.14 SENEGAL H.E. Mr. Abdou Sourang 15.04.14 NIGERIA H.E. Dr. Bolere Elizabeth Ketebu 24.06.14 MACEDONIA H.E. Mr. Jovan Donev 24.06.14 LITHUANIA H.E. Ms. Rasa Adomaitiené 16.09.14 MALAYSIA H.E. Mr. Syed Sultan Bin Mohd Idris 16.09.14 ESTONIA H.E. Mrs. Kristi Karelsohn 16.09.14 182 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (contd) DENMARK H.E. Mr. Carsten Søndergaard 30.09.14 SERBIA H.E. Mr. Ognjen Pribićević 30.09.14 SLOVENIA H.E. Mr. Tadej Rupel 30.09.14 GERMANY H.E. Mr. Mattthias Hӧpfner 08.10.14 USA H.E. Mr. Kevin F. O’Malley 08.10.14 COLOMBIA H.E. Mr. Néstor Osorio 08.10.14 MYANMAR H.E. Mr. Kwaw Zwar Minn 15.10.14 NAMIBIA H.E. Mr. Steve Vemunavi Katjiuanjo 15.10.14 SWEDEN H.E. Ms. Ulrika Sundberg 15.10.14 KENYA H.E. Mr. Richard Angulu Opembe 20.01.15 GUINEA H.E. Mr. Paul Goa Zoumanigui 20.01.15 SINGAPORE H.E. Ms. FOO Chi Hsia 20.01.15 CANADA H.E. Mr. Kevin M. Vickers 21.01.15 ARMENIA H.E. Mr. Armen Sarkissian 21.01.15 BOLIVIA H.E. Mr. Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento 21.01.15 183 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND ARMENIA Mr. Ohan Yergainharsian Honorary Consul Mariner’s Cove Thormanby Road Howth Co. Dublin Tel: 01 451 5087 Fax: 01 451 5737 E-mail: Ohan0253@yahoo.ie BARBADOS Mr. Edmond S. Molloy Honorary Consul General 8 Mayfield Zion Road Rathgar Dublin 6 Tel/Fax: 01 492 2686 Mobile: 087 251 1291 E-mail: ed@advancedorganisation.com Mrs. Doriel Molloy Honorary Consul 8 Mayfield Zion Road Rathgar Dublin 6 Tel/Fax: 01 492 2686 Mobile: 086 852 2134 E-mail: dorielmolloy@hotmail.com BELARUS Mr. Vincent Pierce Honorary Consul Unit 1 Railway Business Park Rathdrum Co. Wicklow Tel: 040 446 410 Fax: 040 446 452 E-mail: Belaruscounsulireland@gmail.com BELGIUM Cork Mr. Dominic Daly Honorary Consul Pembroke House Pembroke Street Cork Tel: 021 427 7399 Mobile: 087 255 0486 Fax: 021 427 7586 E-mail: info@dominicjdaly.com 184 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) BELGIUM (Continued) Limerick (Clare and Offaly) Mr. John R. Dundon Honorary Consul Mullock & Sons Ltd. The Shipping Office Dock Road Limerick Tel: 061 315 315 Mobile: 087 254 1477 Fax: 061 318 164 E-mail: agency@mullock.iol.ie Galway (Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and Donegal) Mr. John Coyle Hygeia Ltd Honorary Consul Oranmore Co. Galway Tel: 091 794 722 Fax: 091 794 738 BELIZE Mr. Vivian Frederick Nathan Honorary Consul Ulysses House Foley Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 888 1004 Mobile: 087 252 3518 Fax: 01 888 1005 E-mail: Vivian.f.nathan@hlbnathans.com BOTSWANA Mr. Patrick Bernard O’ Reilly Honorary Consul 15 Swiftbrook Glen Cranadillon Virginia Co. Cavan Tel: 087 944 7180 E-Mail: barney.oreilly25@gmail.com BRAZIL Ms Frances Lynch Honorary Consul 2 Oliver Plunkett Street Cork Tel 021 427 2752 Mobile: 087 253 0043 Fax: 021 427 8814 E-mail: hanorahflynch@eircom.net 185 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) CAMEROON Mr. Gerard Murray Honorary Consul 21 Castleknock Lodge Castleknock Dublin 15 Tel: 01 821 3722 Mobile: 087 256 2893 Fax: 01 450 3321 E-mail: motoworld@eircom.net COLOMBIA Mr. Juan Pablo Gutiérrez 48 Carriglea Killenard Co. Laois Mobile: 087 883 5122 E-mail: colombianconsulate@eircom.net CROATIA Mr. J. Gerard Danaher Honorary Consul 29 Heytesbury Lane Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 817 5038 Fax: 01 817 5186 E-mail: gdanaher@lawlibrary.ie DENMARK Cork Mr. Freddie Pedersen Honorary Consul Galway and Limerick Mr. John R. Dundon Honorary Consul Combermere House Glounthaune Co. Cork Tel: 021 435 3051 Fax: 021 435 4275 Mobile: 087 256 4505 E-mail: pedersen@pedersen-eng.ie The Shipping Office Dock Road Limerick Tel: 061 315 315 / 061 347 163 Mobile: 087 254 1477 Fax: 061 318 164 E-mail: agency@mullock.iol.ie 186 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) Waterford Mr. Orm Kenny Honorary Consul 36 Newtown Glen Tranmore Co. Waterford Tel: 051 853 875 Mobile: 086 233 8340 Fax: 051 853 876 E-mail: orm@kennyshipping.com ECUADOR FINLAND Dublin Mr. Tom Richard Eklund Honorary Consul General Cork Mr. Conor Doyle Honorary Consul Limerick Mr. John R. Dundon Honorary Consul 49 Leopardstown Avenue Blackrock Co. Dublin Tel / Fax: 01 212 2941 Mobile: 087 245 4554 E-mail: tomreklund@gmail.com Westlands House Rushbrooke Cobh Co. Cork Tel: 021 420 2950 Fax: 021 481 2645 Mobile: 087 259 0345 E-mail: dconordoyle@eircom.net Mullock and Sons Ltd. The Shipping Office Dock Road Limerick Tel: 061 315 315 Mobile: 087 254 1477 Fax: 061 318 164 E-mail: agency@mullock.iol.ie 187 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) FRANCE Cork Mrs. Patricia Mallon Honorary Consul Galway Ms Marie-Hélène Poudevigne Honorary Vice-Consul Waterford Mrs. Sylvie Murphy Honorary Vice-Consul Limerick Mrs. Marie Hackett Honorary Vice-Consul Cork Mrs. Patricia Mallon Honorary Consul 13 Sheares Street Cork Tel: 021 427 5244 Fax: 021 427 5243 Email: pmallon@eoincdalymallon.com Derryglen Recess Co. Galway Tel: 091 552 820 E-mail: mhpoudevigne@eircom.net Tel: 087 237 6543 E-mail: sylviecorlay@utvinternet.com Blackwater Ard na Crusha Near Limerick Tel: 061 343051 / 061 208208 ext 839 E-mail: maria.hackett@lit.ie Tel: Fax: E-mail: 021 427 5244 021 427 5243 pmallon@eoincdalymallon.com GERMANY Galway Dr. Walter Schmidt-Hannisa Honorary Consul Arts Millennium Building – AM 307 Department of German National University of Ireland Galway Tel: 091 596 459 (home)/091 492 239 (office) Fax: 091 494 4572 Mobile: 085 168 3605 Email: h.schmidthannisa@nuigalway.ie 188 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) Honorary Consular Representative in Ireland (Contd) GHANA HUNGARY Mr. John X. Miller Honorary Consul Cork Vision Centre at St. Peter’s North Main Street Cork Tel: 021 427 9925 Fax: 021 427 9987 E-mail: visioncentre@eircom.net or republicofhungaryhonoraryconsul@eircom.net ICELAND Mr. Brian O’Neill Honorary Consul General c/o Gore & Grimes Solicitors Cavendish House Smithfield Dublin 7 Tel: 01 872 9299 / 01 872 9877 E-mail: brian.oneill@goregrimes.ie INDONESIA Mr. Martin Murray Honorary Consul c/o Asia Matters 13 Classon House Dundrum Business Park Dundrum, Dublin 14 Mobile: 087 268 8805 E-mail: martin.murray@asiamatters.biz ITALY Dr. Fabio Bartolozzi Honorary Consul Clocan Stradbally North Clarin Bridge Co. Galway Tel: 091 785766 Fax: 091 720 174 Mobile: 086 825 1748 E-mail: fabartolozzi@yahoo.com Mr. Roberto Gasperoni Honorary Consul 3rd Floor 112 Oliver Plunkett Street Cork Tel: 085 110 9307 E-mail: Roberto.gasperoni@me.com 189 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) JAMAICA Mr. Patrick J. Mara Honorary Consul 6th Floor 1 Grand Canal Quay Dublin 2 Tel: 01 432 5902 Fax: 01 432 5901 E-mail: jamaicahonconsul@gmail.com JORDAN Mr. Joe Geoghegan Honorary Consul 4 Cambridge Terrace Leeson Park Ranelagh Dublin 6 Mobile: 086 242 3083 Fax: 01 660 3409 E-mail: joegeoghegan@compuserve.com KAZAKHSTAN Ms Sarah Kent Honorary Consul Hexagon House Little Island Cork Tel: 021 497 6500 Fax: 021 497 6578 Mobile: 087 410 3295 E-mail: sarah.kent@kentech.ie LITHUANIA Northern and Western Regions Mr. Michael McEvoy Honorary Consul Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Mr. Ronan D. Hannigan Honorary Consul Lisinisk Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan Tel: 042 966 3300 Fax: 042 966 3393 Mobile: 086 255 9602 E-mail: conagraltd@eircom.net 22 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin 2 Tel: 01 632 1000 Fax: 01 661 3979 Mobile: 087 258 7344 E-mail: rh@nspartners.ie 190 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) Mr. Noel Kierans Honorary Consul General LUXEMBOURG Suite 30, The Mall Beacon Court Sandyford Dublin 18 Tel / Fax: 01 293 4972 Mobile: 086 260 4942 E-mail: luxcon@indigo.ie REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Mr. Desmond O’Malley Honorary Consul 7 Lynton Court Merrion Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 MALAWI Father Patrick O’Malley Honorary Consul 21 Leeson Park Dublin 6 Tel: 01 496 0888 E-mail: padraigom@yahoo.co.uk MALTA Mr. Terence F. Loane Honorary Consul Cork Mr. Pa Nolan Honorary Consul 30 Hermitage Grove Rathfarnham Dublin 16 Tel: 01 494 4220 Mobile: 086 257 3351 Fax: 01 450 7718 E-mail: hegmalta@eircom.net or maltaconsul.dublin@gov.mt Principal Systems Ltd. 56 Pembroke Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 4450 Mobile: 087 243 8047 E-mail: panolan@ireland.com or maltaconsul.cork@gov.mt 191 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) MEXICO Mr. Anthony Smurfit Honorary Consul Galway Mr. David Niland Smurfit Kappa Group Beech Hill Clonskeagh Dublin 4 Tel: 01 202 7157 Fax: 01 202 7183 E-mail: tony.smurfit@smurfitkappa.com Galway Business School Salthill Galway Tel: 091 529000 Mobile: 087 2478123 Email: david@gci.ie Cork and Kerry Mr. Michael John Barry Honorary Consul C/O Barry & Fitzwilliam Ballycurreen Industrial Park Airport Road Cork MOLDOVA MONACO Mr. Howard Kilroy Honorary Consul General Beech Hill Clonskeagh Dublin 4 Tel: 01 283 0282 Fax: 01 260 0606 E-mail: Monaco.consul@dublin.com MONGOLIA 192 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) Mr. Mark John Sherry Honorary Consul Oakfield Bellevue Delgany Co. Wicklow Tel: 087 2441244 Marksherry58@gmail.com NETHERLANDS Cork Mr. Michael Ronayne Honorary Consul Mainport Monahan Road Cork Tel: 021 431 7900 Mobile: 087 261 5643 Fax: 021 431 1269 E-mail: mronayne@mainport.ie NEW ZEALAND Mr. Alan McCarthy Honorary Consul General P.O. Box 9999 Dublin 6 Tel: 01 660 4233 E-mail: nzconsul@indigo.ie NICARAGUA Mr.Paul O’Toole Honorary Consul Bewley’s Ltd Northern Cross Malahide Road Dublin 17 Tel: 01 816 0635 NORWAY Cork Mr. Mark C. Pearson Honorary Consul Cois Laoi The Highlands Clonthaune Co. Cork Tel: 021 481 2645 Mobile 087 230 4289 E-mail: mcpearson@eircom.net OMAN 193 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IRELAND (contd) Ms Dettia O’Reilly Honorary Consul 4 Kenilworth Square North Rathgar Dublin 6 Tel: 01 491 2411 Mobile: 087 817 1125 Fax: 01 491 2410 E-mail: info@ccps.ie PERU Dublin Mr. Paul Reville Honorary Consul 67 Rocwood off Leopardstown Road Blackrock Co. Dublin Tel: 01 288 9733 Fax: 01 278 1899 Mobile: 086 241 7649 E-mail: revillep@eircom.net PHILIPPINES Dublin Mr. Mark Christopher Congdon Honorary Consul 39 Fitzwilliam Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 437 6206 Fax: 01/669 0971 E-mail: Honorary.Consul@PhilippineConsulate.ie Web: www.philippineconsulate.ie POLAND Cork Mr. Michael R. Mulcahy Honorary Consul Limerick Mr. Patrick O’Sullivan Honorary Consul 2413 Euro Business Park Little Island Cork Tel: 021 500 3050 / 021 500 3062 Fax: 021 435 4184 Mobile: 087 776 8580 E-mail: michael.mulcahy@polishconsulate.ie Lough Gur House Lough Gur Co. Limerick E-mail: loughgur@iol.ie 194 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IREALND (contd) PORTUGAL Cork Mr. George Richard Barter 92 Patrick Street Cork Tel: 021 4851700 Email gbarter@travelnet.ie RUSSIAN FEDERATION Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Clare, Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim & Donegal Mr. Michael Guerin Honorary Consul 8 Ashbrook Drive Ennis Road Limerick Tel/Fax: 061 453 358 E-mail: mguerinlk@eircom.net Tipperary.Waterford, Kilkenny, Wexford, Carlow, Wicklow, Laois, Offaly, Kildare, Westmeath, Meath Longford, Louth, Cavan & Monaghan Mr. John Hanafin Honorary Consul Teach an Chuinne Parnell Street Thurles Co. Tipperary Tel: 0504 90832 087 2334935 RWANDA SAN MARINO Mr. Richard O’Toole Honorary Consul General The Heronry Clarisford Killaloe Co. Clare Tel: 087 256 0005 E-mail: cg.sanmarino.irlanda@gmail.com 195 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IREALND (contd) SERBIA Mr. Živko Jakšić Honorary Consul 12 Hermitage Lawn Rathfarnham Dublin 16 Mobile: 086 803 7672 Fax: 01 494 7272 E-mail: srbconsul.irl@gmail.com SEYCHELLES Mr. Declan Barber Honorary Consul Mr. Joseph Manning Honorary Consul Rathattin House Holywood Co. Wicklow Tel/fax: 01 419 7486 Mobile: 087 662 2675 E-mail: declan@aver.ie SIERRA LEONE Market Square Bagenalstown Co. Carlow Tel: 059 972 2030 Fax: 059 972 1887 E-mail: joemanning@eircom.net SINGAPORE Mr. Ronald J. Bolger Honorary Consul General 2 Upper Ely Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 669 1700 Fax: 01 669 1710 E-mail: ron.bolger@ely.ie SPAIN County Cork (not including South West Cork) Ms. Catalina Goode 5 Bruach na Laoi Honorary Vice Consul Union Quay Cork South West Cork and Co. Kerry Mr. Diarmuid Oliver O’Donovan Honorary Vice Consul Mediterranean House Castletownbere Co. Cork Tel: 027 701 04 Fax: 027 703 48 E-mail: Cornelio_beara@yahoo.com 196 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IREALND (contd) Bantry, Co. Cork Mr. Maurice O’Keeffe Honorary Vice Consul Galway Mr. Oisín Browne Honorary Vice Consul Limerick Mr. Anthony R. Brazil Honorary Vice Consul Sligo Ms. Maria Diaz-Caneja Honorary Vice Consul Waterford Mrs. Penelope Eades Honorary Vice Consul C/O Murphy and O’Connor Ltd. The Quay Bantry Co. Cork Tel: 027 50001 Fax: 027 50352 E-mail: btagency@eircom.net 7 Oakfield Estate Oranmore Co. Galway Tel: 087 2203863 Bedford House Bedford Row Limerick Tel: 061 204 444 Fax: 061 204 455 Mobile: 087 255 3781 E-mail: tony.brazil@limericktravel.ie 30 Kestrel Drive Kevinsfort Strandhill Road Sligo Tel/Fax: 071 917 1178 E-mail: mariadiazcaneja@iolfree.ie Unit One, Waterford Industrial Estate Cork Road Waterford Tel: 051 373 294 Mobile: 087 203 6792 Fax: 051 373 236 E-mail: peades@cac.ie SWEDEN Dublin Mr. Paul Keane Honorary Consul General Reddy Charlton McKnight Solicitors 12 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2 Tel: 01 661 9500 Fax: 01 678 9192 E-mail: consul.sweden.dublin@rcmck.com 197 HONORARY CONSULAR REPRESENTATIVES IN IREALND (contd) THAILAND Mr. Barry Connolly Honorary Consul Royal Thai Consulate Unit 43 Parkwest O’Casey Ave Nangor Road Dublin 12 Tel: 01 6436468 Fax: 01 6394882 Web: www.thaiconsulateireland.com TIMOR-LESTE Mr. Tom Hyland Honorary Consul 210 Le Fanu Road Ballyfermot Dublin 10 E-mail: tom.hyland@mne.gov.tl or malaemaubere@gmail.com TUNISIA Mr. Louis J. Maguire Honorary Consul St. Rita’s 26 Crannagh Road Rathfarnham Dublin 14 Tel: 01 490 3619 Fax: 01 490 2480 Mobile: 086 212 5182 E-mail: jaicc@indigo.ie UGANDA Mrs. Sylvia Katete Gavigan Honorary Consul 17 Rathfarnham Road Terenure Dublin 6 Tel: 01 490 3237 Mobile: 085 710 5667 E-mail: consul@ugandaconsulireland.ie URUGUAY Dr. Peadar Reynolds Honorary Consul Tullycushlin Bailieborough Co. Cavan Tel/Fax: 042 966 5392 Mobile: 087 254 1361 E-mail: peadarreynolds@hotmail.com 198
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