here - Wincon


here - Wincon
Table of Contents
Welcome / About ........................ 4 Friday Programming ................. 18
Wincon F.A.Q. ............................. 5 Friday Fandom Lounge .............. 19
Harassment Policy ...................... 7 Friday Evening Events .............. 20
Charity Events / Raffle ............... 8 Saturday Programming ............. 21
Acknowledgments ..................... 9 Saturday Fandom Lounge ......... 22
Programming Schedule Grids ... 10 Saturday Evening Events .......... 23
Crossword Puzzle ....................... 14 Sunday Programming ............... 24
Vid Show Playlist ....................... 16 Sunday Fandom Lounge ........... 24
Intro to Programming ............... 17 Sunday Evening Events ............ 25
Thursday Evening Events ......... 17 Notes ............................................ 26
Crossword Puzzle Solution ........ 27
Con Committee
Convention Staff*
Amber ( affectingly);
Lead Organizer
Dru ( drvsilla)
Holly ( elizah_jane)
Julia ( sparkymonster)
Ten ( tenaciousmetoo)
Theresa ( tjournal)
Wendy ( wendy)
Aggy ( aggybird)
Becka ( beckaandzac)
Bryn ( brynspikess)
Cathy ( cathybites)
Chris ( girlguidejones)
Clex ( clex_monkie89)
Danielle ( vorpalblades)
Reg ( loveflyfree)
Rose ( gestaltrose)
Stef ( ignited)
Terrene ( itsthedetails)
Graphic Design
Stef ( ignited)
Cathy ( cathybites)
*The people on the Con
Convention Staff are here to
help you with any questions
or concerns you may have.
Say hi!
Check out our website!
Convention Website:
Twitter: @wincon Tumblr:
Welcome to
Hey Y’all,
Welcome to Wincon 2012 in Dallas, Texas!
I am so thrilled to have you here for our seventh year.
Thanks for keeping the tradition alive because we
couldn’t make it happen without you.
This year, we’ve got an amazing space for our meeting
rooms, completely removed from the rest of the hotel.
It’s open 24 hours a day, which means there’s always
a place to go for late night discussions. It’s all ours so
talk about fandom as loudly as you want, whenever
you want. (Just don’t forget that not everywhere in the
hotel is zoned for fandom shenanigans!)
Whether this is your first Wincon or your
seventh, the Con Committee and I have a wild
western weekend planned for you. We roped in
some amazing topics for the panels, dusted off our
dancin’ boots for the prom, and found a town with
more than one horse! It’s going to be a damn fine
Wincon, y’all, so saddle up!
Amber ( affectingly)
What is Wincon?
Wincon is a by-the-fans, for-the-fans operation. Our goal is to provide an annual
multi-fandom gathering for fans and provide a safer space for women, queer people, and
under-represented fans of popular media and culture in all its infinite varieties (just like us) to
come and meet, hang out, discuss their fandoms, the fic written about them, the fanart made
for them, and have a good time. It’s the internet come to life. It’s a place where you can be
yourself and feel comfortable in all your geeky glory. No official personnel from any show
or fandom is affiliated with this convention, nor will there be any appearances by any show
actors, celebrities, writers, or other personnel. It’s all about us, the fans, and the way we
express ourselves and our love for fandom.
Wincon f.a.q.
Is Wincon accessible to people with
In the simplest of terms, Wincon is a long- special needs?
What is Wincon?
weekend in October where people from Wincon strives to be accessible to all fans.
fandom come together to talk about the Our event facilities are always provided by
an ADA-accessible hotel, which houses our
things they love best.
Panels, Roadhouse, Fandom Lounge, and
To elaborate, Wincon started out as Prom. We are happy to work with our
Winchestercon in 2006, a Supernatural attendees to the best of our abilities on
(the television show) fan con founded by this matter and encourage you to email us
estrella30, with your requests, questions or concerns
and was managed by ethrosdemon & related to any special needs or accessibility
coiledsoul from Los Angeles in 2007 issues:
through Chicago in 2010. Over the years, the
con has evolved to become what it is today: Are there age restrictions for Wincon?
a multi-fandom event held in a different city Yes, you must be 18 on or before the first day of
each year. We’re a celebration of fandom the con in order to attend. For the upcoming
with panels and structured events. We are Wincon, that date is October 18, 2012.
the internet in all its glory, come to life.
We are a place to get together with old
friends, discover new ones, and talk about What is Wincon’s drinking policy?
Wincon respects and enforces the drinking
everything that makes us squee.
laws of its host city each year. As such, you
Who runs Wincon now?
must be 21 to consume or be served alcohol
Wincon is run by a cooperative, 100% in the con spaces. We encourage safe drinking
volunteer con committee headed by lead habits and personal responsibility, as well as
organizer, Amber Charleville, since New respecting others’ decision to remain sober.
Orleans in 2011. For more information, see
our staff list.
While Wincon and its staff are not liable
for the actions and decisions of its attendees,
particularly outside of con spaces, we do try
to be on the lookout for overindulgence or
potentially dangerous activities. Judgment
is often impaired while drinking, and
because of this, we believe it’s a good idea
to have a “designated sober friend” when in
public or venturing out into the city. We
would hate for any of our attendees to suffer
misadventure during Wincon, and a
Does Wincon have a Harassment Policy? sober person or two among a group of friends
Yes, our Harassment Policy can be found can often minimize problems or help in
on page 7.
difficult situations, especially in an unfamiliar
environment. (continued on p. 6)
What is Wincon’s philosophy?
Wincon strives to be a safer space for women,
queer people, and under-represented fans of
popular culture and media. In this spirit, we
encourage and foster a sense of community,
positive self-image, and acceptance/
celebration of each other’s differences. It may
sound a little sappy, but we here at Wincon
wouldn’t have it any other way.
Wincon f.a.q.
(con’td.) The Con Committee itself always
has several sober hands on deck in the hotel
throughout the event, just in case.
How is Wincon
I have a friend nearby/my significant other
is traveling with me, but doesn’t want to
attend the con itself. Can they swing by the
Roadhouse, be my date to prom, etc.?
enforced/ No, only con attendees are allowed in
official con spaces. You may hang out with
your friend/significant other any place in the
hotel that is not an official con space, such as the
bars, restaurants, lobby, or your hotel room.
When someone is an official attendee, that
implies their agreement to our Harassment
Policy on page 7, and other guidelines and
policies. We don’t own the hotel, but we do
need to be able to control our own spaces as
much as possible.
The Con Committee responds directly to
any violations of policy at the time they
are reported. If and when our policies are
transgressed, we address the individual(s)
involved based upon behaviors personally
witnessed or attested to in person by
victims. We do not base policy or our
handling of policy violations upon hearsay
or anonymous sources. We do, however,
protect the privacy of victims or witnesses
who come forward to report incidents to us. However, when availability permits, we
do sell a limited number of one day tickets
At our discretion, and based upon the on the ground. A single day admission for
severity and nature of the violation, Saturday is $50 and includes a name badge
transgressors may be given (but are and program book. These tickets are sold
not guaranteed) one or more warnings on a first come, first served basis, exclusively
before being banned from the con space for on-site. For further questions, contact us at:
the remainder of the day, event, and/or all
future Wincon events.
Harassment Policy
Wincon‘s objective is to provide a reasonably
safe space for all of its attendees. We do not
tolerate unwelcome behavior, and the Con
Committee will enforce the letter and spirit
of this Harassment Policy. Repercussions
are issued on a per case basis. Violations
might result in warnings, temporary removal
from the con space, forfeiture of entry fee(s),
and banishment from the current con and/or
all future Wincon events.
• All Wincon participants are expected
to treat themselves, fellow attendees,
guests, staff and the general public with
respect whether online or in person.
If someone says or does something that
makes you feel uncomfortable, you have
the right to request that they stop this
If you don’t feel comfortable asking
someone to stop the behavior, find a
Con Committee member and explain the
Consent is not the absence of the word
Individuals whose judgment has been
impaired by the consumption of alcohol
cannot give proper consent.
Be considerate of your roommates and/
or visitors to your room. Sexual activity
should only take place in a private room
where all occupants and/or visitors of
the room consent to the activities taking
If at any time an attendee needs to report
harassing or threatening behavior, that person
may contact us by phone (513-649-1557), via
email (, or
by finding any member of the Con Committee
and discussing the matter in person. To the
best of our ability, we aim to protect the privacy
of subjects or witnesses who report offending
Charity Events
Our annual charity event (held during prom) will be aiding
a Kiva account in Wincon’s name.
During prom we will give away donated prizes which can
be a variety of things (homemade crafts, fandom goodies,
gift cards, books, etc.) and are all provided through the
generosity of fandom.
To donate a prize or ask any raffle related questions:
contact Theresa ( tjournal) at
Tickets available at registration and through-out the Con.
Each ticket is $1
On prom night, place the bottom half of your ticket(s) in the cup located by the prize basket(s)
of your choice.
Prizes this year include: DVDs, books, collectibles , hand-made crafts and jewelry! Fandoms
represented: Marvel and DC Universes, Supernatural, The Avengers and many more!
A lot of hard work and dedication goes into making Wincon possible, and it’s not just from
the Con Committee. We’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all the
people who helped bring Wincon to life this year.
In particular, we’d like to give endless kudos and thanks to:
Stef – Website, Logo, and Program Book Design
Cathy – Wincon Cowgirl Art, Stragglers’ Dinner Ticket Art, and Prom DJ
Clex – Hotel Area Guide
Rose – Hotel Area Guide
Danielle – Hotel Area Guide
Leen – Hotel Area Guide
Reg – Hotel Area Guide
Terrene – Hotel Area Guide
Sara – Transportation Guide and Hotel Area Guide
Kate – Podcast and Tumblr Assistance
Bryn – Transporting Supplies to Dallas!
Aggy – Face Painting
Jennifer K. - Keychains for the Swag Bags!
scary-lullabies – Prom Night Make-Up
All the panelists and those working Registration, and in the Lounge and Roadhouse –
Thank You!
To those who contribute vids and their special skills to Wincon each year –
Thank You!
For all the donations and contributions to our raffle –
You’re the best and so appreciated!
We’d also like to give a shout out to all volunteers and on the ground staff for taking time out
of their Wincon shenanigans to keep the behind-the-scenes gears turning. From working
hard to assemble registration bags to manning the registration table to helping decorate for
prom and everything in between, nothing would get done without them. If you see them hard
at work, make sure to say thank you, because they deserve to hear it a million times over.
Thank you all so much!
And of course, our endless thanks to the people who started
and ran Wincon in the early years – Kassie, Nan and Jenn.
Friday, OCT.19
Thursday, Oct. 18
Sunday OCT.21
Wincon Crossword Puzzle
Turn to the back of the program book for the solution!
Turn to the back of the program book for the solution!
Do you think all is not what it seems with this companion?
Fuzzy feet are so sexy
Bones agrees - this should really be a threesome
Speaking of fuzzy, being 7-feet tall didn't
hurt either
11 Lana and Lois would probably watch
Tell me how you feel…better yet, sing it
13 Friends for life-until that one night with Omar
Forget about Carla & Elliot, my money was
on the Janitor
15 The Truth is out there
Psychotically, irrationally, erotically
co-dependent on each other
16 It was all about that red and white Gran Torino
Romance from 9 to 5
19 Lethal Weapon pair: Betcha can't spell it without Google
Whether it's with Martin or Lucy, this pair
proves that the doctor is always awesome
20 My fave was Tyne. No wait - Sharon. No, Tyne. Um.
10 Because Megan and Sean BROUGHT it
21 The show was never about Desi
12 Jennifer Saunders & Joanna Lumley
really were
23 Jane and Susan rocked this
14 Cigars and scotch are best enjoyed on
a terrace
25 Schlemiel Schlemazel Hasenpfeffer Incorporated
17 If your friends drove off a cliff, would you
26 Had to include the Caped Crusaders of course
18 Driving off a cliff…jumping off a cliff…
same question
27 Junior College was never so sweet as this
22 Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard
28 But, really, Colton Haynes looks good with just about
anyone, no?
24 Snarky, smart, superhero, business
powerhouse - Is there a better blend?
29 Cuddy was great, but I couldn't take my eyes off of these
30 Rubber Duckie, you're the one
Wincon Crossword Puzzle
Dynamic Duos
7th Annual Wincon Vid Show
Panels and programming
Vid Title
(LJ Name)
Song Title
We Will
Rock You
We Will Rock You
Wild West
Going Down*
Wild Wild
Sick Puppies
You’re Going Down
Kinky Disney
I’m Alive
Minds &
Tom Jones
I’m Alive
We Can Work
It Out
Common Law
Stevie Wonder
We Can Work It Out
Walk After You
Sherlock BBC
Left Lane
Walk After You
Let Me Blow
Ya Mind
Eve (Feat. Gwen
Let Me Blow
Ya Mind
Will Young
Getting Away
With Murder
Papa Roach
Getting Away
With Murder
Home to Me
Josh Kelley
Home To Me
Save A Horse
(Ride A Cowboy)
Big & Rich
Save A Horse
(Ride A Cowboy)
Sexy And
I Know It*
Sexy And I Know It
Flying Circus
Monty Python
Because I’m
Sherlock BBC
The Dollyrots
Because I’m Awesome
* Wincon Premiere!
Programming items typically run 50 minutes
with 10 minute breaks in between in order
to allow time for participants to chat or visit the
restroom, with enough time for them to make
it to the next item or panel that they’d like to
see. There is also an hour-long break for lunch.
Programming items are divided into tracks,
Panels and Fandom Lounge, with a room
dedicated to each track.
Programming Track
Fandom Lounge
Additional Programming
The Roadhouse
Stragglers’ Dinner/Straggle
2nd Floor
Dallas Grand B
Dallas Grand A
9th Fl, Willow Room
Dallas Grand B & C
Schedule Changes
Make sure to follow us on Twitter for any last
minute changes: @wincon! Be sure to check
out the con comm too for more information:
Evening Events
5:00 PM
12:00 AM
ThursDAY, OCT.18
Meet & Greet and Karaoke!
Roadhouse & Fandom Lounge
Come meet your fellow attendees, have some
snacks, do crafts, get your nails done, and maybe
even sing a little! It’s going to awesome.
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
11:00 AM
11:50 AM
Friday, OCT.19
Opening Ceremonies
Comics: Heroes in Tights
Comic book superheroes have been an institution for decades, and they’re
taking off in popularity again thanks to recent smashes at the box office. We’ll
discuss the Big Two (Marvel and DC), classic comics, modern comics, TV
shows, movies, and more. HOST: clex_monkie89 PANELISTS: tsukinofaerii,
celtic_cookie, & waterofthemoon
12:00 PM
12:50 PM
Live Beta Writing Workshop
Ever wish you could get irl feedback on your fanfic? Bring 2-3 rough pages and
sit down for some reading and reviewing. We will break into groups, read aloud
our work, and offer and accept constructive criticism. An excellent opportunity
for fic-storming and creative collaboration! Make sure to bring at least five copies
so everyone can read along with you. HOST: desertport
2:00 PM
2:50 PM
Why two vaginas are better than one! Or: a discussion of femslash in
a wider fandom context, including the challenges of being a femslash
shipper in male-slash dominated fandoms in male-character dominated
Western fandom; and why we ship, how we ship, and who we ship.
MODERATOR: lazy_daze PANELISTS: cherie_morte, lesson_in_love &
3:00 PM
3:50 PM
Fairy Tales Redux
5:00 PM
5:50 PM
6:00 PM
6:50 PM
Vid Show Redux
Watch the latest episode of Supernatural with fangirls!
Fandom Lounge
11:00 AM
11:50 AM
Friday, OCT.19
Pimp Your Fandom
Love your fandom? Want to share that love? Come and share your love with
fellow fangirls – visuals and props are always helpful! An informal and fun way
to meet other fangirls.
12:00 PM
12:50 PM
Fandom Draw Something
You know the game, you love the game – now experience the live (fandom)
version. With prizes and everything! HOSTS: girlguidejones & itsthedetails
2:00 PM
2:50 PM
Coloring Booth
Release your inner kid and express yourself – whether it’s in the lines or out.
3:00 PM
4:50 PM
Plushie Workshop
Back by popular demand! Bryn and Sam will be showing off some of their
finished plushies, as well as showing you how to design and create your own!
We’ll have felt and cloth in every color of the rainbow, sequins, buttons of all
sizes and colors, pipe cleaners, feathers, ribbons, and lots more! Learn tips &
tricks to make the most out of your new felt friend! (Can’t sew? Don’t worry!
We’ve got plenty of hot glue to go around!) All supplies are provided, so all you
have to do is show up! HOSTS: brynspikess (Bryn) & laser_radiation
Real Person Fiction (Serving Up Slashy Goodness)
An RPF panel is a Wincon tradition, but this year we’d like to have a slightly
different discussion. If you’re coming to this panel, you probably don’t need or
want to rehash the “This is why RPF isn’t creepy! No really!” territory. Instead,
let’s talk about characterization, canon, issues of representation, RPF semiotics,
smushnames, and the tour buses that drive themselves. RPF is a fandom that
belongs to the participants in a very real way, and we’d like to talk about both
the benefits and the responsibilities of that. With great power, after all, comes
great responsibility. PANELISTS: sophie_448, celtic_cookie, starlightstorm, cee_m &
The Tradition continues! HOST: tenaciousmetoo
Once Upon a Time, Snow White & the Huntsman, Grimm, Other Stuff.
What makes a fairytale so timeless? Why do we come back to the same stories
again and again? What’s the fascination in retelling and reimagining them?
PANELISTS: sparkymonster, loveflyfree, & tsuki_no_bara
4:00 PM
4:50 PM
Friday, OCT.19
6:00 PM
6:50 PM
Board Game Party
Put down your smartphones and set aside your laptops, it’s time for some oldfashioned board game fun, hosted by Bryn! Meet new people as you learn the
rules, battle over pieces, and make some new friends along the way! Some fandom
games will be provided (The Buffy Board Game, Doctor Who Monopoly,
Hunger Games District 12 Game, etc.), but feel free to bring your own! Just
remember to treat the pieces the way you’d want your friends to treat your
stuff! <3 HOST: brynspikess
Evening Events
7:00 PM
Friday, OCT.19
Teen Wolf Viewing Party
10:30 AM
11:20 AM
Ghost Tour
Outside Event
If you RSVP’d, don’t forget to meet up in the Lobby at 7:30PM! See
chaneen for details!
12:00 AM
The Rocky Horror Wincon Show
Familial Relationships in Fanfic (Keeping It in the Family)
In some fandoms, incest between characters is only discussed behind closed
doors, and in some, it has multiple comms devoted to it; in some it’s even canon.
So let’s talk about it! How is incest treated in your fandom? How do you write it?
(Normalized? As a kink? As abuse?) Are there lines you don’t feel comfortable
crossing, or do the norms of the fandom dictate what you feel okay about writing
or reading? And if you just want to come reminisce about the glory days of
Weasleycest and your early exposure to Flowers in the Attic, that’s fine too!
PANELISTS: beckaandzac, sophie448, and wutendeskind
Con Suite
Just like it sounds! Come hang out in the con suite (AKA affectingly’s
room) and watch wolves who are teens do ridiculous things!
7:30 PM
12:00 AM
Saturday, OCT.20
11:30 AM
12:20 PM
Fandom and the Fourth Wall
Come discuss the evolving concept of the fourth wall between fandom and
TPTB of our fandoms. With the ever increasing use of platforms like Tumblr
and Twitter by both fans and content makers, how is fan culture changing?
PANELISTS: bookshop, affectingly, and pinkfinity
Fandom Lounge
Join cherie_morte for a traditional viewing of The Rocky Horror
Picture Show!
12:30 PM
1:20 PM
And Then I Started Watching Teen Wolf
It’s this MTV show about werewolves based on an 80s movie. Just a little
harmless fun, right? You watch the pilot, and everything’s going fine.
Scott’s wonderfully ridiculous, his bestie Stiles is awesome, and that Derek
guy is pretty hot. Then it’s three days later, you’ve marathoned both
seasons, and you’re swimming in a pool of your own tears because of all the
You’re ranting at the internet like a crazy person, but don’t worry. The internet
knows that feel, bro. Welcome to Teen Wolf fandom. Enjoy your stay!
affectingly, aggybird, canistakahari, daunt, ifshehadwings,
& waterofthemoon
3:00 PM
3:50 PM
Kinks Disney Gave Us
Watching Disney’s foxy fox Robin Hood, one can’t help but think, “It’s amazing
more of us didn’t grow up to be furries.” Maybe you had a crush on the Tramp
or liked seeing Prince Phillip in chains a little too much? In which we examine
how our beloved childhood movies shaped us in ways we can never undo.
PANELISTS: cherie_morte, elizah_jane, wutendeskind, & locknkey.
3:30 PM
4:50 PM
Super Nostalgia
The Supernatural Panel! Relive the pilot ep and then a discussion of Sam,
Dean, John, Bobby, Angels, Devils and everyone else that’s been in the Impala
over the year! PANELISTS: wendy, deirdre_c, girlguidejones, & gekizetsu
5:00 AM
6:00 PM
Sat, OCT.20
Bad Fic Idol
Fandom Lounge
5:00 PM
6:50 PM
The tradition continues: Take some bad fic written especially for the event read
out loud, throw in some hilarious judges and a most excellent hostess and you’ll
have a cracktacular good time. Come and vote for the winner! MODERATOR:
sparkymonster JUDGES/PANELISTS: ignited, elizah_jane, drvsilla, & aggybird
Fandom Lounge
10:00 AM
10:50 AM
Sat, OCT.20
Concert Watch DVD
Come join fellow MCR (My Chemical Romance) fangirls for a concert DVD
watch. HOST: cee_m
11:00 AM
11:50 AM
Pimp Your Fandom
Sat, OCT.20
Make-up for Winprom!
Get your face on! Glittery make-up and all the sparkle you can handle, courtesy
of a terrific make-up artist. Bring your own supplies to use or share!
Evening Events
8:00 PM
Sat, OCT.20
Wild Wild Winprom
2nd Floor, Dallas Grand B & C
Put on your Western finest and come join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and
Love your fandom? Want to share that love? Come and share your love with
fellow fangirls – visuals and props are always helpful! An informal and fun way
to meet other fangirls.
12:00 PM
12:50 PM
Podfic Listening Party
Do you love podfic? Have you always been curious about it, but weren’t sure
where to start? Come listen in as we celebrate podfic fandom with a selection of
short fanfics read out loud by some of our favorite voices in fandom!
2:00 PM
2:50 PM
Real Life Tumblr
Tumblr can be a visual buffet of awesome for the fangirl – let’s make the live
version equally great. Bring your pictures and be prepared to share.
3:00 PM
3:50 PM
Lube Across Fandom
As anyone who’s ever ventured into the depths of knows, slash writers
have extremely creative approaches to lubrication in porny fic. In this event,
we’ll discuss popular lube tropes across many fandoms, from magical lube spells
to using (literally) whatever is available. Which fandom originated the concept
of the self-lubing ass? What pairings hold the record for the most bizarre
substances they’ve put in each other’s butts? Come prepared to elaborate on
your favorite ways to lube up your guys in this definitely NSFW discussion.
HOSTS: Emma Grant & chaechae
10:30 AM
11:20 PM
Sunday OCT.21
Fanfic to Pro Workshop
In the past few years, several writers have made the jump from fanfic writing
to being professionally published. There are some big differences between
writing fic and writing pro and we’re here to give you the inside track on what
they are, what the business is like and how to get the best jump on the next step.
MODERATOR: tjournal PANELISTS: drvsilla & elizah_jane
11:30 AM
12:20 PM
Podfic: Recording, Listening and Fandom: Learn about podfic’s place in fandom,
some tips and tricks for recording your own, and ask our panel any questions
you might have. PANELISTS: celtic_cookie, cee_m, unavoidedcrisis, & sly
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
4:50 PM
Sunday OCT.21
2013 Registration
Get a jump start on your 2013 Wincon experience by purchasing your
registration at a special convention price!
Evening Events
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
Sunday, OCT.21
Stragglers’ Dinner
9th Floor, Willow Room
Come have some pizza and salad and spend one last night with all the stragglers before heading back to the real world.
(Special Ticket Required for Admittance - $12)
Vidding 101: If you’ve ever wanted to make your own videos and were
never sure how to do it, we’ve got the panel for you. We’re going to break
out Windows Movie Maker and actually show you how to make clips,
place them on the timeline, and use transitions. We’ll also be there for your
questions and to provide some advice for newbies to the vidding fandom.
PANELISTS: brynspikess & cee_m
1:30 PM
2:20 PM
Fandom Lounge
8:00 PM
12:00 AM
Stragglers’ Straggle
9th Floor, Willow Room
After the food’s been cleared away, come decompress, hang out, get your
goodbye hugs out of the way. It’s our last night until next year!
Women, People of Color, & LGBT Representation in Comics
Stereotypes, myths, and how two steps forward can also mean ten steps back
as comics become more diverse. We’ll explore what’s working and what isn’t,
whether it be in comic books, TV, or film. MODERATOR: ignited PANELISTS:
cathybites & clex_monkie89
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
Closing Ceremonies
Fandom Lounge
10:00 AM
10:50 AM
Sunday OCT.21
An informal gathering of Tumblr users - come exchange urls!
11:00 AM
11:50 AM
Pimp Your Old-School Fandoms
Love your long-time fandom? Want to share that love? Come and share your
love with fellow fangirls – visuals and props are always helpful! An informal
and fun way to meet other fangirls.
Wincon Crossword Puzzle Solution