july • august • september • 2015
july • august • september • 2015
JULY • AUGUST • SEPTEMBER • 2015 The SACRAMENTO BIKE HIKERS is the oldest continually active bicycle club in the Sacramento area - founded in 1968. The club’s focus is on touring and recreational cycling. This ride schedule provides for year round weekend rides; holiday rides; summer evening rides; weekday rides; special rides such as the Party Pardee Century and multi-day rides... A variety of rides is scheduled to attempt to provide for all abilities and interests. Riders should review this schedule carefully and select those rides that fall within their capability... The schedule is available to interested cyclists at Sacramento area bike shops and is mailed to all members. Monthly membership meetings provide club business updates, open discussion on club activities and policies, and feature speakers on subjects of interest to cyclists. Non-members are invited to attend rides and meetings to get a feel for the club, without obligation. Riders under age 18 may participate on rides if they are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. A sign-in roster is available at the start of each ride. All riders must sign the roster to be regarded as a participant. If a rider has to leave a ride for any reason, the ride leader must be informed. Helmets are required on all Bike Hiker club rides. This Ride Schedule is available on our home page. Come to our website and learn how you can join the Bike Hiker Mailing List, check your club mileage and get up to date information about rides and special events! http://www.bikehikers.com SEE THE R I D E G R A D I N G CODE ON THE INSIDE BACK PAGE RIDE STARTS The most common start locations for club rides have been centralized in the “Start List” below. These locations apply to a number of club rides and are referenced in the ride descriptions (e.g., Meet at Five Points Shopping Center, see Start List for directions). If a ride starts from one of the locations below, check the Start List for directions. The ride descriptions for rides that start at other locations will continue to include the specific start locations and directions. Five Points Shopping Center - Located in Carmichael, on the southeast corner of Fair Oaks Blvd and Arden Way. Park along the Arden Way side of the parking lot. Gold River Town Center - Located in Gold River, off of Gold Field Dr, about ½ mile south of the American River. From Sunrise Blvd, turn east on Gold Country Blvd, then right (south) on Gold Field Dr, then right into the parking lot. Nimbus Fish Hatchery - Located on Nimbus Rd off of Gold Country Blvd, just west of Hazel Ave. From Hwy 50, take Hazel Ave exit, travel north .7 miles, turn left on Gold Country Blvd, then right into Fish Hatchery parking lot. Vic’s Market (Now called “Boom Supermarket”) and located in the Folsom Village Shopping Center, Folsom, on the southwest corner of Oak Ave Parkway and American River Canyon Dr. From Folsom-Auburn Rd, go west about a mile on Oak Ave Parkway to the shopping center parking lot on the left. Bel Air Shopping Center - Located in Rocklin on the NE corner of Stanford Ranch Rd and Sunset Blvd (2341 Sunset Blvd). From I-80 take Hwy 65 exit (toward Lincoln), then first exit (#307) to Stanford Ranch Rd. Shopping Center is approx 1 mi ahead on left at corner. Maidu Regional Park - Located in Roseville on Rocky Ridge Dr, south of Douglas Blvd and north of S. Cirby Way. From I-80, take Douglas Blvd exit east, then south on Rocky Ridge Dr. Park is on left. 2015 Bike Hiker Tours from Tour Director Larry Robinson July……..Open July 30-Aug 2 Lake Almanor Tour Join us for another memorable cycling and hiking tour in the Lake Almanor and Lassen Peak region. Tour Leaders: Bob and Sherri Keven, bkeven@comcast.net, 761-0979 Aug. 26-30 Half Moon Bay Tour (Riding starts Aug. 27) Bring your tent, RV or trailer and explore with us the coastal landscape just south of San Francisco only 2.5 hours from home. Activities and ride start points will be at the totally refurbished Half Moon Bay State Beach Campground. We will have two days of riding and one day of hiking. Routes will be 24-38 miles with 1,000 to 3,000 ft. of elevation gain. Tour Leader: Bob Kendall bobkendallgb@gmail.com 916-765-9032 Sept 20-22 Tour to Volcano “Gem of the Motherlode” Come ride in the Gold Country! This is a three-day out-and-back tour from Folsom up into the Sierra foothills. Along the way, we’ll enjoy a bakery stop at Rancho Murieta and a deli stop at Sutter Creek. Then we’ll wind along the scenic creek to Volcano (el. 2053’). Our return trip takes us up Ram’s Horn Grade, Shake Ridge, and Fiddletown, with a lunch stop in Plymouth. Tour Leaders: Peggy Blair and Jerry Beckett pblair25@comcast.net and jerrbeck@comcast.net Susan Anstrand and Hazi Alwan SusanAnstrand@nincal.com and cyclehazi@yahoo.com and Marjorie Schwartz Ms7243@aol.com Oct 8-11 Monterey Tour Come join us for a spectacular weekend on the Monterey Peninsula. We have many new routes with a variety of length and terrain to satisfy all levels of recreational club riders. Tour Leaders: Patti Baumert pattib@pattibaumert.com 916-300-4601and Sarah and John Nitta shnhome@hrnursery.com 916-663-3216 Nov…….Open Dec…….Open The official club policies can be found at: http://www.bikehikers.com/ClubInfo/_docs/Policies.pdf 2015 Benefit and Event Rides Each year, a number of benefit and event rides are included in our Ride Schedule to encourage members to support our local cycling clubs (e.g.Sacramento Wheelmen) and to provide opportunities for members to participate in other organized events, set goals and challenges. To be included in our Ride Schedule, the ride must meet distance parameters of approximately no more than 100 miles from Sacramento or be included as part of a Club Tour, be available to all members (no lotteries). To qualify, a Benefit Ride must not require additional fund raising. A Sacramento Bike Hiker must serve as “sign-in leader” responsible for the sign-in roster at the event. Club members may receive club miles for participating in an event ride listed in the Ride Schedule if they register and pay the entry fee, sign-in on the club roster, and complete one of the official routes. Members are heartily encouraged to wear Bike Hiker apparel to show club affiliation. Because of the increasing popularity of these rides, many now sell out before the ride date. To facilitate your goal planning and to give as much advance notice as possible, the following benefit and event rides have been approved for inclusion in our 2015 Ride Schedule. The following rides meet the requirements and have member support. We will continue to monitor member participation in these events to determine whether they will be included in the schedule next year. If you plan to participate, register as early as possible to ensure your ride reservation. Dates will be verified as the year progresses. 3rd Quarter Aug 16 Aug 1 TBA Sept 26 Tour of Napa Valley (Eagle Cycling Club-) Marin Double Century Sacramento Century (Rotary Club) Knoxville Double Century - Vacaville 4th Quarter Oct 04 Konocti Challenge (Lakeport Rotary Club) Oct 03 Levi’s GranFondo (Bike Monkey Santa Rosa) Oct 17 Foxy’s Fall Century (Davis Bike Club) Nov TBA Giro d’Vino (Delta Velo, Lodi) You are welcome and encouraged to participate in benefit rides whether or not they appear in the SBH Club Ride Schedule. Ride Coordinator’s Message by Elaine Hens & Pam Abbott We had a fun time putting the 3rd quarter ride schedule together; there are so many different and exciting rides and social events. We couldn’t have done it without our ride leaders. Thank You! Here are just a few highlights in addition to our regular rides so mark your calendars: July 5 10 18 25 26 30 Regan’s Memorial Ride Amanda & Vivienne’s Ice Cream Ride Eppies Great Race Bike/Hiker Picnic Cortland Pear Festival Lake Almanor Tour August 1 Marin Century / Mt. Tam Double 16 Tour of Napa 23 Sundaes on Sunday 28 Half Moon Bay Tour September 26 Knoxville Double 27 Mustard Seed Spin Happy & Safe Summer, Elaine and Pam MOVED RECENTLY? NEW PHONE NUMBER? If you recently moved, got a new phone number, or changed your e-mail address, please give your new contact information to Dennis Nolan, membership chair. How to Earn Club Miles As a member of the Sacramento Bike Hikers, you receive mileage credit for signing in and completing club rides. Our Mileage Coordinator, Mr. Jerry Beckett, updates member mileage credit from the sign-in sheets of every club ride. Two categories of mileage credit can be earned: miles ridden on club rides and miles ridden to/from club rides (known as “animal miles”). At the end of the year, awards are given to members who ride at least 500 club miles. Accumulating mileage credit is often an incentive for members to set cycling goals and to ride throughout the year, in the hot summer and cold, foggy winter. The specific rules for accumulating mileage credit are posted on the SBH website (www.bikehikers.com) and are briefly summarized below. Club Ride Mileage Credit - Earned only for club rides, tours, and event rides listed in the quarterly SBH Ride Schedule. - Mileage credit is received for completing the route designated by the club ride leader, tour leader or sign-in leader for official event rides. Animal Mile Credit - Earned for actual miles ridden to and from the start location of club rides (includes club tours). - Completion of the club ride/tour is required to receive credit for animal miles. Members are to be as honest and fair as possible when claiming mileage credit for club rides and animal miles. Also, members should write as legibly as possible on the sign-in sheet so the mileage claimed can be credited. If you would like to increase your fitness by spending more quality time on the bike, consider setting a mileage goal for 2008 and come out and ride! Natomas RALEIGH Bike Shop July Cont. FRI 3 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Jim McCandless 539-0961 jkmccandless@hotmail.com Custom Wheel Building Since 1989 3291 Truxel Rd. 641-8640 In Albertsons Shopping Center,Corner Truxel & San Juan 10% Discount to club members J U L Y WED 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Don Scalise 216-5962 and Leisure Ride Leader: Elaine Hens 501-2213 WED 1 NO BIKE CLUB MEETING TONIGHT This month instead of an official club meeting, we will have a ride and picnic. Bike/Hikers and family members are invited to the Annual Club Ride and Picnic. See Saturday July 25th, on the Public Calendar, for specific information. THU 2 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Time to change it up a bit. This ride will take a different route to connect to the ART and then cruise east to Hazel and loop Lake Natomas before returning via Gold River Blvd. Those desiring to get 30 miles in will have option of riding up the hill to Beals Point and back before returning on the south side of the lake. Helmets required as always, bring a snack if you wish for a quick break along the way. Ride rolls at 6pm. Directions: Meet at Gold River Town Center near Applebees. Leader: Dale Crozier dfcrozier@aol.com 533-3777 SAT 4 THE USUAL RIDE 8:00 AM............................... Grade: C38/C46 On this ride we’ll be taking the usual roads and climbing the usual hills up to where we usually turn around at the top of Indian Hill. There will be rest stops at a couple of the usual places. The shorter route usually comes in with about 1,800’ of elevation gain and as usual the longer route will add a couple more hills which usually adds about an additional 700’ of climbing. Meet at Boom (formerly Vic’s Market) (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 bbischoff13@gmail.com SUN 5 7TH ANNUAL REGAN’S RIDESTRONG MEMORIAL RIDE 8:00 AM........................... Grade: E-D35/C45 Join us as we celebrate the memory of Kevin Regan, who was lost to cancer on May 20, 2009, and for all who have succumbed to the disease. The ride also celebrates those who’ve successfully battled the disease and honors all who have been touched by it in any way. Watch for an email with info on downloading a placard with “I’m Riding in Honor/ Memory Of”; a few will be available at the ride start. Riders are asked to wear a LIVESTRONG yellow wristband and black and yellow bike clothing if possible. We hope for a big turnout Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Grady 489-4392 MON 6 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 denflys@aol.com MON 6 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 We will cruise up Gold River Blvd and loop back west on the ART to Wm Pond Park for 20 miles and if you want to get 30 miles in you can continue on to Guy West Bridge and then return to the start via the turn off at Sunrise Bridge and up to the Bridge Street trail and Gold River Blvd. Bring a snack for a short break at Wm Pond Park. Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM sharp! Meet at Gold River Town Center, (near Applebees). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com July Cont. TUE 7 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. We will be riding up to the Water Education Center for a short tour of the facility. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Pam Debarruel 949-6316 pdebarruel@hotmail.com. WED 8 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 and Leisure Ride Leader: Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 THU 9 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Findley 967-7353 FRI 10 T.G.I.F. ICE CREAM RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Ride with us to our house to have ice cream, ice cream sundaes, or something else ice cream. Directions: Meet at the Quarry Pond Town Center, Peet’s Coffee, 5540 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay. Leader: Vivienne Nicol 752-3890; Amanda Pain 501-8098 SAT 11 TRUCKIN’ 8:00 AM...................................... Grade: D30 Come on out for a ride in the Sacramento/Roseville area. There will be a stop about an hour and a half into the ride but bring lots of water. It will probably be hot. Meet at Boom (formerly Vic’s Market) (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bob Banning 673-9870 July Cont. SUN 12 GRANITE BAY - TAYLOR - INDIAN HILL 8:00 AM............................... Grade: C36/D30 Both rides go out to Taylor Road then up to Newcastle. C ride climbs Indian Hill. Both rides return along Val Verde, Wells and Barton. Directions: Meet at the Quarry Pond Town Center, Peet’s Coffee, 5540 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay. Please Park at the far East end of the parking lot. Leader: Kathy Lopes kthylps@yahoo.com 479.2063 MON 13 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Teri Hottman 752-0234; (cell) 388-0280 MON 13 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00PM sharp! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Findley 967-7353 TUE 14 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Vivienne Nicol 752-3890 2419 K Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916.447.2453 10% Discount to club members July Cont. SAT 18 EPPIE’S GREAT RACE 7:30 AM Meet at Lower Sunrise parking lot for the annual Bike Hiker tradition of supporting Eppie’s Great Race at the Bike-to-Boat transition point. Only a few hours of your time are needed to help the contestants with their bikes. Morning munchies and drinks are provided. Also, Eppie’s offers free lunch tickets. We don’t have an official club ride today, but members who cycle to/from and help at the event will receive animal miles. We need lots of volunteers as the Race has continued to grow. Directions: Lower Sunrise Parking Lot Leader: Rick Leach 402-9889 July Cont. WED 15 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Don Scalise 216-5962 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 dawnhcole@gmail.com THU 16 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 denflys@aol.com FRI 17 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Jim McCandless 539-0961 jkmccandless@hotmail.com FRI 17 EPPIE’S SET UP DAY 5:00 PM Volunteers are needed at Lower Sunrise recreation parking lot to help set up the bike racks for tomorrow’s Eppie’s Great Race. Wear work gloves. Directions: Lower Sunrise Parking Lot Leader: Rick Leach 402-9889 SUN 19 ROUTE ONE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: C35+ Route One is a newer ride. Heads out of Gold River to bike trail, then Folsom. Exploring from there. It will be 35 to 45 miles. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Kathy Mrowka 716-9591 MON 20 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 MON 20 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM sharp! Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Karen Holland 425-6385 PLEASE BE PROMPT FOR RIDES!! The time listed for each ride in the schedule is the STARTING time of the ride. Arrive at the meeting place sufficiently ahead of the listed time to allow for whatever personal preparation is necessary so that the ride can start on time. TUE 21 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 Come along on a leisurely 12 MPH ride in Folsom. Meet at 8:30 for coffee with a 9AM ride start. After a 20 mile ride on Folsom’s bike trails, please join us for lunch at Dos Coyotes. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Directions: Meet at La Bou on 13385 Folsom Blvd. (corner of Blue Ravine). Leader: Ruth Anderson (650) 949-5673 July Cont. WED 22 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Directions: Meet at C-bar-C Park, Citrus Heights. 8275 Oak Ave, just east of Fair Oaks Blvd on the north side of Oak Ave. Leaders: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 and Leisure Ride Leader: Elaine Hens 501-2213 THU 23 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Karen Holland 425-6385 FRI 24 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 ANNUAL CLUB PICNIC SAT 25 BIKE HIKERS RIDE & PICNIC 8:30 AM................................. Grade: D30-38 Note the start time and come out to burn some calories prior to enjoying the annual club picnic held at the William Pond Park gazebo. Food will be served beginning at 11:00. Chairperson Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Sign out sheet will be at the picnic table. Leader: Karen Holland 425-6385 SUN 26 CORTLAND PEAR FESTIVAL AND RIDE 9:00 AM....................................... Grade: 25+ Head south along the levee road to Courtland, where we will lock up the bikes and enjoy the Pear Festival, which is free! Bring $ for beverages and peartype foods. Also bring sunblock and a bike lock. The return route will be different to avoid levee traffic from the festival. This is a no sweep ride in case you decide to spend the day at the festival Directions: Delta High School, 52810 Netherlands Road, Clarksburg. Leaders: Marshall B Stadt 944-0174 cell 281-8158 and Irene E Stadt 642-2615 July Cont. MON 27 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 MON 27 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00PM sharp! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Findley 967-7353 TUE 28 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Becky Neal 798-9360 nrbneal@sbcglobal.net WED 29 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D25+ and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Abbott 217-4712 and Leisure Ride Leader: Pam Abbott 217-4712 A U G U S T SAT 1 CREME PUFF RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E20 +/Bring out your old (or new!) beach cruiser, market bike or fat tire oldie, for a leisurely trip down the bike trail to Panera’s on Howe Ave. for coffee or lunch. Slow pace and old-fashioned fun so wear your pedal pushers and tennis shoes to set the mood. Helmets are still required though. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Eleanor Mark 204-1430 eleanormark@comcast.net July Cont. BIKE HIKER TOUR THU 30 LAKE ALMANOR TOUR thru SUN 2 Join us for another memorable visit to the Lake Almanor area! Thursday we will ride to the rustic old logging town of Westwood for a lumberjack size breakfast. Friday is our hiking day, we’ll carpool to Lassen National Park for a hike in Lassen’s picturesque high country. Saturday’s a day of options with the main attraction being the beautiful Indian Valley and Greenville area. Sunday morning we’ll do a short ride before heading home Directions: Antlers Motel 268 Main Street Chester, CA 96020 Leader: Bob and Sherri Keven 761-0979 FRI 31 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Abbott 217-0556 MARIN CENTURY SAT 1 53RD MARIN CENTURY & MT TAM DOUBLE The proceeds from this event help support youth and community organizations. There are 6 ride options from which to choose. All 6 rides have some hills to climb but as long as you have done some training and are reasonably fit, there should be a challenge here for everyone. Please note however, that the Mt Tam Century and Mt Tam Double Century are technical, climbing centuries with long ascents and rapid descents and should only be attempted by competent, experienced riders. All the rides go through the best scenery in Marin. From the rolling hills, to Mt Tamalpias, to the Coast and back, there really is no better way to enjoy this part of Northern California than on this well supported, group ride. Directions: Marin County Fairgrounds Leader: Tim Bartoe timothybartoe@gmail.com SUN 2 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. MON 3 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Don Scalise 216-5962 MON 3 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM sharp! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Findley 967-7353 August Cont. TUE 4 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Ralston 752-5309 WED 5 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 Denflys@aol.com CLUB MEETING WED 5 BIKE HIKERS CLUB MEETING 7:00 PM Tonight’s speaker will be announced soon. Directions: Meet at Community Clubhouse 1 in Carmichael Park. The clubhouse is located at 5750 Grant Ave. near the corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and Grant Ave. Go West on Grant Ave. and the Community Clubhouse will be on your left, park in back near the tennis courts. See a map at http://www. carmichaelpark.com/Parks/Maps/CPMap.082806.mht THU 6 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. FRI 7 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Vivienne Nicol 752-3890 and Amanda Pain 501-8098 SAT 8 BOOM ( formerly VIC’S ) MARKET TO FLOWER FARM 8:00 AM............................... Grade: D29/C43 We’ll wander around the foothills to the Flower Farm. Meet at Boom (formerly Vic’s Market), Folsom (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Kathy Mrowka 716-9591 August Cont. SUN 9 GRANITE BAY - TAYLOR - INDIAN HILL 8:00 AM............................... Grade: C36/D30 Both rides go out to Taylor Road then up to Newcastle. C ride climbs Indian Hill. Both rides return along Val Verde, Wells and Barton. Directions: Meet at parking lot of Pete’s Coffee on Douglas (5550 Douglas Blvd #110 Granite Bay, CA 95746) Please Park at the far East end of the parking lot. Leader: Kathy Lopes 479-2063 kthylps@yahoo.com MON 10 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Jim McCandless 539-0961 jkmccandless@hotmail.com MON 10 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 We’ll head east on Gold River Blvd and catch the trail at Nimbus Hatchery to head west to Wm Pond. 30 milers can continue to Guy West before returning. If you start at Wm Pond/Five Points, you must be at Gold River by the start time. Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM sharp! Meet at Gold River Town Center (near Applebees). (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com August Cont. FRI 14 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 5142 Arden Way, Carmichael 916 640-2453 TUE 11 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 Come along on a leisurely 12 MPH ride in Folsom. Meet at 8:30 for coffee with a 9AM ride start. After a 20 mile ride on Folsom’s bike trails, please join us for lunch at Dos Coyotes. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Directions: La Bou on 13385 Folsom Blvd. (corner of Blue Ravine) Leader: Ruth Anderson (650) 949-5673 WED 12 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Don Scalise 216-5962 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 dawnhcole@gmail.com THU 13 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Meet at Gold River Town Center (near Applebees). For a change of scenery, we’re going to hit the trail off of Bridge Street and head east to loop Lake Natomas. 30 milers will ride up to Beals Point before returning. So be ready to start at Gold River, (not Wm Pond Park, NO exceptions). Nonmembers and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Meet at Gold River Town Center, (near Applebees). (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com SAT 15 I WANNA LIVE 8:00 AM............................... Grade: C37/C43 If for some reason you couldn’t make it to the Death Ride this year here’s a ride you can do and still live to ride another day. We will be riding out to the Stanford Ranch area then looping back through Loomis. Both routes go the same way but the longer route includes an additional clockwise trip around Park Drive. The short route has about 2,000’ of elevation gain and the longer route has about 2,500’. Meet at Boom (formerly Vic’s Market), Folsom (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 bbischoff13@gmail.com WINE COUNTRY TOUR SUN 16 39TH ANNUAL TOUR OF NAPA VALLEY- EAGLE CYCLING CLUB Flat 35 Mile For those who don’t want to climb a bunch of hills, or ride a gazillion miles, we offer the “Flat 35,” a relatively flat course winding along rural roads through the beautiful vineyards of the Napa Valley wine country. Hilly 40 Mile Some folks asked for a hillier 35 mile route, but they didn’t want to do the full 65. Last year we created the “Hilly 40” for them. It makes the first climb the 65 mile course does, but not Ink Grade!. 42 miles, approximately 1,500 feet of climbing, tons of fun. 65 mile This is a challenging course with one moderate climb and Ink Grade, a more challenging climb with a great downhill. 62.5 miles, approximately 3,000 feet of climbing. 100 Mile Same route as last year with the reversed direction over Mt. Veeder, so you get the really bad pavement going uphill, when it’s not nearly as much trouble, and the much better pavement going downhill. The route then takes you along the shores of Lake Berryessa before returning you to Pope Valley for the assault on Ink Grade. 103 miles, approximately 6,000 feet of climbing. Directions: Yountville Veteran’s Home Just off Hwy 29 in Yountville Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 dawnhcole@gmail.com August Cont. MON 17 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Teri Hottman 752-0234 (cell) 388-0280 MON 17 MONDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 We’ll head east on Gold River Blvd and catch the trail at Nimbus Hatchery to head west to Wm Pond. 30 milers can continue to Guy West before returning. If you start at Wm Pond/Five Points, you must be at Gold River by the start time. Non-Members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate, cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the ride leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM sharp! Directions: Meet at Gold River Town Center, (near Applebees). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com TUE 18 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Pam Debarruel 949-6316 pdebarruel@hotmail.com WED 19 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 and Leisure Ride Leader: Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 THU 20 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Meet at Gold River Town Center (near Applebees). For a change of scenery, we’re going to hit the trail off of Bridge Street and head east to loop Lake Natomas. 30 milers will ride up to Beals Point before returning. So be ready to start at Gold River, (not Wm Pond Park, NO exceptions). Nonmembers and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Directions: Meet at Gold River Town Center, (near applebees). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com August Cont. FRI 21 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 SAT 22 CIRCLE AROUND FOLSOM 8:00 AM..................................... Grade: C/44 We’ll head out the bike trail to Folsom. This route climbs Iron Point Road, before taking a break at Folsom Grind. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Kathy Mrowka 716-9591 SUN 23 SUNDAES ON SUNDAY 10:30 AM.................................. Grade: D30+ Let’s get together for an Ice Cream Sundae on Sunday afternoon Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 MON 24 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bobb Gregory 792-9299 TUE 25 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Becky Neal 798-9360 Road specialists: Trek•LeMond•Bianchi•Colnago Calfee•Eddy Merckx•Gary Fisher Club Discount 3077 Freeport Blvd • Sacramento, CA • 442-5246 August Cont. WED 26 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Abbott 217-0556 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 dawnhcole@gmail.com THU 27 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Meet at Gold River Town Center (near Applebees). For a change of scenery, we’re going to hit the trail off of Bridge Street and head east to loop Lake Natomas. 30 milers will ride up to Beals Point before returning. So be ready to start at Gold River, (not Wm Pond Park, NO exceptions). Nonmembers and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6:00 PM. Meet at Gold River Town Center, (near Applebees). (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dale Crozier 533-3777 dfcrozier@aol.com August Cont. SAT 29 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. SUN 30 WILD CHICKEN REDUX 8:00 AM............................... Grade: D32/C40 Both routes go to Charlottes’s (formerly Wild Chicken) coffee house in downtown Loomis for a rest stop.. The long route climbs both hills on Sierra College and most of the rollers on English Colony before the rest stop. The shorter route takes a flatter route to the rest stop. Both routes come back the same way which is fairly flat. Meet at Maidu Regional Park (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Carolyn Lewis 916-335-9077 carolynmlewis@sbcglobal.net MON 31 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Abbott 217-0556 BIKE HIKER TOUR THU 27 HALF MOON BAY TOUR thru SUN 30 Join us for a tour of the Half Moon Bay area. The tour includes rides on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, along with a 7 mile hike on Friday. Rides vary in length from 19 to 68 miles. See the club’s Event Page on our website for more information. Directions: Half Moon Bay State Beach Campground Leaders: Bob and Janet Kendall BobKendallGB@gmail.com or 765-9032. Registrar is Jim Karpowicz CycleJim2005@yahoo.com FRI 28 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Abbott 217-0556 IMPORTANT ITEMS TO BRING ON A RIDE!!! REQUIRED: Spare tube or tubular tire, patch kit, pump, lights/reflectors on night rides, helmet. RECOMMENDED: Basic tools, first aid kit, filled water bottle, snack, money, identification. SEPTEMBER TUE 1 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Becky Neal 798-9360 nrbneal@sbcglobal.net WED 2 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 and Leisure Ride Leader: Elaine Hens 501-2213 CLUB MEETING WED 2 BIKE HIKERS CLUB MEETING 7:00 PM Tonight’s speaker will be announced soon. Directions: Meet at Community Clubhouse 1 in Carmichael Park. The clubhouse is located at 5750 Grant Ave. near the corner of Fair Oaks Blvd. and Grant Ave. Go West on Grant Ave. and the Community Clubhouse will be on your left, park in back near the tennis courts. See a map at http://www. carmichaelpark.com/Parks/Maps/CPMap.082806.mht THU 3 THURSDAY EVENING BIKE TRAIL RIDE 6:00 PM.............................. Grade: E/D20/30 Non-members and all levels of riders are welcome to participate. Cycle for fitness and recreation, and learn about the Bike Hikers. Ride at your own pace; the leader will sweep the 20 mile trail to ensure all riders return to the start. Riders must wear helmets and should bring a water bottle. Be ready to ride at 6PM. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: John Findley 967-7353 FRI 4 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2802 Sept Cont. SAT 5 EXCUSE FOR KAREN’S 8:00 AM................................ Grade: C 30/38 We’ll be off to Rocklin, Roseville and Granite Bay before heading back to Karen’s for a bite to eat if you want. This ride has rollers and one good short climb of about half a mile up Sierra College. Directions: Park across from Karen’s Bakery on Leidersdorff St and Gold Lake Dr in Folsom. There is also a free Light Rail parking garage right there. Leader: Kathy Wright 212-2374 or 363-9343 or kathywri@sbcglobal.net SUN 6 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. MON 7 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 TUE 8 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Karen Holland 425-6385 WED 9 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 Denflys@aol.com THU 10 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. BRING A FRIEND CYCLING, You don’t have to be a member to participate! Sept Cont. FRI 11 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Nimbus Fish Hatchery (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 SAT 12 CIRCLE AROUND FOLSOM 8:00 AM..................................... Grade: C/44 We’ll head out on the bike trail to Folsom. This route climbs Iron Point Road, before taking a break at Folsom Grind. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Kathy Mrowka 716-9591 SUN 13 GOING LOOPY IN EDH 8:00 AM............................... Grade: B- 34/45 We’ll be doing some hill loops in El Dorado Hills to stay in shape for upcoming events and tours. Directions: Meet near the Starbuck’s in the shopping center at the SW corner of E. Bidwell and Broadstone Pkwy in Folsom. From Hiwy 50 take the E. Bidwell/Scott Rd Exit, left on E. Bidwell, left on Broadstone and right into the parking lot. Leader: Kathy Wright 212-2374 or 363-9343 and kathywri@sbcglobal.net MON 14 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.......................................... Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Teri Hottman 752-0234 (cell) 388-0280 TUE 15 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Bill Ralston 752-5309 WED 16 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Mary Euretig 549-6992 maryeuretig@att.net and Leisure Ride Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 dawnhcole@gmail.com Sept Cont. THU 17 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. FRI 18 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Boom (formerly Vic’s) Market, Folsom (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Nancy Bischoff 206-2802 SAT 19 BOOM ( VIC’S ) MARKET TO FLOWER FARM 8:00 AM............................... Grade: D29/C43 We’ll wander around the foothills to Flower Farm. Meet at Vic’s (Boom) Market, Folsom (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Kathy Mrowka 716-9591 SUN 20 GRANITE BAY - TAYLOR - INDIAN HILL 8:00 AM............................... Grade: C36/D30 Both rides go out to Taylor Road then up to Newcastle. C ride climbs Indian Hill. Both rides return along Val Verde, Wells and Barton. Directions: Ride Starts at Parking lot of Pete’s Coffee on Douglas (5550 Douglas Blvd #110 Granite Bay, CA 95746) Please Park at the far East end of the parking lot. Leader: Kathy Lopes 479-2063 kthylps@yahoo.com BIKE HIKER TOUR SUN 20 thru TOUR OF VOLCANO TUE 22 Come ride in the Gold Country! This is a three-day out-andback tour from Folsom up into the Sierra foothills. Along the way, we’ll enjoy a bakery stop at Rancho Murieta and a deli stop at Sutter Creek. Then we’ll wind along the scenic creek to Volcano (el. 2053’). Our return trip takes us up Ram’s Horn Grade, Shake Ridge and Fiddletown with a lunch stop in Plymouth. Directions: Contact Ride Leaders Leaders: Peggy and Jerry Beckett pblair25@comcast.net; . jerrbeck@comcast.net and Susan Anstrand and Hazi Alwan; SusanAnstrand@nincal.com; cyclehazi@yahoo.com MON 21 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 denflys@aol.com Sept Cont. TUE 22 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Elaine Hens 501-2213 WED 23 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Dave Abbott 217-0556 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dawn Cole 847-5244 THU 24 CHECK ONLINE CALENDAR FOR UPDATES No rides were scheduled at the time of printing. Please check the online Calendar for any updates. FRI 25 T.G.I.F. COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM.................................... Grade: D30+ Thank Goodness it’s Friday! Time for a week’s end spin in search of coffee and goodies! Meet at Five Pts Shopping Ctr (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Teri Hottman 752-0234 (cell) 388-0280 SAT 26 FOLSOM FOOTHILL FROLIC 8:00 AM.............................. Grade: C+/B- 59 Using mostly familiar roads and taking a couple of breaks along the way, this ride goes from Folsom up to Gold Hill and back. No real killer hills but about 3,200’ of elevation gain. Directions: Folsom Palladio, North parking lot near Sports Authority Leader: Bill Bischoff 531-2801 bbischoff13@gmail.com VACAVILLE DOUBLE SAT 26 KNOXVILLE FALL CLASSIC DOUBLE CENTURY The Quackcyclists would like to invite you to participate in the sixteenth annual Knoxville Fall Classic Double Century. The Double Century is 201.1 miles. Total climbing is 12,600 ft. Almost two-thirds of the climbing is in the morning. Most climbing is under 10%, but some of the climbs are quite long. Lunch is at mile 107. Most riders seem to finish between 7 & 10 p.m. The course is mostly rural, scenic, lightly traveled, & remote. Lots of it is twisty & turny (is that a word?) up & down, and often in need of repair (but that keeps the cars away!) Directions: Vacaville’s Pena Adobe Park. It’s right off I-80, just west of Vacaville Leader: Tim Bartoe; timothybartoe@gmail.com Sept Cont. BENEFIT RIDE SUN 27 MUSTARD SEED SPIN 9:30 AM................................. Grade: F13/F6 This is a high fun (non hammer heading) ride meant to benefit the Mustard Seed School that provides education for homeless children. There is a 13 mile and 6 mile option. We are asked to chaperone, provide assistance and be a role model on the the ride. Sometimes the kids need a cheer leader to finish. Please bring your cell phones, a patch kit, and wear your club jersey if you have one. Needless to say, helmets are required for all riders. Meet at Five Points Shopping Center (See Ride List for directions). Leaders: Andy Chandler 337-1529 and Linda Jew 203-1768 MON 28 ROVING MONDAY MORNING COFFEE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ Join us for a roving morning ride to a favorite coffee shop. Directions: Meet at C-bar-C Park, Citrus Heights. 8275 Oak Ave, just east of Fair Oaks Blvd on the north side of Oak Ave. Leader: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 TUE 29 EASY RIDERS 9:00 AM.................................. Grade: D/E 20 We start with coffee at Starbucks at Gold River at 8:30 a.m. Then take off down the trail at 9:00, doing 20 or so miles at an average speed of 10-12 mph. There is no route sheet. The idea behind the ride is for newcomers and/or others who wish to go slower and not so far. Meet at Gold River Town Center (See Ride List for directions). Leader: Becky Neal 798-9360 WED 30 WEDNESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST & LEISURE RIDE 8:00 AM................................. Grade: E/D30+ We’ll ride 30 miles or so depending upon the choice of restaurant for today. The Leisure Ride starts at the same time and location as the Breakfast Ride, but has its own leader, the grade is E/D20-30 and the pace is determined by the group. One sign-in sheet is used for both ride options. Directions: Meet at C-bar-C Park, Citrus Heights. 8275 Oak Ave, just east of Fair Oaks Blvd on the north side of Oak Ave. Leaders: Dave Tarquino 335-1483 and Leisure Ride Leader: Dennis Nolan 709-4830 Denflys@aol.com All phone numbers in this schedule are area code 916 unless otherwise noted. Ride with Us To make the most of your riding experience with the club please review the following information. The first thing to do is pick a ride that is appropriate for your abilities — Generally start by joining rides that may seem to be a little on the easy side. (One of the most common mistakes is to go on a ride that is too difficult. It’s no fun and can be a bit embarrassing.) Helmets are Required Bicycling helmets are required on all Bike Hiker rides. Today’s helmets are light weight and well ventilated. There is just no reason not to wear a modern well fitted helmet. Equipment • A bike in good working order. • I.D. and Medical Alert Info if necessary • Extra water (even in the winter) • Extra food, e.g. an energy bar • Money - for a taxi ride, phone, or any un-expected need • Tools and parts to repair a flat tire* * Flat Repairs — tire levers, spare tube, patch kit, & tire boot. Group Riding While the Bike Hikers are NOT a racing club we do, at times, ride as a group in an informal pace-line. If you are new to riding in a group there are a few things to keep in mind when you are riding behind, in front of, or next to other riders. • Ride smoothly without braking or weaving • Signal and/or call out any hazards* • If a rider in front of you points out a hazard, pass the signal on • Signal and give warning if you need to move out of line. • Do not follow too closely. *There are several “Signals” the riders use to indicate various hazards and changes in speed. While riding within a group watch out for and use these signals. Most accidents occur while riding as a group and can usually be avoided if everyone uses good group riding habits. CLUB NEWS 2015 New Members from Membership Chair Dennis Nolan Chris Dugan Amy Geiger John Green Dena Iutzi-Mitchell Bill Lane Barbara Lane Suzanne McCord Martha Murray Tom Nicholas Susan Packer Ron Packer Randy Presley Terry Snyder Dewey Welch Shalako Wengronowitz Dorothy West Janet Whittier Club Meeting Location Club meetings are held at Community Clubhouse 1 in Carmichael Park. The clubhouse is located at 5750 Grant Avenue near the corner of Fair Oaks Blvd and Grant Avenue. Go west on Grant Avenue and the Community Clubhouse will be on your left. There is a sign on the building, and tennis courts are next to the building. Parking is limited in front of the clubhouse, but there is ample parking in the back. A map can be found at: http://www.carmichaelpark.com/Parks/Maps/ CPMap.082806.mht Historian Needed The club has an opening for the historian position. Want to do more for the club? Want to express your creative side? If so, this job is for you. Being the club historian is a fun and rewarding job. The job includes collecting and creating memories of the club from club tours, rides, and special events. If interested, please contact one of the club officers. SACRAMENTO New Membership BIKE HIKERS Renewal MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Check Type Of Membership Name Individual ................................................... $15 Address Family . ........................................................ $20 City Family Membership State ZIP Phone E-mail (2 adults & children under 18 living in the same houshold) Name of family member(s) who will be riding: Birthdate: Birthdate Would you be willing to volunteer to help lead rides? Could you help on club events? Are you a beginning rider? Make checks payable to: SACRAMENTO BIKE HIKERS (Club apparel not included in membership fees) Mail application and check to: Sacramento Bike Hikers c/o Dennis Nolan PO Box 1005 Carmichael, CA 95609 Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity & Parental Consent Agreement (“Agreement”) In consideration of participating in Sacramento Bike Hikers (“Club”) sponsored Bicycling Activities (“Activity”), I for myself, my personal representatives, assignees, heirs, and next of kin: 1) Acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the nature of Bicycling Activities and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I further acknowledge that the Activity will be conducted over public roads and facilities open to the public during the Activity and upon which the hazards of traveling are to be expected. I further agree and warrant that if at any time I believe conditions to be unsafe, I will immediately discontinue further participation in the Activity. 2) Further understand that: (a) bicycling activities involve risks and dangers of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death (“Risks”); (b) these Risks and dangers may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Activity, the condition in which the Activity takes place, or the negligence of the “releasees” named below; (c) there may be other risks and social and economic losses either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity. 3) Hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Club, the League of American Bicyclists, their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “Releasees” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “RELEASEES” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operation; and I further agree that if, despite this release and waiver of liability, indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the RELEASEES from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as a result of such claim. I have read the agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, not withstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. Please read the waiver and sign below Signature of applicant ________________________________________________ Date ________________________ Signature of other applicant ____________________________________________ Date ________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian (if member is under 18) _____________________________________________________ Want To Buy SBH Clothing? Club apparel is available at the Carmichael Bike Shop, 5142 Arden Way, Carmichael (in the Five Points Shopping Center). Club apparel is not included in membership fees and mail order is not available. The following items are available at the bike shop. Message from the Editor Laurel Beck “Get a bike, you won’t regret it. If you live. ” Short Sleeve Jersey........... $40 Sleeveless Jersey............... $40 Vest..................................... $30 Jacket.................................. $45 Mark Twain Sizes available: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, and plus sizes (XXL and XXXL). Men and women sizes available. Jersey fit for both sexes is club cut. Cash or Check Only, No Credit Cards. “NO SWEEP” RIDES “No Sweep” rides designated by this symbol tell potential riders that they need to be self-sufficient. No one will be following behind to look out for them should they need assistance. It tells them that they shouldn’t consider this ride unless they would probably do it on their own or with a friend. Basically it’s a ride for experienced riders. However, ride leaders are encouraged to arrange regroup points on the route to allow riders to stay together. Riders on “No Sweep” riders are encouraged to ride together and check with stopped riders to see if they need assistance. Ride leaders will still check to make sure everyone returns safely. 2015 OFFICERS & STAFF PRESIDENT.................Steve Anderson......916 293-9857 VICE PRESIDENT........John Grady.............916 489-4392 SECRETARY................Phyllis Green..........916 665-2184 MEMBERSHIP.............Dennis Nolan..........916 709-4830 TREASURER...............Bill Bischoff.............916 542-7255 STAFF Ride Coordinators........Pam Abbott.............916 961-8826 and........Elaine Hens............916 242-8384 Publishing.....................Laurel Beck............916 791-1363 Website.........................Jerrold Jones..........916 606-5377 Brochure Distribution....Larry Robinson.......916 838-3390 Mileage Recorder.........Kathy Wright...........916 363-9343 Tour Director.................Larry Robinson.......916 838-3390 Locker Coordinators.....Dave Tarquino........916 335-1483 and........Dennis Nolan..........916 709-4830 Historian.......................Vacant Party Pardee Chair.......Vivienne Nicol........916 752-3890 Ride Sheet Coordinator..Vivienne Nicol......916 752-3890 If you are visiting the American River Parkway, keep these numbers on hand: Sacramento County Parks...................... 916 875-7275 State Park Ranger (Hazel to Beal’s Point). 916 988-0205 x777 State Park Emergency............................ 916 358-1301 State Park Non-Emergency..................... 916 958-1300 State Park Information............................. 916 988-0205 Emergency.............................................. 911 RIDE GRADING CODE THREE FACTORS make up the ease or difficulty of a ride – not counting such chance factors as traffic, road conditions, and weather. These factors are important considerations for riders when selecting rides in which to participate. No rider will knowingly be left behind alone. However, riders should NOT sign up for rides beyond their ability. “Biting off more than you can chew” can result in discouragement or sore muscles, and invites accidents. • Terrain Elevation - Represented by an alpha letter A - Steep - Mostly steep grades: strong riders only B - Steep/Moderate- Some relief from steep grades C - Moderate - Hilly; a challenge for the average rider D - Moderate/Easy - Rolling hills, a challenge for beginners E - Easy - Some gentle grades, but no problems F - Flat - If any route is really flat • • Distance - Represented by the actual number of miles Pace - Will range in ‘miles per hour’ between about 12 mph on easy short distance rides to 20+ mph on hard long distance rides. Generally, the pace increases as the difficulty (steepness and distance) of the ride increases. Riders tend to increase their pace as they gain experience, fitness, and are challenged by difficulty. Beginners and novices are strongly advised to select easy and short distance rides to start with, and progress up the grading scale with experience and capability. Non Profit Org US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1163 Sacramento, CA The Sacramento Bike Hikers, P.O. Box 276262 / Sacramento, CA 95827. The Sacramento Bike Hikers is affiliated with the League of American Bicyclists. We urge you to join the League to help keep cycling strong across the country. Benefits of the League: Since 1880, the League of American Bicyclists has stood for the rights of all bicyclists. Today the League is composed of more than 22,000 men and women who share an interest in cycling and a sense of responsibility for promoting and protecting bicycling. These goals are accomplished by: * Advocacy for the full rights of bicyclists * Promotion of bicycling for recreation, transportation, and fitness. * Education for safe and effective bicycling As a member, you receive eight issues a year of Bicycle USA, a magazine focusing on advantages and responsibilities of cycling, and also the Almanac and TourFinder, information resources for cyclists. Each issue of BICYCLE USA is full of useful information about bicycling. Regular columns on technical issues, cycling law, bicycle club management, medicine, and new products keep you up-to- date on the world of cycling. Plus, our calendar of rides is one of the most comprehensive lists of bicycling events in the country. The Bicycling USA calendar lists all major rides sponsored by affiliated clubs (including the Bike Hikers ). There is also free touring information from a network of volunteers, free lodging available in “Hospitality Homes”, and the opportunity to attend regional and national bicycle rallies for reduced rates. We want to help you get the most enjoyment from your bicycling. Our 500 affiliated clubs can tell you about the best routes for day rides, how to get involved with bicycling locally, and where the next club ride will be held. At our regional and national rallies you can ride and socialize with other dedicated cyclists from across the country. Also, during National Century Month you can be one of the 65,000 bicyclists enjoying a League-sanctioned Century. Our Hospitality Homes program provides you with a directory of private accommodations across the country open to League members. Cyclists riding in our PEDAL for POWER tours raise funds for charity and for bicycling, while experiencing the adventure of a lifetime. Yes, I want to join the League of American Bicyclists, to support bicycle advocacy and education. Start my subscription to BICYCLE USA and send my new member benefit package immediately. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (please print or type) Name(s):________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ City: ___________________ State:_____ Zip__________ Telephone:_____________Club: (Sacramento Bike Hikers) Membership Categories Regular Advocate Silver Spoke Supporter Family Advocate Family One Year $30 $50 $100 $45 $75 Two Years $55 $95 $195 $85 $145 Make checks payable to: League of American Bicyclists 1612 K Street,NW Suite 401 Washington, DC 20006 To join by phone call: (202) 822-1333
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