The Night of Broken Glass
The Night of Broken Glass
JEWISH FEDERATION OF the desert 69-710 Highway 111 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 324-4737 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #113 Santa Ana, CA Remembering Kristallnacht 2012 Honor Roll of Contributors, Pages 14-22 The Night of Broken Glass November 9/10, 1938 On the cover.... Remembering Kristallnacht CElia Norian President 2012 Honor Roll of Contributors, Pages 14-22 The Night of Broken Glass November 9/10, 1938 jewish federation BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers and Executive Committee Celia Norian, President Cora Ginsberg, Vice President, Campaign Marvin Lewis, Treasurer Fran Kaufman, Secretary Lainie Weil, President, Women’s Philanthropy Allan Lehmann, Allocations Nancy Ditlove, Major Gifts Libby Hoffman, Honorary Major Gifts Ellen Glass, Endowments Roberta Nyman, Immediate Past President Howard Levy, Immediate Past President When you participate in the Annual Campaign of Federation, your dollars help in a myriad of ways that impact many lives. I’d like to share one of those ways with you. For the past few years, the Federation has set aside dollars to help pay for the cost of sending students from local middle schools to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. This museum is a human rights laboratory and educational center dedicated to challenging visitors to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts and confront all forms of prejudice and discrimination in our world today. The Federation of the Desert provides one half of the cost and the students and parents raise the remaining dollars. Last May, 172 students from Palm Desert Charter Middle School were the recipients of this allocation and Board Joseph Bernstein Sandra Borns Elliott Cohen Joel Cohen Dr. Burt Fogelman Phil Glass James Graff-Radford Sondi Green Vernon Kozlen Jason Novack Allan Nyman Bernard Reiter Dr. Paul Ross Stephanie Ross Elisa Schwartz Sandy Seplow Amy Stone Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer Table of Contents Vol. 38 • No. 3 Calendar 10-11 Federation 2, 3, 5, 8, 27, 28 Website 22 Women's Philanthropy 6 Young Adults Division 2, 12 Honor Roll 14-22 Israel Mission 4 Jewish Family Service 11, 23 Schools 23 Simchas & Classifieds 26 Temples 10 Tributes 24 2 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • went to Los Angeles. This field trip had an impact on their young lives. Our Federation received thank you notes from each student. Let me share some of their thoughts with you here. “At the Museum of Tolerance we learned more about the Holocaust and what hatred can do. I could feel how it must have felt with this happening to them by walking through the gas chambers and going through the hallways with all the simulated attractions also seeing all of the videos on the Holocaust and of what hatred can do if we keep on spreading it and not being more tolerant.” - Mikayla “Thank you for allowing me to have a wonderful experience at the Museum of Tolerance. I really enjoyed learning more about the Holocaust. I found it really rude how many people were killed for having different beliefs. The museum was very exciting and I am really grateful to you for letting me have this opportunity.” - Samantha Christle writes “the kindness you have given to donate time and money to Palm Desert Charter Middle School has certainly not been wasted. I deeply appreciated the experience and my mind has been enriched with knowledge and understanding I would not have otherwise acquired without the effort you put forth for us.” “I will never forget the lifelike rooms that the center created, such as the room that looked like a gas chamber. However, what astonished me the most was the number of present-day intolerances that I never realized existed. From now on, I will always try to be more open-minded to everyone around me. I will also not pre-judge people. Thank you again for the wonderful opportunity to learn about intolerance and hatred.” - Adam YOU have helped to enlighten these young people about prejudice, hatred and bullying. YOU have made a difference in their lives. You may not know these children, but you have just played an important part in shaping their future. We all thank you. Our Annual Campaign for 2013 is underway. Through your participation you will help to influence the future for many years to come. Be a part of it. Make your pledge or donation today. From the CEO Community Responsibility Bruce Landgarten money, regardless of size, make a difference toward improving life in the Desert. Whether one gives eighteen, hundreds, or thousands of dollars, or volunteers one hour or ten hours, there is a realization that everyone has a stake that matters. This new spirit of collective responsibility is helping to propel our community toward greater care and compassion. Together we accomplish more than we could alone. Thank you for your continued generosity and caring. Jewish Federation Chief Executive Officer As Jews, we are strongest when we are united as a kehillah, a community. Jewish Federation is the only organization that brings us all together to build consensus perspectives, underpinned by our shared values. We speak not as individuals, but in concert with each other across the Desert. I am proud of the great amount our community has achieved. Since arriving in early 2010, I have witnessed a new spirit that leads me to believe that our valley is determined to become a more caring and compassionate community. If there is anything positive to come out of the economic recession, it is the realization that we must all work together to support one another. Not just today, as we struggle against the tide, but well into the future. I see this both in our local Jewish community and in the community at large. The nonprofit organizations in the Desert have demonstrated remarkable accomplishments, and it is clear that people wish to do good in our community. However, organizational leadership cannot achieve success alone. It is dependent on the generosity of contributors like yourselves, who provide gifts and donations. We are seeing a new interest in philanthropy and charitable giving. Not just by those who are blessed with great wealth and an ability to give significant dollars; but by many who contribute small amounts in the face of hardships caused by the harsh economy. There is an understanding and consensus in our community that everyone can make a difference and that all contributions of time and JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 3 JEWISH COMMUNITY NEWS A Publication of the Jewish Federation of the Desert VOL. 38, No. 3 EDITORIAL Bruce Landgarten, Chief Executive Officer Miriam H. Bent, Editor Bailey & Co., Layout & Design JCN STATEMENT The Jewish Community News seeks to provide news and feature material of special interest to its readership, and to create a heightened sense of Jewish identity through the dissemination of information about people, events and issues at home and abroad. The JCN seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community. The JCN is published monthly, ten months a year by the Jewish Federation of the Desert, 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, 760-324-4737, fax 760-324-3154. Articles & Advertising, Miriam H. Bent, Editor 760-323-0255, fax 760-320-6085, ADVERTISING The JCN does not endorse the goods or services advertised in its pages and makes no representation as to the kashrut of food products and services in such advertising. The publisher shall not be liable for damages if, for any reason whatsoever, it fails to publish an advertisement or for any error in an advertisement. Acceptance of advertisers and of advertising copy is subject to the publisher’s approval. The JCN is not responsible if ads violate applicable laws and the advertiser will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the JCN from all claims made by government agencies and consumers for any reason based on ads carried in the JCN. 4 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • New ‘Babi Yar’ Plaque Omits All Mention of Jewish Nazi Victims by Rachel Hirshfeld, Arutz Sheva The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, California, together with the Russian Holocaust Center of Moscow criticized Russian authorities on Monday for their “revisionist history” regarding the Holocaust mass murder that occurred at Babi Yar in the Ukraine. Last year, authorities removed a plaque, placed at the mass grave on the outskirts of Rostov in 2006, that identified most of the Nazi victims as Jews. The current plaque, however, deletes all Jewish references, in an epitaph to “the peaceful citizens of Rostov-on-the-Don and Soviet prisoners of war.” Shimon Samuels, the Wiesenthal Center’s director of international relations, said that the “plaque’s identity theft was a form of ‘memoricide’, twice murdering the victim - in both life and posterity.” Samuels called upon the authorities “to take the opportunity of this 70th anniversary of the greatest Holocaust massacre on Russian territory, compared with the Ukrainian Babi Yar - to promptly return the previous plaque or provide a new truthful narrative.” Former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Meir Lau, attended the proceedings to honor the memory of Rostov resident, Fedor Michovichenko, a Righteous Gentile who saved him as a child prisoner in Buchenwald. A local teacher recalled comments among German high-school students who “heroize Hitler” and contribute to the revision of history. The Wiesenthal Centre offered the Russian Holocaust Center its documentary films, to counteract the new and increasingly prevalent revisionism. “Each of the over one thousand mourners at the commemoration donned a yellow star armband marked ‘Jude’. Though emotionally disturbing, this marked a gesture of defiance. To wear it inspired our collective obligation to the faithful transmission of memory across the generations,” Samuels said. Attack on Malmö Jewish Center Ruled a Hate Crime Public Diplomacy Network The explosion outside a Jewish community centre in Malmö, Sweden last month is now being investigated as a hate crime, a move welcomed by the Swedish Committee Against AntiSemitism. “It’s obvious that this is a hate crime. The fact that the crime was aimed at the Jewish community centre shows that people were expressing hostility towards it,” said prosecutor Hans Harding to Swedish newspaper Expo. “We’re putting enormous resources into trying to solve this. If it were a usual break-in then we wouldn’t have had the county police service taking over the case. This happened because the crime is aimed towards the Jewish community.” The attack reignited a longsimmering debate about the safety of Jews in Sweden’s third largest city. Fred Kahn, head of the Jewish community in Malmö, said the attack reaffirms the view that the Jews in Malmö remain under threat and have suffered as a result. “More attacks are directed at Jews in Malmö. I haven’t heard about it happening in other places in Sweden,” he told the local Skånska Dagbladet newspaper. JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 5 Women's Philanthropy INSIGHTS based Jane’s Information Group. He has covered the Middle East conflict for more By Judy Cohn, WP Education Vice President than 15 years. We don’t know what the Iran. Egypt. Syria. Libya. breaking news will be in the next few We are confronted with months, but this is a wonderful opportunity headlines from these to hear from someone who is on the scene c o u n t r i e s d a i l y. A s in Israel as events develop. enlightened and curious INSIGHTS will be held on Wednesday, members of the Jewish March 6, 2013 at the Helene Galen Community, we want Auditorium at Annenberg Center for to know the real story Health Sciences at Eisenhower Medical Judy Cohn behind these headlines. Center in Rancho Mirage. Th a t i s w hy w e , a t We will gather at 4:30 pm for Wine Women’s Philanthropy, and Hors d’oeuvres. The program will are very excited that Alon begin at 5:30 pm. Women (as well as Ben-David has agreed men) who pledge a minimum gift of to be the speaker at our $180 to the 2013 Annual Campaign are inaugural INSIGHTS invited to attend. We know this event event. will be of great interest to everyone in Mr. Ben-David is the our community. Please make sure to add Middle East correspondent Alon Ben-David this date to your calendar. for Israel’s Channel 10 News and for the London- The Latest Insights from Medicine Breast Health for Ourselves, Our Daughters & Granddaughters There are only three weeks left to reserve your place for the Women’s P h i l a n t h r o p y ’s FREE two-hour educational forum with Dr. James R. Waisman. As a breastdedicated medical oncologist, Dr. Waisman will share the latest information on breast cancer and breast health. This forum will allow time for you to ask questions. Please encourage your family and friends to attend this very important event with you. Space is limited. Reservations are required. Call Linn Menne at 760-324-4737 or email, no later than November 21st. Friday, November 30, 2012 at 10:00 am at the Jewish Federation Office For more information contact Women’s Philanthropy Director Barbara Ben-David at 760-324-4737 or 6 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Mammoth Mezuzah Affixed to Kotel Entrance What may be the world’s largest mezuzah was affixed at the gate of the upper entrance to the Kotel (Western Wall) Plaza on August 28, 2012. The bronze mezuzah was contributed by Israeli-French philanthropist Shmuel Flato-Sharon. It weights 88 pounds, is 4 feet, 7 inches tall and almost 10 inches wide. The inscribed parchment is just LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WELCOMED The Jewish Community News welcomes letters to the editor. Publication will be based on appropriateness of material and available space, at the discretion of the editorial staff. We reserve the right to edit submissions. Submit letters of 250 words or less by e-mail to:, fax to 760-320-6085 or mail to the Jewish Federation, 69-710 Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, attn: Editor, JCN. Israel Gotleib and Shmuel Flato-Sharon affix mezuzah shy of one foot tall. It was written by Sofer Rav Zalman Michaelshvilli and its design was influenced by the work of surrealist Spanish artist Salvador Dali. Israel Gotleib, Western Wall scribe of holy texts, affixed the mezuzah at the entrance to the Western Wall plaza, with Flato-Sharon joining him for the ceremony. JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 7 The Roots of Jewishness by Gisela Telis, Arizona Public Media Scholars have long debated one seemingly simple question: What is “Jewishness?” Is it defined by genetics, culture, or religion? Recent findings have revealed genetic ties that suggest a biological basis for Jewishness, but this research didn’t include data from North African, Ethiopian, or other Jewish communities. Now a new study fills in the genetic map—and paints a more complex picture of what it means to be Jewish. Most Jewish populations share a genetic connection, but some groups, such as Ethiopian Jews stand alone. Modern Jews, who number more than 13 million worldwide, are traditionally divided into various groups. They include Middle Eastern Jews, who live in Iraq, Iran and other places in the Levant; Sephardic Jews from Spain and Portugal; Ashkenazi Jews from Europe, who comprise 90% of American Jews; North African Jews from Morocco, Algeria, and other countries north of the Sahara; Ethiopian Jews; and many other communities scattered across the globe. In the Bible, the roots of Jewishness reach back 4000 years to Abraham and his descendants. But historians have suggested the story of Jewishness is more complicated, and may not include a single ancestor. Some had even argued that most modern Jews are descended from converts to Judaism and don’t share genetic ties at all. Recent studies have turned to DNA for answers. In 2010, human geneticist Harry Ostrer of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and colleagues found that three of the major Jewish groups the Middle Eastern, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews - share a genetic connection going back more than 2000 years and are more closely related to each other than to nearby non-Jewish groups. Genetic ties within each of the groups were even closer, about the equivalent of fourth or fifth cousins. But that study didn’t include North African Jews, who represent the world’s second largest Jewish population, or any groups 8 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • whose claim to Jewishness has been controversial, such as Ethiopian Jews. So Ostrer and his colleagues gathered new DNA samples from Jews living everywhere from Morocco to Yemen. Using three distinct strategies for identifying genetic similarities, including a method called identity by descent (IBD) that can determine how closely related two individuals are, the team compared these DNA samples to each other, to the samples from their 2010 study, and to samples from non-Jews. Most of the sampled groups shared genetic features, indicating a common heritage dating back to before Roman times, the team report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. North African Jews—and Moroccan/Algerian Jews in particular—showed a close genetic connection to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and little evidence of interbreeding with contemporary non-Jewish populations in North Africa. Georgian Jews shared genetic features with Middle Eastern Jews, instead. Yemenite Jews were distantly related to Middle Eastern Jews, while Ethiopian Jews formed their own cluster and shared little IDB with other Jewish populations. Each group showed little interbreeding with local non-Jewish groups. Moroccan/ Algerian Jews, for example, were about as close genetically as third or fourth cousins; Jews from the Tunisian Island of Djerba were as close as first cousins once removed. “I didn’t know what to expect,” Ostrer says. “I’ve been surprised to learn there’s such a shared biological basis for Jewishness.” The team’s results suggest that while most Jewish groups are genetically related, some are not and instead arose from converts to Judaism. But regardless of their origins, Jewish groups remained genetically isolated once formed. The results complement historical accounts of multiple Jewish migrations and expulsions. The genetic ties between North African Jews and Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews may reflect the expulsion of European Jews from Spain and Portugal during the Spanish Inquisition in the late 1400s, and their limited breeding with local North African populations in the centuries that followed. Distinct populations, such as Ethiopian Jews, likely arose from Jewish founders who converted the local population by proselytizing but did not intermarry. “This is certainly the most extensive genomic study of Jewish populations to date,” says geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of the University of Pennsylvania, who was not involved in the work.” And it shows there is both a genetic and a cultural component to being Jewish.” Identifying the genetic component of Jewishness—though controversial because the Holocaust was predicated on the idea that Jewishness was a genetic trait that could be eliminated from the German population—could have medical as well as historical value, Tishkoff adds, because many Jewish populations have high incidences of genetic disease. Knowing more about the groups’ biological makeup could enable doctors to provide more informed genetic counseling to Jewish couples, or better personalize courses of treatment. Tishkoff notes that the little-studied Jewish populations of India, sub-Saharan Africa, China, and Burma weren’t examined in the latest analysis. Ostrer says his team plans to include their DNA in a future study to complete what he calls “the tapestry of Jewishness.” Over Sixty Countries March to Show Support for Israel By Annie Lubin, Arutz Sheva People from all over the world marched in Jerusalem on October 4th to express support for the State of Israel. The Jerusalem March, which takes place during Sukkot each year, also included marching bands, IDF soldiers, street artists, dance groups and more. Cheers of “We love Israel” were heard throughout the streets of Jerusalem as thousands of Christians from all over the world paraded down the streets to show their support for the State of Israel. The flags of over sixty countries waved alongside the blue and white flag of Israel as confetti poured down and Israeli spectators stood on the sidewalk cheering on the marchers a n d thanking them with replies of “we love you too.” As several Jerusalemites observed, the parade reminds Israelis that with all of the messages of hate going around the world today, it’s very nice to receive a little love. To see a video of the march, type in the following link on the internet: JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 9 Local Temples November Shabbat Schedule BETH SHALOM (Conservative) Ken Hailpern, Spiritual Leader 79-733 Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes 760-200-3636 Centro Cultural Hebreo de Mexicali (Conservative) Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico Contact: Ron Cohen 760-960-3392 US (686) 216-7152 Mexico CHABAD OF PALM SPRINGS & DESERT COMMUNITIES Rabbi Yonason Denebeim 425 Ortega, Palm Springs 760-325-0774 CHABAD OF PALM DESERT A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Mendy Friedman 760-969-2153 / 760-969-2158 CHABAD OF RANCHO MIRAGE A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Rabbi Shimon Posner 72295 Via Marta, Rancho Mirage 760-770-7785 Congregation Shalom Bayit (Reform) Spiritual Leader: Dr. Harvey Lee Block 1320 Williams Ave., Banning Contact 951-769-7514 HAR-EL (Member, Union for Reform Judaism) Rabbi Richard Zionts Har-El Cultural Center 47-535 Hwy 74, Palm Desert 760-779-1691 TEMPLE ISAIAH (Conservative) Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road, Palm Springs 760-325-2281 TEMPLE SINAI (Reform) Rabbi Jordan S. Ofseyer 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert 760-568-9699 BIKUR CHOLIM A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities (Community Outreach) Rabbi Yankel Kreiman 760-325-8076 Beth Shalom Shabbat Services: 8:00 pm. Oneg follows. Saturdays: Services 9:30 am. Morning minyan Mondays, Thursdays and Rosh Chodesh: 8:30 am, followed by breakfast. Chabad of Palm Springs Friday Shabbat services: 20 minutes after candle lighting time. Saturday services: Morning - 9:30 am; ‘Lunch at Chabad’ 12:15 pm, followed by a Chassidic story with Rabbi Kreiman. Evening: same as evening before. Chabad of Rancho Mirage Friday Shabbat services: Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat: Check website (www.chabadrm. com) for times. Shabbat morning: 10:00 am followed by sit down Kiddush. Children’s Program/ Service 11:15 am. Daily minyan: Shacharit services Monday-Friday 7:00 am; Sundays 8:00 am. Daily minyan: Shacharit services Monday-Friday 7:00 am; Sundays 8:00 am. Mincha/Maariv Services November 1-5 - 5:30 pm; November 6-30 - 4:30 pm. Desert Hot Springs Jewish Community Shabbat service Friday, November 2 at 7 pm and Havdallah Plus Saturday, November 17 at 7 pm - Mission Lakes Country Club, 8484 Clubhouse Drive, DHS, officiated by Rabbi Faith Tessler. Har-El Congregation Member, Union for Reform Judaism. Kabbalat Shabbat Services 5:005:30 pm, followed by program. Call 760-779-1691 for schedule of speakers, programs and dinners. Friday, November 9 – Symposium, Fridays with a Scholar: Producer/ Director Robert Kline will gives two lectures on “The Legacy of the Holocaust.” See ad and article on page 13 for times. Shalom Bayit (Banning) Havdallah the first Saturday of each month at 5:30 pm. Shabbat Services the third Friday of the November Community Calendar Tuesdays 9:00-11 am Jewish Family Service Solutions for Seniors: Walk-in assistance at JFS Palm Desert Office in Jocelyn Senior Center and at the Desert Hot Springs Senior Center. month at 7:30 pm. Both held 1320 West Williams Street, Banning. Temple Isaiah Friday Shabbat services 7:30 pm, followed by an Oneg Shabbat. Saturday mornings: Services 10:00 am. Kiddush following. Morning minyan 8:30 am Mondays and Thursdays. Temple Sinai Friday services: Family service first Friday at 7:00 pm; other weeks 7:30 pm. Friday, November 16 Shabbat Zimra. Saturday: 9:00 am: Bagels, Lox and Torah Study, 10:00 am - Shabbat services. Saturday, November 3: Bat Mitzvah of Gabriella Werner. Saturday, November 10: Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Ortega. Centro Cultural Hebreo de Mexicali Weekly Shabbat Services Friday at 7:00 pm, followed by dinner. Saturday immediately before sunset: Havdallah. Thursdays 8:30-11 am Jewish Family Service Solutions for Seniors: Walk-in assistance at Mizell Senior Center, Palm Springs. Tuesdays 10:00 am Temple Sinai Yiddish Club. Steak, hot dogs, veggie burgers and Thursdays salads. Affordable, fun and kosher. 9:30-10:30 am Har-El Men’s and Reservations not required but helpful. Women’s Torah Study. No charge. 760-770-7785. Thursday, November 1 Wednesdays 9:00 am Sun City Hadassah Noon – 4:00 pm Temple Isaiah Meeting. Program: Alex Pechman, “Irving Berlin and the Golden Age Bingo. of Musicals on Broadway.” $5.00. RSVP to 760-772-4610. Wednesdays Tuesdays 5:30 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage’s weekly BBQ. Lots of fun and a great way to meet great people. 3:30-5:00 pm Jewish Family Service Jewish Bereavement Group. Meets weekly at the JFS Palm Springs Office, 801 East Tahquitz Canyon. Reservations not required. 10 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Thursday, November 1 5:00-7:00 pm Jewish Federation j-connect at the Stadium Club Sports Bistro. See ad page 2. November Community Calendar Continued Friday, November 2, 9, 16, 30 9:00 am Temple Isaiah “Rap with Rabbi Sally” informal class with topics driven by participants. For information call 760-844-7302. Friday, November 2, 9, 16 10:00-11:45 Har-El Galen Trimester Course “End of Life Issues” with Rabbi Richard Zionts, Rev. Daniel Rondeau and Rev. Troy Mendez. Free. Reservations requested. 760-779-1691. See ad page 9. Sunday, November 4 10:00 am Jewish Federation Informational Meeting for April 28-May 6, 2013 “Journey to Israel” with Jewish Federation of the Desert. See ad page 4. RSVP to Sandy Durham, 760-324-4737 or Sandy. Monday, November 5 4:00 pm Hadassah speaker: Dr. Osnat Levtzion Korach, new director of Hadassah Hospital Mt. Scopus. Couvert: $18. At Tolerance Education Center. Space limited. Pre-paid reservations required. Questions: Call Carol Woodward, 612-328-1695 or Monday, November 5, 12, 19, 26 7:00 pm Chabad of Rancho Mirage Men’s Torah Class with Rabbi Benny Lew. For more information call 760-636-2897 or email rabbibenny@ Wednesdays” Course with Rabbi Sally Olins. Fall topic: “Simply Samson.” Fee for non-members. Call 760-8447302. Friday, November 9 9 am-3 pm Jewish Family Service Tour of Simi Dabah Sculpture Ranch. For details see ad this page, right column. Monday, November 12 2:00-4:00 pm Jewish Family Service Café Europa: monthly event for Holocaust Survivors held at the Tolerance Education Center, 35147 L a n dy L a n e , R a n ch o M i r a g e . November program: Film “Israel Inside – How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference.” RSVP to Linda Zweig at JFS 760-325-4088, ext. 109. Monday, November 12 5:30 pm Tamar Hadassah Dinner Meeting. Program: Dr. Laura Lee “Jewish Women and Breast Cancer.” Couvert $20. Must be prepaid. For information call Phyllis at 760321-9941. Tuesday, November 13 11:30 am Rimona Hadassah Luncheon Meeting. Program: Suzanne Reyto speaking about her book, “Pursuit of Freedom,” her life story. Reservations required. Thursday, November 15 11:30 am Golda Meir Club of Na’Amat Luncheon Meeting at Temple Isaiah. Call 760-327-0403 to RSVP. Wednesday, November 7, 14, 28 Noon Temple Sinai Lunch and Learn Thursday, November 15 6:30-9:30 pm Temple Isaiah presents “Palm Swings” – a Celebration of the 30 th anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s concert to raise the funds to build the sanctuary. At Frank’s Palm Springs home. $125 per person. Entertainments, hors d’oeuvres, guided tours and more. See ad page 7. Call 760-325-2281 for tickets. Wednesday, November 7, 14, 28 1:00 pm Temple Sinai Bereavement Group Sunday, November 18 10 am-3 pm Temple Isaiah Holiday Boutique. See classified ad page 26. Wednesday, November 7, 14, 28 4:00 pm Temple Isaiah. “Wonderful Sunday, November 18 4:00-6:00 pm Jewish Federation Wednesday, November 7, 14, 28 10:30 am Temple Isaiah. Continuing course: Introduction to Judaism, led by Rabbi Sally Olins. Fee for nonmembers. Call 760-844-7302. j-connect “Bowling for Tzedakah.” See ad page 12. Monday, November 19 10:30 am-Noon Har-El Galen Trimester Course: Book Course; Sessions held monthly NovemberMay. November Book: “The Crisis of Zionism” by Peter Beinart. Fee. 760-779-1691. Jewish Family Service of the Desert invites you to an Exclusive Tour of renowned Artist SIMI DABAH’S JOSHUA TREE SCULPTURE RANCH Tuesday, November 20 11:00 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Book Club. Tuesday, November 27 11:30 am Temple Sinai Sisterhood Luncheon. Tuesday, November 27 1 2 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m Te m p l e S i n a i Sisterhood’s Chanukah Shopping Spree. See classified ad page 26. Friday, November 30 10:00 am Women’s Philanthropy program: “Breast Health for Ourselves, Our Daughters and Granddaughters.” Presenter: Dr. James Waisman. Free. Space limited. RSVP by November 21 to Linn Menne at 760-324-4737 or Chabad of Rancho Mirage’s popular women’s program “Caffeine for the Soul” is slated to begin again in early November. Call Chaya Posner at 760-770-7785 for more information. Proceeds will send deserving youth to overnight camps for experiences that change their lives. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2012 9:00 am - 3:00 pm $100 per person Reservations include tour bus, tour of Copper Mountain College sculpture garden, tour of Dabah’s sculpture ranch with exclusive purchasing opportunity, lunch at Yucca Valley’s hidden gem “Roadside Café” and special $50 credit towards purchase of Dabah’s art. Through the generosity of artist Simi Dabah, 100% of all art purchased will support camperships. THE HI-DESERT EXPERIENCE Experience the majesty of the hi-desert while being immersed in a dreamscape of sculptures rising up out of the Joshua trees and yucca bushes. Space is limited. Reservations available at 760-325-4088, ext. 1, or mail your check to Jewish Family Service 801 East Tahquitz Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Visit the artist’s website at JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 11 Hadassah to Open Heart Health Center in Jerusalem with $10 Million Gift JTA Sister to Sister, a heart health organization, is donating $10 million in a partnership with Hadassah for a cardiovascular wellness center at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Irene Pollin, the founder of Sister to Sister and wife of the late sports executive Abe Pollin, is providing the gift. The center will be named in memory of Pollin’s daughter, Linda Joy, who was born with a congenital heart defect and died at age 16. “Mrs. Pollin’s gift adds to our ability to deepen and extend what we can provide for our patients,” Marcie Natan, National President of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, said in a statement. The gift was announced as part of Hadassah’s weeklong celebration of its centennial in Jerusalem attended by nearly 2,000 people. Support and expansion of Hadassah’s two hospital campuses in Jerusalem is at the core of the group’s mission. Hadassah and Sister to Sister also will embark on a campaign to raise heart health awareness in Israel and the United States. Israelis Begin New Year with Optimism Chelm-on-the-Med (Yediot, Globes, Maariv) How is Israel faring as Jews mark the beginning of a New Year? Forget about a nuclear Iran, a European monetary crisis, spiraling petrol prices and the fact that 52 percent of all households in Israel found themselves facing an overdraft at one time or another during the past year. Eighty-eight and a half percent of the adult population in Israel is satisfied 12 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • with life, and 55 percent is optimistic. But is optimism justified? Sever Plotzker, Yediot Aharonot’s chief economic editor says indeed Israelis have good reason to be optimistic. Approaching a population of eight million, the Jewish state is no longer a tiny country. It’s the same size as Switzerland and Austria, and demographically has surpassed most western European countries – including Denmark, Finland, Norway and Ireland. In fact, Europe is stagnating with a birthrate lower than that necessary for zero population growth – prompting a group of Danish kindergartens, whose sustainability is in jeopardy, to hold an ‘evening tea party’ at the kindergarten – kids only’ in the hopes the carefree evening will jack up births nine months from now! No less encouraging, the gap in birth rates between Jews and Arabs is converging. Not enough? The Bank of Israel announced that Israel’s dollar reserves in mid-2012 stood at 75.119 billion dollars. Need some point of reference? In mid-1985 Maariv reported that Israel’s foreign currency balance dropped below the red line to 2 billion dollars – barely enough to cover two months of imports. If that’s not reason enough for optimism, the past year the number of Jews making aliyah to Israel from North America surpassed the number of Israelis leaving for North America. Renowned Producer/Director to Speak on Holocaust at Har-El On Friday, November 9, 2012, the 74th anniversary of Kristallnacht, Congregation Har-El has invited Robert Kline, nationally known film director and award winning producer to speak on “The Legacy of the Holocaust.” As a professor of Holocaust studies at USC, UC, and the Annenberg, Kline is approaching his presentation with a look at the Holocaust, its causal factors, and historical antecedents as well as its legacy. Kline’s accomplishments include over 400 television, big screen, and DVD projects. In the mid-60’s he produced Firing Line with conservative commentator William Buckley Jr., and is a former Vice President of Production at 20th Century Fox, as well as co-founder of the Lifetime Television. In 1994, he produced Oliver Stone’s highly acclaimed and Golden Globe winning film, Heaven and Earth, the only American movie about the Vietnam War from the perspective of the Vietnamese people. In collaboration with Richard Deukmejian, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern California, they created and co-taught a course called “Terrorism and Genocide.” This same course eventually evolved into a seven-part series of the subject of terrorism for the Discovery Channel, and PBS, called Terrorism: A World in Shadows. Kline also spent time from 1997 to 2000 teaching in the film department at Chapman University. A few of his other directing and producing projects include Operation Welcome Home(1991), hosted by General Colin Powell, Crossing the Line (2000-2003), Operation Enduring Freedom (2002), The Kennedys: America’s Emerald Kings (2008), In 2012, Kline produced and directed Betty White: Champion of Animals, and is preparing the November, 2012 release of The Clintons: An American Odyssey. Set for 2013 is JFK Remembered: 50 Years Later, a Warner Bros. release. Mr. Kline will be giving two lectures. The first will be from 3:30-4:30 pm. A reception will follow from 4:305:00 pm. Shabbat services will be held from 5:00-5:30 pm. Mr. Kline’s second lecture will be from 5:406:30 pm. The lecture and services are held at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 47-535 Highway 74, Palm Desert. Rabbi Richard Zionts, spiritual leader of Congregation Har-El (Member, Union for Reform Judaism), noted, “We are pleased to have Mr. Kline speaking to us and are very much looking forward to his presentation.” The lectures and Shabbat services are open to the community. For more information contact Har-El at 760-779-1691 or JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 13 Federation Campaign Donors The Strength of a People. The Power of Community. On behalf of all who will benefit from the many programs and projects that we will be able to fund this year because of the generosity of our many donors - those listed below and those who asked that their names not be published - the Jewish Federation of the Desert thanks all who contributed to the 2012 Annual Federation Campaign. Our Annual Campaign enables us to fill the gaps as our community’s needs expand and our needy grow $50,000 + Fremont Foundation HeleneGalen Judd and Katherine Malkin $25,000 - $49,999 Annette Bloch Robert and Sandra Borns Dennis and Nancy Ditlove Donald and Joni Maltzman Michael and Cookie Miller William and Cydney Osterman Madeline Redstone Gilbert and Thelma Schnitzer $10,000 - $24,999 Robert and Alice Abt JeromeAngel Annabelle Bresler William and Joanne Chunowitz Elliott and Judith Cohen Joni Cohen Marv and Mildred Conney Gordon and Leslie Diamond Arnold and Edith Familian Ed and Sandy Fineman Henry and Joyce Freund Bernie and Barbara Fromm Marshall Gelfand and Jacqueline Rudman Ted and Cora Ginsberg Philip and Ellen Glass Bruce and Sondi Green James and Peggy Greenbaum Earl and Shirley Greif Carol Horwich Luber Herbert and Loreen Jacobson Mort and Sally Kirshner *Ray and Alyce Klein Vernon and Paula Kozlen in number. From school and camp scholarships to providing care, food and services to seniors, from aid to the unemployed to social services to the most vulnerable, your support of our campaign gives us the resources to respond meaningfully and effectively. Thank you for the difference you are making in Jewish lives. We also gratefully thank our naming donors, whose contributions underwrite the furbishing, maintenance and upkeep of our beautiful new Federation Building. Charles and Ellen Lane James and Donna Levitas Howard and Patricia Levy Richard and Joanne McGillis Gary and Linda Nathanson Sanford and Celia Norian Lawrence and Annette Novack Larry and Cathy Pitts Barbara Platt Lila Rauch Bernard Reiter *Howard Richmond Richard and Barbara Rosenfield Alan and Sandy Samdperil Robert and Gail Scadron Howard and Sherry Schor Barbara Schrayer Don and Carolyn Shagrin David and Evey Simon *Phillip and Carol Traub Marvin and Pat Weiss $5,000 - $9,999 Jerry and Betty Abeles *Alvin and Ellen Bakst Samuel and Frances Belzberg *Jack and Becky Benaroya Howard and Harriet Bernstein Joseph and Audrey Bernstein Morris and Ruth Beschloss Sidney and Elaine Blitz Lee Bohm Benjamin and Bernice Cohen Francine Cohn Herbert and Barbara Cook Judy Corwin Dale and Marion Cowle Charles and Isabelle Diamond Allen and Marilyn Eager Evelyn Edidin Elaine Frank Hal and Diane Gershowitz 14 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • To everyone who contributed to our 2012 Annual Campaign, thank you. Your generosity has breathed life into the words that define and guide our efforts: “The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.” We have endeavored to honor every special request that we received and apologize in advance for any mistakes. Alma Glickman Sheldon and Susan Good Robert and Wendy Goodfriend Frank Goodman Shelli Goodman Stanley and Melinda Goodman Alan and Helen Greene Robert and Bonnie Guss Sally Helfer Sanford and Rosemary Hertz Burton and Libby Hoffman Roberta Holland Gordon and Pat Hubbard Ronald and Barbara Kahn Donald and Estelle Kaufman Malvin and Ruth Kaufman Mark and Frances Kaufman Nora Kaufman Jerry and Barbara Keller Bart and Terri Ketover Joel and Jo Ann Kocen George Konheim Foundation Ann Lehrer and Saul Morantz Ted and Annette Lerner Ken and Barbara Lieberman Robert and Merle Lustbader Les and Carol Mendelson Sarah Milmet Myron and Joanne Mintz Allan and Roberta Nyman Jordan and Joan Orenstein S. William and Bette Pattis Charlotte Quint Shirley Randolph Susan Rappaport and David Suss Mike and Bobbie Resmo Denise Roberge Albert and Rita Rosen Paul and Stephanie Ross A. Lee and Elise Sacks Herman and Faye Sarkowsky Gary and Phyllis Schahet Sanford Seplow Continued on next page Milton and Esther Shepard Larry and Jane Sherman Milton and Debra Star Jerry and Helen Stern Bryan and Amy Stone Helen Varon Tom and Lainie Weil Sheldon and Barbara Weisberg Rosella Weissman Philip and Elle Winn Herman Wouk Robert and Lynn Zimmer Larry and Eileen Zoll Pacific Premier Bank $1,000 - $4,999 Albert Aaron and Myrna Kaplan Lee Appel Martin and Audrey Appel Robert and Judith Appelbaum Trevor and Lynda Bailey Michael and Naomi Bailie Richard and Kathi Balaban Richard and Janet Ball Sandra Banner Irv and Muriel Becker Beverly Bell Richard and Bunni Benaron Miles and Sally Berger Saul and Naomi Berger Theresa Berman Evelyn Binsky Carl and Tammy Birnberg Tybe Blink James and Sheri Borax Herbert and Barbara Borovsky *Sherwin and Selma Bosse Ella Brandt Lois Buell Bonnie Carmell Jean C. Carrus Max and Gloria Chodak Chuck and Karen Cohen Jackie Cohen Joel and Susan Cohen Richard and Diane Cohen Seymour and Rita Cohen Joyce Cohn Gloria Colker Richard and Jackie Comras Leslie and LiLo Cooper Ron and Danielle Cukier Robert and Susie Diamond Jane Effress Stephen and Judy Ehrlichman Rina Eliashar Peggy Epand Ruth Fairfield *Elaine Falstein Steven and Cindy Farber Jeffrey and Suzanne Feder Sig Feiger Betty Feinberg Neil Feinberg Manley and Carol Feinstein Joan Feldman Leonard and Barbara Feldman Robert and Cheryl Fey Lillian Fox Ronald and Carol Fragen Hal and Joyce Frank Zan Freeburn Henry and Sandra Friedman Raymond and Jeannette Galante Adrienne Garland Rita Gershon Roger and Karen Getz Betty and Al Gitelman *Larry and Barbara Glass David and Yona Goldberg Jerry and Sue Goldberg Marshall and Joan Goldberg Ronald and Muriel Goldberg Alan Goldstein and Mary Levine Dorothy Goldstein Robert and Rosemary Goldstine Lila Goodman George Green Perry and Gloria Green J. Conrad Greenwald Stanley and Trena Greitzer Lawrence and Joan Grill Rose Grossinger Edward and Rachel Gubman Stanley and Rosalind Hack Bud and Barbara Hailperin Jerome and Margot Halperin Jerome and Arlene Harris Alvin and Sandra Haveson Martin and Laverne Hecht Melvin and Judy Hecktman Ira and Jo Ann Heiman Phillip and Lee Hixon Anne Holland Harold and Helene Holland Joan Holland and Eli Glassman Simon and Yael Holzman Martin Honig Frances Horwich Alan and Marilyn Horwits Howard and Samita Jacobs Mitchell and Lois Johnson Andrew and Andrea Josephson Burton and Shirley Kaplan William and Carol Kaplan Ernest and Harriet Karmin Kurt and Lonny Karmin Fred and Beth Karren Susan Karsen Marc Kashinsky and Eileen Eisenberg Fay Katlin Sharon Kaufman Debbie Dann Kay Neil and Beatrice Keats Pat and Joan Kerns Bryan and Gail Kocen Lawrence and Joyce Kraines Yankel and Rochel Kreiman Edward and Rita Kroll Franklin Kulp Stephen and Marjorie Kulp Harvey Lambert Mendy and Lana Landa Samuel and Ana Landau Bruce Landgarten and Carol Moses Greg and Charlene Lane Allan and Sheryl Lehmann Martin and Joan Lehr Elaine Leib Mark and Pearle Rae Levey Richard Levin Bernard and Marilyn Levinson Don and Reva Levy Carol Lewis Marvin and Rhoda Lewis Barry and Terri Lind Stan and Harriet Litt Jeffrey and Isabel Louis Marilyn Malkin and Lawrence Wolf Fred and Susan Mardell Bernard and Barbara Mars Jerome and Eunice Meister Marnie Miller Jim Mills and Lois Zoller Shirley Narin Irwin and Marcia Narter Beverly Nathan Phyllis Newman Terry Newman Gerald and Reesa Niznick Joe Noren Jack and Mitzi Olshansky Robert and Ann Osterman Gilbert and Dorothy Palay Harold and Miriam Paley Alan and Carol Parsow Continued on next page JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 15 Don and Bonnie Pearlman Bob and Rita Philip Dolly Piano Stephen and Alana Polacheck Ruben and Phyllis Poplawski Donald and Nora Rado Stanley and Gail Richards Roland and Miriam Richman Gerald Rissman Robert and Joan Rose Bobbie and Shelly Rosenberg Michael and Roberta Sacks Alan and Sherry Salzman Ivan and Donna Samuels Edward and Martha Saul Lois Schnitzer Babs Schrager Elisa Schwartz Barbara Senescu Larry and Baillie Shapiro Leonard and Annette Shapiro Richard and Joan Sharfstein Leonard Sherman William and Helen Silverman Richard and Esther Sirinsky Richard and Sheila Sloan Thomas and Iris Smotrich Jay and Nora Spak Daisy Spitzer Rick and Marcia Stein Claude and Elaine Steinberger Howard and Ferne Stone Sherwin and Marjorie Stone Lester and Joan Strouse Richard and Carole Sukman Roberta Susskind Ralph Tash Harold and Ruthie Tivol Sherwyn Turbow Barry and Leslie Usow Doran and Patty Veiner Irwin and Arlene Volk Walter and Judith Wallis Judd and Frieda Weinberg Eugene and Beth Weisberg Sam and Diane Weiss Sheila Weissberger Sandford and Barbara Wernick Donald Wexler Philip and Ona Wexler Stanford and Rennie Wrubel Eilean Wuhl Isaiah Zeldin Marvin and Marilyn Zetley Richard and Lynda Zionts Richard and Lili Ann Zisook $365- $999 Virginia Criste Allen Leon Ampel Steven and Janet Anixter Art and Merle Arenson Babette Bay Morris Belzberg Nat and Miriam Bent Lynn Bernstein Valerie Blumenfeld Florence and Sid Bogin Lee and Carole Bookman Stewart and Barbara Boxer Ira and Rhoda Brickell Albert and Jean Broday Earl and Judy Brown Howard and Lois Cain Evie Chersky Burt and Evette Chudacoff Morton M. Cohen Hillel Cohn Martin and Judy Cohn Bette Cooper Linda and Jay Cooper Tom and Lois Davidson Joel and Joann Douglas Jacqueline Drucker Violet Felix Murray and Rochelle Felson Jean Fishkin Joel and Sherry Fishman Manny and Marilyn Flekman Burton Fogelman Shayle and Deanna Fox Carol A. Frankel Arthur and Fran Friedman Larry and Darlene Gilford Frederic and Marilyn Glazer Ann Goldsmith Mollie Gole Myra Gordon Joyce Gorney James Graff-Radford Adrian and Carol Graff-Radford Kenneth Handler Lloyd and Noel Hanford Thomas Harris Fred and Kate Hauswirth Jerold and Lois Heisler Benny and Anuga Herbst Sandra Hertz John and Marjorie Hines Michael and Joan Hirsch Robert and Jan Hirsch 16 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Seymour and Joanne Hirschfield Thomas and Vicki Horwich Howard and Alison Hyman Lily Kanter Ron and Brenda Katz Laurence and Heather Kay George and Connie Keiter Shirley Kimmel Alan and Orly Klugman Herbert Kohn Mervin Kolb Rhoda Kosslyn Sherwin and June Kravitz Richard and Eileen Kriozere Jerome and Lillian Lapidus Marvin and Marge Leaf Mervin Lemmerman Richard Leshgold Norman and Marilyn Leven Mark and Barbara Levick Carl Levine Seymour and Sonia Levinthal Herbert and Ruth Levitsky Charles S. and Marcia Lewis James and Helen Lewis Norman and Doris Libman Howard and Roberta Liszt Paul and Terry Lubar Marcella Maitin Barry Mantell and Shelley Miller-Mantell Fred and Renee Mayer Ernest and Arlene Mazur James and Joyce Meitus Douglas and Arlene Mellion Marcia Milkis Bernie and Roberta Naiman Jeff and Linda Kay Noddle Jason and Diane Novack Harding Orren Sandie Ovesen Nori Patrick Joseph and Maxine Pearlman Michael Pitts Harold and Jane Pollin Betty Lou Poloway Robert and Mary Jo Pomerantz Beth Pressman Gordon and Claire Prussian Robert and Susan Rosser George and Dale Rotner Theodore and Myra Rowe Gladys Rubinstein Irving Sachs Dennis and Doralee Sakson Peter and Rhoda Samuels Continued on next page Herbert and Renee Schneider Allan and Beverly Schulman Michael and Gloria Scoby Martin and Sheila Seaton David and Ruthe Shatz Ed and Nancy Singer Jerome and Rosalind Sipher Alvin and Nancy Siwak Joan Slosberg David and Rae Smerling Richard and Mary Solomon Alvin and Esta Star Don Stein Allan and Jill Steinberg Marc and Shari Stewart Ira and Sheila Stone Burton and Susan Sunkin Judith Torodor Peter and Nan Tynberg David and Marsha Veit Howard and Linda Vogel Peter and Audrey Warshawsky Jerome Weinstein Stanley and Fern Weiss Jerrold & Lita Widran Allen and Anne Wolf Carol Yagher Maurice Zaslawsky Laurence and Shirley Zipkin Stephen and Shelly Zucker Up to $364 Toby Acosta Louis and Sondra Alcalay Robert and Debbie Allen Naomi Amos Michelle Anstadt Richard and Judy Arnold Joyce Ashley James and Carolyn Ausman Amy Austin Lynette Austin Shirley Balin Melisse Banwer Michael and Jo Ann Basin Yossi and Diane Basson Bruce and Marilyn Baum Betty Bauml Jerome and Dorothy Becker Lillian Becker Rae Belsky Barbara Ben-David Al and Dana Lin Bernstein Basil Bernstein Nadine Bicher Edward Bierman Charles and Rhonda Bland Leonard and Marcia Block Bryna Blum Charles and Rosalie Booke Stan and Rosalind Bossuk Henry Brockman Albert and Jean Broday Burt and Jill Brody Larry and Linda Brooks David Broude Joy Brower Dori Brown Howard and Charlotte Burkholz Euca Burrows White Deanna Carnick Ron and Marlene Caudill Margery Chapman David Cheifetz Neil and Vera Chernick Elaine Chortek Scott Clark and Julie Fey-Clark Albert and Bea Cohen Bruce and Inez Cohen Diane Cohen Leo and Cyma Cohen Linda Cohn Sheldon and Amy Collis Seymour and Carol Danish Pearl Davis Douglas Donenfeld Gerald Dorman Louis and Susan Duman Murray and Rose Dunst Samuel and Barbara Edelstein Joseph and Judith Ehrlich Marvin and Phyllis Eisenberg Isaac and Reeve Eliachar Martin and Barbara Epstein Marvin and Lois Epstein Fred and Margaret Fabricant Perry and Jamie Faugno Jerry and Barbara Federman Daniel Feigin Jack and Judy Feinberg Martin and Velma Felder Leon and Rancy Feldman Martin and Eileen Feldman Joe and Jacque Feldun Ruth Fiden Shirley Fine Bert and Wilma Finmark Robert and Deborah Finsten Jordan Fish Michael Fisher Arthur and Ninette Freed Abe and Marcia Freedman Eric and Mallory Freedman Richard and Mary Freeman David and Lois Friedland Gerald and Sheila Freeman Daniel and Laura Friedman Selma Friedman Terry and Suzie Friedman Florence Frischer Michael and Susan Frydrych Carole Fryer Shirley Ganstwig Bernard and Sylvia Gastwirth Charlotte Geier Pamela Gengo Mark and Elaine Gershenson Paul and Pat Gershick Susan Gerson Bernard Gertz and Andrea Rachlin-Gertz Rey and Barbara Gietzen Floraine Gitell Veronica Glas Earl and Gail Glass Jerry Gleason Melvin and Ellen Glick Renee Glickman Rochelle Gluckstein Marvin and Harriet Goldberg Melvin and Rory Goldberg Robert and Carolyn Goldberg Alvin and Jacqueline Goldfarb Bruce Goldman Richard and Helen Goldman Alan and Doris Goldstein Annabel Goldstein Laurence Goodman Michael and Sharon Goodman Gerda Gordon Miles and Jan Gordon Morry and Gail Gordon Judi Gottesman Bruce and Carolyn Gottlieb Helen Gottschalk George and Barbara Grashin Herbert and Vicki Grayson Patricia Green Irving and Lovey Greenberg Harold Greene Saul Greene Robert and Maxine Greenstein Gloria Greer Continued on next page JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 17 Donald and Frances Griffiths Marvin and Candice Groberman Seth and Rita Grossman Jerry and Joyce Gruenberg Lee and Jean Grushkin Harold and Shirley Gutterman Jeffrey and Myra Halpern Marcella Halter Mark and Lynn Hannan Joan Harris Roger and Sandra Harris Claudia Hellmann Adina Hemley Donald and Susan Heymann Helene Himot David and Jeanne Himy Marilyn Hirshleifer Joel and Barbara Hochberg Marion Hochstadter Neal and Michelle Hoffman Melvin and Linda Holtzman Greta Honigsfeld George and Barbara Horn Bernard and Paulette Horwich Curtis and Kimberly Hough Eugene and Gerry Huppin Sam and Norma Huppin Ken and Beverly Irom Bryan and Helga Isaacs Nate and Gerri Israelson Douglas and Beverly Jackson George and Sadye Jacobs Steven and Norma Jacobson Dolores Jaffe Eugene and Edith Jamin Ilse Jamin Edna Joss Arthur and Carolyn Kagan Ruth Kaiser David and Janice Kaminsky David and Ruth Kaplan Ted and Shirley Kaplan Harvey and Lora Kass Wallace and Paula Katz Barry and Margo Kaufman Bryon and Susie Kaye Sheila Keeshin Edie Keller Jerome and Myrna Kessler Eric and Miri Ketayi Wayne and Christa King Mark Kiselow Sam and Ruth Klapman Arnie and Janet Kleban Viola Klein Joy Klopper Henrietta Kopel Gloria Korngold Sam and Beverly Kostrinsky Reuben and Lilyan Krako Gordon and Eve Kramer Harold and Joan Kramer Martin and Judy Krasnov Elaine Kravitz Ian and Joy Kravitz Goldie Krechman Esmond and Devora Kronick Nadine Krull Idamay Landau Gary and Jo Ellen Leifer Lionel and Lois Leiter Marla Leventhal Ron and Ann Levine Sonya Levitt J. Lampert Levy Lolly Levy Marvin and Irene Levy Trudy Levy Herman and Annette Lew Bertel Lewis Freya Libby and Herbert Wittenberg Isadore and Elaine Lichtcsien Estelle Lieb Al and Beverly Lieberman Paul and Laurie Lieberman Harold Linstone Alan and Marilyn Loesberg Ed Lopatin Noel and Norma Lustig Phyllis Lyman Rena Magged Roberta Mahler Richard and Roseve Mainzer Richard Malacoff Harold Mandell Marvin Mandleman Maxine Marcellin Dena Margulies Alan and Arlene May *Jeanne Mazur Lucy Meepos Boaz Meir Solomon and Rosalyn Menashe Stuart and Charmaigne Menn Sharon Meyerhoff Ruth Meyrowitz Jack and Goldie Minuck Leo and Florence Mittler Sherri Morr Jack and Georgia Morris Doug Morton Joan and Steve Moyer 18 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Judy Namak Paul and Maryn Nashen Phil and Phyllis Nathanson Stanley and Phyllis Nedelman Geraldine Needleman Ted and Norma Nelson Donna Newcomb Joan Newman Robert and Marie Nierman Sheldon and Deanne Nissen Ira and Nancy Norris Samuel Oberman Edward and Marion Oppenheimer Leonard and Irene Osias Howard J. and Eileen Packer Roberta Parry Ron and Renee Partelow Graham and Nancy Paull William Paullin Norman and Deanna Pearl Norman Phillips Stanford and Lonna Picker Lennie and Helene Pine Gary and Nancy Plotkin Helen Plotkin Arlette Poland and Patrick Dillon Robert and Janet Polis Michael and Berna Pollak Sharon Pollin Brenda Porvin Herbert and Marilyn Posner Shimon and Chaya Posner Lee Powell Michael Price Sheldon and Roselind Rabinowitz Herbert Radosh Kathy Rand Marie Rapaport Maurice and Terry Raynor Susan Recht Barry Regar Bernard and Fran Reizner Robert and Rhea Remer Chuck and Carleen Clarke-Riach Melvin and Sandra Rifman Barton and Penny Rivin Albert and Lea Robbins Eugene and Ruth Roberts Jeff and Cathy Rogers Nina Rone Rosalind Roniss Linda Rosefsky Gloria Rosen Helen Rosen Marvin and Leah Rosenberg Continued on next page Anthony Roskin Jerry and June Rotblatt Ed and Gloria Rudetsky Ron and Wendy Rudlin Joe and Leona Sadacca Josh and Alona Salama Meyer and Jeanne Sassoon Cheryl Scarlett Bud and Rose Schaffer Bob and Diana Schenkman Toby Scherer Roger and Doris Scheuer Jacqueline Schiff Linda Schiff Merwin and Elaine Schirmer Irwin and Marian Schneider Sandi Schreiber John and Abby Schroeder Marvin Schurgin Melvin and Ramona Schwartz Robert and Sondra Schwartz Nat and Marcia Selikson Carol Seltzer Stefanie Seltzer Allen and Marilyn Shapiro Joseph and Lila Shelden Bruce and Lenore Sherman William and Harriet Sherr Steve and Kay Shraiberg Trina Shuchat Arnold and Carol Shupack Norman and Carol Sidley Sanford and Estelle Silberman Bernard and Eve Silverman Mel Silverman and Roxie Evans Paul and Sybil Silverstein Arnie and Diane Simon Simha Skinner Sanford and Madelyne Sklar Richard and Elaine Snyder Jerome and Hannah Solomon Nona Solowitz Julian and Judith Stahl Larry Stahl Michael and Simma Stein Bud and Margery Steiner Bert and Dolly Steinman Pearl Stewart Alan and Barbara Stoff Paul and Carrie Stone Albert and Goldie Strauss Richard and Jaclynn Streeter Norman and Rona Subotnik Shirley Summers Annette Sunshine Leslie Surlow David and Suzanne Tabashnik Joye Tatz Daniel and Francine Ticknor Robert Trainoff Max Tyler Donald and Gloria Vann Richard Villegas Peter and Judi Wasserman Webb Weiman Harold and Lee Weinstein Lenore Weisman Steven and Dale Weiss Norma Werbow Robert and Nina Wernick Anne Weston Pearl White Bruce and Laurie Wilcox Jean Willens Norman and Joan Wine Jerrold and Rita Winer Joyce Wolff Roberta Wolff Carol Woodward Mel and Julie Wynn David and Irene Yaghoubian Bernie and Gay Young Michael Zaifert Darren Zetena Gerald and Mary Kay Zordani Linda Zuker Lion of Judah Judith Appelbaum Frances Belzberg Becky Benaroya Sally Berger Theresa Berman Audrey Bernstein Harriet Bernstein Tammy Birnberg Elaine Blitz Annette Bloch Lee Bohm Sandra Borns Annabelle Bresler Jean C. Carrus Naomi Caspe Joanne Chunowitz Bernice Cohen Diane Cohen Joni Cohen Judith Cohen Karen Cohen Francine Cohn Mildred Conney Barbara Cook Judy Corwin Marion Cowle Isabelle Diamond Leslie Diamond Susie Diamond Nancy Ditlove Evelyn Edidin Jane Effress Peggy Epand Edith Familian Cindy Farber Betty Feinberg Sande Fineman Elaine Frank Joyce Frank Barbara Fremont Joyce Freund Barbara Fromm Helene Galen Adrienne Garland Diane Gershowitz Cora Ginsberg Ellen Glass Alma Glickman Joan Goldberg Yona Goldberg Enid Goldman Dorothy Goldstein Susan Good Lila Goodman Melinda Goodman Shelli Goodman Sondi Green Peggy Greenbaum Helen Greene Trena Greitzer Rose Grossinger Margot Halperin Laverne Hecht Sally Helfer Rosemary Hertz Libby Hoffman Joan Holland Roberta Holland Frances Horwich Carol Horwich Luber Pat Hubbard Samita Jacobs Loreen Jacobson Andrea Josephson Barbara Kahn Harriet Karmin Continued on next page JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 19 Fay Katlin Estelle Kaufman Frances Kaufman Nora Kaufman Ruth Kaufman Sharon Kaufman Debbie Dann Kay Barbara Keller Terri Ketover Sally Kirshner Alyce Klein Jo Ann Kocen Susan Konheim Marjorie Kulp Lana Landa Ellen Lane Joan Lehr Ann Lehrer Annette Lerner Pearle Rae Levey Donna Levitas Patricia Levy Bertel Lewis Carol Lewis Barbara Lieberman Terri Lind Merle Lustbader Katherine Malkin Marilyn Malkin Joni Maltzman Joanne McGillis Cookie Miller Sarah Milmet Joanne Mintz Cindy Muscatel Linda Nathanson Reesa Niznick Celia Norian Annette Novack Roberta Nyman Joan Orenstein Cydney Osterman Dorothy Palay Carol Parsow Bette Pattis Rita Philip Cathy Pitts Barbara Platt Charlotte Quint Nora Rado Shirley Randolph Susan Rappaport Lila Rauch Madeline Redstone Gail Richards Rella Rifkin Barbara Rosenfield Stephanie Ross Jacqueline Rudman Elise Sacks Sandy Samdperil Faye Sarkowsky Gail Scadron Phyllis Schahet Lois Schnitzer Thelma Schnitzer Sherry Schor Barbara Schrayer Carolyn Shagrin Annette Shapiro Esther Shepard Jane Sherman Evey Simon Sheila Sloan Nora Spak Debra Star Bobbie Stern Helen Stern Amy Stone Ferne Stone Ruthie Tivol Carol Traub Leslie Usow Helen Varon Mitzi Webber Lainie Weil Frieda Weinberg Barbara Weisberg Beth Weisberg Pat Weiss Rosella Weissman Elle Winn Marilyn Zetley Lili Ann Zisook Eileen Zoll Lois Zoller Building Naming Fund Dennis and Nancy Ditlove Fremont Foundation Philip and Ellen V. Glass Alma and Marvin Glickman Burton and Libby Hoffman Patricia and Howard Levy Cookie and Mike Miller Barbara Platt Bernard Reiter Gilbert and Thelma Schnitzer 20 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Tamarisk Women Betty Abeles Alice Abt Merle Arenson Carolyn Ausman Ellen Bakst Gail Baron Muriel Becker Frances Belzberg Bunni Benaron Becky Benaroya Toby Berman Audrey Bernstein Harriet Bernstein Ruth Beschloss Valerie Blumenfeld Jean Broday Naomi Caspe Margery Chapman Joanne Chunowitz Inez Cohen Joni Cohen Judith Cohen Barbara Cook Bette Cooper LiLo Cooper Linda Cooper Lois Davidson Susie Diamond Nancy Ditlove Susan Duman Jane Effress Judy Ehrlichman Janet Emmerman Peggy Epand Edith Familian Barbara Federman Judy Feinberg Barbara Feldman Violet Felix Sherry Fishman Deanna Fox Carol Fragen Elaine Frank Carol Frankel Mary Freeman Barbara Fremont Joyce Freund Jeannette Galante Helene Galen Adrienne Garland Diane Gershowitz Darlene Gilford Cora Ginsberg Barbara Glass Ellen Glass Marilyn Glazer Rochelle Gluckstein Carolyn Goldberg Joan Goldberg Muriel Goldberg Judie Goldetsky Jacqueline Goldfarb Enid Goldman Dorothy Goldstein Susan Good Wendy Goodfriend Shelli Goodman Myra Gordon Carol Graff-Radford Wendy Gross Rose Grossinger Joyce Gruenberg Margot Halperin Myra Halpern Noel Hanford Joan Harris Judy Hecktman Sally Helfer Rosemary Hertz Susan Heymann Jeanne Himy Jan Hirsch Joan Hirsch Libby Hoffman Anne Holland Roberta Holland Barbara Horn Barbara Horvitz Carol Horwich Luber Pat Hubbard Lois Johnson Barbara Kahn Lily Kanter Carol Kaplan Myrna Kaplan Harriet Karmin Lonny Karmin Fay Katlin Nora Kaufman Ruth Kaufman Sharon Kaufman Sheila Keeshin Connie Keiter Joan Kerns Terri Ketover Lilyan Krako Eileen Kriozere Marjorie Kulp Continued on next page Lillian Lapidus Jo Ellen Leifer Annette Lerner Pearle Rae Levey Barbara Levick Donna Levitas Patricia Levy Bertel Lewis Carol Lewis Helen Lewis Marcia Lewis Barbara Lieberman Terri Lind Roberta Liszt Marilyn Loesberg Terry Lubar Marilyn Malkin Joni Maltzman Susan Mardell Renee Mayer Eunice Meister Joyce Meitus Marcia Milkis Cookie Miller Iris Miller Marnie Miller Charlotte Morris Linda Nathanson Deanne Nissen Linda Kay Noddle Annette Novack Cydney Osterman Maxine Pearlman Barbara Platt Alana Polacheck Berna Pollak Mary Jo Pomerantz Phyllis Poplawski Nora Rado Lila Rauch Susan Recht Madeline Redstone Gail Richards Rella Rifkin Gloria Rosen Rita Rosen Susan Rosser Myra Rowe Gladys Rubinstein Jacqueline Rudman Elise Sacks Rhoda Samuels Faye Sarkowsky Gail Scadron Phyllis Schahet Jacqueline Schiff Linda Schiff Beverly Schoenfeld Esther Schoenfeld Sherry Schor Barbara Schrayer Sondra Schwartz Trudy Schwartz Gloria Scoby Carol Seltzer Carolyn Shagrin Annette Shapiro Esther Shepard Jane Sherman Harriet Sherr Kay Shraiberg Cecille Silverman Nancy Siwak Sheila Sloan Rae Smerling Nora Spak Debra Star Elaine Stein Maurine Stein Jill Steinberg Bobbie Stern Helen Stern Marjorie Stone Carole Sukman Susan Sunkin Patti Taube Myra Taxman Ruthie Tivol Shirley Turban Nan Tynberg Leslie Usow Helen Varon Marsha Veit Barbara Weisberg Beth Weisberg Fern Weiss Jean Willens Anne Wolf Lynn Zimmer Shirley Zipkin Lili Ann Zisook Mary Kay Zordani Linda Zuker Tamarisk Men Albert Aaron Jerry Abeles Robert Abt Leon Ampel Steven Anixter Martin Appel Robert Appelbaum Richard Balaban Morris Belzberg Samuel Belzberg Richard Benaron Frank Berman Albert Broday David Broude Jeffrey Caspe William Chunowitz Joel Cohen Morton Cohen Seymour Cohen Herbert Cook Jay Cooper Leslie Cooper Tom Davidson William DeWoskin Charles Diamond Robert Diamond Dennis Ditlove Joel Douglas Stephen Ehrlichman Jeffrey Feder Sig Feiger Neil Feinberg Leonard Feldman Ed Fineman Manny Flekman Shayle Fox Robert Fraiman Hal Frank Arthur Friedman Raymond Galante Larry Gilford Ted Ginsberg Philip Glass Eli Glassman Frederic Glazer Morris Glesby Jerry Goldberg Marshall Goldberg Ronald Goldberg Sheldon Goldman Robert Goodfriend Adrian Graff-Radford Alan Green George Green James Greenbaum Alan Greene J. Greenwald Stanley Hack Jerome Halperin Kenneth Handler Thomas Harris Alvin Haveson Melvin Hecktman Sanford Hertz John Hines Robert Hirsch Burton Hoffman Robert Holleb James Horvitz Thomas Horwich Gordon Hubbard Howard Hyman Mitchell Johnson Ronald Kahn William Kaplan Ernest Karmin Kurt Karmin Laurence Kay Pat Kerns Herbert Kohn Bruce Konheim Lawrence Kraines Richard Kriozere Franklin Kulp Stephen Kulp Harvey Lambert Jerome Lapidus Martin Lehr Richard Leshgold Mark Levey Mark Levick Calvin Levin Carl Levine Howard Levy Julian Levy Charles Lewis James Lewis Norman Libman Ken Lieberman Howard Liszt Paul Lubar Robert Lustbader Judd Malkin Donald Maltzman Fred Mardell Bernard Mars Jerome Meister James Meitus Michael Miller Jim Mills Lester Morris Gary Nathanson Terry Newman Jeff Noddle Joe Noren William Osterman Continued on next page JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 21 Harold Paley S. William Pattis Larry Pitts Stephen Polacheck Robert Pomerantz Ruben Poplawski Gordon Prussian Donald Rado Stanley Richards Monroe Rifkin Albert Rosen Robert Rosser A. Lee Sacks Peter Samuels Herman Sarkowsky Robert Scadron Gary Schahet Herbert Schneider Ken Schoenfeld Walter Schoenfeld Howard Schor Edward Schwartz Michael Scoby Don Shagrin Richard Sharfstein Larry Sherman Albert Silverman Alvin Siwak Richard Sloan David Smerling Richard Solomon Jay Spak Ted Stein Allan Steinberg Howard Stone Ira Stone Sherwin Stone Burton Sunkin Peter Tynberg Barry Usow David Veit Irwin Volk Tom Weil Jerome Weinstein Eugene Weisberg Sheldon Weisberg Stanley Weiss Lawrence Wolf Robert Zimmer Laurence Zipkin Larry Zoll Stephen Zucker *Deceased Exciting! Eye-catching! Easier to Navigate! Our website has been updated. • Same address - New look! Check us out! • • Want to have a quick source for everything Jewish in our Desert? • Want to meet our community’s leadership? • Do you sometimes want an article from the JCN and you’ve already thrown the paper away? • Do you remember an article from an earlier issue that you would like to read again? • Would you like the latest information about j-connect (the Desert’s 25-45-ish Jewish meeting place)? • Would you like the latest news regarding world Jewry sent weekly by the Jewish Federations of North America? • Is there a recipe you wanted to cut out and forgot to do so? • Are you new to the Desert or thinking of moving here and want to find out more about our Jewish community? • Do you want contact information about the local synagogues, temples and shuls ... or the Jewish organizations that are in the Desert? • Do you want the convenience of donating to the Jewish Federation on-line, using the Jewish Federation of the Desert’s secure site? • Did you know you can order your Tributes online as well? • Do you want to know more about our Federation’s Spring Mission to Israel? All this and more is possible when you go to Check us out! 22 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Community Schools Jewish Family Service of the Desert “Count on us… for life” 801 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 202 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 325-4088 DAY SCHOOLS Jewish Community School of the Desert Grades K-6 Principal: Miri Ketayi Asstistant Principal: Laura Gould 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-340-2039 PROGRAMS & SERVICES For further information about these services and others, please call the JFS office, 760-325-4088. COUNSELING & FAMILY SUPPORT: Experienced therapists help individuals, couples, and families address life’s challenges. Desert Torah Academy (Chabad) A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Toddler - Grade 4 Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-6501 SOLUTIONS FOR SENIORS: Serves older adults to maintain independence and help them enjoy a higher quality of life. Call the office for information, or walk- in assistance is provided at the following locations; the JFS Palm Desert office, Tuesdays, 9.00-11.00 a.m.; DHS Senior Ctr., Tuesdays, 9.0011.00 a.m.; Mizell Senior Center, Thursdays, 8.3011.00 a.m. JFS EXPRESS SENIOR RIDE PROGRAM: If you know someone homebound and needing transportation to a medical or important appointment, please have them contact JFS Express for assistance. RELIGIOUS/ HEBREW SCHOOLS Chabad Hebrew School A project of Chabad of Palm Springs & Desert Communities Director: Sussie Denebeim 73550 S. Rosa Way, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-341-6501 JEWISH BEREAVEMENT GROUP: Free to the local community. This group meets every Wednesday at the JFS Palm Springs office, 3.30-5.00 p.m. No registration necessary. FRIENDLY VISITORS: For seniors who are isolated and would like companionship, a JFS volunteer can bring care and friendship. Friendly Visitors can also provide companionship and celebration during the Shabbat observation. Call for more information. Beth Shalom 79-733 Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 760-200-3636 Har-El Rabbi Richard A. Zionts, Ph.D. Opportunities For Youth Learning 47-535 Highway 74, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-779-1691 Temple Isaiah Principal: Rabbi Sally Olins 332 West Alejo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-325-2281, ext. 203 Temple Sinai Director: Miri Ketayi 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-9699 NURSERY SCHOOLS Temple Sinai Tikvah Pre-School Director: Debbie Midcalf 24 mos - pre-K 73-251 Hovley Lane West, Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-568-6779 JFS SPEAKERS BUREAU: Is your organization looking for an interesting program to share with members? JFS can present a program on critical social and mental health issues. We sell everything from designer to active day wear, shoes, handbags, accessories, collectables, menswear, furniture, works of art, bric-a-brac and more! JFS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME: Contact Linda Zweig, extension 109. CAFÉ EUROPA GROUP: Programming for holocaust survivors. – Film: Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference, November 12, 2.00 – 4.00, Tolerance Education Center, 35147 Landy Ln., Rancho Mirage. FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION SERIES/TEA TIME TALK: Presented free to the community by Dr. Helene Pine, Tuesday, November 20, 4:30 pm – 5.30, Sun City Palm Desert, Mountain View Clubhouse. Reservations not necessary. SIMI DABAH’S JOSHUA TREE SCULPTURE RANCH TOUR: Friday, November 9, 2012, 9:00 a.m.-3.00 P.M. Bus ride and tour to visit the sculpture ranch of artist Simi Dabah, with lunch at Roadside Restaurant. Proceeds benefit JFS camperships. Reservations are $100 each. Please call the JFS office to make reservations. See ad page 11. Desert Hot Springs Outreach: November 2, 2012, Shabbat Services, DHS, Mission Lakes Country Club November 16, 2012, DHS Havdallah Service, Mission lakes County Club JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 23 Tribute Card Donations Sending tributes and memorials is a meaningful way to honor loved ones. Honorarium Tributes – In Appreciation For: Judy Erlichman, Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year, from Ruthie and Harold Tivol. Ted Ginsberg, Happy birthday, from Morris Glesby and Lila Rauch. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jacobson, Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to Loreen, from Lila Rauch. Moe Moscatel, Best wishes for your special birthday, from Dale and George Rotner. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pearl, Wishing you happy memories in your new home, from Barbara Platt. Refuah Shleimah – Get Well Wishes To: Libby Hoffman, Get well wishes from Celia and Sandy Norian, Barbara Platt and Ruthie and Harold Tivol. Dr. Richard Tepper, Get well wishes from Marsha Bernhard. Memoriam Tributes – Condolences Sent To: Susan Ginsberg, In memory of your beloved mother Ruth, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg. Shalom Barbara Glass, In memory of your beloved The finest in Jewish Living husband Larry, from Rabbi Yankel and Rochel Kreiman and Harold and Ruthie Tivol. 24 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • Shalom All contributions received by the Jewish Federation for Tribute Cards are placed in our special Tzedakah Fund, which provides direct monetary intervention for needy Jews living in the Coachella Valley. Pamara Glazer, In memory of your father-in-law Milton, from Don Woolf and Rosella Weissman. Peggy and Jim Greenbaum, In memory of your beloved brother-in-law Saul from Ted and Cora Ginsberg and Barbara Platt. Barbara and Jerry Keller, In memory of your beloved mother Rose Cohn, from Libby and Buddy Hoffman and Dale and George Rotner. Alyce Klein, In memory of your beloved husband Ray, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Joe Noren and Marnie Miller, Barbara Platt and Dale and George Rotner. Jean Mintz, In memory of your beloved husband Saul, from Cora and Ted Ginsberg, Carolyn and Don Shagrin and Harold and Ruthie Tivol. Susan Rosser and Family, In memory of your beloved mother, Anne Schwartz, from Vern and Paula Kozlen, and Barbara Platt. Commander: IDF Willing to Work With Hareidim by Maayana Miskin, Arutz Sheva The Israel Defense Force (IDF) does want hareidi men to enlist, and has managed to strike a balance between their needs and its own, says Lieutenant Colonel Amichai Segal, who commands the hareidireligious Netzach Yehuda Brigade. “The IDF is the people’s army and has run according to certain rules since it was created. After the idea came up of enlisting hareidi men who would continue to keep certain standards of modesty and kashrut, they created a sort of ‘island’ within the army that does allow those who want to enlist to do so,” Segal told Arutz Sheva. “That is how it has been done for 13 years, and I think the right tools are there for whoever wants to enlist, and that the IDF knows how to find the right balance with those soldiers,” he added. Segal said that if the brigade grows, he expects new hareidi units to be created. “The IDF is ready and wants hareidim in the army,” he stated. Segal’s statements were in response to Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai, who argued that the IDF does not want to enlist hareidi men, and that statements to the contrary have been lies. He accused the IDF of failing to open a second brigade designed for hareidi soldiers despite interest. Segal said that he was initially not interested in leading a hareidi brigade. “I wanted a regular brigade, not one associated with one sector [of society],” he recalled. “But after I learned about the project and understood its importance, I was very happy that I’d come here.” Laugh out Loud Stories in the news that bring a smile! Sightless in Jerusalem The center of Jerusalem can be an obstacle course for the ultraultra pious, filled with unholy sights from immodestly dressed women and manikins to – gasp – cheeseburgers, leading a Jerusalem rabbi to suggest that myopic hareidi men remove their eyeglasses in public to avoid unsightly spectacles on public streets, which begged the question: What about the extra-pious among the flock who are cursed with 20-20 vision? Sure enough – someone came up with an ingenious solution: “modesty spectacles” for roaming eyes – now on sale in Mea She’arim for 30 NIS ($7) a pair. The specially ground lenses blur-out anything or anyone more than an arm’s distance away, ensuring the wary wearers’ eyes will remain tightly glued on the ground to avoid breaking their necks when out and about in public. Confusion in Advertising? The kosher Elite Bittersweet Chocolate bar, pictured here, was purchased from Ralphs in Palm Springs a couple weeks ago. Do you find the packaging a bit confusing too? The graphic on the package is a cow. The chocolate is bittersweet, not milk chocolate ... and the chocolate is certified “pareve”! So what is the cow doing on the package? DESERT HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL The Desert Holocaust Memorial is located in the Palm Desert Civic Center Park at San Pablo Avenue & Fred Waring Drive. Residents and visitors are encouraged to visit this moving memorial, a place of remembrance and monument of hope. JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 25 Simchas Congratulations to Annette Bloch on being honored as Outstanding Philanthropist bythe Association of Fundraising Professionals/ Annette Bloch Desert Communities Chapter at their sixth annual National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon being held on November 14 ... Mazel tov to Gabriella Werner, daughter of Drs. Matthew and Edith Gonzalez Werner, on being called to the Torah Classifieds PERSONAL ASSISTANT/PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGER Excellent local references. Bill paying, reconcile bank statement, run errands, drive to appointment. Computer help: MS Office, QuickBooks, emails. Notary. 2 hours minimum. Trustworthy, discreet, dependable. 760-408-5260. JEWISH, GLBT and New to the Desert? Contact Burt Fogelman at 760-328-1003 or and get on the Shalom GLBT list/email blast. Activities every one to two months. Also, check out our Facebook page and our new website: www shalomgayandlesbian JFS EXPRESS SENIOR RIDE TRANSPORTATION program currently recruiting volunteer drivers. Drivers use their own vehicles to provide rides for older adults to personal and medical appointments. Hours are flexible. You choose who, when and where you drive with our convenient scheduling system. Call Lois Wakser at 760-325-4088 for more information. TEMPLE SINAI GIFT SHOP : One of a kind and largest Judaica shop here in the desert. For all your traditional needs and unique gift items. Special orders available. For information call the Temple office at 760-568-9699. FOR SALE: SINGLE GRAVE SITE at Home of Peace Cemetery in Los Angeles. Only $2500. Call Arthur Bishop, 760-341-3453. as a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Sinai on November 3 and to Aaron Ortega, son of Susan Baer Ortega, on being called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Gabriella Werner at Temple Sinai on th November 10 ... Federation President Celia Norian, CEO Bruce Landgarten a n d W o m e n ’s Philanthropy Director Barbara B e n - D av i d w i l l Aaron Ortega be heading to Baltimore next week for the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly. Also in attendance will be Jeremy Ginsberg, son of Lynda and Trevor Bailey, who was selected as one Jeremy Ginsberg of only 15 students across the country to be sent to the conference. Jeremy is a sophomore at U.C. Santa Barbara ... Since 1985 David Bent, son of Nat and Miriam Bent, David Bent has been blowing the shofar at Temple Isaiah, and he is famous for his single pure sound of “Tekiah Godol” that regularly exceeds 45 seconds, but this year was a first: his shofar blast at the end of Yom Kippur reached all the way to Jerusalem! How? Temple Isaiah’s security guards on Yom Kippur, a father and son, are Israelis. They remembered David’s shofar skills from last year and asked if he would mind if they telephoned their mother/grandmother so that she could hear his shofar blast. He agreed and a couple moments before 7:00 pm they called Jerusalem, came into the sanctuary and held their cell phones up to capture the blast! ... Call or email Miriam Bent: 760-323-0255 or DAV I D ’ S C O N S T R U C T I O N Conscientious licensed, insured, bonded, general contractor. Catering to all your home repair needs. No Ted Cline, Rose Cohn, Elaine Falstein, Muriel Gold, Ray Klein, Edna Lapkin, job too small or big. Room additions, Harriet Levine, Jeanne Mazur and Harry Schwartz. Our deepest sympathies remodeling, patio covers, decks, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, to their families and friends. May their memories endure for a blessing. masonry, drywall, cement, wood floors, tile, fences, painting, sprinklers, landscaping, swamp coolers, custom homes and more. License #506370. Friday, November 2 Shabbat Vayera 4:12 pm 760-671-4476 . Friday, November 9 Shabbat Chayei Sara 4:06 pm Shabbat Toldot 4:02 pm HAR-EL, Member, Union for Reform Friday, November 16 Friday, November 23 Shabbat Vayetzei 3:58 pm Judaism, offers Shabbat services Fridays 5-5:30 pm followed by speakers or Friday, November 30 Shabbat Miketz 3:56 pm discussion. Galen Trimester Course “End of Life Issues” with Rabbi Richard KRISTINE A. KAUFFMAN - SENIOR FOR ALL OF YOUR CLOTHING Zionts, Rev. Daniel Rondeau and Rev. CARE SPECIALIST. Driving for NEEDS – call Arlene, at Rosenthal of Troy Mendez on November 2, 9, 16 is appointments, shopping, dining, etc; Palm Springs. From casual to couture, FREE and open to everyone. See ad Errands (groceries, banking, etc); Bill for men and women. Can make and or page 9. Reservations required. Contact paying and other miscellaneous tasks; Har-El at or 760-779- Companionship. Dog sitting, walking. copy anything. Huge variety of fabrics. 1691. References available. 4-hour minimum In your home appointments. Since 1989 – making people look and feel 760-902-3490. good in perfectly fitted clothing. 760HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Sunday, November 18th at Temple Isaiah, 10 “PALM SWINGS” Tribute to Frank 323-8353. am-3 pm. From fabulous to faux, Sinatra Thursday, November 15th at exciting Judaica, gift items for everyone Frank's Twin Palms Home. Fabulous HOUSEKEEPER WITH A MAGIC on your list. 332 West Alejo Road, Palm entertainment, wine bar, exquisite WAND. Will clean your home Springs. hors d’oeuvres, house tour and more. sparkling clean with personal care. $125 per person. For tickets call Temple T E M P L E S I N A I C H A N U K A H Isaiah, 760-325-2281. See ad page 7. Welcome back Snowbirds: I offer quality services for your convenience SHOPPING SPREE Tuesday November 27th l2:30 - 5:30 pm. The Temple CARE GIVER FOR THE ELDERLY - 51 to make your winter stay comfortable Gift Shop and other vendors will be year old male seeking one on one and relaxed. No worries! No stress! there for your shopping pleasure. assistance work with elderly. Have I’m here for you! Pet and eco-friendly. New merchandise arriving daily a nurses aide certificate. Training in Will do errands, personal shopping, including beautiful Israeli Judaica. CPR.Volunteer with Meals on Wheels nutritional cooking. Excellent “Brandeis Desert Chapter has a variety for ten years. Was Riverside County references. Bonded and insured. 760of exciting Study Groups and Special Volunteer of the Year for two years. Events lined up for this season. For B.A. in philosophy. Very honest and 424-8113 or 760-844-0248. more details send your email address hard working. Have references. $10 to" per hour. 760-345-6740. 26 • JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • We Mourn the Passing of... Candle Lighting Times Hillel Events on Campus By Maya Lifton, Hillel Director for Jewish Student Life, Inland Empire and Desert Communities UC Riverside Hillel kicked off the semester with their annual welcome back BBQ at Fairmount Park. The event included kosher food, games and a caricature artist who drew the students during the event. As the holidays began, students attended prayer services at the local synagogues including Etz Hadar, Temple Emanu El, Chabad of Upland, Chabad of Riverside, Temple Beth El and Temple Isaiah (Palm Springs). It is Hillel’s goal this year to work together with the nearby synagogues in promoting holiday services. For Sukkot, each school had their own unique event. UC Riverside built a sukkah and served kosher pizza, which attracted around 40 students. University of Redlands put together “hookah in the sukkah,” where over 100 students showed up. Riverside City College had a table with information regarding Sukkot which attracted nearly 25 people. Students stopped by to shake the lulav and say a bracha (prayer.) One professor, at Riverside City College, put on tefillin in honor of the holiday. UC Riverside Hillel also teamed up with Chabad of Upland for their first Shabbat in the Sukkah. University of Redlands Hillel gets together for Shabbat almost every week and the students usually cook the food themselves. In addition to the holidays, Hillel took part in Club Rush at Cal State San Bernardino, College of the Desert, and Riverside City College. Club Rush takes place every year in the beginning of the semester, allowing campus clubs to promote themselves and recruit students to their organization. Hillel took this opportunity to find Jewish students, and pass out information regarding Israel and Hillel. Future activities will include Shabbat events, speakers, movie nights, and Hanukah celebrations. For more information about getting involved with Hillel contact Maya Lifton, Hillel Director for Jewish Student Life, Inland Empire and Desert Communities, at or 858-349-9301. Ariella Hemley, Maya Lifton and Karam Elmasry during Club Rush at Riverside City College JCN • November 2012 • Cheshvan/Kislev 5773 • • 27 FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE. Every day, thousands of elderly Jews here at home, in Israel and around the world are fed, sheltered and given the care and love they deserve. From emergency financial assistance to medical care to transportation, with your help we can provide Jewish seniors with the help they need to live with dignity. 69-710 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760-324-4737 The Strength of a People. The Power of Community.