The Cichlid Corner Saltwater Made Simple More!
The Cichlid Corner Saltwater Made Simple More!
February 2012 Volume 41, No. 2 The Official Publication of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County In this issue: The Cichlid Corner Saltwater Made Simple More! 6$9( % 722)) 83 &KDLQ6XSHU6WRUH/RFDO3HW6WRUH3ULFHV &HQWHUYLOOH5G/DQFDVWHU WKDWSHWSODFHFRP 25%off 30%off Pure Aquatic Ceramic Rings, Phosphate Remover & Filter Pads 20%off Marineland 90 gal. Tank & Pine Stand Black or Oak - with Cornerflo: 10% off tank 25%off Pure Aquatic Goldfish & Tropical Flakes 15%off Coralife HO T-5 Bulbs Seaclone Skimmers 20%off 20%off Aqueon Water Siphons 25%off Coralife Super Skimmers 10%off NEW! 15%off 15%off Eshopps Skimmers Eshopps Wet Dry Filters 3UHVLGHQWV'D\:HHNHQG 6DW0RQ)HE Marineland Reef Capable Fixtures Fluval Edge Kit with LED Lights 6 & 12 gal. % Fluval Submersible Heaters TFP • TPP COUPON Three Three 30 % off Fluval 06 Series Canister Filters AquaClear Filters TWO DAYS ONLY! ✁ TWO DAYS ONLY! 20 % ✁ 15off TFP • TPP COUPON off Live Fish & Live Plants Corals, Inverts, Frags, Clams & Live Rock Valid Saturday-Monday 2/18-2/20/12 with this coupon and your Pet Rewards Instant Savings Card at That Fish Place retail store on in-stock items only. Not valid with sale items, other offers or prior purchases. One coupon per household per day. Excludes quantity discounts, feeder fish, algae packs, corals, inverts and live rock. No copies accepted. PCFRF30 Valid Saturday-Monday 2/18-2/20/12 with this coupon and your Pet Rewards Instant Savings Card at That Fish Place retail store on in-stock items only. Not valid with sale items, other offers or prior purchases. One coupon per household per day. Excludes quantity discounts, algae packs and plant packs. No copies accepted. PCFRF20 Specials valid with your Pet Rewards Instant Savings Card. Don’t have a card? Sign up today for FREE in our retail store! Sales valid through 2/29/2012, while supplies last. Tank Tales is the official publication of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County (ACLC). Ten issues of Tank Tales are published annually. Anyone using original material from any issue of Tank Tales must return two (2) copies of the publication in which the article is published to our exchange editor listed below. The views expressed in any material appearing in Tank Tales are those of the authors, and do not necessarily express those of the ACLC. The ACLC meets on the third Saturday of each month (except July and August) at That Fish Place, 237 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA 17603. Meetings begin at 1:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Meetings usually are comprised of a program featuring a guest speaker, door prizes, a mini fish auction, with a period allowed for mingling and refreshments. The philosophy of the club is such that our activities are interesting to both the novice and advanced hobbyist alike. An effort is made to keep business to a minimum at the general meetings, with the executive board meeting being held monthly as needed on a pre-established date and time. 2012 ACLC Committee Chairs Committee Chair Phone E-mail Editor Joel Antkowiak 717-354-2274 Exchange Editor Kurt Johnston 717-965-7763 Web Master Kurt Johnston 717-965-7763 Social Chair Tara Miller 610-689-5356 Horticultural Chair Michael Vogt 570-764-2151 BAP Chair Kurt Johnston 717-965-7763 Auction Chair Joe Kunkel 717-627-3853 Raffle Chair Barb Kunkel 717-627-3853 Audit Chair Suze Glesky 717-574-6123 WAAP Chair Joel Antkowiak 717-354-2274 Bowl Show Chair Robin Antkowiak 717-354-2274 Membership Chair Bill Martin Corporate Sponsor Liaison Scott McLaughlin 610-763-2721 717-779-9864 Lifetime Members of the ACLC Paul Bricknell F. Wayne Calender Pedro Sanchez David Stephon Cover: Robin Antkowiak's axolotl. Photo by Joel Antkowiak. 2012 ACLC Board of Directors President Vice-President Joel Antkowiak Danny Corman 717-354-2274 717-564-6888 Past President Secretary Kurt Johnston Suze Glesky 717-965-7763 717-574-6123 Treasurer Financial Director PICTURE Tim Brady Barb Kunkel NOT YET 570-385-0573 717-627-3853 AVAILABLE Public Relations Director Scott McLaughlin Programs Director Terrence Trasatti 717-779-9864 A Message from the President of the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County Wow! It was nice to see such a great turnout at the January meeting with the weather the way it was. Hopefully mother nature will cooperate a little better for the February meeting. The planning is well under way for our big 40th Anniversary celebration to be held September 15th and 16th. We have 4 great speakers lined up already, all big names in the hobby. We have commitments from Ray "Kingfish" Lucas, Mike Hellweg, Dr. Paul Loiselle, and Mo Devlin. With this group it should be entertaining as well as educational! I have received some commitments from great artists in the hobby as well to provide various artwork for our event. Raffles, maybe a silent auction or two, vendors, speakers, a celebratory banquet and last but not least a giant auction all day Sunday! It's going to be a great event! All we need now is YOU! More information will be forthcoming in future issues. It took a long time, but I finally finished putting together our entry package for the 2011 FAAS Publications Awards. I am proud to announce that the ACLC has 70 entries in 18 classes! That is up from last year's 54 entries. I think the overall quality of our entries is better this year too, but we'll let the judges make that call. Speaking of articles, I need some! My article bank is almost drained. The holidays are over folks - let's get writing! One thing you might want to consider writing is a review article. If you have won items in the raffle or door prizes, please let us know what you thought of the products. The manufacturers are donating these products to the club so that we can use them to raise operating funds. We can pay them back by writing a review on the products that you used and getting them some face time in Tank Tales. We need the support of the manufacturers to be able to keep this club running, so let's do what we can to make them happy with us then maybe they will donate more to us next year! Last but not least, we need a replacement for Barb Kunkel both on the Board of Directors and as Raffle Chairperson. Please contact me if you can help us out! Enough from me. See you at the meeting. The 2011 ACLC Schedule February 18 Tony Horos Malawi Peacocks and Haps 101 ****************************************************************** March 17th TBD 2012 Bowl Show Schedule April 21st Michael Barber TBD Barbs, Danios and Rasboras / Jr. Open May 19th Joint meeting with GWAPA February March All Other Livebearers / Aquatic Animals April Fertilization for Aquarium Plants Small Catfishes (4" max) / Open June 16th TBD Dwarf Cichlids / Jr. Open July ? Shop Hop ? August ? ACLC Picnic We need someone to organize this! May June Anabantoids / Matched Fish* *Bring in your twins! Entry is 2 or more fish. September No Bowl Show - 40th Anniversary Event! October Tetras / Killifish September 15 - 16 November ACLC 40th Anniversary Event Bowl Beautiful - Decorate a 1/2 gallon bowl Ray "Kingfish" Lucas Mo Devlin Mike Hellweg Dr. Paul Loiselle 2012 Bowl Show Standings Lots of fun all weekend long! Skip Schulz ..................................... 14 points Matthew Shaffer ............................. 10 points Joel Antkowiak ................................. 5 points Bill Martin ........................................ 5 points Presented by The Aquarium Club of Lancaster County Meetings held at That Fish Place, 237 Centerville Road, Lancaster PA – 1:00 PM Saturday February 18th 2012 “Malawi Peacocks and Haps 101” Tony Horos Tony will present a general overview of these striking fish. Topics will include basic requirements, water chemistry, and a survey of popular (and easily kept) genera, species compatibility, breeding tips as well as cookie-cutter setups of differing sizes. Whether you're completely new to Malawi cichlids or an old-timer, this will be a great talk to catch. Tony Horos is the current vice-president of the Capital Cichlid Association and has been keeping fish since he was in grade school, but really got involved in the hobby in the mid-90s. While he has experience with high-tech planted and reef setups, his true passion is for cichlids from Africa’s Lake Malawi. In the past 5 years, he has expanded from a few tanks to about 25 and has bred approximately 30 different species/variants of Malawi haps, peacocks and mbuna. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME For more information about the Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, or directions to a meeting, please visit our website at or contact Kurt Johnston - or 717-965-7763 Saltwater Made Simple, Part 5 by Michael Steffen In this installment I would like to introduce you to the fish only with live rock, or FOWLR, style of salt water aquarium. This type of salt water aquarium is a stepping stone to the full blown reef tank and can be a nice step up from a fish only tank on your way to the reef set up of your dreams. We covered what live rock and live sand are in an earlier installment so that information is already available. But there's a few different kinds of live rock that are available on the market and some are even man made! I prefer to use man made live rock or to turn other types of terrestrial rocks into live rock, more on that later. Tonga branching live rock. sizes than anything else. Live rock is harvested from a few areas of the world and each area has different life that hitches a ride on the live rock when it is harvested. The major live rock producing areas are Hawaii, Fuji, Tonga, Florida, and Haiti. Each location that live rock is harvested from has different flora and fauna that inhabits the area and, in turn, brings different micro and macro life into our home aquarium. Each location also has specific shapes and colors to the rock. Picking live rock goes more on your personal taste in the shapes and The photo shows Tonga branching live rock. Notice how it looks like a tree that has been felled and the limbs trimmed off? Hence the name branching. A trip to your local fish store and you can get a good feeling for what is available locally in the area of live rock. There is another type of live rock available that is man made from oyster shells and concrete. There people at GARF have gotten this down to a science and perhaps one day I shall do an article on the creation of it. It is simply white cement, crushed oyster shell, and rock salt. This rock can be made into any shape or size and really allows you to create a one of a kind fish tank. The last type of live rock that I would like to mention is called Eco rock and is another man made rock that is hand crafted with a purple pigment added to the concrete to give a total coralline algae coverage appearance. This is to some people cheating but it sure looks good! You can also tank some terrestrial rocks and seed them with other live rock pieces to create your own live rock. I prefer to use lava rock for this or fairly tight holey rock. Lava rock is very easy to acquire and can even be purchased at some landscaping supply locations. It is cheap, easy to shape, and very porous! This makes it a great choice for seeded live rock. Holey rock offers the buffering capability of the lime stone to help keep your pH up while still having the small holes and crevices for the micro life to inhabit. Here is a piece of lava rock that I am currently seeding with the Tonga branching rock shown earlier. Once it is seeded and completely covered in coralline algae and other micro organisms I will be removing the Tonga branching rock and the piece of lava rock will be the only piece of live rock in the tank. Whichever type of live rock you choose, make sure to check it for hitch hikers and riders when you first get it. Remove anything that is unwanted like sponges or mantis shrimp. If there is no unwanted things on it just give it a quick scrub with a stiff bristle brush to remove anything dead and get it in your tank to cycle. Live rock will have a die off and regrowth phase when it gets in your tank, so monitor your water parameters closely and wait for it to finish curing before you add your fish and other inverts. Once your live rock is done curing, you're ready to add fish and a clean up crew to your salt water tank. A clean up crew, or CUC, consists of turbo snails, hermit crabs, crabs, sea hares, star fish, conchs, and other inverts that will turn your live sand and clean up any uneaten food that your fish do not get. The CUC will greatly help reduce the waste that is made by your fish in your saltwater aquarium. The CUC will also clean off any green hair algae or other unwanted algae that may pop up in your tank. We will be covering algae in a different article so I will not go too in-depth on the subject in this one, but a CUC is vital to keeping a sparkling clean tank! Now that your tank is cycled you can add fish and enjoy this tank as you already enjoy your other tanks. Just remember that salt water aquariums should not be stress, but a beautiful, enjoyable conversation piece that you can tell your friends that you created with time, and love of this hobby. As always, until I peek from behind my shell and see you again, I bid you happy fish keeping The Aquarium Club of Lancaster County Celebrates 40 years in the Aquarium Hobby September 15 – 16, 2012 at The Lancaster Host Resort 2300 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster PA 17602 Mike Hellweg ~ Dr. Paul Loiselle ~ Mo Devlin ~ Ray “Kingfish” Lucas 6 Programs by 4 Legends of the Aquarium Hobby Join us for Lunch with the “Kingfish” and an “Aquamojo” Banquet ! You will have the chance to own artwork from some of the country's finest fishy artists! Huge Vendor Room Raffles Galore Silent Auctions This is Your Chance to Explore our Local Specialty Clubs Giant Sunday Auction Visit us at for more information! This month I want to tell you about a website that I visit on a weekly basis. The website is Ted’s Fishroom, a blog-style website run by one of the best hobbyists I have met, Ted Judy. On his website, Ted has a multitude of well-produced videos that cover many different subjects. He has instructional videos showing how he built his fishroom, videos on the fish that he has had the opportunity to keep; he takes you to several public zoos and aquariums. Ted has tours of other aquarist’s fish rooms, fish shops and even conventions. He has some great videos of his collecting trips and some very helpful instructional videos covering the basics of fishkeeping. If you want to see why I keep trying to encourage all of you to attend the NEC Convention, take a look at Ted’s 4 minute video of the 2011 convention. It will give you a great idea of what it is all about. Ted also has an area on his site where you can purchase some of the beautiful fish he has bred and the supplies he uses and endorses. I have had the pleasure of meeting Ted several times and enjoyed the discussions and the great amount of knowledge he is always sharing with other aquarists. So, stop by Ted’s Fishroom soon for a very entertaining education. ~Enjoy Fish ‘netting - Kurt We recently received large boxes of donated items from the folks at Cobalt Aquatics as wells as Seachem and Hikari. The boxes contained various food items and water conditioning products, and power heads. We thank you for your support! OVERALL STANDINGS Participant Total Points Base Bonus Reprints (Articles/Photos) Special Awards Pen and Quill Award (750 points) Joel Antkowiak* ........................ 1,100 points Michael Steffen ............................. 950 points 885 840 215 110 395 250 170 50 15 100 225 45 55 50 0 25 0 0 35 20 10 20 15 0 0 10 0 0 2/0 3/0 Fishy Photographer Fishy Photographer Wordsmith Award (500 points) None. Author's Award (250 points) Scott McLaughlin.......................... 445 points Jay Stephan ................................... 295 points Bob Kulesa .................................... 280 points Fishy Photographer Writing Breeder Writer's Award (50 points) Kurt Johnston ................................ 225 points Robin Antkowiak ............................ 70 points Michael Vogt .................................. 55 points Suze Glesky .................................... 50 points 0/1 Other Participants Wayne Callender ............................. 35 points Matt Shaffer .................................... 20 points Terrence Trasatti ............................. 20 points Bill Martin....................................... 20 points Ashley Antkowiak .......................... 15 points Bonus Points include points for articles reviewed, reprinted, article and/or photo of the month, and awards from FAAS and NEC. *-Participant has enough points for the next higher award, but needs to complete one or more other requirements. MIGHTY FIN STANDINGS 2012 Kurt Johnston ....................................... 90 pts Scott McLaughlin................................. 70 pts Jay Stephan .......................................... 50 pts Joel Antkowiak .................................... 45 pts Bob Kulesa ........................................... 30 pts Robin Antkowiak ................................. 15 pts Standings as of February 10, 2012 Thank you to Jennifer Williams for designing our club logos! Breeder’s Award Program Monthly Report – February 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award Report Active Members Point Totals F. Wayne Calender Breeder Wayne Calender .......................... 1553 pts Grand Master Breeder Paul Bricknell ............................. 1291 pts David Stephon ............................. 1120 pts Pedro Sanchez ............................. 1050 pts Master Breeder (None) Expert Breeder Bob Kulesa* .................................. 812 pts Advanced Breeder (None) 3 Star Breeder (None) 2 Star Breeder Joel Antkowiak* ............................ 444 pts Michael Schrom* .......................... 245 pts Mike Steffen ................................... 228 pts 1 Star Breeder Jay Stephan* ................................. 396 pts R/W/C Bressler.............................. 212 pts Pat Kelly*...................................... 165 pts Glenn Davies* ............................... 120 pts Daniel Sanchez................................ 90 pts Dave Frehafer ................................. 90 pts Danny Corman ................................ 73 pts Scott Shenk ...................................... 70 pts Kurt Johnston .................................. 55 pts Other Participants Terrance Trasatti ............................ 40 pts Scott McLaughlin ............................ 18 pts Matt Shaffer .................................... 16 pts Ashley Antkowiak ............................ 14 pts Tara Miller ...................................... 10 pts Gary Boyer ........................................ 9 pts *Breeder has enough points for next higher class award but needs to complete one or more classes to achieve the award. Specialist Breeder Awards Report Being a new award program, no member has qualified for any of the specialist awards. Several members have completed the number of species required for awards but need to complete one or more of the other requirements for an award. Paul Bricknell Bob Kulesa Michael Schrom Joel Antkowiak Wayne Callender Bev Newcomer Class 1 – Livebearers Wayne Calender Pedro Sanchez David Stephon Class 2 – Catfish Bob Kulesa Class 3 – Barbs & Minnows David Stephon Class 4 – Characins Wayne Calender David Stephon Paul Bricknell Pedro Sanchez Wayne Calender Bob Kulesa Class 7 – New World Cichlids Bob Kulesa David Stephon Bob Kulesa Class 5 – Killifish Pedro Sanchez Bev Newcomer Class 8 – Old World Cichlids Class 11 – Other Aquatic Animals Mike Steffen Bob Kulesa Class 12 – U. S. Native Species Wayne Calender ************************************************** 2012 Breeder of the Year R/W/C Bressler................................................ 41 points Joel Antkowiak.................................................... 7 points The new year is here! Let's get breeding! ACLC C.A.R.E.S.Registrants Updated on January 31, 2012 Species Status Obtained from Date Reg. Date Joel Antkowiak Mar-10 10-Dec-10 Vulnerable /Conservation priority DCAS Meeting miniauction PVAS (MD) Fall Auction Sep-09 10-Dec-10 Betta simplex Vulnerable GPASI Spring Auction Apr-10 10-Dec-10 Skiffia lermae Endangered GPASI Spring Auction Apr-10 10-Dec-10 Xiphophorus couchianus Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent Paul Bricknell (ACLC Meeting mini auction) Mar-11 30-Mar-11 Melanotaenia lacustris Vulnerable/At Risk in Nature CCA Meeting Auction Apr-10 30-Mar-11 Tanichthys micagemmae Vulnerable Dennis Heltzel (KKG Mtg.) & Tara Miller (ACLC Mtg.) Feb-11 30-Mar-11 Ameca splendens Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent 2011 ALA Convention Apr-11 5-Jun-11 Pachypanchax sakaramyi Critically Endangered 2011 AKA Convention May-11 5-Jun-11 Zoogoneticus tequila Critically Endangered 2011 ALA Convention Apr-11 13-Oct-11 Chapalichthys encaustus Vulnerable 2011 ALA Convention Apr-11 13-Oct-11 Tanichthys albonubes Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent R/W/C Bressler Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Dec-10 19-Dec-10 Xenotoca eiseni Endangered Cryptoheros nanoluteus Mike Steffen Xenotoca eiseni Endangered Joel Antkowiak LS= Longevity Seal: Awarded for every year this species is maintained GS= Green Seal: Completed Species Journal and shared the data through an article in “Tank Tales” BS= Blue Seal: Sharing fry with ACLC member who registers that fry into ACLC CARES RS= Red Seal: Sharing fry with member of another organization who has the fry registered with that organization 18-Dec-10 ACLC C.A.R.E.S.Registrants Updated on January 31, 2012 Jay Stephan Haplochromis sp. "ruby" Critically Endangered/At Risk in Nature Mike's Cichlids Jul-10 15-Jan-11 Lipochromis cf. parvidens "Kyoga" Endangered Old World Exotic Fish May-10 15-Jan-11 Paralibidochromis sp "Red Fin Piebald" At Risk in Nature Mike's Cichlids Jul-10 15-Jan-11 Pundamilia nyererei Near Threatened Mike's Cichlids Jul-10 15-Jan-11 Haplochromis obliquidens Endangered Atlantis Tropical Fish Apr-10 15-Jan-11 Pundamilia pundamilia Vulnerable Old World Exotic Fish Feb-11 18-Jun-11 Psammochromis riponianus Vulnerable CCA mini auction Mar-11 18-Jun-11 Pundamilia igneopinis Endangered Icthyos Enterprises May-11 18-Jun-11 Astatotilapia aeneocolor Vulnerable Old World Exotic Fish Jun-11 18-Jun-11 Astatotilapia latifasciata Critically Endangered/At Risk in Nature Old World Exotic Fish Jun-11 18-Jun-11 Critically Endangered Old World Exotic Fish Jun-11 18-Jun-11 Paralibidochromis chromogynos LS= Longevity Seal: Awarded for every year this species is maintained GS= Green Seal: Completed Species Journal and shared the data through an article in “Tank Tales” BS= Blue Seal: Sharing fry with ACLC member who registers that fry into ACLC CARES RS= Red Seal: Sharing fry with member of another organization who has the fry registered with that organization ACLC C.A.R.E.S.Registrants Updated on January 31, 2012 Jay Stephan (cont) Xystichromis sp. Kyoga Flameback Critically Endangered Mike’s Cichlids Jul-11 13-Jul-11 Pundamilia sp. Blue Bar Vulnerable Mike’s Cichlids Jul-11 13-Jul-11 Xystichromis sp Day Glow Near Threatened Mike's Cichlids Jan-12 31-Jan-12 Jan-10 15-Jan-11 May-11 27-June-11 21-Jan-12 Tara Miller Tanichthys micagemma Vulnerable Dennis Heltzel-ACLC member Barbara Kunkel Chapalichthys encaustus Vulnerable ACLC Spring Auction Rit Forcier Harry Knaub Xiphophorus couchianus Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent Paul Bricknell – ACLC Mini Auction Feb-11 29-Jun-11 Xenotoca eiseni Endangered Joel Antkowiak – ACLC Mini Auction Feb-11 29-Jun-11 May-11 16-Oct-11 Robin Antkowiak Tanichthys albonubes Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent That Fish Place LS= Longevity Seal: Awarded for every year this species is maintained GS= Green Seal: Completed Species Journal and shared the data through an article in “Tank Tales” BS= Blue Seal: Sharing fry with ACLC member who registers that fry into ACLC CARES RS= Red Seal: Sharing fry with member of another organization who has the fry registered with that organization 21-Jan-12 ACLC C.A.R.E.S.Registrants Updated on January 31, 2012 Richard Bressler Tanichthys albonubes Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent That Fish Place Nov-11 14-Jan-12 Chapalichthys encaustus Vulnerable Barb Kunkel Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Jan-12 21-Jan-12 Lonny Langione Chapalichthys encaustus Vulnerable Barb Kunkel Mike Mull Xystichromis sp. Kyoga Flameback Critically Endangered Jay Stephan Karen Haas Tanichthys albonubes Extinct in the Wild/Conservation Dependent Richard Bressler Claude DeLannee Chapalichthys encaustus Vulnerable Barb Kunkel LS= Longevity Seal: Awarded for every year this species is maintained GS= Green Seal: Completed Species Journal and shared the data through an article in “Tank Tales” BS= Blue Seal: Sharing fry with ACLC member who registers that fry into ACLC CARES RS= Red Seal: Sharing fry with member of another organization who has the fry registered with that organization 21-Jan-12 Delaware County Aquarium Society Meets the 1st Friday of each month from Sept. through June at the Springfield Township Building, Springfield, PA. Diamond State Aquarium Society The 2012 Fishy Calendar March 3 - Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island Auction March 4 - Norwalk Aquarium Society Benefit Auction Meets the 2nd Monday of each month from Sept. through June at William Penn High School in New Castle, DE. March 10 - North Jersey Aquarium Society Swap Meet Bucks County Aquarium Society March 18 - Jersey Shore Aquarium Society Auction Meets the 1st Thursday of each month from Sept. through July at the Churchville Nature Center, Churchville, PA. Potomac Valley Aquarium Society Meets the 1st Saturday of each month from Sept. through June at the Green Acres School in Fairfax, VA Keystone Killy Group Meets the second Saturday of each month from Sept. through June (except Dec.) at members' homes. Capital Cichlid Association Meets the second Saturday of each month from Sept. through June in Silver Spring, MD. Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association Generally meets the fourth Saturday of each month March 10 - Delaware County Aquarium Society Auction March 18 - Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society Auction March 23-25 - NEC Convention April 1 - East Coast Cichlids Spring Auction April 15 - North Jersey Aquarium Society Auction April 26-29 American Association Convention May 6 - Greater Society Auction Pittsburgh Livebearer Aquarium May 25-27 - American Killifish Association Convention July 11-15 - American Cichlid Association Convention September 14-15 - ACLC 40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT, Lancaster, PA September 28-30 - MACNA XXIV October - All Aquarium Catfish Convention, hosted by Potomac Valley Aquarium Society ATTENTION SISTER CLUBS: Please help promote the events of these and other clubs so that all of our clubs may prosper! Norwalk Aquarium Society 34st Annual Tropical Fish & Aquarium Equipment Benefit Auction for Earthplace Sunday, March 4, 2012 Set up and viewing 9:30am-11:30am Auction begins around Noon At Earthplace-The Nature Discovery Center 10 Woodside Lane, Westport, Connecticut Open to the Public – free of charge One of the Northeast’s Largest Auctions of Beautiful Tropical Fish & New and Good Used Aquarium Equipment! For more information visit websites: or Or Call the toll free number (866) 219-4NAS or (203) 227-7253 ext. 110 Directions to the Earthplace Nature Discovery Center From Merritt Parkway - Wilbur Cross: Exit 41. If coming from New Haven turn right at exit, (if coming from New York, turn left at exit). Proceed on CT Route 33. At first traffic light turn right onto Kings Highway North. Proceed straight and turn right (second town road) onto Woodside Avenue. Woodside Avenue ends at the stop sign and Woodside Lane continues to Earthplace. From New England Thruway (I-95) From either direction take exit 17 and turn left onto Riverside Avenue (Route 33). Go straight approximately 1 mile to Sylvan Road South (on left - gas station at corner). Turn left onto Sylvan Rd S. Turn right at light (Post Road, Route 1) take first left onto Kings Highway, take left at Woodside Avenue-proceed to end of street. Woodside Lane continues to Earthplace. From Norwalk or Westport Via Rte 1. Follow Route 1 to Kings Highway North. Take left onto Woodside Avenue and proceed to end of street. Woodside Avenue ends at the stop sign and Woodside Lane continues to Earthplace. The North Jersey Aquarium Society AQUARIUM SWAP MEET & VENDOR EXPO SATURDAY—MARCH 10, 2012 From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM LYNDHURST ELKS CLUB 251 Park Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 See for directions Come spend the day with New Jersey’s largest Tropical Fish Club and get some great buys on live tropical fish, aquatic plants, food, books, other new and used aquatic related items, and a large selection of non-aquatic items. Vendors: BUYERS: Only $30.00 per 8 foot table Free Parking & Door Prize ticket Second table $15.00 Admission $5.00 per person No club split—keep 100% of profit Kids 12 and under Free Access to hobbyists & walk-in public Access to vendors, breeders, etc Vendors must set-up at 9:00 am Browse, barter & make deals OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Breakfast & Lunch available For more information, please visit us on our website: Or contact Kevin Carr: 201-724-9460 or Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society Spring 2012 TROPICAL FISH AUCTION Sunday March 18 Registration: 11:00 to 1:00. Auction: NOON Fish, Plants, Dry Goods, Live Food 4 Dot System 70/30 split OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, FREE ADMISSION (You do not have to be a member of an Aquarium Society to participate.) Food, Chinese Raffle,50/50 Drawings Contact Tom: 330.758.3043 Day of Auction: 330.770.3131 Go to for directions and map Schoo l Spring Street an Mataw Elks Club Center Street ne h La Jackson Ter. Route to Freehold Mall Main St. Any person may bring quality live fish and aquatic plants to enter into auction. 60/40 split when preregistered by Mar. 11th or 50/50 split when registered at the auction. Auction rules available upon request. to For more information or to preregister: e-mail, call (732) 223-4530, or visit ) ay oadw 79 (Br Veterans Mem. Bldg. Street ) st Main 37 (Ea Auction starts at noon sharp! Bennett Street N Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St. Live goods registration: 9 to 11 a.m. No guarantee that items registered after 11 a.m. will be auctioned. No used dry goods. Route 5 Bank Bank to Red Viewing of items: 10 a.m. – 11:45 p.m. Freehold To be held on Sunday, March 18, 2012 at the Knights of Columbus at 70 E. Main St. in Freehold, NJ. Dutc THE JERSEY SHORE AQUARIUM SOCIETY presents its 20TH ANNUAL Tropical Fish and Dry Goods Auction! Sunday, March 18, 2012 Featuring rare and exotic tropical fish, a wide selection of aquatic plants, with free goodies and door prizes all day long! Snacks and refreshments will be available. Open to public – free admission ($2 bidder fee). JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 JSAS Auction, 03.18.12 Knights of Columbus 70 E. Main St., Freehold (732) 223-4530 The Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies 37th ANNUAL Tropical Fish CONVENTION March 23 - 25, 2012 The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Cromwell, Connecticut Speakers – Vendor Room – Sunday Auction 11am – Banquet – Workshops – Club meetings Pat Donston – FW & SW Nutrition Scott Fellman – Saltwater Bob Lewis – AFGA Guppies Klaus Steinhaus – CARES – Tropheus Scott Fellman – saltwater workshop Hans-Georg Evers – Catfish – Sulawesi Spencer Jack – Cichlids Ken Normandin – Killifish – Panama Rhonda Wilson – Planted Aquaria Tony Terciera – Photo Workshop Leslie Dick 203-748-7800 is proud to announce Spring Auction 2012! Please come join us on Sunday, April 1st Union NJ Elks Lodge 281 Chestnut St Union, NJ 07083 Registration: 8 am – 10 am Auction: 11 am There will be vendors, food provided by The Taco Truck, great hobbyists from the East Coast and plenty of quality fish, plants and dry goods. For more information please visit our website: SPRING AUCTION SUNDAY MAY 6, 2012 GPASI WWW.GPASI.ORG P.O. Box 22452 Pittsburgh, Pa 15222-0452 For more Information call: Wally Cox 412-420-7985 OR Eric Bodrock (412)491-0311 If you are attending our auction as a seller and traveling in from an area outside of Western PA region (any area code other than 412,724,878), we are offering to help defray some of your expenses! When you register your item(s) to be auctioned off, provide proof of residency & you will be issued a food voucher for 1 FREE MEAL, from our kitchen while supplies last. (One food voucher per seller sheet) (NOTICE: The food voucher has no cash value and can not be exchanged for cash and is void after the auction.) North Hampton VFD 5149 North Pioneer Road Gibsonia, PA 15044 PA Turnpike, Exit 39, Butler Valley, Go North-Route 8, First light at East & West Hardies road turn LEFT, Take the first LEFT onto North Pioneer. Fire hall is on RIGHT Auction Rules • • • • Registration will open at 9:30 AM and close at 1 PM. Auction will start promptly at 11 AM. Accounts must be paid in full when you leave the auction. PAYMENT OPTIONS - Cash or Checks only Buyers may set up a Tab with a valid ID for information verification, or may pay with cash at time of purchase. Bids will be in dollar increments. Tables 1 & 2 will be sold first. The selling order for Tables 3 – 10 will be randomly selected during the auction Express Bids: After the first table has been completed, for a $1 fee a buyer or seller may bring an item from any table up for immediate sale during the auction. Donations: please specify if the donation(s) proceeds are to go directly to the club or to the “Marzina Fund” GPASI reserves the right to refuse to sell an obviously sick or deformed fish, or defective equipment Any items not claimed or left behind become property of GPASI. NO PRIVATE SALES. NO RESALE OF PURCHASED AUCTION ITEMS. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. All Items are sold “AS IS”. GPASI does not warrant the condition or authenticity of item sold. Seller Rules • • • • • • • • • Split is 70% to the seller and 30% to GPASI. Bags are to be labeled with an alpha numeric numbering system (ex. ABC-001, ABC- 002) 3 letters are chosen by the seller and the bags are numbered in ascending sequence. All bags ending in 1 go on table 1, all bags ending in 2 go on table 2 etc. You must register before you place your items on the tables. Bags MUST be marked clearly with this information: bag number, your name, phone number, scientific name of fish, common name (if applicable), actual number of fish in bag. Appropriate terminology: PAIR=1 male, 1 female same species MATED PAIR=pair that have spawned TRIO=1 male, 2 females same species REVERSE TRIO= 2 males, 1 female same species. MINUMUM BIDS will be allowed. If the item does not sell it will be set back and NOT come up for sale again during the auction. All fish to be auctioned will be in suitable bags, NO Ziplocs or Baggies. Catfish, Cichlids, and other fish with sharp spines must be double bagged. There will be a $2 re-bagging fee if fish are improperly bagged—play it safe and double bag everything! Sellers are limited to the following: No more than 5 bags of any single species (unless it is a different color strain or fin type then you will be allowed 5 bags of each type), or item type. Please state if dry good equipment is in working order on your label! NO PRIVATE SALES. NO RESALE OF PURCHASED AUCTION ITEMS. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Seller’s proceed checks will be mailed within two weeks of the auction. Piscatorial Pearls “Reviewing Aquarium Society Newsletters from Around the World” ~ February 2012 Edition This month we start our journey in the deep south with 2 articles in the December 2011 Atlanta Area Aquarium issue of the Association’s Fish Talk. The first article, written by J.W. Wood, is titled My First Aquarium and is a great trip into nostalgia that many of us can relate to. David Ramsey tells us about The Driftwood that got away in this article about a trip he made to Tampa Bay. Heading up the east coast we have 3 great stories in the Brooklyn Aquarium Society’s November-December 2011 edition of Aquatica. The first story is a regular column by Izzy Zwerin called The Planted Tank in which Izzy helps us answer the question, Is a Planted Tank Right for Me? Editor John Todaro has also promised to reprint all of Izzy’s previous columns in 2012. I can’t wait; these are great, informative stories. In the next story we learn all about the care and breeding of Crystal Red Shrimp from Dan Hagan of The Shrimp Farm. Finally, in this edition is a story by BAS president Joe Graffagnino titled Black Eggs in which Joe tells us about his experience with a great little West African cichlid, Tilapia snyderae. A little closer to home we have an article in the December 2011 issue of the Diamond State Aquarium Society’s Gravel Gossip titled The Hump-Backed Limia ~ Limia nigrofasciata by Bob Berdoulay. Bob tells us about his experiences raising and spawning this great little Hispaniola livebearer. Our next stop is in Ohio for a story in the Nov/Dec 2011 edition of the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society’s Fincinnati. Al Winstel tells us about The Effect of Jack Hammers on Fish Tanks and he tells it from personal experience. Heading to the Great Southwest we have 5 articles in the December 2011 issue of Lateral Line, the publication of the Hill Country Cichlid Club. The first article by David Ayres is titled Can you Spot the Difference? In which David tries to clear up a debate about the differences between 2 Synodontis species, lucipinnis and petricola. Next we have a spawning report by Benjamin Smith about Aulonocranus dewindti “Zambia”, a great looking featherfin sand-sifter from Lake Tanganyika. Benjamin not only gives us great details of how he successfully got these fish to spawn, but supplied us with some great pictures. In this issue there is a 21 page article with a ton of pictures about the 2011 FOTAS CARES Convention held in November. I don’t think anyone who attended did not have fun, learn about fish or escaped the camera lens. Finally in this issue we have 2 articles by Ad Konings the first of which is a CARES report on Pseudotropheus saulosi, a great looking cichlid from Lake Malawi, and the second Konings article, titled Folks…it’s Payback Time, is an eye-opening article about what we as hobbyists CAN do to help preserve the species from the Rift Lakes. Coming back to the Midwest area we have 2 stories on the December 2011 edition of the Michiana Aquarium Society’s Tropical Times. The first, by Bruce Haynes, is titled Australoheros sp. Oblongum and gives us a great accounting of Bruce’s experience with this great South American Cichlid. The other story in this edition is titled Limia tridens by Ben Slocum and Ben does a great job telling us how to keep and spawn this beautiful Caribbean livebearer. Finally, this month we travel to the Sunshine State for 2 articles in the December 2011 issue of the Tampa Bay Aquarium Society’s Haplochromis The Filter newsletter. obliquidens by Joe Berberich is a good article about this colorful Lake Victorian cichlid. In Siamese Algae Eater…or not, Mike Jacobs tells us about the best algae vacuum and how to identify it. Kurt Johnston – Exchange Editor Click on article title to request an electronic copy ~ click on club name to visit their website Don’t forget to visit the ACLC website, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter Our list of national sponsors has grown this year. These companies have donated products to our club to help make it a success. These products are used to raise funds for the club so that we can continue to offer top notch speakers and other programs. Please support them. To get information about their products, click the name and you will go directly to their website. Hikari Sales USA Inc. Aquarium Products Mars Fishcare Air, Water, & Ice K and A Imports Boyd Enterprises Ginger Inc. Kent Marine Kordon Sachs Systems Aquaculture Penn Plax Pet Products Python Products Inc. Red Sea Max Seachem Labs Inc. Tropical Science Biolabs Vitakraft Pet Products Marc Weiss Companies Inc. Danner Manufacturing. Inc. Hawkeye International Drs Foster and Smith Tetra Products Rolf C. Hagen Corp. San Francisco Bay Brand Bow Tie Press/Fish Channel Cichlid Press Blue Zoo Radio Zoo Med Laboratories Inc. Spectrapure Aquarium Guys Aquadine Nutritional Systems United Pet Group Aquatic Life LLC Kingfish Sera N. A. Barron's Educational San Francisco Bay Brand Ocean Nutrition Omega Sea Aquarium Life Support Systems Drs. Foster & Smith E. G. Danner Mfg Aquaculture Technologies Aquatic Life ****************************************************************************************************************************************** FREE REGISTRATION FOR THE NEC Convention JUST ONE AVAILABLE! Because of the diligence of our NEC Delegate, Kurt Johnston, the ACLC has ONE FREE REGISTRATION to give away to the NEC Convention coming up in March. The registration DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY FOOD IT IS A BASIC REGISTRATION - you can pay the difference in registration fee if you would like an upgraded package that includes the banquet, t-shirt, etc. We will give this registration away for FREE! If you are going to the NEC Convention in March, see Joel or Kurt at the February meeting. All those interested will have their names put in a fish bowl and the winner will be drawn. You must be a current ACLC member, and you must have been a member of the ACLC in 2011 to qualify. The registration must be confirmed by an e-mail from the president, so it is non-transferable. ZOOTOPIA PETZ 7420 Derry St. Harrisburg, PA 17111 PH (717) 558-PETS FAX (413) 691-0935 Mon-Fri 12 to 7:30 Sat 10 to 5; Sun 12 to 5 Scott & Nola Sommer ROGER H. STRAUSE, D.D.S. Centerville Family Dental 803 Estelle Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 717-898-9099 JAY A. RIZZO, D.M.D. General Dentistry Hempfield Center, Suite 100 930 Red Rose Court Lancaster, PA 17603 717-295-5590 M-T 8AM-6PM, W-TH 8AM-5PM, FRI 8AM-12PM PAXTON AQUARIUM & PET SHOP Paxton Square 6033 Allentown Blvd. Harrisburg, PA 17112 Hours: M-F 10am –7pm Sat. 10-6pm; Sun 12 noon-4pm Owner – Charles Lambiasi LITITZ ORTHODONTICS Michael V. Palasz, DMD, MS 4-A Tollgate Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-0600 Hours: Mon-Thu 8am - 6pm Fri 8am - 12noon Specializing in Orthodontics for Children and Adults PETSMART Dustin Chambers, Manager 2405 Covered Bridge Dr. Suite145 NE corner of Whitmer Rd. & R30 E. Tel.717-393-0820, Fax. 717-394-6384 M-S(10am –5pm;Sun. 10am-6pm HIRAM PEOPLES HATCHERY Main Street New Providence, PA 17560 717-786-7346 Hours: M-F 8-4 Sat 8-12 Wholesale: Koi, Goldfish, Pond Supplies MARYLAND AQUATIC NURSERIES 3427 N. Furnace Jarrettsville, MD 21084 410-557-7615 Please support our local sponsors by visiting their businesses and purchasing their products and services. They support your club! Underlined sponsors have a website, just click on the sponsor's name above and you will be whisked away to their site. Want to sponsor the ACLC? Contact Dave Frehafer at 717-626-9456 or via e-mail at Your support is greatly appreciated! The Cichlid CORNER THE RISE OF AN EMPIRE! by Scott McLaughlin It has been said in all of us sleeps the hidden desire to “Play God”- if only for a moment. Now before you take cover waiting for the lightning to strike, just hear me out. Where do you think the popularity of video games such as “The Sims”, “Farmville”, “Civilization” and “World of Warcraft” comes from? It’s our hidden desire to want to create a world of our own and control it…...The God Complex. Well fellow aquarists, I have to share some bad news with you. We, as hobbyists, are no better! Look at what we do. We take a glass tank and fill it with water. Then we add wood, rock, and plants creating a world to our personal liking. After that we hand select fish that fit perfectly into our new aquatic world. We have the technology to adjust the temperature, we have lights and timers to make it night or day on command. We even have the ability to purify and filter the very water our fish thrive in. So what’s left? It’s the creation of life. Breeding and reproducing fish is the greatest thrill in this wonderful hobby. It’s the final jewel in the crown, the proof you are in fact a “Jedi” (ok, I might have went overboard with that one). But it’s a clear sign that you have established a healthy environment and, more importantly, you have a good understanding of what’s needed to provide an environment your fish can thrive in. I’ve had various degrees of success breeding cichlids throughout my “revival” back into the aquatic hobby. As a 2012 New Year project I challenged myself to create a colony of jaguar cichlid fry to grow and prosper in my 75 gallon replica of an underwater Eden. So as God made man, my first act was to introduce my 2 year old, 6 inch jaguar cichlid affectionately named “Rocky” into the tank. Rocky would be the cornerstone of my colony, the prototype that all other generations of fry would stem from. Rocky was one of the first cichlids I purchased upon returning to the hobby. He had been in so many fights and brawls with other cichlids that the name Rocky just came naturally too him. He was a champion. A champion with just one flaw. After careful research and study about how to breed jaguar cichlids (shout out to Mo Devlin for his great article in Red Fish Magazine) I found out that my “Rocky” was really a “Roxie” (ooops!)! That’s right Cichlid Corner fans, Rocky was really a girl and my perfect “Eve”. Now began our search for “Adam." After multiple trips to pet stores, searches on tropical fish forums and other various outlets I finally came across a promising posting on Craigslist – “Large jaguar cichlid needs rehoming”. After a short phone call and a 45 minute trip I was on the brink of my new civilization. When I reached my destination I was welcomed into a cozy apartment with a 120 gallon tank sitting in the living room. Followers of “The Cichlid Corner” may recall last month's article as this was the very tank that inspired my article on cichlid addiction. The tank was stocked to the rim with numerous cichlids, so much so that I couldn’t even see where my possible male Jaguar cichlid “Adam” was hiding. And then he appeared. Amidst all the darting of some frightened and some aggressive cichlids, arose this amazingly healthy looking 8” inch Jaguar cichlid. It was clear he was the dominant cichlid in the tank as lesser cichlids darted for cover as he approached. All fins were intact, mouth cut free, and a beautiful body of silver and white with black jaguar markings and blue trim on his dorsal fin. This was my champion. After some friendly haggling, a deal was struck. I was 40.00 lighter in my wallet but full of excitement as my dream of a new civilization was about to be realized. And God created the Earth….With Roxie and Adam now in hand, the proper preparations were needed to create the perfect environment…”Eden." I used a grain sized substrate that closely resembled sand to ease the jaguar cichlids' task in burying their soon to come eggs. My hardscape consisted of large pieces of Malaysian driftwood purchased at an ACLC meeting / auction months before. I finished off my replica of Eden with large sand stones and a mixture of artificial plants and live Java moss. The end result was stunningly beautiful and done in less than 7 days (if you know your bible you’ll get that joke ). The Roxie (top left) and Adam. final touch to spark their spawning (as if I was cupid) would be the addition of American Salt provided by our friends at Seachem. So my Utopia was built, the mood set as I introduced the jaguars to their tank and to each other. Join us next month to see if I was successful in creating my colony of jaguar cichlids. Look at what is now available at the ACLC Store ! Come see these and all the other great ACLC items at HELP WANTED! Hey folks, we need one or two people to take over the positions that Barb Kunkel is vacating due to her upcoming move to Florida. Please see a board member or contact me if you can help out!. Joel Swap Shop Ashley Antkowiak will be selling magazine subscriptions, including Aquarium Fish International (at just $13/year) at the February meeting. Proceeds will benefit the ELANCO School District.