Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System for high
Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System for high
Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System for high-rise elevators. TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 1 24.6.2008 16:55:56 Uhr The journey to the top. Our experience shows you the way Every day, Schindler 7000 elevators transport millions of people comfortably, safely, and fast to the top of the world’s tallest buildings. Because Schindler was already the first to introduce the Miconic 10 intelligent destination control more than ten years ago, today you reach your desired destination much quicker and more directly. The proof is our experience with almost 4000 successfully functioning installations. 2 Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 2 24.6.2008 16:56:03 Uhr the way way.. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 3 3 24.6.2008 16:56:14 Uhr 4 Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 4 24.6.2008 16:56:24 Uhr From destination contr From control ol to tr traffic affic management. With Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System you are investing in a new generation of modular high-rise elevator solutions and our ten years lead of experience in intelligent destination control. This assures a highly efficient and energy-saving Traffic Management System with state-of-the-art terminals in functional design that also provides enhanced economics and comfort – for new installations as well as modernizations. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 5 5 24.6.2008 16:56:28 Uhr 6 Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 6 19.6.2008 12:36:59 Uhr When mass tr transportation ansportation becomes individualized comfort. Yett another step ahead. Ye Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System can do much more than ordinary destination control systems. It incorporates a new method of combining the most efficient use of the building’s elevators with an exceptional ride experience for each passenger. We provide a new level of passenger communication that allows a new level of elevator utilization. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 7 19.6.2008 7 12:37:03 Uhr 8 Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 8 19.6.2008 12:37:16 Uhr Many goals. One destination. Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System is the result of what we have learned during the last 10 years. It’s not just about replacing buttons and keypads. It’s the creative use of an enormous amount of knowledge that we gained about passenger traffic patterns and behavior in different types of building located throughout the world. The intelligent Traffic Management System is designed for single- as well as multi-deck elevators. The key features of the system are cutting-edge traffic performance, reduced time to destination, greater architectural flexibility, and optimized usable building space. It can also provide individualization of passengers and their needs, multi-level access control, as well as visitor control and guidance – all reconfigurable by the customer at any time. Glass pillars and keypads are conveniently located in the lobbies and on each floor. To call an elevator, press the buttons for your desired floor. The screen displays a letter that indicates your elevator. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 9 19.6.2008 9 12:37:16 Uhr You no longer look for the elevator. The elevator looks for you. Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System is a powerful and unique control system based on a simple principle: to bring passengers to their destinations faster, with less crowding and more comfort than any conventional elevator system. The system’s advanced software drives a powerful logic program that systematically optimizes the elevator traffic flow. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to manage the complexities of traffic patterns as they change through the day. Conventional operation Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System A 10 B C D Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 10 19.6.2008 12:37:16 Uhr Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Floor 5 Stop Floor 4 Floor 3 Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Floor 2 Stop Stop Floor 1 Lobby 10 passengers 8 passengers 4 stops 3 stops 3 passengers 3 stops 3 passengers 3 stops 6 passengers 1 stop 6 passengers 1 stop 6 passengers 2 stops 6 passengers 2 stops The traditional way In this simplified example of a classic up-peak situation, over a period of a few seconds 24 people call elevators to travel from the lobby to various different floors. The intelligent way Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System knows not only that the maximum comfortable car load is 6 persons, but also that floors 4 and 5 have the highest density of calls in up-peak traffic. With the conventional control, the first 10 people cram themselves into the first available car. The next 8 fill up the second, and the few remaining occupy the other cars. Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System directs the 6 passengers traveling to each of the two busy floors to individually assigned cars, and optimally distributes the others. This random behavior by passengers means that every car makes multiple stops, so journey times are lengthened. And most passengers suffer overcrowding. As a result, the system ensures that all of the passengers experience a fast one- or two-stop ride, no one suffers overcrowding, and time to destination is shorter. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 11 11 19.6.2008 12:37:17 Uhr 12 Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 12 19.6.2008 12:37:37 Uhr If you prefer individualized traffic, Schindler 7000 will personalize your access. Access control With Schindler 7000 Traffic Management System, the building is divided into zones with clearly defined access restrictions. The building manager configures the access zones on site using the systems software on a central control station. The access restrictions are defined by individual rights, authorizations, and requirements. Individualization The terminals allow configuration of individual needs. These may include a passenger’s space requirements in relation to freight or goods such as shopping carts, beds in hospitals, or service wagons in hotels. Touchless solutions are also available on request. Individualized access Passengers are identified by their identification medium or PIN code at a Schindler 7000 pillar or touch-screen terminal in front of the elevator or somewhere else close to it. Traffic Management System checks the passenger’s access rights and assigns a car (A, B, C, …) to the passenger. The passenger walks to the assigned car and is transported to their desired destination without any need for further interaction. Visitor control terminals with interactive touch screen can also be installed as an option. Personalausweis Carte d’identité Tessera d’identità Employee ID Card Floor and Floor Personalausweis Carte d’identité Tessera d’identità Employee ID Card Floor or Floor Floor Personalausweis Carte d’identité Tessera d’identità Employee ID Card Lobby: PIN code / tag required Traffic Management System with an identification medium provides you with individualization of passengers and their needs, integrated access control, as well as high performance and convenience for all types of elevators including multi-deck elevators. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 13 13 19.6.2008 12:37:38 Uhr When high functionality meets future designs. Pillar, touch screen and terminal Passengers enter their desired destination on a pillar, touch screen or terminal and see on the screen which elevator will take them to their destination the fastest. There can also be an integrated card reader, and the terminal can be additionally fitted with locks or a voice box. Colored Z-Line terminal with voice box and card reader as option. Colored glass standalone pillar with LCD color display. 14 Colored glass touch screen standalone pillar. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 14 19.6.2008 12:37:46 Uhr Having Schindler as partner means being another step ahead. Our high-rise track record is proof of our experience in traffic management. You can count on our global network of high-rise experts that offers you an unprecedented level of service. We provide you with the best, most professional solution to meet all your expectations. Together with us, you are on the journey to the top. Schindler 7000 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 15 15 20.6.2008 13:59:38 Uhr A partnership which takes you to the top. Schindler Elevator Ltd. Top Range Division TM.064.TRD.08 Zugerstrasse 13 6030 Ebikon, Switzerland Phone + 41 41 445 31 31 Fax + 41 41 445 36 69 TrafficManagement_bro_PSD.indd 16 19.6.2008 12:37:51 Uhr
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