Laserlipolysis: Liposuction Using Nd-YAG Laser


Laserlipolysis: Liposuction Using Nd-YAG Laser
Laserlipolysis: Liposuction
Using Nd-YAG Laser
Alberto Goldman, MDl
Diego E. Schavelzon, MD2
Guillermo S. Blugerman, MD2
SeniorMember of the BrazilianSocieryof PlasticSurgery.Member of the International Socieryof Aesthetic
Address for correspondence:
Alberto Goldman, MD
Av.Augusto Meyer, 163 Cj. 1203
90550-110 - Porto Alegre - RS
Phone: (55 51) 3342-7722
Keywords: Laserlipolysis; laser liposuction; Nd-Yag laser; peristaltic pump;
photo- hyperthermia.
The authors report their experience with laserlipolysis, a surgical procedure that uses a Nd-YAG type laser
with a 1064nm wavelength to treat localized adiposity, as an isolated ar associated method to other traditional procedures. The physical principles of laser action on the adipocyte, anesthetic details, application
technique, cases)advantaqes, limitations, disadvantages) complications and long- term results are analyzed.
Moreoven the principle of action of laserlipolysis- photo-hyperthermia - onfat and adjacent tissue is demonstrated and analyzed by histological studies
Liposuction and its variants are currently among the
most frequent surgical procedures in cosmetic surgery.
The techniques for removing and remodeling body fat
haveevolved since the advent of liposuction'!'. The main
resources developed were syringe aspiration, dry and
Rev.Soe. Bras. CiroPlást. São Paulo v.17 n.l p. 17-26 jan/abr, 2002
humid liposuction, using a tumescent solution, internal ultra-sound, external ultra-sound, superficial
liposuction, associating the technique that uses compressed air or electrical motors, as in vibroliposuction,
and infusion and suction pumps. Despire the evident
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica
progress, the major concern in relation to liposuction
is still the total volume suctioned and its clinical and
hemodynamic effects, as well as the quality of postoperative recovery
Blood loss has been partialiy controlled with the advent of tumescence infiltration anesthesia. Larger
amounts of fat can be removed more safely,regardless
of the anesthetic modality used, by injecting a large
amount of liquid into fat, using a solution consisting
mainly of saline, adrenaline, bicarbonate and lidocaine.
Despite ultra-sonic liposuction being a safe method
and having some advantages in relation to the traditional fat suction technique, it is not universaliy accepted nor is it free of undesirable effects.
Laser as an adjuvant to liposuction was described for
the first time by Apfelberg in 1994(2), who showed
results of a multi-center study approved by the FDA
in five different centers for cosmetic surgery. In the
study, the liposuction cannula had an optic fiber inside responsible for conducting and emitting a 40W
laser (Nd-YAG laser) ray. The laser would only work
on fat that had already been suctioned through the
cannula orifice, coagulating blood vessels. In 1996,
the same author'" updated and broadened the study
and despite not completely conclusive results, smalier
blood loss, shorter recovery period, less edema, pain,
ecchymosis and discomfort in the post-treatment period were evident. The study was interrupted however. In 1997 and 1999, COOk(4,5)
described his experience with subcutaneous tissue vaporization on the
face using laser. Blugerman'?',
in 2000, and
Schavelzon'?', in 2001, showed results obtained by
using only laserlipolysis. Neira'ê- 9,10,11), in 2001, reported his experience with the external laser on fat
and the hemodynarnic variables and levels of lidocaine
associated with the procedure. In the same year,
Solarte'P' described the low power effects of laser on
In the present study we present our experience using
Nd-YAG laser to treat lipodystrophies, a procedure
calied laserlipolysis.
In laserlipolysis, we use Nd-YAGtype laser equipment
with a 1064nm wavelength associated with a HeliumN eon laser. The laser ray is conducted to the fat by a
300 micra optic fiber with a stainless steel 1 mm diameter and variable length microcannula. The optic
fiber runs 2 or 3 mm beyond the distal extremity of
the cannula and the laser action is limited to this site
(Fig. 1). After the team and patient are protected adequately with special eyeglasses, smali1 mm incisions
are made in the desired sites, through which a
microcannula is introduced advancing back and forth
in fan-like movements, at different levels of depth,
including the subcutaneous, similar to superficial
liposuction. These movements are helped by the action ofthe laser. The low power laser (maximum 6W)
produces a photo-hyperthermia effect when in contact with fat, transforming luminous energy into heat
in adipocytes. The reddish tone ofthe ray (He-Neon)
on the skin can be perceived due to transillumination.
The time of action of the laser depends on the amount
of existing fat, tissue resistance and the extension of
the treated area, in addition to trans-operative palpation. The passage of the laser creates small tunnels of
fat and the delicate protein membrane of fat cells burst
due to photothermia, liberating the oily content they
contain (Figs. 2 and 3). The oily solution that remains
dispersed in the treated areas is generally drained. For
this purpose, a 2 mm multi-perforated cannula, attached to the same peristaltic pump is used for infusing the tumescent solution, specialiy developed for
this purpose. By means of negative pressure, not above
450 or 500mmHg, the product oflaserlipolysis is removed from the treated areas. The routine that follows is similar to traditionalliposuction, with slightly
compressive dressings, analgesics and general care.
Practicaliy ali are outpatient procedures and after the
second post-operative day one may return to activities. Manuallymphatic drainage starts on the first week
after surgery
In a period of 30 months, 1,734 surgeries were performed in three centers for cosmetic surgery Of the
total, 82% (1,421 patients) were women and 18%
(312) men. Age varied between 15 and 78 years. Practically ali procedures were performed with local tumescent anesthesia using a peristaltic infusion pump
and a solution containing 1 mg of adrenaline, 15 ml
of molar Sodium Bicarbonate and 15 ml of 1%
Lidocaine for each liter of warm saline. The concentration and volume of lidocaine, as well as the amount
of injected solution, varied according to the amount
of fat to be treated and its localization. There was a
20 to 30 minute waiting period before beginning the
processo The technique was indicated for treating 10calized lipodystrophy and irregular fat in healthy patients, preferably non-smokers and near their ideal
Rev. Soe. Bras. CiroPlást. São Paulo v.17 n.I p. 17-26 jan/abr, 2002
Laserlipolysis: Liposuction Using Nd-YAG Laser
Fig. 1 - Exposed optic fiber ernitting laser to the tip of the 101m
diameter cannula.
Fig. 2 - Tunnel produced in fat by the Nd-YAG laser, showing the
ruptured cell structure.
Fig. 3 - Proximal view of the cell membrane rupture.
Fig. 4 - Histological detail showing the coagulation of a small
vessel in fat due to laser action (Orceine 32x).
Fig.5 - Reorganization ofthe reticular derme (HE 32x).
Rev.SocoBras. CiroPlást. São Paulo v.17 n.I p. 17-26 jan/abr, 2002
Fig. 6 - ColJagen coagulation (HE 100x).
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica
weight. The maximum aspirated volume did not exceed 5% of the body weight.
Results obtained with laserlipolysis are similar to those
obtained with traditionalliposuction methods. Ofthe
1,734 patients treated, one suffered a small1 cm diameter burn that healed without sequela; there were
37 cases of asymmetry; one seroma and a small infection in the site where the microcannula penetrated.
The major limitation of traditionallipoplasty methods seems to be the amount of fat removed due to the
associated hematic loss. Although observations are
preliminary and more studies and follow-up are
needed, laserlipolysis with a 1064nm Nd-YAG laser,
associated with tumescent infiltration using a peristaltic infusion pump, proved to be a method with low
hematic loss, a low rate of ecchymosis and little discornfort in the post-operative period. The treatment
of areas that traditionally pose greater difficulty in removing fat, such as the dorsal regions or breasts, in
gynecomastia, is made easier, as the microcannula with
the laser has a diameter of only 1 mm, and penetration is made easier by action of the ray.This also causes
less effort and fatigue for the surgeon. This facilitating effect is also observed in previously operated areas. The observation of a reddish color from the Helium-Neon source, due to transillumination, makes
the procedure quite accurate, as it allows the surgeon
to identify the exact place where the tip of the
microcannula is and where the laser is working. Histological studies have shown positive effects as in the
coagulation of small vessels in fat (Fig. 4), rupture of
adipocytes (Figs. 2 and 3), reorganization of reticular
derme (Fig. 5) and coagulation of fat collagen (Fig.
6). The effect of vessel coagulation would corroborate to a small blood loss and less ecchymosis. Collagen coagulation and reorganization of the derme,
effects already observed with other types of laser,
would contribute to adequare tissue retraction.
It is difficult to measure the amount of fat removed
because laserlipolysis is different from usuallipoplasty
methods since it does not simply remove fat whenever it is used as an isolated method. Tumescence infiltration, however, rnakes accurate measuring difficulto The amount of tumescent solution infiltrated
varied from 270 ml to 3.3 liters.
Hemoglobin, hematocrit, triglycerides and cholesterol
dosing were performed in 20 patients in the pre-operative period, one day; one week and one month after the procedure (when performed alone) and did
not present any significant change.
Laserlipolysis represents another resource for treating lipodystrophies, whether used alone or as an adjuvant to liposuction. In the srudy, it showed some
advantages compared to liposuction when used alone,
mainly in terms of better quality recovery.
Laserlipolysis proved to be quite efficient for treating
an irregular body contour after liposuction treatment.
As a disadvantage, there is the need for training and
knowing the physical principies of laser, more time
for performing the surgical procedure, in addition to
the high cost of equipment.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Dejalma [ohann
and staff for the histological studies.
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