Rotex APEX Screener
Rotex APEX Screener
APEX™ Screener APEX™ APEX™ Models Screener Screener - 30"Models x 42" Models (762mm - 30"-x30" 42" x 1067mm) x(762mm 42" (762mm xPanels 1067mm) x 1067mm) Panels Panels Screener Screene Scree Apex™ ApeA Screener Screener APEX™ APEX™ Screener Screene Scree APEX Specification APEX™ Specifications APEX™ Screener Models - 30" x 42" (762mm x 1067mm)™Panels APEX™ APEX™Screener ScreenerModels Models- 30" - 30"x x42" 42"(762mm (762mmx x1067mm) 1067mm)Panels Panels Efficient Performance, Efficient Efficient Performance, Performance, Ergonomic Ergonomic Design, Ergonomic Rotex Design, Design, Quality Rotex Rotex Quality Quality High Efficiency Performance, Ergonomic Design ™ Screener The newHigh APEXThe screener new The APEX new is designed APEX screener screener for is efficient designed is designed performance, for efficient for efficient performance, quick performance, and easy quick maintenance quick and easy and/maintenance easy cleaning maintenance / cleaning / cleaning Apex ApeA Efficiency Performance, Ergonomic Design Screener Screener The APEX™ screener is designed to provide the same great screening efficiency at ™ and increasedand process increased and“up-time” increased process within process “up-time” your “up-time” production withinwithin your line production your production line line a lower operating cost Apex screeners provide the same great Rotex efficiency at a lower operating cost. Apex ™ ™ Apex Apex Screener Efficient Efficient Performance, Performance, Ergonomic Ergonomic Design, Design, Rotex Rotex Quality Quality ™ Efficient Performance, Ergonomic Design, Rotex Quality Apex Efficient EfficientPerformance, Performance,Ergonomic ErgonomicDesign, Design,Rotex RotexQuality Quality Overall Height B Base Width C Overall Width D APEX™ Screener Models - 30" x 42" (762mm x 1067mm) Panels APEX™ Screener Models - 30" x 42" (762mm x 1067mm) Panels The new TheAPEX new APEX screener screener is designed is designed for efficient for efficient performance, performance, quick quick and easy andmaintenance easy maintenance / cleaning / cleaning cifications The listed specifications below The specifications are based listedupon below listed a Apex are below based Screener areupon based ofastandard upon Apex aScreener Apex construction Screener of standard ranging of standard construction fromconstruction a single ranging screen ranging from model a single from (2 grades ascreen single - model screen (2 model grades (2 grades The new APEX screener is designed for efficient performance, quick and easy maintenance / cleaning tion) to a 51screen seperation) 1model seperation) to(6a grades 5 screen to a -55model screen seperations). (6 model grades (6 Drawings grades - 5 seperations). -are 5 seperations). representative Drawings Drawings of areROTEX representative aremodel, representative of ROTEX of model, but overall dimensions ROTEX model, but overall may butvary dimensions overall dimensions may vary may vary and increased and increased process process “up-time” “up-time” withinwithin your production your production line line The The new new APEX APEX screener screener is is designed designed for for efficient efficient performance, performance, quick quick and and easy easy maintenance maintenance / cleaning / cleaning and increased process “up-time” within your production line ng on the depending mounting depending method on the mounting on andthe drive mounting method head used. method and drive andhead driveused. head used. Efficient Performance, Ergonomic Design, and and increased increased process process “up-time” “up-time” within within your your production production line line Rotex Quality The new APEX screener is designed for efficient performance, quick and easy maintenance / cleaning and increased process “up-time” within your production line A Overall Length x screener Apex Apex models screener screener - 30” models xmodels 42”- (762mm 30”- 30” x 42” xx42” (762mm 1067mm) (762mm x 1067mm) panels x 1067mm) panels panels 80 1 771 671702 1702 1700 907 691753 1753 2000 1 A. Overall Length B. Overall Height C. Base Width D. Installation Width Principal Dimensions Total Nominal No. of Apex™ A. Overall A. Overall Length LengthB. Overall B. Overall Height Height C. C. Base Base Width Width D. D. Installation Installation Width Width Weight Apex screener models 30” x 42” (762mm x 1067mm) panels Motor Shipping Area A B C D Screen Model 3535C-1†* 3.3 35C-1†* 803 76 35 80 Screen Motion 216 3.3 35 333.3 2.2 763 216 76 150 Motor 3216 3810 2.23 2.2 72150 1829 150 3810 Principal Dimensions 36 3810 72 914 72 1829 68 1829 36 1727 36 914 4100 914 68 1723132 3353 1859681727 3353 3800 1727 4100 A P E X ™™ S C R E E N E R APEX SCREENER 4 22 4 PRODUCT SHEET PRODUCT SHEET 32 Apex models - 30” x 42” (762mm x 1067mm) panels 2 2screener 33 2424 4 3 33 4Apex 35-3 screener 35- 38” 3.3 x 7.5 - (965mm 5.6 - 38” 73 1854x 1143mm) 60x 1143mm) 1524 132 3353 7000 x screener Apex screener models models 45” 38” x177 45” x4496 xaccess 45” (965mm 1143mm) (965mm panels panels panels 334models 4 1 † indicates fed10 ("stacked") * indicates5944 from75 one side1905 only. 55-3 two deck 55 independently 5.1 7.5design. 234 73 1854 132 3353 10500 models - 38” xdesign. 45” (965mm 1143mm) panels indicates two deck Apex independently † indicates †screener indicates twofed deck ("stacked") two independently deck independently design. fed* ("stacked") fed ("stacked") indicates access from *design. indicates one side * indicates access only. xfrom access onefrom sideone only.side only. 55-4 screener 55 5.1models 10 86 73 1854 132 3353 13500 Apex screener models - 7.5 38” - 38”x234 x45” 45”5944 (965mm (965mm x2184 x1143mm) 1143mm) panels panels 44Apex 5 35-1 55 80 35-3 35 3.5 55-4 5.1 55-4 70 80 55-335 35C-1†* 55-1 80 35 5 3.3 89 55 70 3.3 55 7 3.3 3 200 5.1 55 76 3 7.5 216 105.1 3.5 5.1 76 10 216 5.6 3 7.5 893.5 7.53 177 2.2 234 200 89 2.2 234 4496 7.5 150 3810 5944 10 200 10 150 5944 3810 73234 55 86 7.5 75 72 1854 1397 2184 234 5944 1829 1905 60 60 73 5944 86 36 73 1524 1524 1854 86 2184 132 914 1854 68 132 132 2184 73 3353 132 1727 3353 3800 3353 73 1854 4100 3353 7000 1723 13500 1854 132 1859 10500 1859 2041 4500 2041 kglb 1587 3500 771 1700 1995 4400 907 2000 3265 7200 1723 3800 4989 11000 1859 4100 6122 13500 2041 4500 1723 3800 3129 6900 3175 7000 4762 10500 4762 10500 816 1800 6122 13500 1587 3500 kg 1587 771 1995 907 3265 1723 4989 1859 6122 2041 1723 3129 3175 4762 4762 816 6122 1587 TheThe Apex™ Screener is built is to built meet your to meet APEX™ Screener requirements: your requirements: FREE mATERiAl AnAlySiS to help achieve the FREE MATERIAL ANALYSIS yields with consistent on-spec product: highest Increased Increased capacity capacity and and decreased decreased operating operating costs costs in in thethe same same footprint footprint Proven Rotex gyratory reciprocating motion for unmatched product recovery efficiency Available with or aspiration for reduced additional cleaning capabilities Designed forwithout reduced Designed downtime, Designed for for ease reduced of downtime, maintenance downtime, ease and ofease maintenance quick of maintenance screenand replacements quick andscreen quick screen replacements replacements 5.1 3 76 216 5 3.7 195 1473 60 1524 132 3353 4500 2041 Screen Motion Motor Screen Motion Screen Motion Motor 4953Motor 58 Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions Available with with or or without without aspiration aspiration forfor additional additional cleaning cleaning capabilities capabilities and Available increased profits 6122 70 3.55.1 55 89 105 200 7.57.5 55 234 86 79 2184 73 1854 13500 6122 70-1 † 50 55-470 6.5 5.6 174 5944 4420 2007 60 1524 132 132 3353 3353 6900 3129 Designed for reduced downtime, ease of maintenance and quick screen replacements Screen Motion Motor Principal Dimensions 110-1 †Nominal 70 110 10.2 3.5 Total89 200 10 7.5 222 5639 81 2057 73 1854 132 3353 10500 4762 Total Total Nominal Nominal Drive ofNumber APEX™ APEX™ DriveStrokeDrive Speed Number of Stroke Stroke Speed Speed Designed Designed forfor reduced reduced downtime, downtime, ease ease ofcosts of maintenance maintenance and and quick quick screen screen replacements replacements Increased capacity and decreased operating in the same footprint Larger footprint machine 9-2* Area 30 9 0.8 Area 2.5 64 252Screen 2Motion 1.5 50 1270 C.Length 36 Overall 914 67 Height 1702 1800Width 816Installation Shipping Weight Shipping Weightrugged, A. Overall109 Length B. A. Overall Overall Height A.Length Overall B. Base Width B. Height Overall D. C. Installation Base C. Width Base Width D. D. Installation Width Shipping Width Weight Screen Motion Motor Motor 2769 Principal Principal Dimensions Dimensions Head Model Model Head Screen Number Screen Total NominalArea Proven long-lasting and versatile screener used in countless applications of APEX™ Drive Head Stroke 2 2 2 2 18-2* 80 18 1.7 3 m2ft2 76 216 3 Speed 2.2 156 3962 60 1524 36 914 69 1753 3500 1587 Shipping Weight A. Overall Length B. Overall Height C. Base Width D. Installation Width Area m m ft ft in. mm in. in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm mm in. in. mm mm Series Number7IL-1 Number Series hp kW hp kWhp kW in. Head mm 6.6 rpm in. mm in. mm rpm lb kg lb kglb kg Surfaces Surfaces Contact Rotex for details Screen Model 71 Series 7.5 5.6 rpm Larger footprint machine 70 71 6.6 3.5 89 200 10 7.5 244 6198 76 1930 89 2261 164 4166 13000 5896 71 71L-26.6 71L-2 70 3.5 95 95L-28.8 95L-2 70 3.5 71 89 70 95 89 70 200 6.6 71 200 8.8 95 3.5 106.6 3.5 108.8 893.5 7.5 893.5 7.5 200 250 89 200 290 89 200 6350 7.510 10 200 7366 7.510 10 82250 7.5 85290 7.5 2083 250 6350 2159 290 7366 89 6350 82 89 7366 85 2261 82 2083 2261 85 2159 164 2083 89 164 2159 89 4166 89 2261 4166 89 2261 11000 2261 164 12500 2261 164 4762 164 4166 4989 164 4166 5669 164 4166 70 71 71L-36.6 71L-3 70 3.5 71 89 70 200 6.6 71 3.5 106.6 7.5 893.5 200 244 89 10 200 6198 7.510 76244 7.5 1930 244 6198 89 6198 76 2261 76 1930 164 1930 89 4166 89 2261 13000 2261 164 5896 164 4166 Total Nominal APEX™ Drive Stroke Area Model Head ft2 m2 Number Series in. mm NEW Inserts_Apex_4pp_New_4_1_13.indd 1-2 71L-1 50 71 6.6 3.5 89 95L-1 70 95 8.8 3.5 89 Number of Screen Surfaces 1 Proven Proven rugged, rugged, long-lasting long-lasting and operation versatile and versatile screener screener used inused countless in countless applications applications Ease of operation, low maintenance years ofMineral trouble-free Production Manager -cost, Industrial Processor Ease of operation, Ease low of maintenance Ease operation, of operation, low cost, maintenance years low maintenance of trouble-free cost, years cost, operation of years trouble-free of trouble-free operation operation Ease Ease of of operation, operation, low low maintenance maintenance cost, cost, years years of of trouble-free trouble-free operation operation throughout throughout the world the for world decades for decades Proven gyratory reciprocating motion for unmatched product recovery efficiency kglbRotex kg Classic low angle, long stroke, Rotex gyratory-reciprocating motion creates most efficient Application and Process Engineers Choose Apex Screeners Why Classic low angle, Classic long stroke, Classic low angle, Rotex low angle, long gyratory-reciprocating stroke, long stroke, Rotex gyratory-reciprocating Rotex motion gyratory-reciprocating creates motion efficient motion createscreates most efficient most efficient and increased profits Classic Classic low low angle, angle, long long stroke, stroke, Rotex Rotex gyratory-reciprocating gyratory-reciprocating motion motion creates creates most most efficient efficientmost screening environment 4166 10500 4762 10500 4762 screening screening environment environment screening environment screening screening environment 4166 11000 4989 11000Built 4989 Increased and decreased operating costs inenvironment the same footprint by experienced, knowledgeable application engineers who understand your product Easecapacity of operation, low maintenance cost, years of trouble-free operation 4166 12500 5669 12500 5669 Over 400 APEX™ Screeners are installed throughout the world Built Built byby by experienced, experienced, knowledgeable knowledgeable application application engineers engineers who who understand understand your your product product Built experienced, Built knowledgeable by Built experienced, by experienced, application knowledgeable knowledgeable engineers application who application understand engineers engineers who your understand product who understand your product your product ™cleaning 500 Apex Screeners are installed worldwide Available with or without aspiration for additional capabilities Ergonomic design enables single operator/maintenance efficiency Classic low angle, long stroke, Rotex gyratory-reciprocating motion creates most efficient Over 4166 13000 5896 13000 5896 Ergonomic Ergonomic design design enables enables single single operator/maintenance operator/maintenance efficiency efficiency screening environment Rotex Screeners offer peace ofofmind Designed forErgonomic reduced downtime, ease maintenance and quick screen operator/maintenance replacements design Ergonomic enables Ergonomic single design operator/maintenance design enables enables single single operator/maintenance efficiency efficiency efficiency Rotex Rotex Screeners Screeners offer offer peace peace of mind mind Ease ofof Ease operation, of operation, low maintenance low who maintenance cost, years cost, of years trouble-free of trouble-free operation operation Built by experienced, knowledgeable application engineers understand your product Proven rugged, long-lasting and versatile screener used in countless applications rpm 200 200 Motor hp 7.5 10 kW 5.6 7.5 mm in. mm in. mm lb kg Tel: (513) 541 1236Tel: | Email: (513) Tel:541 (513) 1236 541 | 1236 Email: | Email: Contact Rotex Global Street OH 45223 290 Headquarters 7366 73 | 1230 1854 Knowlton 89 2261 | Cincinnati, 164 4166 10500 | 4762 in. mm in. Weight Shipping Weight Application Application and and Process Process Engineers Engineers Choose Choose ApexApex Screeners Screeners WhyWhy Global Headquarters | 1230 Knowlton Street | Cincinnati, OH 45223 | Principal Dimensions Global Global Headquarters Headquarters | 1230 | 1230 Knowlton Street Street | Cincinnati, | Cincinnati, OHOH 45223 45223 | | Tel: (513) 541 1236 | Knowlton Email: Speed Global Headquarters Global | Global 1230 Headquarters Knowlton Headquarters Street | 1236 1230 Cincinnati, 1230 Knowlton Street OHWidth 45223 |Street Cincinnati, | | Weight Cincinnati, OH 45223 OH 45223 | Tel: (513) (513) 541 541 1236 | Email: | ||Knowlton Email: Shipping A. Overall Length B. Tel: Overall Height C. Base Width D. Installation Screen Motion andAvailable service a number of screeners, this results in reduced and quick screen replacements service a number of screeners, this results in reduced operating Available withmaintenance orwith without or without aspiration aspiration for additional for additional cleaning cleaning capabilities capabilities operating costs as we redirect resources elsewhere. ” Proven rugged, long-lasting and versatile screener used in countless applications Application Application and Application and Engineers and Process Process Choose Engineers Engineers Apex Screeners Choose Apex Apex Screeners Screeners Why Why Why Application and Process Engineers Choose Apex costs as we redirect elsewhere.” Why Designed Designed forProcess reduced for resources reduced downtime, downtime, ease of ease maintenance ofScreeners maintenance andChoose quick and screen quick screen replacements replacements throughout thethe world world forfor decades decades 4762 10500 throughout 4762 Designed for reduced downtime, ease of 4989 11000 4989 5669 12500 5669 5896 13000 5896 throughout the world for decades Application Application and and Process Process Engineers Engineers Choose Choose ApexScreeners Screeners Why BenefitsWhy Production Manager - Industrial Mineral ProcessorApex 70 70 2 2 To find your local ROTEX representative visit your local Rotex™ representative visit Apex models - 38” x 45” (965mm x 1143mm) panels 3 screener 3 To find ProvenProven Rotex gyratory Rotex gyratory reciprocating reciprocating motionmotion for unmatched for unmatched product product recovery recovery efficiency efficiency Proven rugged, long-lasting Proven Proven rugged, and rugged, long-lasting versatile long-lasting screener and versatile used and in versatile screener countless screener used applications in used countless in countless applications applications and increased and increased profits profits throughout the world throughout for throughout decades the world the for world decades for decades ™for “world The APEX Screener enables a single operator Proven Proven rugged, long-lasting long-lasting and and versatile versatile screener screener used used indecreased countless applications applications “rugged, The Apex Screener enables aincountless single operator manage and Available with or without aspiration additional cleaning capabilities Increased Increased capacity capacity and decreased and operating operating costs incosts theto same into themanage footprint same footprint throughout the for decades A P E X™ S C R E E N E R Nominal Nominal 216 APEX™ Drive Driveft2Total Number Number of 80 of APEX™ 35-2 35 3.3 3 Total 5 rpm 3.7 4369 62mm 1575 60mm 1524 132 3353 4400 1995 lb Stroke Stroke Speed Speed 172 kW m2 76 7.5 in. in. in. mm Contact in.Rotex mm in. kgWeight Surfaces Number 5.6 5.6 7.5 5.6 50 71Screen 71L-1 6.6 71L-1 50 3.5Series 89 71 50 8.8 200 6.6 71 6.6 mm 893.5 89 hp 7.5 200 7366 Contact Rotex Contact Rotex Area Area 3.5 Shipping Weight A. Overall A. Overall Length Length B. Overall B. Overall Height Height C. C. Base Base Width Width D. D. Installation Installation Width WidthShipping 95L-1 10 7.5 200200 73 1854 2261 4762 Model Model Head Head Screen 55-2 50 55 95 7.5 5.6 290 5436 70 1778 6089 1524 132 164 3353 41667200 10500 3265 2 26.6 892 2 200 7.5 214 5.6 71L-1 50 5.1 71 3.5 3.5 ft 200 ft95 m m10 in.73in. mm1854 mm mmmm Contact in. Rotex in. mm mm in.4166 in. mm mm Number Series hp7366 kW7.5 kW mmmm 200 rpm rpm hp lb 164 kg kg Surfaces Surfaces 70 95 95L-1 8.8 Number 95L-1 70 3.5 Series 89 95 70 8.8 3.5 8.8in. in.89 893.5 290 89 200 290 290 7366in. in. 89 7366 73 2261 73 1854 164 1854 89 89 2261 10500 2261 164 lb4762 4166 4166 10500 7.5 10 10 7.5 11000 71L-2 6.6 8.8 89 10 7.5 2007.5 250 82 2083 89 185489 2261 132 164 3353 70-2 † 70 70 71 4699 90 2286 73 498910500 4989 95L-1 70 6.5 95 3.5 3.5200 89 10 290 7366 73 1854 2261 164 416611000 4166 4762 10 185 7.5 6350 7.5 7.5 5.67.5 5.6 71L-1 71L-1 50 71200 7171 6.6 6.6 3.5 3.5 89 89 200 200 200 Contact Contact Rotex Rotex Screen Motion Motor Principal 70 71 71L-2 6.6 71L-2 70 3.5 70 50 89 71 70 6.6 3.5 6.6 893.5 250 89 200 6350 82250 2083 250 6350 89 6350 82Dimensions 2261 82 2083 164 2083 89 3353 4166 89 22614166 6122 11000 2261 164 4989 164 4166 4166 11000 10 7.5 10 10 7.5 110-2 † 70 10.2 5867 94 2388 73 1854 132 71L-2 110 95 71 3.5 6.6 89 10 3.5200 89 10 2007.5 290 250 6350 82 2083 89 2261 164 416613500 11000 5669 4989 10 231 7.5 7366 12500 95L-2 8.8 7.5 85 2159 89 2261 164 95L-1 95L-1 7089 70 95 8.8 9595 8.8 8.8 3.5 3.5 89 89 89 200 200 200 10200 290290 7366 7366 73 73 89 1854 18542261 89 89 2261 2261 164164 4166 4166 10500 10500 4762 4762 7.5 7.5 70 95 95L-28.8 95L-2 70 3.5 95 70 3.5 8.8 290 89 290 7366 7366 85 2159 164 2159 89 1753 89 2261 12500 2261 164 164 4166 4166 12500 7.53.5 10107366 10 7.5 95L-2 95 3200 8.8 76 10 3.5 290 85290 7366 2159 85 2159 2261 164 4166 4166 1723 12500 5669 5669 10 159 7.5 7.5 18 70 1.7 3 2002.2 18-3* 80 216 89 4039 68 1727 36 9148985 69 3800 APEX™ Drive Number of 71L-2 71L-2 70Total 70 Nominal 71 71 6.6 6.6 3.5 3.5 89 89 200200 10 10 7.5 7.5 250250 6350 6350 82 82 2083 2083 89 89 2261 2261 164164 4166 4166 11000 110004989 4989 Stroke Speed Area Shipping Weight A. Overall Length B. Overall Height C. Base Width D. Installation Width 89 35 3.3 7.5 5.6 71L-3 71 6.6 10 7.5 244 6198 76 1930 89 2261 164 4166 5896 13000 35-3 50 95L-2 3.5 200 177 4496 73 1854 60 1524 132 3353 7000 3175 Model Head Screen 95L-2 70 95200 95 3.5 3.589 89 89 200 200 290 7366 7366 2159 21592261 89 89 2261 2261 2261 164 164 4166 4166 12500 12500 5669 5669 106198 7.5 71L-3 70 7089 6.6 8.8 8.8 3.5 200200 10 10 7.5 7.57.5 244290 6198 76 85 85 89 1930 8976 13000 5896 70 71 71L-36.6 71L-3 70 3.5 Screen 71 70 6.6 10 3.5 6.6 7.5 893.5 244 89 10 200 10 76 244 7.5 1930 244 6198 6198 76 1930 164 1930 89 164 4166 89 22614166 13000 2261 164 5896 164 4166 4166 13000 2 71 2 71 Motion Motor Screen Motion Screen Motion Motor Motor Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm Number Series kW mm lb kg Surfaces 55 5.1ft 55-3 70 3.5m 89in. 200 10rpm 7.5hp 234 5944 75 1905 73 1854 132 3353 10500 4762 71L-3 70 71 70 716.6 71 6.63.5 6.6 3.589 3.5 89200 89 200 200 105.6 10 7.5 7.5 244244 6198 6198 76 76 1930 1930 89 2261 2261 164164 4166 4166 13000 130005896 5896 7.5 71L-1 71L-3 50 Contact 89 Rotex Total Nominal Total Nominal Total Nominal 55-4 70 55 5.1 3.5 89 200 10 7.5 234 5944 86 2184 73 1854 132 3353 13500 6122 Drive of Number APEX™ Drive Drive Number of95L-1APEX™ 70Stroke 95 8.8 3.5 Stroke 89 200 290 7366 73 1854 89 2261 164 4166 10500 4762 10 7.5 Stroke Speed Speed Speed † Screen Indicates two deck independently fed (“stacked”) design Area71L-2 Area Shipping Length250 B.A. Overall Overall Height A.Length Overall C.2083 Length B. Base Overall Width B.Height Overall D.Height C. Installation Base Width Base Width D. Installation D. Installation Width Shipping Width Weight Head Model Model Head Head Screen 70 71 Area 6.6 3.5 89 200A. Overall 6350 82 89 2261 164 C. 4166 Width 11000 4989 10 7.5 2 deck independently 2 side 22 2 two fed * indicates from one side Indicates from one only 95L-2 70 8.8 89 mm 290 85 2159 89 mm 4166 12500 ft2Number maccess m("stacked") ft95 ft 3.5hp 10 access 7.5 in. in.7366 in.only. mm in. mm in. mm in. in. mm2261 in. mm in.164 mm in. mm mm mm Series *† indicates Number Series Series hp kW hp kW in. mm rpm in.m design. rpm mm rpmmm lbin. 5669 kg lb kWin.200 Surfaces Surfaces 71L-3 71L-3 1723 1859 4100 Unique Rotex Gyratory-Reciprocating motion provides Overconfidential, 100 years ofaccurate provenlaboratory correlation between Free testing Unique Rotex Gyratory Reciprocating Motion for maximum product recovery lab test results and actual field performance: unmatched product recovery, efficiency and yield Comprehensive separation analysis BenefitsDesigned Benefits Benefits for single-operator use to reduce handling Experienced Lab Technicians and Application Designed for single-operator efficiency with reduced In-depth sieve analysis machine size, settings expense Engineers recommend 1995 4400 1995 operations expense and increased uptime Proven Rotex gyratory Proven reciprocating Proven Rotex gyratory Rotex motion gyratory reciprocating for reciprocating unmatched motion motion product for unmatched for recovery unmatched product efficiency product recovery recovery efficiency efficiency 3265 7200 3265 Benefits andexperienced screen openings to ensure accurate, efficient Our Lab Technicians and Application Lightweight, pretensioned screen panels allow for easy 4989 11000 4989 Benefits Benefits screen panels – inspect Light-weight, pre-tensioned separations and increased profits and increased and increased profits profits size, Engineers will optimize your Rotex machine inspection and changes in minutes 6122 13500 6122 and change screens in a matter of moments screen openings and machine settings to ensure 1723 3800Proven 1723 Rotex gyratory reciprocating motion for unmatched product recovery efficiency Comprehensive separation analysis Increased capacity Increased and Increased decreased capacity capacity operating and decreased and costs decreased inproduct operating the recovery same operating costs footprint incosts the same in thefootprint same footprint Proven Proven Rotex Rotex gyratory gyratory reciprocating reciprocating motion motion forfor unmatched unmatched product recovery efficiency efficiency increased profits 3175 7000and 3175 the most accurate separations at the highest Summary report provides data to support Benefits 4762 10500 and 4762 and increased increased profits profits Benefits Benefits possible rates capabilities Available with orAvailable without Available aspiration with orwith without fororadditional aspiration cleaning for additional capabilities for additional cleaning cleaning capabilities Increased capacity and decreased operating costs inwithout the sameaspiration footprint ROI decisions 3353 13500 6122 13500 6122 55 11 screener models - 38” x 45” (965mm x 1143mm) panels 21 Apex 1 1screener 1 screener x screener Apex - 38” models xmodels 45”- (965mm 38”- 38” x 45” xx45” (965mm 1143mm) (965mm x 1143mm) panels x 1143mm) panels panels 2 2Apex 22models 2 2 3 71L-3 3 333 APEX™ 4 1 33 Model 2 Number S200 7.5 5.6 7.5 5.6 7.5 5.6 71L-1 50 71L-16.6 71L-1 50 3.5 71 89 50 6.6 71 3.5 6.6 893.5 200 89 200 Contact Rotex Contact Rotex Contact Rotex 1 39571195L-1 95L-1 70 8.8 95L-1 70 3.5 95 89 70 200 8.8 95 3.5 893.5 200 290 89 200 7366 7.510 73290 1854 290 7366 89 7366 73 2261 73 1854 164 1854 89 4166 89 2261 10500 2261 164 108.8 7.5 10 7.5 71L-2 95L-2 3175 3175 6122 132 3353 4762 4762 1723 3800 Rotex™ APEX Screener Rotex APEX™ Screener | APEX™ Model Number 71L-1 95L-1 71L-2 95L-2 70 907 6900 The new3129 APEX 3129 screener is designed for efficient performance, quick and easy maintenance / cleaning 4762 10500 4762 Weight Shipping Weight and increased process “up-time” within your production line 816 1800 816 Standard 21 1 footprint machine 1 The specifications listed below are based upon a Apex Screener of standard construction ranging from a single screen model (2 grades 1 1 seperation) screen model (6 grades - 5 seperations). Drawings are representative of ROTEX model, but overall dimensions may vary 1 3 12on 3tothea 5mounting depending method and drive head used. | | ™ 2 1 771 907 2000 Efficient Performance, Ergonomic Design, Rotex Quality Motor Motor Principal Principal Dimensions Dimensions Screen Screen Motion Motion Total Nominal Number of APEX™ Drive Stroke 3.7 Speed 55-1 80 55 55-1 5.1 55-1 803 Screen 76 55 80 216 5.1 55 535.1 3 Screen 216 76Motion5216 3.7 195 4953 3.75 Motor 58195 1473 195 4953 Dimensions 60 4953 58 1524 58 1473 132 1473 60 3353 60 1524 1524 4500 132 2041 132 3353 3353 4500 Area Shipping Weight Motor Motor Principal Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions Motion Screen76Motion Screen Model Head Total Nominal 2Total 2Nominal Number Number of of APEX™ APEX™ Drive Drive Stroke Speed Speed m in. 79174 in. mm in.79 70-1 † 50 70 70-1 †6.5 70-1 50 3.5 † Series 89 70 50 ft 200 6.5 70 3.5 6.5 Stroke 5.6 893.5 rpm 200 89 hp 7.5 200 7.5 5.6mm 2007 Surfaces Number in. mm kg kW 5.6 174 4420 174 4420 60 4420 79 1524 2007 mm132 2007 60 in. 3353 60 1524 mm 1524 6900 132lbShipping 3129 132 3353 3353 6900 Area Area 7.5 Shipping Weight Weight Screen Screen Model Model Head Head Total Nominal 2 Total 20.8 Nominal 2 30 Total 2.5 64 252200 2 10 1.5 7.5 2311mm2057 44 in. in. 73 1118 3681 1700 lb4762 Number of Number of10.2 APEX™ Drive APEX™ APEX™ Drive Drive 110-1 † 70 110 110-1 † 9-1* 110-1 70 3.5 †Stroke 110 89 70 9Nominal 200 10.2 3.5 10.2 893.5 89 200 1091 in.81in. 7.5 222 222 222 5639 5639 81 2057 2057 73 73 1854 10500 1854 132 132 3353 3353 10500 m2 m10 ftSpeed ft110 mm mmmm 1854 in. in. 914132 mm mm 67 in.3353 in. 1702mm mm Surfaces Surfaces Number Number Series Series in. in.7.5 mmStroke mmSpeed rpm rpm hp hp5639 kW kW lb771 kg kg Stroke Speed Area 18-1* Area Area A.252 Overall Overall A.2311 Length Overall Length Shipping Shipping B.A. Overall Height B. Base Overall Width B.Height Overall D.Height C. Installation Base C. Width Base Width Width D. Installation D. Installation Width Width 30 18 9 91.7 0.8 2.5 2.5 2.564 64 64 252 2 2 Length 1.5 1.5 1.5143 3632 47 C. 1194 36 1753 2000 Weight 907 Screen Screen Model Head Head 9-1* 9-1* 0.8 252 252 22769 2311 44 36 1118 1118 914 36 36 914914 914 69 671702 67 1702 1700 771 771 Motor Dimensions Screen Motion 9-2* 30 9 Model 9-2* 0.8 9-2* 30 2.5 2 30Head 64 30 930 252 0.892 2.5 20.8 1.5 642.5 64 2252 1.52 915091 1.5 109 109 1270 109 276944 Principal 2769 50 50 1270 67 1270 36 36 914 1702 1800 914 67 1700 816 67 1702 1702 1800 Surfaces No.Model 2 2 2 23.3 35 m 3m2.5 ft 30 hp kW64216rpm mm in381036323632 mm inin. mm inin. mm lb kg 150143 55 47 47 in. 1397 60 3800 1723 m ft2Numberm235-1 ft30 ft 1.7 1.7 in.2523in 2hp mm in. in. mm in. mm mm mm in. mm in. mm mm in. mm 3353 mm in. mm mm Surfaces Surfaces Number Series Number hp kWin. kW hp kW Series Series in. 80 mm rpm in. mm mm rpm lbin. kg lb 18-1* 18-1* 18216 1818 2.576 64 252 22.2 1.5 1.5 143 1194 1194 914 36 36 1524914 914 132 691753 69 1753 1753 2000 2000 907 907 18-2* 80 18 18-2*1.7 18-2* 80 3 76 18 80 1.7 3 3 1.7 2.2 76 3 216 76 3 216 2.2 3 2.2 156 3962 60 156 1524 156 3962 36 3962 60 60 1524 69 1524 36 36 914 3500 914 69 1587 69 1753 1753 3500 Total35 Nominal3.3 35C-1†* 80 3 76 216 3 2.2 150 3810 72 1829 36 914 68 1727 4100 1859 Number of APEX™ Drive Stroke Speed 35-1 8064 359 3.3 3.3 76 76 252 216 216 32252 32311 2.21.5 2.22 150 9-1* 30 9 9-1*footprint 0.8 35-1 9-1* 30 2.5 30 980 Area35252 0.8 2.5 20.83 3 1.5 642.5 64 1.5 150 3810 55 36 1397 1397 914 60 60 1524 1524 1321702 132 3353 3353 3800 1723 1723 91 44 91 3810 1118 91 2311 55Height 2311 44 44 1118 1118 67 36Installation 36 914 1700 914 67 3800 77167 1702 1702 1700 Standard machine A. Overall Length Shipping Weight B. Overall C. Base Width D. Width 35-2 80 35 35-2Model 3.355-135-2 80 3 80 76 35 80 55 216 3.3 35 5333.3 76 3.7 763 216216 76 5 5216 3.7 172 4369 3.75195 62172 1575 172 4369 60 4369 62 1524 1575 1524 132 1575 60 132 3353 60 15243353 1524 4400 132 132 3353 3353 4400 Screen Head 5.1 4953 3810 58 1473 6062 4500 1995 2041 35C-1†* 8018 80 35252 35 76 76 252 216 216 32252 33.7 2.21.5 2.22 150 2 18 3.3 3.3 150 1829 1829 36 36 914in. 681753 68 1727 4100 1859 1859 18-1* 30 18 18-1* 1.7 35C-1†* 18-1* 30 2.5 64 30 1.7 2.5 21.73mm3 1.5 642.5 64 1.5 3810 143 3632 47 143 1194 143 3632 72 72 36 3632 47 47 1194 1194 6936 36 914 2000 914 69 4100 90769 1753 1753 2000 m ft2 in. mm in. mm in. 914 mm 914 mm 1727 Number hp 7.5 7.5 Series rpm200200 kW 5.6 lb kg 70-1*55-1 † 50 50 8089 6.5 5.1in. 3.5 55-2 50 Surfaces 55 55-2 5.1 55-2 3.5 55 50 5.1 7.5 3.5 5.13 389 5.6 893.5 89 5.6 7.5 5.6 174195 4420 79 58 58 60 2007 6070 6900 3129 214 70 214 1778 214 5436 5436 70 1778 132 1778 60 132132 3353 60 15243353 1524 7200 132 3265 132 3353 3353 7200 55-1 80 70 0.8 55200 5555 5.1 76 76 216 21691 5 200 55436 3.7 3.7 195 4953 4953 1473 14731524 60 60 1524 1524 1524 132 3353 3353 4500 4500 2041 2041 9-1 9 2 1.5 44 1118 36 914 67 1702 1700 771 2311 9-1* 30 9 0.8 2.5 64 252 2 1.5 913 44 1118 361524 1702 1700 771 35-1 80 35 35-1 3.3 35-1 803 70 35 76 80 216 3.3 35 30 3.3 89 2.2 763 200216 76 10 3216 2.2 150 3810 2.2 552311 150 1397 150 3810 60 3810 55 13979141854132 1397 6067 132 1702 3353 60 1524 1524 3800 132 1723 132 3353 3353 3800 110-1 †70-1 10.2 3.5 7.5 222174 5639 81 79 79 73 2057 7355 10500 4762 9-1* 30 950110 70200 0.8 9 6.5 6.5 2 1.5 91 2311 44 1118 36 914 671524 1700 771 70-2 † 70 70 70-2 †6.5 70-2 70 3.5 70 70 6.5 70 10 3.5 6.5 893.5 89 10 200 10 7.5 185 4699 90 185 2286 185 4699 4699 90 1854 90 2286 132 2286 73 3353 73 18543353 11000 1854 132 4989 132 3353 3353 11000 70-1 †† † 5089 70 3.5 3.57.5 89 89 200 200 200 7.5 7.5 5.67.5 5.6 174 4420 4420 2007 2007 60 60 1524 132 132 3353 3353 6900 6900 3129 3129 * 18-1* 18 1.7 2.5 323.3 64 2.2 252 216 2 143 1.5 18-1 1.7 1.5 472769 1829 1194 36 914 693669 67 1753 907 3632 1433 3632 47 1194 36 914 914 1829 1753 2000 2000 907 35C-1†* 80 3535C-1†* 3.3 35C-1†* 80 330 18 18 35 76 80 216 3.3 35 7689 3 76 3216 2.2 2.2 150 3810 72 150 150 3810 36 3810 72 1829 68 1727 36 914 4100 914 68 1859 68 1727 1727 4100 9-2* 0.810.210.2 2.5 252200 109222 50 81 81 36 1270 3672 1702 1800 816 18-1* 30 1.7 18 1 3.5 3.564 1 210.2 1.5 143 3632 47 1194 914 69 1753 2000 907 110-1 † † †30 70110 70 9 110 110 89 2002 10200 101.5 7.57.5 7.5 222 5639 5639 2057 20571854 73 73 914132 1854 1854 132 3353 3353 10500 10500 4762 4762 110-2 † 70 110110-210.2 † 110-1 110-2 70 3.5 89 70 200 10.2 110 3.5 893.5 89 10 7.5 231 94 231 2388 231 5867 73 5867 94 94 2388 2388 73132 1323353 73 1854 13500 1854 132 6122 132 3353 3353 13500 35-1 80 35 3.3 3 10 76 7.5 216 200 3 150 10 2.25867 150 3810 55 1397 60 1524 1524 132 3353 3800 3800 1723 35-1 3.3 2.2 55396227692769 1397 60 1723 3810 18-2* 80 3055 1.7 0.8 0.85 216216 2.2 156109 60 50 50 60 1524 3658 914132 69 3353 1753 3500 1587 3333 7664 3 76 216 3.7 55-1 80 55 55-1 5.1 55-1 80 3 35 76 80 216 5.1 55 5.1 3.7 195 195 4953 4953 58 1473 1473 60 60 1524 1524 132 132 3353 3353 4500 195 4953 58 1473 1524 3353 4500 2041 9-2* 9-2* 30 18 9216 935 2.5 2.576 64 252 2523 25 24039 1.53.7 1.55 109 1270 1270 36 36 914 914 67 67 1702 1702 1800 1800 816 816 35-1 35 80 3.3 3 150 3810 55 1397 60 1524 132 3353 76 76 76 18 18-3* 1.7 18 1.7 18 3 1.7 2.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 18-3* 80 18-3* 80 3 3 3 216 159 216 68 159 1727 159 4039 36 4039 68 914 68 1727 69 1727 36 1753 36 914 3800 914 69 1723 69 1753 1753 3800 35C-1†* †* 80 35 3.3 3 76 216 3 2.2 150 3810 72 1829 36 914 1727 4100 1859 80 80 80 35 3.3 3.3 1.7 1.73 3 3 376 76 5 3 33.7 2.2 172156156 62 60 60 1575 60 4400 1995 2.276216200 150 72436939623962 1829 36 914 6891468 1321727 4100 1859 3810 18-2* 18-2* 18200 1870 216 216 2.2 † 50 70 70-1 35C-1 3.5 89 7.5 5.6 †6.535-2 70-1 50 †80 35 70 50 6.5 3.5 893.5 89 7.5 200 5.6 7.5 5.6 1524 1524 1524 36 36 1524 914 693353 69 3353 1753 1753 3500 3500 1587 1587 174 4420 794953 2007 60 132 6900 3129 174 174 4420 4420 79 79 2007 2007 60 1524 1524 132 132 3353 3353 6900 5.1 37.5 216 200 5 3.7 55 35C-1†* 35 80 3.3 35 3 370-1 36.5 2.2 195 58 1473 601524 3353 4500 2041 150 3810 72 1829 36 914 6860 1727 4100 1859 89 893.5 89 35 35-3 55-1 3.355-2 3.3 76 89 5.6 7.5 5.6 7.5 5.6 35-3 50 35-3 50 3.5 50 200 3.5 177 200 4496 73 177 1854 177 4496 60 4496 73 73 18541524 132 1854 60132132 3353 60 1524 1524 7000 132 3175 132 3353 3353 7000 50 55 5.1 3.5 200 7.5 5.6 214 5436 70 1778 60 1524 3353 7200 3265 35-2 35-2 8089 80 3510.2 35 3.3 3.3 76 76 216 216 5 200 55639 3.7 3.7 172 1575 1575 1854 60 60 1524 1524 132 3353 3353 4400132 1995 1995 5.1 55 3 893 3.7 3.7 58 43694369 1473 60 1524 132 3353 2041 4993 110-1 † 70 110 3.5 200 10 7.5 110-1 10.2 †55-1 70 † 70 110 893.5 89 7.5 10 172 7.5 222 81 2057 73 132 3353 10500 4762 222 222 5639 62 62 5639 81 81 2057 2057 73132 132 73 1854 1854 132 4400 3353 3353 10500 †110-1 50 55 110 70 6.5 200 200 7.5195 10 5.6 4953 174 4420 79 2007 601854 1524 132 3353 4500 6900 3129 55-1 55 80 5.1 55 3.53.5 5 510.2 195 58 1473 60 1524 4500 2041 55 55-370-1 5.1 5.1 70-255-2 † 70 70 5089 3.5 200200 10 7.5 7.5 5.67.5 55-3 70 55-3 3.5 70 10 3.5 7.5 893.5 234 89 10 200 5944 10 75 234 7.5 1905 234 5944 5944 75 1905 1905 73 1321323353 73 1854 10500 1854 132 4762 132 3353 3353 10500 185214 4699 90 70 70 73 2286 7375 1854 3353 11000 4989 55-2 50 70 55200 556.5 5.1 5.1 3.5 3.589 89 89 200 200 7.5 5.6 214 5436 5436 1778 1778 60 60 1524 1524 132 3353 3353 7200 7200 3265 3265 † 70-1 7.5 5.6 795867 2007 2007 60 1524 132 6900 3129 4420 † 9-2* 70 70 110 10.2 200200252 10 174 2222 81 2057 73 914 3353 10500 30 9 9-2*110-1 0.8 2.5 64 252 26 1.5 30 9 110 6.5 0.8 9 3.57.5 2.5 0.8 89 89 642.5 64 2252 1.5 1.5 109 2769 505639 1270 36 6736132132 3353 1702 1800 816 109 109 2769 2769 50 12701854 1270 36 914 914 67 671702 1702 1800 110-2 † 30 70 70 10.2 3.5 10 7.5 7.5 94 2388 7350 1854 3353 6900 135004762 6122 70-1 79-2* 174 79 132 3129 70-2 70-2 †† † 70 50 70 70 6.5 7070 6.5 6.5 3.5 3.55.689 89 200 200 10 104420 7.5 7.5231185 185 4699 4699 90 90 60 2286 2286 1524 73 73 1854 1854 1323353 132 3353 3353 11000 11000 4989 4989 † 70 9-2* 9 1810.2 0.8 252 216 2 222 1.5 109 2769 50 1270 361854 1702 10500 1800 816 55-4 70 55 55-4110-1 5.1 55-4 3.5 55 70 200 5.1 55 10 3.5 5.1 64 76 7.5 893.5 234 89 200 5944 7.5 10 86 234 7.5 2184 234 5944 73 5944 86 86 2184914914132 2184 7367 69 3353 3353 73 1854 13500 1854 132 6122 132 3353 3353 13500 10 7.5 81 58675867 2057 73 1854 132 4762 5639 80 18 18-2* 1.7 330110 89 76 216 331.7 2.2 18-2* 80 18 80 1.7 76 3 76 3216 2.2 3 2.2 1.7 2.53 3 10 2.2 156 3962 60 1524 36 914 691854 1753 3500 1587 156 156 3962 3962 60 1524 1524 36 36 914 914 69 13500 69 1753 1753 3500 18-3* 216200 68 94 94 1727 3660 1723 110-1 70 10.2 118 118-2* 10 110-2 110-2 †† †80 70110 70 110 110 10.210.2 3.5 3.57.589 89 200 200 10 105639 7.5 7.5159231 222 81 2057 73 132 10500 4762 231 4039 2388 2388 1854 73 73 1854 1323353 132 1753 3353 33533800 13500 6122 6122 18-2* * 80 18 35 1.7 3.3 3 76 216 3 7.5 2.2 5.6 156177 3962 60 73 1524 36 60 914 69 1753 3500 1587 35-3 3.5 200216 1854 7000 3175 35-2 80 35 35-2 3.3 76 5 3.7 9-2 9 8035 0.8 1.5 10935216 50449640394039 1270 36 914 6760 1800 816 2769 35-2 803 50 80 3.3 320 3.33 389 7676 3 76 3.7 3.7 172 4369 62 1575 60 132 3353 4400 1995 172 172 4369 68 68 36 4369 62 62 1575 1575 60 1524 1524 132 132 3353 3353 4400 76 18216 1835 1.7 1.7 32769 2.2 2.25 159 18-3* 18-3* 80 216 216 159 1727 1727 1524 36 36 1524 914 914 132 1702 691702 69 3353 1753 1753 3800 3800 1723 1723 9-2* 30 9 0.8 9 9 2 1.5 109 50 1270 914 67 1800 816 35-2 80 35 55 3.3 5.1 3 76 216 5 3.7 172side 4369 62 75 1575 60 73 only. 1524 132 3353 4400 1995 70 3.5*3.5 200 10 7.5 7.5 234 1905 3353 10500 4762 indicates two †55indicates †55-3 indicates fed deck ("stacked") two design. independently fed ("stacked") fed ("stacked") design. access from *design. indicates one *177 indicates access only. from access one side one only. side *two 89 89 35200 35 3.3 7.5 5.6 5.6 35-3 35-3 50independently 50 deck 3.589 200 200 177 4496 73from 73 1854 1854 60 60 1854 1524 132 3353 3353 7000 7000 3175 3175 50deck independently 5.1 3.5 89 7.5 5.6 55-2 55-2 55-2 50 55 50 5.1 55 3.33.5 3.5 5.1indicates 893.5 200 89 7.5 200 5.6 7.5 5.6 214 5436 70 1778 60 3353 7200 3265 214 214 5436 5436 70 70 1778 1778 60132132132 60 1524 1524 132 132 3353 3353 7200 18-2 1.7 6059444496 1524 36 914 691524 1753 1587 3962 50 18 18 55 5.1 89 2.22.2 200 7.5156 5.6 3962 18-2* 80 1.7 18 155-2 331 214 5436 70 1778 601524 1524 132 3353 3500 7200 3265 156 60 1524 36 914 69 1753 3500 1587 55200 5570 5.1 55-3 55-3 70 3.5 3.589 89 89 200 200 107.5 7.5 7.5 234 75 73 1905 1905 1854 73 73 1854 1854 1854 132 3353 3353 10500 10500 4762 4762 55-4 70 7070 5.1 5.13.5 3.5 200200 10 10 234234 86 75Dimensions 2184 7390 3353 13500 6122 70-2 70 70 70-2 70-2 3.5 89 10 7.5 †6.5 70 †70 35 70 6.5 3.5 6.5 893.5 89 10 200 7.5 10 7.5 185 4699 90 2286 3353 11000 4989 185 185 4699 4699 90 2286 2286 73132132132 73 1854 1854 132 132 3353 3353 11000 35-2 3.7 62594459445944 1575 60 1524 132 3353 4400 1995 4369 † 70-2 70 55 3.3 6.5 89 3.7 200 10 172 7.5 185 90 2286 731524 1854 132 3353 11000 4989 Motor Principal Screen 35-2 35 80 3.3 35 Motion 3 † 553 172 4369 624699 1575 60 132 3353 4400 1995 †110-2 70 55 70110 110 10.2 3.53.5 89 200 10 7.5 231 5867 94 2388 731854 1854 1854 3353 3353 13500 6122 110-2 † 70 110 10.2 3.5 89 200 10 110-2110-2 †55-2 70 † 70 10.2 110 10.2 893.5 89 200 7.5 10 234 7.5 231 94 2388 73 132 3353 13500 6122 231 231 5867 86 86 5867 94 94 2388 2388 73132 132 73 1854 1854 132 13500 132 3353 3353 13500 55-4 55-4 70 55 55 3.57.5 89 89 200 200 200 105867 7.5 7.5 234 5944 5944 2184 2184 73 73 1854 132 3353 13500 6122 6122 5.1 7.5 5.6 214*1010 70 one 1778 60 1524 132 3353 7200 3265 5436 55-2 55 50 5.1 55 5.1 5.1 5 3.5 5 7.5 5.6 214 5436 1778 1524 132 3353 7200 3265 Total Nominal †Drive indicates two deck ("stacked") design. indicates access70from side only. 60 Number of APEX™ Stroke 3 fed Speed 76 2.2 18 independently 1.7 3 2.2 216 216 1593 68 36 914 1753 3800 † 80380Area 76 763 76 18 18-3*18-3* 1.7 36 18 1.7 18 1.7 3216 2.2 2.2 80 216 159 4039 68 36 693669Width 1753 3800 1723 18-3* 80 159 159 4039 C.1727 4039 68Width 68 1727 1727 36 914 914 69 1723 691753 1753 3800 A. Overall Length Shipping11000 Weight B.4039 Overall 1727 Height Base D.914 Installation 70-270-2 70 70 6.5 10 7.5 185 90 2286 73 1854 132 3353 4989 4699 Screen Model Head † 70 6.5 70 718-3* 10 7.5 185 4699 90 2286 73 1854 132 3353 11000 4989 89 † indicates † indicates twotwo deck independently independently fed fed ("stacked") ("stacked") design. 3.3 7.5design. 5.6 * indicates * indicates access from from oneone side only. only. 35-3 3.5 200 177 access 4496 73side 1854 60 1524 132 3353 7000 3175 2 235 deck m35 ft50 in. mm in. mm in. mm in. 132 mm 3353 Surfaces Number hp Series kW in.200 rpm 5.6 lb 13500 kg132 89 893.5 89 2317.5 † 50 35 35-3 110-2 3.3 110-2 3.3 35 mm 7.5 3.3 5.6 7.5 5.6 50 3.5 177 4496 73 1854 60 1524 7000 3175 35-3 50 10.2 3.5 200 200 177 177 4496 4496 73 73 1854 1854 60 60 1524 1524 132 3353 3353 7000 110 10 7.5 94 2388 73 1854 132 3353 6122 5867 † 110 70 10.2 1 3 1 35-3 10 7.5 231 945944 2388 73 3353 13500 6122 55 5.1 55-3 70 3.5 89 200 10 7.5 5867 234 75 1905 731854 1854 132 132 3353 10500 4762 9-1* 30 9 0.8 252 2 1.5 91 2311 44 1118 36 914 1700 771 55 55-3 5.1 55 5.1 55 64 3.5 5.1 70 3.5 89 200 10 7.5 234 5944 75 1905 73 1854 3353 10500 *55-3 70 70 2.5 893.5 200 89 159 10 200 7.5 10 234 7.5 234 5944 5944 75 75 1905 67 132 1905 73 1702 1753 73 1854 1854 132 4762 132 3353 3353 10500 18-3 18 1.7 3 2.2 68 1727 36 914 69 3800 1723 4039 18 1.7 3 2.2 18-3* 8 155-3 159 4039 68 1727 36 914 69 1753 3800 1723 18-1* 30 18 1.755 2.55.1 643.5 25289 2200 1.510 143 3632 47 1194 36 914 69 1753 2000 907 55-4 70 7.5 234 5944 86 2184 73 1854 132 3353 13500 6122 1 771 1700 PRODUCT SHEET P RDOUDCUTC TS SHP HER EEEOT TD |U P PE S X PRO | CAAT EH X S™ECE SRC TE ERNE| EERA N PE ER X ™ S C R E E N E R P R O D U C T S H E E T | A P E X™ S C R E E N E R 35C-1†* 1 seperation) a30 5 screen (6 grades are of ROTEX model,914 but overall69 dimensions may vary 18 18-1*1.7 to 18-1* 2.5 64 18 30model 252 1.7 18 2.5 21.7- 5 seperations). 1.5 642.5 252 64 Drawings 2252 2 representative 1.5 143 3632 1.5 47143 1194 143 3632 36 3632 47 47 1194 1194 36 1753 36 914 2000 914 69 depending on 35-1 the drive2.2 head used. 35 35-1 3.3 803mounting 76 35 80 method 216 3.3 35 and 333.3 76 3 216 76 3216 2.2 150 3810 2.23 55150 1397 150 3810 60 3810 55 1524 55 1397 132 1397 60 3353 60 1524 1524 3800 132 | Rotex Screeners offer Rotexpeace Screeners RotexofScreeners offer peace offer peace of mind of mind mind Ergonomic design singleClassic operator/maintenance efficiency throughout the world for enables decades Classic low angle, low long angle,stroke, long stroke, Rotex gyratory-reciprocating Rotex gyratory-reciprocating motionmotion createscreates most efficient most efficient Rotex Screeners offer peace of mind screening screening environment environment 20/06/2013 16:08 T R E| E A P R O D U C T S HPEREOTD U | CATP SE H X ™E E SC N PE ER X ™ S C R E E N E R 30 Apex™ P R O D U C T S H E E T | A P E X™ S C R E E N E R P R O D U C T S H E E T | A P E X™ S C R E E N E R P R O D U C T S H E E T | A P E X ™ S C R E E N™ E R PRODUCT SHEET | APEX SCREENER 9 9-1* 0.8 9-1* 30 2.5 64 30 9 252 0.89 2.5 20.8 642.5 252 1.52 44 1.5 91 91 2311 36 2311 44 914 44 1118 67 1118 36 1702 36 914 1700 914 67 Apex screener models - 1.5 30” x916442”22522311 (762mm x 1118 1067mm) panels Apex Apexscreener screener models models 30” - 30” xx42” 42” (762mm xx1067mm) 1067mm) panels panels 80 x35-1 screener Apex Apex models screener screener - 30” models xmodels 42”- -(762mm 30” - 30” x 42” x(762mm x42” (762mm 1067mm) (762mm x 1067mm) panels x 1067mm) panels panels 30 18-1* 3 55-4 5 Screener P R O D U C T S H E E T | A P E X™ S C R E E N E R P R O D U C T B U L L E T I N | A P E X™ S C R E E N E R APEX™ Model Number 9-1* P CT T B SU H LE LE ET T I| N A P PR RO OD DU UC | EAXP™ESXC™RSECERNEEERN E R The specifications listed below are based upon a Apex Screener of standard construction ranging from a single screen model (2 grades - The specifications The specifications listed below listed are below based are upon based aaupon Apex aScreener Apex of standard of standard construction construction ranging ranging from ascreen single from ascreen single model screen (2 model grades (2 -grades Motor Motor Screener Motor Principal Principal Dimensions Principal Dimensions Motion Screen Screen Motion ROTEX model, but dimensions vary- 1 seperation) to a Screen 5 screen model (6 -upon 5 Motion seperations). Drawings are representative ofDimensions The The specifications specifications listed listed below below aregrades are based based upon Apex a Apex Screener Screener of of standard standard construction construction ranging ranging from from a single a overall single screen model model (2may (2 grades grades 1 seperation) 1 seperation) to a 5 screen to a 5 model screen (6 model grades (6 grades 5 seperations). 5 seperations). Drawings Drawings are representative are representative of of ROTEX model, ROTEX model, but overall but dimensions overall dimensions may vary may vary The following specifications are for Apex Screeners of standard construction, ranging from a single surface models (two grades – depending onDrive the method drive used. Drawings ROTEX ROTEX model, model, butbut overall overall dimensions dimensions may may vary vary 1 Nominal seperation) 1ofseperation) to to amounting 5aTotal screen 5 screen model model (6and (6 grades grades - 5head -seperations). 5 seperations). Drawings areare representative representative of of Total Nominal Total Nominal Number APEX™ APEX™ Drive ofNumber StrokeDrive Speed Stroke Stroke Speed Speed Area Area Area A. Overall Length Overall A.Length Overall Shipping Weight Shipping Weight B. A. Overall Height C.Length B. Base Overall Width B.representative, Height Overall D.Height C. Installation Basebut C. Width Base Width Width D. Installation D. Installation Width Shipping Width Weight depending depending on the mounting on the mounting method method and drive and head drive used. head used. depending depending on on the the mounting mounting method method and and drive drive head head used. used. oneScreen separation) to a three surface models (four grades – three separations). Drawings are overall dimensions Screen Model Model Head Head Head 22 2 m2 Number mft ft2Number ft2 in. mm kWhp in. kW in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm mm mm Surfaces Surfaces hp hp Series Series in. Series mm rpm in.m kW mm in. rpm mm rpm lbin. kg lb kglb kg may vary depending on the mounting method. The specifications listed below are based upon a Apex Screener of standard construction ranging from a single screen model (2 grades - Apex screeners are production screening machines for separating dry materials according to particle size. ThroughApex their screeners unique gyratory-reciprocating motion, near for horizontal screen surface and uniquetopositive Apex screeners are production screening machines separating drydry materials according particle size. size. are production screening machines separating materials according to particle Through their unique gyratory-reciprocating motion,for near horizontal screen surface and unique positive screen mesh cleaning the Apex provides unusually high efficiency and capacity. Through their system, unique gyratory-reciprocating motion, near horizontal screen surface andand unique positive Through their unique gyratory-reciprocating motion, near horizontal screen surface unique positive screen mesh cleaning system, the Apex provides unusually high efficiency and capacity. screen mesh cleaning system, the Apex provides unusually high efficiency and capacity. screen mesh cleaning system, the Apex provides unusually high efficiency and capacity. ™ ce ance ance nce ge APEX Benefits APEX™ Benefits ™ Feat APEX APEX™ Features Incoming IncomingMaterial Material Incoming Material Incoming Incoming Material Material Incoming Material Incoming Material ge h h aa Quick Access Doors a 97.9% Fines97.9% 94.5% 94.5% 2.5% 2.5% 94.5% 3% 2.5% 94.5% 3%Product 2.5% Fines Product Overs Fines Product Overs Financial Advantage Financial Advantage Gyratory Reciprocating motion Gyratory Reciprocating Apex™APEX™ BenefitsBenefits Financial Advantage Motion The Apex Advantage screener provides lower operating costs and higher productivity Financial The Apex screener provides lower operating costs and higher productivity Ergonomic and light-weight design reduces the need Ergonomic andhigher lightweight design eliminates need for to increase your ROI The Apex screener provides lower operating and productivity The Gyratory Reciprocating Motion gradually costs The Gyratory-Reciprocating motion for multi-person maintenance crews and overhead to increase your screener ROIgradually multi-person maintenance crews and overhead hoists The Apex provides lower operating diminishes along the length changes along the lengthofofthe themachine to costs and higher productivity to increase your ROI Reduced costs – one person operation lifts to remove topand cover screenaccess changes Reduced labor labor costs – one person operation deckan to elliptical an elliptical path and finally path and finally totoana approximatePretensioned screen panels side for mounted doors to labor increase your ROI Reduced costs – one person operation straight line action at the discharge Reduced down time – ergonomic design enablesend. faster screen changes with a single operator reduce line motion atenables the end. changes Reducedlabor downcosts time–straight –one ergonomic design faster screen withdowntime aReduced single operator down-time, increased screening flexibility Reduced person operation .. discharge Reduced down time – ergonomic design enables faster screen changes with a single operator Reduced labor costs – one person operation . with a pre-tension screen accessed Improved Quality – the proven superiority of low angle, long stroke gyratory-reciprocating motion increases the amount gyratory-reciprocating Easy access sleeves locatedpanels at discharge end through Improved Quality – the proven superiority of low angle, long stroke motion increases the amount Reduced down time – ergonomic design enables faster screen changes with aconnecting single operator Circular motion the feed end Circular motion at theat feed end . of separated product you can sell ImprovedReduced Quality – the proven superiority of low angle, long stroke gyratory-reciprocating motion increases the amount doors side-mounted of separated product can sell down time ergonomic design enables faster screen changes with a single operator • –you •– Spreads Unique Rotex Gyratory Reciprocating motion yields the material across the full width long Spreads the material across the full width .low gyratory-reciprocating motion increases the amount Improved Quality the proven superiority of angle, stroke of separated product you can sell Increased Capacity – multiple machine sizes and configuration enable you to customise capacity for your application of the screen surface exceptional product recovery Increased Capacity – multiple machine sizes and configuration enable you to customise capacity for your application of the screen surface Easy to access, quick to change discharge – the ofImproved separatedQuality product youproven can sellsuperiority of low angle, long stroke gyratory-reciprocating motion increases the amount sleeves • Stratifies and space the material Increased of Capacity multiple and configuration enable you to customise capacity yourofapplication and space–requirements requirements •machine Stratifies the material mounted infor front the unit separated product you cansizes sell • Conveys Increased Capacity –•multiple machine material forwardsizes and configuration enable you to customise capacity for your application and space Rugged, requirements Rugged, time-proven time-proven construction construction means this machine machine will will support support your your process process for for many, many, many many years years to to come come Conveys material forward means this Increased Capacity – multiple machine sizes and configuration enable you Unique to customise for Reciprocating your applicationMotion for and space requirements Rotexcapacity Gyratory Changing to elliptical motion construction meansto this machine motion will support your process for many, many years to come Rugged, time-proven and space requirements Changing elliptical exceptional product recovery efficiency at the middle section Rugged, time-proven construction means this machine will support your process for many, many years to come at the centre • Longconstruction Rugged, time-proven stroke ellipticalmeans action this machine will support your process for many, many years to come • Longstratification • Enhances stroke elliptical action • Conveys material at high capacity • Promotes stratification • Conveys materialatatthe high capacity Straight line motion discharge end Straight line motion at the • Linear sifting motion discharge end • Removes near-size particles • Near screening linear sifting motion • Improves efficiency • No• vertical Removes near size particles component ensures material is in•constant contact with the screen Higher screening efficiency surface • No vertical component ensures material is in constant contact with the screen surface NEW Inserts_Apex_4pp_New_4_1_13.indd 3-4 ™ P RPORDOUDCUTC T S HSEHEETE T| |A PAEPXE™XS CSRCEREENEENRE R 3% 3% A P E X™ S C R E E N E R 2.1% 2.1% 97.9% 97.9% PPRROODDUUCCTT SSHHEEEETT || AAPPEEXX™™ SSCCRREEEENNEERR | for using ssfor ks PRODUCT SHEET d d using using ps ps for for ecks sing ecks 2.1% 2.1% Product Overs Fines Fines Fines Product Product Overs Overs Fines Product Overs Fines Product Overs Fines Product Fines Product OversOvers ROTEX Screeners produce the highest yields Screeners produce the highest ROTEXROTEX Screeners produce the highest yieldsyields ROTEX Screeners produce the highest yields of consistent consistent on-spec product with minimum of on-spec product with minimum of consistent on-spec product with minimum Apex Screeners produce the highest yields yields of ROTEX Screeners produce the highest of on-spec product with minimum rejection of good good material. 3.6% 96.4% rejection of material. 3.6% 96.4% rejection ofconsistent good material. consistent on-spect product of consistent on-spec product with minimum rejection of good material. 3.6% 96.4% Overs 96.4% rejection of good material. 3.6% No wrenches are required to open doors for screen inspection or maintenance Reduced Maintenanc Easy access to sleeves for red maintenance Reduced Maintenance Easy access to discharge sleeves reduces downtime Positive Screen Cleaning Bouncing balls keep screen openings clear, maintaining efficiency and capacity Ergonomic Design Large access doors allow one person to change a screen panel in less than 2 minutes Positive Screen Cleaning Installation Options Bouncing balls keep screen openings clear, maintaining efficiency and capacity Ergonomic Large doors on of the machin access which screen change 2 minutes per 1 man operati Floor Mounting Because counterbalanced drives provide for low transmitted forces, the Apex can be mounted directly on the floor or on an elevated structural steel framework. installation Options Cable Suspension Floor Mounting Apex Screeners can be cable-suspended from the four corners of the machine, thereby isolating the ROTEX counterbalanced drive has lowcounterbalancing transmitted forces, the APEX can out-of-balance screeningBecause forces from the surrounding structure. Accurate be mounted directly on the floor or on an elevated structural steel framework. of the Apex Screener makes this type of installation option possible. The Apex Screener can be Cable Suspension suspended from a floor-mounted cable support stand or existing overhead structure. Screeners who can be fromfor theany fourspecific cornersapplication. of the machine, Contact your local RotexAPEX representative willcable-suspended recommend a stand thereby isolating out-of-balance screening forces from the surrounding structure. Accurate counterbalancing of the APEX Screener makes this type of installation option possible. The APEX Screener can be suspended from a floor-mounted cable support stand or existing overhead structure. Add Aspiration for Additional Cleaning of Your Material Contact your local ROTEX representative who will recommend a stand specific application. Most Apex Screeners canfor beany equipped with aspiration hoods to remove dust and other light material. These hoods allow air to be pulled over the falling product stream and are adjustable for various products and rates. Add Aspiration for Additional Cleaning of your material For additional cleaning functionality, add the new Aspiration Hood Unit to your APEX. This unit aids in de-dusting and removing additional light-weight material that may float to the top as your product moves across the screening bed. Unlike other screeners with hoods that move over stationary beds of material, the APEX Aspiration Hood is part of the unit. As the Rotex Gyratory Reciprocating Motion agitates the material, light-weight elements and dust are encouraged to rise to the top where it is easily removed through vacuum. The Airflow can be adjusted at two points to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency in further cleaning your material. To find your local Rotex representative visit 20/06/2013 16:09
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