F36 Scope Change - Electro Scan Inc.


F36 Scope Change - Electro Scan Inc.
F36 Scope 9/17/2015 Thursday, September 17, 2015 8:45 am Eastern F36 Scope Change What Did We Hear? F17 chairman’s claims, that: •  “F36 has always overlapped somewhat with the jurisdic5on of CommiNee F17” •  “F36 proposed changes are unnecessary for the con5nuing func5on of CommiNee F36” •  “F36’s addi5onal design considera5ons for unique environments is also far too vague and misleading.” 1 COTCO Mee5ng 1 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F17 and C13 Arguments Are False & Out of Touch Not Consistent with Regulatory Mandates of the Clean Water Act or EPA Consent Decrees 2 USEPA InspecKon Techniques Report on Condi,on Assessment Technology of Wastewater Collec,on Systems EPA/600/R-­‐10/101, August 2010 B Brick and clay pipe C Concrete pipe F Ferrous pipe HDPE High-­‐density polyethylene PCCP Pre-­‐stressed concrete cylinder pipe PVC Polyvinyl chloride RCP Reinforced concrete pipe VCP Vitrified clay pipe COTCO Mee5ng CCTV Closed-­‐circuit television ECT Eddy current tes5ng EMAT Electromagne5c acous5c transducer GGL Gamma-­‐gamma logging GPIR Ground-­‐penetra5ng imaging radar GPR Ground-­‐penetra5ng radar GWUT Guided wave ultrasonic tes5ng HID High-­‐intensity discharge IE Impact echo IRT Infrared thermography JPT Joint pressure tes5ng KARO Kanalroboter KURT Kanal-­‐Untersuchungs-­‐Roboter-­‐Testplaborm LED Light-­‐emicng diode MAD Mobile acous5c device PA Phased array PAIRT Pulsed ac5ve infrared thermography PIRAT Pipeline inspec5on real-­‐5me assessment technique RFEC Remote field eddy current SAM Sewer assessment with mul5-­‐sensors SAR Synthe5c-­‐aperture radar SASW Spectral analysis of surface waves SSET Sewer scanning and evalua5on technology UPV Ultrasonic pulse velocity UWB Ultra wideband 3 2 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 4 Chuck Hansen 19
COTCO Mee5ng 20
5 3 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Offers Unbiased, Independent, Reliable, Repeatable, and Measurable Pipe Condi5on Assessment of Pipeline in Accordance With EPA Guidelines and Regula5ons 6 C01
C15 Cement Vitrified Clay Pipe Concrete and Concrete Aggregates Concrete Pipe Manufactured Masonry Units C14
Adhesives Soil and Rock Plas5cs E07
Nondestruc5ve Tes5ng Mechanical Tes5ng F17
Plas5c Piping Systems Technology and Underground U5li5es G01
Corrosion of Metals F36 TECHNOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES F36 Standards Cover A Variety of Pipe Materials 7 COTCO Mee5ng 4 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 PUBLISHED 1 MONTH EARLIER Report on State of Technology for Rehabilita,on of Wastewater Collec,on Systems EPA/600/R-­‐10/078, July 2010 8 How The US EPA Defines Rehabilita5on F36 F17 ISO Tokyo Metro/
Sekesui 9 COTCO Mee5ng 5 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 Does ASTM Want to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past? ISO 11295 10 F36 Inspec5on and Renewal of Water and Water Infrastructure Follows EPA Guidelines for Renewal / Rehabilita5on F36 Post-­‐Installa5on & Post-­‐Rehabilita5on Inspec5ons 11 COTCO Mee5ng 6 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Par,al Review of It’s Domain Exper,se Zoom Cameras Laser Profiling Infrared Cameras Ground PenetraKng Radar MulK-­‐Process RoboKcs (Sonar + Laser) Fiber OpKc * Currently under review for ASTM standard. 12 CCTV Finds Things We See and Hopefully Fix Sok Invert Oversized Liner Accelerator Burn Paper Mache Pinhole Creep Buckling Shot Gun 13 COTCO Mee5ng 7 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Finds Things We May See, But Don’t Know Whether to Fix 14 Most Importantly, F36 Finds Things Not Seen, and Not Planned To Be Fixed 15 COTCO Mee5ng 8 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 Most Importantly, F36 Finds Things Not Seen, and Not Planned To Be Fixed Faulty Joints/Ferncos Leaking CIPP Faulty Spiral Wrapping Leaking CIPP 16 hNp://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/a/#p/drinking-­‐water/overview COTCO Mee5ng 9 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 hNp://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/a/#p/wastewater/overview CommiNee Scope C13 Formula5on and review of specifica5ons, methods of test and defini5ons for concrete pipe, concrete box sec5ons and concrete manhole sec5ons used for construc5ng sewers, culverts, and for factory-­‐made compression and self energizing joints. Development and review of prac5ces and guides covering design, installa5on, tes5ng, economic evalua5on and performance of concrete pipe systems. COTCO Mee5ng F17 The development of specifica5ons for plas5c pipe, ficngs, and appurtenances; prac5ces for joining and installing plas5c pipes; test methods; terminology, systems and services specific to plas5c piping systems and the s5mula5on of related research. The work of the CommiNee may include the considera5on of composite piping systems, and components that are par5ally plas5c. 19 10 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 Why F36 Members Sought Scope Change? 1.  More Stringent Regulatory Requirements on Drinking Water Quality & Sanitary Sewer Overflows. 2.  EPA’s Focus on new Technologies. 3.  Water & Sewer Industry’s Move From Qualita5ve (visual inspec5ons) to Quan5ta5ve (machine-­‐
based inspec5ons). 4.  ASTM Pipe Material CommiNees, C04 (Clay), C13 (Concrete), F17 (Plas5c Pipe), Not Ac5ve in Any of the US EPA’s Condi5on Assessment Tools. 20 F36 Change of Scope Highlights NEW Monitoring and uses of uKliKes, pipelines, conduits, culverts and their appurtenance for single and mulKple funcKons; b) ApplicaKon of emerging technologies for the maintenance, repair and rehabilitaKon of uKliKes, pipelines, conduits, culverts and their appurtenance, and c) AddiKonal design consideraKons for unique environments. Specific focus under this scope includes: b. 
COTCO Mee5ng OLD The scope of the CommiNee shall be the development of standards (test methods, prac5ces, guidelines, specifica5ons, classifica5ons, and terminology) for the (a) use of underground u5li5es and their appurtenance for uses other than their originally intended func5on, (b) applica5on of current technology for the maintenance and repair of underground u5li5es, and (c) addi5onal design considera5ons for unique environments. Specific focuses under this scope shall include, but are not limited to: The installing and opera5ng of op5cal fiber systems in exis5ng gravity sewer systems. Exis5ng gravity sewer systems shall include sanitary, storm, and combined, and their appurtenances. The rehabilita5on of sewer systems using chemical grou5ng. Exis5ng sewer systems shall include sanitary, storm and combined, and their appurtenances. The parameters for design of water systems to incorporate best prac5ces for ensuring their integrity during seismic events. This is inclusive of below-­‐grade water conveyance systems, with excep5on to the considera5on of aboveground cylindrical storage tanks. • 
The installaKon and operaKon of opKcal fiber systems in uKliKes, pipes, conduits, and culverts. Installing and operaKng opKcal fiber and other sensing systems to monitor the behavior of uKliKes, pipelines, conduits, culverts, manholes, and of the impact of construcKon of tunnels and new uKliKes on exisKng infrastructure. The installing and operaKng of emerging inspecKon technologies in uKliKes, pipes, conduits, culverts and manholes such as laser profiling, video micrometer measurements, electric current flow scan, acousKc condiKon assessment, and other techniques for befer quality assurance. The rehabilitaKon of uKliKes, pipelines, conduits, culverts and manholes using grouKng, inserts, sprayed on linings and point repair systems. 21 11 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Compared to C13 & F17 C13 & F17 F36 -­‐ 
New Construc5on Tes5ng Laboratory Tes5ng Materials Performance Concentrated membership guided by a few producers’ trade organiza5ons Post-­‐Installa5on Tes5ng Field Tes5ng – Asset Life Technology-­‐Based Tools No membership concentra5on or outside organiza5onal influence 22 Working With Other Sub CommiUees ASTM SubcommiNee F17.67 on Trenchless Plas5c Pipeline Technology Addresses the requirements for the development and maintenance of ASTM standard specifica5ons, prac5ces, guides and test requirements for plas5c trenchless pipeline systems. Trenchless pressure conveyance of sanitary sewage, surface water, industrial process waste, natural gas, cooling water, raw water, and drinking water and electrical conduits and ven5la5on systems. The trenchless systems for pipelines rehabilita5on include cured-­‐in-­‐place pipe (CIPP), folded PVC pipe, deformed polyethylene pipe, and sliplining. For new construc5on, trenchless pipeline systems include microtunneling and horizontal direc5onal drilling of plas5c pipes. The words ‘polymeric’ and ‘sprayed on lining’ are not listed. 23 COTCO Mee5ng 12 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F17 & C13 Do Not Have Required Skill Set of F36 •  Slow to Adopt Customer Driven Standards •  Not Familiar With Emerging or New Technologies •  Appears to Serve Plas5c Pipe & Concrete Pipe Producers NET: While we are happy to have Pipe Producers as part of F36, Their NEGATIVES lack needed industry knowledge. 24 F36 Change in Scope… …Appears to bother Chairs of C13 and F17 Chairs, and its Producer Members, because each Commifee is not accustomed to wriKng ASTM standards address EPA mandated AdministraKve Orders & Consent Decrees …Appears threatened by any Independent Assessment of its Pipe Material that Finds & QuanKfies Defects and QuesKons the Useful Life of their Products. 25 COTCO Mee5ng 13 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Will Not Condone or Allow Self-­‐Serving ASTM CommiNee Members or Chairs to Contradict, Disrupt, Dilute or Nullify its Standards of Excellence. Four Examples That Deserve Review 26 F17.90 PlasKc Liners Belong to F17 not F36 COTCO should ask the chair of F17 the following: “Mr. Walsh, if you presented alternate language, making it clear that F36 would not be involved with plas@c or polymeric liners, to avoid any conflicts between the scope of F17.67 and F36, why did the minutes of your April 28, 2015 F17.90 mee@ng specifically exclude polymeric liners as shown above? Given the absence of “polymeric liners” in the moKon that was passed during the F17.90 meeKng of April 28, 2015, there is no evidence to support the claim made by Mr. Walsh. 27 COTCO Mee5ng 14 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F17.90 PlasKc Liners Belong to F17 not F36 has no history of standards in polymers (e.g. acrylamides, þ F17.67 geopolymers, rubber or sprayed on liners), while F36, has had 15 years. scopes of both F17 and F17.67 specifically exclude the words þ CommiNee “polymers, polymeric, polymeric liners, or sprayed on liners.” plas5cs represent a small % of “polymers.” Within geopolymers, þ Today, the following some of the materials invented in the past 20 years: •
Waterglass-­‐based geopolymer, poly(siloxonate), soluble silicate, Si:Al=1:0 Kaolinite / Hydrosodalite-­‐based geopolymer, poly(sialate) Si:Al=1:1 Metakaolin MK-­‐750-­‐based geopolymer, poly(sialate-­‐siloxo) Si:Al=2:1 Calcium-­‐based geopolymer, (Ca, K, Na)-­‐sialate, Si:Al=1, 2, 3 Rock-­‐based geopolymer, poly(sialate-­‐mul5siloxo) 1< Si:Al<5 Silica-­‐based geopolymer, sialate link and siloxo link in poly(siloxonate) Si:Al>5 Fly ash-­‐based geopolymer Ferro-­‐sialate-­‐based geopolymer Phosphate-­‐based geopolymer, AlPO4-­‐based geopolymer Organic-­‐mineral geopolymer þ Not a single material (above) is called “plasKcs” 28 F17.67 Ballot by Randy Cooper wk 49210 was launched within F17.67 taking the idea from F36.20 wk 48509; Two separate plagiarism analysis soVware runs of nearly 200 pages are available for anyone who would like to examine. First drao of wk 49210 plagiarized 25% to 50% of the text from wk 48509. 29 COTCO Mee5ng 15 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F17.67 Ballot by Randy Cooper þ Out of 15 standards referenced in F36 wk 48509, only one is within F17 that Mr. Walsh chairs making his argument lacking any merit. þ Comparison of Vo5ng PaNerns indicates the majority of F17.67 detached themselves from wk 49210; while the F36 members were engaged. Wk 49210: AffirmaKve 18, NegaKve 2, Abstain 76 80% Abstained 30 C969 Standard for InfiltraKon and ExfiltraKon 31 COTCO Mee5ng 16 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 C969 Standard for InfiltraKon and ExfiltraKon MIAMI-­‐DADE JUST RELEASED SPECS THAT REQUIRE 50 GALLONS PER INCH DIAMETER MILE. 32 T
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C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 Standard Prac,ce for CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE CULVERT, STORM DRAIN, AND SEWER PIPE: 33 COTCO Mee5ng 17 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 Standard was developed by people that (clearly) do not understand the Video or Camera-­‐based (CCTV) inspec5on standards. 34 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 Standard was developed by people that do not know the first thing about video or CCTV inspec5on standards. NTSC 640x480 PAL 640x576 DVD 720x480 •  Everyone knows you want square pixels when using a computer monitor, not rectangular ones. •  If not properly displayed image will be distorted. 35 COTCO Mee5ng 18 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 Who Else Believes C13 Does Not Belong In This Arena? 36 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 “As such, I believe this project should be totally dropped as the standard does not appear to be necessary and is outside the jurisdicKon of C13.” “F36 certainly has more experKse in this area and it would be beneficial to all parKes if this experKse is uKlized in the subcommifee where it already exists.” John Kurdziel John.Kurdziel@ads-­‐pipe.com 37 COTCO Mee5ng 19 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 d e
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mshepard1@hotmail.com laurie.perkins@wright-­‐pierce.com jeremy.wagner@pipelogix.com jon.sickels@ads-­‐pipe.com joan.stone@pipelogix.com schroederjp@cdmsmith.com jimharris_au@hotmail.com rguy@aquadata.com dmaas@brwncald.com johns@tristateu5li5es.com jchung@lacsd.org sewer@bio-­‐nomic.com shontz@acepipe.com macy@electroscan.com smortensen@pec.us.com ekampbell@sbcglobal.net michelledbeason@gmail.com bobk@posm.us director@nassco.org 38 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 September 14, 2015 “I have just looked at it this morning, and it appears to need some work.” Ted DeBoda, P.E. ExecuKve Director NASSCO COTCO Mee5ng 20 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 C13.05 (15-­‐02) Lefer Ballot, August 25, 2015 C13 IS NOT A CREDIBLE SOURCE FOR AUTHORING OR PUBLISHING STANDARDS ON INSPECTION OF UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE. Frederick Cash, Eric Carleton, and Kim Spahn 40 USEPA InspecKon Techniques Wastewater Water B Brick and clay pipe C Concrete pipe F Ferrous pipe HDPE High-­‐density polyethylene PCCP Pre-­‐stressed concrete cylinder pipe PVC Polyvinyl chloride RCP Reinforced concrete pipe VCP Vitrified clay pipe COTCO Mee5ng CCTV Closed-­‐circuit television ECT Eddy current tes5ng EMAT Electromagne5c acous5c transducer GGL Gamma-­‐gamma logging GPIR Ground-­‐penetra5ng imaging radar GPR Ground-­‐penetra5ng radar GWUT Guided wave ultrasonic tes5ng HID High-­‐intensity discharge IE Impact echo IRT Infrared thermography JPT Joint pressure tes5ng KARO Kanalroboter KURT Kanal-­‐Untersuchungs-­‐Roboter-­‐Testplaborm LED Light-­‐emicng diode MAD Mobile acous5c device PA Phased array PAIRT Pulsed ac5ve infrared thermography PIRAT Pipeline inspec5on real-­‐5me assessment technique RFEC Remote field eddy current SAM Sewer assessment with mul5-­‐sensors SAR Synthe5c-­‐aperture radar SASW Spectral analysis of surface waves SSET Sewer scanning and evalua5on technology UPV Ultrasonic pulse velocity UWB Ultra wideband 41 21 F36 Scope 9/17/2015 F36 Scope Change The End COTCO Mee5ng 22