BizConnection - UPJ Business Alumni Website


BizConnection - UPJ Business Alumni Website
University of Pittsburgh
at Johnstown
Spring 2010
New Faculty Spotlight
Business Club News
Alumni News
Contact the Faculty
Ms. Neelima Bhatnagar
Mrs. Grace Markum
Dr. John McGrath
Mr. Doug Reed
Mrs. Janice Rummell
Mr. Jim Teague
Dr. Ray Thompson
Mr. Ron Vickroy
Mr. Stanley Yerep
Mrs. Deborah Smiach Zakrzwski
Newsletter of the Business Department of
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Commencement Brunch 2010
As the 2009-2010 school year approaches an end, the Commencement
Brunch is something that all graduating Business Seniors can look forward to.
The Commencement Brunch is held exclusively for graduating Business
students, their parents and guests. The event is planned for Saturday May 1 in
the Heritage Hall Room of the Living Learning Center. The brunch will begin
at 9:30 am and wrap up around 11:30 am, when the doors open for the
Commencement Ceremony.
“This is a great time for your parents to meet your friends and faculty,”
explained John McGrath, a member of the event planning committee. “It’s also
an affordable and fun way to fuel up on caffeine and carbs to get you ready for
the Commencement ceremony.”
This is the second year for the event. Last year’s inaugural program
began with welcoming comments by Mrs. Rummel, followed by a hearty
brunch buffet that included fruit, muffins, bagels, bacon, eggs, and home fries.
The next item on last year’s agenda was Dr. Ray Thompson and Mr.
Ron Vickroy, who made some brief comments about their respective programs
(Accounting/Finance and Management/Marketing). Ms. Bhatnagar then
provided a brief demonstration of the BizConnection networking site that could
be very helpful in assisting graduates in planning their careers.
The final portion of last year’s event was an informal reception,
allowing graduates to casually mix and mingle with Business faculty members,
fellow graduates, parents and guests.
2009 Business graduates and faculty
mingle during the informal reception
portion of last year’s event.
Graduates enjoy the casual atmosphere
with their friends, family and faculty
New Faculty Spotlight... UPJ welcomes new business faculty member Mr. DiFrancesco graduated from
UPJ in spring of 2006. During his time
at UPJ, he obtained a Web Developer
internship at Concurrent Technologies
Corporation (CTC). He had also kept
his full time job as a Graphic Designer
with a commercial print shop in
Somerset until he graduated.
University of Pittsburgh
at Johnstown
- Bachelors of Arts in
- Concentrations in:
- Information Systems
- Marketing
Professor DiFrancesco
These jobs have made him an advocate of internship programs and he is
always willing to help his students obtain internships by working with Doug Reed.
When he graduated, he was hired full time at CTC and within a year he moved to
his current position as an Oracle Database Administrator. Mr. DiFrancesco began
teaching at UPJ in the spring of 2007 when he picked up a Web Design course.
He was asked to return in the fall to teach a Graphics Design course. Since that
time, he has continued to teach those two courses and has incorporated industry
standard applications, so students can learn what is being used in the workplace
right now. He believes in using the most up to date resources in the classes and he
does his best to handle tasks in his classes just like he would in the workplace.
The MMA: Marketing and Management Association During the Spring semester the MMA made Valentine's Day cards for a
nursing home for our service project. The members really enjoyed making the cards
because it made the patients at the nursing home happy. The MMA is hoping to
have a guest speaker come to talk to the group sometime during the spring semester.
The MMA is also planning to go ice skating and are
currently working on a 50/50 ticket fundraiser to raise
money for the organization so they can explore new,
fun events for members.
News From the Business Department
Information from our various Business Organizations
Alpha Kappa Psi
What’s new?
The brothers at Alpha Kappa Psi recently went to Philadelphia for the Principle Business
Leadership Institute (PBLI). President of Alpha Kappa Psi, Keith Dosch, VP Casey O’Bryan, and
VP of Alumni Relations Kara Falbo attended the PBLI. At the event, they discussed the Fraternity,
and talked about identifying their values in business and life and risk management, which is building
a better student member experience. They also talked about and heard feedback
from their peers and leadership. In addition to the meetings, they were able to meet
with other brothers, how appropriate being in the “city of brotherly love.” It was
very interesting to meet with the other brothers because they were from chapters
around the world. Some were from as far as England! During the semester AKPsi
is hoping to host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser. This will help the chapter to
continue participating in events such as the PBLI.
Alpha Kappa Psi had eight new member join this term! They have been
holding regular meetings for the chapter with good attendance. They are excited
about the new members and the upcoming events!
Accounting and Finance Interest Group
Accounting and Finance Interest Group (AFIG) members are undergraduate students ranging from
sophomores to seniors. About 30 members participate. The current President is Jason Lohr. The VPs are
Scott Chappell, and Ben Dvorsky. The group typically meets every other Thursday at 5 pm for about 15 to
20 minutes. At these meetings, topics include activities, events, and future speakers. The group brings
students of similar majors together to provide guidance for one another. Underclassman are able to meet
some of the upperclassman that have experience they can use in their studies and time at UPJ. It also gives
students a chance to become acquainted with fellow students from many different backgrounds.
Last semester, the AFIG invited two speakers to provide information to students interested in
pursuing different career paths. The first speaker organization was Prudential Insurance, who had 2
representatives talk to students regarding career opportunities with the company and also ways to
distinguish themselves from other students. The recruiting director provided a lot of information and
guidance as to what he and other recruiters look for in students and their resumes. Two Accounting firms
also sent representatives, Wessel & Company of Johnstown, and Maher Duessel, of Pittsburgh. These two
firms held a Q & A session for students and covered topics such as the CPA Exam and how to prepare for it.
The AFIG also held a fundraiser for Austin Nail, a child in need of surgery to repair his vision. He
lost his vision at age 5 due to Cone-Rod Dystrophy. The group held a raffle for a Steelers jersey and gave
half of the proceeds to Austin at a dinner in his honor. At the dinner, they presented Austin with a check, as
well as many gifts donated by groups and sports teams. He was especially fond of the Wrestling photos,
championship belt, and autographs.
Production and Operations Management with Doug Reed: NAH During the Fall semester, Professor Doug Reed took his Productions and Operations
Management class to North American Höganäs (NAH). Thomas Lavis, who is a UPJ
graduate, and now the Manager of the Business Segment Environment at NAH, showed the
class around the facility. This field trip was not only fun but very informative. As a class, we
got to experience the plant first hand. When we first got there, Mr. Lavis took us to the
conference room where he explained some background on NAH, what his tasks were, and
also how the plant was operated. We learned that this facility is the largest NAH plant in the
United States. We also learned they have a headquarters located in Sweden.
Lynn Barchesky, a student who attended the field trip said, “ I found it more interesting to see it first hand then to just hear about it in a class room.”
Pictured to the left is Mr. Lavis, explaining the
plant’s operations.
Pictured below is inventory within the plant.
Pictured above is Mr. Lavis is explaining the different machinery to the class.
Pictured to the right is the plant’s laboratory
Alumni News UPJ alumni share what they’re doing ... The BizConnection website enables all
UPJ grads to keep track of updated news
and accomplishments of alumni.
Please log into the website regularly at
and keep us posted!
Lisa Cofield
Just recently heard from Lisa.
She is living in Philadelphia and
pursuing her second Masters degree in Restorative Practices in
Youth Counseling.
Dave Raco
Dave is currently living in
Philadelphia working at Merck as
a Business Manager. He has two
classes left until he receives his
MBA. He recently just survived a
serious downsizing within his
company. He is doing great.
Jennifer Hale
Jennifer is currently living in
Johnstown and working at MetLife.
She will be teaching a new course
in Human Resources in the
upcoming Fall 2010 here at UPJ.
She is teaching Recruitment and
Retention which is the first class in
the new HR track.
Paul Laurent II
Paul is currently living in
Columbus, Ohio working at
United Healthcare. He is the Director of Physicians Network. He
and his wife just welcomed their
second child, Max Anthony.
Max has an older brother, Jackson
who is pushing three years old!
Doug Keklak
Doug is currently in Pittsburgh,
PA. He is working at PNC as a
Business Operations Analyst.
He continues to keep interest in
all kinds of sports stuff!
Rex Morgart
Rex is currently located in
Washington D.C. He is working
with the Department of Labor as a
Program Analyst. He is enjoying
his job and his new home with his
wife. Slowing making his way up
the ranks.
Jim Armbrust
Jim is currently living in Camp
Hill working at Green Irene as an
Economic Consultant. He now
has three children and is heading
back to school. He started a
green networking event.
Karl Diethrick
Karl is currently located in
Altoona, PA working at the
Sheetz Distribution Center. He is
the Service/Petroleum Specialist.
He completed his Masters at SFU
in 2008. He is also doing some
adjunct teaching at SFU.
LeeAnn (Diffendhal) Tripp
LeeAnn is currently located in
Pittsburgh, PA working at Pocono
Health Systems as a Publicist
Manager. She is loving her job and
now has a new edition to the
family, a baby girl, Madelyn Ann.
Heather DeRensis
Heather is currently in Altoona.
working at McLanahan Corporation as a Marketing Director.
She is now engaged and getting
married in 2011!
Kathy Josephson
Kathy is currently located here in
Johnstown working at CTC as the
Benefits Coordinator in HR.
She received her Masters in HR
at SFU in 2009 and got her PHR.
Leanne Harkins
Leanne is in Pittsburgh working at
American Eagle as an Executive
Assistant. She is loving her job
and learning more by working
with leaders in the company.
Michael Rhoades
Michael is in Johnstown, working
as the IT Manager at North
American Höganäs, the facility
featured earlier in this newsletter.
Lea Valenty
Lea is living in Georgia, working
for McKesson as a Clinical Project
Manager. She can now work from
home and will be returning to PA.
Sharon Cook
Sharon is in Johnstown at
AmeriServ as a Credit Analyst.
She is considering graduate
school and is thinking about a
career in banking.
More from Alumni... UPJ Alumni share what they’re doing (Cont.)... 2009
Nicole Kelly
Nicole is currently located at
Camp Pendleton. She is a full
time Mom and volunteering at a
church and helping them with
their website. She is expecting a
brother or sister for baby Jake
this summer!
Dan Richardson II
Dan is here in Johnstown where
he works for United Metal
Fabricators as a Plant Manager.
Congratulations on your position!
Shawnice Stevens II
Shawnice is currently located in
Washington D.C. She is working
in the Mayor’s Office as an intern.
She has been back to visit once
and hopes to get back to say hello
Michael Streiff
Michael is currently living in
Pittsburgh, PA where he works
for STORE Express as a
Marketing Assistant. He is
looking to possibly move closer
to Johnstown.
Brandon Ruk
Brandon is currently located in
Dallas, TX. He is working for
DealTree in the Human Resources
department. He is enjoying all the
opportunities that Texas has to
offer but misses the blue collar
Jeff Rolla
Jeff is here in Johnstown working
at DRS Laurel in the Productions
and Operations department.
He is excited about the
opportunities within this great job!
Association for Information Technology Professionals AITP is hoping to bring in two guest speakers this semester, a Microsoft
representative to talk about Windows 7, and an Apple applications specialist
to talk about some of the latest apps for the iPhone.
Another major issue being discussed this semester is the possibility of merging
with the UPJ chapter of the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM).
AITP is hoping to host a video game tournament and a fundraiser as well
as raffling off prizes such as clothing, electronics and Pittsburgh Penguins
tickets. Also, as a group we are planning on going out to eat and perhaps go
bowling before the end of the semester.
Special Thanks... I would like to take this space to thank all of the professors involved: Dr. McGrath, Mr. Vickroy,
Mr. Reed, Ms. Bhatnagar, Mrs. Rummell, and Mr. DiFrancesco. I would also like to thank all the various
groups members of each organization that provided me with information and pictures. They have helped
me tremendously and I appreciate it very much. Without the help of these individuals I wouldn’t have
been able to complete the newsletter. Thank you!
Megan Adams, Spring 2010 Editor