American Haflinger Registry
American Haflinger Registry
American Haflinger Registry 23rd ANNUAL SPRING ALL AGE REGISTERED SALE Friday May 27, 2011 Vet Check begins 8:00 am D&T Testing - 9:00 am Tack Sale and Fun Auction - 11:00 am Sale Preview - 3:00 pm Saturday May 28, 2011 9:00 am Haflinger Auction - Geldings/Stallions Pioneer Equipment Auction Haflinger Auction - Mares This is your AHR Member Sale - plan to attend - don’t miss the auction! Ashland County Fairgrounds 2042 Claremont Avenue, Ashland, Ohio $3.00 Please bring this catalog with you to the sale. Schedule of Events Friday May 27, 2011 8:00 am - Vet Check begins 9:00 am - D&T Testing begins 11:00 am - Tack Auction & Fun Auction 3:00 pm - Sale Preview Saturday May 28, 2011 9:00 am - Selling of Geldings & Stallions Well trained geldings and stallions age 2 and over may be shown in the ring in harness or under saddle. Auction of Pioneer Equipment Pioneer Equipment has graciously donated the use of their vehicles for our use at the AHR Spring Sale. The equipment will be auctioned prior to the start of the mare sale, however vehicles may not be removed until after the sale of the last horse. Selling of Mares Well trained mares age 2 and over may be shown in the ring in harness or under saddle. Attention consignors: Vet check begins at 8:00 Friday Morning. Terms of Haflinger Commission ($50 Consignment Fee - plus commission, plus stall, plus transfer) Haflingers selling for less than $1,000 = $50 Haflingers selling for more than $1,000 = 5% $15 stall fee will be withheld from consignors’ checks $20 transfer fee will be withheld from consignors’ checks Cover Carmel Candy WSA Consigned by David W. Miller, Woodside Acres, LaGrange, Indiana. Purchased by Craig & Jill Sweeting, Hickory Creek Performance Horses, Rochester, New York Sale Committee Dave Wilson, Chair (302) 422-3454 (302) 422-9760 Lincoln, DE Phil Greenisen (330) 332-5661 Salem, OH Andrew Yoder (330) 466-3051 Apple Creek, OH American Haflinger Registry Staff Ruth Schwab and Sue Casseday 330-784-0000 PLEASE NOTE: • • • • • • • • • • • • Buyer numbers are required for Haflinger Sale. Please get in advance. Terms: Cash, good check, Visa, MasterCard. (Sorry no Discover or AMEX.). 5% office processing fee on all payments with credit cards. Buyers checks will be deposited immediately. Visa & MasterCard charges will be processed on day of sale. Foreign checks must be issued in “US funds”. Ohio sales tax of 6.75% will be added to selling price unless buyer signs an Ohio tax exemption statement. In case the horse receives no bids at all, consignment fee refunded, less stall fee. This is an absolute auction. All horses on the grounds will be sold unless they receive no bids. Opening Bid is $150 minimum. Consignors’ proceeds checks will be mailed within 30 days. Printed sale results will be available shortly after the close of the sale for $2. Sale results WILL NOT be published. After sale day AHR Sale results can be purchased from the office for $7. There is a restaurant on the fairgrounds. Camping Camping is available on the grounds for $20 per night. Fees must be paid and a permit given to camp. Water and electrical hookups provided. Fairgrounds is handicap accessible. Warranties Every Haflinger consigned must be sold and transferred to a new owner if bid upon during the course of the sale. The purchaser assumes all the risk and expense on said Haflinger incurred after the fall of the auctioneer’s gavel. The buyer assumes full ownership of the animals and maintenance of said Haflinger from that point on. Any unsoundness observed during the inspection conducted by the sale veterinarian will be announced at the time of the sale. All buyers are cautioned not to rely upon these announcements when purchasing a Haflinger but should seek their own verification of the cause and extent of the signs of unsoundness reported. The main purpose of the veterinary exam at the sale is to inspect the paperwork that comes along with the animal (coggins & interstate health papers) so that they are in order for the transport after the sale. The veterinary exam at the sale is not a prepurchase exam; we do not inspect or call the conformational faults associated with the animal. We do announce mouth defects, as well as current lameness or blemishes, if noted by the vet. Guarantee No guarantees or warranties whatsoever, neither expressed or implied, are made by the auctioneer or the American Haflinger Registry as to the title, quality, or soundness of the Haflinger. Upon presentation in writing guarantees will be announced at the time of the sale as those of the consignor. Any claims based upon said guarantees shall be made against said consignor only. Haflingers sold at the sale are owned by the consignor as announced at the time of the sale and listed in the catalog. The American Haflinger Registry shall not be liable for any cause of action of any kind or nature arising from the sale of said Haflingers. Liability Everyone is cautioned to exercise care while attending the sale. All persons entering on the premises during the time of the sale do so at their own risk. The American Haflinger Registry shall not be liable for any injuries sustained by anyone attending the sale. All parties entering the grounds upon which the sale is held hereby expressly release the American Haflinger Registry from any liability or responsibility for injuries sustained by them during the attendance of said sale from any cause or source whatsoever. Notice: Under Ohio Law (ORC 2305.321), an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of an equine activity participant that results from an inherent risk of the activity. Transit Stalls Transit stalls are available for $25. This fee must be paid before the horse is unloaded. Please make prior arrangements with the AHR office staff or a Sale Committee Member. This sale is registered with USDA Packers and Stockyards Administration, and with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Remember: • • • • • • • • • If your consigned Haflinger is on the grounds it must go through the sale ring! The only exception – A Haflinger injured after arrival on the grounds. All Haflingers must sell with a NEW HALTER AND LEAD. Each Haflinger must have a current Coggins test within six (6) months of sale date and within calendar year. COGGINS MUST BE ORIGINAL - NO PHOTO COPIES! Flu, Tetanus, and Rhino shots should be given at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the sale, but not longer than three (3) months prior to the sale in order to assure their effectiveness. The individual health papers must be issued on or after April 29, 2011 and must be presented to the sale veterinarian. Please list the dates required shots were given, along with any other shots or worming dates on the health certificate. Horses presented at vet check without original coggins and health papers for each individual horse will be excluded from the sale and excused from the fairgrounds. HEALTH PAPERS MUST BE ORIGINALS - NO PHOTO COPIES! All drugs administered to sale Haflingers within ten (10) days of the sale must be reported in written form, including drug given, dosage and date. This information must be given to the sale vet at the time of inspection. All sawdust bedding is provided. You are NOT permitted to have shoes on weanlings. There is no hitching of weanlings on the grounds. Attention Canadian Buyers A federal veterinarian will be available as needed for transit health papers. For Canadian buyers, a $50 paperwork charge per horse will be charged to the buyer. Sale Office Phone Number: Fair Office Fax Number (419) 282-0600 (419) 289-9795 Disposition & Trainability Testing Friday May 27, 2011 9:00 am - (outdoor ring at south end of Coliseum) Ashland County Fairgrounds, Ashland, Ohio The Disposition and Trainability Test was established by the Performance Test Committee to create a system of testing and rating the American Haflingers’ disposition and trainability. The ideas for this test were gleaned from similar performance classes used by the American Quarter Horse Association and from the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service Saddle Horse 4 H rulebooks as well as from the American Driving Society rule book. Three types of tests have been established. The first tests a horse in hand, being handled and worked on the ground with a halter and lead. The second is a driving test, and the third a test performed under saddle. The scoring system rates the horse’s response to various obstacles, willingness, and disposition. Scores range on a scale of one through 10 and judges are trained to use all ten numbers, so a score of ten is attainable. We have elaborated upon a character scoring system developed by the Italian testing committee which scores “Character”, including “Disposition” and “Submission”. This test rates behavior traits like calmness, obedience and trainability-disposition and applies a numerical score. The intent of the committee is to provide information for buyers and breeders as to the behavior and mind set of an animal. We encourage all Haflinger owners to consider becoming a part of this new rating system and challenge them to show how sensible, talented and trainable the Haflinger is! Lot 108 WERBE VON DER AUSDAUERHOF 30170-08 Gelding Foaled May 17, 2008 Consigned by Jonathan O. Hershberger, Rosebush Acres, 1697 White Pine Road, Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-5202 Bred by Steven Lee Stoltzfus, West Farmington, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Star, irregular; strip; snip. White on lower lip. A quiet sensible gelding that is willing to learn and easy to handle. Broke to drive, started under saddle. Currently in traing at Der Haflingerhof. For more info call Robert at (419) 994-1098. Training update at sale. 56”. WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALZERTAKT (A liz. 167/T) SCHELMA (A 13764/T) WORLD CLASS NTF 17363-01 ANCORA (A CN 21113) 953-84 LA FOLLIE 2795-89 LILLI (A CN 21548) 1154-85 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ADANAC (A CN 24187) 2957-90 ANNETTE (A 13916/T) EVER AFTER VIA TOP HAT 23414-04 N-HITCHOCK VAN DE HOOGENWEG (NL 15417) 5812-94 ELVA’S CLASSIC LADY PGF 15925-00 ELVA 6405-94 Lot 109 ARCHER DARH 29867-07 Gelding Foaled March 15, 2007 Consigned by Joseph E Hershberger, 9680 Hogback Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Bred by Joseph E Hershberger, Fredericksburg, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip, with black spots on muzzle. Broke to ride and drive single & double. High energy gelding. Good disposition. Willing worker. ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 ALABAMA CHF 2883-90 BLANKA (A CN 21444) 1316-85 AMERITEC MMH 9521-97 ARCHER (A 1312) MARBELLA (A CN 22567) 1838-87 MIDDY (A 11918/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) LEGACY 22187-01 STAR OF MIGHT 2500-89 LEPRECHAUN CHF 5861-94 LUCIA 1354-85 Lot 110 WIMSEY DARH 30661-08 Gelding Foaled March 15, 2008 Consigned by Joseph E Hershberger, 9680 Hogback Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Bred by Joseph E Hershberger, Fredericksburg, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, and strip, and snip. White on lower lip. Gelded April 2011. Broke single & double. Green broke to ride. WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALZERTAKT (A liz. 167/T) SCHELMA (A 13764/T) WORLD CLASS 19393-02 MUHLAU (A 1433) LORIA (A CN 24031) 2865-90 LIMONA (A 11292/T) MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 MARVELOUS OF HYLITE 4237-92 VAUMIRPA IX (NL HF. 8367) 1345-85 WHALE OF A GIRL RWF 11859-98 ALPHA (A 1247/liz) WILMETTE (A CN 22476) 1703-87 WURFL (A 11466/T) Lot 111 NIGHT NITRO 19242-01 Gelding Foaled January 23, 2001 Consigned by David N. Miller, 7006 County Road 189, Fredericksburg, OH 44627-9416 (330) 674-4852 Bred by Harold Lusk, West Mansfield, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, and white on lower lip. Trained single, double and to ride. Calm. NATAN (A 1404) NORDAN (A CN 24194) 2881-90 AUDRY (A 12336/T) NOKIA 10827-97 WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) ANITA (A CN 25262) 28226-93 ANSCHI (A 10847/T) WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 WHIZ KID NTF 4196-92 FLORELLA OF NTF (A CN 21287) 1213-85 CUTIE 109 9778-97 STUTGART (TN 143) 204-75 CARA 507-80 CRESCENT 92-71 Lot 112 NUISANCE PFH 19526-02 Gelding Foaled April 1, 2002 Consigned by Devon Slabach, Loamy Acres Haflingers, 11350 CR 34, Goshen, IN 46528 (574) 642-1168 Bred by Kyle or Lynn Pound, Laddonia, MO Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Broke single and double. A lot of road miles. Also broke to ride. Could be a hitch gelding. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NAUSTAR JPH 10059-97 MINISTER (A 1377) KRISCHNA (A CN 21322) 1193-85 KATJA (A 12233/T) ANTRIEB (A 807) ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 AMIRA (A 8418/T) AT LAST TMA 4545-92 WALDER (A 1317) AMELIE (A CN 21825) 1537-86 ANSELMA (A 12180/T) Lot 113 MAGNUM JLC 21666-03 Gelding Foaled May 10, 2003 Consigned by Mervin Miller, 6156 Zuercher Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606 ( ) Bred by Jerry R. Carfield, Montpelier, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Strip narrow, snip. Broke to ride & lots of groundwork. Also broke to drive single & double. MARLITE (TN DC319) 609-81 MITCH TJB 2149-88 MABEL (CAN 56) 463-80 MONTCLAIR DJH 4523-92 MALCOLM (TN 241) (CAN 18) 336-78 CASSIE WHISPERING PINE (CAN 165) 1960-87 CHICKLET (CAN 60) ASPEN 678-82 ADAM MSC 1676-87 C-NATALIE II 860-83 ARRIANNE 11951-98 MICHA 270-76 ANGIE JADOVAL 478-80 ANNABELLA GRETCHEN 264-76 Lot 114 AFC CHAMP DF 26723-05 Gelding Foaled March 27, 2005 Consigned by Daniel R. Fisher, 7864 S Girdle Rd, Middlefield, OH 44062 (440) 685-4349 Bred by Daniel R. Fisher, Middlefield, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. No facial markings. Broke. Has been used in all farm equipment. More info at sale AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ADIN CAF 10069-97 WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) LAVEN NTF (A CN 21988) 1493-86 LIANA (A 11147/T) NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) GLAMOROUS TOF 13640-99 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) GISI TOF (A CN 23674) 2873-90 GABY (A 13751/T) Lot 115 NUMA EHF 28653-06 Gelding Foaled April 5, 2006 Consigned by Jonathan C. or Ida M. Hostetler, 5146 Old Sardis Pike, Maysville, KY 41056 (606) 763-9376 Bred by Earl or Rosalie Clements, Voluntown, CT Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Tall well broke gelding. Broke to ride & drive. Used on produce farm. Very willing worker, good puller. Was lead horse with half brother Nakota EHF (Lot # 132) also in sale. NASALL (D 51001) NASTRAL (D 71936) QUIRLY (A 10632/T) NOTABLE NTF (D CN9985) 10330-97 MITHRAS (D E 20623) MENUETT (D 62) MELODIE (D 2657) WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 SONJA (A 12859/T) GRETA NTF 3729-91 BENJO (A 1342) GOLDY OF NTF (A CN 21263) 1163-85 GUNDULA (A 12301/T) Lot 116 ARDBEG HLH 27354-06 Gelding Foaled April 19, 2006 Consigned by Daniel W. Yoder, 4745 State Route 93, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 (330) 852-3900 Bred by Melanie & Kevin Prather, Thorntown, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, irregular. White on lower lip. Ardbeg is a 5-yr old gelding that is good broke to ride and drive. Been on trails. Would make a nice performance horse. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ACCOUNT OF MON-T 8593-96 STARDRIFT (TN 145) 206-75 ALASKA CHF 2909-90 ANOUSCHKA (A CN 21497) 1200-85 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NORTON CAF 10329-97 M-IRENE NTF (NL HF. 9389) 1738-87 KALIFORNIA ROSE HBA 16948-01 ALABAMA CHF 2883-90 KALIFORNIA MCHF 8231-96 KALINKA (A CN 22040) 1580-86 Lot 117 NORTH STAR WONDER 29952-07 Gelding Foaled February 8, 2007 Consigned by Melvin J. or Emma Erb, Little Creek Haflingers, 2573 Moore Rd, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 437-5721 Bred by Ervin D. or Emma Jane Miller, Orwell, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, short. NABUCCO (A 1514) NORDSTERN M&B (D 765) (CAN 641) 4912-93 WINNY (A 12940/T) NORDWYN WGF 15116-00 NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) FIERA (A CN 26482) 5847-94 FINA (A 12800/T) ARAS (A 1340) ANDRIT (A 1487) LOLLO (A 12922/T) FRAUKE WULF (A CN 28185) (CAN 735) 9310-97 MORDSKERL (A 1431) FANI (A 15698/T) FIDELE (A 13864/T) Lot 118 ARISTOCRAT’S WOODS RVH 28849-07 Gelding Foaled February 21, 2007 Consigned by Weaver Haflingers, 9779 Schaaf Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 (330) 567-2721 Bred by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, Millerstown, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, short; and snip. Broke single and double and to ride. Traffic safe. AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 STURMER (A 1293) RIALTA (A 13612/T) RIKKA (A 12396/T) ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) AKELEI (A 13391/T) BARUNA GF (A CN 31161) 15730-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) BIANCA (A 16596/T) BARBL (A 13221/T) Lot 119 AMERICAN SPIRIT TMA 30014-07 Gelding Foaled April 24, 2007 Consigned by Andrew or Linda Yoder, 12315 Dover Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44604 (330) 4663051 Bred by Andrew or Linda Yoder, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; strip; snip, with black spot on muzzle. White on lower lip. 60”. Started under saddle and driving. Laid back disposition. Training update by sale time. Will be shown in the D&T testing at the sale. AFLOYD (A liz.)-(B 6258) ARNO VAN HET NIESHOF (B 7660) 16359-99 STEFANY (B 2348) ADIDAS TMA 21732-03 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MARIKKA 3095-90 MUCKI (A 13821) STACHUS (CH 3544) STRUDEL (CH 37935) ANNCHI (D St.Pr.St. 5254) KELLY 4155-92 BENJO (A 1342) KOLA 1047-84 KATI (A 10562/T) Lot 120 ACE RVH 29349-07 Gelding Foaled May 15, 2007 Consigned by Jonathan C. or Ida M. Hostetler, 5146 Old Sardis Pike, Maysville, KY 41056 (606) 763-9376 Bred by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, Millerstown, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Star, elongated, and snip. Tall well trained gelding. Broke to ride & drive. Gentle, well mannered. Has been ridden by small children. AFLOYD (A liz.)-(B 6258) ARNO VAN HET NIESHOF (B 7660) 16359-99 STEFANY (B 2348) ABIT CAF 21955-03 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ABELLA TOF (A CN 24969) 4153-92 ASTRID (A 14167/T) SENATOR (A 1490) SASSICO (A liz.187/T) ALIDA (A 14171/T) FORESA WULF (A CN 31053) 16315-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) FLICA (A 16020/T) FALSETTA (A E 14709/T) Lot 121 NORTH STAR 2SH 30231-08 Gelding Foaled February 27, 2008 Consigned by Raymond & Susan Wengerd, 11364 Brosius Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231 (440) 488-8765 Bred by Whitney Davis, Churubusco, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Star is broke single & double and to ride. Stands to hitch. A sharp up-headed hitch gelding. 60” tall. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NAUSTAR JPH 10059-97 MINISTER (A 1377) KRISCHNA (A CN 21322) 1193-85 KATJA (A 12233/T) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 ADIN CAF 10069-97 LAVEN NTF (A CN 21988) 1493-86 CATHRYN DF 21232-03 MAHON 4691-92 CANDY MAE FLH 9946-97 COOLY JMT 3710-91 Lot 122 NEIMAN SNICKERS S-SN 30294-08 Gelding Foaled April 1, 2008 Consigned by Stanley or Shirley Norris, 10001 Hunt Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071 (740) 7455704 Bred by Stanley or Shirley Norris, St Louisville, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, elongated. Broke double and single. Sells with his half brother Neiman’s Nicker (Lot # 123). 59” tall. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MALONA NTF 5541-93 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 ALLSTAR OXNEAD (CAN 571) 5294-93 ALLSTAR HERO MEADOWBRIDGE (CAN 674) 10896-97 HYLA OXNEAD (GB CN 808) (CAN 162) NOLETTE’S GOLD NEON BF 19875-02 STAROBIN (A liz. 104/T) NOLETTE 97 (A CN 28303) 9472-97 NICOLA (A 12993/T) Lot 123 NEIMAN’S NICKER 30041-08 Gelding Foaled April 8, 2008 Consigned by Stanley or Shirley Norris, 10001 Hunt Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071 (740) 7455704 Bred by Daniel E. Yoder, Middlefield, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular. Broke double and single. Sells with his half brother Neiman Snickers S-SN (Lot # 122). 59” tall. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MALONA NTF 5541-93 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 MIDRES-GOLD.V LIEBESTRAUM 6253-94 LUNA GOLD MMH 2465-89 LERISSA II V NIEDERLAND 12422-98 NEWSMAKER NTF 1680-87 LERISSA V. NIEDERLAND 4674-92 LIESELOT V NORDWIND 2086-88 Lot 124 ANTHONY GVS 30756-09 Gelding Foaled January 15, 2009 Consigned by David A. or Sara Miller, 3724 New Hudson Road, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 4371078 Bred by David A. or Sara Miller, Orwell, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, and snip. Anthony is trained to drive double and three abreast. Should be driving single by sale time. If you like them tall and leggy, check him out. 59”+. AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) ALTESS (A liz.233/T) DORLIS (A 14483/T) ALTESS US HOS 25740-03 NABUCCO (A 1514) ZIMBOLA (17504/T) 25710-99 ZSA ZSA (A 16011/T) NASTRAL (D 71936) NUBIUS NTF (D CN11140) 8700-96 HELLA (D 4081) DORA LURAY 16501-01 NORDAN (A CN 24194) 2881-90 DELTINA 6080-94 DELTA (A CN 22227) 1696-87 Lot 125 NEW VISION 31348-09 Gelding Foaled April 15, 2009 Consigned by John D Schlabach, 1385 S 1000 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565 Bred by Merle E Hostetler, Shipshewana, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on lower lip. Gelded 3-22-11. Training update at sale NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NISSAN JPH 11280-98 WELKOM NTF 3171-90 REBA JPH 5776-94 ROSINA (A CN 21452) 1160-85 WODKA (A CN B109) (CAN 322) 2669-89 WICHTL KO 7057-95 LONNA 2724-89 SANADA WKH 12870-99 ASPEN’S ARCHIE MSC 2394-89 SALON WKH 6284-94 SNOOPY ANN 2462-89 Lot 126 NO STAR LAH 31738-09 Gelding Foaled May 31, 2009 Consigned by Devon & Edna Slabach - Loamy Acres, 11350 CR 34, Goshen, IN 46528 (574) 642-1168 Bred by Devon & Edna Slabach - Loamy Acres, Goshen, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. No facial markings. Just started in harness at consignment deadline. Further update at sale. Full sister Sophia LAH (Lot # 211) also in sale. NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NAUSTAR JPH 10059-97 KRISCHNA (A CN 21322) 1193-85 NUISANCE PFH 19526-02 ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 AT LAST TMA 4545-92 AMELIE (A CN 21825) 1537-86 WODKA (A CN B109) (CAN 322) 2669-89 WICHTL KO 7057-95 LONNA 2724-89 SHARHARA WKH 12864-99 ALPHA-U 2061-88 SO SASSY 4290-92 SILVI (A CN 21008) 991-84 Lot 127 MALAMAR BEH 16485-01 Gelding Foaled January 30, 2001 Consigned by R.K. Walker, 695 Delaney Rd, Corinth, KY 41010 Bred by Robert Hamilton, West Alexandria, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Mal is 56”. Very stylish. Drives very well double. Has been driven some single and has been ridden but needs experienced rider. MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 ROSIE-NTF (NL HF.K. 2694) 929-83 MALACHI MY 8533-96 ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 LOTTA-GOLD MMH 2039-88 LA-GOLD 915-83 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MUTUAL OF HYLITE 5214-93 FINA (A CN 21639) 1428-86 DAFFODIL GHJ 9265-97 MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) DESIREE 1177-85 DUKATA (A 12636/T) 546-81 Lot 128 WINTER ICE 19558-02 Gelding Foaled March 25, 2002 Consigned by Ray or Sharon Rowe, 532 Ritenour Hollow Road, Middleton, VA 22645 (540) 635-2947 Bred by Alan E. Miller, Apple Creek, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Mild mannered and friendly. Broke to ride or drive single or double. Traffic safe. WILDMOOS (A 1295) WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) ALMA (A 12057/T) WINTERSCHON CCF (A CN 28063) 10943-96 NABUCCO (A 1514) LAREINA (A E15033/T) LUCIANNA (A 14058/T) AFGHAN (A liz.) ARCHER (A 1312) LOTTCHEN (A 9410/T) MARBELLA (A CN 22567) 1838-87 ALPHA (A 1247/liz) MIDDY (A 11918/T) MUSTAFA (A 9908/T) Lot 129 MARVELOUS SCOUT RWF 24124-04 Gelding Foaled February 25, 2004 Consigned by Chris Clemson, PO Box 948, Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 286-7107 Bred by Flora Jane Winkler, Sterling, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Broke single & double. Shown in the wheel of the sixup. Been at trainer getting worked for eight months. MARLON (NL Hf.K. 106) MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 ROZELIENE (NL Hf.K. 2993) MARVELOUS OF HYLITE 4237-92 NERVUS (NL Hf.K. 46) VAUMIRPA IX (NL HF. 8367) 1345-85 VAUMIRPA III (NL Hf.K. 1392) MARKO (A 1130) MAGNAT (A 1402) ILSA (A 11117/T) SATINA (A CN 21697) 1449-86 MARINO (A 1184) SKIPPI (A 12094/T) SETTA (A 10737/T) Lot 130 AFTER ALL TMHF 26314-05 Gelding Foaled April 4, 2005 Consigned by William Lehman, 14842 US 20, Middlebury, IN 46540 (574) 825-5507 Bred by Joseph M. Miller, Nappanee, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Good broke to ride and drive single or double. 11 yr-old girl has been handling him. Gentle disposition. We feel he would make a good kids horse or for a first time horse owner. This gelding has done most everything, trails, town, traffic, farm. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) AMBASSADOR NTF 7147-95 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 RAMBLIN ROSE NTF 2514-89 ROSIE-NTF (NL HF.K. 2694) 929-83 MAJOR MOVE NTF 3453-91 MEADOW SKIPPER DF 7996-96 MONDI (A CN 23609) 2423-89 CRYSTAL FANTASY 15584-00 MAGNUM 4DA 2133-88 CINNAMON SUGAR SK XII 6034-94 CINPRESS SK IV 3362-90 Lot 131 NICKELSON RAH 27871-06 Gelding Foaled April 7, 2006 Consigned by Jacob C. or Katie B. King, 375 Luxembourg Road, Lykens, PA 17048 (717) 3622088 Bred by David L Wilson Sr, Royal Acres Haflinger, Lincoln, DE Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Trained to ride and drive. Quiet and enjoys attention. Call for more information or photos. NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) NESTROY (A 1456) SABINA (A 11307/T) NORSEMAN WULF 7974-96 STUART (A 1409) ANDRI (A 14661/T) AURIKEL (A 13201/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ALMKAISER (A liz.233/T) GERDI (A 14662/T) RESSUNA WULF (A CN 31157) 16310-00 NATAN (A 1404) ROSITA (A 15869/T) ROSLEIN (A 14677/T) Lot 132 NAKOTA EHF 28652-06 Gelding Foaled April 27, 2006 Consigned by Jonathan C. or Ida M. Hostetler, 5146 Old Sardis Pike, Maysville, KY 41056 (606) 763-9376 Bred by Earl or Rosalie Clements, Voluntown, CT Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Large strong gelding. Broke to ride & drive. Was used on produce farm. Worked off side with half brother Numa EHF (Lot # 115) also in sale. NASALL (D 51001) NASTRAL (D 71936) QUIRLY (A 10632/T) NOTABLE NTF (D CN9985) 10330-97 MITHRAS (D E 20623) MENUETT (D 62) MELODIE (D 2657) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) HELLA NTF 15932-00 WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) HOFINA NTF (A CN 24641) 3445-91 HERA (A 13596/T) Lot 133 NEW MILLENNIUM MAGIC HNMH 28671-07 Gelding Foaled February 11, 2007 Consigned by W.E. Hendershot or Deborah Parker, Hendershot New Millennium Haflingers, 3830 Pump Station Rd, Cameron Mills, NY 14820 (607) 695-2323 Bred by W.E. Hendershot or Deborah Parker, Cameron Mills, NY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, wide. White on lower lip. Outstanding Western Pleasure/ Trail prospect. Imported parents. Sire is silver classifed National Grand Champion, Nando. Dam won Produce of Dam at AHR Nationals. Half sister Limited Edition HNMH classified silver and won AHR High Point Performance Award in 06 & 07 and Reserve in 08. Many siblings have successful show careers. Well started under saddle. NEVADA (D H.21080) NOTARIS (NL HF K 184) VINDRA (D H.12) NANDO (NL HF.23158) 16363-99 ATOLL (NL Hf.K. 104) JESSICA (NL Hf. 12138) RAMONA (NL Hf.K. 3433) NATAN (A 1404) NABUCCO (A 1514) PEGGY (A 13099/T) LUSTIGE WULF (A CN 28405) 9304-97 AKZENT (A 1534) LIDWIGA (A 15357/T) LUZINEA (A 13015/T) Lot 134 WYATT RKH 29312-07 Gelding Foaled April 7, 2007 Consigned by Rick R. Kingery, 7284 Otterbein-Ithaca Rd, Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 692-8387 Bred by Rick R. Kingery, Arcanum, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Desensitized & broke by professional trainer. Come to sale and see a free demonstration. Trained under saddle, single/double driving. 58” tall. Full brother to Where’s Waldo’s Will RKH (Lot # 146). He cribs. WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALLENSTEIN (NL Hf.K. 193) CHARLOTTE (A 13661/T) WHERE’S WALDOVDBLOEMENDAAL HF21127K 26856-98 STAR (NL Hf.K. 105) SUSAN VAN DE BEEKBEMDEN (NL Hf. K. 3901) CRISTHA (NL Hf.K. 2531) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) AKELEI (A 13391/T) DUNJA (A CN 29254) 12081-98 WALBECK (A 1495) DONELLA (A 15310/T) DOTTY (A 14105/T) Lot 135 ALEX BW6 29308-07 Gelding Foaled May 4, 2007 Consigned by David A Hershberger, 4241 St. Rt. 557, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 893-9896 Bred by Phil or Diana Six, Tecumseh, MI Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Trained to drive single in cart. Well started under saddle walk/trot and on intermediate trails. 59-60” tall. ATOLL (NL Hf.K. 104) ALADDIN VAN DE PEELKANT (NL HF. 10287) 2202-88 HELGA VAN DE GEUZENDIJK (NL Hf.K. 2289) ACTION MACHINE KCH 17443-01 SALUT (A 1381) WINTA (A CN 22204) 1691-87 WINNY (A 12940/T) NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) MYLEXI MLF 10769-98 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MOXIE NTF 2702-89 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 Lot 136 ALERO OOS 29483-07 Gelding Foaled May 19, 2007 Consigned by Marcia G. Read, Old Orchard At Stockdale, 415 Rte 231, Claysville, PA 15323 (724) 663-5832 Bred by Marcia G. Read, Claysville, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; strip, short. A big bodied gelding sired by Alpha TOF. Stands around 56”. He has a very nice disposition and is easy to work with. Green broke to ride. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ALPHA TOF 13648-99 ANDRIT (A 1487) MALVINA TOF (A CN 23743) 2932-90 MARINA-MIDRAS (A 13880/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ADANAC (A CN 24187) 2957-90 ANNETTE (A 13916/T) ALENA 22014-95 MORDSKERL (A 1431) ALMA (A CN 23855) 2872-90 ANNELI (A 13111/T) Lot 137 ALEX’S GOLD TSH 30301-08 Gelding Foaled April 27, 2008 Consigned by David N. Miller, 7006 County Road 189, Fredericksburg, OH 44627-9416 (330) 674-4852 Bred by Freeman D. or Ruth Ann Fry, Ligonier, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Trained single, double and to ride. Calm easy going gelding. Works well with Anthony DTH. ALEXANDER (NL 3623) ALEX NHH (NL HF. 6216) 10822-96 BELINDA (NL Hf. 512) ALOMAR RVM 16542-01 WINTIROL (A CN 24204) 2906-90 GABRIELLE TOF 6320-94 GISI TOF (A CN 23674) 2873-90 AFLOYD (A liz.)-(B 6258) ARNO VAN HET NIESHOF (B 7660) 16359-99 STEFANY (B 2348) FANCY FRISCA DCH 23641-04 NASDAQ NTF (D CN 10894) 7283-95 FARAH NTF 13196-99 FLORELLA OF NTF (A CN 21287) 1213-85 Lot 138 ARNO’S ALLURE LPH 30416-08 Gelding Foaled April 12, 2008 Consigned by Pam or Curtis Hess, 11636 Claridon-Troy Rd, Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 635-8841 Bred by Pam or Curtis Hess, Chardon, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, large; snip; and snip. White on lower lip. 56 1/2”. Broke & trained at Lake Erie College for two semesters, well-started in English riding. Great temperament he is a fast learner and will be a nice all-around horse. Has been ground-driven in harness but not put to cart yet. Arnie’s dam was a consistent halter champion! ANDRIT (A 1487) AFLOYD (A liz.)-(B 6258) LAURANA (A 14766/T) ARNO VAN HET NIESHOF (B 7660) 16359-99 MAGISTER (NL Hf.K.120) STEFANY (B 2348) SABINA (B 2223) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 ANDON RVF 11182-98 SCHALK NTF (A CN 25058) 4201-92 PRISSY LADY 20634-02 MOZART WULF (CAN 220) 2622-89 PEGGY HAWTHORNE (CAN 433) 10886-94 PRADA (CAN 260) Lot 139 ASTEROID AMS 30493-08 Gelding Foaled May 20, 2008 Consigned by Marvin C. Schlabach, 6700 S. Kohler Road, Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 8570384 Bred by Marvin C. Schlabach, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, double; and strip, broken; and snip, small. Well trained to ride and drive single and double. Sale prepping and training done by Lonnie Schlabach family. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ARISTO TOF 14840-00 ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) MASERATA TOF (A CN 25976) 5706-94 MONIQUE (A 12155/T) NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) FANTASIA RVF 15089-00 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 FLURRY NTF 6758-95 FLORIDA NTF (A CN 23411) 2541-89 Lot 140 AUGUSTUS OF THE RIDGE 30791-09 Gelding Foaled March 19, 2009 Consigned by Steve Mangels, 393 W Acalypha Road, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 (573) 788-2202 Bred by Steve Mangels, Oak Ridge, MO Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on right hind pastern. Left hind ankle white, half stocking on inside. Big 2-yr old gelding. Should mature 60”. Very calm. Has been handled daily since birth. Should make a good hitch or riding horse. Started under saddle. ABERLORD (A liz.177/T) ALL-STAR VAN DE WORTEL (NL CN 20468) 9922-97 NADESHA (NL Hf.K.4859) ALLISON OF THE VALLEY AD-EL 26415-05 A TREND MAKER NTF 6748-95 LUCKY LADY MID 13251-99 LUCIE 4729-92 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MALONA NTF 5541-93 CHARADE 26109-04 MLADIK WULF 2823-89 CHARADE RVRW 7696-95 CHARISMA 4DA 1608-86 Lot 141 NEUTRON EA 31275-09 Gelding Foaled April 25, 2009 Consigned by David or Donna Buechler, W 2244 N 29 Rd, Daggett, MI 49821 (906) 753-4146 Bred by David or Donna Buechler, Daggett, MI Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Gelded April 2011. Broke single & double. Green broke to ride. Sharp looking, leggy 2-year old. Already stands 58” tall. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NICODEMUS TOF 16866-01 ANDRIT (A 1487) HEIKE TOF (A CN 25371) 4909-93 HANKA (A 14354/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ALMKAISER (A liz.233/T) GERDI (A 14662/T) MERISA WULF (A CN 31197) 16313-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) MIATA (A 16663/T) MARLIES (A 14292/T) Lot 142 AHMAY JOUR OF SHOWME 31582-10 Gelding Foaled April 2, 2010 Consigned by Brian R. or Dana D. Mitteer, Showme Haflingers, 2345 South Cortland Virgil Rd, Cortland, NY 13045 (607) 835-6261 Bred by Brian R. or Dana D. Mitteer, Cortland, NY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Gelded April 2011. “Major” is out of a 76 point high selling mare at the 2006 AHR spring sale and a 77 point stallion. Very calm young horse. Should grow to be big, outstanding gelding. Leads and has excellent ground manners. Any questions see or 607-835-6261. ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) A ROCK (A CN 28830) 10951-97 MARIETTA (A 13876/T) HMAY SING KCH 20183-02 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 LUCINDA KAY WMH 11983-98 LIMICH OF HYLITE 4103-92 M.T. MERSANT NTF 2243-88 M.T. MARVELLON ROA 13822-99 CONELDA ROA 7134-95 LUSCIOUS LILY MMS 22226-03 ALL AMERICAN AFGHAN NTF 6200-94 LIMOUSINE BHF 13757-99 LEXINGTON 4DA 7583-95 Lot 143 MAMBO JMT 17303-01 Gelding Foaled April 7, 2001 Consigned by Chris Clemson, PO Box 948, Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 286-7107 Bred by Ura Jr. or Mae Troyer, Apple Creek, OH Body dark chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, elongated. Broke single & double. Shown in the six-up and has been at trainer getting worked for eight months. MARKUS (D Pr. 905) MARLON (NL Hf.K. 106) ESTI (D H. 1306) MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 MEHRWALD (NL Hf.K. 68) ROZELIENE (NL Hf.K. 2993) ROZA (NL Hf.K. 2067) MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 M.T. MERSANT NTF 2243-88 S-DEANIE NTF (NL HF.K. 2149) 413-79 CHOOTING STAR LGF 4812-93 BRUNEL CLIFTON (GB CN 739) 1153-85 CARREST LGF 2468-89 CARBON COPY AT STATION FARM 1269-85 Lot 144 MORGAN STANLEY PGF 21744-03 Gelding Foaled February 24, 2003 Consigned by Sandra Hoyt, 41658 Swindell Road, Shade, OH 45776 (740) 331-1920 Bred by Andy M. or Lizzie Hershberger, Millersburg, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Very successfully shown in dressage (First level, working Second level). Has also show hunt seat and western. Some experience jumping and is broke to drive. Loves trail riding with other horses. Not for a beginner. Needs a confident rider. Many videos available. MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 MICHI WULF 3116-90 NANCY (A CN 20954) 1033-84 MAGNUM RVM 12706-99 WINTIROL (A CN 24204) 2906-90 GABRIELLE TOF 6320-94 GISI TOF (A CN 23674) 2873-90 WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 WISE INVESTOR NTF 3198-90 P-CARROT NTF 1632-86 ELVA 6405-94 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 ELVIRA NTF 2644-89 EMUNDA (A 9315/T) 36-66 Lot 145 MAJOR LEAGUE II KH 24108-04 Gelding Foaled March 23, 2004 Consigned by David N. Miller, 7006 County Road 189, Fredericksburg, OH 44627-9416 (330) 674-4852 Bred by David or Anna Mae Kaufman, Arthur, IL Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Broke single, double and to ride. Sale prepped by Maple Grove Haflingers. MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MUSCHI (A 10580/T) MAJOR LEAGUE NTF 2851-90 STURMER (A 1293) MARIETTA OF NTF (A CN 21453) 1150-85 MARIKA (A 11333/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) AMINA NTF 7180-95 WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) ADAMINA NTF (A CN 22352) 1818-87 AURORA (A 12582/T) Lot 146 WHERE’S WALDO’S WILL RKH 27615-06 Gelding Foaled February 12, 2006 Consigned by Rick R. Kingery, 7284 Otterbein-Ithaca Rd, Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 692-8387 Bred by Rick R. Kingery, Arcanum, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; strip, snip. Desensitized & broke by professional trainer. Come to sale and see a free demonstration. Trained under saddle, single/double driving. 58” tall. Full brother to Wyatt RKH (Lot # 134). WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALLENSTEIN (NL Hf.K. 193) CHARLOTTE (A 13661/T) WHERE’S WALDOVDBLOEMENDAAL HF21127K 26856-98 STAR (NL Hf.K. 105) SUSAN VAN DE BEEKBEMDEN (NL Hf. K. 3901) CRISTHA (NL Hf.K. 2531) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) AKELEI (A 13391/T) DUNJA (A CN 29254) 12081-98 WALBECK (A 1495) DONELLA (A 15310/T) DOTTY (A 14105/T) Lot 147 MIRTH JMT 28596-06 Gelding Foaled April 10, 2006 Consigned by Ura Jr. or Mae Troyer, 12388 Dover Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 857-0001 Bred by Ura Jr. or Mae Troyer, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Star; and strip, short. 56 1/2” tall. Trained single & double. Has been ridden. Been in all farm machinery. Drafty type. MARLON (NL Hf.K. 106) MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 ROZELIENE (NL Hf.K. 2993) MARVS MAXIMUM JMT 15254-00 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 SUGAR BLUE JMT 5989-94 SULEIKA OF NTF (A CN 21544) 1158-85 ALTJO VAN DE KENTERSTREEK (NL Hf.K. 88) ARTIEST VAN DE WORTEL 7667-95 ELISA (STER) - (NL HF.K. 3796) 10832-83 MARIAH SBF 13023-99 MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 MELISSA WULF 4282-92 MASETTA (A CN 21033) 979-84 Lot 148 NAJANI GBL 28782-06 Gelding Foaled May 19, 2006 Consigned by Mahlon Hochstetler, Charming Oaks Farm, 14794 Twp Road 4, Brinkhaven, OH 43006 ( ) Bred by Gary L. or Bobbie A. Lewman, Kiowa, CO Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on lower lip. 58” gelding. Well started under saddle. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NICKERSON SFF 14452-00 AKZENT (A 1534) ANTIBA TOF (A CN 24907) 4292-92 ALEXIA (A 13434/T) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 MICHI WULF 3116-90 NANCY (A CN 20954) 1033-84 LOLLIE HBM 13384-99 NATAN (A 1404) LIEBLING (A CN 25491) 4866-93 LIEBKIND (A 14166/T) Lot 149 NEW YORK TMA 30015-07 Gelding Foaled March 15, 2007 Consigned by Andrew or Linda Yoder, 12315 Dover Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44604 (330) 4663051 Bred by Andrew or Linda Yoder, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. 58”. Started under saddle and driving. Training update by sale time. Will be shown in the D&T testing at the sale. A flashy gelding. HOFPRINZ (D 1762) HEMINGWAY (NL Hf.K. 146) MELANIE (A 12927/T) N-HITCHOCK VAN DE HOOGENWEG (NL 15417) 5812-94 ADMIRAL (NL Hf.K. 62) SINDY (NL Hf.K. 2311) FAMARA (NL Hf.K. 1736) AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) MARIKKA 3095-90 STURMER (A 1293) MUCKI (A 13821) MARGA (A 12473/T) Lot 150 ARNOLD TMHF 29556-07 Gelding Foaled April 19, 2007 Consigned by Leroy C Miller, 14741 TR 4, Brinkhaven, OH 43006 Bred by John or Wanda Miller, Nappanee, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; strip, snip. Trained single, double and to ride. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) AMBASSADOR NTF 7147-95 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 RAMBLIN ROSE NTF 2514-89 ROSIE-NTF (NL HF.K. 2694) 929-83 MILORD (NL Hf.K. 25) MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 SIRENA (NL Hf.K. 522) SHEBA DJH 4266-92 ALFRED M 644-81 SARAH RS 1909-87 SYDEL (TN 245) 343-78 Lot 151 ANTHONY DTH 29912-07 Gelding Foaled May 13, 2007 Consigned by David N. Miller, 7006 County Road 189, Fredericksburg, OH 44627-9416 (330) 674-4852 Bred by Daniel G. Bontrager, Shipshewana, IN Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Trained single, double and to ride. Calm easy going gelding. Works well with Alex’s Gold TSH. ALEXANDER (NL 3623) ALEX NHH (NL HF. 6216) 10822-96 BELINDA (NL Hf. 512) ALOMAR RVM 16542-01 WINTIROL (A CN 24204) 2906-90 GABRIELLE TOF 6320-94 GISI TOF (A CN 23674) 2873-90 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 AHLIVER NTF 7295-95 MAUDE NTF 2841-90 CRYSTAL DTFH 14205-99 WARIN-NTF (NL HF. 9068) 1496-86 COTTONBALL RVM 5799-94 CRYSTAL 817-83 Lot 152 AMBLER OOS 29792-07 Gelding Foaled May 21, 2007 Consigned by Marcia G. Read, Old Orchard At Stockdale, 415 Rte 231, Claysville, PA 15323 (724) 663-5832 Bred by Marcia G. Read, Claysville, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, large; and strip, short; and snip, small. A stylish gelding sired by Alpha TOF. Stands approximately 57”. This gelding displays nice movement and a good temperament. Green broke to ride. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ALPHA TOF 13648-99 ANDRIT (A 1487) MALVINA TOF (A CN 23743) 2932-90 MARINA-MIDRAS (A 13880/T) ADANAC (A CN 24187) 2957-90 ARCHIE MBM 8922-96 FESTIVAL (A CN 24426) 3528-91 LIBERTY MBM 20164-02 MICHI WULF 3116-90 LURINA THF 12021-98 LAMARA GJF 2885-90 Lot 153 MIRACLE MAG LAM 30213-08 Gelding Foaled March 19, 2008 Consigned by Leon J. or Anna Mae Miller, 4096 TR 371, Millersburg, OH 44654 Bred by Leon J. or Anna Mae Miller, Millersburg, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, elongated; and snip. White on lower lip. One of the last of Magnum RVM’s sons. 57”. Training update at sale. MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 MICHI WULF 3116-90 NANCY (A CN 20954) 1033-84 MAGNUM RVM 12706-99 WINTIROL (A CN 24204) 2906-90 GABRIELLE TOF 6320-94 GISI TOF (A CN 23674) 2873-90 NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBELIUS (A LIZ 152/T) 27072-92 ARNIKA (A 12520/T) DORLE TH 21436-03 ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 DELIGHTFUL LEE RAH 12437-98 DORY’S DELIGHT 4586-92 Lot 154 AMIR EA 30459-08 Gelding Foaled February 29, 2008 Consigned by David or Donna Buechler, W 2244 N 29 Rd, Daggett, MI 49821 (906) 753-4146 Bred by Robert Eicher Family, Loudonville, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Fancy moving 3-year old gelding. Trained to ride and drive single. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARAMON (D 20404) ANKE (A 11505/T) ALEMANIO TOF 16111-00 MITHRAS (D E 20623) MALTI (D 7547) 10953-94 MIRA (D St.Pr.St 11029) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ALMKAISER (A liz.233/T) GERDI (A 14662/T) MERISA WULF (A CN 31197) 16313-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) MIATA (A 16663/T) MARLIES (A 14292/T) Lot 155 NOBLE JIM MLH 30717-08 Gelding Foaled May 30, 2008 Consigned by Norm or Rose Stutzman, 7033 W 1000 N, Nappanee, IN 46550 (574) 372-0405 Bred by Norm or Rose Stutzman, Nappanee, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, wide. Broke to drive single & double. 59”. NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MALONA NTF 5541-93 NEIMAN’S COLONEL MLF 21549-03 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 ANTIQUE LACE NTF 11499-98 ARNIKA NTF (A CN 23684) 3093-90 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 ALLEN CAF 7940-96 P-CARROT NTF 1632-86 LAVIDA MLH 20920-02 MALTESE 4DA 4175-92 LE-ANN’S ROYAL MLH 10586-97 LE-ANN HFB 2443-89 Lot 156 WILD BILL CCA 31101-09 Gelding Foaled April 7, 2009 Consigned by David V Miller, 6831 TR 555, Holmesville, OH 44633 (330) 674-2374 Bred by Calvin J. Schlabach, Topeka, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Stocking left hind. Sells choice with half brother Westmount King CCA (Lot # 157). Will make a very well matched team. Both started single, double and to ride. Very well mannered. Training update at sale. WELTMEISTER (A 1465) WODKA (A CN B109) (CAN 322) 2669-89 ANUSCHKA (A 3252) WESTEGARD KO (CAN 515) 7444-95 MADRIGAL II (A liz.) QUINNY (A CN 4997) 2651-89 QUESTE (H/3698/K) MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MOONSHADOW 4473-92 C-MORNING STAR 871-83 MERRILEIGH 11949-98 NESTROY (A 1456) MAIANA TOF (A CN 24802) 4321-92 MALISA (A 14313/T) Lot 157 WESTMOUNT KING CCA 31102-09 Gelding Foaled April 10, 2009 Consigned by David V Miller, 6831 TR 555, Holmesville, OH 44633 (330) 674-2374 Bred by Calvin J. Schlabach, Topeka, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on lower lip. Left hind ankle white. Sells choice with half brother Wild Bill CCA (Lot # 156). Same sire and dams are sisters. Very closely matched. Will make somebody a well-matched team. Both started single, double and to ride. Training update at sale. WELTMEISTER (A 1465) WODKA (A CN B109) (CAN 322) 2669-89 ANUSCHKA (A 3252) WESTEGARD KO (CAN 515) 7444-95 MADRIGAL II (A liz.) QUINNY (A CN 4997) 2651-89 QUESTE (H/3698/K) MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MOONSHADOW 4473-92 C-MORNING STAR 871-83 MERRY LAUGHTER 9450-97 NESTROY (A 1456) MAIANA TOF (A CN 24802) 4321-92 MALISA (A 14313/T) Lot 158 NANDOS TUFF ACT HNMH 30861-09 Gelding Foaled May 5, 2009 Consigned by W.E. Hendershot or Deborah Parker, Hendershot New Millennium Haflingers, 3830 Pump Station Rd, Cameron Mills, NY 14820 (607) 695-2323. Bred by W.E. Hendershot or Deborah Parker, Cameron Mills, NY. Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip, white on lower lip. Gelded 4-15-11. Outstanding all-around athlete prospect. Imported parents. Sire is silver classifed National Grand Champion, Nando, dam is by 3-time world champion Abendstern. Should mature to 14.1+. Full brother Berkshire HNMH classified silver & is a pleasure driving machine. Dam was overall grand champion at huge open show over all breeds. NEVADA (D H.21080) NOTARIS (NL HF K 184) VINDRA (D H.12) NANDO (NL HF.23158) 16363-99 ATOLL (NL Hf.K. 104) JESSICA (NL Hf. 12138) RAMONA (NL Hf.K. 3433) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) ABENDSTERN (A liz. 200/T) DORLIS (A 14483/T) BASTIA (A CN 31155) 16002-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) BIRGIT (A 15512/T) BELLANCA (A 14327/T) Lot 159 WILDMOOS NTF (D CN 90075) 7563-95 Stallion Foaled May 22, 1995 Consigned by Stanley or Shirley Norris, 10001 Hunt Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071 (740) 745-5704 Bred by Gerhard Kieffer, Bergisch Gladb. Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze and white on lower lip. Edelweiss/R 75 brand. Wim is a very easy stallion to breed with. I have 6 mares in foal to him for 2012. In his breeding years he has bred over 100 mares. 60” tall. DNA tested and AHR licensed and current for 2011. WOTAN (A 1051) WILDMOOS (A 1295) PANJA (A 11071/T) WILDMOOS-BAMPI (D 543) ATIF (A 1208) BAMPI (A 20736/T) BRINNY (A 10369/T) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) MIDAS-CLARINA (A CN12085) CLARINA (A 10719/T) MERLINA (D H.4306) MEPHISTO (A CN 17798) META (D H.9501) MERRY (D H. 2134) Lot 160 ALL-STAR VAN DE WORTEL (NL CN 20468) 9922-97 Stallion Foaled April 20, 1997 Consigned by Adin A. Schlabach, 2578 CR 160, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 359-0249 Bred by G.H.J. ten Dam, Bentelo. Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip. Imported from Holland as a weanling. He has produced very good offspring with a lot of size and movement. Handles nice. DNA tested and AHR licensed and current for 2011. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) AKELEI (A 13391/T) ABERLORD (A liz.177/T) AGRA (A 1397) VIDI (A 14253/T) VONDA (A 13212/T) NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) NEVADA (D H.21080) KOSTENZA (A 10378/T) NADESHA (NL Hf.K.4859) AFGHAN (A liz.) ARIANE (NL.Hf.6038) LIESEL (NL.Hf. 941) Lot 161 WIL VON MASTER’S TBF 24168-04 Stallion Foaled February 12, 2004 Consigned by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, 7034 Raccoon Valley Road, Millerstown, PA 17062 (717) 438-0283 Bred by Robert R. Stites, Fenton, MI Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, wide. 60”. Broke to drive double and 4 or 6 hitch. Experienced rider. Was reserve grand champion at 2006 ARH National Show. Grand champion overall at AHR National Show futurity. Masters has an exceptional trot and headset and that goes with his foals. Don’t miss him! DNA tested and AHR Licensed and current for 2011. WERE-DI VAN DE VRIJTHOF (NL Hf.K. 13) WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) SINDY (NL Hf.K. 2311) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 ALTJO VAN DE KENTERSTREEK (NL Hf.K. 88) HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) RIANNE VAN DE KRAAYENBERG (NL Hf.K.2641) NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) CARO CAF 14915-00 ARLBERG (A 1430) CARO TOF (A CN 24422) 3485-91 CATRIN (A 14012/T) Lot 162 ALFA’S AVENGER 31384-09 Stallion Foaled May 27, 2009 Consigned by Sam J. Fisher, 9680 Rt 45, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 693-4250 Bred by Sam J. Fisher, Orwell, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. A good looking two-year old stud that should do well in the show ring. By the gold classified 2010 AHR National Grand Champion Stallion Alfa of Genesis. DNA tested. ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) ALLACHER (A Liz 274/T) HANJA (A 14554/T) ALFA OF GENESIS (NL HF. 28632) 27502-05 ATLANTIC (NL Hf.K. 208) EVA VAN LEIVERE (NL Hf.25062.S) EMMELY VD HERTRAKSESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3893) NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) COSY CAF 17496-01 ARLBERG (A 1430) CARO TOF (A CN 24422) 3485-91 CATRIN (A 14012/T) Lot 163 WIL-VON MIKAS RVH 31550-10 Stallion Foaled April 19, 2010 Consigned by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, 7034 Raccoon Valley Road, Millerstown, PA 17062 (717) 438-0283 Bred by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, Millerstown, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. A strong built yearling. Broke to lead and was ground worked. Will make a good kid’s horse. Sire & dam also in sale (Lot # 161and 184). Check him out! WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) WIL VON MASTER’S TBF 24168-04 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 CARO CAF 14915-00 CARO TOF (A CN 24422) 3485-91 ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) AKELEI (A 13391/T) BARUNA GF (A CN 31161) 15730-00 NABUCCO (A 1514) BIANCA (A 16596/T) BARBL (A 13221/T) Lot 164 STAR OF EXCELLENCE HOF 31467-10 Stallion Foaled April 12, 2010 Consigned by Norman Eicher, 522 Co Rd 2575, Loudonville, OH 44842 Bred by Norman Eicher, Loudonville, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star elongated and snip tiny. Nice stallion prospect. Placed 3rd in the 2010 AHR Futurity. Sire and dam are both silver classified. STARKENBACH (A 122/T LIZ) STANDSCHUTZ (A liz. 201/T) JUNELLA (A 14299/T) STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE TOF (A CN 30090) 10957-99 ANDRIT (A 1487) BLUML (A 14989/T) BRUNELLA (A 10991/T) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 ARISTO TOF 14840-00 MASERATA TOF (A CN 25976) 5706-94 ROSALYN HOF 28295-06 NORDTIROL (A liz. 181/T) RINA WULF (A CN 31165) 15937-00 ROSITA (A 16324/T) Lot 165 WILLO’S ICE CHA 31724-10 Stallion Foaled February 15, 2010 Consigned by Norman J. or Mary E. Slabaugh, Creekside Haflinger Acres, 9676 W 450 N, Etna Green, IN 46524 (574) 858-2307 Bred by Norman J. or Mary E. Slabaugh, Etna Green, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White lower lip. Full brother to 2-time National Champion gelding Willo’s Captain CHA and high selling yearling filly at Indiana sale 2010. Good mover. Should get big as dam (Lot # 185) also in sale. WERE-DI VAN DE VRIJTHOF (NL Hf.K. 13) WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) SINDY (NL Hf.K. 2311) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 ALTJO VAN DE KENTERSTREEK (NL Hf.K. 88) HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) RIANNE VAN DE KRAAYENBERG (NL Hf.K.2641) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 AHLIVER NTF 7295-95 MAUDE NTF 2841-90 FLICKA MBM 15968-00 ARLBERG (A 1430) FESTIVAL (A CN 24426) 3528-91 FLOXI (A 12208/T) Lot 166 WIL’S THUNDERSTIK RVH 31551-10 Stallion Foaled May 21, 2010 Consigned by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, 7034 Raccoon Valley Road, Millerstown, PA 17062 (717) 438-0283 Bred by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, Millerstown, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Thunder is halter broke and has been ground worked. Here is a nice yearling stud with an exceptional trot and headset. Check out this pedigree!. Sire is also in the sale (Lot # 161). WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) WIL VON MASTER’S TBF 24168-04 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 CARO CAF 14915-00 CARO TOF (A CN 24422) 3485-91 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MAJOR LEAGUE NTF 2851-90 MARIETTA OF NTF (A CN 21453) 1150-85 AMY’S ROSE KH 23154-03 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 AMINA NTF 7180-95 ADAMINA NTF (A CN 22352) 1818-87 Plan to attend the AHR National Show September 8-11, 2011 Champions Center Springfield, Ohio End of Geldings and Stallions Sale Auction of Pioneer Equipment Pioneer Equipment has graciously donated the use of their vehicles for our use at the AHR Spring Sale. The equipment will be auctioned prior to the start of the mare sale, however, vehicles may not be removed until after the sale of the last horse. Lot 167 DEIRDRE WULF 3261-90 Mare Foaled May 26, 1990 Consigned by Norm or Rose Stutzman, 7033 W 1000 N, Nappanee, IN 46550 (574) 372-0405 Bred by Joseph Kuchar, La Conception, QC Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. 56 1/2”. Broke single & double and to ride. She has just been a good mare to have around for whatever you want to do. Sells open. DNA tested. MOHAMMED (A 1045) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) LEMMA (A 9263/T) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 NORDEN (A 938) NORBSI (A 10747/T) NETTY (A 9743/T) AFGHAN (A liz.) ALPHA (A 1247/liz) AVERA (A 9226/T) DUKATA (A 12636/T) 546-81 MERKUR (A 251) DANIELA (A 8588/T) DRAUBURG (A 6511/T) Lot 168 ADALIA SFF 13302-99 Mare Foaled March 20, 1999 Consigned by Gerald Schlabach, 1385 S 1000 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565 (260) 768-4378 Bred by Tudor Oaks Farm, Inc., Barrington Hills, IL Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Big red mare. We used her double in the buggy a lot. Will try to have her tuned up to drive single and to ride by sale time. Sells open. DNA tested. NATAN (A 1404) NABUCCO (A 1514) PEGGY (A 13099/T) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 ARAS (A 1340) GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) GABI (A 12921/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AKZENT (A 1534) LUZI (A 12133/T) ANTIBA TOF (A CN 24907) 4292-92 BERTHOL (A 1343) ALEXIA (A 13434/T) ANDORA (A 11349/T) Lot 169 DORANA WULF (A CN 31028) 16320-00 Mare Foaled April 4, 2000 Consigned by Marcia G. Read, Old Orchard At Stockdale, 415 Rte 231, Claysville, PA 15323 (724) 663-5832 Bred by Adolf Leitner, A-6433 Otz Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. ID # 00-0200-43E8. T/H brand. Imported mare standing at 56.5” Proven broodmare with excellent ground manners and nice temperament. Trained to ride and drive. Sells open. DNA tested. MOHAMMED (A 1045) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) LEMMA (A 9263/T) MORGENROT (A liz. 220/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) HEIKE (A 14489/T) HERRIN (A 10189/T) AGRA (A 1397) ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) DAHLINA (A 16623/T) NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) DEBORA (A 14584/T) DONNA (A 12781/T) Lot 170 MAJESTIC’S MAGIC LPB 17694-01 Mare Foaled March 31, 2001 Consigned by John L. or Mary Ann Esh, 6168 Beaver Dam Rd, Narvon, PA 17555 (717) 7687390 Bred by Larry Bain-Fox Valley Haflingers, Freedom, WI Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, and white on lower lip. This mare is broke - our children can ride her. Don’t put her out to pasture, she will founder. Sells open. DNA tested. WERE-DI VAN DE VRIJTHOF (NL Hf.K. 13) WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) SINDY (NL Hf.K. 2311) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 ALTJO VAN DE KENTERSTREEK (NL Hf.K. 88) HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) RIANNE VAN DE KRAAYENBERG (NL Hf.K.2641) WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 SONJA (A 12859/T) MUTZI NTF 4776-92 NAXOS (A 1435) META NTF (A CN 23073) 2032-88 MEISJE (A 12896/T) Lot 171 LILA JOYOUS NKA 22368-03 Mare Foaled April 8, 2003 Consigned by Steve Mangels, 393 W Acalypha Road, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 (573) 788-2202 Bred by Nick or Kathy Allen, Hawk Point, MO Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular, strip, snip. Big 60” mare. As a 2-yr old she was Grand Champion mare at the Ohio & Michigan State Fairs. As a 3-yr old she was Grand Champion Mare & Best of Breed at the Ohio State Fair. Here is your chance to own her! Bred to Allison of the Valley AD-EL for a late February 2012 foal. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MALONA NTF 5541-93 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MARK-KA FAH 4333-92 BONITA NTF 2136-88 LILH JOY OF THE FARM 9349-97 NEWSMAKER NTF 1680-87 LEILA AM 5587-93 LAVANA 1484-86 Lot 172 MAGGIE KFF 24430-04 Mare Foaled February 22, 2004 Consigned by Kenneth R. Faverty, Sr., 8505 Byrd Ave., Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 823-9108 Bred by Freeman N. Detweiler, Munfordville, KY Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, narrow, short. White on lower lip. Broke to ride and drive single and double. Sale prepped by Merle Weaver. 59”. Sells open. DNA teste NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NOBLE ONE DCF 10746-98 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 COOL YELLOW ROSE 5058-93 CHELSIE HFB 1005-84 WALDPRINZ (A 1218) WAGREIN (A 1350) CLAUDI (A 11116/T) MIRELLA (A CN 30820) 16438-99 ALP (A 1260) MODELL-MICKLE (A 12593/T) MUSICA (A 13173/T) Lot 173 CRISPY CO WINK-FH 26471-05 Mare Foaled April 7, 2005 Consigned by Leroy D Yoder, Rocking Pines Stables, 10922 Emerson Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44604 Bred by James E. Miller - Winkelpleck Farm, Sugar Creek, OH Body dark chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, and snip. Crispy is a little smaller in size and is an easy keeper. She’s a quiet mare to be around and has excellent ground manners. She is soft on the bit and well trained to ride and drive and is 100% traffic safe and sound. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) AMAZON.COM NTF 13184-99 ARLBERG (A 1430) BELVIA NTF (A CN 22408) 1789-87 BRENDA (A 11950/T) MARKSMAN (TN 22) 28-65 MARLITE (TN DC319) 609-81 LYDIA (TN 186) 252-76 CHIARA 5093-93 STARDRIFT (TN 145) 206-75 CHASTITY 2084-88 CLEOPATRA (TN 203) 283-77 Lot 174 SHALLY’S SHANIA LCH 28598-06 Mare Foaled February 17, 2006 Consigned by Melvin J. or Emma Erb, Little Creek Haflingers, 2573 Moore Rd, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 437-5721 Bred by Melvin J. or Emma Erb, Orwell, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Sells open. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NORDSTERN M&B (D 765) (CAN 641) 4912-93 WINNY (A 12940/T) NORDWYN WGF 15116-00 NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) FIERA (A CN 26482) 5847-94 FINA (A 12800/T) ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 ALPHA-U 2061-88 USCHI (A CN 20678) 997-84 SHALLDO 10125-97 WILDMOOS (A 1295) SILVI (A CN 21008) 991-84 SIEGRID (A 10797/T) Lot 175 MEADOWSWEET JMT 28595-06 Mare Foaled April 18, 2006 Consigned by Ura Jr. or Mae Troyer, 12388 Dover Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 857-0001 Bred by Ura Jr. or Mae Troyer, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Star. 58” tall. Trained to drive single & double and to ride. Never been bred. Sells open. DNA tested. MARLON (NL Hf.K. 106) MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 ROZELIENE (NL Hf.K. 2993) MARVS MAXIMUM JMT 15254-00 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 SUGAR BLUE JMT 5989-94 SULEIKA OF NTF (A CN 21544) 1158-85 AFGHAN (A liz.) AHORN (A 1290) LOTTCHEN (A 9410/T) MILSA (A CN 22685) 2096-88 WALLI (A 975) MATI (A 11585/T) MALTA (A 9387/T) Lot 176 PRISSY’S PEARL LPH 29087-07 Mare Foaled February 2, 2007 Consigned by Pam or Curtis Hess, 11636 Claridon-Troy Rd, Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 635-8841 Bred by Larry or Connie O’Neill, Dry Ridge, KY Body light chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Blaze, irregular, with small white spot on muzzle. White on lower lip. 58” Trained & ridden for two semesters at Lake Erie College, beginning her training in English riding and jumping. Pearl is well-started English. Has been ground-driven in harness but not put to cart yet. Reserve Champ at halter and her dam is a halter champion. Sells open. DNA tested. MICHI WULF 3116-90 MUSKETEER LAM 9269-97 HY-DEE LAM 4202-92 MY TURBO SV 22869-03 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 CAMEO HD 3519-91 CHARISSA (TN 801) 509-80 AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 ANDON RVF 11182-98 SCHALK NTF (A CN 25058) 4201-92 PRISSY LADY 20634-02 MOZART WULF (CAN 220) 2622-89 PEGGY HAWTHORNE (CAN 433) 10886-94 PRADA (CAN 260) Lot 177 QUINN GHP 29667-07 Mare Foaled June 10, 2007 Consigned by Philip or Marjory Greenisen, 1904 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460-4302 (330) 3325661 Bred by Philip or Marjory Greenisen, Salem, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, short; and snip, tiny. This mare had six weeks professional training last summer. She had the winter off but she’s back in training now. Update at sale. Sells open. DNA tested. MARS (liz. 179/T) MARLON (GB 39) FREYA (A CN 23283) MAHARAJA GLYN ERYR RAH (GB 1538) 26200-03 ALLAHIES (GB 36) ELOISE GLYN ERYR (GB 562) EVITA (A CN 948) (GB 349) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) QUINTESSENTIAL TOF 6781-95 NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) QUELL TOF (A CN 23893) 2907-90 QUASTI (A 12536/T) Lot 178 CANDLE LIGHT 30058-08 Mare Foaled March 8, 2008 Consigned by Betty Miller, Chipmunk Hill Farm, 6127 Zuercher Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606 (614) 823-4348 Bred by Betty Miller, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. “Lite” had 60 days of training at Rocking Pines Stables last winter. Driving single & pairs. Going well under saddle. Watch for her at the sale preview. Sells open. DNA tested. MOHAMMED (A 1045) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) LEMMA (A 9263/T) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 NORDEN (A 938) NORBSI (A 10747/T) NETTY (A 9743/T) ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 ALABAMA CHF 2883-90 BLANKA (A CN 21444) 1316-85 CINDERELLA CHF 16433-01 ADORNO (A liz. 166/T) CORDELLA (A CN 28755) 9568-97 CISSI (A 15535/T) Lot 179 LIZA LURAY 30701-08 Mare Foaled March 30, 2008 Consigned by Weaver Haflingers, 9779 Schaaf Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 (330) 567-2721 Bred by Ray or Louise Besancon, Wooster, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Broke single and double and to ride. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 ALL AMERICAN AFGHAN NTF 6200-94 BELVIA NTF (A CN 22408) 1789-87 AHEAD OF HIS CLASS 4DA 17090-01 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 LORA LAI 4DA 6604-94 LAURETTA (A CN 22357) 1719-87 ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 AUSTIN TOF 7902-96 REKKA 2964-90 LUCINDA GOLD OF TURTLEWALK 16669-01 ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 LU-GOLD MMH 7153-95 LA-GOLD 915-83 Lot 180 BETHANY’S BEAUTY PA 31303-09 Mare Foaled March 22, 2009 Consigned by James or Linda Weaver - Pine Acres, Pine Acres, 6900 Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 (330) 698-1062 Bred by James or Linda Weaver - Pine Acres, Fredericksburg, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip and snip. Nice filly. 56”. Sport horse prospect. Aristo is registered with American Sport Pony. Maternal half sister to Bonita Rox PA the 2008 National Champion mare and Best of Show. DNA tested. ATLANTIC (NL Hf.K. 208) ARISTO VAN DE RIJSDIJK (NL HF. 23367) 19546-00 CLARA (NL Hf.K. 5682) ARMANI WYLDE 26857-05 STRUMER (A 1318) UDOLFA WCF (A CN 23082) 2042-88 UCLA (A 12619/T) WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) BETHANY ROSE 23360-02 MAHON 4691-92 BUNNY DELIGHT TMF 11623-98 BUNNY JPH 5652-94 Lot 181 ROSEBUD BM 31253-09 Mare Foaled May 18, 2009 Consigned by Bill E. Miller, 9171 N Girdle Rd, Middlefield, OH 44062 ( ) Bred by Bill E. Miller, Middlefield, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. 58”. Training update day of sale. DNA tested. NORBERT VAN DE POLLONA (NL Hf.K. 98) NITTY GRITTY NTF 1878-87 S-DEANIE NTF (NL HF.K. 2149) 413-79 NEMO APF 23651-04 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 JUST-FOR-LOVIN NTF 2295-88 JUDITH OF NTF (NL HF. 7100) 847-83 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) RACHEL CAF 9643-97 WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 RAVEN NTF 4928-93 RAMBLIN ROSE NTF 2514-89 Lot 182 QUEENIE’S LILY MDH 31642-10 Mare Foaled April 13, 2010 Consigned by M. Douglas Hoskins, 1208 Hwy 217, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-1245 Bred by M. Douglas Hoskins, Middlesboro, KY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Nice gentle filly. Good pedigree. Full sister to Queenie’s Mtn Laurel MDH (Lot # 212). Will match. A nice mare. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) A TIME TO TRIUMPH 18856-02 ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) CARMEN TOF (A CN 25147) 4168-92 CANDY (A 12307/T) MICHI WULF 3116-90 MARSHALL DILLON DNH 6735-95 ARIE CHF 3834-91 QUEENIE MDH 17785-01 STECHER (A 1099) QUELL (A CN 22213) 1690-87 QUIRINA (A 12977/T) Lot 183 B-A-WINNER NTF 7622-95 Mare Foaled June 1, 1995 Consigned by Ervin M. Stutzman, 5102 TR 119, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 893-3148 Bred by John C. or Judith A. Miller, Ft Johnson, NY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, narrow; and snip. White stockings all four. 58”. Broke single & double. Been on the road a lot. Loves to trot! Will be bred to Avalanche Amber Style BOB for 2012. DNA tested. AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 STURMER (A 1293) MIRALDA (A 13609/T) MUCKY (A 9452/T) WERE-DI VAN DE VRIJTHOF (NL Hf.K. 13) WINNER (NL Hf.K. 49) PALLAS (NL Hf.K. 419) B-WINNIE VAN BRIGITTE (NL HF.K. 2028) 357-78 WELKOM (NL Hf.K. 1) BRIGITTE (NL Hf.K. 518) GLORI (NL Hf.K. 14) Lot 184 BARUNA GF (A CN 31161) 15730-00 Mare Foaled March 21, 2000 Consigned by Amos S. Esh - Ridgeview Haflingers, 7034 Raccoon Valley Road, Millerstown, PA 17062 (717) 438-0283. Bred by Thomas Falch Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, and snip. ID # 00-0201-7CB9. T/H brand. 58”+. Very well broke in all farm machinery. Broke for the road and to ride. This mare has been on our farm for 9 years and used for almost anything including to make ice cream with a merry go round. She has also raised 8 colts. Willing worker. Don’t miss this opportunity! Her yearling colt is also in the sale (Lot # 163 and she should have a foal at her side at sale time. AGRA (A 1397) ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) WALDER (A 1317) AKELEI (A 13391/T) ANSELMA (A 12180/T) NATAN (A 1404) NABUCCO (A 1514) PEGGY (A 13099/T) BIANCA (A 16596/T) WILDLING (A 1220) BARBL (A 13221/T) BALSAM (A 11371/T) Lot 185 FLICKA MBM 15968-00 Mare Foaled May 9, 2000 Consigned by Norman J. or Mary E. Slabaugh, Creekside Haflinger Acres, 9676 W 450 N, Etna Green, IN 46524 (574) 858-2307 Bred by Mervin or Barbara Miller, Apple Creek, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Broke single & double and rides. Dam of 2-time National Champion gelding Willo’s Captain CHA and high selling yearling filly at Indiana sale 2010. This is our last and best broodmare. Should have a foal by Willo van het Spick at her side and be bred back to same by sale time. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) AHLIVER NTF 7295-95 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MAUDE NTF 2841-90 MALVE NTF (A CN 21671) 1482-86 ARCHER (A 1312) ARLBERG (A 1430) MONTREAUX (A 10433/T) FESTIVAL (A CN 24426) 3528-91 NEPTUN (A 1213) FLOXI (A 12208/T) FINA (A 11303/T) Lot 186 COSY CAF 17496-01 Mare Foaled April 11, 2001 Consigned by Sam J. Fisher, 9680 Rt 45, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 693-4250 Bred by Lester F Detweiler, Albany, WI Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Broke single & double and to ride. A good broke mare that would do well in hitch. She is a driving machine with lots of action. Sells open. DNA tested. NATAN (A 1404) NABUCCO (A 1514) PEGGY (A 13099/T) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 ARAS (A 1340) GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) GABI (A 12921/T) ARCHER (A 1312) ARLBERG (A 1430) MONTREAUX (A 10433/T) CARO TOF (A CN 24422) 3485-91 MENTOR (A 1046) CATRIN (A 14012/T) COSY-BELLA (A 14013/T) Lot 187 MERRY MUSIC RAHF 22809-03 Mare Foaled May 6, 2003 Consigned by Ray or Sharon Rowe, 532 Ritenour Hollow Road, Middleton, VA 22645 (540) 635-2947 Bred by Jacob C. or Katie B. King, Lykens, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Strip, snip. Mild mannered and friendly. Broke to ride or drive single or double. Traffic safe. Sells open. Not DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) AUSTIN TOF 7902-96 MAGNAT (A 1402) REKKA 2964-90 RACHEL (A 13250/T) MICHI WULF 3116-90 MID-WEST 5789-94 DAYTONA NTF 2843-90 MERRY LEGS 11974-98 ASPEN 678-82 MITTENS MSC 2816-89 MINNA (CAN 3) 129-73 Lot 188 COURTNEY GVF 23860-04 Mare Foaled February 25, 2004 Consigned by Wayne A. Troyer, 5504 TR 118, Baltic, OH 43804 (330) 893-2035 Bred by Brenda Green-Vaughn or Gary P. Vaughn, Sparta, GA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip, with black spots on muzzle. White ankles both hind. 58”. Broke to drive single & double and to ride. Traffic safe. Gentle. Been on the road and in farm equipment. Sells open. DNA tested. WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 SONJA (A 12859/T) WELKOM NTF 3171-90 WELKOM (NL Hf.K. 1) MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 MARIETTE (NL Hf.A.K. 33) NAPOLEON ESQ. (NL HF.K. 71) 211-75 NIKON NTF 1485-86 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 CARIGAIN GJF 7355-95 AMARQUIS (TN M23) 1118-84 CARITA GJF 3443-91 CAYLA 1254-85 Lot 189 C-KATRINA SAH 26383-05 Mare Foaled May 22, 2005 Consigned by Marvin or Mae Shrock, 8221 Parker Rd., Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 437-8458 Bred by Raymond U. Troyer, Fredericksburg, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, and snip. Trained to drive single, double and to ride. Worked in hay equipment. Has many road miles in town and traffic safe. Use her anyway you want. A nice Alert daughter. 57”. Prepped and finished by Becky Miller, Orwell. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ALERT RWF 17229-01 STRUMER (A 1318) LIZANA TOF (A CN 26220) 5884-94 LILLIAN (A 14338/T) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 AHLIVER NTF 7295-95 MAUDE NTF 2841-90 C-LEXIE SAH 16650-00 ALEC VALMAR 1519-86 CAMPGROUND LADY 3665-91 CLIQUE 1302-85 Lot 190 COUNTRY STAR RAHF 31832-06 Mare Foaled March 29, 2006 Consigned by Jacob C. or Katie B. King, 375 Luxembourg Road, Lykens, PA 17048 (717) 3622088 Bred by Jacob C. or Katie B. King, Lykens, PA. Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. Trained to ride & drive. Quiet & loves attention. Good with children. Call for more info and photos. ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) A ROCK (A CN 28830) 10951-97 MARIETTA (A 13876/T) ALL-ROCK MMH 18914-02 ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 LUNA GOLD MMH 2465-89 LA-GOLD 915-83 WALL STREET NTF (A CN 22100) 1473-86 WORTH THE MONEY WBF 4419-92 B-WENDY VAN VREDEBEST (NL HF.K. 2111) 353-78 CUE HANNAH PMH 7843-96 MAJESTY OXNEAD (GB CN 675)(CAN 88) 897-83 CEE CEE HURON (CAN 213) 2545-89 CORA HURON (CAN 100) Lot 191 FANCY TREASURE GHF 29763-07 Mare Foaled January 21, 2007 Consigned by Ruben or Nancy Gingerich, 261 E CR 600 N, Tuscola, IL 61953 (217) 543-3495 Bred by Ruben or Nancy Gingerich, Tuscola, IL Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, short; and snip. Broke to drive single & double. A mare with a lot of action! If you’re looking for a hitch mare, don’t miss her! Sells open. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NATIONAL TREASURE TOF (A CN 29593) 16393-98 FRISKA (A 15355/T) NATIONAL LEGEND GHF 19129-02 MARVELLON VAN BERMETEYN (NL HF. 9792) 2158-88 MILK AND HONEY ILH 4848-93 MARIJKE VAN DE HOEVE WERKLUST (NLHF7951) 1232-85 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MOONSHADOW 4473-92 C-MORNING STAR 871-83 FIRST OPTION 11948-98 MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) FLORINA TOF (A CN 25459) 4903-93 FERRY (A 12662/T) Lot 192 AMARA GHP 29666-07 Mare Foaled March 28, 2007 Consigned by Philip or Marjory Greenisen, 1904 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460-4302 (330) 3325661 Bred by Philip or Marjory Greenisen, Salem, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; and snip, tiny. This mare had six weeks professional training last summer. She had the winter off but she’s back in training now. Update at sale. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 STURMER (A 1293) RIALTA (A 13612/T) RIKKA (A 12396/T) NATAN (A 1404) NABUCCO (A 1514) PEGGY (A 13099/T) AMILA (A CN 31044) 16000-00 ARMANI (A 1466) AMATO (A 16009/T) ASTRID (A 14167/T) Lot 193 BAYLEE CREAM OF SHOWME 29821-07 Mare Foaled July 16, 2007 Consigned by Brian R. or Dana D. Mitteer, Showme Haflingers, 2345 South Cortland Virgil Rd, Cortland, NY 13045 (607) 835-6261 Bred by Brian R. or Dana D. Mitteer, Cortland, NY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, irregular; strip; snip. White on lower lip. Excellent ground manners, trailer loads, hand clips, picks up hooves. Learned walk/trot voice commands. Will have over 100 hours in AHR Recreational Points program. Started under saddle with udpate at sale. Very easy to work, no vices. Nice red color. See or 607-835-6261. Sells open. DNA tested. ANCAR 912-83 ALFALFA HFB 1997-88 IVONNE (A CN 20820) (TN D39) 993-84 ALADDIN HTF 5849-94 AINET (A 1311) KONSTANZE (A CN 21165) 1171-85 KAMILLA (A 12888/T) HOFERBE (D Pr.H. 413) N.HOFMEESTER-NTF (NL HF. 7935) 718-82 ALPENFEE (D H. 215) BRIDGETTE NTF 1947-87 MONACO (A 332) BARBL (A 9155/T) 37-66 BLASS (A 187) Lot 194 FERN’S BABE HCA 30776-08 Mare Foaled March 10, 2008 Consigned by Elmer Esh Jr, 54 Meadow Lane, Loysville, PA 17047 (717) 789-3694 Bred by Elmer Esh Jr, Loysville, PA Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Should be trained to ride and drive single & double by sale time. Nice tall 3-yr old filly. Training update at sale. Sells open. DNA tested. AFLOYD (A liz.)-(B 6258) ARNO VAN HET NIESHOF (B 7660) 16359-99 STEFANY (B 2348) ABIT CAF 21955-03 AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ABELLA TOF (A CN 24969) 4153-92 ASTRID (A 14167/T) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 MICHI WULF 3116-90 NANCY (A CN 20954) 1033-84 FERN THF 19774-02 MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) FOLLANA (A CN 25455) 4931-93 FOSSY (A 13241/T) Lot 195 FRITZI’S GOLDEN GIRL 30314-08 Mare Foaled April 5, 2008 Consigned by Lester J.L. Miller, 16037 Nauvoo Rd, Middlefield, OH 44062-9776 ( ) Bred by Owen C. or Eva Schlabach, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, narrow, with chestnut spots; snip. Broke to ride and drive single or double. “Frizz” is a very willing horse. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) ARISTO TOF 14840-00 ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) MASERATA TOF (A CN 25976) 5706-94 MONIQUE (A 12155/T) NASTRAL (D 71936) NASDAQ NTF (D CN 10894) 7283-95 WANJA (D H.2260) FRITZI NTF 24067-04 NABUCCO (A 1514) FIONA NTF (A CN 26639) 6695-95 FALSETTA (A E 14709/T) Lot 196 LEPRECHAUN CHF 5861-94 Mare Foaled March 17, 1994 Consigned by Joseph E Hershberger, 9680 Hogback Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Bred by Aden or Betty Miller, Chipmunk Hill Farm, Apple Creek, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail flaxen. Blaze and white on lower lip. Kid broke. Lep has done it all. She has a great show history, pleasure driving classes. Then was used in children’s riding classes. Trained to farm equipment. A good brood mare. Sound. Sells open. DNA tested. STUDENT (EASTER SUNDAY) (A CN 9030) 2-58 STARDRIFT (TN 145) 206-75 CAROLINA (A 6513/T) STAR OF MIGHT 2500-89 NORMER (A 1241) MALI 1152-85 MELORA (A 12081/T) ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 ALEX M&B (TN 249) 347-78 CHARITY (TN 44) 70-70 LUCIA 1354-85 STUDENT (EASTER SUNDAY) (A CN 9030) 2-58 LIANA (TN 39) 61-69 LISKA (A 6403/T) Lot 197 LEXIE OF THE RIDGE 31487-10 Mare Foaled March 18, 2010 Consigned by Steve Mangels, 393 W Acalypha Road, Oak Ridge, MO 63769 (573) 788-2202 Bred by Steve Mangels, Oak Ridge, MO Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip and snip. Nice yearling filly. Sire was Grand Champion stallion as a 3-yr old at the Ohio & Michigan State Fairs. Dam was Grand Champion mare at the Ohio and Michigan State fairs as a 2-yr old. DNA tested. ABERLORD (A liz.177/T) ALL-STAR VAN DE WORTEL (NL CN 20468) 9922-97 NADESHA (NL Hf.K.4859) ALLISON OF THE VALLEY AD-EL 26415-05 A TREND MAKER NTF 6748-95 LUCKY LADY MID 13251-99 LUCIE 4729-92 NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MALONA NTF 5541-93 LILA JOYOUS NKA 22368-03 MARK-KA FAH 4333-92 LILH JOY OF THE FARM 9349-97 LEILA AM 5587-93 Lot 198 AMANDA CLA 31633-10 Mare Foaled April 15, 2010 Consigned by Willard Lehman - Country Lane Acres, 5995 N 900 W, Shipshewana, IN 46540 (260) 768-4677 Bred by Willard Lehman - Country Lane Acres, Shipshewana, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on lower lip. Black spot on upper lip. Amanda is a tall fancy filly with a good foot and a lot of motion. Also Hoosier Sire Eligible! DNA tested. WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) WIND WALKER IEF 20805-02 AINET (A 1311) KONSTANZE (A CN 21165) 1171-85 KAMILLA (A 12888/T) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NISSAN JPH 11280-98 REBA JPH 5776-94 ALMANDRA GOLD HOST 26123-05 M.T. MERSANT NTF 2243-88 ALSANDRA GOLD OF GRAND-S 17402-01 ALMENDRA (A CN 28639) 9287-97 Lot 199 DEMETER WULF 10687-98 Mare Foaled January 25, 1998 Consigned by Robert Eicher Family, 522 CR 2575, Loudonville, OH 44842 (419) 994-1098 Bred by Joseph Kuchar, La Conception, QC Stripe begins forehead,tip over rt eye,extends to thin at nose,ends jagged top of nose. Trained to ride and drive. This mare has done it all. Been in parades, farm equipment, trails, OHA drives and events. We used her to start colts. Silver classified. Sells open. DNA tested. MOHAMMED (A 1045) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) LEMMA (A 9263/T) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 NORDEN (A 938) NORBSI (A 10747/T) NETTY (A 9743/T) AFGHAN (A liz.) ALPHA (A 1247/liz) AVERA (A 9226/T) DUKATA (A 12636/T) 546-81 MERKUR (A 251) DANIELA (A 8588/T) DRAUBURG (A 6511/T) Lot 200 NOWRA GF (A CN 30938) 17227-00 Mare Foaled March 28, 2000 Consigned by Ruben or Nancy Gingerich, 261 E CR 600 N, Tuscola, IL 61953 (217) 543-3495 Bred by Josef Worgotter, A-5760 Saalfelden Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. ID # 00-01C8-D9A0. T/H brand. Would make someone a good brood mare. She has raised a lot of good colts. She has a filly at her side by National Legend GHF and should be bred back by sale time. DNA tested. AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) WALDER (A 1317) AKELEI (A 13391/T) ANSELMA (A 12180/T) WINTERSTURM (A 1223/liz.) WALDPRINZ (A 1218) BALI (A 9609/T) NADJA (A 12833/T) NORDEN (A 938) NORBSI (A 10747/T) NETTY (A 9743/T) Lot 201 SABINA OF 4WH 17108-01 Mare Foaled March 26, 2001 Consigned by David A. Hostetler, 4355 N 525 E, Howe, IN 46746 (219) 854-9039 Bred by Emanuel E. & Elizabeth Wickey, Monroe, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, elongated. Sells open. DNA tested. MIDAS-CLARINA (A CN12085) MONET (D 3681) LEA (A 8/T) MONET NTF 10861-97 NASALL (D 51001) NASANA (D 1726) QUIRLY (A 10632/T) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AKZENT (A 1534) LUZI (A 12133/T) SERFA TOF (A CN 24908) 4095-92 NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) SARA (A 12489/T) SABINA (A 11307/T) Lot 202 CORY RRR 22721-03 Mare Foaled March 8, 2003 Consigned by Dawn Luedy, 1485 Twp Rd 126, Greenwich, OH 44837 (419) 929-5840 Bred by Dennis or Connie Bauer, Wooster, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. White on lower lip. Broke single, double and to ride. Shown at local hitch shows single, double & in unicorn. Shown at local fair in halter, riding and driving classes. Does well on trail rides. Knows leads. Not a beginner’s horse. 56”. Sells open and not DNA tested. ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) ALPENSTEIN (A 150/T LIZ) AKELEI (A 13391/T) A ROCK (A CN 28830) 10951-97 WAGREIN (A 1350) MARIETTA (A 13876/T) MONTREAUX (A 10433/T) NATIVE (A) NASOR-LIBBY 90-71 LISKA (A 6403/T) COTY 851-83 NATIVE (A) CALLISTA (TN 59) 96-71 CARAWAY (TN 14) 15-61 Lot 203 SHEILA WRH 23508-04 Mare Foaled February 17, 2004 Consigned by Melvin Coblentz, 4976 SR 308, Kennerdell, PA 16374 (814) 385-1094 Bred by Mahlon M. or Mary S. Miller, Dundee, OH Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White on lower lip. Big strong mare. 53 1/2”. Broke single or double to most farm machinery and buggy. Broke to ride. Was in 40 mile wagon train drive. Also used on trail rides. Very willing. Sells open. DNA tested. WILDMOOS (A 1295) WILDMOOS-BAMPI (D 543) BAMPI (A 20736/T) WILDMOOS NTF (D CN 90075) 7563-95 MIDAS-CLARINA (A CN12085) MERLINA (D H.4306) META (D H.9501) AFGHAN (A liz.) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) MUSCHI (A 10580/T) SIERRA (A CN 23405) 2420-89 ARCHIBALD (A 1221) SABENA (A 13142/T) SEEWIND (A 11503/T) Lot 204 NETTY GHF 23946-04 Mare Foaled March 15, 2004 Consigned by Ruben or Nancy Gingerich, 261 E CR 600 N, Tuscola, IL 61953 (217) 543-3495 Bred by Ruben or Nancy Gingerich, Tuscola, IL Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. A good brood mare with a lot of pedigree! Broke to drive single & double. Should have a foal at her side by sale time by National Legend GHF and may be bred back to same for 2012. Breeding update at sale. DNA tested. WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) WALLENSTEIN (NL Hf.K. 193) CHARLOTTE (A 13661/T) WHERE’S WALDOVDBLOEMENDAAL HF21127K 26856-98 STAR (NL Hf.K. 105) SUSAN VAN DE BEEKBEMDEN (NL Hf. K. 3901) CRISTHA (NL Hf.K. 2531) AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AMADEUS (A liz.101/T) AKELEI (A 13391/T) NOWRA GF (A CN 30938) 17227-00 WALDPRINZ (A 1218) NADJA (A 12833/T) NORBSI (A 10747/T) Lot 205 SANDRA PHHF 27929-06 Mare Foaled January 25, 2006 Consigned by Cheryl Dainty, 725 Riverview Dr, Etters, PA 17319 (717) 542-3039 Bred by Solomon or Fannie Zook, Honey Brook, PA Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze, with black spots on muzzle. White on lower lip. Experienced rider only. Excellent pedigree brood mare. Also drives. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) AUSTIN TOF 7902-96 MAGNAT (A 1402) REKKA 2964-90 RACHEL (A 13250/T) MIDAS (A Pr. 1262) MISTRAL (A LIZ) (CAN 252) 1022-84 NORBSI (A 10747/T) SHARLENE CWA 16421-01 STEGREIF (A liz./126) SCHNELLE WULF (A CN 28,319) 9728-97 SCHON-MARIECHEN (A 14507/T) Lot 206 LADY’S STAR WSA 28281-06 Mare Foaled April 11, 2006 Consigned by David W. Miller - Woodside Acres, 2030 W 200 S, LaGrange, IN 46761-9740 (260) 768-8199 Bred by David W. Miller - Woodside Acres, LaGrange, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star. Broke single, double and to ride. Has been on the road and to town. Has worked in most farm machinery. Sells open. DNA tested. ATOLL (NL Hf.K. 104) ALADDIN VAN DE PEELKANT (NL HF. 10287) 2202-88 HELGA VAN DE GEUZENDIJK (NL Hf.K. 2289) ACTION MACHINE KCH 17443-01 SALUT (A 1381) WINTA (A CN 22204) 1691-87 WINNY (A 12940/T) MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 ROSIE-NTF (NL HF.K. 2694) 929-83 LATEST ARRIVAL 4DA 9224-97 WINTERSTEIN (A 1406) LAURETTA (A CN 22357) 1719-87 LERRY (A 13133/T) Lot 207 SHALLY’S SHIRLEY LCH 29961-07 Mare Foaled March 15, 2007 Consigned by Melvin J. or Emma Erb, Little Creek Haflingers, 2573 Moore Rd, Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 437-5721 Bred by Melvin J. or Emma Erb, Orwell, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, short; and snip, tiny. White on lower lip. Sells open. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NORDSTERN M&B (D 765) (CAN 641) 4912-93 WINNY (A 12940/T) NORDWYN WGF 15116-00 NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) FIERA (A CN 26482) 5847-94 FINA (A 12800/T) ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 ALPHA-U 2061-88 USCHI (A CN 20678) 997-84 SHALLDO 10125-97 WILDMOOS (A 1295) SILVI (A CN 21008) 991-84 SIEGRID (A 10797/T) Lot 208 C MARCUS GRAND S-SN 29273-07 Mare Foaled June 2, 2007 Consigned by Stanley or Shirley Norris, 10001 Hunt Rd, St Louisville, OH 43071 (740) 7455704 Bred by Stanley or Shirley Norris, St Louisville, OH Body lignt chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, narrow; and snip, small. White on lower lip. C is broke single & double and to ride. Was used on the OHA fall drive in 2010. Lots of road miles. 58” tall. Sells open. DNA tested NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MALONA NTF 5541-93 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 MAJOR MOVE NTF 3453-91 MAJOR’S AGENT OF HYLITE 8186-96 ANGELITA NTF (A CN 23983) 2943-90 CINDAS MAJORETTE GRAND-S 15241-00 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 CINDA KAY KH 3786-91 CINDORA (TN 63) 103-72 Did you know? The AHR website routinely gets more than 4,000 visitors a month. Check it out at The #1 and #2 visited pages on our website are the classified ads and the member farms page. When you sell a horse privately without completing the transfer, the AHR loses operating income, and the chain of ownership for your horse may be lost forever. Please complete the transfers. Only the owner of the mare at the time of foaling can register the foal. Register early and receive a $10 discount on the registration fee. Registering foals after December 31st of their birth year increases the fees and will require that the foal be DNA tested. Please do your part to help the AHR keep expenses down. Each time a horse is transferred, the new owner is recorded on the back of the pedigree. A new pedigree is not created unless there is excessive damage to the existing pedigree. Therefore ... Please do not write on, fold, staple or punch holes in your pedigrees! Thank you Lot 209 MS WINTER STORM OF 2S 31291-08 Mare Foaled February 20, 2008 Consigned by Glenn R. Yoder-Sandy Ridge Haflingers, Sandy Ridge Haflingers, 6597 N SR 19, Etna Green, IN 46524 (574) 646-3225 Bred by Jacob W. or Kimberly A. Schut, Allegan, MI Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star irregular, strip narrow. Broke to drive single & double. Sells open. DNA tested WERE-DI VAN DE VRIJTHOF (NL Hf.K. 13) WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) SINDY (NL Hf.K. 2311) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 ALTJO VAN DE KENTERSTREEK (NL Hf.K. 88) HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) RIANNE VAN DE KRAAYENBERG (NL Hf.K.2641) MACAO (TN 230) 318-77 MUCHO MACHO 1165-85 COLEY (TN E10) 590-81 MOLLY STORM M&M 3642-91 STURDY (TN 195) 276-77 MEGANNE 935-83 MIRANDA (TN 24) 32-66 Lot 210 BEANIE’S EASTER LILY MW 30683-08 Mare Foaled March 23, 2008 Consigned by Weaver Haflingers, 9779 Schaaf Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 (330) 567-2721 Bred by Weaver Haflingers, Shreve, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. Broke single & double and to ride. A nice modern mare. Traffic safe. Sells open. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NEIMAN MARCUS TOF 13183-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 MALONA NTF 5541-93 MARISKA (NL HF.K. 1822) 201-75 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 MIDORN OF HYLITE 4264-92 DORNE 771-82 BEANIE BABY LMP 13051-99 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 BUTTERSCOTCH NTF 6288-94 B-WINNIE VAN BRIGITTE (NL HF.K. 2028) 357-78 Lot 211 SOPHIA LAH 30577-08 Mare Foaled April 21, 2008 Consigned by Devon & Edna Slabach - Loamy Acres, 11350 CR 34, Goshen, IN 46528 (574) 642-1168 Bred by Devon & Edna Slabach - Loamy Acres, Goshen, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, tiny. Been driven double as of consignment deadline. Further update at sale. Never been bred. Full brother No Star LAH (Lot # 126) also in sale. DNA tested. NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 NAUSTAR JPH 10059-97 KRISCHNA (A CN 21322) 1193-85 NUISANCE PFH 19526-02 ALPEN KONIG (A CN 12781) 52-68 AT LAST TMA 4545-92 AMELIE (A CN 21825) 1537-86 WODKA (A CN B109) (CAN 322) 2669-89 WICHTL KO 7057-95 LONNA 2724-89 SHARHARA WKH 12864-99 ALPHA-U 2061-88 SO SASSY 4290-92 SILVI (A CN 21008) 991-84 Show off your breeding program! Enter your 2010 and 2011 foals in the AHR Futurity Including special bonus payouts for 2011 weanlings classes sponsored by the Ohio Haflinger Association! Don’t forget to re-enroll your entries for your two and three-year olds! Attend the annual Futurity Show (in conjunction with the AHR Fall Sale) Friday October 21st, 2011 Ashland County Fairgrounds, Ashland, Ohio Lot 212 QUEENIE’S MTN LAUREL MDH 31217-09 Mare Foaled April 5, 2009 Consigned by M. Douglas Hoskins, 1208 Hwy 217, Middlesboro, KY 40965 (606) 248-1245 Bred by M. Douglas Hoskins, Middlesboro, KY Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip. Nice gentle filly. Good pedigree. Full sister to Queenie’s Lily MDH (Lot # 182). Will match. A nice mare. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) ARISTOCRAT TOF (A CN 24671) 3640-91 RIALTA (A 13612/T) A TIME TO TRIUMPH 18856-02 ARCHIMEDES (A 1509) CARMEN TOF (A CN 25147) 4168-92 CANDY (A 12307/T) MICHI WULF 3116-90 MARSHALL DILLON DNH 6735-95 ARIE CHF 3834-91 QUEENIE MDH 17785-01 STECHER (A 1099) QUELL (A CN 22213) 1690-87 QUIRINA (A 12977/T) Lot 213 FASHION CVA 31734-10 Mare Foaled March 31, 2010 Consigned by William Lehman - Crystal Valley Acres, Crystal Valley Haflingers, 14842 US 20, Middlebury, IN 46540 (574) 825-5507 Bred by William Lehman - Crystal Valley Acres, Middlebury, IN Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Blaze. White lower lip & chin. Black spots on muzzle. She is Hoosier Sire eligible. If you’re looking for a yearling show prospect, you might want to check her out. Her dam has a great show record. Wind Walker’s offspring have been doing very well in the show ring. DNA tested. WEMPIRE (NL Hf.K. 123) WILLO VAN HET SPICK (NL HF.20075) 9730-97 HANNEKE VAN DE GROENESTRAAT (NL Hf.K.3685) WIND WALKER IEF 20805-02 AINET (A 1311) KONSTANZE (A CN 21165) 1171-85 KAMILLA (A 12888/T) M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 MAHON 4691-92 LYDIA SUE AKH 1919-87 FIHONA BW6 9388-97 MICHEL OF NTF (NL HF. 6214) 589-81 FINAMICH OF HYLITE 4412-92 FINA (A CN 21639) 1428-86 Lot 214 SINDERELLA OF GREEN ACRES 28100-06 Mare Foaled May 15, 2006 Consigned by Jonathan O. Hershberger, Rosebush Acres, 1697 White Pine Road, Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-5202 Bred by Clarence & Marcus Mast Green Acres, Arcola, IL Body light chestnut, mane and tail white. Star, strip, snip. A good moving mare that is well broke to drive single & double. Broke to all farm machinery. Lots of road miles. Traffic safe. Vet checked in foal to Adidas TMA, an Arno son, for a mid June 2011 foal. Sells choice with (Lot # 215) Lantana’s Lace. 58”. DNA tested. NABUCCO (A 1514) NOBLEMAN OF TUDOR OAKS (A CN 26511) 4895-93 GEORGETTE (A 14342/T) NAUSTAR JPH 10059-97 MINISTER (A 1377) KRISCHNA (A CN 21322) 1193-85 KATJA (A 12233/T) NORDEN (A 938) NORDWIND (A 1258/liz.) ALICE-ASSY (A 10130/T) SAMANTA NTF (A CN 24499) 3501-91 ALPHA (A 1247/liz) SASCHKA (A 13175/T) SILKE (A 12282/T) Lot 215 LANTANA’S LACE 25789-05 Mare Foaled April 9, 2005 Consigned by Jonathan O. Hershberger, Rosebush Acres, 1697 White Pine Road, Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-5202 Bred by Susan M Peck, Helena, OH Body chestnut, mane and tail white. Star; strip, narrow; snip. A good moving mare that is broke to ride and to drive single & double. Broke to all farm machinery. Been on the road. Traffic safe. Not a beginner’s horse. 58”. Sells choice with (Lot # 214) Sinderella of Green Acres. Sells open. DNA tested. AFGHAN II (A Pr. 1338) AFGHAN III NTF (A CN 24117) 2891-90 MIRALDA (A 13609/T) ALLEN CAF 7940-96 WARO VAN DE HAFLINGERHOEVE (NL Hf.K. 94) P-CARROT NTF 1632-86 P-JEANET NTF (NL HF.K. 1945) 308-77 MIDAS TOUCH NTF (A CN 21116) 971-84 M.T. MAGON NTF 2127-88 ROSIE-NTF (NL HF.K. 2694) 929-83 LERCHE TWF 6534-94 WANDOR (NL HF. 3806) 152-73 LUWINA 890-83 LUELLA (TN 57) 94-71 Attention Consignors: The area between the sheep barn and the coliseum is designated as a WALK ZONE. No horse(s) should be driven, ridden, or led through this area at any speed other than walk. This is for the safety of horses and spectators. Please feel free to show off your horse(s) at speed out on the race track. Thank you. While at the sale, stop by the AHR Booth and: • • • • • • • • Renew your membership. Subscribe to Haflinger Horse magazine. Browse through the store items. Buy a 2011 calendar (price reduced). Register your 2011 foals now. Support the National Show with your $25 patron sponsorship. Sign your foals up for the 2011 Futurity. Make a donation to the American Haflinger Fund and help support the Haflinger owners of tomorrow. Seller Buechler, David & Donna Buechler, David & Donna Clemson, Chris Clemson, Chris Coblentz, Melvin E. Dainty, Cheryl Eicher, Norman Eicher, Robert Erb, Melvin or Emma Erb, Melvin or Emma Erb, Melvin or Emma Esh, Amos Esh, Amos Esh, Amos Esh, Amos Esh, Elmer Jr. Esh, John Faverty, Kenneth R. Sr Fisher, Daniel R. Fisher, Sam J. Fisher, Sam J. Gingerich, Ruben M. Gingerich, Ruben M. Gingerich, Ruben M. Greenisen, Phil & Marge Greenisen, Phil & Marge Hendershot, William & Deb Parker Hendershot, William & Deb Parker Hershberger, David Hershberger, Jonathan O. Hershberger, Jonathan O. Hershberger, Jonathan O. Hershberger Joseph E. Hershberger Joseph E. Hershberger Joseph E. Hess, Pam & Curtis Hess, Pam & Curtis Hochstetler, Mahlon Hoskins, M. Douglas Hoskins, M. Douglas Hostetler, David A. Hostetler, Jonathan C. or Ida Hostetler, Jonathan C. or Ida Hostetler, Jonathan C. or Ida Hoyt, Sandra King, Jacob C. & Katie B King, Jacob C. & Katie B Kingery, Rick Kingery, Rick Lehman, Willard Lehman, William D. Lehman, William D. Luedy, Dawn Lot # 141 154 129 143 203 205 164 199 117 174 207 161 163 166 184 194 170 172 114 162 186 191 200 204 177 192 133 158 135 108 214 215 109 110 196 138 176 148 182 212 201 115 120 132 144 131 190 134 146 198 130 213 202 Horse Neutron EA Amir EA Marvelous Scout RWF Mambo JMT Sheila WRH Sandra PHHF Star of Excellence HOF Demeter WULF North Star Wonder Shally’s Shania LCH Shally’s Shirley LCH Wil Von Master’s TBF Wil-Von Mikas RVH Wil’s Thunderstik RVH Baruna GF Fern’s Babe HCA Majestic’s Magic LPB Maggie KFF AFC Champ DF Alfa’s Avenger Cosy CAF Fancy Treasure GHF Nowra GF Netty GHF Quinn GHP Amara GHP New Millennium Magic HNMH Nandos Tuff Act HNMH Alex BW6 Werve von der Ausdauerhof Sinderella of Green Acres Lantana’s Lace Archer DARH Wimsey DARH Leprechaun CHF Arno’s Allure LPH Prissy’s Pearl LPH Najani GBL Queenie’s Lily MDH Queenie’s Mtn Laurel MDH Sabina of 4WH Numa EHF Ace RVH Nakota EHF Morgan Stanley PGF Nickelson RAH Country Star RAHF Wyatt RKH Where’s Waldo’s Will RKH Amanda CLA After All TMHF Fashion CVA Cory RRR Mangels, Steve Mangels, Steve Mangels, Steve Miller, Betty Miller, Bill E. Miller, David & Sara Miller, David N. Miller, David N. Miller, David N. Miller, David N. Miller, David V. Miller, David V. Miller, David W. Miller, Leon J or Anna Mae Miller, Leroy Miller, Lester J. L. Miller, Mervin Mitteer, Brian & Dana Mitteer, Brian & Dana Norris, Stan or Shirley Norris, Stan or Shirley Norris, Stan or Shirley Norris, Stan or Shirley Read, Marcia G. Read, Marcia G. Read, Marcia G. Rowe, Ray & Sharon Rowe, Ray & Sharon Schlabach, Adin A. Schlabach, Gerald Schlabach, John D. Schlabach, Marvin C. Shrock, Marvin & Mae Slabach, Devon & Edna Slabach, Devon & Edna Slabach, Devon & Edna Slabaugh, Norman J. or Mary Slabaugh, Norman J. or Mary Stutzman, Ervin M. Stutzman, Norm & Rosemary Stutzman, Norm & Rosemary Troyer, Ura Jr. Troyer, Ura Jr. Troyer, Wayne A. Walker, R. K. Weaver, James Weaver, Merle Weaver, Merle Weaver, Merle Wengerd, Raymond & Susan Yoder, Andrew & Linda Yoder, Andrew & Linda Yoder, Daniel W. Yoder, Glenn R. Yoder, Glenn R. Yoder, Leroy D. 140 171 197 178 181 124 111 137 145 151 156 157 206 153 150 195 113 142 193 122 123 159 208 136 152 169 128 187 160 168 125 139 189 112 126 211 165 185 183 155 167 147 175 188 127 180 118 179 210 121 149 119 116 196 209 173 Augustus of the Ridge Lila Joyous NKA Lexie of the Ridge Candle Light Rosebud BM Anthony GVS Night Nitro Alex’s Gold TSH Major League II KH Anthony DTH Wild Bill CCA Westmount King CCA Lady’s Star WSA Miracle Mag LAM Arnold TMHF Fritzi’s Golden Girl Magnum JLC Ahmay Jour of Showme Baylee Cream of Showme Neiman Snickers S-SN Neiman’s Nicker Wildmoos NTF C Marcus Grand S-SN Alero OOS Ambler OOS Dorana WULF Winter Ice Merry Music RAHF All-Star van de Wortel Adalia SFF New Vision Asteroid AMS C-Katrina SAH Nuisance PFH No Star LAH Sophia LAH Willo’s Ice CHA Flicka MBM B-A-Winner NTF Noble Jim MLH Deirdre WULF Mirth JMT Meadowsweet JMT Courtney GVF Malamar BEH Bethany’s Beauty Aristocrat’s Woods RVH Liza Luray Beanie’s Easter Lily MW North Star 2SH New York TMA American Spirit TMA Ardbeg HLH Jayla SRH MS Winter Storm of 2S Crispy Co Wink-FH Getting to the AHR Sale at Ashland County Fairgrounds The map below shows the fairground buildings. The maps on the next page show Ashland in relation to the State of Ohio and the Fairgrounds in relation to Ashland. Motels and Services within 25 Miles of Ashland, Ohio Ashland Motels Ashland Inn (formerly Amerihost) 741 US Rt. 250 E Ashland, OH 44805 419/281-8090 Days Inn 1423 CR 1575 Ashland, OH 44805 419/289-0101 Holiday Inn Express US Rt 250 E Ashland, OH 44805 419/281-2900 Super 8 Motel/dba Ashland Motel, Inc. 736 US Rt 250 E Ashland, OH 44805 419/281-0567 Surrey Inn Hotel 1065 Claremont Ave Ashland, OH 44805 419/289-7700 Ashland Bed & Breakfast Bowser House Bed & Breakfast 302 Center Street Ashland, OH 44805 419/289-6324 Mansfield Motels Exit 169 I-71/SR 13 Interchange Amerihost – Mansfield 60 rooms 180 E. Hanley Rd Mansfield, OH 44901 419/756-6670 La Quinta Inn & Suites 120 Stander Avenue Mansfield, OH 44903 419-774-0005 phone 419-774-9066 fax 1-800-531-5900 / Super 8 Motel Interstate Circle Mansfield, OH 44903 419/756-8875 Travelodge Mansfield 90 W Hanley Rd Mansfield, OH 44903 419/756-7600 or 800/578-7878 Mansfield Motels Exit 176 I-71/US 30 Interchange Best Western – Mansfield 104 rooms 880 Laver Rd Mansfield, OH 44905 Location: 1 ½ miles West to Laver Rd. 419/589-2200 Econo Lodge Koogle Rd Mansfield, OH 44903 419/589-3333 Wooster Motels Amerihost East 2055 E Lincoln Way 330/262-5008 Amerihost North 789 E Milltown Rd 330/345-1500 Best Western 243 E Liberty 330/264-7750 or 800/528-1234 Econo Lodge 2137 E Lincoln Way 330/264-8883 Hampton Inn 4253 Burbank Rd 330/345-4424 Super 8 US30/US83 330/264-6211 The End This concludes the 2011 Spring Sale. Thank you to all of the Consignors and Buyers and Valued Volunteers that helped make this sale a success! DATED MATERIAL - DO NOT DELAY American Haflinger Registry 1686 East Waterloo Road Akron, Ohio 44306-4103 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS AUTO POSTAGE PAID SUGARCREEK, OH 44681 PERMIT NO. 38
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Attention Consignors - American Haflinger Registry
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