bulletin board


bulletin board
Table of Contents
From the pen of the Wielder of the Goose Quill ..................................... Page 3
Word from the Custodian of the Gosling ............................................... Page 4
Hello from a retired lifetime member! ...................................................... Page 7
The “Did you know?” minute ................................................................... Page 8
Being a member of the HOBGI ................................................................. Page 9
2015 donations ........................................................................................ Page 10
2016-2017 Executive Committee ............................................................ Page 12
Bulletin Board.......................................................................................... Page 14
Lobsters night 2016 gallery of photos .................................................. Page 15
2016 partners ........................................................................................... Page 20
Happy reading!
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 2
Hi dear members,
A new year is starting and our Executive Committee for the 2016-2017 year was elected at our last
annual general meeting held on May 19. You will find the list of the new committee members on
page 12 of your Take Off report.
I take this occasion in wishing a warm welcome to 3 new members who now sit on the committee:
Marie-Pierre Bossé – Custodian of the Gosling;
Benoit Campeau – Guardian of the Nest;
Vincent A. Malouin – Keeper of the Golden Goose Egg.
Furthermore, you will shortly receive your contribution form. You will notice that the annual cost
has been raised from $50 to $60, which is still a great bargain considering all of the benefits you
receive from being a member of the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International - Québec
As Wielder of the Goose Quill, I have the privilege of being a delegate to our next international
convention that will be held in St-Louis, MO, from the 20th to the 23rd of July. Of course, all
members in good standing can attend. During this convention, many points will be discussed
including the recruitment of new members, fundraising, the www.bluegoose.org Web site, the
annual publication from each Pond, etc.
Finally, I want to personally invite you all to our next golf tournament that will be held at the
Rosemere Golf Club, 282 Labelle Boulevard, Rosemere, on Thursday, August 25 th. A new playing
formula awaits you on this memorable day!!!
I want to wish one and all a beautiful summer filled with love, peace and serenity.
Champagne for everyone!
Sylvie St-Amour
Wielder of the Goose Quill
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 3
Hello everyone,
For the past few months, our service and manufacturing-based economy has been struggling. This
is mostly due to how the Canadian dollar fluctuated in comparison to the American dollar. Nonprofit organisations like ours are also greatly affected by this.
In order to remain affiliated with the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International, we in the
Québec Pond, as all other Ponds, must transfer a portion of our membership fees to the Grand
Nest in Milwaukee, WI. The annual fee was set at $27 US per member. With the higher value of
the American dollar, the fee now becomes $34 CA. And so, from your $50 fee, only $16 remain for
the management of our Pond. Remember that the members of the Board of Directors from our
Pond serve on a voluntary basis. With only 226 members in our Pond, we end up with $3,600 at
our disposal for all of our operation costs. This isn’t very much to manage the Pond and organize
our charity events.
When the Canadian dollar fell to an historic low of 62¢ US in 2002, The Grand Nest gave us a
discount appropriately named “Canadian Relief” on our contributions. Presently, since the
Canadian dollar hasn’t gone below 70¢ US (January 2016), we don’t anticipate the return of the
“Canadian Relief”. Times are hard for all, even for the Americans during this election year.
In light of these facts, we have difficult choices to make because of our troubled economy. The
perpetuation of our Order depends on it. In order to fill this gap, we must raise our fees to $60 for
2016-2017 as other Ponds in Canada have done. In comparison, membership fees in Alberta and
British Columbia are $60 while in Ontario, they are $75.
During the international convention in St. Louis in 2016, a final vote will be taken regarding the
realignment of the regions. Here is a resume of those proposed changes.
Originally, there were 5 regions:
Central Region with 11 Ponds: Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Chicago, Michigan, Kansas,
Missouri, Ohio, North Dakota, St. Louis and Wisconsin.
Southern Region with 8 Ponds: Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
Canadian Region with 9 Ponds: Alberta, British Columbia, Edmonton, Manitoba, Nova
Scotia, Ontario, Québec, Regina and Saskatchewan.
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 4
Western Region with 4 Ponds: Arizona, Colorado, Seattle and Utah.
Eastern Region with 7 Ponds: Bay State, Garden State, Hartford, National Capital, New
York, Penn and Westchester.
Following the decline in membership in the Western Region, a proposal was made to merge the
Western Region with the South and Central Regions. The Western Region, with its 4 Ponds, was
unable to either manage or financially support the organisation of the annual convention.
And so, if accepted at the next convention, there will be only 4 regions:
Canadian Region: remains the same.
Central Region: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah,
Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Eastern Region: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
and West Virginia.
Southern Region: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
By reducing the organisation to 4 regions, the annual convention will now be held every 4 years in
each region.
These changes in the Regions will also be felt at the Board of Director level of the Honorable
Order of the Blue Goose, International. We will now count on only 5 administrative officers at the
Grand Nest and a maximum of 2 delegates from each Pond.
Having eliminated the position of Grand Keeper of the Golden Goose Egg, the 5 officers will have
the following titles:
Most Loyal Grand Gander
Grand Supervisor of the Flock
Grand Custodian of the Ganders
Grand Guardian of the Nest
Grand Wielder of the Goose Quill
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 5
Furthermore, the elected and certified delegates (no more than 2 per Pond) will be allowed to sit
and vote on the appropriate legislation during the annual meetings of the Grand Nest.
I hope that you have had as much pleasure as I had in discovering all of the coming changes at
the international level!
Bon été!
Marie-Pierre Bossé, Custodian of the Gosling
In collaboration with
Guy Charron – Past Most Loyal Grand Gander
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 6
“25 years of serving with the HOBGI, Québec Pond.
I can confirm that there was never a dull moment!”
Dear members,
After my first year as a member where I received the official “Goose” pin, I took part in the 1998
Montreal convention. Following this, I was asked to take part in a group responsible for organising
the model initiation to be held 2 years later by the Edmonton Pond. This was also funny since, to
my knowledge, it was the first time that the model initiation would be held in both French and
English. Imagine the look on the faces of our Canadian and American friends! Marc Thurber,
former Most Loyal Grand Gander, had led the ceremony in a masterful fashion.
I also took part in many other conventions during which I noticed that the HOBGI formed a closeknit family with members from the 4 corners of North America, building friendships that grew over
time. I am now part of the ganders who have received their 25-year service pin, as well as that of
the Past Most Loyal Gander (President). After, I remained active within the executive committee in
order to handle, in particular, the donation committee.
In 2015, I decided to recluse myself from the executive committee for health reasons, all the while
retaining my membership in the Pond.
I wish you the same kind of experience as a member of our organisation!
Sincerely Yours,
Jacques Lemarbre Past Most Loyal Gander
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 7
Industry News
Hello dear Professionals,
Here are a few changes to certain standards:
A major change took place concerning the acquisition rules for UFC’s for those certified AMF,
including claims adjuster. Indeed, for the period covering 2016-2017, the minimum UFC (Units of
Continued Training) in the “Compliance” category will again be 3 units. However, the CHAD
requires that those that are certified must take 2 of these UFC’s on their Webcast. The certified
can do the remaining UFC of this category at their leisure.
For the claims adjusters and those in restauration, the new safety code of the RBQ, RLRQ and
Building Code (BC-1.1 r3) imposes, since March 2013, new standards for residential buildings of 3
or more stories, having 10 or more apartments. All restauration works must take these new
standards into consideration and be upgraded to these levels. Other standards also came into
effect in March 2014 and others are expected for 2016 and 2018. Insurers must take these
upgrades into consideration when calculating the insured value.
Several insurers find themselves facing a growing challenge in the reconstruction of buildings. The
calculation tool undervalues the amount in comparison to today’s reality. They have difficulty
finding a contractor willing to build at that price, especially in highly concentrated urban areas or
remote areas. The IBC recently informed industry specialists of this fact.
Sincerely yours,
Louis Pearson, Most Loyal Gander
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 8
Friends and colleagues, readers and members of that great family of people involved in the world
of insurance. This year, more than ever, we ask for your support, and becoming a member of our
organisation is the best way of supporting us.
Being a member of the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International, allows you to take part
in networking meetings during which you can exchange with people involved at different levels of
the insurance industry. This can be seen from the diagram at the bottom of this page!
Even more, by being a member, YOU are, by the same token, involved in coming to the aid of
more than 30 family or individual-oriented organisations, in need of financial support.
You may even be interested in joining the Board of Directors! This year, we have 3 new members
that joined the Board and they are: Mrs. Marie-Pierre Bossé (Fort Assurance); Mr. Benoit
Campeau (AssureExperts Campeau Inc.); and, Mr. Vincent A. Malouin (Exactitude), thus giving
new energy to the team.
As a former Most Loyal Ganders (PMLG), Mrs. Diane Loyer, Sylvie St-Amour, Annie Lapointe as
well as Messrs. Guy Charron, Jacques Cuierrier, Marc Thurber and Patrice Lemaire continue to
serve in the different committees.
I therefore invite you to dive into the adventure.
3,2% COURTIERS 5,9%
François Radino
Supervisor of the Flock
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 9
Association des auxiliaires bénévoles Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont ..................................................... 1000$
Fondation des auberges du cœur (Jeunes en difficulté) ............................................................................. 1000$
4246, rue Jean-Talon Est, Tour sud, bureau 17, Montréal, H1S 1J8
Cenacle Ste-famille (Jeune mères en difficulté).......................................................................................... 1000$
105, rue Lanthier, Brownsburg-Chatam, J8G 1Z8
La petite ferme de l’auberge (Jeunes démunis).......................................................................................... 1000$
728, ch. Bachand, Roxton Falls, J0H 1E0
La maison Marguerite (Jeunes femmes en difficulté) ................................................................................. 1000$
6240, rue de Lanaudière, Montréal, H2G 3A7
Centre des jeunes St-Sulpice (Jeunes 6-17 ans) .......................................................................................... 1000$
9455, Olivier-Maurault, suite 1, Montréal, H2M 1Z5
Centre le beau voyage (Jeunes 12-18 ans) ................................................................................................. 1000$
4540, rue Garnier, Montréal, H2J 3S7
Le refuge des jeunes de Montréal (Jeunes sans abri) ................................................................................. 2000$
1836, rue Ste-Catherine, Est, Montréal, H2K 2H3
Popote St-Gilbert (Repas pour personnes âgées) ....................................................................................... 1500$
Popote l’Entre-Gens (Repas pour personnes âgées) ................................................................................... 1000$
Cuisine collective grand plateau (Itinérants/ sans abris)............................................................................. 1500$
Corporation l’Espoir .................................................................................................................................. 1500$
55, rue Dupras, local 511, Lasalle, H8R 4A8
Société canadienne sclérose en plaque...................................................................................................... 1000$
550, Sherbrooke Ouest, Tour Est, bureau 1010, Montréal H3A 1B0
Centre de répit Philou ............................................................................................................................... 1500$
3165, rue Jean-Brillant, Montréal, H3T 1N7
Plein Air à plein cœur (Enfants démunis) ................................................................................................... 1000$
4565, Boul. Notre-Dame O., Montréal, H4C 1S3
Le domaine familial inc. ............................................................................................................................. 1000$
C.P. 86, Succursale Rosemont, Montréal, H1X 3B6
Maison l’Intermède (Déficient intellectuel)................................................................................................ 1000$
192, rue F.X. Garneau, Beloeil J3G 4Y1
Fondation le grand chemin ........................................................................................................................ 1500$
7070, boul. Perras, Montréal, H1E 1A4
Mélanie St-Amour (Jeune mère en difficulté) ............................................................................................ 1450$
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Villa Ignatia (Alcoolique) ............................................................................................................................ 1000$
2205, beau site, Lac St-Charles, St-Charles, G3G 2P8
Fondation Maison de l’enfance (Soins spéciaux) ........................................................................................ 1000$
L’Aviron (Hébergement communautaire) .................................................................................................... 500$
Maison de l’Auberivière (Sans abris) .......................................................................................................... 1500$
401, rue St-Paul, Québec G1K 3X3
Société pour les enfants handicapés du Québec .......................................................................................... 500$
756, ch. des Patriotes, Otterburn Park, J3H 1Z5
Fondation de l’autisme de Québec ............................................................................................................ 1000$
1055, boul. des Chutes, Québec, G1E 2E9 ............................................................................................................
Scout 181e St-Théophile (Enfants malades/activités adaptés) .................................................................... 1000$
5144, de Troyat, Laval, H7R 5J4 ...........................................................................................................................
Fondation Ekuus (Filles en difficulté) ......................................................................................................... 1000$
5415, ch. Queen Mary, Suite 4, Montréal, H3X 1V1 .............................................................................................
Réseau d’entraide St-Léonard (Entraide pour ainés) .................................................................................. 1500$
5660, rue du Hautbois, St-Léonard, H1S 1G4
Cartes cadeaux Métro ............................................................................................................................... 1550$
Christie Wood et Julien Des Roches (parents d’une enfant lourdement handicapée) ................................. 1500$
TOTAL 35 000$
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 11
1. Louis Pearson – Most Loyal Gander
Formation Louis Pearson inc.
4422, route 132, bureau 410
Ste-Catherine (Québec) J5C 1V9
514 799-7400
2. François Radino – Supervisor of the Flock
Polygon Après-Sinistre
4565, boul. Métropolitain Est
Montréal (Québec) H1P 3M3
514 326-0555 cel. : 514 264-2856
3. Marie-Pierre Bossé – Custodian of the Gosling
Assurance Fort
3400, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, bureau 1115
Montréal (Québec) H3Z 3B8
514 481-0481 cel. : 514 781-9538
4. Benoit Campeau – Guardian of the Nest
AssurExperts Campeau Inc.
8046, rue Browning
LaSalle (Québec) H8N 2G1
1-888-871-2520, p. 378 cel. : 514 910-3597
5. Vincent A. Malouin – Keeper of the Golden Goose Egg
Exactitude – Évaluation en bâtiment après sinistre
C.P. 1123, succ. St-Janvier
Mirabel (Québec) J7J 1A1
514 781-3444
Sylvie St-Amour – Wielder of the Goose Quill
BMO Nesbitt Burns
1850, rue Panama
Brossard (Québec) J4W 3C6
450 466-1734 cel. : 450 357-4551
Patrice Lemaire – Past Most Loyal Gander
Groupe CJL inc.
7, rue des Berges
Morin-Heights (Québec) J0R 1H0
514 866-1930 cel. : 514 608-193
Annie Lapointe – PMLG – Initiation Committee
865, rue Lauberivière, bureau 200
Lévis (Québec) G6V 7M5
418 839-0494, p. 2255 cel. : 418 573-7188
Guy Charron – Past Most Loyal Grand Gander
810, avenue du Parc
estimateurs inc.
Laval (Québec) H7E 2T4
450 661-5101 cel. : 514 779-3635
Diane Loyer – PMLG – Membership
Philippe Loyer & associés évaluateurs-
Pierre Visockis – Golf Committee
Robinson Sheppard Shapiro
800, Place Victoria, bureau 4700
Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1H6
514 393-7479
Marc Thurber – Past Most Loyal Grand Gander
Swiss Re
150, King Street West, bureau 100
Toronto (Ontario) M5H 1J9
450 482-6006 cel.: 514 914-4023
Jacques Cuierrier – PMLG – DMLGG
Cuierrier et associés inc.
1341, rue Grande-Allée, bureau 201
Terrebonne (Québec) J6W 4K6
450 964-9394 #112 cel. : 514 231-0404
Réal Emery – Finance Committee
Boyko Joly
50, Place Crémazie Ouest, bureau 811
Montréal (Québec) H2P 2T5
514 383-5484 cel. : 514 917-0475
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
3077, rue Peugeot, bureau 201
Laval (Québec) H7L 5C4
450 681-5559 cel. : 514 605-0135
Page 12
Marc Thurber, Jacques Cuierrier,
Diane Loyer, Benoit Campeau, François Radino
Marie-Pierre Bossé, Louis Pearson, Sylvie St-Amour and Réal Emery
Absent : Vincent A. Malouin, Patrice Lemaire, Annie Lapointe, Guy Charron and Pierre Visockis
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 13
Golf 2016
When : august 25th, 2016
Where : Club de Golf Rosemère
282, boul. Labelle, Rosemère
Brunch : 10h30
Start : 12h00
Aperitif : environ 17h30
Supper : vers 18h30
For more information contact Ms. Rose-Carmel Bazin 514 393-7484, ext.
7605 or golf-ohobi@rsslex.com
Confirmation 2016
When : september 29th, 2016
Where : Hôtel Nelligan
106, rue St-Paul O., Montréal
For more information contact Ms. Annie Lapointe
418 839-0494, ext. 2255 or annie.lapointe@gus.ca
Supper Oysters 2016
Supper Lobsters 2017
Information to come!
Information to come!
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
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Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 23
Gravel Rouleau & associés inc. – Cabinet d’expertise en règlement de sinistres
Expertises Technico-légales DK
Optiservices – Restauration après sinistre
Refexio DKY – Solutions en relance après sinistre
Spring – Summer Flight 2016
Page 24