grace notes - Grace United Methodist Church
grace notes - Grace United Methodist Church
G RACE N OTES Grace United Methodist Church Manassas, Virginia November 2015 Join us in the Fellowship Hall for food and fellowship! Dinner is served buffet-style from 5:45-7:00 pm $6 per person / $25 max per family Please RSVP on your bulletin Response Form or by contacting the church office November 4 - Turkey Dinner with all the Trimmings! Catered by Virginia Catering December 2 - “Advent Dinner & Deck the Halls Party” Baked Ziti, Salad, Bread, and Dessert Catered by Virginia Catering Games & Activities include: Christmas Bingo! Games & Carols! Make & Take crafts! & More! Pastor’s Column ............... 2 Upcoming Events .......... 3-6 Service & Mission .......... 7-8 Youth Ministry …………..8 Congregational Care ... 9-10 Music Ministry ................ 11 Hanging of the Greens: Chrismon Tree Decorating! Wreaths & Nativity Scenes! & More! Children’s Ministry .......... 12 Our Church Family ......... 13 Staff Directory . Back Cover Pastor’s Column Pastor’s Column: Corporate Spirituality Pastor Janet Salbert A parent or a teacher is one who takes a person beyond where they have been before. Something new is learned and experienced and obstacles are overcome. Prayer accomplishes these tasks as well. In prayer, we are able to deepen our understanding of God experiencing God in ways we haven’t before. Prayer also helps us to overcome obstacles. In prayer, we must set an intention. What is it that we are trying to learn or overcome? Do we need more trust? Are we struggling with anger or grief? Do we need to learn patience or forgiveness? “Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:7-12 Did you know that along with our individual spirituality, each community of faith has its own corporate spirituality? There are four primary spirituality types outlined by Corinne Ware. One type is an intellectual spirituality that favors the concrete and minimizes mystery. A second type is deeply drawn to transforming society through social justice. A third type is mystical and emphasizes the vastness of God. Lastly, there is a heart spirituality that knows God through love more than ideas. Many people will likely have a blend of two preferences. Every congregation often these four spirituality types represented, each are impacted in worship in different ways. It is important to learn about our spirituality and appreciate how each type is beneficial. When a congregation prays together with an intent, we are able to go further in our discipleship than we have before. November is a month of thanksgiving, which we offer to God through prayer, in both word and deed. Let us set our intent for this season of prayer to trust God further for all this is needed as we give thanks for all God has provided. 1 Ware, Corinne. Discover Your Spiritual Type. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1995. Newcomers’ Gatherings Church Offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 for Veterans Day and on Thursday and Friday, November 26-27, for Thanksgiving Page 2 Are you new to Grace? We hope you will join us for our two-part Newcomers’ Gatherings which help us get to know you, as you get to know us. “Meet the Pastors” is a chance to chat with Pastor Rudy and Pastor Janet in an informal setting. The “Exploring Membership” orientation introduces some of our lay leaders and explores basic beliefs of Methodism, the many opportunities offered by Grace, and the membership process. November gatherings will be Sunday, Nov. 15 (Meet the Pastors) and Sunday, Nov. 22 (Exploring Membership) at 12:15 pm in the Conference Room. Grace Notes, November 2015 Upcoming Events Consecration Sunday ~ Stewardship and YOU! 2015 Charge Conference On November 22, during each worship service, the Grace Church community will be given the opportunity to express our thanks to God by offering ourselves and our gifts to others. What better time than the Sunday before Thanksgiving! Have you ever thought about how hard it would be to plan to pay your bills if you had no idea how much income you would have on payday? Providing your Estimate of Giving gives the church the information it needs to budget for paying bills, payroll, apportionments and other recurring expenses, and for allocating funds to ministry areas. This is also an excellent time to consider our electronic giving option, which takes away the stress of remembering to write checks and get envelopes turned in! The Estimate of Giving cards will be handed out at worship services on November 22. Can’t be at Consecration Sunday? Cards can be picked up from the church office or the Narthex kiosk (or we can mail one to you!) and turned in to the offering plate or church office at any time. Monday, November 30 7:30 pm Grace UMC Sanctuary The annual Charge Conference is a celebration of Grace Church and all that it has done in the past year—sort of a “state of the church” report. District Superintendent, Rev. Jeff Mickle, will lead Grace in an individual conference. The Charge Conference is open to the entire Grace family, and we would love to see all of you here as we celebrate our accomplishments. We will also vote on the Building & Lighting the Way committees' recommendation to move forward with the application for the zoning permits for the building expansion. That will be a vote by the church membership, and we encourage folks to exercise their right. Come join us! Taizé Prayer and Healing services are held on first Mondays at 6:50 pm November through April Taizé Service Grab the loose change out of your cushions, cars, and piggy banks, and add it to our Lighting the Way building and ministry expansion bank. Let’s fill the tower again in these last months of 2015! There are still individual size banks available in the narthex, so take one home and keep collecting those coins. Every penny counts! Page 3 Monday, November 2 6:50 pm Taizé Service Monday, December 7 6:50 pm Grace Notes, November 2015 Upcoming Events Un-Trim-a-Tree Is Coming Soon! Christmas is coming, and so is our annual UnTrim-A-Tree project, coordinated by the United Methodist Women. With Thanksgiving so late in November we have a very short turn-around time for collections this year. We will be provided with 100 tags for children. We are to provide two gifts totaling $75 per child. Because some of the children’s requests will be for items that cost much more than $75, gift cards are also accepted so that each donation stays within the $75 limit to keep things fair for all the children. (Imagine a family of 3 kids, where 2 “angels” stuck to the guidelines and the 3rd spent 3 times as much… not good!) The Un-Trim-a-Tree will be set up in the narthex on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 29. The tree will be hung with tags with an ID code number, the child’s age, gender, and gift requests. Once you choose a tag, it is very important to write your name and phone number beside the tag’s code number on the clipboard you’ll find by the tree so we know that each number is accounted for and that the tag didn’t just get lost somewhere. We MUST have all gifts returned by noon on Sunday, December 13, and sooner is even better so we have more time to sort and make sure all children have gifts. As we said, it’s a short turnaround time, and all help in meeting our deadlines is greatly appreciated! Modge Podge and Chrismons? Our church Chrismons are beautiful, inventive, delicate, strong, unique, and blessed. Some people have grabbed a kit of supplies and directions to make a Chrismon, like the ones that the folks from the Danville Lutheran church had done. Lynn Jost finished her Chrismon; it is the first one of the Basic Series, the Chi Rho with Alpha and Omega. As I pulled it out of the ziploc bag, I was delighted with how well it was put together. Now, listen carefully, because Lynn says, I just put some Modge Podge on it, I hope that's okay? I have to say, I wish I had told this story to more folks sooner. What an inventive solution to these extensive directions and precarious styrofoam parts! Yes, it is okay. Let's have some fun with creating and finishing Chrismons for our church sanctuary tree. Janet Dennis likes working on plastic canvas and has designed a beautiful cross, Kathy Van Der Kamp wants to make counted cross-stitch Chrismons, Gigi Dann wants to use metallic thread on a stiffened felt shape of a Chrismon. There are Perler bead designs on "All Chrismons are made in combinations of white and gold. White, the liturgical color for Christmas, refers to our Lord’s purity and perfection; gold, to His majesty and glory,” from the Chrismons: Basic Series booklet from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville. So, bring your Chrismons one and all to the church and we will hang them on the Sanctuary tree. Jane Zatkowsky Manassas Christmas Parade Mark your calendars to be a part of the Grace UMC “float” in the Manassas Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 5. We’ll decorate the church bus, so some can ride and wave while others walk along to hand out candy and Grace Christmas information. Keep an eye on your bulletin and weekly emails for more details as we get them! Page 4 Grace Notes, November 2015 Upcoming Events . The mission of the Senior Adult Ministry of Grace United Methodist Church is to provide for and respond to the spiritual, social and educational needs and interests of those 65 and over. Upcoming Opportunities for Senior Adults: We typically meet on the third Thursday of each month. Mark your calendar and watch for details in your newsletters and bulletins. November Luncheon ~ Thanksgiving Feast Thursday, November 19 ~ 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall The Senior Adult Council will provide turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings. Please RSVP by Sunday, November 15, by marking your blue Grace Connection Form or by calling the church office, 703-361-7800, or Eva Bleeker, 972-207-9738. December 17 ~ Christmas Luncheon 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Holiday entertainment and a great holiday meal. Contact Eva Bleeker (703-361-7800, for more info about our Senior Adults. Sign up for Bi-District Training Day January 9, 2016! History & Records Gift Sales This event is open to all individuals in the Alexandria and Arlington Districts-come and be part of the biggest UMC event in Virginia (outside of the Virginia Annual Conference)! Choose from more than 40 workshops that will help you grow in various ways, and gather with over 600 local United Methodists! This year’s theme is “Your Community is Your congregation.” Keynote speaker is Rev. Dr. Joe Daniels. Date is Saturday, January 9, 2016, 8:30 am-3:30 pm at Floris UMC. Download the brochure and register online at uploads/2015/09/BDTD-2016-Program-for-web.pdf or contact the church office for a printed version. Register by December 18 and the cost is only $30 (includes box lunch and all workshop materials). Register early for the best selection of workshops. Every Sunday from November 8 through December 13, after the 8:30 and 11:00 am worship services, the History & Records Committee will be selling these items: By Grace We Are Saved (History of Grace UMC) Wooden Churches Christmas Cards and Note Cards of the Good Shepherd Window China Plates of Grace Church Prints of all the historic Grace Churches Page 5 The sales table will be set up in the hallway by the church office. Think Christmas! Gifts for everyone! Grace Notes, November 2015 Upcoming Events United Methodist Men’s Fellowship The UMM upcoming dates for the monthly fellowship break- November 6-8. For more information, contact Marc Thompfasts are November 7 and December 5 at 8:00 am at Den- son at 703-366-2939. ny’s restaurant. The Wesleyan Men’s Small Group meets in the narthex The UMM are asked to lend a hand in the “Hanging of the on Wednesday nights at 7:15-8:30 pm. Contact Marc Greens” inside the Sanctuary and putting up the holiday Thompson for more information. lights in the trees along the parking lot. Please watch the weekly bulletin for the date and time for this opportunity to The Thursday night bible study meets at 7:15 pm in the Resource room on the second floor. We are studying the help prepare Grace for the Advent season. Gospel of John. For more information, contact John UMM retreat at Blackstone – the Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center (VUMAC) will be held on Bennett at United Methodist Women The Serendipity Circle will meet on November 10 at 9:30 am in Room 202. We will be collecting items for deploying troops stationed in Europe. Attendees are asked to bring items to be donated to our servicemen and women that include: protein bars, protein shakes, “shake bottles,” razors, other toiletries (no liquids), exercise equipment, exercise magazines, a package of holiday cards. We will also be making holiday cards for the Servicemen thanking them for their service, and making cards for troops to send home to their families. Gleaners Circle meets on second Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Carolyn Starbird, 703-3308530, for more information. Luna Circle meets on third Thursdays at 7:00 pm in members’ homes. November 19 the meeting will be held at Grace in Room 202. Contact Barbara Mangum, 703-667-0458 or, for more information. News from the UMW President, Judy Paap: Women’s Retreat As we are coming into the fall season, my mind goes to the beautiful setting at Blessings Lodge where the UMW holds its annual retreat. The leaves are always so pretty, the hay ride is always fun, and the fellowship is the best. Oh, did I forget to say that the food that is prepared by the center is just wonderful and we don’t have to even do clean up? The retreat is open to all the ladies of Grace UMC, not just the United Methodist Women. The program will be led by Pastor Janet Salbert, Darlene Runaldue, Eva Bleeker, and Lynn Jost. I am so looking forward to meeting new ladies and catching up with the ladies that have attended in the past. Bring a snack, a game, and your pj’s for the relaxing evenings of fun. Hope to see you there on November 6-8. Contact Judy Paap for more information. A Note to our Circles Serendipity, Gleaners, and Luna: remember to bring your World Thank Offering that you have been collecting all year to your November Circle meeting. Do you remember how many robins you saw, did you count how many Page 6 pair of sandals you had, or how many bibles are in your home? These are just a few of the everyday blessings we have and that we are to give thanks for. The funds raised from the World Thank Offering goes to support women, children, and youth through United Methodist Women all over the world. If you did not participate in the fun sheet that was handed out in February, you may still participate by giving a free will offering to Grace UMW and mark it for World Thank Offering. If anyone would like to participate in 2016 and you do not belong to a circle, let Judy Paap know and she will see that you get one of the fun sheets in January 2016. Grace UMW is more than just circle meetings every month, they are a support group of strong faith women who are always there to help someone in need. If you would like to become a part of the UMW, please check us out; we have two day time circles and one evening circle, and we would love to meet you. The evening circle, Luna Circle, can also provide babysitting if given notice. We always have fun and fellowship. You do not have to come to every meeting to be a member. God’s Blessings for a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Grace Notes, November 2015 Grace in Service and Mission Recognition of our Veterans By Katie Swenson This year Grace is especially honoring those who served during the Korean and Vietnam Eras at the Veteran’s Luncheon on Sunday, November 8, at 12:00 noon in the Fellowship Hall. Our many thanks to these veterans for their service and their unique experiences. Thanks to the Brass Ensemble - especially Allan Anderson, the Boy Scouts, and those who are helping with the luncheon. Last year the luncheon honored the WW II veterans. More recently Ives Salbert was able to video Harold Anderson, Phil Louer, and Glenn Shira. Our sincere thanks for story sharing and their service for our country. These videos will soon be available for church group viewing of their incredible stories. For more information about viewing or using them for a program, or questions regarding a military ministry at Grace, please contact Katie Swenson through the church office. Haiti Update By Darlene Runaldue Grace UMC is in a covenant relationship with the Winchester District to provide mission team and financial support to the people of Source Philippe. Darlene Runaldue and Chris Lowe traveled to SAP just this past month to attend the Global Mission Partners Conference where Bishop Gesner Paul remembered us and gave us a special greeting to bring to all of you. As we move toward the end of the year, we need to prepare for our upcoming team and our continued support of the clinic and the school. Please help continue the very positive efforts we have been able to achieve. So far, we have been able to build: a pier, a sea wall, repair the clinic roof, put a new roof on the school, paint the inside and outside of the clinic (it needs painting inside every year for health sanitation reasons), build a sewing building, and put some shelving in the clinic. Other work we have accomplished: training of teachers and pastors, helping a student go to nursing school, provide health exams for the students in our village, dental exams, eye exams, VBS, sewing lessons, music, and much, much more! Your support and your prayers are needed now more than ever to continue what God has put before us. Please see the table in the Narthex or contact Darlene Runaldue at drunaldue@umcgrace for the latest report from the conference we attended last month. There is much to do and God is very present. Donations can be made to GRACE UMC: memo section—Haiti. Thank you so much. May God richly bless you. Many thanks for your generous Food Pantry donations! Please place items by the food pantry cabinet in the Narthex. Due to limited bag space, we are only able to use item sizes noted below. Please take larger and unlisted items directly to SERVE. Our needs change on a weekly basis—please check your bulletin or with the church office for updates. A typical bag that we give out to families who attend our Caring and Sharing Program includes these items: Canned meat (tuna, chicken, etc.) Peanut butter (14 - 18 oz only) A sleeve of saltine crackers Spaghetti (1 lb) & pasta sauce (24-28 oz) A box/pouch side dish 3 cans of vegetables/legumes A can or 4 individual cups of fruit A small box or 4 individual boxes of cereal One or two of these extra items when available : Ramen/cup noodles Canned meal soup/pasta/stew Hamburger Helper We also provide diapers and wipes when available—larger sizes are most requested! Page 7 Grace Notes, November 2015 Grace in Service and Mission Operation Turkey Help us work with Northern Virginia Family Services (NVFS) to bring a Happy Thanksgiving to more than 800 of our community’s neediest families! You can get involved in one of these ways: 1. Donate food at the Grace narthex collection box through Sunday, November 15 Stuffing Canned Vegetables Potatoes Peanut Butter, Jelly Jello & Pudding Gravy Canned Fruit Bisquick Canned Pumpkin Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Rice Cranberry Sauce Sugar & Flour Sweet Potatoes Pastas & Sauces Soups Cornbread/Muffin Mixes Applesauce Boxed Desserts 2. Make a monetary donation directly to Operation Turkey. $50 fills a Thanksgiving basket. Checks should be made payable to “NVFS Operation Turkey” and should be mailed or delivered to: NVFS Operation Turkey, 10455 White Granite Drive, Suite 100, Oakton, VA 22124. 3. Volunteer! Help sort and organize food, prepare meal packages, and assist at distribution. Volunteers are needed from November 7 to November 16. To sign up, contact Jan Hawkins at 571-748-2621 or NEWS from our Student Ministries Grace Youth have been busy this year. All Summer the youth council met to come up with ideas to connect students with God. As we prayed, we kept thinking of how we are made up of mostly water, the earth is made up of mostly water, and that there are places that get too much water (South Carolina) and other places that get not enough water (California). We came up with a plan... H2O. Each month we introduce a biblical story that depicts the ways God uses water to connect to us. Now we have that opportunity to CONNECT Him 2 Others and Ourselves...H2O get it? Well, the youth got it... they have been coming up with new ways to reach out and ways that they can help get clean water to others. We are working on a way to help people learn how to tap into resources, literally under their feet. Can you imagine not having safe drinking water and one of your children dying from water contamination? Can you also imagine how that would look if they could have been saved by just drilling a hole and saving them? God gave us this knowhow and now we have to spread the good news. I can not wait to see the REST OF THE STORY! There will be updates through out the year... satay tuned! STATS: Sunday school : 40% increase Average youth group attendance: 60 New Youth group leaders : 5 SERVE monthly mission: 12 Students having fun and fellowship and meaningful discussions week after week-PRICELESS We need you for SNACK SUPPER! Sign up for snack supper today at our sign up genius, go to: Looking for something to do? Join us for the ALL night celebration January 1 from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am. Cost is $25. It will be a night of fun... cosmic bowling, pizza party, and movies.. What a great way to start off the New Year! Contact for more information or to sign up. Page 8 Grace Notes, November 2015 Congregational Care Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Stephen Ministry By Wayne and Carol Stoneback What exactly is Stephen Ministry? Are Stephen Ministers Counselors? Stephen Ministry is a ministry in our congregation in which trained and supervised lay persons, called Stephen Ministers, provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges or difficulties. Stephen Ministers are not counselors; they are trained lay caregivers. Their role is to listen and care - not to give advice or counsel. Stephen Ministers are also trained to recognize when a care receiver’s need exceeds what they can provide. When that happens they can work with care receivers to help them receive the level of care they really need. Who Is Involved? Stephen Ministers are the caregivers. They have engaged in 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving, including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, assertiveness, and using Christian resources in caregiving. In addition, their training covers specialized topics such as ministering to the divorced, hospitalized, bereaved, and aging. Stephen Ministers also participate in monthly continuing education which has included speakers discussing topics such as coping with depression, suicide, and online addictions. We currently have 14 active Stephen Ministers. They are: Don Bynum, Sylvia Bynum, Mid Scanlon, Celinda Mitchell, Dale Rice, Dee Dee Colgan, Mary Jane Benjamin, Carol Stoneback, Jill Freemen, Mimi Menzies, Wayne Stoneback, Peter Macleod, Rich Sabey, and Shirley Adamek. Care receivers are the recipients of Stephen Ministers’ care. They are people from our church or community who are experiencing divorce, grief, loss of a job, loneliness, hospitalization, terminal illness, or any of a number of other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers usually meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour, for as long a period of time as the care receiver will benefit by the relationship. Can I Trust a Stephen Minister? Trust is essential to a caring relationship and Stephen Ministers are people you can trust. Confidentiality is one of the most important principles of Stephen Ministry. What a care receiver tells a Stephen minister is kept in strictest confidence. What is the Pastor’s Role? Pastors will always be the primary caregivers, but there is no way pastors can meet all the needs for care. God has called all of us, not just pastors, to minister to one another. Stephen Ministry multiplies ministry by turning pastors into equippers so they can enable lay people to provide caring ministry, as well. If you have questions about our Stephen Ministry program, contact one of the pastors or a Stephen Leader: Darlene Runaldue (703-361-7800,, Carol or Wayne Stoneback (703-330-5813, What do Stephen Ministers Do? Stephen Ministers are caring, Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with care receivers who are working through a difficult time in their lives. Page 9 Grace Notes, November 2015 Congregational Care As the Season Changes…a couple of reminders... By Joan Morison, Parish Nursing Ministries member While we enjoy the beauty (and temperature changes) that Fall has to offer, seasonal allergies are often triggered this time of year. Numerous over-the-counter, as well as prescription, products are available to help combat the symptoms and provide some relief. Some products are antihistamines alone, while others are combination products that contain a decongestant. Be particularly aware of this if you are on any high blood pressure medication. Decongestants relieve stuffed noses by narrowing blood vessels in the nose allowing you to breathe easier, but, this same effect on other blood vessels can result in an increase in blood pressure. Saline nasal spray is an alternative for relief of congestion that might be helpful. A Neti Pot has also been found useful for relief from sinus issues. And don’t forget to rest and stay well hydrated. Update (or if you haven’t compiled a list, get busy… ) your list of all your medications and how you use them to keep in your wallet or purse. You want to have easy access to this information whenever you are speaking to a health care provider. List your prescription as well as over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, and even herbal teas .There is much less chance of something being forgotten or overlooked if you have prepared this list ahead of time. Help your health care providers give you optimal care. And finally, enjoy our beautiful Fall !!! CPR Certification Class Want to become CPR certified or need to be recertified? Check the blue Grace Connection form. A class will be scheduled soon. Contact the church office, 703-361-7800, if interested. Page 10 Grace Notes, November 2015 Music Ministry For more detailed information about Grace’s choirs and instrumental ensembles and about upcoming concerts and arts events at Grace and the local community, please pick up our “Music Ministry” and “Year in Music” brochures from the Welcome Table or information kiosk in the narthex or church office. Upcoming Concerts at Grace & in the Community Saturday, November 21, 2:30 pm Northern Virginia Handbell Festival Concert at Centreville United Methodist Church. The Parrish Bells members will be participating in this Handbell Festival. The closing concert is free and open to the public. December Christmas Season Events of Note: December 20 at all worship services Lessons and Carols Morning services feature the Chancel Choir, Grace Notes a cappella ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Parrish Bells, GosBells, and Woodwind; Evening service features the SonRise Praise Band December 24 at 10:30 pm Doc and Rev in Concert Dr. Geoffrey Haydon and Rev. Milton Rodgers present an organ and piano recital before the 11:00 pm Christmas Eve service November Worship Leaders November 1 - All Saints Sunday 8:30 Grace Notes, Grace Woodwind Ensemble 11:00 Grace Woodwind Ensemble, Wesley Singers Ensemble November 8 8:30 Chancel Choir 11:00 Asbury Chimers, Asbury Ringers, Wesley Singers Chimers Schedule Monday, November 2, at 10:30 am ~ Manassas Rehab Monday, November 9, at 10:30 am ~ Amerisist Monday, November 16, at 10:30 am ~ Caton Merchant House Monday, November 23, at 10:30 am ~ Birmingham Green Monday, November 30, at 10:30 am ~ Caton merchant House November 15 Parrish Bells, Treble Ensemble November 22 - Consecration Sunday 8:30 GosBells, Wesley Singers 11:00 GosBells, Chancel Choir November 29 - First Advent 8:30 Grace Brass Ensemble 11:00 Grace Brass Ensemble, Chancel Choir Page 11 There is a choir for everyone at Grace! Please contact Rev. Milton Rodgers or check out the Music Ministry Brochure to find your place in a choir or ensemble. Grace Notes, November 2015 Children’s Ministries Advent Bags for SERVE… Kids (& YOU) on a Mission! Children’s Ministries will begin the season of Advent with a special mission opportunity. We are sending home Advent bags that will focus on counting the days until we celebrate Jesus’ birth and also on filling a grocery bag for SERVE! These Advent bags will be handed out during all Children’s Ministries gatherings and events and will also be available at the Children’s Welcome Tables. **All are welcome to participate in this great mission project for SERVE! **Filled bags are due back at church on Sunday, December 20. Birthday Party for Jesus! Celebrate the reason for the season with us on Sunday, December 13! We will have a birthday party for Jesus in the Fellowship Hall during UpStreet Sunday School at 9:45…and during SEEK at 5:00 too! *All are welcome, so please join us!* Kids in Mission Calling all kids in 1st - 5th Grades….You can be in mission for Jesus! Join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month (12:15-2:00 pm) as we gather for food, fellowship, fun, and to serve our church and community through different mission activities and projects! st nd FBI (Faith Bible Investigators) is for 1 and 2 graders and we gather in Room 9. rd th TAG (Take And Give) is for 3 -5 graders and we gather in the Library/Resource Room (Room 201). Both groups pick up from the Fellowship Hall. Join us on November 15 at 12:15 pm or December 13* at 12:15 pm! *Our December meeting will be held on the 2nd Sunday of the month.* For more information on Children’s Activities contact Arleen Field,, 703-361-7800 x117 Page 12 Grace Notes, November 2015 Our Church Family November Birthdays 1 - Madison Pignone, Richard Wiersteiner 2 - Katie Dorr, Charlie Hawley 3 - Emma Elston, Allen Ford, Kayla Fyock, Will Jarvis, David Wurst 4 - Hugh Campbell, Jonathan Jarrett-Coker, Caleb Todd, Brian Vetal, Mary Wilsher 5 - Jay Callaway 6 - Victoria Baker, Drew Bogan, Tricia Dean, Mike Post 7 - Elaina Harrison, Warren Sealock, Earlene Vetter 8 - Carolyn Jacobs, Gavin Kunstel, Michelle McIntyre 9 - Jillian Page, Debbie Simmons 10 - Bryan Bell, Sarah Kieu, Dan Meador, Tyler Presgrave, Milton Rodgers, Tammy Wightman 12 - Carly Brock, Mason Scott, Cara Weidman 13 - Beth Anderson, Inez Frantz, Sandy Langknecht, Ellen Long, Bronson Smith 14 - Gina Post, Seth Richards 15 - Jay Bolling, Michael Pope 17 - Bonnie Byers, Dwayne Priest 18 - Beth Brooks, Ethan Dixon 19 - Shirley Coates, Joshua Gonzaga, Carrie Jordan, Pete Magee, Marion Soderberg 20 - Patricia Bentz, Jessica Jenner 21 - Thomas Meadows 22 - Chris Bumgarner, Wendy Ford, Lisa Rohrbach 23 - Carena Harrison, Alyssa Ryberg, Judy Zellers 24 - Carley Wilson 25 - Eva Bleeker 26 - Peter Long, Judy O'Meara, Nathan Silvis 27 - Kittie Blakemore, Roland Hassebrock, Riley Kotlus, Jean Stephens, Cana Wade 28 - Perry Day, Laci LeVecchi, Matthew Wagner 29 - Danielle Hettmann, Tyler Husband, Mitzi Messall 30 - Kyle Linsday, Liam Villavicencio Baptisms 9/27/15 Everett Geer 9/27/15 Emerson Geer Memorials In memory of Stan Fowler: Mary Jane Parrish Gleaners Circle Dot Moore Hazel Boyer Robert (Sr.) and Shirley Ambrogi Larry and Sue Soergel In memory of Pat Rice-Pattishall Hazer Boyer Martha Anne France In memory of Doris Johnson: Hazel Boyer In memory of Katie Swenson's sister: Frank and Carole Miller In memory of Lois Steele: Hazel Boyer Larry and Sue Soergel Recent contributions have been used for the Life of Christ stainedglass windows in the rear of the sanctuary, to purchase chairs and tables for the narthex and the fellowship hall, donations to the Music Department and to the Building Fund, to purchase Grief Books for families of the recently deceased, new hymnals, Caring and Sharing, and to the General fund. Pictorial Directories and Directory Updates are available on the newsletter distribution table in the Narthex or from the church office. Page 13 Grace Notes, November 2015 Grace United Methodist Church 9750 Wellington Road Manassas, VA 20110 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Manassas, VA Permit No. 29 Return Service Requested Pastors Rudolph E. Tucker, Jr. rtucker Janet P. Salbert Minister of Music/Organist C. Milton Rodgers, III Music Associate Lynn Jost Accompanist Sarah Scott Contemporary Worship Leader Jason Wilsher A/V Coordinator Dean Sprague Page 14 Director of Program & Adult Ministries Darlene Runaldue Director of Children’s Ministries Arleen Field Director of Grace Children’s Learning Center Susan Bardwell Church Administrator Beth Brooks Membership and Children’s Ministry Assistant Financial Giving Coordinator Julie Villavicencio Sandy Risko Director of Student Ministries Debbie Cali Financial Manager Sharon Berry Director of Senior Adult Ministries Eva Bleeker Nursery Coordinator Kristen Gray Nursery Assistant Marlee Shaver Facilities Coordinator Matt Nelson Weekend Custodian Angela Tomchek Bishop of Virginia Conference Bishop Young Jin Cho Alexandria District Superintendent Rev. Jeffrey P. Mickle Website E-mail Phone 703-361-7800 Fax 703-330-0663 Grace Notes, November 2015