supermom! - Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention


supermom! - Utah Idaho Southern Baptist Convention
Newsletter for the Women of Utah and Idaho | May 2012
Free Book Giveaway
the winners of the March
give-away: Pat Orn and
Toni Carver!!!
comment on our Facebook
page to be entered in the
drawing for this month’s
free book giveaway!
“Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a
locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound …. Look! Up in
the sky! ..... it’s a bird, it’s a plane….it’s….it’s….SUPERMOM!” Or
maybe it would read better if we said “Faster than a speeding Honda
Pilot, more powerful than a whole gallon of Mr. Clean, able to leap tall
laundry piles in a single bound….it’s a maid, it’s a saint….it’s pictureperfect-patient SUPERMOM!”
If you are anything like me, there are many days that we feel
less than SUPER. Maybe we lost our cool with our kids, closed the
garage door (on top of the car), lost our phone, AND burned the
dinner…..all in the same day! Has that ever happened to you? Have
you ever read Proverbs 31, and asked yourself, “Is it even possible for
one woman to do all that? How can I measure up?” As we compare
ourselves against that standard of perfection, it can be very
discouraging. We have to remember that God doesn’t demand fact, He KNOWS that we can’t achieve that this side of
heaven. What we need to remember is that we must rely on HIM. He
is the only one who can give us the grace and strength we need to be
the best mom that we can be. When we fall short, He is the one who
can dust us off and place us back on our feet again. Just remember,
although our supermom cape is a little tattered and torn, our
encouragement is that as we love the Lord with all of our heart, soul,
mind and strength, He will help us ‘fly’ in motherhood! So ladies, wear
your cape proudly, and here’s wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!
Shayla Hurlbut, UISBC Women’s Consultant
El Nuevo Boletín Informativo Para Mujeres de Utah & Idaho | Mayo 2012
Hnas. Hispanas de las iglesias de
Utah y Idaho, es un honor para mí
presentarles el nuevo boletín informativo
para mujeres!
El nombre del boletín se llama
“Viva” que viene de estar “Viva en Cristo”.
El boletín será enviado vía email a todas las
que tengan su email registrado en las oficinas
de la Convención. Será enviado cada dos
meses y la sección completa en español
vendrá en la edición del mes de Julio el cual
incluirá : Peticiones de Oración,
Devocionales, Devocionales y pensamientos
traducidos del boletín en inglés, Noticias y
anuncios de actividades de las iglesias
Hispanas y del Ministerio de Mujeres
Hispano, Recomendación de libros que usted
puede comprar, etc. Es muy importante que
en cualquier oportunidad nos de su dirección
de correo electrónico o también puede entrar
a la siguiente página y registrarse http:// y haga click en woman y
encontará la forma de registro.
¡Que el Señor les bendiga!
Su hermana en Cristo
Sonia Gutiérrez
“Más rápido que una bala, más fuerte que una locomotora, puede brincar
los edificios más altos de un solo salto…. Miren! En el cielo! … es un
pájaro, es un avión… es…es…. ¡SUPERMAMÁ!”
O tal vez se podría leer mejor si decimos “Mas rápido que el que maneja un
Honda, más poderoso que un galón del limpiador Mr. Clean, puede brincar
las pilas de ropa sucia de un solo salto… es una limpiadora de casa, es
una santa… es la foto-perfecta-de la paciencia es… ¡SUPERMAMÁ!”
Si tu eres algo parecida a mí, hay muchos días en los cuales nos sentimos
menos que SUPER. Tal vez perdimos la calma con nuestros niños,
cerramos la puerta de la cochera (arriba del carro), perdimos nuestro
teléfono, Y se nos quemó la comida…. ¡Todo en el mismo día! ¿Te ha
pasado esto a tí? Alguna vez has leído Proverbios 31 y te has preguntado
a ti misma, ¿Aún es posible para una mujer hacer todo esto? ¿Cómo puedo
dar la medida? Mientras nos comparemos a nosotras mismas con los
estándares de la perfección, puede ser muy desalentador. Tenemos que
recordar que Dios no demanda perfección… de hecho, El SABE que no la
podemos alcanzar de este lado del cielo. Lo que necesitamos recordar es
que debemos depender de EL. El es el único quien puede darnos la gracia
y la fuerza que necesitamos para ser la mejor mamá que podemos ser.
Cuando nos caemos, El es el que nos puede limpiar el polvo y nos pone de
pie otra vez. Sólo recuerda, aunque nuestra capa de supermamá está un
poquito andrajosa, ¡El nos ayudará a “volar” en la maternidad! Así que
mujeres, carguen su capa orgullosas, y les deseo un Felíz Día de las
Shayla Hurlbut, Consultante de Mujeres
de la Convención de Utah y Idaho
Calendar Connections
YOU Lead/Living Proof Live
May 17-18 YOU Lead
Central Valley Baptist Church, Meridian, Idaho; Cost: $89
May 18-19 Living Proof Live, Beth Moore
CenturyLink Arena, Boise, Idaho; Cost: $65
Register for both events and save
Campamento de Mujeres
June 1-2
Big Canyon Christian Adventures & Retreats, Park City, Utah
Register by May 17 ; Cost: $75/adults; $55/teens
Sonia Gutierrez 801-688-6138
Organic: Pure Relationship
Aimee Osborn—from Red Hills Southern
Baptist Church—-serving as a summer
missionary in Lisbon, Portugal, doing
creative arts/music ministry.
Sept. 14-16
Camp Sawtooth, Ketchum, Idaho
Cost: $65 (includes meals, program, accommodations)
Joy Gearo—-from Stansbury Park
Baptist Church—-serving as a summer
missionary in Swaziland, Africa, doing
True Love Waits presentations and Bible
Oct. 23, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Canyons Church (more information to come!)
Be in prayer for summer ministries
hosted by our Southern Baptist churches
such as VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs,
block parties, sports camps, children and
youth camps, and other outreach events.
NAMB: pray for the hundreds of college
students that will be serving as summer
missionaries. Pray for the churches,
associations, and ministry centers that
they will be working alongside.
IMB: pray for the many churches who are
sending teams of people to assist our
IMB missionaries this summer.
Women on Mission: Armed and Dangerous
For more information on these events,
please visit
Other dates of interest
Aug. 3-5, Sonfest
Oct. 22, Missions Night
Opportunities to Serve
Across Utah & Idaho
June 11-15: Hope Baptist Church, Nezperce, Idaho
Needs: lead and assistant teachers
Contact info: Kevin Carpenter, 208-937-1019,
June 12-14 (PM): Oasis Community Church, Price, Utah
Needs: lead and assistant teachers, curriculum
Contact info: Ryan Booth, 785-829-0166,
June 25-29: Stansbury Park Baptist Church, Utah
Needs: lead and assistant teachers, curriculum
Contact info: Vanna Wainwright, 435-840-2392
June 25-29: Central Valley Baptist Church, Cascade, Idaho
Needs: lead and assistant teachers
Contact info: Carla Thompson, 208-473-9799,
Aug. 6-10 (PM): First Baptist Church, Brigham City, Utah
Needs: Experienced Pre-K teachers (lead and assistant)
Contact info: Liz Hansen,, or Heather
Aug. 8-11: Sojourn Community Church, Magna, Utah
Needs: help with VBS and block party
Contact info: Ken/Alma Blinn, 801-987-0877,
They’ll change the
world sooner than you
It’s natural to wonder what their tomorrows hold.
Through Youth on Mission, your church can have a
say in the matter by offering missions education that
helps to mold and strengthen the growing faith of
teens. The opportunities are endless. And these
young people may inspire your church to reach
people across the globe.
What is Youth on Mission?
A missions organization for coed students in grades
7–12. Youth on Mission:
 Offers opportunities for students to learn what
the Bible says about missions
 Demonstrates how other cultures experience
 Tells what missionaries are
doing around the world to
share Christ with others
 Involves students in doing
the work of missions
 Helps students develop a
Christian worldview
 Provides opportunities to
develop leadership skills as
students plan and participate
in missions activities
“Today’s students need connection.
They need to experience the joy of a
dynamic relationship with God that
gives meaning to their lives. They
need to know what God’s purposes
are for this world and how God is
working to accomplish them. They
need to be part of the great work
God is doing.”
“How to Involve Students in Missions”
Youth on Mission may be designed as an
organization that meets weekly or monthly or it may
be incorporated into other student ministry
The cost is minimal. The only curriculum necessary
is the “Youth on Mission Planbook” which includes a
year’s worth of missions Bible studies, learning
activities, missions activities, cultural activities,
missionary ministries, and worship services. The
current edition “Youth on Mission, vol. 16:
Unhindered” is available at
Help our students be ready to change the world – for
Other resources for Youth on Mission:
“Best Ever Missions Ideas for Students”
—-ideas for one-time, short-term, and long-term
“How to Involve Students in Missions”
—resources for leaders of students
—-Compiled by Mary McFarling
Faith reViews
Book reView: Altar’d
Bible Study reView: Nehemiah
Did you look in the mirror this morning? Did you apply
moisturizer, check your weight, or exercise? We’re often
concerned about our “flesh and bones” bodies. But, how
much thought have you given to your “flesh” in spiritual
Nehemiah: A Heart
That Can Break member
book is a 7-session Bible
Nehemiah's heart was so
broken for those in need
that he left the comfort
of his Persian palace to
help them. Like Kelly's
other studies in the
Living Room Series,
you'll find authentic
Bible teaching, recipes,
and a relational approach. Nehemiah also
includes 7 video sessions and real-life ways to
put feet to your faith. Are you ready to let God
break your heart for a hurting, lost world and
move you in compassion to be the hands and
feet of Jesus?
by Jennifer Kennedy Dean
When the word “flesh” appears in the Bible it is sometimes
referring to physical bodies but Altar’d focuses on “flesh”
when it is defined as “human nature” or “carnal nature”, or
as Jennifer Kennedy Dean says, “the parts of your human
nature that are still operating on their own sin-producing
power and not surrendered to the power of the indwelling
Jennifer states that even the Christian who has given her
life over to Christ can have “pockets of flesh” still active.
When do we see these pockets of flesh? When we
experience fear, anger, humiliation, jealousy, pride,
control……. When we know that what we’re feeling could
not have originated in the spirit.
Through the daily devotional, Altar’d, you will be guided
on a 40-day exploration of the Bible and what it means to
live a life dead to flesh and alive to the spirit.
As a noun we know “altar” as a place of offering, sacrifice
and worship. Changing it to a verb Jennifer will guide you
to discover and altar (surrender, yield, sacrifice – crucify)
pockets of flesh and discover resurrection as you live in an
alter’d state.
You can learn more about Altar’d, and download the first
chapter, at (click on “books”)
also download a free group study guide (click on
by Kelly Minter
 Leader helps
 Study includes recipes and a relational
Bible Studies Library @ Utah-Idaho SBC
Did you know the convention has a library?
Check out the latest list at Call or e-mail to check
availability and get ready to dig deeper into the
Word! There is a variety of studies to fit just
about any interest or need. What a fun reason
to gather with your friends! Check it out today!
Charm is deceptive
and beauty is fleeting,
but a woman who fears
the Lord will be praised.
Proverbs 31:30, HCSB
Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention
Women’s Missions & Ministries