it ez series
it ez series
M A N U FAC T U R E R O F Q UA L I T Y A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G A N D H E AT I N G P RO D U C T S All products are now using Environmentally Friendly “HCFC and CFC FREE” Refrigerants. C O M P L E T E T H R U - T H E - W A L L C ATA L O G EZ Replacement Guide Thru-The-Wall Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Original Model Sleeve Height Sleeve Width Our Model 16 16 16 37 1/2 41 1/2 36 1/2 16 16 25 16 16 1/2 16 1/2 36 1/2 37 37 41 40 45 18 5/16 32 CS 16 1/2 37 45 16 1/2 15 45 1/8 35 1/2 15 1/2 36 CH CX CY 36 40 1/2 AD C7 36 CM 16 36 RM 25 25 52 52 N3 N3 16 36 RM 16 1/4 16 27 48 MX UN 16 16 36 40 1/2 AD C7 TPI® CM ET TE Weil-Mclain‚ Westinghouse® American Air Filter® Enersaver Type 16 Type 16 Hydronic Nelsonaire Series 25 American Standard® Carrier® 51PH Wallmate Cartaret® Type 45 Space Command CAM (2 section) Chrysler® Climate Master® Climate Master Series 700AD 16 Climate Master Series 701 16 Climate Master Series 702, 703 & 704 16 Cool Heat® RM Series Dunham Bush® New Port III New Port IV Embassy® Weathertwin Fedders® Maxizone Series Unizone Our Model 18 5/16 18 5/16 32 32 CS CS 22 1/4 38 PT 27 3/8 22 14 13 15/16 16 3/8 16 54 1/2 30 5/8 30 36 44 7/8 42 EC EB JA KF ED NE 16 48 UN 14 13 15/16 16 16 1/2 30 36 36 1/2 37 JA KF 41 45 27 22 14 13 16 16 16 1/2 3/8 54 30 30 36 36 37 44 EC EB JA KF 41 45 ED 16 16 17 1/2 42 42 36 JK CC FM 16 42 GS 16 36 RM ClimateMaster Series 700AD 16 ClimateMaster Series 702, 703 & 704 16 36 AD 36 CM Keeprite® Climette Seasonall Lennox® McQuay® C/EC EB Series J/EJ Series K, EK and RK Series Type EA, ES and RS Type NE Climatrol Remington® J/EJ Series K, EK and RK Series Type 41 Type 45 Singer® C/EC EB J/EJ Series K, EK and RK Series Type 41 Type 45 Type EA, ES and RS Climate Master Series 700AD Climate Master Series 701 Climate Master Series 702, 703 & 704 ET Series TE Series 16 20 16 36 28 42 Heil Quaker® 14 1/2 14 1/2 18 5/16 35 7/8 35 7/8 32 HQ HQ CS 16 15 3/4 13 1/4 36 41 56 1/2 RK RT WL 16 1/4 - 42 1/4 - NC NR Ice-Cap® ITT Nesbitt® 3/8 15/16 1/2 5/8 1/2 7/8 Slant Fin® JK CC Monterrey Monterrey Suburban Dynaline® Gas Unit Friedrich® Challenger Series Roomate Series Sleeve Width Mueller® Chromalox® RSK Series RSCT Series RSWL Series Sleeve Height PTEIA Series TW Series Type 41 Type 40 Remotaire(SR) Type 45 SEA Series SHA Series Series C Original Model Ra-Matic RB Series Worthington® Zoneaire® CHP Series CSM Series Zoneaire‚ RM Series Zoneaire‚ SC Series 15 38 1/2 16 48 RB UN 18 5/16 18 5/16 16 16 32 32 36 40 CS CS RM RM Custom Products Vertical Units, Fan Coils, and other related HVAC products. (Consult with Factory) If you don’t see the unit you’re looking for in the above list, please call us about having a unit custom designed for you. 2 I S L A N DA I R E • 2 2 R E S E A R C H WAY, E A S T S E TA U K E T, N Y 1 1 7 3 3 Table of Contents n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n EZ-16 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 EZ-25 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 EZ-40 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 EZ-41 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 EZ-45 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13 EZ-AD Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 EZ-CH Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17 EZ-CK Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19 EZ-CM Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 EZ-CS Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-23 EZ-CX Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-25 EZ-EB Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27 EZ-EC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-29 EZ-ED Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31 EZ-ET Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32-33 EZ-GS Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34-35 EZ-HQ Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-37 EZ-JA Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38-39 EZ-JK Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40-41 EZ-KF Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42-43 EZ-MX Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-45 EZ-N3 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46-47 EZ-NC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48-49 EZ-NE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50-51 EZ-NY Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52-53 EZ-PT Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54-55 EZ-RB Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56-57 EZ-RK Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58-59 EZ-RM Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60-61 EZ-RT Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62-63 EZ-UN Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64-65 EZ-WL Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66-67 OTHER MANUFACTURED UNITS: 5R, AM, AT, C7, C8, CC, CT, CY, EK, GE, FM, IT, N4, NR, RY, SC, TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68-69 ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70-71 Islandaire reserves the right to make changes in design and construction at any time without notice. P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 3 16 EZ SERIES Replacement for the American Air Filter Series 16 (models ENR, ENH, WY & YY) Islandaire EZ Series 16 is a replacement for the American Air Filter models of ENR, ENH, WY and YY units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n n n Model Type 16 - Amer. Air Filter 16 System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret./Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. 12 A 2 16 Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Left Side Power Connections Available Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 4 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G 16 EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400124 EZ16 Sleeve-Cabinet, w/o louver, long, hydronic 4080247 EZ16 Sleeve-Cabinet, short, electric heat w/ louver 4080348 EZ16 Sleeve-Cabinet w/o louver, short, electric heat 6070043 EZ16 Exterior louver, long 6070066 EZ16 Exterior louver, short 6030148 EZ16 Hydronic coil w/ vent 6130058 EZ16 Air Deflector, short, lexan MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 34 -15 /32 " (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-19/64" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 6" 3/1 1 18 NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 5 25 EZ SERIES Replacement for the American Air Filter SC Nelsonaire Series 25 Islandaire EZ Series 25 is a replacement for the American Air Filter models of SC Nelsonaire Series 25 units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-room cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. Flat or sloped top version available. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis HS - Heat Section EZ Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out Model Type 25 - Amer. Air Filter 25 ABLMNPQR- S2345678- BF D DE DEF DF E EF F *Codes are entered into model number. System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 7 - Sloped Top 12 A 2 25 Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 S 1 4 A A Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C Power Mgt. Codes A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 6 A B BD BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 25 EZ SERIES Accessories: 6070037 6030038 EZ25 Exterior louver EZ25 Hydronic coil, opposite end, headered EZ25 Hydronic coil, same end EZ25 Wall sleeve assembly 6030039 2400004 MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 35 -1/ 16" 3-1/8" 6-1/2" 20 -27 17-1/4" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 /64 " /8" 5 12- 14-1/8" 36 " /8" 5 16- P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 7 40 EZ SERIES Replacement for the American Standard Type SR 40 Islandaire EZ Series 40 is a replacement for the American Standard models of Type SR 40 units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Hydronic coil package available. Hydronic coil must be replaced with Part #: 4090062. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n n Model Type 40 - Amer. Standard 40 Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 12 A 2 40 Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 8 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G 40 EZ SERIES Accessories: 6030016 6070070 6090026 EZ40 Hydronic coil, top mounted EZ40 Exterior Louver EZ40 Condenser Baffle 1"w x14h" x 2d" (foam) MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 34 -15 /32 " 17" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-19/64" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 4" -3/ 21 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 9 41 EZ SERIES Replacement for the Singer, Remington, and American Standard TW Series Type 41 Remotaire Islandaire EZ Series 41 is a replacement for the Singer, Remington and American Standard models of TW Series Type 41 Remotaire units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-room cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis HS - Heat Section EZ n n Model Type 41 - Amer. Standard 41 System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 7 - Sloped Top Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 41 A 1 S 1 4 A A Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C Power Mgt. Codes A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 10 BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 41 EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080146 4080062 2400004 6070090 6030262 6090026 EZ41 Enclosure Front Panel EZ41 Enclosure Collar EZ41 Wall Sleeve assembly EZ41 Exterior Louver EZ41 Hydronic coil, same end EZ41 Condenser Baffle 1"w x 14"h x 2"d (foam) MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 35 -1/ 16" 3-1/8" 6-1/2" 20 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. -27 17-1/4" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 /64 " /8" 5 12- 14-1/8" 36 " /8" 5 16- P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 11 45 EZ SERIES Replacement for the American Standard, Carteret, Remington, and Singer Type 45 Islandaire EZ Series 45 is a replacement for the American Standard Carteret Remington and Singer models of Type 45 units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n Model Type 45 - Amer. Standard 45 System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 45 A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 12 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G 45 EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400046 EZ45 Sleeve-cabinet assembly 2400431-00 EZ45 Sleeve-cabinet assembly, front return 2400410-00 EZ45 Sleeve-cabinet assembly, bottom return 4080443 EZ45 Front panel, white 6030135 EZ45 Hydronic coil, w/o vent 6030148 EZ45 Hydronic coil, w/ vent 6070266 EZ45 Exterior louver, short MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 34 -15 /32 " (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-19/64" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 6" 3/1 1 18 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 13 AD EZ SERIES Replacement for the Friedrich Climate Master and Weil-McLain Series 700AD Islandaire EZ Series AD is a replacement for the Friedrich Climate Master and Weil-McLain models of 700AD units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleevecabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the room cabinet needs to be replaced, we manufacture them, as well as a square or rectangle control box. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Model Type AD - Friedrich 700AD n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 AD A 1 C 1 4 A A Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave H - Extended Control Module Square I - Extended Control Module Rectangle M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) P - IntellitempTM Control Module Square R - IntellitempTM Control Module Rectangle U - Standard Elec. Control Module Square V - Standard Elec. Control Module Rectangle Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V Power Mgt. Codes APQRST- A C CE CF CG D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 14 BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 UVWXYZ- DE DF DG E F G AD EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080266 EZAD Enclosure assy., 48"w x 21"h x 11"d 4082242 EZAD Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 20"h x 12.5"d, w/ kick plate 4082427-00 EZAD Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 20"h x12.5"d, w/ front return kick plate 4080211 EZAD Enclosure assy. 52"w x 21"h x 11"d 6030130 EZAD Hydronic coil, headered, opposite end 4090160 EZAD Hydronic coil kit w/ frame 6070253 EZAD Exterior louver, 42 degree pitch MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 15" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 36 " P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m " 1/2 18NYC MEA# 358-93-E 15 CH EZ SERIES Replacement for the Space Command Chromalox Upflow and Downflow Models Islandaire EZ Series CH is a replacement for the Space Command Chromalox Upflow and Downflow units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Note: Downflow version available in remote thermostat only. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Model Type CH - Space Command System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a n 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 8 - Down Flow Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 CH A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elect. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) L - 7.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) (CH Down Flow Only) V - 6.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) (CH Down Flow Only) W - 8.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) (CH Down Flow Only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 16 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G CH EZ SERIES Accessories: 6080023 EZCH downflow aluminum filter 32.683" x 3.50" EZCH upflow aluminum filter 44.5" x 6.0" EZCH Condenser Baffle 14.5" x 2.5" 6080047 4090169 MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E L V W Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 5,900 7,200 7,200 4,910 6,000 6,000 6,550 8,000 8,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 20,100 24,550 24,550 16,762 20,484 20,484 22,362 27,312 27,312 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 29.8 32.8 27.4 24.30 26.50 22.10 31.90 35.2 29.3 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. " /16 81 43 Upflow 7/8 " 15 5/16" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. 11" 43 7/8” 15 1/8” Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 NYC MEA# 358-93-E Vol. 11 Downflow P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 17 11/16” 17 CK EZ SERIES Replacement for the Zoneaire and Carrier CHP, CSM and 51PH models Islandaire EZ Series CK is a replacement for the Zoneaire and Carrier models of CHP, CSM and 51PH units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve, flat top front panel, duct kit, and/or louver need to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Model Type CK - Zoneaire C Series n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type C - Std. Chassis - R407c Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 C 2 CK A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 18 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G CK EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080334 4080336 6030055 6070003 1900148 6070003 6070030 EZCK Front Panel, Bottom Return EZCK Front Panel, Front Return EZCK Hydronic Coil, top mounted EZCK Aluminum filter 30.75" x 4.25" EZCK Discharge plenum, 22"w x 3.5"h x 4"d EZCK Architectural Louver EZCK Discharge Grill MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 31 1/16” (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. 17 1/16” Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 19 5/16” P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 19 CM EZ SERIES Replacement for the Friedrich Climate Master and Weil-McLain Series 702, 703 & 704 Islandaire EZ Series CM is a replacement for the Friedrich and Weil-McLain models of Series 702, 703 & 704 units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the room cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Model Type CM - Friedrich CM Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 CM A 1 A 1 4 A A Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./ Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret./ Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./ Top Dis. 5 - Front. Ret./ Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./ Ducted Top Dis. Power Mgt. Codes Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 20 BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G CM EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080670 4080221 4080237 4080863 6030158 EZCM Enclosure assembly, 44"w x 24"h x 14" d, front return EZCM Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 11"d, bottom return EZCM Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 18.5"h x 11"d, bottom return EZCM Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 11"d, front return EZCM Hydronic coil, top mounted MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 9-1 /2" /8" -7 35 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 191/2 " 15" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 21 CS EZ SERIES Replacement for the Applied Comfort, Carrier 51PH Series Wallmate, McQuay TPW Series, Keeprite Seasonall, Heil Quaker Series C, and Zoneaire CSM & CHP Series Islandaire EZ Series CS is a replacement for the Applied Comfort, Carrier 51PH Wallmate Series, Mc Quay TPW Series, Keeprite Seasonall, Heil Quaker Series C and Zoneaire CSM & CHP units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Sloped front panel, motorized vent and fan cycle switch included. If the need does occur where the wall sleeve, duct kit and/or stamped steel or architectural louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes Voltage/Line Cord 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps Model Type CS - Carrier 51PH Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve ABCDEHLM- A B BC BCD BCDE BCE BD BDE QTUVY236- Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 S 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat (MCO) F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Codes A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 22 BE C CD CDE CE D DE E *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret./Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. 12 A 2 CS Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 CS EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400090 4080327 6070003 4090197 EZCS Wall sleeve EZCS Sloped, front panel EZCS Architectural Louver EZCS Sleeve Extension Kit MODELS EZ09 EZ12 230 208 277 9,500 9,300 9,500 Amps 4.1 4.4 3.7 5.5 5.8 5.0 7.2 7.5 6.5 WAtts Cooling 896 877 888 1245 1214 1241 1626 1645 1626 EER 10.6 10.6 10.6 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.1 9.1 9.1 CFm HigH 400 400 420 440 440 460 440 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 280 260 260 280 280 260 280 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 9,300 9,100 9,300 901 780 871 1014 979 979 1290 1365 1380 C.o.p. 3.03 2.9 3.13 3.30 2.9 3.41 3.25 2.7 3.14 Volts BtUH Cooling 230 208 EZ15 277 230 208 277 12,200 12,000 12,200 14,800 14,800 14,800 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 208/230 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 23 CX EZ SERIES Replacement for the Chromalox CAM Islandaire EZ Series CX is a replacement for the Chromalox CAM units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Reciprocating compressor only. Ducted units must be remote thermostat. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box n Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Model Type CX - Chromalox CAM Component EZ - Cooling Chassis HS - Heating Section 12 C 2 CX Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) L - 7.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) V - 6.5 Kw. Elec. Heat W - 8.5 Kw Elec. Heat Functional Option Codes ABCD- A B BC BCD LTU2- BD C CD D *Codes are entered into model number. Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard System Type C - Std. Chassis - R407c EZ Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats A 1 A 1 4 A A Hydronic Options 1 - None Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Top Ducted Discharge Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C Power Mgt. Codes A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 24 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 CX EZ SERIES Accessories: 6080000 EZCX Aluminum filter 30.75" x 8.50" MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E L V W Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 5,900 7,200 7,200 4,910 6,000 6,000 6,550 8,000 8,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 20,100 24,550 24,550 16,762 20,484 20,484 22,362 27,312 27,312 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 29.8 32.8 27.4 24.30 26.50 22.10 31.90 35.2 29.3 Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 3-11/32" Non-Ducted Heat section Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 7" 2-25/32" " /2 5-1 3 7-15/16" 7-7/8" 153 /4" 8-1/2" 12" 6" 5/1 1 3 4 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 Ducted Heat section 21-1/2" 15" 151/4 " 2" -1/ 35 4-5/8" cooling chassis NYC MEA# 358-93-E Vol.11 3-1/2" P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 25 EB EZ SERIES Replacement for the Singer and McQuay EB Islandaire EZ Series EB is a replacement for the Singer and McQuay models of EB units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Reciprocating compressor only. Digital controls only. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Model Type EB - Singer, McQuay System Type C - Std. Chassis R407c n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None D- Indoor Freeze Protect Functional Option Codes A- A 2- D *Codes are entered into model number. Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 C 2 EB A 1 N 1 4 A A Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect Power Mgt. Codes *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 26 A- A B- B I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 EB EZ SERIES Accessories: 4082457-00 EZEB Enclosure assembly, 52"w x 21"h x 9"d RTS only 4090633 EZEB Discharge plenum, flat top, hyd. 6080028 EZEB Aluminum filter 26"x7" 4083298-00 EZEB Enclosure assembly, unit mounted controls MODELS EZ09 EZ012 EZ12 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 BtUH Cooling 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 Amps 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 WAtts Cooling 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 CFm HigH 400 400 380 400 400 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 9,300 9,300 9,100 884 864 C.o.p. 3.09 3.16 Volts EER Heating Option B C D E 208 277 14,800 15,000 7.99 8.9 6.63 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 400 380 400 460 440 460 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 277 230 12,200 15,000 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 4.700 7.953 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 12.538 Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 28.062 15.750 4.245 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 27 EC EZ SERIES Replacement for the Singer and McQuay C/EC Islandaire EZ Series EC is a replacement for the Singer and McQuay models of C/EC units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories. Mounted controls are auto change over. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Voltage/Line Cord 4 - 230v Junction Box 8 - 277v Junction Box Model Type EC - Singer Cooling Capacity 25 - 24,000 BTUH 30 - 28,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis System Type C - Std. Chassis R407c EZ 25 C 4 Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve EC Functional Option Codes ABCD- A B BC BCD LTU2- *Codes are entered into model number. Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 N 1 4 A A Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. Heating Options A - None Cooling Only E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) L - 7.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) M - 10.0 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) Power Mgt. Codes Room Controls B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - Remote Thermostat N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 28 BD C CD D I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G EC EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080281 4080590 2400130 6070169 6030087 EZEC Enclosure assembly, 70"w x 28.8"h x 15"d EZEC Enclosure assembly, 70"w x 33"h x 15"d EZEC Wall Sleeve EZEC Exterior louver EZEC Hydronic coil, serpentine M O D E L S Heating Option Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) E 230 277 5,000 5,000 17,070 17,070 22.34 18.65 L 230 277 7,200 7,200 24,550 24,550 32.8 27.4 M 230 277 10,000 10,000 34,100 34,100 44.9 37.6 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. EZ25 EZ30 230 277 230 277 23,000 24,000 27,500 27,500 Amps 15.2 15.3 19.2 17.3 WAtts 3321 3850 4190 3270 CFm HigH 600 600 600 600 CFm loW 525 525 525 525 Volts BtUH/HR Wattage, Amperage, listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-93 at conditions of 95˚F DB/75˚F WB outdoor and 80˚F DB/67˚F WB indoor. Heating section control section 14" 52 1/8" cooling chassis 18 11/16" P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 29 ED EZ SERIES Replacement for the Singer and McQuay EA, ES and RS Series. Islandaire EZ Series ED is a replacement for the Singer and McQuay models of EA, ES and RS units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet front panel and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n n Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a 12 A 2 Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard Model Type ED - Singer, McQuay ED Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 30 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G ED EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400227-73 EZED Wall sleeve assembly, w/o front panel 4081962 EZED Enclosure assy., 53" w 21.5"h x 13"d 4082429-00 EZED Enclosure assembly, hyd 54.875"w x 18.15"h x 11"d, front return 4080239-73 EZED Front panel, front return, type EA 4082078-73 EZED Front panel, type RS 6070079 EZED Exterior louver 6030153 EZED Hydronic coil assembly, top mounted 4082407 EZED Duct kit assembly, main MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 8-3/64" 42-3/4" 14-7/8" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 10" NYC MEA# 358-93-E 31 ET EZ SERIES Replacement for the Friedrich ET Islandaire EZ Series ET is a replacement for the Friedrich model of ET units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the front panel needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Model Type ET - Friedrich ET Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. System Type C - Std. Chassis R407a D - Heat Pump R407a 12 C 2 n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. ET Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 32 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 APQRSTUVWXYZ- A C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G ET EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080369 6080005 EZET Front panel, front return EZET Aluminum filter 24" x 9" MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 27 -1/ 2" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 19-1/16" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 6" 1/1 1 0 2 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 33 GS EZ SERIES Specifically Designed For The 42” x 16” Market and Replacement for the Suburban Dynaline Islandaire EZ Series GS is a replacement for the Suburban Dynaline units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the duct kit sub-base/skirt, wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. This unit is also used extensively for new construction projects. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n EZ Series G3 unit also available in 36” W x 15” H !! n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 6 7 8 9 - 115v 115v 277v 277v 230v 15 Amps Junction Box 20 Amps Junction Box 15 Amps Proudly Made in the U.S.A. CSA listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Natural Gas Heat or L.P. Gas Heat Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E VOL.II Functional Option Codes Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper A- A B- B *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Model Type GS - Islandaire Gas Unit System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a 12 A 2 GS N 1 S 4 4 A A Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,000 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 16 - 15,000 BTUH Hydronic Options 1 - None Heating Options N - 12,200 BTU Nat Gas Output P - 14,500 BTU Nat Gas Output R - 20,000 BTU Nat Gas Output S - 12,200 BTU LP Gas Output T - 14,500 BTU LP Gas Output U - 20,000 BTU LP Gas Output 1 - 10,200 BTU Nat Gas Output 2 - 10,200 BTU LP Gas Output Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bottom Rtn/Top Dis. 3 - Bottom Rtn./Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 34 Power Mgt. Codes I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 GS EZ SERIES Accessories: Please refer to our eZGs Brochure and engineering Manual MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ16 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,285 7,385 7,185 7,286 8,868 8,968 8,768 8,868 11,936 12,086 11,836 11,936 15,498 15,198 15,345 Amps Cool 4.51 2.79 2.79 2.19 6.91 3.90 3.90 2.84 9.58 5.00 5.00 3.94 7.1 7.1 5.6 WAtts Cool 607 615 599 607 787 795 782 787 1191 1102 1084 1091 1550 1550 1550 12.00 12.01 11.99 12.00 11.27 11.28 11.21 11.27 10.94 10.97 10.92 10.94 10.0 9.8 9.9 CFm HigH Cool 360 375 340 360 360 375 340 360 360 375 340 360 360 360 360 CFm loW Cool/HEAt 260 275 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 Volts EER noisE inDooR/ oUtDooR. (DBA) 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 REFRigERAnt (tYpE) R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A sHipping WEigHt (lB) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 stC (Unit off)* 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 HEATING OPTIONS – Available with any cooling unit 1&2 N&s P &T r&U inpUt BtUH HEAt 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 22,500 22,500 22,500 22,500 oUtpUt BtUH HEAt 10,440 10,440 10,440 10,440 13,175 13,175 13,175 13,175 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 18,900 18,900 18,900 18,900 Volts 115 208 230 277 115 208 230 277 115 208 230 277 115 208 230 277 WAtts HEAt 143 150 166 166 143 150 166 166 143 150 166 166 143 150 166 166 tHERmAl EFFiCiEnCY Amps HEAt 87.0 87.0 87.0 87.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 84.0 1.24 0.72 0.72 0.60 1.24 0.72 0.72 0.60 1.24 0.72 0.72 0.60 1.24 0.72 0.72 0.60 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R N/A 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R N/A 277 16 NEMA 7-20R N/A 8.750 39.750 14.250 13.250 NYC MEA# 358-93-E Vol.11 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 35 HQ EZ SERIES Replacement for the Heil Quaker SEA and SHA Islandaire EZ Series HQ is a replacement for the Heil Quaker models of SEA and SHA units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard Model Type HQ - Heil Quaker SEA 12 A 2 HQ Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V APQRST- UVWXYZ- *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 36 A C CE CF CG D I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 DE DF DG E F G HQ EZ SERIES Accessories: consult Your salesperson MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 35 -7/ 8" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-1/2" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 10" " 1/4 18NYC MEA# 358-93-E 37 JA EZ SERIES Replacement for the Remington, McQuay and Singer J Islandaire EZ Series JA is a replacement for the Remington, McQuay and Singer models of J units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! You must order a complete unit, cooling chassis, fan deck, digital or Intellitemp™ control box and new front panel. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Model Type JA - Remington, McQuay, Singer System Type C - Std. Chassis HFC Ref. Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 12 C 2 JA Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 S 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 38 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 APQRSTUVWXYZ- A C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G JA EZ SERIES Accessories: 1800162 6030086 EZJA Center panel EZJA Hydronic coil, headered, opposite end EZJA Discharge grill for hyd cabinet EZJA Aluminum filter 34.625" x 7.375" EZJA Finish Front Panel 6070046 6080024 4080075 MODELS EZ09 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 Amps 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 WAtts Cooling 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 CFm HigH 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 C.o.p. 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 Volts EER Heating Option B C D E EZ12 Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. COOLING CHASSIS 13" 28-3/8" Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration DIGITAL CONTROL 20" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. 1-1/8" 4" 4" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 FAN DECK CENTER PANEL JA EXPLODED VIEW NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 39 JK EZ SERIES Replacement for the Slant Fin JK Upflow and Downflow Islandaire EZ Series JK is a replacement for the Slant Fin model of JK upflow and downflow units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Please specify if you are replacing a unit with electric heat, hydronic heat and/or an upflow or downflow design, because the room cabinet that comes with each unit is specific to each. Note: Downflow available in non-heat pump and electronic controls only. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH n n Model Type Jk - Slant Fin JK Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 8 - Down Flow 12 A 2 JK Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 40 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G JK EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080079-00 4080454-00 4082343-00 1800052 6030068 EZJK Enclosure assembly, electric heat, upflow EZJK Enclosure assembly, hydronic heat EZJK Enclosure assembly, electric heat, downflow EZJK Front panel EZJK Hydronic coil MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 40.250 Upflow 16.500 15.000 42.375 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 11.937 9.250 Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 40 1/8” 15 1/16” Downflow 21 3/8” P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 41 KF EZ SERIES Replacement for the Remington, Singer, and McQuay K Islandaire EZ Series KF is a replacement for the Remington, Singer and McQuay models of K units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve- cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve, sloped room cabinet and flat top room cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. T.O.D.C. is offered. If cooling section only is ordered a molex plug is provided. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis HS - Heat Section EZ 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Model Type KF - Remington, Singer, McQuay System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a n n Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 7 - Sloped Top 12 A 2 KF Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 S 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 42 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G KF EZ SERIES Accessories 2400031 2400472 6070034 6030040 4082812 4080230 4081853 4090345 EZKF Wall Sleeve, 11.5"d (std.) EZKF Wall Sleeve, 14"d (custom) EZKF Exterior louver EZKF Hydronic coil, headered, opposite end EZKF Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 7.25"d EZKF Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 8.25"d EZKF Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 9.25"d EZKF Louver hardware kit MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 11-5/8" 35" 5" 10" HEAT SECTION DIGITAL CONTROL 19" 1-1/8" 4" 4" 12-1/8" Electrical Heat Options 35" 115 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 15-3/4" 11-3/4" 5-1/2" 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 COOLING CHASSIS 4" KF NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 43 MX EZ SERIES Replacement for the Fedders Maxizone Islandaire EZ Series MX is a replacement for the Fedders Maxizone unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit.This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. New York MX units do not come with a built in front enclosure as part of the unit. Separate front enclosure, wall sleeve and louver are available. Non New York units come with a built in front enclosure and ducting is available. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. System Type C - Std. Chassis - HFC Ref. D - Heat Pump - HFC Ref. n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Model Type MX - Fedders Maxizone Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 C 2 MX A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 44 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G MX EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400051 EZMX Wall sleeve (std.) 6070053 EZMX Exterior louver (std.) 4080254 EZMX Enclosure assembly, 44"w x 21"h x 12"d (std.) 4081566 EZMX Enclosure assembly, 48"w x 21"h x 12"d 6030051 EZMX Hydronic coil assy., top mounted 6030098 EZMX Hydronic coil assembly, bottom mounted 6030077 EZMX Hydronic coil, top mounted, RTS MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 26 -1/ 1/32" 3" 181/2 " 16" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 8" 3-5/8" 2" -1/ 0 2 NYC MEA# 358-93-E P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 45 N3 EZ SERIES Replacement for the Dunham Bush Newport III & IV Islandaire EZ Series N3 is a replacement for the Dunham Bush Newport III & IV units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Must replace cooling chassis, fan deck and control box. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Model Type N3 - Dunham Bush Newport III n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis - R410a B - Heat Pump - R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 N3 A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 46 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G N3 EZ SERIES Accessories: consult Your salesperson MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. Fan Deck 32 -3/ 8" 41 -1/ 2" /8" 7 12- (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. 13-1/8" 9-1/8" Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 cooling chassis " /16 6-23/64" 5 13- P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 5-15/16" control Box 7-1/8" NYC MEA# 358-93-E 47 NC EZ SERIES Replacement for the ITT Nesbitt Challenger Islandaire EZ Series NC is a replacement for the ITT Nesbitt Challenger unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! Painted front panel available, part # 4080226. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Model Type NC - ITT Nesbitt n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type C - Std. Chassis R407c D - Heat Pump R407c Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 C 2 NC A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 48 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G NC EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080226 EZNC Enclosure assembly, front return MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. " /8" 7/8 19- 11-3 35 -41 /64 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration " 5-1/4" 13-13/16" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 49 NE EZ SERIES Replacement for the McQuay N Series Islandaire EZ Series NE is a replacement for the McQuay N Series units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve- cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box n Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. 7 - Sloped System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard Model Type NE - McQuay N 12 A 2 NE Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 50 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G NE EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080661 4080349 4080350 EZNE Enclosure front panel, flap top EZNE Enclosure top, ducted EZNE Enclosure top, standard MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 51 NY EZ SERIES New construction model and replacement for any 42 x 16 Unit Islandaire EZ Series NY is our 42” x 16” new construction model and a replacement for any 42” x 16” unit with hydronic heat. We can replace the McQuay PDNS and PDAN and the Amana and Trane hydronic heat PTAC . Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. Hydronic coils, valves etc. are available. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 16 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis Model Type NY - Islandaire 42 x 16 (Hydronic) EZ Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat Custom Options Available Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Options A- None B- Fresh Air Damper Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard NY 12 A 2 G 1 S 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch B - 24v NO/NC switch Room Controls F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C A- A P- C T- D *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 52 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 NY EZ SERIES Accessories: Please refer to our eZNY Brochure and engineering Manual MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ16 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,285 7,385 7,185 7,286 8,868 8,968 8,768 8,868 11,936 12,086 11,836 11,936 15,498 15,198 15,345 Amps Cool 4.51 2.79 2.79 2.19 6.91 3.90 3.90 2.84 9.58 5.00 5.00 3.94 7.1 7.1 5.6 WAtts Cool 607 615 599 607 787 795 782 787 1191 1102 1084 1091 1550 1546 1550 Volts 12.00 12.01 11.99 12.00 11.27 11.28 11.21 11.27 10.94 10.97 10.92 10.94 10.0 9.8 9.9 CFm HigH Cool 360 375 340 360 360 375 340 360 360 375 340 360 360 360 360 CFm loW Cool/HEAt 260 275 240 260 260 275 240 260 260 275 240 260 260 260 260 noisE inDooR/ oUtDooR. (DBA) 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 45/69 REFRigERAnt (tYpE) R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A sHipping WEigHt (lB) 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 137 137 137 137 143 143 143 stC (Unit off)* 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 EER Heating Option B C Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 53 PT EZ SERIES Replacement for the Lennox PTEIA Islandaire EZ Series PT is a replacement for the Lennox PTEIA unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! This unit does not have Hydronic heat available, but easily converts to electric heat. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box n Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret. Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type C - Std. Chassis HFC ref. D - Heat Pump HFC ref Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Hydronic Options 1 - None Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 54 BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard Model Type PT - Lennox PTEIA 12 C 2 PT Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 APQRSTUVWXYZ- A C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G PT EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080107 6030124 6080015 EZPT Enclosure assembly, 51.125"w x 25.125"h x 5.50"d EZPT Hydronic coil EZPT Aluminum filter 30.75" x 7.5" MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 22" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 15" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 357 /8" P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m " 1/2 7 1 NYC MEA# 358-93-E 55 RB EZ SERIES Replacement for the Westinghouse RB Islandaire EZ Series RB is a replacement for the Westinghouse RB unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Model Type RB - Westinghouse RB n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 RB A 1 A 1 4 A A Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) Power Mgt. Codes Hydronic Options 1 - None Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 56 BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G RB EZ SERIES Accessories: 6080011 6030295 4080466 EZRB Aluminum filter 30.75" x 8" EZRB Hydronic coil assembly, top mounted EZRB Enclosure front panel MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 37 -31 /32 " (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-15/32" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m " 32 / 0-3 2 NYC MEA# 358-93-E 57 RK EZ SERIES Replacement for the Ice-Cap RSK Islandaire EZ Series RK is a replacement for the Ice-Cap RSK unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet, hydronic coil, and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 2 - Bot. Ret./Front Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret.Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 5 - Front Ret,/Front Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 16 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Model Type RK - Ice-Cap RSK Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 RK A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 58 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G RK EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400224 6030203 EZRK Wall sleeve 10.5"deep (panel wall) EZRK Hydronic coil assembly, top mounted consult Your salesperson For enclosures MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ16 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 35 -7/ 8" 16" (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 15" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 375 /8" P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 19" NYC MEA# 358-93-E 59 RM New construction model and replacement for the Embassy Weathertwin, TPI Ra-Matic, Cool Heat, and Zoneaire RM & SC Series EZ SERIES Islandaire EZ Series RM is a replacement for the Embassy Weathertwin, TPI Ra-Matic, Cool Heat and Zoneaire models of RM and SC units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet, hydronic coil and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. When ordering a sloped RM unit, a new custom room cabinet must be ordered. Consult your factory contact for pricing. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Hard Wire 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Hard Wire Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 16 - 15,000 BTUH Model Type RM - Zoneaire RM/Embassy TPI RM 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Hard Wire 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Hard Wire Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 2 - Bot. Ret./Front Dis. 3 - Bot. Ret.Ducted Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 5 - Front Ret,/Front Dis. 6 - Front Ret./Ducted Top Dis. n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect Functional Option Codes ABCD- A B BC BCD LTU2- BD C CD D *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard EZ RM 12 A 2 C 1 S 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V)30 Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch B - 24v NO/NC Switch Room Controls A - Push Button Controls (MCO) F - 24v Remote Thermostat Master G - 24v Remote thermostat Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls Remote T-Stat N - Std. Electronic Controls Remote T-Stat S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 60 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G RM EZ SERIES Accessories: Please refer to our rM Brochure or consult with your islandaire sales person MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ16 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. /8" -7 35 (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 10" 181/4 " 15" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 61 RT EZ SERIES Replacement for the Ice-Cap RSCT Islandaire EZ Series RT is a replacement for the Ice-Cap models of RSCT units. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! If the need does occur where the wall sleeve-cabinet and/or louver needs to be replaced, we manufacture these accessories as well. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ n n Model Type RT - Ice-Cap RSCT System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. 12 A 2 RT Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 62 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G RT EZ SERIES Accessories: 2400265 2400264 EZRT Wall sleeve 12" deep EZRT Wall sleeve 16" deep MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m NYC MEA# 358-93-E 63 UN EZ SERIES Replacement for the Fedders Unizone, Mueller Climatrol, and Worthington Islandaire EZ Series UN is a replacement for the Fedders Unizone, Mueller Climatrol and Worthington unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any interior or exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH Model Type UN - Fedders Unizone n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Options A- None B- Motorized Damper C- Fan Cycle Switch D- Indoor Freeze Protect E- Winter Operation F- Hi Pressure Cut Out *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis EZ System Type A - Std. Chassis R410a B - Heat Pump R410a Return/Discharge Options 1 - Bot. Ret./Top Dis. 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Functional Option Codes ABCDEFGHJKL- A B BC BCD BCDE BCDEF BCDF BCE BCEF BCF BD MNPQRSTUVWX- BDE BDEF BDF BE BEF BF C CD CDE CDEF CDF YZ12345678- CE CEF CF D DE DEF DF E EF F Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 A 2 UN A 1 A 1 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options A - None Cooling Only B - 2.5 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) C - 3.6 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) D - 4.2 Kw Elec. Heat (208V-277V) E - 5.0 Kw Elec. Heat (230V-277V) F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) H - Hyd. W/2.5 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) I - Hyd. W/3.6 Kw B.U. Heat (208V-277V) Y - 1.3 Kw Elec. Heat (115V only) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve A - Line Voltage NO/NC switch Room Controls A - Unit Mounted Controls (MCO) B - Unit Mounted Controls (ACO) C - 24v Remote Thermostat F - 24v Remote Stat/Master G - 24v Remote Stat/Slave M - IntellitempTM Controls (Remote T-Stat) N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) T - IntellitempTM Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 64 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G UN EZ SERIES Accessories: 4080578 6080037 6030256 EZUN Enclosure assembly, w/ sleeve brackets EZUN Aluminum filter 42.5" x 8.75" EZUN Hydronic Coil (top mounted) MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating Option B C D E Voltage (1) Wattage B.T.U.s (2) Amps (3) 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 208 230 277 2,050 2,500 2,500 2.950 3,600 3,600 3,433 4,200 4,200 4,100 5,000 5,000 7,000 8,535 8,535 10,070 12,290 12,290 11,720 14,330 14,330 14,000 17,070 17,070 10.46 11.47 9.63 14.78 16.25 13.60 17.10 18.86 15.76 20.31 22.34 18.65 Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER listings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. 47 " (1) Voltage is Single Phase, Alternating Current and R.M.S. (2) Heating Capacity (B.T.U./Hr.) based on indoor blower motor and heating elements. (3) Amp values are a combination of indoor blower motor and heating elements. Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration 14-5/8" Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m /2" 9-1 " 5/8 17- NYC MEA# 358-93-E 65 WL EZ SERIES Replacement for the Ice-Cap WL Series Islandaire EZ Series WL is a replacement for the Ice-Cap WL unit. Our commercial duty construction with heavy gauge galvanized steel and superior components create an efficient reliable unit. This design eliminates the need for any exterior renovation. Use of the existing wall sleeve-cabinet and louver saves time and money, two very important factors in today's competitive environment! One very important item is that the existing front hydronic coil must be removed and the new top mount hydronic coil plenum assembly be installed. F E A T U R E S n n n n n n n n n Voltage/Line Cord 1 - 115v 20 Amps 2 - 230v 20 Amps 3 - 230v 30 Amps 4 - 230v Junction Box 5 - 115v 15 Amps 6 - 115v Junction Box 7 - 277v 20 Amps 8 - 277v Junction Box 9 - 230v 15 Amps A - 208v 15 Amps B - 208v 20 Amps C - 208v 30 Amps D - 208v Junction Box Cooling Capacity 07 - 7,500 BTUH 09 - 9,500 BTUH 12 - 12,000 BTUH 15 - 15,000 BTUH n n n n Proudly Made in the U.S.A. ETL listed products Superior Energy Efficiency Ratios (EERs) Commercial Duty Construction with Heavy Gauge Galvanized Steel Designed for exact replacement of existing sleeve opening Energy Efficient Rotary Compressors P.S.C. Evaporator and Condenser Motors High-Efficiency Refrigeration Coils Used to Provide Superior Heat Transfer Units Available as Cooling only, Cooling with Electric Heat, Cooling with Hydronic Heat, or Heat Pumps Custom Options Available Available with State-of-the-Art Digital Intellitemp™ Control System Available with wired and wireless wall thermostats NYC MEA Number 358-93-E Functional Option Codes Model Type WL - Ice-Cap WL A- A 2- D Functional Options A- None D- Indoor Freeze Protect *Codes are entered into model number. Component EZ - Cooling Chassis System Type C - Std. Chassis HFC Ref D - Heat Pump HFC Ref EZ Return/Discharge Options 4 - Front Ret./Top Dis. Identity Code 0 - Special 4 - Standard 12 C 2 WL F 1 N 4 4 A A Power Mgt. Codes Heating Options F - Hyd. Fan Cycle W/T-Stat (115V-277V) G - Hyd. with Aquastat (115V-277V) Hydronic Options 1 - None 2 - 24v NC Valve 3 - 115v NC Valve 4 - 230v NC Valve 5 - 277v NC Valve 6 - 24v NO Valve 7 - 115v NO Valve 8 - 230v NO Valve 9 - 277v NO Valve Room Controls N - Standard Electronic Controls (Remote T-Stat) S - Digital Controls (Unit Mounted) Power Mgt. Options A- None B- Power Disconnect C- Energy Mgt. N/O D- Energy Mgt. N/C E- Emerg. Power 115V F- Emerg. Power 230V G- Emerg. Power 277V *Codes are entered into model number. ABCDEFGHJKLM- *Specifications are subject to change due to ongoing product development. 66 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 A B BC BCD BCF BCG BD BDE BDF BDG BE BF NPQRSTUVWXYZ- BG C CE CF CG D DE DF DG E F G WL EZ SERIES Accessories: 4090332 4090295 4090278 4090242 EZWL Hydronic coil assembly, opposite end, with door EZWL Hydronic coil assembly, w/o grill EZWL Assembly, w/o coil, includes 2" frame and grill EZWL Hydronic coil, same end with door MODELS EZ07 EZ09 EZ12 EZ15 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 115 230 208 277 230 208 277 BtUH Cooling 7,000 7,000 6,800 7,000 9,500 9,500 9,300 9,500 12,200 12,200 12,000 12,200 15,000 14,800 15,000 Amps 6.76 3.30 3.70 2.81 8.76 4.38 4.85 3.64 11.66 5.83 6.45 4.84 7.99 8.9 6.63 WAtts Cooling 731 723 723 731 945 986 986 945 1,247 1,328 1,328 1,247 1,768 1,768 1,671 EER 9.58 9.68 9.41 9.58 10.05 9.63 9.43 10.05 9.78 9.19 9.04 9.78 8.48 8.37 8.98 CFm HigH 340 340 320 340 400 400 380 400 400 400 380 400 460 440 460 CFm loW 260 260 240 260 260 260 240 260 340 340 320 340 340 320 340 BtUH HEAting WAtts HEAting 7,100 7,100 6,900 7,100 9,300 9,300 9,100 9,300 11,400 11,400 11,200 11,400 14,300 14,200 14,800 751 749 749 751 884 864 864 884 1,281 1,258 1,258 1,281 1,646 1,646 1,715 C.o.p. 2.77 2.78 2.70 2.77 3.09 3.16 3.09 3.09 2.61 2.66 2.61 2.61 2.55 2.53 2.53 Volts Heating capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 47∞F WB outdoor and 70∞F DB/60∞F WB indoor. Wattage, Amperage, COP, EER istings include compressor, evaporator motor and condenser fan motor. Cooling capacities specified in accordance with ARI standard 380-82 at conditions of 95∞F DB/75∞F WB outdoor and 80∞F DB/67∞F WB indoor. Discharge Grill Assembly Hydronic coil Assembly Line Voltage Maximum Amperage 115 Wall Socket Configuration Receptacle Number Electrical Heat Options 16 NEMA 5-20R N/A 208/230 12 NEMA 6-15R N/A 208/230 16 NEMA 6-20R 2.5 - 3.6 208/230 24 NEMA 6-30R 4.2 - 5.0 277 16 NEMA 7-20R 2.5 - 5.0 P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m cooling chassis NYC MEA# 358-93-E 67 OTHER MANUFACTURED UNITS Replacements and New Construction 5R EZ SERIES 43 11/16” W, 15 1/13” H, 18 3/4” D AM EZ SERIES 54 1/8” W, 12 5/8” H, 13 3/16” D AT EZ SERIES 23 5/8” W, 15 1/2” H, 23 7/8” D Replaces the Ice-Cap 5R unit • Unit only available • Available 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH Cooling • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt, 277 volt • Available cooling only, hydronic or electric heat Replaces the Amana Coffin unit • • • • Unit only available, comes with top cabinet and grilles Available in 12000, 15000 BTUH Cooling Available 208/230 volt Available cooling only Replaces A/C units for specified dimensions • Available 9500 and 12000 BTUH cooling • Available 115 volt and 208/230 volt • Cooling only C7 Replaces the Friedrich CM701 C8 Replaces Friedrich CM 180 EZ SERIES • Available 7000; 9000; 12000; 15000 • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt, 277 volt 41 1/4” W, 18 1/2” H, 19” D EZ SERIES • Available in only 18000 BTUH cooling • Available in 208/230 volt, 277 volt 36” W, 15” H, 27” D CC EZ SERIES 48” W, 21” H, 20 1/2” D Replaces the Slant Fin CC unit • Must order room cabinet and hydronic coil with unit (if Hyd.) • Available in 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH cooling • Available in Electric heat and Hydronic heat CT Replaces the Keeprite (CANADA) unit CY Replaces the Chrysler EZ SERIES • Available in only 9500 BTUH cooling • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt, 277 volt • New front panel must be ordered with each unit. 30 11/16” W, 17 1/8” H, 13 1/4” D EZ SERIES 34” W, 18 1/4” H, 20” D 68 • Available cooling chassis only, with field hard wire connections. • Available 208/230 volt • Available to work with existing heat section I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 EK EZ SERIES Replaces the Singer KS (EK) • Available in 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH cooling • Available in 208/230 volt and 277 volt 42 11/16” W, 14 3/4” H, 19 11/16” D FM Replaces the Slant Fin FM unit GE Replaces the GE Flat Top only (custom) IT Replaces the Integrity unit EZ SERIES 35 1/8” W, 17 1/4” H, 20 7/8” D EZ SERIES 40 1/8” W, 14 3/8” H, 18 3/8” D EZ SERIES 29 5/16” W, 20 1/2” H, 15 3/4” D 32” W, 20 1/2” H, 15 3/6” D N4 EZ SERIES 41 1/2” W, 13 1/8” H, 13 3/16” D NR • Available in 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH cooling • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt and 277 volt • Available in 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH cooling • Available in 208/230 volt, 277 volt • Flat top only, cooling with electric heat • Available in 9500, 12000,15000, BTUH • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt and 277 volt • Available with front controls or remote control box with harness Replaces the Dunham Bush Newport IV unit • Available in 9500; 12000; • Available in 208/230 volt, 277 volt • Must order a complete unit, cooling chassis fan deck assembly and control box Replaces the Nesbitt Modular Roommate unit EZ SERIES • Available 9500; 12000; 15000 BTUH cooling • Available in 208/230 volt, 277 volt • Flat top and sloped room cabinet available 34 1/16” W, 14 5/16” H, 10 7/8” D Note: Do not upgrade BTUH size from 12,000 to 15,000 because the interior dimensions of the 15,000 unit is larger. RY EZ SERIES Replaces the Zoneaire RY unit • Available in 9500 and12,000 BTUH cooling • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt • Available in push button control only 31 7/8” W, 14 17/32” H, 18 1/4” D SC EZ SERIES 35 7/8” W, 15” H, 18 1/4” D TE EZ SERIES 42 3/8” W, 16” H, 18 13/32” D Replaces the Zoneaire SC unit • • • • Available in 9500; 12000; 15000; 18000 Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt, 277 volt Available in cooling only, electric heat, hydronic heat Wall sleeve/cabinet front panel and louver available. Replaces the Friedrich & Zoneaire “T” unit • Available in 7500; 9500;12000;15000 • Available in 115 volt, 208/230 volt, 277 volt • Comes with the new sloped front panel P h : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 69 ACCESSORIES Available are room enclosures, wall sleeves, exterior louvers, hydronic coils, hydronic valves, front panels, control boxes, discharge grills, remote thermostats, duct kit assemblies, etc. Ask for specifics from your salesperson. JK Hydronic Room Enclosure JK Electric Heat Room Enclosure JK Hydronic Coil NY Wall Sleeve and Exterior Louver Assembly NY Room Enclosure 70 I s l a n d a i r e • 2 2 R e s e a r c h Wa y, E a s t S e t a u k e t , N Y 1 1 7 3 3 T41 Enclosure Front Panel T41/T25 Hydronic Heat Section RM Wall Sleeve, Top Mount Hydronic Coil Kit and Exterior Louver Assembly RM Wall Sleeve, Top Mount Hydronic Coil Kit and Exterior Louver Assembly RM Room Enclosure (Wall Mount) P H : 8 0 0 - 8 8 6 - 2 7 5 9 • F X : 6 3 1 - 4 7 1 - 2 9 1 3 • w w w. i s l a n d a i r e . c o m 71 22 Research Way, East Setauket, NY 11733 • 1-800-886-2759 e-mail: • Ph: 631-471-2900 • Fax: 631-471-2913 Locally Represented By:
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