bVw$#ffiRxrffi Km thm Wnrlffi frhnre?p{mraskip Zffi9 e t-ssng* #g t{ | rui I}i % g Rgh*K &e&e mfl $ea&y VtAhm$sr:sfu ffitrg Wsffir,mmm€cru Wedsry#j TWry, E3?# Vf&rslrwur &xkryww, ffimmxxxmrk We are 6oyyy to irwite you rc the 2011. Wor(f, feam Charyionshiy rc 6e 6eff at the nationaf equestrian center I{[6efms6org in Mdrsfet, Arftus. We ho6, forwarf, tu weftome you aff a wee6, futf offat fhy, great rif,ing, an{ 6yn every1ofy wiff 6ave fienfshty andioy. \tifhefms\org 6as hosref, severaf worff,cuys {n 6oth s1owjumying anf, f,ressa,ge. fhe yenue 6as great stabhs, goof, camying/brry factfttfes anf, is surroun{e{ 6y 1eautyfuff nature. (6e Arena wiff 6e on 7rass anf, measure Bo x r2o meter. l6e yractise/warm-uf arena wiff 6e rtght next to the show Arena, rr ana aLsj 0n Uarass. ::': t,' we wiffyrwif,e arena f arty and ftne referees for aff rcams. Che fine referees wiff 6e a m{,x of nat{onaftties, 6ut wiff aff 6ave in commanf, that they are not f,lrect(y connectef, to any of ffie teams. fhe referee for the worff, rcam chamy{ons1tf ton wiff 6e geter Daft, anf, we are sure 6e wiff ma6n sure we aff get anf, suc c es sfif c omy etition. a fair Entry: ?ftase conf{rm your intention to comfete no fater then the 3rst of 'lanuaru 2011 6u emai( to: sisne.seheste{@fiotmai(.com JJJ On the fficiaf webs{te: t'nww.worffszon.{6. you can finf, the entry form. on the website you can afso ftnf tnformation a6out the tuams, time schef,ufe, yonsors, 60tu[s, airyorts etc. Enrry fee shaff 6e yaif, no (arcr than the ryth of march to the fo(fowin7 account: *1an{e{s6an,{een, S{wrgeyuy, Regno: b 'J 6 joo 'Acc*ten{: 13126-o6 ayt: {U,* sri3 o oa * o r s r 2 G c G Sw{ft : h'm{dk6.6 lnformation a6out the tuams shaff g.*ry{6 a,s so we can yut it 6e sen{ to {ftte@mouffie{- yossi6h, anf, no farcr than {te ryth of *oy, on the website anf, in our yrogram. soon as l6e ,"t"y fre is t7,ooo f,6,6r. yer team and incfude the foffow{,ng: {re ntft to ffie fitft r and stravv Extra ua( 6ost aLL sta1fes cost looo f,6,6r. for a wee6,, anf, s\ouff 6e yaif, tugether with the entry fee. fo, suff orters costs 7oo [6,6r. Extra gafh ilcL,ets cost 4so d6,6r and 6oo| uft cost 3so d6,6r. nff of tt shaff 6e yaid and Cater{ng orf,eref, no fater than the ryth of may. tsreahfast: f,ar6" and white hreaf,, tuastef, hreaf,. Cheese, jam, 6utter, juice, thea, cofee, corffiL,es, mi[6,, sugar. your own sanf,wiches, dart, 1reaf, or sandwich 6read aff 6n[ offi(ftngs wery f,ay. Luncft: ma1,e Dinner tsurger night, mexican night, yito night, chic6nn night, 6ot f,og ni,gfits with att 6,nd of sahf, erc. (yfease ffirent Every night anf, vegetarian hotdogs, (6ere wiff c6o{,ses every 6e night as weff. inform 6ow many vegetarian menus you need) (f,r{n6s are inc(udlng hrea8fast and can 6e \ought f,inner) Catering: tsreahfast: o7.3o - og.3o ? Lunch: r2.oo - 14.oo Dinner: t83o - 2r.oo fo, funch and ,J, T[me scheduft: Monday the nth of nryt tuams arriv{ng_f"o* t2.oo (lractise time for teams with iorrowef,yonies in the afternoon) fuesf,ay rhe nth tf ury: clrering_fro* o7.3o,.pract[se timefor aff teams, wefcome wenii, ,6, *riiry wednesday the qr6 of nQ, yractise rime for aff teams, mixed team comyet{t{on in t6e even fuo yonies "g envofved). fhursday the 4th of uQt yractise t{mefor affreams, nigr6. rriday the ryth tf ryryt of enxn| anf, comyetition 6,arao6,e 6eg[ns. Sarurday rhe tOt6 of JyQ: compefition Sunday rhe ryth of trinafs. gaffa enening ( s 6our, _fro* end of comyetition to f,inner starts) ly/t ,tu i tndlvtf,ua( Frienfty comyetition Each country can sign @ infor r rif,er in the mf,ndua(frtendty lomfetition, whtch is a comyetition mhtng yface in {te 6rea6s 1etween the sessions for the rcam chamyionshly. (6e comyetition for extra rif,ers or others wfto want to yartic{yate. fhls means rhat if the tuam neef,s their extra rider or fony, the rifer/yony is affowed fuaye the comyetition to join the teamcomyetition. is 6e r sessionfif,ay, r session saturf,ay andflnafs on sunf,ay. l6ere wiff 6e B games in each session and rc games in fhere wi(( tfte ff,na(. Emry fee: 16oo d66r. whlch orfy incfuf,es sta\fes anf, entry fee. Qa[h tic6,eq caturing etc. Can 6e \ought as extras. Entry form andfuther information can 6e founf, on the www.wor{dszon.{6. Entry no (arcr than the ryth they wi(f We [0o6. 6e of marcft, 1f there are free sfaces given to other countries/rif,ers. forward rc wekome you in Denmar6!