310 N. Berkeley Blvd. Goldsboro, NC 27534 (919) 778-2211
310 N. Berkeley Blvd. Goldsboro, NC 27534 (919) 778-2211
2016 310 N. Berkeley Blvd. Goldsboro, NC 27534 (919) 778-2211 Our History The Goldsboro News-Argus had its beginnings on April 7, 1885, with publication of the first issue of the Goldsboro Daily Argus - this area’s first daily newspaper. Until 1922, the Daily Argus published as a morning paper. It then became an afternoon publication, and a new morning paper, the News, was founded. Both newspapers merged into the Goldsboro News-Argus in September 1922. Within weeks the Great Depression hit. The NewsArgus managed not only to survive, but to maintain its high quality and to steadily expand its circulation. The News-Argus has shared in, and in many ways promoted Wayne County’s economic surge over the years. For over one hundred and twenty-six years the NewsArgus has adhered to a tradition of not only reporting the news, but also supporting those things that make a better community for all of our people. Today the News-Argus is one of the largest newspapers east of Raleigh and enjoys a reputation for excellence throughout the Southeast. General Information President & Publisher: Hal Tanner III htanner3@newsargus.com Publisher Emeritus: Hal Tanner, Jr. htanner@newsargus.com Advertising Director: Dave Schuette dschuette@newsargus.com Production Director: Michael Stewart mstewart@newsargus.com Editor: Dennis Hill dhill@newsargus.com Preprint Coordinator: T’Keitha Burney tburney@newsargus.com Mailing Address: Goldsboro News-Argus P.O. Box 10629 Goldsboro, NC 27532 Shipping Address: Goldsboro News-Argus 310 N. Berkeley Blvd. Goldsboro, NC 27534 Telephone: Main: Classified: Circulation: Fax: 919-778-2211 919-778-3411 919-739-7809 919-778-9891 Published: Monday - Friday PM and Sunday AM. Not published on July 4th and Christmas unless they fall on a Sunday. Commissions and Billings • Local Retail and Classified rates are not commissionable • Bills are due upon receipt • Prepayment must accompany all new accounts until credit has been established • Failure to receive tearsheets is not a valid reason to withhold payment General Rate Policy The Publisher reserves the right to reduce the amount of space or revise the rate upon 30 days notice in writing. If said revision is not acceptable to the Advertiser, the Advertiser may cancel the contract, with a written notice, prior to the effective date of increase, and without penalty, otherwise the new rate will be in effect. Backdating contracts is not permitted. The Publisher does not offer rebates on any contracts. Space will be charged as contracted. An advertiser is entitled to local retail rates when selling directly to the public through one or more permanent retail stores, offices, or outlets owned entirely by the advertiser. The advertiser may not transfer, sell, barter, or in any manner assign advertising space to any third party. Local brokered advertising is not accepted All advertising produced by the Publisher is copyrighted. The Advertiser hereby assigns to the Publisher all rights, title and interest in and to all layouts of advertisements placed with the Publisher which represent the creative efforts of the Publisher, in whole or in part. Special Services Creative Services Co-op Billing / memos Art Services Special Features / Days Best Food Day – Wednesday Farm – Wednesday Health – Thursday Church – Friday Travel – Sunday Military – Sunday Features – Sunday Real Estate – Friday Auto Review – Sunday Business – Daily Entertainment – Daily ROP Requirements The Publisher will not be responsible or liable for any reason in the event any goods are sold at an incorrect price. The Publisher will not be responsible for typographical errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the item/s plus a proportionate space for signature. Upon request, the Publisher will furnish a letter, to be posted at the Advertiser’s place of business, stating the correct price when a typographical error has occurred. Minimum retail ad size is 1 column by 1 inch. Advertising must measure as many inches high as columns wide except full width strip ads. Advertising measuring more than 19.5 inches high will be charged for full column depth. Advertising depth is measured and billed in one-quarter inch increments. Minimum double truck – ad width of any ad extending through the gutter is nine columns (including gutter) by 11 inches deep. – gutter is charged as an additional column. The Publisher reserves the right to cancel or refuse any advertising at any time; and the Advertiser further agrees to indemnify the Publisher for any damages or costs incurred as a result of any unlawful and illegal advertising published at the request of the Advertiser. Contract & Copy Regulations In the event any tax is imposed on newspaper advertising, such tax or taxes shall be added to all rates paid for by the Advertiser. All advertising is subject to the approval of the Publisher. The word “Advertisement” must be printed across the top of advertising simulating news. 2016 Placement Information / Guaranteed Position The Publisher reserves the right at any time, to revise or reject, at our discretion, any advertisement which Publisher deems objectionable, whether in subject matter, graphic, phraseology, or setup. Guaranteed placement is available with minimum ad size of 33 column inches and 25% premium. All copy other than horizontally set is subject to approval by the Publisher. Upside down ads are not permitted. Credit will not be issued for positioning or replacement of ad. All political ads must have “authorized and paid for” by committee or individual at the bottom of ad. If an organization is listed, an officer or representative of that organization must be listed. All political ads must be prepaid at time of placement. Circulation Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Typography or borders specified by the advertiser will be followed when possible. Advertisements not having a border will have a hairline rule placed on the top and bottom of the ad. Typography smaller than 8 point san serif or 10 point serif are run at the advertiser’s risk. Split run ads are not available. Subscription rates Monday through Friday PM, Sunday AM Rack and counter sale: Daily $ .50 Sunday: $1.50 Subscription price by carrier: 1 mo. $13.00 • 3 mo. $39.01 • 6 mo. $78.01 $156.03 per year *N.C. sales tax now applicable. DEADLINES: Display Ads Line Ads News-Argus Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Real Estate Update - Friday TV Showtime - Friday The Extra - Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday (week prior) Wednesday Mount Olive Messenger - Wednesday Thursday The Wright Times - 2nd & 4th Friday Friday (1 week prior) Stars & Stripes - Friday Friday (1 week prior) Friday 4 p.m. Friday 4 p.m. Monday 4 p.m. Tuesday 4 p.m. Wed. 4 p.m. Thurs. 4 p.m. Thurs. noon Friday 4 p.m. Friday 4 p.m. Wednesday 4 p,m. Wednesday 4 p,m. PAGE SPECIFICATIONS Retail Display – News-Argus, Mount Olive Messenger, The Extra 1 column 1.569 inches 2 columns 3.264 inches 3 columns 4.958 inches 4 columns 6.652 inches 5 columns 8.347 inches 6 columns 10.042 inches Double Truck 20.972 inches Page Depth 21.50 inches Classified Display – News-Argus, Mount Olive Messenger, The Extra TV Showtime 1 column 1.569 inches 2 columns 3.264 inches 3 columns 4.958 inches 4 columns 6.652 inches 5 columns 8.347 inches Page Depth 10.00 inches Tabloid 1 column 2.34 inches 2 columns 4.81 inches 3 columns 7.27 inches 4 columns 9.75 inches Page Depth 11.00 inches 1 column 1.125 inches 2 columns 2.389 inches 3 columns 3.653 inches 4 columns 4.917 inches 5 columns 6.181 inches 6 columns 7.444 inches 7 columns 8.708 inches 8 columns 9.972 inches Columns: Page Depth 21.50 inches 1 column: 2.34" Wright Times - Stars & Stripes Modular Tabloid 24 2 columns: 4.81" Real Estate Update 1 column 1.125 inches 2 columns 2.389 inches 3 columns 3.653 inches 4 columns 4.917 inches 5 columns 6.181 inches 6 columns 7.444 inches 7 columns 8.708 inches Page Depth 11.00 inches 3 columns: 7.28" 4 columns: 9.75" Page Depth: 11.00 inches Modular Sizes: Eighth Page (V) 1 Col. 2.344" x 5.375" Eighth Page (H) 2 Cols. 4.813" x 2.56" Quarter Page 2 Cols. 4.813" x 5.375" Half Page (V) 2 Cols. 4.813" x 11.00" Half Page (H) 4 Cols. 9.75" x 5.375" Full Page 4 Cols. 9.75" x 11.00" 2016 Effective April 2012 PRODUCTION GUIDELINES Photography & Artwork ■ Only digital files are accepted ■ Document size should be exactly the same size as ad size When choosing images or writing copy for your layout. ■ All ads submitted must be accompanied by any photos, artwork and typeface that is used within the ad ■ Please do not send artwork or photos embedded in a Publisher or word processing document, especially for photos, we prefer the JPEG image as it came from the camera. ■ Scan pictures at 180 dpi. Scan logos that are to be bitmapped at 300 dpi. Save as a TIFF, CMYK if color. Scans should be the size to be used in the ad so that file size is as small as possible ■ Limit background screen to 10% gray for black type ■ No small type (minimum 14 pt) reversed in a color background ■ Total ink limit is 260, C65, M55, Y55, and K85. Pages printed Black and White or Color at 85 line screen, 1200 dpi resolution, right read, emulsion down The Goldsboro News-Argus Composing Department We offer ad design at no additional charge. Advertisers are encouraged to submit copy, artwork and creative ideas to their sales representative for ad design. Our sales professionals are also skilled in creating good ad concepts. When artwork is submitted, it should be a clean original. Copied or preprinted art does not reproduce very well. ■ Our first preference is Adobe PDF files for ad submission, if the customer wants to submit anything else we may have to reset the ad. ■ Pdf files should be correct before sending them to us. If there are corrections that need to be made, we ask that the customer make the changes and re-send the pdf file ■ All fonts should be embedded and / or text converted to outlines (if that is available in your software) in every eps or pdf file. That will eliminate any font issues. ■ All colors should be converted to CMYK, additional colors do not reproduce properly because we must convert files to CMYK. If we convert files, we can not guarantee output will match additional colors that are designed. ■ We can accept files on compact disks. We also receive ads via email at composing@newsargus.com or you can send it to your representative. If email attachment is over 10 megabytes it should be broken down into separate emails. Please indicate advertiser name, run date and sales representative. We receive ads on our ftp site: ftp.newsargus.com or ftp://ftp.newsargus.com/ ■ Our designers work in a Mac format and the following software is available for use by our graphic designers: Quark Express, Illustrator, Photoshop CS and Acrobat. Likewise, faxes, yellow page cutouts, business cards and letterheads do not reproduce sharply and we cannot guarantee quality. If you have any advertising production questions, please feel free to call our composing department at (919) 739-7870. The Publisher reserves the right to edit, reject, cancel or refuse any advertising at any time. The Publisher will not be responsible for typographical errors or misprints beyond the cost of space occupied by the item/s affected. Errors must be reported within 48 hours of publication. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors in any advertisement for more that the cost of the advertisement. All advertising produced by the Publisher is copyrighted. The Advertiser hereby assigns to the Publisher all rights, title and interest in and to all layouts of advertisements placed with the Publisher which represent the creative efforts of the Publisher, in whole or in part. 2016 2016 National Advertising Rates Rates are commissionable at 15% to recognized advertising agenies. Classified Line Rates (3 line minimum) Classified Employment News-Argus – published Monday through Friday PM, Sunday AM Personnel: Advertising Manager Advertising Director Jay Kemp Dave Schuette Display Rates Mon. – Friday $27.94 per col. In. Sunday $30.29 per col. In. Color: Black plus one color Black plus two colors Process color $340.00 $470.00 $570.00 $350.00 $490.00 $590.00 jkemp@newsargus.com dschuette@newsargus.com Features – Sunday Real Estate – Sunday Auto Review - Sunday Business – Daily Entertainment – Daily ROP Requirements: Minimum retail ad size is 1 column by 1 inch. Advertising must measure as many inches high as columns wide except full width strip ads. Advertising measuring more than 19.5 inches high will be charged for full column depth. Advertising depth is measured and billed in one-quarter inch increments.Minimum double truck – ad width of any ad extending through the gutter is nine columns (including gutter) by 11 inches deep. – gutter is charged as an additional column. Deadlines: News-Argus Sunday Real Estate Update - Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday The Extra - Tuesday Mt. Olive Messenger - Wed. The Wright Times - Friday $2.75 per line $3.29 per line Classified Display Rates (2 inch minimum) Classified $17.69 per col. In. $19.66 per col. In. Employment $20.74 per col. In. $23.12 per col. In. Wright Times The official newspaper of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base covering personnel and base activities published on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Color is accepted daily and Sunday subject to availability and mechanical limitations. Special Features / Days: Best Food Day – Wednesday Farm – Wednesday Health – Thursday Church – Friday Travel – Sunday Military – Sunday $2.23 per line $2.65 per line Display Ads Line Ads Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (week prior) Friday 4 PM Thursday Noon Friday 4 PM Monday 4 pm Tuesday 4 PM Wednesday 4 PM Thursday 4 PM Friday 4 PM Friday 4 PM Wednesday 4 PM Retail Display Rate: $10.35 per col. In. Classified Line Rates (3 line minimum) Classified $1.49 per line Employment $2.07 per line Classified Display Rates: (2 inch minimum) Classified $6.16 per line Employment $6.69 per line Color: Black plus one color Black plus two colors Process color $170.00 $215.00 $285.00 Color is accepted and subject to availability and mechanical limitations. Mount Olive Messenger Our weekly newspaper serving Mount Olive, Dudley and vicinity is published every Wednesday as a section of the News-Argus distributed in southern Wayne County as well as mailed to additional non-subscriber homes for a total distribution of over 10,000 households. Retail Display Rate: $10.88 per col. In. Classified Display Rates (2 inch minimum) Classified $6.04 per col. In. Employment $6.83 per col. In. Color: Black plus one color Black plus two colors Process color $170.00 $215.00 $285.00 Color is accepted and subject to availability and mechanical limitations. Placement Information / Guaranteed Position: The Extra – Total Market Coverage Guaranteed placement is available with minimum as size of 33 column inches and 25% premium. Our weekly TMC newspaper is distributed by carrier and mail to 24,900 non-subscriber households each Tuesday in Goldsboro and northern Wayne County. Credit or make good will not be issued for positioning. Circulation: Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Rack and counter sale: Daily $ .50, Sunday $1.50. Subscription price by carrier $132.00 per year. Insert Rates: Size Single Sheet 2 std / 4 tab / 8 flexi 4 std / 8 tab / 16 flexi 6 std / 12 tab / 24 flexi 8 std / 16 tab / 32 flexi Rate /M $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 Size 10 std / 20 tab / 40 flexi 12 std / 24 tab / 48 flexi 14 std / 28 tab / 56 flexi 16 std / 32 tab / 64 flexi Rate /M $92.00 $96.00 $98.10 $102.00 Retail Display Rate $10.95 per col. In. Classified Line Rates (3 line minimum) Classified $1.86 per line Employment $2.39 per line Classified Display Rates (2 inch minimum) Classified $6.51 per inch Employment $6.83 per inch Color Black plus one color $170.00 Black plus two colors $215.00 Process color $285.00 Color is accepted and subject to availability and mechanical limitations. 2016 2016 Retail (ROP) Advertising Rates Rates are Not Commissionable No Contract – No Frequency Required Open Rate Church/Charity/Civic Memorials/Birthdays Monday - Friday Rate per Inch Sunday Rate per Inch $23.75 $14.75 $22.00 $25.75 $16.75 $24.00 Weekly Frequency – 52 Consecutive Weeks Minimum Inches per week 2 Inches per week 4 Inches per week 8 Inches per week 16 Inches per week 32 Inches per week 64 Inches per week 129 Inches per week Monday - Friday Rate per Inch Sunday Rate per Inch $14.45 $14.00 $13.10 $12.20 $11.30 $10.40 $9.50 $16.45 $16.00 $15.10 $14.20 $13.30 $12.40 $11.50 Weekly Frequency – 26 Consecutive Weeks Minimum Inches per week 2 Inches per week 4 Inches per week 8 Inches per week 16 Inches per week 32 Inches per week 64 Inches per week 129 Inches per week Monday - Friday Rate per Inch Sunday Rate per Inch $16.20 $15.75 $14.85 $13.95 $13.05 $12.15 $11.25 $18.20 $17.75 $16.85 $15.95 $15.05 $14.15 $13.25 Weekly Frequency – 13 Consecutive Weeks Minimum Inches per week 2 Inches per week 4 Inches per week 8 Inches per week 16 Inches per week 32 Inches per week 64 Inches per week 129 Inches per week Monday - Friday Rate per Inch Sunday Rate per Inch $17.95 $17.50 $16.60 $15.70 $14.80 $13.90 $13.00 $19.95 $19.50 $18.60 $17.70 $16.80 $15.90 $15.00 Annual Bulk Space 150 Inches per year 250 Inches per year 500 Inches per year 1,000 Inches per year 1,500 inches per year 2,000 inches per year 2,500 Inches per year 5,000 Inches per year 10,000 Inches per year 15,000 Inches per year 20,000 Inches per year Monday - Friday Rate per Inch Sunday Rate per Inch $20.00 $17.00 $15.50 $14.25 $14.00 $13.75 $13.50 $12.75 $12.00 $11.25 $10.50 $22.00 $19.00 $17.50 $16.25 $16.00 $15.75 $15.50 $14.75 $14.00 $13.25 $12.50 Color Rates 6 inches - 75 inches 76 inches - 129 inches Monday - Friday Sunday $5.00 per inch $375.00 flat $5.00 per inch $395.00 flat Color advertisements accepted daily and Sunday and may be subject to availability and mechanical limitations. 6 inch minimum. Monthly Frequency – 12 Consecutive Months Monday - Friday Sunday Minimum Inches per Mo. 15 Inches per month 30 inches per month 50 Inches per month 100 Inches per month 250 Inches per month Rate per Inch Rate per Inch $14.75 $14.15 $13.55 $12.65 $11.75 $16.75 $16.15 $15.55 $14.65 $13.75 500 Inches per month $10.85 $12.85 Monthly Frequency – 6 Consecutive Months Monday - Friday Minimum Inches per Mo. 15 Inches per month 30 inches per month 50 Inches per month 100 Inches per month 250 Inches per month 500 Inches per month Sunday Rate per Inch Rate per Inch $16.75 $16.15 $15.55 $14.65 $13.75 $12.85 $18.75 $18.15 $17.55 $16.65 $15.75 $14.85 Monthly Frequency – 3 Consecutive Months Minimum Inches per Mo. 15 Inches per month 30 inches per month 50 Inches per month 100 Inches per month 250 Inches per month 500 Inches per month Monday - Friday Rate per Inch $18.75 $18.15 $17.55 $16.65 $15.75 $14.85 Sunday Rate per Inch $20.75 $20.15 $19.55 $18.65 $17.75 $16.85 If the amount of space used in any calendar month is equal to the requirements for a lower rate, the lower rate will apply for that month. ROP Repeat/Preview Discount Within any six publishing days, a full price ad may be repeated or previewed up to five times. The highest rated ad runs at full price, the second ad runs at a 25% discount and successive ads run at a 50% discount.2014 All discounts are off earned space rate, and no other discounts may be combined with this program. Color charges are not discounted. THANKSGIVING DAY WILL BE CHARGED AT SUNDAY RATES 2016 2016 Classified Advertising Rates Private Party 3 lines 6 lines 9 lines 12 lines 1Day $1.41/line $1.13/line $1.03/line $0.90/line Open Employment Line Rates 4 Days $0.90/line $0.69/line $0.62/line $0.58/line Garage Sales 6 Days $0.66/line $0.63/line $0.57/line $0.54/line Sunday $1.58/line $1.25/line $1.13/line $1.00/line Church/Charity 2 Days 6 lines 7 lines Prepayment required $21.16/ad $24.86 / ad 3 lines $0.90/line/day 1Day $2.30/line $1.97/line $1.86/line $1.81/line $1.72/line $1.70/line $1.68/line 4 Days $1.51/line $1.23/line $1.13/line $1.00/line $1.01/line $0.99/line $0.98/line 1Day $2.25/line $2.16/line $2.14/line $2.12/line $2.10/line $2.09/line $2.09/line 6 Days $1.29/line $1.07/line $0.99/line $0.96/line $0.90/line $0.88/line $0.88/line Sunday $2.60/line $2.19/line $2.05/line $1.98/line $1.88/line $1.84/line $1.83/line Open Commercial Display Rates 4 Days $1.48/line $1.26/line $1.19/line $1.15/line $1.10/line $1.08/line $1.07/line 6 Days $1.27/line $1.09/line $1.03/line $1.00/line $0.96/line $0.94/line $0.93/line 1Day $19.00/inch $21.85/inch 4 Days $17.35/inch $19.40/inch Contract Employment Rates (2 inch minimum display) 3 lines Display 6 lines Display 9 lines Display 12 lines Display 1Day $1.86/line $11.92/inch $1.83/line $11.67 inch $1.80/line $11.45 inch $1.75/line $11.11 inch 4 Days $1.77/line $11.17/inch $1.74/line $11.12/inch $1.71/line $10.89/inch $1.68/line $10.67/inch Daily 1Day $17.28/inch 4 Days $16.37/inch Color Daily Sunday Sunday $19.23/inch $18.16/inch Black plus one color Black plus two colors Process color $215.00 $300.00 $375.00 $230.00 $315.00 $395.00 Contract Commercial Rates – includes real estate, automotive Cost per line per day 1Day 3 lines $0.91/line Display $10.93 inch 6 lines $0.90/line Display $10.81 inch 9 lines $0.87/line Display $10.43 inch 12 lines $0.83/line Display $9.94 inch 24 lines $0.81/line Display $9.69 inch 36 lines $0.80/line Display $9.56 inch 48 lines $0.77/line Display $9.19 inch 4 Days $0.88/line $10.56/inch $0.86/line $10.43/inch $0.84/line $10.06/inch $0.80/line $9.56/inch $0.79/line $9.44/inch $0.78/line $9.32/inch $0.76/line $9.07/inch 6 Days $0.85/line $10.46/inch $0.84/line $10.09/inch $0.81/line $9.72/inch $0.76/line $9.10/inch $0.75/line $8.98/inch $0.74/line $8.86/inch $0.72/line $8.61/inch Sunday $1.02/line $11.72/inch $0.98/line $11.55/inch $0.96/line $11.18/inch $0.92/line $11.04/inch $0.90/line $10.35/inch $0.87/line $10.21/inch $0.85/line $10.16/inch Sunday $2.50/line $2.34/line $2.28/line $2.26/line $2.21/line $2.20/line $2.19/line Open Employment Display Rates (2 inch minimum) Daily Sunday Open Commercial Line Rates 3 lines 6 lines 9 lines 12 lines 24 lines 36 lines 48 lines 3 lines 6 lines 9 lines 12 lines 24 lines 36 lines 48 lines Sunday $2.18/line $13.77/inch $2.13/line $13.50/inch $2.09/line $13.23/inch $2.04/line $12.96/inch Online Rates Online ads run 6 consecutive days at www.NewsArgus.com Line ads Display ads Employment Line Ads Employment Display Ads $2.90 $16.20 $3.75 $21.05 The Extra Our weekly TMC newspaper is distributed by carrier and mail to 24,900 non-subscriber households each Tuesday in Goldsboro and northern Wayne County. Private Party/Commercial - 3 lines Display (2 inch minimum) Employment - 3 lines Display (2 inch minimum) $1.86/line $6.51/inch $2.39/line $6.83/inch 2016 REAL ESTATE UPDATE NTY AYNE COU SERVING W UNDING AREAS RO AND SUR 2016 APRIL 8TH - , APRIL 14TH Real Estate Update is our weekly real estate book distributed Friday as part of the News-Argus as well as available in free racks in high traffic locations and at select Realtor offices. BY C d Realty, LL Danny Hoo FEATURE TED HOME PRESEN NT LISTING AGE DANNY HOOD .375 from left Dave Schuette Advertising Director (919) 739-7786 (V) (919) 778-9891 (F) dschuette@newsargus.com edge RN RO S MCLAWHO ON 2107 STOCK ORMATI NF I E OR FOR M AD SEE PAGE 4 EEK’S COVER HOME ON THIS W RATES (PER COL. IN.) AD SIZES OPEN RATE 6 TIMES 12 TIMES 26 TIMES 52 TIMES 1.00 - 9.75 col. in. $12.34 $12.03 $11.73 $11.44 $11.15 10.00-19.75 col. in. $11.90 $11.60 $11.31 $11.03 $10.75 20.00-39.75 col. in. $11.45 $11.17 $10.89 $10.62 $10.35 40.00-59.75 col. in. $11.01 $10.74 $10.47 $10.21 $9.95 60.00-68.50 col. in. $10.57 $10.30 $10.05 $9.79 $9.55 77.00 col. in. $9.35 $9.12 $8.89 $8.67 $8.44 COLOR COLUMN MEASURE 1 column 1.125 inches 2 columns 2.389 inches 3 columns 3.653 inches 4 columns 4.917 inches 5 columns 6.181 inches 6 columns 7.444 inches 7 columns 8.708 inches Page Depth 11.00 inches (Mininum 6 col. inches) 6-40 inches 41-77 inches $5.00 per inch $200.00 flat DEADLINE TUESDAY! 2016 D PRSRT STPAID The EXTRA U.S. Postage Goldsboro News-Argus Permit #14 il 5, 2016 TUESDAY, Apr E FRE S 125 YEAR RY IVE OF DEL ICE! G PRINTIN ! 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In 2,965. of ork an oming hope, gnosed $51 the nea ed for the cer forthc an Association ns- teamw the congressm at position r Society. d off at couple years, dia there was no ent, it her ele hed eric gre gat nce are o t Am inis thank wh unf hway Tra can Ca credentials being a WashThe pas declined, going andre was no treatm ony on the th senwill be State HigOfficials within also for rs of in the it em to at dea , Her yea 3 er a wh 16 ugh mb s. of lly o ion in 201 e— , tho was reaBecause of the final leg . 70 Goldsbor - portat t couple of month - team me ping us impleimpressiv as a volunteerl from $406,656 5. ay hel nsnum nex dis U.S Rel a rt the the severa $256,000 in 201 goal is tence. raised by l pick ween ingtonthis 25-year tra is experience tjust a shoere it tain and “They wil r’s This e bet ment money research conduc Bypass team cap p roles, includ This yea from whexisting ber somewher Tennyson portation plan. cial for sen the tance cru leadershiirperson of the $285,000. confi- and it’s not a death with the ldsboro. 40 and 70,” have that ht ecially rolina inson is merges ing cha seven or eig t of Go sident hen we will be esp tern North Ca Mrs. Robt things will ed, ce any more.” cancers eas “W d. 70 . for sai ten U.S the really event ber, Pre t tha g eas N, said. Many of ay are treatIn Decemned into law a then we start talkin May den rove. SIGNATIO years, she annual ple on to sig imp See DE Page 2 ected tod and she e new peo Obama -year transporta- able what the plan is. of cancer The “We hav ship team. It det e, she said, r for a in the new five designating the about have got a lot der fundraise has boasted reorgan- abl ieves strongly to save our lea . 70 “We e bel tion bill — research tory in Wayne has completely and U.S ch, “We hav mission U.S. 117 corridors as she said. sh ideas ACS through researand rich his ce it was startd,” ize sin es, fre 4, it lives highway erstates. vices County 0. In 200illion fresh fac positions anda education, ser future Int does not pro to f-m new ed in 199 the hal Amerito and looking forward this advocacy. The bill ding for the for the reached rk, going on fun we’re erience “I work r Society. I vide any ays, but does dollar ma ords and win. different exp nce hw Life in can Ca two hig strong bargainndation break recnational awardsn year at Relay.” hopes to oversee Relay forand I’m dea fun she Heart Fou vid d and bee pro ure ed, te sai sta ne Purple She County oro. for fut involv nty,” e always dsboro/Way et, Goldsb ing tool l leaders said. “We hav20 nationwide,” get more youthvolunteers Waynein Wayne Cou une 2016 - Gol E Ash Stre e in April 6, ing, loca VSO 2001 rior East Camp LeJe 117 South, in the top“We were No.1 t bring back o may her 12pm at ge 2 Y nded War meeting. 3 US HW rkers whak, and LAY, Pa she said. up until this pas 2016 – Wou Legion Post 11 297 See RE and wo a bre April 7, an the eric to the stateWe have raised have taken t Am 103 meeting departing re suppor n any year. Legion Post 8am. ds tha wever, lend mo Dudley at 6 – The American nt Olive 657 more fun 201 rt Chapter Mou munity. Ho April 7, Purple Hea Chestnut, other com er of the at 708 N oro. t McCrory Gov. Pa g sign rin speaks duceremony unveiling Interstate. ure for fut TERANS UNTY VE WAYNE COIOTS COALITION & PATR EETINGS M ring Restructu tering Bistro & Ca ent “Commitm too Client ” Satisfaction pm y 11am-10 m • Friday pm y Closed y 11am-9 • Sunday ursday m Tuesday-Th y 4pm-10pm Saturday 8.1052 1 • 919.65 Olive . 658.1051 919. 1130 L N.. Breazealee Avenue, Mt. -23, 2016 April 22 919.658.42 E N WAYN SOUTHERRY CLUB T e Oliv COUN unt Mo Club Road, lub.com 262 Countrynwaynecountryc her www.sout oo It’s Not Tpply Late To A ed the If you miss ere’s still deadline th ded to ad time to be list. our waiting line at Apply on anc.org www.wp tance? sis As ed Ne 34.8085 Call 919.7 t ily Nigh t) rtainmen 2016 Fam April 22, ren’s Activities, Ente Friday, d, Child ts at 7 p.m. Release) 5 p.m. (Foo Ceremony star ern starts at and Lant Opening Balloon Release k/Run 2016 Wal d Cancer (Childhoo rday, April 23, Satu ) or Shine ge (Rain unity Colle er. e Comm weath g at Wayn hold for severe 12 noon. e startin course by ience a short be a 5k cours lete the Event will Event may exper to comp raisers s will need the top fund of all event Awards for ipants • Participants all partic for ls Meda Display Advertising Rate News-Argus Pickup Rate $9.50 per column inch $6.25 per column inch NEW Up! day to Sign Call Us To 69 . have PLICATEDATED.h - you need COM your taxes ARE COMPLIC isn’t enoug- you need TAXESES in. We ARE the come train taxes doneisn't enough F OF $25PAR ATION TAX PRE For new clients only clients new clients for for new return . . tax tax return ororpromotion income 4 promotion income offer n of personalwith any 2015 personal other offer n of initial anyother CODE: 0000 an original 2015 to completioto to completio combined with prior prior for an original or offices for COUPON ing Block office 1040EZ or combined ng U.S. U.S. offices H&R services be presented be presented for Form Form 1040EZ useoffice Block must must 2016. participati at participat H&Rnot 15,©2015 be used for use did Valid at . Coupon . Coupon did not April696 l who not be used may not Valid OBTP#B13 prohibited Expires who prohibited Discount mayand where 15, 2016. is an individua only. Discount individual Aprilvalue. dd and where new only. client is an No cash Expires .A transferre A new client return. if transferre Void if taxvalue. Void No cash her 2014 office interview return. taxinterview. taxor tax office initial her 2014his Tax Group, Inc. toorprepare prepare his services Inc. HRB 696 ©2015 Group, OBTP#B13 HRB Tax AL YOUR LOC Goldsboro y’s Road, hool 600 Tomm Charter Sc e e Public ad Fre Gr A Tuition ndergarten – 6th Serving Ki Color Rates Ad Size Range (6 inch minimum size) 6 inches – 75 inches $5.00 per column inch 76 inches – 129 inches $375.00 flat we and TAXg your taxes done where to in. We hire Gettin your sionalsevery right. That’s we come Getting e you claim tax profe ensur taxes done That's where qualifsied your done right. most sional toso you your you get tion tax profes deduc edthe . and train creditveand hire most qualifi you deser guaranteed every claimtion um refund .¶ youdeduc maxim crediteand ensur . Guara yournteed you get sorefund veum maxim deser S): OFFICE( BLVD, R CENTE BERKELEY SHOPPING CENTER 1213 A N ONS COMMONS SHOPPING LEY COMM BLVD, BERKELEY BERKE N BERKELEY 1213 A NC 27534 O, NC 27534 BORO, GOLDSBOR 99 GOLDS 919-751-13 BLVD 1-1399 201 S BERKELEY O, NC 27534 919-75 GOLDSBOR 40 919-751-10 LEYDRBLVD MEMORIAL BERKE WAYNE 2105 S 201 O, NC 27534 27534 GOLDSBOR 80 BORO, NC 919-739-99 GOLDS 919-751-1040 DR MEMORIAL 2105 WAYNE NC 27534 GOLDSBORO, you to a 919-739-9980 7DSL0416D© 76DDG0316J © O Y TOO O PARTY NO O SMALL ORR TOO bership Pool$Mem 500/Year Rates: entitles thatfor refund return thatyou prep fee for to a larger on your must be the tax in which that entitles claims Block error ), return refund r year Refund r an H&R errorliability on your we'llfor that return. calenda 13696©2015 Block tax taxmade fee Group, Inc. . 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Post 2016 – Am Goldsboro. nt Olive 12, il Mou Apr et, Wars Olive berry Stre of Foreign et, Mount rans 212 E Mul Stre Vete rch – ne Chapter 2016 N Chu April 12, pm at 1010 erican Veterans Way ting 6:30 bled Am dsboro. 9959 mee h 1030am 2016 – Disa berry Street, Gol 14, lunc il p Mul cho Apr at 212 E Dudley. ion pork GOLF 117 South, Branch 45 meeting 6 – American Leg S r US HWY 201 PACKAGE e at 2973 April 15, tion Tar Riveley. t $8 per plat t Reserve Associa 2pm. Cos South, Dud at 7:30pm 2016 – Flee 3 US HWY 117 ting mee 297 April 19, 11 at 7pm ion Post 204 meeting 6 – American Leg e Post ley. 201 Mount Oliv April 21, South, Dud ign Wars nt Olive. HWY 117 rans of Fore 2973 US Street, Mou n 2016 – Vete at 1010 N Church at Patriots Coalitio April 26, pm et, Veterans ting 6:30 t Ash Stre ne County 9959 mee 2001 Eas Way 6L© ce – 6 Offi 79DDG031 201 ice rans Serv April 28, at 6pm Vete meeting Goldsboro Mem ring New ates! Now Offe Reduced R Options at © CE S ions ULL ERVI Reservat ur Prom Make yo Today! LARGE Growbetrshhip 50DDG0316L TERS! HEADQUAR CATERING CATERING for Dave Schuette Advertising Director (919) 739-7786 (V) (919) 778-9891 (F) dschuette@newsargus.com © 1DCT0416L Insert Rates: Size Single Sheet 2 std / 4 tab / 8 flexi 4 std / 8 tab / 16 flexi 6 std / 12 tab / 24 flexi 8 std / 16 tab / 32 flexi Rate $42.45 $51.60 $57.60 $68.55 $85.70 Rate Size 10 std / 20 tab / 40 flexi $102.80 12 std / 24 tab / 48 flexi $119.95 14 std / 28 tab / 56 flexi $137.10 16 std / 32 tab / 64 flexi $154.25 Minimum 10,000 copies required 2016 Messenger live The Mount O week edition for the2016 of April 6, FREE m the vine n news, ripe fro Your hometow ynn ’ star RaeL ‘The Voice at festival to perform the lable at will be avai location shuttle ulse NC way former IMP nt Olive High ert. April 22.rney Band on Old Mout of the conc lable Festival e Kea of be avai The Blak the Academy ion the nigh ions will for nom Concess ert. will open Music Awards for at the conc is best known “The Country ng the concert preion Raelynn tion on nee duri FM radio stat . competi Shelton as her 2012 sented byie Country as well Blake was ert Voice” withAnd though, she the 97.7 Kat ay night conc in LINDA argus.com h. The Frid are $13.25 By MErrell@ her coac y eliminated from news es itted gate. mha ultimatel did not stop her Photo subm ticket pricand $25 at the d le Festia that lton’s hit hase advance, e N.C. Pick th Carolin org. show a cameo in She which can be purc The 2016 committee mad at the Nor from Tickets www.ncpicklefest. be ly nd Here,” the U.S. ning perform onal ’Rou also at s plan a nati val “Boy online Lynn will ay, April 22. No. 67 on tickets can for to book Advance in person at the r of debuted atHot 100 chart. e” star Rae ment act it a goal on Frid le rtain this d sing ente mbe “The Voic tival concert concert known purchase e Area Cha ter St., Billboard sed her first le Fes ay night met She relea the Frid that goal was Voice” Mount Oliv N.W. Cen , e 5 Pick 123 Pag ,’ ce, ntry ICE Commer year, and booking of “The Katie Cou sboro. See ‘VO and at 97.770 West, Gold a free with the Lynn. for 2581 U.S. parking and star Rae n will perform at Overflow RaeLyn night concert le ay the Frid annual N.C. Pick the 30th will be held Concert April 22, at ht, Friday nig Olive Airport. L the Mount HARREL Calypso park gets $7,500 donation OF MOO, AMPIONS OINK AND BLEAT CH Mount Olive Messenger The s day WOOFF planr dogs, fo ks of wal ilies fun for fam St., and James ne at 114 E. e or onli e labl are avai oun toliv er Fundraiser way www.townofm held rg. t will be will get und k Park nc.o The even e. In the case or shin registration at Westbroo the a . Saturday. rain of rain, be considered at 11 a.m G Our weekly newspaper serving Mount Olive, Dudley and vicinity is published every Wednesday as a section of the News-Argus distributed in southern Wayne County as well as mailed to additional non-subscriber homes for a total distribution of over 10,000 households. fee will to WOOFF. donation winners will sherring@ Contest cards or l Furry receive $25 gift of Our from loca its secWelfare ificates will hold k and cert sors. nty Wal Friends spon ne Cou ual Dog ond ann Fun Day in the The Way cation CenFamily , April 9. t- Adoption Eduinvited, but rday been Park Satu ter has mitted. held at Wes It will be , 210 West- has not yet comnot know walk brook Park “They may al day of with the brook St.,at 11 a.m. All until the actu them MOZINGO /CASEY tly t so I told e for starting Messenger ss used stric the even a spac RING rth acro WOOFF we would save member VE HER funds are re k-and-fo , care of By STE newsargus.com for the including food them,” WOOFF er Lily bac tire her out befo k sherring@ said. to stoc ar-old heif animals bedding and Sherry Davis been disElectric her 2-ye nty Fairgrounds nty Junior Live had County a guides shelter, expenses. Cou WOOFF possible walk The Tri- has made Wayne Cou d Dunn, 17, of the Wayne y ical a The ende t. the y Mar tion med ing couple of cuss y entr Founda donation to day nigh petition. ing lot The earl but partici- or parade for a felt that Wednes the park on Park 25, $7,500 last com ster tion last Recreati mittee, but it was volMarch competi Sale was Lily’s still regi t years, of the lack of to Com Albritton nd tric pants can of the even because that it needed Show and PlaygrouTri-County Elec has day . on the cash only. ers and the hip Corp. cost someone ive a unte for $20, will rece ily). partner with orker, and Members remove at no in kers co-w Wal per fam “My standing agreed to forms est tree T-shirt (onetion , Page 3 the larg Park in Calypso. OFF at istra up Reg the See WO picked Albrittondonation is Hall, ots may be e Town The grass-ro yet in a com Mount Oliv largest the Calypso d to won gran iel, effort in raise $100,000 at to and her, Dan munity new playground Her brotbeef calf (steer) e: build a . heifer. RING champion champion Wednesday wer s: VE HER the park ers say they hope reserve oBy STE newsargus.com ing on meat goat Organiz through corp Also winnshowmanship Jacob sherring@ rest half whisto raise tions and the in • Senior son, first place; an Lindsay, Johnsonnt to his so and — Alan e; Jord rate donapublic and do the Alan John $300,000 DUDLEY of encourageme second plac -old from the more than more than 80 Hinson, e. r so that t goats: in d words opoly, a 10-monthlast t orde mea ed pere t buil be er shor Mon has help from across third plac showmanshipe; Abigail nd can partner, said a quick pray a playgrou . on, • Junior on, first plac Annual s funds families Nor bie th Carolin goat, anday night. Lint Isaac Lint ner, Lily, early May ee member Deb en net Gideon second place; eastern cancer. Bill WednesdDunn and her part in an walk/run ilies of Committ the tree is rott be son, s: cted by John forth y goat affe ivor ld to and Mar ket said e. fam s surv Jones ow and need 2-year-o ng back third plac champion mar to help Cancer ty ded The were pacicalm the excited ients. and holl because of safe to ket • Grand son. law foun pion mar effort to cancer pat G Out law Foundation ken John removed . d with disin see grand cham HERRIN Out heifer. were fille iting their Alan ilies stric or Reserve Hinson. concerns ens me to STEVE argus.com pens • fam Tayl awa By e rby st e: b hogs news Nea assi ning “It sadd c tree com ship cattl second sherring@ sleeping Thursday mor k goats: Jaco esti th, risk showman by cancer.after visiting a terested stoc this maj we cannot ing • Senior place; Caleb Hea e. annual shine last Junior Live It was had just found plac third turn to 5K annual down, but anyone visits or The d by the Glover, firsty Dunn, third cattle: Keiley to in the 68thSale sponsorek Developlimb friend who the same disFoundation Mar ng all ship e; injury law — falli man plac had Out and by she stoc had show Show $12,000 to pro- out she nty Live our park itself falling,” to Outlaw • Junior first place. netted were: , Wayne Couciation. will go said he ease that the tree are committed , n were Severson in the hog show of which ncial assistance suffered that he God to safe Taylor ment Asso and Miss Dunhs who comsaid. “Weg children a play Winners showmanship: sef, second cancer ired by vide fina Johnson 38 local yout held last to was insp foundation. ilies of providin t • Senior place; Cody Nasthird place. ronment to fam ual even Thursday among the secure envi create the . the ann Glover, firstJensen Barwick, e fun. patients was started in e4 eful to : Gideon peted in ay night and last nty Fairand hav LAW, Pag very grat place; and showmanshipYoung, second Since it 2014 the Wednesd at the Wayne Cou See OUT “We are for their generous • Junior place; Isaac is place. y uary of has raised Jan sion third morning first divi on, Tri-Count Tri-County EMC d on, on or Lint c Lint foundati grounds. swept the seniwon reserve donation. community-minde e; and Isaa , Page 4 this Johnson entries and plac ESTOCK truly a e citizen, and Tris Dunn’s beef calf (steer) won See LIV and Mis also corporat fortunate that d champion heifer. She . (Dud is gran ship area area pion man e this or show rters.” grand cham County chos e in seni headqua third plac ley) as its Page 5 YPSO, See CAL RIN VE HER By STE newsargus.com Dave Schuette Advertising Director (919) 739-7786 (V) (919) 778-9891 (F) dschuette@newsargus.com ty Tri-Counndation Electric Foutoward gift will goproject. $100,000 t f theirge bes sta ShowLivinestgockof take center al youths direction under expert of loc dation Outlaw Foun000 2, $1 raises red alumni hono University ty. universi d by fellow ort of the ente and supp rd was pres The awa y Barefoot. . Ackiss tion nus Gar the age of 23, Mrsto work mni Associa er , at W. standing alum alma mat In 1965 UMO Alu sident Dr. to her eral for out returned y for then-pre honors sev professional etar ion as secr Raper. and institut e personal hments. with the of which she Burkett er h Her care years, muc ch support, a accomplis 50 f reports spanned director of chur. From staf e served as in 1979 the universint Oliv r title she accepted ed from ity of Mou photo iss retir ed for thei Univers her, Submitted recogniz Mrs. Ack er 2015. onal Several said of and professi emb ng have been orkers alumni ing personal andfor their dedi- ty in Nov nights rday duri her co-w One of worked many long nizer like ored Satu Ackiss of outstand ents, as well as ni Association. me were hon an orga has alumni are Jean Fillingaof Goldsboro, achievem the UMO Alum ented during “Jean kends. She is a greeter; a how the nt Olive . wee and pres te left son cation to Associa ty of Mou vities. From Charlotte Wat rs were ities on Saturdayo on other; a meeter tion poser; and ever s ersi hono ines Univ no will sbor The rd; d acti r ques activ Riley e, Bus Weekend e Ackiss of Gold ment is-your-mothe individual you founding Several alumni weeken ievement Awa n of Mount Oliv Dianne Brown Alumni John, Ach ieve ng the ual Rya d, s our ngam cari Ach ann igh, time and nna t ban Filli Life erst Rale Dea igh mos hus time Jean the Life r Hill of Rale in- know. She und our mission. come to Goldsboro, of Fame Award; lyn Fader Hill of is Mrs. Ryan’s Fade lives Dist received ilies Hall Caro ured n Riley Wat- church and Carolyn and fam name. Alumni rd; and Not pict e Award; the Dianne Brow alumni ys call her by on of the Year AwaService Award. wife. Charlott “When ni alwa instituti d his received Service Award; Alum they the ishe the or has Distingu pus, award with Dean- cam n speakers hon e this place o received guished renc shared the Goldsbor rd; and John and the Whe the diffe son of e 4 who e Awa e received and cite MNI, Pag Hall of Famof Mount Oliv Year Award. See ALU na Ryan Associate of the graduate and s n 1960 Busines dedicatio iss is a Mrs. Ack award for her the received Rates: Open Rate Church/Charity Rate National Rate (commissionable) Legal (display) Rate Combination Discounts: Contract Rates Per Column Inch Weekly: 6 Wks 13 Wks 26 Wks 52 Weeks 2 Col. Inches per issue 4 Col. Inches per issue 8 Col. Inches per issue 16 Col. Inches per issue 32 Col. Inches per issue 64 Col. Inches per issue 129 Col. Inches per issue $8.10 $7.50 $7.25 $7.05 $6.70 $6.35 $5.80 $7.85 $7.25 $7.05 $6.80 $6.45 $6.10 $5.55 $7.65 $7.10 $6.85 $6.60 $6.25 $5.90 $5.40 Monthly Rates: 20 Col. Inches per mo. 40 Col. Inches per mo. 60 Col. 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Hurry in to see posters & blueprints ‘Welcome’ to winter Print & Online Edition PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK ek A/Williwcre rd B/Woodwa 2 x 3” us! $ Our $ 5 Everyday 2 t ien Cl B/ $ Low Price! st Fir 1 x 4” Free '- " + ( %) %$")# ( $'%# %&-%& %"(%'% '!"-"+ 919-739-7800 '*(. ,( ) %) $( © 20DSL0415D NTY’S WAYNE COVUER 50 FOR O PHARMACY YEAWRE’SRE!HERE '#) " "%! # $# HEN %) lar *# W llu #$# %US Ce $! A/ "#!'*$) &%$!#$$ #$% % #%"Dr s %$( ug) r )$& pe Ra & #!& ! $B/ #$#"% 3” x 6 US! 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Wayne Wayne Johnston Wayne Wayne Duplin Wayne Duplin Wayne Lenoir Wayne Total 10,819 7,018 1,167 1,400 3,554 35 3,289 115 5,272 2,149 693 9 35,520 2016 REACH SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIRMEN & THEIR FAMILIES & Announcing a new partnership between THE WRIGHT TIMES and the internationally acclaimed military newspaper STARS AND STRIPES! Beginning in October, Stars and Stripes will enhance the local information and news in the Wright Times by providing more national and international news so important to our airmen and their families. Stars and Stripes will be published weekly and the Wright Times will continue to publish twice each month. LOCAL ACTIVITIES & ENTERTAINMENT! There are great changes coming to The Wright Times, too! A mainstay at the base for decades, this publication will be improved by providing more information about local and regional activities and entertainment attractive to members of Team Seymour. This new focus is based on feedback from base personnel and our success with our Go! Wayne County publication. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! These changes and additions create new opportunities for you to introduce your products and services to these young, professional and family-oriented members of our community. Contact your News-Argus Media Representative today at 919.778.2000 www.NewsArgus.com & The newspaper covering critical issues for all branches of the military. Originally published for those serving overseas, Stars and Stripes is now providing great coverage for our airmen at home and published every Friday. The newspaper about and for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base covering personnel and local activities and entertainment for the airmen and their families published on the second and fourth Friday of each month. *Rates are for consecutive weeks. Rates are per edition. 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The Wright Times and Stars & Stripes are distributed on base to 5,000 airmen and their families on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Display Deadlines: Friday, week prior to Publication Classified Line Ads: Tuesday 4:00 PM, week prior to Publication Color Rates: Ad Size Range (6.88 inch minimum size) 6.88 inches - 40 inches $5.00 per column inch 41 inches - 55 inches $100.00 flat Insert Rates: Size Rate/M 2 std / 4 tab / 8 flexi 4 std / 8 tab / 16 flexi 6 std / 12 tab / 24 flexi 8 std / 16 tab / 32 flexi 10 std / 20 tab / 40 flexi 12 std / 24 tab / 48 flexi 14 std / 28 tab / 56 flexi $65.50 $65.50 $65.50 $65.50 $75.50 $85.50 $95.50 “SERVING TEAM SEYMOUR” FRONT PAGE AD NOTES CMYK TOO’ MUCH!!! ‘CoDOntN’TraPAbaY nd Last Job’ spot Battle for topCon ference See SPORTS, Page Military Dis ERTAINMENT, Page See ENT Swif Tax 1B ! Better Service levard Great Prices! Berkeley Bou 112-D South News-Argus COMING SUNDAY Make Your Business Front Page News. 50% Movie follows ‘One rtaining Retail Price formula, but is ente Oatff es. s tim eful ilable and even suspens counts Ava 5B in MOC, Barton split jan women seize Carolinas play. TroEast Division lead. sole possession of 751-8800 Goldsboro ling Alley) Bow (Across from NewsArgus.com 2 sboro, N.C. 2753 P.O. Box 10629, Gold JAN. 12, 2012 20 THURSDAY (USPS 221 420) Pages , 2 Sections Front Page Ad Notes are proven attention-getters and are perfect for: Daily 50¢ tended x Jobless benefits e Vol. 126, No. 240 See how Miss North Carolina (and Goldsboro native) Farmers can get disaster funding families “Middle class Wednesday, across North Carolina are Earlier legislative nged those harder than ever, recently prolo fits for Republican Per- working y are still having rs encouraged man s of bene signs legislation kindher ths. They leadeto call them back to but h time,” Perdue said de mon Peru two erly toug a due anot in ess Gov. Bev on the rule r. statement a could go longe unemploy- work to vote felt imme- in for long-term jobl the executive to extend funds The state changes if she was need- announcing out the tion fits office had r. She pointed would if law- ment benerecipients of diate atten workers. decided orde ntial face-off ed But Perdue change extended benefits by the ed Press pote ers were brought alert fits they ed. the letely e bene comp mak to nded paid The Associat mak exte d a be week again nt and to Raleigh. d run out the ing on her own. She signer in federal governme d proGov. Bev- back ue issued the order woul orde noth Perd RALEIGH — Jan. 28 if 25,000 similar executive stand- said the funds woulneeded calling leg- of signed an t desperately that ended a erly Perdue r Wednes- — rather than a special changed. Abou work- June slature vide cial help to families for -term jobless with the Legi executive orde ins state islators back finan LESS, continue the long could have been off the benefits that had JOB reta to — See that ing day le and sion of over Page 3A ded unem- meet ed formula ers ted 47,000 peop rules so exten can con- use of a revis ded ben- affected, the Divi Security affec ed checks. ployed benefits-term job- that allows exten offered Employment delay tinue for long a decision efits to keep being said. ress Cong less workers, s another to workers. that also avoid R MATH SUPERSTA Aid deadline ers extended for farm hit by storms. rts From staff repo farmers Wayne County crop losses who suffered Hurricane because of eligible for Irene are now cial assisfederal finanlow-interest tance through Assistance Farm Service lemental loans and Supp tance PayRevenue Assis disaster E) ments (SUR ram. assistance progis among 35 The county that U.S. in the state Secretary Agriculture ck has Thomas Vilsa ter declaraissued a disas r to help tion for in orde er from the farmers recov tornadoes ng devastati s of 2011. and hurricane designaThe disaster farmers in tion enables contiguous primary and y for fedappl to counties assistance cial finan eral USDA-Farm through the cy office for Service Agen lina. The North Caro for the ber phone num is 919USDA-FSA office 875-4800. 5A See AID, Page Auditor: City is in ‘great shape’ - Special Sales or Offers - Referencing an Ad or Insert in that Day’s paper. - Sporting or Community Events - Coupons – easily redeemed - Holiday Promotions - Creating Name Recognition - Calling Attention to a Special Date ive clear Officials rece rtfall audit. Revenue sho y, nom eco to linked accountant says. N By TY JOHNSO Writer News-Argus Staff received good City officials t at the Goldsnigh news Monday cil meeting as they boro City Coun the city once again were informed ficate for exceldurreceived a certi cial reporting lence in finan iefing. ing an audit debr r with Pittard, Michelle Kiefe e, delivered an Perry and Cron audit, which city’s the of for EL BETTS overview news except News-Argus/MICHA een a was mostly good shortfall betw es after reading an expected the ry School, smil nditures. Drive Elementa d a $20,000 scholarship to ic revenue and expe though,” Ms. ader at North ente nty Publ “We know why, g additional rson, a fourth-gr University after being pres for Wayne Cou test citin DeQuan Jeffe , math said State enKiefer alachian end-of-grade donor. , worker’s comp letter from App the highest scorer on the funded by an anonymous gasoline costs and the fact that g school for bein the 19th year for the award, sation payoutsdidn’t come in as is Schools. This taxes simply economy is pretty hoped. “The e for this.” blam r much to the city did bette Still, she said . than budgetedin great shape,” she “The city is said. quick work of e mad cil The coun agenda Monday, the rest of its 00 for grinding of career interests approving $9,0 at Stoney Creek ” pursues his dentist or eye docy is DeQuan, a work to be done overgrown land “Our star toda or, superin- becoming Park to clearcity. n one day. Steve Tayl ent tor Dr. erso stud the said Jeff the shy” “He’s nowned by DeQuan The “sort of whelmed by approved conti ent of schools. work.” family tendwho MarThe council also has done the for the seemed a bit over contract with congratulated by for one tion. year uing its lobbyist , which works on ials This is the 19th ded to the all the atten rise and, like, how pany federal lowe and Com and school offic awar “It’s a surp “I wascity to secure scholarship, hian student who behalf of the ington, D.C., as well people,” he said. earning Appalac fourth-grade est on the end- many cting this many people. Wash limit grants in up the speed scored the high test for Wayne n’t expeexpecting the principal State prize. as synching Mill Road. of-grade math Schools. It was I was family.” Construction b MOORE zones on Stevensuse permits were By PHYLLIS County Public 1993 by an and mye attending the recepy’s Writer Conditional site closed as bom in Thos es for Zackell Perr News-Argus Staff lop established representativ also discussed U.S. Highway 117 s donor to deve tion included ol board, city ymou on squad inspects. r taranon , so Dizzy tattoo parlo sity at ASU ne from the scho rson was . ld Huffman’s DeQuan Jeffe morning, he cultural diver ral office staff H FINE South and Jera Highway 70 in the ients from Way day council and centhave happened By KENNET on U.S. Writer nervous Tues would “bust out geting recipcounties. ey not Staff Donk er. gus could “It ping Cent News-Ar was afraid he his name was and Craven a fourth-grader at g man,” his prinLittle River Shop ing was set to to a finer youn “He’s DeQuan, laughing” when ry School, unfolded l Artis said. A public hear on the annexaThe scene that the new h Drive Elementa from the cipal, Caro nice, he’s wellcalled. at allow discussionvers property on ear-old ben- Nort student rt, he’s this morning Instead, the 10-y000 scholar- is the third ve the recognition. sma ved and he’s always smil construction of the Lafe CITY, Page 5A $20, Cherry Hospital ming all See school to recei favorite subject, beha eficiary of a Unie beco Stat is an ing. tion site Math is his T, Page 3A ship to Appalachi ed a broad Air Force cially fractions. See STUDEN tain too familiar — rts roam- he said, espe y if he versity main face as the acco That will come in hand explosives expe workers John Blouin of smile on his s ing the grounds, Conscientiou lades came. themselves talking among ng forward Construction instead of movi lays the tile floor ct. proje the its with of Trade It! in , Page 3A EAT THR on See new location 4th threat called in at Cherry ex p score 4th-grader earns to holarship and $20K college sc New business set y nuar to open late Ja ing into the AY INSIDE. TOD . 6A ........... Abby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Business. . . . . . . . . . . 7-10B Classified. . . . d . . . . . . 6B Comics/crosswor . . . . . . . . . . 2A Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Editorials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . 6A Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A Public record . . . . . . . . 1-4B . . Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Weather . . . . 7 50 96555 010 be mov ‘Trade It!’ will Video building. former Hollywood N TY JOHNSO By Writer News-Argus Staff on ing up a store retailer is open er HolA Wilson-basedEast Ash Street in the form of the 2500 block buying, building. lywood Video goods store specializing in sporting electronics, Trade It!, a ion in ing consumer selling and trad, will open up its eighth locat g the goods and more this month, after renovatin 3A SS, Page Goldsboro later See BUSINE Ash Street. The store, which will be open in the next month, will be in the old Hollywood Video location. The company will employ le. about 25 peop EL News-Argus/MICHA BETTS 1 Ink Colors One Color Two Colors Three Colors Four Colors 10,000 $52.00 /M $55.70 /M $59.00 /M $61.25 /M Incredible visibility Maximum impact with bold colors Portable – take it with you, stick it to remind you Your message in the headlines Minimum investment with maximum effect Specifications: 2.875” x 2.875” size 2.625” x 2.625” image area Printed on white semi-glass paper PMS ink colors Conditions for Publication: Available Sunday through Friday Note content must be approved prior to publication Run dates are first come, first served – only one note per day Political ad notes are not accepted on election day Prices include printing and distribution of ad notes Quantity 15,000 $46.00/M $48.00/M $49.35/M $50.85/M 30,000 $43.50/M $44.70/M $46.25/M $47.70/M Minimum quantity is 10,000. Zoning is available Monday through Friday only. Deadline: 10 working days from approved art. Please allow an additional 4 days for creation and proofing of ad. Effective Jan. 2012 2016 ONLINE ADVERTISING RATES NewsArgus.com is the online leader in Wayne County reaching a local audience with local news and information. Be sure youʼre reaching the online news reader and savvy shopper with your advertising message. Advertise 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the most accessed website in Wayne County with over 900,000 page views per month. Combine your digital online ad buy with an in-paper print campaign of over 36,000 readers in The News-Argus and youʼll dominate the market with your advertising message! Leaderboard Leaderboard Medium Rectangle Medium Rectangle Skyscraper Skyscraper Box Crawler Pages Views per Month 906,600 Visitors per Month 185,000 Page Views per Visit 4.90 pages Unique Visitors per Month 70,100 Medium Age 45 years Male 33% Female 67% Married 67% Home Owners 71% Medium Income $55,000 Placement Ad Size CPM Run of Site Channel Specific Run of Site Channel Specific Run of Site Channel Specific Channel Specific Channel Specific 728 x 90 pixels 728 x 90 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 300 x 250 pixels 160 x 600 pixels 160 x 600 pixels 160 x 200 pixels 481 x 89 pixels $7.50 $12.00 $7.50 $12.50 $7.50 $12.00 $12.00 $17.50 Ad rates are for static ad. Add $50 per month for flash ads 2016 Advertising Opportunities with HomeFinder on www.NewsArgus.com A complete online source for Wayne County Real Estate Listings! LEADERBOARD 728x90 pixels Run of Position Click through to your website Limited Quantity - one month duration $80.00 per month FEATURED AGENT Run of Position Includes: Agent Photo Phone contact Email address Click through to agent profile $25.00 per month FEATURED HOME Run of Position Includes: Photo/Price/Details Click through to listing Listing Agent Click through to agent profile Phone contact Email address Limited Quantity - one month duration $50.00 per month SKYSCRAPER 160x600 pixels Run of position Click through to your Website Limited Quantity - one month duration $80.00 per month MORTGAGE CALCULATOR Exclusive sponsor $50.00 per month To place your HomeFinder online advertising, please contact Wendy West at 919-739-7789 SPECIAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES CMYK Coming up: Chevrolet’s Sonic becomes top competitor SPOTLIGHT News-Argus Goldsboro Classified/Automotive Goldsboro, N.C. Section D Sunday, January 8, 2012 ANDE RSON Mt. 106 HEATIN S. Ol G Dougive, NCChurc AND An 28 h St CO derso 365 reet, OLING “The n, Tim• 658-3 steps Cree 353 and ordere of a go ch he de d by od light the Lo man are CHEV Psalms eth in hi rd: 37:2 s wa RO 3300 3 y.” “A LET OF (91 Hwy. BETT GO 9) 75 70 ER LD 1-2 By-P WA SBOR O ww 200 1-8ass, Y” w.cc Go for og 00-67 ldsbo he “Sin this hath g unto .com 2-4742 ro is kn done th own ex e Lord in allcellent ; Isaiah 12:5the ea things “The rth.” : les, . od Av ndab “I ca ility e. • n do 734-9 Coun t 262 whichall th str ings Phili ength throug ppian ened h Ch s 4: me.” rist 13 Give me a call to get a quote sks Used un FICE • 512 Chairs Dealetys Mo FURNITU N. Jo • File r • 73 st Aff RE hn Str Cabin 4-5 ordab OUTL ET Scar eet ets • 020/734 le “The at co Fire Gene ed Br rner Proof-2497 Lord of Be Safes will 18, sis 42others ech 45: - Ps hear wh 4, 7-: 1-8, alm 43: s 4:3 en I ca The 9 2, ll.” ec SU ce Brent King Insuran Brent King nwide.com kingb2@natio y Blvd. 200 N. Berkele Suite B 27534 Goldsboro, NC s) (located across from K-mart, next to Wendy’ (919) 778-9444 AffiliCompany and Mutual Insurance and On Your Side are framemark Company. Nationwide Life Insurance Insurance the Nationwide Nationwide Agency, Inc. Nationwide The Brent King Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Developed by Company. Home Office: Mutual Insurance ated Companies. of Nationwide service marks CPA & Tax Accounting, Auditing Prune, Plant,For A And Mulch Now g! Beautiful Sprin & Peggy Services (919) 778-6974 380 Washington Fax: (919) 778-6997 • www.mbmcpas.com St., Pikeville 919.242.8256 CPA CPA • Chris West, • Stephen P. Mitchell, L. Best, CPA Roy E. Markham, CPA CPA, CVA • Horace Ralph D. Stroud, Jr., Danny VanDevender Owners om www.ldigoldsboro.c 7:30am-1pm 8am-5pm • Saturday Monday-Friday • 206-B Malloy St. KEEN ANY PLUMBING COMP ro Since 1923 E & REPAIRS SALES • SERVIC Serving Goldsbo 919-735-1920 Rotary Sewer Lines • Water & Sewer Cleaning Model 8355 45 919-751-16 70 WEST 2305 HIGHWAY RO GOLDSBO REPAIRS ALL PLUMBING SERVICE CHED RADIO DISPATBypass South www.c arolina Hwy. 117 For Your s Insurance Need WE GIVE PHONE QUOTES 919-778-9444 Blvd. Grill Restaurant & Catering & Available Party Facilities Brent King, Agent Life Inc. Nationwide and Brent King Agency, Insurance Company Developed by The Nationwide Mutual 43215-2220. Insurance Company. Home Office: Columbus, OH On Your Side Affiliated Companies.the Nationwide framemark and Company. Nationwide Insuranceof Nationwide Mutual Insurance are service marks com Lane Tree Golf Club for a fax quote 751-3099 200 N. Berkeley (across from K-Mart) overhea ddoors. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 2317 Salem Church ND AY S CH OO Practical small Hyundai gets large dose of excitement with new styling, new drivetrain. Hig hw Goldsay 117 ., INC . bo So “Pra 734-7 ro, NC uth ise the 411 sing Lord prais ; for the Lo for es unto it is his rd is Psalm pleasan name good: ; 135:3 t.” PATE Wh -DAW 402 olesale SON COMP Comm Fo AN erce od Dis Court tributo Y “I W rs • 77 ill 8-300 No Neve 0 LL r Fo r Le av rsa ESS ON CAPACITIES Luggage capacity: 21.2 cubic feet Cargo capacity: 47.5 cubic feet Fuel capacity: 11.4 gallons PERFORMANCE buyer, but a whole range of people looking for well-made, attractive, fuel-efficient small cars that won’t deplete the pocketbook, yet will please the senses. So it is noteworthy that Hyundai has transformed the Accent into a stylish car both inside and out with 40 mpg mileage, a competitively peppy 138-horsepower engine, the choice of two six-speed transmissions, attractive interior materials, and a wide range of equipment that not many years ago was relegated to considerably more expensive vehicles, all while maintaining the long-term Hyundai warranties. The Accent is actually the third chapter in its so-called “fluidic sculpture design” language that was first revealed two years ago with the mid-sized Sonata. It moved down last year to the compact Elantra and now to the smallest Hyundai sedan offered in North America. It works just as well in the Accent is it does in the Sonata. Purchasing an Accent in previous years was a matter of practicality. Excitement has now been added to the equation. The owner can not only take pride in the car’s practical side, but in its make-your-best-friend envious good looks. Underneath the gorgeous skin the biggest single improvement over the previous generation is the engine, the most advanced powerplant ever offered in a small Hyundai. The new 1.6-liter direct-injection 4-cylinder makes 138 horsepower and 123 poundfeet of torque, 28 more than the previous engine. That trumps most competitors including the Honda Fit (117), Nissan Versa (106), Ford Fiesta (120) and Mazda2 (100). The Accent is quick on its feet when outfitted with the six-speed manual. A major automotive magazine measured 0-to-60 in just 8 seconds. The six-speed automatic, probably the transmission preferred by most buyers, sucks up the power, but 0-to-60 can still be accomplished in the upper ranges of 9 seconds. If you are on the transmission fence, take a long test drive with the stick shift. We think you will be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to drive without embarrassing stoplight mistakes. Gas mileage is rated at a very competitive 30 city and 40 highway with both the manual and automatic. Note that gas mileage ratings of the new Hyundai Elantra have come under fire as too generous, and there have been some auto reviewers who have come up short in their test drives of the Accent as well. Our mileage during our 200-mile test week seemed acceptable with the onboard computer measuring an overall 32 mpg. Our typical test driving includes quick starts and occasionally running the engine into the higher end of the rev band, not typical of the average driver. Hyundai has always given the THE ALL NEW Drive Ages “The • 735 Lord -4034 will - Ps hear wh alm s 4:3 en I ca ll.” Rd. 919-734-1245 online & save 20% Book your tee times com www.lanetree. LEE HYUNDAI LEE OF GOLDSBORO REMEMBER... Number on the Sign Before You Call the for the SELLER! THAT Agent Works the BUYER! Let Us Work for You, POWERTRAIN 1.6-liter 4-cylinder 138 horsepower Front-wheel drive 6-speed manual transmission Wheelbase: 101.2 inches Length: 162 inches Width: 66.9 inches Height: 57.1 inches Curb weight: 2,430 pounds F or nearly a decade we have recommended the sub-compact Hyundai Accent to people who desired a new car over a used car, but were strapped for cash and couldn’t afford much of a monthly payment. The second and third generations of the Accent were no-nonsense plainJane vehicles that offered a low purchase price, excellent gas mileage, enough creature comforts and amenities to make driving life bearable, and enormous monetary peace of mind with a gargantuan 10-year, 100,000-mile drivetrain warranty. Yes, the Accent was the typical econobox of the last decade, its chief downside a lack of horsepower, but we thought the Accent good enough to be recommended, particularly the third generation from 2006 through 2011. Times have decidedly changed and manufacturers can no longer survive with the econobox template no matter how reliable and fuel efficient it might be. The field is now crowded with numerous upscale and sophisticated offerings, designed to tempt not just the low-budget first-time THE FACTS DIMENSIONS By JIM MEACHEN Special to the News-Argus e Th Hebr ke Folks onom Upon ews Thee ee Jose were y wa 13:5 .” Egyp their QUAL ther ph wa mad s bad, ITY afra t, the return 1013 PLUM in th e was s sad and brou id as th brothe to N. 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Ge an of IGNM orge Wheel ENT “The Markham, Mitchell & Stroud, PLLC Accent gets new look META L GO CRAFTE Hwy. LDSB OR RS OF 111 South O, INC , Go . NC SA ldsbo ro LVAG E CO RI BookSTIA 2810 s, RoN SUPP Cash bes, LY Golds we Gifts STOR 919-7 boro, ll Drive &Mu E “I wi sic NC 51 ll ca ll up -1400 so shis worth all I y toon the be sa be Lord CLAR enem ve prais , wh Psalm K AU iesd fro ed: o CT s 18.” m mine Ne Wa ION :3 De w & yne Co & OF for your business. KO ere RNEGAY Qu 2309 ality & PRINT Norwo Depe ING CO Wh call.” /0BL'PSFTU3Et(PMETCPSP/$ at the Automotive Crossroads Hwy 70 East of Goldsboro! HYUNDAI Accent buyer a choice between a more traditional sedan and a userfriendly hatchback. And this continues for 2012. The hatchback, which previously came only as a two-door, has been redesigned as a more practical four-door. Although it carries a higher purchase price than the sedan, it offers considerably more storage space and that, we think, is an important consideration for a growing family. The base GS hatchback starts at $15,239 and the upscale SE at $16,555 including destination charge. Our SE tester with a couple of options carried a bottom line of $16,730. The automatic transmission is a $1,000 upgrade in both trim levels. The sedan comes in only one trim, GLS, starting at $13,205. But that’s a relatively bare-bones car. The premium package at $1,300 provides the necessary driving amenities of modern life with remote keyless entry, cruise control, power windows and locks, Bluetooth hands free phone system, 16-inch alloy wheels and steering wheel-mounted audio controls. The Accent’s interior shines not only because of the attractive dashboard and the above-average materials and fabrics, but because of new-found room. The living area has grown from subcompact status to compact dimensions according to EPA’s guidelines. This means more leg and head room in back allowing four adults passengers to reside in comfort. The rear seats sit occupants fairly upright and do not recline, which may affect long-distance comfort. And, inexplicably, there are no drink holders for rear passengers. The hatchback has 21.2 cubic 0 to 60, 8.0 seconds* 1/4 mile, 16.4 sec. @ 86 mph* 60 to 0, NA GAS MILEAGE City driving: 30 mpg Highway driving: 40 mpg PRICE Base price: (hatch) $15,239 Price as tested: $16,730 U.S./Canadian parts content: 1% *Published statistics feet of storage behind the seats, which can be expanded to 47.5 cubic feet with the rear seatbacks folded. If you opt for the sedan, you will be rewarded with a generous trunk, measuring 13.7 cubic feet. Although the steering wheel tilts, but does not telescope, we had no problem reaching an optimum driving position. And the front seat travel is generous enough to accommodate sixfoot-plus drivers. The new dashboard look contributes to the upscale feel of the car. It artistically flows downward from each side into a center console display that includes a large radio readout, perfect for the satellite radio that comes standard. The gauges are clear and an information display between the speedometer and tachometer dispenses trip and gas mileage information. The Accent shows that Hyundai has not lost any of the momentum it derived from the ground-breaking Sonata. We rate it another job well done. Shoppers in this segment would be remiss if they did not put the Accent on their short list. Jim Meachen can be reached at jim@motorwayamerica.com 1-888-528-6909 XXX-FF)ZVOEBJPG(PMETCPSPDPN /&8):6/%"* ACCENT UP TO 47 MPG X"VUP"$1PX8JO-PDL$SVJTF -&"4&'03+645 99 $ * $ 99*/MO /MO 2012 Hyundai Accent: $2,999 down payment, plus Tax, Tag, First payment, dealer acquisition fee, $399 dealer admin fee, with approved credit and must qualify for all incentives. 48 Month Lease, 12,000 Miles per year. 9CKG0112L© Lord will - Ps hear wh alm s 4:3 en I “In for everyth this in I Th is the g give essa will than ks lon ian of God.” , “The s 5: Lord 17 will - Ps hear alm when s 4: I ca THE 3 ll.” Bib CH , 100% LOYALTY ! IME 100% OF THE T 676 N. Spence Ave., SERVICE YOU CAN DEPEND ON Randy Graham 919.738.7918 919 -73 4-96 11 Goldsboro Peggie Ivers 919.750.1986 rsAgents.com www.GoldsboroBuye andSons.com www.Jackson • Digital Printing • Posters y, LUTCF Chris Humphre 919-736-3434 CE OF PRINTING EXPEREIN on Staff OVER 125 YEARS Graphic Artists • Professional Goldsboro humphrey@allstate.com allstate.com/Humphrey and vary. Allstate Vehicle and availability. Savings Insurance Company. Subject to terms, conditions ©2015 Allstate Co. Northbrook, IL. Property Insurance 168490 Blvd. 310 N. Berkeley Goldsboro NC Hill Contact Clarke 800 phone: 919.739.7 891 fax: 919.778.9 Business Spotlight Restaurant Guide Quick Turnaround The Business Spotlight page is a weekly advertising feature of the News-Argus appearing every Monday. Advertisers agree to run an ad every week for 26 or 52 weeks. As value added the advertiser receives a feature article 4.75”w x 7.5”h on a rotating basis during the commitment schedule. 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