Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Page 1 of 46 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., lunch & beverages provided At the Concourse Hotel, 1 Dayton Street Meeting room is straight through the restaurant to a double-set of doors on left just past the buffet The Mission of the Madison Children’s Museum is to connect children with their families, their communities, and the world beyond through discovery learning and creative play. Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Conference Call Number: 518-530-1840 Meeting ID Number: 181-438-896 11:30 – 11:40 a.m. Welcome Peggy Pyle 11:40 – 11:55 p.m. Nominating & Governance Committee Amendments to By-Laws Board Member Elections Departing, renewing, new board members, committee Chairs Lisa Lange 11:55 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. Director’s Report Proposed FY201516 Budget Deb Gilpin 12:35 – 12:45 p.m. VOTE Resolutions Board Members 12:45-1:05 p.m. Capital Project Update Deb Gilpin, Brenda Baker 1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Send off and Thank yous! Other Business Board Members 1:20 – 1:30 p.m. Executive Session Board Members 1:30 p.m. Adjourn Notable Upcoming Events: June 3 – Exhibit Opening: Liberia at Play – Kids of the Pepper Coast 5 PM Reception, and Free Family Night 5-9pm. June 13 – Summer Palooza 10-2pm, parade at 2pm Friday, June 26, noon – 1 p.m. Funkyard Friday Performance: Dance Flash Mob Wednesday, July 1, 5 – 8 p.m. Funkyard Community Drum Circle Saturday, July 11, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Funkyard WheelFest American Girl Benefit Sale: July 18-19, 2015* Please Volunteer to cashier! Page 2 of 46 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., lunch & beverages provided At the Concourse Hotel, 1 Dayton Street Meeting room is straight through the restaurant to a double-set of doors on left just past the buffet The Mission of the Madison Children’s Museum is to connect children with their families, their communities, and the world beyond through discovery learning and creative play. More Funkyard Festivals all summer! Funkyard Festivals are sponsored by National Guardian Life, CUNA Mutual Group, Dane Arts, Habush, Habush & Rottier, Lunchables, Madison Arts Commission and Zendesk, Inc. Page 3 of 46 Resolutions of the Board of Directors of Madison Children’s Museum (the “Museum”), a Wisconsin non-stock, non-profit corporation WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and in the best interests of the Museum that the following actions be taken by the Board of Directors of this Museum pursuant to this Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, pursuant to Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and the Museum’s Bylaws, the Board of Directors of the Museum hereby consent to, approve, and adopt the following: Adoption of Access, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Charter RESOLVED, that, with the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Access, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Charter attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby adopted and approved in its entirety; and further Adoption of Amended and Restated Bylaws RESOLVED, that the Second Amended and Restated Bylaws attached hereto as Exhibit B reflecting the addition of a possible third term of directors, changing the board term to coincide with the Museum’s fiscal year, changing the title of the Executive Director to President and Chief Executive Officer, clarifying meeting requirements, among other changes set forth therein are hereby approved; and further Amendments to Committee Charters, Policies and Procedures RESOLVED, it is hereby approved that any and all Committee Charters, Policies or Procedures of the Museum that refer to the “Executive Director” may be amended or are deemed to be amended to refer to the “President and Chief Executive Officer” or “President and CEO”; and further Acknowledgement of End of Board Terms, Retirement of Board Members and Agreement Regarding Vacancies RESOLVED, that the Board would like to acknowledge and thank the following Directors for their dedication and service to the Museum and for their fulfillment of two full Board Terms as of June 30, 2015: Dianne Ballweg Dan Millman 1 of 3 Page 4 of 46 James Laudon Adriana Mateus RESOLVED, that the Board would like to acknowledge and thank the following Directors for their dedication and service to the Museum and to accept their resignation from the Board prior to the end of their Board Terms: Michelle Reddington Paul Higginbotham RESOLVED, that the Board hereby acknowledges Section 3.7 of the Bylaws and hereby waives the requirement thereunder to fill the vacancies on the Board left by the above-named five (5) persons who resigned prior to the end of their Board Terms. Election of Directors and Approval of Board Officers and Committee Chairs RESOLVED, that, with the recommendation of the Nominating & Governance Committee, the following persons are hereby elected to their first full term to the Board of Directors: Name Jane Doughty Joan Erschler Gloria Ladson-Billings Dave Stockwell Jeanne Vander Ploeg RESOLVED, that the following persons are hereby elected to their second full term to the Board of Directors: Name Nathan Brinkman Penelope Gialamas Tim Heinrich Toya Whitaker Johnson Tom Martorana Margaret Pyle (Chair; second term extends to 2016) Linda Slepica (Ex Officio American Girl Sale Chair) RESOLVED, that the following persons are hereby elected to the Board Officer positions set forth opposite their names for the 2015-16 fiscal year: Position Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Person Margaret Pyle José Madera Tom Martorana 2 of 3 Page 5 of 46 Secretary Officer at Large Lisa Lange Tim Heinrich RESOLVED, that the following Standing Board Committees are hereby established for the 2015-16 fiscal year and the chairpersons of such committees set forth opposite such committee are hereby appointed: Committee Executive Compensation & Personnel Finance Development Nominating & Governance Communications & Marketing Programs Audit Facility Star Society Chair Margaret Pyle Tim Heinrich Thomas Martorana John Sims Lisa Lange Steve Zanoni Jane Doughty Mary Turke TJ Blitz Bill DeAtley and Katie Kurtz, as cochairs José Madera Access, Diversity and Inclusion Approval of Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 RESOLVED, that, with the recommendation of the Finance Committee, that the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 attached hereto as Exhibit C is hereby approved; Ratifying Past Actions of the Board, Executive Director (n/k/a President and CEO) and Staff RESOLVED, that all resolutions, acts, and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Museum, heretofore adopted and taken at meetings of the Board of Directors, via teleconference meetings of the Board, and via email communications among the Board of Directors, as shown by the records in the minute book of the Museum, and that all actions previously taken by any director, officer, agent or attorney of the Museum specifically relating to the above actions are hereby adopted, ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects as the acts and deeds of the Museum; and further Adoption of Minutes RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors on March 2, 2015, as duly certified by the Secretary of the Museum and as attached hereto as Exhibit D are hereby adopted and approved in their entirety; and further Minute Book RESOLVED, that these Resolutions, as adopted in accordance with the Bylaws of the Museum, shall be added to the Minute Book of the Museum as true and accurate record of the actions taken by the Board of Directors on May 26, 2015. 3 of 3 Page 6 of 46 Exhibit A Charter, Policies and Procedures of the Access, Diversity and Inclusion Committee of Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. Adopted on [DATE] Page 7 of 46 AUTHORITY The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. (the “Museum”) has established the Access, Diversity and Inclusion (ADI) Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board with the authority, responsibilities and specific duties described in this Charter, Policies and Procedures of Access, Diversity and Inclusion (the “Charter”). This Charter shall supersede and replace in its entirety any policy or procedure previously adopted by the Committee. PURPOSE The purpose of the Committee is to provide the Board and Museum staff with guidance and counsel on developing and instituting relevant, accessible, sustainable, inclusive, socio-culturally competent, and innovative ADI initiatives, policies, and procedures to serve the Museum’s membership and the public. COMPOSITION Subject to Article V of the Museum’s Bylaws, the Board shall annually appoint the chairperson of the committee. Members may be recruited from both the Board, the Museum’s membership and volunteer base, and the community. The Committee shall have at least two members who shall be Directors. There is no limit on the number of members of the Committee. The chairperson of the Committee shall be a Director and shall not serve as chairperson for more than two (2) years. The Board may remove or replace the chairperson of the Committee at any time by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors. RESPONSIBLITIES The principal responsibilities of the Committee are as follows: 1. Identify and advise on best practices for initiatives, policies, and procedures in support of goals of Access, Diversity and Inclusion. 2. Review major initiatives, operations, practices and policies and ensure their consistency with the Museum’s mission, vision, values and the Museum’s ADI strategic framework and Strategic Plan. 3. Promote collaborations within the Museum and between the Museum and outside organizations that enhance and further ADI goals. 4. Perform such related functions as may be assigned to it by the Board. 5. Advocate the goals and accomplishments of the Committee and the Museum to the Board and the community at large. PROCEDURES The procedures the Committee shall follow are as follows: 1. Meetings. The chairperson of the Committee, in consultation with the other members of the Committee and the President and CEO, will determine the frequency and length of the Committee meetings, provided, however, that the Committee shall meet at least twice annually. The chairperson of the Committee in consultation with the appropriate members of the Committee and management will develop the Committee’s agenda. Programs Committee Charter 1 of 2 Page 8 of 46 Meetings may, at the discretion of the Committee, include members of the Museum’s management, employees, independent accountants, corporate counsel and such other persons as the Committee or its chairperson may determine. The Committee may meet in person, by telephone conference call, or in any other manner in which the Board is permitted to meet under the Museum’s Bylaws. 2. Quorum and Approval. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall act on the affirmative vote of a majority of members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. The Committee may also act by majority written consent in lieu of a meeting. 3. Rules. The Committee may determine additional rules and procedures, including designation of a chairperson pro tempore in the absence of the chairperson and designation of a secretary of the Committee at any meeting thereof. There will be a clear delineation of labor between staff and committee members to avoid duplication of effort. 4. Reports. The Committee shall keep minutes, file such minutes with the Secretary of the Museum, and make regular reports to the Board, directly or through the chairperson. 5. Authority. The Committee is delegated all authority of the Board as may be required or advisable to fulfill the purposes and responsibilities of the Committee. The Committee may form and delegate some or all of its authority to a subcommittee when it deems appropriate. 6. Conflicts with Bylaws. This Charter shall in no way alter, amend, or repeal any provision of the Museum’s Bylaws. To the extent that this Charter conflicts with any provision of the Museum’s Bylaws, the Bylaws shall govern. DEFINITIONS Diversity and inclusion helps us to recognize, respect and celebrate the differences we all have, regardless of our backgrounds. We recognize the complexity of cultural and personal identity. We understand that as an inclusive institution, we must recognize multiple categories and dimensions of diversity, including, but not limited to: Gender Ethnicity Race Cognitive and Physical Ability Sexual Orientation and/or Identity Income Family Structure Age It is important to note that diversity includes what we can observe, but also many dimensions that are not readily revealed. When referring to access we will identify and address barriers to participation that our community (ies) face in engaging with the Museum as visitors, staff, board, volunteers, and stakeholders. Inclusion is the act of including; a strategy to leverage diversity. Diversity always exists in social systems. Inclusion, on the other hand, must be created. In order to leverage diversity, an environment must be created where people feel supported, listened to, and able to do their personal best. Programs Committee Charter 2 of 2 Style D Exhibit B Page 9 of 46 Format Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 1 of 12 Format Adopted by the Board of Directors March20,2012May 26, 2015 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED BYLAWS This Second Amended and Restated Bylaws of Madison Children’s Museum, Inc., amends and restates in its entirety and replaces the Bylaws of Wisconsin Children’s Center/Madison Children’s Museum, Inc., adopted by the Board of Directors as of April 27, 2000 and, revised on January 24, 2008 and amended and restated on September 12, 2010. ARTICLE I The Corporation 1.1 1.1 Authority. Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. (hereinafter “MCM”), is a non-stock, non- profit corporation organized under Chapter 181 of the laws of the State of Wisconsin. MCM shall have all the authority necessary to achieve its purposes and shall be permitted to do all things that can be done by a non-stock, non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, subject to the requirements and restrictions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 1.2 1.2 Corporate Offices. MCM shall have, and continuously maintain in this State, a principal office and a registered agent whose office address may be, but need not be, identical with such principal office. MCM may have other offices within or without the State of Wisconsin, as the Board of Directors (hereinafter the “Board” and each director a “Director”) may determine from time to time. ARTICLE II Membership Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 2.1 2.1 Membership Eligibility. Any individual, family, group, or corporation, regardless of race, color, age, religion, sex, handicapping condition, national origin, sexual orientation, political beliefs, or appearance shall be eligible to become a member of MCM and enjoy Museum benefits by paying the appropriate membership fee. 2.2 2.2 Membership Dues and Fees. The Board shall establish membership dues, fees and benefits of membership, review such dues, fees and benefits periodically, and may create differential dues, fees and benefits within the one class of members as deemed necessary by the Board in its discretion. 2.3 Format Format 1.3 1.3 Purpose. The purpose of MCM is to develop and operate a children’s museum and shall be exclusively educational and charitable within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Format 2.3 Membership Voting Rights. The members shall not be entitled to vote. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Page 10 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 2 of 12 2.4 2.4 Membership Meetings. A meeting of the membership may be called anytime by the Board and anTh e a n n u a l m e e t i n g o f t h e membership shall be called byat any time at the discretion of the Board at the beginning ofduring each fiscal year of MCM. Notice of membership meetings shall be delivered to members in good standing on the date of the notice at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting. Notices shall be delivered by electronic mail at the address designated by each such member in writing to MCM, in person, or via MCM’s website membership registration. Meetings of the members shall be for advisory purposes only to provide an opportunity for the Board to report and present information to the membership and to receive comments and input from the membership. No quorum shall be required for any meeting of the membership. ARTICLE III Board of Directors 3.1 Number. The business and affairs of MCM shall be governed by the Board, consisting of not more than thirty (30) persons and not fewer than three (3) persons. No employee of MCM shall be a member of the Board during such person’s period of employment. 3.2. 3.2. Annual Benefit Sale Representation. The current, MCM board-designated chairperson of Madison Children’s Museum’s Annual Benefit Sale (“ABS”) of American Girl seconds and returns shall serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Board during his or her term as chairperson of ABS and shall not be subject to term limitations imposed on other Directors during his or her term as chairperson of ABS. If more than one chairperson of ABS is appointed, the Board shall elect only one person to serve as the ex-officio member of the Board. 3.3. 3.3. Advisory Members. Upon the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Board, the Board may create an advisory committee of the Board in accordance with Article V and appoint advisory members to such committee. Advisory committee members shall be afforded the privilege of receiving Board informational materials and participating in discussion at regular Board meetings, but shall not have the rights or responsibilities as Directors. Format Left: 0.4 Outline Style: 1, Left + A Tab stop Format Format spacing Format Roman Format Format Format Roman Format Right: 2 Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 3.4 3.4 Election. At least once each year during the second fiscal quarter of MCM, the Nominating Committee shall notify the membership that nominations are being accepted and shall seek candidates for Board positions prior to the annual appointment of Directors by the Board. Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board during the thirdfourth fiscal quarter of MCM, from the slate recommended by the Nominating Committee, which shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days in advance of the election. and Governance Committee. Format 3.5 3.5 Terms of Office. One-third (1/3) of the Board seats shall expire each year. Directors shall normally hold office for a term of three (3) years unless they are elected to fill a vacancy on the Board, in which case, the Directors shall be elected for the remainder of the term of the Director replaced, or until their successors have been elected and qualified. A Director’s term shall normally begin on MayJuly 1 and expire on AprilJune 30; unless they are replacing a Director. Directors may serve two (2up to three (3) consecutive full terms. A Director shall serve no more than twothree consecutive full terms, and shall not become eligible for election again until a full year has passed, except a Chairperson who has served two consecutive terms may remain on the Board for an additional year to complete a two-year term as Chairperson. To the extent a former chairperson of ABS is nominated and appointed as a director in accordance with Section 3.4, such person shall be subject to term limits as set forth in this Section 3.5 without taking into account the period during which such person served as an ex-officio Director pursuant to Section 3.2. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Page 11 of 46 Format Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 3 of 12 Format 3.6 3.6 Resignation and Removal. A Director may resign at any time by filing a written resignation with the secretary of MCM. Further, a Director may be removed from office for cause by the vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the Directors then in office. Format Format 3.7 3.7 Vacancies. A vacancy on the Board occurring other than by expiration of a Director’s term shall be filled by the Board after either appointment by the Chairperson or recommendation by the Nominating and Governance Committee for the unexpired portion of the vacating Director’s term. Format Format Format Format 3.8 3.8 Powers. The Board shall have full power and authority to perform any and every lawful act deemed necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of MCM. The Board shall have the power to enact, maintain and enforce, and from time to time, amend, alter and repeal, all suitable lawful rules and regulations for the governance of MCM and perform other acts not inconsistent with the law, these Bylaws, or the Articles of Incorporation. More specifically, the duties and responsibilities of the Board shall include, without limitation, the following: Format Format Format Format Format A. A. Establish the mission of MCM and monitor the general goals and policies for MCM; B. B. Elect the Officers of MCM; C. C. Delegate authority to implement Board policy; Format Format Format Format Format D. D. Hire, periodically monitor, evaluate, and if necessary terminate employment of the President and Chief Executive DirectorOfficer of MCM, and require that the President and Chief Executive DirectorOfficer be insured; Format Format Format E. E. Approve the annual budget spending limits, and other budgets and/or financial reports for MCM, provide for the development of adequate funding to meet the goals, and monitor the fiscal status of MCM; Format Format Format F. F. Represent the mission and programs of MCM in the community; G. G. Evaluate MCM’s programs and operations periodically; H. H. Elect Directors pursuant to these Bylaws; I. I. Amend the Bylaws in accordance with the procedure stated elsewhere in these Bylaws; Format J. J. Format K. K. Assume such additional duties as the Board deems necessary, pursuant to the purposes of MCM. Dissolve MCM pursuant to these Bylaws; Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 3.9 3.9 Annual, Regular, and Special Meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board at the office of MCM during the last fiscal quarter of MCM or at such place and at such time as may be designated by the chairperson of MCM. There shall be at least three (3) more meetings one (1) regular meeting held during each fiscal year at such time and place as designated by the chairperson. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the chairperson or by a majority of the Directors. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Page 12 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 4 of 12 3.10 3.10 Notice, Waiver. Notice of any Board meeting shall be communicated to each director not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. Notice may be given in person, by telephone, telegraph, teletype, facsimile, or other form of wire or wireless communication, or by mail, or private carrier, or by email or other electronic form of communication, to each director at his or her business Format Page 13 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 5 of 12 address, or telephone number, or at such other address or telephone numbers or email address as such director shall have designated in writing filed with the secretary of MCM. Written notice is effective at the earliest of the following; (i) (i) When received; (ii) (ii) Five (5) days after its deposit in the U.S. Mail, if mailed postpaid in full and correctly addressed; (iii) (iii) On the date shown on the return receipt, if sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested and the receipt is signed by or on behalf of the addressee. Oral notice is effective when communicated and MCM shall maintain a record setting forth the date, time, manner, and recipient of the notice; (iv) (iv) When the recipient, by an email sent to the email address for MCM as stated in the originating email, or by a notice delivered by another method in accordance with this section, acknowledges having received that email, with an automatic “read receipt” not constituting acknowledgment of an email for purposes of this section. Format Format Right: 0 Format Format Line spa Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Whenever notice is required to be given to any Director of MCM under the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, or any provision of law, a waiver thereof in writing, signed at any time, whether before or after the time of meeting, by the director entitled to such notice, shall be deemed equivalent to giving of such notice, and MCM shall retain copies of such waivers in its corporate records. A Director’s attendance at or participation in a meeting waives any required notice of him or her of the meeting unless the Director at the beginning of the meeting or promptly upon his or her arrival objects to holding the meeting or the transaction of business at the meeting and does not thereafter vote or assert to action taken at the meeting. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular or special meeting of the Board need be specified in the notice of waiver of notice of such meeting. Format 3.11 3.11 Quorum. One-half (1/2) of the Directors then in officeserving a current term on the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Board for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board except as otherwise provided by Chapter 181 of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. A majority of Directors present (though less than a quorum) may adjourn the meeting without further notice. Format 3.12 3.12 Manner of Acting. At each meeting of the Board, each Director shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote on all matters presented to the Board for its approval. The act of the majority of the Directors at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board, except to the extent that a greater proportion is required by Chapter 181 of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, the Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. 3.13 3.13 Informal Action by Directors. Any action which may be taken at a meeting of the Board, or of any committee of the Board, also may be taken without a meeting if a consent in a writing, (which includes a communication that is transmitted or received by electronic means), setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed (which may be executed by an electronic signature) by two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors or committee members, then serving, entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof, as the case may be. Any consent signed by the requisite number of Directors or (where applicable) committee members shall have the Format Roman Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Page 14 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 6 of 12 Format Roman same effect as a majority vote taken at a meeting at which a quorum was present, and may be stated as such in any document filed with the Secretary of State or with anyone else. 3.14 3.14 Telephonic Meetings. Any action required or permitted by the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws or Chapter 181 of the laws of the State of Wisconsin to be taken by the Board or a committee of the Board at a meeting, or by resolution may be taken in a meeting through the use of any means of communication by which: (a) all participating Directors may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting; or (b) all communication during the meeting is immediately transmitted to each participating Director and each participating Director is able to immediately send messages to all other participating Directors. Format Format 0.08", R Format Format Line spa Format Format Format 3.15 3.15 Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to any Director for serving as a member of the Board, except that a Director may be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred by such Director, which such expenses shall be documented in accordance with the written policies and procedures of MCM, in carrying out any activity of MCM which is within the scope of its purposes as set forth in Article I of these Bylaws. 3.16 3.16 Conflict of Interest. Members of the Board shall not conduct private business in any manner which places them at a special advantage because of their association with MCM. In providing advisement to MCM involving transactions of a nature which may be related to the business or profession of a member, the quality and cost of services shall have a priority and be managed in an objective and customarily competitive manner. In case of a clear conflict of interest, the member of the Board will be excused from voting on an item so constituted. MCM shall establish and maintain a “Conflicts of Interest” policy which the Directors shall acknowledge and abide. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format ARTICLE IV-A Officers of the Board of Directors 4A.1 Officers. The principal officers of the Board of Directors of MCM shall be the chairperson (the “Chairperson”), vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and one or more officers-at-large as elected by the Board. The Board of Directors may also create additional officers by resolution (each, an “Officer”). OnlyOther than the President and Chief Executive Officer, only current Directors of MCM may serve as Officers of MCM. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person, except for the offices of Chairperson and secretary, and Chairperson and vice chairperson. Article IV-B shall govern the hiring, evaluation, removal and duties of the President and Chief Executive Officer. 4A.2 Officers’ Terms. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, except the Chairperson whose term is two (2) years. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board during the thirdfourth fiscal quarter of MCM, from the slate recommended by the Nominating and Governance Committee, which shall be submitted at least thirty (30) days in advance, plus other nominees presented in conformance with these Bylaws and/or standard parliamentary procedure. Officers will take office the following meeting of the Board, and shall hold office until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Any officer may serve consecutive terms in the same office. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Page 15 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 7 of 12 4A.3 Resignation or Removal. Any Officer may resign at any time by filing a written resignation with the secretary of MCM. Any Officer may be removed with or without cause by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors then in office. 4A.4 Duties of Officers. A. A. The Chairperson shall call and preside when present at all meetings of the Board and Executive Committee and shall be the principal officer of MCM, subject to the control of the Board. The Chairperson is to assure the integrity of the Board process including effectiveness of meetings and the Board’s adherence to its own rules. The Chairperson succession, in cases of temporary absence of the Chairperson, is the vice chairperson, the treasurer, and the secretary. In the case of permanent absence of both the Chairperson and the vice chairperson, the secretary shall conduct a special election for both positions. B. B. The vice chairperson shall act in the absence of the Chairperson. He/she shall oversee the consistent operation of the staff and Board monitoring processes. The vice chairperson elected on the second year of current Chairperson’s tenure shall become the next Chairperson. C. C. The secretary shall oversee the recording of the minutes of the Board and Executive Committee meetings and shall assume general responsibility for the records of MCM. The secretary, by affixing his/her signature, shall attest formally to the legitimacy of Board documents. The secretary also is responsible to monitor inconsistencies of Board actions. D. D. The treasurer shall have general responsibility for MCM’s funds and accounts subject to the order of the Board, and shall ensure that the accounting records are audited or reviewed annually by a certified public accountant. The treasurer is to perform duties in connection with finances of MCM as may be required by the Board. Duties of the treasurer will neither lessen nor add to the President and Chief Executive Director’sOfficer’s accountability to (and only to) the Board policies on fiscal conditions and budgeting. ARTICLE IV-B Staff 4B.1 President and Chief Executive Director. Officer. The Board shall hire, establish and maintain performance criteria and evaluate the President and Chief Executive DirectorOfficer of MCM, who shall be responsible for the chief administrative responsibilities of MCM. and shall report to the Board of Directors. The President and Chief Executive DirectorOfficer is an at-will employee, and can be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the Board, in accordance with applicable Wisconsin and federal law. 4B.2 Staff. All employees of MCM are at-will employees, who can be removed with or without cause, in accordance with any applicable Wisconsin or federal law. The President and Chief Executive DirectorOfficer shall report to the Board on the management of the staff of MCM. 4B.3 Equal Opportunity Employer. MCM is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual preference, or national origin, Format Format First line Multiple Left Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Format Page 16 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 8 of 12 in hiring, promotion, firing, wages, testing, training, apprenticeship, and all other conditions of employment. Format Format Format ARTICLE V Committees Format 5.1 5.1 Nominating and Governance Committee. The Board shall at all times maintain a Nominating and Governance Committee and annually appoint members and a chairperson of the Nominating and Governance Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) Directors and shall be responsible for the nomination of Officers and Directors. Format 5.2 5.2 Standing Board Committees. Upon the recommendation of the Chairperson, the Board shall establish such standing board committees and appoint such committee chairpersons as it shall deem appropriate for the conduct of the business of MCM by a resolution adopted by the majority of the Board. Each committee shall submit to the Board for approval in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13, rules for its own membership and government not inconsistent with federal law, Chapter 181 of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, these Bylaws or with rules adopted by the Board. Each standing board committee shall have such duties and responsibilities as the Board may grant within such committee’s governing rules. All standing board committees are subject to Board supervision and must be reestablished annually by a majority vote of the Board. 5.2 Ad Hoc Committees. The Board may, from time to time, appoint ad hoc committees, and, at that time, specify such committee’s objectives. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format ARTICLE VI Indemnification Format 6.1 6.1 Indemnification for Successful Defense. Within 20 days after receipt of a written request pursuant to Section 6.3, MCM shall indemnify a Director, Officer or employee, to the extent he or she has been successful on the merits or otherwise in the defense proceeding, for all reasonable expenses incurred in the proceeding if the Director, Officer or employee was a party solely because he or she is a Director, Officer or employee of MCM. Format 6.2 6.2 Other Indemnification. Format Format Format Format Format Format (A) (A) In cases not included under Section 6.1, MCM shall indemnify a Director, Officer or employee against all liabilities and expenses incurred by the Director, Officer or employee in a proceeding to which the Director, Officer or employee was a party because he or she is a Director, Officer or employee of MCM, unless liability was incurred because the Director, Officer or employee breached or failed to perform a duty he or she owes to MCM and the breach or failure to perform constitutes any of the following: (1) (1) A willful failure to deal fairly with MCM in connection with a matter in which the director or officer has a material conflict of interest. (2) (2) A violation of criminal law, unless the Director, Officer or employee had reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Page 17 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 9 of 12 was lawful or not reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful. Format Format (B) (3) (3) A transaction from which the Director, Officer or employee derived an improper personal profit. Format (4) (4) Format Willful misconduct. Format Format Roman (B) Determination of whether indemnification is required under this Section shall be made pursuant to Section 6.5. (C) (C) The termination of a proceeding by judgment, order, settlement or conviction, or upon a plea of no contest or an equivalent plea, does not, by itself, create a presumption that indemnification of the director or officer is not required under this Section. 6.3 6.3 Written Request. A Director, Officer or employee who seeks indemnification under Sections 6.1 or 6.2 shall make a written request to MCM. 6.4 Nonduplication. MCM shall not indemnify a Director, Officer or employee under Section 6.1 or 6.2 to the extent the Director, Officer or employee has previously received indemnification or allowance of expenses from any person, including MCM, in connection with the same proceeding. However, the Director, Officer or employee has no duty to look to any other person for indemnification. 6.5 6.5 Determination of Right to Indemnification. (A) Format Left: 1.0 Space B + Level: Start at: -0.5" + I Format Format Format Format Format Format Roman Format First line Exactly (A) Unless otherwise provided by the Articles of Incorporation or by written agreement between the Director, Officer or employee and MCM, the Director, Officer or employee seeking indemnification under Section 6.2 shall select one of the following means for determining his or her right to indemnification: Format (1) (1) By a majority vote of a quorum of the Board consisting of Directors not at the time parties to the same or related proceedings. If a quorum of the Board consisting of disinterested Directors cannot be obtained, by a majority vote of a committee duly appointed by the Board and consisting solely of two (2) or more Directors not at the time parties to the same or related proceedings. Directors who are parties to the same or related proceedings may participate in the designation of members of the committee. Format (2) By independent legal counsel selected by a quorum of the Board consisting of Directors not at the time parties to the same or related proceedings or its committee in the manner prescribed in subparagraph (1) or, if unable to obtain such a quorum or committee, by a majority vote of the full Format (2) Format Format Format Roman Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Page 18 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws Page 10 of Board, including Directors who are parties to the same or related proceedings. Format Format (3) (3) By a panel of 3 arbitrators consisting of one arbitrator selected by those Directors entitled under subparagraph (2) to select independent legal counsel, one arbitrator selected by the Director, Officer or employee seeking indemnification and one arbitrator selected by the 2 arbitrators previously selected. (4) (4) Format Format By a court under Section 6.9. Format (5) Format 10 pt, Ta Right Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Page 19 of 46 (5) By any other method provided for in any additional right to indemnification permitted under Section 6.8 (B) (B) In any determination under subsection (A), the burden of proof is on MCM to prove by clear and convincing evidence that indemnification under Section 6.2 should not be allowed. (C) (C) A written determination as to a Director’s, Officer’s or employee’s right to indemnification under Section 6.2 shall be submitted to both MCM and the Director, Officer or employee within sixty (60) days of the selection made under subsection (A). (D) (D) If it is determined that indemnification is required under Section 6.2, MCM shall pay all liabilities and expenses not prohibited by Section 6.4 within ten (10) days after receipt of the written determination under subsection (C). MCM shall also pay all expenses incurred by the Director, Officer or employee in the determination process under subsection (A). 6.6 6.6 Advance Expenses. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a written request by a Director, Officer or employee who is a party to a proceeding, MCM shall pay or reimburse his or her reasonable expenses as incurred if the director or officer provides MCM with all of the following: Format 0.81", Bo edge: 0 0.7" Format Roman Format Right: 0 Outline Style: 1, Left + A Tab stop Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format (A) (A) A written affirmation of his or her good faith belief that he or she has not breached or failed to perform his or her duties to MCM. (B) (B) A written undertaking, executed personally or on his or her behalf, to repay the allowance to the extent that it is ultimately determined under Section 6.5 that indemnification under Section 6.2 is not required and that indemnification is not ordered by a court under Section 6.9(B)(2). The undertaking under this subsection shall be an unlimited general obligation of the Director, Officer or employee and may be accepted without reference to his or her ability to repay the allowance. The undertaking may be secured or unsecured. Format Format Format Format 6.7 6.7 Indemnification Under Wisconsin Statutes. To the extent indemnification is extended under this Article to any Director, Officer or employee otherwise entitled to indemnification under Wisconsin law, the indemnification provisions hereunder shall be secondary and subordinate to such state indemnification and shall be administered in such a way as to avoid overlapping or duplication of the costs of defense or payment of judgments. 6.8 6.8 Nonexclusivity. (A) (A) Except as provided in subsection (B), Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.6 do not preclude any additional right to indemnification or allowance of expenses that a Director, Officer or employee may have under any of the following: (1) AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Italic Page 20 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws MadisonChildren’sMuseumBylaws Page 12 of 12 Page7of12 (1) The Articles of Incorporation. (2) (2) A written agreement between the Director, Officer or employee and MCM. (3) (3) A resolution of the Board. (B) (B) Regardless of the existence of an additional right under subsection (A), MCM shall not indemnify a Director, Officer or employee, or permit a Director, Officer or employee to retain any allowance of expenses unless it is determined by or on behalf of MCM that the Director, Officer or employee did not breach or fail to perform a duty he or she owes to MCM which constitutes conduct under Section 6.2(A). A Director, Officer or employee who is a party to the same or related proceedings for which indemnification or an allowance of expenses is sought may not participate in a determination under this subsection. (C) Format Format Right: 0 number 2, 3, … + Aligned stops: 1 Format Format Format (1) (1) As a witness in a proceeding to which he or she is not a party. Format (2) (2) As a plaintiff or petitioner in a proceeding because he or she is or was a Director, Officer or employee of MCM. 6.9 6.9 Court-Ordered Indemnification. (A) Except as provided otherwise by written agreement between the Director, Officer or employee and MCM, a Director, Officer or employee who is a party to a proceeding may apply for indemnification to the court conducting the proceeding or to another court of competent jurisdiction. Application may be made for an initial determination by the court under Section 6.5(A)(4) or for review by the court of an adverse determination under Sections 6.5(A)(1), (2), (3) or (5). After receipt of an application, the court shall give any notice it considers necessary. After receipt of an application, the court shall give any notice it considers necessary. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format (B) (B) The court shall order indemnification if it determines any of the following: Format (1) (1) That the Director, Officer or employee is entitled to indemnification under Sections 6.1 or 6.2. Format (2) That the Director, Officer or employee is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnification in view of all the relevant circumstances, regardless of whether indemnification is required under Section 6.2. Format (2) AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Format Roman Format (C) Format (C) Sections 6.1 to 6.11 do not affect MCM’s power to pay or reimburse expenses incurred by a Director, Officer or employee in any of the following circumstances: (A) Format Exactly Format Format Format 10 pt, Ta Right Format Page 21 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws MadisonChildren’sMuseumBylaws Page 13 of 12 Page7of12 (C) If the court determines under subsection (B) that the Director, Officer or employee is entitled to indemnification, MCM shall pay the Director’s, Officer’s or employee’s expenses incurred to obtain the court-ordered indemnification. 6.10 6.10 Indemnification of Employees or Agents. MCM may indemnify and allow reasonable expenses of an employee or agent who is not a Director or Officer to the extent provided by the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, by general or specific action of the Board or by contract. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 6.11 6.11 Insurance. MCM may, upon resolution adopted by its Board, purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, member, employee, or agent of MCM serving at the request of MCM against any liability asserted against such person and incurred by such person in any such capacity regardless of whether MCM is required or authorized to indemnify or allow expenses to the individual against the same liability under Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.8 and 6.9. Format ARTICLE VII Contracts, Loans, Deposits Format 7.1 7.1 Contracts. The Board must authorize any Officer or agent(s) to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of MCM as provided in the financial policies and procedures of the Board, as adopted from time to time in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances, except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws. Unless otherwise directed by resolution or policies of the Board, approved in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13, or by law, all checks, drafts, notes, bond, bills of exchange and order for the payment of money of MCM, and all deeds, mortgages, conveyances and other written contracts, agreements and instruments to which MCM shall be a party, and all assignments or endorsements of stock certificates, registered bonds, or other securities owned by MCM shall be signed by the chairperson and by any one of the following officers who is a different person: vice chairperson, secretary or treasurer. The Board may, however, delegate such authority, or may authorize any one of such officers, or one or more other officers or agents to sign any of such instrument for and on behalf of MCM without necessity of counter signature. Format 7.2 7.2 Loans. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of MCM and no evidences of indebtedness issued in its name unless authorized by or under the authority of a resolution of the Board, approved in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 7.3 7.3 Checks, Drafts, Etc. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of MCM shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of MCM, and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by or under the authority of a resolution of the Board, approved in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13. 7.4 7.4 Deposits. All funds of MCM not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of MCM in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as may be selected by or under the authority of the Board, approved in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13. Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Format Page 22 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Bylaws MadisonChildren’sMuseumBylaws Page 14 of 12 Page7of12 ARTICLE VIII Amendments Members of the Board may propose amendments, restatements and other modifications, from time to time, to the Bylaws or adoption of new Bylaws, provided such amendments and Bylaws are consistent with the requirements imposed upon organizations exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations, as amended from time to time. Such amendments, restatements, modifications or new Bylaws shall be approved in accordance with Section 3.12 or 3.13. ARTICLE IX Dissolution MCM may be dissolved by a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the then current Directors. Upon dissolution of MCM, the Board shall, after making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of MCM, dispose of all of the assets of MCM in such manner or to such organization of or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of the County in which the principal office of MCM is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. Format Exactly Format Format Roman Format Format Format Roman, Format next Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format 063956-0001\11024902.6 Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format Format AdoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsMarch20,2012 Page 23 of 46 Exhibit C Madison Children's Museum Proposed Budget FY201516 FY 201516 7/1/15- FY 201415 6/30/16 adjstd forecast FY 201314 7/1/136/30/14 FY 201312 7/1/12- 6/30/13 INCOME Endowment 211,000 207,000 190,548 174,261 Contributions & Grants (non-event)* 434,000 452,526 419,367 688,283 375,000 388,435 327,512 300,196 Spring Scramble 45,000 43,200 31,219 45,437 WonderBall 75,000 72,000 71,655 84,217 Teas & Trains 25,000 13,250 18,459 16,630 520,000 1,165,000 $ 516,885 1,176,411 $ 448,846 1,058,761 $ Fundraising Events, net of expenses: AGBS** Total Net Fundraising Events Total Contributed Revenue $ 446,480 1,309,023 Earned Revenue Admissions 508,000 485,000 446,183 Group Visits 26,000 24,000 27,468 517,311 0 Memberships 405,000 380,000 383,749 403,490 Parties & Facility Rentals 220,000 200,000 195,092 109,221 Program Activities 90,000 88,500 83,704 82,662 Gift Counter (net) 14,000 12,500 11,025 28,500 1,218,500 $ 116,105 1,263,325 $ 180,199 1,306,186 13,303 Other (Rent, Parking, etc.) Total Earned Revenue $ 15,000 1,278,000 $ TOTAL INCOME $ 2,443,000 $ 2,394,911 $ 2,322,086 $ 2,615,209 1,653,000 1,781,000 1,670,374 1,455,964 Occupancy (incl. interest) 248,000 308,000 333,382 364,782 Materials & Supplies 168,000 158,000 216,005 140,102 Services & Fees 307,000 307,000 402,468 402,970 EXPENSES Personnel Financial Fees TOTAL CASH EXPENSES NET INCOME OR (LOSS) NMTC principal payment due 7/1/15 Other principal payments Kresge Challenge Fund deposits Net Cash In/(Out) 31,000 2,407,000 $ $ 36,000 (9,210) (26,753) 37 $ 30,532 2,584,532 $ 31,702 2,653,932 $ 66,345 2,430,164 (189,621) $ (331,845) $ 185,045 0 (9,210) (26,753) (225,584) * Removed $1,125,000 of Keystone pledges for debt reduction to show consistency among years. ** Inventory donation is only booked on 6/30; added $380,000 to make comparable to prior years. 5/20/2015 12:57 PM Page 24 of 46 Exhibit C Madison Children’s Museum 2015‐16 Budget Narrative For Finance Committee Approval in May 2015 OVERALL OBJECTIVES: As in the current fiscal year, our budget was prepared to be cash neutral. Therefore, the effects of depreciation are disregarded and required capital payments are included. This budget was designed to be representative of the reality facing the museum, and to make tough choices prior to its implementation. We expect this budget to be obtainable. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, THIRD FLOOR AND BACK LOT PLANS: Due to the need of a comprehensive capital campaign to fund these initiatives, these items have not been included in the fiscal 15‐16 budget. $42,000 of restricted cash remains on hand to fund ramp up costs. REVENUE HIGHLIGHTS: Endowment is expected to increase a modest 2%. Contributions and grants are budgeted to be flat, compared to current year revenue on an annualized basis. We expect that the addition of our new development director will cause this number to increase over time, but due to the relationship building nature of the position, are budgeting conservatively to allow that process to happen. A stretch goal above this will be defined. Fundraising Events are expected to remain consistent with two exceptions: we do not think the level of doll contributions currently received will allow the past exceptional year to be repeated this year. We expect a more modest but still successful sale. Additionally, looking at the net funds raised from Tea & Trains, it was determined we need to add additional sponsors in order to make the event more profitable. An additional $10,000 of sponsorships has been included for that event. Admissions are estimated to be at $2.42/visitor with 210,000 visitors. This is about a 5% increase from anticipated 2014‐15 visitation of 200,000. Membership revenue is also estimated to increase 5% over current year projected levels. Parties & facility rentals are not yet at capacity. We project a 9% increase over this year’s budget, by offering discounted prices for off season events. We have also restructured the birthday party offerings to allow more parties to happen each weekend at a more affordable price. Page 25 of 46 Program activities and the gift counter are estimated to remain level. We have better reporting capabilities for inventory and profit now that we have added Altru, and will be able to have better projections going forward. Other revenue no longer includes parking revenue and consists mainly of rent from the Roman Candle. EXPENSE HIGHLIGHTS: Personnel costs will decrease significantly as we look to streamline processes and cut back where needed. These savings will be realized by reduction of approximately 2 staff positions, plus reduced hours on the floor and for events, as we look to higher utilization of volunteers for assistance in these areas. This line item also includes a 2% cost of living increase for staff members who have been here more than a year. Benefit expenses have not changed. Occupancy costs have decreased overall due to interest savings on the NMTC loan, and increased cleaning costs which are countered by a staff reduction. Materials and Supplies will increase slightly. Services and Fees and Financial fees are expected to remain flat. CASH FLOW: Consistent with prior years, we expect to utilize the line of credit in March and potentially in June. Page 26 of 46 Exhibit D Madison Children’s Museum Board of Directors Monday, March 2, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Madison Children’s Museum Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MADISON CHILDREN’S MUSEUM, INC. (THE “MUSEUM”) WAS HELD ON THE SECOND DAY OF MARCH, 2015 AT THE OFFICES OF MADISON CHILDREN’S MUSEUM, 100 NORTH HAMILTON STREET, MADISON, WI 53703. Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting were taken by Kelley Rowe, MCM Registration and Administration Coordinator. Chair Peggy Pyle acknowledged and certified a quorum with the presence of the following members: Katie Kurtz, Bill DeAtley, T. J. Blitz, Lisa Lange, Mary Turke, Linda Slepica, John Sims, Steve Zanoni, José Madera, Peggy Pyle, Toya Whitaker Johnson, Dan Millmann, Michelle Reddington, Adriana Mateus, Tim Heinrich, Diane Ballweg, Jenny Krueger (telephonic), Tom Martorana (telephonic) with the exception of the following who were absent: Nathan Brinkman, Penelope Gialamas, James Laudon The following staff and other persons were also present: Deb Gilpin, Beth Doescher, Jonathan Zarov, Brenda Baker, Clint Walz, Kia Karlen, Sandra Bonnici-Hoecherl, Jessie Starr, Kelley Rowe The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:37 a.m., and certified due notice being given as to the meeting date, time, and place. The Chair presented the attached Agenda (Appendix 1) of the meeting, and alerted the board to the staff members present at the meeting. If the board would like to discuss items privately, an executive session can be held. There will be a motion at the end of the meeting to vote on the resolutions. WELCOME Peggy Pyle welcomed the present board members and staff, and introduced Deb Gilpin as the first presenter. DIRECTOR’S DASHBOARD AND MUSEUM FINANCIALS Deb presented the Director’s Dashboard and financial statements, as attached (Appendices A and B) and briefly recapped the recent Finance Committee meeting (February 19, 2015.) Several points were highlighted by board members and staff during the presentation, and Deb responded by clarifying the relevant issues: The museum’s year-to-date financial performance is an improvement over fiscal year 2013-2014; improving attendance over the last few weeks has contributed to this success, and the upcoming Sustainability Sideshow fundraiser (March 6, 2015) will provide additional support. At Peggy’s request, Deb pointed out the attendance goal for the current fiscal year, and stated that the aforementioned attendance increase should make this goal attainable. Preliminary fundraising for upcoming construction and development projects (e.g. back lot construction) has been encouraging; Deb highlighted recent donations earmarked for the Funkyard. Deb acknowledged the board’s desire to see grants and contributions enumerated separately in the museum’s financial data, and clarified that “grants” would include any funding for which the museum must apply to a third party. Deb ended her presentation with a call for questions. No further issues were raised, and Deb introduced Lisa Lange’s Nominating and Governance Committee presentation. Page 27 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Board of Directors Monday, March 2, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Madison Children’s Museum NOMINATING AND GOVERNANCE UPDATE Lisa introduced three board governance topics to be presented and discussed, including: recruitment of prospective board members; proposed changes to the board commitment letter; and proposed changes to the board by-laws, with respect to member terms and tenure, and Deb’s official title. Lisa stated that proposed changes would only be introduced at this meeting; if deemed appropriate, formal resolutions will be voted upon in May, 2015. Board members were presented with a copy of the proposed board commitment letter and a list of prospective board members (Appendices C.1 and C.2) which were referenced during the presentation as attached. Lisa mentioned that board members will be asked to contribute a list of prospective candidates for board membership, and to review the current list of candidates, and provide feedback. The Nominating and Governance Committee request that board members give special consideration to candidates in the fields of accounting, education, science, construction, and healthcare, and to candidates that would improve board diversity. In reference to board commitments, Peggy underscored the importance of board members contributing adequate time and effort to museum and board projects, and stated that the board may require greater individual commitments and longer formal commitments going forward, to ensure that museum and board needs are met. Peggy added that the board commitment process may need to be reevaluated to encourage board members to commit to projects that suit their interests and competencies while also allowing members to be assigned specific projects or tasks, as needed. Proposed changes to the board by-laws were summarized (full text attached as Appendix C.3) including: lengthened threeterm limit for board membership; synchronization of the board calendar with the museum’s fiscal year calendar, i.e. nomination and member appointment deadlines would be changed, to allow member terms to start on July 1st; formal adoption of “President and Chief Executive Officer” in place of “Executive Director”; acceptance of electronic signatures for consent agenda resolutions. Lisa reiterated that in light of the proposed term-limit extension, and the amended commitment letter, it is essential that prospective and current board members understand the full extent of their board commitments, and any expectations of their level of engagement, before committing to additional terms or projects. Lisa and Deb requested that board members whose second term will end in 2015 consider the option to renew their membership for a third term, and then communicate their intentions to Peggy, Deb, or Lisa. In response to Deb’s call for questions, the board discussed several issues raised by the presentation: Bill DeAtley expressed concern that extending member term limits may make it harder to recruit new members, and will not help the museum in its previously stated goal of reducing the size of the board. Dan Millmann responded that this problem could be solved by stipulating that members cannot renew their membership for a third term unless invited to do so. Board members discussed new member recruitment generally. Deb clarified that the number of new members recruited will depend on the number of current board members who rotate off in 2015. Several members expressed their support for Jeanne Vander Ploeg’s candidacy, and requested more information about Jennifer Weigand, and what field she would represent as a board member. There was general consensus that improving board diversity should be prioritized. STRATEGIC PLAN Adriana Mateus gave a short presentation of the final draft of the museum’s “Mission, Vision, and Values,” as attached (Exhibit B) and highlighted key changes, including increased emphasis on “sustainability,” “inclusiveness,” “risk,” and “learning.” Adriana reiterated that very careful consideration has gone into the wording and content of each section. Board members briefly discussed the use of the word “risk,” and the risks associated with its use. Brenda Baker responded that understanding risk is an important component of learning and growth, and Kia Karlen added that incremental risk-taking teaches children how to approach risk responsibly. Deb agreed, and referenced recent literature that emphasizes the importance of risk in early childhood learning. In response to board members’ suggestion that perhaps the word “safety” could be added to offset “risk,” staff responded that safety is implied by the other stated values. Page 28 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Board of Directors Monday, March 2, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Madison Children’s Museum Deb and Jonathan Zarov defended the relatively long list of values by reminding board members of the museum’s long history and wealth of experience. The museum’s ability to approach controversial topics confidently is an indication of expertise and comprehensive competence; with appropriate framing this could be considered a marketing asset. Deb added that the museum’s history should be considered relevant to the museum’s onboarding procedure, to ensure the museum’s heritage is transmitted and accessible to new staff. Deb delivered the Strategic Plan presentation (“2020Vision,” Appendix D) and official matrix (Exhibit A) as attached. Special attention was paid to facilities during the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats portion of the presentation; Deb reiterated that the structural integrity of the back lot, and opportunities for future development of that space, are being researched, and that more detailed plans are still under development. Despite this uncertainty, the museum has already applied to the city for a zoning change (i.e. from parking to other use) and Brenda is confident that the application will be approved. Deb briefly highlighted the museum’s desire to remain responsive to future demographic changes in the local community. Economic shifts may impact the museum’s financial strategies, especially with respect to contributions and earned revenue. Deb reviewed the four executive goals, in detail, as attached, and highlighted several key points, including: the importance of the public perception of change; the significance of the Access, Diversity, and Inclusion initiative to museum and board diversity; the need for careful consideration of and consensus on future development campaigns, especially with respect to third floor and back lot development; improving efficiency by using larger Strategic Plan procedures as opportunities to evaluate and solve smaller problems. In the context of the Strategic Plan matrix, board members were reminded that the presentation was a general overview, and that a detailed schedule of goals could be found in the attached documents. The board discussed several issues raised by the presentation: In response to board interest, Deb state that Access for Everyone attendance is included in the museum’s overall goal of 220,000 visitors for fiscal year 2014-2015; Jonathan added that AFE attendance should account for 15% of overall attendance. Jonathan updated the board on the museum’s continued efforts to secure a liquor license; Katie Kurtz stated that she may be able to assist the museum in getting a meeting with Kris Taylor. Jonathan stated that securing a liquor license will expedite the facility rental process for clients. Board members expressed a desire for a formal reporting system to evaluate progress on Strategic Plan goals. Deb responded by referencing a quarterly progress report that the museum used to produce, and suggesting that this system might be re-implemented by asking each department to determine its five most significant metrics, and report on them each quarter. Clint Walz added that the museum might enforce a system of trickle-down accountability through annual individual plans and regular status updates; board members and staff added that check-ins could be quarterly or semi-annual. Peggy expressed interest in a Strategic Plan Dashboard that would utilize the current redyellow-green metric reporting system, and Deb added that the Executive Committee could add reviewing Strategic Plan reports to their board duties. The board expressed interest in surveying members for feedback on the museum; Linda Slepica requested testimonials from children specifically. The role of board members as museum “ambassadors” was discussed. Board members expressed a desire for guidelines on how to promote the museum, perhaps in the form of an information sheet that condenses the museum’s goals, achievements, and awards. OTHER BUSINESS Deb mentioned the museum’s upcoming millionth visitor promotion, and acknowledged the contributions of museum staff to this important benchmark. In response to board interest, it was clarified that the promotion marks the millionth visitor to the museum’s current building. Page 29 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum Board of Directors Monday, March 2, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Madison Children’s Museum RESOLUTIONS Peggy Pyle listed the Resolutions requiring approval: Approval of the Strategic Plan Approval of the Mission, Vision, and Values Approval of the minutes from the December 9, 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors There were no questions; motions to approve were duly made and seconded for each resolution. The motions were passed by unanimous decision. Motion The following Resolution of the Board of Directors was duly passed by a vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. (the “Museum”), a Wisconsin non-stock non-profit corporation, hereby approved, adopted, and implemented the museum’s Strategic Plan overview and timeline, as presented and attached as Exhibit A. Motion The following Resolution of the Board of Directors was duly passed by a vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. (the “Museum”), a Wisconsin non-stock non-profit corporation, hereby approved and adopted the language of the museum’s “Mission, Vision, and Values,” as presented and attached as Exhibit B. Motion The following Resolution of the Board of Directors was duly passed by a vote of the Board: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Madison Children’s Museum, Inc. (the “Museum”), a Wisconsin non-stock non-profit corporation, hereby approved the minutes of the December 9, 2014 meeting of the full Board of Directors of the Madison Children’s Museum, attached as Exhibit C. EXECUTIVE SESSION & ADJOURNMENT Museum staff exited the room to allow the board to conduct an executive session at 1:15 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Page 30 of 46 Appendix A Page 31 of 46 MadisonChildren’sMuseum‐BoardNominating&GovernanceCommittee BoardCandidateBios May2015 Jeanne Vander Ploeg Community Volunteer I grew up in West Bend and after 30 years on the West Coast, moved back to Madison in 2012. I left my WI roots to attend Stanford University, then back to Chicago for my MBA at Northwestern. After several moves (Denver and Seattle) I settled in the San Francisco Bay area. Professionally I was a commercial construction lender for a money‐center bank, but when my children were born I chose to stay home with them full‐time. As they grew, I home‐schooled all three for a year, taught high school Economics and AP Macro Economics, pursued a fine art and documentary photography passion and most currently am learning about grant writing for our own Madison Children’s Museum. While in California, I was also very active in fundraising for Stanford University, my daughters’ alma mater as well. I was the Chair of the Parent Advisory Board, Co‐ Chair of the Parent Effort for the Annual Fund, member of the Major Gift Committee for the most recent Capital Campaign, a member of the Steering Committee for the San Francisco Marketing part of that Campaign and was a member of the Advisory Board for the Stanford Humanities Center. My oldest daughter, Sarah 31, is married and after working in a national management‐consulting firm for two years, left that world, ‘re‐tooled’ and now teaches 7th grade US History in Fairfax County, VA. She also serves as the Learning Challenges Coach for struggling students and designs and implements the Continuing Education for her fellow teachers at her middle school. Her real claim to fame, however, is that she is the mother of my GRANDSON, Oscar, now 2 years old. Nico, Sarah’s husband is an economic policy analyst for the Federal Government and they live in McLean, VA. Kate, is 29 and was married this last summer. She had been a Kindergarten teacher at a progressive school in Palo Alto, CA, for the last 5 years, but last year decided she wanted to be more individually focused on young students and so now is perusing a Masters in Family Therapy. She plans to start her own private consulting practice after her schooling is done. Scott, her husband, is a middle school coordinator at the same progressive school at which Kate worked. Anne, 27, lives and works in San Francisco at a startup called Skillz, a company that monetizes mobile skill‐based gaming. She does marketing for them and because I am old that is all I know about it, other than they work in a large single room with a ‘portal’ (ie. Live feed) to their Boston headquarters and that the founders are 32 years old! Welcome to Silicon Valley! The girls and I spent many summers in WI with family, so Madison seemed like a great spot to transition. I actually enjoy the changes in seasons and even the winters (mostly!). Madison’s sense of community engagement, outdoor focus, and exposure to the world beyond is wonderfully stimulating. I love to golf, hike, kayak, paddleboard, cycle, ski, snowshoe and run. So all that being said, I love being here! David Stockwell, CPA, CMA, CGMA Chief Financial Officer ‐ Therma‐Stor LLC David has over 20 years of financial management experience from organizations spanning “Big 5” public accounting to publicly and privately held companies. For the past 10 years David has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Therma‐Stor, a $65 million manufacturer of climate control equipment, and as the Vice President of Finance for Madison One Holdings, a $250 million holding company that Page 32 of 46 MadisonChildren’sMuseum‐BoardNominating&GovernanceCommittee BoardCandidateBios May2015 owns Therma‐Stor. In these roles David not only serves as a leader of Finance and Accounting but also as the leader of Human Resources and Information Technology for Therma‐Stor. David’s background includes being an Audit Manager at Arthur Andersen and holding various management positions at Alliant Energy, a $3 billion energy services firm, where he led the Sarbanes Oxley and corporate Financial Planning functions in addition to other leadership roles. In addition to his professional background David is a member of Executive Agenda, has previously served as the Treasurer of Seminole Pool and Tennis Association, as a Director at Applied Tech, and volunteered for several organizations including the Madison Children’s Museum. David earned a B.B.A degree in Accounting and Marketing from the University of Wisconsin‐Madison. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, and is a Chartered Global Management Accountant. David resides in Fitchburg with his wife, Rebecca, and two teenage sons, Noah and Elliot. In addition to having been patrons of the museum they have also been volunteers for the Museum, Olbrich Gardens, and other charitable organizations as well. Joan L. Ershler Program Director, Waisman Early Childhood Program University of Wisconsin‐Madison Expert on early childhood development and education, services to young children with special needs. Heather Davis, MCM Early childhood Manager worked with her. She is passionate about the needs of children first, designing spaces that provide rich experiences for all children regardless of abilities, and has a strong network of children’s organizations and resources regionally and nationally., 608‐262‐4718 (work) Gloria Ladson‐Billings Educator, Kellner Family Chair in Urban Education University of Wisconsin‐Madison Gloria J. Ladson‐Billings is an American pedagogical theorist and teacher educator on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin– Madison School of Education and researcher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. She is currently Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Ladson‐Billings is known for her groundbreaking work in the fields of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory. Ladson‐Billings work The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African‐ American Children is a significant text in the field of education. She was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and was educated in the Philadelphia public school system. Ladson‐ Billings was the president of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Page 33 of 46 MadisonChildren’sMuseum‐BoardNominating&GovernanceCommittee BoardCandidateBios May2015 2005. During the 2005 AERA annual meeting in San Francisco, Ladson‐Billings delivered her presidential address, "From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Achievement in U.S. Schools," in which she outlined what she called the "education debt", highlighting the combination of historical, moral, socio‐political, and economic factors that have disproportionately affected African‐American, Latino, Asian, and other non‐white students. Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Educational Policy Studies (EPS) Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis (ELPA) Office: 608/263‐1006 Jane Doughty Community Volunteer Spouse: David Wood Children: Alex, Zach I grew up in Minnesota, did my undergraduate work at New Mexico Tech, worked at IBM in CA for 5 years and then returned to school to get my Master's Degree in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. After graduation I worked at a small computer company and then left in 1984 to start up a new company, Sybase with 3 former employees. In 1989, my first son was born, my husband got his PhD and a new job in Madison, WI and I retired! I enjoy x‐c skiing, snowshoeing, biking, reading, and quilting. I especially enjoy traveling. MCM Board History: 1996 – 2001, 2006 – 2012 MCMFoundation Board Member 2012‐current Committee Service: Finance, Public Programs, Madison Children's Museum Directors Dashboard, January 2015 April Appendix B Page 34 of 46 On Track! within 5% Watch >5% other concerns FYTD Actual FYTD Goal Last FYTD Stat Financial us Act >5% 2 months or more or other concerns: REQUIRES ACTION REPORT Notes Bottom Line: Net Surplus/(Deficit) $ 84,932 $ 210,033 $ (287,787) see Action Report Total Income $ 932,544 $ 1,014,742 $ 957,870 8% below budget Total Expenses $ 1,683,774 $ 1,749,717 $ 1,595,461 4% below budget Total Earned Revenue Total Contributions $ $ 932,544 1,070,206 $ 1,014,742 $ 1,167,935 $ $ 8% below budget 8% below budget 957,870 916,745 American Girl Sale (net) $ 573,896 $ 531,309 $ 502,815 WonderBall (gross) $ 129,815 $ 190,000 $ 123,186 Tea & Trains (gross) $ 25,563 $ 33,000 $ 28,312 Spring Scramble (gross) $ 24,500 $ 21,100 $ 18,825 Grants and Contributions $ 316,432 $ 392,526 $ 243,607 Total Operating Cash on Hand $ 150,290 $ Debt funding needed $ 857,388 $ FYTD Actual Customers and Services # Visitation $ Visitation Income # Programs Presented # Program Attendees # Members New+Renew $ Members New+Renew Facility Rental Income Operations Incident / Accidents # Volun/terns hours (not incl AGBS) $ $ $ 175,000 $ - (36,459) $ 1,198,869 FYTD Goal 160,850 419,950 $ 750 29,159 4,500 138,792 348,491 300,990 114,627 333,000 120,001 311,951 107,473 Actual $ $ 4,551 Goal 0 10,029 Net of $42k resctricted + $94LOC. Endowment was recvs 3/31. LOC was paid off April. NMTC, net of Keystone pledges, sinking fund balance, and B note Last FYTD 145,796 397,704 $ 771 28,120 4,267 $ $ 15% off budget (does not include restricted gifts/pledges) Notes 8% off budget 5% 5% 10% off budget Notes 0 meeting expectation 12,400 Intern definition changed, see Oct 2014. Action Reports Bottom Line: Expenses Bottom Line: Income All upgrades or equipment purchases are deferred as possible. Delaying hiring several positions. Converted Vol coord from a paid position to Volunteer position, and we are defining new Volunteer positions review prior year donors (lybunt) and personally contact/solicit all $250 or higher, by end of May. Page 35 of 46 Appendix C Development Committee Meeting Minutes March 24, 2015 Present: Revere Greist, Peggy Pyle, José Madera, Linda Slepica, Valerie Kazamias, John Sims Staff Present: Clint Walz Absent: Diane Ballweg, Nathan Brinkman, Ben Brunette, Eve Galanter, Deb Gilpin, Jenny Krueger, Pete Schwieger, Carol Rosenstock Patricia Wheeler, Action Items • Committee requests Dashboard template for May 11 meeting. o Valerie will contact Elizabeth Tucker to provide sample template. o Committee will establish committee goals looking ahead to FY16. Together the committee will create measurable metrics for committee members. o MCM Development will assign contact responsibilities to committee members. • Valerie agreed to seek feedback from the Madison Club about MCM’s declined proposal. • Full committee to share Spring Scramble and Wonder Ball sponsorship opportunities with potential sponsors. • Peggy will schedule meeting with Loren Mortenson • Revere will ask Carla Alvarado, Carol McKinney and Tom & Karen Ragatz for a tour / coffee with Deb. • Revere will talk to Nick Gansner about Rare’s interest in participating in Wonder Ball as a featured chef. • Peggy will continue to work on confirming Wonder Ball chefs • José to schedule meeting with Linda, John, Valerie and Peggy about MCM community award event. • Full committee to review Development Director portfolio, and note connections with existing donors to help new Development Director make connections quickly. • Full committee to share the Development Director position description with qualified applicants. John Sims raised the topic of establishing formalized committee fundraising goals as part of MCM budget and a dashboard for members to track assignments and progress to goals. Suggested metrics include introductions made, donors solicited, revenue raised and committee progress to goal. Valerie suggested modeling the dashboard after MMOCA model, and agreed to reach out to Elizabeth Tucker to forward to Clint. Clint informed the committee they were not selected as the 2015 gala recipient. Valerie informed the group that the Simpson Street Press was the organization awarded. Valerie suggested that Page 36 of 46 MCM was not a good fit for the Club’s giving priorities (more associated with social equality and justice). The committee asked Valerie to ask for feedback about our proposal and how it could be strengthened next year. The committee reviewed the minutes from January 11. José had a question about his action item to convene a meeting to discuss a Community Award Luncheon Event. José was unable to attend the meeting and was not aware it was a responsibility for him to attend to. [ABOUT THE COMMUNITY EVENT FROM 11/14 DEVCOM MEETING: Valerie and John said that the event should not be in winter, should not have a speaker, and should not be charged for. John mentioned the need to keep people talking about their history of the museum and why they’re involved. Nathan circled back to the community award idea, with Corporate Sponsors which would highlight what we’re able to do on an annual level. Also to have the community vote for the award and drive awareness of others in the community that we should be involved with.] Spring Scramble (May 18th at Maple Bluff CC) is ahead of goal, with $41,500 raised against a $47,500 goal with two months to go. Only 8 foursomes remain, so Development Committee members are asked to get the word out to potential golfers. Foursomes are available for $1,000. The format for the happy hour / dinner has changed, with heavy hors d’oeuvres instead of a meal, no formal presentation and fewer live auction items. The Committee recommended having the auction in advance of the shotgun start, when the audience was captive in their carts. Peggy provided an update on Wonder Ball progress. The chefs are still in flux. Dan Fox has yet to submit a bid, and Tory Miller, Tammy Lax, Lombardinos, and Food Fight have not returned calls. John was in contact with Yelp for their help in promoting the event, but Corey Dane, the Community Manager, has recently moved to Chicago. Wonder Ball will have a Cuban / Havana feel, although it’s still coming together. Sponsor mailing will be going out by April 1. Valerie suggested contacting Maple Bluff, who is planning a Cuban Dinner for the Rotary, and might be interested in playing a role in Wonder Ball. Madison Club chef, Andrew Wilson would be another option. John suggested reaching out to Jen DeBolt, the partner of Co-owner Tami Lax. The new Rare Steakhouse is another option, and Revere agreed to talk to Nick Gansner about inviting them to get involved. The initial Wonder Ball sponsorship mailing is expected to mail in the next 10 days. Clint asked the full committee to again share the opportunity with potential sponsors as they see fit. Clint updated the committee on the Access for Everyone campaign, which kicked off on March 21st. A 3,800 direct mail appeal will be in mailboxes by March 28th, and a second 1,100 mailing Page 37 of 46 is scheduled for late April. Roman Candle has continued their involvement this year, and MCM and the Roman Candle have introduced a coloring contest which includes prizes at each restaurant and at MCM based on staff favorites in 3 age categories. Clint asked the committee to review the portfolio for the Director of Development and respond with their initials next to those donors the committee member has a connection with or would be willing to make that initial connection. MCM would like to help the new Director’s onboarding to go as swiftly as possible, and an introduction from committee members would go a long way in doing so. Similarly, Clint noted that they should have received the position description for the Director of Development position. Since many on the committee have worked with the Directors of other organizations, please share the description with those who might be a good fit for the organization. Meeting adjourned at 1:25 PM. Next meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2015 at the US Bank building on Capitol Square. Page 38 of 46 Madison Children’s Museum EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES 5.6.2015 – Madison Children’s Museum Members Present: Tom Martorana, Jose Madera, Diane Ballweg, Katie Ryan Kurtz, Peggy Pyle Absent: Adriana Mateus, Lisa Lange, Bill DeAtley, TJ Blitz Staff Present: Deb Gilpin, Jessie Starr Director’s Report Facility Update Site Issues Gallery Night and Strut Festival put a lot of strain on the Funkyard and loading dock. A number of vehicles pulled into loading dock and remained parked there. Loading dock dropped by 4 inches due to the weight of all of the attendees of the Strut Festival on May 2nd. The drop is only noticeable from the lower level parking lot. We secured funding for future Funkyard Festivals but after Labor Day, the Funkyard will be closed for good. Gas line coming out by the loading dock on LL parking will need to be moved. MG&E will estimate the cost of moving the gas line. Dry lines like sprinklers could also be at risk and may need to be moved. The committee was concerned and asked how the museum can move forward; the museum will put up bollards to prevent vehicles from using the loading dock. We will have to pay the city to reserve the street meters for future events and vehicles. Senior staff and Deb talked about upcoming events and burden on the structure. We will keep an attendance maximum on the Funkyard and all staff will help monitor the numbers. Summerpalooza will be staged on the street. We will be blocking off the access doors and elevator so no one will be able to access the lower level parking. We will keep one parking stall open on the upper parking deck for the museum van and access to the garbage and recycling. Capital Campaign One of the bids for managing the development of the Backyard project is from Mike Huffman. Mike has worked on the Madison Opera and the Bethel Israel Center buildings. Mike knows the building and has been very good to the museum. Deb talked to him about developing a menu of the elements of the project so that a decision can be made. Deb started to contract him out hourly for a period of 3 months and by then, we can move into the campaign and fundraising for the project. Mike will get bids and line up the parties we need to get the bids. Deb has spoken informally with the campaign company, the Steier Group. They will be able to do a feasibility study of 20-40 people, getting the participants’ input about the project and level of support. The museum would bring the individuals to do the study and the Steier Group would work to develop the script and work with the individuals. McDonald Schaefer sent a proper bid to do a study. Deb would hope for 10-20 new individuals who we haven’t considered before to be identified by the study. The process would take about 3 months and the report would be generated. Price is per scope from 10K to 15K depending on how many people the group would interview. The company would bring individuals up to speed and help them prepare before the formal ask from the organization. Part of the feasibility is to determine possible leaders of the campaign. The committee would like to factor in the amount we want to spend on the study with the amount we want to raise. Deb would like to go on the less expensive side of the feasibility study. The Development Committee would help advise on the process. Financials We are at a surplus of 85K which is below our goal. Deb asked museum staff to hold off on major expenses. The museum is also saving on personnel by letting some staff positions leave by attrition and saving in salary due to the salary of the new Development Director. Museum staff has begun targeting donors who have donated $250 or Page 39 of 46 higher, longer than 6 months ago. Deb mentioned that Access members have been giving for larger amounts than previously before. Spring Scramble is doing great and sponsorships and foursomes continue to come in. The committee had questions on visitation since it ties into financials. The museum is open to visitors about 3000 hours a year but visitation is not going up. Is there a way that the museum can measure against the size of the market versus the trends of last year? This could drive our marketing efforts. Could the 3rd floor attract a different visitation? What should we expect? Are we at the top of our market? From what towns are people traveling to the museum? How can we build expectations based on our average or maximum attendance? Museum staff will be able to pull data from both Altru and VISTA for April since we converted which could help us access those numbers. We’ve made good progress on diversity initiatives; we hope exposure will drive them to come back for future visits. Budget The plan is to get a draft of the budget to the finance committee on Monday, May 11th. On Wednesday morning, May 20th the budget will be reviewed and be ready for the board meeting on May 26th. Nomination and Governance Committee We have 6 people rotating off the board. We have 5 possible candidates for the board: o Jeanne Vander Ploeg o Joan Erschler o Jane Doughty o Dave Stockwell o Gloria Ladson-Billings We could have a possible lead in the new CEO of St. Mary’s who want to get involved in the community. The committee will go back to the candidates and confirm the slate and bring it to the board for the meeting on May 26th. Executive members will call those rotating off the board; Jose will reach out to Jon Sims and Nathan Brinkman. Peggy will call Penny Gialamas, Toya Whitaker Johnson, and Tim Heinrich. Diane thinks the strategic plan could use more data and would like to see numbers to state the impact to the community. Maybe use the statistics from the snapshot card? The current strategic plan should be for board use only. We can revamp the brochure for public use. The Development Committee will decide what group to go with for the feasibility study and campaign consulting. Deb thinks it would be August or September before we can anything concrete and before the board would vote on the capital campaign. The amount would be between 5 to 10 million. Before the end of the summer, we will know the real costs of the project. The ad-hoc campaign committee would be part of the development committee. Deb thinks we need to roll the building debt into the capital campaign. Peggy thinks we should forget about Styer group and go with McDonald Schaefer. Page 40 of 46 Public Programs Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Minutes of Public Programs Committee Meeting Present: Anne Arnesen, Amy Nickels, Jane Doughty, Andrew Landsman Museum Staff: Brenda Baker, Kia Karlen, Sandra Bonnici-Hoecherl, Deb Gilpin, Jonathan Zarov Absent: TJ Blitz, Jim Laudon, Joe Stadelman Updates from the past month: • • • • Joan Ershler will be joining the Board and the PP Committee. We will invite Joan to the May PP committee meeting, and her Board term will begin in July. Adriana Mateus is resigning from the Board and the PP Committee The new version of the MCM Values documented was presented to the full Board at the March Board meeting. The new version as well-received, and yielded a fruitful discussion about the inclusion of “risk” as an MCM value in the new version. Thanks to the PP committee for their thoughtful contributions and work on this document! MCM’s Executive Committee met with project staff and architect Lou Host Jablonski on April 7 to review plans for the development of the Back Lot and third floor expansion. There is a great deal of excitement about the possibilities for these spaces, and also concern about the fundraising goal needed to accomplish all phases of the project. Upcoming exhibit changes: • • The Funkyard is reopening for the season on April 15. There was a short delay in the sealing and resurfacing work due to the snowstorms we had in late March. Our Community Concourse Gallery will change in May, with the “Lessons from Penguins” exhibit closing in early May and a new “Liberia at Play” exhibit opening in late May, with a public opening at Free Family Night on June 3. MCM staff have been working with a local community advisory group to plan the exhibition and opening celebration. Exhibits and Education Master Plan process Working in conjunction with the MCM Strategic Plan and the Back Lot/third floor capital campaign plan, staff will be creating a 10 year Master Plan for exhibits and education programming, temporarily slated to be presented at the September Board meeting. Discussion centered around getting community input and buy-in for our plans and assessing community need. Discussion included: • • SurveyMonkey online survey to be widely distributed to stakeholders and community organizations. Scheduled focus groups to be facilitated at MCM and (possibly) community sites) Page 41 of 46 • • Survey strategy to be developed for off-site community events, large MCM public events, and by a new marketing “street team” to be deployed at large downtown events such as the Saturday Farmers’ Market. Coordinating these efforts with the new Access, Diversity and Inclusion (ADI) Committee to ensure that all listening sessions and surveys include ADI considerations. Next steps: • • Staff team will draft a timeline and sample survey questions for community listening sessions for summer 2015. This draft will be sent to the PP Committee for review prior to the next committee meeting. In preparation for Back Lot planning, committee members may be interested in an upcoming workshop on design for nature-based play in schoolyards and parks, Friday, May 8 at Goodman Community Center (flier attached). Next meeting: Tuesday, May 19, 8:30-9:30 am. Page 42 of 46 Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, May 14, 2015, 9:00-10:30 a.m. CUNA Mutual (5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting Present: Tom Martorana, Dan Millmann, Lisa Lange Museum Staff: Beth Doescher, Jessie Starr Phoned In: Mary Turke, Peggy Pyle Absent: Bill DeAtley March Financial Scorecard Beth went over March’s numbers with the committee. 2015-2016 Budget Revenue Overall, the mixture of revenue has been consistent with the exceptions being the closure of the parking lot and grants and contributions. General admission/Visitation revenue is off budget from last year. The committee would like to see a chart with the breakdown of the composition of visitation. The committee would like to know what are the management actions that would deliver the results to drive up visitation? Metrics the committee would like to see: income divided by number of visitors, with access/free admissions separate from paid admissions. Staff transitions in the Group Visits position have not grown the program as expected. Membership revenue is lower than planned for March. Our new Membership Manager, Anna January, started recently and Altru was implemented in April so there has been a delay in timing of membership renewals. The committee asked about number of membership renewals and Beth mentioned that the number is hard to tie down since there is a lag in renewals (due to aforementioned reasons). In Altru memberships will expire at the end of the month which pushes mailing up by a month. Peggy was curious if there was a way to do automatic membership renewals in Altru, Beth will follow up with Anna to see if this is possible. The committee would like to see numbers on new renewals vs. historic renewals to measure the drop off in membership. Jonathan mentioned that development staff is looking into converting members into donors and finding a way turn children on those memberships who are aging out in volunteers for the museum. Fundraising revenue is behind due to timing of the Spring Scramble sponsorships coming in earlier than expected. Rental revenue is under budget largely due to the closing of the parking lot and the loss of the ability to rent the parking lot to facility rental clients. Page 43 of 46 Expenses In general, all expenses are at or below budget. Staffing expenses are down due to delaying on hiring volunteer coordinator. Due to a tremendous amount of staff turnover, organization knowledge may be being lost. The committee asked to look at staff salaries. Is the museum competitive? The museum has a great record of promoting from within but we have less diversity at that level. Some staff positions were lost due to attrition so they have not been filled. At any time during the year, the museum has one open staff position on average. The committee also wanted to make sure that MCM staff was standardizing all procedures to make sure that turnover does not affect work flow. Nicole Riewe is back from maternity leave and is processing gifts. Maintenance expenses are down due to delaying on upgrades and maintenance on the exhibits and the building. Beth mentioned that a lot of resources have been in support of ADI initiatives. Are we supporting these initiatives at a cost we can afford? In last year’s budget, a $10,000 grant covered the Teen Workforce Development program, a grant that was only for 1 year. Beth also mentioned the cost of LEED and wanted to make sure the efforts for sustainability are worth the cost. The committee was in agreement that we need to capitalize on revenue from development while also agreeing that more rigor can be put on great ideas so that staff resources and funding can be allocated to projects that line up with the core mission of the museum. Marketing Plan Jonathan Zarov was in attendance to go over the marketing plan to demonstrate to the committee the department’s plan to support the budget. Topics covered were: visitation, awareness, advertising, membership, and facility rentals. Tom mentioned that there was a staff person at CUNA who would be willing to train and work with MCM staff on cultivations and retention efforts to help target marketing efforts. Tom passed the person’s contact information to Jonathan. The committee also mentioned that their confidence in the financial numbers has increased, due to Beth’s hard work! Page 44 of 46 Finance Committee Meeting Thursday, May 21, 2015, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Telephonic Meeting Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting Present: Tom Martorana, Mary Turke, Lisa Lange, Peggy Pyle Museum Staff: Beth Doescher, Jessie Starr, Deb Gilpin Absent: Bill DeAtley, Dan Millman OVERALL OBJECTIVES: The numbers have changed since the budget was distributed last week. As in the current fiscal year, our budget was prepared to be cash neutral. Therefore, the effects of depreciation are disregarded and required capital payments are included. This budget was designed to be representative of the reality facing the museum, and to make tough choices prior to its implementation. We expect this budget to be obtainable and took a conservative approach. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, THIRD FLOOR AND BACK LOT PLANS: Due to the need of a comprehensive capital campaign to fund these initiatives, these items have not been included in the fiscal 15-16 budget. $42,000 of restricted cash remains on hand to fund ramp up costs. REVENUE HIGHLIGHTS: Endowment is expected to increase a modest 2%. Contributions and grants are budgeted to be flat, compared to current year revenue on an annualized basis. We expect that the addition of our new Director of Development, Dani Luckett, will cause this number to increase over time, but due to the relationship building nature of the position, are budgeting conservatively to allow that process to happen. A stretch goal above this will be defined. The committee asked the museum staff to package exhibit needs into something donors would want to fund. Fundraising Events are expected to remain consistent with two exceptions: we do not think the level of doll contributions currently received will allow the past exceptional year to be repeated this year. We expect a more modest but still successful sale. We have gotten a dollar amount, and we typically raise 3 to 4 times that amount. We could still see a surge in inventory right before the sale and ticket sales for the event are selling at a solid rate. Additionally, looking at the net funds raised from Tea & Trains, it was determined we need to add Page 45 of 46 additional sponsors in order to make the event more profitable. An additional $10,000 (2, $5000 sponsorships) of sponsorships has been included for that event. Deb will follow up with Valerie Kazamias. Museum staff will provide the cost of hosting the event at the Madison Club. No changes would be made to this year’s Tea & Trains but if the sponsorships are not secured, there will have be changes to the event. Changes would take place in 2016. Admissions are estimated to be at $2.42/visitor with 210,000 visitors. This is about a 5% increase from anticipated 2014-15 visitation of 200,000. Membership revenue is also estimated to increase 5% over current year projected levels. The committee has a question about the $25,000 increase in membership revenue and how many memberships that equates to. Beth said that number would equal 250 new memberships. The committee commented on the significant reversal on some of the trends in the budget. How is the trend being reversed? The committee wanted to get more information on the steps being taken to reverse the trends. Deb mentioned that museum staff will be doing minimal things, requiring little staff time, which will add value to the museum membership. Staff will offer member only behind-the-scenes green tours. Parties & facility rentals are not yet at capacity. We project a 9% increase over this year’s budget, by offering discounted prices for off season events. We have also restructured the birthday party offerings to allow more parties to happen each weekend at a more affordable price. The committee asked about the differences in the numbers between expenses and earned revenue. Tom wanted to know why some expenses don’t seem to be as conservative as revenue. Beth explained that parties and facility rentals have ideas for marketing for corporate parties and quinceañeras. Program activities and the gift counter are estimated to remain level. We have better reporting capabilities for inventory and profit now that we have added Altru, and will be able to have better projections going forward. Other revenue no longer includes parking revenue and consists mainly of rent from the Roman Candle. EXPENSE HIGHLIGHTS: Personnel costs will decrease significantly as we look to streamline processes and cut back where needed. These savings will be realized by reduction of approximately 2 staff positions, plus reduced hours on the floor and for events, as we look to higher utilization of volunteers for assistance in these areas. With the new Altru system, we have the ability to run analysis of the slow times and periods of low admission and we can use that analysis to adjust staffing. Staffing will also decrease due to the closing of the Funkyard. This line item also includes a 2% cost of living increase for staff members who have been here more than a year. Benefit expenses have not changed. The museum currently has 40-45 full-time employees. Page 46 of 46 Occupancy costs have decreased overall due to interest savings on the NMTC loan, and increased cleaning costs which are countered by a staff reduction. Materials and Supplies will increase slightly. Services and Fees and Financial fees are expected to remain flat. The museum did receive a $10,000 in-kind gift from Demco which will be used for new facility rental equipment. CASH FLOW: Consistent with prior years, we expect to utilize the line of credit in March and potentially in June. OTHER BUSINESS: The committee commented on how responsible the budget is. Tom mentioned the marketing update Jonathan Zarov presented at the previous Finance Committee meeting and stated that marketing needs to be more targeted to increasing attendance. Marketing is considering variable discounts on admission, perhaps during the slower months like September. The Marketing Committee now has representatives from Great Wolf, Madison Mallards and Brewer Stouffer from the Roman Candle. With there being no further business, Lisa Lange made a motion to recommend passage of the budget to the full board, as presented. Tom Martorana seconded. The motion to recommend passage of the 2015-16 budget to the full board was approved unanimously.