THE INTERNATIONAL CAT ASSOCIATION, INC. 2011 Winter Board Meeting February 21-22, 2011 Harlingen, Texas Open Session - 8:30AM-Noon January 21, 2011, Friday, 8:30AM Welcome and Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Welcome to new members 3. Fiduciary responsibility Consent Agenda 1. Legislative Report 2. Future Annuals, Semi-Annuals 3. Minutes, Corrections/Additions Governance 1. President’s Report 2. Follow Up Report 3. Nomination for TICA Treasure 4. Request for Special Breed Award ACTION TIME PAGE Fisher Fisher Board Schiff Verbal Verbal Verbal Verbal 8:30-9:15AM Bangle EO EO 9:15-9:20AM Accept . . . . . . . . . . to be furnished Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Approve - - 9:20-10:15AM Fisher EO Hogan Rose Inform Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approve Approve 6 - Break - 10:15AM – 10:30AM Fiduciary 1. FY 2010 Audit Report 2. TICA Financials Winter 3. TICA P&L Budget v Actual 4. TICA P&L Budget Performance 5. Set Winter Meeting reimbursements 6. Fees Comparisons EO EO EO EO BOD BOD 10:30AM-Noon Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Approve Discussion/Action . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Lunch: Noon–1:30PM Tours and Briefings - Executive Office - 1:30-5:00PM 1 2011 Winter Meeting Agenda, Page 1 Open Session: 9:00AM-Noon January 22, 2011, Saturday, 9AM ACTION PROPOSALS Standing Rules 1. Standing Rules 1019.2 9:00-10:00AM Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Fisher Breeds 1. Napoleon 2. Highlander (to be presented) 3. Minskin Report 4. Sokoke Report 5. Savannah Championship Standard TIME PAGE 10:00-10:45AM Gardner Approve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lively Approve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McSorley Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schafer-Russell Accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strait Approve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 53 58 59 62 Break - 10:45AM – 11:00AM Administrative 11:00AM B Noon 1. Club Names Wood Discuss with TICA in the name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 2. Cattery Names not Used EO Discuss (Last 10 years) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be furnished 3. Notification of clerks BOD Discuss concerning errors 4. Report on work from EO Discuss members/non-members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be furnished Lunch: NOON - 1:30PM Executive Session - 1:30-3:00PM Break: 3:00 - 3:15PM Open Session - 3:15-5PM Strategic Discusssions 1. Standing Committees 2. Yearbook Directors’ Open Forum 1. Judging Administrator Assistant National Awards 2. TICA U Update Demographics Report 3. Regional Funds Reporting 4. Mentor Program Report 5. Getting new Exhibitors Fisher Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Discuss - Lopez Rose Hart Rose Tullo Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Discuss 73 Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 2011 Winter Meeting Agenda, Page 2 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA 1. 2010-2011 Show Season Detail Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 2. 2010-2011 Show Season Fee Balance Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 3. Title Confirmation Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4. Title Confirmation Report by Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 5, Title Confirmation Report by Class and Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6. Title Confirmation Report by Class and Level per Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 7. Active Regional Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3 2011 Winter Meeting Agenda, Page 3 Legislative Committee Report 4 Future Meetings Year 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 Meeting Winter Spring Annual Winter Spring Annual Annual Club/EO 109.1 Annual Convention. MA GL NW City/State Harlingen, TX Electronic Meeting Philadelphia, PA Harlingen, TX Electronic Meeting Columbus, OH Bellevue, WA Date of Meeting 01/21-23/11 05/20-22/11 08/31-09/11 01/27-29/12 05/18-20/12 08/29-31/12 08/20-31/13 109.1.1 Annual Convention. Labor Day weekend each year is reserved for the Annual Convention. No other shows may be held the weekend of the Annual Convention with the following exception. A club may receive permission to hold a show on the Annual weekend upon application to the Board. Application must state specific reasons for the request for exemption and why such a show would have no impact on the Annual. The rotation for the Annual Conventions shall be: Mid Atlantic - 2011, Great Lakes - 2012, Northwest -2013, Northeast - 2014, International - 2015, Southwest - 2016, South Central - 2017, Southeast - 2018, Mid Pacific - 2019. Proposals to host the Annual Convention in the designated region must be received for the Annual Meeting 3 years prior to the proposed convention. In the event no club submits an acceptable proposal, any club in any region may submit a proposal to host the Annual Convention by the agenda deadline for the Semi-Annual Meeting 2½ years prior to the convention and a notice soliciting such proposals shall be published in the TICA TREND. The subsequent designated order of rotation will remain the same. 109.2 Meetings of the Board. 109.2.1 All Board Meetings shall be scheduled for a minimum of 2 days. Meetings of the Board shall be the fourth full weekend in January (Winter Meeting, the third full weekend in May (Spring Meeting) and the week immediately preceding Labor Day weekend (TICA Annual). The Winter Meeting shall be held in Harlingen TX without a show OR at a location outside the United States in conjunction with a show, approved by the Board. The Spring Meeting shall be held in the United States, rotating from Central to West to East, with or without a show. The meeting venue must be at or near a major international airport at a hotel with adequate meeting space, full restaurant service and airport shuttle. The Winter and Spring meeting locations shall be selected by the Board without consideration of accompanying show. Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be completed within 10 working days following the meeting. 5 FOLLOW-UP REPORT 10/20/10 NO. ITEM RESPONSIBILITY STATUS 1 Move remaining fees to the Standing Rules, By-Law, recall and 116.1 petition. Rules W11 Agenda 2 Evaluate the Outstanding Cattery Program Fisher/EO W11 Agenda 3 Research online voting and the rules concerning voting EO/Rules 2010 Ballot 4 Revision of Show Rule 22.1.2 (Francine Hicks) back to Committee: The Regional Director may not deny a club a specific show date unless there is a previously scheduled TICA show within 500 miles or 805 kilometers or in the same region on the requested weekend. Show locations for the same show weekend may be held within 500 miles or 805 kilometers of each other only with written permission from both show managers and the permission of the regional director/directors. The first club that requests a show date is authorized to have the show. Consider two rules: one addressing in Region shows and the other shows in neighboring regions. Rules 2010 Ballot 5 Add the following as suggestions rather than requirements: 903.1.3.8 All hotel rooms must be accessible by elevator. 903.1.6.10 Adjacent events must be arranged so that sound from those events does not interfere with speeches or other presentations. This term should be included in the contract for the banquet facility. Rules Completed 6 Consider a rule which would prohibit two TICA clubs from holding a show and an exhibition on the same weekend and in the same city. Alternatively, consider a rule to restrict the use of the TICA logo for a non-show event in such a case. Rules/Arrieta Denied 7 Look into putting out for bid the printing of the TICA yearbook with a report for the 2011 Winter Meeting. Dickie/Crockett W11 Agenda 8 Schedule a discussion on TICA’s role in contractual issues between breeders and buyers Fisher/Schiff Completed 9 Defer action on the Ichikawa v Tsuruoka complaint until the Annual in order to clarify whether there was a violation of show rules. Schiff Completed 10 Change Show Rule 24.4 to make clear the required communication by a club to a debtor Rules A10 Agenda 11 Blueslips on line EO-Report W11 12 Program prefixes and genetics into registration program EO-Report W11 13 Provisions for putting a statement on the certificate of registration. Rules W11 14 Report on percentage of work from members and non-members EO W11 15 Comparison of fees between associations EO W11 16 Report on research number of cattery names which have not been used more than 10 times and those that have not been used for more than 10 years EO W11 17 Reconsider revisions to the Judging Program JA W11 18 Send the breed sections for the Minskin and Sokoki breeds a letter that their respective breed reports were not received and the Board is inclined to set their breed back to Registration Only. Ask them to provide a breed report 60 days prior to the 2011 Winter Meeting EO Completed Schiff W11 19 6 Check on security of transactions (electronic) in the future, i.e. no original documents. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 01 Memberships 02 Family Memberships 03 International Memberships 04 Additional Breed Sections 05 Cattery Registrations 06 Individual Registrations 07 Blue Slips 08 Litter Registrations 09 HHP Registrations 10 Transfers/Leases 11 Dup/Corr/Add or Delete Suff 12 Title Confirmations 13 Supreme Title Confirmations 14 Cert 3-Gen Pedigrees 15 Cert 5-Gen Pedigrees 16 Club Charters 17 Club Fees Renewals 18 Judges Fees 19 Show License Fees 20 Annual Awards Fees 21 Show Insurance Fees 22 Publications 23 TICA TREND 24 TICA Yearbook 25 Miscellaneous 26 COE/OSTD Cattery 27 Election Filing Fees 28 Wire Transfer Fees 29 Donations 30 Clerking Fees 31 OS/OD/LA 32 Annual Awards Dup/Frt 33 Website Breeder Listings 34 Website Banner Ads 35 Website Classified Ads 36 Website Online Store 37 Rush 38 Ballot Fees 39 Complaint Fees 40 Shipping Fees 41 Sponsor Fees 42 Late Fees (Judges/Pstg Due/ 43 44 Return Check Svc/Handling 45 Rtnd Chks/Handling Fees Jul - Dec 09 27,590.00 570.00 20,915.00 740.00 30,690.00 22,516.00 106,553.00 73,702.00 1,832.00 11,102.00 8,306.00 15,310.00 1,910.00 31,700.00 59,075.00 425.00 1,530.00 3,450.00 21,870.00 28,580.00 10,158.00 56.00 6,768.00 34,765.45 712.90 1,015.00 220.00 430.00 2,685.76 590.00 505.00 368.00 3,455.00 0.00 680.00 319.00 10,790.00 0.00 100.00 590.94 2,750.00 1,845.00 0.00 404.00 12.00 19,675.00 970.00 17,005.00 604.00 28,525.00 25,172.00 102,618.00 73,559.00 1,635.00 10,702.00 7,458.00 16,900.00 1,844.00 28,595.00 51,785.00 725.00 1,445.00 3,450.00 20,790.00 27,800.00 10,800.00 38.00 19,214.00 38,602.00 324.05 910.00 155.00 125.00 120,568.00 605.00 260.00 644.57 2,495.00 50.00 140.00 1,252.00 11,580.00 0.00 1,062.00 504.89 4,000.00 1,247.00 0.00 390.00 0.00 19 $ Change % Change 7,915.00 -400.00 3,910.00 136.00 2,165.00 -2,656.00 3,935.00 143.00 197.00 400.00 848.00 -1,590.00 66.00 3,105.00 7,290.00 -300.00 85.00 0.00 1,080.00 780.00 -642.00 18.00 -12,446.00 -3,836.55 388.85 105.00 65.00 305.00 -117,882.24 -15.00 245.00 -276.57 960.00 -50.00 540.00 -933.00 -790.00 0.00 -962.00 86.05 -1,250.00 598.00 0.00 14.00 12.00 40.2% -41.2% 23.0% 22.5% 7.6% -10.6% 3.8% 0.2% 12.1% 3.7% 11.4% -9.4% 3.6% 10.9% 14.1% -41.4% 5.9% 0.0% 5.2% 2.8% -5.9% 47.4% -64.8% -9.9% 120.0% 11.5% 41.9% 244.0% -97.8% -2.5% 94.2% -42.9% 38.5% -100.0% 385.7% -74.5% -6.8% 0.0% -90.6% 17.0% -31.3% 48.0% 0.0% 3.6% 100.0% Page 1 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 45 Return Checks 46 Refunds Deposit AMEX Canada Cash DINERS CLUB Insurance Jim Becknell Memorial Fund PayPal Transfer TICA TREND VISA/MC/DINERS Wire Transfer Yearbook Deposit - Other Jul - Dec 09 437.00 411.00 $ Change 419.00 1,069.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,264.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,112.78 % Change 18.00 -658.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,152.18 4.3% -61.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -69.1% Total Deposit -5,264.96 -2,862.78 -2,402.18 -83.9% Royal Canin Corporate Sponsor 15,000.00 18,500.00 -3,500.00 -18.9% 558,169.09 673,349.59 -115,180.50 -17.1% 558,169.09 673,349.59 -115,180.50 -17.1% Total Income Gross Profit Expense ADVERTISING/MARKETING Magazine ADVERTISING/MARKETING - Other 562.00 345.00 Total ADVERTISING/MARKETING ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM Audio Visual Banquet Expense Freight and Postage Plaques/Trophies Regional Rebate Rosettes Total ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM BANK Card Charges PayPal Fees Returned Checks Service Charges BANK - Other Total BANK 1,032.50 0.00 907.00 1,032.50 2,684.37 0.00 0.00 4,642.13 17,557.68 3,315.15 0.00 2,201.77 456.10 5,242.87 13,610.00 3,417.43 28,199.33 24,928.17 10,264.29 5,495.65 363.00 5,262.67 411.24 12,892.21 5,126.94 426.00 908.94 0.00 21,796.85 19,354.09 20 -470.50 345.00 -45.6% 100.0% -125.50 2,684.37 -2,201.77 -456.10 -600.74 3,947.68 -102.28 -12.2% 100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -11.5% 29.0% -3.0% 3,271.16 -2,627.92 368.71 -63.00 4,353.73 411.24 2,442.76 13.1% -20.4% 7.2% -14.8% 479.0% 100.0% 12.6% Page 2 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis BOARD MEETING EXPENSE Annual Meeting Appointed Officials - Lodging Appointed Officials - Per Diem Appointed Officials - Travel Board-Lodging Board-Per Diem Board-Travel Room/Refreshments/Supplies Annual Meeting - Other Total Annual Meeting EO Expense - Meeting Spring Meeting Appointed Officials-Lodging Board-Travel Jul - Dec 10 Jul - Dec 09 1,436.77 162.25 1,118.47 8,164.29 4,018.24 5,637.10 5,004.10 0.00 1,492.57 523.25 1,299.50 7,439.51 4,334.00 6,041.00 3,460.10 0.00 3.9% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,170.00 1,170.00 0.00 642.06 943.56 927.37 0.0% -100.0% -1,170.00 -100.0% -943.56 -285.31 -100.0% -30.8% 642.06 1,870.93 -1,228.87 -65.7% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 26,183.28 27,630.86 225.00 3,477.70 Total COMMUNICATIONS Software Supplies/Support 0.00 1,170.00 0.00 Total BOARD MEETING EXPENSE Total Programming -3.7% -69.0% -13.9% 9.7% -7.3% -6.7% 44.6% 0.0% 951.29 BOARD MEETING EXPENSE - Other COMPUTER Equipment Maintenance Programming Lesley Hart Loom Technologies Programming - Other -55.80 -361.00 -181.03 724.78 -315.76 -403.90 1,544.00 0.00 24,589.93 Total Winter Meeting COMMUNICATIONS Internet Charges Telephone % Change 25,541.22 Total Spring Meeting Winter Meeting Appointed Officials-Travel Board-Travel $ Change -1,447.58 0.00 2,936.60 3,702.70 225.00 541.10 2,936.60 507.18 65.73 2,467.98 658.16 855.60 32,641.05 0.00 1,219.60 30,563.40 0.00 -5.2% 100.0% 18.4% 766.10 26.1% -1,960.80 -592.43 -364.00 2,077.65 0.00 -79.5% -90.0% -29.9% 6.8% 0.0% 33,496.65 31,783.00 1,713.65 5.4% 895.24 1,728.82 2,254.75 596.42 -1,359.51 1,132.40 -60.3% 189.9% Total COMPUTER 36,693.62 37,760.31 -1,066.69 -2.8% CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 15,000.00 13,930.00 18,500.00 15,005.06 -3,500.00 -1,075.06 -18.9% -7.2% 21 Page 3 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS Gifts DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS - Other Jul - Dec 09 25.00 873.45 Total DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS FREIGHT AND POSTAGE Adjustments Ballot BOD/Officials Freight-Customers Freight-Show Supplies Freight-Yearbook Freight - Marketing Freight - TREND Other Freight Charges Postage Meter Total FREIGHT AND POSTAGE INSURANCE Director's Liability Insurance Emp Bond General/Administrative Property Total INSURANCE Interest Expense MARKETING Marketing Director Fees Supplies Total MARKETING OFFICE EQUIPMENT Leases Maintenance Purchase Repair Tax OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Other Total OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFFICE MAINTENANCE Repairs Total OFFICE MAINTENANCE $ Change 25.00 130.00 898.45 % Change 0.00 743.45 155.00 516.36 0.00 212.04 713.59 824.01 83.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,791.24 0.00 31.54 31.31 506.87 934.80 49.06 22.58 20.43 776.98 31,994.74 30,141.07 743.45 516.36 -31.54 180.73 206.72 -110.79 34.77 -22.58 -20.43 -776.98 -4,203.50 34,368.31 2,065.00 0.00 0.00 1,646.92 0.0% 571.9% 2,075.00 -158.05 0.00 1,865.97 479.7% 100.0% -100.0% 577.2% 40.8% -11.9% 70.9% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -13.1% -4,227.24 -10.00 158.05 0.00 -219.05 -12.3% -0.5% 100.0% 0.0% -11.7% 3,711.92 3,782.92 -71.00 -1.9% 448.09 447.30 0.79 0.2% 9,600.00 977.94 9,621.19 1,271.06 10,577.94 -21.19 -293.12 10,892.25 10,639.66 4,280.70 984.70 0.00 310.93 752.16 6,169.76 4,387.43 1,524.84 254.22 605.65 0.00 16,968.15 23.00 0.00 -2.9% 72.5% -2.4% -35.4% -100.0% -48.7% 100.0% 4,026.25 -23.00 23.00 22 -314.31 4,469.90 -106.73 -540.14 -254.22 -294.72 752.16 12,941.90 0.00 -0.2% -23.1% 31.1% -100.0% -23.00 -100.0% Page 4 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 OFFICE SUPPLIES Laminating Supplies Other Paper OFFICE SUPPLIES - Other 754.71 4,638.68 1,543.17 440.74 Total OFFICE SUPPLIES PAYROLL Contract Labor Employee Benefits Salary/Wages Taxes PAYROLL - Other PROFESSIONALS FEES Accounting and Audit Balloting Legal Payroll Preparation REIMBURSEMENTS Clerking Administrator Judging Administrator Postage/Supplies Total Judging Administrator Total RENT AND UTILITIES SECURITY TAXES Federal Franchise Property -2,412.72 -26.35 8,524.90 1,779.07 0.00 12,972.74 6,840.42 3,186.52 17,952.69 116.31 9,677.00 99.8% 10.3% -71.3% -82.93 216.38 3,435.32 14,940.00 -2.8% 100.0% 100.0% -11.9% -82.93 143.73 -21.9% 10.28 116.31 33.38 -30.7% 8.0% -50.7% -250.00 9.47 10,000.00 -82.47 100.07 33.38 3.6% -5,046.99 9,695.20 110.35 -100.0% -0.8% 4.3% 11.5% 0.0% -3,980.90 547.75 -1,613.84 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 695.20 19,372.20 3.0% 7,864.90 22,999.68 8,750.00 9.47 10,000.00 612.73 3.9% -19.6% 131.4% 100.0% 214.03 221,698.30 8,991.84 7,388.17 1,572.68 Total REIMBURSEMENTS RENT AND UTILITIES Custodial Rent 28.12 -1,130.96 876.13 440.74 2,412.72 3,154.68 200,661.13 15,469.77 0.00 229,563.20 Total PROFESSIONALS FEES % Change 7,163.27 0.00 3,128.33 209,186.03 17,248.84 0.00 Total PRINTING $ Change 726.59 5,769.64 667.04 0.00 7,377.30 Total PAYROLL PRINTING Administration Judges Books Other Jul - Dec 09 2,970.00 14,940.00 -71.3% -72.65 465.32 0.00 -33.6% 15.7% 0.0% 18,375.32 17,910.00 465.32 2.6% 167.79 292.29 -124.50 -42.6% 1,352.48 0.00 2,136.35 0.00 419.27 1,877.72 23 1,352.48 -419.27 258.63 100.0% -100.0% 13.8% Page 5 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 State Texas Sales Tax State - Other Jul - Dec 09 147.84 0.00 Total State 0.00 -115.01 147.84 Total TAXES Total TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS TREND EXPENSES Commission Editorial Fees Publishing and Distributuion Total Editorial Fees Freight Publishing Reimbursed Expenses Total YEARBOOK Total Expense Net Ordinary Income -100.0% -100.0% -20.7% -24.1% -14,404.96 -1,000.00 -5,000.00 -24.4% -33.3% -50.0% 7,000.00 13,000.00 -6,000.00 -46.2% 517.54 0.00 658.68 0.00 34,500.00 935.51 517.54 -34,500.00 -276.83 100.0% -100.0% -29.6% 8,176.22 48,435.51 -40,259.29 -83.1% 558,536.53 600,395.83 -41,859.30 -7.0% -367.44 72,953.76 -73,321.20 -100.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Total Other Income Total Paypal Expense -100.0% -731.75 -2,350.00 -11,323.21 3,000.00 10,000.00 66.7% -1,026.98 59,017.97 2,000.00 5,000.00 Other Income/Expense Other Income Other Income Transfer from Paypal Other Expense Paypal Expense Refund Paypal Expense - Other -1,026.98 731.75 11,350.00 46,936.22 44,613.01 228.6% 1,454.69 1,026.98 0.00 9,000.00 35,613.01 Total TREND EXPENSES YEARBOOK Editorial Fees Assistant Editor Fees Editor Fees 1,026.98 0.00 100.0% 100.0% 262.85 2,181.98 0.00 % Change 147.84 115.01 -115.01 3,636.67 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS Officers $ Change 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Page 6 TICA 11:36 AM Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Refund Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Jul - Dec 09 $ Change % Change 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% -367.44 72,953.76 -73,321.20 -100.5% 25 Page 7 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 01 Memberships 02 Family Memberships 03 International Memberships 04 Additional Breed Sections 05 Cattery Registrations 06 Individual Registrations 07 Blue Slips 08 Litter Registrations 09 HHP Registrations 10 Transfers/Leases 11 Dup/Corr/Add or Delete Suff 12 Title Confirmations 13 Supreme Title Confirmations 14 Cert 3-Gen Pedigrees 15 Cert 5-Gen Pedigrees 16 Club Charters 17 Club Fees Renewals 18 Judges Fees 19 Show License Fees 20 Annual Awards Fees 21 Show Insurance Fees 22 Publications 23 TICA TREND 24 TICA Yearbook 25 Miscellaneous 26 COE/OSTD Cattery 27 Election Filing Fees 28 Wire Transfer Fees 29 Donations 30 Clerking Fees 31 OS/OD/LA 32 Annual Awards Dup/Frt 33 Website Breeder Listings 34 Website Banner Ads 35 Website Classified Ads 36 Website Online Store 37 Rush 38 Ballot Fees 39 Complaint Fees 40 Shipping Fees 41 Sponsor Fees 42 Late Fees (Judges/Pstg Due/ 43 44 Return Check Svc/Handling 45 Rtnd Chks/Handling Fees Budget 27,590.00 570.00 20,915.00 740.00 30,690.00 22,516.00 106,553.00 73,702.00 1,832.00 11,102.00 8,306.00 15,310.00 1,910.00 31,700.00 59,075.00 425.00 1,530.00 3,450.00 21,870.00 28,580.00 10,158.00 56.00 6,768.00 34,765.45 712.90 1,015.00 220.00 430.00 2,685.76 590.00 505.00 368.00 3,455.00 0.00 680.00 319.00 10,790.00 0.00 100.00 590.94 2,750.00 1,845.00 0.00 404.00 12.00 26 $ Over Budget % of Budget 23,876.36 728.53 18,705.00 462.00 28,954.27 26,667.19 104,070.36 74,053.11 1,363.00 10,246.00 6,085.72 15,448.00 2,243.00 29,350.00 53,877.12 975.00 1,370.00 4,006.51 18,632.00 26,510.80 10,260.00 118.00 18,607.00 35,144.80 330.00 610.00 3,713.64 -158.53 2,210.00 278.00 1,735.73 -4,151.19 2,482.64 -351.11 469.00 856.00 2,220.28 -138.00 -333.00 2,350.00 5,197.88 -550.00 160.00 -556.51 3,238.00 2,069.20 -102.00 -62.00 -11,839.00 -379.35 382.90 405.00 115.6% 78.2% 111.8% 160.2% 106.0% 84.4% 102.4% 99.5% 134.4% 108.4% 136.5% 99.1% 85.2% 108.0% 109.6% 43.6% 111.7% 86.1% 117.4% 107.8% 99.0% 47.5% 36.4% 98.9% 216.0% 166.4% 568.00 228.00 152.00 476.00 1,035.00 0.00 80.00 1,075.00 7,758.60 0.00 345.60 244.78 2,800.00 120.00 2,117.76 362.00 353.00 -108.00 2,420.00 0.00 600.00 -756.00 3,031.40 0.00 -245.60 346.16 -50.00 1,725.00 472.8% 258.8% 332.2% 77.3% 333.8% 0.0% 850.0% 29.7% 139.1% 0.0% 28.9% 241.4% 98.2% 1,537.5% Page 1 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 45 Return Checks 46 Refunds Deposit AMEX Canada Cash DINERS CLUB Insurance PayPal Transfer TICA TREND VISA/MC/DINERS Wire Transfer Yearbook Deposit - Other Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget 437.00 411.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,264.96 Total Deposit -5,264.96 Royal Canin Corporate Sponsor 15,000.00 18,500.00 -3,500.00 81.1% 558,169.09 546,076.75 12,092.34 102.2% 558,169.09 546,076.75 12,092.34 102.2% Total Income Gross Profit Expense ADVERTISING/MARKETING Magazine ADVERTISING/MARKETING - Other 562.00 345.00 Total ADVERTISING/MARKETING ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM Audio Visual Banquet Expense Freight and Postage Plaques/Trophies Regional Rebate Rosettes Total ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM BANK Card Charges PayPal Fees Returned Checks Service Charges BANK - Other Total BANK 900.00 907.00 -338.00 900.00 2,684.37 0.00 0.00 4,642.13 17,557.68 3,315.15 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 3,500.00 28,199.33 27,000.00 10,264.29 5,495.65 363.00 5,262.67 411.24 12,320.00 5,400.00 21,796.85 17,720.00 27 62.4% 7.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 -357.87 557.68 -184.85 100.8% 0.0% 0.0% 92.8% 103.3% 94.7% 1,199.33 -2,055.71 95.65 4,076.85 104.4% 83.3% 101.8% 123.0% Page 2 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 BOARD MEETING EXPENSE Annual Meeting Appointed Officials - Lodging Appointed Officials - Per Diem Appointed Officials - Travel Board-Lodging Board-Per Diem Board-Travel Room/Refreshments/Supplies Annual Meeting - Other Total Annual Meeting Winter Meeting Appointed Officials-Travel Board-Travel 1,436.77 162.25 1,118.47 8,164.29 4,018.24 5,637.10 5,004.10 0.00 22,500.00 95.8% 32.5% 223.7% 102.1% 100.5% 94.0% 250.2% 3,041.22 113.5% 0.00 26,183.28 22,500.00 3,683.28 116.4% 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.0% 225.00 3,477.70 Total COMMUNICATIONS Software Supplies/Support -63.23 -337.75 618.47 164.29 18.24 -362.90 3,004.10 642.06 Total BOARD MEETING EXPENSE Total Programming % of Budget 0.00 642.06 BOARD MEETING EXPENSE - Other COMPUTER Equipment Maintenance Programming Lesley Hart Loom Technologies $ Over Budget 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 25,541.22 Total Winter Meeting COMMITTEES COMMUNICATIONS Internet Charges Telephone Budget 3,300.00 3,702.70 177.70 3,300.00 105.4% 402.70 112.2% 507.18 65.73 855.60 32,641.05 1,800.00 39,000.00 -944.40 -6,358.95 47.5% 83.7% 33,496.65 40,800.00 -7,303.35 82.1% 895.24 1,728.82 1,200.00 600.00 -304.76 1,128.82 74.6% 288.1% Total COMPUTER 36,693.62 42,600.00 -5,906.38 86.1% CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS Gifts DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS - Other 15,000.00 13,930.00 18,500.00 15,004.00 -3,500.00 -1,074.00 81.1% 92.8% Total DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS 25.00 873.45 300.00 898.45 573.45 300.00 28 291.2% 598.45 299.5% Page 3 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 FREIGHT AND POSTAGE Adjustments BOD/Officials Freight-Customers Freight-Show Supplies Freight-Yearbook Other Freight Charges Postage Meter Total FREIGHT AND POSTAGE INSURANCE Director's Liability Insurance General/Administrative Property Total INSURANCE Interest Expense MARKETING Marketing Director Fees Supplies Total MARKETING OFFICE EQUIPMENT Leases Maintenance Purchase Tax OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Other Total OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFFICE MAINTENANCE Repairs Budget 516.36 212.04 713.59 824.01 83.83 0.00 27,791.24 30,141.07 Total OFFICE SUPPLIES % of Budget 600.00 920.00 113.59 -95.99 118.9% 89.6% 500.00 28,000.00 -500.00 -208.76 0.0% 99.3% 30,020.00 2,065.00 0.00 1,646.92 121.07 100.4% 2,000.00 65.00 103.3% 2,000.00 -353.08 82.3% 3,711.92 4,000.00 -288.08 92.8% 448.09 490.00 -41.91 91.4% 9,600.00 977.94 9,600.00 1,800.00 10,577.94 0.00 -822.06 11,400.00 10,639.66 4,280.70 984.70 310.93 752.16 12,000.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 16,968.15 460.00 0.00 754.71 4,638.68 1,543.17 440.74 750.00 6,500.00 1,800.00 7,377.30 9,050.00 29 92.8% 88.7% 89.2% 98.5% -831.85 -460.00 460.00 100.0% 54.3% -822.06 -1,360.34 -519.30 -15.30 17,800.00 0.00 Total OFFICE MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES Laminating Supplies Other Paper OFFICE SUPPLIES - Other $ Over Budget 95.3% 0.0% -460.00 4.71 -1,861.32 -256.83 -1,672.70 0.0% 100.6% 71.4% 85.7% 81.5% Page 4 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 PAYROLL Contract Labor Employee Benefits Salary/Wages Taxes PAYROLL - Other 0.00 3,128.33 209,186.03 17,248.84 0.00 Total PAYROLL PRINTING Administration Judges Books Other 17,952.69 REIMBURSEMENTS Clerking Administrator Judging Administrator Postage/Supplies 19,372.20 Total TAXES TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS Officers Total TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 500.00 1,072.68 314.5% 5,452.69 143.6% 9,000.00 -250.00 97.2% 5,000.00 670.00 5,000.00 -57.27 200.0% 91.5% 100.00 143.73 4,702.20 10.35 100.00 3,435.32 14,940.00 Total RENT AND UTILITIES Total State 74.9% 132.1% 110.4% 33.38 Total REIMBURSEMENTS SECURITY TAXES Federal Property State Texas Sales Tax 89.7% 33.38 Total Judging Administrator RENT AND UTILITIES Custodial Rent -26,256.80 -3,008.16 14,670.00 110.35 0.0% 100.9% 93.3% 62.7% 12,000.00 12,500.00 8,750.00 9.47 10,000.00 612.73 % of Budget -920.00 28.33 -15,113.97 -10,251.16 255,820.00 8,991.84 7,388.17 1,572.68 Total PROFESSIONALS FEES $ Over Budget 920.00 3,100.00 224,300.00 27,500.00 229,563.20 Total PRINTING PROFESSIONALS FEES Accounting and Audit Balloting Legal Payroll Preparation Budget 2,970.00 14,940.00 43.73 465.32 0.00 143.7% 115.7% 100.0% 18,375.32 17,910.00 465.32 102.6% 167.79 300.00 -132.21 55.9% 1,352.48 2,136.35 147.84 147.84 3,636.67 0.00 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 30 -1,400.00 -1,400.00 0.0% 0.0% Page 5 TICA 11:41 AM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 TREND EXPENSES Editorial Fees Publishing and Distributuion 9,000.00 35,613.01 Total TREND EXPENSES YEARBOOK Editorial Fees Assistant Editor Fees Editor Fees Total Editorial Fees Freight Publishing Reimbursed Expenses Total YEARBOOK Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Expense Paypal Expense Refund Budget 9,000.00 45,000.00 44,613.01 3,000.00 10,000.00 -9,386.99 -1,000.00 -5,000.00 82.6% 66.7% 50.0% 13,000.00 -6,000.00 53.8% 517.54 0.00 658.68 34,500.00 1,000.00 -34,500.00 -341.32 0.0% 65.9% 8,176.22 48,500.00 -40,323.78 16.9% 558,536.53 627,244.00 -68,707.47 89.0% -367.44 -81,167.25 80,799.81 0.5% -81,167.25 80,799.81 0.5% 0.00 Refund 0.00 Net Income 100.0% 79.1% 7,000.00 0.00 Net Other Income % of Budget 0.00 -9,386.99 54,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 Total Paypal Expense Total Other Expense $ Over Budget 0.00 0.00 -367.44 31 Page 6 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 01 Memberships 02 Family Memberships 03 International Memberships 04 Additional Breed Sections 05 Cattery Registrations 06 Individual Registrations 07 Blue Slips 08 Litter Registrations 09 HHP Registrations 10 Transfers/Leases 11 Dup/Corr/Add or Delete Suff 12 Title Confirmations 13 Supreme Title Confirmations 14 Cert 3-Gen Pedigrees 15 Cert 5-Gen Pedigrees 16 Club Charters 17 Club Fees Renewals 18 Judges Fees 19 Show License Fees 20 Annual Awards Fees 21 Show Insurance Fees 22 Publications 23 TICA TREND 24 TICA Yearbook 25 Miscellaneous 26 COE/OSTD Cattery 27 Election Filing Fees 28 Wire Transfer Fees 29 Donations 30 Clerking Fees 31 OS/OD/LA 32 Annual Awards Dup/Frt 33 Website Breeder Listings 34 Website Banner Ads 35 Website Classified Ads 36 Website Online Store 37 Rush 38 Ballot Fees 39 Complaint Fees 40 Shipping Fees 41 Sponsor Fees 42 Late Fees (Judges/Pstg Due/ 43 44 Return Check Svc/Handling 45 Rtnd Chks/Handling Fees 45 Return Checks 46 Refunds 27,590.00 570.00 20,915.00 740.00 30,690.00 22,516.00 106,553.00 73,702.00 1,832.00 11,102.00 8,306.00 15,310.00 1,910.00 31,700.00 59,075.00 425.00 1,530.00 3,450.00 21,870.00 28,580.00 10,158.00 56.00 6,768.00 34,765.45 712.90 1,015.00 220.00 430.00 2,685.76 590.00 505.00 368.00 3,455.00 0.00 680.00 319.00 10,790.00 0.00 100.00 590.94 2,750.00 1,845.00 0.00 404.00 12.00 437.00 411.00 Budget Jul - Dec 10 23,876.36 728.53 18,705.00 462.00 28,954.27 26,667.19 104,070.36 74,053.11 1,363.00 10,246.00 6,085.72 15,448.00 2,243.00 29,350.00 53,877.12 975.00 1,370.00 4,006.51 18,632.00 26,510.80 10,260.00 118.00 18,607.00 35,144.80 330.00 610.00 568.00 228.00 152.00 476.00 1,035.00 0.00 80.00 1,075.00 7,758.60 0.00 345.60 244.78 2,800.00 120.00 32 27,590.00 570.00 20,915.00 740.00 30,690.00 22,516.00 106,553.00 73,702.00 1,832.00 11,102.00 8,306.00 15,310.00 1,910.00 31,700.00 59,075.00 425.00 1,530.00 3,450.00 21,870.00 28,580.00 10,158.00 56.00 6,768.00 34,765.45 712.90 1,015.00 220.00 430.00 2,685.76 590.00 505.00 368.00 3,455.00 0.00 680.00 319.00 10,790.00 0.00 100.00 590.94 2,750.00 1,845.00 0.00 404.00 12.00 437.00 411.00 YTD Budget Annual Budget 23,876.36 728.53 18,705.00 462.00 28,954.27 26,667.19 104,070.36 74,053.11 1,363.00 10,246.00 6,085.72 15,448.00 2,243.00 29,350.00 53,877.12 975.00 1,370.00 4,006.51 18,632.00 26,510.80 10,260.00 118.00 18,607.00 35,144.80 330.00 610.00 94,000.00 2,800.00 64,000.00 1,500.00 61,000.00 52,000.00 204,000.00 145,000.00 3,000.00 21,000.00 13,000.00 32,000.00 6,000.00 62,000.00 111,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,900.00 38,500.00 52,500.00 21,000.00 200.00 30,000.00 42,000.00 500.00 1,200.00 568.00 228.00 152.00 476.00 1,035.00 0.00 80.00 1,075.00 7,758.60 0.00 345.60 244.78 2,800.00 120.00 2,000.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 4,000.00 0.00 200.00 1,200.00 14,000.00 0.00 400.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 300.00 0.00 Page 1 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Deposit AMEX Canada Cash DINERS CLUB Insurance PayPal Transfer TICA TREND VISA/MC/DINERS Wire Transfer Yearbook Deposit - Other Budget Jul - Dec 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,264.96 YTD Budget Annual Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,264.96 Total Deposit -5,264.96 Royal Canin Corporate Sponsor 15,000.00 18,500.00 15,000.00 18,500.00 40,000.00 558,169.09 546,076.75 558,169.09 546,076.75 1,140,150.00 558,169.09 546,076.75 558,169.09 546,076.75 1,140,150.00 Total Income Gross Profit Expense ADVERTISING/MARKETING Magazine ADVERTISING/MARKETING - Other 562.00 345.00 2,684.37 0.00 0.00 4,642.13 17,557.68 3,315.15 10,264.29 5,495.65 363.00 5,262.67 411.24 Total Annual Meeting 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 3,500.00 12,320.00 5,400.00 1,436.77 162.25 1,118.47 8,164.29 4,018.24 5,637.10 5,004.10 0.00 25,541.22 2,684.37 0.00 0.00 4,642.13 17,557.68 3,315.15 10,264.29 5,495.65 363.00 5,262.67 411.24 22,500.00 33 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 3,500.00 25,541.22 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 3,500.00 27,000.00 12,320.00 5,400.00 21,796.85 1,436.77 162.25 1,118.47 8,164.29 4,018.24 5,637.10 5,004.10 0.00 1,500.00 900.00 28,199.33 17,720.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 900.00 907.00 27,000.00 21,796.85 Total BANK BOARD MEETING EXPENSE Annual Meeting Appointed Officials - Lodging Appointed Officials - Per Diem Appointed Officials - Travel Board-Lodging Board-Per Diem Board-Travel Room/Refreshments/Supplies Annual Meeting - Other 562.00 345.00 900.00 28,199.33 Total ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM BANK Card Charges PayPal Fees Returned Checks Service Charges BANK - Other 900.00 907.00 Total ADVERTISING/MARKETING ANNUAL AWARDS PROGRAM Audio Visual Banquet Expense Freight and Postage Plaques/Trophies Regional Rebate Rosettes -5,264.96 27,000.00 24,200.00 10,800.00 17,720.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 22,500.00 35,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 22,500.00 Page 2 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Spring Meeting Board-Lodging Board-Travel Total BOARD MEETING EXPENSE COMPUTER Equipment Maintenance Programming Lesley Hart Loom Technologies Total Programming Software Supplies/Support 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 642.06 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 5,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 642.06 642.06 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 26,183.28 22,500.00 26,183.28 22,500.00 39,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 225.00 3,477.70 225.00 3,477.70 3,300.00 3,702.70 Total COMMUNICATIONS Annual Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 642.06 0.00 0.00 BOARD MEETING EXPENSE - Oth... YTD Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Winter Meeting COMMITTEES COMMUNICATIONS Internet Charges Telephone Jul - Dec 10 0.00 0.00 Total Spring Meeting Winter Meeting Appointed Officials-Lodging Appointed Officials-Per Diem Appointed Officials-Travel Board-Lodging Board-Travel Board -Per Diem Room/Refreshments/Supplies Budget 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,702.70 507.18 65.73 6,500.00 3,300.00 6,500.00 507.18 65.73 855.60 32,641.05 1,800.00 39,000.00 855.60 32,641.05 1,800.00 39,000.00 3,600.00 78,000.00 33,496.65 40,800.00 33,496.65 40,800.00 81,600.00 895.24 1,728.82 1,200.00 600.00 895.24 1,728.82 1,200.00 600.00 2,400.00 1,200.00 Total COMPUTER 36,693.62 42,600.00 36,693.62 42,600.00 85,200.00 CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS Gifts DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS - Other 15,000.00 13,930.00 18,500.00 15,004.00 15,000.00 13,930.00 18,500.00 15,004.00 21,000.00 30,011.00 25.00 873.45 898.45 Total DUES/MISC/SUBS/GIFTS FREIGHT AND POSTAGE Adjustments BOD/Officials Freight-Customers Freight-Show Supplies Freight-Yearbook Other Freight Charges Postage Meter Total FREIGHT AND POSTAGE 25.00 873.45 300.00 516.36 212.04 713.59 824.01 83.83 0.00 27,791.24 30,141.07 300.00 600.00 920.00 500.00 28,000.00 30,020.00 34 300.00 898.45 516.36 212.04 713.59 824.01 83.83 0.00 27,791.24 30,141.07 1,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 600.00 920.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 28,000.00 500.00 52,000.00 30,020.00 55,000.00 Page 3 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 INSURANCE Director's Liability Insurance General/Administrative Judge's Liability Property Show Liability Total INSURANCE Interest Expense MARKETING Marketing Director Fees Supplies Total MARKETING OFFICE EQUIPMENT Leases Maintenance Purchase Tax OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Other Total OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFFICE MAINTENANCE Repairs Budget 2,065.00 0.00 0.00 1,646.92 0.00 Total OFFICE SUPPLIES PAYROLL Contract Labor Employee Benefits Salary/Wages Taxes PAYROLL - Other Total PAYROLL PRINTING Administration Judges Books Other Total PRINTING PROFESSIONALS FEES Accounting and Audit Balloting Legal Payroll Preparation Total PROFESSIONALS FEES 2,000.00 YTD Budget 2,065.00 0.00 0.00 1,646.92 0.00 2,000.00 Annual Budget 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 18,500.00 2,000.00 3,711.92 4,000.00 3,711.92 4,000.00 25,000.00 448.09 490.00 448.09 490.00 1,000.00 9,600.00 977.94 9,600.00 1,800.00 10,577.94 10,639.66 4,280.70 984.70 310.93 752.16 9,600.00 977.94 11,400.00 12,000.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 16,968.15 0.00 460.00 754.71 4,638.68 1,543.17 440.74 7,377.30 0.00 3,128.33 209,186.03 17,248.84 0.00 229,563.20 8,991.84 7,388.17 1,572.68 17,952.69 8,750.00 9.47 10,000.00 612.73 19,372.20 9,600.00 1,800.00 10,577.94 10,639.66 4,280.70 984.70 310.93 752.16 17,800.00 0.00 Total OFFICE MAINTENANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES Laminating Supplies Other Paper OFFICE SUPPLIES - Other Jul - Dec 10 0.00 750.00 6,500.00 1,800.00 9,050.00 920.00 3,100.00 224,300.00 27,500.00 255,820.00 12,000.00 500.00 12,500.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 670.00 14,670.00 35 11,400.00 12,000.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 16,968.15 460.00 19,200.00 2,800.00 24,000.00 9,600.00 1,400.00 17,800.00 460.00 0.00 754.71 4,638.68 1,543.17 440.74 7,377.30 0.00 3,128.33 209,186.03 17,248.84 0.00 229,563.20 8,991.84 7,388.17 1,572.68 17,952.69 8,750.00 9.47 10,000.00 612.73 19,372.20 22,000.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 460.00 750.00 6,500.00 1,800.00 9,050.00 920.00 3,100.00 224,300.00 27,500.00 255,820.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 13,000.00 3,600.00 18,000.00 2,000.00 6,200.00 446,600.00 54,500.00 509,300.00 12,000.00 24,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 12,500.00 9,000.00 5,000.00 670.00 14,670.00 25,000.00 9,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 1,300.00 24,300.00 Page 4 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 REIMBURSEMENTS Clerking Administrator Judging Administrator Fees Postage/Supplies Budget 110.35 3,435.32 14,940.00 Total Editorial Fees Freight Publishing Reimbursed Expenses Total YEARBOOK Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 500.00 143.73 3,435.32 14,940.00 100.00 2,970.00 14,940.00 800.00 5,720.00 29,880.00 17,910.00 18,375.32 17,910.00 35,600.00 167.79 300.00 167.79 300.00 500.00 1,352.48 0.00 2,136.35 0.00 4,000.00 147.84 147.84 147.84 3,636.67 0.00 3,636.67 1,400.00 0.00 9,000.00 35,613.01 9,000.00 45,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 517.54 0.00 658.68 4,000.00 1,400.00 0.00 9,000.00 35,613.01 54,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 1,400.00 44,613.01 Total TREND EXPENSES 300.00 18,375.32 Total TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS YEARBOOK Editorial Fees Assistant Editor Fees Editor Fees 2,970.00 14,940.00 147.84 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS Officers 100.00 500.00 100.00 1,352.48 0.00 2,136.35 Total TAXES Annual Budget 33.38 143.73 Total State TREND EXPENSES Editorial Fees Publishing and Distributuion 110.35 33.38 Total RENT AND UTILITIES YTD Budget 0.00 33.38 Total REIMBURSEMENTS SECURITY TAXES Federal Franchise Property State Texas Sales Tax 100.00 0.00 33.38 Total Judging Administrator RENT AND UTILITIES Custodial Rent Jul - Dec 10 9,000.00 45,000.00 44,613.01 2,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,400.00 2,500.00 18,000.00 82,000.00 54,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 100,000.00 4,000.00 12,500.00 13,000.00 7,000.00 13,000.00 16,500.00 34,500.00 1,000.00 517.54 0.00 658.68 34,500.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 34,500.00 2,000.00 8,176.22 48,500.00 8,176.22 48,500.00 60,000.00 558,536.53 627,244.00 558,536.53 627,244.00 1,166,211.00 -367.44 -81,167.25 -367.44 -81,167.25 -26,061.00 36 Page 5 TICA 11:44 AM Profit & Loss Budget Performance July through December 2010 Accrual Basis Jul - Dec 10 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Paypal Expense Refund Budget Jul - Dec 10 0.00 YTD Budget 0.00 Total Paypal Expense 0.00 0.00 Refund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Annual Budget -367.44 -81,167.25 37 -367.44 -81,167.25 -26,061.00 Page 6 Fee Comparisons - TICA and main competitor registries Item Notes A B 1 year Membership (N Am) 1 year Membership (Int) TICA CFA USD 35 40 USD n/a n/a GCCF GBP n/a n/a USD Felis Danica DKK USD n/a 300 52 FIFe Felis Britannica GBP USD 14 to 25 23 to 41 0 to 2 0 to 3 Membership application processing fee 1 year breeder membership 1 year family membership 1 year non-voting membership Cattery Registration Fee Cattery Renewal Fee Addition of Suffix Cattery Evaluation C D Individual Registration of a cat (from certified ped) Registration Fee for Litter Registration (Dam & Sire) Registration Fee for Litter Registration (Dam only) Registration Fee for "blue slip" Registration fee per kitten 4 gen Pedigree for a kitten Registration certificate for a kitten Registration Fee for HHP Registration Fee - transfer from Ped to HHP Transfer of Ownership Certifed Pedigree (3 generation) Certifed Pedigree (4 generation) Certifed Pedigree (5 generation) Certifed Pedigree (6 generation) Vertical Pedigree Report Progeny Report Cattery Report (all cats registered with that cattery) Confirmation of Title - Champion Confirmation of Title - Supreme E K J F,G H Duplicate Documents Correction Fee per document 1.DEKZV Euro USD 16 95 18 52 23 135 26 74 Germany Euro USD 50 none 7 15 75 25 8 75 none n/a 122 600 none n/a n/a 105 50 none n/a n/a 81 51 none n/a n/a 72 55 none 78 17 12 15 12 12 40 15 n/a 17 10 54 5 27 n/a 8 88 8 44 400 n/a n/a n/a 200 70 15 5 7.5 n/a 7.5 24 8 12 25 n/a n/a 36 21 30 12 11.5 18.5 11.5 16 26 9 14 9 25 n/a 50 n/a 10 10 n/a 5 10 n/a n/a 11 10 25 35 n/a n/a n/a 4/page n/a n/a 2.5 n/a 4 n/a 15 20 30 45 60 n/a 20 10 15 n/a 11 n/a 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 16 12 17 28 16.5 23 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 18 16 41 57 7/page 18 18 35 n/a n/a 150 n/a n/a 150 150 n/a n/a n/a free free free free 200 125 35 22 26 n/a n/a 26 26 3 to 5 3 to 5 5 to 8 5 to 8 * WCF fees in Germany not fully explored due to language barriers Conversion Rates: Danish Kroner (DKK) to USD based on info from Pil Refstrup English Pounds (GBP) to USD based on MSN rate as at Nov 4 2010 Euro (EUR) to USD based on Citbank rate as at 4 Nov 2010 Australian Dollars to US Dollars based on rate 1.6276 1.4209 0.9724 Notes: A B C D E F G H J K Sources: Fees.htm CFA does not require individual membership Individuals do not become members of GCCF, but registration means that they agree to be bound by GCCF Rules In the UK, FIFe membership fees vary between constituent clubs. Denmark and Germany have a single membership fee TICA's international Incentive reduces this to $25 if accompanied by at least 5 cats registered elsewhere and being imported into TICA CFA requires a renewal fee paid every 5 years, ANC (Australia) also every 5 years with a lifetime fee of 200AUD ($194) CFA and Felis Danica require both Sire and Dam to be registered with them. Other FIFe clubs are more accommodating A FIFe Registration document automatically includes a 4 generation certified pedigree FIFe registrations are carried out by the individual FIFe members - there is no central pedigree registry Felis Britannica fees depend upon the individual member clubs, they are not set centrally German clubs (FIFe and WCF) charge a fine of 3 to 4 Euros per week per litter for late registration of kittens after 4 (or 8) weeks old CFA rewards prompt application of registration documents (e.g. Early Bird Transfer within 30 days is $10) 38 WCF Spain Euro USD 45 64 50 71 Australia AUD USD 45 44 13 13 20 19 85 85 83 83 20 to 40 15 19 to 39 15 7 10 15 15 18 to 25 26 to 36 25 24 15 30 15 29 15 15 15 15 25 24 7 10 Proposed TICA Fee Adjustments Notes Proposed 1 year Membership (N Am) 1 year Membership (Int) A B TICA CFA USD 35 40 USD n/a n/a GCCF GBP n/a n/a USD FIFe Felis Danica Felis Britannica 1.DEKZV DKK USD GBP USD Euro USD n/a 300 52 4 to 2 23 to 41 Membership application processing fee 1 year breeder membership 1 year family membership 1 year non-voting membership Cattery Registration Fee Cattery Renewal Fee Addition of Suffix Cattery Evaluation 0 to 2 C D Individual Registration of a cat (from certified ped) Registration Fee for Litter Registration (Dam & Sire) Registration Fee for Litter Registration (Dam only) E Registration Fee for "blue slip" K Registration fee per kitten J 4 gen Pedigree for a kitten Registration certificate for a kitten Registration Fee for HHP Registration Fee - transfer from Ped to HHP Transfer of Ownership Certifed Pedigree (3 generation) Certifed Pedigree (4 generation) F,G Certifed Pedigree (5 generation) Certifed Pedigree (6 generation) Vertical Pedigree Report Progeny Report Cattery Report (all cats registered with that cattery) Confirmation of Title - Champion H Confirmation of Title - Supreme Duplicate Documents Correction Fee per document 75-100 8 20 15 15 15 10 15 15 10 10 0 to 3 16 95 18 52 23 135 26 74 Germany* Euro USD 45 50 none 7 15 75 25 8 75 none n/a 122 600 none n/a n/a 105 50 none n/a n/a 81 51 none n/a n/a 72 55 none 78 17 12 15 12 12 40 15 n/a 17 10 55 5 27.5 n/a 9 90 8 45 400 n/a n/a n/a 200 70 15 5 7.5 n/a 7.5 24 8 12 25 n/a n/a 36 21 30 12 11.5 18.5 11.5 16 26 9 14 9 25 n/a 50 n/a 10 10 n/a 5 10 n/a n/a 12 20 15 24 28 46 36 59 n/a n/a n/a 0/pag 16/page n/a n/a n/a n/a 150 n/a n/a 150 150 n/a n/a n/a free free 2.5 n/a 4 n/a 15 20 30 45 60 n/a 20 10 15 n/a 16 12 17 28 16.5 23 free free 11 n/a 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9 9 10 10 12.5 12.5 200 125 35 22 15 20 20 35 26 n/a n/a 26 26 1.6276 1.4209 0.9724 39 3 to 5 3 to 5 5 to 8 5 to 8 WCF Spain Euro USD 50 64 71 Australia AUD USD 45 44 13 13 20 19 85 85 83 83 20-40 20 to 4 19 to 39 15 15 7 10 8 to 2 26 to 36 7 10 15 15 25 24 15 30 15 29 15 15 15 15 25 24 Notes: A B C D E F G H J K CFA does not require individual membership Individuals do not become members of GCCF, but registration means that they agree to be bound by GCCF Rules In the UK, FIFe membership fees vary between constituent clubs. Denmark and Germany have a single membership fee TICA's international Incentive reduces this to $25 if accompanied by at least 5 cats registered elsewhere CFA requires a renewal fee paid every 5 years, ANC (Australia) also every 5 years with a lifetime fee of 200AUD ($194) CFA and Felis Danica require both Sire and Dam to be registered with them. Other FIFe clubs are more accommodating A FIFe Registration document automatically includes a 4 generation certified pedigree FIFe registrations are carried out by the individual FIFe members - there is no central pedigree registry Felis Britannica fees depend upon the individual member clubs, they are not set centrally German clubs (FIFe and WCF) charge a fine of 3 to 4 Euros per week per litter for late registration of kittens after 4 (or 8) weeks old CFA rewards prompt application of registration documents (e.g. Early Bird Transfer within 30 days is $10) 40 Amend Standing Rules 1019.2, 1019.2.1 & 1019.2.2 (V. Fisher) 11/28/2010 1019.2 The following shall be included in every issue of the TICA TREND: Names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Board Members, Judges and Judge Trainees; Names and addresses of Show Reporters; Show Calendar; Results of Board Mail Ballots; Temporary Suspensions List; Judging Program - Notices of Intent; Late Judges Books; Disciplinary Actions; Dates/Locations of Annual/Winter/Spring Meetings. 1019.2.1 The following shall be included in at least three two issues of the TICA TREND per year: Names, addresses, phone numbers of Breed Committee Chairs, Standing Committee Chairs , Judges and Judge Trainees; List of Standing Committee Members; List of Clerks. Names and addresses of Show Reporters 1019.2.2 The following shall be published in the TICA TREND as required: Board Meeting Minutes in the first available TICA TREND following Board Meetings; Results of Board Mail Ballots; Quarterly financial report and Annual audit report of the Association; Regional Awards (Aug/Sep); International Awards (Oct/Nov); Candidate Election Statements (Aug/Sep, Oct/Nov); Hall of Fame, TICA Treasure, Lifetime Achievement; Judge of the Year/Member of the Year Ballots; Annual Service Awards; Membership Ballot Results; Photos of Applicants to the Judging Program; Notices of Intent - Breed/Trait Advancements; Officers’ Reports; Recall Petitions/Rebuttals; Initiative and Referendum/Rebuttals.; Five-year chart showing membership numbers by region (Feb/Mar). 1019.2.3 Each issue of the TICA TREND shall contain current news of the Association, informative articles, paid advertisement, and any other material authorized by the Board of Directors or dictated by the rules of this Association. Comments: KV: ! ! ! ! ! ! Who is the main target of the TREND and what is the TREND for? Do we really need it anymore with all the information on the web? We should start something like a cat almanac with a centerfold section highlighting a specific breed with lots of color pictures - something that can be pulled out and saved. We might even have a binder for sale to hold the pullouts. Perhaps the TREND should be published only 4 times a year but with articles in several languages, particularly French, Spanish, Russian, German and Japanese. We are not reaching our international members. What about articles about our competitors that share how they are different? What about more articles about judges’ experiences in their worldwide travel? Why not articles about places with clubs like Malta or Russia with some history of the place, not simply about cats? EC: There are so few publications geared to breeders and exhibitors due the ARs. Making the TREND a valuable publication with more/better articles would be a coup for TICA. It is a selling point for membership...what would people get for being a member if the TREND is gone? Sure, they can vote, but most of them don’t. AB: Majority of cat owners are not breeders or exhibitors. I think we need to target them, too and have some type of associate membership. Including articles of general interest would be valuable in recruiting them and finding other services that we could target...something like a summary of health information received, etc. KS: I think that judges should be included in every issue , but perhaps we could shorten the information. BT: Why do we need to publish the Minutes in the TREND when they are posted on the web site? 41 INVOICE Daily Activity Record -- PAID IN FULL -DAR Number: 423427 P.O. BOX 2684 HARLINGEN, TX 78551 DAR Date: 01/08/2010 Bill Payment Information MARGIE GARDNER 224 FARMHOUSE LN FLINTSTONE GA 30725 Qty 1 Type: CHECK Date: 01/04/2010 $50.00 Amount: Description Each PROCESSING FEE FOR ADVANCED NEW BREED- NAPOLEON 50.00 Extended 50.00 DAR Total 50.00 Amount Paid 50.00 PAID IN FULL 42 43 44 last_name CHENAULT CHENAULT DUBOIS DUBOIS FELSMAN GARDNER HARRIS LEGRESLEY LOTT MCCONNELL MCMAINS OSBORNE PATTERSON POULSEN SMITH WARREN WITMER first_name PEGGY S PEGGY S KRISTIN L KRISTIN L JUDY MARGIE TERRI J NATHALIE EDWINA SHERRI NIKKI LINDA J ANASTAYSIA HEIDI BONNIE JENNEAN MELISSA street PO BOX 1226 PO BOX 1226 311 W MASON ST 311 W MASON ST 11106 103RD TER N 224 FARMHOUSE LN PO BOX 1611 20 BARRINGTON RD 283 LAZY ACRES LN 7 SUNFLOWER DR 30 MANON LN 1005 GOODLOE LN 6396 CREWS COMMUNITY RD STABYVEJ 16 1016 N 5TH ST 2709 S JACKSON AVE 7471 WEST 200 SOUTH 45 city AMITE AMITE POLO POLO SEMINOLE FLINTSTONE MT DORA FREDERICTON MARION EPHRATA OROVILLE RED OAK FOLKSTON ULFBORG BURLINGTON JOPLIN JAMESTOWN state LA LA IL IL FL GA FL NB TX PA CA TX GA IA MO IN zip 70422 70422 61064 61064 33778 30725 32756 E3C 1L8 78124 17522 95966 75154 31537 6990 52601 64804 46147 last_name CHENAULT DUBOIS GARDNER first_name PEGGY S KRISTIN L MARGIE street PO BOX 1226 311 W MASON ST 224 FARMHOUSE LN city AMITE POLO FLINTSTONE 46 state LA IL GA zip 70422 61064 30725 m_region SC GL SE phone_day 9855178585 8159462182 7069312963 Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Breed Section Counts by Region using Breed Expiration Date = 05/01/2011 NP EN GL MA MP NE SC SE NAPOLEON NORTHERN EUROPE GREAT LAKES MID ATLANTIC MID PACIFIC NORTHEAST SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTHEAST 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 NAPOLEON 47 14 Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Breed Section Counts by Region using Breed Expiration Date = 05/01/2011 NPL NAPOLEON LONGHAIR GL SC SE GREAT LAKES SOUTH CENTRAL SOUTHEAST 1 1 1 NAPOLEON LONGHAIR 48 3 TICA Cat Registrations by year for: NP NAPOLEON Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Male Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Whole 3 0 4 6 13 15 24 18 Totals 83 Total Whole Spay Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 6 13 15 24 18 2 3 7 13 19 22 36 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 7 13 19 22 36 37 Grand Total 5 3 11 19 32 37 60 55 0 83 139 0 139 222 Neuter Female 49 rep_sql_7a TICA Cat Registrations by year for: NPL NAPOLEON LONGHAIR Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Male Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Whole 0 0 4 9 7 8 3 10 Totals 41 Total Whole Spay Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 7 8 3 10 5 1 6 11 24 13 13 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 6 11 24 13 13 17 Grand Total 5 1 10 20 31 21 16 27 0 41 90 0 90 131 Neuter Female 50 rep_sql_7a NP NAPOLEON (litter registration counts by year registered - since_d8) Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Litter Count 1 10 19 42 59 76 64 Live Male 1 16 32 77 108 132 106 Live Female 2 15 34 82 110 136 133 Live Total 3 31 66 159 218 268 239 271 472 512 984 51 report - litcnt_yrbrd NPL NAPOLEON LONGHAIR (litter registration counts by year registered - since_d8) Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 Litter Count 14 20 22 26 13 9 Live Male 21 35 37 45 22 22 Live Female 25 42 45 40 19 16 Live Total 46 77 82 85 41 38 104 182 187 369 52 report - litcnt_yrbrd HIGHLANDER BREED GROUP (HG/HD) The Highlander (HG) is a medium to large shorthair domestic cat. Distinguishing features are its sloping forehead, wide nose blunt profile, and the loose relaxed curl to its wide based ears. The Highlander Longhair (HD) is the longhair version. HEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 points Shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Eyes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Muzzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BODY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 points Torso. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Boning. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Musculature. . . . . . . . . 7 Legs/Feet .. . . . . . . . . . 5 COAT/COLOR/PATTERN. . 20 points Length.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Texture. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Pattern .. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Color.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 CATEGORY: All. DIVISION: Solid, Tortie, Tabby, Silver/Smoke COLORS: All. PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: Domestic longhair/shorthair, not a member of a recognized breed. HEAD: Shape: Wide, inverted pear shaped head with substantial width to muzzle. Eyes: Medium to large set far apart. Set on a slight bias. Slightly flattened oval in shape. Eye color independent of coat color except in Pointed Category. Ears: Medium to large, wide at the base, set as much on the top of the head as on the side, as erect as possible. Ears must be firm at the base, flexible at the tips. Loose relaxed curl with little backward direction of no more than 90º, allowing the tips of the ears to be clearly visible in a frontal view. Ear furnishings and ear tufts are desired but not required. Kittens may have a greater degree of curl but not more than 90º by adulthood. Muzzle: Full, wide, strong with a definite break. Prominent whisker pads should make muzzle appear squared. Muzzle length makes head appear longer than wide. Chin: Strong and deep. Must align with top of jaw. Profile: Rounded back skull, sloping forehead, change of direction at the nose bridge, slight curve to eye ridge, may have a slight concave curve to the nose. Nose, muzzle and chin form a blunt look in profile. Nose: Wide with substantial nose leather. BODY: Torso: Medium to large in size with noticeable depth. Rectangular in shape. Straight back with hips higher than shoulders. Overall muscled, athletic appearance. Males are proportionally larger than females. Legs: Medium in length, back legs longer than front. Feet: Medium to large, rounded with large knuckles. Longhair (HD) must have toe tufts. Tail: Short and thick. Bone length must should be a minimum of 2 one inches in adults with proportional length in kittens. Must Should not extend past the hock. Slight Kinks and curls are allowed. Boning: Moderately heavy and substantial. Musculature: Well-muscled. COAT/COLOR/PATTERN: Length (HG): Short, dense and resilient. Length (HD): Longhair up to 2½ inches with shaggy belly hair, longer than the rest of the coat. Texture: There will be texture variations depending upon the color of the cat. 53 (HG) Resilient, snapping back into place. (HD) Soft. Pattern: Spotted: Random pattern preferred. Spots should be well-defined; may be oval, round, squared or triangular in shape. Classic: Will have spots and swirls distinguishing it from the normal classic pattern. Tabby: All tabby patterns are all allowed. Pointed: Expression of the underlying tabby pattern is desirable. OTHER: Balance: All parts of the body in proportion. Condition: Should reflect excellent health, good muscle tone. Temperament: Must be unchallenging. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Highlander is a muscular, athletic domestic cat. Selective breeding has contributed to protecting the unique features and enhancing the bloodlines. Highlander cats come in both shorthair and longhair. Physical characteristics include a sloping forehead and wide nose, with the nose and muzzle forming a blunt look in profile. The curled ear is seen in profile as a loose, relaxed curl with minimal backward direction. The ears are wide-based, open and stand tall. LOCKETS: Withhold all awards ALLOWANCES: Tarnishing in silvers PENALIZE: Ears that are not open or wide based, ears too small or low set. Tips of ears not visible from frontal view in adults. Kittens with more than 90 curl. Tail too short long. DISQUALIFY: Ears not erect. Tail too long short or docked. _____ Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. In accordance with Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN, the following shall be considered mandatory disqualifications: a cat that bites (216.9), a cat showing evidence of intent to deceive (216.10), adult whole male cats not having two descended testicles (216.11), cats with all or part of the tail missing , except as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.1), cats with more than five toes on each front foot and four toes on each back foot, unless proved the result of an injury or as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.2), visible or invisible tail faults if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.4), crossed eyes if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.5), total blindness (216.12.6), markedly smaller size, not in keeping with the breed (216.12.9), and depression of the sternum or unusually small diameter of the rib cage itself ( See Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN for more comprehensive rules governing penalties and disqualifications. 54 HIGHLANDER BREED GROUP (HG/HD) The Highlander (HG) is a medium to large shorthair domestic cat. Distinguishing features are its sloping forehead, wide nose blunt profile, and the loose relaxed curl to its wide based ears. The Highlander Longhair (HD) is the longhair version. HEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 points Shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Eyes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Muzzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BODY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 points Torso. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Boning. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Musculature. . . . . . . . . 7 Legs/Feet .. . . . . . . . . . 5 COAT/COLOR/PATTERN. . 20 points Length.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Texture. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pattern .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Color.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CATEGORY: All. DIVISION: Solid, Tortie, Tabby, Silver/Smoke COLORS: All. PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: Domestic longhair/shorthair, not a member of a recognized breed. HEAD: Shape: Wide, inverted pear shaped head with substantial width to muzzle. Eyes: Medium to large set far apart. Set on a slight bias. Slightly flattened oval in shape. Eye color independent of coat color except in Pointed Category. Ears: Medium to large, wide at the base, set as much on the top of the head as on the side, as erect as possible. Ears must be firm at the base, flexible at the tips. Loose 55 relaxed curl of no more than 90º, allowing the tips of the ears to be visible in a frontal view. Ear furnishings and ear tufts are desired but not required. Kittens may have a greater degree of curl but not more than 90º by adulthood. Muzzle: Full, wide, strong with a definite break. Prominent whisker pads should make muzzle appear squared. Chin: Strong and deep. Must align with top of jaw. Profile: Rounded back skull, sloping forehead, change of direction at the eye ridge, may have a slight concave curve to the nose. Nose, muzzle and chin form a blunt look in profile. Nose: Wide with substantial nose leather. BODY: Torso: Medium to large in size with noticeable depth. Rectangular in shape. Straight back with hips higher than shoulders. Overall muscled, athletic appearance. Males are proportionally larger than females. Legs: Medium in length, back legs longer than front. Feet: Medium to large, rounded with large knuckles. Longhair (HD) must have toe tufts. Tail: Short and thick. Bone length should be a minimum of one inch in adults with proportional length in kittens. Should not extend past the hock. Kinks and curls are allowed. Boning: Moderately heavy and substantial. Musculature: Well-muscled. COAT/COLOR/PATTERN: Length (HG): Short, dense and resilient. Length (HD): Longhair up to 2½ inches with shaggy belly hair, longer than the rest of the coat. Texture: There will be texture variations depending upon the color of the cat. (HG) Resilient, snapping back into place. (HD) Soft. Pattern: Tabby: All tabby patterns are all allowed. Pointed: Expression of the underlying tabby pattern is desirable. 56 OTHER: Balance: All parts of the body in proportion. Condition: Should reflect excellent health, good muscle tone. Temperament: Must be unchallenging. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Highlander is a muscular, athletic domestic cat. Selective breeding has contributed to protecting the unique features and enhancing the bloodlines. Highlander cats come in both shorthair and longhair. Physical characteristics include a sloping forehead and wide nose, with the nose and muzzle forming a blunt look in profile. The curled ear is seen in profile as a loose, relaxed curl. The ears are wide-based, open and stand tall. LOCKETS: Withhold all awards ALLOWANCES: Tarnishing in silvers PENALIZE: Ears that are not open or wide based, ears too small or low set. Tail too long. DISQUALIFY: Ears not erect. Tail too short or docked. Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. In accordance with Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN, the following shall be considered mandatory disqualifications: a cat that bites (216.9), a cat showing evidence of intent to deceive (216.10), adult whole male cats not having two descended testicles (216.11), cats with all or part of the tail missing , except as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.1), cats with more than five toes on each front foot and four toes on each back foot, unless proved the result of an injury or as authorized by a board approved standard (216.12.2), visible or invisible tail faults if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.4), crossed eyes if Board approved standard requires disqualification (216.12.5), total blindness (216.12.6), markedly smaller size, not in keeping with the breed (216.12.9), and depression of the sternum or unusually small diameter of the rib cage itself ( See Show Rules, ARTICLE SIXTEEN for more comprehensive rules governing penalties and disqualifications. 57 Dear TICA ~ Rules, EO, BOD and Genetics Committee Progress: The Minskin Working Group has collectively made progress in recent years with new breeders emerging at a slow and steady pace. Being a double mutation breed (one gene being recessive) I do emphasize ‘slow and steady’. There are several new breeders working with the Minskin who I am assisting with getting registered cattery names as well as memberships with TICA; John Frois – Jasper Cattery of RI & Crystal Rogers – Crystal Cattery in PA just to name a couple. These breeders will be back-registering numerous litters and individual registrations as well as recent litters. There are also several others underneath them who need encouragement in properly registering their cattery and Minskin cats and kittens. There are still others who are well under way in achieving this primarily in the USA and Canada while Animal Planet Cats 101 has taken interest and featuring the Minskin breed on their program. Recordings took place at the Animal Planet studio in NY in Fall 2010. Setbacks: There have been some challenging set-backs for the Minskin breed with losses due to the passing of a dedicated TICA Member and long-time breeder Lynne Daggett from LoRider & D’Barekatz Cattery in Nevada. Lynne’s Minskin cats were disbursed through several breeders and unfortunately most fell into the hands of the “designer cat” group (a frivolous dictating “short cat” registry weakly attempting to rival TICA). Unfortunately this group has succeeded in making a negative impact by ‘Munchkinizing’ almost every cat breed known. We responsible Minskin breeders reject the notion of a short-legged version of every breed and respect the unique quality of our fur-pointed Minskin, who happen to have short legs (usually). Showing: Several Minskin cats and kittens have been presented at TICA shows over the past 10+ years, usually as HHP or HHP Kittens and again encouragement is a necessary factor, especially in this tough economy. There are some stunning Minskin cats and kittens which will be presented in TICA’s Preliminary New Breed show rings in 2011… I can’t wait! The next Minskin PNB presentation will be in the NE Providence RI show this Feb 2011. In Short (pun intended) the Minskin breed is alive and well but like many new breeds the MS working group has had a fair share of hurdles. We promise to overcome the odds and succeed. Yours truly with respect and kind regards, Paul McSorley – Minskin Breed Chair TRT Cattery since 1989 58 To: The Executive Office, Board of Directors, and Genetics Committee: I would like to apologize for being late in submitting this Sokoke Breed Report. PROGRESS: The Sokoke remains a rare and endangered Breed, with numbers of cats and fanciers leaving the gene pool and fancy due to attrition, family losses and illness, as well as the economic downturn that has impacted so many.However, the SK Breed Group is a stubborn and passionate lot, and in spite of so many hurdles we have met our basic Goals to import New blood, combine it with Old, and place/share cats in breeding Programs over a broad range. Of the seven TICA reg, cats imported to the US from Kenya, three are still alive.One female has never produced and is still intact.The other two are proven males, and intact .The six TICA reg. imported New line producing cats from Kenya, as well as my(now deceased) original TICA reg.Old line cat Fulani Lundborg DK, all live on in descendants that are being bred amongst themselves all over the World.Every one of those seven cats has contributed to the gene pool as intended, often against long odds. Currently, there are no more intact producing all- Old line cats known anywhere.All young and breeding age Sokokes in the Cat fancy are either New Line, or a combination of Old/New. TICA has been integral in helping the Breed to continue on, as evidenced by the dying out of the original FiFe/CCA reg. pure Old Line world-wide now. With the advent of Skype and recent explosive growth of Facebook as networking tools for the fancy, a new era of sharing info. and cats is upon us.Already Breeders in different countries are communicating and working on purchasing and sharing of cats, which is critical for the future of the Breed. The TICA Breed Group's website at has drawn interest since it's launch, and two new owners at end of 2010, interested in registering TICA, showing and promoting the Breed at Northern California shows..A Show kitten has recently been placed by Aaliyah Cattery with that in mind for 2011.The other party is going to be breeding as well as showing while being mentored, and possibly having a child involved as a Junior exhibitor. I am working on placing cats with them to see that come to fruition, and have a new litter to begin that promise.We have proven that the Breed is fairly easy to breed, if managed properly, and is adaptable to indoor and outdoor settings. SETBACKS: The small Group of TICA SK Breeders has had to endure:Life-threatening family illness, loss of a child, spouse, loss of income, upheavel, long-distance moves, and a loss of cats from escape, old age, and disease that has taken many off guard, and left the Group reeling.Many long-involved SK Breeders have left the breeding end of the Fancy/or the Breed, with the economy making kitten sales harder.We currently have experienced Show and Breeding owners of intact cats wanting to place them in order to retire from SK breeding, which requires new and dedicated Breeders coming in to keep the numbers up. As a result of the above, we as a Group are backlogged on registering litters and some transfers that need to be recorded and individual cats that have been kept, unsold, still needing to be registered. With the knowledge that two trips to Kenya in the past two yrs. looking for new cats have turned up empty-handed, and with the genetic loss of the pure Old Line now, I am actively documenting idled intact and producing cats, and making every effort to get all deserving registered to get an accurate count. SHOWING: One adult stud was shown in Medina, OH. this past summer, Sunbright Husani of LeSant by his co-owner Antoinette Clarke.Aaliyah "Jake" now in CA, and a Thanksgiving Day litter born in FL. should provide show kitten(s). Because of extreme intelligence, highly tuned observation skills, and flight instincts, plus fast development of SK kittens(eyes open on day 9-10, out of the nest within a day, running around Day 15, out exploring on their own Day 21,) a three mo. old SK knows the difference between it's chosen humans and strangers .Rehoming them once bonded can be a challenge.We are now starting to be able to linebreed for temperament as well as Type now, and are able to identify easier the outgoing curious ones that enjoy the activity and handling the showring requires. 59 CURRENT GOALS: Breed Promotion via Advertising and Exhibiting, Networking/exchanging lines with SK Breeders of other Registries, Screening of Breeding stock for HCM/PKD, tracking and disclosing any genetic problems with openess and honesty to ensure a Future. It has been a sincere Hope and Dream of the TICA SK Breed Group that we can bolster this amazing Breed and keep it going, and I thank everyone in the TICA Organization that has given us the opportunity to pursue this Goal. Respectfully, Lynn Schafer-Russell, Sokoke Breed Chair Sunbright Cattery,C-4900 60 SOKOKE This report just came in...a little late for the agenda, but wanted you to have the information if there was any discussion. Nancy I completely agree with Heather here.I am very concerned about the viability of this breed especially in view of the significant reduction in the population. Personality/disposition have been one of my mayor concern in addition to getting the type/look distinct and reproducible by planned matings. Adriana Kajon 61 SAVANNAH (SV) HEAD ...............................40 points Shape .................................6 Ears ....................................7 Eyes ...................................6 Chin ....................................4 Muzzle ................................4 Profile .................................4 Nose ...................................3 Neck ...................................6 BODY ..............................40 points Torso .................................8 Legs ..................................8 Feet ...................................3 Tail ....................................7 Boning ...............................7 Musculature ......................7 COAT/COLOR/PATTERN ..20 points Texture .............................8 Pattern ..............................8 Color .................................4 CATEGORY: Traditional. DIVISIONS: Solid, Tabby and Silver/Smoke Division. COLORS: Black, Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby, Silver Spotted Tabby and Black Smoke. PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair, Ocicat, Domestic Shorthair HEAD: Shape: The head, excluding the ears, is shaped like an elongated triangle. The face forms an equilateral triangle: the top of the triangle is the brow line over the eyes; the sides follow down the jaw bone meeting at the chin. The triangle excludes the ears. The head is small in proportion to the body. Ears: Ears are extremely exceptionally large and high on the head. They are wide with a deep base. They should be very upright and have rounded tops. The outside base of the ear should start no lower on the head than at the height of the eyes, but may be set higher. The inside base of the ears is set close at the top of the head; ideally a vertical line can be drawn from the inner corner of the eye up to the inner base of ear. Ear furnishings may be present; pronounced ocelli are desirable. Eyes: Medium sized and set underneath a slightly hooded brow. The top of the eye resembles a boomerang, which is set at an exact angle so that the corner of the eye slopes down the line of the nose. The bottom half of the eye has an almond shape. The eyes are moderately deep set, low on the forehead, and at least one eye width apart. Tear stain markings are present along and between 62 the eyes and the nose. All eye colors are allowed and are independent of coat color. Chin: From the frontal view the chin tapers to follow the triangle of the head. In profile, the nose is slightly protruding so that tThe angle from the nose to the chin slants back, which may cause the chin to appear shallow recessed. Muzzle: The muzzle is tapered with no break. It falls within the bottom portion of the facial triangle that runs from the brow to the point of the chin. Whisker pads are not pronounced. Profile: The forehead is a straight to slightly convex curve from the top of the head to the ridge just above the eye, where there is a slight change of direction and a straight to very-slight concave curve from that ridge to the tip of the nose. In profile, the face also forms a triangle from the top of the eye to the tip of the nose, turning to follow the jaw line and back up to the eye. Nose: Viewing from the front, the nose is wide across the top with low set nostrils. In profile, there is a slight downward turn at the end, giving a rounded appearance. Nose leather is slightly convex, not flat and wraps up over the nose. Neck: Long and lean. BODY: Torso: A semi-foreign body type The torso is long, lean, and well muscled with a full deep rib cage, prominent shoulder blades, a slight, but not extreme tuck-up, and a rounded rump. The hip and thigh are full and long, and somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body. Legs: Very long and slender yet strong. Longer than average, well muscled, without appearing heavy or overly delicate. The back legs are slightly longer than the front legs., and due to this extreme length, may now and then give a false appearance of being cow-hocked. Feet: Oval, small to medium in size, with elongated toes. Tail: Medium to thick in width. Medium in length, ending between the hock and just above ground level when standing, with preferred length just below the hock. Tail should taper slightly to a blunt end. Whippy tails are not desired. Boning: Medium boning with density and strength. Musculature: Firm and well developed. Athletic yet not bulky. Lean but not delicate. COAT: Coat: Short to medium in length, moderately dense and loose. It has a slightly coarse feel to it and lacks resilience. Coarser guard hairs cover a softer undercoat. The spots have a notably softer texture than the texture of the ground color hairs. Glitter is not desired. COLORS: Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby, Black Silver Spotted Tabby, Black, Black Smoke. No preference is given to ground color on the Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby. Bold solid markings are preferred on all tabbies; ghost markings preferred on solid blacks and a visible pattern on black smokes In any variation the lips are black, and the tear duct lines are prominent. On the spotted Savannahs the nose leather can be solid brick red, pink, or black, as well as red or pink surrounded by black pink to brick red surrounded by liner, solid black, or black with a pink to brick center or stripe. In black Savannahs, the nose 63 SAVANNAH (SV) HEAD ...............................40 points Shape .................................6 Ears ....................................7 Eyes ...................................6 Chin ....................................4 Muzzle ................................4 Profile .................................4 Nose ...................................3 Neck ...................................6 BODY ..............................40 points Torso .................................8 Legs ..................................8 Feet ...................................3 Tail ....................................7 Boning ...............................7 Musculature ......................7 COAT/COLOR/PATTERN ..20 points Texture .............................8 Pattern ..............................8 Color .................................4 CATEGORY: Traditional. DIVISIONS: Solid, Tabby, and Silver/Smoke Division. COLORS: Black, Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby, Silver Spotted Tabby and Black Smoke. PERMISSIBLE OUTCROSSES: Egyptian Mau, Oriental Shorthair, Ocicat, Domestic Shorthair HEAD: Shape: The head, excluding the ears, is shaped like an elongated triangle. The face forms an equilateral triangle: the top of the triangle is the brow line over the eyes; the sides follow down the jaw bone meeting at the chin. The head is small in proportion to the body. Ears: Ears are exceptionally large and high on the head. They are wide with a deep base. They should be very upright and have rounded tops. The outside base of the ear should start no lower on the head than the height of the eyes, but may be set higher. The inside base of the ears is set close at the top of the head; ideally a vertical line can be drawn from the inner corner of the eye up to the inner base of ear. Ear furnishings may be present; pronounced ocelli are desirable. Eyes: Medium sized and set underneath a slightly hooded brow. The top of the eye resembles a boomerang, which is set at an exact angle so that the corner of the eye slopes down the line of the nose. The bottom half of the eye has an almond shape. The eyes are moderately deep set, low on the forehead, and at least one eye width apart. Tear stain markings are present along and between the eyes and the nose. All eye colors are allowed and are independent of coat color. 64 Chin: From the frontal view the chin tapers to follow the triangle of the head. In profile, the nose is slightly protruding so that the angle from the nose to the chin slants back, which may cause the chin to appear recessed. Muzzle: The muzzle is tapered with no break. It falls within the bottom portion of the facial triangle that runs from the brow to the point of the chin. Whisker pads are not pronounced. Profile: The forehead is a straight to slightly convex curve from the top of the head to the ridge just above the eye, where there is a slight change of direction and a straight to very-slight concave curve from that ridge to the tip of the nose. In profile, the face also forms a triangle from the top of the eye to the tip of the nose, turning to follow the jaw line and back up to the eye. Nose: Viewing from the front, the nose is wide across the top with low set nostrils. In profile, there is a slight downward turn at the end, giving a rounded appearance. Nose leather is slightly convex and wraps up over the nose. Neck: Long and lean. BODY: Torso: The torso is long, lean, and well muscled with a full deep rib cage, prominent shoulder blades, a slight but not extreme tuck-up, and a rounded rump. The hip and thigh are full and long, and somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body. Legs: Longer than average, well muscled, without appearing heavy or overly delicate. The back legs are slightly longer than the front legs. Feet: Oval, medium in size. Tail: Medium to thick in width. Medium in length, ending between the hock and just above ground level when standing, with preferred length just below the hock. Tail should taper slightly to a blunt end. Whippy tails are not desired. Boning: Medium boning with density and strength. Musculature: Firm and well developed. Athletic yet not bulky. Lean but not delicate. COAT/COLOR/PATTERN: Coat: Short to medium in length, moderately dense and loose. It has a slightly coarse feel to it and lacks resilience. Coarser guard hairs cover a softer undercoat. The spots have a notably softer texture than the texture of the ground color hairs. Glitter is not desired. Colors: Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby, Black Silver Spotted Tabby, Black, Black Smoke. No preference is given to ground color on the Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby. Bold solid markings are preferred on all tabbies; ghost markings preferred on solid blacks and a visible pattern on black smokes. In any variation the lips are black, and the tear duct lines are prominent. On the spotted Savannahs the nose leather can be pink to brick red surrounded by liner, solid black, or black with a pink to brick center or stripe. In black Savannahs, the nose leather must be solid black. Paw pads in any color variation should be deep charcoal or brownish black. Pattern: The spotted Savannah pattern is made up of bold, solid dark brown to black spots, which can be round, oval, or elongated. A series of parallel stripes, from the back of the head to just over the shoulder blades fan out slightly over the back. The spotting pattern follows the line of the stripes from the shoulders 65 and continues along the length of the body. Vertically aligned spots are not desired. Smaller spots may be found on the legs and feet, as well as on the face. The black Savannah is solid black, ghost spotting may occur. The spots should conform to the spotted Savannah's description. The smoke pattern should conform to the spotted Savannah’s description. TEMPERAMENT: The ideal Savannah is confident, alert, curious and friendly. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The overall impression of the Savannah is a tall lean graceful cat with striking dark spots and other bold markings on a background color of any shade of brown, silver, black or black smoke. The Savannah cat is a domestic breed which closely resembles its ancestral source the African Serval, but is smaller in stature. Affectionate and outgoing, with exceptionally long neck, legs, and tall ears, as well as a medium length tail, the Savannah is both unusual and beautiful. The Savannah is also an exceptionally graceful, well-balanced cat with striking color and pattern. ALLOWANCES: Females proportionately smaller than males. A cow-hocked appearance of the hind legs due to their longer length. PENALIZE: Rosettes. Spots that are any color other than dark brown to black. Any distinct locket. Mackerel tabby type stripes. Cobby body. Notably small ears. DISQUALIFY: Extra toes. Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. Evidence of intent to deceive the judge by artificial means, cats with all or part of their tail missing (except those breeds whose standard calls for this feature), totally blind cats, cats having more or less than five toes on each front foot and four on each back foot (unless proved to be the result of an injury or as authorized by a Board approved standard), male cats in the adult championship class which do not have two descended testicles, and, at the discretion of the judge, tail faults (visible or invisible) and/or crossed eyes shall be disqualified from championship competition. 66 leather must be solid black. Paw pads in any color variation should be deep charcoal or brownish black. PATTERN: The spotted Savannah pattern is made up of bold, solid dark brown to black spots, which can be round, oval, or elongated. Rosettes are not desired. A series of parallel stripes, from the back of the head to just over the shoulder blades fan out slightly over the back. The spotting pattern follows the line of the stripes from the shoulders and continues along the length of the body. Vertically aligned spots are not desired. Smaller spots may be found on the legs and feet, as well as on the face. The black Savannah should be solid black Black spotting on a black background is preferred is solid black, ghost spotting may occur. The spots should conform to the spotted Savannah's description. The smoke pattern should conform to the spotted Savannah’s description. TEMPERAMENT: The ideal Savannah is confident, alert, curious and friendly. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The overall impression of the Savannah is a tall lean graceful cat with striking dark spots and other bold markings, on a background color of any shade of brown, silver, black or black smoke. The Savannah cat is a domestic breed which closely resembles its ancestral source the African Serval, but is smaller in stature. Affectionate and outgoing, with exceptionally long neck, legs, and tall ears, as well as a medium length tail, the Savannah is both unusual and beautiful. The Savannah is also an exceptionally graceful, well-balanced cat with striking color and pattern. ALLOWANCES: Females proportionately smaller than males. A cow-hocked appearance of the hind legs due to their longer length. PENALIZE: Rosettes. Spots that are any color other than dark brown to black. Any distinct locket. Mackerel tabby type stripes. Cobby body. Notably small ears. DISQUALIFY: Extra toes. Temperament must be unchallenging; any sign of definite challenge shall disqualify. The cat may exhibit fear, seek to flee, or generally complain aloud but may not threaten to harm. Evidence of intent to deceive the judge by artificial means, cats with all or part of their tail missing (except those breeds whose standard calls for this feature), totally blind cats, cats having more or less than five toes on each front foot and four on each back foot (unless proved to be the result of an injury or as authorized by a Board approved standard), male cats in the adult championship class which do not have two descended testicles, and, at the discretion of the judge, tail faults (visible or invisible) and/or crossed eyes shall be disqualified from championship competition. 67 Time permitting, can we add a discussion item on naming chartered clubs ? The guidelines currently issued (see say that TICA should not be part of the club name. This is clearly not followed for some 10 years (see EN and EW club names) and it would be helpful to get some clarity on what should happen in the future. FYI, Laurie believes that there are trademark issues with using TICA as part of the name. Kind regards Martin -Martin Wood Regional Director, Western Europe, TICA Visit our region at http:\\ 68 Standing Committee Discussion Following are the applicable rules regarding the establishment of committees and their charters. Directors should be prepared to come to the Board meeting to discuss the following questions: 1. Do we need these committees? 2. Do we have the right committees? What committees should we have? 3. How do we ensure the committees are functioning effectively? By-Law 16.4 Appointed Committees. Committees shall be appointed from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Standing Rules to these By-Laws Standing Rule 106 Appointed Officials, Committees, and Employees. (By-Laws, ARTICLE SIX) 106.4 Standing Committees. The President, with the advice of the Board of Directors, shall appoint persons knowledgeable in the fields specified to serve on the following standing committees, and such other committees that from time to time may be necessary and proper for the effective and efficient operation of the Association. Each committee may have budgets as needed which shall be provided annually with the approval of the Board of Directors. Each committee shall have a chairperson, members as needed and a Board Member who works with the committee as a Liaison Director. It is the duty of the Chairperson to formulate the committee goals, to communicate the policy of the committee to the committee members, to direct the work of the committee and to seek information and guidance from the Board through the Board Liaison, and information from the Executive Office as needed. It is also the duty of the Chairperson to provide progress reports of the committee to the Board annually. The duties of the Board Liaison shall be to serve as a channel of communication between the Committee and the Board, to provide encouragement and incentive for activity of the committee and to be available for consulting and mentoring as needed or requested by the Committee Chairperson. These standing committees shall be as follows: 106.4.1 Rules Committee. To review all proposed amendments to the By-Laws, Show Rules, Registration Rules and Standards of the Association, to note other rules affected by the proposed change and to ensure that the proper terms are used to convey the meaning intended and to ensure uniformity of terminology throughout the By-Laws, Show Rules and Standards of the Association. 106.4.2 Genetics Committee. To advise the Board of Directors in any matter relating to breeds, breeding, colors, deformities or any other matter in the field of genetics. 106.4.3 Legal Committee. To advise the Board of Directors on legal rights, obligations, and liabilities and to offer legal opinions and interpretations of proposed amendments to By-Laws, Show Rules, Registration Rules and Standards of the Association, and to offer advice regarding other matters which may affect the Association including contracts and agreements; to investigate and advise the Board of the facts surrounding protests, to act as hearing officers or in any other matters delegated by the Board of Directors. The chairperson is authorized to appoint any such ad hoc committee as may be advisable to assist with such investigations. 69 106.4.4 Computerization Committee. To advise in the developing of programs for computerization of registration, annual awards computations, computer preparation of catalogs and any other area involving computer science. 106.4.5 Feline Welfare Committee. The role of the Feline Welfare Committee is to assist in resolving complaints made to TICA about the welfare of cats, to aid and assist breeders who may need or request help, to promote the Responsible Breeder Program, to create and assist in the implementation of a breeder mentoring program or other programs to assist TICA members with feline welfare issues, and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on programs to promote feline welfare and responsible breeding. 106.4.6 Marketing/Advertising and Promotions Committee. To assist the Board to establish a marketing and advertising plan for TICA, to update and change such as needed, to interface with the publications sub-committee and other committees as necessary to effect the most efficient use of TICA funds while maintaining a high standard of advertising and marketing. 106.4.7 Finance Committee. To advise the Board of Directors in overseeing financial affairs of TICA, reviewing fiscal policy, to have access to TICA financial records if necessary, implementing cost saving changes, and to recommend any necessary projects to ensure that TICA is run as a fiscally responsible corporation. 106.4.8 International Development Committee. To promote TICA membership, to encourage judging applicants, to assist Regional Directors in the development of new areas and to report to the Board of Directors any problems or issues pertaining to areas not yet organized as TICA regions. 106.4.9 Legislative Committee. To identify legislation and areas affected; to coordinate with other animal organizations to defuse any negative action that would endanger the continuation of owning, breeding or showing cats; to solicit support of the Regional Director in a target area who will appoint two regional members for the purpose of encouraging attendance at meetings and/or writing letters to the people responsible for passing laws/ordinances. 70 Dear Board Members, I have some topics for the period of time at the end of the Agenda: Directors Open Forum. I would like to discuss about two topics which ones were part of my campaign when I ran for RD. 1) Judging Assistant Administrator for international regions (At least for SA) Today, TICA is the most relevant and progressive of all feline associations. However, in my region, I feel that we are unfortunately starting to lose over other associations in many aspects. In Buenos Aires for example, are shows are each time smaller and harder to support financially. In Brazil, we are only strong in Porto Alegre and inspite of all our efforts it is very hard to extend our influence to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In Uruguay, people are making a great effort in order to establish a club and put on some shows. On the other hand, Colombia and Panama are showing an innovative spirit and in little time many breeders have joined in, various clubs have been created and have put n a great number of shows. The entire Region has developed a dangerous dependence on foreign judges willing to help using their mileage to travel for free and not asking for their judging fees. In order to grow, my Region needs new judges and new clerks. We will never have a grounding solid enough if we keep on depending on judges willing to use their mileage to come judge for free. This doesn’t happen in other TICA regions, nor does it even happen here in other associations. Having more local judges would help us keep the costs of a show down and slowly save enough money to pay the judges’ fees. This is something that will take time but it is a goal we have to reach. All the other regions of TICA have produced many new judges in the last decade. My region has not produced a single new one for the past 12 years, all the contrary; we have lost some judges both in Argentina and Brazil. Some are now judging for other associations, others have simply stopped. Undoubtedly we have lost some very valuable people. I have proposed Luiz Paulo Faccioli to become Assistant Clerking Administrator for SA and Dewane Barned has no problem whatsoever with Luiz Paulo serving in that position. The role of Assistant Clerking Administrator already exists in TICA rules and I think it is necessary to create an Assistant Judging Administrator in the international regions of TICA. That person’s duty would be to identify the potential candidates interested in entering the program and help them entering and being accepted. That person would help them with details and inform them on the requirements; he would also work on a regional calendar for the clerking and judging schools held in the region. This assistant clerking/judging administrator would receive monthly information from the trainees and send a quarterly report to the Judging Administrator and send the clerks and judges their recertification tests in Spanish or Portuguese according to their location. Many times English as a language in a big barrier for candidates who would like to comply with the requirements but do not speak English well enough. As a judge I always have done all my exams in English, but I know my exams would be much better if I can express my ideas in my own language. We have wonderful judges outside the USA which are ready to translate the exams and mark them later. If we are a truly international association, then we need to understand there are many languages out there. 2) National Winner Awards for Isolated Areas My region is very vast and very few exhibitors travel to all the shows which is why I feel we should create some kind of National Ranking – with maybe a top 5 for each class – for Argentina, Brazil, Colombian Panama and Uruguay, with a minimum of 3 shows a year and at least 20 rings per country. Of course we would still have the Regional Ranking that recognizes the top 20 Cats/Kittens/Alters/HHPK & HHP but we need some kind of mechanism that takes in consideration the distances and the real differences that exist within my region. At this moment the Regional Banquet is not a real banquet because they are attending just the exhibitors of the country which held the banquet. People from Uruguay will never get a RW because they can’t make more rings than Brazil or Colombia. At least they will be able to have The Best Cat/Kitten/Alter/ HHPK & HHP in Uruguay, what at least is something. National Ranking could work not only for SA, I think this is a good idea for all the isolated areas like Wales in the UK, Mexico in SC and even Malasia. These are the topics I will bring to the meeting and I will be happy to answer any question and what is more interesting to get your feedback. 71 During discussion time: I would like to see a breakdown of TICA U 'enrollees'...this would help us be able to market overall and for RD's facilitate their 'area'. Would also like to hear how regional checking accounts are set up---received a few responses when I asked previous but with new Board members might be a decent question to ask again. Yearly Regional account reporting....confirm a date range, what we want for the Trend (vs. we may report a fuller picture to our region) so we are the same. Again, good idea with new and newer folks on the board. Although we looks at things on an overall level--are there any regions that currently have a program or thinking of a program to assist clubs in bringing in new exhibitors--- in recent times that you have entry clerked, benched, judged a show where you know the crowd so to many new exhibitors do you estimate to see? Mentor programs---idea on #'s and type of folks signing up? Would like to see some discussion on how to get the word out BEFORE a new breeder or exhibitor comes on board and has an issue. Again, a lot of this is via the local one-on-one dynamic and show level involvement when it comes to exhibitor mentors. Would be nice to get some of these early jumpers before they got into the pool. How do we pull in possible new exhibitors-folks that never been to a show but have a favorite kitty at home? Jackie 72 TICAU Demographics Total Number Of Students 413 Students Interested In Information From TICA Advertisers And TICA Sponsors 165 40% Students Who Requested And Received Information About Becoming A TICA Member 92 22% Students Who Requested To Be Signed Up For The Official TICA Newsletter 200 48% 1/14/2011 73 1 of 17 TICAU Demographics Number Of Students Interested In Information About Upcoming Cat Shows For The Following Regions (multiple choice) 1/14/2011 Asia 7 2% Great Lakes 44 11% Mid Atlantic 41 10% Mid Pacific 26 6% Northeast 51 12% Northern Europe 30 7% Northwest 41 10% South America 15 4% South Central 56 14% Southeast 81 20% Southern Europe 32 8% Southwest 50 12% Western Europe 36 9% 74 2 of 17 TICAU Demographics What is your age? 1/14/2011 No Comment 58 14% Under 18 3 1% 18 ‐ 24 12 3% 25 ‐ 34 45 11% 35 ‐ 44 74 18% 45 ‐ 54 93 23% Over 55 128 31% Total 413 100% 75 3 of 17 TICAU Demographics Do you currently own a cat or cat(s)? 1/14/2011 Yes 401 97% No 12 3% Total 413 100% 76 4 of 17 TICAU Demographics Are your cats pedigreed or mixed breed? 1/14/2011 N/A 18 4% Pedigreed 233 56% Mixed Breed 31 8% I have both 131 32% Total 413 100% 77 5 of 17 TICAU Demographics How old are your cats? (multiple choice) 1/14/2011 Kitten 237 57% Adult 364 88% Senior 187 45% 78 6 of 17 TICAU Demographics Where do you buy your cat food, litter and other cat supplies? (multiple choice) 1/14/2011 Online 96 23% Local Pet Store 235 57% Breeder Program 104 25% Grocery Store 77 19% National Chain 129 31% 79 7 of 17 MENTORING PROGRAM We currently have over 50 people signed up and being mentored in the TICA Mentor Program and we currently have 20 Mentors signed up in the program. We have 4 International Mentors ( 2 in the UK, one in Malta, 1 in Spain). Besides North America we have people being mentored from the UK, Malaysia, Brazil, Austria, Taiwan, & the Czech Republic. Bobbie 80 TICAU Demographics Location 1/14/2011 N/A 97 23% Alabama 6 1% Alaska 1 0% Alberta 10 2% American Samoa 0 0% Arizona 4 1% Arkansas 1 0% Armed Forces 1 0% Europe 7 2% Pacific 1 0% the Americas 0 0% British Columbia 8 2% California 30 7% Colorado 9 2% Connecticut 7 2% Delaware 0 0% District of Columbia 0 0% Fed. States of Micronesia 0 0% Florida 20 5% Georgia 14 3% Guam 0 0% Hawaii 0 0% Idaho 3 1% Illinois 5 1% Indiana 0 0% Iowa 3 1% Kansas 1 0% Kentucky 3 1% Louisiana 6 1% Maine 1 0% Manitoba 2 0% Marshall Islands 0 0% Maryland 3 1% Massachusetts 5 1% Michigan 5 1% Minnesota 3 1% Mississippi 4 1% Missouri 2 0% Montana 0 0% 81 8 of 17 TICAU Demographics Location 1/14/2011 Nebraska 0 0% Nevada 3 1% New Brunswick 0 0% New Hampshire 1 0% New Jersey 3 1% New Mexico 3 1% New York 7 2% Newfoundland and Labrador 0 0% North Carolina 15 4% North Dakota 0 0% Northern Marianas 0 0% Northwest Territories 0 0% Nova Scotia 0 0% Nunavut 0 0% Ohio 10 2% Oklahoma 8 2% Ontario 5 1% Oregon 6 1% Pennsylvania 17 4% Prince Edward Island 0 0% Puerto Rico 0 0% Québec 0 0% Rhode Island 3 1% Saskatchewan 0 0% South Carolina 6 1% South Dakota 0 0% Tennessee 5 1% Texas 39 9% Utah 2 0% Vermont 1 0% Virgin Islands 0 0% Virginia 3 1% Washington 9 2% West Virginia 1 0% Wisconsin 3 1% Wyoming 1 0% Yukon Territory 0 0% Total 413 100% 82 9 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 United States 285 69% Afghanistan 2 0% Akrotiri 0 0% Albania 1 0% Algeria 1 0% American Samoa 0 0% Andorra 0 0% Angola 0 0% Anguilla 0 0% Antarctica 0 0% Antigua and Barbuda 0 0% Argentina 4 1% Armenia 0 0% Aruba 0 0% Ashmore and Cartier Islands 0 0% Australia 2 0% Austria 3 1% Azerbaijan 0 0% Bahamas 0 0% Bahrain 0 0% Bangladesh 0 0% Barbados 0 0% Bassas da India 0 0% Belarus 0 0% Belgium 1 0% Belize 0 0% Benin 0 0% Bermuda 0 0% Bhutan 0 0% Bolivia 0 0% Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0% Botswana 0 0% Bouvet Island 0 0% Brazil 2 0% British Indian Ocean Territory 0 0% British Virgin Islands 0 0% Brunei 0 0% Bulgaria 0 0% Burkina Faso 0 0% 83 10 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Burma 0 0% Burundi 0 0% Cambodia 0 0% Cameroon 0 0% Canada 25 6% Cape Verde 0 0% Cayman Islands 0 0% Central African Republic 0 0% Chad 0 0% Chile 0 0% China 0 0% Christmas Island 0 0% Clipperton Island 0 0% Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0 0% Colombia 2 0% Comoros 0 0% Congo 0 0% Democratic Republic of the 0 0% Republic of the 0 0% Cook Islands 0 0% Coral Sea Islands 0 0% Costa Rica 0 0% Cote d'Ivoire 0 0% Croatia 0 0% Cuba 0 0% Cyprus 0 0% Czech Republic 0 0% Denmark 2 0% Dhekelia 0 0% Djibouti 0 0% Dominica 0 0% Dominican Republic 0 0% Ecuador 0 0% Egypt 0 0% El Salvador 0 0% Equatorial Guinea 0 0% Eritrea 0 0% Estonia 0 0% Ethiopia 0 0% 84 11 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Europa Island 0 0% Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 0 0% Faroe Islands 0 0% Fiji 0 0% Finland 3 1% France 9 2% French Guiana 0 0% French Polynesia 0 0% French Southern and Antarctic Lands 0 0% Gabon 0 0% Gambia 0 0% Gaza Strip 0 0% Georgia 0 0% Germany 1 0% Ghana 0 0% Gibraltar 0 0% Glorioso Islands 0 0% Greece 0 0% Greenland 0 0% Grenada 0 0% Guadeloupe 0 0% Guam 0 0% Guatemala 1 0% Guernsey 0 0% Guinea 0 0% Guinea‐Bissau 0 0% Guyana 0 0% Haiti 0 0% Heard Island and McDonald Islands 0 0% Holy See (Vatican City) 0 0% Honduras 0 0% Hong Kong 2 0% Hungary 3 1% Iceland 0 0% India 0 0% Indonesia 0 0% Iran 0 0% Iraq 0 0% Ireland 1 0% 85 12 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Isle of Man 0 0% Israel 7 2% Italy 7 2% Jamaica 0 0% Jan Mayen 0 0% Japan 1 0% Jersey 0 0% Jordan 0 0% Juan de Nova Island 0 0% Kazakhstan 0 0% Kenya 0 0% Kiribati 0 0% Korea 0 0% North 0 0% South 0 0% Kuwait 1 0% Kyrgyzstan 0 0% Laos 0 0% Latvia 0 0% Lebanon 0 0% Lesotho 0 0% Liberia 0 0% Libya 0 0% Liechtenstein 0 0% Lithuania 1 0% Luxembourg 0 0% Macau 0 0% Macedonia 0 0% Madagascar 0 0% Malawi 0 0% Malaysia 1 0% Maldives 0 0% Mali 0 0% Malta 1 0% Marshall Islands 0 0% Martinique 0 0% Mauritania 0 0% Mauritius 0 0% Mayotte 0 0% 86 13 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Mexico 3 1% Micronesia 0 0% Federated States of 0 0% Moldova 0 0% Monaco 0 0% Mongolia 0 0% Montserrat 0 0% Morocco 0 0% Mozambique 0 0% Namibia 0 0% Nauru 0 0% Navassa Island 0 0% Nepal 0 0% Netherlands 4 1% Netherlands Antilles 0 0% New Caledonia 0 0% New Zealand 0 0% Nicaragua 0 0% Niger 0 0% Nigeria 0 0% Niue 0 0% Norfolk Island 0 0% Northern Mariana Islands 0 0% Norway 2 0% Oman 0 0% Pakistan 0 0% Palau 0 0% Panama 2 0% Papua New Guinea 0 0% Paracel Islands 0 0% Paraguay 0 0% Peru 0 0% Philippines 1 0% Pitcairn Islands 0 0% Poland 1 0% Portugal 0 0% Puerto Rico 0 0% Qatar 0 0% Reunion 0 0% 87 14 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Romania 1 0% Russia 1 0% Rwanda 0 0% Saint Helena 0 0% Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 0% Saint Lucia 0 0% Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0 0% Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 0% Samoa 0 0% San Marino 0 0% Sao Tome and Principe 0 0% Saudi Arabia 0 0% Senegal 0 0% Serbia and Montenegro 0 0% Seychelles 0 0% Sierra Leone 0 0% Singapore 0 0% Slovakia 0 0% Slovenia 0 0% Solomon Islands 0 0% Somalia 0 0% South Africa 0 0% South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 0 0% Spain 1 0% Spratly Islands 0 0% Sri Lanka 0 0% Sudan 0 0% Suriname 0 0% Svalbard 0 0% Swaziland 0 0% Sweden 0 0% Switzerland 1 0% Syria 0 0% Taiwan 0 0% Tajikistan 0 0% Tanzania 0 0% Thailand 0 0% Timor‐Leste 0 0% Togo 0 0% 88 15 of 17 TICAU Demographics Country 1/14/2011 Tokelau 0 0% Tonga 0 0% Trinidad and Tobago 0 0% Tromelin Island 0 0% Tunisia 0 0% Turkey 0 0% Turkmenistan 0 0% Turks and Caicos Islands 0 0% Tuvalu 0 0% Uganda 0 0% Ukraine 0 0% United Arab Emirates 0 0% United Kingdom 27 7% Uruguay 0 0% Uzbekistan 0 0% Vanuatu 0 0% Venezuela 0 0% Vietnam 0 0% Virgin Islands 0 0% Wake Island 0 0% Wallis and Futuna 0 0% West Bank 0 0% Western Sahara 0 0% Yemen 0 0% Zambia 0 0% Zimbabwe 0 0% Total 413 100% 89 16 of 17 TICAU Demographics Region 1/14/2011 I Don't Know 32 8% Asia 7 2% Great Lakes 34 8% Mid Atlantic 25 6% Mid Pacific 19 5% Northeast 29 7% Northern Europe 17 4% Northwest 33 8% South America 11 3% South Central 55 13% Southeast 64 15% Southern Europe 28 7% Southwest 34 8% Western Europe 25 6% Total 413 100% 90 17 of 17 2010-2011 Show Season Detail Report Printed 12/22/2010 Page 1 (for complete show season weekends 1 thru 52) Show Reg Show Date Club Name Count Ring Counts AB SP HHP BRD EN 05/01/10 PURR PURR 2 6 2 0 3 GL 05/01/10 PRAIRIE STATE CAT CLUB 2 0 10 0 0 ES 05/08/10 NICA 1 2 1 0 2 SA 05/08/10 FEDAGAT 3 6 3 0 0 SE 05/08/10 SKYWAY CAT CLUB OF TAMPA BAY 2 8 4 0 0 EW 05/15/10 THE SPOTICAT CLUB 2 8 4 0 0 SA 05/15/10 CLUBE GAUCHO DO GATO 2 4 4 0 0 SW 05/15/10 SOCAL EXOTICA 2 8 2 0 0 EN 05/22/10 CRYSTAL 2 6 0 0 3 NW 05/22/10 INTERNATIONAL SPECIALTY CLUB 4 0 16 0 0 AA 05/29/10 CATS PARADISE PARTY 2 10 4 0 0 EW 05/29/10 NATURALLYTICA 2 8 4 0 0 GL 05/29/10 GLASS CITICATS 2 8 2 0 8 EN 06/05/10 CATS 4 US 2 10 0 0 3 SE 06/05/10 NORTH ALABAMA FELINE FANCIERS 3 7 5 0 0 AA 06/12/10 C.A.T. CREDO 2 9 3 0 0 EN 06/12/10 BELGIUM CAT LOVERS 2 10 2 0 0 NW 06/12/10 COMMENCEMENT CAT FANCIERS 4 8 8 0 0 SC 06/12/10 FT WORTH FELINE FANCIERS, INC. 1 6 2 0 0 SW 06/12/10 AMERICA'S FINEST FELINES 2 0 10 0 0 EW 06/19/10 RAGTIMETICA 2 8 4 0 0 SE 06/19/10 HURRICANE CAT CLUB 3 8 4 0 0 SW 06/19/10 NOCO LOCO CAT CLUB 2 7 1 0 0 AA 06/20/10 ENJOY CAT CLUB 5 AA ES 06/26/10 06/26/10 FOREST CAT JAPAN SHADOW AND LIGHT 2 2 5 5 0 0 0 0 GL 06/26/10 GLASS CITICATS 2 11 4 3 6 4 0 1 6 0 0 NW 06/26/10 GARDEN CITY CAT CLUB 3 10 5 0 0 SC 06/26/10 ORANGE BLOSSOM CATS 2 8 2 0 0 SA 07/03/10 FELIS CATUS CRIADORES ASSOCIADOS 3 6 3 0 0 SE 07/03/10 KUDZU KAT CLUB 3 10 2 0 0 AA 07/04/10 JUSTICE CAT CLUB 2 7 2 0 0 EN 07/10/10 MOSCOW CAT CLUB GOLDEN DOMES 2 4 0 0 0 EW 07/10/10 THE SPOTICAT CLUB 2 8 4 0 0 GL 07/10/10 WISCONSIN-ILLINOIS CAT FANCIERS 2 9 2 0 2 MA 07/10/10 SUSQUEHANNOCK CAT CLUB, INC. 2 10 4 0 0 SA 07/10/10 ASOCIACION FELINA PANAMENA 3 4 2 0 0 AA 07/11/10 KOREA CAT CLUB 2 3 3 0 0 MP 07/17/10 EAST OF EDEN CAT FANCIERS 2 10 2 0 0 6 10 3 2 0 0 0 2 SA 07/17/10 CLUB FELINO DEL URUGUAY AFU-ARU EN 07/24/10 BE TICACATS CLUB 3 2 GL 07/24/10 BUCKEYE OHIO ROLLERS CAT CLUB 2 7 5 0 4 NW 07/24/10 EVERGREEN CAT FANCIERS, THE 2 10 2 0 0 SA 07/24/10 TICADELPLATA 4 6 3 0 0 AA 07/31/10 ENJOY CAT CLUB 2 8 6 0 0 SA 07/31/10 CLUB TICA DE LOS ANDES 3 8 4 0 0 SE 07/31/10 VOLUNTEER CAT CLUB 2 11 1 0 0 SW 07/31/10 NOCO LOCO CAT CLUB 2 12 0 0 0 SA 08/06/10 CLUB FELINO DE ANTIOQUIA-CCFA 4 12 8 0 0 NE 08/07/10 PATRIO TICATS 2 8 4 0 0 AA 08/08/10 MALAYSIA CAT FANCIERS 1 6 0 0 0 EW 08/14/10 TICKEDTICA CAT CLUB 2 10 2 0 1 GL 08/14/10 GREAT LAKES FRIENDS OF FELINES 2 11 2 0 6 NW 08/14/10 CAT FANCIERS OF B. C. 4 8 8 0 0 SW 08/15/10 AMERICA'S FINEST FELINES 2 9 1 0 0 SA 08/21/10 CLUBE GAUCHO DO GATO 2 4 4 0 0 91 Report = sh_show_cnt 2010-2011 Show Season Detail Report Printed 12/22/2010 Page 2 (for complete show season weekends 1 thru 52) Show Reg Show Date Club Name Count Ring Counts AB SP HHP BRD SC 08/21/10 EVANGELINE COUNTRY CAT FANCIER 2 8 4 0 0 SE 08/21/10 SKYWAY CAT CLUB OF TAMPA BAY 2 8 4 0 1 EN 08/28/10 THE FINTICAT CLUB 2 7 3 0 0 EN 08/28/10 MOSCOW CAT CLUB GOLDEN DOMES 2 6 0 0 2 EW 08/28/10 COONTICA 2 8 4 0 0 MP 09/04/10 JAZZY CATS CAT CLUB 2 11 1 0 0 AA 09/11/10 CLOUD 9 CAT CLUB 2 5 3 0 0 ES 09/11/10 BREIZ CAT'S BAND 2 8 1 0 1 NE 09/11/10 CATS ON THE BEACH 2 9 3 0 4 ES 09/18/10 AUSTRIAN CATS UNITED 2 10 2 0 0 GL 09/18/10 NATURAL CAT CLUB 2 10 2 0 4 NW 09/18/10 PACIFIC NORTHWEST OUTLAWS 2 8 4 0 1 SC 09/18/10 KANSASKATZ INC 2 8 4 0 0 SE 09/18/10 CATTYSHACK CATS 2 8 4 0 0 AA 09/19/10 JUSTICE CAT CLUB 2 7 2 0 0 AA 09/25/10 GLOBAL CAT UNION 2 6 4 0 0 EN 09/25/10 TICA CLUB JETCAT 2 5 5 0 0 SA 09/25/10 FELIS CATUS CRIADORES ASSOCIADOS 3 4 2 0 0 SA 09/25/10 ASOCIACION FELINA PANAMENA 3 6 3 0 0 SE 09/25/10 SKYWAY CAT CLUB OF TAMPA BAY 2 8 4 0 2 2 2 7 3 4 0 0 0 0 SW 09/25/10 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CAT FANCIERS AA EN 10/02/10 10/02/10 BRILLIANT CAT FANCIERS ALFA FELIS FINLAND EW 10/02/10 BENGAL CAT CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN 2 10 4 2 8 2 0 0 4 0 3 SC 10/02/10 AUSTIN CAT FANCIERS 2 10 2 0 0 ES 10/03/10 MALTA CAT CLUB 2 1 1 0 0 AA 10/09/10 FOREST CAT JAPAN 2 12 4 0 0 EN 10/09/10 IMPERIAL CAT CLUB 2 4 2 0 3 ES 10/09/10 BLUE DANUBE CAT CLUB 2 8 6 0 0 GL 10/09/10 PRAIRIE STATE CAT CLUB 2 8 2 0 0 MP 10/09/10 UTAH'S ROYAL FELINES 4 8 8 0 0 NW 10/09/10 OKANAGAN VALLEY CAT FANCIERS 2 8 4 0 0 AA 10/16/10 TOKYO CAT CLUB 2 5 4 0 0 EN 10/16/10 ALLEY OF STARS 2 8 4 0 0 ES 10/16/10 AZUR CATS 2 6 2 0 0 NW 10/16/10 EVERGREEN CAT FANCIERS, THE 4 8 8 0 0 SC 10/16/10 MAINE COON CONNECTION OF TEXAS, THE 2 8 4 0 0 SE 10/16/10 KUDZU KAT CLUB 2 9 3 0 0 SW 10/16/10 PURR POURRI OF KATS 2 8 2 0 0 SW 10/22/10 ENCHANTED CAT CLUB 3 10 2 0 9 AA 10/23/10 SHONAN CAT CLUB 2 6 2 0 0 EN 10/23/10 PURR PURR 3 4 5 0 0 EN 10/23/10 CATS 4 US 4 8 8 0 0 ES 10/23/10 CATS FRENCH LOVERS 2 8 4 0 3 2 2 8 4 2 0 0 2 2 NE 10/23/10 CHOWDER CHUGGERS CAT CLUB SE MP 10/23/10 10/29/10 PARTY CATS SILVER CATS, THE 3 10 16 2 0 0 AA 10/30/10 CATS PARADISE PARTY 2 10 4 0 0 EN 10/30/10 CATS AND TULIPS 2 10 2 0 0 ES 10/30/10 MALTA CAT CLUB 3 3 3 0 0 ES 10/30/10 CATIMINI CLUB 2 8 2 0 1 EW 10/30/10 CATTICA ALL BREEDS CAT CLUB 2 8 4 0 0 NW 10/30/10 SOUTHERN ALBERTA CALGARY CAT FANC 4 8 8 0 0 SA 10/30/10 FEDAGAT 3 6 0 0 0 SE 10/30/10 HURRICANE CAT CLUB 2 9 3 0 0 EN 11/04/10 MOSCOW CAT CLUB GOLDEN DOMES 2 6 0 0 0 92 Report = sh_show_cnt 2010-2011 Show Season Detail Report Printed 12/22/2010 Page 3 (for complete show season weekends 1 thru 52) Show Reg Show Date Club Name Count Ring Counts AB SP HHP BRD MA 11/05/10 KEESTONE KATZ INC 3 15 5 0 0 AA 11/06/10 ALL JAPAN CAT CLUB 2 5 5 0 0 EN 11/06/10 BELGIAN TICA FRIENDS 2 12 2 0 0 GL 11/06/10 GREAT LAKES FRIENDS OF FELINES 2 7 3 0 0 NE 11/06/10 LES CHATS DUR LE ST-LAURENT 4 12 4 0 0 SA 11/06/10 CLUB TICA DE LOS ANDES 3 8 4 0 0 NW 11/12/10 CAN-AM CAT CLUB 3 13 2 0 0 AA 11/13/10 MALAYSIA CAT FANCIERS 2 12 0 0 0 EN 11/13/10 BE TICACATS CLUB 2 12 2 0 0 EN 11/13/10 VIKING CATS 2 8 2 0 4 EN 11/13/10 IMPERIAL CAT CLUB 2 8 2 0 3 ES 11/13/10 ALLIANCE FRENCH CATS 2 8 2 0 4 EW 11/13/10 NATURALLYTICA 2 10 2 0 2 SE 11/13/10 CAT-N-AROUND FELINE FANCIERS 2 9 3 0 0 SW 11/19/10 AMERICA'S FINEST FELINES 3 13 2 0 0 AA 11/20/10 ENJOY CAT CLUB 2 10 6 0 0 ES 11/20/10 MACSKAMANIA CAT CLUB 2 8 4 0 0 NE 11/20/10 WESTCHESTER FELINE CLUB 2 6 6 0 0 SC 11/20/10 TURKISH VAN CAT CONNECTION 2 10 2 0 0 SE 11/20/10 SKYWAY CAT CLUB OF TAMPA BAY 7 AA ES 11/27/10 11/27/10 FOREST CAT JAPAN IBERTICA CAT CLUB 2 2 5 3 0 0 2 0 ES 11/27/10 BLUE DANUBE CAT CLUB 2 13 10 2 8 0 0 0 4 0 3 ES 11/27/10 GALLIC CAT, THE 2 8 2 0 0 EW 11/27/10 WESTICAT 2 6 4 0 2 MP 11/27/10 FOG CITY CAT CLUB 2 11 1 0 0 NW 11/27/10 GARDEN CITY CAT CLUB 3 10 5 0 0 SA 11/27/10 CLUBE GAUCHO DO GATO 3 6 2 0 0 MA 12/03/10 CHRISTMAS CITY CAT CLUB 3 17 2 0 0 SW 12/03/10 COATIMONDI CAT CLUB 3 15 3 0 0 AA 12/04/10 JAPAN CAT LOVERS 2 12 4 0 0 AA 12/05/10 KOREA CAT CLUB 2 2 2 0 0 EW 12/10/10 THE SPOTICAT CLUB 3 14 2 0 0 GL 12/10/10 HOT CHECK CAT CLUB 3 16 2 0 2 SC 12/10/10 INTERNATIONAL FELINE SHOWCASE, THE 3 16 2 0 0 ES 12/11/10 ALL ABOUT CATS 2 4 8 0 0 NW 12/11/10 THE MAINE EVENT 2 12 0 0 0 SW 12/11/10 KAT KNAPPERS CAT CLUB 3 10 3 0 0 AA 12/12/10 ACT CAT CLUB 1 5 2 0 0 347 1224 498 0 95 Totals 93 Report = sh_show_cnt 2010-2011 Show Season Fee Balance Report Printed 12/23/2010 Page 1 (for complete show season weekends 1 thru 52) Club Name Total Due Paid 10/30/10 FEDAGAT 235 12/10/10 HOT CHECK CAT CLUB 585 560 820 560 Reg Show Date SA GL Totals Lic 90 **** Unpaid Fee Detail Awd Ins Fly Late 120 **** 0 0 Bal 25 235 25 25 50 260 94 Report = sh_show_bal Printed 12/23/2010 Page 1 Title Confirmation Report Totals by Batch Batch Date Mailed Mix Potential Paid 08/16/2007 4,559 (4393,166) $23,625 1,902 (1824,78) 42 $9,900 09/27/2007 363 (347,16) $1,895 250 (239,11) 69 $1,305 10/25/2007 423 (404,19) $2,210 309 (296,13) 73 $1,610 11/08/2007 296 (273,23) $1,595 239 (218,21) 81 $1,300 12/17/2007 435 (400,35) $2,350 278 (255,23) 64 $1,505 12/21/2007 346 (320,26) $1,860 244 (222,22) 71 $1,330 01/09/2008 339 (309,30) $1,845 237 (216,21) 70 $1,290 02/06/2008 251 (235,16) $1,335 160 (148,12) 64 $860 02/25/2008 217 (203,14) $1,155 131 (119,12) 60 $715 04/09/2008 189 (175,14) $1,015 98 (89,9) 52 $535 04/10/2008 493 (453,40) $2,665 307 (284,23) 62 $1,650 04/18/2008 317 (298,19) $1,680 189 (176,13) 60 $1,010 05/02/2008 115 (106,9) $620 71 (67,4) 62 $375 05/06/2008 103 (98,5) $540 52 (51,1) 50 $265 05/13/2008 151 (140,11) $810 97 (89,8) 64 $525 06/04/2008 126 (115,11) $685 78 (68,10) 62 $440 06/13/2008 82 (74,8) $450 31 (24,7) 38 $190 06/26/2008 275 (263,12) $1,435 173 (164,9) 63 $910 07/11/2008 122 (117,5) $635 63 (63,0) 52 $315 07/22/2008 282 (262,20) $1,510 162 (152,10) 57 $860 08/05/2008 198 (179,19) $1,085 145 (129,16) 73 $805 08/14/2008 82 (78,4) $430 47 (46,1) 57 $240 08/19/2008 136 (127,9) $725 82 (75,7) 60 $445 09/02/2008 107 (97,10) $585 59 (55,4) 55 $315 09/23/2008 137 (129,8) $725 70 (64,6) 51 $380 09/25/2008 43 (40,3) $230 29 (27,2) 67 $155 10/02/2008 64 (61,3) $335 40 (37,3) 63 $215 10/23/2008 289 (264,25) $1,570 164 (146,18) 57 $910 10/29/2008 130 (120,10) $700 76 (71,5) 58 $405 11/03/2008 160 (145,15) $875 96 (87,9) 60 $525 11/13/2008 110 (100,10) $600 77 (68,9) 70 $430 12/05/2008 290 (259,31) $1,605 195 (176,19) 67 $1,070 12/13/2008 122 (117,5) $635 72 (68,4) 59 $380 01/21/2009 231 (212,19) $1,250 138 (126,12) 60 $750 02/04/2009 486 (456,30) $2,580 281 (263,18) 58 $1,495 02/13/2009 280 (260,20) $1,500 173 (158,15) 62 $940 Mix=(Champion-Quad count, Supreme count) 95 Mix % Paid Revenue Report = title_conf_report_1 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 2 Title Confirmation Report Totals by Batch Batch Date Mailed Mix Potential Paid Mix % Paid Revenue 02/28/2009 162 (148,14) $880 109 (100,9) 67 $590 03/11/2009 134 (117,17) $755 72 (62,10) 54 $410 03/25/2009 222 (213,9) $1,155 148 (142,6) 67 $770 04/01/2009 185 (174,11) $980 113 (106,7) 61 $600 04/16/2009 123 (118,5) $640 74 (70,4) 60 $390 04/22/2009 248 (225,23) $1,355 156 (138,18) 63 $870 04/29/2009 167 (154,13) $900 92 (85,7) 55 $495 05/02/2009 70 (62,8) $390 42 (37,5) 60 $235 05/07/2009 104 (94,10) $570 61 (55,6) 59 $335 05/13/2009 146 (137,9) $775 80 (75,5) 55 $425 06/16/2009 282 (264,18) $1,500 170 (161,9) 60 $895 07/17/2009 492 (461,31) $2,615 285 (267,18) 58 $1,515 07/28/2009 162 (148,14) $880 107 (96,11) 66 $590 08/04/2009 173 (167,6) $895 107 (104,3) 62 $550 08/12/2009 120 (113,7) $635 81 (76,5) 68 $430 08/27/2009 101 (97,4) $525 64 (61,3) 63 $335 09/02/2009 306 (287,19) $1,625 203 (189,14) 66 $1,085 09/23/2009 151 (140,11) $810 92 (84,8) 61 $500 10/07/2009 53 (51,2) $275 30 (28,2) 57 $160 10/21/2009 262 (242,20) $1,410 147 (132,15) 56 $810 11/01/2009 502 (455,47) $2,745 300 (274,26) 60 $1,630 11/22/2009 191 (173,18) $1,045 130 (120,10) 68 $700 12/03/2009 176 (159,17) $965 108 (95,13) 61 $605 12/16/2009 195 (175,20) $1,075 140 (123,17) 72 $785 12/22/2009 179 (167,12) $955 99 (90,9) 55 $540 01/06/2010 170 (158,12) $910 101 (90,11) 59 $560 02/13/2010 326 (305,21) $1,735 200 (186,14) 61 $1,070 02/25/2010 311 (287,24) $1,675 192 (174,18) 62 $1,050 03/06/2010 140 (132,8) $740 84 (78,6) 60 $450 03/25/2010 154 (144,10) $820 90 (81,9) 58 $495 04/05/2010 349 (323,26) $1,875 178 (162,16) 51 $970 04/15/2010 139 (133,6) $725 87 (81,6) 63 $465 04/28/2010 609 (559,50) $3,295 285 (262,23) 47 $1,540 05/21/2010 325 (299,26) $1,755 148 (136,12) 46 $800 07/08/2010 459 (432,27) $2,430 181 (165,16) 39 $985 07/22/2010 370 (338,32) $2,010 163 (145,18) 44 $905 Mix=(Champion-Quad count, Supreme count) 96 Report = title_conf_report_1 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 3 Title Confirmation Report Totals by Batch Batch Date Mailed Mix Potential Paid Mix % Paid Revenue 08/05/2010 272 (263,9) $1,405 109 (106,3) 40 $560 08/19/2010 98 (88,10) $540 39 (34,5) 40 $220 09/09/2010 100 (93,7) $535 47 (42,5) 47 $260 09/22/2010 176 (164,12) $940 75 (69,6) 43 $405 10/06/2010 266 (248,18) $1,420 110 (99,11) 41 $605 10/28/2010 288 (270,18) $1,530 106 (97,9) 37 $575 12/03/2010 538 (500,38) $2,880 35 (31,4) 7 $195 22,345 (20906,1439 118,920 12,055 (11168,887 54 $64,710 Total Mix=(Champion-Quad count, Supreme count) 97 Report = title_conf_report_1 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 1 Title Confirmation Report Totals by Region Title Mailed Mix AA 2,559 (2391,168) $13,635 1,332 (1222,110) 52 $7,210 EN 3,640 (3439,201) $19,205 1,880 (1755,125) 52 $10,025 ES 1,295 (1218,77) $6,860 705 (660,45) 54 $3,750 EW 568 (537,31) $2,995 268 (253,15) 47 $1,415 GL 2,038 (1873,165) $11,015 1,209 (1093,116) 59 $6,625 IN 14 (14,0) $70 7 (7,0) 50 $35 MA 1,277 (1187,90) $6,835 733 (675,58) 57 $3,955 MP 978 (926,52) $5,150 559 (523,36) 57 $2,975 NE 1,621 (1511,110) $8,655 1,068 (990,78) 66 $5,730 NW 1,804 (1688,116) $9,600 905 (848,57) 50 $4,810 SA 1,418 (1336,82) $7,500 424 (390,34) 30 $2,290 SC 1,864 (1742,122) $9,930 1,032 (957,75) 55 $5,535 SE 1,678 (1567,111) $8,945 979 (913,66) 58 $5,225 SW 1,591 (1477,114) $8,525 954 (882,72) 60 $5,130 22,345 (20906,1439 118,920 12,055 (11168,887) 54 $64,710 Total Mix=(Champion-Quad count, Supreme count) Potential Paid 98 Mix % Paid Revenue Report = title_conf_report_4 Title Confirmation Report Printed 12/23/2010 Page 1 Totals by Class and Level (Confirmation Process 08/16/2007 to 12/22/2010) Title Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH 5,271 $26,355 2,724 52 $13,620 CHA 1,455 $7,275 635 44 $3,175 MS 818 $4,090 374 46 $1,870 Champion 7,544 $37,720 3,733 49 $18,665 GRC 2,593 $12,965 1,465 56 $7,325 GCA 935 $4,675 485 52 $2,425 GRM 620 $3,100 311 50 $1,555 Grand 4,148 $20,740 2,261 55 $11,305 DGC 2,217 $11,085 1,273 57 $6,365 DGCA 851 $4,255 452 53 $2,260 DGM 591 $2,955 304 51 $1,520 Double 3,659 $18,295 2,029 55 $10,145 TGC 1,770 $8,850 1,031 58 $5,155 TGCA 757 $3,785 404 53 $2,020 TGM 507 $2,535 280 55 $1,400 Triple 3,034 $15,170 1,715 57 $8,575 QGC 1,418 $7,090 830 59 $4,150 QGCA 666 $3,330 365 55 $1,825 QGM 437 $2,185 235 54 $1,175 Quad 2,521 $12,605 1,430 57 $7,150 SGC 716 $7,160 479 67 $4,790 SGCA 436 $4,360 260 60 $2,600 SGM 287 $2,870 148 52 $1,480 Supreme 1,439 $14,390 887 62 $8,870 22,345 118,920 12,055 54 $64,710 Total 99 Report = title_conf_report_3 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 1 Title Confirmation Report AA Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 654 193 52 $3,270 $965 $260 311 70 16 48 36 31 $1,555 $350 $80 Champion 899 $4,495 397 44 $1,985 GRC GCA GRM 333 127 48 $1,665 $635 $240 178 65 15 53 51 31 $890 $325 $75 Grand 508 $2,540 258 51 $1,290 DGC DGCA DGM 271 111 44 $1,355 $555 $220 157 60 17 58 54 39 $785 $300 $85 Double 426 $2,130 234 55 $1,170 TGC TGCA TGM 201 90 35 $1,005 $450 $175 122 51 17 61 57 49 $610 $255 $85 Triple 326 $1,630 190 58 $950 QGC QGCA QGM 138 65 29 $690 $325 $145 86 40 17 62 62 59 $430 $200 $85 Quad 232 $1,160 143 62 $715 SGC SGCA SGM 84 56 28 $840 $560 $280 59 35 16 70 63 57 $590 $350 $160 Supreme 168 $1,680 110 65 $1,100 AA Total 2,559 $13,635 1,332 52 $7,210 Title 100 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 2 Title Confirmation Report EN Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 887 216 49 $4,435 $1,080 $245 439 93 16 49 43 33 $2,195 $465 $80 Champion 1,152 $5,760 548 48 $2,740 GRC GCA GRM 501 168 48 $2,505 $840 $240 283 77 15 56 46 31 $1,415 $385 $75 Grand 717 $3,585 375 52 $1,875 DGC DGCA DGM 429 154 50 $2,145 $770 $250 241 73 13 56 47 26 $1,205 $365 $65 Double 633 $3,165 327 52 $1,635 TGC TGCA TGM 340 139 44 $1,700 $695 $220 197 66 17 58 47 39 $985 $330 $85 Triple 523 $2,615 280 54 $1,400 QGC QGCA QGM 257 124 33 $1,285 $620 $165 146 64 15 57 52 45 $730 $320 $75 Quad 414 $2,070 225 54 $1,125 SGC SGCA SGM 115 63 23 $1,150 $630 $230 80 33 12 70 52 52 $800 $330 $120 Supreme 201 $2,010 125 62 $1,250 EN Total 3,640 $19,205 1,880 52 $10,025 Title 101 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 3 Title Confirmation Report ES Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 360 61 12 $1,800 $305 $60 177 26 9 49 43 75 $885 $130 $45 Champion 433 $2,165 212 49 $1,060 GRC GCA GRM 185 52 13 $925 $260 $65 104 26 10 56 50 77 $520 $130 $50 Grand 250 $1,250 140 56 $700 DGC DGCA DGM 157 48 14 $785 $240 $70 94 24 9 60 50 64 $470 $120 $45 Double 219 $1,095 127 58 $635 TGC TGCA TGM 122 45 10 $610 $225 $50 72 27 6 59 60 60 $360 $135 $30 Triple 177 $885 105 59 $525 QGC QGCA QGM 95 32 12 $475 $160 $60 53 17 6 56 53 50 $265 $85 $30 Quad 139 $695 76 55 $380 SGC SGCA SGM 48 22 7 $480 $220 $70 31 12 2 65 55 29 $310 $120 $20 Supreme 77 $770 45 58 $450 ES Total 1,295 $6,860 705 54 $3,750 Title 102 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 4 Title Confirmation Report EW Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 155 43 7 $775 $215 $35 66 24 3 43 56 43 $330 $120 $15 Champion 205 $1,025 93 45 $465 GRC GCA GRM 63 30 6 $315 $150 $30 27 20 3 43 67 50 $135 $100 $15 Grand 99 $495 50 51 $250 DGC DGCA DGM 58 24 5 $290 $120 $25 23 15 3 40 63 60 $115 $75 $15 Double 87 $435 41 47 $205 TGC TGCA TGM 52 22 7 $260 $110 $35 22 12 4 42 55 57 $110 $60 $20 Triple 81 $405 38 47 $190 QGC QGCA QGM 41 18 6 $205 $90 $30 19 10 2 46 56 33 $95 $50 $10 Quad 65 $325 31 48 $155 SGC SGCA SGM 17 11 3 $170 $110 $30 9 5 1 53 45 33 $90 $50 $10 Supreme 31 $310 15 48 $150 EW Total 568 $2,995 268 47 $1,415 Title 103 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 5 Title Confirmation Report GL Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 441 140 97 $2,205 $700 $485 244 68 46 55 49 47 $1,220 $340 $230 Champion 678 $3,390 358 53 $1,790 GRC GCA GRM 194 85 72 $970 $425 $360 124 47 38 64 55 53 $620 $235 $190 Grand 351 $1,755 209 60 $1,045 DGC DGCA DGM 174 75 69 $870 $375 $345 118 45 38 68 60 55 $590 $225 $190 Double 318 $1,590 201 63 $1,005 TGC TGCA TGM 153 68 63 $765 $340 $315 101 40 35 66 59 56 $505 $200 $175 Triple 284 $1,420 176 62 $880 QGC QGCA QGM 129 61 52 $645 $305 $260 83 37 29 64 61 56 $415 $185 $145 Quad 242 $1,210 149 62 $745 SGC SGCA SGM 79 46 40 $790 $460 $400 60 31 25 76 67 63 $600 $310 $250 Supreme 165 $1,650 116 70 $1,160 GL Total 2,038 $11,015 1,209 59 $6,625 Title 104 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 6 Title Confirmation Report IN Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA 5 1 $25 $5 2 0 40 0 $10 $0 Champion 6 $30 2 33 $10 GRC 4 $20 2 50 $10 Grand 4 $20 2 50 $10 DGC 3 $15 2 67 $10 Double 3 $15 2 67 $10 TGC 1 $5 1 ** $5 Triple 1 $5 1 ** $5 IN Total 14 $70 7 50 $35 Title 105 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 7 Title Confirmation Report MA Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 263 89 87 $1,315 $445 $435 141 48 43 54 54 49 $705 $240 $215 Champion 439 $2,195 232 53 $1,160 GRC GCA GRM 117 49 57 $585 $245 $285 69 32 36 59 65 63 $345 $160 $180 Grand 223 $1,115 137 61 $685 DGC DGCA DGM 108 39 49 $540 $195 $245 56 25 32 52 64 65 $280 $125 $160 Double 196 $980 113 58 $565 TGC TGCA TGM 98 32 43 $490 $160 $215 48 23 29 49 72 67 $240 $115 $145 Triple 173 $865 100 58 $500 QGC QGCA QGM 81 34 41 $405 $170 $205 45 22 26 56 65 63 $225 $110 $130 Quad 156 $780 93 60 $465 SGC SGCA SGM 43 21 26 $430 $210 $260 27 16 15 63 76 58 $270 $160 $150 Supreme 90 $900 58 64 $580 MA Total 1,277 $6,835 733 57 $3,955 Title 106 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 8 Title Confirmation Report MP Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 247 87 46 $1,235 $435 $230 142 43 17 57 49 37 $710 $215 $85 Champion 380 $1,900 202 53 $1,010 GRC GCA GRM 92 36 34 $460 $180 $170 56 22 14 61 61 41 $280 $110 $70 Grand 162 $810 92 57 $460 DGC DGCA DGM 82 43 34 $410 $215 $170 54 21 14 66 49 41 $270 $105 $70 Double 159 $795 89 56 $445 TGC TGCA TGM 63 33 26 $315 $165 $130 45 15 14 71 45 54 $225 $75 $70 Triple 122 $610 74 61 $370 QGC QGCA QGM 53 28 22 $265 $140 $110 39 16 11 74 57 50 $195 $80 $55 Quad 103 $515 66 64 $330 SGC SGCA SGM 20 16 16 $200 $160 $160 16 12 8 80 75 50 $160 $120 $80 Supreme 52 $520 36 69 $360 MP Total 978 $5,150 559 57 $2,975 Title 107 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 9 Title Confirmation Report NE Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 399 103 81 $1,995 $515 $405 241 51 43 60 50 53 $1,205 $255 $215 Champion 583 $2,915 335 57 $1,675 GRC GCA GRM 171 61 52 $855 $305 $260 121 40 35 71 66 67 $605 $200 $175 Grand 284 $1,420 196 69 $980 DGC DGCA DGM 150 64 49 $750 $320 $245 107 46 32 71 72 65 $535 $230 $160 Double 263 $1,315 185 70 $925 TGC TGCA TGM 120 52 38 $600 $260 $190 87 38 27 73 73 71 $435 $190 $135 Triple 210 $1,050 152 72 $760 QGC QGCA QGM 95 45 31 $475 $225 $155 69 32 21 73 71 68 $345 $160 $105 Quad 171 $855 122 71 $610 SGC SGCA SGM 52 39 19 $520 $390 $190 38 28 12 73 72 63 $380 $280 $120 Supreme 110 $1,100 78 71 $780 NE Total 1,621 $8,655 1,068 66 $5,730 Title 108 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 10 Title Confirmation Report NW Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 376 133 84 $1,880 $665 $420 174 54 41 46 41 49 $870 $270 $205 Champion 593 $2,965 269 45 $1,345 GRC GCA GRM 180 78 70 $900 $390 $350 99 32 35 55 41 50 $495 $160 $175 Grand 328 $1,640 166 51 $830 DGC DGCA DGM 157 71 65 $785 $355 $325 90 32 38 57 45 58 $450 $160 $190 Double 293 $1,465 160 55 $800 TGC TGCA TGM 126 73 55 $630 $365 $275 71 33 35 56 45 64 $355 $165 $175 Triple 254 $1,270 139 55 $695 QGC QGCA QGM 108 68 44 $540 $340 $220 61 28 25 56 41 57 $305 $140 $125 Quad 220 $1,100 114 52 $570 SGC SGCA SGM 53 39 24 $530 $390 $240 31 19 7 58 49 29 $310 $190 $70 Supreme 116 $1,160 57 49 $570 NW Total 1,804 $9,600 905 50 $4,810 Title 109 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 11 Title Confirmation Report SA Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 318 50 8 $1,590 $250 $40 94 5 1 30 10 13 $470 $25 $5 Champion 376 $1,880 100 27 $500 GRC GCA GRM 247 46 8 $1,235 $230 $40 80 5 1 32 11 13 $400 $25 $5 Grand 301 $1,505 86 29 $430 DGC DGCA DGM 208 43 8 $1,040 $215 $40 71 4 1 34 9 13 $355 $20 $5 Double 259 $1,295 76 29 $380 TGC TGCA TGM 167 40 7 $835 $200 $35 63 5 1 38 13 14 $315 $25 $5 Triple 214 $1,070 69 32 $345 QGC QGCA QGM 143 39 4 $715 $195 $20 54 5 0 38 13 0 $270 $25 $0 Quad 186 $930 59 32 $295 SGC SGCA SGM 54 26 2 $540 $260 $20 28 6 0 52 23 0 $280 $60 $0 Supreme 82 $820 34 41 $340 SA Total 1,418 $7,500 424 30 $2,290 Title 110 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 12 Title Confirmation Report SC Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 398 129 110 $1,990 $645 $550 226 59 46 57 46 42 $1,130 $295 $230 Champion 637 $3,185 331 52 $1,655 GRC GCA GRM 195 82 76 $975 $410 $380 116 42 38 59 51 50 $580 $210 $190 Grand 353 $1,765 196 56 $980 DGC DGCA DGM 158 77 69 $790 $385 $345 93 42 37 59 55 54 $465 $210 $185 Double 304 $1,520 172 57 $860 TGC TGCA TGM 120 74 52 $600 $370 $260 71 41 28 59 55 54 $355 $205 $140 Triple 246 $1,230 140 57 $700 QGC QGCA QGM 96 61 45 $480 $305 $225 58 38 22 60 62 49 $290 $190 $110 Quad 202 $1,010 118 58 $590 SGC SGCA SGM 60 40 22 $600 $400 $220 38 25 12 63 63 55 $380 $250 $120 Supreme 122 $1,220 75 61 $750 SC Total 1,864 $9,930 1,032 55 $5,535 Title 111 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 13 Title Confirmation Report SE Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 390 107 106 $1,950 $535 $530 239 51 51 61 48 48 $1,195 $255 $255 Champion 603 $3,015 341 57 $1,705 GRC GCA GRM 156 55 75 $780 $275 $375 105 34 36 67 62 48 $525 $170 $180 Grand 286 $1,430 175 61 $875 DGC DGCA DGM 138 47 75 $690 $235 $375 89 32 36 64 68 48 $445 $160 $180 Double 260 $1,300 157 60 $785 TGC TGCA TGM 99 44 71 $495 $220 $355 60 29 35 61 66 49 $300 $145 $175 Triple 214 $1,070 124 58 $620 QGC QGCA QGM 91 42 71 $455 $210 $355 57 27 32 63 64 45 $285 $135 $160 Quad 204 $1,020 116 57 $580 SGC SGCA SGM 46 24 41 $460 $240 $410 33 18 15 72 75 37 $330 $180 $150 Supreme 111 $1,110 66 59 $660 SE Total 1,678 $8,945 979 58 $5,225 Title 112 Report - title_conf_report_5 Printed 12/23/2010 Page 14 Title Confirmation Report SW Region Detail by Class and Level Mailed Potential Paid % Paid Revenue CH CHA MS 378 103 79 $1,890 $515 $395 228 43 42 60 42 53 $1,140 $215 $210 Champion 560 $2,800 313 56 $1,565 GRC GCA GRM 155 66 61 $775 $330 $305 101 43 35 65 65 57 $505 $215 $175 Grand 282 $1,410 179 63 $895 DGC DGCA DGM 124 55 60 $620 $275 $300 78 33 34 63 60 57 $390 $165 $170 Double 239 $1,195 145 61 $725 TGC TGCA TGM 108 45 56 $540 $225 $280 71 24 32 66 53 57 $355 $120 $160 Triple 209 $1,045 127 61 $635 QGC QGCA QGM 91 49 47 $455 $245 $235 60 29 29 66 59 62 $300 $145 $145 Quad 187 $935 118 63 $590 SGC SGCA SGM 45 33 36 $450 $330 $360 29 20 23 64 61 64 $290 $200 $230 Supreme 114 $1,140 72 63 $720 SW Total 1,591 $8,525 954 60 $5,130 Title 113 Report - title_conf_report_5 Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 AA ASIA Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone ACT CAT CLUB ALL JAPAN CAT CLUB BRILLIANT CAT FANCIERS C.A.T. CREDO CATS PARADISE PARTY CLOUD 9 CAT CLUB ENJOY CAT CLUB FOREST CAT JAPAN GLOBAL CAT UNION JAPAN CAT LOVERS JUSTICE CAT CLUB KANSAI CAT COMMUNITY KINGDOM CAT FANCIERS KOREA CAT CLUB KOREA CAT FANCIERS CLUB MALAYSIA CAT FANCIERS SHONAN CAT CLUB THE THREE C TOKYO CAT CLUB 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2013 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active JURI YAWATA (336)727-838 KINUE KAWAHASHI (052)691-9729 KAORU KURODA (482)813-106 HARUYO TOMONARI (028)366-2326 HISAE TASAKI YUMEKO KATOH (028)623-6013 MOTOKO OIZUMI (148)642-5907 MITSUKO SHONO (093)761-5766 NAHOKO KAIZUKA (129)748-0874 MIMI TSURUOKA info_siberian@cat.nifty.php (358)105-166 YORIKO HONGO (042)723-4913 ASAMI OKUMURA (072)870-3431 IKUO SHINDO (092)892-6460 SANG WON PARK (011)292-5262 BAE KEUN HONG ISMAIL MOHD ALI RYOKO DOI (146)725-0843 MARIKO KIKUCHI (033)290-7057 ERIKO ODAKA (033)761-1020 Club Count 19 114 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 EN NORTHERN EUROPE Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone ABSOLUTICATS ALFA FELIS FINLAND ALLEY OF STARS BE TICACATS CLUB BELGIAN TICA FRIENDS BELGIUM CAT LOVERS BEST BY CATS CATS 4 US CATS AND TULIPS CATS UNLIMITED GERMAN-AM CAT CLUB CRYSTAL ESTICAT IMPERIAL CAT CLUB MOSCOW CAT CLUB GOLDEN DOMES PRIMECATS PURR PURR RAGDOLL ARBEITS GEMEINSCHAFT E V RED CAT TICA CLUB THE FINTICAT CLUB TICA CLUB JETCAT TICACATS VIKING CATS 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active SANDRA GEBUHR RAIMO TUIKKA EVGENIA SMIRNOVA GERALDINE TESSENS (049)963-2034 PAUL JANSSENS MARCEL LOUWYCK marcel.louwyck@skyne (323)458-4885 MARIA BULANOVA MARION SCHWEINSBERG (969)540-0562 IRENE VAN BELZEN (134)535-5601 CLAUS-PETER KUCZERA OLGA MURASHKO KARIN ROTH (725)646-0236 NATALYA YASKOVICH (095)658-8776 IRINA DMITRIEVA JULIYA BONDARTSOVA VITALY ABINYAKIN GUDRUN KIPPE (972)168-9711 INNA MINASYAN JENNI TOIVONIEMI (840)740-2752 ANNA KARPOVA AMY STADTER (626)291-6127 ANDERS LORENTZEN Club Count 22 115 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 ES SOUTHERN EUROPE Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone ALL ABOUT CATS ALLIANCE FRENCH CATS AUSTRIAN CATS UNITED AZUR CATS BLUE DANUBE CAT CLUB BREIZ CAT'S BAND CATIMINI CLUB CATLANTIC CATS FRENCH LOVERS EURO-CAT FELIS SERBICA FRENCH KISS, THE GALLIC CAT, THE IBERTICA CAT CLUB MACSKAMANIA CAT CLUB MALTA CAT CLUB NICA SHADOW AND LIGHT 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active MONIKA DANY (322)362-5234 SONIA CLAUDEL (023)732-3614 ROBERT KOLAR JUN NICOLE CHANIEL KURT VLACH (431)810-6492 CATHERINE LE TRIONNAIRE (029)756-8035 PATRICK LETERRIER (23 )875-2406 HELENE GUILLAUME PASCAL REMY GENEVIEVE BASQUINE (314)825-6941 MILAN BISENIC EDMEE BOISQUILLON edmee.boisquillon@cl (013)915-3690 MARTINE CAILLARD (324)821-0204 RAQUEL ORTEGA CORMENZANA (636)116-531 BELA ARADI (361)420-5585 MARVIC ATTARD GIALANZE VIKTORIA STARODUBTSEVA MARIE FRANCE DENDAUW (014)132-0280 Club Count 18 116 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 EW WESTERN EUROPE Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone BENGAL CAT CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN CATTICA ALL BREEDS CAT CLUB COONTICA NATURALLYTICA ONEFORALL CAT CLUB RAGTIMETICA RUSTICATS THE SPOTICAT CLUB TICKEDTICA CAT CLUB WESTICAT 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active PETER EDWARDS (174)671-0498 POPPI CLEMENTS (143)468-4520 ROSAMUNDE WOOD (190)858-5754 NATHAN MICHAEL GILBERT TONY YATES (165)265-6039 TERESA CORNWELL LINDSEY WRIGHT (125)676-1835 VALERIE DAVIDSON (163)457-2181 JENNIFER DINHAM (127)842-3605 Club Count 10 117 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 GL GREAT LAKES Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone BUCKEYE OHIO ROLLERS CAT CLUB CMC CAT CLUB FLYING FELINES GLASS CITICATS GREAT LAKES AREA CAT ENTHUSIASTS GREAT LAKES CAT CONSORTIUM, INC. GREAT LAKES FRIENDS OF FELINES HOT CHECK CAT CLUB KOOL KATS CLUB NATURAL CAT CLUB PRAIRIE STATE CAT CLUB WISCONSIN-ILLINOIS CAT FANCIERS 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active HEATHER LORIMER (330)792-3677 CLAIRE VUCETICH (708)453-0867 CHRISTINA UNANGST (919)671-1197 MIGUEL VASQUEZ (419)343-9854 SUSAN LEE (517)332-2184 JAMIE E CHRISTIAN (419)343-1751 WILLIAM L LEE (517)332-2184 SUE KNIERIEM DENISE MAYHEW (905)561-1394 KIMBERLY MCDANIEL (317)727-9297 SHERRI SKINNER (262)886-2962 LAURA ORAVEC (262)767-9001 Club Count 12 118 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 MA MID ATLANTIC Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone CATS OF THE ENDLESS HILLS CENTRAL JERSEY CAT FANCIERS CHRISTMAS CITY CAT CLUB COLONIAL CATS JERSEY STATE FELINE FANCIERS KAROUSEL KATS KEESTONE KATZ INC LEHIGH VALLEY CAT CLUB POTOMAC AREA CAT ENTHUSIASTS SUSQUEHANNOCK CAT CLUB, INC. 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active MICHAEL HAMMOND (607)279-6048 GLORIA ADLER (570)620-1599 THERESA VOGEL (484)505-9382 LISA DICKIE (410)884-9911 LINDA SWIERCZYNSKI (856)753-9115 BARBARA KISSINGER (484)554-3627 MARY MEINHOLZ (610)644-8142 SUSAN ADLER (570)620-1599 SHERRIE F ZABRISKIE (301)498-3809 HUGH A PRICE (717)243-8972 Club Count 10 119 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 MP MID PACIFIC Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone CATS AND SIN CITY EAST OF EDEN CAT FANCIERS FOG CITY CAT CLUB JAZZY CATS CAT CLUB NEW CULTURE CLUB, THE SASSY KATZ CAT CLUB SILVER CATS, THE UTAH'S ROYAL FELINES 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active SUSANNA SHON (702)448-3941 CAROL BARTON (831)375-0801 JANET BROWN (707)338-1261 WAYNE MAHAN (209)745-6302 VALERIE HORTON (541)567-5084 LINDA KAY ASHLEY (541)726-5259 ROBIN E HENDRICKSON (775)787-8783 CAROLYN MCGUIRE (801)787-8827 Club Count 8 120 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 NE NORTHEAST Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone CATS ON THE BEACH CHOWDER CHUGGERS CAT CLUB GOLD COAST FELINE FANCIERS LES CHATS DUR LE ST-LAURENT LIGHTHOUSE CATS MYSTICATS CAT CLUB NAUTICATS PATRIOTICATS WESTCHESTER FELINE CLUB 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active MELISSA ALEXANDER (774)275-1420 DONNA MADISON, (207)433-0155 DONNA CIPLEY (516)735-1670 BARBARA GARNEAU (514)349-9159 EDWARD LEWIS (631)539-2066 IRENE KNAPP (860)267-0496 DONNA MADISON, (207)433-0155 AUDREY HOBBS (207)224-2207 MICHAEL DENTICO (914)429-9553 Club Count 9 121 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 NW NORTHWEST Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone CAN-AM CAT CLUB CAT CHAT CLUB, THE CAT FANCIERS OF B. C. COMMENCEMENT CAT FANCIERS EDMONTON CAT FANCIERS EVERGREEN CAT FANCIERS, THE GARDEN CITY CAT CLUB INTERNATIONAL SPECIALTY CLUB NEW CULTURE CLUB NW, THE OKANAGAN VALLEY CAT FANCIERS PACIFIC NORTHWEST OUTLAWS SOUTHERN ALBERTA CALGARY CAT FANC THE MAINE EVENT WHITE HATTERS CAT FANCIERS 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active YVONNE PATRICK (604)823-4777 J G WILLIAMS (204)728-4245 JOHN BURCH (604)576-9359 JOI MCNAMARA (360)705-2973 KATHY BYRAM (780)903-1766 MICHELE MISLANG (425)290-7522 MARILYN MCCORKINDALE (250)642-2915 ELAINE WEITZ (425)775-0454 ROBERT GRIFFITHS (360)944-8735 MUNIRA MURREY (250)764-4052 SHIRLEY DELONG (206)498-4147 MAUREEN DAVIES (403)239-9519 ELAINE WEITZ (425)775-0454 AIKO NAGAI (403)225-1934 Club Count 14 122 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 SA SOUTH AMERICA Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone ALLEGRO CAT CLUB ASOCIACION FELINA PANAMENA CLUB FELINO DE ANTIOQUIA-CCFA CLUB FELINO DEL URUGUAY AFU-ARU CLUB TICA DE LOS ANDES CLUBE GAUCHO DO GATO FEDAGAT FELIS CATUS CRIADORES ASSOCIADOS TICADELPLATA 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active ANA CLAUDIA DE SOUZA ANDRADE MANUEL CHAVOYAS (507)391-0310 CECILIA MOSSOS LEYVA MAGELA ALONSO FELIPE TAMAYO RUIZ MARCOS ANDRE KLEIN (551)597-2020 ENRIQUE CARLOS ABOITIZ VIRGINIA LOPES ARAUJO (551)332-7674 CARLOS DANIEL LOPEZ (114)966-2131 Club Count 9 123 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 SC SOUTH CENTRAL Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone AUSTIN CAT FANCIERS BIG TEX CAT CLUB CAT REBELS CONFEDERACY CATS IN ACTION OF HOUSTON COMPADRES CAT CLUB EVANGELINE COUNTRY CAT FANCIER FT WORTH FELINE FANCIERS, INC. INTERNATIONAL FELINE SHOWCASE, THE KANSASKATZ INC MAINE COON CONNECTION OF TEXAS, THE MISSION CITY CAT CLUB NEKO JUNIOR ACHIEVERS CAT CLUB ORANGE BLOSSOM CATS REGIO GATO CLUB SOUTH CENTRAL ANNUAL TEAM 2008 TEXAS MAINE COONFEDERACY CAT CLUB THUNDERKATZ, INC TURKISH VAN CAT CONNECTION 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active ALLAN M SEILS (512)441-6575 MARICIA MUNDEN (972)867-0683 CATHERINE BETTS (713)463-5123 ANNE PAUL (337)494-1087 SUE CAROL BECKNELL (915)584-5798 STEVEN PAUL SAVANT (337)989-0085 AUBREY JOE EDWARDS SR (817)926-7822 JAMES ARMEL (281)209-2082 RICHARD HUMMEL (316)619-5938 CAROL S HALE (713)666-3333 EDWINA LOTT (210)659-7028 LANNA K EDMONDS (817)558-4080 SHERRY KERN (409)755-0447 JORGE LUIS TREVINO (818)335-7817 D'ANN E KOVIC (972)867-0683 CAROL S HALE (713)666-3333 CHARLES NELL (405)324-2783 BARBARA LINDSEY (903)527-2357 Club Count 18 124 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 SE SOUTHEAST Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone ALABAMA PAWS & CLAWS ATLANTA FANTASTICATS ATLANTA MANX BREEDERS SOCIETY CAT-N-AROUND FELINE FANCIERS CATTYSHACK CATS DESTINY CAT FANCIERS EGYPTIAN MAU ENTHUSIASTS FIELD OF DREAMS CAT CLUB FIRST IN FLIGHT CAT CLUB FLORIDA SUN CATS GREATER ATLANTA CAT CLUB, THE HURRICANE CAT CLUB KITT FLICKS PRODUCTIONS INC KUDZU KAT CLUB MISSISSIPPI CAT FANCIERS, INC. MYSTICAL MOON CAT CLUB NORTH ALABAMA FELINE FANCIERS PARTY CATS PEACHTREE PURRFECT PAWS PENN-JERSEY CAT CLUB SANDY CLAWS CAT FANCIERS SKYWAY CAT CLUB OF TAMPA BAY SOUTHERN SOPHISTICATS VOLUNTEER CAT CLUB 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2079 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active LINDA DOUGLAS (205)631-6892 ALISA C COFFEY (770)390-9772 JAY HAWKINS (404)457-1715 ED MANNING (919)451-6475 ELIZABETH D FLYNN (404)860-1521 KIM TOMLIN (334)508-0082 DOROTHY MARDULIER (321)446-4605 CHRISTINA UNANGST (919)671-1197 CHRISTINA UNANGST (919)671-1197 SUZANNE HANSEN (904)641-1809 JUDY BICKETT (404)636-6608 ROBERT I SELISKAR (813)968-5342 WENDELL PATTON laurie@pirateslair.o (803)754-9975 CHARLOTTE SWANSON (828)327-2441 ROBERT WHYTE (601)259-6369 CLINTON KNAPP (860)267-0496 LYNNE SHERER (901)372-3394 JUDITH JOHNSON (678)858-8505 JOHN F SOKOL (770)364-5565 CHRISTINA UNANGST (919)671-1197 STEVEN LAWSON (941)751-9495 THERESA KEMPTON (727)867-7328 WILLIAM H BROWN (334)712-0343 STEPHANIE SMITH (423)261-2049 Club Count 24 125 Report = club_active Active TICA Clubs Printed 01/17/2011 Page 1 SW SOUTHWEST Club Name Club Exp Status Contact Name, eMail, Phone AMERICA'S FINEST FELINES COATIMONDI CAT CLUB COLORADO CATS, INC. DESPERADO CAT FANCIERS, INC. ENCHANTED CAT CLUB HIGH ON CATS KAT KNAPPERS CAT CLUB NOCO LOCO CAT CLUB PURR POURRI OF KATS SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CAT FANCIERS SOCAL EXOTICA 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 05/01/2011 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active ALEXANDRA CHISHOLM (760)788-0562 BOBBIE TULLO (928)978-0487 JUDY MIERS (303)499-5491 SANDI L MATTINGLY (480)921-1713 PAT HARDING (505)298-4513 BRENDA MILLER (719)395-9479 DONALD WRIGHT (562)697-2389 JACKIE ROSE (303)819-9818 ANNE RITZINGER (909)861-6083 LINDA FAYE TURCATO (626)357-9154 CHARLES PEALER (951)776-2045 Club Count 11 126 Report = club_active