ruise compass
ruise compass
RUISECOMPASS DAY I su.aav, oecemue. s.zoro wEtSoltE To THEl|^tlora oF wlfY l{or. lllPlORT/A||l rfl|llGg YOUR ADYEIIflJRE BEGIII3 I'OW. TOKNOWTODAY IOD Y'II FOIIGA'I 79"Frwhdlwlo.zon't Fhob{'iilyDld6byjlyAnb.ldolLoF! cEr |r{ro rHEswr'.c oF tll||acs C$rnE"/''5E4s- @ sl.d EXvtnOX YYET.COHE ABOARD THE Al,lAZll{G AIJRE ,/tr. SEAS .&dd4'*-'..'" Er.TALl|DB|t WHY L0[ tt.d *- --r"n -"" -d th- "'. gflEio.EEe) 'PJ PNOGR acttvtttEs A OXEOAND & ElftERta[{HEllT HIGHLIGHTS WHY l{of to DAY? Ig t sbry Er L.yddr r'*r 01rd tlP@i5aeoom'10:00om'c.rnedyUveD.da t kdr,sihrhmrE*y*hk xqr( l- ct'&alo.dw 17 @drq r'rc bn4! b k Fu eijqhts i.Gd b € $.se prcdudion o bnd.E'lq tk rory,orrs sio|'cH|Cac.''ignh& o rcr.x iid rcjuvende you shw orl inu b6t t eu€ ebhr o' p reud @L4FbadgkaEeui€n'o' hei0&ld|.edg]afuF6dto 3&r.r ,ln c.eio. ilr00r5 kpo!4ka6[.'udyi,ftdG@old hr.' eie4 m*€ youdviledry rdiehrrh€.d Nididuh is@ roai 6mit d b4d i lll@ m rhed.menq. Joiicge&tyDJPrcpmode|rcmthesda Fv oonl drs tttrt oJ& kA DAY I oaa-asra ci..l-.!r.rr-t&da.-alir{4..4 t'..,.drfl,tssrv |r-r!.!F&@ .|ll^trrDlffi nr. l.ldrM !.dc dlrrseord xil[]b.Ms r4{{E cdrlr|!| 600pm Mahs!.lrE, Dt'l@P.@r ....,,,..3,4 6r0@-900pm wndjdmerMadd* edelmTHrlld sm|ds.*i4,'',''FodB..'',.,!',| ftrvebrtudd 5.0om.rcon vd#Wm/re r!.arhrL ra.raig a.|b| k 6 .atDd3lr5 arh(lFlf tlom'9:oh ctEc. L rroN-9:rom cbddrraak 6:00on-9{om lsocendk fl rnEd bdr rb.i, cxe6 b!?.n&rr nd E dd ot.n Nbk .'s Fd nnhr lutd:e ose etq b thr cd hyl.0oan €(h Miry condd Plrky d.h I''ltd5d r.rcrr td.t - Rqr ctltd 4han6 |tmt.i|.Ebdrfdydld*i'q'6'to|tob.iElddk bffior4rofio'dli,.ffifr.h dF.l{t{ Ertc- l.. tnv b. tuftd byRqd Ctn6.a. |r!flri.dlt'd - ft q bldl€a!€r. @d tu vd' !'dn|detoefudPuF'dEd|n.ry'Efud|dc t{od-73om 5ff im-sm $om- nlom tto d - di'hld{ r00m- r30f tlofr- tloN-rloh rJoa c.r{P|qE.d. RodPldEr..b sotdhr sdddo@|t4... vibrirso.ct cD ....v'rlvsD (r.d. olhsd (tfodsurd b(rdpa.LrcD,....s.rd*.* ldw Rod.c CD sr'hddc.rh.3.(t) ......... 5 6 5 s 5 '''''''R@lh'F*5 vinrF/rF(') sffi.9 tuFr|rlrlEd t !4sF ! Du6AngDdk,xeqlalM.fu' .Alk'Ndrftdyrdd'R6dd|0]Dn9ioi (l) r- r!' dL .trl|dinl, J srlhwldyPertyce|rb|atron Famlly Featungour )Dreamworks' 9!0pmi0{pm r4ned€(a*srt)( €t l rarIdttu0s, .mdyUE vliEclmtdry 5:OOpn, Aqufier.r, O*l 5 DAY lD I sunaav, oecemrers, zoro . al{OttlLo . ,/Ull . C,lLtao . EAI I LOltl€EA . Ai|D I|OIE PROGRAIIS OTBOAND We re exc ted to have you onboardlYoL llqu cky learn th.tthere is so much to do edrn,see,and experience -"LF d- aqyo' 'ui-- .d ol 01 o , r i r s d a r c ec l a s s . T r y y o ! r u c k a t a 5 o t t o ! r n a m e n to r v e n t ! r e o u t o n a n lnforqettabe srorke n9 elcorson The Cr! se Compass c a n h e l py o o p a n y o o r d a y w i t h s c h e d !e s ,a c t i v i t y h ghlights and interestng destinaton lnform.ton Great off€rs available a iewelry sae or a happy hour spa speca are n the CruiseSpecialsflyer, which comes wth your CrulseCompass.Keep both of these da y publicatons o. hand to make the very most of every hour, every day of your time w th us. Everythingyou cou d possiblywant from frasrances .ld quo !ore^e , ard'.s!'o--ca_be'o-rd'95t o n b o . r . l t h es h p B e s t o f . l l , t h e s e i t e m s d r e d u t y - f r eFeo f d a i y s ae s e v e n t s , check out the cr! se Specals orthe offer section n the Crlise compass > uouoRtASttt{G what doesit tastelik€?Everwantedro try somethingbeforep RODEODRIYE' FIFTH AYEI{UE? jewery andfine sele.tbnol exquisite rd offer.R€9ari., Deck5. > twtg€watcHEg visitthe shopsonboardandmeetwithouitr:ined watchspecialist tor any questionsthat y.u may haveabouttineSwisswatches, Remember that €ve.ythlnsyou buy onboardis tax and duty rreeand .6meswith a:o day pice m.t Join 6 .n h. aqal hn.Md. rot ad' ad a'ty he thapph'gL only ttoyal crlhh@n t't.rEtlodl @D.fiqth.s. rem*ad. dl@ud.s. with a Royalcaribbean Vsa credit card,everydo ar spent s a po nt eaf.ed towardsgre.t rewardsLikeonboardcreditsat a vour favorte venlesonboard,stateroomupqradesand even f r e ec r u i s ev a c a t o n sF o r m o r e d e t a i lvsi st c n d v B r i a . & A n a at Adventuresnextto the SchoonerBar Deck6 lttat So muchtosee and so llttle t|me. But don t wor.y-weve nairowedatdown t( the bestof the best,offeringa wide range of 5horeactivitiestor all levelsand all ages Fromfast-pacedadventufesand water spo4sto culinaryand cuLtural tours,you'll find tonsof opportunitiesto dlscoveryou destination...and maybeevenyourslfl No yolr matterehat interestsare,theres trult somethinsfo. everyone.For moredetails stop bythe Explorationsl Deskon Deck5, the seaTrekDlveshop on oeck 15or tlne ihto RCTVin your stater@m. nortr r l|r@ lt - atrooDit a l|oo tit - e|ooPit txDl.otanloftt Gtoct( towlt, Yeatsrromnow,whenyou remn sceabolt a I the q€at limesyou hadonboa had. p'cturefor everymome^ photosraphe6wil be c.pturi. or ant'c'pation as you boardedt o f i n t r s u e a s y o au d v e i o a n € wi s a n da n d t h e you posein yourmost lookot sophsticationas r o r m a l a t t i fAe l p o ^ r ! n s w i lb e o n d s p r a a y tthe PhotoGarr€ry on De.k 6. RoyarPronenade > a!! YoruRr!l^613 oraa @r Pu/chase ALLyou. 'maseson COlor only 53499s Artworknot included ' RCUYEYOUTCru|tE TG||O'!-3 Preorderthe cru6e 'n ReviewDVo of the memoieswith rri€ndsandramiyn th€ comfortofyour home ord€r o^e today,Focls > CrlAIE T C'IGRA DEAI IVET! FUJIWAIERPROOFSHOCKPROOF, DUST pROOF& FREEZE PRooFcameraforonly 519995with a 4sb memorycafd Siico.ecase, st'ap.a isovalue for FREEoffer vard whire ca lthe babysittercaltheofiice Cll your ah€d our ce lula s4e celuppofrsnore DtGt( & Dont mss the Port & ShoppingShow tomoiiow. Findolt everythingyou needto knowaboutour ports-of-callandwhereyo! willfind the bestdealson diamonds, ieweky, watcher,silver, leather& Mexicanhandcraits. ReceivevlP costa Maya& cozumelMap packetswith gift certficatesencosed. Everyoneattendin9willreceivea FREE Caribbean charmbraceet and a FREEpak of tanzanrtestudea4ingsl someonewillwina , COzUl'Gt. I CO3IA IiAYA DOtt I gl|oPPtl.oal|ow toi|oRnow t{ootatt{ ,Araltt tlt-attt, DEG|(4 > tli{E filO at{rlliC|. ,'r FOe All YOUi PiORta lt{OPniO |l{FO. thi^kns aboutthe turquoise Do youSCUBA? water Divns tor the lirsttime VisittheSeaTrek DlveShop Deck15todaytoexploreyouroptions > taoota- 5g0lotfa, IIATR T DryI {IOP. DECTE Ouren9a9ns BRITTO G6leryoffeE two custom workscrc.ted by wondrenow^ Britto excrusivery for Royarcaribbean 9uests A canvassicleeprint andthe Roy.leear visit the BRITO Gaierytodayon Oeck3 to edrnhow to sta{ yourown BRLTTO art cd ection tobea ltt e btor vesas,a litte bit ot faontecarroanda ot of Roya r!. FromBackjackandRoll€tteto Caribbean BinsoandactuallywinninsonboardAllureofthe withan estimat€d$2,000in dalycashprizes Later a newsame Or ssn uplora tournamentCheck with 26 differentroodvenuesonboardyou wl ereto eat in 7 day5 ' 3AT{BA GdIL thd wi r appearto yor sen5e5E.tovacu ,.nt varietyord rerentmeatsandsa r avo6 asyouaredraw. nto thed n ns ' Caribbean Cruis€vacatrontor 2 people andyoumaybe erisbreto rec€iveup to $2ooin onboardcredt thatcanbe us€don yourfuture RoyalCaribbe.ninternatonalc crus€iour ouf crown e Anchorsoc ety staffw I > ia^LE YOUR,iDDOl|.lf'lElll lO AVOID DlSADD,Oll{lllEl{l EltLY CI{EFS IABIE ncludn9 expertlypa red winesat our private l4{eat Locatedn the ConcerseClubon Oeck12 dinfer shost€d e a c hn s h t b y a nA l r u r o € r t h e s e a s c h ewf h o w lexp aineachcoureeandente^ainyou Savor.ookbookfor a tru y memorabe €venn9 Beslr€ to makeyourreservatons eary by r wattt P ct(aGE FoR YOURgTAIENOOT saveupto 2sx.selecttrom3,12,rGor 24 bodtes.nd you. packasowill b€ deliveredto conpl€tins a wat€r packas€form at cafa Promenade. W|l{E A D|l{E PAGI(AGE up to 25%and choosefioman extensive s€lectlonol whes fuomar6und enjoya difr€rentbottleer.h eveninsdunng dlnner.Av.ll.ble in the dininerooh,Windiammer lrlark€tpl.ceand speclaltyRestaurants. !iODA PACXAGE S'EGTAI UI'UTFED FOUt{tA|l{ 90D FOR t|lE WEETC Enjoyunlimitedtountainsoft drinksdurinsyolr crulsevacatiohl$42ror guestsagela and up and 123fo. suestsase 17andyoun Lookinqto booka I or yolr entertanmentfor the nextrewdeys?StopbyourplannnsEventet studo B today.our staffwi I be on handto helpyou reserve a seatat al ofourshow BEIIEII€E I WF PAC(AE VIIALIIY DAY sPA BOOKA D RECEIVEAsPA 3|GXATURE IIEAT|,|EI T TODAY lxD PECEIVE A COrPL|l'lEllTAlW UP GIADET a spatouf today FREE R e i y r a n eF ' , e ra n e & B O l o r ' s t a y n t . u . r rw t h r i c n d s . n d r a m y b a c k h o m e co.rra Erl.yade.ousmJnqo or oL, oiboard !o,k!tat onsto r a r o v c r r r c' o r d > DRIXXOF'HEDAY stay connectedat sea to.hure > HAVE A LAPTOP Ai{D WANT WI.FI? JroundJ otou, a ffc,.nr bar & Lounees S U N E U R S T S P L A 5 ]f O T $ 6 9 9 ( n a . a s s . s o u v e n . q J s s) A b e i d o r v o ' r ! . THERES STILL I'IORE! f h e y r e e J s yt o . a r e r . , a n d9 r e F€G.t sc. kd5 or a I ases.rn .reate thcn very FLOFAL CAET CAF|cATURE9 AIRBRUSHEDTAITOOS IUXEDO RENTAIS VIDEO ARCADE a d u t s ak e . a ne n l o ODE HOURT DAILY PLAIT=N DAY I - - r AFraroox nu\c*. #e*ceHy.ffi, G'oyann s rabk6) chhrPd s GlAEmderqdAre& trtr"ifl:,' ffi#"ffi xiflm:i#"fl ,ilffi h-p;*.ff ff*lJ-*-.}fl:Tfu,y ::,s*s. *;r*' # ; iffi hitrffiil ffiHr..;%!* n.rdhiiEk|cdhsftoFixsd'' "#,Hxlfr#i::-t:*, I ffi lir", romffi*l;, 1,,,"*:*mntilll x.'*l vi: ry cra (t) v biiY soi kec@.nP*or(') .. sordwam as* cQbad 6) Rod lnP "'i*"ifi r*iii{i: :m: *',f '#.triEH'"#E;t:*!:twt:#* ": *%--*--.*.P,.*'.|4|,9'|.Mh.Dkn.|nM - -\-+=rrr-1|Z- * - ill$#, #ffi*:,*#i"{t-u+lillf ffi.ffiJfrH#,i*,rfi#, ":-,#r*#*,: ii#H,i*,:;"{Fi ru". ' l:fi[","r,,"r',l:;l{ii5fr i+:l';l' !qrda.Ar,JM|l.Iir&tu M{kE t rdd.n t lr.E ritt b r.'! *itqd hrkEdK rqiaE tx Dair'a 6ps' .f,atn fik su Dnhryn i4.rtedtrtnk3,rd n dh Mb pin b.hliaE,tN k w;M t4'tk7' otuvd Ltt ,bi, annru463@ ir tb6?dtM hdt tt tintkr'drinEatuk t;, ein lin b. abi b dtdiaa Mr k r.rrr ni d ar? tairtdq;ry trt !ta, una b c'dr 6dE Dt r r !r!r0 r (6si & br. TL,r' J@J@Joq.ta|.did,r/ nlaaaik[an w bo4 thd ].' ajEkiaE t d {tt, dr4 Nir'.a ve,F aJztz. {tttt su. ttr tot to tlata t! o d a roY r Garax ctt.. Ytcattota €4|ad6]irodd Pon'slsi!ddde uhilyds{rsts''',,''',,,''De|6 R@3*g&1oBNuery06kd*&R4Mk| .!@6.J6db)&duehi ffi&MYdF.roFi{@rfrd@is rdne dGtrl 0.d fuMfrdIaF@l0'ie .. & 4 N m& Yd0 2 rduserdtF*.n€ roF rridb t !dr:pFidmdbdy!ie'v1!rrydsd d6.|!!|d|ltuilldtx@d! lledltslodd'o.drc'RqdAqFde 'wiia@e.j*4dtdb,bh' be d 4tr, 4ir F' i*i4 Rii 5sFvak'lheh!.li.('|uoi? 0ftr6 im d4ru d6b.&tr $. tM ry k qd o ! Eb.dt6i slb e, ct@ kd N4i 1 Pl)e0e.kFndid .khtrfu!*mdc.lolil}s@ti0lP€F.d. (grho 4.@, Hoddqi4bdr.hq,tushen^ndtmerflmm!r'n. N61b.6o@dtcon.idm,i@iJdlY c -, fi a*N-rrrfi ddrDrdeF6.i@&rnrd& 'E[.ffisrrirl.|'699(bilktu'!Bj)r!|' Fd9|wffi4mffildst*raino^nr*rrh! 6r.'i/ sG'i' !@ r qdi' lcsc (s) Fn to,ffi ort/..{vr, ] h ri. Db! arh.d'ffihbl.ogF!d6d.dl@lfui{go*. .fielmd4h4Lls'..!DRosl''..otdi - h6y brddr! )!00 b.rr.4fi h 4v!4cMLo4'dm Ad de mb h tu kr '\0n! d bir rs:tr d Fiild r4,ftd!aa.d,*' vfr{,!6!4s6lscdb,,,''',k! rffir.&F i(lddh r r'r.y tu trld F.F.r.-r-n.r..ffi sts.dlyslbds|lid!ry$ ^nhttrdru.Br.t'!qMdkard,hrnt.||,rin (ei6bd!I*'hXlildiddosqk'dhh m6dniE''ie.i'dlDdRn (' rn i't4 w ie mrid! hnrh tuk Lic'!4..rftry Pl*o]4d,'''' nrJt sdi4 ]ilmoRId4nr{lilE.hctr.dd .. okrB aF2JtrLu4ron. ',.iiar"d edos. o<r, teoisdffi afi6c6touDtfh6ceds i l,5codc!'dl{rol c!!r4