July 2013 - Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
July 2013 - Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
The Imaging Facility Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 2 July 2013 The Microscope Imaging Facility (MIF) currently has eight microscopes, as well as an offline imaging workstation, to support all of your imaging research projects. In addition, the Animal Models and Imaging Facility (AMIF) has two systems for small animal imaging, an offline data analysis workstation and technical services to support your animal research needs. Featured Researcher: Xueping Zhou, PhD Inside this issue: FRAP 2 Featured Microscope 3 Tech Tips 4 New Services and Promotions 5 NSG Mice Available 6 Recent Publications 7 New Rates 8 Upcoming Events 9 Contact us 10 I am a post-doc in Dr. Mustafa’s lab. My research project is trying to elucidate the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of adenosine-mediated coronary flow regulation, in particular, focusing on the role of adenosine-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and its downstream cell signaling in modulating ischemic and metabolic coronary vasodilation. Combined targeted adenosine receptor knockout mice, as well as pharmacological reagents are applied to identify the specific adenosine receptors responsible for the ROS production and coronary flow regulation. Adenosine A1 and A2A AR expression on C57 mouse aorta Adenosine-induced H2O2 production in isolated coronary arteries of A1 KO mice Featured Microscope Technique: FRAP Page 2 Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) is a technique used to obtain quantitative kinetic measurements of several cellular processes: Protein/protein interactions Changes in protein conformation The mobility of a specific protein into a confined space The lateral diffusion of membrane - associated proteins In FRAP, a fluorescent molecule is irreversibly bleached by a high-power focused laser beam, resulting in an area that is devoid of fluorescent signal. As nonbleached fluorescent molecules repopulate the bleached area, the diffusion constant, or the rate of protein movement in the absence of flow or active transport, can be measured. All proteins display this type of movement if they are not immobilized or undergoing active transport. The two main parameters that can be deduced from FRAP are the mobile fraction of fluorescent molecules and the rate of mobility, which is related to the characteristic diffusion time. Below is a comparison of a fluorescently labeled lipid bilayer and a monolayer. The left FRAP curve illustrates the initial fluorescent intensity, the sudden loss of signal, and then an increase in fluorescent intensity as other fluorescent lipids move back into the bleached area. The image on the right demonstrates a lack of lateral lipid mobility within the monolayer, with the labeled lipids unable to move into the bleached area. This results in a flat line, indicating a lack of fluorescent recovery after bleaching. Fluorescent signal is recovered after bleaching http://microscopy.duke.edu/gallery.html Fluorescent signal is not recovered after bleaching Page 3 Featured Microscopes: LSM Violet Confocal Features: Upright Zeiss Axioimager Z1 Microscope Objectives: 10x/0.3 EC Plan-Neofluar 20x/0.8 Plan Apochromat 40x/1.3 Oil EC Plan-Neofluar 63x/1.4 Oil Plan Apochromat Image Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Red & Far Red Fluorophores Lasers: Argon/2 458, 477, 488, 514 nm HeNe 543 543 nm HeNe 633 633 nm Diode 405-30 405 nm Zeiss AIM software, Rel. 4.2 Applications: Confocality in up to 4 channels Water dipping lens for direct contact with the specimen—no coverslip needed! LSM 510 Confocal Features: Inverted Zeiss Axiovert 100M Microscope Objectives: 10x/0.5 Fluar 20x/0.75 Fluar 40x/0.75 Plan-Neofluar 63x/1.2 Water C-Apochromat 100x/1.3 Oil Plan-Neofluar Image Cyan, Green, Red & Far Red Fluorophores Lasers: Argon 458/488 nm HeNe 543 nm HeNe 633 nm Zeiss AIM software, Version 3.2 Applications: Live Cell Imaging FRAP Nanoparticle detection Remember, if you don’t need to see things in 3D, we also have the Zeiss AxioImager Upright Epifluorescent Microscope! Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 4 Page 4 Imaging Pitfalls—What does colocalization really mean? One common use of fluorescence microscopy is to determine the spatial localization patterns of two fluorescently labeled molecules. Using different tags, this approach can be used to determine protein/protein localization, understanding intracellular transport, or determining signaling pathways within the cells. Traditional colocalization analysis has involved the use of green and red-tagged proteins, and wherever they overlap, you get yellow. However, the proper determination of colocalization is much more complex than Red + Green = Yellow. The colocalization of fluorescent signals in an image cannot be used to show molecular interactions between proteins. Rather, it can only show whether two molecules associate with the same structure or occupy the same pixel space. The presence of yellow in the merged image is normally taken to show colocalization between green and red pixels. However, you will only get a yellow color if both of the fluorophores occupying the same pixel are of equal intensities. This method of showing colocalization is strictly qualitative and 2D, and does not consider the 3D nature of the sample or the probe. In order to quantitate and analyze colocalization, a scatterplot of individual pixels from both the red image and the green image is plotted. The scatterplot displays the intensity range of the red and green pixels , as well as the degree of colocalization. The dimmer pixels are located near the axis (0,0 origin), while the brighter, more intense pixels are located further out. Analysis of the difference in colocalization using a scatterplot (from Olympusmicro.com). A. No colocalization between the red and green signal results in a scatterplot with very little yellow overlap. B. Partial colocalization between the red and green signal results in a band of yellow in the scatterplot. C. A high degree of colocalization between the red and green signal results in a scatterplot that is mostly yellow . *Adapted from: Seeing is believing: A beginner’s guide to practical pitfalls in image acquisition. AJ North. * Adapted from http://www.svi.nl/ColocalizationCoefficients 2006. JCB. Page 5 Self-Service Coming Soon The AMIF is transitioning from full-service only to a choice of full-service or selfservice. We are now opening the facility up for users to run the imaging systems for their own experiments. This includes both the IVIS Lumina II (for optical imaging) and the Vevo2100 (for micro-ultrasound imaging). Training by AMIF personnel is required, so please plan appropriately for timing purposes. Full-service imaging will continue to be available. In addition, Sarah will be going on maternity leave in August. Some of our injections and procedure type services may not be offered while she is out, so if you need any training for injections or other procedures she typically performs for your lab, please let us know as soon as possible. Promotions on Contrast Reagents Perkin Elmer Save up to 50% on in vivo optimized fluorescent and bioluminescent reagents Bone metastasis imaged by bioluminescence (top) and fluorescence— RediJect 2-DG 750 probe (bottom). Fluorescent Agents – Buy 1 Get 1 Free ProSense, MMPSense, IntegriSense, AngioSense and others Contact us for more information. Genotyping Service Available West Virginia University and Transnetyx, Inc. have partnered together for a trial period to provide an 'Institutional Testing Program', where fully automated mouse, rat and zebrafish genotyping will be offered to all investigators. Lab Animal Resources at WVU has negotiated a 35% discount for services with Transnetyx, Inc. Transnetyx has already established its Institutional Testing program at over 70 non-profit research institutes worldwide. Lab Animal Resources will charge a small labor fee for mailing samples. Transnetyx provides researchers with automated genotyping for mutant mouse lines. Our service clears the way for investigators to begin and concentrate on what is most important – their research. Transnetyx ensures accurate, reliable and cost-effective testing with fast results utilizing qPCR. With more than 37 million successful reactions and 99.97% accuracy, Transnetyx eliminates the tedious process of extracting and testing DNA and guarantees (or your order is free!) a turnaround time of 24 or 72 hours. Utilizing this automated process not only replaces the need for supplies and reagents, but also eliminates the opportunity for human error and contamination. To find out more about how Transnetyx automated genotyping can save you both time and money, please contact Tim Mayer, Northeast Sales Manager, at 617-283-0414 / tmayer@transnetyx.com NSGPage Mouse Colony at WVU 6 Page 6 We have recently started a breeding colony for NSG mice at WVU. Our goal is to produce 50-60 pups each month. These mice will be for sale at our cost of production, which is significantly discounted from the commercial price. Price is $35.00 up to 6 weeks/mouse and $2.75 for each additional week. NSG mice are severely immunocompromised and engraft the widest range of normal and diseased human cells and tissues of any immunodeficient strain. No mature T or B cells Lack functional NK cells IL-2R gamma chain deficiency Long lifespan (>16 months) Higher level of engraftment of human cells Capable of hosting humanized immune system Common applications include: Engraftment of cancer cell lines, tissues and primary tumors Therapeutic antibody testing Model for infectious disease Cell replacement therapy for type 1 diabetes For more information on the NSG mouse, please visit the strain information page through The Jackson Laboratory. To request mice for use in your experiments, you must fill out the reservation form on our website. Mice requests will be met according to demand and availability. Cardiovascular Workshop The Imaging Facilities are committed to continuing education for our staff to acquire new expertise to ensure the best possible service for our customers. As part of this program, Sarah recently attended the Workshop on Comprehensive Approaches to the in vivo Assessment of Cardiovascular Function in Mice at The Jackson Laboratory. A variety of cardiovascular topics an techniques were covered. The course started with basic cardiac physiology. The second day focused on echocardiography, using the ultrasound system that we have available in the AMIF. Day three was all about telemetry. Lectures discussed the basic principles of telemetry, which consists of implanting a device into a mouse and then being able to measure various parameters (HR, BP, etc.) 24 hours a day. This is beneficial to allow researchers to obtain true baseline resting measurements, as well as, measurements during exercise or stressful situations. Participants observed a demonstration of implanting the device, and then, participants were able to practice the surgery. The final day of the course covered PV loops. Participants observed the procedure and worked through the analysis of some of the data that was obtained. Please let us know if any of these techniques can benefit your lab’s research. Human Heart Facts *The average heart rate is 72 beats per minute; 100,000 times a day; 3.6 million times a year; and 2.6 billion times during a lifetime of 70 years. *Average heart weight is 11 ounces and can pump 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels per day. *Every day, the heart generates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. Page 7 Please let us know when you publish a manuscript with data from the MIF or AMIF so that we may acknowledge your achievement in our newsletter! Recent Publications Evans JV, Ammer AG, Jett JE, Bolcato CA, Breaux JC, Martin KH, Culp MV, Gannett PM, Weed SA. Src binds cortactin through a SH2 domain cystine-mediated linkage. J Cell Sci. 2012. Dec 15. PMID: 23097045. Ice RJ, McLaughlin SL, Livengood RH, Culp MV, Eddy ER, Ivanov AV, Pugacheva EN. NEDD9 depletion destabilizes Aurora A kinase and heightens the efficacy of Aurora A inhibitors: implications for treatment of metastatic solid tumors. Cancer Res. 2013 May 15. PMID: 23539442. Arnold KM, Goeckeler ZM, Wysolmerski RB. Loss of focal adhesion kinase enhances endothelial barrier function and increases focal adhesions. Microcirculation. 2013 Apr 19. PMID: 23600470. Baseler WA, Dabkowski ER, Jagannathan R, Thapa D, Nichols CE, Shepherd DL, Croston TL, Powell M, Razunguzwa TT, Lewis SE, Schnell DM, Hollander JM. Reversal of mitochondrial proteomic loss in Type 1 Ice et al. diabetic heart with overexpression of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Apr 1. PMID: 23408027. Luanpitpong S, Chanvorachote P, Stehlik C, Tse W, Callery PS, Wang L, Rojanasakul Y. Regulation of apoptosis by Bcl-2 cysteine oxidation in human lung epithelial cells. Mol Biol Cell. 2013; 24(6): 858-69. PMID: 23363601. Evans et al. Luanpitpong et al. Please Remember to Acknowledge Us! AMIF: “Small animal imaging and image analysis were performed in the West Virginia University Animal Models & Imaging Facility, which has been supported by the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center and NIH grants P20 RR016440, P30 RR032138/GM103488 and S10 RR026378.” Arnold et al. MIF: “Imaging experiments and image analysis were performed in the West Virginia University Microscope Imaging Facility, which has been supported by the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center and NIH grants P20 RR016440, P30 RR032138/GM103488 and P20 RR016477.” Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 8 New Rates Effective July 15 A new fee schedule for the imaging facilities will go into effect July 15. These changes reflect actual usage and expenses, based on a cost analysis of the past fiscal year. In addition, the new rate schedule will be compliant with federal cost principles applicable to NIH grants. These fees have been reviewed and approved by the director of core resources and the core oversight committee. The imaging cores are receiving significant financial support to subsidize our operating budgets resulting in more affordable charge-back rates. In the table below, you can compare the new rates to the actual costs of operations. Let us know if you have questions or concerns. We will work with your lab to select the best imaging technologies to fit your budget. Actual Cost (per Hour) Subsidized Rate (per Hour) AMIF IVIS Lumina II AMIF Vevo2100 AMIF Procedures $259.08 $468.52 $211.72 $40.00 $60.00 $30.00 MIF Nikon Live Cell* MIF Nikon Swept Field* MIF Olympus Histology MIF Zeiss Confocal MIF Zeiss Fluorescent MIF Zeiss PALM MIF Zeiss Tissue Culture MIF Zeiss Violet Confocal MIF Workstation #1 $68.08 $68.08 $68.08 $68.08 $68.08 $68.08 $68.08 $86.36 $68.08 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 $15.00 Service * For experiments lasting >8 hours, the rate decreases to $10.00 after 4 hours. Upcoming Webinars - AMIF Presented by the Jackson Laboratory July Webinar Series—Mouse Models for Diabetes and Obesity Research 11 July—Modeling Human Disease with Diet-Induced Obesity (DIO) 18 July—Beyond Leptin: Emerging Mouse Models of Type 2 Diabetes August Webinar Series—Spotlight on the Immune System and Humanized Mice 8 August—Mouse Models of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disease 22 August—Humanized NSG Mice: Revolutionary Models of Human Infectious Disease September Webinar Series—Foundations of Mouse Research 17 July—12PM—In vivo Imaging—Nuno Sacadura Presented by VisualSonics Page 9 Upcoming Events Picture Perfect: Quick Tips to Optimize Imaging July 16—2 pm 2nd Floor Conference Room BMRC Image Intensity Instruction Can I make my images brighter for publication? How can I compare intensities between images? How can I quantitate intensity data? What is saturation and why should I care? Join us for some practical imaging solutions. More will be coming in the future, so please let us know if there is a topic you would like us to cover. New Animal Imaging Course Offered This Fall A&VS 591 Advanced Topics: Animal Imaging The goal of this introductory course is to help students who anticipate using animals in their research improve their understanding of non-invasive imaging options. Topics include: Digital Radiography (DR) Computed Tomography (CT) Ultrasonography Optical Imaging Intra-vital imaging Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) Magnetic resonance imaging (MR) Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) Contact Dr. Jeryl Jones or more information. Cool Images from around the HSC Today’s image is from Dan Vanderbilt in Dr. Mike Ruppert’s lab. We have titled it “Ghost of Graduate Students Past!” Contact Us! 1 Medical Center Drive Erma Byrd BMRC West Virginia University Morgantown WV 26506 Karen Martin kamartin@hsc.wvu.edu Phone: 304-293-6965 Fax: 304-293-4667 Mandy Ammer aammer@hsc.wvu.edu Phone: 304-293-0942 Fax: 304-293-4667 Sarah McLaughlin smclaughlin@hsc.wvu.edu Phone: 304-293-0518 Fax: 304-293-4667 anatomy.hsc.wvu.edu/mif wvucancer.org/Cores/AMIF If you have a strange, interesting, or totally awesome image that you would like to put in our newsletter, please send them to us! About this Newsletter The purpose of this newsletter is to inform researchers about the AMIF and MIF. We want all investigators, graduate students and staff to be knowledgeable about the equipment and resources that are available. The staff are always glad to discuss upcoming studies with investigators to best utilize the core resources available. To learn more about our facilities, please check out our websites (to the left) or contact us to speak directly with AMIF or MIF staff. If you have something you would like to include or feature in the next newsletter, such as a recent publication, a new technique or a beautiful image, please contact Mandy Ammer at aammer@hsc.wvu.edu.