Commodore Homes of Indiana
Commodore Homes of Indiana
Grandville 1 Table of Contents Our Valued Customer: Thank you for your interest in the Grandville Series home offering. The Grandville Series is our most flexible series of homes, beginning at a basic standard feature level and giving you the opportunity to choose from our generous offerings. Grandville Series homes are constructed adhering to multiple building codes. Standard and/or optional features shown may not be available in all building codes. Consult your local builder for more information regarding code specific standards and optional features. Thank you for your interest in our homes and company! ~ Commodore Homes of Indiana ~ NOTES All 28 wide Grandville floorplans are available as 30 wide Basement Stairwells are not Available on HUD Homes 2 Commodore Homes of Indiana Grandville Flex I Pg 4 5 5 6 Name Cypress I Cypress II Oakwood Hawthorn Model 714A 742A 715A 734A Size 2860 2856 2860 2868 Sq Ft 1600 1493 1600 1813 Grandville Flex II Pg 7 8 9 10 Name Oakdale I Oakdale II Oakdale III Oakdale IV Model 754A 748A 749A 750A Size 2856 2860 2864 2868 Sq Ft 1493 1600 1707 1813 Pg 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 Name Model Birch 705A Hemlock 736A Mayberry 752A Cottonwood I 759A Elm 721A Hickory 701A Hazelnut 753A Evergreen 739A Evergreen Photos Appleton 751A McIntoch I 761A Buckeye 740A Sprucewood 763A Tanoak 773A Douglas 765A Douglas Photos Size 2844 2844 2848 2848 2852 2852 2852 2856 Sq Ft 1173 1173 1280 1280 1387 1387 1387 1493 2856 2858 2860 2864 2868 2868 1440 1547 1600 1707 1813 1813 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 Juniper Elmwood Mulberry II Pinewood Willowood Pinedale Sabre Sabre Photos 833A 844A 838A 806A 842A 843A 848A 3238 3240 3260 3276 3276 3276 3276 1140 1128 1800 2280 2280 2280 2280 29 30 31 Satinwood Birchwood Sagebrush 902A 903A 904A 4252/44 4252/44 4260 1580 1588 1906 Evermore Custom Cabinets endure a series of rigorous tests, measuring structural integrity. Cabinet doors, drawers and even the finish is tested before earning the KCMA Cabinet Certification. Precision Cut and Dadoed Construction Fastened and Hot Glued - Ensures a Long Lasting and Square Cabinet Box 3/4” Thick Shelving with Finished Edges - Prevents Warping of Shelves Base and Wall Cabinet Adjustable Shelving - Fit Your Lifestyle 3/4” Face Frames - Durable and Securely Holds Fastners for Long Lasting Use Pocket Screws - Ensure a Strong and Square Frame Dove-Tail Constructed Drawers - Superior Drawer Strength Concealed and Recessed Adjustable Hinges - Superior Door Strength Recessed Toe Kick - Work at Counters with Ease No Exposed Hanging Cleats - More Storage and Cleaner Look Manchester Oak Flat Mission Panel Manchester Oak Raised Panel Hickory Raised Panel Sienna Maple Raised Panel KCMA Testing - Overhead Cabinets Rated to 500 pound Capacity - Drawers Opened 28,000 Times with Weight - Cabinet Doors Opened 25,000 Times - Extreme Testing of Cabinet Finish Visit for more information 3 Grandville Flex I Options Pictured: - Round Top Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding Additional Options Built On-Site by Others One home design that can be built multiple ways. This popular floorplan provides the customization in the square footage you need. Master Bath Options 1st - Choose a Floorplan 2nd - Choose a Kitchen Option 3rd - Choose a Master Bath Option Kitchen Options Foyer Option Cypress I (714A) 2860 - Approx 1600 Sq. Ft. 4 Commodore Homes of Indiana Cypress II (742A) 2856 - Approx 1493 Sq. Ft. Oakwood (715A) 2860 - Approx 1600 Sq. Ft. 5 Grandville Flex I Hawthorn (734A) 2868 - Approx 1813 Sq. Ft. Options Pictured: - Round Top Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer Visit our website for more photos of this home at: 6 Commodore Homes of Indiana Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Grandville Flex II Oakdale I (754A) 2856 - Approx 1493 Sq. Ft. Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Coastal Shores Siding - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 12” Bump-out - Shake Siding - 10’ Dormer - Vertical Siding - Oval Front Door Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Visit our website for more photos of this home at: 7 Grandville Flex II Oakdale II (748A) 2860 - Approx 1600 Sq. Ft. Options Pictured: - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 12” Bump-out - Round Top Front Door 8 Commodore Homes of Indiana Additional Options Built On-Site by Others - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Grandville Flex II Oakdale III (749A) 2864 - Approx 1707 Sq. Ft. Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Dormer with Twin Bays - Oval Front Door with Sidelite - Coastal Shores Siding - Sandstone Package Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Visit our website for more photos of this home at: 9 Grandville Flex II Oakdale IV (750A) 2868 - Approx 1813 Sq. Ft. Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 2-6’ Cape Dormers - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Egress and 12” Bump-out 10 Commodore Homes of Indiana - 12” Box Bay 38 - Round Top Front Door - Coast Shores Siding - Shake and Vertical Siding Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Birch (705A) 2844 - Approx 1173 Sq. Ft. Hemlock (736A) 2844 - Approx 1173 Sq. Ft. 11 Mayberry (752A) 2848 - Approx 1280 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door - Chalet Option 12 Commodore Homes of Indiana Options Pictured: (available in select models) - Left: 4 Lite Classic Oak Fiberglass Front Door - Right: Archtop Window over Kitchen Sink Cottonwood I (759A) 2848 - Approx 1280 Sq. Ft. 13 Elm (721A) 2852 - Approx 1387 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 12” Bump-out - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding 14 Commodore Homes of Indiana Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Hazelnut (753A) 2852 - Approx 1387 Sq. Ft. Evergreen (739A) 2856 - Approx 1493 Sq. Ft. 15 Evergreen Photos Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 12” Bump-out - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Some Features May Be Optional Kitchen Kitchen Living Room Master Bathroom 16 Commodore Homes of Indiana Appleton (751A) 2856 - Approx 1440 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door - Patio Door 17 McIntoch I (761A) 2858 - Approx 1548 Sq. Ft. Buckeye (740A) 2860 - Approx 1600 Sq. Ft. 18 Commodore Homes of Indiana Sprucewood (763A) 2864 - Approx 1707 Sq. Ft. Tanoak (773A) 2868 - Approx 1813 Sq. Ft. 19 Douglas (765A) 2868 - Approx 1813 Sq. Ft. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Triple Peak Dormer with Bumpout - 10’ Dormer - Box Bay 38 20 Commodore Homes of Indiana - Round Top Front Door - Window Lineals - Coastal Shores Siding Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Kitchen Some Features May Be Optional Butlers Pantry Family Room Master Bathroom Vanity Dining Room 21 Juniper (833A) 3238 - Approx 1140 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer Not Available as a HUD 22 Commodore Homes of Indiana Elmwood (844A) 3240 - Approx 1128 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 22’ Flush Dormer - Coastal Shores Siding - Vertical Siding 23 Pinewood (806A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 9” Bump-out 24 Commodore Homes of Indiana - 10’ Box Bay 52 - Oval Front Door - Clay Package - Coastal Shores Siding - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding Mulberry II (838A) 3260 - Approx 1800 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer - Oval Front Door 25 Willowood (842A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with 9” Bump-out - 10’ Box Bay 52 - Oval Front Door - Clay Package - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding 26 Commodore Homes of Indiana Pinedale (843A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. Sabre (848A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. 27 Sabre Photos Exterior Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 22’ Twin Peak Set Back Dormer - 10’ Dormer - 2-Box Bay 52 - 4-Lite Front Door - Vertical Siding See Page 27 Visit our website for more photos of this home at: Some Features May Be Optional Living Room Dining Room Grand Escape Bathroom Grand Escape Bathroom 28 Commodore Homes of Indiana Satinwood (902A) 4252/44 - Approx 1580 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - Shake Siding - 7/12 Roof - Oval Front Door with Sidelite - Vertical Siding - Octagon Window 29 Birchwood (903A) 4252/44 - Approx 1588 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door - Window in Master Closet - Vertical Siding - Window Grids 30 Commodore Homes of Indiana Sagebrush (904A) 4260 - Approx 1906 Sq. Ft. 31 Pinedale (843A) See page 27 Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Dormer with Twin Bays - Shake Siding - Vertical Siding Connect with Us: Your Independent Builder is: 1902 Century Drive Goshen, IN 46528 574-534-3067 Note: Because of varying state requirements and optional equipment, some or all of the utility locations may change per floor plan. (i.e. furnace, stairwell, etc.) Consult your factory representative for exact specifications. Your purchase contract including options is with your retailer who is an independent contractor, not our agent, and is responsible totally for any alterations, exchanges, additions or attachments made in or to your home. AP111493 5M 8/15 All descriptive representations of the products on this brochure are believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, due to continued product improvement and changes in suppliers design and production, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, equipment colors, material specifications, prices and model availability are subject to change without notice. All information and images contained in this brochure are property of The Commodore Corporation and for the use by active dealers of the company only. © 32 Commodore Homes of Indiana Aurora Classic 2015 1 Our Valued Customer: Thank you for your interest in the 2015 Aurora Classic Series home offering. The highly appointed Aurora Classic series is loaded with standard features. Exquisite baths, enormous kitchens and great designs are all trademarks of the Aurora Series of homes. Aurora Classic Series homes are constructed adhering to multiple building codes. Standard and/ or optional features shown may not be available in all building codes. Consult your local builder for more information regarding code specific standards and optional features. Thank you for your interest in our homes and company! ~ Commodore Homes of Indiana ~ NOTE: Basement Stairwells and Attached Garages are not Available on HUD Homes Exterior Shown on Front Cover: 215A 2 3 4 4 5 5 Table of Contents Evermore Custom Cabinetry Curb Side Exteriors 3D Birds Eye Views - 201A Cape Options Storage & Expanded Living Aurora Flex II Pg 6 6 7 7 7 Name Arlington I Arlington VI Arlington III Arlington IV Arlington V Model 165A 210A 167A 168A 169A Size 2856 2864 2864 2868 2872 Sq Ft 1531 1749 1749 1859 1968 Pg 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name Model Brookfield 204A Seymour 216A Lafayette 164A Freeport 117A Belmont 201A Bellevue 208A Bellevue Photos Commflex 185A Size 2856 2858 2864 2864 2864 2864 Sq Ft 1531 1559 1749 1749 1691 1749 2864 1749 15 16 17 18 Elgin Lyndale Geraldine Brookside 2868/64 2868 2872 2876/64 1804 1834 1863 1900 206A 209A 215A 187A Aurora Flex III Pg 19 20 21 21 Name Model Austin Photos Austin I 438A Austin II 437A Austin III 439A Size Sq Ft 3260 3264 3268 1800 1920 2040 Pg 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 Name 32 Arlington I Greenwood Lionel Lionel Photos Anderson Princeton Savanna II LaSalle Westin Model 448A 432A 450A Size 3256 3264 3268 Sq Ft 1680 1920 2006 446A 452A 420A 423A 441A 3268 3272 3276 3276 3276 2040 2148 2280 2280 2280 30 31 Akron Stoneridge 601A 603A 4256/45-4 4264/52 1600 1959 Evermore Custom Cabinets endure a series of rigorous tests, measuring structural integrity. Cabinet doors, drawers and even the finish is tested before earning the KCMA Cabinet Certification. Precision Cut and Dadoed Construction Fastened and Hot Glued - Ensures a Long Lasting and Square Cabinet Box 3/4” Thick Shelving with Finished Edges - Prevents Warping of Shelves Base and Wall Cabinet Adjustable Shelving - Fit Your Lifestyle 3/4” Face Frames - Durable and Securely Holds Fastners for Long Lasting Use Pocket Screws - Ensure a Strong and Square Frame Dove-Tail Constructed Drawers - Superior Drawer Strength Concealed and Recessed Adjustable Hinges - Superior Door Strength Recessed Toe Kick - Work at Counters with Ease No Exposed Hanging Cleats - More Storage and Cleaner Look Manchester Oak Flat Mission Panel Manchester Oak Raised Panel Hickory Raised Panel Sienna Maple Raised Panel KCMA Testing - Overhead Cabinets Rated to 500 pound Capacity - Drawers Opened 28,000 Times with Weight - Cabinet Doors Opened 25,000 Times - Extreme Testing of Cabinet Finish Visit for more information 3 Curb Side Exterior Many of our homes offer a Curb Side Exterior Option! These exterior options allow you to add eyecatching curb appeal. Check with your local builder for more information. This option will vary by plan, and is not available on all models. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 6’ Cape Dormer with Window - Full Oval Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Window Bumpout - Box Bay 38 - Vertical Siding - Shake Siding - Clay Package Model Shown Belmont - 201A, see page 11 3D Birds Eye View Ask your local builder or retailer for a 3D “Birds Eye View” of our floorplans, kitchens, and baths! 4 Storage and Expanded Living Every Aurora Modular series home has several options available to utilize a 2nd level. You can expand your home to add storage or increase your living space. By selecting a walk-up attic option you add an incredible amount of storage area and a 7/12 or 9/12 roof pitch. By selecting the cape option, you add space engineered to increase the livable square footage of your home and a 9/12 roof pitch. You can choose to finish this space either now or in the future. Example of a 7/12 Walk-Up Attic Space Standard Features include: - 3/4” Floor Decking - Stairwell - Solid Masonite Attic Door - Note: - Available with 7/12 or 9/12 Roof Pitch - Collar Ties Required - Windows are Optional - Stairwell Wall and Plastic are done on-site by others 9/12 Cape Options Livable Space - 3/4” OSB Floor Decking - Mechanical Chase - Electrical Conduit Up - Junction Box for Smoke Detector - 3-way Switch & Junction at Stairs - 3” PVC Pipe for Drain - 3/4” Water Lines - Hot & Cold - 6-Panel Masonite Door at Bottom of Stairs with Weather Stripping and Door Sweep 5 Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 6’ Cape Dormer with Window - Round Top Front Door with Sidelite - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer & Window with Bumpout - 10’ Dormer - Shake Siding Accent Aurora Flex II One home design with multiple configuration. This popular floorplan provides the customization in the square footage you need. 1st - Choose a Floorplan 2nd - Choose a Kitchen Option 3rd - Choose a Master Bath Option Master Bath Options Arlington I (165A) 2856 - Approx 1531 Sq. Ft. Arlington IV (210A) 2864 - Approx 1749 Sq. Ft. 6 Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Kitchen Options Arlington III (167A) 2868 - Approx 1813 Sq. Ft. Arlington IV (168A) 2868 - Approx 1859 Sq. Ft. Arlington V (169A) 2872 - Approx 1968 Sq. Ft. 7 Brookfield (204A) 2856 - Approx 1531 Sq. Ft. Seymour (216A) 2858 - Approx 1559 Sq. Ft. 8 Lafayette (164A) 2864 - Approx 1749 Sq. Ft. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Full Eave - 10’ Dormer - Box Bay 38 - Vertical Siding - Shake Accent Visit our website for more photos of this home. 9 Freeport (117A) 2864 - Approx 1749 Sq. Ft Ft.. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer - 10’ Dormer - Bay 37 - Round Top Front Door - Coastal Shores Lighthouse Red Siding 10 Visit our website for more photos of this home. Belmont (201A) 2864 - Approx 1691 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 6’ Cape Dormer with Window - Full Oval Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer & Window with Bumpout - Box Bay 38 - Vertical/Shake Siding - Clay Package 11 Bellevue (208A) 2864 - Approx 1691 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door - 27’-4” Twin Bays with Egress Window - Vertical Siding - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package - Archtop Window 12 Visit our website for more photos of this home. Bellevue Photos see page 12 Some Features may be Optional. Visit our website for more photos of this home. Kitchen Master Bedroom Living Room Master Bathroom 13 Commflex (185A) 2864 - Approx 1749 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Round Top Front Door with Sidelite - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer - 10’ Dormer - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package 14 Elgin (206A) 2868/64 - Approx 1804 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 2-6’ Cape Dormers with Window & Vertical Siding - 27’-4” Twin Bays with Egress Window - Round Top Front Door - Vertical Siding - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package 15 Options Pictured: (available in select models) - Left: 4 Lite Classic Oak Fiberglass Front Door - Right: Archtop Window over Kitchen Sink Lyndale (209A) 2868 - Approx 1834 Sq. Ft. 16 Geraldine (215A) 2872 - Approx 1863 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Cape Roof - 27’-4” Twin Bays with Egress Window - 2-6’ Cape Dormer with Windows and Vertical Siding - Vertical Siding - Window Lineals - Round Top Front Door 17 Brookside (187A) 2876/64 - Approx 1900 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - Round Top Front Door - Vertical Siding 18 Visit our website for more photos of this home. Austin Photos see page 20-21 Some Features may be Optional. Visit our website for more photos of this home. Kitchen Kitchen Master Bathroom Dining Room Living Room 19 Aurora Flex II Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Bumpout - 10’ Dormer - Recessed Entry & Enhanced Eave - Full Oval Front Door with Sidelite - Vertical Siding Visit our website for more photos of this home. One home concept that can be built multiple ways. This popular floorplan provides the customization in the square footage you need. Kitchen Options Austin I 3260 - Approx 1800 Sq. Ft. 20 1st - Choose a Floorplan 2nd - Choose a Kitchen Option 3rd - Choose a Master Bath Option 4th - Choose a Exterior Elevation Master Bath Options (438A) Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Aurora Flex II Austin II (437A) 3264 - Approx 1920 Sq. Ft. Austin III (439A) 3268 - Approx 2040 Sq. Ft. 21 32 Arlington I (448A) 3256 - Approx 1680 Sq. Ft. 22 Popular Fireplace Options Pictured: These pictures - Full Grand Rapids (left) do not depict this - Half Sandstone (right) floorplan Options Pictured: - Inset Tray Ceiling - Swing patio Door with Inset Blinds Greenwood (432A) 3264 - Approx 1920 Sq. Ft. 23 Lionel (450A) 3268 - Approx 2006 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer - 10’ Dormer with Box Bay #52 - 4-Lite Classic Oak Front Door - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package 24 Visit our website for more photos of this home. Lionel Photos see page 24 Some Features may be Optional. Visit our website for more photos of this home. Kitchen Living Room Bulters Pantry Master Bathroom 25 Anderson (446A) 3268 - Approx 2040 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Bumpout - 10’ Dormer - Round Top Front Door - Vertical Siding - Coastal Shores Red Siding 26 Princeton (452A) 3272 - Approx 2148 Sq. Ft. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Bumpout - 10’ Dormer with Box Bay #52 - Round Top Front Door - Shake Siding Accent 27 Savanna II (420A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft Ft.. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 4-Lite Classic Oak Front Door - Vertical Siding - Picture Window - Window Lineals - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package 28 Visit our website for more photos of this home. LaSalle (423A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. Westin (441A) 3276 - Approx 2280 Sq. Ft. 29 Akron (601A) 4256/45-4 - Approx 1600 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof Attic - Round Top Front Door - Full Eave at Porch - Shake Siding Accent - Arch-top Window 30 Visit our website for more photos of this home. Stoneridge (603A) 4264/52 - Approx 1959 Sq. Ft. Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 7/12 Roof - Full Oval Front Door with Sidelites - Full Eave at Porch - Shake Siding Accent - Clay Package 31 Bellevue (208A) See page 12 Additional Options Built On-Site by Others Options Pictured: - 9/12 Roof - 27’-4” Twin Peak Dormer with Twin Box Bays - Round Top Front Door - Vertical Siding - Shake Siding Accent - Archtop Window Connect with Us: Your Independent Builder is: 1902 Century Drive Goshen, IN 46528 574-534-3067 Note: Because of varying state requirements and optional equipment, some or all of the utility locations may change per floor plan. (i.e. furnace, stairwell, etc.) Consult your factory representative for exact specifications. Your purchase contract including options is with your retailer who is an independent contractor, not our agent, and is responsible totally for any alterations, exchanges, additions or attachments made in or to your home. AP110652 5M 1/15 All descriptive representations of the products on this brochure are believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, due to continued product improvement and changes in suppliers design and production, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, equipment colors, material specifications, prices and model availability are subject to change without notice. All information and images contained in this brochure are property of The Commodore Corporation and for the use by active dealers of the company only. © 32