2016 Commencement Program - Southern New Hampshire University
SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT 2016 EIGHTY-FOURTH COMMENCEMENT SAT URDAY, MAY 14 SUNDAY, MAY 15 201 6 WELCOME TO THE SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY EIGHTY-FOURTH COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14 SUNDAY, MAY 15 201 6 Verizon Wireless Arena Manchester, New Hampshire SATURDAY, MAY 14 AT 10:00 A.M. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE, GRADUATE, AND DOCTORAL DEGREES............................. 1 SATURDAY, MAY 14 AT 2:00 P.M. COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COLLEGE FOR AMERICA UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES.......................................................................... 7 SUNDAY, MAY 15 AT 10:00 A.M. COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION GRADUATE DEGREES..................................................................................... 13 SUNDAY, MAY 15 AT 2:00 P.M. COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION GRADUATE DEGREES..................................................................................... 19 Awards: Excellence in Teaching and Advising Excellence in Teaching................................................................................... 24 Excellence in Advising................................................................................... 25 SNHU Honor Societies Honor Society Listing..................................................................................... 26 Presentation of Degree Candidates ARTS AND SCIENCES..................................................................................... 31 BUSINESS..................................................................................................... 55 COLLEGE FOR AMERICA ................................................................................ 77 EDUCATION.................................................................................................. 81 NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS............................................................ 87 Post-Ceremony RECEPTION AFTER CEREMONY ...................................................................... 93 WELCOME FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION................................................. 97 SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA.............................................................................. 99 A TRADITION STEEPED IN HISTORY COMMENCEMENT PROCESSION A procession of the various participants begins At SNHU, the Mace Bearer leads the procession. He or and ends our formal commencement ceremony. she is followed by the Faculty Marshals, the Platform Individuals are arranged to reflect the order of Party, and then the Faculty of the schools arranged in academic rank in the hierarchy of the traditional order of seniority, beginning with the senior faculty. European university. The procession is concluded by the degree candidates. They enter in groups representing their schools/units , led by a gonfalon (flag) and walking in rank. CEREMONIAL MACE The mace was first used as a weapon. The word comes Southern New Hampshire University commissioned from the Latin ‘mateola,’ meaning mallet or staff. It David Elwell, a New Hampshire silversmith, to consisted of a long club with a ball of steel or brass create a mace to commemorate the university’s 50th at one end. As newer weapons came into use, the anniversary commencement. This mace is made of mace lost its prime purpose as an instrument of war; brass, aluminum, copper, and bronze, with a staff of however, it had become a symbol of authority and ebony and African padauk. power. Universities in Europe with roots in the Middle Ages adopted maces as symbols of authority and unity. Since then, other institutions of higher learning have come to use the mace in their ceremonies. THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDALLION The Presidential Medallion, worn by the president surrounded by a border of entwined wires, with academic regalia, is a symbolic representation similar in texture to the chain links, and finished of the authority and responsibility vested by the with a square raised edge. The heavy, twisted links university in the president. It is a symbol of office of the chain bear four oval plates on each side. The that dates from medieval times and is worn by the background of the entire piece is oxidized to highlight president at all ceremonial occasions. the relief design and textures. The names of those who have held the office are engraved on the reverse side The Presidential Medallion is a permanent possession of the medallion. of the university and is presented to successive presidents at their inaugurations by the chairman of The Presidential Medallion was designed and the Board of Trustees. The chain and medallion are fabricated in 1987 by award-winning New Hampshire fabricated from sterling silver. The university emblem, metalsmith Jacquelyn Ferrency of Milford. in relief, is the central design on the medallion. It is ACADEMIC REGALIA The academic costume worn today originated in the The colors for academic fields established by the universities of the Middle Ages, when a warm gown American Council on Education include: and hood were useful for scholars and clerics in unheated buildings. The distinctive gowns served to Agriculture maize set students apart from their fellow citizens, hence Arts, Letters and Humanities white the perennial controversy between ‘town and gown.’ Business, Commerce and Accounting light brown Dentistry lilac Until after the Civil War, students at most American Economics copper universities wore caps and gowns daily while in Education light blue residence. These varied in design until they were Engineering orange standardized by the American Intercollegiate Fine Arts brown Commission in 1894. At that time it was decided that Forestry russet all robes would be black; bachelor’s gowns would Journalism crimson have long, pointed sleeves; master’s gowns would Law purple have long, closed sleeves with slits for the arms at Library Science lemon the elbows; and doctor’s gowns would have very full, Medicine green bell-shaped sleeves, each with three velvet bands Music pink matching the velvet facing of the gown opening. Nursing apricot Oratory silver gray The length of hoods varies with the degree. The lining Pharmacy olive green of the hood indicates the university by the colors. The Philosophy dark blue border of the hood indicates the academic discipline in Physical Education sage green which the degree was earned. Public Administration peacock blue Science golden yellow Students who have studied abroad for one or more Social Work citron semesters will be wearing a sash with the colors of Theology scarlet the flag of the country where they studied. The sashes Veterinary Science gray are issued to signify the university’s commitment to provide students with opportunities for acquiring (Caps and gowns representing degrees from foreign international and cross-cultural experience. universities may be quite different from those described. The most obvious difference may be in the cap, which is often a soft, round hat of the style worn by medieval scholars.) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CONFERRAL OF UNDERGRADUATE, GRADUATE, AND DOCTORAL DEGREES Saturday, May 14, 2016 10:00 a.m. 1 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 DIGNITARIES PRESIDENT DR. PAUL J. LEBLANC MACE BEARER DR. LOWELL MATTHEWS FACULTY MARSHAL DR. FRANK CATANO SCHOOL MARSHALS School of Education DR. LYNN MURRAY CHANDLER School of Arts and Sciences DR. BETSY GUNZELMANN School of Business DR. C. BULENT AYBAR PRESIDENT’S MARSHAL DR. PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost 10:00 A.M. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 10:00 A.M. ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL CONFERRAL OF DOCTORAL DEGREE – SCHOOL OF EDUCATION New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by school: School of Education, School of Arts and Sciences, and School of Business Sherry Barnard Kimberly L. Blanchette Lois B. Costa Michelle Davignon Laura DeRosa Nathaniel T. Greene Susan Marie McKenzie Ronald Pedro Steven J. Zadravec The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional, the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM NICOLE JOLICOEUR Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bradley Three Year Honors Program Presented by Patricia Lynott Executive Vice President, Provost Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc President, Southern New Hampshire University Hooded by Raymond McNulty Dean of the School of Education THE INVOCATION PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTION OF PLATFORM GUESTS CONFERRAL OF DEGREES PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University STUDENT ADDRESS READING OF DEGREES KELSEY CARNELL Bachelor of Science in Marketing JON BOROSHOK GARY CARKIN COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS TED MITCHELL Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Education AWARD CITATIONS – EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND ADVISING AWARDS WELCOME TO NEW ALUMNI TIMOTHY GERARDI '04 President of the Alumni Association BENEDICTION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed. Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining Center. Directions can be found in the back of the program UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 10:00 A.M. COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER TED MITCHELL Ted Mitchell is the under secretary of education for the Mitchell is the former CEO of the NewSchools Venture U.S. Department of Education. He has served in this Fund and served as the president of the California post since his confirmation by the U.S. Senate on May State Board of Education. Through his long career in 8, 2014, following his nomination by President Barack higher education, Mitchell has served as the president Obama on Oct. 31, 2013. Mitchell oversees policies, of Occidental College, vice chancellor and dean of programs, and activities related to postsecondary the School of Education and Information Studies education, adult, career and technical education, at the University of California, Los Angeles, and federal student aid, and five White House Initiatives. professor and chair of the Department of Education at Dartmouth College. To spur education, economic growth, and social prosperity, Mitchell is charged with planning and Mitchell received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, policy responsibilities to implement President and Ph.D. from Stanford University. He lives in Obama's goal for the U.S. to have "the best educated, Washington, D.C. with his wife, Christine, and their most competitive workforce in the world” as two children. measured by the proportion of college graduates by the year 2020. Mitchell and his team are keenly focused on implementing President Obama’s American Graduation Initiative to improve college access, affordability, quality, and completion. 4 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 10:00 A.M. UNDERGRADUATE SPEAKER KELSEY CARNELL Bachelor of Science - Marketing President LeBlanc, Provost Lynott, Dean Lorenz, faculty, we were greeted by a swarm of Orientation leaders that friends, family, loved ones and the Class of 2016: welcome helped move us in and made it seem so effortless, to the to Commencement! This is it. This is the day we have all orientation welcoming programs that made us as scared been waiting for and working for since preschool. Today little freshmen feel so welcome and already embraced by on paper all your hard work, goals and schoolwork will the SNHU community, and of course those late nights in the be recognized as you cross that stage and become SNHU Library Learning Commons. SNHU has provided me with alumni! As I think back to myself as a senior in high endless opportunities and is it up to us to use what we have school, opening my SNHU acceptance letter with confetti learned and the opportunities given to us to succeed in life flying and a large pen and pendant...I can’t believe these after college. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort four years have flown by so fast but they are the years I zone. I want to challenge you today to get out of your would not trade for anything. I have met some of my best comfort zone. You have so much incredible potential on the friends, learned a lot about myself and others, taken many inside. As we walk across this stage today remember all you challenging classes, been exposed to diverse cultures and have accomplished, memories last forever and sadly that people, been on trips and conferences to places I would SNHU student ID will not work anymore as your lifesaver, never have imagined and met some amazing mentors, naps will be limited, no one can cook an omelette as good professors and people. As we all have paved different paths as Fast Eddy and college is the time of your life. Celebrate, for ourselves, and written our own SNHU story, we all share remember, and embrace the day, Class of 2016, because one thing. That is Penmen Pride and the love for SNHU. today's your day! So please, believe in yourself, know your My friends sometimes make fun of me because I could greatness and take pride in your accomplishments. I wish talk for days about the world class education that SNHU you all the best in your future endeavors and know that offered me and all of my amazing positive experiences in you always have all of these incredible classmates, faculty, my short four years, but I will limit myself to 500 words for and staff that all have your back as they did when you were your sake. We all share the pride of being a SNHU student, a student on campus. Congratulations SNHU Alumni - receiving a diploma, and all went through the emotional welcome to adulthood, show them who’s boss! rollercoaster of college together. Back freshman year when 5 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COLLEGE FOR AMERICA CONFERRAL OF UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES Saturday, May 14, 2016 2:00 p.m. 7 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION & COLLEGE FOR AMERICA COMMENCEMENT DIGNITARIES PRESIDENT DR. PAUL J. LEBLANC MACE BEARER PAMELA VARHOL FACULTY MARSHAL KATHY ELANE JOHNSON UNIT MARSHALS Business DR. KIM BLANCHETTE Liberal Arts DERRICK CRAIGIE Nursing & Health Professions DR. SHERRIE PALMIERI Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics ANGELA FOSS Social Sciences MICHELLE HILL PRESIDENT’S MARSHAL DR. PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 2:00 P.M. COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION & COLLEGE FOR AMERICA COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 2:00 P.M. ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by unit: Business, Liberal Arts, Nursing & Health Professions, Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, Social Sciences SWANEE HUNT The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional, the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation. AWARD CITATIONS – EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost THE NATIONAL ANTHEM CONFERRAL OF DEGREES RACHEL COX Bachelor of Science in Accounting PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University THE INVOCATION READING OF DEGREES THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry DAN POULIN GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTION OF PLATFORM GUESTS PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University STUDENT ADDRESS KIMBERLY O'KEEFE Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT DR. SWANEE HUNT Former United States Ambassador to Austria and President of Hunt Alternatives JEFF CZARNEC WELCOME TO NEW ALUMNI NEIL DONAHUE '82 Vice President of the Alumni Association BENEDICTION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed. Presented by Mark A. Ouellette Chairman of the Board of Trustees Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc President, Southern New Hampshire University Hooded by Patricia Lynott Executive Vice President, Provost Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining Center. Directions can be found in the back of the program COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION & COLLEGE FOR AMERICA COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 2:00 P.M. HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT DR. SWANEE HUNT Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters Dr. Swanee Hunt is president of Hunt Alternatives Carr Center for Human Rights. She holds two masters and former ambassador to Austria. As president degrees, a doctorate in theology, and six honorary of Hunt Alternatives, she has advanced innovative degrees. and systemic approaches to social change at local, national, and global levels. Her work related to Hunt has been a syndicated columnist and authored combating the demand for illegal purchased sex articles for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Magazine, (including trafficking) and promoting the full New York Times, L.A. Times, International Herald inclusion of women leaders in international security Tribune, et al. Her first book, This Was Not Our War: processes spans more than sixty countries. Bosnian Women Reclaiming the Peace, won the 2005 PEN/New England Award for non-fiction. She has also From 1993 to 1997, Hunt served as President Clinton’s authored Half-Life of a Zealot, Worlds Apart: Bosnian ambassador to Austria, where she hosted negotiations Lessons for Global Security and Rwandan Women and international symposia focused on the warring Rising (in publication, analyzing how women became Balkan states, which had descended into bloodshed an effective 64% of the parliament, half the Supreme and destruction. At Harvard’s Kennedy School of Court, and half the president’s cabinet). Hunt recently Government for nineteen years, she is the Eleanor summited Kilimanjaro and is an avid photographer Roosevelt Lecturer in Public Policy, founder of the and composer. She was married for 25 years to Women and Public Policy Program, core faculty at international conductor Charles Ansbacher. Her world the Center for Public Leadership, and senior adviser includes their three children, plus a menagerie of cats, to the working group on modern-day slavery at the parrots, horses, bison, and grandchildren. 10 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION & COLLEGE FOR AMERICA COMMENCEMENT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2016 2:00 P.M. GRADUATE SPEAKER KIMBERLY O’KEEFE Bachelor of Science – Organizational Leadership Once upon a time, I was a little girl who loved to play dress- balance work, family, and school at the same time? Others up and make-believe more than anything else, including immediately saw the chance as an opportunity – one to being a graduate and wearing a hand-me-down cap and broaden your mind and brighten your future. So whether gown. Needless to say, I dreamt of this day for what seems the chance was a calculated risk or a fearless leap into the like a lifetime. Like many of you, my journey did not begin unknown, take a minute to think back on all of the chances online at SNHU, but rather in a more traditional path, where you took to get to this moment. Were they worth it? Because I attended a few different schools right out of high school. each of you are seated here today, I know they were. I know I’m not alone in saying I had a few change of hearts Now imagine something even more exciting than the initial and wound up taking many years off which made me chance you took to get here, and that is the chances that believe that maybe graduation was just a game of make- have yet to be discovered. I am a firm believer in the notion believe. SNHU changed all of that for me, though, because that “thoughts become things”, so whatever it is you want I stand here today, no longer a little girl playing dress-up, for your future, now is your chance to dream it and make it but as a Southern New Hampshire University graduate filled happen. Most importantly though – don’t ever stop taking with Penmen Pride and excited to celebrate this milestone. chances. Whether disguised as a risk or an opportunity As SNHU students we are a diverse student body spread out remember that it will be worth it. Life’s greatest moments globally, yet we are bound by many commonalities; the will be built by a series of chances and it’s up to you to find strongest of which originates from a place of determination them, take them, create them, and make the most of them. where we each made the decision to take a chance on One chance can change your entire life if you let it. Be ever so ourselves and pursue higher education. To me, chance proud of the story you wrote to get here and the life you have implies either a risk or an opportunity. For those who yet to build beyond today. I wish you endless opportunities to saw your decision as a risk, you wondered: Could you drop every fear and take every chance. Congratulations! 11 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Conferral of GRADUATE DEGREES Sunday, May 15, 2016 10:00 a.m. 13 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 10:00 A.M. DIGNITARIES PRESIDENT DR. PAUL J. LEBLANC MACE BEARER DR. RICHARD GREGO FACULTY MARSHAL KATHY ELANE JOHNSON UNIT MARSHALS Business DR. ALEX MANUS PRESIDENT’S MARSHAL DR. PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 10:00 A.M. ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by unit: Business BOB KERREY The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional, the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AMY MAXWELL AWARD CITATIONS – EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost CONFERRAL OF DEGREES PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University THE INVOCATION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTION OF PLATFORM GUESTS PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University STUDENT ADDRESS DAVE NUMME Master of Business Administration HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT BOB KERREY Managing Director at Allen & Company and Executive Chairman of the Minerva Project Presented by Mark A. Ouellette Chairman of the Board of Trustees READING OF DEGREES DAN POULIN JEFF CZARNEC WELCOME TO NEW ALUMNI TIMOTHY GERARDI '04 President of the Alumni Association BENEDICTION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed. Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc President, Southern New Hampshire University Hooded by Patricia Lynott Executive Vice President, Provost Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining Center. Directions can be found in the back of the program COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 10:00 A.M. HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT BOB KERREY Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Senator Bob Kerrey is managing director at Allen & Prior to his Senate service, Kerrey served one term Company and executive chairman of the Minerva as Nebraska’s Governor from 1983 to 1987. Before Project. From 2001 to 2011 Kerrey was president of The entering politics, Kerrey was a businessman who New School, a university founded on democratic ideals helped build a chain of restaurants and health clubs and daring educational practices. employing more than 1,000 people. Kerrey represented Nebraska in the U.S. Senate from Kerrey served as a U.S. Navy SEAL during the Vietnam 1989 to 2001, where he promoted equity for rural War. For his service, he received the Medal of Honor. communities, was a leader in farm and environmental While in Vietnam, he was wounded, permanently legislation, strengthened taxpayers’ rights, led in disabled, and received from this injury a great restructuring our intelligence agencies, and partnered gift: sympathy for those who are suffering and an with local leaders to build projects of lasting value to appreciation for the capacity of government to save Nebraskans. your life. His public service since leaving the Senate includes: Kerrey earned a BS degree in Pharmacy from the the 9/11 Commission, advisory board of the Iraq and University of Nebraska. He lives in New York with his Afghanistan Veterans Association, co-chair of the wife, Sarah Paley and their son, Henry. He has two Concord Coalition, and the Natural Resources Defense children from his previous marriage, Ben and Lindsey Council. Kerrey, and four grandchildren 16 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 10:00 A.M. GRADUATE SPEAKER DAVE NUMME Master of Business Administration Good Morning! Fellow graduate students, we are steps discovered that our reasons for making this climb are away from finishing our final ascent up our graduate school as diverse as our ethnicities, genders and educational mountain. Let’s pause. backgrounds. The mom with ten children wanting to improve their future. The fellow student who was told by Remember what it is has taken for us to reach this vista. her high school teachers that she was stupid and could Let’s also remember those who have helped us and look never amount to anything. The dad of seven children who forward to the future. was the first in his generation to go to college and wants to be the first in his family to get his Ph.D. The student who Let’s drink in the views of this vista. Revel in the beauty suffered with mental illness but became successful in her of this place and the specialness of this moment. Look studies and in her career. For me, it was the commitment around at our fellow climbers. Think about those who have I made to my family to provide for them. I am inspired by supported us on this climb. Our professors. Fellow students. your stories and motivated to help our classmates. These are Academic advisors. Librarians. Colleagues. Other SNHU our fellow climbers. WE are the online students of Southern staff. Our loved ones. So many who want us to be successful. New Hampshire University. When we were at the base of this mountain, we felt From this vista, scan the horizon. Look at the peaks yet to overwhelmed and wondered how we would ever make be scaled. Keep dreaming. Keep taking the steps to achieve such a climb. However, as we conquered each assignment, your dreams. Look behind you. There are many others who those assignments became conquered course peaks. Those need our help. Let’s stay involved with our school. Let’s help conquered course peaks led us to this summit we now the next generation of climbers scale their peaks and reach revel in today. Remember the short nights spent studying their dreams. Join me in helping fellow Penmen find their and those who helped us. Remember the encouraging text next job. Let’s open our professional networks to them. Let’s messages and cheerful phone calls we received. The hugs help them through the challenges of their studies. Join me and listening ears our families gave us. in finding ways to continue to build our SNHU community. Let our accomplishments inspire them. In various venues, such as SNHUConnect, email interactions, Congratulations on successfully completing your climb. homecoming, student advisory board meetings and other We D-I-D I-T!!!! places, I have gotten to know fellow climbers. I have 17 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Conferral of GRADUATE DEGREES Sunday, May 15, 2016 2:00 p.m. 19 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 DIGNITARIES PRESIDENT DR. PAUL J. LEBLANC MACE BEARER DR. MICHAEL NEWHOUSE-BAILEY FACULTY MARSHAL KATHY ELANE JOHNSON UNIT MARSHALS Business DR. MICHELLE CARON Liberal Arts SLOAN KELLY Nursing & Health Professions DR. SHERRIE PALMIERI Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics MARK LEPAGE Social Sciences DR. JEFFREY CZARNEC PRESIDENT’S MARSHAL DR. PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost 2:00 P.M. COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 2:00 P.M. ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS New Hampshire Pipes and Drums, Mace Bearer, Faculty Marshal, Trustees and the President’s Party, Faculty, Administration, Degree Candidates by unit: Liberal Arts Nursing & Health Professions Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Social Sciences JOHN FALLON The audience is asked to remain standing during the processional, the singing of The National Anthem, and the invocation. AWARD CITATIONS – EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES PATRICIA LYNOTT Executive Vice President, Provost THE NATIONAL ANTHEM CONFERRAL OF DEGREES DELIA DUBOIS PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University THE INVOCATION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry READING OF DEGREES DAN POULIN JEFF CZARNEC GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTION OF PLATFORM GUESTS PAUL J. LEBLANC President, Southern New Hampshire University WELCOME TO NEW ALUMNI NEIL DONAHUE '82 Vice President of the Alumni Association STUDENT ADDRESS JESSICA TORRUELLA TORRES Graduate Student BENEDICTION THE REV. BRUCE COLLARD Director of Campus Ministry HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT JOHN FALLON Chief Executive Officer, Pearson PLC Presented by Lisa Guertin Southern New Hampshire University Board of Trustees RECESSIONAL The audience is requested to remain seated until the recessional is completed. Conferred by Paul J. LeBlanc President, Southern New Hampshire University Hooded by Patricia Lynott Executive Vice President, Provost Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following commencement. The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, located on the second floor of the Dining Center. Directions can be found in the back of the program COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 2:00 P.M. HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT JOHN FALLON Honorary Doctorate of Public Affairs John Fallon is chief executive officer at Pearson PLC. Prior to joining Pearson, John was director of corporate Since 2008 he has been responsible for Pearson’s affairs at Powergen PLC and was a member of the education businesses outside North America, and a company’s executive committee. member of the company’s management committee. Earlier in his career, John held senior public policy and He joined Pearson in 1997 as director of communications roles in the United Kingdom local communications and was appointed president of government. He is an advisory board member of the Pearson Inc. in the United States, in 2000. In 2003, Global Business Coalition for Education and a member he was appointed CEO of Pearson’s educational of the Council of the University of Hull. He graduated publishing businesses for Europe, Middle East from the University of Hull in 1983 with a degree in & Africa. economics, politics and sociology. 22 COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 2:00 P.M. GRADUATE SPEAKER JESSICA TORRUELLA TORRES Master of Science in Management – Healthcare Administration If you had told me two years ago that I would be standing changed. I called, talked to the admissions advisor, sent here today, having earned a Master’s degree, I would my transcript, and before I knew it I was enrolled. I can not have believed you. But at this moment, I am a living honestly say that that phone call was one of the best example of what can be done given the right opportunity. decisions I’ve made in my life. SNHU understands that Before joining the SNHU Online Graduate program, my all students are not the same. That not every student can academic performance had been adequate. By that I relocate to study because many of us have jobs, or kids, mean that I always did just enough to pass my classes. In or like in my case a partner who can’t relocate. But, more high school, I always found the rigidity of the classroom importantly, SNHU understands that not every student overwhelming, and college was no different. It took me a learns the same way. Times have changed, and SNHU has long time to finish my bachelor’s degree, and the thought of changed with the times. With the use of technology, SNHU going back to school was terrifying. has made it possible for students, like me and all of my fellow graduates, to continue with our life commitments In August of 2012, I moved with my husband to Tulsa, and to have access to higher education. In closing, I would Oklahoma. He was going to graduate school there, and like to share a quote from learning technology expert I began working for a local energy company. After a Elliot Masie. He said, “We need to bring learning to people year I was laid off along with 86 other people. I found instead of people to learning.” Southern New Hampshire myself without a job, in a very unfamiliar place and in an University brings learning to many of us who otherwise extremely challenging job market. I began considering would not be able pursue a graduate education. I would graduate studies in order to make myself more marketable. like to take this opportunity to thank my mom, dad, and I spent months researching nearby schools, but the problem husband for believing in me, even when it was hard to was that all of them had the same structure; a structure I believe in myself. felt wasn’t for me. I did not want to commit to graduate school if it required me to sit in classrooms for hours on end. Then I saw a commercial for SNHU, and everything 23 THE EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD Southern New Hampshire University traditionally has recognized outstanding teaching in its many degree programs. Following an extensive selection process, a full-time faculty member and an adjunct faculty The finalists for the 2016 Excellence in Teaching Award from University College (UC) undergraduate, full-time faculty are: •• Crystal Bickford, Associate Professor of English member are honored with the annual Excellence in •• Aaron Collins, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Teaching Award, which is announced during the May •• Susan Cook, Assistant Professor of English commencement ceremony. The process is student- •• Susan D’Agostino, Associate Professor of Mathematics driven with all nominations coming from the student •• Tracy Dow, Assistant Professor of Communication, body. A committee of faculty, administrators, and students used the nomination information and the following criteria to select the winners: •• Effectiveness as a classroom teacher. •• Commitment to advising and/or tutoring students beyond what might be expected. •• Professional development to remain current in the discipline and teaching. Media Arts & Technology •• Peter Frost, Professor of Psychology •• Adam Gilbert, Assistant Professor of Mathematics •• Kostas Karadakis, Assistant Professor of Sport Management •• Robert MacAuslan, Assistant Professor of Sociology •• Kenneth Nivison, Associate Professor of Humanities •• Patricia Spirou, Professor of Marketing •• Contributions toward building the reputation or image of the university. •• General attitude toward students that demonstrates a concern for their welfare. The finalists for the 2016 Excellence in Teaching Award from University College (UC) undergraduate adjunct faculty are: •• Christine Burke, School of Arts and Sciences •• Ashley Liadis, School of Business •• Scott Milne, School of Arts and Sciences •• Kenneth Williams, School of Education The finalists for the 2016 Adjunct Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing Education (COCE) are: •• Thomas Battle, Undergraduate Business •• Kathy Elaine Johnson, Writing, Composition, and Literature •• Katrina Palmer, STEM •• Sarah Tourtellotte, Humanities The finalists for the 2016 Lead Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award for the College of Online and Continuing Education (COCE) are: •• Linda E. Ellington, Undergraduate Business •• Robert Harrington, Social Sciences •• David Sze, STEM 24 THE EXCELLENCE IN ADVISING AWARD In order to recognize and reward the significant impact that advising has on our students’ success, this year University College is bestowing an “Excellence in Advising” award to one deserving UC professional advisor and one deserving UC faculty advisor. The process is student-driven, with all nominations coming from the student body. A committee of The finalists for the 2016 Excellence in Advising Award from University College (UC) undergraduate full-time faculty are: •• Nancy Charron, Associate Professor of Education •• Kostas Karadakis, Assistant Professor of Sport Management •• Audrey Rogers, Associate Professor of Education faculty, administrators, and students used the nomination information and the following criteria to select the winners: •• Understands and effectively communicates The finalists for the 2016 Excellence in Advising Award from University College (UC) undergraduate professional advisors are: •• Lindsey Goddard, Academic Advising the curriculum, graduation requirements, and •• Nancy Miller, School of Education university policies and procedures. •• Sarah Robbins, Academic Advising •• Encourages and guides students as they define and develop realistic academic goals. •• Encourages and supports students as they gain the skills to develop clear and attainable educational plans. •• Encourages students to use appropriate resources and services available to them as SNHU students. •• Guides students to understand the purpose of higher education and its effects on their lives. •• Assists students in gaining decision making skills and assuming responsibility for their educational success. •• Monitors and accurately documents student progress toward meeting individual goals. •• Is accessible to students during office hours or by appointment, and responds in a timely manner when communicating with students by telephone or email. •• Maintains confidentiality. 25 HONOR SOCIETIES ALPHA CHI NATIONAL COLLEGE HONOR SOCIETY (EPSILON CHAPTER) DELTA MU DELTA HONOR SOCIETY (GAMMA NU CHAPTER) SNHU is home to the Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Chi, recognizing outstanding scholastic achievement the National Honor Society for liberal arts majors, among both undergraduate and graduate students which recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement, pursuing business degree programs. To qualify for service, and character. Membership is open to liberal membership, students must display good character, arts majors who have completed at least one half of have completed more than half of their degree the work required for a baccalaureate degree, rank in program, achieve a GPA of at least 3.6, and be in the the top 10% of the class, and have earned cumulative top 20% of their class. Members of SNHU’s Gamma GPA of 3.85 or above. Graduates wear blue and green Nu chapter wear gold and purple cords at graduation. cords. (Symbol: AC) (Symbol: DMD) ALPHA PHI SIGMA HONOR SOCIETY (NU IOTA CHAPTER) ETA SIGMA DELTA HONOR SOCIETY Alpha Phi Sigma is the National Criminal Justice An international hospitality management honor Honor Society, offering membership to qualifying society, Eta Sigma Delta recognizes the academic SNHU students with a GPA of 3.2 or higher within the and professional achievements of students pursuing Justice Studies, Policing and Law Enforcement, Crime hospitality management, tourism, and culinary arts and Criminology, Terrorism and Homeland Security, degrees. Undergraduate students must achieve a or Law and Legal Process programs. Members of cumulative GPA of at least 3.2, while graduate students SNHU’s Nu Iota Chapter wear blue and yellow cords must maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 to be eligible for at graduation, while executive board members don membership. (Symbol: ESD) Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society yellow and blue stoles. (Symbol: APS) ALPHA SIGMA LAMBDA HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY OF COLLEGIATE SCHOLARS Founded with the goal of helping non-traditional The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is students connect and further their academic and a non-profit honor society established to encourage career goals, Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national and recognize academic achievement. Emphasizing honor society recognizing adult learners who display scholarship, leadership, and service, NSCS accepts outstanding academic achievement. Students must members who rank in the top 20% of their class, have completed a minimum of 24 graded semester achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4, and attend a hour credits at SNHU (with at least 12 in Liberal college or university with an active NSCS chapter on Arts/Sciences courses) and have a minimum 3.2 campus. Membership is for life and is by invitation GPA. Graduates wear gold and burgundy cords. only. Graduates wear gold cords. (Symbol: CS) (Symbol: ASL) 26 HONOR SOCIETIES NATIONAL SOCIETY OF LEADERSHIP AND SUCCESS PI LAMBDA THETA The nation’s largest leadership honor society, the The most selective honor society for educators, Pi National Society of Leadership and Success (NSL, Lambda Theta recognizes the academic achievement S) provides a step-by-step program to help build and outstanding disposition of education students. leadership skills among its members. To be nominated Undergraduate students must achieve at least a 3.5 for membership, undergraduate students must have a GPA to earn membership, while graduate students minimum 3.0 GPA, while graduate students must have must achieve a GPA of 3.9. All members must a GPA of 3.5 and have completed nine credits. NSL, demonstrate exceptional disposition throughout their S members wear gray and black cords at graduation. academic program. Upon graduation, members wear (Symbol: LS) gold cords. (Symbol: PLT) ORDER OF OMEGA PSI CHI HONOR SOCIETY The Order of Omega is an honor society exclusively Psi Chi is an international honor society for for Greek Letter Organizations, and students who psychology students and is designed to encourage, display strong leadership, character, and academic stimulate, and maintain excellence in the pursuit achievement. To be eligible for membership, students of academic achievement. Membership is open to must be a junior or senior enrolled in a full-time undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology undergraduate program, actively participate in a Greek programs (major or minor) who have completed at organization on campus, maintain a GPA above the least 45 credits (nine in psychology courses), have a average Greek GPA, and display good character. Order minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2, and have a minimum of Omega members wear white and yellow cords at GPA of 3.2 in psychology courses. Graduates wear blue graduation, while executive board members wear and gray cords. (Symbol: PC) white stoles with gold lettering. (Symbol: OO) PHI THETA KAPPA HONOR SOCIETY SIGMA TAU DELTA HONOR SOCIETY (ALPHA PI PSI CHAPTER) Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor that recognizes and encourages scholarship among society, recognizing academic achievement among students in two-year associate degree programs. students enrolled in English Language and Literature Dedicated to developing leadership, fellowship, and and Creative Writing programs. To be eligible, service opportunities, Phi Theta Kappa members undergraduate students must have completed at must have completed at least 30 credits (15 at SNHU) least three semesters at SNHU, have completed two as part of a two-year program and maintain a 3.5 GPA or more literature courses beyond General Education or higher. Members wear blue and yellow cords or a requirements, and have maintained a GPA of at least gold stole at graduation. (Symbol: PTK) 3.3. Graduate students must maintain a 3.3 GPA and have completed at least 6 semester hours at SNHU. Members wear red and black cords at graduation. (Symbol: S) 27 PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES ARTS AND SCIENCES BUSINESS COLLEGE FOR AMERICA EDUCATION NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS Associate in Science or Associate in Arts Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts *With Honors (GPA 3.500-3.699) *Cum Laude (GPA 3.500-3.699) †With High Honors (GPA 3.700-3.849) †Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.700-3.849) ‡With Highest Honors (GPA 3.850-4.000) ‡Summa Cum Laude (GPA 3.850-4.000) The list of names published in this program is not an official list of degree recipients. Names listed here include those who have completed all of their degree requirements as well as those who are expected to complete their degree requirements by October 31, 2016. An official list of degrees conferred is maintained by the Office of the University Registrar. 29 ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION ARTS AND SCIENCES DEPARTMENT The mission of the School of Arts and Sciences is to educate students to live and work well and to be actively engaged in carrying out civic responsibilities. By connecting the humanities, sciences, fine arts, mathematics, technology, and social inquiry, students prepare for a community role that is as central to individual success as it is to a sustainable society. The School of Arts and Sciences delivers the General Education curriculum for all students in University College. Students of Arts and Sciences can pursue 18 different majors, 10 concentrations, and a wide array of minors. The arts and sciences curriculum serves as a gateway to many careers that already exist and prepares students for careers to come. Programs in the arts and sciences encourage critical thinking, empower students to try the new and dare the different, and help us understand the deepest forms of human expression. A creative mind is the highest recommendation for success in managing a complex world and living effectively in it. The College of Online and Continuing Education’s department of arts and sciences mission is to create the best online student learning experience in the world and to promote the values achieved by obtaining a Liberal Arts education. The arts and sciences encompasses many diverse programs with the common goal of preparing students for both academic advancement and professional opportunities in their chosen career field. Our programs engage students’ diverse learning styles through the inclusion of multimedia learning resources and the implementation of authentic technology tools and environments that both adhere to our rigorous learning outcomes and are authentic to the relevant field of professional practice. We pride ourselves on providing our students with a transformative educational experience and with never giving up on a student who is putting forth the effort to achieve his or her academic goals. ARTS AND SCIENCES Brandice Harriet Bonnee Kristen Cole Mathias Emmerton LS Kristen Renee Bourcier Holley Rich Coleman Alisha R. Emrich S, LS Danielle Abel Leroy Bovee LS Daniel Collins Mary E. Escobar Kellie Abernethy LS John Charles Bowden LS Michael Connolly LS Derrick Michael Estrada Janet April Adkins Jason Cook Crystal Fairbairn Gabrielle Albert Elizabeth Michaela Bowers LS Tracy Fannon LS Laura Alexander Matthew Boyd Michael D. Cook Christine Farrey S Kevin Andersen Jean Boyer LS Samuel E. Cooper Jessica Lee Boyer Gina Corsetti Nicholas Felegy LS Emily Anderson Shayla A. Fereshetian Jenny Williams Andrews S, LS Kerry Donnel Brackett S, LS Allison Cote Quo-Votis Covington Kathryn Fernstrom Cassandra Appicello Adam Brandner Margaret J. Coyle S Diane Elaine Fietz S, LS Julie Appleby-Behrse LS Caitlin Brass LS Ian T. Craig Ronnie Finklein LS Wade Arnold Curtis A. Bratton Hillary Crawford Sharla Finley S, LS Shawn Arntson Victoria M. Briand AC, LS Jesse Crooks Terry Hughes Finnegan Shelley A. Ashcroft Nikki Brindle Moira Elizabeth Crooks LS Daniel Francis Fish Diana Avalos S, LS Rona Aquino Cruz Mattie L. Fisher Alexander Avery LS Christina Yvette Britten O'Neill Derek Cummings S Rachel Flaherty Iami Sowelu Badu LS Brianne Brown Amber Danks Forrest Flanagin Rebecca Baharian LS Gina Alexandra Buck LS Demetrius Davidson Lance Fling Christy Bailes S Jaclyn Marie Buckman Catherine Elizabeth Davila Colin James Foley Kyle Bain Scott Edward Bullock Chelsea Davis S Monét Marie Fontes S, LS Chana Baker LS Seamus Burke Leona Davis-Brown Ryan Foran Cheryl Baker LS Richard Burklund Sarah DeAngelo Tiffany Forbes Erin Baldauf LS Raven Burnes Susan Elizabeth Decker S Kim Ford Katherine Baltov Tyler Burnworth Joshua Delman Andrew Fortin Todd Barker LS Erica R. Buteau Sandra Y. Desjardins Emily Grace Fox S, LS Nicholas Barnett Florastine J. Byarms Betsy A. Devillier Wytina Foxx McKinnie LS Belarmina L. Barrientos Aleia Blair Bynum S, LS Kaitlyn E. Devriendt Kira Franklin S Isabelle Barros April Flores Cable Kimberly Dickinson Kelly A. Dowling Eleanor Bartel Rossy Angelina Calderon Pagan Randi Dillard Desiree Fritz LS Matthew DiPirro Mark Fronk Victoria Elyse Callahan LS Cherie Ditch ASL, LS Larry J. Frownfelter LS Michael Bartlett Christine Caporale LS Jessica Faith Dobbs S, LS Heather Ann Fuller Bethany Bartolini Lisa Ann Capozzi S Sarah J. Donnelly Laura Arlene Funderburg Joshua Barton Meghan Carey Courtney D Dove Brandon Gardner Stuart A Barton David Carpenter Kristen Dowell Kimberly Garee Ani Bazdekian Christopher Carr Kelly A. Dowling Shakima Garrison LS Sabrina Beasley S Aileen Carson S Angela Judith Dragoo Erica Garvin S, LS Beth Beecroft Jessica Carter James Driscoll Reyna Alejandra Marie Garza Jessica N Bejarano Shabreka Carter Poleigh Driscoll DMD, LS Jeremy Ghazaleh Brandi Bennett Brittney L. Castello Edward David Dryden Brooke Bennett Icelyn Cate Daniel DuBois Kristen Grace Ghimenti Casal Catherine Bennett S, LS Erin M. Cheney Angelica Dudenhoefer Dara Berkey Henry Chiles Jana Dudley LS Jonathon William Bernard John Chorazy Julia Joy Dumas Joshua B. Berndt Molly Grady Cimikoski Timothy Durant LS David Berner S Jonathan Clark LS Shari DuShane LS Daniel Bishop LS Michelle Lissette Clark Nichole M. Edmonds Pinara Dene Black Smith LS Amanda Lynn Clelland Samantha V. Edwards Taryn Leigh Blake S Brad Clemons Johna LeRae Elliott Helenita Gorman LS Dina Blasi LS Renita Clemons LS Lauren Ruth Goslee Stephanie Bonde LS Christopher Cocozello Megan Michelle Elmendorf LS Joseph Graber Nancy Elizabeth Elmore LS Ariner Graham Master of Arts Bethel Jean Bower Bartlett S, LS Mary Bradley Brittny Cokley 32 Jessica Giannino LS Michelle Katherine Gibson Victoria L. Gill LS Kate McDade Ginn S, LS Kristina Gladstone S, LS Brandon Gooden S Jillian Goodman ARTS AND SCIENCES Deana Gray LS Paige Brianna Holohan Rae Michelle-Elizabeth Kyle Erin M. Green LS Wendy Holyoak Connie Labaw Jessica Greenfield Mindy Honeycutt Brenda Labranche Ian Greer Elisabeth Horan S, LS Fiona Dorothy Lama S, LS Olivia L. Griffin Karen Hoskins S Evan Lancia Jennifer Fay Griffiths LS Ty Hoskins David Lang Kristin Griffiths Christine Nicol Houston LS Allison M. Lary LS Stephen Groak Jessica Lynn Howard S Morgan Latham S Amy Guildoo Leo Howell Julia Lavooi Tine Guldbrand LS Sheila Hudson LS Buck Lawhorn LS Erik Gustafson Tara J. Humphrey LS Johnathan Lawing Derek R. Gustavsen Elaine L. Hunsaker Janelle Leavitt Raul Gutierrez Regenia Hunt Courtney Leblanc Stacy Hackenberg LS Nanyamka Chanel Hunter LS Kevin Leblanc Michelle Huston Jennifer Leikensohn S, LS Christopher Michael Merlino LS James Leindecker Freda Cassidy Messick Bryan K. Lemasters Noutoy Metoua Edward Lemay Ashley Mishelle Meyer Shelby Leonard S Brandon Meyer LS Amanda Lightner LS James E. Mikkelsen Peter Michael Ligotti Micole Miles Colby Lindsey LS Eric Thaddeus Miller LS Christina Lockwood Sarah Miller LS LaToya Fomby Love LS Andrea Mirlenbrink S Bryan Lovejoy LS Stephen Monaco Sarah K. Johnson LS Angelia Katherine Lowrey S, LS Clint T. Monette S Bobby Jones Traci Lowrey Lauren Jones Byron Lumpkin S, LS Nicarra Jones Jacqueline Lyttle-Ghori LS Jennifer L Harris LS Rosealeta Jones Wen Qinghui Maier Kathleen Harris LS Sharon Jones Vincent J. Manginelli S Colleen C. Harrison LS Neisha Jones Young LS Laura Mannette S Yvette Hartley LS Katrina Jordan S, LS Amanda Mullis Mapstone S Samantha H. Hayes Bethany Judd LS Lori Marler Shadiah Elizabeth Haynes John Kadash Meghan Marotte Brendan Healy David Richard Kallen Xavier Marquez Sylvia Healy Shaun Kehowski Brandon Martin LS Scott Heaton Catherine Kelly LS Daniel C Martinez Peter Hefele Robin Ketchen S Lisa Matsen S, LS Tiffany Hefley S Cynthia Leah Kibler LS Jamiel Maze S Michael David Hellegers S Keli A. Kimber LS Bernadette Henderson Jessica Kimmich Timothy Keyeke Mbombo S, LS Katherine Hendrickson Danielle King Michelle Hickel LS Ginger King S, LS Brandon Hicks Kelly Kirch Jamie Renae Hicks Louise Kling Aunnika Hilton Kirstan A. Knowlton S, LS Krista Hixson John Kost Rebecca McFarland Taylor S. Hoch S, LS Niccolette Tanner Krause Messenger Betty Lee McGraw LS Stephanie Haddad Brandy Hadden Katherine Ann Hailstone LS Christy Hall Karen Hall LS Lydia Hall Casey Halliwell Jean Body Hamel LS Takelia Hammett LS Justin Wade Hampton Michael J. Hangge Stephanie Hanlon-Nugent Anderson Jesse Hanna LS Andrew Hansen S, LS Ashley Harrigan LS Deborah Jean Simmons Harris S, LS Frank Hodges S Heather Hollingsworth Jean Wedson Isidore Megan Ivy S, LS Erica Jackson James B. I. Jacobs Darryl Jelley Scott Jenkins Loretta Joffs Charmain Johnson Dion Johnson LS Kareta Johnson Natalie Renee Johnson Nanette Kuhlman Christine LeClair Melissa McBride Kimberly McCann Morgan McClain Lauren McCormick Nicole McCrann Rebecia R. S. McFarland Jennifer DeBruhl McKnight S Mysty McLelland Shannon L. McLoud Shelby McMahon S Shannon Marie McPherson Rhorie C. Mead ASL, LS Riki Meier S Gabrielle Marie Mellendorf LS James Melville Thomas Andrew Mena S, LS Elizabeth Menard Adolfo Mendez Lauren Meredith S, LS Michael Monks Nilaja A. Montgomery Valerie Montgomery Bernadette Moore S Jessica Moore LS Adam Tobias Morales Jennifer E. Morales LS Katrina L Morris Rachel J. Morrison Dunya Moss Erika Caturegli Mullen Kathryn Mullins LS Kristi Munno Katelyn Murphy LS Melissa Anjanette Myers S Donna Narine Catherine McGuire Needham LS Joseph Nelson Vanessa Nelson Beth Anne Newby Cesira Newcomb DMD, LS Kevin Newton Ryan Nichols Gladys K. Nickless Kristina Nocerino 33 ARTS AND SCIENCES Marc Nocerino Robert Reedy Jennifer Nashae Singleton Ashton Marin Nolen Tyrone Darnell Reid Andrea Sipe LS Valerie O'Berry LS Stephen Reinhardt John Sizemore S, LS Stephanie Oghweh Steven Remus Joanne Skeen Mark S. Oliver LS David Rhode S, LS Craig Skerkis Christian Olson Sharon Denise Riley Ordu S Janice Slater S, LS Kassandra Orrick Jeremy Rinder Christopher C. Slaughter LS Elizabeth Ann Ortiz Ricardo Rivera Kourtney C. Slaughter Logan Thomas Ouellette Beverly Robb Afyia Smith Remona Outar Patsy Roberts Antonio Smith Timme Overmyer LS Kristen Rock Brent Smith Tiffany Overstreet Amity Rodney Connie Smith Mindy Michelle Page-Meeks LS Robert Rogers LS Craig Smith Cadi Sutherland Palmer S, LS Tanya Rose S Jacqueline R. Smith S Alec Rosenblit S Nicole Smith Adam Rourke Prentiss Smith Elissa Routh Timothy Smith Lateefah Ruffin Roxana M. Smith-Dale S Mary Rufiange Sarah Snider Matthew Runnals Richard A. Sockey IV Melissa Runyon Emily Marie Sorenson Susan J. Ryan DMD, LS Irma Sosa-Rapalo LS LaTrice Sheena' Ryant LS Cassandra Stanford Nathan Sack Stuart Wayne Stanley LS Daniel Safford Michael Stanton Samantha Salazar LS Robert Stargel LS Shannon Saldin LS Bridget Stefanski Monica Sanchez LS Heidi Ann Stevens Max Sanders Amy Stocker LS Stacia Sanders-Hernandez Candice Leah Stone Gemma Lee Sandhaus LS Margaret Stone Lauren Sargent Barbori G. Streibl LS Julie Satterfield-Price J Robert Streit Amanda Savacool MacLane Strong Jennifer Ann Weiner Erin Schafer LS Danielle Strong-Robinson Smith S, LS Randall Charles Weiss LS Evelyn West Kimberly Strow LS Gary Richard West Kathryn D. Sturtevant Rochelle White LS Tiffany Hope Schnitker S, LS Monique Summers S, LS Sarah White Nichelle Scott-Williams S, LS Sidney L. Swaney LaRain White Chau Christine Quarles LS Angel Sweetser Alcelyn Whited Lena M Quinlan Jordan Segal Andrea Swindall Amanda Quinlin Nicole A. Selvaggio Maria Adela Tamayo Lynn Anne Wiegelmann S, LS Kathleen M. Quinn Patricia A. Sheahan Nathan Tarr LS Raeford Rabon April Sheuring LS Amy Tatro LS Christianne M Ragar LS Aii-Meka Shoemaker Angelika Taylor Zefrin Naz Rahman Samantha M. Shoemaker Gabriel A. Taylor Jr. James Ranew Lauren Shover Nicole M. Taylor Mark Eric Rankin Raina Shumway Jennifer Tedder Melinda Rankin Bradley Howard Simmons Adam Michael Teich S, LS Kevin J. Winfrey S, LS Lori A. Rashford ASL, S Brady Greer Simmons Lauren Wood Jacquelyn Marie Ray LS Brett Simmons Demetria N. RobinsonThomas Shannon Woodward S, LS Timothy Reed LS Kendra Simpers LaTrice Thomas LS Katherine Alysse Yoerg Tearany Pantoja Giancarlo Panzani Mable Helen Paquin Deanna Parker Matthew Parks Stephanie Eden Pasha S, LS Tiffany Paxton Camilo Peralta S Chariunis Perez LS Agen James Pertillar Betsy Phillips Rachel Pinder S, LS Mathew Plale Sheshena Pledger Angela Pommier Malaina Poore Jenna Porciello S, LS Timothy F Potter II Kizzy Preston Richard Bryan Prestridge LS William Pretzer S, LS Rebekah Prichard Xavier Pridgeon-Miranda LS Adrienne Provost S, LS Philip Purciello Robert Scheid S Wanda Schell Shaunna Brittany Schnitker 34 Jessamyn H. Thomason AC, ASL, S, LS Alicia Thompson LS Lawander A. Thompson S, LS Lindsey Tomsu Vanessa Cerqueira Torres Richard Tovar LS Elizabeth Trask Denise Treacy Rosalie Trevino Erica Tyner Danielle Ulmer Susan A. Valot S, LS David Vana LS Erin Elizabeth VanDagna LS Kim Van Voorhis S Mary Van Winkle Sonora Elizabeth Vaughn LS Ashlie Velten Michael Victorine Katherine Waddell Nolan Walker S Shaila B. Walker Brittani N. Wall Anita Walters Billie Maxine Waltz Lauren Ashley Ward Tiesha Denice Ward LS Rachel Warren Robert Wasik Michael Watkins Jessica Weary Samantha Webb Amanda Wilkinson Candace Williams Kelly L. Williams Carrie Ann Wilson Sheirah Kay Wilson LS Zuri Wilson S, LS ARTS AND SCIENCES Amelia K. Young Victor Arballo Nicholas Blazer Jessica K Carlson LS Benedetto Youssef Nagendra Athukuri Peter Sherwood Blohm LS Quanesha LaShea Carman Stacy McDaniel Zimmerman S, LS Marc Schesly Aubourg Prathyusha Boggula Caitlin Marie Carmody Nancy Avelar LS Sai Vikas Boinapally John Carpenter LS Sasank Ayulla Joseph Gregory Heffernan Bois LS John Carter Mary Zuchowski LS Master of Science Paul Aasmundstad Shashidar Reddy Abbidi Hamdiyah Abdulai Enusah Abdul Ejas William Damian Acevedo LS Alaina Ackley Megan K. Adams LS Guled Adan Santhosh Kumar Addanki Shashikanth Adepu Jayanth Reddy Aeradla Yaw Boadu Afre LS Minal Agrawal Alissa Ahrens Kevin Ainsworth Olusegun Ajisefinni LS Rajesh R. Akarapu Naomi L Akins-Osuma LS Sandeep K. Akkaladevi Venkata Naga A. Akkiraju Sai Kumar Akula Venkata Raghu Kiran Alamuri Oluwafemi Alashi Yanina M. Alba LS Meggin Albitre Noelle Babilya Marina Bacon Priyanka C. Badugu Bradley Bailey Steffani Anne Baillargeon Vikram Kumar Bajaj Heather Balch Pamela Ball Heidi Ballard Sree Viswa Krishna Bharat Kumar Bolla Elizabeth Bomberger Glenn Bomberger Naveen Gandhi Bomma Preethi M. Bommaraboyina Niharika Bonaboina Mahesh Reddy Bonala Chris Casagrande Christopher Scott Casler Sean Michael Cassell Caitlin Cassella Aslin Castillo LS Anthony Castle Alexandria Castro LS Ryan Caudle Rajiv Naidu Chalamalasetty Sai Kiran Balmuri Prashanth Bondalapati Venkataiah Maylisa Balthazar LS Kaitlyn Borozinski Saketh Reddy Challamalla Nikhil Balusani Jennifer Bosco Sagar Reddy Chamakura Dastan Banae Kofi Botchey LS David Chambers Shweta Banala Jessica Anne Bouchard James Mitchell Chambers Srinath Bandi Nicole Boudreault LS Akhila Chandrapu Aiyahna Banfield Nicholas Bound LS Cory Chapton LS Cindy Banh Jody Bregler LS Sai Abhimanyu Chatripalli Miranda Baptiste Joseph Francis Brennan Gail Chauncey LS Kenneth L. Barber LS Andrew J. Brock Sudha Rani Chedurvally Venkata Pavan Barlanka Norman Scott Brodeur Patrick L. Cheetham LS Monique Barrett Megan Brogdale Rhonda Cheikh LS Andria Blake-Barry LS Stephanie Elizabeth Brooker Sowmya Chenchala Michael Barthnek Julie Brown David Cheney LS Alex Bartholemy Sara D. Brown Arpitha Cheriyandi Putikudi Karyn G. BartholomewFuller Sarah Brown Bhargav T. Chilukuri Thomas Brown Hema Chilukuri Steven Browning LS Vasudeva Rao Chilukuri Erica L. Bryant Dheeraj Reddy Chinnareddygari Venkat Jordan G. Bartnikowski LS Amanda M. Barton Renee Danielle Bass LS Kondaiah Chowdary Challa Julie Basso Esther Buchanan-Putnam LS Saibhargav Reddy Bathula Chad Samuel Buck DMD Anandhan Chinnusamy Aleksandra Bebenek Jennifer Buono Ramya Chintala Kyle Alexander Bedard DMD, LS Thomas Burger Avinash Chintanippu Erin M. Burghardt LS Vamsi Krishna Chintapalli Sai Kiran Burugupally Sreekanth Chinthagumpala Jessica Noelle Busch Anirudh Chinthamani Evan Buschbascher Tushara Chunchu Desiree J. Butler LS Courtney Cifuni LS Euchea Butler Kate Cilley Benjamin Berenson Daniel Butorovich Ryan Clark Sandra Elizabeth Clark Sarah M. Anders LS Lindsay Catharine Bergen Murphy Ebony J. Byas Raymond Cabral Stephen Clark LS Neil Anderson LS Nikhil K. Bhavanam Jessica Caldwell Dennis James Clarke Rae Elizabeth Anderson LS Venkat Sai Bheri Lindsay Callahan Tia Cloutier LS Angela Andrews Brandi Bickham Maureen Patricia Campbell Jonathon Coats Ryan Angerman Collette Bigsby LS Rene Cano Nicole Cobb LS Mounika Ankam Srikanth Reddy Bilakanti Tammatha Shawn Carlile LS Kim Coldren Yareli Aponte-Donaldson Amanda Renee Black LS Krystle Carlisle Jeffrey Colman Eduardo Alcaraz LS Kyla Faye Alexander Muthanna Badr Atiyah Al Gburi Abdullahi Ali Amanda Aliperti Charles Alkady Rupesh Chandra Allakonda Prasantha V. Alluri James Behun April Belden Rhonda Bellamy-Anderson Raghda Basheer Al Nashi Kimberly Benjamin-Prokop LS Kalyan C. Aluri John Bentley Bennett LS Sri Deep Chowdary Amara Christena Amuzzini Anbu Chinnathambi 35 ARTS AND SCIENCES Sarah Kay Condon LS Carrie Donaldson LS Mary Christine Fletcher Melissa Leigh Gogel LS Chrystie Contois LS Sean Donnelly Alexis Flores Michelle T. Goings Karen Cook Patrick A. Dorsey Jr. Antonio Flores Swapna Gollapally Rachael Coombes Penelope Doty DMD Valerie Fluet Christa Goodman Tracey John Coon LS John Downs DMD, LS Amber Foley Jamie F. Goodwin LS Brion Cooper Ashley Drag LS Samantha Lynn Forney LS Sharath K. Gowni Hani Elizabeth Copello LS Veronica Ducharme Ashley Foster Katherine Danice Granger David Matthew Coronado Melanie Anne Duran Tiffani Renae Fraser Kaycee Grant LS Alicia Corporal Sahitya Durgempudi Loretta Freeman-Steele Crystal A. Gray LS Kristin Costley Krishna C. Dyavanapally Jaceley Frezin Jeffrey R. Greene LS James Cote LS Jenna D'Lainee Dykes Alessandro Fuchs Jacqueline L Gremler Jake Caz Crawley LS Angela Dykstra LS Jyothi Gaddam John Michael Grennon Roger Crews Chelsea Sierra Eads LS Vipul Gaddamedi Megan Grice Jayme Crowder ASL, LS Christina Earley LS Priyanka Gadiraju Matoya Griffin Taylor Jeffrey Crowe LS Kate M. Eastman Heather L. Gagnon DMD, LS Crystal Griggs-Epps LS Magen Culver LS Katie Eckert Jaya S. Gainibaiti Emmanuel Grillakis Forte Cunningham Srikanth R. Eddula Anudeep Y. Gali Anusha Gude Sharayah Nichole Curtis Jeffrey Edwards Michael N. Gallo Pramod Gundimeda Victoria Marie Czaia ASL, LS Indraja Eede Raveena Gampa Lucas Dalton Kathryn Mary Egan LS Seela Sruthi Gandepally Vidyaranya Parthasarathi Guniganti Naresh Y. Damu Richard El Achkar DMD, LS Kiran Kumar Gunturu Jeannine Kathryn Dancey Shawn Ellington Naga Dheeraj Reddy Gandham Cristina Guthrie Doanh Thi Dang Elissa Elliott Veereswara Rao Gandikota Jessica Guttenplan Hien T. Dang John Ellis LS Robyn Pope Hagler Susan Daram Lindsey Ellis Navya Madhuri Gandu Vijaykumar Judy Darlington LS Stanley Elmore LS Abhishek R. Gantareddy Ramathirtham Bharath Reddy Dasari Allison Christine Else Arthur Gardiner Thejasree Dasari LS Harshini Eravelli Elyse Marie Gardner Bossie Lee Davis IV Prakash Reddy Erri Kiara Lisette Gardner Samantha L. Decelles LS Brian Alexander Erwin Sudheer Garikapati Kaitlyn Ann DeFelice LS Lauren Estep Sunil K. Garlapati Kelly DeHaan Philip Evans Marquell Garrett Karen Dejesus Peggy L Everette Nitesh Garudapally Natalia De Maio LS Mehbub Shareef Faisal Kendra S. Garvin Corrina Demore Kevin Fanning Christopher Scott Gassett Angelica Dennard LaRonya D. Farrar LS Shashidhar Reddy Gavva Kaitlyn Deselms Jason Fatzinger LS Sindhura Geda Steven G. DesRoberts Francis Fede LS Terrance Geenarain Jennifer DeVito-Roisum LS Amanda Grace Felix Desiree Gelfand DMD Mary Cassidy De Voe Abigail Feloney Serena Geokan Muralikrishna Dharimireddy Li Feng Natalie Gerlinsky LS Pragati S. Dharmale Jonathan Ferbert Aimee Germain Javiera Diaz Guevara ASL Dominick Fields Pamela Germany LS Natale DiBitetto Misty Finch Ashley Ruth Getman Jennifer Clare Dimino Maria Finley LS Lauren Getuiza LS Tanya Dinsmore Mariela Fiscal Clayton Getzinger Donald L. Dionne LS Robert K. Fischer Joshua Gibbs Hien Thi Thuy Do Michael Fisher Heath Giedris Andrea Dodd Angelo R. Fisichella, Jr. Karthik Reddy Gillella Goverdhan Dodda Andrew Fitzgerald Christina Lynn Gillespie LS Benjawan Dokmai Gerard FitzGerald Terry Anthony Glanton Rachana S. Doli Lance V. Flake Allison Tabor Glaser LS Cynthia Donald Jill Flanigan 36 Jason Hamel Miaomiao Hao Sean Harcourt Patricia Harman DMD Caitlin Y. Harrington Clarence Harris Christopher Hartley LS Racquel Hatfield Jadus Hay Cinthia Hayford Devin Hayward Carol Heinlein Perry Henderson Kylie Hendren Jennifer Hendricks Dorian Rachelle Henry-Jones Brandon Herman LS Justine Herrmann LS Eric Hess Gladys Mary Hester TeShauna Higgins Byron W. Hill Deanna Hill LS Shannon Hilmar LS Belinda Hinds-Lewis Vu Ho Thi Kieu An Hoang Thi Dinh Hoang Thi Hien Hoang ARTS AND SCIENCES Daniel Hogbin LS Rama Rao Kandregula Venkata S. Kovvali Ellen MacNeil LS Terry Holl Nikesh C. Kangankote Jacob Kozak LS Dheeraj Madavajjula Adrien Hollins Mouna Kanukula Charles J. Kramer LS Denise Maddon India L. Hollis LS Meredith Kapalka Joshua Krebs Rano Holmes LS Jennifer Karlan LS Maghan S. Kruzick Abhishek Madharapakam Pagadala Betty J. Honeycutt DMD, LS Srikanth Reddy Karra Rebecca Kuehl Stephanie Horton LS Revanth Reddy Kasireddy Samir Pradeep Kulkarni LS Gabriel E. Howard Veda Rithvik Katakamsetty Sai Srujana Kura Robert J. Hroma Aditya Katkam Victor Kwok Huong Thi Mai Franklin Hsia Sreeja Katta Juan Maldonado DMD Yiwei Hu Pawandeep Kaur Shankhu Vardhan Reddy Kyasaram Mani Likitha Malleti Katie Hubbard LS Lauren Kavanaugh LS Melinda Kycko LS Chandrahas R. Mallireddy Kerryn Hullstrung Carvel C. Keiser II LS Christine Labeau LS Bethany Malmgren Jessica Humphrey Chevon Keith LS Erin LaBonte LS Ankit Malviya Nora Hunt Destiny Raeline Keitt LS Brittany Lane Lafirira Sundeep R. Mamidi Brittany Hunter LS Tracy Kelley-Rios Annabel Lahaie Ashley Jeannette Mamone Stephanie Huycke Matthew Kelly Pradeep Lanka Sravan Kumar Reddy Manda Daryl Iannillo Natalie Kelly Ellen K. LaRose Kristyna Jean Manley Samantha Rhae Iaquinta LS Chyna Kelton Sneha R. Lattupally Jennifer Mann Brian James Ibsen-Johnson LS Kristen Susan Kennedy ASL, LS Jason Latva Praneeth Reddy Manthena Erika Laughlin LS Sasank Reddy Maraka Cenker Inanoglu Meaghan P. Kennedy LS Lois Law Michelle Marchand LS Anthony Isaman Kausar Kenning Huyen Thi Thanh Le Santino A. Marconi Lakiya V. Jackson Nithin Kethipally Nga Thi Le Prakash Maripalli Ronna Kentrell Jackson Ronald Michael Kimball Jr. LS Quang Nguyên Lê Vinay Reddy Marri Amy Nicole Kirschbaum Matthew Gerald Le Brasseur Daniel Marsh Lauren S. LeClair LS Amanda Grace Martin Sawyer James LeCompte Gwen Martin Patricia A. Ledoux Paul Martineau Kory Knowles Christopher Andrew LePow LS Kaitlyn Louise Martinelli Adam N. Knox Katrinia Lester Srujan Rao Kodati Sasha Rae Leston LS Eileen Patricia Koecher LS David Leung Jyothi Swaroop Koka Kathleen Leworthy Lakshmi S. Kolli Brian T. Lex LS Narendra Reddy Kolli Nykie M. L'Heureux Sravya Kolluru Mo Li Sunitha Reddy Komma Melissa Lima LS Kamal Kommaraju Kyle Lincoln Aneesh R. Kommidi Vasavi Linga Aditya Prasad Konda Charlotta Lockhart LS Yashwanth Kondam Patrick James Logan Hemanth Kumar Kondaveeti Ninitha Rao Lokrey Siva Prasada R. Konduru Nicholas Long Krishna Teja Koneru Jose Lopez LS Chetan Kongle John Lovendale LS Lindsey Konkol Eric Alan Lucier Shanti R. Kopuri May Lui Jyothirmai Korni Van Anh Thi Ly Lakshmi Poojitha Korrapati Rebecca Jo Lynch LS Rajavardhan Reddy Kotha Sidi Ma Abhinav Kumar Kottala Scott MacDonald LS Jessica L. Jacqueson Andrew Scott Jakubasz Gowrishankar Jallu Travis James Kelley Jaela Jansen Amy Jarrett Tamsir M. Jasseh Jonatthan Jennings Teresa Jerome LS Nancy Jinks Swarun Kumar Joginpelly Aabett Johnson LS Amanda Johnson Derick Clevon Johnson LS Sherica Dekema Johnson Stephanie Mae Johnson Tiffany Johnson Tiffany Johnson LS Andre Jones LS Scott Jones Benjieve Joseph Shiva K. Kalya Emile C. Kamadeu Timothy A Kamb Abhilash Kanagala Jagadeeswaran Kanagasabapathi Narmadha Kandimuthu Angela M. Kirwin Pirawan Kitiphobsawat ElizaBeth Tucker Knecht Vivek Maganti Shravya Mahakala Hong Thi Bich Mai Dina Martinez Brian G. Mason ASL, LS Steve Masteller LS Samantha Jaclyn Mathieu Angelique Mattison Robert Maylor Jennifer L. McCarthy Ryan L. McCarthy Kristina McCloud Rachel McCormick Janelle Johnson McDonald Matthew Blaine McGill Christopher M. McGrath Courtney McGuire LS Brenda McIntyre Erin M. McLaughlin LS Brittany McLean Megan K. McLean Latisha McLemore LS Erika Meierdiercks Yannick A Melendez Nicole Dawn Merrill Michael Merritt LS 37 ARTS AND SCIENCES Altamar Frantz Michel LS Sai Kumar Nallareddy Vidyadharan Sanda Micic Anurag Reddy Nallavelli Hemanth Palaparthi Melinda Danielle Mickens Geethika Nalluri Anjaneyulu Pallati LaRayia L. E. Mikell LS Rajapadmanaban Narayanaswamy LS Saxon J. Palle Shankar Raman Narayana Swamy Shishir P Pande Thomas Miles Elizabeth Millan Sharon P. Miller LS Sandra L. Milliken PTK, LS Kayla Mills LS Kristen Renee Mitchell LS Jessica Narcisco LS Md Nazmusshadat Durga Lakshmi Neelapala Sarita Pamulaparthi Raghuteja Pandellapalli Akshay R. Panyala Raviteja Papeneni Troy Parah Elaine Prince Jelani Maurice Pritchett Kate Prukalski Amanda Pryor Robert J Pryse Jonathan Pugmire Sunil K. Puli Kaavya K. Purra Tulasi Putta Malathi Modepally Veera Venkata Raj Kiran Neerukonda Ershad Mohammad Stacy Nestor William Sam Parsons Thomas Justin Quackenbush LS Afroz Mohammed Brodrick E. Nettles Anthayya Pasala Melissa Quevillon Ibrahim Ali Khan Mohammed James Newkirk LS Sagar Pasala Ndriqim Racaj LS Kristina K. Neyrinck Dhruv Patel LS Denell M. Ragas Chau Thi Huyen Nguyen Hitesh Patel Yashaswini Raghunath Han Thi Nguyen Tejal Patel Sowmya Raj Hien Thi Thu Nguyen Suman R. Pathi Sandhya Raja LS Hoan Thi Nguyen Sasi Kiran Patibandla Sindhur Rajanala Khanh Duy Nguyen Ashutosh Shaileshkumar Patil Deepak Rajendran Nazeemuddin Mohammed Jonathan Monteiro Caitlin Montville Belley LS Callie L. Moore Eric DeShun Moore LS Micah Moore Thomas C Moorer, Jr LS Octavio Moreno Lomeli Danielle Cole Morgan LS Gregory Troy Morris DMD Mark P. Morrison LS Sierra Morton Jagadesh Mudapaka Varun Sai Mudapaka Harshavardhan Mudavath Venkatasai H. Muddu Sravani Muktevi Chandrakanth Mullella Tesia Mumphrey Wayne R Munsey Ly Thanh Nguyen Phien Van Nguyen Thao Thi Nguyen Them Thi Nguyen Tho Thi Hong Nguyen Hoang Kim Nhan Tejasree Nimmagadda Adelaide Nitroy LS Bernard Nkem Abhiram Nomula Shizue Nomura LS Jordan A. Northrop Abhinav Kiran Nukala Cristan Oates Karen Parks LS Kalyan K. Pattem Mary Patterson LS Uday Kumar Pattipaka Steven Paul Amber Peavy LS Harish Reddy Peddapatla Vishnu K. Peddi Brian Peters Shalini Peyyala Hong Minh Pham Huong Thi Thanh Pham Huyen Ha Dan Pham Thanh Thi Hong Pham Oanh Thi Kim Phan Erin Munson Dennis J. O'Brien II DMD, ASL, LS Sateeshreddy Muppidi Steven O'Brien LS Hien Thi Thu Phung Christopher Allan Murphy LS Jessica O'Connor-Rathbun Hazel Pickett Kathleen O'Donnell Frost Sarika Pilania Eileen M Oetting LS Kevin Joseph Pilieri LS Lilian Odette Olima Venkata Sai Rama Murthy Pilli Jennifer Murphy Skyler Taylor Murphy DMD Lisa Murray-Williams Thomas Murrin LS Venkataramana Mydasu Sarah Myers Vamsi Krishna Myla Sheela A. Nadagoudar Namratha Nadiminti Athena Louise Nadzan LS Vimal Prabhu Nagarajan Sunil Kumar Nagbhairava Lakshmi Priya Nalabolu LS Srinivas Nallamotu Amber Lynne Oliverio LS Brian Timothy Olnick LS Kara Olson Katherine Olson Pamela A. O'Meara Azra Omerbegovic Cynthia Onesto Evans O. Onsomu LS Christopher Opp Stephanie H. O'Reilly Tamara L. Osborne Thushara Padaparambath 38 Scott Noel Phillips Siva Sainath Pinisetty Leia Pinsky LS Nipun R. Podduturi Jayaprakash Rao Polsani Gopinandan Ponnam Daniel Stephen Popovic LS Jacob Posey Danielle Potter Kaley Poulicakos Latanya Powers Vasanthi Prathipati Abhiram Puvvada Jyothi G. Raju Sumani Rameshwaram Luis Ramirez LS Krishna Vaibhav Rapol Paige Rasmussen Kristin Rattigan LS Sandhya Ravi Kumar Ashley L. Raymond Ashley Alexis Reddick Vikas Reddy Rohit Reddy Reddy Reddy Reventh Rao Regulapati Dominica Reid Heather Reneau Manoj Renikunta Vinay K. Repala Joseph Rice LS Lisa-Gaye H. Richards Erinn Ring LS John LeRoy Rios, Jr. LS Regina Rivenburg LS Alberto J Rivera LS Nichole Frances Rizzico LS Stephen Roberts Kaitlyn Robinette LS Leigha Marie Robinson Denise Rocha LS Gregory James Rodriguez Edwin Rogers Michael John Rogers Cecilia Ronning John Rose ARTS AND SCIENCES Ashley Rosen LS Paige Simunek Carol Therrien-Bowman AC Kathryn Warrington Tracy Lynn Rosen Shivasai Sindhe Jennifer J. Thielker Jessica Marie Wasserman LS Pamela Ross Taylor LS Aditya Singampally Alesha Thomas Commie I. Weathers Crystal Roth Manpreet Singh Betty Thomas Patrick M. Webb Tiffany Roundtree Manoj Singireddy Timothy Thomas Richard Webb LS Shaun Routh Mourya Siram Vinay Kumar Thota Valeri J. Webb Matthew G. Roux Sindhu Siripurapu Vikram C. Thurpunati Christina Danielle Weber Denise I Roy Benjamin Slade Kiley Neil Tibbetts Kaitlyn Elizabeth Roy Brian Slaughter Sara B. Tibbo Kenneth Lionel Weerasinghe LS Rebecca Roy Noelle Sliney Samuel Tierney LS David E. Ruiz Alexandra E. Smith Navya Tirupathi Alexa Ryan Amanda Smith LS Crystal Tjaden LS Gabriel Sainz DMD, LS Earl T. Smith Hien Thi To Kranthi Sajja LS Heather Smith LS Yvonne Tollman Jorge Salazar Melissa Smith DMD, LS Anne E. Toney Kelly Elizabeth Saloka Vincent T. Smith DMD, LS Brittany Lee Tores Abdulaziz Sanderson DMD Calyn James Smoot Brianna Torpey Harpreet Kaur Sandhu Adam Benjamin Snir Maria Elena Torres LS Rajkiran Sanga Courtney Anne Snyder Eric Tracy Usanut Sangtongdee Samantha Sorocco LS Diep Thi Trinh Shekar Sankurthi Joellen Soucier John Truitt James Lyle Cruz Santiago Melissa Gray Stack Yu Chuan Tsai Meher A. Sarangu Susan Stankus Konstantinos Tsilikakis Tridib Sardar Richard Stephens LS Shruthi Tumma Derek Dwight Wiley LS Monica L. Savoie MacKenzie Stewart LS David Williams Cecilia Scheinman Michael Stewart Sai Krishna Pradeep Tummala Nathan Williams Carolyn Schmidt Amanda Leigh Stites LS Heather Wilson Alesha Schmitt Cameron L. Stoughton Karthik Ganesh Tummalagunta Jennifer Schornack Melissa Stubbs Tanya Turner Cassie Winslow LS Carolyn Scott Mallory J. Stunell Jeremy Scott LS Guru Subedi LS Tenishia Seay Shireesha Sudula Ram Prasad Seeda Amanda M Sullivan LS Corinna Seelow Anthony Sulpizio Francheska Segura LS Vagdevi Suryadevara Kishore K. Serala Chynna Swann Mohammad Ali Shah John D. Sweeney Basith A. Shaik Carissa M. Swiderski LS Brittany Shampine LS Wajahath Rasool Syed Patricia Ann Shannon Sravani Tadepalli John F. Sharkey LS Suprasanna Tadishetti Rejvan S. Sharo Adam Nathan Tager Megan Shedaker Tala Talaei Khoei Matthew Sheffield Sachin Talakoti Khaleel Shreet Vamsi K. Talluri Romit Shringarpure Kristen A. Tanguay Alyssa Siegel LS Sampath Kumar Tatikonda Molly Sikora LS Christin Taylor Elsie P. Silva LS Lashannah Taylor DMD Misty Simpkins LS Shelby Nicole Taylor LS Jennifer Simpson Benjamin Scott Tesch Jessica Simpson LS Vellineni Chenchu Teja Paul Simpson LS Swetha Thalla Tetzel Turner Cynthia E. Ugboye Sarah Nicole Vail Brittany Valdez LS Tracy Louise Van Ert Sai Sankeerth R. Vangala Ravitej Varada Bhavani Varakala Sai Dinesh Vattipally Mahesh Vedulla Denise Vega Coronado Latonya Venable LS Ravikanth Vipparthi Federrica Michelle Virtue Regina Viscogliosi LS Chandrahasa Voddhineni Srinivas Vuppala Christopher Wade Christopher P Walsh LS Jill Walsh David Wamback Li Wang Karen Ward LS Mallorie Mae Ward Rita J. Wege Bonnie M. Wells LS Hayley Wells LS Ryan D. West Julieanne Westover Gary Whelpley LS Justin White Katie White Michael Ross White LS Stacey White Amy Whitehouse Philip Whitfield Lees Whylly LS Melissa Widmer Justin Wineroth Oliver Wlodyka LS Ryan Wormald LS Lauren Wright Elizabeth Wuensch Kara Wyman LS Wei Wen Yang Paul Daniel Yankey Chandra S. Yarlagadda Megan Yohn Stephen M. Young Syed Abu Zain Rebecca Zelis Kathleen Zemianek Robert Ziegler Nelda Zuniga LS Bachelor of Arts Kellie Antonia Abate Sarah Abts Hiba Abugosh Melissa Aceto Heather Ackerman LS Sima Ackerman 39 ARTS AND SCIENCES Rachael Acree Chenoa Stanielle Adams LS Deborah Adams ASL, LS Jennifer Adams *** LS Laporsche Adams Sarah Adams Alyssa Adamson Nicole Adinolfo Brittany Adkins LS Jennifer M. Arenburg *** ASL April Jovon Armstrong LS Aaron Patrick Arndt Carla Arnold Laura Aronson Rex Carey Arrasmith ASL, LS Vanessa Asarisi Ty Aschermann Timothy A. Bergquist Ryan P. Barnaby CS Connie Berhe Hannah Barnes George A. Berko * PC Sallie Jane Barnes Britney L. Bernard James Barron ** Michael R. BernardinelliHabicht Keating Bartlett LS Christopher Adam Bartley Charlyn Bartus-Lavere LS Paul Aaron Barufaldi Adrienne Berni LS Kathryn Best S, LS Kim Edward Bevier *** Raven S. Basinger Gabrielle Birkman ASL, LS Drew Bishop Timothy Ashton Ernestine Baskin McWilliams Emily C. Bishop * PC Joshua Jacob Astor Elijah Bass *** Julie Bisson * LS Lindsey Marie Atchison Melissa A. Bass Nicole E. Bittrolff Amy R. Atkins Tamara A. Bassett Amy Bitzinger Monifa Atkinson Gina Batista Eric Bixby Jennifer Leigh Atwell LS Michael Baum Maggie Bizzell LS Heather M Auclair Stacey Ann Baust Justin D. Blackford ASL, LS Meghan Aucoin * Jose Bautista Akeshia Blair Danielle Austin Alison Lemieux Baykal Amy C. Blevins Everett R. Austin, III Cecil Bazley Krystal Blevins Jamie Austin Brett Tyler Beagley LS Jillian Block Nellie Hampton Autrey Andrew T. Beattie Lindsey Blohm LS Michael A. Avillion ASL Jenefer Beatty S, LS Franziska Bloodsworth Travis Ayala Jamie Beaulieu *** LS Eva Louise Blue LS Susan Babson Judith Beaulieu ** David Bobrowicz ** LS Michael Bach Stacy Beaumia Gabrielle L Bocanegra LS Lauren Bacon Jeremiah Beavers LS Heather Bolduc *** ASL, CS Jennifer Bailey Kathleen Beckham LS Lindsey M. Bolduc Kristine Bailey LS Gregory Beckwith Todd Arlie Bonesteel ASL Matthew J. Bailey * Paul Becotte Joseph D. Booker, Jr. * LS Ryan Bailey Amanda Beechem David Boone ASL, LS Stephanie Bailey Meagan Befus Rusheena Boone * S, LS Ann M. Baker LS Jowell Hup Hock Beh ** Courtney Marie Booth Daniel Baker * Brandon Oneal Bell Taylor J. Booth PC Jeff Baker LS Susan Bellfield Heather Boozer Lacey Baker Christopher Belmontez * Pamela Boozer-Vantrease Levi Baker Tharpe Belote ** LS Mayra C. Borcea ASL, LS Tiffany Baker Jenna Beltran Robert Tyler Borcky *** LS Tina Marie Baker ** S, LS Hakim Ben Alaya LS Jordan Boston LS Ayman M. Bakr William Benbow LS Kyle J. Boucher LS James Christopher Baldwin Donna Bencivenga Melody Sylvia Boudreau Jacob Ballard *** LS Matthew Benet LS Michele Lynn Boughey S, LS Mitchell Bandur Nicole H. Benner Seth Boursier ** ASL, LS Joseph Angus Andrea Banker Jennifer Bennett Pamela J. Boutselis *** Oluwabunmi Kehinde Animashaun ** LS Juliane M. Bantle *** Tracy Bennett Alex Bowden Melissa Baraw *** Madison R Benoit Melanie Bowman David Richard Annis Michael Barb Beryl Bensinger Hollie Benner Mariam Annor Danielle Jacqueline Barbato Sherrie Benson Kimberly Bowman Maria M. Anselm-Kasem LS Meaghan M. Barcelos LS Kimberly Benton ASL ShaQueena Bowman Nadine Anton ** Caitlyn Bardsley Michael Berger *** LS Danielle H. Bowser Kurtis Applegate William Burch Barham III Katelyn Bergeron *** Nick Bowser James Aquilino Corey Barlow Jennifer Bergeson Shayla Boyd * LS Tyler P. Agostini, Sr. Remberto Aguirre Rebecca M. Ahern Yuka Fukuchi Ahmanson Alexis Aho Fahad A. Alajmi Gabrielle Alejandro LS David Alger Anastasia Marie Allen S, LS Christopher Allen Eve Allen LS James H Allen, Jr LS Jason T. Allen ** S, LS Nicole Allen Matthew Alley Sarah Allison Gina M. Allocca Ferlan * Aimee Allyn-Lacour Noreliz Ann Alorico Mohammed Al-Saadi Nichole Alston Yasir Alwahbi James Elliott Amadio Hannah Asunth Amarasuriya Rachel Aliza Amber LS Lazaro Nelson Amores John S. Amyx Anthony Anders LS Holly M. Anderson ** Hope Anderson John Patrick Anderson Karin E. Anderson ** CS Theresa Diane Anderson LS Johanne Caroline Andreasen Amber Anglin James Ashley LS Sarah Barlow Kameko Ashley 40 ARTS AND SCIENCES Amanda Bozek * Aaron Bunce LS Debbie J. Casalie LS Tanya Marie Colburn S Kristine S. Brackesy Jonathan Burgess LS Jennifer Caso Lori J. Cole *** ASL, LS Gary Bradley Jonathan Burke *** Alex Castro David M. Coletta LS Shirley Bradshaw Laurel Burke Amanda Caswell *** LS Zachary Coletti Amy Brady LS Cecilia Burns LS Amy Caudill Ashley Collier Cynthia Brady Tracey Burraston AC, ASL, LS Robert Dale Caudill Jr. Patricia Collins ** LS Cameron Brafford Christina Burris Robert T. Cavan Sr LS Sharon Collins Lisa Branchina LS Joel Burris Matthew Cavanaugh Wayne D. Compton Morgan G. Branco * PC Daniel Christopher Burrows *** Evan Celmo LS Alexia Danielle Concepcion ** LS Carlisle Butcher Jr. Gillian Chambers Andrea Brandli LS Cliff Allen Brandmier Joanna Brandt LS Jacqueline Braswell S, LS Natalie Breen Megan Elizabeth Butler Joshua E. Buxton Charles Byerly Elsie Cestero S, LS Paul Chambery Chan Loy Sheng Jeffrey W. E. Condon Kali M. Cone Juliet Connell *** Kevin D. Connell Ryan Byers Jacqueline Kaye Chandler * LS Fonda D. Byerson Lauren Chapman Anita Conner DMD, LS Jessica M. Bylund *** AC, PC, CS Justin Chasteen Kimberly Conner Lori A. Connolly DMD Magdalena Bretz Luis Francisco Cabrera *** ASL, LS Allysa R. Chatigny Ai Sim Jane Cheah Scott Considine LS Eli Brewer Stephanie Cadiero Jhosie Cheeks David J Convirs Kimberly Jannice Brewer *** ASL Karen Lynn Cahill Jesse M. Cheney Gerita Jenelle Readus Cook Shan Huay Cheng Christopher Cooke S, LS Michaelle Cherisol Christopher Coon LS John Cherone Valerie Ellen Cooper James A. Childs Jennifer Coppini Christopher Chinchilla S, LS Alannah E. Coraccio Melissa P. Chisholm * PC Grace Cordeiro Ju Ee Chong Leann Cornell *** AC, ASL, LS Ling Xin Denise Chong Barnaby Corriveau LS Ling Yean Corrine Chong Adrian Cortez Xin Yi Chong Mark Cortez DeeAnna Chouinard Brenda Costa DMD Jason L. Christiansen Evalie Coston Tammy Christner LS Alison Cote Andy Chu Rhondda Y. Cotten LS Chris Church * Catherine M. Cotton * Lisa Chute Michelle Couillard Jamie L. Cipriano LS Joshua Cowan Amy Widener-Clark Rachael Cox AC Clayton Clark Rachel Cox LS Jacey Clark *** AC, ASL, S, LS Sophia Elizabeth Cox *** Ryan Clark Tamron Taira Cox Mary A. Clement Karen Frederica Craddock Jocelyn Monique Cleveland Amber Craig Lucas Click Kathleen Crandall S Michele Clifton Courtney Craven * Gina Marie Cline Michelle Craw LS Kathleen Cliver LS Scott M. Crawford Sara Clodfelder Samantha Crawford-Casey ** Joshua Bregler Erika Brenckle *** Kristen Brennan James W. Brese Jr. ** Todd Brewer Kimberly Brewster *** ASL, CS, LS Tyler D. Briand Lisa L Brice Charles Bridge LS Tim Bridge April Bridges Catherine L. Brillant Cory Brinkley Michelle Broadnax LS Michelle Brock Michel Brockington LS John Brooks LS Charles Brown Cornelius Brown Danielle Brown Jamie Brown *** ASL Kyle A. Brown CS Samantha L Brown LS Tanya Brown ASL, LS Trisha Brown Robert J Bruce Jr * Laquana Brumfield Renee D. Brunelle Courtney Sharice Brunson Stephen Bryan LS Taunya Bryant LS Lericka L. Bryant-Henry Jessica Eileen Budzban Victoria Bueno James D. Cain * LS Jodie Cain-Gunter Angela D. Calderon LS Bryan Calderon Kimberly Caldwell Raymond G. Caldwell Trina Caldwell Amy Callahan LS Lowell Callahan, Jr. Johnny Calloway Kimberly Camarota *** LS Amanda Camire Danielle Cancel S, LS Jose Antonio Cancel Maricela Cancel Brianna Capen-Parizo Jason Caproni Kimberly Carabotta Laurie Caraid Nicole Carazo * LS Brandon Carbaugh S, LS Joseph A. Cardello Gary M. Carder James Carelock LS Shannon Cariveau * Marilee Clare Carlson LS Brenda L. Carlson LS Shelby V. Caron Joshua Carson Ryan Carson LS Lindsey Carter Amy R. Cobb Keenan Cochran LS Larissa Cogan Annelise Cohen LS Amber Conner Nadine Crawley LS Melissa Creasey LS Casey Crescenti 41 ARTS AND SCIENCES Jamie F. Crisante LS Ariana L. Dekeon Alexis Noelle Dristiliaris *** Tiffany Emile LS Martha Antina Crockett LS Dawn Michelle DeLaCruz John Dubberley S Kerri A. Enderson * PC Jovia N. Crooks Brittany L. Delage LS Melissa Marie Dubois S Jeffrey Brian Engelage II Taylor J. Cross PC Alex B. DelGreco * CS Bradley Dubuque Stephanie Engerran Jonathon Crouch LS Lorinda Deliz Kottke Erica Dubuque Katharyn Engers Kimberly Crouch Brian J. Dellorfon Rebekah L. Duchemin Paul English ASL Ellwood C. Crowell, III Sandra DeLosa LS Rosalia Duenas Matthew Engstrom Carol A. Crowley Capri M. Delvaux ** PTK Steve Duff Wendy DeVore Enneman Evelyn Crowley LS Peter T. Demars ** Jonathan Duford Annette Enos Janet Crudden ** LS Lisa Demers Stefan Roger Dufresne *** Melanie R. Epstein Eva Cruz * Ashley Elizabeth DeMici Dorene L. Dumont LS Marilou Erb LS Xavier Cruz Danielle Dempsey Aubri Duncan Kimberly Ercole ASL, LS Ashley Cryan Haynes Christianna J. Demyan Alyssa A. Dunham Jason Erdman *** LS Christina Cuevas James Dennewitz ** S, LS Angela Marie Dunham LS Brandon Erickson Amanda Jade Cummings S, LS Amanda Denning Caitlin Dunham ** AC, ASL, LS Scott E. Erickson Shakira Currier Sharon Deputy Nicole Renee Dunlevy ** PC Amanda J. Czech *** ASL Nicole Der Boghossian ** ASL, LS Kristi Nicole Dunsmore Duane Daigrepont Kelly Ann DeStefano LS Kristina Duran Larry Dale II Rose M Detwiler-Shreve LS Maribel Duran ** LS Johnson Perry Daly * Adam M. Devine Kesha Shrell Durand LS John Dampf ** ASL, LS Maryann M. Dexter ** LS Brittany Dandrow *** AC, ASL, LS Kristy Dhungel Francesca Melanie DurantReeves Mary Ellen D'Angelo LS Franklin Diaz Michael Cynewski Krista Dawn Daniels Jessica Dansereau LS Shaun D'Arcy Gail Darrigo ** Dominick Dasilva LS Sarah Davidson LS Dichilyn Davis Heidi Rose Davis LS Kody Fredrick Davis * LS Michael Davis Karla Davison ** James Dawson *** DMD, ASL, LS Donisha Day Wayne Denton LS Carlos M Diaz Ashlyn DiCapua LS Angela Dichard Eric Dickens ** Jessica L. Dickerson Tan The Diep * Holly DiFava LS Oding Dill LS Jacob Dilley Kristin J. Dineen S Judith A. Dionne *** ASL, S Anne Dirks Rebecca Dixon Allan F. Dodsworth Jr. Melinda Dunn ASL, LS Angela M. Durrell ** LS Hannah Dustin Kristen Dutton LS Jillian M. Dwyer Z. A. Dwyer Crystal Dye Jason Dyer John Dyer John Earnhart LS Nathan Eastlick Celia C. Eaves Patricia Eddy * LS Kerrin Edelman Brenda Edge Jennifer Edmonds Taylor Dolak Patrick Edmonson Janice A. Donadini *** AC, ASL, S, LS Ryan Edwards Tiffany Michelle Edwards LS Christine M. Donatello Monica Rose Egan LS Prescilla Dorsey Muftah Elabbar Heather Doughman Sawsan Elgamal S, LS Roderick Debrew LS Alyssa Beverly Esther Douglas *** PC Sarah Vallie Lisa K. Dechelfin * AC Joakima Douglas LS Arielle Degarcia * LS Tara Nicole Dowling Ruth Degraffenreidt Rebekah Downs Jessica DeGregoria *** Bonnie Henager Drane LS Alison Degroff Ella Driscoll LS Christopher Scott Ellsworth S, LS Blake P. DeJohn Megan E. Driscoll Jamie L. Emerson *** Kylie Day LS Amanda Dean Amy Dean LS Jeffrey H. Dean Tammy Deandrade Jonah Deborde Kayla Koren Elkington Jacki Diana Elliott Brittany Ellis Daniel L. Ellis, Jr. *** Seth Erway LS Heather Esancy Lizmailyn Esquell LS Thomas C. Essel Vanessa Essler *** Karen Estep Tamara Estes LS Christina Evans *** Kristy Evans Theresa Joyce Evans William Everage Tia F. Fader Kathleen S. Fallon Cody B. Favata *** Lauren Fili Nicholas Chet Felix LS Jacinta Fells Nicole Fenech LS Sheri Fentress Tynetta Fentress Andrea Christine Ferguson Jillian Rose Fernandez Kristopher B. Fidler Glenasha Fields Jason Fillion * LS Gerald Fillman Terry Finley, Jr. LS Martin Fisher Megan O. Fisher LS Bessie M. Fitzgerald M. Colton Fitzgerald Ashley Fitzpatrick * LS Kathleen Fitzpatrick Pepper Flanagan LS Amelia Fleck James R. Fleck * Alexandra Nicole Fleischer Megan Marie Fleisner 42 ARTS AND SCIENCES Kevin Fletcher Arianna K Garrison LS Donnell M Graf * LS Natasha Ann Hale ** S, LS Pedro Javier Flores Camiren Gates LS Curtis J. Graham *** S Ashley Marie Hall Jaley Floyd *** AC, ASL, CS, LS Jennifer Gattoni LS Jennifer Marie Graham DMD, ASL, LS Candice Hall Brianna Matara Flynn Matthew Gaw Melesia Graham Jessica Danielle Hall Krista Flynn Alisha Foerster Amanda Foley Katie Foley *** LS Siesonn T. Fontaine Chelsey Ford LS Elizabeth Forgue Jennifer Foster ** AC, LS Leticia S. Fowler Christi Fox LS Kimberly G. Francis Chasity Franklin *** Reem Fransis * Gavin Gaudet Kaleigh Sullivan Gearty Cate Gerold *** S, LS Alicia Marie Gervais Jennifer Geske *** ASL, LS Erik Giannuzzi * Cheryl Lynn Giantsios Christopher J. Gibaldi Candace Gibson LS Courtney M. Gideon LS Danae Nicole Gilbert *** Christopher Gill *** Kennesha E. Gill ** LS Caitlin Fraser Amy Rebecca Laing Gillespie LS Adrianna J. Frattasio * Marie L. Giliiam Chad Brian Frazier Erin Gillis Christine Elizabeth Frechette Christopher Gish *** LS Erik J Fredriksen Jr Legina Freeman Sheila A. Freeman *** ASL, LS Emily Frericks Lindsey Freriks LS Sarah H. Frey ** LS Melanie Anne Friese *** AC, S, CS Sandra Giustozzi Rebecca Glenn * LS Scott Glenn ** Nikita Glover LS Alyson P. Gluck Sarah B. Gluck * Michael Goldstein Rachel M. Goldstein Erin Goldston Amy Frye * LS Ashley J Goletz Richard W. Fullen Valerie Gomes Anna Cherie Fullerton Anna Maria Gomez April Fullerton Jessica B. Gomez Sandra Elizabeth Funk Jessica Gomez * CS, LS Evelyn Furr LS Paul Christopher Gomez LS Adriana Gabarrete Casey Gonzales Denise Gabin *** LS Scherie Gonzalez Chelsey N. Gagnon Thomas Gonzalez Jennifer Gagnon Brandi-Lynne Good * CS, LS Margaret A. Gallagher Jenny Good Virginia Summer Gallagher Michael Goode S Amy Aborn Gallina Kristen Michelle Goodin Jonathan E. Galvin Nichole Goodrich de Sanchez *S Michelle Galyo Taylor Gamache LS Michelle Gandy *** LS Omar Garcia Kim Gardner Peter Gardner LS Samantha Garlington Henry Wesley Garrett Johanna Leigh Goodwin Michael T. Goodwin Pamela J. Goodwin William Gore LS Rachel A. Gorst Megan Gowdy LS Trinity Ann Grace Vanya Graham Christopher Gramza * LS Alexa T. Grande ** PC Evan L. Grande John Granito LS Craig Hall LS Jessica Hall * Tim Hamill Howayne Hamilton Jennifer A. Hamilton Jeffrey Grant ** ASL, LS Jessica Elizabeth Hamilton LS Kathleen Grant LS Jessica Hamilton LS Carlene Dee Gray *** AC, ASL, S, LS Danielle Hamlin *** LS Lakisha Green Francine Han LS Roslyn Green Dejah Greene * LS Allison Greenlee * S, LS Maranda Greenwood ** Cameron M. Gregoire Brandy Gregory LS Samantha Gregory Trisha Gresco Ashley Irene Griggs * Brian Hampton Nicholas Hanko LS Chelsea J. Hanninen Emily Hansen LS Jessica Hansler LS Michael Harapat LS Ravinder Kaur Sidhu Cody Stephen Harlow ** Heidi Corrin Harnish *** Maria Griner LS Jennifer Mikell Harp-Hoyt LS Aaron Wayne Grinstead Monica Harri Joseph J. Grisafi III Autumn D. Harrington LS Amy Elizabeth Grissom Carissa Lynn Harris LS Heather Grogan Patrice Harris *** AC, ASL, S, LS Lindie Groves Dijana Grubesic Ryan Grulich ** Haiting Guan J. Napoleon Guardado V. LS Andrea Guariglia ASL David M. Guay Anita Gudz Joseph Guerra Kevin Guerra Andrew Guilde Corinne Guilmain *** AC, ASL, S, LS Greta Annette Gunselman S Nathan Guthrie LS Cynthia Gutierrez Sandra Guzik Alexis Hackney Heather Haddock LS Kayleigh Hagenbuch S, CS Rena Haire Sarah Halbesma Brittany M. Hale LS Jeffrey Hale *** ASL, LS Kraig Harrison LS Melissa D. Harrison Gislene C. Hart LS Chanin Hartnett Katrina Campbell Haseman James W. Hatfield Jr. Samantha Nichole Hawes S, LS Heidi A. Hawkes * Lisa S.Hawkins Elena A. Hawthorne Dena Hayes Kelley A. Hayes * CS LaTasha L. Haynes * LS Charmaine Benjamin Hazell * LS Kaitlyn Headley Kendra R. Healy Andrea Hebert Nicole Elizabeth Heck Lori Heden Shannon Heimall LS Ernest Heinrich Mark Heins 43 ARTS AND SCIENCES Jordan Helgeson Lakandrea Howard Dennis Carolyn Jicha LS Kevin A. Khadar * Angela Helms *** Kristin Howe Kimberly Barker Jimenez LS Siow Moon Khoh Carson G. Helms Layla Howell *** Neisha John LS Stacey Kidwell Daniel Joseph Hendricks Majena Howell Al Johnson Akiba Kiiesmira Kirk Henske Erica Howze Amanda Johnson Austin O'Neal King Miles Henson Kelsey Kathleen Hoyt *** Ashley Johnson ASL, LS Katelyn King Heather Marie Hercik Felicia Hubbard * LS Timothy A. Kingsley LS Anne Herer Melissa Huelbig Charles Lawrence Johnson, III Eric Hernandez LS Erica Hughes Jill Beede Johnson Jennifer Lynn Kirby LS Lara Danielle Hickerson Shelley Hun Tiffini Michele Hickerson Sara Ann Hunt LS Deanna Higgins *** LS Scott Hunter Jenifer Higgins Steven Vincent Huntley Tydie L. Higgins LS Ayesha L. Hurt Matthew Jonathan Hike Elizabeth Husband LS Christina Noel Hill LS Carol Huss LS Rebecca Hill Tarl Hutchens Tricia Hill Robert E. Hutchinson III * Katelyn Hilton *** Paul Gordon Hylenski Jr. James-John E. Hiltz * Daniel Idell * S, LS Christopher Hinen Danielle Iglesias ** Andrew Hines * Jennifer L. Ihasz *** ASL, CS Kirk Hines ** LS Pamela Ingram Kasia Hinkson Derrick Iozzio Angela Hitchens ** LS Sandra Ippolito LS Ashley Hixson Doni C. Iraheta Daniel Hobbs Rachel Irving LS Jessica R. Hoch Morgana Isenberg Lucifer W. Hoefle Robert Clay Isom Jessica Hoehner Pamela Jean Ives LS Stephanie Hoffer Suzen Ivy Jessica Hogsed ** AC, ASL, S, CS, LS Emel Iyibilen S, LS Haley Hogue *** Alexander Jackson Laura Holguin Kayla Izbicki ** LS Kristi Lee Johnson ASL, LS Larry Johnson LS Lauren Bergman Johnson LS Lindsey Lee Johnson ** Maretta Johnson LS Melanie Anne Johnson LS Nathan Aaron Johnson Jennifer Klahn Joseph M. Kleinhenz *** CS William Klimaszewski LS Rebecca Klug LS Lisa K. Kluke Dustin Knouse *** ASL, S, CS, LS Essence Jones Catherine Koblinsky *** Katrina Jones Joslyn Kolona S, LS Krystina Jones * LS Jessica Lee Koons Tabetha Denise Jones * LS Casey Metro Thomas Kopilchak S, LS Tonya Jones Trevor Jones Twyla Jones Russell John Joseph Paul-Anthony J. Jug Alaina Justice LS Trevor A. Kaczynski Vasiliki Kaminari *** S Michael Karabin Branimir Karajcic Taranpreet Kaur Joshua Logan Kautz ** Rebecca Patricia Keane OO Samantha P. Kearns Darya Keating Courtney Holloway Carolyn Nicole Jackson *** LS Kelly Keating S, LS Lauren J. Holm PC Nicole Jackson Amy Keith * LS Nicholas M. Holman Sara Jackson James Kellems III ** Brandi Holmes Ryan Jacobs Rachel Keller ** Dawn Holschuh Rhonda Jaeger Mona M. Kelley Allegra Holte *** ASL Damaris Jaime LS Andria Melissa Kelly Laurence Hook Jr Deneen Jallow Joseph W. Kelly Samantha Hope LS Melissa Cathleen James Naomi Kelly Stephen Hopkins LS Jonathan Jaramillo ** CS, LS Heather Christine Kemp Lovelia Horn S, LS Jennifer Jarvis Amber Lynn Kennedy Alexander Horowitz *** Matthew Jasso * Nova Kennett Jackolyn Deanne Houghton Gregory Jayne Krystal Kenning LS Andrew Houldsworth *** LS Ronnie Jeffires Alisha Kent *** ASL, CS, LS Erin R. Howard ** Maggie Julia Jenkins LS Erika Anne Kent Erryn Christina Howard Patrick Jenkins Larry Dorman Kent LS Margaret Howard *** Rob Jenkins Sean Kerckhoff Patrick Howard *** Valarie Jenkins Patrick Jason Key ** LS 44 Michelle Kizer ** Benjamin Jones Angela Marie Jackson *** LS Katherine Hollie Jareb Kinney Elizabeth Kopping Christopher Korthas Tiffany Kosciusko Michelle M. Kozak * LS William Kraeger, III LS Brent Kraft LS Julie Elizabeth Krais *** LS Janina Krawczyk LS Joshua Krempasky LS Lindsay Kronemeyer Allison Lynne Krop Cheng Foong Arion Kum Brad J Kuskin Kyle Kutz S, LS Susanna Kuzoian *** AC Malgorzata Kwapong * Ashley Kyek * LS Nicholas J. LaBreck Tonya L. Lacy Clark Lafary Beth LaGrange LS Joshua Lake * Deborah Hooi Teng Lam Stephanie LaMarca Merissa Lambert * Vincenza M. Lamoreux ** PC Larry G. Lamphere, Jr. James Lancaster Heather A. Lanchester Justin Landry * LS Phillip Lane ARTS AND SCIENCES Kimberly Lang Geri Sue Juelke Shannon Lange LS Thomas A. Lesnik *** Kevin Joseph Langille LS Chelsea M. Leva LS Rachel Langlois Kathleen Nowell Levine LS Theonka Lanier Daniel Lewis Nicholas C. Lanza Jason Lewis LS Sarah J. LaPadula * Shayleene MacReynolds *** LS Rebecca Maddy Colin R. Madeiro LS Michael Howard Madison LS Kristen Marie Matson LS Michael J. Mazzarella Logan Bryant McCarthy Donna Marie McClendon Tyler Madison Samantha Noelle McConnell S, LS Kristopher Lewis ** S Francisco Magana Holly McCord Brenda L. Laplante *** DMD, ASL, LS Krysta Lewis *** DMD, ASL, LS Terriann Magdziarz ** Tiffany Victoria McCoy LS Brenda-Sue Maggard Derek McCracken LS John K. Lara Linda Lewis Colleen McCready Michael Laramay, Jr. Albert L'Homme Kelly Elizabeth Maglio ASL, LS Michael A. Larcom-Bizier Ky Li Jeffrey Lareau Melissa L. Liberi Daniel J. Larracey Shawn D Lightfoot Sarah Larsen Wen Shien Lim * Amanda J. Lary ** PC Melissa M. Lindberg Samantha Lattery Robert Link DMD, ASL, S Nathaniel Michael Laurin *** CS Leslie Linka Mark Laux LS Leanna R. LaValley PC Renee Lipford * LS Rachael Lipscomb Stephanie Denise Little Sirena D. Maher Alicia Maillet Kumyiah Damar McDonald LS Anne Shirley Majors Stephanie McEwing Rama Majzoub Ryan McGaha * Stephen Malbasa Matthew C McGahhey James E. Malley *** Megan L. McGlover Shannon Brittany Malloy CS, LS Nina K. McGouldrick * Jennifer Marie Mancino ** David Lloyd *** LS Eric Locklear Dryden Mann Corey Lawrence Vanessa Loften *** AC, ASL, LS Samantha L Manners Ethan Lawrence Tekedra Denise Lofton ** LS Jasmin Lawrence LS Rui Qing Loh Tia Marie Lawrence Tiffany Wan Ling Loh ** Natolleigha Layne Lisa A. Lohnes * LS Alexandra Zofia Lazar *** AC, ASL, S, CS, LS Anthony Lombardi III Samantha Lavoie LS Sone' T. Lawhorn Angela Lazarus *** AC, LS Rene LeBlanc LS Victoria Sophia Lebron * Mary Ledbetter Jacqueline LedouxO'Donnell Amberly Elizabeth Lee LS Cay Roh Lee Daniel Lee LS Tabitha Lee Zhao Jian Lee Tammy Leech Sherry Lynn Leeks Allison Legaspi LS Sarah Jordan Legg LS Stephen Legleiter LS Tyler R. Leighton * Paul Leis Ashley LeMay Alyshia Lemley *** Lora Leon * LS Don Lombardo ** Adrienne Long Jodie Nichole Lopez James Loveall Todd Courtenay Lowery *** DMD, ASL, S, LS Branson D. Lowman, III Mary Lou Luberda LS Darrell Lucas ** ASL, LS Julie Lucas Melanie Lucas ASL Lisa Ann Ludescher LS Jason Lugo Gregory Luke LS Samantha Jeanne Luke Jena Leigh Lukis Sean Lundy * Tamara Mac Avoy Dawn-Ann MacGillivray Lanessa Machado Angela J. MacKenzie Emily Leonard Jillian Sullivan MacNeil *** ASL Scott Leonardi LS Tara K. Macomber Jeffrey McDaniel Pamela LeeAnn Mains LS Maneesh Kaur Man Mohan Singh Shannon M. Lavigne * Michelle R. McCumber ASL Stephanie Mantz LS Edwan L. Manuel Cheyenne Maragnano LS Matt Marcil Kathryn L Marcus ** Amanda Marek Kristen Mares Jennifer Anne Marion * Debra Markee *** ASL, LS Chris Markle *** ASL Julia M. Marra James T Marshall II Chad Martin Danielle Monique Martin *** AC, ASL Meredith R McGrath ** Nicholas McGraw Andrew McKinney Robin McKinney Jeremiah D. McLane Jennifer M. McLaughlin Meghan M. McManus Debra McMaster LS Sonya McNair Sarah E McNally * LS Nathan D. McNamara Cameron S. McQuade Ryan McQuay *** Lynnsey McReynolds Catherine E. Medina Danielle E. Meegan LS Bryan Lee Meek LS Dustin Meiners Marjorie Meisner *** AC, LS Gage J. Mele Jordan Martin Elaine Cristina Mello ** CS Shannon Martin LS Stephane Meloche *** Valerie Martin Heather Meloy-Comer LS Angela Martinez Debra Melton Michael Martinez Viola Kann Melvin Felix Martinez Sanchez Abigail Prithiba Melvyn Peterson Jess Marvin *** Samantha Mascis LS Amber Mascunana LS Amelia Mason Shatia Henry Mason *** Danielle Massaro ** LS Fiona Arleen Mathias Nicole A. Mathis LS Tara Menard Christopher Mencias Lora C. Merhi * CS Timothy Merlino Benjamin Merrill LS Rebecca Mette *** DMD, ASL, LS Rene Meza LS 45 ARTS AND SCIENCES Christine K. Michaud * Elizabeth Morini Nneka Newman Halie M. Osgood Cassandra Micucci Christina Morita *** Jia Jia Ng * Roda Osman Danielle Middendorf Beth Morris LS Aaron Nichols *** Robert Ossler Shanyn L. Middleton Rose Morrison Cindy Nichols Bridget M. O'Sullivan ** Danielle Mikloiche Karolyn Irene Mosher LS Jessica L. Nielsen * LS Sair Otero William R. Mikolanz LS Tiffany M. Mosley Vincent J. Nitopi ** Brandon N. Ouellette Shelina Millan Dominique Motta S, LS Linda Noble ** LS Brandy Milleman Mariah L. Mottola Jennie Renee Nolan Tracy Martin Overcast ** ASL, LS Benjamin Miller Dominique Moulden Stephanie Dawn Nolan ** LS Carol Dawson Miller Samuel Moultrie III *** AC Torey Louise Noora Casie Miller S, LS Jessica Mounie S, LS Jarvis LaVar Norman Haven Charles Miller Adam Moy Jennifer Norman Jason J. Miller Raymond Moya Marc Normandin LS Jonathan Miller ** Jill Moyer ** LS Casey J. Noyes Jordon Miller Ana Moyers Elizabeth S. Noyes * Mandi Miller Joshua Mozie Lisa Nugent Stephen Miller Isabella Mukanda LS Adriana Nunez * LS Tracey Miller LS Marjorie Mulero Juan Nunez, Jr. LS Laura Miltenberger Trisha Mullins ** Shaniece Lenea`Nunn Alexander T. Paleologopoulos * Jonathan M. Minicucci LS Suzanne R. Mullis LS Vicky Nunn Brittney Palmer Stephanie Misenti Aislinn Munck *** Paula Nutt ** Lauren N. Palmer Matthew Mitasky Alyssa R. Munger Marian Obidzinski Katerina B. Panakis Eric Anthony Mitchell ** Aaron Moisés Muñoz Terry O'Brian *** Ashley Panaro LS Madison Kane Mitchell *** AC, S, LS Louise I. Murphy *** Tony M. O'Brien ** Jie Yi Priscilla Pang James Moehl *** Nicole Murphy * LS Maeve O'Connell LS Christian Pannapacker Rebecca Blythe Murphy * LS Travis O'Connor Gertrude Paparone Sean Murphy Parker Ogden Casey James Parente Tina J. Murphy Heather O'Gorman Alyssa K. Park Danielle Murray Matthew Ohrvall Brittany L. Parker Elizabeth Danielle Murray Ogechi Okereke LS Jarrett Parker LS Gerard C. Murray Thomas J. O'Leary Jennifer Parker LS Julian Murray Javier Olivarez *** CS, LS Robert Parker Kimberly Murray * C.E. Oliver Shelagh Parkhurst *** Rochelle Murray Emillie Sheigh Oliver LS Christopher Parks LS Maureen Murtagh LS Thomas Oliverio ** Melissa Leigh Parnes Luke Myers Katherine Olmstead Anna Leah Parsons Amy Myrick-VanAlstine * Oluwatomisin Aduraseyi Olorungbade * Vanessa Parsons LS Nicole Moffett Shane Mohr Oscar Mokeme Andy M. Monahan Michelle Monarrez *** S, LS Francisco Moncada Adryanna Helene Monteiro Devin Monteiro LS Judith Montgomery Robert Daneau Montminy Nancy Mood Shelly Mooneyhan Bridget Moore ** LS Chloe Nicole Moore Kaela Moore Danielle Nacimiento LS Klea Nakuci Chelsea Dawn Nash Brent T. Nasworthy Robert A. Olsen * Andrea Danielle Olson Janice Olson LS Karen V. Navia ** Lauren Olson *** LS Ashley O'Melia Christina Mora Michelle Naylor *** ASL, CS, LS Louis Jamal O'Neal Jessica Morales LS Ingrid Nedrow Wei Shen Ooi John Moralis ** Erin Neely LS Kristin Orbin * LS April Morehouse Alex Neidlinger * LS Broghan William Orgas Betty Moreland Rhonda Nelson Colby O'Rourke Michelle DePhillips Morell LS Sara Nelson Michael O'Rourke Hermanisha Neptune LS Shauna O'Rourke LS Sarah Nestrock Thomas M. O'Rourke ** Matthew J. Netherton William Orth Jesus B. Nevarez Rafael Ortiz * LS Ryan Moore Ryan Patrick Moore LS Alexandra Morgan LS Sarah L. Morgen ** Melanie Morin 46 Tanesha Overton Hala H. Owechko ** ASL, LS William Brent Owenby Gerylann Elizabeth Owens LS Cara Ownsby LS Kayla Danielle Pacifici Alicia Pagan S, LS Paige Pagnotta Anjelica Paige Pagnozzi LS Aneka Rae WarrenPatterson Oren Gene Patterson II *** AC Ryan Patterson LS Teresa Diane Paul Jennifer Paxton *** S, LS Katelyn Payne *** Kyle E. Peach Justin Pearse Alexis Pearson Cecile Pecoraro Adolfo Peguero Richard Bryan Pelzer LS Lioris Pena LS ARTS AND SCIENCES Heather M. Pendry *** AC, ASL, LS Christopher Pennock ASL, S, LS Ashley Pereira *** ASL, CS, LS Federico Jack Perez ** LS Petra Elizabeth Perez LS Shannon Leigh Perin Corey Perkins Melanie Perrault Chelsea Perren Brenda Perry Elizabeth Perry Michael Joseph Perry *** Pamela Perry Chloe Peterson Aryion W. Petrelle *** AC Ashley Pew *** Justin Pfaff Shanan Pflugmacher Kyle J. Phillips ** Lij Phillips Lindsay Phillips ** Lisa Phillips *** ASL Rainbough Phillips Gianna Piacenza Karina Flores Pereda * LS Jennifer Piccirilli LS Erin Pickerel LS Jonathon Pickering * S Casie Pierce Heather Pierce ** LS Ingrid Pierce LS Kelly Pierce * S, LS Krista Pierce LS Flor Alicia Pimentel LS Paul J. Pionke Megan Pisaneschi Kiersten Pistoor LS Jennifer Leilani Pitt LS Eustasia Pjevach *** LS Kevin Planty *** Lawrence Platt LS Melanie E. Plourde ** CS Amy Plungis LS Megan Marie Poirier Deron Poisson Tiffany Polisoto * LS Michelle Denyse Pomerleau LS Rodolfo Ponder Joanna R. Pooi Tonisha Pope Megan Popham Julia Reese Christopher Rodgers LS Lori Ann Elizabeth Porazinski Amanda Reeves Talila Rodgers Hannah Dale Portwood Jenny P. Rego * CS Deanna Rodriguez Jessica Reid Chantal Elise Roeske Madeline M. Reid ** April E. Rogers LS Michael C. Reid Davia Rogers Reaghan Reid Geoffrey Rogers Kaitlyn M. Reilly Josalyn Rogers Margaret B. Reilly OO Rebecca Roman LS Jennifer Reimers Elysa Romano *** Julie Reinebold *** Abigail Romero ASL, LS Anastasia C. Reinhold ** Jody Romine Rachel Reiter *** LS Timothy L. Ronan * James Rejino Monika M. Ros *** LS Ashley Rennie Delma Rosado Feliciano * LS Bryanna Requarth Lourdes Rosario *** LS Amber Lynn Revis S Amy Rose Erica Anne Revis LS Lindsey Rose Aaron M. Reyes *** Taymys Rose LS Nathan Rheuban Jason Rosendal Vickie Rhodes S Ashley Ross Brandon M. Ricard * Giovanna Ross *** Jennifer Richardson LS Joshua Roth John C. Richardson Kassondra L. Rouleau Matthew T. Richardson, Jr. Emily Roush John Quarles Maudine Jarmaine Richardson Coral Rousseau Katlin Queen Jason Alan Richbourg LS Roseanne Quimby *** Lindsey Richmond Jeff Routhouska LS Nonette Marie Quinata Samantha A. Ricker LS Katherine M. Quint * Kahle Riedel Rafif Qurneh Luis Rios Anna Rabuano * Mark Kenneth Rioux II Alicia Rades *** Samantha Risko LS Samantha D. Raeber Adrienne Ritchie ** Ashileen Arriveena Rajenthran Laura Ritchie Rachael Ralph Anderson Rivera Whitney Posey LS Sheri Postma Angelica Potter *** Kaley Powell ** LS Cameron J. Powers *** CS Susan Prather Jeffrey P. Pratt * LS Joshua Precourt Danielle Madeleine Prentice Chelsey Price Donna Price Gregory Price Mary Grace Price Violetta Wolkoff Price *** Veronica Primes Kitisha G. Primus S, LS Patricia Prior Joshua Pritt LS Kelly J. Provost Barbara Fairforest Pruitt David Puleo LS Steven James Purcell ASL, LS Ramya Gangothree Ramesh Raeanne Rankin LS Maryann Ritter LS Eleanor Rivera LS Stephen Rappa Jeannie Davide-Rivera ** ASL, S, LS Robert Curtis Rasbury Shannon Leigh Rivera *** LS Andrea R. Rathbun Jennifer L. Riviere * ASL, LS Bucky Laurence Rauch Deanna Rizziello Mina Raulston LS Ashton Roberts Justin E. Ray LS Jacqueline Roberts *** DMD, LS Andrew Raynor Leslie Reble Kathy Redmond April S. Reed LS Cheryl Marie Reed Pamela D. Reed Karen Reeder *** ASL, S, LS Paige Olivia Roberts Alice Robeson Sarah Robinson-Slagle ** S Joseph Roby Samantha H. Rodas Melissa Rodbourn * LS Derek Rousseau * Amanda Rowan *** Christine Rowland LS Benjamin M. Roy Elizabeth A. Roy *** Kimberly Roy ASL Kelli M Rozell Robel Ruiz Valorie K. Ruiz LS Kristin N. Rush Whitney Elizabeth Rush ** CS Malika Rushing Kandis Jean Ruspoli *** Brittney Russell Michael Travis Russell Nicholas R. Russo Matthew J. Ryan * Daniel Ryhal, Jr. ** LS Melissa Saari * Krista Sabbatino Zjavvone Sackey LS Lesley Sackett Jeremy Dev Sadandan Jeffrey Saffie Salvatore C. Saia 47 ARTS AND SCIENCES Silvia E. Salazar Mike Mitchell Sexton Crystal Smith LS William Strachan Jennifer Salmons Sarra Shaibu Ginger Smith Karen Johanna Suarez LS Thaddia N. Salvaggio Shakila Binti Shamsudin Heidi I. Smith Crystal Suber Craig Evan Sample Stephanie Shaner Joseph Smith Alexandria Leigh Suever Felicia A. Sampson Musonda Shankanga Vakala Lakia Smith LS Elizabeth Sullivan LS Lorna Samuels LS Patrick E. Shankhour Megan A. Smith * Jesse C. Sullivan Andrew Sanders LS Blessing K. Shanks Phallon Kristine Smith LS Karin L. Sullivan *** PC, CS Matthew J. Sandstrom *** Alyssa Sharpe Ricki Smith LS Kelly A. Sullivan Roberto Santiago Lisa J. Shaulis Robert Smith LS Shiyu Sun Amanda C. Santucci LS Shelby Shavalier SaBrina L. Smith Jay Sapirman LS Ryan J. Shaw Terri Nicol Smith Autumn Elizabeth Sundstrom *** ASL, CS, LS Robin Sargent Richard Shedenhelm Kimberly D. Snively Rebecca Sasala *** LS Michael Sheldon Victoria Snowden * Rebekah Sauvola Cynthia A. Shell ** LS David J. Snyder Berkley A. Savage, Jr. LS Rebecca R. Shepardson * LS Sarah Snyder Krystal Savoy Erica Shephard Brian Soland *** ASL, LS Carla Sawyer Amanda O. Sheridan * Alpar Solyom *** Tabitha Sawyer Brandy Nichole Sherrer DMD, ASL, S, LS Deborah Sosa LS Sara Rae Shields Christina Marie Soto Jillian M. Scaficchia Emily Schaedle Suzanne Schafer Heather Scheid Ralph C. Scherder, III Erin Rebecca Schlomach Brenda Schlueter Kathryn G. Schmelzer *** AC Daniel Schmidt LS Christina Schneider LS Michael C. Scholl Justin Schroeder * Laura Schuette Sandra Schug ** LS John G. Schultejann Shannon L. Schwab LS Heather S. Schwarz * Anthony Scine S Christopher Scott Grace Scott LS James Kevin Scott, Jr. LS Joshua Scott Peter S Seaborn * LS Kristine Sease Mackenzie Ryan Seely LS Patricia L. Sellers Joan Sena LS Chelsea Senft ** Jose E. Seoane Noelle Sereda * Megan Lynn Serencha *** AC, ASL, LS Hillary Serwatka ASL, S, LS Robyn Lee Sevigny LS Chelsea Seward LS Shannon Ray Shinn Luciana Shipp Rebecca DeAnna Oswalt Shirley LS Timothy Shook LS Dwayne Shrader Kristen Shuster Dolores Chacón Sierra Stephanie A. Silva Melissa A. Simard * LaKisha Simmons * LS Joseph M. Simone LS Sarah Simoneau Stephanie L. Simonetti LS Jillian L. Simpson OO Kyle Simpson * Kassandra Sinclair Floretta V. Singleterry Christela Sion Russell Sivey, II Jeffrey Skierkowski Joshua Skinner S, LS Jennifer Rogers Slezak Kyle Sloan *** Katherine Slom LS George Slusher LS Kaylie Small Brittany Smerling Amy Smith LS Anela Smith Anne Elizabeth Smith Brendan P. Smith Cheryl Smith 48 Adam Soto Gena M. Soto * LS Heathyr N. Spain Amanda Spears-Hullinger Cathynia Spence-Hernandez S, LS Kai Spencer George F. Spies LS Misty Spires Kayla Staires Amanda Stallings Tanya Elise Stanberry ** ASL Ashlie Standlee Gerard Stanek * Diane Stanfield LS Cathy Stangroom LS Jason Stanzione *** Brandi Stargel Rikki Leigh Stark * Heather B. Stearns ** Theresa A. Steinberg LS Jack F. Sterritt Brandon Steven * Erin M. St Germain LS Samantha Jean Stickney * Brittenie Stites *** LS Maize St John Timothy P. Stohrer LS Larry Stompf David Stone Rebecca A. St Onge * CS Kenneisha Storach LS David Suor ** LS Michael Christopher Surette LS Dawn Marie Surridge LS Chloe Sutton * Edwin Sutton Jessica Swanlund LS Aurelie A. Swasey Heath Sweat Colleen Michele Sweeney * S Emily R. Sweezy Wesley Michael Swietek Vickie Lynn Swindling LS Erik L. Swope LS Megan E. Szalo Mathaus Tabe Christopher Talerico ASL, S, LS Jazymn Talley LS Briana R. Tan Pamela E. Tand LS Ryan Tangeman Adam James Tanner Johanna Tanno Mathieu P. Tardif Morgan Tardiff LS Jody Tavares Janina Taylor Michael Taylor Delia Tebedo LS Hui Xian Isabel Teh * Dylan Teneyck Andrea Tennant Alexandra K Tepp LS Assunta Ternullo LS Hillary Terramagra ** Katherine Thamas Chavey Thames Sushma Thamidisetty Amanda Ashley Thatcher LS Josh Storrusten LS Kim Elizabeth Thayne ASL, LS Shane Oston Stowe Austen Leigh Theroux * PC ARTS AND SCIENCES Dana Timothy Thibeau * LS Julie M. VanFleet ** LS Angela Webber Malissa Williams Carl Thiessen * ASL, LS Tanner Van Nest *** ASL Hannah Webster LS Marc Williams LS KaLea Anne B. Thoits Autumn Van Ravenhorst *** LS Vanessa René Weesner Noell Williams Jennifer K. VanSchalkwyk * LS Joshua A. Weiand Robert Williams Elisa Weiss LS Brittany Mize Willis Amanda N. Welch Chandal Wilson Joseph John Welch * S, LS Dickie Wilson *** Alexandra S. Welindt Gregory Wilson LS Gregory Wells *** DMD, ASL, S Jaclyn Wilson * Kevin Welsh Michelle Elise Wilson LS Alan Thomas Aurora Thomas Dawn Thomas Rebecca G. Thomas Vegina Thomas Aubrey Lynn Thompson LS Christina Antoinette Thompson ** Jenny Mae Thompson *** Leah Bernadette Thompson * Stephen Thompson Tanya Thompson LS Austin Thomsen Samantha Thrasher Todd Tidaback Nicholas Tilli Jamedrick Javon Tinsley ** Donna Tober Aaron James Todd Stacey Louise Tomlinson Jarod Toomey Nelson Torres Stephanie Torres LS Andre Toth *** LS Kelley Touhy Laura M. Towne *** AC, PC Hannah E. Trafton * CS Nakia Trammel Christopher Trauco Kyle James Trenka Benjamin T. Tsacoyianis * Selynda Tucker *** S, LS Myles Tufts Betsy Abbey Tuma Misty D. Tuten Alistair M. Twaddle * S, CS Bradford David Tyler Peggy Tyler LS Tamara Ulmer *** LS Joseph Edward P. Umali Hanna Underwood LS Travis M. Upham * Cassandra Utt Elizabeth Ann Valdez Nicole Alise Valenti ** ASL, LS Chelsea Van Cleave LS Nathan Vandenberg Jessica Van Der Molen Tuppence Van de Vaarst Rebecca Vaughn Jeffery Veal Carlos Vela *** LS Brittany Ventrice Ellen Ventura DMD, LS Samantha Verba LS Cristina Lynn Via Leeza Viaznikova Caitlin Viccari LS Natalia Victorio Adam Vignault Saarmila Sabrinaa Vijayaindran Aruna Dhevi Vijiaretnam Luz Vining Meghan Vital Anne Voigt Tyler Voss Ashleigh Waddell LS Allison A. Wade Gillean Wade Holly L. Wagoner Erin Marie Waldvogel Jacquline Walker Katelyn C. Walker * PC Kristopher Walker Miriam Walker Shadonna Lynn Walker Kari Wall *** AC, ASL, S, LS Michael W. Wallace Robin L. Wallace Charles W. Wescott, III LS Diamond Ashley West LS Michael S West Rasheedah Morish West Vanessa West Beverly D. Westfall S, LS Jacqueline R. Whalen * Laura Elizabeth Whalen Scott Wheeler Trevor Edward Whiddon Kanyla Wilson ** S Nicola Wilson Tawny Wilson Angela J. Wilt LS Shannon Wilt Jamarqus Winbush LS James Wing Jennifer Ann Wink S Tami L. Wiswall *** Hilary Withers *** Vince Whipple, Jr. William Alexander Witherspoon Alexis Whisenant LS Jeffrey David Witte *** LS Alana White Keri Yensina Wittwer Deana-Lee White Patsy Wockenfuss Jennifer White Nicole Noel Wolf LS Mason White Samantha Lynne Wolfsohn Terricitia White LS Kok Siew Wong Timothy Whitfield Briana Churibina Wonsowicz Ryan Whitlow Kerr Keong Woo Kimberly Whitmore Dawn Woodard Houston M. Wickert *** AC, LS Jacklynn Woodruff Patrick S. Wienckowski Woodrow Wooldridge Jr. Troy Wiipongwii Carolyn Elizabeth Wilder LS Stephen Wooldridge, II ** Gayla Worrell Elizabeth Heidi Worth *** AC, PC, S Jeremy Wallentin Francesca Lynnette Wilder LS Ashley Danielle Wallis Bryan Wiley ** Kathy Walsh Rebecca Wiley ** Anthony Joseph Wray *** CS, LS Diane Walters ** ASL, S, LS Angela T. Wilkerson LS Katina Wray David Mark Ward Meshelle Wilkerson Cassey Wright * Samantha J. Ward *** Valerie Smith Wilkerson * Kevin Wright LS Trevor Murphy Ward LS Whitney Wilkerson Michelle Wrobel William A. Ward, Jr. LS Kyle Wilkins Katie Elizabeth Wurts Dillon Warne Alex Williams LS Cassondra Jade Wysocki Kyle Deane Warner LS Alyssa Nicole Williams Ashlee Wyzard Rickey Washington Christopher J Williams Tracy A/P Xavier Fatinathan Tina Wasmuth Christopher Scott Williams Wan Ho Yap Tony C. Wassom *** S, LS Danielle Williams Hassan Yapul LS Carson J. Waterman Iyabo Williams LS Jordyn Rae Yates Quentin Claire Way LS Jessica Williams Jena Yeoman Jamie Weaver *** AC, ASL Lora-lynn M. Williams LS Hon Foong Yik * Jeffrey Wortham 49 ARTS AND SCIENCES Jeremy L. Yontz *** Doyle Walter Young, III LS Erika Young LS Michael Young Rebekah Young S, LS Sara Diane Young Charles Edwin Youse Marissa S. Benson *** DMD, CS Corey Crossman *** Brian Frank *** Ryan Beretta Erika Crotty LS Thor Frederickson Jennifer Czylek ** LS Bradley Freed *** LS Kristin Dallalis Mark A. Furr ** LS Jenna M. D'Amato Natalia Galvez-Sanchez Kristen Dameron Neil M. Galvin Steven Dantes Zachary M. Galvin David Blacklock Ronell Herald Bonnee Marielle Elizabeth Booth *** DMD, ASL, LS Mark E. Yuells Shaun Phillip Borey ** DMD, CS, LS Matthew J. Daoust *** CS Raymond F. Gammon *** Bodel S. Zabili LS Kaitlyn Elizabeth Borig LS Christopher S. Darcy * LS Allan Gandara Paulette Zander ** Robert A. Bosnyak * ASL, LS Kevin Davies *** John Gaskins LS Teresa Zardus * Jeffrey G. Boucher David J. Dean ** LS Rachel L. Gatto LS Tammra Zeigler LS Jennifer L. Boucher Victor De Jesus Shyann D. Gauthier * CS Brianna L. Zenkus PC, CS William Brumfield LS Jean Cecile Delozier Jerry Gee LS Moyun Zhang Daniel Bryant *** Melissa A. Demaine * LS Brenda Gladney Bernard Ziggler Jonathan S. Buatti Joshua DeMar Warren Goddard ** Jaimie Zinski * Rachael Buckley * LS Andreanna Demetriou ** CS Adam K. Gold ** Syed Zuhair Ali Kristoffer R. Burgess Nathan Deniston * James Goodwin * LS Nurlysha Binti Zulkifly Brad Burkett ** Robert Dennis *** LS Raymond Goris Andrea Burrier Warren F. DeTemple Deven T. Goss * Johnny F. Bustos, Jr. John Dhabolt *** Eric Goulette * Simon Byrne Cesar Diaz Timothy R. Gregory Jesse Calabretta ** James Dodd LS Mallory L. Grenier * Nana O. Akonor * APS Christina M. Cameron * Cynthia Dodge Carolyn Grimaldi * Raad M. Aljohani Garett J. Campbell Christopher A. Donaldson Richard Scott Allen Alexandria Capen-Parizo Myles Vincent Giacomo Groenloh ** APS Maeen Almardahi Gabrielle M. Cappello Karen Dowling Yeaton *** LS Awadh Almutairi Michael P. Carr Faisal Ibrahim Alrubayyi Erin A. Carter * APS Steven P. Alves John Carter Karla L. Alvarez Conor M. Cashin CS Adel M. Alzahrani Mark Cauchon ** Anthony M. Annson Gabriela Chacon Maxwell G. Arenburg Yourith Chak LS Allison Aring Scott R. Champagne Kevin Phillip Armentrout *** LS Kody Christiansen LS Michaelangelo Zummo ASL Bachelor of Science Morgan Aubrey ** Antoinette Austin LS Richard J. Auterio, Jr. Alan Rex Avery ** ASL, LS Peggy Marie Ayala Gal Azencot * Kristofer Babcock Ghufran Mohammed Badahdah Amber Baldwin *** LS Philip Balestriere Jr. * Craig A. Bartle *** Jonathan Clark * LS Jesse Cleary *** David Click *** LS Michael Clifford Jared Nelson Cobb *** Michael Cochrum *** Zachary Coker Jeffrey Comeau *** Ronicer Contee-Thomas Eric Alan Cooper *** APS Michael Joseph Corcoran Denise Cordova Craig Guertin LS Theresa Dubois Javier A. Gutierrez Barry R. Dunn Dylan Matthew Haldiman LS Thomas Paul Dunne Connor Q. Hall Kimberly Dupont LS Joseph Hanley ASL Kayliegh M. Dzioba CS Megan S. Hanna ** CS Morgan E. Early Erica Hardy LS Jesse Jay Eaton James M. Harrop *** LS Sarah Ebner Heather Heacock Matthew J. Eckard ** Itzhak Henn Heath Edwards Melissa G. Henry * Jeannette Hildie Elgner APS Fernando Hernandez Andrew Tyler Elliot Estus Hibbard Ethan J. Eskelund LS Jillian M. Higgins *** CS Barry Evans Maeghan M. Higgins Mari E. Evans * LS Derek J. Hill Karrie Everhart *** LS Jami Lynn Hinds Rachel Fanaras * Amanda Virginia Hiou * Hussain Y. Farhood CS Jennifer Lynn Hodges ** Margaret Ficht Ruth Holbrook Monica Yazmin Figueroa Jordan Holst *** Dominique M. Fiorentino Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins *** DMD, ASL Brittany May Fontana Matthew Bates *** DMD, ASL, CS, LS Rajhan Renee Cormier ** CS, LS Derek Beaton ** LS Ian James Costa Christopher Forgue Matthew J. Courtois Jeffrey Thomas Foster Justin Hougen * LS Abbey E. Cowette * APS Joseph Robert Fowkes APS, CS Regina Hudson LS Eric Begey Aimee M. Belleville Taylor Anna Belschner PC Connor W. Craig 50 Timothy J. Ford Joshua P. Horton * Scott Hosey *** Jaleesa E. Houle *** ARTS AND SCIENCES Connor R. Hughes * John Lund * Noel Nehmzow LS Joyell D. Riley Lee Hunt Douglas J. Lynn *** Alena A. Neil Anthony Rivera * Robert Earl Hunter Jr. Abigail Adams MacBeth APS Megan Nelson *** Joshua Rivera ** Kevin Hurt Alejandra Magnin *** Cassandra L. Nickerson ** Joshua Robinson Kristopher Inglis Farrakh Mahmood * David Martin Niemi ** LS Alysia Rocha Elizabeth Ingram ** Erin Mahoney LS Sampson W. Nimmo Tricia N. Jackson * Mike Orlan J. Marcelo Daniel Nittinger Christopher Rodman *** DMD Islande Jacques Jordan Marlin *** Christina Nocito Michael P. Jargowsky Steven Marmillo *** Nicole L. Oakes Juanita Jaso David Marsh Ashley O'Connell * Ashley Elizabeth Johnson Gerald J. Martel Justin Olenoski * LS Brandon Jones *** Karen Martel-Card * PTK, LS Margaret O'Neil * LS Inge C. Jones *** Tyler R. Martin Sterling Osborn ** Christopher Jordan ** Nicolas Masters *** Marcus L. Page Cameron Michael Joyce Charles Matses ** ASL Lorenzo Joseph Papa Charles Nicholas Ruple Yannick N. Kabala Jason Matulay * Marvin E. Salas Evan Karipis LS Amanda McAdams Thomas Paquette *** DMD, ASL, LS Raina Samuel *** DMD, ASL Nicholas D. Katsikas Seth Thomas McAllister *** LS Brian R. Paradis Jennifer Sanborn DMD Eric Paradis Adelis Sanchez LS Gregory Jordan McCarthy Christina L. Pare ** LS Hector H. Sanchez John A. McCollough ** Jessica Parent LS Crystle Sandeen LS Cory Aaron McCroskey Jeffrey S. Patterson *** Mary J. Sandholm *** Cliff McDonald Christopher R. Payne LS Adam Sauer *** Ronald McFeaters *** Ryan C. Payne Monica Schnurle Marc Patrick McGowan * Alonzo Pearce Aleta Schultz Lindsey A. McGrath * CS Keegan S. Pearl David E. Scroxton Robyn M. McIntosh ** LS Lindsey N. Perry Kendra O. Shaw Patrick McKee Tariq Peters David Shepherd *** DMD Nicole McKenzie Charles Petrakos Mandi L. McLaughlin Sophia M. Pinabell Nicholas Adam Shepherd *** Caitlin K. Merrill * APS Adam Pitcher ** Megan Michaels Joseph Pittelli ** LS Jessica L. Miller APS Scott Anthony Poe *** Justin Milos Lindsay Pompa Erik T. Mitchell Casey Potter Jeremy Mitchell *** Susan A. Poublon *** Rafael O. Molina LS Anthony A. Pratt LS Leonard Ross Thomson Moore *** Allyson Pritchett * Nina Marie Morales-Perez LS Michael Anthony Pulizzi Bryce W. Keeler Jennifer Keeney *** Nandi Khanal Cathleen Kiley ** Alexis Killoren Kimberly King *** LS Eleazar Kirby ** Andrew D. Kirouac * Sara Michelle Kleiman ** Jeffrey Klipp LS Christopher Knox James Kriete Sam Kuhlmann ** Charles F. Laflamme Ryan Landry Lisa Lane LS Robert E. Lane Shannon A. Lavargna ** Laura Lavoie *** DMD Matthew Lawlor LS Jonathan Wesley Jacobs Lawrence LS Dajti Laze * Austin A. Lee ** LS Wendy V. Lee Canepi *** LS David Joseph Letarte Paige E. Letendre Lily Liang * LS Amanda Lipske *** LS Jonathan Livingston Brandi L. Lombardo Dinno Lorenzo David Loszewski *** DMD, ASL B. L. Lovett Alexandra Moran * Moryah Moreau Eric Morgan LS Blake Morris *** Eric Moseley Dennis Moss James Mueller * LS Everett Murphy *** DMD, LS Kerri Nicole Murphy Rita Mvula ** LS Yazid A. Namnkani David Nedd *** Miguel Pulecio Robert Quail *** Alex J. Quinn Jason James Ramirez Elijah Rogers Steven Rogers *** LS Nicholas L. Rollins Faydra Ross LS Norman Rounds LS Chantal A. Roy Mary Elizabeth Ruper Ryan R. Simpson Geoffrey Duane Sims * Jairus B. Smith Nicole Smith Theresa Smith ASL, LS Tyler Gordon Snow *** LS Derek Somers ASL Steven A. Souza Makenzy L. Sowder Jessica L. Spaulding Angelica Stahl Christopher Stephens ASL Monica Stephenson Nancy Ramirez *** Kenneth G. Stevenson, III Sabrina Siqueira Rangel Gaska * Maurnike Stevenson Dion Stewart *** Deirdre Raysor Torey Stickrath * LS Alyssa Jean Reagan Molly L. Stone Thomas Reidy * LS Theresa St. Pierre Emily Renaud LS Takorn Sueksagan * Mark Reppert Christopher Sullivan Eric Rhodes *** ASL Stephanie Swanson Renee Richardson Samragi G. Swar 51 ARTS AND SCIENCES Dayana Swearingen ** Fallyn Alanna Wright Tiffany Davis * LS Jason Jamall Mitchell * LS Tyler J. Sweetser APS Christina Zhong *** Kevin Christopher Davison Sean Moore *** Thomas D. Swenson Alessio J. Zisa ** Robert A. Defrancesco * Cory Morales Stephen A. Szelog *** Kristina Zolninger ** Jennifer Delguercio Johanna Myers *** LS Alexandria N. Tabora LS Justin Dielmann LS Kathy M Okazaki * Huzan K. Taha APS Maegan Dotterer ** Jose A. Ortiz Trevor Real Duquette ** Rennell J. Parker, Sr. Emilee DuRoss Christopher Plouffe Sade Edmonds Michelle Powell ** Sean Ferritto Steven Ramos Lisa Filmer *** Suzzette Reese Kelley E. Fitzpatrick Amy N. Richard ** Shannon Fitzpatrick LS Amanda R. Richardson LS Carrie Garrison Caitlin Riegel ** Tyler J. Gearin Benjamin Rivera Sheryl B. Gendi PTK Lindsey M. Rombkowski LS Francis Stultz Gerald Brian Ross Nicholas Gomez *** Kellie Salvage Kim Gottas *** Anthony J. Salvatore ** Malinda Greene Alondra M. Santana Sanethia Hall Holly M. Savard ** Heather Harwell LS Christopher J. Schiller * Amanda Hempler ** LS Brooke Sophia Schueneman Shaymia Henderson LS Joseph Slate ** Joshua Henke LS Chanel Smith LS Kathryn Jackson *** Jacqueline Smith Raquia Jackson Kelly J. Smith * Vinson Isaiah Jenkins *** Stacie M Smith Michael R. Johnson ** ASL Jacob Stickney Pamela Jones Krystal Lakitta-Grace Summers Shannon Tanguay ** LS Travis Tarpley * Benjamin David Templin Zachary R. Thibault APS Paul Thomas Kevin J. Thompson Marlo J. Thorne Joseph Timmerman *** Angelic Tofteroo *** ASL Seth Tones *** LS Adam J. Tremblay ** Troy Turcotte LS Jonathan K. Turner * David Vavra LS David Villafane Robert Wade Matthew S. Walkinshaw Jacqueline E. Walsh John Michael Wark * Michael Warren Mathew Robert Norman Wassel *** Charles William Waterman Stephanie Nicole Waycaster *** Associate in Applied Science Justin M. Connor Associate in Arts Megan Abbey Trina Alexander LS Morgan Allen Ryan A. Amato Latisha Anderson LS Eric J. Andrikowich Megan Antunes Ailadi Archilla Alyssa A. Arenella Chacorya Chanel Autrey Jeremy P. Bagley *** Jeannie Beach Syrena V. Bencivenga * LS Nicholas Bishop ** Tyler Bissonnette Dean J Bobenrieth * Jalel Bonnick LS Heather Bova Jennifer Wayne LS Tammy Boynton *** LS James Weaver III Jesse Brewer Cheryl J. Weeks *** LS Alexis Brophy LS Nancy Weirich ** LS Zackary Browder * Matthew Welch Michael Eric Brown *** Elizabeth Antoinette Wellman * Jessica Niccole Buchanan * Jennifer E. Wenger * LS Erica M. Calistro Michelle Wheeler ** Joel Whipple ** Brian Whitaker LS Taylor E. Whitcomb Dametrice White Travis D. White *** Monique Williams LS Thoressa A. Williams Keith S. Wilson ** Jacob Wolf LS Jennifer G. Wong John P. Woodside James Worman Jr. ** LS Monica Buckles Elizabeth Capasso ** LS Heather Carrizales Tiffany Chance LS Jared M. Chenel Xavier A. Christensen Madison Collins *** Jennifer Constant Regina Costello *** Shayla Cresse * Valerie Crockett Eileen Daly LS Emily Y. Darrell ** 52 Kristen N. Jordan LS Christy L. Kennedy Thomas P. Kenney, Jr. * Nicholas Kimball *** LS Zachary Cole Kneeland LS Kerilyn Kwiatkowski Nicole Lavallee *** Emilie R. Leclerc LS Erin Long Jeri Love LS Joni Lynelle-Giles * Brittany Mabry LS Trela Malone-Rasdell * Johanny T. Marcelo Emily Marie Mascari * LS Melinda M. McCarthy * LS Heidi J. McDuffee McCrae Calmes Medina * LS Priscilla Medina ** LS Kate Megee Ashley Mical Ryan Szostak LS Ashley Tatiana Tejada * LS Leslie Thacker Joshua Thibodeaux Joseph Thistle LS Nikki Thomas Karli L. Todt Penny Townsend Stephanie Vasko * Matthew J. Vass * Nataly Villa * Chelsea Viverito Tori Walker LaShawna D. Wallace Megan Walsh-Gammon * Heather Larson Weaver Keith White Nina White *** Alison Marie Wilkinson *** Matthew Williams * CS, LS Michael Williams ** LS ARTS AND SCIENCES Truell Williams Ernest J. Gomez ** LS Keith Powers Gayle Willingham Dominique Goncalves ** Richard Pressler * Cera Elizabeth Wymer LS Colby Graves Wesley Reichardt *** PTK Jessica Zapatero Randell Greiner Brandon Richardson * Brian Christopher Guca ** Ashley Robinson Associate in Science Pantera Coleman Hagler Mark A Rodriguez *** Michael D Hamwey Christopher Rowland * LS Jess Adams *** Reese Hayes Justin Roy *** Nicholas P. Aldrich * LS Elliott D. Haynie, IV Danny Rubianes Jr Anthony Alligood *** Shawn Henry *** Anthony Richard Ruggiero Chrisarek J Aroyan ** Joel Hollenbeck Paul Ryan Lucas Austin *** Rob Houck * Dana Sanders *** LS Darryn E. Baktis Shannon Howard LS Allan A. Seals III *** LS Lamarcus Barton Eric David Huddleston Robert Segrin Eric Baumgardner *** LS Roman D. Hudson Michael Seiberling LS Kalani Beaver Jon W. Hutchinson *** LS Jeffrey Sikora Nasario Birrueta Sammy Jackson *** Jeffrey Sizemore ** Matthew Bouchard Curtis James LS John Stallard LS Theresa L Burke ** Dennis A. Jenkins * LS Zachary Burleson *** Brandon C. Jolly LS Patrick Thomas Henry Steele LS Christopher Cadorette * LS Hunter C. Jones * Nikita Callahan Kimberly Ketchersid *** CS John F. Carmody *** CS, LS Colin Key LS Leah Marie Carpentier * Alexander Koehler Lori Carson *** DMD, ASL, LS Semyon S. Kurlykov * Michaela Constance Champagne Anthony LaFountain Tyson Choate ** John Christie David Joseph Clarke *** CS Kenneth Coleman Bryan Corning Ivan Cortez PTK, LS Aaron F. Cox Christopher P. Crotteau ** Angelique Curtis * Kristin Deforge *** Kristian M. Deppe David DeYoung *** Daniel Dillard * LS Shawn Doughty *** Loura Lake Corey Landante * David Lucas *** Robert S. Lueders *** Jon D Lumbra Michael Mackie LS Armando Magana * Rashid B Malik Nicholas J Marcinek * Ken Martin Brown Massaquoi Stephen McGoff De Lane Hill McQuinn LS Kierstie Renee Miller Eric D. Drabinowicz Alexander Steven Moore ** CS Rebecca Elder LS Paul M. Murray Michael Elliott Cory Nagle * LS Leaha Etter ** LS Joseph Nelson Ahmed Abdelrahim Fayoumi Blassius Ngoasong LS David Feldman *** LS Jacob P. Northfield Jenifer Felix Garrick Palermo * Maurice Ford * Alan Andrew Palmer *** Seth R. Ford Ashley Peck Bradley Furuseth Cameron Perera *** Joseph Louis Giordano * David Perkins Stephen Girard ** Michael Perkins Jonathan Daniel Stevens * LS Paul Storti *** LS Nicholas St Pierre Bailey Streeter Lyn Sudsbury * Thomas Tague III Willmerk Tapia Matthew S. Telencio *** CS Sherry Thompson *** Kevin H. Tsukroff *** CS, LS Joshua M. Turner * Barbara J. VanDemark Nalisha Varnado ** Sarah Vennell Michael S Weden LS Allison West Kevin S. Wheeler *** PTK Catherine Rose White Michelle Renee Williams * CS, LS Rhonda Williams William Reynolds Williams, Jr. *** Kayla Wilson LaTrice Nicole Wilson Andriana Woods *** 53 BUSINESS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION BUSINESS DEPARTMENT The School of Business at Southern The mission of the College of Online New Hampshire University prepares and Continuing Education’s business, students for successful careers through technology, and engineering programs a commitment to exceptional teaching is to create the best online student of business fundamentals, a relentless learning experience in the world and focus on the competencies and to develop professionals who achieve workplace skills that distinguish high success personally, in their careers and performers in business, and partnerships for society as whole. The department's with businesses and organizations that many diverse programs all prepare provide our students with workplace students for both academic and experience and an understanding professional advancement opportunities of today’s business environments. in their chosen fields and disciplines. The basic knowledge in accounting, Our programs employ rigorous learning economics, finance, marketing, outcomes, real world scenarios, and management, leadership, and operations the latest technologies relevant to the that every business student must attain field of professional practice. We pride is no longer sufficient to succeed. ourselves on providing our students Students today need to be adaptable to with a transformative educational succeed in a workplace where jobs that experience and with never giving up on have never existed before are being a student who is putting forth the effort created daily as new technologies provide to achieve his or her academic goals opportunities and challenges. They need to understand the implications of a global marketplace that is fully connected and interdependent. And they need to approach every job as an entrepreneur, finding new and better ways of doing things. We pride ourselves on our exceptional faculty that provides a broad, relevant business education designed to launch our students on successful careers and lives. BUSINESS Luis Arteaga David Boll LS Alan Ashinhurst LS Andrew Bolton Scott Hilliard Ashworth Thomas J. Bond Laura C. Acero Sarah Elizabeth Atherton LaToya Bonner Ashleigh Adams Amanda Avent DMD Genise Booker Melissa Adams Jennifer Avgerinos Nicole Bookhout LS Nichole Marie Adams LS Jathniel Humberto Avila Jessica Boucher Manoj Vinod Adhikari Mary Ayala Ryan Bousquet Benjamin Afasano Angela J. Baccigalopi DMD Ronald Lee Bowhay Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed Nixzaliz Baez LS Roger Bowley Joseph Aiello Yvonne Almaguer Bailey Jason Bowling Christopher Aitken Allison Baker Cedelia Bryant Boyd LS Zeynep Aksogan Makenzie Baker Hamit Boztepe Nouha Alaoui Hassani Christine Bradley Amer Albawwab Rajendra Prasad Balabhadrapatruni Maria E. Albers LS Harry K. Balixa LS Fahem Salem Al Bugham Xiaomin Bao Laura Aldrich Jason A. Barbetta DMD Kristi S. Alexander LS Stefan Bargiel LS Otis James Alexander Jr John Barker LS Sean A. Alexander Joseph Barrera Thomas J. Alferi Nicholas Bartelloni Master of Business Administration Walter Bradley Joseph E. Brantley Nicholas Brattan Sherri Brault Sierra L. Breault Danielle Brennan Torrance Lawana Monik' Canty Quan M. Cao Amber J. Capone ASL Dane M. Caracino Erika Felicia Carlson Darrell A. Caron Kelly Kobe Carraway LS Carlina Carroll Dottie Sargent Carroll LS Joel Carter Melvin Carter Trisha Cartier James T. Caruso Paul Bradley Carver LS Raul Castro Aimee E. Cates DMD, LS Keith A. Cavella Berkeley N. Cecchini-Bond Anubhab Chakma LS Louis Marie Robert Brice Jessica L. Chamberlin Francis N. Alger, III DMD Kenneth Warren Briscoe, Jr. LS Lizette Chantaracharat Jason Bauerschmidt Enoc Charles Tom Alhadif DMD Melissa Baugh Steven Brodie LS Samuel Chase LS Krystal Allen LS Tamara Bazemore Zachary J. Brooks DMD Bin Che Ryan Arthur Allen DMD Nichole Bean LS Alexandra Brown LS Daniel Check Tonya Allen LS Michelle Beaton Anna Brown Daoyun Chen Ali Rashid Al-Mazroei Ryan Beckman Augustin Karkor Brown Fei Chen Nabil Al-Otaibi Dennis J. Beggan Billy Brown LS Tzu Hao Chen Carmen E. Alvarado Marin Benjamin Belanger Chileka Brown Hao Cheng Andrew Amador Kenneth R. Belanger, Jr. Teresa Ann Brumit LS Catherine Chepolis LS Kasi N. Amaral LS Justin Bell DMD, LS Regina R. Bryant LS Loumarie Chew LS Victor Amatrudo Mia Beltran Marie Buck DMD Elias Chichava LS Daniel Ambrosio LS Kristin Ryan Bence Sara B. Bucklin Exceviour Chisanga Jhoanna A. Amigable DMD, LS Matthew Benoit Zachary J. Buote Nishit Chitroda Steed Benson Justin Burgess May L. Chong LS Cheryl Anderson Zachary L Berry Sean F. Burke Michael Chroney Darlinda Zhuane' Anderson LS Jillian E. Bert Christina Burns LS Amanda Jackel Ciccone LS Vishal Raju Bhatia Sean Thomas Burns Zahra M. Cichon Christine Bielak Justin James Burwinkel Brittney Cini Katherine A. Bimbo Jamica Bush Jason Clark LS Michael Bingham LS Anthony James Butler, Jr. LS Kimberly A. Clark DMD Brett A. Bisesti Andrew Cabana DMD, LS Raphael Clarke LS Kathryn Blair Charles Caldwell LS Max Claude Christina Annarella Ashley Nichole Blais DMD, LS Patrick Richard Ambrose Callaghan DMD, LS Alison Clauson LS Jinette Antigua Erica B. Blake LS Antonio Camacho-Ortiz LS Tomohiro Aoyama Kelley J. Blow Pasquale Campana Donald Cleary LS Nathan E Archibald LS Webster Blunt III LS Mindy Campbell Timothy G. Armstrong Frank Boateng Stephanie Campbell DMD Jaclyn S. Arnold LS Amanda M. Bogue Katelyn M. Canniff Eric Aronson Randy C. Boisse Christian Canto Bethany Arsenault Suzanne Boisvert Sherrekka Canty Heather Anderson LS Lauren Millicent Andrews Nicholas Andrews Samantha Angell Dixie A. Anjo DMD, LS Adejumoke T. Anjorin 56 Gwendolyn Clayton LS Douglas Montrel Clemons Betsy W. Coble LS Rebbecca Cohen Nallah Finasay Cole Sheila Cole DMD, LS Iantha Coleman LS BUSINESS Holly Collette Jennifer Collins LS Caryn Conklin Adam Cook Rose M. Cook Jennifer M. Cooke Casey R. Coons Alfred Daniel Cooper Jared Cooper DMD Shelley Cooper-Ashford LS Christopher Bryan Coppenger Gloria Corbine Alexander F. Cortes DMD, LS Patrick Xavier Cosenza Christopher Cosgrove LS Tammy Costello Andrea Couhie Briana V. Cousins LS Jenette M. Coutinho Christopher Edward DeFelice LS Mark John Eckert Amanda Fulmer LS Jared R. DeGaetano Danielle Edson Jonathan Fulton Courtney S. Edwards LS Joseph Gagne Reggie Edwards LS Brett L. Gagnon LS Uchechukwu Egbulonu Sarah E. Gagnon Zineb El Baraka Christopher Galietta Daniel R. Eldredge Tami J. Gallegos LS Amele El Kassouri Ran Gao Connie Dellene Elliott LS Yang Gao El Mahdi El Mehrous Derrick Garceau Blake W. Emery Desiree Garner Rebecca M. England James Garner LS Katie Esposito LS Andrea Nicole Garrett Timothy E. DePalo LS Anne I. Etim Mary Garrett LS Michael R. Desilets LS Leon Evans Kelsey Taylor Gates Jayson Charles DeSimone LS Ronald L. Evans Gregory T. Gauronsky David Desmond Jacob Fairris Elizabeth H. Gauthier Sarah Desrochers Alessandra Manon Gabrielle Falconer Robin Gauthier LS Bo Fan Craig H. Geller Molly Laura DeHahn Jenn Delano Eduardo De Leon Timothy M. Demers LS Eliza Demetriou DMD Christopher Michael Demorotski Megan Denman DMD, LS Lee Denton-Smith LS William Jong Hwan D'Entremont Thomas Scott Desrosiers Jason M. Gawronski David Coviello Ramaswamy Devarajan DMD, LS Rodrigo Cristales Dennis Dexter LS Peter Farmer DMD Nicoll Crittenden Nevila Dhima Brittany Farrar LS Justin Crosby Sandra DiBurro DMD Robert Farrell Donna Lorraine Crosson LS James Diclemente LS Katherine Sarah Ferguson Jillian Croteau Robert J. DiGregorio Brian M. Dillow Heather Elizabeth Fernandes DMD, LS Lance Ghidotti Ellie La Croix Harris Nathan C. Croyle Shannon C. Dilts DMD, AC Angela Fernandez Allyssa Gilbert DMD, LS Demetria Crutcher LS Xiaotian Ding Valentina Cruz LS Amit Reginald Dipoo DMD, LS Stacey M. Culbreath LS Heather A. Currier Anthony Cusmano April L. Cvetic LS Damian Dabrowski Risa Dagenhart Glenn Edward Dailey Carmela Dailey-Vargas Joseph Michael D'Aloisio LS Monique Dalphond Arthur E. Daly Joseph E. Daly AC, S Marjorie Danford Huong Dang Melvin Dangan LS Kristine Darling Kriengkrai Daungthong Christine Davis LS Jessica Davis LS Tia Renee Davis LS Jennifer A. DeAmicis David Andrew DeAngelis LS Dana Kelly Dee Nawfal Faouzi Devon Ferns LS Mikhail Fevralev LS Katherine Fichtner Bradford Douglas Diver DMD, LS Julie Marie Fiore LS Christiana Dixon Fatoumata Djire Savannah Elizabeth Anne Fitzpatrick LS Edgar Dogan LS William Fitzpatrick Barbara Doherty Kathryn Fleshner Paul Doherty Marquis L. Fletcher Lewitte Dion Donovan Rowena Lynne J. Flores William F. Dooley Jr. LS Deisha Flowers Agata Dopierala Sanita Floyd Lansanah Dorley Kalinda L. Foley Matthias Downey LS Victoria Foley Courtney Downs Hava Fordice Nigel D'Souza Peter Foster Kristen E. Dubois Carrie A. Fox Allison N. Dudley William Fox LS Krisstofer Dugan LS Charmaine Francis Susan Kay Duncan LS Nathan Ryan Franck LS Dominique Judea Dunn Sammy Francois LS Wayne Durr Nicole Frank Michael S. Dwyer LS Bethany Frazier Terri M. Earley Jamel A. Frazier LS Cristin Ross Fitzgerald LS Daniel Genson Joe Geraghty LS Michel P. Gerber Katherine Leann Gerstnecker Enrico Giannitti LS Patricia Gilbert LS Jennifer Kane Gillett Ben Glass Janice M. Gleisner LS Derek Glerum Melissa Glifort Stanislav A. Glotov Byn Dee Goh Eric Golden DMD, ASL, LS Ali Gol Sabbagh Joshua M. Gomez OO, LS Patricia Gonzalez Rebecca Gonzalez LS Lauren Marie Goodhue Elizabeth C. Goodwin Jennifer Gordon Amanda Gorski LS Sarah-Beth Gosselin LS Laurie Gouthro LS Hector Adolfo Govea Julie Christine Graham DMD, LS MaryEllen Graham LS Jo Anne Grammond Cynthia L. Graniello DMD, LS 57 BUSINESS Jason Grauer Michael Hedger Kati Jackson Shannon King David Gray Brandon Hedgspeth LS Shelly Jackson Tiffanie A. Kinsey Tyler Echo Gray Julie Heffelfinger Jeffrey Jacob Jennifer Kipp Jalanda Grayson Lauren Heimann Jabi Jaiteh Christina Kirby DMD, LS Briana Noel Green Sean Henley Sebrinna Jameson DMD Aris L. Kitsios Catherine G. Green LS Kristina D. Henneberg LS Linda Jandris Ayawo Dodji Klousse LS Herbert J Greene Jr LS Maurice Henry DMD, LS Bethany Klubek Kevin L. Greer Rachel V. Henton Kesha Janaan Brown Jaramillo LS Lori Greer LS Victor M. Hernandez Ryan Jarvis Caleb Knauff Kelley Griffin DMD Jennifer Hess Tonya Grubbs Kashif W. Higgins LS Kayla Guilford Michelle Higuera LS Sri Ram S. Guntupalli Carly Hilbrecht Gantong Guo Matthew Mark Hill LS Orri Gústafsson Cody K. Hilliary LS Ellen Rachel Gustke Marie Hinds LS Rainer Habermann DMD, LS Omar Jonathan C. Hiponia Jennifer L. Haigh Tomas Hlavaty Maha Hajaj Amanda W. Ho Dominique Hall Jordyn P. Hoar Lori A. Haller Anna Hocking Kaitlin Hallmark LS Jaresa S. Hodge Miracle Ham LS Michael Hoffmann DMD Thomas Hammond Sterling Hoham DMD, LS Anna Marie Hancock Roberts LS Teresa Maria Holder Matthew Haney LS Anna McGee Hanson Nancy Lee P. Harding DMD, LS Justin Hardwick James Hargreaves Melinda Michale Harmon LS Brian Harrell LS Ralpheal Steven HarrellJohnson Kelly Nicole Lisa Holman Lorraine Holmes Beth A. Homsey LS Mark L. Honomichl Jr. Kaci Hood Sherolyn Hood LS Jennifer Howard-Maxwell Tracy Howe Wells Chi Jung Hsin Yihan Hu Debra Harris Li Lan Huang Ni-Yolka Harris Pamela S. Huckabee LS Kristen M. Hart LS John Hudock IV Joel Hartshorn Terri Yvette Hudson Ryan Hartshorn Kayla Hugo LS Daniel T. Harvell LS Wesley Hunter Tatiane Fankam Hatchoua Keri Anne Hylton Heather Hauenstein DMD, LS Frank Iaconetti LS Bradley Havenga Husham Isam Ibrahim Michelle L. Havey Donna Ickowski Jody Hawkes DMD Christopher M. Ihasz Rebecca Haydu-Jackson Gunce Ceren Ildeniz LS Jasmin D. Haylett LS Joanna Illges Robert E. Haynes II Steven Isle LS Tyler Haynes Seiji Iwadate James Healton Anthony Jackson Mark B. Heaps LS Erin Jackson Jasmine Darrelle Jackson 58 Kristen Jean Lemerck Jean-Baptiste Russell Loyd Jenkins James E Jobin III LS Duval Johns DMD Alisha Johnson Amanda Michele Johnson Danielle Johnson LS Ellis Edward Johnson II Hannah Johnson Karl Randal Johnson II LS Kelby Johnson Robbie Mechelle Johnson LS Jennifer A. Johnston Calvin Jones John Casey Jones Suzanne K. Jones Karen F. Joseph Meiling Ju Batowa Kadjaka LS Todd Akira Kajiwara LS Angela Kalanoska Daniel Kaplan Alekhya Karra Yonas Kassahun Donald G. Keefer Jr. Leslie Louviere Keen LS Casey M. Kehoe DMD Nathan Leondress Keith Ashlie Kelleher Ashley Teresa Kelly DMD, LS Angie Lynae Kemble DMD, LS William Arthur Kennedy LS Rayna Kenney LS Shanna M. Keohane Inam Khan LS Tamer A. Khraisat LS Sana Khwaja LS Joseph Kilmer Bohee Kim DMD, LS Rami Kim LS Jessica Kimball LS Crystal King DMD Caitlin Knapp LS Cameron Knight Torkel Knutson Fernando Kolesnik Mozor Julie Kopacz LS Rhonda M. Koska Koki Koyama Angela Kramski Elyse Kreger Amanda Krulia Paul Robert Kunsa Cassie M. Kupfer LS Courtney Kwon Stephanie Labarron LS Ashley Labrie Leon Angelina Labroad Robert R. Lachance Melissa A. LaChapelle Thomas Philip Laflamme LS Lee G. Lajoie Kristy Marie Laleme David K. Lam DMD, LS Jenaleigh A. Landers Charles E. Lane LS Brooke L. Laneau William J. Langevin LS Meghan E. Lanigan DMD, LS Victoria Lantiegne LS Samuel Lapham Elizabeth Laplante Jordan Larmay Jeremy Joseph Larochelle Gary Lavoie Charles J. Lawless III Deanne J Lawrence Christina Le Matthew J. Leary Ariana LeBlanc LS Daniel N. Leclerc Norman G. LeDuc Erik R. Lemay Carole Lendry LS David Lenehan Samuel Leniski Joseph S. Leone BUSINESS Hannelise Andrea Lerida LS Tara Lescault Christine Lesieur Catika Lessard LS Lisa Kaye Levan DMD, LS Alicia L. Levesque Tammy L. Levesque DMD Amenah Lewis Charles Lewis Roosevelt Lewis LS Trent M. Lewis LS Zhu Li Zhuang Li Dinghan Liang Kegeng Liang Nicholas Liguori Brett Limmer Chin Yu Lin Marc Linaman Jiahao Ling Michelle Littlefield Bin Liu Jennifer Liu Yuanyuan Liu Jane Elizabeth Lobel Alyssa J. Locklear Robert Lodato Frank London LS Omar Lopez Luis Diego López Machado Andrew Lovato Kelly L. Lowry DMD Jiachen Lu Janel Lubanski LS Tyler Lubben Courtney Jennifer Marcotte DMD Mandy Millett Christopher Nikirk Edward Marcoux LS Amber K. Mills ASL, LS Chiagorom Nkwocha Katie Kiely Mischke DMD, LS Ingrid Noche Michael William Mizener Jahleel Norman Sandra Molettieri Leah Norridge LS Nausad Alam Mollah LS David Numme LS Gregg Monagle Adam Nussdorf Caera A. Monahan Jeffrey J. Nyhan Julianna Monteiro Meghan O'Connell LS Laurie A. Moon Mindy Odermatt LS James Moore DMD, LS Katharine A. O'Donnell LS Jason Moore LS Shanice Angelique Odubanjo LS Mariya Markova Chenelle Alarkie Marshall LS Haroletta Martin Jamie M. Martin LS Samantha L. Martin DMD, LS Dennis Martinek DMD, LS Carlos Martinez LS Miguel A. Martinez LS Sonja Mason LS Alicious Mathia LS Airi Matsushita LS Solomone' K. Matthews LS Amanda Mayette Derek Mayo Justin J. Mazzone Leslie A. McCabe Talysa Lloyd McCall Marie McCallum Leah Kathleen McCarthy DMD, LS Matt McCarthy Naomi McCarthy Steve McCay Mark McClary LS Kimberly McCollister Carolyn McDaniel Cassandra McDonald LS Jeremy McDonald Karen Leigh McGarghan Michael McGuire LS Megan McIntire Robbie M. McKenna Courtney Mora Patricia Morin LS Zackary Morin Frank O. Morris LS Maili Morrison LS Curtis Mosley, Jr. Bassem Mouawad Brian Mountain Thomas Moyer DMD, LS Joseph Stephen Muessig Daniel W. Mullen Jennifer L. Mullen LS Dennis J. Munise DMD Justin Tess Munson Gary Murphy John Murphy LS Sara A Murphy LS Shawna Murphy DMD, LS Andrew Murray LS Erin Murray DMD, LS Jeffrey Scott Musmacher DMD Jason Oliver Chukwudi Opara LS Kristin Michelle Orr Gregory Patrick Orsuto Elvira Tara Ortiz Norma I. Ortiz Kyle Orzechowski John Overstreet Charlena Owens LS Aliu Harven Oyakire LS Jacy Pack LS Alvaro Padilla Robert Dale Padron Ashley Page Garblah W. Page LS Sapna Paintal Santosh Pranay Kumar Palakurti James Palleschi Apinya Panchakabut LS Brandon Parkhurst Nathan Parr Deepak Chikmagalur Nagendra Maribel Parra Valeria McMahon Natasha McNair Reshma Nair Megan Sue Partezana Nicholas Luz Kimberly Ann McPhee DMD, LS David Nakka LS Hina Patel LS Duanfu Ma Emily McPherson Priya Nathaniel LS Mehul Patel LS Elizabeth Mabbott LS Kenneth Meade Dana Beth Nauerz LS Minesh Patel Heather MacDonald Sarah A. Medeiros LS Mercy Ndua LS Nikita Patel Janelle K. Maciejewski LS Rachel Meeker Christina Nealey Rajan J. Patel Meredith L. Mack Kathy Menditto Jonathan D. Neill Matthew Lord Patterson Jaime MacKay Joseph Meranda Ronald A. Nenni DMD Kelly Paxton Vanessa C. Madore LS Diane M. Mercier DMD Sabeeta Neupane Dwight Stephen Payne DMD David Mahoney Erica D. Merkel LS Scott P. Neville LS Brian Pazdziorny Meghan Mahoney Gerald Merwin LS David Nguyen LS Kevin Peach Kasey Makris LS Anas Meslahi Hoang Oanh Thi Nguyen Lindsay Pearman Marko Mandic Anne Meyer DMD, LS Minh Dinh Nguyen Kenneth Peebles LS Arun G. Mani LS Monica Miaou DMD Trang Nguyen Monica M. Peeler Charles Maranga LS Aaron R. Miller Peter Nickerson Juan Pena LS Dante Nigro Waverly Pena Alison Marie Ludewig LS Rashawn Lumsden LS Christopher Allen Lutz Megan M. McLaughlin Jack Moorhouse LS Gregory Parrish LS 59 BUSINESS Nina Perez LS Kathleen LaBrie Raymond Kelly Rutherford Jesse Perez-Robicheau Nicole Reass Christine Ryan LS Andrea Perrella LS Ghassan Rechdan Natalie Ryan Hillary Perron LS Beatrice Record Khaldoon Jamal Saboubeh Naeem Phillips Evan J. Redders Komdej Sakulsathaporn Jessica Piegorsch LS William Reddington Ibidunni O. Salako Jeff Pierce DMD Sherie Reed Elena Salaks Sharon Pinkard Warren T. Reed David Joseph Pinto Robin Reeves LS Vicente Enrique SánchezHernández Chatchawal Piromnam LS Kyle A. Reilly Adam O. Plaisance Eric Renfro Nicholas Pliakos Todd Reynolds Luis Pliego LS Willie Reynolds Dieter Ploeger Rezwanuzzaman Deborah Plowman DMD, LS Jasmine Tranai Rhodes LS Devin Robert Plummer Nicholas A. Riccio Kimberly Sue Podkin Adrienne Richardson Caryn E. Poisson DMD Kaitlyn Riggenbach Jason C. Pollman Ghaleb Rihani LS Kerrin Regina Poorman DMD, LS Mazen Jamal Rihani LS Michael J. Porciello Michael Riso Maggie E. Porter Susanne L. Preble ASL Nicholas J. Predki Andrew Preusse DMD, LS Jennifer J. Prew LS Heather Price Susan Price DMD Michelle Marie Privée Courtney M. Proulx Samantha L. Provins Brian Prusak Andrew Pueschner Christopher Pymm Tiffany Quarry Taylor James Queen Yara Quiceno Ollieuava Quinney LS Adam Jeffrey Raehtz Roxanne Raeside-Wilton DMD Scott Rafferty Andrea Michelle Ragonese Mohammad Saidur Rahman Heather Ramadoss Milo Xavier Ramirez Carmen E. Ramos LS Zachary Rand LiKecia Randle Katharine Irene Ransom Steven A. Raphaelson Jose F. Raposo LS Casper Sanders Jose Gabriel Santana Suarez Olalekan A. Sanusi Oluwafemi Sanyaolu LS Briana Patricia Sapienza Matthew Christopher Sieradzki Edward Silverthorn LS Juanita Ford Simmons Nelson Simmons Brooke Simms Edouard N. Simon Alan Simons Douglas J. Singer DMD, ASL, LS Cheryl Sirignano DMD John E. Six, Jr. DMD Shelly M. Slitzer DMD Aimee M. Smith LS Hollie F. Sayer DMD Alicia Smith DMD, LS Roger Alfio Scandura DMD, LS Alysha Smith Crystal Smith Nora Scheiber DMD, LS Frank G. Smith LS Jennifer L. Schmidt DMD Korinah Dayle Smith Darren P. Schnedler Kristen Smith LS Krista Schuch Linda F. Smith DMD, LS Jovan Schwarz Nina Smith DMD, LS Joseph Sciacca Shanta Smith Jennifer L. Scotti Blake W. Snell Ryan Seavey LS Shawn Snider Sanja Sedic Steven J. Soeder Jenna L. Selfridge Albert E. Soper, Jr. Sayiram Sellappah Angela M. Sorensen DMD, LS Krysta A. Sensbach-Gassert Philip Sorrentino Yasin Senturk Edwin R. Sparrow George Joseph Sergi Ronica Spradley Greg Sessa Nisha Srivastava Michael Sessa LS Bethany K. Stack LS Ashveen Kaur Sethi Anthony Jerrod Stallings II Spencer Severs James Stallings Ryan Shackett Rochelle Stanton Vrushank Shah LS Beth Stapleton Kaitlin Shanahan Erin L. Stark Alison Shappy William Stark LS Mahmoud Sayl Shaqdih Kimberly Rutland Starks Upender Sharma Georgios Stathopoulos LS Richard Shaw Miranda Stein Kelsey Marie Roloff LS Gretchen Anne Shea DMD, LS Scott Alan Stelling C. LaMour Romine Brendon M. Shearin Laurie Roper Melissa Gail Sheets Anthony P. Sterner Lee Payton Rouse Meredith Shelton Margarita Roxas Myongii Shephard Richard Roy Aminata K. Sherif LS Delores M. Rugless DMD, LS Matthew J. Shramek Pablo Ruiz Carl Sickles LS John Russo Keith Douglas Siegel DMD, ASL, LS Eric Rinderknecht Jon Ritchey LS Jennifer Wetzel Jon Ritter DMD, LS Blanca Rivera Natalia Rivera Ami Rmaila LS Kyle Robert Roach Kaitlin Roache LS Quinten D. Roberson Austin Roberts Christine D. Roberts Ryan Roberts Jazz Robertson LS Christopher Robinson Marchel D. Robinson Robert Robinson LS Robert Roderick Frank Rodrigues Jason Rojas LS Jennifer Rolfes DMD Kelly Russo LS Tatum Marie Rustenburg LS 60 Diane Marie Stephens Robert Stetson Jana Stevens Ashley L. Stewart Andrienne Stokes Mary E. St Onge LS Andrew Story Amanda Stoudenmeyer BUSINESS Jason Bradley Stowers DMD, LS Nathan Aaron Stuart Michael B. Stys Kanita Suljevic Richard Sullivan Joshua Summers Jessica Swain Courtney A. Sweeney Alicia L Swigart Robert Sylvia Jarryd M. Talbot Haley Tamburo DMD Cecela Tan Meng Lay Lyndsay Carroll Tanner LS Melissa Tartaglia Renee Tchoubou LS Christina M. Terruso Aimee Laurie Tetu Victoria Theriault LS David M. Thibeault Lesli Thomas DMD Ryan Thomas Derek J. Thompson Samuel A. Thorn Ashalata A. Thotangare LS Neil Thurlow Ashley Tinkham Ashley Marie Tishko LS Allyn Todd LS Tralanda Todd Christine Todisco LS Daniel Toland Amanda Toof LS Patrick Toomey Brian Tormollan Ester Tos Karen Tosti Susan Eileen Towbin LS Kayla Elizabeth Towle John K. Tran DMD, LS Juliet Thuy Tran LS Steven Tretter Steven Trigili Mark Tringale Esther M. Turner Kyle Turner DMD Michael Turner DMD, LS Patricia Turner Daniel Arthur Tuttle LS Bridget J. Tweedie DMD, LS Marissa K. Twombley Nathan L. Twombly LS Christina M. Tyler DMD Chalonda Lynette White LS Zakaria Zrig Maurice Terence Tyndell Michael White Ping Zuo Michael Upton Tex M. Whiting Gregory Urbanowicz LS Morgan Whitney Julie Vaccaro LS Jason Wiatr Athena Vagenas Jodie Wierzbicki El Mehdi Abahrouz James R. Valley LS Donald James Wigg Kaeli Vandertulip Ashley Marie Wigginton Elmuatz M Abdelrahim DMD, LS Adam Vandrew Melissa Nicole Wilcox Katherine Van Gilst Coleman Jacob Williams LS Ann Varilly Edward Williams Daniel Vasquez LS Jason B. Williams Eric James Vattes Jazmine Sinea Williams LS Rossane Vazquez Justine H. Williams Carlos Antonio Velazquez Kamala Ann Carole Williams Bheema Shankar Vemavarapu Shelbi Williams Donna Marie Veronelli DMD, LS Michael J. Vigliotta Rachel Villano Brittany Vinson Joshua Vonasten Rebecca-Lynn C. Waite LS Ryan Walfield Galina Walia Pahul Walia Amy Waller John P. Walsh LS Shawna Walsh DMD Nicholas Walton LS Kevin R. Waltz Junnan Wang Rong Wang Xin Wang Caroline Wanjohi LS Richard Warden Christopher Warren Kathrin Warren Sarah Washburn Keri Washington James Waters Melissa Mae Watson Penny Webb Shannon K. Webber Andrew Everett Wells II Crystal Wells James Wesby Emily West DMD, LS Russell L West Jr Otto Westenfield Daniel Ray Mitchell Whitaker LS Theodore Williams Zachary Williams Jordan Williamson Natoya H. Williams-Perrin Ariel J. Wilson LS Jiles Wolever Diana Wolfe Christopher Wolfertz LS Maegan L Wood Mahlon J. Wood IV Stephanie M. Woods Sarah Wormwood Cassandra M. Worster Anna Wright LS Monica Wright Dengmin Wu Rebecca Wu DMD Bunyanuch Wudhapitak Andrew M. Xenakis Xiaomeng Yan Tyler Yarborough Hamza Gokalp Yilmaz Calandra Jackson Young LS Joy Latrice Young LS Katie Young Maryana Zabava Andrew Thomas Zakri Alondra Banuelas-Zalewski Amanda Caroline Sian Zawieruszynski LS Master of Science Yaser Aamer Abdulrazzaq Colt V. Ables Alvin Abreu Mustafa Abu-khadier LS Jacinda Denise Adams Jeffery Adams LS Sharlene L. Adams LS Temitope A. Adewoye Amanda L. Adkins LS Faizan Ahmad Muzamil Ahmad Kristin L Aiken DMD Allyson L. Ainsworth LS Christine Akcer Muhammad Al Abbadi Christopher B. Alden James Aldo Rosa Alfaro LS Olawale Timileyin Alimi Akram Al Kozbari LS Kristyn Alldredge LS Amanda Allen Elizabeth Marie Allen James Allen Shirley Alleva Joshua Alphonse Danielle Marie Alston LS Yasser Altamimi LS Nicolette Carol Altieri LS Ismail Hasan Amar Anas Amireh Hassib M. Amiryar Cody Ammons LS Claire E. Amos Katie D. Anderson LS Samantha Anderson David M. Andrus William Anger Feruza Zekeri LS Jody Ankabrandt DMD Walter Zelezniak Jr. Daniel Araya LS Ying Zhang Holly Margaret Arnold DMD Jing Zhao Latwanya Arnwine Dzenana Hanjalic-Zimic LS Ami Ashuri Christos Ziogas Lenny Asuncion LS 61 BUSINESS Sonya Atkins Jeffrey T. Block Jr. Vincent Cataldo Sara A. Cunha Sharon Atwood DMD Sarah Bloustine LS Terese Cerins LS Sandra Cunningham LS Lance R. Auger Tracy Bobbitt LS Chelsea M Chambers LS Donya Curry Kimberley I. Austin Cassandra Kay Bockorny DMD, LS Tavric A. Chance OO, LS Patrick M. Curry II Carol Boemmel Sissy Chang Crystal Curtis James E Chapman Cynthia M Dalton Robrielle Chapman David Daniel LS Christopher Charles Jennifer Shannon Daricek Connie G Charles Shanna Rae Daugherty DMD Chantakarn Chayapong Leigha Nicole Davidson Bin Che Bradley Davis Hung Pin Chen Jessica Faith Davis LS Xingjian Chen Le'Quisha A. Davis Melissa Ann Chiarello Robert Davis Lawrence Chick Adam Davison Maureen Christenson Anne Shirley Davison Melissa N. Christmas Ana Maria Davlantes LS Keisha Christopher Abigail E. Dean Jon Chu Dale Benjamin Dearth Stephen Chuddy Janee Delaine Michael Dante Ciarochi Fernando Del Valle Chelsea Cibella Darryl Demag Lindsey Ciccalone LS Angela M. Demers Jacob M. Ciccarello LS Courtney Demers LS Holly Cimmino Karl J. Derbacher Ella Clarke Quinn Desiderio Sharmaine Clement Padmanabhan Vikas Devanahalli Joshua Ayers Jeana Ayres Angela J. Baccigalopi DMD Ben P. Badio Jinlong Bai Antonio Bailey Christine Baker-Terilli LS Josh Balabuch Rangaraj Balaraj Trevor J. Baldwin Mateusz Baliga LS Meghanne L. Bamberg Yuwei Bao Kristina Barbacano Michael Barbariantz LS Melissa Baron Kevin Baroni Laura A Barsano Richard Bartucca Jr Sumiran Basnet Nicholas Bates Jason Beard Kristen A. Beardall Melanie A Beaudoin LS Joseph Beaulieu Jamal B. Beck Kasey Beckendorf Kerri Bedrosian Chris Bellizzi Jillian T. Benn Ronald Benn Alisha Bennett LS Zachary Bogardus Christian Boileau LS Jana Janae Bonds LS Jameson Borey LS Christine Borsellino Prince A. Botchway Tarik Bounadar Nathan Bowser Connor Boyle Jessica Brackett LS Patricia Brandt Shannon Breton Candace Britten Raymond Britton Tracie Britton LS John Brochu Deborah Brooks LS Alyssa L. Brown Jared C. Brown DMD, ASL, LS Jessica Brown LS Marie Brown Monica N Brown Theodore Brown Sarah Bryan LS Robert F. Bryant LS Tiffany Bullis Shanond Bulsuk Trista M. Burchett Timothy Joseph Burns Shelby Burroughs LS Marco Bennett Beth A. Bursey LS Valencia BennettParchment LS Matthew Allen Bushnell Johnathan Buxton Talia Bercovitch-Adika Timothy D. Cade LS William J. Bernard-Biondo DMD, ASL Vanessa Ruiz Calderon Donna C. Berry LS Julie Bickford Bethany Bielefeld LS Frank Billeci Kristin A. Bilodeau Samantha J. Binning Tim Birckbichler LS Jillian Joyce Bishop LS Xhiliola Bistri Sheila Blair Darla Blakes LS Nickolas Anthony Calzaretta Victoria F. Cameron Robert R. Camire Wen Cao Calvin W. Cline Frederick V. Clore LS Nancy L. Cochran ASL Matthew Raymond Cohen Anthony Colaluca Mary Collier Sharon Comeau DMD Amy E. Conklin Michael Conrow DMD Courtney Cook Alice Cooper LS Jon Cooper Daniel Cordle Jeffrey Couto LS Stephanie Couture LS Drew Vincent Coveney Aaron Covey Pamela Card DMD Alicia M. Coviello DMD, ASL, LS David Carey Tyler William Crabtree Laura Carpenter LS Tiyaka Cradle Robert Carr DMD, LS Michele Critchley Arvin Manuel Carson LS Lynda Crocker LS Shaneka Carter LS Stephanie Crown Margaret Case Jessica Cruz Emily Cass Charles Cullinan DMD 62 Stephanie A. Deveau Jean Gontran Dicka Christine Dickinson Deepa Diddee Kelly Elizabeth Dietsch Bruce DiGioia LS Amanda T Dillon DMD, LS Michele A. Dionne Theresa Marie Diver DMD, LS Sue Dobbs Candace Dobert Liryc Donald DMD, LS Marisa Donegon LS Jerria DeAnn Donelson Bridget Elizabeth Donnelly LS Amanda Donovan LS Nichole Dontigney Christina Marie Dooley Padraic Doran Jo Lynn Dorman Melissa R. Doucette Odessa Downing Sheena Drummond LS Kris Ann DuBois DMD BUSINESS Tykia Duffie Bret Galbraith Richard G. Hart II Tanya Jefferson LS Elise Duguay DMD Crystal L. Gallo Marshall Jennings Christina Marie Duncan Kristin Garber Megan Elizabeth Haselden LS Ashley Dupler Michael A. Garcia Mujahid Sharief Hashim Ryan Paul Garcia LS Rachel Hasley LS Christopher Johns Renee Dzielak Carlos A. Echeverría Oscar Santiago García González Jason Hassey Alison K. Johnson DMD, ASL, LS Drew Hawkins LS Christy Sappington Johnson Christopher Gardiner Keisha Hayes Lloyd Johnson Thomas E. Garrepy LS Avia Haynes DMD, LS Leslie Jonas LS Stergiani Gasis LS Qianwen He Amanda Jones Jeremy Gaston Danyale Hegwood Byron Jones John E. Gates LS Seth Heiland Rose Jones Danny Gee Jessica L. Henault LS Leann Joseph Kyle Genereux DMD Michael Scott Henson LS Patrick Kambu Mbenza Phabiola Georges Melissa A. Hertell DMD, LS Jo Ellen Kano LS Pooja Ghate LS Antoniece Hester LS Shashi Karki Kelly Ann Giambra LS Ashley Hester LS Kathleen A. Kautz David H. Gibson Brock Matthew Hieger Kelly Ann Kearney Corey Girard Ashley Hin Raeann Keeley-Pellerin Jeremy Glennon Thomas Hoehle DMD, LS Daniel C. Kendall LS Brandon Goldman LS Jeremy Hofer Jennifer M. Kenney Sharon S. Goldsmith Antwan Lamont Holman Meghan Kenney DMD, LS Carolina Gomez Justin Thomas Holmes Echo L. Kent LS Kelly Ann Goodsell LS Jennifer Holt LS Nahib Khaji Mohammad Jennifer Gordon David Hood Jennifer S. Kidwell LS Sheena Gordon Jordan Matthew Hoover DMD, LS Aaron King LS Almarie Hopkins LS Bridgitte N. Kiprop LS Heba Edusei Canesha Edwards Demond Depree Edwards Pascal L. Ekanga Neveen A. El Gendy John I. Enagbare LS Stephen Eng LS Patricia Engel Alex Erickson LS Daniel J. Esdale DMD, LS Starlin E. Espejo DMD Lorraine Ann Evans Neil Evans Cheryl Everhart LS Oluwasayo D. Fadimu Jeremy Marc Fagelman LS Lindsey Fahey Ayodele Falokun LS Robert Fanciullo Rachel Faris LS Rebecca D. Farmer LS Robert Fatone Michelle Fernandes Michael Fernandez Adriane Marie Ferraro LS Matthew Richard Fichera Michael D. Finneral LS Meghan E. Fiore Valencia Florent LS Brian Flynn LS Kaye Figueroa Forcier Elisha Kay Ford TaKeesha S. Forman Anthony Foust Nissa Fowler Minden Fox LS Kelly Fredette Christin Freeman Travis Freeman LS Kimberly Frey Christopher N. Fritter LS Jesse Fromosky DMD, LS Cara Fuller Dianne C. Fuller Kevin Patrick Furlong DMD Nicoleta Iuliana Furman Scott Gagnon Russell David Gore Derek Gorneau LS Briana Marie Gosselin Christopher J Gosselin Erin Marie Gramza Lauren Greally LS Ronald Greco DMD, LS Geoffrey E. Green Richard Greene Dalisa Kaye Greenleaf Jennifer I. Greenwood Shavon Grimes Rachel Gross Jing Gu LS Derek J. Gugumuck DMD Joscar E. Guivas Fabery Lindsay Gunderson Sara Hackett Allie Hall Andrew Hall Jason J. Halvorson DMD Elizabeth Hamblett Haley Laura Hamel Brooke Hamler Catherine Hannon LS Lyndsay Harris Elizabeth Harrison LS Nathaniel Horton Ellen Houston-Pozek DMD Shacovia R. Howell Carlee Hoyt Shizhao Huang Rick Hubbert LS Latoshia Hubert Jeffrey Hudson Trevione Hudson LS Bobbi Jo Jensen LS Cher King Michael Joseph Kirylik Jr. Robert T. Kitami Bryan David Klinkhamer LS Matthew Klitus Amber N Klumb Jamie Knight Jody Knight LS Elizabeth R Koenig Adam Hughes Joette Lynn Kirschbaum Kofoot DMD, LS Victoria Hughes Effat Koushki Allyson Humphrey LS Lisa A. Kpotie LS Nithya Hyson Shannon Kreuziger Nadir Ibrakovic Katelyn M. Kumorek Nancy Ice Joann Kunz LS Linda A. Ikem Lorraine J. Lafleur Suliman Irfanullah Laura Lagman Gboya Iyayi Victoria G. Lajoie Gregory L Jack LS Natalie Lambert Jabari Jackson Jeffrey Lamkins Stellvonne Jackson Elizabeth Anne Lancaster Vashun Jackson Dianna Land Sebrinna Jameson DMD Christopher Langevin Blanca Estela JaureguiGonzalez LS Jessica Lanier LS Scott James Lantz 63 BUSINESS Philip E. LaTorre, Jr. Jatnna A. Marrero LS John Mooney Chrisley R. Ouanche Crystal M. Lavallee Kelly Marshall LS Elizabeth A. Moors Brandi Rene Pace LS Christopher A. Lavoie Leonard Bernard Martin Carrie Elizabeth Morel DMD Brandy Pagan LS Jeffrey M. Law LS James R. Martin Lauren Ashley Morgado Xing Pan LS Felisa Payne Lawrence Jean Martinez Michael John Morgan LS Lucille Pankhurst Nicholas L. Lawrence LS Lauren Mason Karen Lisa Moriarty LS Noelle Pantiliano Kimberly J. LeDay Andrew R. Mattarazzo Courtney Morris LS Carina Park Sarah A. Lee Joseph Matthews John R. Morris Scott Patey Jessica L. Lefavor Matthew Maurer William Morris Lindsey Patrick Anthony Leggett Janet T. May LS Gregory Morrisey Joshua Dalton Patton Jordan H. Lehtonen Jessica Mayo Clemons LS Jacqueline L Mortimer Katherine M. Peck Brenda Joyce Leighton LS Deidra A. Mazzurco LS Sabrina Villaranda McArthur Shanna Fields Mosby DMD, LS Mark Pelletier, Jr LS Ora M. LeMere DMD Rita Lemoine Colleen McCabe Daniel Moser Hillary Perron LS Patrick Leonard Patricia Ann McCafferty Amber Leslie David J. McCann Eric A. Lessard DMD Dietrik Shannel McClain Scott Alan Mottice Alexander F. Letvinchuk Amy Zedaker McCreary DMD, LS Matthew P. Mrnak Sheba Matrice PersonWhitley Tonny Mugera Ashley Elizabeth Peters Cantrel McDonald Dina Neema Mulindwa Ralph R. Peterson Richard S. McDonald LS Amy Mullen Scott Peterson Heather Anne McDougall Sandra Mullen LS Amber Petrizzo LS Corey McEachin Mary L. Mulligan Dennis Philip LS Timothy McGee Megan Murphy LS Angela Veronica Phillips Sean McKenna Gwendolyn Musgrave LS Blessing Pimpton LS John McKnight Sarah Myers LS Kristen Pitney LS Rebecca L. McLaughlin DMD, LS Anne Naedele Kimberly Ann Plam Michael Nagy Steven Plant Joseph Nardulli Trever Plant Michael Robert Nataloni Rachel Plowman Mulenga Ndhlovu LS Ben Podbielski Chijike K Ndukwu LS Robin Poland Elisa Ruth Nelson Benjamin Pollack Shrde L. Nelson LS Quartrina Porter John William Neville Stephanie Preddie Jazmine Rene Newsom Kelsey Prince Ernest Mfobujong Ngwa LS Lisa Prodywus Diakabana Joseph N'Gwanya Kimberly Lashelle Propst LS Tamarind A. Mertens Jon Nicholas Jared A. Provencher Kimberly J. Michel Kaijsa Elizabeth Nicinski Therese Provencher Tracey L. Migliaccio DMD, PTK Eric B. Noftall DMD Sharon P. Prudent LS Elizabeth Ramirez Jahon J. Miles Erin L. Norcross Marcus Norris Christopher Ramos Rachel M. Obert Jyothi Rao Ezeka Nnam Okafor Darleen R. Ratté DMD Samuel B. Olivier Elizabeth Raymond Alicia Olson LS Gregory Reed Aminatu Omotayo Jason Reed LS Jennifer L O'Neal Jordan Elizabeth Lake Remmes Erica M. Levesque Emily Lewis Yutong Li Hsin Tien Liao Marla F. Liddy Joseph Todd Lincoln Nicole Lindsay Nicholas Linebaugh Xin Ling Dore Linton Lisa Litcoff Liang Liu Samson Liu Kayla McNamara LS Brandon McPherson Reginald Dwain Meadows Xiaoxue Liu Monnie Leigh Southern Meads Zhengda Liu Monica Mena Jesse Livingston Aaron Mendez Sonja Locke LS Julia Anne Merchant LS Amanda Lopez Jason Mercier Omeka Lucas Christopher Benedict Merendino Jonathan Lupinelli DMD, LS Warren Ly Selina Lyman Sarah Gerns Machemer LS Sarah A. MacKinnon Timothy F. Madigan LS Melissa J. Magoon LS Ahmed D. Mahaba Kelly Elaine Mahn LS DeAndri Maitre Andrew Mann LS Joshua Manning Yuanxiang Mao Riva Margolies LS Justin Marino Molly Marino Gordon W. Miller Jonathan Miller Michael Anthony Minjares Kortney Minnich LS Krista Analyn Mitchell Michael Pereira Mohr LS Taylor Montagne Isaac Monts LS Michael Montville Michael Moody 64 Jennifer Mosley Katie Moss Shelly Orjuelo LS Michael Pelosi Richard Perron Chris Perryman Andrew Orndorff Elizabeth M. Renna Stanley Okiemute Orumah LS Megan Taylor Retter LS Gina M. Reppucci BUSINESS Mohamed Rfaida Michael Schmich Jamarkus Stewart Sherry L Valencik DMD Destiny Rhodes Valerie Schmidt Joseph Dewayne Stewart Cynthia M. Valentin DMD, LS Shannon Rice DMD, LS Maureen P. Schroeder LS Erica Storck Agnes Valentine DMD Zachary A. Richards DMD Craig Schumann LS Richard Stowe Ashley Valentine LS Kenya D. Richardson Lindsey L. Scribner David L. Stuart, II Kimberly J. Valimont Ronald E. Richardson LS Robin L. Scully Linda Stukenberg Devin Van Balen Katherine Riley Benjamin Seale Michael Anthony Suk III Abigail Van Gelder Luis A. Rios Jacqueline Sebastian Juliana Summers LS Maksim Verenich Lourdes Riva Samantha Sebell Tianqi Sun Melissa Lynn Vermette LS Jamie Rivera Debra Seidel Richard Swan LS Myriam C. Victor LS Robert A. Rizzitano Kristen Selig Kirstin Swankie LS Timothy D. Villemaire LS Amanda Robbins LS Jill L. Servant LS Kristen Swanson John Vincenzi LS Tracy M. Robbins Neha Setlur Christopher J. Swierad Roberto Viquez Brittany M. Roberts LS Neil David Seymour DMD, LS Jason Szafarski Paul Anthony Vitantonio Jeana Nichelle Roberts LS Sarah Shagloof Ryan Tacy LS Loan T. Vu Christina Robertson Rachel Lyn Sharp Linda Takac LS Elmina Oroma Waka Celecia Denice Robinson Linsey Shaw DMD David Talbot Lee Adam Waldvogel Erica Robinson Emily Sheehan Michael Tchir LS Donnella Nicole Walker John Robinson Corey Sherbino Sofiane Tergou Kwamina Wallace Nathaniel L. Robinson Sarah Elizabeth Sherer Leah Terrasi Sparkal Latisha Wallace Jose Rodriguez Bryant Shewmaker Jillian Tesoro-Dickey Bretton Marie Walsh Scott Rogerson LS Haoyan Shi Justin Thames Jessica J. Walshaw Jessica L Romero LS Brittany Shirley Contrecia Tanyae Tharpe Carlos Otis Washington II Raul Rosa Laura Shook Tiffany Kay Thiel Rebecca C. Watts Kara Rose Laura Margaret Short LS Anthony S. Thomas, Jr. LS Charles Way Lora A Rose Si Si Ashley Thomas Dara E. Rosen Fatumata Sidibeh Jasmine Thomas Phasinee Weerakunwatana LS Gregory J. Royce DMD Marion T. Simmons Kelly A. Thomas LS Allison Ruffino Lyndie-Lee C. Simpson LS Shaun Connor Thomas LS Rose L. Ruggiero DMD, LS Tara Sitienei Thomas Thomas Christiane Russ Joshua Skubon Tonya M. Thomas Maryellen Dawson Russell LS Caitlin Smith Robert Allen Thornburg Timothy Ryan LS Jason E Smith Derico Tilley Matthew Cody Smith LS Jennifer A. Tisdale ASL, LS Susan Elizabeth Smith Katherine Elaine Tompkins William Smith John Toto LS Brett Snavely Kyle William Tracy Scott Snively Brian Tremp Jason Alan Sohnen LS Greg Holbert Troupe LS Wendy Lynn Soliz LS Jared Trudel Federica Sotgiu DMD, LS Julie Anne Truitt DMD, LS Grisbell Soto ASL, LS Emily D. Tufts DMD, LS Rachel A. Sousa DMD Leah Turner Kevin Spencer LS Leslie Tuthill LS Paul William St Amand Lauren Twitchell LS Derrick C. Stanfield Kivoi Kateryna Tychkovska Kimberly Starbard Philip H. Tye Jr. Tanisha Statham Christopher Tyson Cameron Stevens Eimy Ulate Ericka L. Stevens LS Lee-Ann Urquhart Amanda Michelle Stewart DMD Maryfrances Uzowulu LS Amy E. Stewart Karen Vaillancourt Rajani Sade Angela Sailsbury Samah Saleh DMD, LS Daniel W. Saltalamacchia Nicholas Sama Casper Sanders Vanessa Sanderson LS Nathan T. Sandoval LS Aravind Sri Sai Prasad Sankaramanchi Michele Santorelli Nicole M. Sanville LS Deborah R. Sargent Nuntanat Satchua Jordan Saunders LS Cynthia Jeanne Savoia Joshua A. Schaidt LS Allegra Schell LS Michael Schmer Brendon K. Vachon Lindsey Wentzel Elisabeth Wenzel LS James Wesby Willis Whalen Bridgette White Cheryl W. White James H. Whitten Mary Whitten Joseph Widman Adrian Ezel Williams Alyssa Ashley Williams Amy Williams DMD, LS Carrie Renee Williams Charlotte Williams Elliot Williams Evalyn Williams Jennifer Williams Rashaad E. Williams Trista Kyrsten Ingrid Williams Fiona Y. Williams-Linton Jennifer Willoughby Stefanie Wills Amy Wilson Booker Thomas Wilson Jr. Jeanne M. Winfree DMD, LS 65 BUSINESS Mark Winkel Gavin Jacobs Mark Adair * LS Nader Alsultan Brad T Winton Tanner Jordan Ahmed Aly Kenyan Wise Jarrett Lambert *** Jessica Adcock *** DMD, ASL, LS Victoria A. Wiseman Karen Mathieu-Astley * Lance Addair DMD, ASL, LS Kelly McMillan Emmanuel Kwasi Adu LS Nicholas A. Amadei Heather M. Wittnebel LS Christiana Wood Kristyn Plumpton McShane ** Grace Agendia Rosa E. Agosto ** James Mercurio Nathalie Aguila Amy Northam ** LS Heather Ahern Linda Papin-Zairi LS Danielle Akers Mary Lynnette Anderson *** DMD, LS David Paulson Oluwaseun Akinkuolie LS Michael Anderson *** LS Amorette Perez Diandra M Akkasian ** LS Morgan Anderstrom LS Giovanni B. Porras Nora Alabi Curlyne Andrew LS Taylor S Reed Abdullah K. Alaboudi Andrea R. Andrews Kevin Rodgers Turky Alaboudi Ivanna Alfonso Angel LS Hannah Ross Mohammed A. Alajmi Allison M. Anthony Andrea D. Shackford Ahmed M. Alanazi David Joseph Armstrong Cassandra Shmarian Felisha Albert Jill M. Armstrong ** LS Alisia Simon Stephen P. Albert Robert D. Armstrong * Richard Smith * LS Matthew Albritton Nicolas Arriola ** Deanna Zanella Katherine Loughnane David E. Alcantara Malin Dinuk Arseculeratne Keturah-Kishon Zapotechne LS William E. Via, Jr. *** ASL, LS Jedd Ivar Alcantara Christina Arsenault Veronica Vinci LS Nouf Sulaiman Aldakhil Lee Arzuaga DMD, ASL, LS Carlos Michael Yado Ashley Woodard LS Robin Elizabeth Woods Autumn Woodward Michael Wragge Shuhao Wu Yueliang Xi Jiachong Xu Nancy Ling Xue Xue Yang Ying Ye Qian Yi Xizi Yin Caitlin Yorty Christopher Zabala LS Osama Zghoul Naif Alyawar Edgar Ambroise Desiree C. Amers * LS Daniel Anderson Denise C. Anderson Darin Alexander Cindy Ashforth * Jiewen Zhang Audie Alexandre LS Dana Nicole Askins * Lin Zheng Abeer M. Alghunaim Clever Akhimien Atanode Abdulkarim Alharthi Eric J. Aube * Yina Zhou Bachelor of Business Administration Kristen Zuazo LS Laura Zurbach Bachelor of Applied Science Donovan T. Burleigh Brody Andrew Glidden Bachelor of Arts Sharon Michele Adamo * John M. Boyd Bana Bassam Aljalaghi Fay Aucella LS Frank Benjamin Agurto Rios Meshari L. Aljish Mary Audino Juan Diego Barrientos Del Aguila Abdullah A. Alkassem Andres Avella Jonathan Allain *** LS Gary S. Aviles DMD, ASL, LS Carolyn Allaire Amir Azar David Ronald Allaire Robert Babot ** Katie Allen * LS Bach Khanh Hoa Tim Allerdice LS Yoonah Bae Mackenzie R. Allis Massiel Baez Belen Holly Allman Lara T. Bailey *** DMD, ASL, LS Lina María Buitrago Arévalo Daniela Cervantes Alvarez Xingjian Chen Alonso Gallardo Malásquez Fan Jiang Yiqian Liang Tao Meng Bruno Andre Migone Tarazona Ali Almakhalas Fahad S. Almojel Daniel Breault *** Maria Fernanda Rocio Miranda Chavez Pedro Almonte LS Aubree Burkholder LS Xiaoge Pang Ryan Burns Mohammed S. Alnefesah * Elina M. Soreby ** Brittany Clendenning Raid M. Alnemer Huangyifan Wu Annmarie Elizabeth Corea *** DMD Meshal A. Alnowaissir ** Luis Ricardo Zegarra Marcelo Saud Alotaibi Douglas K. Diller Lona DuVall Kyle Elko LS Erin Fillion ** LS Tabatha Giraldi John Hawley Hector Hernandez *** Saleh A. Almunif Khalid G. Alotibi Bachelor of Science Yaser Alrafdi Fahad A. Alrusayyis Richard M. Abbiati ** Naif H. Alsaleem Jennifer Abbinanti *** LS Rami Alshaikhi Jennifer Abbott Mansoor N. Alsharif Omar G. Abdul Khalek * Khary A. Alston LS Anthony J. Aceto Saleh I. Alsugair 66 McKayla L. Baird ASL Debra A. Baker *** DMD, ASL Emily Baker Jennifer Baker Meghan R. Baker LS Linn Baranowitz * James R. Barbour ** Justin R. Barcomb ** Michelle R. Barnhart *** PTK Denise L. Barone * Robert John Barrows Derek Bartlett Dawn Bates Mary Bates LS BUSINESS Bryan Batewell * Lauren E. Boland ** Sao Mai Bui Karen Cassady LS Darby A. Batjer Martina Bond Thanh Hai Bui * Edward Caswell Jr. * LS Jessica Batson Janet Bonesteel *** DMD, ASL Madina Bukebayeva Jessica R. Caswell * Michael Bongiovanni Fredrick D. Buker Ian Catenzaro Brandon Bullock Evan Reid Catlett *** Derek J. Bunner Chris T. Cavanaugh Robert Buonanno Darcey Cawley Ashly Burdick CS Randy Chalmers ASL, LS Jason Burgess Colette A. Charpentier Claire Burkard Martina M. Charpentier Michelle Burke *** Ross Charpentier Jordan E. Buse * Ashley Chase *** LS Bryan Butac Michael Chase * Brandon R. Butler Traci Cheeseman Steven R. Butler * Xi Chen Muhammad Kaleem Butt ** Justin Cherchio ** LS Courtney Ann Caccavelli Joseph A. Chest LS Michael Cahill Teresa Tevy Chey Jin Cai Chia Shi Wah * Amanda Dawn Cairns * LS Benjamin Leonard Chiampa III ** Michelle Lee Bauer *** Tyrrannie Baugh-Thomas Kevin Joseph Baumgartner *** DMD, CS Salvador A. Bonilla Amanda Baxter LS Seth A. Bouchard Brian Joseph Beach *** Laura L. Boudreau *** DMD Sarah P. Beattie-Brothers Nathan R. Boudreau * Norman P. Beaudoin ** Stephen Boudreaux, Jr. Toni Leah Beck Kristina Bourque Denise Becker *** LS Olivia W. Bourque ** Bryan J. Bedard Alexander D. Bousquet *** Kyle E. Beebe OO, CS Jarad A. Bowen Everett N. Begor III Martin William Boyer * LS Megan Belanger Serouj Hagop Bozawglanian LS Renae Bell LS Robert Eric Belton LS Roman Belyayev * Hannah Bemis ** Maria I. Borgatti Laura M. Bradbury Steven D. Bradley Jr *** DMD, ASL, LS Erica Braga James V. Caisse Jason Brailey Amy E. Calabria Keith Brandon Connielynn Kay Camacho Danielle Braun Hugo C. Camacho Kevin James Bray Jr. * Laura Cambria *** LS Kenneth Brayton Donna L. Camire Adam Brick LS Thi Kim Quyen Cao Laurie Bridges Jennifer Nilda Capasso Kristin Rose Briere Anthony Capozzoli Cameron Briscoe LS Joseph M. Caputo Nathaniel Brisson * LS Nicki Cardenas Adam F. Brizuela Luis Cardozo David Brodman ** ASL, LS Michael Caretta Kimberly Brooks ** LS Lori J. Carignan Richard Brough Jr Kelsey J. Carnell Heather Brown * Timothy Ryan Carney Shannon Biles * LS Joanne Brown * Kelsey J. Carpenter Matthew James Bilodeau Sr. ** LS Michael J. Brown ** LS Alisha Carpino Molly Anne Brown Jacqueline Carr LS Saleh M. Bin Sanqar Nicholas Brown LS Jeffrey R. Carr Talal Bin Zafar Rebeccah Brown LS Jennifer Carte Zachary Adam Biri ** LS Ronald Brown * Alyshia Carter Michael Everett Bisbee * Gwen Elaine Browning LS Clay Carter *** Chris Bisson Allan Michael Bruce Jill Carter ** Scott M. Blackmar *** Tamara Brummund ** Pamela Carter Shannon M. Blaser Gregory P. Bryan Vicki A. Carter Marcus J. Coleman John Blessing Jenna Bryant ** DMD, ASL, CS, LS Erica Lynn Cartier ** DMD, CS Tiffany Coleman LS Ronald Collier Eugene Bryer * LS Katharyn G. Caruso * Ashley M. Collins *** David P. Buchanan III Nicole Caruso Beth O. Collins Joanne Michele Buchanan Samantha Caruso Jason R. Collins Jonathan Daniel Buehler ** Nathan Carvalho Joseph Patrick Collins Hanh Mai Bui Daniel Cary *** Ronald Collins Wanda Benjamin Katie Bennett *** DMD, LS Tiffany Bennett LS Morganne A. Bent Amy Bergen Peter J. Bernard-Biondo ** PTK, ASL, LS Eileen Bertera ** LS Dennis M. Bertocchi Jr. Matthew Bertrand ** LS Deven K. Berube DMD Tiffany Bevis Shantanu Bhatia Eric D. Bickford LS Derek Biedermann *** Jennifer Bieri Jennifer Blum * LS Steven Bobish Evan R. Bodi *** DMD, CS Lori Bogan * LS Kimberly Boisvert *** Mihir Chikani LS Mukti Chikani *** LS Kok Foo Chin Matthew Chirico Daehyuk Choi * Sesol Choi *** Yong Heng Choong Stephen Chopik Alexander C. Christensen Ayax Christopher Hyunjun Chu ** Leah M. Chukwu Jean L. Cioffi Jarod A. Cipriano Lauren Cipriano Autumn Cheyenne Clark * LS Vicki L. Clark ** ASL John J. Clary ** Christopher W. Clayton * Adam Clous * Wanda Cloutier * LS Aaron Cochrane ** Joseph P. Coffey Katina M. Coffin 67 BUSINESS Shannon Carmela Collins Amina Custovic Robert Diaz Austyn M. Eldridge Willard J. Collura * Trumaine D. W. Cyprian Edward C. Dickens Jr. Nicole M. Elias Kerry Coluntino Melissa Dalton LS James Diggins ** Tanisha R. Elston Christopher Michael Condie Kevin Dant * LS Amina A. Dima Justin Patrick Emerick Stephen Condo David Dapp *** ASL Sheri Dinh Rayanne Emerson * Melisa K. Condon * Samantha Darr *** Nicolas M. DiMare Michael J. Emigh Paige Condra *** Dilamar Dasilva Dominic P. DiMarzo Lester Endo Jr. Kara Conkey ** Peter F. Dauten * DMD Kelly Dingman Samantha M. England *** Kerry N. Conlin Connor Hoey Davenport DMD, ASL, LS Thi Gam Dinh John Henry Eppler *** Kristi Davie *** Annette Laurie Dion LS Richard Estabrook *** Joseph W. DiRusso Desiderio Estrada Mark D. Dobek ** CS Heather L. Evans David Doebrick Peter A. Evans Jennifer M. Doherty LS Rhonda L. Evans ** LS Christopher Dohn *** DMD, ASL, LS Amaounda Eveillard Kathleen Donahue Ryan Scott Fake Jillian Jacqueline Connolly * Michelle Connolly ** LS Samantha Conroy ** J.A. Patrick Considine LS Michael Constantine Jason Constantino Theresa R. Conticchio *** DMD Felicia M. Conway ** Michael L. Cook Nicholas S. Cook Laura Chantal Cooley Sugeyri Coons * LS Matthew Cooper Quincy Coovert *** Rachel Ann Copeland LS Ellyse Corbeil * LS Nicole Cordaro Joseph R. Corey ** Nancy L. Corti ** LS Nathan Cote Olivia M. Cotroneo * Joseph M. Couillard *** Andrew Coulter LS Dana Courtemanche * LS Elizabeth Marie Couto ** DMD, CS Jacob L. Couturier Jason Coye Donna Craig Michelle Craw LS Kenneth Creech *** Michael J. Cresta *** DMD, LS Brittian Davis LS John A. Davis * LS Mark Davis Michele C. Davis *** DMD, ASL, LS Ryan Christopher Davis ** Scott J. Davis Lauwana Davis-Hobley Shannon Davison * Scotti Daw Chelsea Dawson ** Matthew Dawson *** DMD, ASL, LS Scott Day Michele Dean *** DMD, ASL, LS Thi Hong Phuong Dong ** Christopher Dooley * Derek Dooley Michelle L. D'Orazio Austin J. Doucette Chase Dougherty Anthony Douthit LS Lindsey Paige Dowling * Nathan A. Dowling Anthony Faikus ** LS Andree Falardeau Patricia Faraci LS Marc Farnsworth LS David E. Fay III Matthew Feela Anthony R. Feldman * Andreá N. Femino ** LS Shanchuan Feng DMD Nicholas C. M. DeAndrade ** CS Jason Doyle Nichole Corrine Ferguson *** DMD, ASL Jennifer Dragon *** Kianna Fernandes Jonathan R. Dearborne Wendy Eve Drake LS Jesse Fernandez LS Shanice Maria Drysdale ** Lorenzo Ferrari Jennifer DuBois LS Carlos Ferreira LS Constance Dubuc * Adam C. Ferrucci ** DMD, CS Joseph W. DeKock ** LS Thomas Lewis Dufort *** DMD, ASL, LS Melis Fettahoglu Meghan Elizabeth Delaney *** DMD, CS Stephanie Dukes * James B. Finn Trevor Dearden Bethany E. DeBenedictis Bianca Defreitas Battersby LS David Delevan Ashley Deluca Lisa Demarse ** Taryn Demato *** Alicia Demmer ** LS Christopher Dennis *** DMD, ASL, LS Cleve Dunn Jr. Deborah A. Dunne Thi Thuy Linh Duong Michelle E. Dupere * Jason Durant Tyler D. Durant *** DMD, CS Scott R. Duross Brynna Fincher LS Rebecca Fiore Joshua D. Fischbein ** LS Pamela D. Fisher ** LS Erin E. Fitzgerald * Maranda Fitzgerald ** Sean D. Fitzpatrick ** LS Kerri L. Flanagan Joseph T. DeProfio Adam J. Dwyer LS Paul J. Derosa William J. Dwyer LS Lauren Cross LS Bradley Robert Derrickson ** Andrew Dyer *** DMD, LS Andrea Crowell Alicia M. DeSantis Ryan P. Crump LS Eva Dymek * Justin Desfosses Cory D. Cruse Ashley Nicole Eason LS Ronald Desmarais ** LS Courtney C. Culver Philip A. Easterwood Graziela Flores Vedana *** DMD Robin L. Despard ** Caitlyn Cummings LS Melissa J. Eaton * DMD Courtney L. Flynn *** LS Dawn Deveaux Breanna Cunningham Monica L. Edrington Jeffrey A. Fontaine Amanda Devriendt Paige M. Curry Seth Eisenrod Caryn Foo Vitaly V. Deykin Everette Ekeoba Durianna Foo Sook Teng Brian R. Cronin Nathan Crosby 68 Brent Dykstra *** Dennis W Flanders Lisa Flees * LS Caroline E. Fleming *** DMD Jennifer M. Flewelling ** Michael Ruben Flores * LS BUSINESS Kathryn L. Gladis *** DMD, CS Cat Lam Ha Kristina Rachelle Henlen LS Andrea Glenn Kathryn Hadeka Anthony J. Hennessy William Hadeka Brendan F. Hennessy Sharon Hagenow William Hergott * Candice Hahn Clark ** LS Amilcar Hernandez LS Michael Haines Glorisell Hernandez Zachary P. Goldstein Christopher R. Hakes ** DMD Rosa Hernandez Andrew Gomes Christina M. Hale Renee Marie Gomez LS Tyler M. Hall Sarah Virginia Hertig LS Tara Gomez Theodore D. Halperin Amy Gonzalez ** LS Devon J. Halvorson Denise Gonzalez ASL Charly A. Hambrick Marlon Gonzalez Christopher R. Hamilton Oliva De La Paz Gonzalez ** Jongsuk Han Matthew D. Higgins *** DMD, ASL, LS Jamae B. Fusilier Jerome Goodboe ** LS Sean P. Handley Alexandra Hill * James Frank Gabrione * DMD, CS Sean Goodell ** LS Steven Lucas Haney Christopher Hill LS Allan Goodwin ** ASL, LS Tyler Hanides * Holly Hill LS Cole Gadwah Gerald C. Gorbey David Hanna * LS Jeanne Hill LS Amy Gaffney *** Andrew Gordon LS Maureen D. Hannan ** DMD Jeffrey T. Hill Lindsey Renee Gage William W. Gordon III LS Lisa Hansen ** PTK, LS Alissa Hillard LS Matthew P. Gagnon CS Zena Gordon *** LS Sven Hansen LS Chi Sang Ho Neil Gagnon *** CS Brian Tyler Gore LS Christy Harden * Brian Hoadley * Lisa M. Gailunas Jaime Gott * Jarodd Hargis Thi Kieu Anh Hoang* Lindsey Gale * Matthew Gould Madeline Harig ASL, LS Pamela Hodge LS Marissa Gallegos LS Stephanie H. Goulet Leigh Anna Harken Marie-Josee Hodson Gan Ka Young Ian Hunter Gove * Ashley Harris Jenee Hoffman *** LS Jacob M. Garbarz Lauren Gowdy LS Maribeth Garcia Rebecca Gragson Benjamin C. Harris *** DMD, AC Michael A. Hoffman *** DMD Miyah Lavon Garcia * Heather A. Grant Jin Harris *** Karen S. Hoffmann Kiesha Garner ** Kati Grass *** LS Maylene Harris * Karessa Coralea Holbert LS Jake Garrett Robert Graves Mitchell Bo Harris Joseph C. Holden Kathy Garvin LS Leslie A. Gravito Tonya Harris *** Jovelyn Serna Gatbonton *** DMD, ASL, LS Jordan Gray * DMD Nika Latrese Annette Hollingsworth LS Ann Gauthier Yolanda A. Green Stefan Foo Marvin A. Forcum LS Nicholas W. Foti Suzanne Foust Brittany Fox Lisa Fox Lee Foxton ** LS Cecily Rae Francis Meriah Franklin ** Holly Lynn Franz Christina Franzosa Bradley Freeman Alison Mckenzie Fregeau * Allen W. Friling * Michael Frosch Derek M. Gelineau * James Gentry LS Christine George Stephanie A. George ** PTK Josh R. Godbout Kristie Godin Ryan M. Godin * Brett Godshall * Madeline Green Olivia Greene *** LS Chealsey Greenwood LS Melissa Greenwood *** Jessica J. Harrison Hannah Hartwell Haley Beth Haskins *** Jason Haslam Shawn Hasley * CS Sarah Hassett Jeffrey William Gregory Sophia Hatch Ronald J. Haverty * Jesse J. Gerry Dawn P. Grencik *** DMD, ASL, LS Douglas Hawley LS Kelly Gersch LS Marianna Grgic * David Ross Healey LS Hope N. Gessic LS Bridget Grieve ** LS Shamnee Gewa Srisangar Shannon E. Griffin *** DMD, PTK, ASL, CS, LS Tonya Marie Heatley DMD, LS Heather A. Gerres *** LS Kevin Gibbs Jonathan Giglio *** Michelle K. Gilbert Julie Giles ** Alice Girouard *** DMD, ASL, LS Daniela Maria Giugea Janice Givens Matthew A. Hebert LS Janene Christina Hersey Lisa Hewitt Michele Heyde *** Derek M. Higgins LS Jacqulyn R. Higgins ASL Christopher C. Hollins DMD Amanda L. Holmes *** ASL, LS Danika Holmes *** George D. Holmes Karen P. Holmes ** LS Dorlene Holness ** Ashley Hood Sara Hooper Ashley Jordan Horn Kristi-Lee E. Horne Crystal Horning *** DMD Evan B. Horvath Russell Grindle Marianne Hedderick Lynn Groenhoff **LS Allison Heed ** Andrea J. Guarriello Laurie Heidel * Krista Guerra Ryan R. Helie Audrey Hough ** LS Daniel Steven Guillen Jr DMD, ASL, LS Nicole Helmen-Hendricks LS Julia Houghton Antal Erin Houle ** LS Shaun Guimond Diego F. Henao Brittany R. Houlihan * Elizabeth M. Guthrie *** Thomas Henderson Emma C. Houlihan * CS Julie Horzsa ***LS Irvin Hoskins LS 69 BUSINESS Johnathen Houston * CS, LS Aaron Johnson * Kristine Elizabeth Killion Ashley Langer ** Christine Howard ** CS Ashley M. Johnson Sulki Kim * Troy C. Langevin LS Lorene Howard Dietrich Johnson Taeyong Kim Jared Langlinais Steven M. Howard ** LS Eric D. Johnson Jayme Kimball *** CS, LS Anthony P. Laperriere Matthew Howes Erica Johnson Sokna Kimsoung Katherine Hoyt * Joshua Johnson *** LS Mananga Kindambu LS Brenda L. Laplante *** DMD, ASL, LS Thomas Patrick Hoyt Julie Johnson * LS Brittany King Audie L. Hudnell Kristen Marie Johnson Jamie King Brian Hudson Latisha Johnson Mary Caryne King *** CS, LS Kortasia D. Hudson Lori L. Johnson LS Matthew King ** Eric W. Huebner Nicole Johnson LS Tracy Teresa King *** DMD Tristyn Huet-Heart * Richard D. Johnson LS Robert D. Kintigh LS Chantelle Hughes LS Nicole L. Jolicoeur Leann Kipp ASL, LS Jennifer Hughes *** DMD, LS Amy J. Jones Ian S. Kipperman LS Lori Hughes ** Kayla Jones * LS Rebecca Kirk Mikyung Hughes Keith Allen Jones ASL Steven John Kitson *** Matthew J. Hurley William D. Jones LS Tiffany Kiyemba Anh-Duy Huynh Ta-Licia Jones-Clark LS Paul Klasges ** LS Joohee Hwang ** Cynthia Jordan ** Benjamin Klein ** DMD, ASL Linda Icenhower Jodi Jordan * Roxanne Klein * DMD Prince Iheme Gregory M. Jordheim Jennifer Lynn Kline Krystyna Ray Martinez Ilagan * LS Jimmy Lee Joyner Jr. Jessica Anne Knox LS Kianga Ingram * John Paul Justice Chriskanth C. Kolluri Lynn Jutras LS Anastasia Koniali ** Nebil A. Kabir ** Jason Michael Koterba * Kabeya J. Kabongo Mujo Krestalica Syabil Amirul Kamarulzaman Veronica V. Krol * Kathryn Ann Kane Ian Kroll * Jacqueline J. Kania Geoffrey Krumwiede * LS Brian A. Kaplan Marcin Krupa Ponggiannan Karappanan Yeowool Ku * Leah Kassed DMD, LS Molly Sarah Kuketz Danielle Kay * Kandan A/L K. Vasan Kunju Preston J. Keable ** LS Nancy F. Labarre *** Patrick J. Keenan Elizabeth H. LaBelle Tony Keene LS Brian Labossier Dimitri R. Kellan * LS Nathan Lachance *** DMD, ASL, LS Bradley Irby Muhammad I. Jabbar Myriam Nahla Mahmoud Jaber Zaina Z. Jabri ** LS Allison R. Jackson Jessica Jackson * LS Linda Jackson * Christina Jacobi Amy Jacobs *** Matthew Jacobs Stephen Jacques ** Eudes J. James Michele James ** Jeffrey C. Jamgochian Llazar Janko LS Brittney January Matthew C. Jarmon Evelyn C. Jarvis Lisa Jastremsky Joshua Jeffreys Alissa Rachel Jelley Christopher M. Jenard Damon B. Jenkins Jr. Eric Einor Jensen ** ASL, LS Sophie M. Jewell Yi Jiang Tarrell D. Jiles *** DMD, LS Blake Johnsgard Maria G. Keller ** Monica Striegel Keller Joel M. Kelley Michael Kelley *** Brendan Kelly Bryanna J. Kelly Nicole Marie Kelly ** DMD, ASL, LS Tracy Michelle Kelly *** ASL Jennifer Kennedy Matthew Kennedy LS Krystopher Kenney * ASL Shaun T. Keough Lilian Sharmini Kesavamani Shoaib Khan LS Thuzar Khine * 70 Dustin M. Ladd Angela Lallier ** LS Lam Seang Ling Jennifer Lamason Alicia LaPorte Rosy Lara Tiffany Lashay Jeremy J. Latorre Sean Laura * LS Melissa Lavadour Courtney Ann Lawson * CS Minh Le Thi Hong Ngoc Le Duc Viet Le Zachary R. LeBarron Monica Louise Leclair Brandy Lee LS Hyungho Lee ** Wai Chen Lee Woongjin Lee Yen-Chih Lee DMD, ASL, LS Yeunsoo Lee * Cheryl Lefler *** DMD, ASL, LS Elizabeth A. Legendre Kenny Legge DMD, ASL, LS Alec J. Lemay * Cameron R. Lemire * Dawn Lemmon ** Lisa J. Lesinsky ** LS Adriana M. Lett Sasha Letusick Jayne Leuang Van Darice Lewis Jennifer Lewis Zhongyu Liang Sheldon Li-A-Ping Abigail Liberato Yee Wei Liew Hyeonwoo Lim * Erika Lamb Jin Huan Lim Ashleigh J. Lambert *** DMD, CS Joey Lim ** Linda Linscott Ian Lambert LS Becky Litchfield * LS Kristina Lampkin * Robert Allen Little LS Joshua Lampman Yikeng Liu Corey J. Landry Tatiana Livermont ** Scott Lane Eric J. Liwanag * LS Charles Lang Kendra Lloyd Jennifer Langan ** Adjani Loaiza Vincent J. Langella Sydney Locke * BUSINESS Ashley Lockett Lyndsey Marciezyk * Kara L. McKinnon *** DMD George Robert Moore Ashley H. Loft * Ahlandra Kate MarkKimbrell Paul M. McLamb III ** Jonathan Moore Rebecca L. McLaren ** CS Nathan W. Moore Michael McManus Terrence Jerel Moore Bonnie McNair * LS Devinne Moran *** Amberly McNeill Liam M. Moran Patrick McNew Lisa Moreau *** LS Kaitlin Meddaugh ** Amparo Moreno Nicole Ann Mede * CS James Morgan IV LS Nicola B. Menapace Connor W. Morisseau Emile Menard Christina Morita *** Katherine L. Menard Brian Morris Megan Menard *** DMD Ronny S. Morris *** DMD, ASL, CS, LS Kyle E. Logan James P. Long Cindy Lopera Chia Lor Taylor Markland *** DMD Jillian Marks Jennifer Marra * Kevin Lorcher ** DMD, CS Jennifer Marshall *** Royal D. Lost His BlanketStone Jr. LS Tamar Marson Patricia J. Martel ** ASL Daniel R. Lough Eric Martin Jessica Love George M. Martin III DMD, ASL, LS Reid C. Loveland *** Laurie Jean Lovell *** DMD, ASL, LS Jarrel Martin Clare Lowry Robin Harrell Martin ** Robert D. Lumbard Barbara Martinez Alex B. Lundwall Gerald Rocha Martinez Amanda Lupkin LS Juany Martinez * Sarah Lux Cameron P. Masse Michelle S. Ly * Morgan Massengale *** Kolu Lynch Charles Massey ** Joshua D. Lynn Kenya Massey Chad J. Mabey Nicholas Massucco Jaime MacDonald Ariele Bryn Matthes Casey Joseph Macfarlane Katie A. Matthews Heather L. Machia Anna R. Mattson Kymberlie MacIas Amy Louise Maxwell Scott A. MacKenzie DMD Viktoria M. Maxwell LS Ryan M. MacLean *** DMD, ASL Tanya Mayhew *** LS Cameron M. MacLeod Courtney P. Mazyck Danielle Madden ** LS Kuumba Imani Madison Lawrence G. Maestas Nicholas Magliochetti * LS Katrina Magri Tyla Megan Mahon ** Michael Martin Anthony Mayo *** Megan McAlister Joseph C. McCarthy Kevin McCarthy Tanner McCaw Kim McClain Korey L. Mahone-Crespi Christopher McCollor ASL, LS Nickie Maia Jesse McCulloch Jennifer Maillard LS Sean J. McCusker Robert E. Mairs ** LS Brian McDaniel Jana Malette *** ASL, LS Anthony McDonald Yulia Malkova Robbert McDonald Scott Malone LS Brittani McDonough Lina Mancini Margaret E. McGovern ** DMD Joseph S. Mangiameli, III CS Brendan M. Mann * LS Erin Mannarino ** ASL, LS Melissa Manni William P. Manning Stephanie A. Mansour LS Stacia Maphis DMD Andrew D. Marais Cassandra Mendez Guillermo E. Mendez Shernette Mendez LS Crysta Menezes *** Daniel Walter Merkel LS Fernando Mesa LS Javier Mesa Salvatore Messina Marc S. Michel Cassaundra M. Midura Austin Douglas Miett * LS Zachary John-Taylor Migneault LS Tricia L. Milano Alison Autumn Miller CS, LS Melissa A. Miller ** Sara J. Minahan Kevin M. Miner * Samantha Mingace Mark Mingachos * Tonya Mintz Roberto Miro Lloyd M. Mitchell Jr. Teresa Mitchell Jason Q. Moehle Bonnie Skidds Moeller * LS Sambea D. Moleka Brendan J. Monagle Taylor Marie Monahan Evan A. Morton ** Fahad S. Mosallam Samar S. Mosallam *** DMD, CS Kendra Moses * Erin Mosher Penny L. Mosley *** LS William J. Mullaney Eduardo Munoz Curtis Paul Munsey Dawn B. Munson DMD, ASL Daniel J. Murphy Justin Murphy ** Nora Murphy LS Jessica Murray David Mushimba * LS David Mwangi Alison J. Myers Mervat Nabulsi *** Nahal R. Namazi ** CS Christine A. Nance LS Justin M. Napolitano *** LS Jillian E. Naro Aaron Neal Sara-Elizabeth Gaynor Nealon Zoe E. Neary * Gina Nellums Megan Monarch Cheyenne Nicole Nelson DMD Anthony T. Monetta ** Andrien Nepper Jessica Monnard Brian Lima Neves Keri L. McGowan *** Lisa M. Monroe Sarah Newman Melissa McIlmail ** LS Danielle Renee Montalto Choi Teng Ng Jesse McIlveen *** DMD Synthia Marie Montanez *** Ju Hung Ng Marie McKenzie * Carlos J. Montelongo Duc Anh Nguyen Solomon A. McKenzie Johanna Montoya * Thi Lan Anh Nguyen Sean D. McKillop Jun Hao Moo Duy Dat Nguyen Raymond J. McKinley Ashley Moore *** LS Thi Hong Ha Nguyen Alexa McKinnon Christopher Moore ** LS Ngoc Quynh Hoa Nguyen * 71 BUSINESS Ngoc Linh Nguyen Kelsey A. Opel Lawrence Picard Devondria L. Ray Mai Hong Nguyen *** Rebecca E. O'Reilly Cassie Lynn Pickle *** Kathryn J. Raymond Thi Nhai Nguyen Zachary J. O'Rourke OO Hannah Rae Pierce * Lorna Reece Trung Thanh Nguyen Alfred J. Ortolani III Laurie Pierce *** LS Steven Reep Thi Thuy Nguyen Daniel O'Shea * Rebecca E. Pierce Erskin Reese * Thi Thuy Nguyen Eric Ostiguy LS Shawn Pierre-Louis Patricia Reeves LS Thi Huyen Trang Nguyen Tolga Ozkiyici Shardae M. Pigue LS Thi Nhu Trang Nguyen Ryan Anthony Pacheco Steve W. Pikor LS Dwayne Edward Reinike *** DMD, LS Cam Tu Nguyen Benjamin J. Padellaro Andrew Manuel Pimentel Thi Hai Yen Nguyem Alberto Jose Padilla Corrine E. Potter Thi Hoang Yen Nguyen Matthew E. Pahl DMD Micheal P. Pinkham *** Warren Nicewaner Matthew Paige *** ASL Aaron Pion Jennifer Nicholas Justin Palmer Paul M. Pirozzo * Ashvin Louis Nicholas Natasha Palmer LS Taylor Rae Pizzotti DMD Joshua A. Nichols Jason Paquin LS Ronald Place *** Kerri Ann Nile *** DMD Alyson Parent Edward Plata ** DMD, LS Courtney E. Nivala Nicole M. Parisi Max Plihal Christina Nix LS Haejun Park Karen Plum * Lindsey Noble DMD Heather A. Parker * Amber M. Poe * Deborah Noel * Dan Partello Andrew Poehler LS A. Sue Noiles * Abby Marie Pastor * Jeremy J. Pohlman LS Candace J. Nolan Joshua Patterson LS Catherine M. Poisson Isabel Cristina Ringley *** LS Aaron Noonan Preston Gene Patterson LS Jesse Poitier Diana M. Rink *** DMD, LS Brian M. Nordskog Kelli Alice Delaney Patton Jhyon Pollard * LS Crystal Rivera * Ryan T. Noronha Gregory Paturzo Juan Carlos Aldave Ponce Charles W. Roberts Shonda Cheryl Norris ** Jason Pawlik Maria Aldave Ponce Joshua Roberts * LS Rachel Novak ** Courtney Payne Ronald Ponkey * Matthew Roberts Regina Nowicki Alexandra Pedrazza LS Michele A. Popham * DMD Trevor Roberts *** LS Alejandro Nunez Melissa M. Pellerin * Gerald S. Porges Denise C. Robinson *** Martin Nyaaba Darrin Pelletier Matthew R. Porter *** Donald S. Robinson Jonathan Nyoni Trisha Pelletier * Cindy Portes Gustavia Robinson Helena J. Oakley Rintu J. Peramangalath Emily N. Poulin Michele Robinson Erin Lynn O'Brien Raymond Percy William Davis Powell Maria Elena Robles LS Hannah M. O'Brien Kevin Perry LS Alexander D. Powers Troy Rockvam *** James O'Brien *** DMD, ASL, LS Robert A. Perry II David A. Pratt Jr. ** LS Davielle L. Rodgers LS James O'Connell Kevin Perusich Annelize Pretorius Steven G. Rodonis ** Steven Peslak ** Nicole Pribbernow Jaime Rodriguez ** ASL, LS Haley Ellen Peterson * LS Evan T. Priesel Rafael Rodriguez Zachery J. Peterson LS Taylor Brooke Prince *** DMD, ASL, LS Victoria M. Rodriguez LS Keisha O'Connor *** Ayodeji Ogunyemi Jieun Oh ** Minkyung Oh Robert O'Hanlon Kelleigh O'Hearn Kimberly O'Keefe * LS Matthew Okin Midori Okubo * Tiffany Oliveira *** DMD David Olivencia Dane Olsen *** LS Edward Olson Maxsim Frederick O'Neil LS Karen A. O'Neill Michael C. O'Neill LS Brady W. Petterson Minh Hieu Pham Bich Ngoc Pham Xuan Nguyen Pham Hang Phuong Pham Ba Trung Pham Trung Pham *** DMD, LS Thi Thanh Tu Pham Thi Quynh Phan Thi Hong Tam Phan Tyesha Phelps Alexandra M. Philippon Le Son Phung Xiao Yue Piascik 72 Toni Provencher Benito Puente Kevin Puma *** Rochelle Purdy Harry Renaud Lindsey Renaud ** Annie Rentschler *** LS Jacqueline A. Reynolds * Jeffery Reynolds Chelsea Rhoades-Gibbons LS Christine Rhodes Joy Richardson *** Ronda A. Richardson Ryan Richer * LS Matthew Riddell DMD, LS Jameison Riggi Audrey Rogers *** LS Eva D. Rogers *** DMD Michael J. Rogozinski Emerson Rohrbaugh Nicole Lisa Pytell LS Amy Romano *** DMD, ASL, LS Lyndsie Donna Rabenius Lia Mikaela Romero ** Sharmila Ramachandran Thomas Romero Jacob D. Randall Josephine E. Roobian * Derek W. Rankin Brenda L. Rosa Frank Rapp LS Joseph Rosbury LS Kristopher Rarden * LS Michaeline M. Rose LS Lauren Rathel Daniel P. Rosengard OO Nolan James Rawlings Alina Jannel Rosmarinofski * BUSINESS Alicia Ross Ian R. Searles Sabrina Andrea Smith Alisa C. Susko *** Jason B. Ross LS Eric David Seer * LS Sean Snyder *** Angela Rounds Kyle A. Segan DMD, LS Beck Xylina Brent A. Sutherland *** DMD Pilar Rovira Andrea Sehestedt ** Ashley B. Sober LS Brendan Michael Rowe Tessa Selby LS Emma E. Sobocinski Robin S. Rowe ** LS Heather Dawn Sellers Matthew Solt David Joshua Roy Neema Rajab Semvua LS Soon Wen Teng Jared Roy * LS Nicole M. Senecal Katelyn Soper Tyler Rucker Alyssa Sepp * Christina South Elizabeth A. Russo Joseph Setzer *** LS Jane E. South * Nathan Ryan * Jami L. Shaffer Zachary J. Speckman Zachary V. Ryan Salome Shaibu Michael Spero Allison Ryder *** Romeo Shank Jr. Felicia Marie Spiller Haejung Ryu Scott Alan Shannon LS Jimmie Spillers ** Jeton Sabanovski *** Eboni Shaw Vicky D. Spinner Jessica Jean Sabbouh Faith E. Shaw ** DMD, ASL, CS, LS Michael Splitt William Spohrer ASL, LS Gregory E. Tancreti Stephen Sheeks * Kirsten S. Spooner ** DMD, OO, CS Wai Kin Tang Brooke Susan Shepherd Thomas N. Tarr Tetiana Sheremeta *** Brandi Spurlock Michael J. Tatu Jr. Colleen A. Sheridan Michael J. Stack Jacquelyn Taylor Michael D. Shimkus ** LS Emily Freedman Stadig Liya Toyce Taylor Kyle P. Shiner Colleen Standish Marcie I. Taylor Moustafa Shoqer Michel Steele ** LS Steven D. Taylor Sherri Short Danielle Steelman Kae Nging Teoh Emily Shudy Nicholas Stefanelli ** LS Patricia Terry Su Kei Shum Jaquay Steiner Lauren Eliza Tessier George C. Shupe LS Melissa Anne Stephens *** Rachel Beth Tetelman Wern-Xuen Siak Erin Sternberg Dawn Thacker Lyn Siawe LS Sarah J. Stevens ** LS Sushil Thapa Scottie Satcher Troy M. Siegel Corey Antoine Stewart LS Nicholas Therieau LS Linda Louise Saucier *** DMD, ASL, LS Bradford Simkins *** Oneishia Stewart Kelly J. Theroux *** ASL, LS Everett D. Simon Corey D. St George Alicia D. Thibault Patrick Sault Erik G. Simonsen Gerard J. St John Nicholas M. Thiel * Garret Saunders *** LS Jennifer Marie Sircy Ashleigh Stock Linda Thiphasouk Stephanie A. Savard DMD, ASL, LS Bryan Sunardy Sjoekoer Elizabeth Stone *** Amy Colleen Thomas Luke M. Savoie Rachel Skerry Lee Ann Renee Stone *** LS Amy Thomas ** Stacey Sleweon LS Amanda St Onge Emily Thomas DMD, LS Rochelle Sliwinski LS Catrina Storm Jennifer Thomas * LS Charles Smalls Colby S. Stoughton Marc Thomas Bethan Smith Katelyn Ann Strack *** Damion Thompson LS Brandon Smith LS John William Streit Jr. Keith Tidwell Brooke K. Smith * Kathleen Strickland DMD, ASL, LS Kelsie Tiger *** LS Elizabeth Strozier Erik Torgersen Justin Sacco *** Chhavi Sachdeva ** Christina Saemmer *** Arona G. Sagna Leena Salem Chelsey Sampson LS Marwin Jamal Sampson Christy L. Samson Reynaldo Sanchez Jr. Angel Elizabeth Sanders Rodney R. Sanders Stacie Santin *** Dragana Sarajlic James Sarb Slawomir Sawicki * LS Ronald F. Sawzak Heidi Schmidt Brandon J. Schneckloth Rebecca L. Schoolcraft ** CS Adam Schopick CS Edward J. Schrage *** LS Christian Kirk Xavier Smith LS Daniel Schreiner *** Cynthia Smith Justin Stupak Tracey Anne Schrock *** Dylan R. Smith ** David Sturrock Bethany Schub Elizabeth G. Smith LS Mohan Subramaniam Timothy Schulz *** Eric Thomas Smith *** James Sudak, Jr. Tyler M. Schwartz Karie Lynn Smith Deborah A. Sullivan Crystal Scipione *** LS Marcus D. Smith Lu Sun John Scuccimarra Melissa Smith Sarkunam S/O Sundrarajoo Lauren Sczepanski Molly Norma Smith LS Boyoung Sung Andrew Sutton Anna Kristina Sutton * Jeffrey L. Swanson *** Kelly Sweeney Paul Sweeney Anne Sweitzer ** LS Stephanie Swett Victoria Swiggett *** Stephanie Swogger * Rochelle Talbot LS Illiasu Tamanjah LS Alissa Tamblyn LS Rich Sun Tan Kyle M. Tomlin LS Brooke Torres Steve Torres Victor M. Torres Ryan Torrey Tiffany M. Torrisi Melissa Ann Townes Jason Tracy John J. Trainor III 73 BUSINESS Quang Hoan Tran David Vincent *** LS William Williams Timothy Alcorn Bao Lam Tran Samantha M. Vincent Kara V. Williamson ** Ericka L. Alvarez-Gonzalez Khanh Linh Tran * Melissa Ruth Visentin Ian Wills David John Alves *** CS, LS Thi Sao Mai Tran Jessica Anne Viverito Alec R. Voccola LS Amanda Leigh Wilson * DMD, LS Desiree Amers LS George M. Travelo Julie Tremblay LS Matthew Volodzko Chad D. Wilson Heather Von Hartleben ASL, LS Jordan Wilson LS Kimberly Ashley * Thi Phuong Thao Trinh Phuong Anh Vu Monet S. Wilson LS Thi Hong Nhung Vu Stacie Winchell Thi Hai Quynh Vu Susan Dianne Winter LS Ellen Wagner Tina M. Witcher * Brian Waige *** Stacey Ann Wojcik *** DMD Eric Paul Walker Ashley V. Wolfgang * LS Marcia C. Walker *** DMD, LS Wong Mun Whye Jason Tripaldi LS Yogendra Trivedi Bichlien Truong LS Kevin Truong Sarah Nicole Tsacogianis Travis Tuck *** LS Geoffrey P. Tucker * Jonathan Tucker Brian Christopher Tully LS Amanda M. Turco Jolie Naomi Turk *** LS Maureen Turner LS Diana Twomey LS Troy Walker LS Tina Walkling Christine Wall Tobiah Walter * Kyle S. Wilson ** Raymond Wong DMD, LS Joel Wong Xie Zhe Erin G. Wood Jami Wood Latanya Wood David Underwood *** Megan Waugh *** DMD Valentin Ungurean Sarah L. Weber Marc Usatine *** DMD, LS Kristan P. Welch Raeez Ahmed Uvais Lance Welker LS Kathrine M. WunderliBastian *** DMD, LS Kelly K. Vailette Erika M. Welter CS Kayla Wyatt Allison N. Valentine ** DMD, CS Jason P. Wesley Haengshim Yang *** Roxanne Wesosky *** LS Steven Yates Shannon West Yeow Kar Yan * Jenifer L. Wheeler Ki Chan Yoon Lisa Wheeler *** Ashley Young ** LS Courtney Van Laten * LS Robert Michael Whelan Jr. * Kyle C. Zaczyk Jennifer Lynn Van Winkle ** LS Eric J. White, Jr. Liliana Zamora Gwendolyn A. White Emile Robert Zaniboni Laura A. Van Winkle ** Tess M. White Adel Zaoui *** Gina Marie Vazquez *** DMD, ASL David Lee Whiteman Haoyue Zhang Herman Vazquez Sosa LS Wendy E. Whiteside Victoria Ziesk * LS Amanda Whitfield * PTK, LS Robert Zinda *** DMD Sean Keith Whitmoyer Michael Zink Chelsey Wieduwilt * Piro Zisi Mark Wilder Alexandra J. Zizza ** Matthew E. Wildman *** LS Amy D. Znaniec *** Nathan Wildman * LS Alexa Zoey-Marie Zukowski * Anthony Viggiano Adriana Vigliotti *** Nicole Stephanie Villalon ** DMD Amanda Williams Frances Anita Williams * Michael Williams ** DMD, LS Rebecca Williams Wilbur L. Williams III 74 Allison J Bayliss LS Aimee M. Belleville Mechelle C. Benoit *** Elizabeth Benson ** ASL Amanda Blanchard Sarah Watson ** Chelsea Vien * DMD, ASL, LS Anthony Bartczak ** Robert J. Workman Casey Underdahl Joseph D. Vettese * CS Danielle Barcelou CS Daniel M. Best Tina Waterman *** LS Amy Vetter *** Peter Baptiste ** Ashley Woodworth *** PTK, ASL, LS Christopher M. Ulbrich Nina Vernali Andrew Balke LS Royce Berry * CS, LS Oneathia Washington Edward Velazquez Keith Baldinger ** LS Samantha N. Benson Tanze Tyler William Velasquez Stefanie Florence Baker Melissa May Woods Xiaoxue Wang Daniel John Veach Brooke V. Bailey Gary Wayne Woods II Michael Tyler Jessica VanHentenryck Danica Babinski LS Marissa S. Benson *** DMD, CS Tina M. Walton ** PTK, ASL, LS Amelya Angele VanDeWalle * CS Kristina Atwood *** Richard Wood * LS Michelle Tybus * Roland James Vander Valk Jacqueline Anderson Rhonda Worsham ** LS Justin Wroe LS Albi Aurelio Zuniga Kimberly A. Bilodeau Jennifer Blum * LS Nanci A. Bong * LS Kristin Bonollo *** Ashleigh D. Bosarge *** Jason J. Bouchard Benjamin Bougher LS Maureen Bounds Bradley Bournes *** Casey Brennan Elizabeth Bromiley Sherry Burch Jamie Burger Stephanie Burkard * Shane Burkett CS Laurick Calanno Philip L Camarano *** LS Daniel Campagna Ashley Campbell ** Yarymarie Cardenas Rachel L. Carder Sabrina Carpenter Lindsey N. Chambers Tina M. Chambers *** ASL Joseph A. Chandonnet Associate in Science Lindsay Renee Chapman Miriam A Aguilar Michael E. Chase * Brooke Charron ** BUSINESS Sarah Chastain ** LS Cory William Fratus LS Phosy Lakongpheng Crystal Moore LS Rosemary S. Chatwin *** DMD, CS, LS Ereka Funkhouser *** Kim Lampron *** Lacy Morris Danielle Chiachio Lisa Garcia Judith Lane Kristin Moss * Sylvain Gele Stephanie T. LaSpina Amy Munson * LS Jason Gibson Mitchell Latham Erin Murdock * Erin T. Gillis Kayla E. Latulippe Tyler M. Murphy Nicole M. Gionet * Micki Lavin Judy Muth Alexander Gohmann LS Elizabeth Marie Law LS Jeremy Nelson * LS Christopher Gomez J R. Lawrence II LS Chimaroke F. Nnamani Tyler Goodnow Emily E. Lazzar Katie Noiles Samantha J. Grim ** Katie Lebeau CS, LS Erin L. O'Brien Dana Grove *** ASL, LS Yolanda Lee Barbara O'Connor ** Duane Gutierrez Todd Leister * Jesse B. Oleet *** Shawn Lawrence Haggerty ** Justin W. Lemon ** Jessica Oleson Amber Hansen * Kimberly L. Mulhern Meghan R. O'Neil Staci Lingerfelt Gabrielle Owens *** LS Donna Little Heather Y. Paradise Garron Lohman ** PTK Jacquelyn Parent Malinda Lord Caroline Parker *** Marie Laurie Louis Derek Parkinen ** PTK, CS, LS Lindsey Clark Paul Clark Tabitha Clyde PTK Jill Colety *** LS Nastassja M. Colon * Lauren Companion Uyesato *** Dawn Coskren LS Alec C. Courtemanche Heather Covington ** LS Dayna Coy *** LS Courtney L. Cuscuna *** Lisa K Cusimano Lindsay Cyr * James Dalton ** CS Kellie J. Daneau *** Patricia Kelly Davies ** CS, LS Ana Alicia Davis *** DMD, LS Brittany Elizabeth Davis ** LS Wendy Harbaugh * Brandy Renae Hardin *** Lark Hardman Valery Harris ** Christopher Harrison Nicole L. Helbert Courtney R. Hendrickson Portia Quant-Heywood LS Caitlyn B. Lyman Tamalee Lynkeechow * LS Stephanie MacDonald Christopher Madden *** Trisha Pelletier * Ryan Mitchell Perry ** LS Susan Perry *** Kari Davis *** Melynda Marie Hirtle LS Lisa M. Deitrich * Tamicka Holman *** LS Jenna Demartino *** Breanna L. Holtman Katelyn M. Dennis Rebecca Hudson Erin C. DeSantis Carlesa Huezo-Rosales Charlene Antoinette Mangold Alexa DiPrima Laude Manuel Hundek Tiffany Manley ** CS, LS Janet Dixon Rajesh Hussein LS Corrinne Manning Mark J Dixon ** Adam Ireland Kayla Mansfield Melanie Donaldson Jeremy Jacques *** DMD, LS Amy Marcotte *** Alexis Dorner *** Terry J. Jacques *** Annette Marino *** ASL, LS Sherry Druge Steven Janotha CS Timothy R. Marotte *** Aryca Dubiel Nicole M. Jewell *** Madeline J. Masi ** Nichole Dubois Alyssa Victoria Johnson Tammy S. Mason Stacy M. Proctor Paula Dumigan Mark Johnson LS Melanie Prosek *** Dustin Dunaway *** LS Marlon Johnson Jennifer Maszczak *** ASL, LS Dawn E. Psaledas ** Benjamin Duval Theresa Johnson Alicia A. Mazerall Jason Putman *** Dean C. Dyche, II ** LS Edwin Joseph Kristin McCarthy Cara Quinlan Amy Dyer * Theresa Judge *** Jestine McClay Carissa Rafols Brian Lawrence Eaton Daniel T. Kazmark Adam Michael McCoy * LS Denise M. Raitt *** LS Christian Espinosa Kela Kerchner Jamie McDermott Ana Ramos LS Cory Evangelisto *** Matthew King Karen McGettigan ** Fernando Ramos Brian Dubois Fasano ** Megan King * Christine McGrath Lauren Randall Amber L. Fedler *** ASL Ericka Gretchelle Koehler *** DMD, PTK, ASL, LS Robyn McNoddy *** ASL Chad Melton PTK, CS, LS Frederic D. Rankins IV *** DMD Daniel Ferrante Morgan M. Fifield * Silas Flewelling *** Ryan Ford * Charlene Foster Raquel Franco LS Alexandra Mahony Elizabeth Major Cassandra Malm * Kenneth E. Kreb *** LS Jason Merrill *** Jenifer R. Kuilan Tessa Mettel *** Corey L. Labbe * John Miller ** Stephanie L. Labrie Vallirie Molina Lisa Lachance Amanda Moore * LS Tricia Marie Perry *** PTK, ASL, LS Andrew Peterson LS Kirk Peterson ** CS Kerya Petutsky * Michael Phelps * John Piana *** ASL Jacqueline Podlenski * CS, LS Markeeda Potter Ashley Potthoff LS William Price Rhonda Prim *** Christina Ariel Raskin LS Matthew E. Ratte Dominick Ray * Alyssa J. Reagan Brandon S. Reid 75 BUSINESS Lisa Reynolds Casey J. Teubert Jamie J. Richard *** Carra-Lyn Theodore *** Rachel A. Rieder ** Teresa Thibeault Candace Ritsma ** LS Neena Thomas Quiane A. Robertson Jason Thurow *** Elena Nelly Rodriguez Tiffany A. Tomaselli *** Mitchell S. Roehrig Yolanda Torrance ** Eric Rouille * Thais Torres Benjamin Roussel Kathleen Tran *** LS Melanie Rowe *** LS Tamara Tsosie Kara Rowell LS Joseph Turner Chantal A. Roy Lynn Utrecht Paul W. Ruefenacht Kelly B. Vassey James Anthony Russell *** Pennie Ventura ** Andrea Sabic ** Julianne Vergato LS Sarah K. Sagendorf Brittnee Walker Lejla Sahdan Lindell Wash * Diane Saint Ange * Jennifer Watson ** Dannae Salas Roderick J. Weaver, Jr. Mikko J. Salokangas Shannon E. Webster *** Virginia Sanders Julius Wells Denise Santamaria Chiara C. Wersoski LS Stephen W. Schaeffer * LS Lindsay Wescott ** LS Steven Schinler Khrystina Wheat Paige Schultz Erik Wheeler Crystal Scott *** Autumn Whewell Nicholas C Seavey LS Kenneth G. Whipple * LS Karen Seigars Dana G. White * Alyssa Sepp * Leslie Wiley * PTK, LS Caleb Serrano Karilyn Wilk *** Cydney Shapleigh-Johnson * LS Amy Wilkinson Erick J. Shea Jasmine Williams Tondalaya Shewmake Amanda Shusko Saroeuth Sim William R. Sirois *** CS Michelle L. Smith Carley B. Snelson ** Cristy A. Williams Jennifer Wilson ** LS Joanne M. Wrede *** LS John Xayapanya Patrick Yurek Theresa Zuidema Courtney Spence Jennifer L. Spindler * Krystal Spinks Tabitha M. Sprague Julie Sprince *** Emily Stanford Jennifer Steffman LS Shaneeka Stowe Mandie Surja ** Jennifer Sykora ** LS Anthony Szymanski Travis E. Tatro *** LS Mia M. Tayag *** LS Justin M. Terlisner 76 COLLEGE FOR AMERICA College for America at Southern New We partner with employers nationwide Hampshire University is an accredited, to offer their employees rigorous degrees non-profit college that helps that are earned by completing real- employers upskill their workforce world projects and goals—instead of through competency-based associate’s traditional lectures and credit hours. and bachelor’s degrees—ones that These projects are designed to be are extraordinarily low cost, built immediately applicable in the workplace, for working adults, and uniquely so employers see results on day one. applicable in the workplace. Our college They are self-scheduled and self-paced, is dedicated to better connecting so students can fit school in around jobs workforce research, higher education, and family responsibilities, which makes and labor market needs. them more likely to persist and graduate. COLLEGE FOR AMERICA Samantha Canton Audrey Isimbi Desiree M. Nolen Jenelee S. Capili Juvens Jabo Muhire James Normil Bridgett E. Beckwith Joseph Carey Carriekay A. Jackson Jonas Nsengiyumva Joseph M. Carey Jeffrey S. Chaput Aileen M. Jansson Jean Nshimiyimana Robert Downie Carolyn K. Cioffi Kelly R. Jensen Joel Nshumbusho Ann Lorraine Dupuis Tracy A. Clearwater Takiko Jones Athanase Nzayisenga Jean Fortier Dawn C. Cooper Erick Joseph Lazaro T. Pacheco Starrann Freitas Rondel Corlette Erina Kabatesi Jennifer D. Palazzolo Gisele Gihozo Yvonne Cortez Fred Kaberuka Erin E. Perdue Lisa Herring Vera Cruz Mark S. Kadner Robin Perry Janvier Ishimwe Nelly Cyuzuzo Sarah Kamikazi Kristy M. Poor Shannon M. Lougee *** Rachel Cyuzuzo Theresa M. Kaquatosh Stacey Linette Randall David Moore Ellen L. Daniels Israel Kavamahanga Tracy L. Reisinger Sylvain Nayituriki Gilbert Davidson Daniyah Kazadi Tiffany M. Riles Monique Nibagwire Mary K. Dawson Anne M. Keach Floy L. Riley-Sidibe Antoine Niyigena Bonnie E. Day William E. Kirby, II Darton S. Rose Jr. Celestin Nkeramihigo Kevin J. Diaz Jilliane Kirkpatrick Kathy A. Rosebrook Eric Nshimiyimana David N. Dillehunt Michele J. Laboccetta Rebecca F. Rossi Michele Pellicane Lisa J. Dipiazza Melissa C. Lasky Bobbie Routhier Linda Petersen Cargail Downer Richard M. Lawler Shannon Ruane Jody Camerario Roberts Melody M. Doyle Denise Lee Guy Ruffo Shannon L. Ruane Elisse Dushimimana Sabrina L. Libby Christophe Rukundo Jennifer S. Rukas Jessica E. Edinger Brittany L. Littlefield Marlene M. Sawicki Roy L. Shockey Julia Anne Elsinger Wendy S. Locke Patricia L. Scammell Beatrice Tuyishimire Hannah J. Falvey Donatien Majyambere Brenda Selinga Ange G. Umuhoza Tena S. Fenton Joshua Scott Cogswell Mann Dashaun L. Sessoms Tujiza Uwituze Dianne E. Ferri Collette S. Manning Aimable Shirumuteto Lindsay R. Foster Julie A. Marques Roy L. Shockey Marie Sharon Furaha Lisa M. McDonald Daniel Sibomana Debra C. Furgerson Adrienne A. McGhee Kerry C. Simms Yvonne Abarzua Juan Garcia Donna Kay McMillan Kiflemariam Andom Sium Tracey A. Lemire Adams Victoria E. Garcia Victoria Mejia Andrea Slaughter Luis Alberto Courtney S. Givan-Lyons Michael J. Merrifield Melanie L. Slocum Joyeuse Noella Arahirwa David Paul Godinho Michelle L. Miller Catherine Starr Andres M. Arias, Jr. Natalie C. Gomes Daniel Molina Kathryn Anne Stone Renay Arsenault Jessica L. Grenier Sarema Monroe Brooke M. Strauss Laurie A. Aucoin Alphonse Habyarimana Jadielyn Morrell Jarianna J. Sutherland Roman Bastek Simeon Hageniryayo Judy K. Muench Buhnange N. Terrence Samuel Bellamy, Jr. Wendy L. Hardy Geofrey Mugisha Brent S. Thomas Sr. Michelle C. Bergeron Nancy A. Harnois Jeanne D'Arc Muhigana Christina M. Thomas Linda M. Best Laurie J. Heath Heritier Muhire Emmanuel Turatsinze Tosha R. Boner Andrew Hegarty Jean Marie Vianney Muhutu Jean Claude Turatsinze Wendy Boyd Lisa Herring Alice Mukeshimana Irvin Adrian Turcios Starrann Brann Joshua T. Herron Jules Maurice Mulisa Charlene Tuyishime Melissa M. Brown Francois Hitimana Jackie Mutoni Olivier Tuyizere Laurie A. Browne Debora A. Holder Alex Mwine Moses Twahirwa Tonya Bryant Fatuma Ingabire Rosine Mwiseneza Peninah B. Twongeirwe Rose Mary Buchholz Rachel Ingabire Brantlee J. Nelson Marie Jeanne Umuhoza Violeta Bunger Bertin Iradukunda Pacifique Ngabo Alice Umulisa Summer K. Burchard Divine Iradukunda Aline Kenza Ngira Nkugire Naila Umutoni Tammie Burgos Emmanuel Iragena Leontine Nikubwayo Diana Umutoni Buramba Laura A. Bye Francine Irankunda Jonas Niyogakiza Debra J. Unger Michael Anthony Byrd Julienne Ishimwe Triphine Niyoyimbabazi Francine Uwamahoro Bachelor of Arts Associate in Arts 78 COLLEGE FOR AMERICA Jean Claude Uwihoreye Esperance Uwimana Jeanne Uwimana Clementine Uwizeye Karina Elizabeth Valdez Christopher Valentin Victoria M. Valenzuela Maria E. Valles Lynda S. Van Noy Laurie Vario Paul S. Vezina Mary A. Vieira Carie R. Ward Janalee C. Willett Diane E. Williams Ian Williams Sarah A. Williams Sean C. Williams Monique S. Wilson Samantha F. Wong Detra Annette Wright Marie Ange Yadufashije Daniel L. Young, II John Zapata 79 EDUCATION UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION The School of Education is the newest school on the Southern New Hampshire campus. Founded in 2004, the School provides undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs to more than 700 students each year. The School of Education is committed to creating a better tomorrow by preparing students to be knowledgeable, reflective leaders, responsive to the needs of a diverse society. The School of Education is strongly focused on teaching. Our faculty takes great pride in working closely with our students in a rigorous, practitionerbased program that leads to teacher certification. We have built strong partnerships with schools throughout the region that are committed to providing extensive clinical experiences in classrooms for our students as early as freshman year. Our recently redesigned undergraduate teacher education program will allow our teacher education candidates to spend their entire senior year in a school placement. EDUCATION DOCTORATE IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEGREE CANDIDATES DONALD S. ALTMAN, Ed.D. LAURA DEROSA, Ed.D. “Employers’ Perceptions of Non-Clinical, Graduate Degrees in the Health Professions” “Beginning Teachers: The Connection between Expectations and Job Satisfaction” Chair: Dr. Gibbs Kanyongo Chair: Dr. Cara Procek SHERRY BARNARD, Ed.D. NATHANIEL T. GREENE, Ed.D. “Informing Effective Simulation Pedagogy in Nursing Simulation” “Loneliness and Perceived Social Support in the Workplace of the School Principal” Chair: Dr. Megan Paddack Chair: Dr. Gibbs Kanyongo KIMBERLY BLANCHETTE, Ed.D. SUSAN MCKENZIE Ed.D. “Investigating Faculty Management of Shifting Roles in Blended Learning Environments” “Factors in Engineering Educational Persistence The Correlation between Identity and Self-Efficacy” Chair: Dr. Audrey Rogers Chair: Dr. Lorraine Patusky LOIS COSTA, Ed.D. RONALD PEDRO, Ed.D. “School Climate and Leadership: Levers for School Improvement Efforts” “Exploring Teacher Disposition toward Diverse Learners within Public Elementary Schools” Chair: Dr. Margaret Ford Chair: Dr. Margaret Ford MICHELLE DAVIGNON, Ed.D. STEPHEN ZADRAVEC, Ed.D. “New Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Leaders: Trust in the Educational Setting” “Reward School Leadership: Building a Goodto-Great Cycle of Excellence” Chair: Dr. Nancy Charron Chair: Dr. Mark McQuillan 82 EDUCATION Ashley Boner Amanda Emmons Virginia Johnson LS Emily D. Boynton LS Andrew A. Emrich Keith Kenny LS Donald S. Altman Amanda Bradley Cole Etten Rebecca King Sherry Barnard Sarah Brennan Camille Evans Griffin T. Kiritsy Kimberly L. Blanchette Chelsea E. Britt Christine E. Kolagji Lois B. Costa Kathryn Buck LS Robyn Marie Fontaine PLT, LS Michelle Davignon Lindsay N. Bucknam PLT Karen Fitzgerald Trisha Lee Kurtz-Korkosz LS Doctor of Education Laura K. DeRosa Jenny R. Buinicky LS Nathaniel T. Greene Sonja R. Burbank Susan Marie McKenzie Sarah E. Burgess Ronald Pedro Rachael Elizabeth Burns Stephen J. Zadravec Allysia Burton Timothy Cacciatore Master of Arts in Teaching Jennifer L. Briare PLT, LS Mark Cahill Mathew Campione LS Michael Amaury Capuano John Andrew Cardin Kari F. Carney Master of Education Kelsey V. Abair Casita Adams LS Felicia Smithers Allard Deborah A. Allen Jason Aaron Anderson Joseph Arcisz Christie Arundel Maureen Austin Christine Bailey PLT, LS Jennifer A. Baney Anastasia Barksdale LS Joel Barnhurst Heather Lynn Barrieau Stevin Bartholomew Michelle R. BastaracheGuillette Kailynn Bateman Kerith Baughman Maura Baxter Samantha Bean Kelly Beliveau Heather Bell Devin Bennett Rebecca Benyik LS Crystopher Michael Berding Deborah Bernard Ashleigh Bickerstaff Laurie A. Bistany LS Michelle Blake Keegan Blaney Zachary Bloom Jessica Boisvert LS Shyla Boisvert Jamie Caron James R. Carpenter Jessica L. Carpenter Amy Carroll Erin M. Carter Deborah Childs Christine L. Christiano Carly Rose Ciarochi Charity Clark Robert Coffield Ariana Elisa Coleman LS Elisha May Coleman Tanya M. Columb Jill Ann Conroy Tamara J. Cooley Carisa M. Corrow LS Natalie G. Coughlin Hannah Crary PLT Stephanie Crowe Tara K. Crowley Diane Margaret Fleck Erica Foskitt LS Monique Fournier LS Angelica Fraire LS Amy Clark Franco Jean Marie Frankel ASL Karen M. Fredericks Amber Gagnon Barbara A. Gardner DMD Kimberly Gargiulo Dawn M. Garneau PLT, LS Sandra Garofano LS Sarah E. Garrison Michael C. Gaumont Benjamin J. Gentry Laura A.B. Giammusso Chrstine Gingerella Patrice Glancey LS Amanda Goguen Nicole Marie Goldschmidt Joshua Goldstein Timothy Guanci Kelly Gullage Molly E. Gunn Arlinda Hairston Lisa J. Haley Carol B. Harrington Heather A. Hartford-Scola Jenifer Hasenfus Danyel Hebert Alyse Heffelfinger Kaela Daly LS John Henderson Maureen Wayman Danielczyk Tiffany Marie Herren Terrance G Hibbard Tanya M. Depace Elizabeth Hickey Trinity L. Desimone Melissa J. Hickey Margaret A. Deteso LS Hallie Higgins LS Ashley Dickson Kristine Hikel Stacey Dimes Brandon James Hill Christopher Doyon LS Stephanie Hillis Bronwyn Dronsfield Heather Hoefs LS Samantha Dube Jenifer Hollander Danielle M. Dugas Celia M. Hooker Cristina Duquette LS Susan Howard Hooper Michelle Durand PLT Audria Johnson Mitchell G. Edwards DMD, LS Maegan Johnson David Koritkoski Desirae Kourim Zepure Kurumlian LS Ashley LaCroix Stephanie Ladieu LS Kelly Laflamme Elizabeth M. LaMonica Hilary Lane Lindsay Channing LaRusso Amanda Lassoued Melanie K. Lavigne-Laquerre Emily Lee Kathleen LeMay Matthew M. Leonard Kristina Lewis Melissa A. Lewis Daniel R. Liptak Katelyn N. Liptak Kaleigh Anne Liupakka Christine Locke PLT, LS Scott W. Lohnes Amanda Lombardi Deirdre Lorway LS Jamye Loy LS Danielle M. Luongo Holly MacAskill LS Suzanne Macioce Angela M. Madigan Skye A. Maguire Merrin Mandigo Adam A. Marcoux PLT Roger Marks Sara J. Martin Sharon Mathieu LS Joseph McCune Ali McDade Elizabeth McGovern Gregory Graham McHale Ashley E McKannon Jillian Marie McPhail Alexander G. Miklos Danielle L. Miles Daniel M. Miller-Arsenault Christian P Mock Dannie Monahan Lorraine JoAnne Monmaney Alicia Moody 83 EDUCATION Carl Moore Lorelei Jane Roberts LS Amanda E. Warren LS Stephanie A. Balboni ** PLT Jasmine C. Morales LS Erica L. Rogstad Jeannette Washington LS Alyssa L. Burnham ** Angelina Moss Tara Jean Roper Stephanie White Dylan D. Carter Erin Mower LS Jessica Rowe Sarah Wicksman Kaitlynn M. Charest ** PLT Heather M. Murad Andrea Diane Russell LS Robecca Wilterdink Kathryn M. Clark ** PLT Laura Marchese Jacqueline Rousseau Thomas Patrick Woelfel Alexander S. Conway Scott Nickles Daria Carmela Saia LS Brianna Woods LS Katie L. Deshaies * PLT Bonnie Nieves Elizabeth A. SalvoO'Connell DMD, PLT, LS Thomas Owen Woods Ashley Engler ** PLT Danielle A. Sampson Stephanie Wright Amber L. Ferguson OO Erin Young Briana C. Fisher * PLT Susan Theresa Yuknalis Michaella L. Flaherty Maryam Nik Khahi Kristen Nivison Danette Noboa Rebecca M. Noe Danielle Nonamaker LS Abigayle Normandeau Abigail Nusbaum Sara N. Nusbaum Rachel K. O'Donald Jennifer Otis DeLois Owens Tamara L. Pack Meredith Pancake Jenaya Paradis PLT Bethany S. Parker Kelsey A. Parker PLT Laurie A. Parker Karen Beth Parr Kevin R. Pellerin Karen Pepin LS Clyde Perez Jay Peringer Elizabeth Perkins Je'Neice Perkins Amanda L. Peterson Anna K. Peterson Matthew Phillips Benjamin Phinney Hannah Pinckney Amy Lynn Pinker Cynthia L. Pitkin Allison C. Plante Amy E. Porter Bess Powers Marsha N Prawl Traci A. Premo Israel J. Provoncha Kristen Puzzo Marran Whitney Ranks Jeremy Rathbun Jane C. Richards Shelley L. Rines Marie A. Ritzo Emily K. Robarts Jason Robert Heather Scalera LS Christopher B. Schmid Wenda L. Schultz LS Nikia Seay Pamela M. Seremet PLT, LS James A. Sgroi Jr. Karin Sheehan LS Elena M. Sheldon LS Barbara P. Shipman Heather Sikorsky Brian A. Silvernale Brentwood Simpers Erin Slifer Ashley Small Andrea Monica Smellie LS Ashlyn Smith Jessica G.A. Smith Marcy Smith Tyler R. Smith Tyler R. Smith Jeffrey K. Sojka Meagan P. Sojka Katherine Soule LS Samantha Erin Souza LS Clayton Sprouse Heather M Stein Lori Stevens Jane Kellett Stewart PLT, LS Jessica A. Storrs Casey Stroffoleno Justine Sullivan Stacey L. Sullivan Jana H. Taylor Brittney Thibeault Erin M. Topolewski Leanne Gaylord Triano Kaili A. Varley Sharon Vinson Pryor Ashley Walker Kaitlyn E. Foster Master of Science Ian T. Fournier Emily Elizabeth Allen LS Alicia N. Frazier *** AC, PC, PLT Bridgette Allison Belcher Darcy Blauvelt Kristi Bonifacio Kathleen Conklin Brenner Mechelle C. Bryant Jeffrey E. A. Capen Kayden Casale Katlyn Chaisson LS Lindsay Conole Danielle L. Dalton PC, OO Patricia DaSilva LS Natanya Dowell LS Amanda Hernandez LS Brandi Jackson Claudia Jackson LS Jacqueline Jacoby LS Alethea Jones LS Brittany Lew Jessica Mesick Molly Ann Moretti Joel Morse Matthew Munyan-Penney Hector E. Noriega LS Brandy M Ortego LS Frank Potvin Kevin Rab LS Austin J. Fox ** Cole K. Gendron Marissa M. Gilbert Devenn Nicole Glickman *** Shelley E. Guittarr ** CS Cindy Harmon Tamara A. Harris Kristina A. Hayes Gregory P. Heavey ** Caitlin Hodgman *** LS Kelsey Allyssa Hurd-Fields *** Paige N. Hussey Skylar J. Ives *** PLT Allison Dory Keaney ** PLT Erin M. Kelly Kayleen C. Kenney ** Gitara R. King Kayla A. Kinmond ** Jacquelyn M. Kraemer Karen Ladebush * Nathan J. Lamy ** Jennifer L. Langley *** LS Amanda L. Leach Kasandra L. Lusignan *** PLT, CS Katelynn M. Robinson Mary Kaitlyn Maccini *** PLT Alisa Sisson Olya K. Mahoney Brandon Smith LS Marley Kathleen Martin *** PLT Hillary Michelle Smith Kristen Thompson Tierra Washington Lynda Masaites *** Jacqueline R. Mathis *** Stephanie Mae McGregor *** PLT, CS Bachelor of Arts Jared Austin McMullen *** PLT Hilary Walter Alexa B. Allen *** CS Xiaolu Wang Brittany L. Avery Renee Mary Morrissette *** S, PLT, CS Holly Warner Alyssa K. Balboni * Robert P. Walmsley LS 84 Melissa Nickerson ** LS EDUCATION Katelyn M. Oliver Karen E. Parma Gabriela B. Peixoto * Kaylie Dawn Pelletier * PLT Nicole E. Pius Allison A. Routhier ** LS Beth H. Sawicki * Kaitlin M. Shaughnessy ** PLT, CS Karen Elizabeth Shaw *** PLT, CS Caroline E. Silva Cassandra Kay Silva Sarah J. Spargo * PLT, CS Lauren A. Stalker Julie A. Sullivan * Bryan Sykes ASL Jenna M. Szestakow Jasmine D. Theroux Hannah R. Thorpe Ashley J. Tripp OO Kimberly A. Tryder * Alyssa K. Urick Kristina D. Wasowski OO Shannon E. Wragg * PLT Kelsey L. Wright Bachelor of Science Samantha Leigh Blakeney *** PLT Darci M. Drylie *** PLT, CS Courtney Moore ** Alisha M. Raymond Emily Renaud *** PLT 85 NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS COLLEGE OF ONLINE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS The Nursing and Health Professions department provides high-quality undergraduate and graduate health profession education with distinction in scholarship, service, and practice for health professionals seeking to maximize their personal and professional potential. This mission is fulfilled through innovative programs and responsive to the needs of adult learners in an online environment. Graduates are prepared to apply theoryguided, culturally competent, evidencebased professional practices to improve the well-being of diverse populations in varied healthcare settings nationally and internationally. NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS Master of Science in Management Paula Jones Addington LS Simon P. Adeniji Jeffrey Chonaworah Adisam LS Hussain Abdullah Alamin Ric Allen LS Brian Almoney Jennifer Amaya Erika Anderholm LS Kristen Angeletti Ashley N. Baker LS Teresa Elizabeth Beck LS Nana Bentsi-Enchill Jeffrey Bishop LS Madhavi R Bommu LS Kristin Brooks Ashley Brutcher LS Ronald Calabro DMD, LS Shelby L. Carlson LS Michele Cerami LS Helen M.Chagnon LS Keisha Collins LS Sarah Croteau Daniel Crudup LS Lenora R. Crum Laura Culbert-Epison LS Nikia Monique Dennis LS Chelsea Di Benedetto Kacie Elizabeth Diedrich Brian Diefendorf Benjamin Dolewski Anne Donson Ann Duffy LS Michael Encinas Eunice Enning Samaria Epps Jennifer Erinne Renee Ervin Joyce Essien Alexander Ferenti LS Aaron L. Flannery Ashley Frericks LS Alicia Frierson Heron Garcia Tamica Garner LS Jaclynn L. George Barry L. Giglio Robert Girardeau LS Hudeie Gleplay Jordan Grant Peter F. Hanna LS Alicia L. Suenaert LS Annemarie Angelosanto Brittany Hazzard Kathleen Sullivan Michelle Apazidis Sherri Hill LS Deanna Talley DMD, LS Elizabeth Appel Cheyenne Holland LS Jessica M. Torruella Torres LS Benjamin Archangeli Jesse Valenciano Jr LS Gwendelyn Artis Brianne Hughes LS Amber Nicole Hulon Kathryn Huminick Amanda Hutchins Kay Ingraham Dhanya Jacob Diana Jaguande LS Oslin Joseph LS Lisa Key LS Kasandra Marie Kibler Saheed Lateef Angela Justine Lehman Jacqueline Lewis Michael Lipka DMD, LS Laurel Watts Lowery Gayle Moffett Lyke Daniel McCollum Elizabeth McMullen LS Leslie-Ann Tracy Mesler Tatiana Millett Dione Morgan LS Molly Susann Mortimer Jordan Murphy VanNhi Thi Nguyen Nanga Nku Mary Norman Kiana Oatman LS Violetta Ozeran ASL Ashley Michelle Palma LS Rebekah Paul LS Karial Perry LS Jetta J. Plotke LS Patricia Power LS Ruth Ragatz LS Paul Rau LS Sarah T. Vanderhoof Rachelen Samuel Varghese Bryan Christian Walker Stacey Kidd Walker Ashley Meghan Wanzer Jason Bryant White Sr Michelle Kagoitsi Winans LS Christine Zemanek Ryder Chandar S. Argeriou Cathleen Atamian Linda A. Auclair LS Suzanne Avard Amanda Avella ** LS Brenda Avery Monica Bailey LS Helen Baker LS Katherine Jane Baker Kefira Baker * Master of Science in Nursing Laural Aiesi LS Jewel Akpan Amber Bechard LS Yolanda Bryant LS Yvonne Marie Carroccino Dyanne E Davis LS Bonnie Fecowicz LS Gretchen Forsley Anne Frechette DMD, LS Deborah Houston Michelle Kane Tanya Lorraine King-Temple LS Thomas A. Mahoney LS Jessica Marcoux Enrique Matias, Jr. LS Terry Nye LS Stefanie Sorrentino Beth Zimmerman LS Bachelor of Science Ana Carolina Pio Balbino Lauren E. Balerna James D. Barone Phyllis Barrell Reva Bartlett-Custeau Nicole Battaglia Angela Bean Krista Bear ASL, LS Megan Beaulieu Lisa Bedard LS Brian Beede Lynn Beede Khaleda Begum LS Shari Belcher Crystal Bell Shannon L. Benedict Rita Bennett ASL, LS Amanda Berg Marlee Berg *** LS Dannette L. Bergstrom Ashley Lynn Bernier Leslie Bernier Crystal Berry Maxine Bingham Dawn W Rodriguez LS Halima Abrar Stacey Bisnette *** ASL, LS Emily Rogers LS Donn've Adams ** LS Amanda R. Blackwell Maria A. Romero LS Patrice Marie Aguilar Rava' Blackwell Josiah Ruff Chelsea Ahern Sara Kristine Blake Jessica Saintelus LS Darlene Ahlman LS Andrea Blossom Jerry Joseph Saintiche LS Katarina Albury Robert Lee Bodie ** Melissa Sarasin Kendra Alfaro LS Joanne Bolduc Kristie M. Scafidi Susan Allard Christopher Paul Bolock LS Robert O. Sills Jr. Pamela Nkuroko Ambe Noella Bonner Joseph R. Silva Jr. Allen Andersen ASL Nicole E. Bouchard ASL Karen Singer Kelly Anderson Stephanie M. Bouchard Karen Smith-Jackson Kimberly Anderson Michael John Boutin Lindsey Sperry Samantha Lee Anderson Jenna M. Boyd Brianna Spindler 88 Sonia Boyd LS NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS Kelsey Marie Brake Curtis F. Braught LS Erica L. Bready Mishaela Brennan Clifford Stuart Chamberlin *** ASL, CS, LS Andrea J. Davis Deidre D. FitzGerald LS Stacy-Ann Chambers Miriam Davis Maude Fletcher Lori A. Dubois Sheila Ann Florin LS Jonathan Dean * Kathleen Foley Samantha Dearn LS Steve Foskett Laura Debold Darren Fox *** Kristin Debusk Kimberly Francis Jennifer Delaney Heather M. Freund ** LS Colleen Delmage Erin Fuller Amy M. Demeter Lisa Furdon Lori Denny Andrea Gagnon Monica Deoliveira Rhonda Gagnon Dulcelina Helena Depina Paul D. Gailah Kodi Dettling LS Cindy Yiseth Gallego Michelle Lynn Devost Jennifer Garcia Nason Lindsay DeWolf Janice Gargone Jessica Dias Renee Garino LS Kathleen H. DiBastiani Emily Garlow DMD, ASL Christopher Dierolf Brenda Garrison Arthur A. DiGiacomo Tina Garwood-Foley Tayla DiPrima Naomi Gates LS Andrea E. Dixon Kelly Gee Jennifer Lynn Docherty Crystal M. Geoffroy Nichole Dodge Teresa Geracie Satreva Dogan Megan Gerbino Diane Donaher DMD Erika Gibney Patrick Donahue * Karen Giorgianni Brittany Doran Aurora Gleason Caitlyn Margaret Downs Katherine Gobel Marybeth Drake Lois C. Godin Beverly Drew *** Colin Alexander Goetz Jennifer Driscoll Shannon Gomatos Gloria Elena Duarte Pineda Heather Gonsalves Julia C. Duquette Priya Gonsalves Carol Durham Diane M. Gooden LS William H. Eddings Jr. LS Dante Goodwin Jenny Edom Kristin Goodwin LS Amanda Ellis ** Sarah A. Goren Stephanie Ellis Marla Goulart Sherry L. El Maadawy Colleen Goyette Kelly Errico Laura Gregory Rochelle Marie Evans Charles S. Gunter, Jr. * Adekemi Fakulujo Rosibel Guzman Julie Fanning Jeffrey Hadley Scott Farren Sarah Hall Casey Faulkner *** LS Suzanne Hamlin Collette M. Fay * Catherine Hammon Regina Fay LS Garrett Hammon Benjamin L. Fernandes Stephanie L. Hanley Lynne Ferris Toni M. Hanson DMD, ASL Susan M. Fifield Erica Hargreaves Beth Lynn Filiau Beth Rochelle Harmon Courtney Fiol Brittney Harper Michelle Champagne * LS Margaret Edith Wareing Brew LS Kathleen Chase Michael Brigati LS Florence W. Chege Ryan Brigham Peter Chiagoro * Dia Brina Karen Chiarizio Jamie Brodeur Bonnie Choiniere ASL, LS Jacqueline Brooks LS Alexa Christerson Lisa R. Brosnan Patricia Clark Shantael Browder Shannon Clark *** Melissa Brown Rebecca Marie Clementi Stacy Brown Sylvia Coderre LS Jordan Buatti Dianne E. Collins *** Joanne Buck Colleen A. Comerford Teressa Buker Casey Concannon Jennifer Burke Colleen Condon Kelsey Burnham Roni A. Conlon Anissa Burns Amy Connell Audrey M. Burris LS Lashawn Cook Melinda Burt Sarah Coon E. Rene' Butcher LS Christine Cooper Melissa Butler Elizabeth Cooper Joyce Butterworth Shelisa Cooper Melody Jeanine Cabral-Pini Joanna Corcoran Tanaya J. Call Josephine B. Cordahi ASL Michael-Astynax S. Caminiti Stephen C. Cornish * Christine Campanella Morgan Correia Brittany Campbell Shara Costello Cynthia Campbell Jane Cottrell Jarvis Campbell Brenda Coughlin ASL Anne L. Campo *** PTK Kristen Cox Rocelia Caraballo Nikki Crean Deidre Card Amy Creighton Jill Elizabeth Cardarelli Ginny Crosse Richard Allen Carey Charlene Crowley Stephanie Caron ** Thomasina Michele Crute LS Catherine E. Carr *** DMD, ASL, CS Erin Cullen Megan Carr Susan Cunniff Timothy Carr Fiddelis Carter Laura Anne Carter LS Tanya Carter Karen Casanova Catherine J. Caswell Hildegart M. Causey Kristi L. Cavagnaro Jayne Cayes Nicholas V. Cefalo Cindi Rose Chagaris Heidi Chauvin Deborah L. Cuneo David C. Curry Jr. Wendy Cushing Angelic Sue Dale Hillary Damon Christina Brinson Daniels Diane Daniels Leah D'Anjou Robin Darden Robyn Dasilva Amanda Davies Amanda Davis 89 NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS Annette M. Harris *** Nicole J. Kjellquist LS Cynthia Marsh Nora Marie Murphy LS Lauren Harris Candace Knowlton Michelle Marsh Deborah Lynne Murr ** Lyndsey Christina Harris * Lillian C. Kohli Amy M. Martel Kelly Christine Nations Carol Ann Hart LS Elizabeth Kovacs Bonnie Martel Caley Elizabeth Nevin Amanda Hartman Jonathan Kovar Devila Martin Valerie Newcomb Laura Ann Hartmann Jennifer M. KraushaarMcNally LS Matthew J. Martin Amy Nickulas ASL Scot A. Kreger Melynda Martin Kimberly Nizza LS Jennifer Martinez Kim Nolte Alan Martino Karen Norris LS Juliana Martins-Da Silva Patricia Norris Jennifer Mason Loretta Nwosu Kelly Massey Kerri O'Brien Janet Mathre Carol O'Dowd Nicole Brittiny Maynard *** Kristin O'Halloran Olivia Maynard Diana Lopez O'Hare Stephanie Mayo Dionne Pacheco Lauren Bullin Mayse *** Christina Palmer Christie M. McBrayer Kelley Paquin Tiffany Ann McCarty LS Shauna Parish Kristine McDaniel Felecia Parks Tina McGuirk Sandra Parnell James McKenna Nivruti Patel Krysta McKinnon Timothy Michael Patno Erika McManus LS Gina Patricio LS Scott McNeill Aline Pause Baker Deborah McWilliams LS Jamie Pavlidis Jessica Means Allison Payson-Bowen Carla Mendes Lori Pelletier LS Meaghan Menice Stephanie R. Penney LS Laura Ann Michaelson LS Emely Vanessa Perez Amanda Mier Brittani Dajin Perkins Beth Miller Lisa Perry * ASL Melissa M. Miller Kimberly R. Peters Tracie Ellen Mitchell Nicole Phillips Tiffany Mixson Patricia Picard Jennifer Marie Moler LS Suzanne Pine Therese Marie Molinari Saige Y. Pires-Tavares *** ASL, LS Laura Harwood Toria Haungs Ashley P. Hawkins LS Renata Hawks LS Jacqueline Heflin Michelle Henderson Melissa Henson Jennifer Herald Renee Hernandez Jillian Hess Valerie Hinckley Jennifer T. Hirschmann Diana Hoang Anasa Holden Miriam J. Hollins ** Margaret Holzworth Ashley Houle LS Gregory House LS Renee Jeannette Hudon LS Marissa J. Hurley Destinee Hutson Jennifer Ingham Mark Jenkins Dawn Johnson LS Liette J. Johnson Patricia Johnson Rebecca Johnson Amber Johnston Abigail Marie Jones Victoria Jones Christina Jordan * Jessica L. Jordan Sarah C. Jordan Samira Krestalica Michelle M. Kyle Kimberley A. LaBombard Aja Labrecque Katheryn G. Lamarche Shannon M. Lambert * Jen Landry Kelly M. Lane Heidi J. Langwasser * Ian Lansberry ** LS Amanda Latchaw LS Vivek Lawot ** LS Candace Leach Lauren Leclerc Kathryn Anne Lee Liz Marie Mendoza Legaspi Kristen Lehmann Angela Lehoux *** LS Lindsay Leroy Christina Leventon * LS Lisa Lewis Taimeka Lewis Aga Leo Librando LS Nicole Lincoln Kelly Wilt Linden Schakila Lindsay Cherie Lipka Katherine E. Littlefield Liza Lomastro Melissa Lopez Danielle Loranger Stephanie Jordan DMD, ASL Matthew R. Loven Hannah Dawn JoudreyKitson Mandy Lowell *** Anna Lyon Martine JulmisseRichardson Sarah E. MacGregor Henry Kaggwa Anne Kamau Brian Kapfunde Martha Carolina Kew Tanya Kiggundu Jacqueline Kigwe Celeste Buela Kimura Catherine M. King Elizabeth Kirwan Danielle Madruga Jessica M. Magee Subia Majid Victoria L. Makris LS Deborah Mallett Scott Malone Raquel Mamou LS Michelle T. Mann LS Jennifer Marchand Hilory Marden 90 Karen M. Monaco Melissa Moore Natus Moore Cathy Morgan Jasmine Lisette Morgan Brad Morrill-Cornelius Andrea Morrison Amanda M. Morton Deborah A. Mostowy Elizabeth Grace Muir-Brown Patience G. Mujuru Bernard C. Muna Sheryl Munchbach Esther Mundia Robin Murby * Elise M. Murphy Charlene Pizano Gabrielle Alicia Polito Corianne Poole Dana Posley LS Julia Poveda Eileen O'Riordan Powers Janice L. Prodell Donna Prunier James Puljanowski Lori Pulsone Victoria Quinlan Melissa Quinones *** LS Maureen Raboin Susan Nicole Reeder *** ASL, CS, LS NURSING AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS Beth Cohen Reid Laura M. Smith Mindy D. Ventimiglia Patrick Reilly LS Ronald G. Smith Jr. ** LS Desiree Vernoy Kerriann Reynolds LS Tanna Lawhon Smith Kerrianne Vialpando Laura Rheault Jason Ashley Snyder Ashleigh Viers-Gordillo Jennifer Ricaurte Genevieve Soares Tylisha Villaruel Kamasha Richardson Kaitlin E. Caesar LS Betty Jo M. Villeneuve Lisa Richardson Jon Somervell ** Donna M. Vincequere ASL Kaylyn Rose Rifkin Michael Sonier ** LS Debra Vincoli Brittany Riordan Richard Sostre Timothy Visich LS Maritza Liz Rios Jeanne Spurlin Haley Walker LS Madeline Rivera Nicola Stacey Renee Walsh Melissa Robb Melinda Standish Kimberly Walters *** LS Jennifer Catherine Robbins Julie Stanley Brooke Nicole Ward James Robinson LS Wendy Stanley Jones DMD, LS Rachel Ward Ann-Marie Stephens Karen Wasson LS Kimberley Robinson Michael Joseph Robustelli LS Stephanie Law Rosanio Robert Rose Karen Rossi ASL Tina Ruggiero Jessalyn Russell Vicki L. Russo Cynthia Saladino Muriel F. Saliba Tracy Saltmarsh Kelly Sargent Megan Saunders Juli A. Sawyer Tracee Sawyer Catherine Buela Sayasa Lacy Scheiman Nicole Schoen-Kiewert Dylan R. Schulze Barbara Jean Schurter Artiela J. Schutz Susan Schwerdtfeger Shelby Seeley Lisa Montgomery Sera Christina Stephens Joanna Lynn Stevens * Sarah Stevens Courtney Stewart Amie Elizabeth Stone Crystal A. Storck Kendra Strout Teresa Sullivan Rita Sussenberger Lynn Ann Sutelman Jill Sweeney Vincent Sweeney Sarah Ann Tardiff Melissa M. Taylor Shannon Taylor Alaina Theocles Lisa Therrien LS Lynda J. Thibeault Amber Thistle Harry Thomas Shannon Colleen Thomas LS Candice Thompson *** LS Kathleen Shackford LS Brittany Tirrell Leslie Ann Maagad Shappell *** Gale Todaro Karen Toland Kimberly Sharpe Faith K. Tores Amanda Sheehan Catherine Torgeson Rachael Sherman ** LS Glenda Trejo Amanda Shirley Richard Troutman LS Sandeep Sidhu Danielle Tsetsakis Christie Silva LS Heidi Jo Tucker *** LS Cidalia N. Silva Andrea Tupick Mandy Silva * Emeka Ugwubie Susan Skinner Tami Uvena Lona A. Smeltzer Brian Van De Water LS Jennifer Alease Smiley Jonathan Van Etten Jennifer Smith Jennifer-Ann T. Vattes Stacey Ward Carldreka Antoria Watts Kristen L. Waugaman Lauren E. Waugaman Sandra Weber Kerrie Weiand Kathy Weiner Rebecca Lynn Weinhofer Chasity Welch Teresa A. Welsh Desiree Wentz Molly West Holly Kathryn Whaley Marsha Wheeler Jennifer L. White Kristyn Marie White Caren Whittington Jennifer Wilcox Cynthia Wiley Jillian Noella Williams Kelly Williams Angela Wilson LS Rachel Wint Jill Wixon Aaron Wonderly ** Christopher Wood Adam Worthy Lauren Wright Sherri Wyttenbach-Karpati Jennifer Young Nicole Young Carol Zichella Krista Zieber LS Katherine Anne Zietlow Marleni Samari Zorrilla 91 JOIN US FOR A RECEPTION Please join us for a reception on the SNHU campus immediately following Commencement. Light food and beverages will be served. There will be ample 1. Leave Verizon Wireless Arena at 555 Elm Street Manchester NH 2. Head north on Elm Street toward Granite Street opportunity for photos and networking. 3. Take the 1st left onto Granite Street The reception is being held in the Banquet Hall, 5. Continue on Canal Street, which will turn into River located on the second floor of the Dining Center. Southern New Hampshire University 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106 4. Take the 1st right onto Canal Street Road 6. Follow River Road for approximately 3 miles 7. Southern New Hampshire University will be on your left 8. Follow signs for parking 93 BUILDING DIRECTORY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Athletic Complex New Castle Hall Greeley Hall Whittier Hall Winnipesaukee Hall Merrimack Hall Ossipee Hall Kearsarge Hall Spaulding Hall Winnisquam Hall Chocorua Hall Exeter Hall Stark Hall Robert A. Freese S tudent Center 15. William S. and Joan Green Center for Student Success (2016 opening) PARKING DIRECTORY 16. Belknap Hall 17. Robert Frost Hall 18. Library Learning 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Commons Morrissey House Ford House Dining Center Academic Center Hospitality Center Washington Hall Sunapee Hall Cranmore Hall Attitash Hall Hillsboro Hall Rockingham Hall Central Receiving Operations Center Webster Hall 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Webster House Madison House Lincoln Hall Conway Hall Hampton Hall Windsor Hall Tuckerman Hall Future Athletic Stadium (2017 opening) 41. Future Gustafson Center (2017 opening) 42. Future Residence Hall (2017 opening) W Westside Resident Students Only E Eastside Resident Students Only C Commuter Students, Staff/Faculty, Visitors Only L Handicap and Loading SDX Sodexo Employees Only SF Staff and Faculty Only CS Commuter Students Only V Visitor parking 95 Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Be proud of your accomplishments and the determination you put forth to be here today. You’re joining the ranks of more than 70,000 SNHU alumni worldwide, a diverse and accomplished network of professionals, community leaders, and change makers. Remember that your alma mater is here for you after you graduate, with a multitude of ways to stay connected to the SNHU community, from volunteering as a career coach to building your regional SNHU network to joining your first Homecoming festivities October 14-16, 2016. Visit alumni.snhu.edu to update your alumni profile, find an event near you, access benefits and resources, and find meaningful ways to continue your journey with SNHU. Congratulations again, and welcome to SNHU Alumni Association! Timothy Gerardi ’04 President, SNHU Alumni Association alumni@snhu.edu | 603-645-9799 /SNHUalumni @SNHUalumni bit.ly/SNHUcommunity 97 SHARE YOUR #SNHU2016 MOMENTS! • Invite your family and friends to celebrate your success with you by watching the live broadcast of today’s Commencement ceremony at: www.snhu.edu • Congratulate the Class of 2016 and share today’s highlights using #SNHU2016 when posting to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • We would love to include your Commencement photos in our official #SNHU2016 Facebook photo album. Email your photos to photos@snhu.edu Graduation events and Commencement programs are presented by the staff of the Commencement Office at Southern New Hampshire University. A special thank you is extended to all of the faculty, staff, and students who helped behind the scenes to make these events truly memorable celebrations for our graduates, special guests, and our extended University community. Any questions about these events and programs should be directed to Dr. Scott Tierno at commencement@snhu.edu, or by calling 603-644-3177. 99
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