Lead With Community Impact - Alan Jewitt


Lead With Community Impact - Alan Jewitt
How to Create a Social Hub & Strategy For Your Credit Union’s Impact
•  Copies of this deck
•  Free extras!
•  10 Ways Credit Unions Can Win Millennials
Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social •  What: Community Impact Defined
•  Why: The business case
•  How: The Point West CU & Social Impact Profile
•  Q&A
Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social ü  Employee engagement
ü  Fundraising for a cause
ü  Awareness & Partnerships
ü  Giving & donation matching
engage in
ü  Financial literacy
ü  Point-Of-Sale
Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social An Important Global Initiative
for Companies
$170 Billion 2013 Cone Communica/ons/ Echo Global CSR Study 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 6 The Awareness Gap
Nielsen 2013 Consumers Who Care Study Corporate Social Responsibility Percep/ons Survey 2013 Cone Communica/ons/ Echo Global CSR Study The 2011 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey Final Report 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 71%
7 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 8 Moms- Decision Makers
86% of moms want
companies they
use to support
their communities
66% of moms purchase
products or services based
on cause affiliation
Digital Women Influencers: Millennial Moms
9/11/15 Image courtesy of Jomphong freedigitalphotos.net Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 9 Millennials
1/2 think all financial insPtuPons are the same 90% consider community
4 of 10 “least loved brands” are banks engagement activities before
68% hear about cause support
on social media
25% more likely to recommend
brands with community
Millennial Disrup/on Index from Scratch, Viacom 2013 Cone Communica/ons Social Impact Study 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 10 Talent
Engagement &
Closer Connection
to Member
9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Financial
11 The Credit Union DNA
• Local focus • Community focus • Member versus Customer • Credibility Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 13 Point West Credit Union Portland, Oregon 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 14 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 15 1. Build stronger relaPonships with our community partners 2. Create a community portal for our members 3. Demonstrate to our regulators and legislators that we take community involvement seriously 4. Give a heart and soul to the credit union Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Point West Credit Union & CafeGive Social
We Share
All of our community
impact in one, social
Showcases our impact
Social Impact Profile
9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 17 Giving Community
Nonprofit & Community Partners Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Financial Literacy Add photos Record events Centralized overview Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Who are you Local focus Show your impact Highlight partners 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 20 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 21 •  Create a system and culture •  Get social & Get visual •  Make it easy to find, and fun to parPcipate •  Use mulPple forms of media •  Talk to your members 9/11/15 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social 22 Impact At-A-Glance
Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Your compePPve advantage Walk the talk Have a system Brand affiliation
with a cause,
Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social Share of consumer
heart & market
Reach & impressions
For cause markePng consulPng, campaign development or more informaPon on how we can help your credit union grow, contact: Sandra Morris sandra@cafegive.com 503-­‐880-­‐7349 Alan Jeweb ajeweb@cafegive.com 415-­‐794-­‐5714 Copyright 2015 CafeGive Social