File - Xavier Website


File - Xavier Website
St. Francis Xavier School
Principal’s Desk
The nation-wide Catholic Schools week
theme is Catholic Schools: Communities of
Faith, Knowledge and Service. During our
week of celebrating, we will be partaking in
activities that help our students celebrate
faith, knowledge, and service. We would like
to share with you the following message
from our own Archbishop Jackels in regards
to Catholic Schools Week.
St. Francis
Xavier: Preacher
and Miracle
O God, You who were pleased
to gather into your Church
the peoples of the East by the
preaching and miracles of St.
Francis Xavier, grant that we,
who honor his glorious
merits, may also imitate the
example of his virtues.
This we ask through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
The complete newsletter including the above message from our Archbishop
can be found on our website under Newsletter Attachemts.
NewsNotes from the Office for the Protection of Children
Accompanying this newsletter is the fourth of a five part series of
parent NewsNotes from the Office for the Protection of Children from the
Archdiocese of Dubuque. The purpose of these publications is to help all of
us be more informed of the issues and topics related to the abuse of
children. It is our sincere hope that by partnering together we can
continually provide the safest possible environment for all our young people
to grow into healthy, Christ-filled adults. Our final NewsNote will be
distributed in March. Additional resources can be found at the Virtus
website at . The NewsNote titled POC
St. Francis Xavier School: Past Our Heritage - Present Our Stewardship - Future Our Gift
NewsNote 4 1516 can be found on our website under the Newletters tab. Scroll down and click on Newsletter
Attachments to view and print.
School Closing Due to Weather
Xavier School operates on the Western Dubuque County Community School District schedule when winter
weather causes issues. The decision to close will be made by Western Dubuque officials as soon as possible so that
radio stations can be notified. Instead of calling school, please listen to or watch any of the following stations: FM
99.3 KDST (Dyersville); AM 1490 or FM 107.5 WDBQ, FM 105.3 KLYV, FM 103.3 WJOD (Dubuque); FM 97.3, 92.9
KAT-FM, 1370 KDTH (Dubuque); AM 1600 KCRG-TV 9 (Cedar Rapids); KWWL-TV 7 (Waterloo); AM 600 or FM 96.5
WMT (Cedar Rapids); FM 108 KFMW (Waterloo); AM 950 or FM 92.3 KOEL-FM (Oelwein); FM 95 KMAQ (Maquoketa);
AM 1400 or FM 100.1; KADR/KCTN (Elkader); FM 94.7 KMCH (Manchester); or access any of their websites.
2016-2017 Pre-Registration Due
Pre-registration forms for students for the 2016-2017 school year are due back on February 26th. Preregistration is a very important tool in preparing for the next school year as it assists in determining staffing levels
as well as textbook and other supply needs. Our registration process will be the same as last year. We will
require completed paperwork with required fees &/or deposit for each family registering by the deadline. Late
submissions will incur a $100 fee, rather than a tuition deposit. A reminder that our Early Childhood program has
limited spaces available, so get your registrations in soon.
STO Information
STO information is being prepared and will be emailed out to families very soon. Below is a little
information on the STO program and the qualifying income levels.
MAP & FAST Assessment Testing
MAP assessments: All students in kindergarten through 6th grade recently completed the Measures of
Academic Progress® (MAP®) assessments for reading and math. These winter scores help teachers monitor a
student’s progress towards end of the year goals. They also provide teachers with information to determine the
best educational plan for the students in the classroom. Your student’s report will be sent home with your child on
St. Francis Xavier School: Past Our Heritage - Present Our Stewardship - Future Our Gift
Monday. If you need help reading the report, you will find a Reference Guide under the Newsletter Attachments on
the Xavier website. If you have any additional questions about these assessments, please contact your child’s
classroom teacher.
FAST assessments: All students in kindergarten through 6th grade were given the Winter FAST assessment.
This is a quick 3-5 minute screener that checks early literacy and/or fluency. This screener helps identify students
that need more supportive lessons beyond the traditional classroom instruction. Your child’s assessment score will
be coming home on Monday. If you have any questions about this assessment, please contact your child’s classroom
Archbishop Kucera Grant
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Board of St. Francis, St. Paul, St. Joe parishes are the recipients
of $13,995 from the Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards from the Archdiocese of Dubuque Educational Development
Fund. The grant was awarded for tuition assistance to those families who can least afford the cost of attending a
Catholic School. A portion of the grant was also directed towards tuition assistance for minority students who
qualify for Federal School Lunch Program. Awards for these two programs totaled $500,000 for the 2015/16
program year.
The Archbishop Kucera Grant Awards annually provides $100,000 for faith formation resources and leadership
development for faith formation leaders, catechists, Catholic school administrators and teachers. The grant also
covers one third of the program cost for adults enrolled in the Archdiocesan IMPACT Program.
The Archdiocesan Educational Development Fund was developed for the purpose of supporting the educational
programs of the Archdiocese. This is the thirtieth year that grants have been awarded. Over 9.5 million dollars have
been distributed since the Archdiocesan Educational Development Fund was established. Grants are made possible
through the generous donations of contributors and parishioners throughout the Archdiocese.
6th Grade Invention Convention
The sixth grade annual invention convention was a success. Special thank you to our judges, Deacon
Riesberg, Ray Tauke, Linda Beckett and Dan Willenborg. The following inventions will be submitted to the Invent
Iowa Competition.
Mink-Inator- Jason Koopmann & Elliot Naughton
Finger Gym-Logan Burchard & Mitchell Naber
Calf Mooover- Luke Kluesner Ryan Schlarmann
Vet Vest- Conner Grover & Ty Fangman
Tile Stabilizer-Derek Bonert
SCRIP Sales Update
We would like to give you a short update on the DECEMBER earnings we have received from SCRIP sales…
-Dollars Sold- $234,190.00
-Xavier family earnings for tuition credit-$1,736.22
-Xavier School general operating budget earnings-$ 4,950.39
Out of Dress Code
Xavier School raised $243.55 for the JANUARY out of dress code day for Clarity Clinic. Thank you to all
who were able to give to this.
Schwan’s Earnings
4th Quarter Schwan’s earnings-$167.28
Nurse’s Notes from the Health Room
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4
deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news… Heart disease can often be prevented when people make
healthy choices and manage their health conditions.
Parents are often the most important role models for children. When you choose to eat right and be
physically active, your child will be more likely to make those choices, too. The healthy habits your child learns now
can last a lifetime. Plus, being active and preparing healthy meals together are great ways to spend quality time
with your family.
St. Francis Xavier School: Past Our Heritage - Present Our Stewardship - Future Our Gift
*When it comes to your heart, what you eat matters. Follow these tips for heart-healthy eating:
• Eat less saturated and trans fat. Stay away from fatty meats, fried foods, cakes, and cookies.
• Cut down on sodium (salt). Look for the low-sodium or “no salt added” types of canned soups,
vegetables, snack foods, and lunch meats. Use spices to season food instead of salt.
• Get more fiber. Fiber is in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
• Reach for a tall glass of water instead of sugar-sweetened drinks.
*Help your child stay at a healthy weight, which in turn is good for their heart and body, by balancing
what your child eats with physical activity.
Be more physically active as a family. Kids need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous active play every
day. It may sound like a lot, but it doesn’t all need to happen at one time. Physical activity throughout
the day all adds up. • The average child spends more time watching TV, and less time running and playing. It’s important
to find creative ways to exercise and play every day, which can be fun and beneficial to your health.
Make commercial breaks Let’s Move! breaks. Some active and fun ideas could be jumping jacks, dancing,
racing up and down the stairs, sit-ups, stretching, jogging in place, push-ups, active house chores, or
come up with your own activities and share them with friends and family.
February 2016 Events & Dates
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK ~ JANUARY 29th - FEB. 5TH : (see Newsletter Attachments for complete
February 1st : Celebrate our Community- Bowling for Early Childhood 3rd, 4th, , and 5th grades. (Snow
date: Monday, February 8) Silly socks can be worn with dress code clothes for bowlers only.
Game Day: Students not bowling this day can bring in a game to play with their classmates.
February 2nd : Celebrate our Students- Bowling for Kindergarten, 1st 2nd, and 6th grades. (Snow
date: Tuesday, February 9) Silly socks can be worn with dress code clothes for bowlers only. Game Day:
Students not bowling this day can bring in a game to play with their classmates.
February 3rd : Celebrate the Nation- Classrooms will complete a Valentine for Vets service project.
Team up for Catholic Schools: Students may wear their favorite team attire—Free Out of Dress Code Day.
February 4th : Celebrate Vocations- Sister Paula will talk to the students about her vocation as a
Presentation Sister.
February 5th : Celebrate our Faculty and Staff- 8:30 School Mass: Celebrate our Catholic school by
wearing a red dress code shirt today. (This is a change from the gold). We will be taking a school-wide photo in
church following Mass. Read and Feed – DQ Treat provided. Thank you, Dairy Queen!
February 6th : 9am-11am- 1st Communion Retreat, Meet in Auditorium
February 9th : 2 & 6:30pm 4th & 5th music concert in Auditorium. (make-up date Feb. 11th)
February 10th : 10:30am Mass- Ash Wednesday Mass, lead by Mrs. Lueken’s class (no school mass on Feb.
12 )
February 13th : 9am-11am- 1st Communion Retreat, Meet in Auditorium. St. Paul Annual Winterfest- Cost
is $45 per person and includes a prime rib dinner with silent and live auction. If you have never attended, are
interested in attending or would like to learning more about it, please contact Cathy at 855-2125.
February 14th : 7am – Noon- Boy Scout Breakfast, Auditorium
February 15th : 2:30pm Stations of the Cross lead by 5th grade
February 16th : Out of Dress code for Right to Life
February 19th : 8:30am Mass lead by Ms. Tillis’s Class
February 22nd : 10:30am Rosary lead by 6th gr., 12:45pm Rosary lead by 5th gr., 2:30pm Rosary lead by
4 gr. All are welcome to attend
February 23rd : 10:30am Rosary lead by 3rd gr., 12:45pm Rosary lead by 2nd gr., 2:30pm Stations of the
Cross lead by 3rd gr. All are welcome to attend
February 26th : 8:30am mass lead by Mrs. Reuter’s class, 16-17 REGISTRATIONS DUE BACK TO
SCHOOL to avoid late fee!
Xavier School Fundraisers
A fundraising committee was formed with a goal to have fewer fundraisers that generate more dollars to
be spread out over the course of the school year. Each year the school board sets a financial goal for the
St. Francis Xavier School: Past Our Heritage - Present Our Stewardship - Future Our Gift
committee. We ask that every Xavier family help to do their part to reach this goal.
*XAVIER CASH RAFFLE - September 2015 - June 2016: Goal $23,000
We are very EXCITED at the success of our Xavier Cash Raffle!!! We have a lot of tickets available for
purchase at the school and we need the help of every Xavier family to do their part in order to help us reach
our fundraising goals. There are many, many more opportunities to win, so we encourage you to keep selling
Raffle Winners are:
*SEPTEMBER: 18th - Patti Coble $50, 25th - Cy & Doris Pins $50, Kevin McDermott $100 monthly
*OCTOBER: 2nd - Ted & Terese Kruse $50, 9th - Kay Risser $50, 15th -Ted and Terese Kruse $50, 23rd – Steve
Fangman $50, 30th - Floyd Krapfl $50, Rhonda Ungs $100 monthly, Terry and Sheri Kruse $250 end of the quarter
*NOVEMBER: 6th - Margaret Drees $50, 13th - Mike Goedken $50, 20th - Floyd Krapfl $50, 24th - Amanda Hoefler
$50, John and Joyce Hillebrand $100 monthly,
*DECEMBER: 4th – Judy Waterman $50, 11th- Hayden Heisler $50, 18th- Mary Jane Feldman $50, 23rd- Duane
Strief $50, Jodi Helle $100
*JANUARY: 8th- Norma Link $50, Jim & Doris Koopman $50, 15th- Chase White $50, 21st- Lori Blush $50, 29thFloyd Krapfl-weekly $50, Janell Schilling- $100 monthly, Scott and Kaylee Ungs- $500 Catholic Schools Week
*A Xavier Affair-January 29, 2016: Goal - $48,000
*Drive for Xavier- tentative Sept and March: Goal - $2,000
*Xcursion- tentative May 4, 2016: Goal - $8,000
*Family Events & Baskets - throughout the year: Goal - $9,000
Information on these events will be sent home as they take place. We appreciate your support of these
fundraisers each year.
Ongoing Fundraisers
The following fundraisers operate on a continual basis for Xavier:
*SCRIP- ONGOING: Please continue to use SCRIP.
Visit and click on Retailer Lists to view all of the
participants in the SCRIP program. Visit the Dyersville banks for in stock local SCRIP. Call Xavier School (8757376) on Mondays for special orders with delivery by Friday of that same week.
~Interested in setting up a PrestoPay™ account? Please click on the link below to learn how you can
set up your personal PrestoPay™ account for immediately delivery of ScripNow! retailers.
NOTE: It takes 3-5 business days for the PrestoPay™ account process to be completed.
~MyScripWallet™ for Mobile Users: If you have a PrestoPay™ account set up, there is an easy and
convenient way to get your SCRIP to you for all your shopping needs. MyScripWallet™is available with the
widest selection of electronically delivered products and the highest rebates available anywhere. Please click
the following link to learn more on how you can access this great SCRIP tool. Note that there is a video on the
webpage available to help explain the process.
~New to SCRIP or have questions? Call Xavier School at 875-7376 or email us
at and one of our SCRIP Experts can assist you and show you how easy it is to shop
with SCRIP. SCRIP works for everyone!
1. Plan ahead to buy groceries, gas and other household expenses with gift cards from scrip.
2. Shop in-store or online with participating retailers.
3. Use gift cards to pay at checkout, just like using credit/debit card, but without the fraud risk.
4. Scrip program earnings are much greater than credit card rewards.
5. No unnecessary spending, families spend their planned household budget at stores they already
Don’t forget to “Like” ShopWithScrip on Facebook to keep up with all the latest promotions. There are
many retailers offering bonus rebates. Check them out at
St. Francis Xavier School: Past Our Heritage - Present Our Stewardship - Future Our Gift
We are always looking for more Scrip volunteers to assist with this program. Please contact Xavier School at
875-7376 if you or someone you know is interested. Thank you for supporting the SCRIP program!
*SCHWAN’S Fundraising Campaign February 2015-February 2016: Goal-$2,000
Xavier School has partnered with Schwan’s Home Services to meet our current fundraising goals.
Schwan’s Home Delivery offers over 350 delicious foods, flash-frozen at the peak of freshness, and
conveniently delivered to your door. Every time you order on the website, Schwan’s will
contribute 5% of all orders to our school! Schwan’s asks that you reserve your products with a credit/debit
card when placing your order. You can change the type of payment when it is delivered to your home. When
you are at the checkout step of your ordering process, a drop down menu is provided with available delivery
dates and times that you can choose from. A Schwan’s representative will call you within 48 hours to set up
service if there isn’t an available time/day. For people that are already Schwan’s customers, your order will be
delivered on your normal day/time unless you want to change it. Instructions can be found on our website
under Newsletter attachments.
NOTE: A NEW Schwan’s Campaign 2016-2017 will be starting soon, so stay tuned for more
*Prairie Farm's Caps 4 Kids
*Our Family Labels
*Box Tops for Education
*Sunny D & Scholastic Books
*Labels for Education
*Target Take Charge of Education
*DQ & Happy Joe’s Punch Cards- Available in the school office, $10/card. Order forms can be
found on or website under Newsletter Attachments!
We appreciate your support of these easy ways to earn money for school!
James Kennedy Public Library
A list of activities taking place at the James Kennedy Library are located on our website under
Newsletter Attachments, titled February Family Events @ JK Library. It is available to view and print.
**Please be sure to check the Newsletter Attachments section of our website for items mentioned in the newsletter.
Additional flyers not referenced in the newsletter will also be found there.
Click for the lunch menu, breakfast menu, or Calendar of Events.
***Join us on the web***
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Twitter :
Happy Catholic Schools Week!!!