KEM a.d catalog
KEM a.d catalog
KEM A.D. GOSTIVAR, R. MACEDONIA KATALOG PROIZVODA PRODUCTS CATALOGUE KEM a.d. - Gostivar je fabrika za proizvodnju vatrostalnih materijala koje se koriste u crnoj metalurgiji, u metalurgiji obojenih metala i u svim ostalim toplotnim agregatima, kao što su ložišta u kotlarnicama, ložišta kod asfaltnih baza, ložišta u pekarskoj industriji, izrada elektrootpornih peći za termičku obradu metala, izrada elektrootpornih peći za pečenje keramike i porcelana, peći za topljenje pri livenju oboenih metala (aluminium, bakar, bronza, cink, mesing), elektrootpornih peći u zlatarskoj industriji (topljenje zlata), peŽi za spaljivanje medicinskog i farmaceutskog otpada itd. Prema gorenavedenom, naša fabrika svoje proizvode plasira u najodgovornije metalurške agregate u crnoj metalurgiji, kao što su: elektropeći, indukcione peći, mikseri, konvertori, transportne learske kazane za čelik, kako i svi izlivni delovi u agregatima u metalurgiju za železo i čelik, u agregatima za matalurgiju obojenih metala (proizvodnja bakra, feronikel, ferohrom, feromangan, aluminium, zlato), peći za proizvodju pečenog kreča, plamene peći za topljenje koncentrata metala, konvertore za dobivanje obojenih metala, anodne peći, peći za elektrolizu obojenih metala, peći za dobivanje nus proizvoda u samoj metalurgiji, kako što su, na primer, sulfurna kiselina pri dobivanju bakra, dubinske peći za zagrevanje odlivaka od metala pred plastične obrade, (valjanje, kovanje, izvlačenje). Fabrika proizvodi vatrostalne materijale skoro za sva mesta gde je potrebna izdržljivost pri visokim temperaturama i agresivnih fizičkohemiskih procesa pri dobivanju metala i svih mesta koja su izložena visokim temperaturama od gorionika u agregatima koji su navedeni u gornjem tekstu. KEM a.d. – Gostivar, is a factory for manufacturing refractory materials that are used into ferrous metallurgy, colored metallurgy and all different kinds of heating aggregates, such as fireboxes of boiler rooms, fireboxes in asphalt bases and fireboxes for batches. Also, part of their specialties is producing electro-furnaces for heat treating of metals, furnaces for melting used in casting colored metals (aluminum, copper, bronze, zinc, brass), electro-furnaces for the gold making industry (melting gold). KEM a.d. is placing its products in the most responsible metallurgical aggregates, such as: electro-furnaces, induction furnaces, mixers, converters, transporting casting ladles for steel, and all casting parts in the metallurgical aggregates of iron and steel, in the metallurgical aggregates for colored metals (manufacturing of copper, ferronickel, ferrochrome, ferromanganese, aluminum, gold), furnaces for producing lime, flam furnaces for melting concentrates of the metals, converters for producing colored metals, blast furnaces for heating casting of the metals before the heat treating (rolling, welding, deep drawing). All on all, the factory produces refractory materials almost for all the places where present are high temperatures and aggressive physical-chemical processes while producing metals and all the places that are exposed on high temperatures of the burners in the aggregates, that are mentioned in the upper text. VATROSTALNE OPEKE REFRACTORY BRICK SHAPES Pecena glina I Visokoaluminozne Opeke/ Fireclay & High Alumina Bricks Hemiski Sastav/Chemical Analysis Fizičke karakteristike/Physical Properties Fe2O3 ZrO2 Cr2O3 % % % % Zapreminska težina/Bulk density 3 g/cm 31,9 35,8 40,6 42,1 44,8 46,9 50,8 55,6 61,3 66,8 71,9 77,8 79,8 81,8 86,3 62,5 68,5 82,6 1,9 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,8 1,9 1,6 1,2 1,3 1,5 9,85 6,8 - 4,6 2,1-2,25 2,1-2,2 2,15-2,25 2,15-2,25 2,15-2,25 2,2-2,3 2,25-2,35 2,3-2,4 2,35-2,45 2,45-2,55 2,5-2,6 2,6-2,7 2,7-2,8 2,75-2,85 2,85-2,95 2,68-2,78 2,65-2,75 2,9-3,0 Kvalitet/ Quality Al2O3 KEMAL 30 KEMAL 35 KEMAL 40 KEMAL 42 KEMAL 44 KEMAL 46 KEMAL 50 KEMAL 55 KEMAL 60 KEMAL 65 KEMAL 70 KEMAL 75 KEMAL 80 KEMAL 85 KEMAL 90 KEMAL 65 Zr KEMAL 70 Zr KEMAL 90 Cr Otvoreni porozitet/App. Porosity % volume Kd/Cold Crushing Strength 2 kg/cm 15-18 16-19 17-20 17-20 16-19 17-20 18-20 18-20 18-21 18-21 18-21 18-21 18-21 18-21 13-17 17-19 17-19 15-17 >400 >400 >400 >400 >400 >400 >400 >400 >400 >500 >500 >500 >600 >600 >800 >600 >600 >650 R.U.L. T a °C >1300 >1300 >1350 >1350 >1380 >1400 >1420 >1420 >1450 >1450 >1450 >1470 >1500 >1500 >1450 >1450 >1450 Specijalne Aluminozne Opeke / Super Alumina Bricks Hemiski Sastav/Chemical Analysis Kvalitet/ Quality KEMMUL 70 KEMMUL 75 KEMKOR 90 KEMKOR 90 Cr KEMKOR 85 Zr KEMKOR 92 KEMKOR 95 KEMKOR 97 KEMKOR 99 ZIRKEM 65 ZIRKEM 20 ZIRKEM 20 M ZIRKEM 7 1 Fizičke karakteristike/Physical Properties Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 ZrO2 SiC Cr2O3 % 71 74 90 85 85 91 93 96 99 32 70 55 89 % 28 25 5 8 8 6 3 0,5 0,1 9 23 3 % 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 % 3,2 64 20 20 7 % - % 4,5 9,6 - Zapreminska težina/Bulk Density 3 gr/cm Otvoreni porozitet/ App. Porosity % volume Kd/Cold Crushing Strength 2 kg/cm T a °C 2,43 2,45 3,1 3,15 3,35 2,95 3,02 3,05 3,07 3,72 3,15 3,1 3,1 18 18 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 18 16 14 18 550 600 800 800 900 600 600 600 600 800 900 900 900 1700 1700 1600 1600 1700 1720 1720 1720 1720 1650 1700 1670 1700 R.U.L Izolativne opeke/ Insulating Bricks Kvalitet/ Quality KEMIZOL 10 KEMIZOL 20 KEMIZOL 30 KEMIZOL 40 KEMIZOL 50 KEMIZOL 60 KEMIZOL 70 KEMIZOL 80 Al2O3 Max. servisna temp./Max. service temp. Zapreminska težina/ Bulk Density % °C gr/cm 10-15 12-17 12-17 30-35 32-34 33-37 5-7 83-88 850 900 900 1250 1200 1200 1400 1700 0,55-0,65 0,75-0,85 0,90-1,0 0,8-0,9 1,0-1,2 1,2-1,4 1,05-1,2 1,35-1,45 3 Otvoreni porozitet/ App. Porosity % volume 60-65 55-60 50-55 50-55 45-50 40-45 40-45 45-55 Kd/ C. C. Strength kg/cm 2 >10 >12 >15 >40 >40 >40 >40 >60 Termicka Konduktivnost/ Thermal Conductivity Kcal/m h °C 0,13+0,00006 x t °C 0,14+0,00008 x t °C 0,17+0,00006 x t °C 0,23+0,00014 x t °C 0,25+0,00014 x t °C 0,35+0,00008 x t °C 0,35+0,00008 x t °C 0,68+0,00014 x t °C Bazne Opeke/ Basic Bricks Hemiski Sastav/Chemical Analysis Kvalitet/ Quality KEMMAG 92 KEMMAG 95 KEMMAG 98 CROMAG 50 CROMAG 60 CROMAG 60M CROMAG 70 CROMAG 80 KEMMAG 85 KEMMAG 90 2 Fizičke karakteristike/ Physical Properties MgO Cr2O3 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SiO2 Zapreminska težina/ Bulk Density % 92 95 97 48 59 61 70 80 86 90 % 20 22 23 11 8 - % 0,3 0,2 0,1 17 9 8 10 5 10 6 % 1,0 0,4 0,1 10 7 5 7 4 0,2 0,2 % 2,1 2,3 2,0 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,8 % 2,0 1,3 0,5 3,0 1,5 1,3 2 1,5 0,3 0,3 gr/cm 2,9 2,97 2,98 3,05 3,2 3,2 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3 Otvoreni porozitet/ App. Porosity % volume 19 17 18 20 18 15 19 19 16 16 Kd/ C.C. Strength kg/cm 500 500 400 500 500 500 400 400 600 600 2 R.U.L. T a °C 1600 1650 1700 1700 1720 1750 1700 1700 1700 1700 Silicijum karbidni proizvodi/Silicium Carbide products Karakteristike/Properties SiC (%) SiO2 (%) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) Zapreminska težina/Bulk 3 Density (gr/cm ) Otvoreni porozitet /App.porosity (%) Kd/C.C.Strength (1290°C) (MPa) Koeficient termičkog širenja -6 (20-1000°C), ·10 /°C Termička konduktivnost/ Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Ta (°C) Karakteristike/Properties SiC (%) SiO2 (%) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) Si3N4 (%) Zapreminska težina/Bulk Density 3 (gr/cm ) Otvoreni porozitet /App.porosity (%) Kd/C.C.Strength (1290°C) (MPa) Koeficient termičkog širenja -6 (20-1000°C), ·10 /°C Termička konduktivnost/ Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Ta (°C) 3 Tip/Type A 90,0 7,6 0,6 0,6 B 88,0 8,2 1,6 0,6 C 89,0 8,7 0,5 0,6 D 86,0 9,5 2,2 1,0 2,65 2,65 2,60 2,60 13 13,5 17 14 25 30 7,5 30 4,7 4,8 4,8 4,8 15,8 15,1 15,1 15,1 >1800 >1800 >1600 >1750 Tip/Type A 75,0 0,8 0,5 0,6 22,0 B 74,0 2,6 1,0 0,7 20,0 2,65 2,65 14 12 45 55 4,0 4,3 16,3 16,3 >1800 >1800 Pozicija Item 1 2 3 1-76 2-76 3-76 1B 2B 3B 1B-76 2B-76 3B-76 B1 B2 1L 2L 3L 1L-76 2L-76 3L-76 1 LB-76 2 LB-76 3 LB-76 1-32 2-32 3-32 1-38 2-38 3-38 1D 2D 3D 1D-76 2D-76 3D-76 1K* 2K* 3K* 1K-76* 2K-76* 3K-76* P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P9 P12 4 Dimenzii vo mm/Measurements in mm l b h 230 114 64 250 124 64 300 150 64 230 114 76 250 124 76 300 150 76 230 172 64 250 187 64 300 225 64 230 172 76 250 187 76 300 225 76 187 155 123 210 187 155 345 114 64 375 124 64 450 150 64 345 114 76 375 124 76 450 150 76 345 172 76 375 187 76 450 225 76 230 114 32 250 124 32 300 150 32 230 114 38 250 124 38 300 150 38 230 230 64 250 250 64 300 300 64 230 230 76 250 250 76 300 300 76 172 114 64 187 124 64 225 150 64 172 114 76 187 124 76 225 150 76 500 375 40 625 500 40 500 250 64 375 250 64 500 375 64 500 500 64 500 375 100 500 500 100 375 250 130 Volumen 3 (dm ) 1,68 1,98 2,88 1,99 2,36 3,42 2,53 2,99 4,32 3,01 3,55 5,13 3,57 6,09 2,52 2,98 4,32 2,99 3,53 5,13 4,51 5,33 7,70 0,84 0,99 1,44 1,00 1,18 1,71 3,39 4,00 5,76 4,02 4,75 6,84 1,25 1,48 2,16 1,49 1,76 2,57 7,50 12,5 8,00 6,00 12,00 16,00 18,75 25,00 12,19 Format Shape l h b Pozicija Item 1G4 1G10 1G16 1G24 1G50 +1G4 +1G10 +1G16 +1G24 +1G50 2G4 2G10 2G16 2G24 2G50 G081 G11 G21 G31 G51 G1 G1/83 G1/87 G082 G12 G22 G32 G52 G2 G2/83 G2/87 G083 G33 1GG4 1GG10 1GG16 1GG24 1GG50 +1GG4 +1GG10 +1GG16 +1GG24 +1GG50 2GG4 2GG10 2GG16 2GG24 2GG50 +2GG4 +2GG10 +2GG16 +2GG24 +2GG50 5 Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm a b h l r 66 62 230 114 3680 69 59 230 114 1403 72 56 230 114 834 76 52 230 114 518 89 39 230 114 189 78 74 230 114 4370 81 71 230 114 1679 84 68 230 114 1006 88 64 230 114 633 101 51 230 114 244 66 62 250 124 4000 69 59 250 124 1525 72 56 250 124 906 76 52 250 124 563 89 39 250 124 205 90 65 300 150 804 85 65 300 150 1005 75 65 300 150 2010 71 65 300 150 3350 69 65 300 150 5025 79 75 300 150 5775 83 75 300 150 2888 87 75 300 150 1925 96 65 375 150 810 90 65 375 150 1005 78 65 375 150 1933 73 65 375 150 3141 70 65 375 150 5025 80 75 375 150 5775 83 75 375 150 3609 87 75 375 150 2406 102 65 450 150 815 75 65 450 150 3015 66 62 230 230 3680 69 59 230 230 1403 72 56 230 230 834 76 52 230 230 518 89 39 230 230 189 78 74 230 230 4370 81 71 230 230 1679 84 68 230 230 1006 88 64 230 230 663 101 51 230 230 244 66 62 250 250 4000 69 59 250 250 1525 72 56 250 250 906 76 52 250 250 563 89 39 250 250 205 78 74 250 250 4750 81 71 250 250 1825 84 68 250 250 1094 88 64 250 250 688 101 51 250 250 265 Volumen 3 (dm ) 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,98 1,98 1,98 1,98 1,98 3,49 3,38 3,15 3,06 3,02 3,47 3,56 3,65 4,53 4,36 4,02 3,88 3,80 4,36 4,44 4,56 5,64 4,73 3,39 3,39 3,39 3,39 3,39 4,02 4,02 4,02 4,02 4,02 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,75 4,75 4,75 4,75 4,75 Format Shape a h l b 1GB4 1GB10 1GB16 1GB24 1GB50 +1GB4 +1GB10 +1GB16 +1GB24 +1GB50 2GB4 2GB10 2GB16 2GB24 2GB50 +2GB4 +2GB10 +2GB16 +2GB24 +2GB50 GB081 GB11 GB21 GB31 GB51 GB082 GB1 GB1/83 GB1/87 GB12 GB22 GB32 GB52 GB083 GB2 GB2/83 GB2/87 GB33 6 66 69 72 76 89 78 81 84 88 101 66 69 72 76 89 78 81 84 88 101 90 85 75 71 69 96 79 83 87 90 78 73 70 102 80 83 87 75 62 59 56 52 39 74 71 68 64 51 62 59 56 52 39 74 71 68 64 51 65 65 65 65 65 65 75 75 75 65 65 65 65 65 75 75 75 65 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 375 300 300 300 375 375 375 375 450 375 375 375 450 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 2,53 2,53 2,53 2,53 2,53 4370 1679 1006 633 244 4000 1525 906 563 205 4750 1825 1094 688 265 804 1005 2010 3350 5025 810 5775 2888 1925 1005 1933 3141 5025 815 5775 3609 6,83 3015 3680 1403 834 518 189 3,01 3,01 3,01 3,01 3,01 2,99 2,99 2,99 2,99 2,99 3,55 3,55 3,55 3,55 3,55 5,23 5,06 4,73 4,59 4,52 6,79 3,47 5,33 5,47 6,54 6,03 5,82 5,70 8,45 6,54 6,67 2406 7,09 a h l b Pozicija Item 1Q50 1Q28 1Q14 1Q10 1QB 2Q50 2Q28 2Q14 2Q10 2QB +1Q50 +1Q28 +1Q14 +1Q10 +1QB +2Q50 +2Q28 +2Q14 +2Q10 +2QB Q081 Q151 Q31 Q51 Q61 Q71 QB1 +Q081 +Q151 +Q31 +Q51 +Q61 +Q71 +QB1 E08 E15 E30 +E08 +E15 +E30 Q52 Q62 Q72 QB2 +Q52 +Q62 +Q72 +QB2 Q53 Q63 Q73 QB3 +Q53 +Q63 +Q73 +QB3 7 a Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm b h l r 139 128 121 119 179 149 138 131 129 192 139 128 121 119 179 149 138 131 129 192 152 132 121 117 116 115 175 152 132 121 117 116 115 175 158 136 123 158 136 123 118 117 116 177 118 117 116 170 120 118 117 180 120 118 117 180 89 100 107 109 165 99 110 117 119 182 89 100 107 109 165 99 110 117 119 182 110 110 110 110 110 110 165 110 110 110 110 110 110 165 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 165 110 110 110 165 110 110 110 165 110 110 110 165 230 230 230 230 230 250 250 250 250 250 230 230 230 230 230 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 64 64 64 76 76 76 64 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 64 64 64 64 76 76 76 76 419 838 1791 2553 2744 505 1000 2125 3025 4600 419 838 1791 2553 2744 505 1000 2125 3025 4600 800 1527 3055 4800 5600 6720 5010 800 1527 3055 4800 5600 6720 5010 817 1508 3015 817 1508 3015 5250 6000 7000 5219 5250 6000 7000 5219 5040 6300 7200 5010 5040 6300 7200 5010 Volumen Volume 3 (dm ) 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,68 2,53 1,98 1,98 1,98 1,98 2,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 3,01 2,36 2,36 2,36 2,36 3,55 2,52 2,32 2,22 2,18 2,17 2,16 3,26 2,99 2,76 2,63 2,59 2,58 2,57 3,88 3,00 2,76 2,61 3,56 3,27 3,10 2,74 2,72 2,71 4,22 3,25 3,24 3,22 4,87 3,31 3,28 3,87 4,97 3,93 3,90 3,88 5,90 Format Shape a h l b r Pozicija Item 1H6 1H10 1H16 1H24 1H50 +1H6 +1H10 +1H16 +1H24 +1H50 2H6 2H10 2H16 2H24 2H50 +2H6 +2H10 +2H16 +2H24 +2H50 3H6 3H10 3H16 3H24 3H50 +3H6 +3H10 +3H16 +3H24 +3H50 1HL6 1HL10 1HL16 1HL24 1HL50 +1HL6 +1HL10 +1HL16 +1HL24 +1HL50 2HL6 2HL10 2HL16 2HL24 2HL50 +2HL6 +2HL10 +2HL16 +2HL24 +2HL50 3HK6 3HK10 3HK16 3HK24 3HK50 +3HK6 +3HK10 +3HK16 8 Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm a b h l r 67 61 114 230 1197 69 59 114 230 695 72 56 114 230 413 76 52 114 230 257 89 39 114 230 93 79 73 114 230 1425 81 71 114 230 832 84 68 114 230 499 88 64 114 230 314 101 51 114 230 121 67 61 124 250 1302 69 59 124 250 756 72 56 124 250 450 76 52 124 250 279 89 39 124 250 102 79 73 124 250 1550 81 71 124 250 905 84 68 124 250 543 88 64 124 250 341 101 51 124 250 131 67 61 150 300 1575 69 59 150 300 915 72 56 150 300 544 76 52 150 300 338 89 39 150 300 123 79 73 150 300 1875 81 71 150 300 1095 84 68 150 300 656 88 64 150 300 413 101 51 150 300 159 67 61 114 345 1197 69 59 114 345 695 72 56 114 345 413 76 52 114 345 257 89 39 114 345 93 79 73 114 345 1425 81 71 114 345 832 84 68 114 345 499 88 64 114 345 314 101 51 114 345 121 67 61 124 375 1302 69 59 124 375 756 72 56 124 375 450 76 52 124 375 279 89 39 124 375 102 79 73 124 375 1550 81 71 124 375 905 84 68 124 375 543 88 64 124 375 341 101 51 124 375 131 67 61 150 200 1575 69 59 150 200 915 72 56 150 200 544 76 62 150 200 338 89 39 150 200 123 79 73 150 200 1875 81 71 150 200 1095 84 68 150 200 656 Volumen 3 (dm ) 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,68 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,99 1,98 1,98 1,98 1,98 1,98 2,36 2,36 2,36 2,36 2,36 2,88 2,88 2,88 2,88 2,88 3,42 3,42 3,42 3,42 3,42 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,52 2,99 2,99 2,99 2,99 2,99 2,98 2,98 2,98 2,98 2,98 3,53 3,53 3,53 3,53 3,53 1,92 1,92 1,92 1,92 1,92 2,28 2,28 2,28 Format Shape a l h b r +3HK24 +3HK50 9 88 101 64 51 150 150 200 200 413 159 2,28 2,28 l1 l2 d3 d1 d2 TR1B - TR3B TR Formati TR Shapes Pozicija Item Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm d4 l1 l2 l3 α 88 106 120 90 108 122 134 144 154 90 108 122 134 144 154 88 106 120 130 140 150 88 106 120 130 140 150 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 270 270 270 270 270 270 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 350 350 280 280 280 280 290 290 8 8 8 8 18 18 8 8 8 8 18 18 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Volumen Volume 3 dm 2,67 3,46 4,21 2,64 3,42 4,13 5,81 6,23 6,64 2,16 2,80 3,38 4,76 5,09 5,43 62 72 72 72 72 97 97 97 60 70 70 70 70 95 95 95 270 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 280 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 75 75 60 60 60 60 60 60 1,37 2,27 3,15 4,50 5,64 5,27 6,54 10,48 d1 d2 d3 TR1B TR2B TR3B TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR1K TR2K TR3K TR4K TR5K TR6K 65 80 90 65 80 90 100 110 120 65 80 90 100 110 120 120 140 155 120 140 155 180 190 200 120 140 155 180 190 200 SR0 SR1 SR2 SR3 SR4/1 SR4/2 SR5 SR6 40 47 47 47 47 60 60 60 90 105 120 140 155 155 170 210 11 ° l3 l1 l2 d4 d1 d3 d2 TR1 - TR6K SR0 - SR6 TR Formati TR Shapes h2 h3 30° d2 d3 m h1 d6 d5 d4 d1 IZLIVNICI NOZZLES Pozicija Item 0A10 0A16 0A20 0A25 0A30 0A35 0A40 0A45 0A50 0A55 0A60 1A10 1A16 1A20 1A25 1A30 1A35 1A40 1A45 1A50 1A55 1A60 1A65 14 Dimenzije u mm/ Measurements in mm d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 h1 h2 h3 m 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Volumen Volume 3 dm 1,52 1,50 1,48 1,46 1,42 1,39 1,34 1,29 1,24 1,18 1,10 2,47 2,45 2,42 2,39 2,35 2,30 2,24 2,17 2,10 2,02 1,93 1,83 a d3 h1 h2 d1 d2 LIVNE SKOLjKE POCKET BLOCKS Pozicija Item L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Dimenzije u mm / Measurements in mm a 250 320 320 360 360 360 h1 107 123 165 190 222 254 h2 90 100 130 155 185 185 d1 125 149 143 163 157 157 d2 143 169 169 194 194 194 d3 220 260 260 300 300 300 Volumen Volume dm3 Pecena glina i visoko-aluminozni Fireclay and High-Alumina 5,01 9,83 13,26 19,22 22,71 25,51 x x x x x x h2 h1 a d3 d2 d1 LIVNE SKOLjKE POCKET BLOCKS a h1 h2 d1 d2 d3 L6 320 123 100 123 143 260 Volumen Volume dm3 10,45 L7 320 165 130 123 149 260 13,82 Pozicija Item Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm Pecena glina i visokoaluminozni/Fireclay and High-Alumina x x a d3 20 h2 h1 d2 d1 LIVNE SKOLjKE POCKET BLOCKS Pozicija Item Dimenzije u mm/Measurements in mm Volumen Pecena glina i Volume visokoaluminozni/Fireclay dm3 and High-Alumina 20,69 x a h1 h2 d1 d2 d3 L8 360 190 155 130 157 300 L9 360 222 185 130 163 300 24,11 x L10 360 254 185 130 163 300 26,87 x L11 360 254 185 160 193 310 24,98 x L12 420 254 185 210 260 320 32,36 x 12 d1 d2 h1 h2 d3 r 4 8 CEP STOPPER Pozicija Item Volmen Pecena glina i Volume visokoaluminozni/ Fireclay dm3 and High-Alumina Dimenzii vo mm/Measurements in mm d1 d2 d3 h1 h2 r S1 105 72 40/43 130 90 45 15 0,70 x S2 120 72 40/43 135 90 55 30 1,06 x S3 140 72 40/43 145 90 60 30 1,47 x l h b a Pozicija Item 1P-8 1P-18 2P-10 2P-24 3P-10 3P-20 Dimenzii vo mm/Measutements in mm a b h l 129 121 90 250 134 116 90 250 130 120 123 250 137 113 123 250 105 95 155 250 110 90 155 250 Volumen Volume dm3 2,81 2,81 3,84 3,84 3,88 3,88 Radius (mm) 1384 590 1501 589 1504 713 VATROSTALNE MASE I MALTERI REFRACTORY MIXES AND MORTARS Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 50 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 48 – 52 % 2.0 – 3.0% 7.0 – 9.0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1400 9 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 26 PHISYCAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.13 2.05 2.01 >300 >290 >375 1.72 - - 0.6 - 0.8 HEATING DIAGRAM: 1 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 60 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 55 – 60 % 1.5 – 2.5% 6.0 – 8.0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1500°C 9 – 12 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 28 PHISYCAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.20 2.10 2.08 >300 >325 >400 1.75 - - 0.2 - 0.3 HEATING DIAGRAM: 2 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 65 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 55 – 68 % 1.5 – 2.0% 5.5 – 7.0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1580 8 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 30 PHISYCAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.29 2.20 2.18 >200 >250 >300 0,82 - - 0.3 - 0.5 HEATING DIAGRAM: 3 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 80 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 80 – 82 % 1.4 – 1.7% 3.0 – 4.0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1670 8 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 32 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.55 2.50 2.50 >300 >280 >400 1,11 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 4 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 85 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 83 – 86 % 1.45 – 1.65% 2.8 – 3.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1680 8 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 33 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.58 2.51 2.50 >300 >300 >400 1,23 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 5 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 90 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 91 – 93 % 0.5 – 0.7% 2.8 – 3.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1670 8 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 32 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.80 2.75 2.71 >350 >300 >400 1,65 - - 0.2 - 0.3 HEATING DIAGRAM: 6 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 90 Cr CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 Cr2O3 CaO 89 – 91 % 0.5 – 0.7% 2.0-2.5% 2.8 – 3.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1680 8 – 11 0 – 5 (0-3) SK 33 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.80 2.73 2.71 >350 >300 >400 1,65 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 7 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 95 RTA Cr CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 Cr2O3 CaO 92 – 94 % 0.1 – 0.2% 2.5-3.5% 2.0 – 2.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1750 8 – 11 0–6 SK 35 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.92 2.88 2.88 >300 >250 >350 2.21 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 8 Ihi REFRACTORY CASTABLES KEMDUR 95 RTA CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 94 – 96 % 0.1 – 0.2% 2.5-3.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1750 8 – 11 0–6 SK 35 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.92 2.90 2.88 >350 >400 >400 2.22 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 9 Ihi CASTING MIXES KEMCAST – 80 BRA CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 78 – 80 % 1.4 – 1.7 % 1.5 – 1.9 % TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Granulation (mm) 1600 5.5 – 7.0 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density C.C.S. Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (h) (°C) (gr/cm³) (kg/cm²) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.70 2.63 2.63 >500 >600 >650 1.77 - - 0.1 - 0.1 HEATING DIAGRAM: 10 Ihi CASTING MIXES KEMCAST – 80 BRA Cr CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO Cr2O3 75 – 77 % 1.4 – 1.7% 1.5 – 1.9% 2.2 – 2.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Granulation (mm) 1600 5.5 – 7.0 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating Temperature Bulk Density C.C.S. Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (h) (°C) (gr/cm³) (kg/cm²) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.70 2.65 2.63 >500 >600 >650 1.77 - - 0.1 - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 11 Ihi CASTING MIXES KEMCAST – 85 BRA CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 82 – 85 % 1.4 – 1.7% 1.4 – 1.8% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) 1650 5.5 – 7.0 0–5 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density C.C.S. Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (h) (°C) (gr/cm³) (kg/cm²) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.75 2.70 2.70 >500 >600 >650 1.82 - - 0.1 -0 HEATING DIAGRAM: 12 Ihi CASTING MIXES KEMCAST – 90 RTA CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 90 – 92 % 0.5 – 0.7% 1.4 – 1.6% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application(°C) Water quantity (L/100 kg) Granulation (mm) 1700 5.5 – 6.5 0 – 3/5 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density C.C.S. Thermal Conductivity Thermal Expansion (h) (°C) (gr/cm³) (kg/cm²) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 110 1100 1400 2.89 2.89 2.89 >600 >650 >700 2.15 - -0 - 0.1 HEATING DIAGRAM: 13 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - 50 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 48 - 52% 1.8 - 2.2% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size SK 33 (1730°C) 1400 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 5 110 815 1100 1400 2.20 2.10 2.05 2.00 >50 >75 >100 >150 0.79 1.15 - - 0.5 - 0.8 -1 14 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - 70 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 68 - 70% 1.8 - 2.2% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) SK 35 (1780°C) 1600 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 5 110 815 1100 1400 2.30 2.20 2.15 2.10 >60 >85 >100 >150 1.18 1.27 - - 0.5 - 0.8 -1 15 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - 80 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 75 - 80% 1.8 - 2.2% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) SK 36 (1805°C) 1650 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 5 110 815 1100 1400 2.35 2.25 2.18 2.15 >60 >85 >120 >175 1.25 1.46 - - 0.5 - 0.8 -1 16 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - 85 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 82 - 85% 1.5 - 2.0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) SK 37 (1830°C) 1680 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 5 110 815 1100 1400 2.50 2.40 2.38 2.32 >65 >90 >120 >175 1.38 1.55 - - 0.5 - 0.8 -1 17 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - 95 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 92 - 95% 0.25 - 0,50% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size SK 38 (1855°C) 1750 0–5 PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) (kcal/mh °C) (%) 24 5 5 5 110 815 1100 1400 2.83 2.80 2.77 2.75 >70 >100 >125 >200 1.61 2.01 - - 0.5 - 0.8 - 0.9 18 Ihi PLASTIC MIXES KEMPLAST - M CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 1.5 – 1.8% 5.0 – 5.5% 5.8 – 6.2% 85 – 87% PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bulk Density (kg/dm3) (110°C) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (1400°C) 19 Ceramic. chemical 1750 0.8 2.6 100-120 Ihi SPECIAL MIXES TANDIMIX - PCS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Cr2O3 MgO 83% 2.5% 4% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1680 8.0 – 12.0 0–5 SK 37 (1830°C) PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) C old Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1400 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.53 2.48 300 400 - - 0.2 HEATING DIAGRAM: 20 Ihi SPECIAL MIXES TANDIMIX - RT CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO 49% 2% 6% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1460 12 – 16 0 – 3 mm SK 28 (1635°C) PHYSICAL CARACTERISTICS: Heating time Heating temperature Bulk Density Thermal Conductivity Thermal expansion (gr/cm³) Cold Crushing Strength (kg/cm²) (h) (°C) 24 5 5 110 1100 1300 (kcal/mh °C) (%) 2.10 2.00 >200 - - HEATING DIAGRAM: 21 Ihi THERMO COVERS KEMTOP – 50 Acid CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Al2O3 94% 0.5% 2.0% 1.0% 0.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Grain size (mm) 0 – 0.5 22 Ihi THERMO COVERS KEMTOP – 70 Basic CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Al2O3 1.9% 0.5% 58% 38% 0.5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Grain size (mm) 0 – 0.5 23 Ihi GUNNING REFRACTORIES KEMGUN – 75 – C CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO <2.5% 8% 17 - 20% 75 – 78% PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bulk Density (gr/cm3) Cold Crushing Strength (110°C) (1400°C) Ceramic-chemical 1750 0 - 2.5/0 – 4 2.4 80-100 kg/cm² 200-250 kg/cm² 24 Ihi GUNNING REFRACTORIES KEMGUN – 80 – C CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 C CaO MgO 3.0-4.0% 5% 11 - 13% 77 – 78% PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bulk Density (gr/cm3) Cold Crushing Strength (110°C) (1400°C) Ceramic-chemical 1750 0 - 2.5/0 – 4 2.4 80-100 kg/cm² 200-250 kg/cm² 25 Ihi GUNNING REFRACTORIES KEMGUN – 85 – S CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 2.5-3.5% 1.5-2.5% 3.5- 4.5% 85 – 87% PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size Bulk Density (gr/cm3) Cold Crushing Strength (110°C) (1400°C) Ceramic-chemical 1750 0 - 2.5/0 – 4 2.4 80-100 kg/cm² 200-250 kg/cm² 26 Ihi GUNNING REFRACTORIES KEMGUN – 85 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 3 - 4% 1.5-2.0% 4.0- 4.5% 83 – 85% PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size Bulk Density (gr/cm3) Cold Crushing Strength (110°C) (1400°C) Ceramic-chemical 1750 0 - 2.5/0 – 4 2.4 80-100 (kg/cm²) 200-250 (kg/cm²) 27 Ihi GUNNING REFRACTORIES KEMGUN – 90 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 2.0 – 2.5% 0.2-0.4% 3.0- 3.5% 90 – 92% PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Bonding type Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size Bulk Density (gr/cm3) Cold Crushing Strength (110°C) (1400°C) Ceramic-chemical 1750 0 - 2.5/0 – 4 2.4 80-100 (kg/cm²) 200-250 (kg/cm²) 28 Ihi MORTARS KEMMAL M 05 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO 1% 1% 95% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1700 11 – 13 0 – 0,5 (0,3) SK 40 KEMMAL 40 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 38-42% <0,5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 29 1320 15 – 20 0 – 0,5 (0,3) SK 28 Ihi MORTARS KEMMAL 60 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 58-62% <1,5% FIZIČKI KARAKTERISTIKI: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100 kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 1450 15 - 20 0 – 0,5 (0,3) SK 30 KEMMAL 80 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 79-81% <1% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Refractoriness 30 1630 18 – 20 0 – 0,5 (0,3) SK 34 Ihi MORTARS KEMMAL 97 Cr CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO Cr2O3 0,3% Max. 0,5% Max. 83% Max. 16% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100 kg) Grain size (mm) 31 >1700 10 - 12 0 – 0,5 Ihi RAMMING REFRACTORIES KEMRAM 75 SiC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiC ZrO2 72 - 75% 0,8 – 1,0% 13 – 15% 2 – 3% PHYSICAL - TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Thermo stability Bonding type Bulk density (gr/cm3) Method of placing SK 38 1700 0 – 5 (0-3) 35 Chemical-ceramic 2,8 Ramming Main raw component: Bauxite + Corundum + Re-crystallized SiC + stabilized ZrO2 with SiO2. USE: In the iron and steel industries. Industries for colored metals (Aluminum, cuprum…) *Induction furnaces. 32 Ihi RAMMING REFRACTORIES KEMRAM 85 SiC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiC ZrO2 82 - 85% 0,8 – 1,0% 4–5% 2 – 3% PHYSICAL - TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size Thermo stability Bonding type Bulk density (gr/cm3) Method of placing SK 38 1700 0 – 5 (0-3) 25 Chemical-ceramic 2,7 Ramming Main raw component: Bauxite + Corundum + Re-crystallized SiC + stabilized ZrO2 with SiO2. USE: In the iron and steel industries. Industries for colored metals (Aluminum, cuprum…) *Induction furnaces. 33 Ihi RAMMING REFRACTORIES KEMRAM - 90 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 ZrO2 90 - 92% 0,2 – 0,5% 2% PHYSICAL - TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Refractoriness Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size Thermo stability Bonding type Bulk density (gr/cm3) Method of placing SK 38 1750 0 – 5 (0-3) 35 Chemical-ceramic 2,9 Ramming Main raw component: Bauxite + Corundum + stabilized ZrO2 with SiO2. USE: In the iron and steel industries. Industries for colored metals (Aluminum, cuprum…) *Induction furnaces. 34 Ihi LOW CEMENT CASTABLES KEMLIV 85 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SiC 82 – 85 % 1,0 – 1,5% 1,5 – 1,8% 2,0 – 2,5% PHISYCAL - TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Bulk Density ( gr/cm3) Refractoriness Method of placing 1650 5.5 – 7.0 0–5 2,6 SK 38 Casting Main raw components: Bauxite + SiC + Reactive alumina + Refractory cement. USE: In the iron and steel industries. Industries for colored metals (Aluminum, cuprum…) *Induction furnaces. 35 Ihi LOW CEMENT CASTABLES KEMLIV 90 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SiC 90 – 92 % 0,2 – 0,5% 1,5 – 1,8% 2,0 – 2,5% PHISYCAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Water quantity (L/100kg) Grain size (mm) Bulk Density ( gr/cm3) Refractoriness Method of placing 1650 5.5 – 7.0 0–5 2,6 SK 38 Casting Main raw components: Tabular alumina + Reactive alumina + SiC + Refractory cement. USE: In the iron and steel industries. Industries for colored metals (Aluminum, cuprum…) *Induction furnaces. 36 Ihi SINTER-MAGNESITE KEMSIM 85 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO SiO2 Max 1,3 % 1,5 – 3,5% 85 – 88,5% 3,0 – 3,5% 3,5 – 5,0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: L.O.I. [%] Bulk Density [gr/cm3] Grain size [mm] Porosity [%] Max. 0,25 3,30 0-15 6-8 37 Ihi SINTER-MAGNESITE KEMSIM 90 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: MgO Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SiO2 88-91% Max. 1,0% 2,5-3,5% 2,0-4,5% Max 2,5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: L.O.I. [%] Bulk Density [gr/cm3] Porosity [%] Grain size [mm] Max. 0,25 3,40 3,5-5,0 0-15 38 Ihi SINTER-MAGNESITE KEMSIM 92 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: MgO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2 CaO 91-94% Max. 0,3% Max. 0,6% 1,0-2,0% 2,0-4,5% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: L.O.I. [%] Bulk Density [gr/cm3] Porosity [%] Grain size [mm] Max. 0,25 3,35 3,5-5,5 0-15 39 Ihi SINTER-MAGNESITE KEMSIM 95 CHEMICAL ANALISYS: MgO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2 CaO 93-96% Max. 0,2% 0,6-1,0% 1,5-4,0% Max. 2,0% TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: L.O.I. [%] Bulk Density [gr/cm3] Porosity [%] Grain size [mm] Max. 0,25 3,35 3,0-5,5 0,25 40 Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG 80 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 78% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 41 1650 0 – 2 mm Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG 85 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 84% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 42 1750 0–4 Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG 90 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 92% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 43 1800 0–4 Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG-CAST 95 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 93% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 44 1800 0–4 Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG-RAM 90 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 92% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 45 1800 0–4 Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG-RAM 88 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 88% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 46 1750 0–4 Chemical-ceramic Ihi MAGNESITE MIXES KEMSITMAG-RAM 85 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: MgO 86% PHYSICAL – TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Max. temperature of application (°C) Grain size (mm) Bonding type 47 1750 0–8 Ceramic TABELA ZEGEROVE PIRAMIDE/SEGER CONES TABLE Br. piramide/ Cone no. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 26 27 271/2 28 29 30 31 32 321/2 33 331/2 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 U.S. Standard (PCE) °C °F 1325 2417 1335 2435 1350 2462 1400 2552 1535 2615 1465 2669 1475 2687 1490 2714 1520 2768 1530 2786 1580 2876 1595 2903 1605 2921 1615 2939 1640 2984 1650 3002 1680 3056 1700 3092 1725 3137 1745 3173 1760 3200 1785 3245 1810 3290 1820 3308 1835 3335 1865 3389 1885 3425 1970 3578 2015 3659 Nemački Standard/German Standard (SK) °C °F 1350 2462 1375 2507 1395 2543 1410 2570 1440 2624 1470 2678 1490 2714 1520 2786 1530 2786 1540 2804 1560 2840 1585 2885 1605 2921 1620 2948 1635 2975 1655 3011 1680 3056 1695 3083 1710 3110 1720 3128 1730 3146 1740 3164 1755 3191 1780 3236 1805 3281 1830 3326 1355 3371 1875 3407 1900 3452 1940 3524 1980 3596 KEM A.D. – Gostivar Ul/St. Nikola Parapunov 6-1/18 1230 Gostivar, R. Macedonia Tel./Fax: +389 42 271 615 271 978 271 979 e-mail: