40 Series
40 Series
sistemas de perfiles industriales • Sistemas de Perfil Métrico IPS ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS. Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Serie m IPS Serie m Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Catálogo Master Motion & Control Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Serie m Beneficios Clave del Perfil Estructural • Resistencia como la del acero soldado • Sin necesidad de soldar, limpiar, pulir o pintar • Más fácil de ensamblar y desensamblar • Más de 120 extrusiones disponibles en pulgadas y Sistema Métrico. • Configuraciones ilimitadas Sistema Roller 14 en una línea de inspección Modular para cumplir con sus necesidades Fuerte y Versátil La estructuras hechas de perfil de aluminio estructural de Parker son tan resistentes como las estructuras soldadas de acero, mucho más flexibles, versátiles, sencillas para ensamblar y fáciles de cambiar porque utilizan sujetadores y conectores mecánicos. Para cumplir con sus requerimientos, tenemos en inventario la más amplia selección de perfiles de Ranura en T y especiales, así como una completa línea de sistemas de sujeción y accesorios. Mejor que con soldadura A diferencia de los sistemas soldados, aquellos que están hechos de perfiles estructurales pueden ser modificados en el sitio original sin un desensamble que cause perdida de tiempo o que resulte extensivo, ahorrando valioso tiempo en el montaje o durante los cambios de producción. El aluminio de alto grado utilizado en cada componente del perfil estructural de Parker, asegura que los perfiles de Ranura T mantienen su forma y así los componentes pueden ser removidos, cambiados y reinstalados fácilmente. Además, el acabado en anodizado claro o negro en nuestros perfiles estructurales son limpios, atractivos y su mantenimiento es muy sencillo. Diseñado para Tolerancias Exactas Las estructuras soldadas no pueden ser construidas con la precisión de los sistemas de los perfiles estructurales modulares. Ya sea que se suministre como un kit premaquinado o como un ensamble convencional, su sistema de perfil estructural le asegura un ajuste adecuado a sus especificaciones precisas. Catálogo Master Motion & Control Aplicador de adhesivo automotriz Parker Agrega Control de Movimiento Parker IPS es más que un proveedor de componentes estructurales. Somos un socio para integración de sistemas que también suministra la fuerza y la inteligencia para conducir sus aplicaciones. En adición al ofrecimiento de la más amplia selección de componentes de perfil estructural de aluminio en la industria, Parker es su mejor recurso para control de movimiento electromecánico, hidráulico y neumático. Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Serie m Línea Completa de Perfiles, Sujetadores y Accesorios Perfiles Parker IPS ofrece más de 120 perfiles en alta resistencia de aluminio 6005 T5 y 6061 T6. El rango de formas disponibles, en dimensiones de 1 pulgada a 6 pulgadas, provee a nuestros clientes con una extensa variedad de soluciones con perfiles para cumplir con las aplicaciones más demandantes. (Los productos Parker IPS métricos se pueden encontrar en el catálogo 1816-1/US) Nuestras soluciones de sistema estructural trabajan especialmente bien en aplicaciones de control de movimiento, donde tanto las cargas dinámicas como estáticas son aplicadas a la estructura. Sujetadores Por diseño, los perfiles de aluminio de alta resistencia de Ranura en T de Parker IPS, mantienen a los sujetadores apretados – permanentemente. Nuestro sistema de sujeción libre de vibración elimina la necesidad de placas de unión en la mayoría de las aplicaciones. Ofrecemos una amplia selección de sujetadores estándar y conectores universales adecuados para cualquier aplicación. Atención a Detalles Accesorios Parker IPS ofrece una línea completa de accesorios adicionales que complementan a su sistema pre-diseñado incluyendo: •Bisagras de plástico y metálicas •Bases niveladoras y ruedas para base •Placas, uniones y conectores •Manijas, seguros, pasadores y soportes de cable y manguera •Bloques deslizantes UHMW •Paneles de TRESPA, malla metálica, ABS y policarbonato •Componentes para puertas, deslizantes, con rodillos y de doble empalme •Charolas para partes y componentes para estación de trabajo •Herramientas para ensamble Elementos de Conduit Diseñador de Sistema Estructural Parker (SSD) Sujetadores y Conectores Sistemas convencionales y aplicaciones Componentes de Guardas de Protección para Máquinas Componentes Neumáticos Bases Niveladoras, Placas Base y Ruedas Catálogo Master Motion & Control Parker IPS ha desarrollado el paquete de modelado más versátil disponible para sistemas estructurales de alta resistencia en ingeniería. Utilizando sistemas avanzados de modelaje en 3D, el poder del SSD de Parker ahorrará tiempo y dinero, permitiendo a los ingenieros probar la forma, ajuste y funcionamiento del diseño de un sistema estructural completo. Desde el concepto y la cotización hasta el ensamble y entrega, el SSD Parker se somete a Pensarlo, Diseñarlo, y Construirlo de acuerdo a sus especificaciones exactas. Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Serie m Sistemas Lineales IPS Parker IPS ofrece una línea completa de Sistemas Lineales pre-diseñados. Basado en nuestra línea de perfiles de calidad, estos sistemas ofrecen una excepcional capacidad de soporte de carga, altas velocidades y excelente confiabilidad. Los Sistemas Lineales de Parker IPS suministran integración total con nuestros componentes estructurales así como la línea completa de tecnologías de movimiento de los Actuadores Parker. Los Sistemas Lineales de Parker proveen soluciones de movimiento en proyectos cuyo rango va desde guía lineal básica a complejos sistemas multi-eje y manejo de cargas pesadas. La Serie LR Sistema Roller con Transmisión de Banda de Parker IPS Los productos de la serie de Rodillos Lineales de Parker IPS suministran un alto nivel de precisión, resistencia de rodamientos de carga y flexibilidad en un paquete modular de bajo costo. Estos productos utilizan componentes estándar y pueden adaptarse a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. La base de la línea de productos LR es la serie 40 de perfiles estructurales que ofrece numerosas configuraciones de montaje. Se pueden seleccionar perfiles con claros para máxima longitud sin soporte, ahorrando espacio valioso y reduciendo costos del sistema en general. Las longitudes estándar de 6 metros y la habilidad de empalmar secciones múltiples permiten una cantidad de configuraciones de carrera casi infinita. Los Rodamientos de Rodillo LRS están hechos de 100 Cr6 de acero templado y pulido y proveen baja fricción, altas velocidades y capacidades para carga pesada. Las unidades de rodamiento están disponibles como tipos de rodamientos simples y dobles. Las configuraciones especiales de la unidad de soporte de carga utilizando unidades múltiples de rodamientos pueden ser acondicionadas para cumplir con tiempos de entrega. El diseño modular permite un fácil ensamble, rápido diseño y una plataforma flexible capaz de cumplir incluso con la aplicación más demandante. Aplicaciones • Manejo de Materiales • Sistemas Gantry • Inspeccion Visual • Líneas de Ensamble y transferencia • Transporte de Carga de hasta 2597 lbs • Opciones especiales de la unidad de soporte de carga • Velocidades de hasta 5m/seg • Fácil montaje para motores de CA • Longitudes de carrera de más de 6 metros • Adaptación instantánea de motor/reductor Catálogo Master Motion & Control Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Perfiles Serie 20 12-081 12-120 12-020 12-124 Serie 28 12-040 12-126 12-028 12-128 12-228 12-328 12-428 12-528 12-628 12-728 12-125 12-044 12-043 12-056 Serie 30 12-030 12-034 12-035 12-033 12-060 12-066 Serie 40 10-016 10-540 10-040 10-440 11-540 10-043 10-081 10-680 11-040 10-044 10-083 10-080 10-085 10-180 10-340 11-044 10-140 10-045 10-086 11-080 10-240 10-060 10-089 14-248 11-100 Catálogo Master Motion & Control Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Perfiles Serie 40 10-088 11-088 11-089 10-120 10-161 11-128 10-164 11-084 11-140 11-120 11-124 11-122 10-160 11-160 Perfiles Especiales 12-031 12-032 11-056 Catálogo Master Motion & Control 10-036 Sistemas de Perfil Métrico Perfiles Serie 40 Perfiles Serie 40 Momento de Inercia No. de Parte Descripción IX [cm4] Sección Modular IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Sección [cm2] Peso [kg/m] 10-016 Perfil 16x40 6.97 1.06 3.49 1.23 4.33 1.17 10-036 Perfil Post 36x36 8.55 8.55 4.32 4.32 7.18 1.94 10-040 Perfil 40x40 Estándar 9.46 9.46 4.73 4.73 6.65 1.72 10-043 Perfil 40x40 Quarter Round ST 6.85 6.85 3.12 3.12 5.86 1.58 10-044 Perfil 40x40-45° Estándar 6.71 6.71 2.98 2.98 5.68 1.53 10-045 Perfil 40x45° Estándar 16.27 34.39 7.43 9.62 10.22 2.76 10-060 Perfil 40x60° Estándar 12.73 42.73 6.08 10.93 9.35 2.76 10-080 Perfil 80x40 Estándar 71.79 17.23 17.99 8.62 11.53 3.18 10-081 Perfil 16x80 50.76 2.15 12.69 2.69 8.13 2.20 10-083 Perfil R40x80 30° Estándar 6.09 8.48 2.67 3.59 5.79 1.57 10-085 Perfil R40x80 45° Estándar 16.26 11.85 5.06 4.59 7.09 1.92 10-086 Perfil R40x80 60° Estándar 10-088 Perfil 80x80 Estándar 10-089 Perfil R40x80 90° Estándar 10-120 Perfil 120x40 Estándar 10-140 Perfil 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner 9.35 9.35 4.68 4.68 6.67 1.81 10-160 Perfil 160x80 Estándar 922.50 271.10 115.30 67.80 38.10 10.29 10-161 Perfil 16x160 287.10 3.66 35.89 4.10 12.78 3.45 10-164 Perfil 160x40 Estándar 517.25 33.13 64.65 16.56 21.48 5.80 10-180 Perfil 80x40 Tri-Slot Corner 65.87 16.37 16.46 8.19 10.90 2.83 10-240 Perfil 40x40 Bi-Slot Mid-Frame 9.57 9.57 4.78 4.78 6.72 1.82 10-340 Perfil 40x40 Tri-Slot 9.13 9.82 4.57 4.78 6.75 1.82 10-440 Perfil 40x40 Mono-Slot 8.42 8.66 4.07 4.33 5.77 1.56 10-540 Perfil 40x40 Light 8.07 8.07 4.04 4.04 5.53 1.50 10-680 Perfil 80x40 Light 60.05 15.40 15.01 7.70 8.90 2.40 11-040 Perfil 40x40 Heavy 14.18 14.18 7.09 7.09 9.22 2.53 11-044 Perfil 40x40-45° Heavy 9.40 9.40 4.07 4.07 7.33 1.98 11-056 Perfil Post 56x56 45.62 45.62 14.81 14.81 13.07 3.53 11-080 Perfil 80x40 Heavy 102.00 26.73 25.50 13.37 16.59 4.58 11-084 Perfil 80x80x40 Corner Heavy 129.37 129.37 27.94 27.94 23.23 6.27 11-088 Perfil 80x80 Heavy 185.20 185.20 46.30 46.30 26.01 7.02 11-089 Perfil 80x80 Extra Heavy 215.85 215.85 53.96 53.96 36.26 9.83 11-100 Perfil 40x100 Heavy 190.29 30.84 38.06 15.42 17.88 4.94 11-120 Perfil 120x40 Heavy 306.00 38.16 51.00 19.08 22.61 6.13 11-122 Perfil 120x80 Heavy 575.07 274.46 92.75 68.61 40.08 10.82 11-124 Perfil 120x120x40 Corner Heavy 498.10 498.10 66.20 66.20 40.30 10.90 11-128 Perfil 28x160 732.11 20.45 91.51 14.36 31.33 8.46 11-140 Perfil 160x40 Heavy 749.51 54.80 93.60 27.40 32.30 8.72 11-160 Perfil 160x80 Heavy 1106.92 343.37 138.37 85.84 48.22 13.07 11-540 Perfil 40x40 Heavy Square 15.81 15.81 7.90 7.90 7.99 2.16 Catálogo Master Motion & Control 30.40 19.27 7.94 6.40 8.30 2.25 138.30 138.30 34.58 34.58 20.17 5.45 66.03 66.03 16.14 16.14 12.69 3.44 220.54 24.22 36.76 12.11 16.12 4.35 WARNING FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice. Offer of Sale The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the "Offer of Sale". Copyright 2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights Reserved Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 Innovative Solutions .................................................................... 2 Custom and Special Application Needs ..................................... 5 Largest Selection of Profiles and Components ....................... 10 Welcome to IPS Industrial Profile Systems, now a member of the Parker Hannifin Corporation. The innovative modular T-slot aluminum profile system has conquered the world of machine building. It offers so much flexibility and cost savings in engineering, fabrication, and assembly; that it is now the preferred way to design and build every imaginable frame structure or enclosure for unlimited applications. IPS has been a leader in this industry in North America for the last 15 years.The integration of IPS’s extensive product line and strong service center network into Parker’s Automation Group creates synergies and new business opportunities for growth that are clearly structured to benefit our customers. Being a member of the worldwide Parker Hannifin organization makes us an even stronger partner for you in the future. The commitment of the combined IPS and Parker Team is to service your needs. I 1 Profiles ................................................................................................ 14 Technical Data .......................................................................... 14 40 Series Profiles ..................................................................... 17 45 Series Profiles ..................................................................... 28 30 Series Profiles ..................................................................... 30 1 28 Series Profiles ..................................................................... 31 20 Series Profiles ..................................................................... 34 Guarding and Enclosure Profiles ............................................. 35 Miscellaneous Profiles ............................................................. 41 Profile End Caps ....................................................................... 46 Conduit Elements ..................................................................... 47 2 2 Hardware ............................................................................................ 56 Fastening Components ............................................................ 57 Leveling Feet, Base Plates and Casters .................................. 77 Hinges, Handles, Locks & Latches .......................................... 88 Panels, Panel Mounting & Other Accessories ....................... 108 Pneumatic Components ........................................................ 125 3 Workstations, and Workstation Accessories .......................... 131 3 45 Series Profiles ............................................................................ 140 4 Linear Applications .......................................................................... 148 IPS Roller Systems ................................................................. 149 4 Linear Guide Components ..................................................... 155 Linear Drive Components ...................................................... 165 Linear Modules ....................................................................... 173 Profile Slide Blocks ................................................................. 174 Slide Bushing Linear Systems ............................................... 176 Linear Rail and Conveyor Profile ............................................ 179 5 UHMW Slide Blocks and Systems ......................................... 184 5 Services and Tools ........................................................................... 196 Software .................................................................................. 196 Tools and Tool Carts ............................................................... 199 Processing Services ............................................................... 201 6 Technical Guide and Index ............................................................... 207 By Part # .................................................................................. 208 By Description ......................................................................... 212 Parker to IPS Cross ................................................................ 220 Offer of Sale ............................................................................. 224 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 6 Innovative Solutions for Your Structural Framing Needs Since 1987 IPS, now a member of A Commitment to Customer Service... Parker Hannifin Corporation has served many Customer service and industries customer satisfaction As a solution provider, IPS offers products and services such as: throughout North is our objective. Standard length profiles America with its IPS service centers are Custom cut profiles innovative high located across North Modular structures strength aluminum America support our Bases and frames framing systems customers with local Workstations for machine inventory, engineering, building and fabrication, assembly Safety guards and enclosures industrial and installation. applications. A team of knowledgeable The versatility of machine bases and frames, linear slide systems, safety guarding and enclosures, Services experienced application engineers have the expertise necessar y to Regional Service Centers across the US, Canada, and Mexico provide and implement whatever IPS Engineering support solution you require. Applications assistance We work closely with customers on Onsite installation and assembly worktables, structural framing and material handling. applications that may require custom parts CAD and design services Modular aluminum structures offer high and specials, Rapid product delivery flexibility and functionality combined with visual engineering/design appeal and cleanliness of the anodized surface. assistance, as well These important features present a multitude of as assembly and benefits for machine building and automation installation services. projects in industries such as pharmaceutical, medical, Our IPS service centers semiconductor, are stocked with a broad electronics, selection of T-slotted profiles and automotive accessories. Thus we are able to react component quickly to meet customer's needs in today's fast paced global economy. II Material handling systems professionals and this modular erector set system makes it ideally suitable for Slides and linear devices Modular Solutions to Fit Your Needs WELDED V.S. MODULAR Compared to welded steel frames, IPS Important Benefits When Using Aluminum Modular Framing Systems from IPS: modular aluminum framing systems offer unique benefits. The strength is comparable to steel, yet the flexibility and versatility is far superior. The preengineered IPS system enables you to reduce the lead-time for engineering and fabrication. Modifications and Extremely short turnaround from design Serving Limitless Industries in an Unlimited Range of Applications to completion. IPS modular No welding No cleaning No grinding framing profiles are successfully applied in an astounding No distortions variety of environments; from automotive to No painting aerospace, from electronics to packaging, changes are easily made through all from pharmaceutical/medical to textiles. stages of the evolution of your Lower total cost through elimination of projects. costly traditional manufacturing The following are just some of the industries processes. where IPS modular framing solutions have proven their worth: Aerospace Automotive Educational Electronics Industrial Manufacturing Medical Packaging Pharmaceutical Plastics Semiconductor Textiles Tires III Complete Line of Profiles and Accessories Profiles The extensive product range comprises many different profile shapes. This provides the user with flexibility to apply the components most suitable for his application. The IPS product line includes cross sections from small miniature profiles up to sturdy heavy-duty structural beams that support static and dynamic loads in motion applications, and conduit profiles for pneumatic and electrical needs. Available in metric sizes from 20mm to 160mm with 5mm, 8mm, 10mm T-slots. Fabricated from high strength structural aluminum (6005 T5 and 6061 T6). Offered with clear or black anodized finish. Fasteners IPS applies the unique T-slot concavity design for vibration safe permanent pretension of the fastener connection. A variety of standard and universal connectors offer unique design features and flexibility. The vibration safe fastening system from IPS is functional because our profiles are made of high strength alloys. It is this particular feature that has made IPS a leader in our industry and eliminates, in most cases, the need for additional gusset plates. Conduit Elements Metric fastening hardware sizes - M5, M6, M8, M10. English hardware sizes - 1/4”-20, 5/16”-18, #10-32. Linear Motion With its linear motion solutions, IPS has gone beyond the basic framing and guarding requirements. We offer roller bearing modules and DELRIN slide blocks for motion and positioning applications. Fasteners & Connectors Accessories No aluminum framing systems is complete without its complimentary range of accessories. That's where IPS differs. IPS offers an extensive range of complimentary accessories such as fasteners, hinges, locks, handles, latches, feet, and casters, that make a true pre-engineered system, a single source solution for all your needs. Machine Guarding Components IPS can furnish you with accessories such as: Pneumatic Components Hinges (plastic and metal) Safety Limit Switches Leveling Feet and Casters Plates, Joints and Connectors Handles, Locks, Latches Cable and Hose Holders Panels - Trespa, Wire Mesh, Sintra, Polycarbonate (Lexan) Sliding Door Components IV Parts Bins Assembly Tools Feet, Base Plates & Casters For Custom/Special Application Needs…. Automation, Assembly, Enclosures, and Linear Motion For non-standard or unique applications; that's where a solution provider like IPS becomes invaluable. At IPS we have the ability to work with you in designing, fabricating and assembling a framing solution that integrates with the latest machine technologies. Whether you're looking to incorporate a material handling system, linear device, conveyor or a clean room environment, IPS has the resources to provide you a unique customized solution to match your High speed automated packaging machine Dial table with fixturing application requirement. Roller system 14 on an inspection line Surface Mount Circuit Board Processing Machine Guarding enclosure using tempered glass Pick and Place Gantry Support structure for drilling apparatus to clean spent fuel remains from space shuttle solid fuel rocket boosters V Catalog 1816 Introduction 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Examples of Industrial and Machine Building Applications I 6 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS I 7 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Examples of Industrial and Machine Building Applications I Guarding enclosures creating mounting surfaces for hydraulic control system and pivoting enclosures providing safety for the work space. Lighter Aluminum frame of a crane simulator booth, that offers lower total cost by utlizing smaller hydraulic and pneumatic control systems components. 8 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS I Workstations creating uniform work environment in assemble line applications. Flexible storage systems that allowing accurate initial construction, and ability to adapt to new specifications. 9 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction 800-333-4932 20 Series IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 40 Series I 12-120 p34 12-020 p34 12-124 p34 12-040 p34z 12-126 p34 12-081 p34 12-125 p34 10-041 p35 10-083 p20 10-042 p35 28 Series 12-028 p31 12-428 p32 12-128 p31 12-528 p32 12-228 p31 12-628 p32 12-328 p31 12-044 p31 12-043 p33 12-728 p32 10-086 p20 10-085 p20 10-056 p 33 30 Series 10-089 p20 10-081 p21 12-030 p30 12-034 p 30 12-033 p30 12-060 p30 12-066 p30 40 Series 10-680 p22 10-016 p21 10-540 p18 10-040 p18 10-140 p19 10-240 p19 10-440 p19 11-040 p18 11-540 p18 11-044 p20 10-045 p20 10-180 p22 10-340 p19 10-043 p19 11-080 p22 10-044 p20 10-080 p22 14-428 p180 11-100 p24 10-060 p20 10 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 40 Series I 11-088 p25 10-088 p25 10-120 p23 11-089 p26 11-084 p24 10-161 p21 11-128 p24 11-122 p 25 10-160 p26 11-160 p26 50 Series 45 Series 14-040 p28 11-124 p24 11-140 p 23 10-164 p23 10-122 p 25 11-120 p23 14-045 p28 10-550 p27 14-090 p28 11 10-580 p27 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Shaft & Clamp I 13-506 p153 13-510 p155 13-106 p153 13-514 p157 13-525 p161 13-566 p171 13-114 p157 13-110 p155 13-125 p161 13-700 p172 13-230 p179 Linear 13-406 p179 13-011 p179 13-010 p179 13-014 p179 Conduit 15-046 p 51 15-040 p51 15-041 p52 15-083 p52 13-220 p180 15-080 p51 15-086 p51 13-025 p179 15-160 p51 15-120 p51 15-162 p53 15-121 p52 15-081 p52 15-161 p52 15-122 p53 12 15-082 p53 15-042 p53 15-085 p53 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Introduction IPS 800-333-4932 Miscellaneous INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Door I 12-012 p39 12-014 p39 12-031 p36 12-022 p38 12-023 p36 12-032 p37 12-013 p39 12-828 p33 12-015 p39 11-056 p27 12-101 p45 10-036 p27 12-106 p44 12-112 p44 14-150 p181 14-450 p181 12-018 p40 T-Slot Coverings 14-160 p182 14-100 p182 12-011 p39 12-102 p45 12-107 p44 12-115 p45 12-103 p45 12-104 p45 12-108 p44 12-111 p45 12-116 p45 12-114 p44 Slide Safety Enclosures 14-348 p182 A40709 A40701 A40710 A40706 A40713 A40704 A40715 A40721 13-430 p183 A40703 A40716 13-810 p183 12-410 p43 12-421 p38 12-420 p43 12-430 p43 13-410 p183 Gussetts A40708 A40707 12-400 p43 Panel 10-011 p35 12-105 p42 12-010 p40 12-016 p40 12-109 p41 13 20-102Z4 p42 21-057Z4 p42 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS High Strength Aluminum Profiles Mechanical Properties y y y Technical Data 1 y y y y Profile Finish Tolerances y y y y y Clear anodizing: AA M10, C22, A31, Clear Black anodizing: AA M10, C22, A34, Black Minimum depth: 0.010mm (0.0004 in.) Surface hardness: approximately 250 HV, outer surface exposed Custom anodizing and protective finishes available y y Outer dimensions depending on size ± (0.2 - 0.4)mm. Extrusions conforming to DIN 17 615 specifications and to IPS blueprints. Twist per 300mm (1 ft.) length not to exceed 0.25° and total twist over 6m (20 ft.) length not to exceed 1.5°. Flatness 0.10mm (0.004 in.) per 25mm (1 in.) of width. Straightness 0.32mm (0.0125 in.) per 300mm (1 ft.) of length and not exceeding 3mm (0.12 in.) over 6m (20 ft.) of extrusion. Maximum bow 3mm (0.12 in.) over 6m (20 ft.) y y y 5 Defined Rest Points All structural IPS profiles are prime aluminum, mill-certified with metallurgical properties of 6005-T5, 6061-T6, 6063-T6 or 6105-T5 specifications. Yield (0.2 limit) Rm min. 240 N/mm2 (35,000 psi) Tensile strength Rm min. 260 N/mm2 (38,000 psi) Note: Cross sectional thickness variations of the profiles may influence yield and tensile strength. Elongation for 2 in. long specimens: 6005-T5 (thickness up thru 0.124 in.), 6061-T6 (up thru 0.249 in.), 6105-T5 (up thru 0.5 in.) - 8% min 6005-T5 (thickness 0.125-1 in.), 6061-T6 (0.25 in. and over) - 10% min Elasticity E approximately 70,000 N/mm2 (10,150 kpsi) Brinell Hardness approximately 75 HB 2.5/187.5 The molecular structure of the 6005-T5 alloy is generally stable in an ambient temperature range of: -40ºC to +200ºC -40ºF to +392ºF Extreme temperature fluctuations may change the mechanical properties. All 40, 30, 28, and 20 series profiles have a face to T-slot slope. Preload in the material elastic range results in a vibration safe connection because the T-slot lips are pulled flush with the connecting surface. The high quality material used insures the profile T-slot will remember its original shape if disassembly is required, making all IPS profiles completely reusable. Profile Series 40 30 28 20 Preload Range 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 0.1 mm 14 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Standard Size Increments Constant size increment permits combination of all sizes and use of common accessories. 40 Series 30 Series 28 Series 20 Series 40 Series 30 Series 1 Typical Dimensions T-slot System High accuracy of T-slots up to 80x40 Profile 8+.2mm from 80x80 Profile 8+.3mm T-slot and pilot hole center to center tolerances are ±0.2mm 5 28 Series 15 20 Series Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profiles by Part Number Part # Page Description Moment of Inertia IX (cm4) 1 5 10-016 10-036 10-040 10-041 10-042 10-043 10-044 10-045 10-060 10-080 10-081 10-088 10-120 10-122 10-140 10-160 10-164 10-180 10-240 10-340 10-440 10-540 10-550 10-580 10-680 11-040 11-044 11-056 11-080 11-088 11-100 11-122 11-128 11-140 11-160 11-540 12-020 12-028 12-030 12-033 12-034 12-040 12-044 12-060 12-066 12-081 12-120 12-124 12-125 12-126 12-128 12-228 12-328 12-428 12-528 12-628 12-728 14-040 14-045 14-046 14-090 21 27 18 35 35 19 20 20 20 22 21 25 23 25 19 16 23 22 19 19 19 18 27 27 22 18 21 27 22 25 24 25 24 23 26 18 34 31 30 30 30 34 31 30 30 34 34 34 34 34 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 28 28 28 28 16x40 Support 36x36 Post 40x40 Standard 40x40 Clamp 40x40 Bi-Clamp 40x40 Quarter Round 40x40-45° Standard 40-45° 40-60° 80x40 Standard 16x80 Support 80x80 Standard 40x120 Standard 80x120 Standard 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner 160x80 Standard 160x40 Standard 80x40 Tri-Slot Corner 40x40 Bi-Slot Midframe 40x40 Tri-Slot 40x40 Mono-Slot 40x40 Light 50x50 50x80 80x40 Light 40x40 Heavy 40x40-45° Heavy 56x56 Heavy 80x40 Heavy 80x80 Heavy 40x100 Heavy 80x120 Heavy 160x28 Heavy 160x40 Heavy 160x80 Heavy 40x40 Heavy Square 20x20, 20 Series 28x28 Quad-Slot 30x30 30x30 Quarter Round 30x30 Bi-Slot Corner 40x40, 20 Series 28x28-45° 30x60 60x60 80x14, 20 Series 20x10 20x40 20x80 20x60 28x28 Tri-Slot 28x28 Bi-Slot Corner 28x28 Bi-Slot Midframe 28x56 Open-Slot 28x56 Tri-Slot 28x56 Bi-Slot 28x56 Quad-Slot 45x45 Light 45x45 45x60 Light 45x90 IY (cm4) 1.06 8.55 9.46 11.4 13 6.85 6.71 16.27 12.73 71.97 2.15 138.3 220.54 421.67 8.55 922.5 517.25 65.87 9.36 9.13 8.42 7.41 19.7 78.75 60.05 14.18 9.4 45.62 102 185.2 190.29 575.07 732.11 749.51 1215.79 15.81 0.72 2.41 3.13 2.71 3.49 8.55 2 21.1 39 41.01 0.53 5.01 36.4 16.02 2.69 2.71 3.02 4.67 5.28 5.92 5.26 11.23 15.81 17.3 32.2 6.97 8.55 9.46 11.4 11.4 6.85 6.71 34.39 42.73 17.23 50.76 138.3 24.22 201.95 8.55 271.1 33.13 16.37 9.36 9.82 8.66 7.41 19.7 30.5 15.4 14.18 9.4 45.62 26.73 185.2 30.84 274.46 20.45 54.8 357.51 15.81 0.72 2.41 3.13 2.71 3.49 8.55 2 6 39 1.14 0.12 1.27 2.7 2.04 2.41 2.71 2.43 16.56 18.61 18.05 17.3 11.23 15.81 28.52 124.4 16 Section Modulus WY (cm3) WX (cm3) 1.23 4.32 4.73 5.55 6.2 3.12 2.98 7.43 6.08 17.99 2.69 34.58 36.76 68.34 4.28 115.3 64.65 16.46 4.68 4.57 4.07 3.71 7.88 19.69 15.01 7.09 4.07 14.81 25.5 46.3 38.06 92.75 91.51 93.6 151.97 7.9 0.72 1.72 2.09 1.70 2.22 4.27 1.3 7.04 13 10.25 0.53 2.5 9.1 5.34 1.82 1.84 2.16 3.33 3.57 4.23 3.55 4.99 7.03 7.69 14.31 3.49 4.32 4.73 5.55 5.7 3.12 2.98 9.62 10.93 8.62 12.69 34.58 12.11 50.49 4.28 67.8 16.56 8.19 4.68 4.78 4.33 3.71 7.88 12.2 7.7 7.09 4.07 14.81 13.37 46.3 15.42 68.61 14.36 27.4 89.38 7.9 0.72 1.72 2.09 1.70 2.22 4.27 1.3 4.01 13 1.57 0.24 1.27 2.7 2.04 1.72 1.84 1.73 5.91 6.46 6.44 6.18 4.99 7.03 9.51 26.74 Section (cm2) 4.33 7.18 6.65 7.4 8.38 5.86 5.68 10.22 9.35 11.53 8.13 20.17 16.12 30.15 6.12 38.1 21.48 10.9 7.1 6.75 5.77 4.87 9.81 13.58 8.9 9.22 7.33 13.07 16.59 26.01 17.88 40.08 31.33 32.3 51.72 7.99 1.85 3.01 3.31 3.26 3.68 4.9 2.89 6.1 9.61 6.65 1.29 3.18 6.19 4.73 3.18 3.37 3.37 5.66 6.21 6.39 6.03 5.69 8.25 8.88 15.25 Weight (kg/m) 1.17 1.94 1.72 2.3 2.26 1.58 1.53 2.76 2.76 3.18 2.2 5.45 4.35 8.14 1.59 10.29 5.8 2.83 1.92 1.82 1.56 1.35 2.71 3.75 2.4 2.53 1.98 3.53 4.58 7.02 4.94 10.82 8.46 8.72 13.96 2.16 0.52 0.81 0.9 0.88 0.99 1.32 0.78 1.65 2.6 1.8 0.35 0.86 1.67 1.28 0.86 0.91 0.91 1.53 1.68 1.73 1.63 1.57 2.23 2.4 4.12 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 40 Series Profiles 1 Typical Servicing Dimensions 5 Servicing for Standard Fastening Set 40 (20-002, 20-002SS, 20-014) requires M8x16 tap and 7mm access hole through the profile. American Fastening Set (25-003) requires 5/16’’-18 tap. 17 Servicing for Universal Fastening Set 40 (20-004, 25-004) requires bore 20mm x 16mm deep into the slot. Pneumatic Universal Fastening Set (20-011) requires bore 20mm x 6mm deep. Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Profile for general engineering structures, weight optimized. Basic fasteners: Standard & Heavy profile: 20-002, 20-004, 20-006,25-003,25-004 Light profile: 20-014, 20-011, 20-012 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized 1 10-540 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-540 10-040 11-040 7.41 9.46 14.18 7.41 9.46 14.18 3.71 4.73 7.09 3.71 4.73 7.09 4.87 6.65 9.22 1.35 1.72 2.53 Description Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 10-540 10-540-3 10-540-6 Profile 40x40 Light Black 10-540B 10-540B3 10-540B6 Profile 40x40 Standard cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 10-040 10-040-3 10-040-6 10-040B 10-040B3 10-040B6 Profile 40x40 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 11-040 11-040-3 11-040-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 40x40 Secure End Cap 40x40 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 18-813 18-913 Profile 40x40 Heavy Square Heavy duty profile for engineering structures where T-slots are not desirable. A 28x28 profile can slide into the inside cavity. Accessories, such as hinges, may be attached anywhere with required machining. Attachment to T-slot of a 40 series profile requires machining (19-054) and fastening set (20-054). 10-040 5 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Fastening set 20-054 includes: aluminum block, M8 x 20 BHCS, flat plate, spring tension pin 8 x 40. 11-040 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 11-540 15.81 15.81 7.90 7.90 7.99 2.16 Description Profile 40x40 Heavy Square 11-540 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Fastening Set Pfl 40x40 Heavy Sq Service to mount Fast. Set 20-054 End Cap 40x40 Heavy Square 18 Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 1 set each 1 pc Part # 11-540 11-540-6 19-001 20-054 19-054 18-805 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 1 Universal Fastening Set 20-004 on 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner profile 2 Connecting three 40x40 Quarter Round profiles using Corner Connector 22-146 and Connector Cap 18-821 (p. 70) 3, 4 Connecting two 40x40 Quarter Round profiles using miter cut and 90° miter connector 20-128Z1 (p.62) 2 1 1 10-140 3 4 Application General engineering structures, weight optimized. Particularly useful where smooth, aesthetic appearance is desired. Use Light Standard Fastener (20-014). Profile 10-440 uses Flat Plate Fastener (20-028). 10-240 10-340 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-140 10-240 10-340 10-440 10-043 8.55 9.36 9.13 8.42 6.85 8.55 9.36 9.82 8.66 6.85 4.28 4.68 4.57 4.07 3.12 4.28 4.68 4.78 4.33 3.12 6.12 7.10 6.75 5.77 5.86 1.59 1.92 1.82 1.56 1.58 Description Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 10-140 10-140-3 10-140-6 Profile 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner Black 10-140B 10-140B3 10-140B6 Profile 40x40 Bi-Slot Midframe cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 10-240 10-240-3 10-240-6 10-240B 10-240B3 10-240B6 Profile 40x40 Tri-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 10-340 10-340-3 10-340-6 10-340B 10-340B3 10-340B6 Profile 40x40 Mono-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 10-440 10-440-3 10-440-6 10-440 Profile 40x40 Quarter Round cut off max. 6M Saw cut necessary for cut to length 10-043 End Cap 40x40 Secure End Cap 40x40 End Cap 40x40 Quarter Round 19 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 10-043 19-001 18-813 18-913 18-843 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profile 40-45º for octagonal structures 40 Series Profile 40-60º for hexagonal structures Profile 40x40x45° used in 45° Corner Elements (p.75) and with 40x40-45° Connector (p.70) 10-044 1 Application Profiles 40x40-45° suitable for gusset applications or placing profiles at 45° angle within a structure. Profiles 40-45° and 40-60° can be used for polygonal shaped structures. Profile, R40/80 are ideal for constructing cases, tables and angled bases 11-044 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-044 11-044 10-045 10-060 6.71 9.40 16.27 12.73 6.71 9.40 34.39 42.73 2.98 4.07 7.43 6.08 2.98 4.07 9.62 10.93 5.68 7.33 10.22 9.35 1.53 1.98 2.76 2.76 Description Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 12 at 3M ea. pkg of 12 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 10-044 10-044-3 10-044-6 Profile 40x40-45° Standard Black 10-044B 10-044B3 10-044B6 Profile 40x40-45° Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 9 at 3M ea. pkg of 9 at 6M ea. 11-044 11-044-3 11-044-6 11-044B 11-044B3 11-044B6 Profile 40-45° cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 10-045 10-045-3 10-045-6 Profile 40-60° cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 10-060 10-060-3 10-060-6 Profile Profile Profile Profile cut off max. 6M cut off max. 6M cut off max. 6M cut off max. 6M 10-083 10-085 10-086 10-089 10-045 5 10-060 10-085 R40/80-30º R40/80-45º R40/80-60º R40/80-90º Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 End Cap 40x40-45° End Cap 40-45° End Cap 40-60° 18-820 18-845 18-860 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 20 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 40 Series 1 1 10-016 3 2 1 Profile 16x80 on Bearing Units 6 2 Profile 16x160 used for electronic mounting 3 Mounting element for Profile 16x40. See page 74. Profile 16x160 used in pneumatic training station (photo courtesy of National Technology Transfer, Inc.) Application Light construction and support for such items as valves, limit switches, and heavy duty handle (see “handles”). Profile 16x80 can be used as base plate on Bearing Units 6. Large surface area of the 16x160 with 8mm and 5mm Tslots provides convenient attachment of multiple accessories. Ideal as a fixture plate for pneumatics, electrical valves and switches. Profile 16x160 should not be used as a structural member. 10-081 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # 10-016 10-081 10-161 10-161 IX [cm4] 6.97 50.76 287.1 IY [cm4] 1.06 2.15 3.66 WX [cm3] 3.49 12.69 35.89 WY [cm3] 1.23 2.69 4.10 Section [cm2] 4.33 8.13 12.78 Weight [kg/m] 1.17 2.20 3.45 Black 10-016B 10-016B3 10-016B6 Description Unit Profile 16x40 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 10-016 10-016-3 10-016-6 Profile 16x80 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 10-081 10-081-3 10-081-6 Profile 16x160 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 10-161 10-161-3 10-161-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length on 16x40 & 16x80 Saw cut necessary for cut to length on 16x160 19-001 19-003 End Cap 16x40 End Cap 16x80 18-811 18-812 21 1 pc 1 pc Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series 1 10-680 10-080 IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application General engineering structures, weight optimized. 10-080 and 11-080 are suitable for construction of linear slides with IPS roller systems; they can also be used for compressed air piping. Basic fasteners: Standard & Heavy profile: 20-002, 20-004, 20-006, 25-003, 25-004 Light profile: 20-014, 20-011, 20-012 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-680 10-080 10-180 11-080 60.05 71.97 65.87 102.00 15.40 17.23 16.37 26.73 15.01 17.99 16.46 25.50 7.70 8.62 8.19 13.37 8.90 11.53 10.90 16.59 2.40 3.18 2.83 4.58 Description Unit Profile 80x40 Light cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. Part # Clear Black 10-680 10-680-3 10-680-6 Profile 80x40 Standard cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 10-080 10-080-3 10-080-6 10-080B 10-080B3 10-080B6 Profile 80x40 Tri-Slot Corner cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 10-180 10-180-3 10-180-6 10-180B 10-180B3 10-180B6 Profile 80x40 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 11-080 11-080-3 11-080-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 End Cap 80x40 Secure End Cap 80x40 18-814 18-914 1 pc 1 pc 10-180 5 11-080 22 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Suitable as clamping and mounting surface (fixturing), vertical structural support, general heavy duty structures. Also used as header for bearing block assemblies for Linear System 14 or 25. Suitable for multiple channel compressed air piping. Technical Data Al, clear anodized 10-120 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-120 11-120 10-164 11-140 220.54 306.00 517.25 749.51 24.22 38.16 33.13 54.80 36.76 51.00 64.65 93.60 12.11 19.08 16.56 27.40 16.12 22.61 21.48 32.30 4.35 6.13 5.80 8.72 Unit cut off max. 6M10-120 pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. Part # Description Profile 120x40 Standard 10-120-3 10-120-6 Profile 120x40 Heavy cut off max. 6M11-120 Profile 160x40 Standard cut off max. 6M 10-164 Profile 160x40 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 11-140 11-140-3 11-140-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 120x40 End Cap 160x40 1 19-003 1 pc 1 pc 18-840 18-817 10-164 5 11-140 11-120 23 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application 11-100 and 11-128: General engineering structures, heavy duty applications. 160x28 is suitable as clamping and mounting surface (fixturing) used as header for bearing block assemblies for Linear System 14 or 25. 11-084 and 11-124: General engineering structures with very high loads or wide spans. Useful as load bearing corner or post. Suitable for multiple channel compressed air piping. Technical Data 1 Al, clear anodized 11-100 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 11-100 11-128 11-084 11-124 190.29 73.11 129.37 498.1 30.84 20.45 129.37 498.1 38.06 91.51 27.94 66.2 15.42 14.36 27.94 66.2 17.88 31.33 23.23 40.3 4.94 8.46 6.27 10.9 Description Profile 40x100 Heavy Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. Part # 11-100 11-100-3 11-100-6 19-002 cut off max. 6M pkg of 5 at 3M ea. pkg of 5 at 6M ea. 11-128 11-128-3 11-128-6 19-003 Profile 80x80x40 Corner Saw cut necessary cut to length per meter 11-084 19-002 Profile 120x120x40 Corner Saw cut necessary for cut to length per meter 11-124 19-003 End Cap 40x100 End Cap 160x28 1 pc 1 pc 18-804 18-816 Saw cut necessary cut to length Profile 160x28 Heavy Saw cut necessary cut to length 11-128 5 11-084 11-124 24 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application General engineering structures, heavy duty applications. For construction of linear slides with IPS roller systems, can also be used for compressed air piping. Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized 10-088 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] 10-088 11-088 10-122 11-122 138.30 186.89 421.67 575.07 138.30 186.89 201.95 274.46 34.58 46.72 68.34 92.75 34.58 46.72 50.49 68.61 20.17 26.35 30.15 40.08 5.45 7.11 8.14 10.82 Description Unit Profile 80x80 Standard cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. Part # Clear Black 10-088 10-088B 10-088-3 10-088B3 10-088-6 10-088B6 Profile 80x80 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 11-088 11-088-3 11-088-6 11-088 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 10-122 Weight [kg/m] 19-002 Profile 80x120 Standard cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. 10-122 10-122-3 Profile 80x120 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 11-122 11-122-3 11-122-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-003 End Cap 80x80 Secure End Cap 80x80 End Cap 80x120 18-815 18-915 18-841 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 11-122 25 1 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles 40 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application General engineering structures with very high loads or wide spans. For construction of guides and slides with the Linear System 14 and 25. Suitable for multiple channel compressed air piping. The 11-089 center area of the profile can be used to house electrical or air lines, or as a manifold for pressurized air (150 psi maximum). A support bearing can be pressed into the center diameter to hold shafts or spindles for rotary or linear motion. Technical Data Al, clear anodized 1 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 10-160 922.50 1215.79 215.85 271.10 357.51 215.85 115.30 151.97 53.96 67.80 89.38 53.96 38.10 51.72 36.26 10.29 13.96 9.83 11-160 11-089 10-160 Description Unit Part # Profile 160x80 Standard cut off max. 6M 10-160 Profile 160x80 Heavy cut off max. 6M pkg of 2 at 3M ea. pkg of 2 at 6M ea. 11-160 11-160-3 11-160-6 Profile 80x80 Extra Heavy cut off max. 6M 11-089 Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 160x80 19-003 1 pc 18-818 11-160 5 11-089 26 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Post Profiles 10-036 1 11-056 Application Profile 36x36 fits in cavity of 56x56 profile to create telescoping post for work stations and tables. 56x56 profile suitable as corner post for tables, frames and machine guarding. Hollow square interior accommodates door and access panel counterweights. 50x50 and 50x80 profiles suitable as leg support for 50x95 Conveyor Profile. Use Standard Fastener 50 (20-051) and Flat Plate Fastener (20-028). Technical Data Al, clear anodized Part # 10-036 11-056 10-550 10-580 10-550 IX [cm4] 8.55 45.62 19.70 78.75 IY [cm4] 8.55 45.62 19.70 30.50 WX [cm3] 4.32 14.81 7.88 19.69 Section [cm2] 7.18 13.07 9.81 13.58 Weight [kg/m] 1.94 3.53 2.71 3.75 Description Profile 36x36 Post Unit cut off max. 3M10-036 Profile 56x56 Post cut off max. 6M11-056 pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 11-056-3 11-056-6 cut off max. 6M10-550 pkg of 9 at 3M ea. pkg of 9 at 6M ea. 10-550-3 10-550-6 cut off max. 6M10-580 pkg of 6 at 3M ea. pkg of 6 at 6M ea. 10-580-3 10-580-6 Profile 50x50 Profile 50x80 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 10-580 WY [cm3] 4.32 14.81 7.88 12.20 Secure End Cap 56x56 End Cap 50x50 27 Part # 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 18-919 18-810 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 45 Series Profiles Application Profiles for general engineering structures. Widely used in automotive industry for constructing framework for assembly and conveyor lines. Compatible with all Bosch hardware. 14-040 Technical Data Al, clear anodized 1 14-045 14-046 14-090 Part # IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 14-040 14-045 14-046 14-090 11.23 15.81 17.30 32.20 11.23 15.81 28.52 124.40 4.99 7.03 7.69 14.31 4.99 7.03 9.51 27.64 5.69 8.25 8.88 15.25 1.54 2.23 2.40 4.12 Description Profile 45x45 Light Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. Part # 14-040 14-040-3 14-040-6 Profile 45x45 cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 zt 6M ea. 14-045 14-045-3 14-045-6 Profile 45x60 Light cut off max. 6M 14-046 Profile 45x90 cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 14-090 14-090-3 14-090-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 5 End Cap 45 Application For covering exposed end of 45 series profiles. Description End Cap 45x45 End Cap 45x90 End Cap 45x60 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 28 Weight 9g 18 g 11 g Part # 17-813 17-814 17-815 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 30, 28 and 20 Series Profiles 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 30, 28 and 20 series T-slots are smaller than 40 series T-slots requiring different hardware. All hardware designed for use with 30, 28 or 20 series profiles are designated with the appropriate series number at the end of the description. 1 Inventory Cart Mobil Parts Bin Rack 5 Safety Guards and Partitions Printer Stand 29 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 30 Series Profiles 1 2 3 1-2 Servicing for Standard Fastener 28/30 (20-003) 1 3 12-030 Servicing for Universal Fastener 30 (20-008) and for Butt-Fastener M6 (20-012) 4 Connecting three 30x30 Quarter Round profiles using Corner Connector 30 (22-150) and Radius Connector Cap 30 (22-151) 5 4 5 Corner connector 30 (see page 70) Application For general structures, safety guard and partition frames, light duty enclosures and industrial peripherals. 12-033 Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # 12-034 12-030 12-033 12-034 12-060 12-066 Description IX [cm4] 3.13 2.71 3.49 6.0 39.0 IY [cm4] 3.13 2.71 3.49 21.1 39.0 WX [cm3] 2.09 1.70 2.22 4.01 13.0 Unit Profile 30x30 5 12-060 Weight [kg/m] 0.90 0.88 0.99 1.65 2.60 Part # Clear Black cut off max. 6M 12-030 pkg of 16 at 3M ea. 12-030-3 pkg of 16 at 6M ea. 12-030-6 Section [cm2] 3.31 3.26 3.68 6.10 9.61 Profile 30x30 Quarter Round cut off max. 6M 12-033 Profile 30x30 Bi-Slot Corner cut off max. 6M 12-034 Profile 30x60 cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 12-060 12-060-3 12-060-6 Profile 60x60 cut off max. 6M pkg of 4 at 3M ea. pkg of 4 at 6M ea. 12-066 12-066-3 12-066-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 12-066 WY [cm3] 2.09 1.70 2.22 7.04 13.0 End Cap 30x30 End Cap 30x60 End Cap 60x60 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 30 12-033B 18-803 18-863 18-866 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 28 Series Profiles 1 2 3 1-2 Servicing for Standard Fastener 28 (20-003) Application Safety guard and partition frames, light duty enclosures and industrial peripherals such as parts racks, etc. Also suitable for interior design and other commercial applications. Technical Data 1 Al, clear or black anodized 12-028 Part # 12-028 12-044 12-128 12-228 12-328 IX [cm4] 2.41 2.00 2.69 2.71 3.02 IY [cm4] 2.41 2.00 2.41 2.71 2.43 WY [cm3] 1.72 1.30 1.72 1.84 1.73 Section [cm2] 3.01 2.89 3.18 3.37 3.37 Weight [kg/m] 0.81 0.78 0.86 0.91 0.91 Black 12-028B 12-028B3 12-028B6 Description Unit Profile 28x28 Quad-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 25 at 3M ea. pkg of 25 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 12-028 12-028-3 12-028-6 Profile 28x28-45° cut off max 6M pkg of 25 at 3M ea. pkg of 25 at 6M ea. 12-044 12-044-3 12-044-6 12-044B 12-044B3 12-044B6 Profile 28x28 Tri-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 25 at 3M ea. pkg of 25 at 6M ea. 12-128 12-128-3 12-128-6 12-128B 12-128B3 12-128B6 Profile 28x28 Bi-Slot Corner cut off max. 6M pkg of 25 at 3M ea. pkg of 25 at 6M ea. 12-228 12-228-3 12-228-6 12-228B 12-228B3 12-228B6 Profile 28x28 Bi-Slot Midframe cut off max. 6M pkg of 25 at 3M ea. pkg of 25 at 6M ea. 12-328 12-328-3 12-328-6 12-328B 12-328B3 12-328B6 12-044 12-128 12-228 WX [cm3] 1.72 1.30 1.82 1.84 2.16 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 End Cap 28x28 End Cap 28x28-45° 18-808 18-844 1 pc 1 pc 12-328 31 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles 28 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Safety guard and partition frames, light duty enclosures and industrial peripherals such as parts racks, etc. Also suitable for interior design and other commercial applications. Technical Data Al, clear or black anodized Part # 1 12-428 12-428 12-528 12-628 12-728 IX [cm4] 16.56 18.61 18.05 17.30 IY [cm4] 4.67 5.28 5.92 5.26 WX [cm3] 5.91 6.46 6.44 6.18 WY [cm3] 3.33 3.57 4.23 3.55 Section [cm2] 5.66 6.21 6.39 6.03 Weight [kg/m] 1.53 1.68 1.73 1.63 Black 12-428B 12-428B3 12-428B6 Description Unit Profile 28x56 Open-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. Part # Clear 12-428 12-428-3 12-428-6 Profile 28x56 Tri-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 12-528 12-528-3 12-528-6 12-528B 12-528B3 12-528B6 Profile 28x56 Bi-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 12-628 12-628-3 12-628-6 12-628B 12-628B3 12-628B6 Profile 28x56 Quad-Slot cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 12-728 12-728-3 12-728-6 12-728B 12-728B3 12-728B6 12-528 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 End Cap 28x56 18-809 1 pc 12-628 5 12-728 32 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 28 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Safety guard and partition frames, light duty enclosures and industrial peripherals such as tool hangers, etc. Also suitable for interior design and other commercial applications. Technical Data Al, clear Part # 12-043 10-056 IX [cm4] 2.71 29.55 IY [cm4] 2.71 29.55 WX [cm3] 1.84 14.78 WY [cm3] 1.84 14.78 Section [cm2] 3.49 8.51 Weight [kg/m] 0.95 2.31 1 12-043 Description Unit Part # Profile 28x28 Qtr Round cut off max. 6M Clear 12-043 Profile 28x28 Tool Hanger Light cut off max. 6M 12-828 Profile 56x56 Light cut off max. 6M 10-056 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 12-828 5 10-056 33 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 20 Series Profiles 1 12-120 1 12-020 12-040 12-126 5 1-2 Servicing for Std. Fastener 20 (20-021) 3 Servicing for Univ. Fastener 20 (20-040) Application 20 series profiles can be used for light duty enclosures and miniature modeling. Also useful as an accessory extrusion where small profiles are needed. 5mm T-slot requires 20 series hardware. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Part # 12-124 3 2 12-120 12-020 12-124 12-040 12-126 12-125 12-081 IX [cm4] 0.12 0.72 1.27 8.55 2.04 2.70 1.14 IY [cm4] 0.53 0.72 5.01 8.55 16.02 36.40 41.01 WX [cm3] 0.24 0.72 1.27 4.27 2.04 2.70 1.57 12-081 Section [cm2] 1.29 1.85 3.18 4.90 4.73 6.19 6.65 Weight [kg/m] 0.35 0.52 0.86 1.32 1.28 1.67 1.80 Description Profile 20x10 Unit cut off max. 3M pkg of 32 at 3M ea. Part # 12-120 12-120-3 Profile 20x20 cut off max. 3M pkg of 32 at 3M ea. 12-020 12-020-3 Profile 20x40 cut off max. 3M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. 12-124 12-124-3 Profile 40x40, 20 Series cut off max. 3M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. 12-040 12-040-3 Profile 20x60 cut off max. 3M 12-126 Profile 20x80 cut off max. 3M 12-125 Profile 80x14 cut off max. 3M 12-081 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 12-125 WY [cm3] 0.53 0.72 2.50 4.27 5.34 9.10 10.25 End Cap 20x10 End Cap 20x20 End Cap 20x40 End Cap 40x40, 20 Series End Cap 20x60 End Cap 20x80 End Cap 80x14 34 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 18-830 18-802 18-831 18-832 18-834 18-835 18-833 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Guarding and Enclosure Application Profiles 40x40 Clamp Profile 1 3 2 4 1 5 10-041 1 2 3-4 5 Proper assembly of bi-clamp profile Recommended penetration of the panels into the clamp profiles Application examples Edging profile used as door handle on sliding door Application 40x 40 clamp profiles suitable for construction of guards, enclosures, swinging and sliding doors. Accommodates corrugated mesh, sheet metal and plastic panels up to 9.5 mm thick. Clamped panel adds rigidity to the frame. Bi-clamp profile designed for use as inner post in subdivided panels of large guarding, sliding and swinging doors. Clamp profiles are serviced for screws on 200 ±2 mm centers. Shipped complete with clamping strip (10-011) and M6x16 SHCS. In addition to being a part of 40x40 clamp profiles, edging profile can also be used as a handle or stiffener for panels. 10-042 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Part # 10-041 10-042 10-011 IX [cm4] 11.40 13.00 IY [cm4] 11.40 11.40 WX [cm3] 5.55 6.20 WY [cm3] 5.55 5.70 Section [cm2] 7.40 8.38 Weight [kg/m] 2.30 2.26 0.30 Description Profile 40x40 Clamp Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. Part # 10-041 10-041-3 10-041-6 Profile 40x40 Bi-Clamp cut off max. 6M 10-042 Edging Profile cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 10-011 10-011-3 10-011-6 10-011 Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 40x40 Secure End Cap 40x40 35 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 18-813 18-913 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 32x18 Picture Frame Profile 2 1 12-031 1 1 2 3 Profile 32x18 Mono-slot mitre cut at 45° used on a framed door Assembly of 90° Mitre Connector MD (order Mitre Bracket and set screw separately) Panel dimensions 12-108 3 20-128Z1 Application Picture frame guarding and enclosures. Accepts panel 10mm (3/ 8”) thick without using gasket, 6mm (1/4”) thick with Panel Gasket 10 (12108). Recess for magnetic or foam tape to provide tight seal for noise or dust protection. Easy assembly with 90° Mitre Connector MD (20-128Z1). Description Profile 32x18 Mono-Slot Profile 22x32 Light Profile 32X22 Slot Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.94 kg/m Loctite ® Thread Locker No. 262 recommended to secure setscrews. End cap 18-807 can not be used with this profile. Unit cut off max. 6m cut off max. 6m Saw cut necessary for cut to length 5 Panel Gasket 10 90° Mitre Connector MD Mitre Bracket Part # 12-031 12-032 12-023 19-001 cut off max. 125m 1 pc 1 pc 12-108 20-128Z1 20-127 12-023 36 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profile 32x18 Bi-Slot 1 2 12-032 20-132 1 Assembly of panel frame using Profiles 32x18 Bi-slot for use on Rolling Door Guide Profile (12-022) 2 Frame for panels 8mm thick without gasket or 6mm thick with Panel Gasket 8 (12-106) 3 Milling of 8mm slot is required for Fastener (20-132) when using 8mm slot for panels. 4 Frame for holding panels with Clamp Spring (22-032) or Panel Gasket 10 (12-108). 3 4 Application Suitable for guarding, sliding doors and enclosures. Panel up to 9mm thick may be clamped using clamp spring. Number of clamps depends on panel size and load. Panel gaskets 12-106 and 12-108 can be used to secure 6mm (1/4”) panel in T-slots. 22-032 Description Profile 32x18 Bi-Slot Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.67 kg/m Fastening Set: St, galvanized Weight 9g Clamp Spring: St Weight 4g Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 32x18 Fastening Set for 32x18 Bi-Slot Pfl Clamp Spring 37 5 Part # 12-032 12-032-3 12-032-6 19-001 1 pc 1 set 1 pc 18-807 20-132 22-032 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Rolling Door Guide 1 12-022 1 3 21-067 4 2 1 Length of vertical door frame member: B = A - 112 mm. For 6mm panel with panel gasket 8 (12-106): C (panel height)= B + 16 mm. For 8mm panel without gasket: C (panel height) = B + 23 mm 2-3 Connection methods for assembling the Door Guide to 40 series profiles 4 Attaching the 32x18 framed door to the Door Guide Profile. Mitre connection of 32x18 Bi-Slot profile (12-032) for door frame is NOT recommended. See page 23 for detail of door frame. 5 21-068 Application Excellent solution for large doors with removable door panels for maintenance. Example: case packers, material handling and packaging installations, enclosures for large machinery. Technical Data Profile: Al, clear anodized. Weight 1.78 kg/m Guide Insert: UHMW, white with M6x16 Flat point set screw Weight 45 g 12-421 Roller Insert: Roller: Delrin, black Housing: Al, anodized Pin: Stainless Steel Description Unit Rolling Door Guide Profile cut off max. 4M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 12-022 19-001 Guide Insert Set Roller Insert Set UHMW Guide Profile 21-067 21-068 12-421 1 set 1 set cut off max 3.1M 38 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Sliding Door Guide 40 Series B = A - 15mm for removable doors B = A - 10mm for non-removable doors 12-012 12-013 28/30 Series Application Technical Data To guide light duty panels as sliding windows and access ports for safety guards and enclosures. Installation onto 40, 30 or 28 Series profiles is accomplished without fasteners by snapping into T-slot. Design of lower guide reduces friction of sliding panels. Design of upper guide facilitates easy, lift-out removal of door without disassembly of structure. Al, clear anodized Three tracks for panels up to 6.4mm (1/4") thick Weight: 12-012, 12-014 0.45 kg/m 12-013, 12-015 0.50 kg/m Description Sliding Door Guide 40, Upper Unit cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. Part # 12-012 12-012-3 Sliding Door Guide 40, Lower cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. 12-013 12-013-3 Sliding Door Guide 30/28, Upper cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. 12-014 12-014-3 Sliding Door Guide 30/28, Lower cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. 12-015 12-015-3 12-014 12-015 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 1 19-001 5 Stiffener/Handle Profile Application Designed as a combination handle and stiffener for sliding panel doors 1/4” thick. Panels snap into the profile slot and may be additionally secured by an adhesive or fastener. Description Stiffener/Handle Profile Saw cut necessary for cut to length 39 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.93 kg/m Unit cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. Part # 12-011 12-011-3 19-001 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Extrusion for mounting 34mm (1.34") thick insulation panels onto 40 series profiles. Extrusion can be serviced to mount on profile using T-slot nuts. Can also be mounted with double sided tape. Panel Extrusion 40 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.48 kg/m 1 Description Unit Panel Extrusion 40 cut off max. 6M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 12-018 19-001 Panel Holder Application Profile designed for panels 3- 6mm thick. Built-in seal for splash guard applications. Can be used for 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Technical Data Rigid PVC base, with vinyl lip seal Weight 0.16 kg/m Description Panel Holder Profile Unit cut off max. 3M cut off max. 3M Color black gray Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 12-016B 12-016G 19-001 Mesh Clamp Application Length = A- 1 mm 5 Length = B - 33mm Wire Mesh Size: A x B less 6 to 10 mm Captures wire mesh panel up to 5.5mm thick. Excellent for constructing safety guards when mesh needs not be removable. Installation onto 40, 30 or 28 series profiles is accomplished without fasteners by pressing into Tslot. Support stanchion becomes integral part of panel frame. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Profile is tapped M6 every 200mm ± 2mm. Includes clamp strip and M6x6 flat point set screws. Weight 0.53 kg/m Position for clearance of Std. Fastener Description Mesh Clamp Profile Unit cut off max. 4M pkg of 10 at 4M ea. Saw cut necessary for cut to length 40 Part # 12-010 12-010-4 19-001 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Rack Angle 67 50.5 27 10.5 (19”) 1 1 3 2 1 Mounting dimensions 2 Inserting rack angle into 40 series T-slot 3 Rack Angle is secured in T-slot with set screw M6x12 4 Panel is attached to Rack Angle with M5 or M6 screw and clip nut 5 Non-removable panels can be attached to the blank Rack Angle with double-sided tape 12-109M 5 4 12-110M Technical Data Al, clear anodized Complete with M6x12 flat point set screws. Application Used for attaching standard 19" rack or other panel to 40 series profile (30 and 28 series profiles permited, rack angle must be inserted from profile end). Clip nuts for panel mount snap into square holes. Blank Rack Angle can be machined to mount any accessories (see 1/4 Turn Receptacle). Weight: 12-109M 0.62 kg/m 12-110M 0.63 kg/m Description Unit 19" Rack Angle cut off max. 2.048M Rack Angle, Blank cut off max. 2.048M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Clip Nut Application Square nut with clip attachment for 19" Rack Angle. Nut snaps into square holes for attaching panels and accessories. Description Clip Nut M5* Clip Nut M6 Technical Data St, zinc plated Weight 5g * Due to almost identical geometric and dimensionsal shape of M5 and #10-32 UNF threads, standard #10-32 screws will fit in M5 Clip Nut. Unit 1 pc 1 pc 41 Part # 12-109M 12-110M 19-001 Part # 20-075 20-076 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles 800-333-4932 Clamp Bar IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application For attachment of 40 series profiles to base plates and other parts. Must be used in pairs to accomplish proper clamping of the profile. Not recommended for use on linear applications. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 1.24 kg/m 1 Description Unit Clamp Bar Profile cut off max. 2M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 12-105 19-001 Gusset Profile Application Can be cut and machined for custom gussets and support structures. Anodizing on request. For standard gusset brackets see page 74. Technical Data Al, mill finish Weight 4.84 kg/m Description Unit Gusset Profile cut off max.3M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 20-102Z4 19-002 L-Bracket Profile Application Can be cut and machined for custom floor mounting or other types of brackets. Anodizing on request. For standard floor mounting brackets see page 82. 5 Technical Data Al, mill finish Weight 7.52 kg/m Description Unit L-Bracket Profile cut off max. 3M Saw cut necessary for cut to length 42 Part # 21-057Z4 19-002 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS UHMW Slide Bar 12- 400 UHMW slide bar 28/30 between two profiles UHMW slide strip on a parallel application Application Durable, low-friction material, selflubricating and easily machined. Provides a smooth gliding surface on a wide range of applications, from linear systems to adjustable work surfaces. Use Slides Bars 12-400 and 12-420 for 40 series profiles, 12-430 for 28 and 30 profiles. Slide Strip 12-410 can be used with all 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Technical Data UHMW, white UHMW, black antistatic (12-420B) 1 12- 420 12- 430 Description UHMW Slide Bar 40x40 Unit cut off max. 3M Part # 12-400 UHMW Slide Bar 40x10 UHMW Slide Bar 40x10, Antistatic cut off max. 3M cut off max. 3M 12-420 12-420B UHMW Slide Bar 28/30x8 cut off max. 3M 12-430 UHMW Slide Strip cut off max. 3M 12-410 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 5 12- 410 43 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Panel & Mesh Gaskets 8 Application Panel gasket fits 6mm panels. Mesh gasket for 12 Gage wire mesh. Both for use on 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. 12-106M 1 12-107M Technical Data Molded vinyl, grey Weight 40 g/m 12-107 12-106 Description Panel Gasket 8 Unit cut off max. 30.5M 30.5m roll Part # 12-106M 12-106R Mesh Gasket 8 cut off max. 30.5M 30.5m roll 12-107M 12-107R Panel Gasket 10 Application Flexible vinyl gasket for use in 10mm T-slots of 32x18 profiles and 45 series profiles. Holds 6mm (1/4") panels. 12-031 12-032 Technical Data Clear vinyl Weight 90 g/m 45 series profile Description Vinyl Panel Gasket 10 Unit cut off max. 125m Part # 12-108 Safety Cover Application For caution areas of 40, 30 or 28 series guards and enclosures. Technical Data Rigid PVC, yellow Weight 0.3 kg Description Safety Cover Strip 5 Anti-Skid Cover Unit 1 pc at 3M Application Cover for 40 series profiles only, is used for non-slip surfaces such as ladders and stops for sliding doors. Oil and water resistant. Description Anti-Skid Cover 40 Technical Data Rubber, black Hardness 80 shore Weight 180 g/m Unit cut off max. 20M 44 Part # 12-112 Part # 12-114 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS T-Slot Cover 12-101 1 3 2 1 Entire T-slot cross section can be utilized as a raceway for wiring and piping 12-103 2 Aluminum cover strip is easily cut off with tin snips. See services and tools 1 3 Engraved information plates can be made from segments 4 5 a= max 1.5-2mm (20 series) a= 4-6mm (40 series) a= 6mm (28,30 series) 4 Cover/gasket strip used as a T-slot cover 12-115 12-111B 12-116B 17-111B 12-102 5 Cover/gasket strip used as a gasket Application Dust-tight covers and gaskets for all IPS profiles. Covers provide flush surfaces, making the entire T-slot available as conduit for wiring and piping. Aluminium covers are easily engraved. Technical Data Cover/gasket: Polypropylene, semiclear, black or yellow PVC cover, black or blue Aluminum cover, clear or black anodized Description Cover/Gasket Strip 40 Unit 1 pc at 2M Weight 52 g Color clear black yellow Part # 12-101 12-101B 12-101Y Cover/Gasket Strip 28 1 pc at 2M 33 g clear black yellow 12-103 12-103B 12-103Y Cover/Gasket Strip 20 1 pc at 2M 27 g clear black 12-115 12-115B PVC Cover Strip 40 1 pc at 2M 44 g black blue 12-111B 12-111BL PVC Cover Strip 30/28 1 pc at 2M 27 g black 12-116B PVC Cover Strip 45 1 pc at 2M 59 g black 17-111B Aluminum Cover Strip 40 1 pc at 2M 50 g clear black 12-102 12-102B Aluminium Cover Strip 30/28 1 pc at 2M 35 g clear black 12-104 12-104B 12-104 Inquire about quantity discounts 45 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles End Caps 1 40, 30 & 28 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application For covering the ends of profiles after application assembly. 20 Series Secure End Cap Description (Size AxB) 40 Series 40x40 40x40 Heavy Square 40x40 Quarter Round 80x40 40x100 80x80 40x120 80x120 16x40 16x80 16x160 160x28 160x40 160x80 40x40-45º 40-45° 40-60° 50x50 30 Series 30x30 30x60 60x60 28 Series 28x28 28x56 28x28-45o 20 Series 20x10 20x20 20x40 40x40, 20 series 20x60 20x80 80x14 7mm Access Hole Plug Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Unit Weight (g) Part # 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 7 10 18-813 18-805 18-843 18-814 18-804 18-815 18-840 18-841 18-811 18-812 18-806 18-816 18-817 18-818 18-820 18-845 18-860 18-810 15 20 28 22 43 4 6 10 20 28 66 6 10 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 18-803 18-863 18-866 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 4 8 18-808 18-809 18-844 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 0.5 1 2 4 3 4 3 18-830 18-802 18-831 18-832 18-834 18-835 18-833 18-710 Application Used for covering the ends of profiles. End cap can be additionally secured with M4x12 flat head screw (order separately) and can be re-used after screw removed. No profile servicing is required. 5 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Screw - St., black oxide See Conduit section for Conduit Caps Description Secure End Cap 40x40 Secure End Cap 40x80 Secure End Cap 80x80 Secure End Cap 56x56 M4x12 Flat Head Cap Screw 46 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc pkg of 100 Weight 7g 23 g 26 g Part # 18-913 18-914 18-915 18-919 24-212-4 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles Conduit Elements IPS 800-333-4932 The conduit elements for cable and hose installation offer great variety and are quickly and easily assembled. Anodized aluminum profiles provide rigidity with low weight. The elements are in the 40mm modular dimension and are fully compatible with all other standard elements. INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS The conduit elements are resistant to twisting; which is very important in a cantilevered application. They may be integrated into the construction as a structural support. Modular Dimensions 1 Assembly of Conduit Elements The conduit is made up of high tensile strength aluminum elements: Wall duct profile 40, 80 and 120 Conduit support profile 40, 80, 120 and 160 (with or without T-slot) Wall duct profiles of any required length are snapped into a support profile. Another support profile closes the duct with a "snap in" fit. The conduit may be secured with screws where necessary. 1 5 2 1 Scored groove for locating locking screw (24-695) in Support Profile. 2 Locking screw turned into the pre-extruded threads of the support wall profiles. 47 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Assembly of Conduit Elements 2 3 1 1 4 5 1 May be attached to any IPS profile using standard T-slot fastening methods such as the T-slot nuts 2-3 Scored grooves simplify locating of any necessary holes 6 4 The cable duct may be opened with a screw driver 5 Wall segments with or without predrilled holes can be provided 5 7 6 The conduit crosssection may be reduced or enlarged for customized applications 7 Conduits are lengthened by overlapping (staggering) support and wall profiles 8 8 Openings may be produced by sliding the profiles 9-10 Switch box made of conduit elements 9 10 48 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Examples 2 1 3 1 1 Transfer system installation with conduit elements 2 Cable exits in wall segment 160x80 3 Distribution panel constructed of conduit 80x80 4 Pneumatic control system with separate installation of cables and hoses with conduits 80x40 4 5 Assembly of conduit elements mitered at 45° 5 5 49 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Cross Sections 1 Conduits without T-slots 1 40x40 2 40x80 3 40x120 4 40x160 5 80x40 6 80x80 7 80x120 8 80x160 9 80x80-45º 10 120x40 11 120x80 12 120x120 13 120x160 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 80x160-20º Conduits with T-slots on one side 15 40x40 16 40x80 17 40x120 18 40x160 19 80x40 20 80x80 21 80x120 22 80x160 23 80x80-45º 24 120x40 25 120x80 26 120x120 27 120x160 28 80x160-20º Conduits with T-slots on both sides 29 30 31 32 33 80x80 80x120 80x160 120x80 120x120 34 120x160 5 Conduits with Partitions 35 40x80 36 40x120 37 40x160 38 80x80 39 80x120 40 80x160 41 120x80 42 120x120 43 120x160 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 50 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles Conduit Support 15-080 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Bottom or cover element for conduit assemblies. Description Support Profile 40 15-040 IPS 800-333-4932 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight, kg/m 15-040 0.49 15-080 0.76 15-120 0.98 15-160 1.25 Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Part # 15-040 15-040-3 15-040-6 19-001 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-080 15-080-3 15-080-6 19-001 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-120 15-120-3 15-120-6 19-002 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-160 15-160-3 15-160-6 19-002 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 80 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 120 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 160 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 15-120 15-160 Transparent Cover Application Transparent cover profiles for conduit elements designed for easy viewing of conduit contents. Snaps into place with standard conduit elements. Technical Data Plastic, clear Weight, kg/m 15-046 0.15 15-086 0.24 Description Transparent Cover Profile 40 Unit cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. Part # 15-046 15-046-3 Transparent Cover Profile 80 cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. 15-086 15-086-3 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 15-046 1 19-001 15-086 51 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Profiles Conduit Support with T-Slot 15-041 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Bottom or cover element for conduit assemblies. T-Slots accept all 40 series hardware. Description Support Profile 40 w/ T-slot 1 IPS 800-333-4932 15-081 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight, kg/m 15-041 0.60 15-081 1.32 15-121 1.68 15-161 2.29 Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Part # 15-041 15-041-3 15-041-6 19-001 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-081 15-081-3 15-081-6 19-001 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-121 15-121-3 15-121-6 19-002 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-161 15-161-3 15-161-6 19-002 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 80 w/ T-slot Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 120 w/T-slot Saw cut necessary for cut to length Support Profile 160 w/T-slot Saw cut necessary for cut to length 15-121 15-161 TS35 DIN Rail 5 Locking screw (24-695) optional 15-083 Application Rail for mounting terminal blocks and circuit breakers. Snaps into place on Conduit Support Profile w/ T-slots 80, 120 and 160. Description TS35 DIN Rail Profile Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.25 kg/m Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Saw cut necessary for cut to length 52 Part # 15-083 15-083-3 15-083-6 19-001 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles Wall Duct Profile INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Used for sides of conduit and as a divider for separating interior channels. 15-042 15-082 IPS 800-333-4932 Description Wall Duct Profile 40 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight, kg/m 15-042 0.21 15-082 0.55 15-122 0.81 Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Part # 15-042 15-042-3 15-042-6 Wall Duct Profile 80 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-082 15-082-3 15-082-6 Wall Duct Profile 120 cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-122 15-122-3 15-122-6 1 15-122 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 Angled Support 15-085 15-162 Application Cover element for conduit assemblies. Snaps into place with duct wall support profile 80. Attractive and suitable to build consoles and control boxes. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight, kg/m 15-085 1.03 15-162 1.20 5 Description Support Profile 80x80-45° Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. Part # 15-085 15-085-3 15-085-6 Support Profile 160-20° cut off max. 6M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. pkg of 10 at 6M ea. 15-162 15-162-3 15-162-6 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 53 19-002 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Conduit Caps 1 Recommended location of 5mm hole for locking screw on custom conduit caps (note orientation) Application Face covering for sealing the end openings of Conduit Systems. Not for use on 40 series profiles. Description (AxB) Conduit Cap 40x40 80x40 80x80 40x120 80x120 120x120 120x160 160x40 160x80 80x80-45º 160x80-20º Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Unit Weight (g) 1 pc 8 1 pc 14 1 pc 30 1 pc 30 1 pc 50 1 pc 70 1 pc 90 1 pc 30 1 pc 58 set of 2, R/L 50 set of 2, R/L 100 Part # 15-803 15-804 15-805 15-810 15-811 15-812 15-813 15-806 15-807 15-808 15-809 5 54 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Profiles IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Locking Screw 1 Application Locking screw for conduit assemblies and conduit caps. The screw breaks anodized coating and establishes a positive ground between the profiles Description Locking Screw 4.2 x 9.5 Technical Data St, galvanized 4.2 x 9.5mm, DIN 7971 Weight 2 g Unit 1 pc Part # 24-695 5 55 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Hardware and Fastening Components 2 Safe Load Pull Test 40 Series Standard with T-slot Nut 40 Series Heavy with T-slot Nut 40 Series Heavy with T-Nut HD 2,500 N (560 lbs) 5,000 N (1,125 lbs) 8,000 N (1,800 lbs) Two pieces of 40x40 Heavy profile were assembled to form a tee with a standard fastener and a button head screw. Force was applied until the tee started to separate. The profile failed before the fastener. The profiles were still held together at the end of the test. There were no catastrophic failures. Extra screw length beyond standard 20mm did not significantly change test results. Screw M8x20 M8x25 M8x30 56 Engaged length 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm Force N Lbs 24,954 5,609 25,354 5,699 26,777 6,019 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Hardware IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Basic Fastening Components THREAD SIZE 40 Standard Fastener M5 M8 5/16-18” Universal Fastener 20-002, 20-002SS 20-003, 20-003SS 25-003 M4 M6 M8 5/16-18” T-Slot Nut, St M4 M 5 (#10-32) 4 M6 M8 1/4-20” 5/16-18” 20-052 20-052 20-056, 20-056SS 20-056, 20-056SS 20-058, 20-058SS 20-058, 20-058SS 25-001 25-001 25-002 25-002 20-049 20-050 HD T-Slot Nut M6 M8 20-060 20-064 M8 20-063 Economy T-Slot Nut 1 1,3 Offset Economy T-Slot Nut T-Slot Nut, Zn M4 M 5 (#10-32) 4 M6 M8 1/4-20” 5/16-18” 1,3 20-021 20-005 1 20-004 25-004 M 8, A=24 M 8, A=40 Double HD T-Slot Nut 20-003, 20-003SS 20 20-040 20-008 Double T-Slot Nut 1,2 FOR PROFILE SERIES 30 28 20-044 20-045 20-055 1 20-057 1 2 20-049 20-050 20-084 20-085 20-080 20-081, 20-081SS 20-083 20-082 20-090 20-091 20-093 20-092 20-090 20-091 20-093 20-092 M6 M8 1/4-20” 5/16-18” 20-190 20-181 20-193 20-182 20-190 20-190 20-193 20-193 M3 M4 M 5 (#10-32) 4 20-033 20-034 20-035 20-036 20-037 20-038 20-036 20-037 20-038 Notes: 1) T-Slot Nut must be inserted from profile end. 2) Retainer Spring 20-0614 is available for HD T-Slot Nuts. 3) Retainer Springs 24-719-6 and 24-719-8 are available for M6 (1/4-20”) and M8 (5/16-18”) Economy T-Slot Nuts. 4) Due to the almost identical geometric and dimensional shape of M5 and #10-32 UNF threads, standard #10-32 screws will fit in all M5 T-Slot Nuts. 57 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Standard Fastening Set 1 2 1 2 3 3 Location of access holes for hexagon wrench, number dimension represents center dimensions of pilot holes. Multiple fastening elements are required for the various profile cross sections. Joining and assembly of profiles with the Standard Fastening Set Application Provides power-lock connection and alignment of profiles. 20-014 is recommended for use on 40 series Light and Closed Slot profiles. 2 Profile Series Type A Std M8x20 40 SS M8x20 SAE 5/16-18x3/4” Light M8x18 50 Std M8x20 Std M8x18 30 SS M8x16 Std M8x18 28 SS M8x16 20 Std M5x12 Hex 5 3/16” 5 Dimensions (mm) B C D E 36 7.8 17 11 32 46 F G H 2.9 16 40 2.3 2.9 30 23.7 7.8 16 8.9 1.9 16 28 3 19 4.8 10 4.5 1.1 10 20 Technical Data Plate: St, zinc plated or stainless steel (SS) To make SAE Standard Fastening Set 28 use fastening plate (20-003Z1) and 5/16”-18 x 5/8” BHCS (25-110-5) Torque Weight (Nm) (g) Part # 25 25 20-002 20 7 20 21 20-002SS 25 25-003 25 41 20-014 25,20 27 20-051 25 15 20-003 15 20 14 20-003SS 25 15 20-003 14 20 14 20-003SS 10 4.3 4.5 5 20-021 K L Add “Z1” to part number for a fastening plate without screw (i.e. 20-002Z1) Inquire about quantity discounts Flat Plate Fastening Set 1 1 Connecting Closed Slot Profiles 2 Using M8x10 BHCS (24-110-8) and Flat Plate (20-028Z1) for connecting 28 series profiles 2 Application Flat Plate Fastening Set is suitable for connecting two profiles at 90° when Standard Fastener can not be used. Description Flat Plate Fastening Set Flat Plate (w/o screw) Technical Data St, zinc plated Tightening torque: 25 Nm Unit 1 set 1 pc Weight 13 g 6g Part # 20-028 20-028Z1 Inquire about quantity discounts 58 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Hardware INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Universal Fastening Set 4 5 1 2 1-2 90º connection of facing profiles movable in T-slot 3 Step bore dimensions 4 Structural applications require one fastener for each connecting T-slot on both sides of the profile 5 Univ. Fast. Set 20-011 for attaching 28 series profile to 40 series profile 3 Application For 90º profile connections and movable connections. Ideal for retrofit/additions to existing frames. Fastening set 20-011 used to connect 28 series profiles to 40 series profiles. Fastening set 28 20-005: T-slot nut 28 must be inserted at end of profile and slid to proper position. Profile Series Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized Includes screw and T-slot Nut, St. Tightening torque 40 & 50 series: 25 Nm 30 & 28 series: 14 Nm 20 series: 3 Nm Dimensions (mm) Hex B C M8x30 BHCS 5 40, 50 5/16-18x1/4” BHCS 3/16” 16 28 M6x27 SHCS 8 28/40 M6x30 SHCS 5 11 30 20 A M6x27 SHCS M4x14 SHCS 3 8.5 5 D E 33.8 33.8 31.3 33.5 31.3 17.2 20 12 Universal Zinc Casting 40 (w/o screw and T-nut) Universal Zinc Casting 28 (w/o screw and T-nut) F 20 10 Weight (g) 41 41 30 36 31 7 Part # 20-004 25-004 20-005 20-011 20-008 20-040 20-004Z1 20-005Z1 Inquire about quantity discounts 59 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 Profile-to-Wall Fastening Set INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application For connection of 40 series profiles to other parts without T-slots, particularly Corner Elements and Reversing Units. Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized Includes M8x30 BHCS and M8 rib spring washer Tightening torque: 25 Nm Description Profile-to-Wall Fastening Set M8 Profile-to-Wall Casting (w/o screw,washer) Unit 1 set 1 pc Weight 32 g 20 g Part # 20-015 20-015Z1 2 Butt-Fastening Set 20-006 1 2 1-2 Processing of profiles and assembly of the connection. 3 The number of fasteners required is determined by the size of the profile. 3 20-012 Application For end-face fastening (lengthening) of profiles. Use M8 Fastener for 40 and 50 series profiles. Use M6 fastener for 28 and 30 series profiles and pneumatic applications on 40 series profiles. Description Butt-Fastening Set M8 Butt-Fastening Set M6 Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized 20-006 includes M8x45 BHCS 20-012 includes M6x50 SHCS and M6 hex nut Tightening torque: 20-006 = 25 Nm 20-012 = 14 Nm Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 59 g 45 g Part # 20-006 20-012 Inquire about quantity discounts 60 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Hardware INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Parallel Clamp 1 2 1-2 Installation 3 4 3 Profiles at 90º Application For parallel clamping 40 series profiles in any angular position. No machining of profiles is necessary. Description Parallel Clamp 40 4 Profile at angles Technical Data St, stainless M6x20 FHCS, M6x14 Low socket head screw, T-slot nut M6 Tightening torque: 5.5 Nm Unit 1 set Weight 37 g Part # 20-017 2 Self-Tapping Connector 2 1 1 Slide screw into slot of profile 2 Install the self-tapping fastener with 6mm hexagon wrench 3 Insert the T-slot nut and attach the connector with 5mm hexagon wrench. Install plastic cover 3 Application For right angle attachment of 40 series profiles. Particularly suitable for retrofitting to existing structures, as no servicing is needed. The self-tapping fastener is inserted into end of any T-slot from the end face. Left handed threads. Description Self-Tapping Connector 40 61 Technical Data St, zinc plated self-tapping fastener M6x40 SHCS, M6 T-slot nut 40, black nylon cover. Tightening torque: 14 Nm Unit 1 set Weight 34 g Part # 20-019 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Mitre Connector 1 Machining of 40x40 profile for Mitre Connector HD 20-022 4 Mitre Connectors should not be used as structural fasteners 2 20-022 2 Machining of 28x28 profile for Mitre Connector MD 20-024 5 Use of Joining Plates adds rigidity to connections 20-024 3 Machining of 32x18 Mono-Slot profile for 90° Mitre Connector 20-128. See profile section for more application examples. Application For connecting guarding applications at various angles. 20-022 used with 40 series profiles. 20-024 used with 30, 28 series profiles. 20-128 20-127 20-128 used with 30, 28 series profiles and 32x18 mono-slot profile. It is inserted into 6.8mm pilot hole of the profile without machining. Requires two holes for the set screw. Use mitre bracket 20-127 to prevent twisting of connected 32x18 mono-slot profiles. (See page 36 for application details) Description Mitre Connector HD w/ 40 Fast. Set Mitre Connector MD w/ 28 Fast. Set Mitre Connector MD 90° Mitre Connector w/ 28 Fast. Set 90° Mitre Connector Mitre Bracket 62 Technical Data St, zinc plated 40 Fastening Set includes two M8 Economy T-slot nuts 40 and two M8x16 Cone point set screws. 28 Fastening Set includes: two M6 Economy T-slot nuts 28 and two M6x12 Cone point set screws. Mitre Bracket: Al, anodized Loctite® Thread Locker No. 262 recommended to secure setscrews Unit 1 set 1 set 1 pc 1 set 1 pc 1 pc Weight 67 g 31 g 17 g 31 g 16 g 4g Part # 20-022 20-024 20-024Z1 20-128 20-128Z1 20-127 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS T-Slot Nut St Locating the T-slot nut using the spring/ball locking feature for easy locating and mounting on vertical profiles. Technical Data Metric - clear zinc plated English - black zinc plated Parts designated with “SS” at the end are stainless steel Application Universal mounting element for profiles. 40, 30 and 20 series nuts can be inserted into profile T-slot at any location. Positive location using ball/spring thrusting mechanism. * Due to the almost identical geometric and dimensional shape of M5 and #10-32 UNF threads, standard #10-32 screws will fit in all M5 T-slot nuts. 28 series T-slot nut slides into profile slot from end face of profile. Profile Dimensions (mm) Series A B C D M5* 20-055 20-057 28 20 M8 1/4”-20 5/16”-18 M6 M8 M4 M5* Weight (g) 11 11 11 10 11 10 9 7.3 13.8 23 7.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 7.3 13.8 23 5.5 10 4 8 11.5 4 1 Unit 1pc 1pc Weight 10 g 10 g M6 40, 30 E Part # 20-052 20-056 20-056SS 20-058 20-058SS 25-001 25-002 20-055 20-057 20-044 20-045 Inquire about quantity discounts Self-Aligning T-Slot Nut Application Rolls into the profile T-slot 40 at any location. Held in position using spring-loaded ball. Raised area fits into T-slot to prevent twisting. The nut should not be used in applications where the raised area might interfere with other object such as aligment tabs on universal fasteners, hinges, etc. The nut also fits T-slot 28 and 30 but must be inserted from the profile end. Technical Data St, zinc plated Description Self-Aligning T-Slot Nut 40, M6 Self-Aligning T-Slot Nut 40, M8 63 Part # 20-066 20-068 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Double T-Slot Nut 1 2 4 5 7 8 3 20-049 6 Double T-slot Nut 40, M8/40 used for fastening 1 Joining Plates, 2 Gusset Brackets, 3 Floor Mtg Brackets, 4 Base Plates, 5 Hinges, 6 Parts Bins and 7 Profile Slide Blocks 8 Dbl. T-slot Nut 40, M8/24 used for fastening Medium Hinge 40 2 20-050 Application Universal mounting element for wide variety of applications where fastening hardware requires two M8 T-slot nuts. Roll-in T-slot nuts 20-049 and 20-050 can be inserted into the profile T-slot at any location, use with 40 and 30 series profiles. Heavy duty T-slot nut 20-063 must be inserted from the profile end, use with 40 series profiles only. 20-063 Technical Data St, zinc plated Description Double T-Slot Nut M8/24 Double T-Slot Nut M8/40 Double HD T-Slot Nut 40 T-Slot Nut HD Weight 15 g 23 g 25 g Part # 20-049 20-050 20-063 Application For loads requiring heavy duty support on 40 series heavy profiles. Recommended for mounting Bearing Units. Technical Data St, zinc plated 20-060 Description T-Slot Nut HD, M6 T-Slot Nut HD, M8 Retainer Spring for HD T-Slot Nut 20-064 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Unit 1 pc 1 pc pkg of 100 Weight 13 g 13 g Part # 20-060 20-064 20-0614 Inquire about quantity discounts 64 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Hardware INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Economy T-Slot Nut Standard Application Economic solution for fastening various hardware to profiles. Economy T-slot nut slides into profile from end face. Tslot nuts can be secured in vertical positions with compression spring. Technical Data Steel, Metric - zinc plated English - black oxide SS - stainless steel * Due to the almost identical geometric and dimensional shape of M5 and #10-32 UNF threads, standard #10-32 screws will fit in all M5 T-slot nuts. Offset Standard Profile series 40 30, 28 Offset 20 40 30, 28 Dimensions (mm) A B M6 M8 M8 25 5/16-18 5/16-18 1/4-20 M6 M6 M8 20.5 5/16-18 1/4-20 1/4-20 M4 16 M5* A M8 5/16-18 M6 1/4-20 Weight C D (g) 16 3.6 10 13 3.2 5 9.6 2.4 1 B C D E Weight 25 16 3.6 7.1 10 20.5 13 3.2 6.4 5 Description Compression Spring, for Economy T-slot Nuts M6 Compression Spring, for Economy T-slot Nuts M8 Economy Drop-In T-Slot Nut Application For attaching small parts and accessories to 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Can be inserted into T-slot at any location. For light duty applications only. Description Economy Drop-In T-Slot Nut, M6 65 Unit pkg/100 pkg/100 Part # 20-080 20-081 20-081SS 20-082 25-082SS 20-083 20-090 20-090SS 20-091 20-092 20-093 25-093SS 20-084 20-085 Part # 20-181 20-182 20-190 20-193 Part # 24-719-6 24-719-8 Technical Data St, zinc plated Unit 1 pc Weight 4g Part # 20-172 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS T-Slot Nut Zn For positioning on vertical profiles, the T-slot Nut is preset. Fastening is effected by tightening the tapered T-slot Nut Zn. 1 Insert 2 Turn Application Universal mounting element. Wedges into the profile when tightened. Can be inserted into T-slot at any position. 2 Series 40 30, 28 A M3 M4 M5* M3 M4 M5* 3 Fasten Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized * Due to the almost identical geometric and dimensional shape of M5 and #10-32 UNF threads, standard #10-32 screws will fit in all M5 T-slot nuts. Dimensions (mm) B C D E Weight (g) 27 8.1 7.9 7.7 5 27 7.9 7.9 6 5 Part # 20-033 20-034 20-035 20-036 20-037 20-038 Inquire about quantity discounts T-Bolt 40 Application Conveniently threaded stud with T-slot nut for insertion into T-slots of 40 series profiles. Used to attach equipment and fixtures to profiles. Technical Data St, zinc plated Description T-Bolt 40 M8x25 T-Bolt 40 M8x40 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 66 Weight 1g 2g Part # 24-425-8 24-440-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Pin Element Application Prevents dislocation under high loads on 40 series profiles. Recommended use in pairs. Drill profiles for 5.9mm diameter. Description Pin Element Technical Data St, zinc plated Includes cup point set screw M6x12 and pull dowel, 6x16 DIN 7979. Dislocation stability of the connection per element = max. 3000N (675 lbs.) Unit 1 set Anodize Breaker Weight 34 g Part # 20-020 Application For penetrating anodizing and providing grounding continuity between 40, 50 and 30 series profiles. Technical Data St, galvanized with dog point set screw M6x12 Description Anodize Breaker Unit 1 pc Weight 3g Part # 20-070 T-Slot Bar 20-032 Application Fastening element for easy attachment of valves, limit switches and peripherals. Bar stock for custom length T-slot nuts on 40 series profiles. T-slot Bar St (20-059) also used on 30 series profiles. Description T-Slot Bar Al T-Slot Bar St T-Slot Bar HD Technical Data 20-032: Al, clear anodized Max. tapped hole: M5 (#10-32) 20-059, 20-062: St Max. tapped hole: M8 (5/16”) Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight .11 kg .26 kg .42 kg Part # 20-032 20-059 20-062 20-059 20-062 67 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware (Hexagon Socket) 2 M3x0.5 X X X X X X X X X X X Metric Screws Length of screw 2 4 - x yyy - zz Thread Size Screw type 1- Button Head 2 - Flat Head 3 - Socket Head Order unit: pkg of 100 Example: 24-120-8 Qty 0.15 = M8x20 Button Head Cap Screw - 15 pcs. M4x0.7 M5x0.8 M6x1.0 M8x1.25 M10x1.5 X X INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS The chart below shows the standard stocked screws. To determine the part number of a screw needed refer to the formula. Partly/fully threaded. Properties class 8.8 or better. Finish may vary between Zinc plated or black oxide. Some screws available in Stainless Steel. Check with your local Service Center or current Price List for a complete listing. Metric Screws Length mm 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 27 28 30 33 35 40 45 50 60 80 90 100 120 IPS 800-333-4932 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Button Head Metric Screw Dimensions (mm) Flat Head Thread T M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 Button Head Dk K S 5.7 1.65 2 7.6 2.2 2.5 9.5 2.75 3 10.5 3.3 4 14 4.4 5 17.5 5.5 6 21 6.6 8 Flat Head Dk K S 6 1.7 2 8 2.3 2.5 10 2.8 3 12 3.3 4 16 4.4 5 20 5.5 6 24 6.5 8 Socket Head Dk K S 5.5 3 2.5 7 4 3 8.5 5 4 10 6 5 13 8 6 16 10 8 18 12 10 Socket Head 68 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Hardware IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Washers, Hexagon Nuts, Set Screws Flat Washer 24-700-x Lock Washer 24-707-x Rib Spring Washer 24-718-x Washers Spring Washer 24-708-x Cone Point Set Screw 24-5xx-xC Dog Point Set Screw 24-5xx-xD Lock Nut 24-716-x Flat Point Set Screw 24-5xx-xF Cup Point Set Screw 24-5xx-xU Flat Washer M5 Flat Washer M6 Flat Washer M8 Unit pkg/100 pkg/100 pkg/100 Part # 24-700-5 24-700-6 24-700-8 Lock Washer M8 pkg/100 24-707-8 Spring Washer M8 Spring Washer M10 pkg/100 pkg/100 24-708-8 24-708-10 Safety Spring Washer M8 pkg/100 24-709-8 Rib Spring Washer M8 pkg/100 24-718-8 Setscrews (Hexagon Socket) Unit Hexagon Nuts Hex Nut M3 Hex Nut M4 Hex Nut M5 Hex Nut M6 Hex Nut M8 Hex Nut M10 Hex Nut M12 Hex Nut M16 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 24-706-3 24-706-4 24-706-5 24-706-6B 24-706-8 24-706-10 24-706-12 24-706-16 Lock Nut M6 Lock Nut M8 1 pc 1 pc 24-716-6 24-716-8 Cone Point Set Screw M5x6 Cone Point Set Screw M6x8 Cone Point Set Screw M6x10 Cone Point Set Screw M6x12 Cone Point Set Screw M8x10 Cone Point Set Screw M8x16 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Part # 24-506-5C 24-508-6C 24-510-6C 24-512-6C 24-510-8C 24-516-8C Dog Point Set Screw M6x12 Dog Point Set Screw M8x30 1 pc 1 pc 24-512-6D 24-530-8D Flat Point Set Screw M5x6 Flat Point Set Screw M5x16 Flat Point Set Screw M6x6 Flat Point Set Screw M6x12 Flat Point Set Screw M6x16 Flat Point Set Screw M8x10 Flat Point Set Screw M10x25 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 24-506-5F 24-516-5F 24-506-6F 24-512-6F 24-516-6F 24-510-8F 24-525-10F Cup Point Set Screw M8x8 1 pc 24-508-8U English Screws (Hexagon Socket) Description Button Head Screw #10-32 x 5/8” Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 1/2" Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 5/8" Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 3/4" Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 1/2" Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 5/8" Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 3/4" Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 1 1/4” 69 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Part # 25-110-2 25-108-4 25-110-4 25-112-4 25-108-5 25-110-5 25-112-5 25-118-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Corner Bracket 22-146 1 3 2 18-821 2 18-822 4 5 1 Connecting three 40x40 quarter round profiles 10-043 using 22-146 and 18-821 2 Connecting three 40x40-45° profiles 10-044 or 11-044 using 22-146 and 18-822 18-836 3 Connecting two 40x40-45° profiles 10-044 or 11-044 and a 40x40 bi-slot corner 10-140 using 22-146 and 18-836 4 Connecting three 30x30 quarter round profiles 12-033 using 22-150 and 22-151 5 Connecting three 30x30 bi-slot corner profiles 12-034 using 22-150 and 22-152 22-150 22-151 Application Corner brackets are used for connecting 40 and 30 series profiles at right angles. Aesthetic solution for construction of display cases, tables, cover hoods, etc. Choice of corner caps allow for various profile combinations. Profile ends must be tapped to accept M8 screw. Technical Data Bracket: Die cast zinc 22-146 includes three M8x20 BHCS 22-150 includes three M8x20 FHCS Cap: glass-filled nylon, black Description Corner Bracket 40 Connector Cap 40, Radius Connector Cap 40, 3x45° Connector Cap 40, 2x45° Unit 1 set 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 120 g 8g 9g 10 g Part # 22-146 18-821 18-822 18-836 Corner Bracket 30 Connector Cap 30, Radius Connector Cap 30, Square 1 set 1 pc 1 pc 69 g 4g 7g 22-150 22-151 22-152 22-152 70 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Hardware IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Corner Connector 18-826 Application Suitable for clean room environments. Designed for use with 40 or 28 Series closed slot profiles. Includes access plugs. Profile ends must be tapped to accept M8 screw. 18-827 Description 2-Way Corner Connector 40 w/2 plugs 3-Way Corner Connector 40 w/3 plugs 3-Way Corner Connector 28 w/3 plugs Connector Plug 40 Connector Plug 28 18-829 T-Joint Connector Technical Data Block 40: Zn cast, powder coat Block 28: Al, black anodized Plug 40: Low density polyethylene, grey Plug 28: acetal (Delrin), black Order all hardware separately. 40 series: M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8) 28 series: M8x16 FHCS (24-216-8) Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set 1 pc 1 pc Weight .26 kg .26 kg 28 g 1g 1g Part # 18-826 18-827 18-829 18-711 18-712 Application Suitable for clean room environments. Reduces cavity of profile radius on a Tor Corner connection. Designed for use with 40 Series Standard closed slot profiles. Technical Data Zn cast, clear chromate 18-823 Order all hardware separately. Fastening set 20-029 includes one flat plate and one M8x20 BHCS. 18-824 18-825 Description T-Joint Connector 40, No Notch T-Joint Connector 40, Single Notch T-Joint Connector 40, Double Notch T-Connector Fastening Set 40 71 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight 57 g 55 g 55 g 15 g Part # 18-823 18-824 18-825 20-029 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Joining Plates 40 20-108 2 20-109 20-111 20-110 20-112 Application Exterior joining plates for fastening 40 series profiles together without servicing. Technical Data Al, anodized, 6.4mm (1/4”) thick Hole dia. 9mm Order all hardware separately. M8 T-slot nut 40 (20-058, 20-064, 20-081, 20-181,20-050) and M8x18 BHCS (24-118-8) 20-113 Description Joining Plate 1, 80 Corner Joining Plate 40 T-Joining Plate 40 Joining Plate 2, 40 Joining Plate 2, 80 Corner Joining Plate 80 T-Joining Plate 80 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 86 g 163 g 163 g 90 g 188 g 341 g 341 g Part # 20-108 20-109 20-110 20-111 20-112 20-113 20-114 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight 40 g 33 g 5g Part # 22-140 22-141 20-009 20-114 Connecting Elements 40 Application Exterior elements for fastening 40 series profiles together without servicing. Technical Data Al, anodized, 4.8mm (3/16”) thick 22-140 22-141 Order all hardware separately. Fastening Set (20-009) includes one M8 T-slot nut and one M8x16 FHCS Description Connecting Element 40, Flat Connecting Element 40, 90° Fastening Set for Conn. Elements 40 72 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston , TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Hardware IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Joining Plates & Connecting Elements 28 (30) 22-145 22-143 Application Exterior elements for fastening 28 series profiles together without servicing. In many applications, 28 series connecting elements can be used for connecting 30 series profiles. 20-104 Technical Data Al, anodized, 3.2mm (1/8”) thick Order all hardware separately. For attaching 20-104, 20-105, 20-106 to 28 series profile: M8 T-slot nut (20-091, 20-057) and M8x10 BHCS (24-110-8) to 30 series profile: M8 T-slot nut (20-058,20-091) and M8x12 BHCS (24-112-8) 20-105 20-106 For attaching 22-143, 22-145 to 28 series profile: M6 T-slot nut (20-090, 20-190, 20-055, 20-172) and M6x10 FHCS (24-212-8) to 30 series profile: M6 T-slot nut (20-056, 20-190,20-190, 20-175) and M6x12 FHCS (24-212-6) Description Joining Plate 28-40 Corner Joining Plate 28 T-Joining Plate 28 Connecting Element 28, 90° Connecting Element 28, Flat Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 20 g 39 g 39 g 40 g 33 g Part # 20-104 20-105 20-106 22-143 22-145 Connecting Elements 20 20-115 20-116 Application Exterior elements for fastening 20 series profiles together without servicing. 20-117 20-118 Technical Data Al, anodized, 3.2mm (1/8”) thick Hole dia. 5.5mm Order all hardware separately. M5 T-slot nut 20 (20-045, 20-085) and M5x8 BHCS (24-108-5) Description Connecting Angle 20 Connecting Angle 20, Double Connecting Plate 20, 1 Connecting Plate 20, 2 73 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 5g 11 g 7g 11 g Part # 20-115 20-116 20-117 20-118 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 Mounting Plate IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Designed for mounting 40x16 profile at 90° angle to any 40 series profile. for 40x16 Profile Technical Data Al, clear anodized Order all hardware separately M8x16 SHCS (24-316-8), M8 T-slot nut 40 (20-058), two M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) 22-139 Description Mounting Plate for 40x16 Profile Unit 1 pc Weight 19 g Part # 22-139 2 Gusset Bracket 20-101 Application Gusset used to attach profiles at 90° angles. Can also be used as additional bracing at joints. 20-101 is used for 28 and 30 series profiles, 20-102, 20-103 for 40 series. Technical Data Al, clear anodized 20-102 Order all hardware separately 40 series: M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8), M8 T-slot nut 40 (20-058, 20-050, 20-081 or 20-064) 30 series: M6x16 BHCS (24-116-6), M6 T-slot nut 30 (20-056, 20-090 or 20-190) 28 series: M6x16 BHCS (24-116-6), M6 T-slot nut 28 (20-055, 20-090 or 20-190) 20-103 Description Gusset Bracket 80x28 Gusset Bracket 80x40 Gusset Bracket 80x80 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 74 Weight .11 kg .14 kg .31 kg Part # 20-101 20-102 20-103 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Corner Element 21-035 Fastening Set for Corner Element 1 or 3 (without cross piece and Fastening set 20015) Fastening set for Corner Element 2 21-036 2 Different configurations for mounting Corner Element 1 Different configurations for mounting Corner Element 2 Application Designed for attaching profiles at 45°. Ideal for trusses and bracing. Technical Data Al, clear anodized 21-037 Order all hardware separately. 21-038 Description Corner Element 1, 40 Corner Element 1, 80 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 71 g 45 g Part # 21-035 21-036 Corner Element 2, 40 Corner Element 2, 80 1 pc 1 pc 67 g 133 g 21-037 21-038 Corner Element 3, 40 Corner Element 3, 80 1 pc 1 pc 73 g 150 g 21-135 21-136 End Cap 40x40-45° 1 pc 6g 18-820 21-135 21-136 75 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Clamp Block 20-018-1 Application Cost effective solution for simple frame, guarding and other applications that do not require high accuracy. Not recommended for linear applications. Must be used in pairs to accomplish proper clamping of 40 series profile. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Order all hardware separately M8 T-slot nut HD (20-064) and M8x30 BHCS (24-130-8) 20-018-2 Description Clamp Block 1 Clamp Block 2 Clamp Block 4 2 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight .03 kg .09 kg .17 kg Part # 20-018-1 20-018-2 20-018-4 20-018-4 Gusset Member Gusset 40 Gusset 28 Application Gussets for use as extra bracing on tool booms or any other application. Custom gussets (profile type, length, angle) are available. Technical Data Profile 40x40 Standard or 28x28 Bi-Slot Midframe Order all hardware separately 40 series: M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8), M8 T-slot nut (20-058, 20-081 or 20-064) 28 series: M6x14 BHCS (24-114-6), M6 T-slot nut 28 (20-055, 20-090) Description Gusset 40, 300mm Gusset 40, 431mm Gusset 40, 600mm Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight .55 kg .79 kg 1.10 kg Part # 21-060-1 21-060-2 21-060-3 Gusset 28, 254mm 1 pc 0.19 kg 21-062-1 76 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Leveling Feet, Base Plates and Casters 2 77 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application For leveling tables and light equipment. Ratchet-type height adjustment requires no tools. For use with 40 series profiles. Leveling Foot 1 2 1 Fastening to profile end 2 Fastening in T-slot of profile 21-001 IPS Description Leveling Foot 40 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Spindle, nut and disk: St, galvanized Max. load - 1500 N (337 lbs) Adjustment range 25mm (1”) Unit 1 pc Weight .68 kg Part # 21-001 1 Fastening to profile end (M8 Tap is required). 2 Side fastening in T-slot. Easy mounting by using a M8 T-slot nut, no drilling necessary. 1 2 21-001-30 2 Application For leveling tables and light equipment. Height can be adjusted either by hand or with tools. Description Leveling Foot 30 Unit 1 pc Application For leveling of light duty structures constructed of 20 series profiles. 21-007 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Spindle, nut and disk: St, zinc plated Max. load - 1500 N (337 lbs) Description Leveling Foot 20 Weight 47 g Part # 21-001-30 Technical Data Base: glass-filled nylon, black Spindle and nut: St, galvanized Max. load - 1000 N (225 lbs) Unit 1 pc Weight 12 g Part # 21-007 Knuckle Foot 30/28 Rubber insert 21-011 in Knuckle Foot 21-010 21-010 21-011 Application Adjustable height leveling foot for structures constructed of 30 or 28 series profiles. Rubber Insert is for vibrationdampening and floor protection. Description Knuckle Foot 30/28 Rubber Insert 30/28 Technical Data Base: glass-filled nylon, black Spindle and nut: St, galvanized Max. load - 3000 N (674 lbs) 21-011: Rubber, black Hardness 80º Shore A Oil and water resistant Unit 1 pc 1 pc 78 Weight 20 g 2g Part # 21-010 21-011 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Knuckle Foot 40 Self-aligning leveling adjustment has a max. tilt of 15º via ball and socket Application Adjustable height leveling foot for machine bases and other structures. Inclination adjustment is achieved via a ball cavity and socket. One size wrench adjusts both spindle and counter nuts. Both M8 and M10 feet can be attached to a serviced profile. A M8 M10 Technical Data Base: glass-filled nylon, black Spindle and nut: St, galvanized Max load: 1500 N (337 lbs) Dimensions (mm) Weight B C Dmin Dmax g 60 50 37 32 80 39 65 43 80 34 65 66 2 Part # 21-008 21-009 21-012 Knuckle Foot 80 Self-aligning leveling adjustment has a max. tilt of 7º via spherical washer and form foot Application Adjustable height leveling foot for heavy duty structures. Require appropriate base plate for mounting. Technical Data Base: Zn cast, black E-coated Spindle and nut: St, galvanized Max. load 10,000 N (2,250 lbs) Dimensions (mm) Weight B C Dmin* Dmax (kg) 100 80 0.29 M12 160 76 41 140 0.33 100 80 0.36 M16 160 45 140 0.44 A Part # 21-013 21-014 21-016 21-018 * Dmin is without nut 79 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 Rubber Insert 80 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 1 Rubber Insert 80 in place 2 Insert fits inside open cavity of Knuckle Foot 80 1 2 Application For vibration-dampening and floor protection with the Knuckle Foot 80. Description Rubber Insert 80 Technical Data Rubber, black Hardness 80º Shore A Oil and water resistant Unit 1 pc Clamping Shoe 80 Weight 50 g Part # 21-020 Application Floor mounting fastener for Knuckle Foot 80. 2 Technical Data Zn cast, black powder coated Description Clamping Shoe 80 Floor Fastening Set Unit 1 pc 1 set Weight .47 kg .05 kg Part # 21-021 21-032 Corner Mounting Plate Leveling and floor clamping attachment using hex bolts. Application Mounting plate for knuckle feet for leveling structure and/or permanent placement of structures. Description Corner Mounting Plate Profile Fastening Set Floor Fastening Set Leveling Screw (M12x45 SHCS) 80 Technical Data Al, black powder coat Order all hardware separately. Profile Fast. Set (21-031): two M8x50 SHCS and two M8 T-slot Nuts St Unit 1 pc 1 set 1 set 1 pc Weight .74 kg 60 g 50 g 50 g Part # 21-030 21-031 21-032 21-033 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 L-Base Leveling Foot INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profile Dimensions(mm) Series Min Max 40 10 55/75* 30/28 8.5 31 * 55 mm w/ partly threaded screw (provided) 75 mm w/ fully threaded screw 1 1 2 3 21-022 2 Adjustable dimensions for 40 and 30/28 Extrusion with one L-Base Foot Extrusion with two L-Base Feet in back to back configuration. 3 2 Application Leveling foot and fastener for light and heavy duty equipment. Height adjustment is from the top. T-slot fasteners from the side. Technical Data 21-022: Zn cast, black powder coated Max. vertical load - 10,000 N (2,250 lbs) 21-063: Al, anodized Max. vertical load - 6,000 N (1,350 lbs) Include T-slot nuts, square nut and button head screws as shown. 21-063 Description L-Base Leveling Foot 40 L-Base Leveling Foot 30/28 Floor Fastening Set Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight .28 kg .22 kg .05 kg Part # 21-022 21-063 21-032 L-Base Floor Anchor 40 Non-Leveling Application For attachment of light or heavy duty equipment to floors and walls. Description L-Base Floor Anchor Floor Fastening Set Technical Data Zn cast, black powder coated Includes T-slot nut M8 and M8x20 BHCS Unit 1 pc 1 set Weight .20 kg .05 kg Part # 21-023 21-032 21-023 81 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Floor Mounting Bracket 21-057 Application Economical bracket for mounting structures to floor or wall. Mounts to T-slots of 40, 30 or 28 series profiles. 2 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Order all hardware separately. 40 series: M8 T-slot nut (20-058 or 20-081), M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8) 30 series: M8 T-slot nut (20-058 or 20-091), M8x18 BHCS (24-118-8) 28 series: M8 T-slot nut (20-057 or 20-091), M8x16 BHCS (24-116-8) 21-058 Description Floor Mounting Bracket 40 Floor Mounting Bracket 80 Floor Mounting Bracket 30/28 Floor Fastening Set Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight .28 kg .57 kg .19 kg .05 kg Part # 21-057 21-058 21-059 21-032 21-059 82 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Flange Foot 21-050 Application Heavy duty flange foot for attaching structures to floor. Tapped holes in base can be used for leveling 40 series profile only. 21-055 2 Order all hardware separately. M8x25 BHCS (24-125-8) for clamping profile M10x25 flat point set screw (24-525-10F) for leveling. Description Flange Foot 40x40 Flange Foot 80x40 Flange Foot 80x80 21-056 Technical Data St, black epoxy finish Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 1.55 kg 2.19 kg 2.79 kg Part # 21-050 21-055 21-056 *Other sizes available, contact your local service center Floor Fastening Set Application For attaching floor mounting elements (L-base and flange feet, etc.) to floor. Description Floor Fastening Set 83 Technical Data Concrete wedge anchor 3/8’’-16 x 3 3/4", one washer, one 3/8’’-16 hex nut Unit 1 set Weight .05 kg Part # 21-032 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Base Plate Application Bolts to cut off face of profiles for mounting lifting eyes and leveling feet. Technical Data St, zinc plated Thickness (dim E): 15.9 mm Order all hardware separately. 2 Profile Series (Dim D) 40 30 28 45* Dimensions (mm) A B C M10 38 M12 M16 76 M10 76 M12 M16 M20 30 M8 60 60 M10 M8 54 25.4 M10 M12 90 45 M12 Weight (kg) .32 .31 .30 .64 .64 .63 .62 .15 .15 .14 .41 Part # 21-002 21-024 21-025 21-003 21-026 21-027 21-028 21-029-8 21-034-10 21-004 21-005 21-006 17-124 * Counterbore details for 17-124: Dia.13, Dia. 23 x 8.5 Dp. Base Plate 160 Application For attaching and leveling profiles to the floor. The profile may be mounted anywhere in the T-slot. Base plate has a staggered T-slot pattern on opposite sides. Description Base Plate 160 Technical Data Profile 160x28 Includes three M8x30 set screws, three 3/8" x 3 3/4" anchor bolts and two end caps 160x28 Unit 1 set 84 Weight 1.6 kg Part # 21-039 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Casters Casters are available for rigid, swivel, braking or total locking applications. Load capacities range from 40 - 263 kg (88 - 580 lbs). Applications include mobile carts, tables, and heavy duty mobile structures such as equipment frames and carts. WHEEL DIA 50 mm (2”) 75 mm (3”) LOAD RIGID SWIVEL LOCKING kg (lbs) 40 kg (88 lbs) 21-091 21-092 (Wheel Brake) 21-070 (Top Plate) 21-071 21-072 (Total Lock) 21-120 21-121 21-122 (Total Lock) 21-130 (Top Plate) 21-131 (Top Plate) 21-132 (Top Plate & Total Lock) 55 kg (121 lbs) 100 kg (220 lbs) 125 mm (5”) 263 kg (580 lbs) 21-133 (Triangular Plate) 85 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Casters 21-070 21-120 21-091, 21-071 21-121 21-092 21-072, 21-122 2 Note: Screw length depends on caster dimention “T” and mounting method Application For mobile carts or tables. Center hole of profiles must be tapped for mounting with M8 or M10 screw. Casters can also be mounted to the profile side, either directly or using a base plate. Used with 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Type Swivel Swivel with wheel Brake Rigid w/Plate Swivel Swivel with Total Lock Rigid Swivel Swivel with Total Lock D 50 Dimensions (mm) W H R T 50 19 68 70 7.8 75 25 100 62 80 1.6 3.5 3.5 125 32 160 2.2 106 12.2 130 12.2 Technical Data Housing: pressed steel, zinc chromated with double ball bearing swivel head. Order all hardware separately D1 Load Capacity kg (lbs) 10.3 40 (88) 11 55 (121) .30 .34 .39 Antistatic Heavy Black Pressed Steel 21-070 21-071 21-072 10.3 100 (220) 0.92 1.04 1.2 Hard Soft Rubber Solid Rubber 21-120 21-121 21-122 86 Weight Wheel kg Tread 0.21 Rubber, Grey 0.24 Non-marking Wheel Center Pressed Steel Part # 21-091 21-092 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Top Plate Casters 21-130 21-131, 21-132 2 21-133 Application For heavy duty mobile structures such as equipment frames and carts. Mounting holes in various configurations. Type D Rigid 125 Dimensions (mm) W H R T 32 160 Swivel Swivel with Total Lock Swivel 45 Load Capacity Weight kg (lbs) kg Top Plate 2.5 100 (220) 2.5 100 (220) 2.5 263 (580) 106 125 32 162 125 38 164 130 106 87 Technical Data Housing: pressed steel, zinc chromated Order all hardware separately Wheel Tread 0.99 Blue Grey Rubber 1.14 1.29 Blue Grey Rubber 1.49 Phenolic Wheel Center Ball bearings Pressed Steel Part # 21-130 21-131 Pressed Steel Roller Bearings 21-132 21-133 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Hinges Creating cabinets/doors, safety enclosure, pivoting arms, or workstations Industrial Profile Systems stocks the right hinge. We carry various hinges for multiple profiles and applications for your specific needs. Our hinges are made out of the following materials: glass-filled nylon, acetal, die cast zinc, and steel for your different load, projection, and regulation requirements. Clearance dimensions for swinging door δ max = (A + D)2 + (B+C)2 - (A+D) Plastic Hinges 2 23-020 23-530L 23-530R 23-535L 23-535R 23-545L 23-545R 20 Series Removable 23-018 (R) 23-019 (L) 28 Series 23-535 23-545 Non-Removable 23-021 (R) 23-023 (L) 40 Series 23-027 40 Series 23-220 (small) 23-222 (large) Adjustable 23-224 (85º) 23-226 (120º) 23-288 (155º) Positioning Metal Hinges 23-016 Multi-Series 23-242 30/28 Series 23-025 40 Series 23-011 23-011B 40 Series 23-010 23-010B 40 Series 23-014 23-014B 40 Series 23-013 23-013B 28 Series 23-015 23-015B 28 Series 23-440L 23-440R Lift-Off 23-218 (Left) 23-219 (Right) Lift-Off (offset) 88 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Hinge PA 20 1 5 2 1 Assembly of Hinge PA 20 on panel 2 Hinge positions 3-4 Clearance dimensions 5 Range of swing 3 4 Application For light doors and lids constructed of 20 series profiles. Description Hinge PA 20 Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black Max. load 40 Nm (30 ft-lbs) Order all hardware separately. One M4x8 FHCS (24-208-4) and one M4 T-nut 20 (20-044) for each hole for profile mounting. Unit 1 pc Light Duty Hinge 28 Weight 7g Part # 23-020 1-2 Attaching Light Duty Hinges 28 to 28 Series profiles and panels 3 Placement of hinges on panels 4 Non lift-off doors require one right hand and one left hand Hinge 1 2 4 5 Lift-off doors require either right or left hand Hinges 5 3 Application For light doors and lids of acrylic glass, plastic or compound material. Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black Max. load 100 N (22 lbs) Description Light Duty Hinge 28, Right Light Duty Hinge 28, Left Fastening Set for Light Duty Hinge 28 Order all hardware separately: Fastening Set 28 (20-013): One M6x14 FHCS and one M6 Drop-in Economy Tslot nut 28 Unit Weight Part # 1 pc 17 g 23-018 1 pc 17 g 23-019 1 pc 6g 20-013 89 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Light Duty Hinge 40 1 2 3 23-021 23-023 1,2,4 Attaching Light Duty Hinges 40 to 40 Series profiles and panels 4 3 Placement of hinges on panels 5 Non lift-off doors require one right hand and one left hand Hinge 6 Lift-off doors require either right or left hand Hinges 2 5 6 23-027 Application For light doors and lids of acrylic glass, plastic or compound material. Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black Max. load 100 N (22 lbs) Order all hardware separately: Fastening Set 40 (23-022):One M6x16 FHCS and one M6 T-slot nut, 40 Description Light Duty Hinge 40, Right Light Duty Hinge 40, Left Double Hinge 40 Fastening Set, Light Hinge 40 90 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight 21 g 21 g 38 g 13 g Part # 23-021 23-023 23-027 23-022 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Medium Duty Plastic Hinge Application High quality plastic hinges for constructing medium duty guard/enclosure doors for profile sizes 28, 30, 40, 45. Hinges are offered in two types: removable (for left and right side mount) and non-removable. Alignment pins for 8mm T-slot can be removed allowing hinge to mount to a flat surface such as panel. 2 Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black with stainless steel pin Max. torque - 100 Nm (74 ft-lbs) Non-Removable Order mounting hardware separately: Profile 28: M6x14 FHCS (24-214-6) and M6 T-slot nut 28 (20-055 or 20-090) Profile 30: M6x14 FHCS (24-214-6) and M6 T-slot nut 30 (20-056 or 20-090) Profile 40: M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) and M6 T-slot nut 40 (20-056 or 20-080) Profile 45: M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) and M6 T-slot nut 45 (17-046) Profile 50: M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) and M6 T-slot nut 40 (20-056 or 20-080) Panel (6mm and 8mm): M6x20 FHCS (24-220-6) and M6 locknut (24-716-6) Removable Dimensions (mm) A 30 B 49 Weight (g) Mount to Profile Hinge Type Left Side Mount 23-530L 28 28/28 (2mm gap) 28/28 (1mm gap) 30/30 (0mm gap) 28,30 to Panel Right Side Mount 23-530R Non-Removable Left Side Mount 23-535 23-535L Right Side Mount 23-535R Non-Removable Left Side Mount 23-545 23-545L Right Side Mount 23-545R 35 35 59 33 43 45 77 41 28/40 (1mm gap) 30/40 (0mm gap) 28,40 to Panel 40/40 (5mm gap) 40/50 (0mm gap) 45/45 (0mm gap) 40,45,50 to Panel Part # Note: Hinge halves from different size removable hinges can be combined to achieve various center to center distance 91 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Adjustable Hinge 23-220 Application Adjustable tension hinge for swinging doors. Tensions can hold doors open, closed, partially open and adjust speed of opening/closing door. 2 Technical Data Acetal, black Adjusting screw-SS Polycarbonate hinge pin Max. torque 23-220: 80 N.cm (7 in lbs) 23-221: 400 N.cm (35 in lbs) Order all hardware separately 23-222 Description Adjustable Hinge 1 Adjustable Hinge 2 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 42 g 42 g Part # 23-220 23-222 Positioning Hinge Application Multiple position hinge for swinging doors. Three models with preset angles at 85º, 120º and 155º, as well as completely open at 180º. Two covers hide mounting hardware. Technical Data Acetal, black Positioning Torque: 1.1 Nm (10 in-lbs) Maximum load Radial 450 N (100 lbs) Axial 450 N (100 lbs) Order all hardware separately Description Positioning Hinge 85º Positioning Hinge 120º Positioning Hinge 155º Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set 92 Weight 37 g 38 g 39 g Part # 23-224 23-226 23-228 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Multi-Series Hinge 1 2 5 6 3 4 7 8 Recommended attachment. Hinge cannot be loosened from outside. Door swings 180° 2-4 Mounting on inside of doors or lids where access from outside is not desired for security reasons. 5-7 Front mounting applications 8 Inside mounting clearance 9 Recommended hinge positions 1 Technical Data St, black Includes: M5x16 cup square bolt, M5 hex nut, M5 washer, three M5x8 dome head screws. Order M5 T-slot nuts separately (see page 64-65). 9 Application For outside or inside of doors and lids. Used with 40, 30, 28, and 20 Series profiles using M5 T-slot Nuts St or Zn. Max. load 250 N (56 lbs) Description Multi-Series Hinge Unit 1 set Medium Hinge 30/28 Weight 51 g Part # 23-016 1 Assembly of Medium Hinge 30/28 on profiles 2 Hinge positions 3-4 Clearance dimensions 5 Range of swing 1 180° ° 90 3 4 2 5 Application Suitable for medium loads such as machine and guard doors. Can be used with 30 or 28 series profiles. Technical Data Zn cast, black powder coated Pin: SS Max. load - 400 Nm (295 ft - lbs) Description Medium Hinge 30/28 Order all hardware separately. One M6x14 FHCS (24-214-6) and one M6 T-slot nut (20-056, for 30 profile or 20-055, for 28 profile) for each hole. Unit Weight Part # 1 pc 86 g 23-242 93 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Medium Hinge 40 1 Fastening to vertical profile and panel element (all antitorsion pins removed). 4 End face fastening of two profiles (with torsion pins). 2 Fastening to vertical and horizontal profiles (2 anti-torsion pins removed). 5 Connection of two horizontal profiles (all anti-torsion pins removed). 3 Fastening to vertical profiles (all anti-torsion pins removed). 6 Connection of two horizontal profiles (with anti-torsion pins) 2 Positioning of hinges on a panel Torsion pins can be broken off with a screwdriver Application Suitable for medium loads such as machine and guard/enclosure doors, and as an angle connecting element for profiles. Fasteners to T-slot or profile face with integral torsion pins for squaring. Description Medium Hinge 40 Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized, black Max. load 500 N (112 lbs) Order all hardware separately: M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8) and Double T-slot nut M8/24 (20-049) Quantities vary per application Unit 1 pc 94 Weight .18 kg Part # 23-025 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Butt Hinge 40 Application Door applications with profile framed doors or panels doors. Technical Data St, zinc plated or black powder coated Order all hardware separately Description Butt Hinge 40 Butt Hinge 40, black Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 190 g 191 g Part # 23-011 23-011B Lift-Off Hinge 40 2 1 23-440L 2 3 4 180° 40° 1-2 Options for attaching Lift-Off Hinge to 40 Series profiles. Economy T-slot nuts must be inserted from profile end. 3 Lift-Off Door (load supported by two hinges) 4 Non-removable door (load supported by one hinge) 5 Range of swing 5 Application Versatile hinge for 40 series profiles. For lift-off and non removable door configurations. Two T-slot alignment blocks are included. Technical Data Zinc die cast, black powder coat Pin: St., zinc plated Maximum torque 100 Nm (74 ft-lbs) Order all hardware separately. Attachment to 40 series profiles using M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) and M6 T-slot nuts (20-056 or 20-080) 23-440R Description Lift-Off Hinge 40 Left Lift-Off Hinge 40 Right 95 Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 70 g 70 g Part # 23-440L 23-440R Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Offset Lift-Off Hinge 2 To insure lift off capabity, the lower knuckle must be installed on the frame, the upper knuckle on the door. 23-218 Mounting dimensions Maximum screw length = Door (or frame) thickness + 10mm 23-219 Appplication Medium duty hinge for applications that allow the door to be removed from the hinge side. All mounting hardware is concealed Technical Data Die cast zinc, black power coated Washer: Black nylon Swing angle: 190º Maximum working load: Radial - 1300N (300lb) Axial - 2200N (500lb) Order all hardware (M5 screws) separately Description Offset Lift-Off Hinge Left Offset Lift-Off Hinge Right 96 Unit 1set 1set Weight 153g 153g Part# 23-218 23-219 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Pivot Joint Attaching Pivot Joint 40 to 40 series profiles 1 2 2 Attaching Pivot Joint 28 to 28 series profiles 23-010: Pivot Joint 40 Load F1 (N) Fixed connection 5000 Movable connection 750 F2 (N) 2500 750 23-013: Pivot Joint 28 Fixed connection 1600 Movable connection 250 800 250 Application For connecting profiles at various angles from 0 to 180º, eliminating the need for a miter cut. The Locking Pivot Joint can be locked into place using clamp lever. Pivot Joints 28 can also be used on 30 series profiles. Profile Series 40 28 A Dimensions (mm) B C D 40 30 28 20 9 5 Dia 8.5 Hex 14x4 DP Dia 8.5 E F Clamp Lever - - No 63 45 Yes - - No 45 35 Yes 97 3 1-2 Pivot Joint as a gusset (remove two convex washers) 3 For permanent use as swinging joint 40 with M8x16 FHCS and M8 thin hex nut For 28 series use M6x10 FHCS and M6 thin hex nut Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized, brushed chrome or black. Bushings, space collar: St, black galvanized. Clamp Lever: Zinc die cast with steel components. Adjustment range ±90º infinitely. Complete with four alignment pins. Order all hardware separately. Max. Holding Torque Weight (kg) N/A .32 20 Nm .41 N/A .11 10 Nm .18 (15 ft - lbs) (7 ft - lbs) Color Part # clear black clear black clear black clear black 23-010 23-010B 23-014 23-014B 23-013 23-013B 23-015 23-015B Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Aluminum Handle 1 Swinging Doors 2 Sliding Door Application Suitable handle for light doors and electronic units with maximum panel thickness of 8mm (5/16"). Ergonomic 35° tilt of Angled Handle allows easy access, even in corners. 23-030 Technical Data 23-030: Al, clear anodized, includes two #10-32 x 5/8" BHCS 2 23-034: Al, black plastic coated 23-034 Description Light Duty Handle Angled Handle Unit 1 set 1 pc Weight 85 g 11 g Part # 23-030 23-034 Plastic Handle Application Multipurpose ergonomic work duty handle for mounting onto panels or profiles. A 112 156 204 B 93.5 132 179 Dimensions (mm) C d D E 30 6.5 10.5 21 37 6.5 10.5 27 42 8.5 13 28 Handle PA 179 w/Hardware (includes two M8x20 SHCS and two M8 T-slot nuts 40) 98 Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black Order all hardware separately For 23-033, 23-031: M6 SHCS For 23-032 M8 SHCS Screw length and nuts are determined by application. F 36 45 50 G 6 9 8 1 set Weight (g) 33 11 71 80 g Part # 23-033 23-031 23-032Z1 23-032 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 Base Element IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Suitable for construction of heavy duty handles with 16x40 profile. Profile is available in black or clear finish. Handle also serves as stiffener. for Heavy Duty Handles Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black Fastening hardware not included with single base element. 23-035 Handles (40x16 clear profile) include all necessary assembly hardware shown. 23-036 Description Base Element Heavy Duty Handle 328 mm Heavy Duty Handle 648 mm Unit 1 pc 1 set 1 set Weight 26 g .50 kg .94 kg Part # 23-035 23-036 23-037 23-037 Rachet Lever Assembly of the Rachet Lever on Profile Slide Block 40 (30-410) Application For use on applications where a locking handle is desired, particularly on Profile Slide Blocks. Serrartions in interior of lever allow for various locking positions. Slide blocks must be serviced - drill 9 mm hole through one wall and delrin pad. Description Rachet Lever Size (A x B) M8 x 16 M8 x 20 M8 x 25 M8 x 40 M8 x 50 M8 x 63 99 Technical Data Fiber reinforced technopolymer plastic with metal insert Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 87 g 43 g 45 g 50 g 53 g 57 g Part # 23-316 23-320 23-325 23-340 23-350 23-363 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Magnetic Catch 1 2 Holding Force X 20 N (4.5 lb) Y 10 N (2.25 lb) 23-046 4 1 2 3 2 3 23-051 4 Application Quick catch for swinging or sliding doors. For different holding strengths rotate catch 180º. Adjust position using slotted mounting holes. Complete with pan head screw. Can be used on 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Mounting on 40 series profile Mounting on 28 series profile Assembly of the Double Bracket 40 on 40 series profile Holding force of Magnetic Catch Technical Data glass-filled nylon, black, with M5x10 pan head screw and hexagon nut. Strike Plate: St, zinc plated Pressure sensitive adhesive: Neoprene foam with acrylic adhesive. Designed to function under intermittent break away load. Mounting Brackets: Al, anodized Mounting Bracket 23-146 23-147 23-148 23-149 Dims (mm) A B 50 30 60 30 32 18 36 18 Order all hardware separately. Fastening Set 40 (20-027): two M6x20 BHCS and two M6 T-slot nut No. of Taps 2 4 2 4 For attachment to 28 series profiles: two M6x16 SHCS (24-316-6) and two M6 Economy T-slot nuts 28 (20-090). Description Magnetic Catch Fastening Set, Catch 40 Unit 1 pc 1 set Weight 38 g 29 g Part # 23-046 20-027 Strike Plate 1 pc 8g 23-051 Single Bracket 40 Double Bracket 40 Single Bracket 28 Double Bracket 28 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 60 g 70 g 40 g 40 g 23-146 23-147 23-148 23-149 100 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Ball Catch PA 2 1 23-043 4 3 5 6 1 Holding force can be adjusted by rotating catch spring in the housing 90° Min. = 30 N (6.7 lbs) Max. = 50 N (11 lbs) 2-3 After selecting the holding force plates that are not needed are removed (2 & 4) 4 Attachment to a sliding door 5 Attachment to a swinging door 6 Mounting dimensions 7 Using the ball catch bracket 5 23-043Z6 7 Application Catch for swinging and sliding doors. Holding force is adjustable by turning the snap spring by 90º in the housing. Slots in housing permits positioning for panel thickness. Can also be used as a door stop. Technical Data Housing: glass-filled nylon, black Snap Spring: St Ball Screw: St, zinc plated Bracket (23-043Z6): Al, anodized Order all hardware separately 20-027: two M5x20 BHCS and two M5 T-slot Nut 23-043Z5 : Bracket, two M5x14 BHCS, two M8x14 BHCS and three M8 T-slot nuts St 40 Description Ball Catch, PA Fastening Set, Catch 40 Ball Catch Bracket with hardware Ball Catch Bracket 101 Unit 1 pc 1 set 1 set 1 pc Weight 23 g 29 g 98 g 43 g Part # 23-043 20-027 23-043Z5 23-043Z6 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 3-Way Ball Catch 1 2 3 40 Series Std 23-004 2 28, 30 Series 5 4 1-2 3 4 5 23-012 Strike can enter from front or either side 3-Way Ball Catch on swinging door 3-Way Ball Catch on sliding door Servicing of the slot for 23-004 on 40 Std or 28/30 series profiles for sliding doors. For 40 series Heavy or Light profiles mill slot 58x9.5x12.3 Dp. Application Universal door catch for swinging and sliding doors in small and medium load ranges. Can be mounted in serviced slot for flush closing. Description 3-Way Ball Catch, Small 3-Way Ball Catch, Medium 102 Technical Data Brass, chrome finish with two steel balls for adjustable spring tension Order all hardware separately Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 26 g 40 g Part # 23-004 23-012 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Grabber™ Door Catch 1 1 2 Grabber Door Catch on 28 series profile swinging door, shown mounted with a custom bracket Mounting dimensions and micro-switch contacts A - Common B - Connection is live when latch is closed C- Connection is live when latch is open 2 23-210 Application Push to close, pull to open door catch for mounting inside of enclosures. Catch with micro-switch is designed to operate a warning system and is not to be used as a safety switch. Technical Data Nylon, black Approximate pull-up force: 23-210: 44 N (10 lbs) 23-211: 22 N (5 lbs) Order all hardware separately 23-211 Description Grabber Door Catch Grabber Catch w/ Micro-Switch 103 Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 17 g 21 g Part # 23-210 23-211 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Quarter Turn Latch 1 2 3 4 23-133 23-143 2 1 Assembly of Quarter Turn Latch on 40 series profile for swinging doors 2 Quarter Turn Latch mounted in 40 series profile for sliding or bi-fold doors 3-5 Quarter Turn Latch mounted to panel for swinging door on 40, 28 or 20 series profile 6 Dimensions for round or square mounting hole in 40x40 profile or panel. 23-134 23-144 5 Application 40 series latch profiles for swinging, sliding or bi-fold door applications. When installed into swinging door panel, latch can be used with 40, 30, 28 and 20 series profiles. T-handle and wing knob styles eliminate the need for a door handle. 6 NOTE: All Cams must be ordered separately 23-135 23-145 Style T-Handle Non-Locking Wing Knob Keyed Alike (one key included) Application profile 40 mount fig 1, 2 panel mount fig 3, 4, 5 profile 40 mount fig 1, 2 panel mount fig 3, 4, 5 Square 7mm profile 40 mount Insert fig 1, 2 (order key separately) panel mount fig 3, 4, 5 Dims (mm) A B 50 32 18 28 50 32 18 28 50 32 18 28 104 Material Handle: Polyamide Housing: Zinc die, black powder coated Handle: Polyamide Housing: Zinc die, black powder coated Cylinder: Zinc die, chrome plated Housing/insert: Zinc die, black powder coated Weight (g) Part # 200 23-133 135 23-143 160 23-134 90 23-144 111 23-135 50 23-145 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Accessories for Quarter Turn Latch 23-140Z1 1 23-140Z2 23-140Z7 3 1-2 Additional hardware can be used for swing door stops such as a Connection Element (22-140 or 22-145) or Multiblock PA (22-100 or 22-103) 3 Keeper bracket (23-140Z7) used with the hooked cam (23-142Z1) for sliding or bi-fold doors 23-140Z3 23-140Z4 23-140Z5 23-140Z6 23-142Z1 2 2 Application Various accessories for Quarter Turn Latches. Description Spare Key for 23-134/23-144 Key for 7mm Square for 23-135/23-145 Cam 35-10 (offset 8) Cam 35-16 (offset 2) Cam 35-8 (offset 10) Cam 35-20 (offset -2) Hooked Cam Keeper Bracket Rachet Lock Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 5g 8g 22 g 20 g 22 g 20 g 13 g 13 g Part # 23-140Z1 23-140Z2 23-140Z3 23-140Z4 23-140Z5 23-140Z6 23-142Z1 23-140Z7 Application Used to lock overlaping sliding panels up to 1/4" thick. Particulary suitable for display cases when used with sliding door guide profiles. Technical Data St, nickel finish Includes 2 keys Minimal panel overlap - 25mm Description Rachet Lock Unit 1 set 105 Weight 90 g Part # 23-130 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Safety Switch 2 1 23-044 23-056 2 3 23-047Z1 4 1 Mounting Bracket w/hardware 40 for Safety Switch 2 Safety Switch on rolling door 3 Safety Switch on a swinging door 4 Safety Switch on a sliding door Application Safety switches for use with machine guards, covers and doors which must be closed for operational safety. Comply with regulations for position switches having positive break N.C. (normally closed) contact for operator safety. Switches may not be used for an end stop. One plastic ½” NPT adaptor supplied. Switches have no return force. See page 117 for cable holders. Technical Data Conformity to standards: UL, CSA, IEC 947, VDE 0660, GS-ET-15 Degree of Protection: IP67, meets NEMA-3, 4, 12 & 13 requirements Housing and actuator flange: Glass-fiber, reinforced self-extinguishing thermoplastic with stainless steel actuator. Connections: screw terminals for up to 13 AWG wire (2.5mm2) Contacts: fine silver, positive double break bridge type Contact rating: 4 A / 230 VAC Short circuit protection: 10A time delay fuse, 16A non-delay Operating Temperature: -30°C to +80°C (-22°F to +176°F) Mechanical Life: >10 million operations Mounting Bracket: Al, black powder coated Order all hardware separately. Fastening Set 23-047 includes one mtg. bracket and two each of: M5x16 FHCS, M5 T-nut Zn 40, M5x16 BHCS, M8x18 BHCS, M8 flat washer, M8 T-nut St 40. Fastening Set 23-049 includes one mtg. bracket and two each of: M5x12 FHCS, M5 T-nut Zn 28, M5x16 BHCS, M8x14 BHCS, M8 flat washer, M8 T-nut St 28. Description/Contacts Safety Switch, 1 NC Safety Switch, 1NO, 1NC Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight .13 kg .15 kg Mounting Bracket w/hardware 40 Mounting Bracket w/hardware 30/28 Mounting Bracket Spare Key for 23-044/23-056 Liquid Tight Fitting PG-11 (optional) 1 set 1 set 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc .14 kg .14 kg 87 g 10 g 11 g 106 Part # 23-044 23-056 23-047 23-049 23-047Z1 23-008 800.15 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Solenoid-Locking Safety Switch Auxiliary unlocking mechanism (for triangular Key M5 DIN 22417) 2 1 1 3 Dimensions for Locking Safety Switches 2-3 Minimum radius for swinging doors Wiring Diagram for 23-006/23-007 Application Locking Safety Switches for use with machine guards, covers and doors which must be closed for operational safety. Two independent sets of contacts in two housings signal and monitor the position of both the key interlock and the locking pin. Provides higher degree of safety than regular switch. Can also be used as simple and adjustable door latch (adjust holding force by turning the pin at the ball). Auxiliary unlocking mechanism provided as mounting aid and in case of power failure. Switches may not be used as an end stop. Supplied with two plastic ½” NPT adaptors. Key return force 3N. Technical Data Conformity to standards: UL, CSA, IEC 947, VDE 0660, GS-ET-19 Degree of Protection: IP65, meets NEMA-3, 12 & 13 requirements Housing and actuator flange: Glass-fiber, reinforced self-extinguishing thermoplastic with stainless steel actuator and locking pin. Connections: screw terminals for up to 13 AWG wire (2.5mm2) Contacts: fine silver, positive double break bridge type Contact rating: 2 A / 230 VAC Short circuit protection: fuse 6 A (time-delay) Power Consumption: 10 W (max) Locking Force: 2000 N (450 lbs) Holding Force of Ball Catch: adjustable 0...150 N (0...34 lbs) Operating Temperature: -25°C to +40°C (-13°F to +104°F) Mechanical Life: 1 million operations Weight: 0.52 kg Contacts* NO NC 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Solenoid Supply Voltage 24 VDC 24 VAC/ 50 Hz 24 VDC 110 VAC/ 60 Hz Locking Mechanism **Locked by Solenoid Unlocked by Spring Locked by Spring Unlocked by Solenoid Part # 23-003 23-005 23-006 23-007 * Contacts established with key inserted **In case of power failure the locking device is ineffective Order all hardware separately Description Spare Key for Locking Switches Liquid Tight Fitting PG-11 (optional) 107 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 36 g 11 g Part # 23-009 800.15 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Panels, Panel Mounting & Other Accessories 2 Wire mesh guarding on assembly conveyor line Machine safety enclosure using Lexan panels 108 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Multiblock Al 2 1 1 - 3 Various fastening options for panels on Multiblock Al 22-105 3 Aluminum panel mounted to 160x28 profile with Multiblock Al 22-106 3 Application Mounting element for panels and accessories. Various mounting dimensions are obtained by rotating the block. For use with 40, 30 and 28 series profiles. Description Multiblock Al, M5 Multiblock Al, M6 Multiblock Al, M8 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Max. load at 90º angle to T-slot: 22-105: 500 N (112 lbs) 22-106: 750 N (169 lbs) 22-108: 1000 N (225 lbs) Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 18 g 58 g 60 g Part # 22-105 22-106 22-108 22-108 109 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Multiblock and Uniblock PA Versatile elements for mounting panels, screens and small fixtures. The block locks into the T-slot at a 90º position with an offset design to suit various panel thicknesses. Movable, captive, spring-loaded nut provides large alighment range for locating through holes in panels. 1 2 4 2 3 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black with square nut, M6 or M4 Profile Series 45 40 30, 28 20 5 Floating square nut secured within the multiblock by flat spring provides for alignment flexibility 2 Insertion of Multiblock PA in the T-slot 3-4 Recommended gaps for assembling Multiblocks PA 5 Distance between Multiblock center and floating nut 1 Max. load at 90° to T-slot 250 N (56 lbs) 250 N (56 lbs) 210 N (47 lbs) 100 N (22 lbs) Dimensions (mm) A B C 80 400-600 9 80 400-600 5 70 400-500 2.8 60 300-400 2 Multiblock PA 40 1 2 3 1-4 Various options for flush panel mounting of Multiblock PA 40 5 Determining the length of M6 screw on Multiblock PA 40 4 5 Description Multiblock PA 40, M6 Unit 1 pc Weight 13 g Part # 22-100 Inquire about quantity discounts 110 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Multiblock PA 30/28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-4 5-6 Mounting options for Multiblock PA 30/28 on 28 series profiles Mounting options for Multiblock PA 30/28 on 30 series profiles Description Multiblock PA 30/28, M6 Unit 1 pc Weight 10 g Part # 22-103 Unit 1 pc Weight 3g Part # 22-107 Weight g Part # 17-113 Inquire about quantity discounts Uniblock PA 20 Mounting options for Uniblock PA 20 Description Uniblock PA 20, M4 Uniblock PA 45 Description Uniblock PA 45, M6 111 Unit 1 pc Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Multiblock PA with 1/4 Turn Receptacle 1 2 3 4 22-102 2 22-102Z2 22-090 22-091 1 Panel mounted to Multiblock PA 40 with 1/4 Turn Receptacle 2 Panel mounted directly to profile with receptacle pressed into profile 3-4 Panel mounted to 19" Rack Angle with 1/4 Turn Receptacle for light or dust tight applications Application For easy, quick removable mounting of panels to 40 series profiles. Multiblock locks into T-slot at 90° position. Two different type studs for 6mm panels offer easy access and will not fall out of properly machined holes when panel is removed. Technical Data Multiblock body: glass-filled nylon, black Receptacle & stud: steel, galvanized Order 1/4 turn stud separately. Description Multiblock PA 40 with 1/4 Turn Receptacle Unit 1 pc Weight 16 g 1/4 Turn Receptacle 1/4 Turn Socket Stud (for 6mm panel) 1/4 Turn Wing Stud (for 6mm panel) 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 4g 4g 5g 112 Part # 22-102 22-102Z2 22-090 22-091 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Clamp Multiblock 22-112 4 1 2 3 1 Mounting position for panels up to 10mm thick to clamp Multiblock 40. 2 Mounting position for panels up to 5mm thick Multiblock rotated180° 3 Edge distance between panel element and profile 4 Locking clip is easily loosened with a screw driver. 5-6 Assembly of clamp Multiblock in profile T-slot 22-113 5 17-112 2 6 Application Mounting element for attaching panels to 28, 30, 40 and 45 series profiles without using additional fasteners or machining the panel. Insert multiblock into T-slot at any location and lock in position by turning 90° clockwise. Slide locking clip to secure the panel. To remove panel loosen locking clip with a flat screwdriver. Description Clamp Multiblock 40 Clamp Multiblock 28/30 Clamp Multiblock 45 113 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black 22-112: Max. load in direction F: 250 N (56 lbs), in opposite direction: 50 N (11 lbs) Max panel thickness 22-112: 10 mm (3/8”) 22-113, 17-112: 8mm (5/16”) Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set Weight 10 g 7g 9g Part # 22-112 22-113 17-112 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Panel Clamp 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 4 Application For securing panels to 40 series profiles without servicing panel. Suitable for attachment of unframed panels, mesh or lexan. Description Panel Clamp Mounting locations of spacers for panels 4-10mm thick Possible positions for securing panels against movement Max. loading for each Panel Clamp without pinning Edge spacing Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Includes one M6x20 SHCS, one M6 hex nut and nylon spacers. Max. load: 100 N (22lbs) Unit 1 pc Weight 65 g Part # 23-002 Panel Mounting Angle Adhesive Tape 28 x 28 40 x 40 22-147 Adhesive Tape Application For mounting table top and panels to 28 or 40 series profiles. No drilling required. Adhesive tape ensures secure attachment to mounting angle. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Tape: acrylic foam closed cell, very high bond adhesive; 0.64 mm (0.025") thick x 19 mm (0.75") wide Order all hardware separately Description Panel Mounting Angle 28 Panel Mounting Angle 40 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 22 g 51 g Part # 22-147 22-148 22-148 114 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Rail Carts for 80x40 Rail Profile 3 23-200 2 1 23-202 4 Required clearance C and required gap B depend on location of pivot point A. For 40 Series Profiles: B= A2 + 202 - A C= A2 + 202 - 20 For A 27 B = 27 - A 1 Assembling the 4-Roller Rail Cart to a door frame. Apply Loctite™ to M6 screw to prevent loosening. Guide along lower section for sliding door using nylon spacer (8mm long, O.D. 8mm) 2 Calculations for Bi-fold sliding doors 3 Sliding Door and Bi-fold sliding door assemblies 4 8-Roller Rail Cart assembly in 80x40 Rail profile 2 Application Designed for use in 80x40 Rail Profile 14-248. Rail carts used for hanging and sliding doors and other hanging components such as on a work station. In addition, 4-roller cart can also be used for folding doors. Attachment to components with a variety of fasteners. Technical Data Housing: Al Wheel: Delrin w/ needle roller bearing Washer: Nylon Max. load for 23-201: 220 N (50 lbs) Hardware included with 23-202: M5x6x50 shoulder bolt, M6 washer, teflon tubing and 3mm spacer Description Unit Weight 8-Roller Rail Cart 1 set .20 kg 4-Roller Rail Cart 1 pc 45 g 4-Roller Rail Cart w/ Fastening Set 1 set 64 g Profile 80x40 Rail Transport cut off max. 6M 4.19 kg/m Part # 23-200 23-201 23-202 14-248 14-248 115 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Door Guide System 4 2 2 5 1 1 2 3 4-5 3 23-055 Assembly of the Door Guide System Sliding Door with two counterweights Assembly of the Door Guide Counterweight Assemblies 80x80 and 160x80 Application Door guides are used to build doors that operate between two vertical 40 series profiles. The weight of the door may be counter-balanced by one or two counterweights that are connected to the door space with door guides, timing belt 25T10 and reversing unit 40. The size of the counterweight is determined by the weight of the door. The operation of the door may be motorized by attachment of a suitable drive to one of the reversing units. Counterweights Duct wall support and wall profiles are used to build the counterweight. A closure plate attached with four M6 Profile-to-Wall Fasteners forms the bottom of the counterweight. Heavy metal scrap may be used as filler material. Suitable conduit cap is used to close the top of the counterweight. Door Guides Four guides are usually attached to the door, and slide in the inside slots of the vertical 40 series profiles. Two guides are attached to each of the counterweights, and slide in the outer slots of the vertical frame profiles. Technical Data Door Guide: Polyoxymethylen, black Complete with the following: Steel plate insert, M6x25 BHCS, M6 T-slot nut St, three M6x25 SHCS, and three M6 hex nuts Description Door Guide Closure Plate 80x80 Closure Plate 160x80 Closure Plate St, black epoxy finish Complete with fastening set Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set 116 Weight .12 kg .48 kg .96 kg Part # 23-055 21-155 21-156 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 Sliding-Door Guide INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS See page 24 for application details 2 1 2 3 4 1 Two sliding doors in T-slot of a 40 series profile 2 Four sliding doors in T-slots of an 80x40 profile 3 Mounting dimensions within a frame 4 Slide piece positioning in the T-slot 5 Guide pieces function as stops when two doors slide in the same T-slot 5 Application For constructing sliding door of 32x18 Bi-slot profile. One set required for each sliding door. Guides attach to door frame through 7mm mounting bore. Description Sliding-Door Guides for 32x18 Bi-slot 117 Technical Data Polyoxymethylen, black Spring/ Spring Bolt: St Set includes four guides - two left, two right Unit 1 set Weight 36 g Part # 23-054 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Sliding Door Set 2 Application For constructing a sliding door of 40 series profiles. Two 185mm long support members are attached to the sliding frame with Universal Fasteners. 65mm long member is attached to vertical post with one Universal Fastener. Roller holders are attached with Double T-slot nut 40 and SHCS. Description Sliding Door Set Technical Data Construction kit: Al, clear anodized Fully machined and ready for assembly. Includes: four Roller Holders, four Rollers PA, three Supporting members 40x40 std fastening hardware and end caps. Unit 1 set Roller 20 Part # 23-065 Asymmetrically designed roller allows for various clearance dimensions. Application Versatile caster for mounting 20 Series profiles. Panel or in profile mounting for rolling door applications. Description Roller 20 Technical Data Polyoxymethylen, black Includes Bearing Hub St, black with washer, galvanized Max. force 50 N (11 lbs) Unit 1 pc 118 Weight 4g Part # 21-066 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller 40 1 2 2 3 6 4 5 7 1-5 Application and details for sliding door with Roller PA 40 6 Servicing for Roller PA mounted in 40x40 Heavy profile 7 Mounting the Roller PA 40 for a sliding panel application 8 Max. load F = 150 N 9 Dimensions of offset on 40 series profile 9 8 Application Versatile ball bearing roller which can be mounted in the T-slot. Roller has asymmetric design for various clearance dimensions such as on sliding doors and panels. Description Roller PA 40 Shoulder Bolt M5x6x25 119 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black complete with two deep groove ball bearings with dust covers and two M6 flat washers Max. load 150 N (34 lbs) Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 32 g Part # 21-069 800.17 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller 25 Insert 21-065 2 2 1 21-065z1 3 4 1 Rolling door constructed with 28 series profiles guided on top with UHMW strip 12-410 2 Two bypassing covers constructed with 28 series profiles rolling on a pair 30x60 profiles. 3 Clearance dimensions 4 Required machining for mounting roller insert to a 40, 30, or 28 series profile. Application Versatile roller insert for rolling door applications can be attached to any 40, 30, or 28 series profile (machining is required). Step roller can be used for sliding panel applications. Technical Data Roller: Delrin, black Housing: Al, anodized Pin: SS Order all hardware separately. 40 series: M6x14 SHCS (24-314-6) and M6 Offset Economy T-Nut (20-190) 30 series: M6x12 SHCS (24-312-6) and M6 Offset Economy T-Nut (20-190) 28 series: M6x10 SHCS (24-310-6) and M6 Offset Economy T-Nut (20-190) Description Roller 25 Insert Step Roller 25 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 120 Weight 32 g 8g Part # 21-065 21-065z1 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Panel Frame Fastener Frame element with four sets of Panel Frame Fasteners Application Provides for quick and easy attachment of framed panels to a post. Fastener halves may be secured with a screw from the front or the rear. Designed for use with 40 series profiles but can be used on 30 and 28 series if alignment pins are ground off. Description Panel Frame Fastener Fast. Set for Panel Frame/Door Stop Door Stop Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Set includes: two frame fastener halves, one M6 washer and one M6x16 SHCS Order all hardware separately Fastening Set 23-050: two M8x25 BHCS, two rib spring washers and two M-8 T-slot nuts Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 37 g 40 g Part # 23-001 23-050 Application Door stop for swinging doors. Attaches with screws anywhere along the T-slot. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Set includes two door bumpers Order all hardware separately Fastening Set 23-050: two M8x25 BHCS, two rib spring washers and two M8 T-slot nuts Description Door Stop Fast. Set for Panel Frame/Door Stop 121 Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 30 g 40 g Part # 23-048 23-050 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware Cable/Hose Holder IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Mounting element with two separate channels for routing open wiring or tubing of variable sizes along the profiles or other surfaces. Description Cable/Hose Holder T-Clip Unit 1 set Application Mounting element with two separate channels for fast, easy securing and routing of open wiring or tubing to IPS profiles. Range 2 (mm) 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-13 13-16 16-19 19-22 22-25 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Includes M4x10 SHCS and M4 T-slot nut Zn. Max. cable diameter 12mm Weight 8g Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Complete with appropriate screw and T-slot nut Zn for mounting to 40 series profiles. Dimensions (mm) A 15 20 25 31 35 44 52 66 B 10 12 15 18 21 25 31 40 Cable Tie Holder C 18 20 24 28 36 43 50 64 Part # 22-200 D 6 8 10 12 14 17 20 25 Part # E 9 9 12 12 17 20 23 28 F 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 22-204 22-206 22-208 22-210 22-212 22-215 22-218 22-222 Application Mounting elements for fast and easy securing open wiring or tubing to 28, 30, 40 and 45 series profiles with plastic tie (not included). Insert holder into T-slot at any location and lock in position by turning 90° clockwise. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Description Cable Tie Holder, 45 Cable Tie Holder, 40 Cable Tie Holder, 28/30 122 Dimensions (mm) A B 10 6 8 4.5 8 2 Weight Part # 5g 4g 4g 17-201 22-202 22-201 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 Polycarbonate Panel (LEXAN®) INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application High-impact resistant polycarbonate panels provide clarity, safety, security and energy savings. Meets every industry standard for general purpose window glazing. Description 6mm Polycarbonate Panel Technical Data Polycarbonate, clear or grey smoke Thickness: 6mm (.236") Max. size: 1219.2 x 2438.4mm (4 x 8’) Weight: 7.62 kg/m2 (1.56 lb/ft2) Color clear smoke Unit sq. meter sq. meter Part # 26-790-6 26-795-6 Call for other shades and thicknesses currently in stock High Strength Composite Panel (TRESPA®) Thickness mm (in) 6 (.236) 8 (.315) 10 (.394) Weight kg/m2 (lb/ft2) 8.57(1.74) 11.4 (2.33) 14.3 (2.93) Application TRESPA is a solid grade decorative building panel, based on thermosetting resins, homogeneously reinforced with cellulose fibers. Suitable for horizontal surfaces and vertical panels. Resistant to scratches, corrosives and solvents. TRESPA is non-toxic, asbestos free, has good fire retarding characteristics and is finished on both sides. It can be cut, milled, drilled and engraved. TRESPA comes in a variety of colors to compliment the clean style of IPS profiles. Can be used in cleanrooms with classification 1, 10, 100, 1 000, 10 000, 100 000. Black 26-410-6 26-410-8 - Grey 26-420-6 26-420-8 - Part # Blue Lt. Green 26-430-6 26-440-6 26-430-8 26-440-8 26-430-10 26-440-10 Red 26-460-6 26-460-8 26-460-10 White 26-480-8 26-480-10 Order unit - sq. meter. Max size 1828.8 x 2438.4mm (6 x 8’). (Call for other colors and thicknesses currently in stock) Expanded PVC Panel (Sintra®) Application UL recognized light panel material for doors, shelves and enclosures. May be cut, drilled and milled. Thickness mm (in) 6 (2.36) Weight kg/m2 (lb/ft2) 4.19 (0.858) Black 26-510-6 Part # Blue 26-530-6 Red White 26-560-6 26-580-6 Order unit - sq. meter. Max size 1219.2 x 2438.4mm (4 x 8’). 123 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware Aluminum Compound Panel Wire Mesh Panel 2 IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application General panel element to replace fabricated sheet metal. May be cut with a circular saw. Both sides anodized. Laminated tempered hardboard panel with permanently elastic neoprene adhesive protects against moisture and allows for thermal expansion. Technical Data Exterior finish: .032” Al, clear anodized Substrate: water resistant hardboard Thickness: 6.35 mm (.250”) Max. size: 1219.2 x 2438.4 mm (4 x 8’) Weight: 7.8 kg/m2 (1.6 lb/ft2) Description Aluminum Compund Panel Unit sq. meter Part # 26-170-6 Application Wire mesh provides a high level of security and can be used for safety guarding and enclosures around machinery, robotic cells, etc. Constructed of flat welded steel wire with fuse-bonded PVC coating in black or yellow. Extremely rust and corrosion resistant. Provides a smooth, snag-free surface, requiring little maintenance. Mesh Size ½” x ½” 1" x 1" 1" x 1" 1 ½” x 1 ½” 2" x 2" Wire Gage 16 12 12 12 12 Color Black Black Yellow Black Black Max. Size inches 48 x 96 48 x 96 48 x 96 48 x 72 48 x 96 Weight kg/m2 (lb/ft2) 2.89 (0.59) 4.17 (0.85) 4.17 (0.85) 2.98 (0.61) 1.92 (0.39) Part # 26-210-05 26-210-10 26-250-10 26-210-15 26-210-20 Order unit - sq. meter. Max size 4 x 8’ (4 x 6’ for 26-210-15) Aluminum Panels and Plates Grade 6061 heat treatable mill finish panels and plates can be provided cut to size and machined per customer drawings. Thickness range: 1/8” to 1”. Anodizing available on request. Call your local service center for other types of material in stock (example: stainless steel). VHB™ Tape Application VHB™ (Very High Bond) double coated acrylic foam tape. Excellent long term holding power. For use on many interior and exterior applications. Obtain optimum adhesion on clean, dry and well unified bonding surface. Description VHB™ Tape Panel Packaging Technical Data Adhesive family: VHB Adhesive carrier: Acrylic foam closed cell Thickness: 0.64 mm (0.025”) Width: 19mm (.75”) Color: White Peel adhesion: 350 N/100 mm (20 lb/in) Dynamic shear: 690 kPA (100 lb/in2) Temperature tolerance: long-term 93°C (200°F) Unit cut off max. 65M Part # 26-001M Application To insure that panels are received in the best possible condition, a packaging charge is applied to all panels, specific to the weight and size of the package. Description Panel Packaging Unit each pkg 124 Part # 19-026 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Pneumatic Applications 2 Pneumatic Control System with separate installation of cables and hoses with conduits 80x40. 125 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 Pneumatic Profiles INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profiles can be used as support structure and compressed-air conduit at the same time. Connections may be made at any location. Single or multiple-chamber airways may be designed using the appropriate profile. Cavity areas shown in cm2 (1 cm2 =0.155 in2 ) To calculate volume - multiply area by the profile lengh 10-080 11-080 11-100 10-120 11-088 10-088 2 10-122 11-122 10-164 Pneumatic Connecting Elements 11-140 10-160 11-160 1 Pneumatic Universal Fastening set for attaching 80x40 profile at a 90° angle on another 80x40 profile or larger 2 Pneumatic Butt-Fastening set for lengthening profiles 1 3 Pneumatic Joining Plate for fastening 80x80 profiles at a 90° angle on another 80x40 profile or larger 2 3 Assembly Guide Pneumatic seals provide complete air tightness. Due to the seal nature, initial loosening may occur. Screws should, therefore, be retightened after 24 hours: M8 screws to 25 Nm (18 ft-lbs) M6 screws to 14 Nm (10 ft-lbs) 126 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS System Solutions 1 2 3 1 Lengthening 80x80 profiles with Pneumatic Butt-Fastening Set (20-012) 2 80x80 Profile with Pneumatic Connecting Plate (21-043) on end of profile 3 Attachment of 80x80 Standard and 80x80 at 90º with Pneumatic T-Joining Plate (21-044) 4 Attachment of 80x80 Standard and 80x40 profile at a 90º angle with Pneumatic Universal Fastening Sets (20-011) 5 80x40 Standard Profile with Pneumatic Connecting Plate (21-040) on 80mm side 6 80x80 Profile with lateral connection up to 3/8" drilled directly into profile 4 5 2 6 Special Solutions 1 Pneumatic training station (courtesy of National Technology Transfer, Inc.) 2 Example of compressed airway using 40x40 Standard profile 3 Compressed air supply at the work bench using the 40x40 center bore 1 3 4 All cavities can be used for air supply (ex: 40x40 Standard profile shown) 2 4 Pressure Ratings and Leak Test Procedures Stage 1 - The samples were connected to a nitrogen cylinder. Pressure of 690 kPA (100 psi) was applied. The holding button head screws were checked and tightened to a torque of 13.6 Nm (10 ft-lbs). Pressure was increased in stages to 6900 kPa (1000 psi), always checking for leakage at the gaskets. Stage 2 - Samples were filled with water and pressure applied in stages until the gaskets leaked or profiles burst. Profile 80x40 Standard 80x80 Standard 80x40 Heavy 80x80 Heavy Pressure Medium Nitrogen Water Nitrogen Water Nitrogen Water Nitrogen Water Recommendations Safe pressure for: 127 Pressure kPA (psi) 6,900 (1000) 9,655 (1400) 6,900 (1000) 9,655 (1400) 6,900 (1000) 27,580 (4000) 6,900 (1000) 10,345 (1500) Standard Profiles Heavy Profiles Observation No leakage Profile burst No leakage Profile burst No leakage No leakage No leakage Gasket leaked 1725 kPa (250 psi) 3450 kPa (500 psi) Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Pneumatic Fasteners 1 Processing similar to Universal Fastener (end mill recommended) 2 Location of fastening elements for 80x40 profile 2 1 20-011 2 Application For 90º connection of 80x40 profile as compressed air piping to 80x40 or larger profiles. Butt-Fastening Set M6 used for connecting or lengthening aluminum profiles used as compressed air piping. Number of sets necessary relative to load and size of profile(s). Pneumatic Fasteners are located in the same way as regular Universal Fasteners. Description Pneumatic Universal Fastening Set Butt-Fastening Set M6 Technical Data Zn cast, galvanized Fastening set 20-011 includes casting, M6x30 SHCS, M6 T-slot nut Fastening set 20-012 includes two castings, M6x50 SHCS, M6 hex nut Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 36 g 45 g Part # 20-011 20-012 20-012 Pneumatic Connecting Plates Application For sealing face of profiles to use as compressed airway. 80x40 plate can also be attached to the side of profile. Technical Data St, galvanized Each plate includes one appropriate seal Order all hardware separately Profile end mount: M8x25 BHCS (24-125-8) Profile side mount: M8x18 BHCS (24-118-8), M8 T-slot Nut (20-058) 21-040 Description Pneu. Conn. Plate 80x40, 1/2" NPT Pneu. Conn. Plate 80x80, 1" NPT Unit 1 set 1 set Weight .30 kg .64 kg Part # 21-040 21-043 21-043 128 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 Pneumatic Joining Plates IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Assembly notes for 21-044: M6 SHCS be inserted head first into T-slot of 80x80 profile BEFORE attachment of plate to end T-Joining Plate Assembly In-Line Joining Plate Assembly 21-044 Application T-Joining Plate is used for joining 80x80 profiles at 90º to 80x40 profiles and larger when used as compressed air conduit. In-Line Joining Plate is used for connecting 80x80 profiles face to face when used as compressed air conduit. 21-045 Technical Data 21-044: St, galvanized Complete set includes one plate and two seals (21-144) 21-045: Al, clear anodized Complete set consists of two plates, one seal (21-046) and two seals 80x80 (21-042) Order all hardware separately For 21-044: four M8x25 BHCS (24125-8), four M6x22 SHCS and four M6 T-slot Nuts (20-056) For 21-045: twelve M8x25 BHCS (24-125-8) Description Pneumatic T-Joining Plate Pneumatic In-Line Joining Plate Unit 1 set 1 set Weight .42 kg 1.09 kg Part # 21-044 21-045 Blank Plates Application Used for closing 80x40 and 80x80 air channel. Technical Data Al, anodized Each plate includes one appropriate seal Order all hardware separately. M8x25 BHCS (24-125-8) 21-164 Description Blank Plate 80x40 Blank Plate 80x80 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 0.1 kg 0.2 kg Part # 21-164 21-165 21-165 129 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Pneumatic Joining/ Connecting Plates Assembly Notes: 1) M6 SHCS must be inserted head first into T-slot of profile BEFORE attachment of plate to end 2) Use 1/2-14 NPT plug with the hex socket to plug unused holes 21-161 2 Application For sealing end face of appropriate profiles for use as compressed airway or for joining profiles at 90º or in line. 21-163 Technical Data St, zinc plated Each plate includes one appropriate seal Order all hardware separately Description Pneu. Joining/Conn. Plate for 120x40 Pneu. Joining/Conn. Plate for 160x40 Unit 1 set 1 set Part # 21-161 21-163 Pneumatic Seals 21-041 21-046 21-154 21-042 Application Replacement seals for pneumatic connections. (Note: retighten screws after 24 hours) 21-144 Description Seal 80x40 Seal 80x80 Seal 80x80, T-Joining Plate Seal 120x40 Seal 80x80, In-Line Plate Seal 160x40 Technical Data Neoprene or buna, black Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Part # 21-041 21-042 21-144 21-049 21-046 21-154 21-049 130 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Complete Workstations Modular designed workstations by IPS offer a wide range of options and accessory combinations. All structural profiles used in our workstations are made of high strength aluminum, combined with our unique fastening system, to provide structural stability. All profiles are clear anodized. Color anodized or epoxy painted are available on request. T-slots permit easy attachment of accessories. Closed slot profiles suitable for clean room conditions are also available. Standard workstation accessories are shown on the following pages. All workstation designs can be customized for your exact needs. Contact your local Technical Service Center for engineering assistance in designing your plant or shop workstations, tables or assembly line. 2 131 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Parts Bin 1 2 3 4 2 22-131 22-132 Technical Data Bins for small to large parts and equipment on work benches, work stations, parts racks, etc. Minimizes parts handling. Electrically-conductive bins (22-124, 22-125) shield out static. Placing bin on grounded surface or rack automatically grounds bin. Bin material meets requirements EIA-541. Order all hardware separately (except for 22-131, 22-132) Description Conductive Parts Bin Parts Bin Dimensions (mm) W D H 105 140 140 280 105 Parts Bin Flat Mounting Bracket Angled Mounting Bracket Double Mounting Bracket 110 210 60 80 187 280 76 127 280 127 135 187 76 105 40 6.4 47 74 25.4 30 Mounting Hardware Not included (See fig. 1-3 for mounting choices) Included (See fig 4) Not included (See fig. 1-3) Weight (kg) .12 .36 .67 Heavy duty 1.24 polypropylene, red .08 .11 .12 Glass-filled nylon, black .20 .02 Al, anodized .08 .07 Material Electrically conductive plastic, black 132 Part #. 22-124 22-125 22-126 22-127 22-128 22-129 22-131 22-132 22-128Z2 22-128Z3 22-128Z4 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Adjustable Bin Mounting Components F Vertical posts, bins and bin mounting hardware not included. 22-130 Application Adjustable bin mounting system for 40 Series work stations and assembly lines. Allows shelf adjustment in two directions: up-down and in-out. 40 series profile can be used as brace for bins at any required horizontal length. Bins and bin mounting hardware must be ordered separately. 22-134 Drawer Technical Data Slide Rail: Al, clear anodized Slide Collar: Delrin, black Includes all hardware as shown. Max. load F = 60 N (13.5 lbs) Mounting Brace includes: profile and two end caps. Description Bin Mounting Slide Rail (2 req.) Slide Collar (2 req.) Unit 1 set 1 set Bin Mounting Brace 48" Bin Mounting Brace 60” 1 set 1 set Weight .53 kg 81 g Part # 22-130 22-134 50-522 50-524 Technical Data Grey painted steel construction with ball bearing slides and padlock attachment. Stackable. Order all hardware separately For mounting to 40 series profile: M8 T-slot nut (20-058), M8x18 BHCS (24-118-8), M8 flat washers (24-200-8). Description (W x D x H) Drawer 15.75 x 20 x 6.75” Drawer 15.75 x 20 x 13.5” 133 Part # DRW100 DRW200 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Tool Runner 22-136 22-135 Application To suspend and postion tools at work stations. Runner slides in 40 series profile. Description Runner Runner 90º Runner Stop 2 Tool Retractor “Zero Gravity” Tool Balancer Technical Data Runner: glass-filled nylon, black Runner 90º: UHMW, black Max. load 100 N (23 lbs) Runner Stop includes M5 T-slot nut Zn 40 and M5x16 flat point set screw Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight 12 g 18 g 7g Part # 22-136 22-135 22-137 Application A light amount of downward force must be continually applied to keep the suspended tool in its position. No tools are required to adjust tension. Durable nylon cable for long life and reduced maintenance. Mounts to tool boom with tool runners 22-135 and 22-136. Amin 236.1 Dimensions (mm) B C 101.6 55.6 330.2 139.7 78.5 Capacity lbs kg 1-2 0.5 - 0.9 2-4 0.9 - 1.8 4-6 1.8 - 2.7 6-8 2.7 - 3.6 Part # 50-600-1 50-601-1 50-602-1 50-603-1 Application Allows worker to move suspended tool up and down with very little effort. Also capable of stationary positioning. Improves productivity and reduces fatigue of operator. Stranded steel cable support. Mounts to tool boom with tool runners 22-135 or 22-136. Capacity lbs kg 0.8 - 2.6 0.4 - 1.2 2.6 - 5.7 1.2 - 2.6 5.7 - 8.4 2.6 - 3.8 8.4 - 11.5 3.8 - 5.2 Description Tool Balancer 134 Part # 50-600 50-601 50-602 50-603 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Ratchet Stay 23-400 Mounting Ratchet Stay to a 40 series profile (recommended gap between two profiles 12mm) 23-400Z1 Application Ten position ratchet support for use on lids, tilting workstation surfaces or similar applications. Extend stay until it locks in the desired position. To retract, first fully extend the stay, then push it back. Description Ratchet Stay Ratchet Stay with Bracket Electrical Outlet Strip Ratchet Stay on Split-Tiliting Surface. Technical Data St, galvanized Order all hardware separately Mounts to 40 series profile with M8x20 BHCS (24-120-8), M8 flat washer (24-700-8), M8 T-slot nut (20-058), one per hole Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 0.29 kg 0.39 kg Part # 23-400 23-400Z1 Technical Data UL listed, CSA certified. Provides for 120V, 15A service. Eight outlets with switch and pilot light. 6’ cord with plug. All mounting hardware included. Description Electrical Outlet Strip, 24" Width Electrical Outlet Strip, 48" Width 135 Part # 50-630 50-632 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 2 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Monitor/Keyboard Swing Arm Kit Application: Kit for mounting to any 40 series profile, allowing user to customize height position of monitor and keyboard to individual requirements. Sold in kit only. Technical Data: St: gloss black painted Kit Includes: • swivel tray • keyboard tray • 10” swivel arm • front mount post 2 Order all hardware separately: 2 X M8 HD T-slot nut (20-064) 2 X M8 x 16 BHCS (24-116-8) Part # 50-670 Swivel Tray 10” Swing Arm Keyboard Tray & Supports Front Mount Post 136 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Gas Spring Lift System Telescoping post made out of 36x36 (10-036) and 56x56 (11-056) profiles, equipped with gas spring. Can be built to any size and various lifting capabilities. Hydraulic lift systems that fit in the cavity of 56x56 profile are also available. Call us with your special needs. 2 Gas Spring 137 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 2-Cylinder Lift System with Telescopic Guides 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2,3 Pump mount details. Telescopic guide and cylinder mount details (hardware quantities shown per side). 3 50-702 Application 2-Cylinder Lift System together with Telescopic Guides create a compact versatile height adjustment mechanism. The system consists of two fluid-drive cylinders connected by flexible tubing to a manual pump with a unique “foldaway” hand crank. Due to cylinder internal construction, use of telescopic guides is required. Each guide has four mounting holes (two on top, two on bottom) that can be tapped for M8 or 5/16”-18. Technical Data Maximum lift capacity 2224 N (500lbs.) Adjustment range 300mm Cylinders are single acting. External force of approx. 67 N (15 lbs.) is required for return stroke. Tubing length: one at 8’ and one at 10’ section. Minimum bending radius for tubing 40mm. Operating temperature 0 - 115°F. Order mounting hardware for pump and telescopic guides separately (see application illustration). Spare retainer rings for cylinder: 800.09 (upper), 800.08 (lower) * ** 50-703 Distance between mounting holes Cylinder mounting distance Description 2-Cylinder Lift System Telescopic Guide (2 required) Mounting Plate for 50-703 138 Unit 1 set 1 pc 1 pc Weight 4.3 kg 6g Part # 50-702 50-703 50-704 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Hardware IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 4-Cylinder Lift System 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2,3 Pump mount details. Cylinder mount details (hardware quantities shown per cylinder). 3 Application 4-Cylinder Lift System is a compact versatile height adjustment mechanism. It consists of four fluid-drive cylinders connected by flexible tubing to a manual pump with a unique “fold-away” hand crank. The cylinders are completely selfcontained, requiring no external support structure. Each cylinder has five pre-tapped mounting holes: four on a flat side (M5x7mm deep) and one at the bottom (M10x12mm deep). Technical Data Maximum lift capacity 3336 N (750lbs.) Adjustment range 300mm Cylinders are single acting. External force of approx. 89 N (20 lbs.) is required for return stroke. Tubing length: two at 8’ and two at 10’ section. Minimum bending radius for tubing 40mm. Operating temperature 0 - 115°F. Order all mounting hardware separately (see application sample 1-3). Description Unit 4-Cylinder Lift System 1 set Mounting Plate for 50-700 (2 per cylinder) 1 pc 139 Weight 11.7 kg 6g Part # 50-700 50-705 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 45 Series Profiles Application Profiles for general engineering structures. Widely used in automotive industry for constructing framework for assembly and conveyor lines. Compatible with all Bosch hardware. 14-040 Technical Data Al, clear anodized 1 14-045 3 3 Order No. IX [cm4] IY [cm4] WX [cm3] WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 14-040 14-045 14-046 14-090 11.23 15.81 17.30 32.20 11.23 15.81 28.52 124.40 4.99 7.03 7.69 14.31 4.99 7.03 9.51 27.64 5.69 8.25 8.88 15.25 1.54 2.23 2.40 4.12 Description Profile 45x45 Light Unit cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 at 6M ea. Part # 14-040 14-040-3 14-040-6 Profile 45x45 cut off max. 6M pkg of 16 at 3M ea. pkg of 16 zt 6M ea. 14-045 14-045-3 14-045-6 Profile 45x60 Light cut off max. 6M 14-046 Profile 45x90 cut off max. 6M pkg of 8 at 3M ea. pkg of 8 at 6M ea. 14-090 14-090-3 14-090-6 14-046 14-090 Saw cut necessary for cut to length 19-001 5 End Cap 45 Application For covering exposed end of 45 series profiles. Description End Cap 45x45 End Cap 45x90 End Cap 45x60 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 140 Weight 9g 18 g 11 g Part # 17-813 17-814 17-815 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Barrel Type Connector 45 Typical Servicing Typical Dimensions 1 17-020 17-020 17-021 3 3 17-021 17-015 17-015 Application Quick connector provides quick and easy way of connecting 45 series profiles at right angle. Select one of two connectors that allows better acces to set screw. Profile-to-Wall connector is used for attaching 45 series profile to walls or metal panels. M6 tapped hole in the wall should be on the center line of the profile. All connectors require 6mm hexagon wrench. Technical Data St, zinc plated Description Quick Connector 45, Horizontal Access Quick Connector 45, Vertical Access Profile-to-Wall Connector 45 141 Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set Weight 58 g 58 g 55 g Part # 17-020 17-021 17-015 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 45 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Connection Screw 1 Application Used for right angle connection of 45 series profiles. Description Connection Screw M12x30 Technical Data St, zinc plated Recomended torque 35Nm Unit 1 pc Weight g Part # 17-130-12 T-Slot Connector 45 3 3 17-023 5 Application Allows concealed right angle connection of 45 series profiles. No machining of profile is required. Inside connector (17-023) allows easy adjustability. Outside connector (17-024) leaves inner T-slots unobstructed for panel installation. Cross member profile can be positioned at any location. Connector must be inserted from end face of profile. Requires using 4mm hexagon wrench. 17-024 Description T-Slot Connector 45, Inside T-Slot Connector 45, Outside 142 Technical Data Brass, die cast, plated Includes two M8x12 set screws Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 50 g 52 g Part # 17-023 17-024 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series 800-333-4932 T-Slot Nut 45 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Universal mounting element for 45 series profiles. Can be inserted into 10mm T-slot at any location. insert turn & tighten Description T-Slot Nut 45, M5 T-Slot Nut 45, M6 T-Slot Nut 45, M8 HD T-Slot Nut 45 Application Universal mounting element for 45 series profiles. HD T-Slot nut slides into profile from end face. Description HD T-Slot Nut 45, M5 HD T-Slot Nut 45, M6 HD T-Slot Nut 45, M8 T-Bolt 45 Technical Data St, zinc plated Color : M5, M8 - silver M6 - gold Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 7g 7g 7g Part # 17-042 17-046 17-048 Technical Data St, zinc plated Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 19 g 20 g 18 g Part # 17-052 17-056 17-058 Application Threaded stud with head that fits into 10mm T-slot. Used to attach equipment and fixtures to 45 series profiles. Can be inserted into theT-slot at any location. Technical Data St, zinc plated Includes hex flange lock nut. Description T-Bolt 45, M8x25 T-Bolt 45, M8x30 143 1 Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 21 g 21 g Part # 17-425-8 17-430-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 3 3 5 Catalog 1816 45 Series IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Gusset Bracket 45 1 3 3 17-101 17-102 Application External element for attaching 45 series profiles at right angle. Can also be used as additional bracing at joints. No machining of profile is required. T-slot alignment tabs on the back of bracket provide easy positioning. If required they can be easily removed with a screw driver. Description Gusset Bracket 42x42 Gusset Bracket 78x34 Gusset Bracket 88x88 Gusset Bracket 88x39 Technical Data Al, cast Order all hardware separately. M8x25 T-Bolt 45 with hex flange nut (17-425-8), one per hole. Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 51 g 89 g 330 g 155 g Part # 17-101 17-102 17-103 17-104 17-103 5 17-104 144 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Connection Link 45 Application Fastening element for easy and rigid connection of 45 series profile and other parts. Description Connection Link 45 Technical Data St, zinc plated Includes four M8x12 SHCS, four M8 fender washers. Unit 1 set Weight 181 g 1 Part # 17-050 Floating Pivot Joint 3 3 Application For easy attachment of gusset members at various angles. Description Floating Pivot Joint Technical Data Al, clear anodized Order all hardware separately. M8x25 T-Bolt 45 w/ hex flange nut (17-425-8), one per hole Unit 1 pc Weight 236 g Part # 17-325 5 Base Plate Application Bolts to the end or side of profiles for mounting of leveling feet or eyebolts. (See page 79 for M12 Knuckle Foot). Technical Data St, zinc plated Description Base Plate 45x90, M12 145 Unit 1 pc Weight 408 g Part # 17-124 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series IPS 800-333-4932 Medium Duty Plastic Hinge INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Plastic hinges for constructing medium duty guard/enclosure doors for 45 series profiles. Hinges are offered in two types: removable (for left and right side mount) and non-removable. Alignment pins for 8mm T-slot can be removed allowing hinge mount to a flat surface such as panel. Order mounting hardware separately Profile 45: M6x16 FHCS (24-216-6) and M6 T-slot nut 45 (17-046) Panel (6mm and 8mm): M6x20 FHCS (24-220-6) and M6 locknut (24-716-6) Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black with stainless steel pin Max. torque - 100 Nm 1 Removable Hinge 3 3 Non-Removable Hinge Dimensions (mm) A1 A2 B1 B2 Weight (g) Mount to Profile 43 22.5 22.5 38.5 38.5 41 45/45 (0mm gap) 45 to Panel Hinge Type Part # Non-removable 23-545 Left Side Mount 23-545L Right Side Mount 23-545R 5 Plastic T-Slot Cover Application Dust-tight cover provides aesthetic appearance and converts T-slot to a conduit available for wire routing. 17-111B Description PVC Cover Strip 45 Technical Data PVC, black Unit 1 pc at 2M 146 Weight 59 g Part # 17-111B Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 45 Series IPS 800-333-4932 Uniblock 45 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Mounting element for attaching panels to 45 series profiles. Insert uniblock into T-slot at any location and lock in position by turning 90° clockwise. Recommended gap around panel 1mm. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Square nut - zinc plated steel Description Uniblock 45, M6 Unit 1 pc Weight 10 g Part # 17-113 Application Mounting elements for attaching panels 1-8 mm thick to 45 series profiles without using additional fasteners or machining the panel. Insert block into T-slot at any location and lock in position by turning 90° clockwise. Slide locking clip to secure the panel. To remove panel loosen locking clip with a flat screwdriver. Recommended gap around panel - 6 mm. Clamp Block 1 3 3 Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Description Clamp Block 45 Cable Tie Holder Unit 1 pc Weight 8g Part # 17-112 Application Mounting element for fast and easy securing open wiring or tubing to 45 series profiles with plastic tie (not included). Insert holder into T-slot at any location and lock in position by turning 90° clockwise. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black Description Cable Tie Holder, 45 147 Unit 1 pc Weight 5g Part # 17-201 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Linear Applications 1 3 3 4 5 3-Axis gantry loader with vacuum pickup 148 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller Systems Roller Systems feature quick mounting, high loading capacity, any required stroke length, and high traveling speed. Low friction ensures reliability. The system may be mounted on any of the 40 series profiles. We recommend construction of the guide system based on the following principles: Roller System 6 - 40x40 and 80x40 Standard profiles. Roller Systems 10 and 14 - Standard or Heavy profiles. Roller System 25 - only Heavy profiles 1 Roller System 6 Max. load: 500 N (110 lbs) Roller System 10 Max. load: 2,400 N (540 lbs) The guide rollers are precision, double row radial bearings. Permanently lubricated and sealed for heavy duty applications and long life. The bearing unit end caps provide a built-in lubrication pad and also serve as a very efficient dust cover. 3 3 IPS Roller Systems are compatible with controls and drive components of other manufacturers. They combine with timing belt drives, rodless air cylinders or precision lead screw drives. Roller System 14 Max. load: 3,000 N (675 lbs) Roller System 25 Max. load: 12,000 N (2,700 lbs) 4 Engineered Linear Systems IPS offers a full line of pre-engineered Linear Systems for "off the shelf" purchase. Simply specify the stroke length, up to 6 meters (20’), and the type of motor mounting required. Some profiles are available to construct track lengths of up to 10 meters (30’) or longer when joined in multiple modules. 5 Automatic test module for electric screwdrivers 149 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 Assembly of Guide Shaft INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Procedure for mounting the guide shafts: 1 Clean the T-slot of support profile and the shaft clamp. 2 Press the shaft clamp completely into the support profile (Shaft Clamp 25 must be attached to the profile using M8x16 FHCS and M8 T-slot nuts 40). 3 The linear shaft should be covered with an anticorrosive lubricant, petroleum jelly or silicon. Press in the guide shaft using a clamp press or similar means. Shafts can be additionally secured using dowel pins. 1 Shaft Clamp for connecting the shaft to 40 series Standard or Heavy Tslots 1 1 2 Shaft pressed in with mounting aid 3 3 2 3 For guides of more than 3m in length, stagger the clamp profile and shaft joints 4 5 3 Minimum Stroke Length In order to insure adequate lubrication the following minimum stroke length requirements for slide must be observed. Bearing Unit Single Unit Double Unit Custom Units 6 10 14 14 HD 60 mm 80 mm 60 mm 80 mm 80 mm 160 mm 140 mm 160 mm 50 mm 120 mm + Length of Roller/Lube System 150 25 120 mm 300 mm 235 mm Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Load Capacity IPS linear guides feature simple assemby, high loading capacity, any required stroke length and high travel speed. The bearing units come in four sizes for light, medium and heavy duty applications. • Roller System 6 Linear system suitable for compact, light duty applications. • Roller System 10 Linear system suitable for medium loads • Roller System 14 Field proven system for wide ranging linear motion applications. • Roller System 25 Heavy duty unit suitable for high loads. 1 3 3 4 Roller System F1 F2 F3 F4 [N] 6 125 N (28 lbs) 500 N (112 lbs) 250 N (56 lbs) 250 1+ l22 l12 M [Nm] 250 x l 10 600 N (135 lbs) 2,400 N (540 lbs) 1,200 N (270 lbs) 1200 l22 1+ l12 14 750 N (170 lbs) 3,000 N (675 lbs) 1,500 N (337 lbs) 1500 l22 1+ l12 25 3,000 N (675 lbs) 12,000 N (2,700 lbs) 6,000 N (1,350 lbs) 6000 l22 1+ l12 1,200 x l 1,500 x l 6,000 x l Rated at 10,000 km (6213 miles) 5 m/s maximum (16 ft/s) 151 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller System 6 1 1 Required tools for assembly of Roller System 6: 3mm and 5mm hexagon wrench (40-009, 40-014) 2 1 The roller is secured by a set screw that locks the main bolt 2 The roller is preloaded with an eccentric bolt and 5mm wrench; tighten set screw with 3mm wrench 3 Roller profile with multiple rollers for custom bearing Unit 3 3 3 Maximum stroke for configuration shown: 675 mm 4 5 Note Configuration shown: 80x16 plate with smooth top surface; bottom surface is tapped M8 for the limit stop and M6 for clamping block mount. Alternative option: 80x16 plate with T-slots on top counterbored for M8 screws for attaching bearing units and clamping block; bottom of the plate is tapped M8 for the limit stop. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Description 40x40 Heavy Profile @ 1000mm Shaft Clamp 6 @ 998mm Linear Shaft 6 @ 998mm 80x16 Profile @ 300mm End Cap 80x16 Single Bearing Unit 6 Centric Single Bearing Unit 6 Eccentric End Cap/Lubricating System 6 Reversing Unit 40 Spline Reversing Unit 40 w/8mm Bore Universal Adapter Flange Adapter Shaft, Blank Timing Belt 25T10 @ 2300mm Clamping Block for Belt 25T10 Fastening Set for Bearing Units 6 M6x20 Socket Head Cap Screw M6 Lock Nut M6x120 Socket Head Cap Screw Limit Stop, Bi-Directional M6x45 Socket Head Cap Screw Proximity Switch Mounting Plate for Proximity Switch Exciter Cam 152 Part # 11-040 13-106 13-506 10-081 18-812 30-401 30-403 30-407 31-122 31-124 31-014 31-010 31-052-1 31-030 20-007 24-320-6 24-716-6 24-3120-6 31-038 24-345-6 31-035 31-036 31-033 Qty 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Roller System 6 13-505 13-506 13-106 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Components for constructing Roller System 6 for light duty applications Technical Data Linear Shaft: Cf53 high grade carbon steel (AISI 1050) Precision ground to ISO h6 tolerance +0 -8 µm Roundness: 4 µm Parallelism: 5 µm/1000mm Surface quality: Ra 0.3µm (Rz 1.6µm) Hardness depth: minimum 0.4 mm Surface hardness: 670 to 840 HV (RC 59 to 65) 1 Shaft clamp: Al, anodized Bearing Units: Aluminum anodized housing, Roller 6 (30-008), Bolt 6 Centric (30-006) or Eccentric (30-007), and M6x8 cone point set screw Preload range for eccentric bearing units ± 0.45 mm End Cap/ Lubricating System (set of left and right): glass-filled nylon, black; includes felt, spring and M4x10 SHCS 30-401 30-403 Fastening Set (one required per bearing unit): two M8x16 BHCS, two M8 T-slot nuts, and two M8 flat washers Description Linear Shaft 6 Linear Shaft 6, Hard Chrome Coated Unit per meter* per meter* Weight Part # 0.22 kg/m 13-506 0.22 kg/m 13-505 Saw Cut for Linear Shaft Shaft Clamp 6 19-007 per meter 0.12 kg/m 13-106 Saw Cut for Shaft Clamp 30-402 30-404 30-407 19-001 Single Bearing Unit 6, Centric Single Bearing Unit 6, Eccentric Double Bearing Unit 6, Centric Double Bearing Unit 6, Eccentric 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 0.18 kg 0.18 kg 0.22 kg 0.22 kg 30-401 30-403 30-402 30-404 End Cap/ Lubricating System 6 Replacement Felt 6 1 set 1 pc 20 g 30-407 30-407z1 Fastening Set for Bearing Unit 6 1 set 40 g 20-007 * Call for standard lengths in stock 20-007 153 3 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller System 10 1 Required tools for assembly of Roller System 10: 5mm hexagon wrench (40-014), Spanner wrench (40-032-14) 3 3 4 5 Single Bearing Units 10 on 80x80 Profile Double Bearing Units 10 on 80x40 Profile Carriage Plate: Length = L + 80 (T-slots parallel to 80x80 rail) Carriage Plate: Length = 130mm (T-slots perpendicular to 80x40 rail) Recommended hardware: four fastening sets HD for bearing units (20-030). Required machining - eight access holes through 160x28 profile. Recommended hardware: eight of each M8 T-slot nut HD (20-064), M8x25 SHCS (24-325-8), M8 safety spring washer (24-718-8). Required machining - eight counterbored holes on the top T-slots of 160x28. 154 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Roller System 10 13-510 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Components for constructing Roller System 10 for medium duty applications Technical Data Linear Shaft: Cf53 high grade carbon steel (AISI 1050) +0 Precision ground to ISO h6 tolerance -9 µm Roundness: 4 µm Parallelism: 6 µm/1000mm Surface quality: Ra 0.3µm (Rz 1.6µm) Hardness depth: minimum 0.4 mm Surface hardness: 670 to 840 HV (RC 59 to 65) 1 Shaft Clamp: Al, anodized 13-110 Bearing Units: Centric: Al, anodized housing, Roller 10 (30-510), Bolt 10/14 Centric (30-105), two spacers per roller (30-504z3), End Cap/ Lubricating System Eccentric: Al, anodized housing, Roller 10 (30-510), Bolt 10 Eccentric (30-506), one spacer per roller (30-504z4), M8x12 nylon tipped set screw (24-689), End Cap/ Lubricating System Preload range for eccentric bearing units ± 1.0 mm End Cap/ Lubricating System: Trespa cap with pin, felt, spring, M8x10 BHCS, M4x10 set screw, and access plug 30-501 30-503 Fastening set (one required per single bearing unit, two per double bearing unit): two M8x18 BHCS, two M8 T-slot nuts HD, and two M8 safety spring washers. Description Linear Shaft 10 Unit per meter* Weight Part # 0.61 kg/m 13-510 Saw Cut for Linear Shaft Shaft Clamp 10 19-007 per meter Note: T-slot on top are 40 series, on two sides are 28 series 19-001 Single Bearing Unit 10, Centric Single Bearing Unit 10, Eccentric Double Bearing Unit 10, Centric Double Bearing Unit 10, Eccentric 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Replacement Felt 10 1 pc Fastening Set HD for Bearing Unit 1 set 0.48 kg 0.48 kg 0.88 kg 0.88 kg 30-501 30-503 30-502 30-504 30-504z5 40 g 20-030 * Call for standard lengths in stock 20-030 155 4 0.25 kg/m 13-110 Saw Cut for Shaft Clamp 30-502 30-504 3 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller System 14 1 2 1 Required tools for assembly of Roller System 14: 5mm hexagon wrench (40-014), spanner wrench (40-032-14) 3 4 5 3 3 1 Roller is secured into block with shoulder bolt (use 5mm wrench) 2 Roller pre-loading with eccentric bolt. Roller is secured by counter lock spanner nut. Preload with 5mm Allen wrench 3-4 Shaft secured with 6mm straight pin over extreme lengths (any location) 4 5 5 Maximum stroke for configuration shown: with limit stop (31-038) - 765 mm without limit stop - 850 mm # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Using the 28 angle bracket against slippage Description Part # 80x40 Heavy Profile @ 1000mm 11-080 Shaft Clamp 14 @ 998mm 13-114 Linear Shaft 14 @ 998mm 13-514 160x28 Profile @ 140mm 11-128 End Cap 160x28 18-816 Double Bearing Unit 14 Eccentric 30-104 Double Bearing Unit 14 Centric 30-102 End Cap/Lubricating System 14 30-107 Reversing Unit 40 Spline 31-122 Reversing Unit 40 Idler 31-126 Universal Adapter Flange 31-014 Adapter Shaft, Blank 31-010 Timing Belt 25T10 @ 2300mm 31-052-1 Clamping Block for Belt 25T10 31-030 Fastening Set HD for Bearing Units 20-030 M6x20 Socket Head Cap Screw 24-320-6 HD T-Slot Nut St, M6 20-060 M6x120 Socket Head Cap Screw 24-3120-6 M6 Lock Nut 24-716-6 Limit Stop, Bi-Directional 31-038 M6x45 Socket Head Cap Screw 24-345-6 156 Qty 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Linear Applications Roller System 14 13-513 13-514 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Components for constructing Roller System 14 for medium duty applications Technical Data Linear Shaft: Cf53 high grade carbon steel (AISI 1050) +0 Precision ground to ISO h6 tolerance -11 µm Roundness: 5 µm Parallelism: 8 µm/1000mm Surface quality: Ra 0.3µm (Rz 1.6µm) Hardness depth: minimum 0.6 mm Surface hardness: 670 to 840 HV (RC 59 to 65) 1 Shaft Clamp: Al, anodized 13-114 Bearing Units: Al, anodized housing, Roller 14 (30-108), Bolt 14 Centric (30-105) or Eccentric (30-106), and spacer (30-108z1) Preload range for eccentric bearing units ± 1.0 mm End Cap/ Lubricating System (set of left and right): glass-filled nylon, black; includes felt, spring, M8x10 BHCS Fastening set (one required per bearing unit): two M8x18 BHCS, two M8 T-slot nuts HD, and two M8 safety spring washers 30-101 30-103 Description Linear Shaft 14 Linear Shaft 14, (Hard chrome coated) Unit per meter* per meter* Weight Part # 1.21 kg/m 13-514 1.21 kg/m 13-513 Saw Cut for Linear Shaft Shaft Clamp 14 19-007 per meter 0.26 kg/m 13-114 Saw Cut for Shaft Clamp 30-102 30-104 19-001 Single Bearing Unit 14, Centric Single Bearing Unit 14, Eccentric Double Bearing Unit 14, Centric Double Bearing Unit 14, Eccentric 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 0.40 kg 0.40 kg 0.88 kg 0.88 kg 30-101 30-103 30-102 30-104 End Cap/ Lubricating System 14 Replacement Felt 14 1 set 1 pc 50 g 30-107 30-107z1 Fastening Set HD for Bearing Unit 1 set 40 g 20-030 * Call for standard lengths in stock 30-107 20-030 157 3 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller System 14 HD 1 Required tools for assembly of Roller System 14HD: 5mm hexagon wrench (40-014), spanner wrench (40-032-14) 3 3 4 5 Single Bearing Units 14HD on 80x80 Profile Double Bearing Units 14HD on 80x40 Profile Carriage Plate: Length = L + 80 (T-slots parallel to 80x80 rail) Carriage Plate: Length = 150mm (T-slots perpendicular to 80x40 rail) Recommended hardware: four fastening sets HD for bearing units (20-030). Required machining - eight access holes through 160x28 profile. Recommended hardware: eight for each M8 T-slot nut HD (20-064), M8x25 SHCS (24-325-8), M8 safety spring washer (24-718-8). Required machining - eight counterbored holes on the top T-slots of 160x28. 158 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Roller System 14 HD 13-513 13-514 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Components for constructing Roller System 14 HD for medium and heavy duty applications Technical Data Linear Shaft: Cf53 high grade carbon steel (AISI 1050) +0 Precision ground to ISO h6 tolerance -11 µm Roundness: 5 µm Parallelism: 8 µm/1000mm Surface quality: Ra 0.3µm (Rz 1.6µm) Hardness depth: minimum 0.6 mm Surface hardness: 670 to 840 HV (RC 59 to 65) 1 Shaft Clamp: Al, anodized 13-114 Bearing Units: Al, anodized housing, Roller 14 (30-108), Bolt 14 Centric (30-105) or Eccentric (30-106), one spacer per roller (30-114z3), M8x12 nylon tipped set screw (24689) for eccentric only, End Cap/ Lubricating System Preload range for eccentric bearing units ± 1.0 mm End Cap/ Lubricating System: Trespa cap with pin, felt, spring, M8x10 BHCS, M4x10 set screw, and access plug Fastening set (one required per single bearing unit, two per double bearing unit): two M8x18 BHCS, two M8 T-slot nuts HD, and two M8 safety spring washers. 30-111 30-113 Description Linear Shaft 14 Linear Shaft 14, Hard Chrome Coated Unit per meter* per meter* Weight Part # 1.21 kg/m 13-514 1.21 kg/m 13-513 Saw Cut for Linear Shaft Shaft Clamp 14 19-007 per meter 4 0.25 kg/m 13-114 Saw Cut for Shaft Clamp 19-001 Single Bearing Unit 14 HD, Centric Single Bearing Unit 14 HD, Eccentric Double Bearing Unit 14 HD, Centric Double Bearing Unit 14 HD, Eccentric 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 30-112 30-114 Replacement Felt 14HD 1 pc Note: T-slot on top are 40 series, on two sides are 28 series Fastening Set HD for Bearing Units 1 set 0.58 kg 0.58 kg 1.07 kg 1.07 kg 30-111 30-113 30-112 30-114 30-114z5 40 g 20-030 * Call for standard lengths in stock 20-030 159 3 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Roller System 25 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 Roller adjusting with 5mm hexagon wrench. Spanner wrench required for eccentric adjustment. 2 Re-oiling of Bearing Units via felt oiler/ wiper on spring loaded End Cap/ Lubricating System. 3 Standard bores for dowel pin 8H7 (included) drilled for 7.7 mm dia. 4 Area on back for optional set screw clearance bores (not included). 3 Required tools for assembly of Roller System 25: 5mm hexagon wrench (40-014), spanner wrench (40-032-25) 5 Attachment of Shaft Clamp Profile 25 to 40 Series profile using M8x16 FHCS and M8 T-slot Nuts. Shaft anchored with 10mm straight pin (any location) 160 4 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Linear Applications Roller System 25 13-524 13-525 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Components for constructing Roller System 25 for heavy duty applications. Technical Data Linear Shaft: Cf53 high grade carbon steel (AISI 1050) +0 Precision ground to ISO h6 tolerance -13 µm Roundness: 6 µm Parallelism: 9 µm/1000mm Surface quality: Ra 0.3µm (Rz 1.6µm) Hardness depth: minimum 0.9 mm Surface hardness: 670 to 840 HV (RC 59 to 65) 1 Shaft Clamp: Al, anodized 13-125 Bearing Units: Al, anodized housing, Roller 25 (30-208), Bolt 25 Centric (30-205) or Eccentric (30-206) Preload range for eccentric bearing units ± 1.5 mm End Cap/ Lubricating System (set of two): glass-filled nylon, black; includes felt, spring, M8x10 BHCS Fastening set (two required per single bearing unit, four per double bearing set): two M8x18 BHCS, two M8 T-slot nuts HD, and two M8 safety spring washers. 30-201 30-202 Description Linear Shaft 25 Linear Shaft 25, Hard Chrome Coated Unit Weight per meter* 3.83 kg/m per meter* 3.83 kg/m Saw Cut for Linear Shaft Shaft Clamp 25 per meter 1.0 kg/m 13-125 19-001 Single Bearing Unit 25, Centric Single Bearing Unit 25, Eccentric Double Bearing Unit 25, Centric Double Bearing Unit 25, Eccentric 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc End Cap/ Lubricating System 25 Replament Felt 25 1 set 1 pc Fastening Set HD for Bearing Unit 1 set 2.2 kg 2.2 kg 5.3 kg 5.3 kg 30-207 30-207z1 40 g 4 30-202 30-201 30-204 30-203 20-030 * Call for standard lengths in stock 20-030 30-207 161 3 3 19-007 Saw Cut for Shaft Clamp 30-203 30-204 Part # 13-525 13-524 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Components for Bearing Units Technical Data St, 100 Cr6, ground and hardened, double ball bearing with two shields, maintenance free Track Rollers Dimensions, mm Load, N Maximum Weight Part # Shaft Dia RPM g d2 a b1 b2 Dynamic Static d1 6 5 10.5 8 7 1600 900 5000 7 30-008 10 12 20.65 15.9 15.9 8500 5100 16 30-508 14 12 24 20 18 10800 6400 2500 88 30-108 25 20 45 30 28 24000 14400 1250 590 30-208 1 Technical Data St, black oxide Bolts Eccentricity W e ight Used in Bearing Units Part # mm g 6-Centric N/A 30-401, 30-402 6 30-006 6-Eccentric 0.45 30-403, 30-404 6 30-007 Type 30-006 30-007 3 3 4 30-105 10/14-Centric N/A 10-Eccentric 14-Eccentric 25-Centric 25-Eccentric 1.0 1.0 N/A 1.5 30-101, 30-102, 30-111, 30-112, 30-501, 30-502 30-503, 30-103, 30-202, 30-201, 30-504 30-104 30-204 30-203 48 30-105 46 46 120 120 30-506 30-106 30-205 30-206 30-106 5 30-506 Spacers 30-205 30-206 Technical Data St, black oxide Dimensions, mm Qty Required Used with I.D. O.D. Thickness per Roller 12 18 1.0 Bolt 14 Centric and Eccentric 1 10.2 19 1.1 Bolt 14 HD Centric and Eccentric 1 12.2 19 2.1 Bolt 10 Centric 2 10.2 19 2.1 Bolt 10 Eccentric 1 162 Part # 30-108z1 30-114z3 30-504z3 30-504z4 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Locking Mechanism for Linear Slides 2 1 1 2 Holding Force Hand Tight appx. 5.5 Nm lubricated appx 200 N Mounting example of locking mechanism 28 on 16x80 profile (M5 stud shortened by 12mm). Mounting example of locking mechanism 28 on 160x28 carriage plate. Application Locks linear slides on 40 series rail. Locking does not distort shaft or roller. Not suitable for high shock loads. Use locking mechanism 28 for 160x28 carriage plates, and Locking Mechanism 40 on 160x40 carriage plates. Hand Tight Appx. 5.5 Nm 1 appx. 500 N Technical Data Clamping Jaw: cast steel, zinc plated Clamping Wedge: cast steel, rust resistant, plated Handle, black Washer, zinc plated Max. tightening torque 5.5 Nm Order all hardware separately 3 3 Description Locking Mechanism 28 Locking Mechanism 40 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 94 g 95 g Part # 30-414 30-415 4 5 163 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 1 3 3 4 5 164 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications Linear Drive Components INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 1 Timing Belt Reversing Unit 40 for driving or reversing the timing belt 2 Timing Belt Clamp and Tensioner 1 2 3 Counter Reversing Unit 4 Multi-Spline Shaft 3 1 4 Design Examples 1-2 Construction with one axis of movement 3 Construction with two axis of movement. NOTE: Timing Belt Reversing Units are not structural elements. ALL MOTORS MUST BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED. 3 3 1 4 2 5 3 165 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Reversing Unit 40 2 1 3 4 1 1 Attachment of Reversing Unit 40 to a profile (mounting hardware included). 2 Two Reversing Units 40 with belts running on opposite sides of 80x80 profile 3 Reversing Units 40 with a common spline connection 4 Top of profile needs a 3mm radius to prevent belt chatter 5 Mounting the Reversing Unit 40 to an 80x80 or 160x80 profile with the belt running on the 80mm side (requires mounting plate 31-129 and fastening set 20-129). 5 3 3 4 5 Application To drive and reverse timing belt 25T10 for precise linear motion using profiles and linear guides. Choice of drive pulleys with spline 6x11x14mm ISO14 with Ø8H7 or Ø19. Pulley with 8mm bore can be drilled to max. Ø15mm. Housing accommodates attachment of drive motor adapter flange or serial connection of multiple reversing units. Reversing Unit 40 can be mounted to the end of profile directly or with Mounting Plate (31-129). Mounting Plate is designed for center mount of Reversing Units 40 and 80 to end of 80x80 or 160x80 Profile with belt running on 80mm side. Technical Data Die cast zinc, black coated Pulley: St, black oxide, Pitch - 10 mm, Teeth - 15 (one revolution corresponds to 150mm), Pitch Dia. 47.75 mm Maximum load MD= 20 Nm (14.7 ft-lb) Belt length inside reversing unit depends on type of connection: 90° connection - 140 mm 180° connection - 160 mm w/ Counter Reversing Unit - 200 mm Complete with two Profile-to-Wall fasteners and ten access hole plugs Mounting Plate 31-129: Al, anodized Fastening Set 20-129: Two M8x16 SHCS, four M8x35 SHCS, six M8 rib spring washers and four M8 barrel nuts. Description Reversing Unit 40 Pulley Spline 8mm Bore Idler Unit 1 set 1 set 1 set Weight 1.85 kg 1.85 kg 1.85 kg Part # 31-122 31-124 31-126 1 pc 1 set .40 kg 31-129 20-129 Replacement pulleys available on request Mounting Plate, Rev. Unit 40 Fast. set for Mounting Plate RU40 166 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Counter Reversing Unit 1 3 1 Optional attachment of Proximity Switch (31-035) in Counter Revering Unit 2 Attachment of Reversing Unit 40 to Counter Reversing Unit using Fastening Set 20-023 3 Attachment of 40x40 profile to Counter Rev. Unit using Standard Fastener 20-002 4 Stationary drive unit with profile as mobile axis 5 Perpendicular slide arrangement with vertical and horizontal axis; powered with one drive 2 1 3 3 5 4 4 Application Counter Reversing Unit permits flexibility in drive attachment between mobile and stationary platforms. A two-axis system may be constructed with one powered drive. The unit is attached to the machine base or frame either directly or with optional bracket. It permits reduction in the mass of the mobile platform allowing higher operating speeds and load capacity. Description Counter Reversing Unit Fastening Set, Counter Rev. Unit 167 Technical Data Al, black anodized Friction moment at 1% belt tensioning for Reversing Unit 40: MR = 0.30 Nm for Reversing Unit 80: MR = 0.60 Nm Length of Timing Belt 25T10 inside counter reversing unit: 210 mm Order all hardware separately: Fastening set 20-023 includes fastening plate and two M8x20 BHCS Unit 1 pc 1 set Weight .80 kg Part # 31-023 20-023 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 Reversing Unit 80 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS a b c 2 1 3 1 1 4 5 6 3 3 7 8 Technical Data Housing: Die Cast Zinc, black Roller-bearing timing pulley: pitch-10 mm, number of teeth- 28 (one revolution corresponds to 280 mm) Includes: two fasteners, two M8x30 BHCS, two special T-slot nuts M8 9 4 10 5 Function of bores a) Timing pulley with multispline hub or bore Ø11 H7 b) Bores in basic shell for mounting a drive unit, special adapter flange or for interconnecting Reversing Units. c) Belt emergence options (for profiles of height 40 or 80 mm). 2 Timing Belt turned through 180° (emergence 40 mm) on 40 series profiles (40mm). Belt is returned outside the profile. 3 Belt turned through 180° (emergence 40 mm) on 40 series profiles (80 mm and above). Belt is returned in the profile cavity. 4 Timing Belt turned around 90°. 5 Possible parallel arrangement of Reversing Units for double belt drive with double loading capacity. 6 Connection between Reversing Units and multi-spline shaft. 7 Connection of Reversing Units with adapter shafts and hollow shafts for distances over 500 mm. 8-10 Necessary rounding of the profiles at the joint to the Reversing Unit. Application Drive or reversal of Timing Belt 25T10 for constructing linear units in conjunction with linear guides. Timing pulley with multi-spline toothing prepared for mounting multi-spline shafts and adapter shafts with multispline toothing 6x11x14 ISO 14. Description Reversing Unit 80, Spline 168 Friction moment with 1% pre-tensioning of the timing belt: Emergence dimension 40: MR = 1.05 Nm Emergence dimension 80: MR = 0.55 Nm Max. load: MD = 72 Nm Belt length inside Reversing Unit for 90° reversal: 190 mm 180° reversal (emerg. 40): 360 mm 180° reversal (emerg. 80): 340 mm Unit 1 set Weight 3.95 kg Part # 31-135 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications Hi-Flex Timing Belt INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS For two pulley drives pre-tension force: Fv0.5 Fu (Fu - peripheral force) Pre-tension elongation (∆ l) in mm per meter (L): ∆l Fv = L 600 Application Flexible, heavy duty transmission belt to convert the rotation of a drive motor into linear motion. Total length depends on profile length and amount of belt contained inside reversing unit. Pretensioning is determined by a the maximum operating peripheral force. Description Hi-Flex Timing Belt 25T10 Technical Data Polyurethane, steel reinforced Maximum tensile load - 2,400 N Temperature range -30°C to +80°C 1 Unit per meter, max. 50M Part # 31-052-1 Clamping and Tensioning Blocks 3 3 1 2 31-030 1 Two Clamping Blocks used for belt clamping and tensioning. Order all hardware separately 2 Two Clamping Blocks and one Tensioner used for belt tensioning. Used when design does not permit the belt ends to come close. Tensioning block includes all hardware. Order screw and T-nut separately for attaching stationary clamping block (on the right). 3 Using two Clamping Blocks and two Tensioners is recommended for long linears (over 3.5 M) to allow proper belt tensioning. Order M8 screws separately. 3 31-031 Application For attaching timing belt to a carriage slide and providing tensioning adjustment. Each end of belt requires clamping block. Tensioning block may be used on one or both ends of the belt. Description Clamping Block, Belt 25T10 Tensioning Block 169 Technical Data Al, black anodized Tensioner includes: one M6x25 SHCS and one M6 T-slot Nut HD for attachment to base plate, two M6 lock nuts and two M6x80 SHCS. Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 62 g 92 g Part # 31-030 31-031 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Adapter Shaft 1 1 Adapter Shaft 31-010 can be machined for appropriate adapting configuration 2 Adapter shafts connected with a hollow shaft 31-010 1 31-012 31-013 3 3 2 Application Adapter element between Reversing Unit 40 and various drive motors. Surface hardening permits machining for appropriate adapting configuration. For rigid connection of Reversing Units 40 and 80 in parallel, when distance between them exceeds 1M (3 ft). Technical Data St., surface coated Description Adapter Shaft, Blank Adapter Shaft, 1/2" Bore with Keyway Adapter Shaft, 5/8" Bore with Keyway Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Part # 31-012 31-013 D L W T 12.7 44.5 3.17 14.22 15.88 50.8 4.73 18.0 Weight 0.36 kg 0.31 kg 0.27 kg Part # 31-010 31-012 31-013 4 Universal Adapter Flange 5 Application Transition element for connecting drive motors to the Reversing Unit 40. Can be serviced to customer needs. Design accommodates hole pattern of NEMA motors up to size 56. Description Universal Adapter Flange 170 Technical Data Al, black powder coated Order all hardware separately. Requires three M6x45 SHCS (24-345-6) for mounting to Reversing Unit 40 Unit 1 pc Weight 1.0 kg Part # 31-014 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Gear Boxes 800-333-4932 Application Gearheads mount directly to Reversing Units 40. IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data Range available 3:1 to 100:1 Contact Parker Zenith Division (877-955-4327) or www.parkergearhead.com for availability and complete information Spline Shaft 1 Application To connect multiple reversing units 40 for generation of synchronous motion cycles such as required for gantry applications. Technical Data Cold drawn steel, 1045, 6x11x14 ISO 14, DIN 5463 Max. recommended length without bearing support: 500mm horiz. Weight 0.92 kg/m Description Spline Shaft Saw cut necessary for cut off Unit per meter* Part # 13-566 19-007 *Call for maximum lengths in stock Limit Stop 3 3 4 31-037 Application To define mechanically the limits of travel. The rubber shock absorber provides for a cushioned end stop. Technical Data 31-037: M8 T-slot nut HD w/retainer spring, M8x8 cup point set screw, rubber shock absorber, two M8 T-slot nuts, M8x44 set screw, M8 washer, M8 flange nut 31-038: two M8 T-slot nuts HD w/retainer spring, two M8x8 cup point set screws, two rubber shock absorbers, three M8 T-slot nuts, M8x44 set screw, M8 washer, M8 flange nut 31-038 Description Limit Stop - One Direction Limit Stop Bi-Directional 171 Unit 1 set 1 set Weight 65 g 93 g Part # 31-037 31-038 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Proximity Switch 1 1 31-035 1 Attachment of proximity switches when exciter does not run through reversing unit. 2 Attachment of both proximity switches for simplified control wiring installation on drive side of platform. 3 Attachment of both proximity switches on drive side of platform using mounting element 31-036. 2 3 3 3 31-033 Application Proximity switches determine the limits of travel or provide reference positions. Exciter cams actuate inductive proximity switch, pressed into the flat surface of the timing belt. Mounting element provides attachment of proximity switches on reversing unit 40. Technical Data Inductive proximity switch in PNP sequence with LED indicator. Maximum sensing distance: 1.5 mm Output function: Normally Open Supply voltage: 10-30 VDC Includes two lock washers (must be used) and two hex nuts Exciter Cam: St, black Mounting Element: St, zinc plated Includes two hex bolts M8x1x16 (24-316-8-1) 4 31-036 5 Timing Belt Guide Description Proximity Switch Exciter Cam Mounting Element for Proximity Switch Application To provide guidance for 25mm wide timing belt over long distances in belt drive systems. Not to be used in areas where interference with clamping block, limit stop or other parts might occur. Description Timing Belt Guide Profile Part # 31-035 31-033 31-036 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight 0.2 kg/m Unit cut off max. 3M pkg of 10 at 3M ea. Saw cut necessary for cut to length 172 Unit Weight 1 pc 65 g 1 pc 1g 1 set 43 g Part # 13-700 13-700-3 19-001 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Linear Module 3000 1 F SIDE LOADS NOT ALLOWED Application High speed linear actuator up to 3M/ sec. with travel up to 5500mm. Durable, precise, low maintenance, low cost, flexible, expandable and readily available. Notes: Specify length of travel when ordering. For motor mounting dimensions, see Reversing Unit 40, page 159. Proximity switches can be used (order separately). Adapter shaft and universal adapter flange can be used for motor mounting (order separately). Linear Module 3000 uses hi-flex timing belt 25T10. Description Linear Module 3000 173 Unit 1 unit Part # 32-300 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 3 3 4 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Profile Slide Block 800-333-4932 Profile Slide Blocks are a versatile, cost efficient concept to build a multitude of adjustable slides and movable rail systems with 40mm and 80mm wide profiles. Delrin slide pads engage directly into the T-slots. Shims provide adjustment for a variety of assembly tolerances. Slide blocks designed for a IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS The slide blocks attach to any surface with M8 button head screws. The block slides along a profile when the profile is stationary, or a profile slides in the block, when the block is mounted. Clamping mechanism can be added to lock slide block in place. compression load - do not hang a load from the pad. 1 30-410 3 3 30-420 Application Bearing block for slides and movable rail applications requiring very cost efficient construction. This block can be used on the 40 or 80mm side of 40 series Standard or Heavy profiles. 4 Technical Data Al, anodized Includes: M5x12 BHCS Slide pad: Delrin; max. continuous surface temperature in air 185ºF (85ºC) Shim: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) .005" thick, four per block Safe load: 30-410 30-420 30-810 30-820 5 30-810 30-820 Description Slide Block 40, 80mm long Slide Block 40, 160mm long Slide Block 80, 80mm long Slide Block 80, 160mm long Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc = = = = 1,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 N N N N Weight .31 kg .62 kg .38 kg .76 kg (225 (450 (450 (900 lbs) lbs) lbs) lbs) Part # 30-410 30-420 30-810 30-820 Slide Profile 40 cut off max. 6M 3.46 kg/m Saw cut necessary for cut to length 13-410 19-001 Slide Profile 80 cut off max. 6M 4.19 kg/m Saw cut necessary for cut to length 13-810 19-002 Sold under License from 80/20, Inc., Pat. No. 5,429,438 174 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Single Flange Slide Block 30-430 Application Used with 40x40 profiles for low cost linear applications where one side is not available for mounting. Delrin slide pads engage directly into the profile T-slots. 30-440 Description Slide Block, Single Flange A Slide Block, Single Flange B Slide Block, Single Flange C 30-450 Technical Data Al, anodized Includes M5x12 BHCS Slide pad: Delrin; max. continuous surface temperature on air 185ºF (85ºC) Shim: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) .005" thick, four per block Safe load - 1,000 N (225 lbs) Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 0.31 kg 0.37 kg 0.42 kg Slide Profile 40 SF cut off max. 6M 3.32 kg/m Saw cut necessary for cut to length Part # 30-430 30-440 30-450 13-430 19-001 1 3 3 Sold under License from 80/20, Inc., Pat. No. 5,429,438 Slide Pad and Shim 30-412 Application Technical Data Replacement parts for Profile Slide Blocks. Slide pad can also be attached to a profile to serve as a guide in sliding door applications. Pad: Delrin; max. continuous surface temperature in air 185ºF (85ºC) Shim: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) .005" thick Description Slide Pad 80 Slide Pad 160 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Shim 80 Shim 160 pkg of 4 pkg of 4 Part # 30-412 30-812 30-412Z2 30-812Z2 30-812 175 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 5 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Slide Bushing Linear System 14 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Delrin glide bushings provide a low cost accurate slide system, running on 14mm hardened and precision ground shafts, to be used for various applications like pick & place units, X-Y tables or pushers. Can be equipped with pneumatic cylinder or electric motor and ball screw. Hard chromed shaft (13-513) for humid environment is also available. 1 3 3 Applications 4 5 1 Horizontal application of Slide Bushing Linear 80x40-14 2 Horizontal application of Slide Bushing Linear 160x40-14 3 Vertical guide with stationary shafts and moving carriage. 4 Vertical guide with stationary carriage and moving shafts. 1 2 3 4 Ask for custom pillow blocks and carriages. 176 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Slide Bushing Linear 80x40-14 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Complete slide linear 14 made of 80x40 heavy profile with variable carriage and stroke lengths (please indicate when ordering). The slightly shorter shaft length allows for small overall length adjustment during installation. Technical Data Slide set machined and pre-assembled. Max. slide length L = 2000mm. Shaft length R = 80 + S + C L = Slide Length (including ends caps) C = Carriage Length (including 2 end caps) S = Stroke For proper function Carriages and Pillow Blocks must be ordered as a set. 1 Set includes: 2x Carriage 80x40-14, custom Length C 4x Pillow Block 80x40-14 2x Linear Shaft 14 (13-514) 4x Slide Bushing 14 (30-609) 4x End Cap 80x40 (18-814) 4x Set Screw M6 x 10 (24-510-6C) 4x Pillow Block Cap 80x40-14 (30-607-1) 4x Set Screw M8 x 19 (24-519-8D) 4x Carriage Cap 80x40-14 (30-607-2) Description Slide Bushing Linear 80x40-14 Unit 1 set Part # 30-601 * *Specify Carriage Length (C) and Stroke (S) when ordering Slide Bushing Linear 160x40-14 Application Complete slide linear 14 made of 160x40 heavy profile with variable carriage and stroke lengths (please indicate when ordering). The slightly shorter shaft length allows for small overall length adjustment during installation. 4 Technical Data Slide set machined and pre-assembled Max. Slide Length L = 2000mm. Shaft length R = 80 + S + C L = Slide Length (including end caps) C = Carriage Length (including 2 end caps) S = Stroke For proper function Carriage and Pillow Blocks must be ordered as a set. 5 Set includes: 1x Carriage 160x40-14, custom length C 2x Pillow Block 160x40-14 2x Linear Shaft 14 (13-514) 4x Slide Bushing 14 (30-609) 2x End Cap 160x40 (18-817) 4x Set Screw M6 x 10 (24-510-6C) 2x Pillow Block Cap 160x40-14 (30-607-3) 4x Set Screw M8 x 19 (24-519-8D) 2x Carriage Cap 160x40-14 (30-607-4) Description Slide Bushing Linear 160x40-14 Unit 1 set Part # 30-602 * *Specify Carriage Length (C) and Stroke (S) when ordering 177 3 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 Slide Bushing 14 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Maintenance free bushing ready for assembly in 80x40 heavy or 160x40 heavy profile. Technical Data Delrin, black For harsh environments lubricating is recommended Load 200 N per bushing at 0.5 m/s Description Slide Bushing 14 1 Unit 1 pc Carriage Cap Application Covering for profile end of Carriage 80x40-14 or 160x40-14. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black 30-607-2 3 3 Description Carriage Cap 80x40-14 Carriage Cap 160x40-14 30-607-4 4 Part # 30-609 Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight 14 g 26 g Part # 30-607-2 30-607-4 Pillow Block Cap Application Covering for profile end of Pillow Block 80x40-14 or 160x40-14. Technical Data Glass-filled nylon, black 5 18-814 30-607-1 Description Pillow Block Cap 80x40-14 Pillow Block Cap 160x40-14 End Cap 80x40 End Cap 160x40 18-817 Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight 14 g 26 g 15 g 28 g Part # 30-607-1 30-607-3 18-814 18-817 30-607-3 178 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Linear Rail and Conveyor Profile Bearing Unit Profiles Application For mounting IPS track rollers forming custom bearing units for 6, 10, 14 and 25 mm linear shafts. 13-406 Notes: All T-slots are 40 series, except 28 T-slots on side of 13-010 and 13-011. Profiles 13-010 and 13-011 available in mill finish. Anodizing on request. Profile 13-025 is available in 100 and 300 mm lengths. 1 Technical Data Al, clear anodized Part # 13-010 13-406 13-010 13-011 13-014 13-025 13-011 IX IY [cm4] [cm4] 24.59 4.57 83.72 159.11 161.14 1131.00 48.78 28.52 548.24 370.46 WX [cm3] 8.25 28.30 53.40 16.26 92.61 Description Roller Profile 6 WY [cm3] 2.15 39.80 141.40 8.15 81.74 Unit cut off max. 6M Saw cut necessary for cut to length Roller Profile 10/14 HD, Single Roller Profile 10/14 HD, Double 13-014 Roller Profile 14 Weight [kg/m] 2.09 7.25 13.06 4.32 11.98 Part # 13-406 3 3 19-001 custom custom 13-010 13-011 cut off max. 6M 13-014 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Roller Profile 25, 100 mm long Roller Profile 25, 300 mm long Section [cm2] 7.73 26.85 48.35 16.02 44.36 4 19-001 1 pc 1 pc 900.32Z1 900.33Z1 5 13-025 179 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Profile 80x40 Rail Transport Application Overhead or inverted transport rail. Used for Linear Module 3000 and Rail Cart 8 and 4 Roller for sliding door applications. 1 Part # IX [cm4] 14-248 99.31 IY [cm4] WX [cm3] Technical Data Al, clear anodized WY [cm3] Section [cm2] Weight [kg/m] 15.17 4.19 24.25 Description Profile 80x40 Rail Transport Unit cut off max. 6M Part # 14-248 1 pc 19-001 18-814 Saw cut necessary for cut to length End Cap 80x40 Linear Profiles Wear Guide [13-220Z1] 3 3 13-220 Application Mounting structures for Linear applications or general engineering with heavy loads or wide spans. Part # 4 13-220 13-230 11-191 13-230 IX [cm4] 127.0 373.0 697.5 IY [cm4] 189.0 1449.0 2209 WX [cm3] 26.6 62.9 101.4 Description Linear Module Profile 80 Technical Data 13-220 and 13-230: Al, clear anodized 11-191: Al, mill finish (anodizing on request) Wear Guide: Polyeurethane, black WY [cm3] 47.2 190.0 265.2 Section [cm2] 24.6 49.7 73.65 Unit cut off max. of 3M Saw cut necessary for cut to length 5 LDPE Wear Guide for 13-220 Linear Module Profile 150 Conveyor Rail Profile Saw cut necessary for cut to length Weight [kg/m] 6.63 13.40 19.9 Part # 13-220 19-002 per meter cut off max. of 3M cut off max. of 4M 13-220Z1 13-230 11-191 19-003 11-191 180 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 54x80 Conveyor Profile 14-450 14-454 IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Conveyor systems for large circuit boards, chassis or pallet fixture assemblies. For use with IPS Roller Chain 14-454. Use IPS 50x80 and 50x50 profiles for construction of support frame. NOTE: Order all Wear Strips and Wear Guides separately. We recommend securing ends with a dowel pin or an end plate. Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight = 4.24 kg/m Wear Strips: UHMW, antistatic black Chain: St, ANSI No. 40 w/ extended pins at double pitch Rollers: Delrin, anti-static black Bushings: Brass 1 Description 54x80 Chain Conveyor Profile Saw cut necessary for cut to length Unit cut off max. 6M Part # 14-450 19-001 Wear Strip for 14-450 (1 req.) Wear Guide for 14-450 (3 req.) Roller Chain w/ Outboard Rollers Pin for Roller Chain 14-454 cut off max. 6M cut off max. 6M per meter 1 pc 14-452 14-453 14-454 14-454Z7 3 3 14-452 14-453 50x95 Chain Conveyor Profile 4 Table-top Chain #LF1843-K1¼ can be ordered directly from your local Rexnord vendor. Application Table-top conveyor transport rail to accommodate Rexnord table-top side-flexing chain #LF1843-K1¼. Use IPS 50x80 and 50x50 profiles for construction of supporting frame. 14-150 14-152 Technical Data 5 Al, clear anodized Weight = 5.0 kg/m Wear strip: Tivar 1000, anti-static black NOTE: Order Wear Strips separately. We recommend securing ends with a dowel pin or an end plate. Description 50x95 Chain Conveyor Profile Saw cut necessary for cut to length Unit cut off max. 6M Part # 14-150 19-001 Wear Strip for 14-150 cut off max. 6M 14-152 181 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications Belt Conveyor Profile IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Application Profile for belt conveyor tracks. Groove to accomodate steel wear strip for Timing Belt 25T5, Rim guides the pallets. T-slots can be used to mount switches, stops or other structures to the conveyor system. Description Belt Conveyor Profile Saw cut necessary for cut to length 1 Conveyor Belt Guide Technical Data Al, clear anodized Weight = 4.7 kg/m Unit cut off max. 6M Part # 14-160 19-001 Unit cut off max. 3M Part # 14-348 19-001 Application To guide conveyor belts. Can be attached to any 40 Series profiles with flat head screws and T-slot nuts. Technical Data UHMW: antistatic black 3 3 Description Conveyor Belt Guide Saw cut necessary for cut to length Roller Track Application Economical track for flow rack system. Usually use two tracks per runway but three of four may be used with heavy or wide loads. Can be attached to 40, 30 or 28 Series profiles. 4 Technical Data Channel: rolled steel, galvanized (0.028”) Roller: PE, white Load: 22 N (5 lbs) per roller 5 Description Unit Roller Track per meter, max. 3M Saw cut necessary for cut to length 182 Part # 14-100 19-007 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Slide Profile 13-410 Application Profiles for making custom slide blocks using slide pads. (see pages 162, 163) 1 Technical Data Al, anodized 13-810 Description Slide Profile 40 Saw cut necessary for cut to length Unit Weight cut off max. 6M 3.46 kg/m Part # 13-410 19-001 Slide Profile 40 SF Saw cut necessary for cut to length cut off max. 6M 3.32 kg/m 13-430 19-001 Slide Profile 80 Saw cut necessary for cut to lenght cut off max. 6M 4.19 kg/m 13-810 19-002 3 3 13-430 4 5 183 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 IPS Catalog 1816 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 800-333-4932 These 28 mm double flange units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within T-slots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 1 30-2801 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-2801 30-2808 Part No. 30-2801 30-2808 A 80 (3.15) 80 (3.15) B 50 (1.97) 103 (4.06) C 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 11 (.433) 9.5 (.374) E 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) F 32 (1.260) 32 (1.260) G 64 (2.519) 64 (2.519) H 39.5 (1.56) 39.5 (1.56) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 16.75 (.659) 16.75 (.659) M 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) N 9.25 (.364) 9.25 (.364) P* 1.1 (.043) 1.1 (.043) R 26.9 (1.058) 26.9 (1.058) * Add 28mm (1.102") when using 12-248 extrusion. 30-2808 4 E H E E C D K L N M A G 5 F P R B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 184 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS These 56 mm double flange units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within T-slots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical, or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 30-5601 1 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-5601 30-5608 Part No. 30-5601 30-5608 A 108 (4.25) 108 (4.25) B 50 (1.97) 103 (4.06) C 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 8xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 11 (.433) 11 (.433) E 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) F 46 (1.811) 46 (1.811) G 92 (3.662) 92 (3.662) H 39.5 (1.56) 39.5 (1.56) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 16.75 (.659) 16.75 (.659) M 56 (2.204) 56 (2.204) N 9.25 (.364) 9.25 (.364) P* 1.125 (.049) 1.125 (.049) R 26.75 (1.053) 26.75 (1.053) * Add 28mm (1.102") when using 10-056 extrusion. 30-5608 E H E D K E C L 4 G M A F N P R B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 185 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 IPS Catalog 1816 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 800-333-4932 These 40 mm double flange units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within T-slots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 1 30-4001 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-4001 30-4008 Part No. 30-4001 30-4008 A 96 (3.78) 96 (3.78) B 80 (3.15) 163 (6.42) C 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 8xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 20 (.787) 20 (.787) E 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) F 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) G 80 (3.15) 80 (3.15) H 50 (1.97) 50 (1.97) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 16 (.63) 16 (.63) M 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) N 12 (.472) 12 (.472) P* 4 (.157) 4 (.157) R 34 (1.34) 34 (1.34) * Add 40mm (1.575") when using 10-080, 10-680, 11-080 extrusion. 30-4008 H E K 4 E D E C L G M A F N P R B 5 Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 186 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS These 80 mm double flange units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within T-slots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical, or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 30-8001 1 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-8001 30-8008 Part No. 30-8001 30-8008 A 136 (5.35) 136 (5.35) B 80 (3.15) 163 (3.15) C 4xØ8.8 (Ø.328) 8xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 20 (.787) 20 (.787) E 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) F 60 (2.362) 60 (2.362) G 120 (4.724) 120 (4.724) H 50 (1.97) 50 (1.97) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 16 (.63) 16 (.63) M 80 (3.15) 80 (3.15) N 12 (.46) 12 (.46) P* 3.7 (.145) 3.7 (.145) R 34 (1.339) 34 (1.339) * Add 40mm (1.575") when using 10-088, 11-088 extrusions. 30-8008 E L H E C D K M E G A F N P R B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 187 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 IPS Catalog 1816 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 800-333-4932 These 28 mm single flange, side mount units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within T-slots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 1 30-2821 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-2821 30-2828 Part No. 30-2821 30-2828 A 54 (2.13) 54 (2.13) B 50 (1.97) 103 (4.06) C 2xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 11 (.433) 9.5 (.374) E 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) F 10 (.394) 10 (.394) G 18 (.79) 18 (.79) H 49.5 (1.95) 49.5 (1.95) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 41 (1.62) 41 (1.62) M 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) N 11.9 (.47) 11.9 (.47) P* 1.2 (.046) 1.2 (.046) R 26.3 (1.034) 26.3 (1.034) * Add 28mm (1.102") when using 12-428 extrusion. 30-2828 E K 4 R E D H E C G F L A P M N B 5 Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 188 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS These 28 mm single flange, easy-mount units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within Tslots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical, or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 30-2822 1 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-2822 30-2829 Part No. 30-2822 30-2829 A 54 (2.13) 54 (2.13) B C 90 4xØ8.3 (3.54) (Ø.328) 143 4xØ8.3 (5.630) (Ø.328) D 10 (.394) 10 (.394) E 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) F 13.2 (.521) 13.2 (.521) G 20 (.787) 20 (.787) H 49.5 (1.97) 49.5 (1.97) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) M 28 (1.102) 28 (1.102) N 12 (.47) 12 (.47) P* 11.9 (.048) 11.9 (.048) R 26.3 (1.034) 26.3 (1.034) L 18 (.71) 18 (.71) * Add 28mm (1.102") when using 12-428 extrusion. 30-2829 H K F R C D L A E N M P G B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 189 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 4 IPS Catalog 1816 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications These 40 mm single flange, side mount units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within Tslots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. See page 194 Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 1 30-4021 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads Part No. 30-4021 30-4028 Part No. 30-4021 30-4028 A 66 (2.60) 66 (2.60) B 80 (3.15) 163 (6.42) C 2xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 21.5 (.848) 21.5 (.848) E 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) F 10 (.394) 10 (.394) G 18 (.71) 18 (.71) H 66 (2.60) 66 (2.60) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 50 (1.97) 50 (1.97) M 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) N 14 (.551) 14 (.551) P* 4 (.157) 4 (.157) R 34 (1.339) 34 (1.339) * Add 40mm (1.575") when using 10-080, 10-680, 11-080 extrusion. 30-4028 H E R K 4 E D E C G F L A P M N B 5 Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 190 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Linear Applications IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS These 40 mm single flange, easy-mount units offer low cost linear guidance. They utilize glide pads oriented within Tslots. You make your own guidance device. You provide the power – pneumatic, electro-mechanical or manual. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit. Optional clamping mechanism can be added as required. Each clamp requires a machined hole. Refer to page 195 for details. 30-4022 Part No. 30-4022 30-4029 Part No. 30-4022 30-4029 30-4029 1 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW glide pads A 60 (2.60) 66 (2.13) B 120 (4.72) 203 (4.06) C 2xØ8.3 (Ø.328) 4xØ8.3 (Ø.328) D 10 (.394) 10 (.394) E 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) F 10 (.394) 10 (.394) G 20 (.79) 20 (.79) H 66 (2.60) 66 (2.60) K 8 (.315) 8 (.315) L 18 (.709) 18 (.709) M 40 (1.575) 40 (1.575) N 14 (.551) 14 (.551) P* 4 (.157) 4 (.157) R 34 (1.339) 34 (1.339) * Add 40mm (1.575") when using 10-080, 10-680, 11-080 extrusion. C K R H 4 F D L E N M A P G B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 191 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 IPS Catalog 1816 Linear Applications 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS High Cycle Glide Units These specially designed glide units are used in high cycle applications where rapid acceleration and deceleration takes place. High cycle glide utilizes a steel threaded insert to mount the pad to the glide unit. Shims are available to provide a more precise fit.(30-2805) Available for 40 and 80 series only. 1 Material: Aluminum, Clear Anodized UHMW Glide Pads Part No. 30-4001-HC 30-4008-HC 30-4021-HC 30-4022-HC 30-4028-HC 30-4029-HC 30-8001-HC 30-8008-HC Style Top Mount, Single Top Mount, Double Side Mount Flush, Single Side Mount Ext., Single Side Mount Flush, Double Side Mount Ext., Double Top Mount, Single Top Mount, Double Profile 40 x 40 40 x 40 40 x 40 40 x 40 40 x 40 40 x 40 40 x 80 40 x 80 Dimensions see 30-4001 see 30-4008 see 30-4021 see 30-4022 see 30-4028 see 30-4029 see 30-8001 see 30-8008 4 High Cycle Units Standard Glide Units 5 192 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Glide Pads Glide pads let you custom design a low friction guidance unit. Material: UHMW Part No. Description Profiles 30-2800-2 Pretapped 28/56 30-4000-2 Pretapped 40/80 30-4000-3 Untapped 40/80 1 C B E A D Part No. A B C D E 49.5 (1.95) 28 (1.102) M5 25 (.98) 3.9 (.153) 30-4000-2 80 (3.15) 40 (1.575) M5 32 (1.26) 5.3 (.207) 30-4000-3 300 (11.81) NA NA 32 (1.26) 5.3 (.207) 30-2800-2 4 Shims for Extrusion Profiles Shims provide a more precise fit for ParGlide. Five shims are supplied in each package. Material: Steel 30-2805 for 28mm Profiles 30-4005 for 40mm Profiles 79.5 (3.13) 48.5 (1.91) 8 (.31) 23.9 (.94) 39.4 (1.55) 8 (.31) 31.8 (1.25) 0.13 (0.005) 59.7 (2.35) Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 193 0.13 (0.005) Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 IPS Catalog 1816 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS These clamp accessories provide positioning and adjustment for glide units. Machining Service: Glide extrusions and pads can be drilled to accept clamp accessories. See page 195. 1 Part No. 30-0001 30-0003 30-0011 30-0013 30-0015 Part No. 30-0001 30-0011 4 Part No. 30-0003 30-0013 Description Ratcheting L-handle Wing Nut Ratcheting L-handle Wing nut Star handle A 45 (1.77) 63 (2.48) B 26 (1.02) 32.8 (1.29) A 32 (1.26) 38 (1.50) B 17.75 (.69) 20.5 (.81) Profile 28 & 56 28 & 56 40 & 80 40 & 80 40 & 80 B A B A 5 Part No. 30-0015 A 40 (1.57) B 26.7 (1.05) A B Note: All dimensions in mm (in) 194 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Linear Applications INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Ordering Examples: Glide guides may be pre-drilled for mounting of the clamp. If drilling is desired, specify the machining service number and give the location of the hole(s) to be drilled according to the drawings below. Guide drilled for one clamp (note the description added to the guide part number): 30-2822 w/19-128 @ LU Profiles 28 & 56 40 & 80 Hole Size ∅.250" ∅.323" Multiple clamps may be mounted on a guide unit. Each clamp requires a hole to be drilled. Note the description and the number of holes is added to the guide part number and description. Machining Service No. 19-128 19-140 Guide drilled for two clamps: 30-4008 w/19-140 @ LG and LL 1 Guide drilled for three clamps: 30-8008 w/19-140 @ LP, LT and LM LD LE LA LB LJ LK LF LG LH LC LL 30-2821 30-4021 30-2828 30-4028 LI 30-2801 30-4001 30-2808 30-4008 4 LQ LR LS LM LN LO LT LX LY LP LU 30-5601 30-8001 LV 30-5608 30-8008 LZ LW 30-2822 30-4022 30-2829 30-4029 195 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Service and Tools INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Services and Tools Design Software 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ProfileCAD 2000 is easily installed on a PC platform running AutoCAD Rel 14 or 2000 Main menu for selection of components for model design One of the sub menus of ProfileCAD 2000 showing a selection of profiles available Pull down menu highlighting bill of materials command for accurate automatic BOM ProfileCAD 2000 software consists of a library of profiles and accessories to assist engineers in creating 3D designs for any IPS construction system application. Created for use in AutoCAD R14 and 2000 environments, ProfileCAD 2000 provides for direct insertion of profiles and components, thus saving valuable engineering time. Proven for 10 years in thousands of applications, previously named ItemCAD. ProfileCAD 2000 features: 5 · · · · · · Menu driven user-friendly interface. 3D design made easy; specify insertion point, length of profile and orientation. Extrusions and accessories (3D surfaces or 3D solids) ”snap” into place and are easy to manipulate. Configurator for screens and panels. Bill of material created with a keystroke. Metric and English units of measure. System Requirements 486 Processor or better, AutoCAD Rel 14 or 2000, 30 MB of hard drive space. (Does not support AutoCAD LT) ProfileCAD 2000 software is available on IPS CD and can also be downloaded free from the internet www.industrialprofile.com 196 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools Endviews Library DWG and DXF Formats 800-333-4932 Application Complete library of our profile cross sections in DXF format for import into any CAD software. Choice of Metric or English scales allow for any type of drawing situation. 2D Profiles & Parts Library has orthographic views of most IPS parts and endviews of profiles in DWG format for AutoCAD R12 or higher. IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data Drawing files require AutoCAD R12 or higher Endviews Library is available on IPS CD and can also be downloaded free from www.industrialprofile.com Cut Sheet Library Application Individual cut sheets for our profiles for use in manufacturing and machining. These files are in DWG format for AutoCAD R12 or higher. Technical Data 3 1/2" Disk Drawing files require AutoCAD R12 or higher Cut Sheet Library is available on IPS CD and can also be downloaded free from www.industrialprofile.com 5 197 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 IPS 800-333-4932 Service and Tools INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Deflection Calculation Application Stand-alone program allows to calculate deflection and stress of IPS aluminum profiles based on profile selection, length and load (evenly distributed and/or concentrated at the critical point). Three cases for the profile attachment are calculated: supported at both ends, fixed at one end, fixed at both ends. Metric or English units of measure can be used to enter profile length and load. Calculated deflection given in both millimeters and 2 inches. Stress values are given in both N/mm and psi. System requirements: Windows 9x, Windows NT 3.0 or higher, 133MHz, 16MB RAM. Deflection Program can be downloaded free from www.industrialprofile.com Formulas for calculating deflection at critical points Supported at both ends Fixed at one end F Total Load F 5 In the formulas: ƒ= deflection in mm F= load in N L= free profile length in mm E= Modulus of Elasticity in N/mm2 EAl= 70,000 N/mm2 I= Moment of inertia in cm4 Fixed at both ends F Total Load F F Total Load F Example Find the deflection for the following conditions: 80x40 Standard Profile (10-080), upright IX = 71.97 cm4 m = 3.18 kg/m L = 1000 mm F = 50 N - concentrated load No additional load other than profile weight Calculate Profile weight (uniform load) FU=m * L * g = (3.18 * 10-3) * 1000 * 9.81 = 31.2 N Total deflection ƒTOTAL= ƒCONCENTRATED + ƒUNIFORM Supported at both ends: ƒ = 0.021 + 0.008 ≈ 0.03mm Fixed at one end: ƒ = 0.331 + 0.077 ≈ 0.041mm Fixed at both ends: ƒ = 0.005 + 0.002 ≈ 0.01 mm 198 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Tool Cart 5 199 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Tool Cart X1 X2 Y1 Y2 d mm 80 5x120 80 3x120 45 Standard cart 760mm x 520mm x 1120mm (W x D x H) and hole pattern as shown in table. If custom dimensions are desired specify when ordering. 5 Application Tooling cart with inclined top panel for organizing various machine tools. Adjustable shelf for storing measuring tools and other equipment. Panels are made of a high strength composite material that is very resistant to scratches and solvents. Various panel colors are available. Hole sizes and patterns can be customized to fit users needs. Four casters (two with wheel brakes) allow easy maneuverability. Standard and custom designs are available - please call your nearest service center for more details. Cart built out of clear anodized aluminum profiles will be shipped in kit form. Black profiles are available upon request. The unique IPS fastening system provides for fast and easy assembly. If required tool cart can also be shipped completely assembled. Description Tool Cart 760x520x1120 Tool Cart, Custom 200 Unit 1 kit 1 kit Part # 60-001 60-001C Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools Working with the IPS System Cutting, Servicing and Assembly IPS 800-333-4932 • Cut profile to length INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS • Pillar Drilling Jig (PN 40-015) a. Use a high speed, carbide tooth cold-cut saw; no deburring or facing necessary. b. Or order cut to length by using part number labeled "cut off" • Tap extruded face hole and drill wrench clearance hole for standard fastener; drill step bore for universal fastener. a. Drill tooling and locating fixtures available from stock b. Drill press operation only; no machining, welding, finishing For locating the 20mm universal fasteners holes. This is a universal jig for all 40 series profiles (must be used on a drill press). • Pillar Drill (PN 40-023 or -024) Tooling (step drill) for providing 20mm Universal Fastener hole. • 6.8/7mm Drill (PN 40-018) Drill face hole for M8x1.25 Tap and drill access hole for Standard Fastener • M8x1.25 Tap (PN 40-016) • Small and/or Large Drilling Jigs For locating 7mm wrench clearance holes for the standard connection. The small jig (PN 40010) is optimal for profiles up to and including 40x40mm The large drilling jig (PN 40-011) is optimal for 80x40mm profiles and larger. Processing Services • Wrenches for assembly Description Saw cut up to 80x40mm size profiles Saw cut up to 80x80mm size profiles Saw cut, 160x28 thru 160x80 profiles Drill and Counter Bore for BHCS or SHCS Drill and Counter Sink for FHCS Saw cut for Linear Shafts Tap Profile End 5/16-18 Tap Profile End M8 Drill 7mm Access Hole Drill & Tap for M5, M6, M8 or M10 Drill & Tap for M3 or M4 Drill and Tap M12 or M16 (Knuckle Foot 80) Step Drill for Universal Fastener 40 or 28 Drill and Tap M8 (Knuckle Foot 40) Drill and Tap M10 (Knuckle Foot 40) Service for dowel (securing Linear Shaft) Drill 20mmx6mm for Pneu. Universal Fast. Drill 7mm Access Hole through 160mm side Panel Packaging for secure transport Drill thru panel up to 10mm for screws Chamfer Panel Corner Notch Panel Corner Special Service Cut Mill Square up to 80x40 Mill Square up to 80x80 Mill Square up to 160x80 Drill/Tap/Mill for Roller PA Special Miter Cut 45º Miter Cut Drill hole 0.25” for 28 & 56 profiles Drill hole 0.323” for 40 & 80 profiles 201 Ball Head Wrench (PN 40-013) T-Handle Wrench (PN 40-012) L-Wrench (PN 40-014) Allen Key Set (PN 40-009) Unit per cut per cut per cut each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each 1 package each each each each per end per end per end each per cut per cut each each Part # 19-001 19-002 19-003 19-004 19-006 19-007 19-009 19-010 19-011 19-012 19-013 19-014 19-015 19-016 19-017 19-019 19-020 19-025 19-026 19-027 19-029 19-030 19-031 19-100 19-101 19-102 19-103 19-104 19-105 19-128 19-140 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 5 Catalog 1816 Drilling Jigs Std. Connection IPS 800-333-4932 Service and Tools Application For precise location of 7mm access hole for standard connections. INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data Al, anodized Ground and hardened drill bushings with locations 28, 30 and 40mm between access holes. Clamping "T" bolt for firm attachment. 40-027 Description Drilling Jig 40, Std. Connection Drilling Jig 80, Std. Connection Drilling Jig 28, Std. Connection Drilling Jig 30, Std. Connection Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight .19 kg .36 kg .12 kg Part # 40-010 40-011 40-027 40-030 40-030 40-011 40-010 Drilling Jig Universal Connection 5 Application For precise location of 20mm dia. step bore for the universal connection, and the 7mm access hole for the standard connection on a drill press. Description Drilling Jig 40, Univ. Connection 202 Technical Data Plastic base plate Al, anodized stop block Zn cast, black hinge Unit 1 pc Weight 2.35 kg Part # 40-015 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools Drilling Jig Clamp Profile 40x40 800-333-4932 Application For precise location clearance hole and counter bore for M8 or 5/16-18” BHCS or SHCS on Clamp Profile 40x40. Description Drilling Jig, Clamp Profile 40x40 Step Drill 7x20 Univ. Connection Application Used for drilling 20 mm diameter step bore for universal or butt fastener with 40, 30 or 28 series profiles. Description Step Drill 7x20, #2 Morse Taper Step Drill 7x20 with 3 Flats IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data Al, anodized Drill bushing hardened and polished. Includes depth limit for step drill (40-025). Unit 1 pc Weight .49 kg Part # 40-026 Technical Data High performance, high speed steel, nitrated. #2 Morse Taper or 0.5” dia. with three flats. Unit 1 pc 1 pc Weight .26 kg .19 kg Part # 40-023 40-024 40-023 40-024 5 Step Drill 9x15 Application Used for drilling and counter boring profile for M8 or 5/16-18” BHCS or SHCS. Description Step Drill 9x15 Technical Data High performance, high speed steel, nitrated. Straight shank. Unit 1 pc 203 Weight .15 kg Part # 40-025 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools 6.8mm Drill Bit Application Tap drill size for M8x1.25 and drill size for standard fastener access hole. Description 6.8mm Drill Bit M8x1.25 Tap Application Tooling to provide M8 tap in profile face holes for standard fastening set. Technical Data 6.8mm drill, right hand, jobbers length High speed steel Application For tightening of standard and universal connections. Description Wrench with Ball-Head Part # 40-018 Weight 25 g Part # 40-016 Technical Data Chrome vanadium steel, nickel plated Acetate handle 5mm for hexagon socket screws Unit 1 pc Application For tightening of standard and universal connections. Weight 20 g Technical Data M8x1.25 tap, right hand High speed steel Unit 1 pc Description Wrench with T-Handle Ball-Headed Wrench INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Unit 1 pc Description M8x1.25 Tap T-Handle Wrench IPS 800-333-4932 Weight .26 kg Part # 40-012 Technical Data Chrome vanadium steel, nickel plated Plastic handle 5mm for hexagon socket screws Unit 1 pc Weight 50 g Part # 40-013 5 L-Handle Wrench Application For final tightening of standard and universal connections. Description L-Wrench Technical Data Chrome vanadium steel, nickel plated 5mm for hexagon socket screws Unit 1 pc 204 Weight 35 g Part # 40-014 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools Allen Key Set 800-333-4932 Application For final tightening of standard and selftapping fasteners. Description Allen Key Set (metric sizes) Spanner Wrenches 40-029 Application Designed for tightening spanner nuts on linear guide systems 10, 14 and 25. Description Adj. Spanner Wrench for Linear 10/14 Pin Socket Wrench Spanner Wrench for Linear 10/14 Spanner Wrench for Linear 25 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data High strength 8650 steel Unit 1 pc Weight .19 kg Part # 40-009 Technical Data St, black or brown finish tempered with spot welded pins 40-029: Al, black anodized Steel pins Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc Weight .11 kg .08 kg .04 kg .10 kg Part # 40-017 40-029 40-032-14 40-032-25 40-017 40-032-14 40-032-25 5 Scissors Application Cuts aluminum cover profile and various other materials. Description Scissors Technical Data Blades- Molybdenum steel Handles- Alloy steel Vinyl grips Unit 1 pc 205 Weight .38 kg Part # 40-019 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Service and Tools Mitre Saw IPS 800-333-4932 Application Accurately cuts aluminum, wood and plastic at any miter angle (max. 57° right or left). Safety features include spindle lock, double insulation and electric brake. Saw blade for wood and one Vise Assembly included with the saw. Saw blade for aluminum (40-101) and second Vise Assembly (40-102) must be ordered separately. Saw table and pneumatic components can be added upon request. Description 15" Mitre Saw 15" Carbide Tipped Blade (for Al.) Vise Assembly INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Data Blade diameter = 15" Blade Bore dia. = 1" Max. output = 2.7 HP No-Load speed = 3,400 RPM Positive stops = 0º, 15º, 22.5º, 30º & 45º, R & L Unit 1 pc 1 pc 1 set Weight 25 kg 2.12 kg 2.03 kg Part # 40-100 40-101 40-102 Cut-to-Length Conveyor 5 Variety of applications include in-and-out conveyors for many industrial saws and drill presses as well as inspection lines. Digital readout and IPS roller system provide accurate measurements (up to ±0.05mm/0.002”). Pneumatic clamping and support components can be added to increase efficiency. A motorized cut off stop can be installed onto conveyor to provide fast and accurate positioning (up to ±0.05mm). Conveyor can also be used as a programmable pusher and built to required specifications. 206 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Technical Conversion Tables Metric and English Equivalents Material Abbreviations Linear 1m 1 cm 1 mm 1 ft 1 in = 3.2808 ft = 39.37 in = 0.3937 in = 0.03937 in = 0.3048 m = 304.8 mm = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm Mass 1 kg 1 lb = 2.2046 lb = 0.4536 kg Area 1 m2 1 ft2 = 10.764 ft2 = 0.0929 m2 Force 1N = 0.2248 lb force 1 lb force = 4.448 N Weight per Unit 1 kg/m = 0.6720 lb/ft 1 kg/m2 = 0.2048 lb/ft2 1 lb/ft = 1.488 kg/m 1 lb/ft2 = 4.883 kg/m2 Moment, Torque 1 N·m = 0.7375 ft·lb 1 N·m = 8.850 in·lb 1 ft·lb = 1.356 N·m 1 in·lb = 0.1130 N·m Pressure 1 N/mm2 = 145 lb/in2 1 lb/in2 = 0.006895 N/mm2 Temperature ºC = 5/9 (ºF-32) ºF = 9/5 (ºC)+32 Al Zn St SS GD-Zn PM PA-GF PET POM Aluminum Zinc Steel Stainless Steel Zinc, die cast Powder Metal Polyamide, glass filled Polyethylene Terephthalate Polyoxymethylen 207 6 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index Index By Part # 6 800.15 800.17 10-011 10-016 10-016B 10-036 10-040 10-040B 10-041 10-042 10-043 10-044 10-044B 10-045 10-056 10-060 10-080 10-080B 10-081 10-083 10-085 10-086 10-088 10-088B 10-089 10-120 10-122 10-140 10-140B 10-160 10-161 10-164 10-180 10-180B 10-240 10-240B 10-340 10-440 10-540 10-540B 10-550 10-580 10-680 11-040 11-044 11-044B 11-056 11-080 11-084 11-088 11-089 106 119 35 21 21 27 18 18 35 35 19 20 20 20 33 20 22 22 21 20 20 20 25 25 20 23 25 19 19 26 21 23 22 22 19 19 19 19 18 18 27 27 22 18 20 20 27 22 24 25 25 800-333-4932 11-100 11-120 11-122 11-124 11-128 11-140 11-160 11-191 11-540 12-010 12-011 12-012 12-013 12-014 12-015 12-016B 12-016G 12-018 12-020 12-022 12-023 12-028 12-028B 12-030 12-031 12-032 12-033 12-034 12-040 12-043 12-044 12-060 12-066 12-081 12-101 12-101B 12-101Y 12-102 12-102B 12-103 12-103B 12-103Y 12-104 12-104B 12-105 12-106M 12-107M 12-108 12-109M 12-110M 12-111B 12-111BL 12-112 12-114 12-115 24 23 25 24 24 23 26 180 18 40 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 34 38 36 31 31 30 36 37 30 30 34 33 31 30 30 34 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 42 44 44 36 41 41 45 45 44 44 45 12-115B 12-116B 12-120 12-124 12-125 12-126 12-128 12-128B 12-228 12-228B 12-328 12-328B 12-400 12-410 12-420 12-421 12-428 12-428B 12-430 12-528 12-528B 12-628 12-628B 12-728 12-728B 12-828 13-010 13-011 13-014 13-106 13-110 13-114 13-125 13-220 13-220Z1 13-230 13-406 13-410 13-430 13-505 13-506 13-510 13-513 13-514 13-524 13-525 13-566 13-700 13-810 14-040 14-045 14-046 14-090 14-100 14-150 208 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 45 45 34 34 34 34 31 31 31 31 31 31 43 43 43 38 32 32 43 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 179 179 179 153 155 157 161 180 180 180 179 183 183 153 153 155 157 157 161 161 171 172 183 28, 140 28, 140 28, 140 28, 140 182 181 14-152 14-160 14-248 14-348 14-450 14-452 14-453 14-454 14-454Z7 15-040 15-041 15-042 15-046 15-080 15-081 15-082 15-083 15-085 15-086 15-120 15-121 15-122 15-160 15-161 15-162 15-803 15-804 15-805 15-806 15-807 15-808 15-809 15-810 15-811 15-812 15-813 17-015 17-020 17-021 17-023 17-024 17-042 17-046 17-048 17-050 17-052 17-056 17-058 17-101 17-102 17-103 17-104 17-111B 17-112 17-113 181 182 180 182 181 181 181 181 181 51 52 53 51 51 52 53 52 53 51 51 52 53 51 52 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 141 141 141 142 142 143 143 143 145 143 143 143 144 144 144 144 45 113, 147 111,147 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index (cont’d) 17-124 17-130-12 17-201 17-325 17-425-8 17-430-8 17-813 17-814 17-815 18-710 18-711 18-712 18-802 18-803 18-804 18-805 18-806 18-808 18-809 18-810 18-811 18-812 18-813 18-814 18-815 18-816 18-817 18-818 18-820 18-821 18-822 18-823 18-824 18-825 18-826 18-827 18-829 18-830 18-831 18-832 18-833 18-834 18-835 18-836 18-840 18-841 18-843 18-844 18-845 18-860 18-863 18-866 18-913 18-914 84 142 147 145 143 143 28, 140 28, 140 28, 140 28, 140 71 71 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 75 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 46 46 46 46 46 46 70 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 800-333-4932 18-915 18-919 19-001 19-002 19-003 19-004 19-006 19-007 19-009 19-010 19-011 19-012 19-013 19-014 19-015 19-016 19-017 19-019 19-020 19-021 19-025 19-026 19-027 19-029 19-030 19-031 19-100 19-101 19-102 19-103 19-104 19-105 20-002 20-002SS 20-003 20-003SS 20-004 20-004Z1 20-005 20-005Z1 20-006 20-007 20-008 20-009 20-011 20-012 20-013 20-014 20-015 20-017 20-018-1 20-018-2 20-018-4 20-019 20-020 46 46 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 153 59 72 59 60 89 58 60 61 76 76 76 61 67 209 20-021 20-022 20-023 20-024 20-024Z1 20-027 20-028 20-028Z1 20-029 20-030 20-032 20-033 20-034 20-035 20-036 20-037 20-038 20-040 20-044 20-045 20-049 20-050 20-051 20-052 20-055 20-056 20-056SS 20-057 20-058 20-058SS 20-059 20-060 20-0614 20-062 20-063 20-066 20-068 20-070 20-075 20-076 20-080 20-081 20-081SS 20-082 20-082SS 20-083 20-084 20-085 20-090 20-090SS 20-091 20-092 20-093 20-093SS 20-101 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 58 62 167 62 62 100 58 58 71 155 67 66 66 66 66 66 66 59 63 63 64 64 58 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 67 64 64 67 64 63 63 67 41 41 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 74 20-102 20-102Z4 20-103 20-104 20-105 20-106 20-108 20-109 20-110 20-111 20-112 20-113 20-114 20-115 20-116 20-117 20-118 20-127 20-128 20-128Z1 20-129 20-132 20-172 20-181 20-182 20-190 20-193 21-001 21-001-30 21-002 21-003 21-004 21-005 21-006 21-007 21-008 21-009 21-010 21-011 21-012 21-013 21-014 21-016 21-018 21-020 21-021 21-022 21-023 21-024 21-025 21-026 21-027 21-028 21-029-8 21-030 74 42 74 73 73 73 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 62 62 62 166 37 65 65 65 65 65 78 78 84 84 84 84 84 78 79 79 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 84 84 84 84 84 84 80 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 6 (cont’d) 21-031 21-032 21-033 21-034-10 21-035 21-036 21-037 21-038 21-039 21-040 21-041 21-042 21-043 21-044 21-045 21-046 21-049 21-050 21-055 21-056 21-057 21-057Z4 21-058 21-059 21-060-1 21-060-2 21-060-3 21-062-1 21-063 21-065 21-065z1 21-066 21-067 21-068 21-069 21-070 21-071 21-072 21-091 21-092 21-120 21-121 21-122 21-130 21-131 21-132 21-133 21-144 21-154 21-155 21-156 21-161 21-163 21-164 80 83 80 84 75 75 75 75 84 128 130 130 128 129 129 130 130 83 83 83 82 42 82 82 76 76 76 76 81 120 120 118 38 38 119 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 130 130 116 116 130 130 129 800-333-4932 21-165 22-032 22-090 22-091 22-100 22-102 22-102Z2 22-103 22-105 22-106 22-107 22-108 22-112 22-113 22-124 22-125 22-126 22-127 22-128 22-128Z2 22-128Z3 22-128Z4 22-129 22-130 22-131 22-132 22-134 22-135 22-136 22-137 22-139 22-140 22-141 22-143 22-145 22-146 22-147 22-148 22-150 22-151 22-152 22-201 22-202 22-204 22-206 22-208 22-210 22-212 22-215 22-218 22-222 23-001 23-002 23-003 23-004 129 37 112 112 110 112 112 111 109 109 111 109 113 113 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 132 132 133 134 134 134 74 72 72 73 73 70 114 114 70 70 70 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 121 114 107 102 23-005 23-006 23-007 23-008 23-009 23-010 23-010B 23-011 23-011B 23-012 23-013 23-013B 23-014 23-014B 23-015 23-015B 23-016 23-018 23-019 23-020 23-021 23-022 23-023 23-025 23-027 23-030 23-031 23-032Z1 23-033 23-034 23-035 23-036 23-037 23-043 23-043Z5 23-043Z6 23-045 23-046 23-047 23-047Z1 23-048 23-049 23-050 23-051 23-054 23-055 23-056 23-065 23-130 23-133 23-134 23-135 23-140Z1 23-140Z2 23-140Z3 210 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 107 107 107 106 107 97 97 95 95 102 97 97 97 97 97 97 93 89 89 89 90 90 90 94 90 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 101 101 101 106 100 106 106 121 106 121 100 117 116 106 118 105 104 104 104 105 105 105 23-140Z4 23-140Z5 23-140Z6 23-140Z7 23-142Z1 23-143 23-144 23-145 23-146 23-147 23-148 23-149 23-200 23-201 23-202 23-210 23-211 23-218 23-219 23-220 23-222 23-224 23-226 23-228 23-242 23-316 23-320 23-325 23-340 23-350 23-363 23-400 23-400Z1 23-440L 23-440R 23-530L 23-530R 23-535 23-535L 23-535R 23-545 23-545L 23-545R 24-1-XXX-YY 24-2-XXX-YY 24-3-XXX-YY 24-425-8 24-440-8 24-5XX-XX 24-719-6 24-719-8 24-7XX-XX 25-001 25-002 25-003 105 105 105 105 105 104 104 104 100 100 100 100 115 115 115 103 103 96 96 92 92 92 92 92 93 99 99 99 99 99 99 135 135 95 95 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 68 68 68 66 66 69 65 65 69 63 63 58 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index (cont’d) 25-004 25-1XX-X 26-001 26-210-05 26-210-10 26-210-15 26-210-20 26-250-10 26-410-6 26-410-6S 26-410-8 26-420-6 26-420-8 26-430-10 26-430-6 26-430-8 26-440-10 26-440-6 26-440-8 26-460-10 26-460-6 26-460-8 26-480-10 26-480-8 26-510-6 26-530-6 26-560-6 26-580-6 26-790-6 26-795-6 30-006 30-007 30-008 30-101 30-102 30-103 30-104 30-105 30-106 30-108 30-108Z1 30-111 30-112 30-113 30-114 30-201 30-202 30-203 30-204 30-205 30-206 30-207 30-2800-2 30-2801 59 69 124 124 124 124 124 124 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 162 162 162 157 157 157 157 162 157 162 162 159 159 159 159 161 161 161 161 162 162 161 193 184 800-333-4932 30-2805 30-2808 30-2821 30-2822 30-2828 30-2829 30-4000-2 30-4000-3 30-4001 30-4001HC 30-4005 30-4008 30-4008HC 30-401 30-402 30-4021 30-4021HC 30-4022 30-4022HC 30-4028 30-4028HC 30-4029 30-4029HC 30-403 30-404 30-407 30-410 30-412 30-412Z2 30-414 30-415 30-420 30-430 30-440 30-450 30-501 30-502 30-503 30-504 30-504Z3 30-504Z4 30-506 30-508 30-5601 30-5608 30-601 30-602 30-607-1 30-607-2 30-607-3 30-607-4 30-609 30-8001 30-8001HC 30-8008 193 184 188 189 188 189 193 193 186 192 193 186 192 153 153 190 192 191 192 190 192 191 192 153 153 153 174 175 175 163 163 174 175 175 175 155 155 155 155 162 162 162 162 185 185 177 177 178 178 178 178 178 187 192 187 211 30-8008HC 30-810 30-812 30-812Z2 30-820 31-010 31-012 31-013 31-014 31-023 31-030 31-031 31-033 31-035 31-036 31-037 31-038 31-052-1 31-122 31-124 31-126 31-129 31-135 32-300 40-009 40-010 40-011 40-012 40-013 40-014 40-015 40-016 40-017 40-018 40-019 40-023 40-024 40-025 40-026 40-027 40-029 40-030 40-032-14 40-032-25 40-100 40-101 40-102 50-522 50-524 50-600 50-600-1 50-601 50-601-1 50-602 50-602-1 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS 192 174 175 175 174 170 170 170 170 167 169 169 172 172 172 171 175 169 166 166 166 166 168 173 205 202 202 204 204 204 202 204 203 204 205 203 203 203 203 202 205 202 205 205 206 206 206 133 133 134 134 134 134 134 134 50-603 50-603-1 50-630 50-632 50-670 50-700 50-702 50-703 50-704 50-705 900.32Z1 900.33Z1 DRW100 DRW200 134 134 135 135 136 139 138 138 138 139 179 179 133 133 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Index by Description 2-Way Corner Connector 40 71 3-Way Ball Catch, Medium 102 Single Bearing Unit 10, Eccentric 155 3-Way Ball Catch, Small 102 Single Bearing Unit 14, Centric 157 155 3-Way Corner Connector 28 71 Single Bearing Unit 14, Eccentric 157 3-Way Corner Connector 40 71 Single Bearing Unit 14HD, Centric 159 90° Mitre Connector Md 62 Single Bearing Unit 14HD, Eccentric 159 90° Mitre Connector Md w/28 Fast. Set 62 Single Bearing Unit 25, Centric 161 90° Runner, Side Slot 134 A Access Hole Plug 7mm 28, 140 Access Plug for Corner Connectors 28 71 Access Plug for Corner Connectors 40 71 Actuator for Locking Safety Switch 23-003 thru 23-007 107 Actuator for Safety Switch 23-044/ 23-056 106 Adapter Shaft - 1/2" Bore w/ keyway 170 Adapter Shaft - 5/8" Bore w/ keyway 170 Adapter Shaft, Blank 170 Adjustable L-Base 28 81 Aluminum Handle 98 Aluminum T-Nut Bar 67 Angle Mounting Bracket Single Bearing Unit 25, Eccentric 161 Single Bearing Unit 6, Centric 153 Single Bearing Unit 6, Eccentric 153 Bench Drawer 16x20x14" Access Plug 98 Anodize Breaker 67 Anti-Skid Cover 40 44 133 Bench Drawer 16x20x7" 133 Bin Mount Slide Rail 133 Bin Mounting Brace 48" 133 Bin Mounting Brace 60" 133 Blank Rack Angle 41 Bolt Bolt 14, Centric 132 Angled Handle 162 Bolt 14, Eccentric 157 Bolt 25, Centric 162 Bolt 25, Eccentric 162 Bolt 6, Centric 162 Bolt 6, Eccentric 162 Eccentric Bolt 10 162 Butt Fastening Set 40 60 Butt Fastening Set M6 60 C B Cable Tie Holder Ball Catch Ball Catch Bracket 101 Ball Catch Bracket w/ Fastening Set 101 Ball Catch PA 101 Base Element 99 Base Plate Base Plate 160 84 Base Plate 28x56-M10 84 Base Plate 28x56-M12 84 Base Plate 28x56-M8 84 Base Plate 30x60, M8 84 Base Plate 40x80-M10 84 Base Plate 45x90, M12 84 Base Plate 60x60, M10 84 Base Plate 80x40, M12 84 Base Plate 80x40, M16 84 Base Plate 80x80, M12 84 Base Plate 80x80, M16 84 Base Plate 80x80, M20 84 Base Plate 80x80-M10 84 Bearing Unit 6 Single Bearing Unit 10, Centric Double Bearing Unit 10, Centric 155 Double Bearing Unit 10, Eccentric 155 Double Bearing Unit 14, Centric 157 Double Bearing Unit 14, Eccentric 157 Double Bearing Unit 14HD, Centric 159 Double Bearing Unit 14HD, Eccentric 159 Double Bearing Unit 25, Centric 161 Double Bearing Unit 25, Eccentric 161 Double Bearing Unit 6, Centric 153 Double Bearing Unit 6, Eccentric 153 Cable Tie Holder 30/28 122 Cable Tie Holder 40 122 Cable Tie Holder 45 147 Cam Cam 35-10 (offset 8) 105 Cam 35-16 (offset 2) 105 Cam 35-20 (offset -2) 105 Cam 35-8 (offset 10) 105 Caster Caster, 125mm HD Rigid w/ Rect Top Plate 87 Caster, 125mm HD Swivel w/ Rect Top Plate 87 Caster, 125mm HD Swivel w/ Triangular Top Plate 87 Caster, 125mm HD Swivel/Locking w/Rect Top Plate 87 Caster, 125mm Locking 86 Caster, 125mm Rigid 86 Caster, 125mm Swivel 86 Caster, 50mm Swivel 86 Caster, 50mm Swivel w/ Wheel Brake 86 Caster, 75mm Locking 86 Caster, 75mm Rigid 86 Caster, 75mm Swivel 86 Center Mounting Plate for Rev. Unit 40 166 Clamp Block Clamp Bar Profile 42 Clamp Block 1 Hole 76 Clamp Block 2 Holes 76 Clamp Block 4 Holes 76 Clamping Block, Belt 25T10 169 Clamp Multiblock 45 113, 147 Clamp Multiblock PA 113 212 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) Clamp Spring for 32x18 Clamp Pfl 37 D Clamping Shoe 80 80 Delrin Step Roller 25.4 Clamp-Multiblock 30/28 Clip Nut M5 (#10-32) for 19" Rack Angle Clip Nut M6 for 19" Rack Angle 113 41 41 Closure Plate 160x80 Set 116 Closure Plate 80x80 Set 116 Compr. Spring for M6 Econ.T-Nut 65 Compr. Spring for M8 Econ.T-Nut 65 116 Door Stop PA 121 Double Angle Mounting Bracket 132 Double Bracket 28 for Magnetic Catch 100 Double Bracket 40 for Magnetic Catch 100 Drilling Jig Connector Cap Connector Cap 40, 2x45° 70 Connector Cap 40, 3x45° 70 Connector Cap 40, Radius 70 Connecting Angle 20 73 Connecting Angle 20, Double 73 Connection Element 28 - 90° 73 Connection Element 28 - Flat 73 Connection Element 40 - 90° 72 Connection Element 40 - Flat 72 Connection Element for 40x16 Pfl 74 73 Connecting Plate 20, 2 73 Drilling Jig 28, Std. Connection 202 Drilling Jig 30, Std. Connection 202 Drilling Jig 40, Std. Connection 202 Drilling Jig 40, Univ. Connection 202 Drilling Jig 80, Std. Connection 202 Drilling Jig for 40x40 Clamp Profile 203 E Electrical Outlet Strip, 24" Width 135 Electrical Outlet Strip, 48" Width 135 End Cap Connecting Plate Connecting Plate 20, 1 120 Door Guide Set Carriage End Cap 160x40-14 178 Carriage End Cap 80x40-14 178 Conduit Cap 120x120 54 Conduit Cap 120x160 54 Conduit Cap 120x40 54 Conduit Cap 120x80 54 Conduit Cap 160x80 54 70 Conduit Cap 160x80-20° 54 Conduit Cap 40x40 54 Corner Element 1, 40 75 Conduit Cap 80x40 54 Corner Element 1, 80 75 Conduit Cap 80x80 54 Corner Element 2, 40 75 Corner Element 2, 80 Connection Link 45 145 Connection Screw M12x30 142 Connector 40x40-45° w/ 3 Screws Conveyor Rail Profile Corner Bracket 30 w/3 Screws 70 180 Corner Element Conduit Cap 80x80-45° 54 75 Conduit Cap160x40 54 End Cap 100x40 46 Corner Joining Plate 28 73 End Cap 120x40 46 Corner Joining Plate 40 72 End Cap 120x80 46 Corner Joining Plate 80 72 End Cap 160x16 46 End Cap 160x28 46 End Cap 160x40 46 End Cap 160x80 46 End Cap 20x10 46 End Cap 20x20 46 End Cap 20x40 46 End Cap 20x60 46 End Cap 20x80 46 Corner Joining Plate Corner Mounting Plate Counter Reversing Unit 40 80 167 Cover Strip Al Cover Strip 28, Blk 45 Al Cover Strip 28, Clr 45 Al Cover Strip 40, Blk 45 Al Cover Strip 40, Clr 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 28, Blk 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 28, Clr 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 28, Yel. 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 20, Blk 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 20, Clr 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Blk 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr 45 Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yel. 45 PVC Cover Strip 30/28, Blk 45 PVC Cover Strip 40, Blk 45 PVC Cover Strip 40, Blue 45 PVC Cover Strip 45, Blk 45 Safety Cover Strip 40/28 44 End Cap 28x28 46 End Cap 28x28-45° 46 End Cap 28x56 46 End Cap 30x30 46 End Cap 40-45° 46 End Cap 40-60° 46 End Cap 40x16 46 End Cap 40x40 46 End Cap 40x40 f/ Heavy Square Pfl 46 End Cap 40x40 Quarter Round 46 End Cap 40x40, 20 Series 46 End Cap 40x40-45° 213 75 End Cap 45x45 28, 140 End Cap 45x60 28, 140 End Cap 45x90 28, 140 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) End Cap 50x50 46 Gusset 40, 300mm 76 End Cap 60x30 46 Gusset 40, 431mm 76 End Cap 60x60 46 Gusset 40, 600mm 76 End Cap 80x14 46 Gusset 80x40 74 End Cap 80x16 46 Gusset 80x80 74 End Cap 80x40 46 End Cap 80x80 Gusset Bracket 46 Gusset Bracket 28 74 End Cap/ Lubricating System 25 161 Gusset Bracket 42x42 144 End Cap/ Lubricating System 6 153 Gusset Bracket 78x34 144 Pillow Block End Cap 160x40-14 178 Gusset Bracket 88x39 144 Pillow Block End Cap 80x40-14 178 Gusset Bracket 88x88 144 Secure End Cap 40x40 46 Gusset Profile 80x80 42 Secure End Cap 56x56 46 Secure End Cap 80x40 46 Secure End Cap 80x80 46 English Screws Exciter Cam 69 172 F Fastening Set Fastening Set w/ Flat Plate & M8x16 BHCS 58 Fastening Set for Panel Frame Fastening Door Stop 121 Fastening Set for Mtg Plate 31-129 H Handle Handle 328mm long 99 Handle 648mm long 99 Handle PA 132 98 Handle PA 179 98 Handle PA 93.5 98 Hi-Flex Timing Belt 25T10 169 Hinge 166 Adjustable Hinge 1 92 Fastening Set 28 Hinge Light 89 Adjustable Hinge 2 92 Fastening Set 40 Light 58 Butt Hinge 40 95 Fastening Set Catch 40 100 Butt Hinge 40, Blk 95 Fastening Set Counter Reversing Unit 167 Double Hinge 40 90 Fastening Set f/ Bearing Units 6 153 Hinge PA 20 89 Fastening Set f/ Connect. Element 40 72 Hinge, Steel w/ M5 screws 93 Fastening Set for 21-030 80 Lift-Off Hinge 40 Left 95 37 Lift-Off Hinge 40 Right 95 Light Duty Hinge 28, Left 89 89 Fastening Set for 32x18 Clamp Pfl Fastening Set for Bearing Units 14/25 155 Fastening Set for Light Duty Hinge 40 90 Light Duty Hinge 28, Right Fastening Set for T-Connector 71 Light Duty Hinge 40, Left 90 Floor Fastening Set 83 Light Duty Hinge 40, Right 90 Standard Fastening Set 28/30 58 Medium Hinge 30/28 93 Standard Fastening Set 40 58 Medium Hinge 40 94 Standard Fastening Set, 20 58 Offset Lift-Off Hinge Left (type “A”) 96 Standard Fastening Set, 50 58 Offset Lift-Off Hinge Right (type “B”) 96 Plastic Hinge 30 Left 91 Flange Foot Flange Foot 40x40 83 Plastic Hinge 30 Right 91 Flange Foot 80x40 83 Plastic Hinge 35 Fixed 91 Flange Foot 80x80 83 Plastic Hinge 35 Left 91 Flat Mounting Bracket 132 Plastic Hinge 35 Right 91 Floating Pivot Joint 45 145 Plastic Hinge 45 Fixed 91 Floor Mounting Bracket Plastic Hinge 45 Left 91 Floor Mounting Bracket 28 82 Plastic Hinge 45 Right 91 Floor Mounting Bracket 40 82 Positioning Hinge 120° 92 Floor Mounting Bracket 80 82 Positioning Hinge 155° 92 Positioning Hinge 85° 6 G 92 Hook Cam Gasket 105 Mesh Gasket, Grey 44 I,J Panel Gasket 10, Clear 36 Joining Pin for Roller Chain 14-454 Panel Gasket 8, Grey 44 Joining Plate 181 Grabber Door Catch 103 Joining Plate 1, 80 72 Grabber Door Catch w/Micro-Switch 103 Joining Plate 2, 40 72 Gusset Gusset 28, 254mm 76 Joining Plate 2, 80 72 Joining Plate 28-40 73 214 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 (cont’d) IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS N,O,P K Keeper Bracket 105 Panel Clamp Key for 7mm Square 105 Panel Extrusion 40 114 40 Panel Frame Fastener PA Knuckle Foot 121 78 Panel Holder Strip, Black 40 Knuckle Foot 40 M10x80 79 Panel Holder Strip, Gray 40 Knuckle Foot 40 M8x60 79 Panel Mounting Angle 28 114 Knuckle Foot 40 M8x80 79 Panel Mounting Angle 40 114 Knuckle Foot 80 M12x100 79 Panel Knuckle Foot 80 M12x160 79 1/2x1/2" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh 16 Ga 124 Knuckle Foot 80 M16x100 79 10mm Blue Trespa Panel 123 Knuckle Foot 80 M16x160 79 10mm Lt. Green Trespa Panel 123 10mm Red Trespa Panel 123 10mm White Trespa Panel 123 Knuckle Foot 30/28 L L-Base Floor Anchor 40 LDPE Wear Guide for LM80 81 180 Leveling Foot L-Base Leveling Foot 40 81 Leveling Foot 20 78 Leveling Foot PA, 30 78 Leveling Foot PA, 40 78 Leveling Screw M12x45 Socket Head 80 Lift System 2-Cylinder Lift System 138 4-Cylinder Lift System 139 Limit Stop for Runner 134 Limit Stop, Bi-Directional 175 Limit Stop, One Direction 171 Linear Module 3000 173 Linear Shaft Linear Shaft 10 155 Linear Shaft 14 157 Linear Shaft 25 161 Linear Shaft 6 153 Liquid Tight Fitting PG-11 106 Locking Mechanism 28 163 Locking Mechanism 40 163 124 1x1" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh 124 1x1" Yellow PVC Coated Wire Mesh 124 2x2" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh 124 6mm Black Sintra 123 6mm Black Trespa Panel 123 6mm Black Trespa Panel 123 6mm Blue Sintra 123 6mm Blue Trespa Panel 123 6mm Clr Polycarbonate Panel (Lexan) 123 6mm Gray Trespa Panel 123 6mm Lt. Green Trespa Panel 123 6mm Red Sintra 123 6mm Red Trespa Panel 123 6mm Smoked Grey Lexan 123 6mm White Sintra 123 8mm Black Trespa Panel 123 8mm Blue Trespa Panel 123 8mm Gray Trespa Panel 123 8mm Lt. Green Trespa Panel 123 8mm Red Trespa Panel 123 8mm White Trespa Panel 123 Parallel Clamp 40 61 Parts Bin M Magnetic Catch 1-1/2x1-1/2" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh Conductive Bin 105x187x76mm 132 Conductive Bin 140x280x127mm 132 100 Large Parts Bin 140x280x127mm 132 Mitre Bracket 62 Large Parts Bin 280x280x127mm 132 Mitre Connector 40 w/hardware 62 Medium Parts Bin 105x135x76mm 132 Mitre Connector Md 62 Medium Parts Bin 105x187x76mm 132 Mitre Connector Md w/28 Fast. Set 62 Pin Element 67 Miter Saw 15" C15FB 206 Monitor/Keyboard Swing Arm 136 Locking Pivot Joint 28 Mounting Bracket for Safety Switch 23-044/ 23-056 106 Locking Pivot Joint 28, Black 97 Mounting Plate for 4-Cylinder Lift System 139 Locking Pivot Joint 40 97 Mounting Plate for Telescopic Guide 50-703 138 Locking Pivot Joint 40, Black 97 Mounting Set 28 for Safety Switch 23-044/ 23-056 106 Pivot Joint 28 97 Mounting Set 40 for Safety Switch 23-044/ 23-056 106 Pivot Joint 28, Black 97 Pivot Joint 40 97 Pivot Joint 40, Black 97 Pivot Joint Multiblock 97 Multiblock Al - M5 (#10-32) 110 Multiblock Al - M6 109 Multiblock Al - M8 109 Pneumatic Closure Plate 80x40 w/Seal 129 Multiblock PA 28 - M6 111 Pneumatic Closure Plate 80x80 w/Seal 129 Multiblock PA 40 - M6 110 Pneumatic Connecting Plate 80x40 128 Multiblock PA 40 w/ Quarter Turn Receptacle 110 Pneumatic Connecting Plate 80x80 128 171 Pneumatic In-Line Joining Plate 129 Multi-Spline Shaft 215 Pneumatic Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) Pneumatic Joining/ Connecting Plate 120x40 130 40x40 Light Profile, Clr 18 Pneumatic Joining/ Connecting Plate 160x40 130 40x40 Mono-Slot Profile, Clr 19 Pneumatic T-Joining Plate 80x80 w/ 2 gaskets 129 40x40 Profile, 20 Series, Clr 34 40x40 Quarter Round Std. Pfl 19 Profile 6 120x120x40 Corner Heavy Profile 24 40x40 Standard Profile, Blk 18 120x40 Standard Profile, Clr 23 40x40 Standard Profile, Clr 18 120x80 Heavy Profile, Clr 25 40x40 Tri-Slot Profile, Clr 19 120x80 Standard Profile, Clr 25 40x40-45° Heavy Profile, Blk 20 160x16 Profile, Clr 21 40x40-45° Heavy Profile, Clr 20 160x28 Profile, Clr 24 40x40-45° Standard Profile, Blk 20 160x40 Heavy Profile, Clr 23 40x40-45° Standard Profile, Clr 20 160x40 Standard Profile, Clr 23 40x80 Light Profile, Clr 160x80 Heavy Profile, Clr 26 45x45 Light Profile 28, 140 160x80 Standard Profile, Clr 26 45x45 Profile 28, 140 19" Rack Angle - cut to length 41 45x60 Profile Light 28, 140 20x10 Profile, Clr 34 45x90 Profile 28, 140 20x20 Profile, Clr 34 50x50 Profile, Clr 20x40 Profile, Clr 34 50x80 Profile, Clr 20x60 Profile, Clr 34 50x95 Chain Conv. Pfl 181 20x80 Profile, Clr 34 54x80 Chain Conv. Pfl 181 22x32, Extrusion- Standard Wall, 36 56 x 56 Extrusion 28x28 Extrusion- Standard Wall, Radius, 33 56x56 Heavy Profile, Clr 27 28x28 Bi-Slot Corner Pfl, Blk 31 56x56 Light Tool Hanger Profile 33 28x28 Bi-Slot Corner Pfl, Clear 31 60x30 Profile, Clr 30 28x28 Bi-Slot Midframe Pfl, Blk 31 60x60 Profile, Clr 30 28x28 Bi-Slot Midframe Pfl, Clr 31 80 x 80 Extrusion - Extra Heavy Wall 25 28x28 Quad-Slot Profile, Blk 31 80x14 Profile , 20 Series 34 28x28 Quad-Slot Profile, Clr 31 80x16 Profile, Clr 21 28x28 Tri-Slot Profile, Blk 31 80x40 Heavy Profile, Clr 28x28 Tri-Slot Profile, Clr 31 80x40 Rail Profile, Clr 28x28-45° Profile 31 80x40 Standard Profile, Blk 22 28x56 Bi-Slot Profile, Blk 32 80x40 Standard Profile, Clr 22 28x56 Bi-Slot Profile, Clr 32 80x40 Tri-Slot Corner Pfl, Blk 22 28x56 Open-Slot Profile, Blk 32 80x40 Tri-Slot Corner Pfl, Clr 22 28x56 Open-Slot Profile, Clr 32 80x80 Heavy Profile, Clr 25 28x56 Quad-Slot Profile, Blk 32 80x80 Standard Profile, Blk 25 28x56 Quad-Slot Profile, Clr 32 80x80 Standard Profile, Clr 25 28x56 Tri-Slot Profile, Blk 32 80x80x40 Corner Heavy Profile 28x56 Tri-Slot Profile, Clr 32 Belt Conveyor Profile 30x30 Bi-Slot Corner Profile 30 Edging Profile 35 30x30 Profile, Clr 30 Floor Mounting Profile 42 30x30 Quarter Round Profile 30 Linear Module Profile 150 180 32x18 Clamp Profile 37 Linear Module Profile 80 180 32x18 Mono-Slot Pfl, 10mm T-slot 36 Mesh Clamp Profile 40 36x36 Post 27 Profile R40/80-30° 20 40-45° Profile, Clr 20 Profile R40/80-45° 20 40-60° Profile, Clr 20 Profile R40/80-60° 20 40x100 Heavy Profile, Clr 24 Profile R40/80-90° 40x120 Extrusion - Heavy Wall 23 Profile Slide Block 40, 160mm long 174 40x16 Profile, Blk 21 Profile Slide Block 40, 160mm long 186 40x16 Profile, Clr 21 Profile Slide Block 40, 80mm long 174 40x40 Bi-Clamp Pfl 35 Profile Slide Block 40, 80mm long 186 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner Profile, Blk 19 Profile Slide Block 80, 160mm long 174 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner Profile, Clr 19 Profile Slide Block 80, 160mm long 187 40x40 Bi-Slot Midframe Pfl, Blk 19 Profile Slide Block 80, 80mm long 174 40x40 Bi-Slot Midframe Pfl, Clr 19 Profile Slide Block 80, 80mm long 187 40x40 Clamp Profile 35 Profile Slide Block SF-A 175 40x40 Heavy Profile, Clr 18 Profile Slide Block SF-A 190 40x40 Heavy Square Profile, Clr 18 Profile Slide Block SF-B 175 40x40 Light Profile, Blk 18 Profile Slide Block SF-B 216 22 27 27 33 22 180 24 182 20 191 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) Profile Slide Block SF-C 175 Rail Cart, 4 Rollers w/Fast. Set 115 Profile Slide Block SF-C 190 Rail Cart, 8 Rollers 115 Roller Profile 10 Double 179 Roller Profile 10 Single 179 M8x16 Ratchet Handle 99 Roller Profile 14 179 M8x20 Ratchet Lever 99 Roller Profile 25 179 M8x25 Ratchet Lever 99 Roller Profile 25 179 M8x40 Ratchet Lever 99 Roller Profile 6 179 M8x50 Ratchet Lever 99 Roller Track 182 M8x63 Ratchet Lever Rolling Door Guide Profile Ratchet Lever 38 99 Ratchet Stay 135 135 Slide Profile 40 183 Ratchet Stay with Bracket Slide Profile 40 SF 183 Rectangular Flat Plate for 20-028 58 Slide Profile 80 183 Retainer Spring for T-Slot Nut HD 64 Reversing Unit Sliding Door Guide 28 - Lower 39 Sliding Door Guide 28 - Upper 39 Reversing Unit 40, Belt 25T10, 8mm Bore 166 Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower 39 Reversing Unit 40, Belt 25T10, Idler 166 39 Reversing Unit 40, Belt 25T10, Spline 166 Reversing Unit 80, Spline 168 Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper Sliding Door Set - discont. Use new style 23-065 106 Roller Sliding Door Set (new style) 118 Sliding-Door Guide for 32x18 Pfl 117 Roller 10 162 Stiffener/ Handle Profile 39 Roller 14 162 Support Profile 120 51 Roller 20 118 Support Profile 120 w/T-Slots 52 Roller 6 162 Support Profile 160 51 Support Profile 160 w/T-slots 52 Roller Chain 40 Support Profile 40 51 Roller Insert Set 38 Support Profile 40 w/T-Slot 52 Rubber Insert 30/28 78 Support Profile 80 51 Rubber Insert 80 Support Profile 80 w/T-slots 52 Runner, Bottom Slot Transparent Cover Profile 40 51 Transparent Cover Profile 80 51 TS35 DIN Rail Profile 52 Wall Duct Profile 120 53 Wall Duct Profile 40 53 Wall Duct Profile 80 53 Wire Duct Profile 160-20° 53 Wire Duct Profile 80x80-45° Roller PA with two M6 Washers 172 Proximity Switch Mounting Element 1 172 80 75, 129 S Safety Switch 53 Proximity Switch 119 181 110 AC, lock by spring, 2NO, 2NC 107 24 AC, lock by solenoid, 2NO, 2NC 107 24 DC, lock by solenoid, 1NO, 3NC 107 24 DC, lock by spring, 2NO, 2NC 107 Safety Switch 1NO-1NC 106 Screw Q Button Head Screw 68 Flat Head Screw 68 Set Screws Quarter Turn Latch 69 Shoulder Screw M5x6x25 119 Quarter Turn Latch, 7mm square insert, Panel 112 Quarter Turn Latch, 7mm square insert, Pfl 40 112 Seal Seal 120x40 130 Quarter Turn Latch, T-Handle, Non-Locking, Panel 112 Seal 160x40 130 Quarter Turn Latch, T-Handle, Non-Locking, Pfl 40 112 Seal 80x40 130 Quarter Turn Latch, Wing Knob, Locking, Panel 112 Seal 80x80 130 Quarter Turn Latch, Wing Knob, Locking, Pfl 40 112 Seal 80x80, In-Line Joining Plate 130 Quarter Turn Receptacle 112 Seal 80x80, T-Joining Plate 130 Quarter Turn Socket Stud 112 Self Tapping Connector Quarter Turn Wing Stud 112 Service 61 Quick Connector 45, Horizontal Access 141 45° Miter Cut, up to 80x80 Profile 201 Quick Connector 45, Vertical Access 141 Mill Profile Square 160x80 201 Mill Profile Square 80x40 201 Mill Profile Square 80x80 201 R Rachet Lock Radius Connector Cap 30 105 70 Rail Cart Rail Cart, 4 Rollers 115 217 Panel - Chamfer Corner 201 Panel - Notch Corner 201 Panel - Special Service Cut 201 Panel - Thru Hole up to 10mm 201 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index IPS 800-333-4932 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) Panel Packing for Secure Transport 201 Saw Cut 28x160 to 80x160 201 Step Roller Insert 120 Saw Cut for Linear Shaft 201 Strike Plate for Magnetic Catch 100 Saw Cut up to 80x40 201 Saw Cut up to 80x80 201 Service for Dowel Pin 201 Special Miter Cut 201 Step Bore for Pneum. Univ. Fastener 201 Shaft Chrome Coated Shaft 14 157 Chrome Coated Shaft 25 161 Chrome Coated Shaft 6 153 Shaft Clamp Shaft Clamp Profile 10 155 Shaft Clamp Profile 14 157 Shaft Clamp Profile 25 161 Shaft Clamp Profile 6 153 Shims PET Shims 160 175 PET Shims 80 175 PET Shims 80 (pkg of 4) 193 Shims for 28mm Guide 193 Single Bracket 28 for Magnetic Catch 100 Single Bracket 40 for Magnetic Catch 100 Slide Delrin Slide Pad 160 175 Delrin Slide Pad 80 175 Delrin Slide Pad 80 193 Glide Pads, Pre-tapped, for 28 mm 193 Glide Pads, Untapped, for 40mm Profile (300mm ) 193 Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Ext. 191 Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL, Ext. 189 Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL, Flush 188 Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, SGL, Flush 188 Side MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 28, SGL 189 Slide Bushing Slide Bushing 14 178 Slide Bushing Linear 160x40-14 177 Slide Bushing Linear 80x40-14 177 Slide Collar 134 Slide, High Cycle High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Ext. 192 High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Flush 192 High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, SGL, Ext. 192 High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, SGL, Flush 192 High Cycle Top MNT for 40 x 40, DBL 192 High Cycle Top MNT for 40 x 40, SGL 192 High Cycle Top MNT for 80 x 80, DBL 192 High Cycle Top MNT for 80 x 80, SGL 6 192 Small Parts Bin 110x105x40mm 132 Small Parts Bin 210x105x40mm 132 Socket Head Screw Spacer 1 for Linear 10 68 162 Spacer 2 for Linear 10 162 Spacer for Bearing Unit 14 162 Spare Key for 23-134/23-144 105 Square Connector Cap 30 70 Standard Fastener American Standard Fastening Set 40 58 Stainless Steel Standard Fastening Set 28/30 58 Stainless Steel Standard Fastening Set 40 58 T T-bolt T-Bolt 45, M8x25 143 T-Bolt 45, M8x30 143 T-Bolt M8x25 66 T-Bolt M8x40 66 T-clip T-Clip 22-25mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 10-13mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 13-16mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 16-19mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 19-22mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 4-6mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 6-8mm w/ Fast Kit 122 T-Clip 8-10mm w/ Fast Kit 122 Telescopic Guide for 50-702 138 Tensioning Block, Belt 25 169 Timing Belt Guide Profile 172 T-Joint T-Joint Connector, Double Notch 71 T-Joint Connector, No Notch 71 T-Joint Connector, Single Notch 71 T-Joint Plate 28 73 T-Joint Plate 40 72 T-Joint Plate 80 72 Tool Balancer Tool Balancer 0.4-1.2 kg 134 Tool Balancer 1.2-2.6 kg 134 Tool Balancer 2.6-3.8 kg 134 Tool Balancer 3.8-5.2 kg 134 Tool Retractor Tool Retractor 0.5-0.9 kg 134 Tool Retractor 0.9-1.8 kg 134 Tool Retractor 1.8-2.7 kg 134 Tool Retractor 2.7-3.6 kg 134 Tools 15" Carbide Tipped Blade 206 5mm Ball Head Wrench 204 5mm L-Wrench 204 5mm Wrench with T-Handle 204 6.8mm Drill Bit 204 Adjustable Spanner Wrench for Linear 10, 14 203 Allen Key Set - Metric 205 Drill & Counter bore for BHCS or SHCS 201 Drill & Countersink for FHCS 201 Drill & Tap (M12 or M16 up to 40mm Deep) 201 Drill & Tap (M3 or M4) 201 Drill & Tap (M5,M6,M8 or M10) 201 Drill 7mm Access Hole (except 160mm side) 201 Drill 7mm Access Hole thru 160mm side 201 Drill/ Tap M10x45 for M10 Foot 201 Drill/ Tap M8x35 for M8 Foot 201 Drill/ Tap/ Flycut for Bearing Block 14/25 201 Drill/ Tap/ Mill for Roller PA 201 M8x1.25 Tap 204 218 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, Tx 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS (cont’d) Pin Socket Wrench for Linear 10, 14 205 T-Slot Nut Steel 40, M5 (#10-32) 63 Scissors 205 T-Slot Nut Zn 28, M3 66 Spanner Wrench for Linear 10, 14+B32 205 T-Slot Nut Zn 28, M4 66 Spanner Wrench for Linear 25 205 T-Slot Nut Zn 28, M5 (#10-32) 66 Step Drill 7x20 with 3 Flats 203 T-Slot Nut Zn 40, M3 66 Step Drill 7x20, #2 Morse Taper 203 T-Slot Nut Zn 40, M4 66 Step Drill 9x15 203 T-Slot Nut Zn 40, M5 (#10-32) 66 Step Drill for Universal Fastener 201 Tap 5/16-18 201 Tap M8 201 U UHMW Top MNT for 28 x 56, DBL 185 Top MNT for 28 x 56, SGL 185 Top MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL 184 Top MNT Guide for 28 x 28, SGL 184 T-Slot Connector 45, Inside 142 T-Slot Connector 45, Outside 142 UHMW Conveyor Belt Guide T-slot Nut 64 Double T-nut 40, M8/40 64 Economy T-Slot Nut 20, M4 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 20, M5 (#10-32) 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 Stainless Steel 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 5/16-18 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, M6 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, M6 Stainless Steel 65 38 UHMW Slide Bar 10 43 UHMW Slide Bar 28/30-8 43 UHMW Slide Bar 40 43 43 Uniblock 20 - M4 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, M8 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, 1/4-20 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, 5/16-18 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, 5/16-18 Stainless Steel 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, M6 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, M8 65 Economy T-Slot Nut 40, M8 Stainless Steel 38 UHMW Guide Insert Set UHMW Slide Strip Double T-Nut 40, M8/24 65 182 UHMW Guide Insert Profile 106 Uniblock 45 111,147 Universal Adapter Flange 170 Universal Fastener American Universal Fastening Set 40 Pneumatic Universal Fastening Set Profile-to-Wall Connector 45 59 59 141 Profile-to-Wall Fastening Set 40 60 Universal Fast. 28 - Casting 59 Universal Fast.40 - Casting 59 Universal Fastening Set 28 59 Universal Fastening Set 30 59 Universal Fastening Set 40 59 Universal Fastening Set, 20 59 HD T-Slot Nut 45, M5 143 V HD T-Slot Nut 45, M6 143 VHB Tape, 0.025" thk, 3/4" 124 HD T-Slot Nut 45, M8 143 Vice Assy - C15FB Miter Saw 206 Offset Econ. Roll-In T-Nut 28/40, M6 65 Offset Economy T-Slot Nut 28, 1/4-20 65 W,X,Y,Z Offset Economy T-Slot Nut 28, M6 65 Washers, Hex Nuts Offset Economy T-Slot Nut 40, 5/16-18 65 Wear Guide for 14-450 181 Offset Economy T-Slot Nut 40, M8 65 Wear Stop for 14-450 181 Self-Aligning T-Slot Nut 40, M6 63 Wear Strip for 14-150 181 Self-Aligning T-Slot Nut 40, M8 63 Stainless Steel T-Slot Nut 40 M6 63 Stainless Steel T-Slot Nut 40 M8 63 Steel HD T-Nut Bar 67 Steel T-Nut Bar 67 T-Slot Nut 28 Steel M6 63 T-Slot Nut 28 Steel M8 63 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20 63 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 5/16-18 63 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel M6 63 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel M8 63 T-Slot Nut 45, M5 143 T-Slot Nut 45, M6 143 T-Slot Nut 45, M8 143 T-Slot Nut Double HD M8x24 69 6 64 T-Slot Nut HD Steel M6 64 T-Slot Nut Steel 20 M4 63 T-Slot Nut Steel 20 M5 (#10-32) 63 219 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Parframe to IPS Part # Cross *ParFrame # 6 ESA0002 ESA0002Y ESA0003 ESA0004 ESA0004Y ESA0005Y ESA0006 ESA0006-28 ESA0008 ESA0008-28 ESA0010 ESA0012 ESA0018 ESA0040 ESA0042 ESA0050 ESA0062 ESA0073 ESA0074 ESA0075 ESA0076 ESA0094 ESA0102 ESA0103 ESA0104 ESA0106 ESA0108 ESA0110 ESA0112 ESA0114 ESA0116 ESA0118 ESA0120 ESA0126 ESA0130 ESA0136 ESA0138 ESA0150 ESA0152 ESA0210 ESA0214 ESA0240L ESA0240R ESA2802 ESA2810 ESA4002 ESA4004 ESA4010 ESA4016C ESA8004 ESA8008 ESA8010 ESB2828 ESB4040 ESC2828 ESC2856 ESC4040 ESC4080 ESC8080 ESCR4040 ESD2800-2 ESD2801 ESD2801C ESD2805 ESD2808 ESD2808C ESD2821 ESD2821C ESD2822 ESD2822C ESD2828 ESD2828C ESD2829 ESD2829C Cross Type Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Functional Direct Functional Direct Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct DESCRIPTION IPS # Cover/ Gasket Strip 28, Blk Cover/ Gasket Strip 28, Yel. Panel Gasket 8, Grey Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Clr Cover/ Gasket Strip 40, Yel. Safety Cover Strip 40/28, Yel. Sliding Door Guide 40 - Lower Sliding Door Guide 28 - Lower Sliding Door Guide 40 - Upper Sliding Door Guide 28 - Upper Al Cover Strip 40, Clr Al Cover Strip 28, Clr Stiffener/ Handle Profile Knuckle Foot 40 M10x80 Knuckle Foot 80 M12x100 Caster, 50mm Swivel w/ Wheel Brake Caster, 125mm HD Swivel w/ Triangular Top Plate Caster, 125mm HD Swivel/Locking w/Rect Top Plate Caster, 125mm HD Rigid w/ Rect Top Plate Caster, 125mm Locking Caster, 75mm Locking Corner MNTing Plate Handle PA 93.5 Handle PA 132 Handle PA 179 Magnetic Catch Medium Hinge 30/28 Hinge 43mm between holes Hinge 25mm between holes Aluminum Handle Medium Parts Bin 105x135x76mm Large Parts Bin 140x280x127mm Large Parts Bin 280x280x127mm Runner, Bottom Slot Roller PA with two M6 Washers Quarter Turn Latch, Wing Knob, Locking, Panel Quarter Turn Latch, T-Handle, Non-Locking, Panel Pivot Joint 40, Black Locking Pivot Joint 40, Black Positioning Hinge 120° Adjustable Hinge 2 Lift-Off Hinge 40 Left Lift-Off Hinge 40 Right Base Plate 28x56-M10 Floor MNTing Bracket 28 Base Plate 40x80-M10 Base Plate 80x40, M12 Floor MNTing Bracket 40 L-Base Leveling Foot 40 Base Plate 80x80, M12 Base Plate 80x80, M20 Floor MNTing Bracket 80 Connection Element 28 - 90° Connection Element 40 - 90° End Cap 28x28 End Cap 28x56 Secure End Cap 40x40 Secure End Cap 80x40 Secure End Cap 80x80 End Cap 40x40 Quarter Round Glide Pads, Pretapped, for 28 mm Top MNT Guide for 28 x 28, SGL Top MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 28 SGL Shims for 28mm Guide (package of five) Top MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL Top MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 28, DBL Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, SGL, Flush Side MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 28, SGL Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, SGL, Ext. Side MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 28, SGL Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL, Flush Side MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 28, DBL Side MNT Guide for 28 x 28, DBL, Ext. Side MNT Guide, Drilled for Clamp 28 x 28, DBL 220 12-103B 12-103Y 12-106 12-101 12-101Y 12-112 12-013 12-015 12-012 12-014 12-102 12-104 12-011 21-012 21-013 21-092 21-133 21-132 21-130 21-122 21-072 21-030 23-033 23-031 23-032Z1 23-046 23-242 23-248 23-240 23-030 22-128 22-126 22-127 22-136 21-069 23-144 23-143 23-010B 23-014B 23-226 23-222 23-440L 23-440R 21-005 21-059 21-002 21-024 21-057 21-022 21-026 21-028 21-058 22-143 22-141 18-808 18-809 18-913 18-914 18-915 18-843 30-2800-2 30-2801 30-2801 30-2805 30-2808 30-2808 30-2821 30-2821 30-2822 30-2822 30-2828 30-2828 30-2829 30-2829 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77064 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index *ParFrame # ESD4000-2 ESD4000-3 ESD4000-5 ESD4001 ESD4001C ESD4001HC ESD4001HCC ESD4005 ESD4008 ESD4008C ESD4008HC ESD4008HCC ESD4021 ESD4021C ESD4021HC ESD4021HCC ESD4022 ESD4022C ESD4022HC ESD4022HCC ESD4028 ESD4028C ESD4028HC ESD4028HCC ESD4029 ESD4029C ESD4029HC ESD4029HCC ESD5601 ESD5601C ESD5608 ESD5608C ESD8001 ESD8001C ESD8001HC ESD8001HCC ESD8008 ESD8008C ESD8008HC ESD8008HCC ESE0002 ESE0010 ESE0017 ESE0030 ESE0034 ESE0042 ESE0062 ESE0100 ESE0102 ESE0104 ESE0200 ESE0202 ESE1034 ESE4080 ESE8080 ESF0012 ESF0014 ESF0020 ESF0022 ESF0026 ESF0028 ESF0060 ESF3004 ESF3005 ESF3008A ESF3205 ESF3206 ESF3208 ESF3255 ESF3306 ESF3308 ESF3406 800-333-4932 Cross Type Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION IPS # Delrin Slide Pad 80 Glide Pads, Untapped, for 40mm Profile (300mm ) Shim Profile Slide Block 40, 80mm long Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, SGL High Cycle Top MNT for 40 x 40, SGL High Cycle Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40x40, SGL PET Shims 80 (pkg of 4) Profile Slide Block 40, 160mm long Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL High Cycle Top MNT for 40 x 40, DBL High Cycle Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL Profile Slide Block SF-A Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, SGL High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, SGL, Flush High Cycle Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, SGL, Flush Profile Slide Block SF-B Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, SGL High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Flush High Cycle Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL, Flush Profile Slide Block SF-C Side MNT Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, SGL, Ext. High Cycle Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, SGL, Ext. Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Ext. Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL High Cycle Side MNT for 40 x 40, DBL, Ext. High Cycle Side MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 40 x 40, DBL, Ext. Top MNT for 28 x 56, SGL Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 56 SGL Top MNT for 28 x 56, DBL Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 28 x 56 DBL Profile Slide Block 80, 80mm long Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 80 x 80 SGL High Cycle Top MNT for 80 x 80, SGL High Cycle Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 80 x 80, SGL Profile Slide Block 80, 160mm long Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 80 x 80 DBL High Cycle Top MNT for 80 x 80, DBL High Cycle Top MNT , Drilled for Clamp, 80 x 80, DBL Step Drill for Universal Fastener Drill 7mm Access Hole (except 160mm side) 45° Miter Cut, up to 80x80 Profile Drill & Tap (M5,M6,M8 or M10) Tap M8 Drill/ Tap M10x45 for M10 Foot Panel - Notch Corner Drilling Jig 28, Std. Connection Drilling Jig 40, Std. Connection Drilling Jig 80, Std. Connection 5mm Ball Head Wrench 5mm Wrench with T-Handle Tap 5/16-18 Saw Cut up to 80x40 Saw Cut up to 80x80 Butt Fastening Set M6 Universal Fastening Set 28 Butt Fastening Set 40 Universal Fastening Set 40 Standard Fastening Set 28/30 Standard Fastening Set 40 Access Hole Plug 7mm Econ. Roll-In T-Nut 28+40, M4 Econ. Roll-In T-Nut 28+40, M5 Economy T-Slot Nut 28, M8 T-Slot Nut Steel 40, M5 (#10-32) T-Slot Nut 40 Steel M6 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel M8 T-Slot Nut 28 Steel M6 M6 Hex Nut Black M8 Hex Nut M6 Lock Nut 30-4000-2 30-4000-3 30-4000-5 30-4001 30-4001 30-4001HC 30-4001HC 30-4005 30-4008 30-4008 30-4008HC 30-4008HC 30-4021 30-4021 30-4021HC 30-4021HC 30-4022 30-4022 30-4022HC 30-4022HC 30-4028 30-4028 30-4028HC 30-4028HC 30-4029 30-4029 30-4029HC 30-4029HC 30-5601 30-5601 30-5608 30-5608 30-8001 30-8001 30-8001HC 30-8001HC 30-8008 30-8008 30-8008HC 30-8008HC 19-015 19-011 19-105 19-012 19-010 19-017 19-030 40-027 40-010 40-011 40-013 40-012 19-009 19-001 19-002 20-012 20-005 20-006 20-004 20-003 20-002 18-710 20-160 20-161 20-091 20-052 20-056 20-058 20-055 24-706-6B 24-706-8 24-716-6 * Not all ParFrame products are crossreferenced, check with your distributor for more infomation. 221 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 6 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index *ParFrame # 6 ESF3408 ESF4005-10 ESF4005-12 ESF4005-16 ESF4006-10 ESF4006-12 ESF4006-16 ESF4006-20 ESF4008-10 ESF4008-12 ESF4008-16 ESF4008-18 ESF4008-20 ESF4008-25 ESF4008-30 ESF4008-35 ESF4106-16 ESF4106-25 ESF4106-30 ESF4108-12 ESF4108-20 ESF4108-25 ESF4208-25 ESF5022 ESF5026 ESF8031A ESF8225 ESF8231 ESF9019-063 ESF9025-050 ESF9025-063 ESF9025-075 ESF9031-050 ESF9031-063 ESF9031-075 ESF9031-125 ESG2828M ESG8040M ESG8080M ESH40120 ESH4016 ESH40160 ESH4016-6 ESH4040 ESH4080 ESH8016 ESJ2800 ESJ2810 ESJ2812 ESJ4000 ESJ4002 ESJ4010 ESJ4012 ESJ8002 ESJ8010 ESJ8012 ESL2232 ESL2828 ESL2856 ESL40120 ESL4040 ESL4040B ESL4080 ESL4080B ESL5656 ESL80160 ESL8080 ESLC2828 ESLR2828 ESP0002 ESP0004 ESP0006 ESP0008 ESP0010 800-333-4932 Cross Type Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct DESCRIPTION IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS IPS # M8 Lock Nut M5x10 Button Head Screw Clr M5x12 Button Head Screw Clr M5x16 Button Head Screw Clr M6x10 Button Head Screw Clr M6x12 Button Head Screw Clr M6x16 Button Head Screw Clr M6x20 Button Head Screw Clr M8x10 Button Head Screw Clr M8x12 Button Head Screw Clr M8x16 Button Head Screw, Clr M8x18 Button Head Screw, Clr M8x20 Button Head Screw, Clr M8x25 Button Head Screw Clr M8x30 Button Head Screw Clr M8x35 Button Head Screw Clr M6x16 Socket Head Screw Clr M6x25 Socket Head Screw Clr M6x30 Socket Head Screw Clr M8x12 Socket Head Screw Clr M6x20 Socket Head Screw Clr M8x25 Socket Head Screw Clr T-Bolt M8x25 American Universal Fastening Set 40 American Standard Fastening Set 40 Offset Econ. Roll-In T-Nut 28+40, 5/16-18 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 1/4-20 T-Slot Nut 40 Steel 5/16-18 #10-32 x 5/8 Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 1/2 Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 5/8 Button Head Screw 1/4-20 x 3/4 Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 1/2 Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 5/8 Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 3/4 Button Head Screw 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Button Head Screw Gusset Bracket 28 Gusset 80x40 Gusset 80x80 40x120 Extrusion - Heavy Wall 40x16 Profile, Clr 160x40 Heavy Profile, Clr 40x16 Profile, Clr 40x40 Heavy Profile, Clr 80x80 Heavy Profile, Clr 80x16 Profile, Clr Joining Plate 28-40 Corner Joining Plate 28 T-Joint Plate 28 Connection Element 40 - Flat Joining Plate 1, 80 Corner Joining Plate 40 T-Joint Plate 40 Joining Plate 2, 80 Corner Joining Plate 80 T-Joint Plate 80 22x32, Extrusion- Standard Wall, 28x28 Quad-Slot Profile, Clr 28x56 Open-Slot Profile, Clr 120x40 Standard Profile, Clr 40x40 Standard Profile, Clr 40x40 Standard Profile, Blk 80x40 Standard Profile, Clr 80x40 Standard Profile, Blk 56 x 56 Extrusion - Standard Wall 160x80 Standard Profile, Clr 80x80 Standard Profile, Clr 28x28 Bi-Slot Corner Pfl, Clear 28x28 Extrusion- Standard Wall, Radius, 6mm Smoked Grey Lexan 6mm Clr Polycarbonate Panel (Lexan) 6mm Black Trespa Panel 6mm Gray Trespa Panel 8mm White Trespa Panel - 222 24-716-8 24-110-5CZ 24-112-5CZ 24-116-5CZ 24-110-6CZ 24-112-6CZ 24-116-6CZ 24-120-6CZ 24-110-8CZ 24-112-8CZ 24-116-8CZ 24-118-8CZ 24-120-8CZ 24-125-8CZ 24-130-8CZ 24-135-8CZ 24-316-6CZ 24-325-6CZ 24-330-6CZ 24-312-8CZ 24-320-6CZ 24-325-8CZ 24-425-8 25-004 25-003 20-175 25-001 25-002 25-110-2 25-108-4 25-110-4 25-112-4 25-108-5 25-110-5 25-112-5 25-118-5 20-101 20-102 20-103 11-120 10-016 11-140 10-016-6 11-040 11-088 10-081 20-104 20-105 20-106 22-140 20-108 20-109 20-110 20-112 20-113 20-114 12-023 12-028 12-428 10-120 10-040 10-040B 10-080 10-080B 10-056 10-160 10-088 12-228 12-043 26-795-6 26-790-6 26-410-6 26-420-6 26-480-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77064 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index *ParFrame # ESP0012 ESP0052 ESP0054 ESP0056 ESP0058 ESP2802 ESP4002 ESP4004 ESP4004 ESP40204022 ESS1300 ESS2300 ESS2450 ESS2600 ESS3300 ESS3600 EST4000 EST4000-2 EST4008 EST8000 EST8008 ESV4040 ESV4080 ESVC4040 ESVR4040 ESX8080 M6x45 SHCS 800-333-4932 Cross Type Direct Functional Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Functional Direct Functional Direct Direct Direct Functional Functional Direct Functional Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct DESCRIPTION 6mm Blue Trespa Panel Mesh Clamp Profile (max 4M) 1/2x1/2" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh 16 Ga 1x1" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh 1-1/2x1-1/2" Blk PVC Coated Wire Mesh Multiblock Al - M6 Multiblock Al - M8 Multiblock PA 28 - M6 Multiblock PA 40 - M6 Multiblock PA 40 w/ Quarter Turn Receptacle Gusset 28, 254mm Gusset 40, 300mm Gusset 40, 431mm Gusset 40, 600mm 300mm Gusset, Heavy 600mm Gusset, Heavy Pneumatic Closure Plate 80x40 w/Seal Seal 80x80 Pneumatic Connecting Plate 80x40 - 1/2"NPT Pneumatic Closure Plate 80x80 w/Seal Pneumatic Connecting Plate 80x80 - 1"NPT 40x40 Light Profile, Clr 40x80 Light Profile, Clr 40x40 Bi-Slot Corner Profile, Clr 40x40 Quarter Round Std. Pfl 80 x 80 Extrusion - Extra Heavy Wall M6x45 Socket Head Screw Clr IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS IPS # 26-430-6 12-010 26-210-05 26-210-10 26-210-15 22-106 22-108 22-103 22-100 22-102 21-062-1 21-060-1 21-060-2 21-060-3 21-061-1 21-061-3 21-164 21-042 21-040 21-165 21-043 10-540 10-680 10-140 10-043 11-089 24-345-6CZ * Not all ParFrame products are crossreferenced, check with your distributor for more infomation. 6 223 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Catalog 1816 Technical Guide and Index 800-333-4932 IPS INDUSTRIAL PROFILE SYSTEMS Offer of Sale The items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer (“Buyer”) shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any items, when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor (“Seller”) verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer. 1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, proposals, offers acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller’s products are subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyer’s acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any acceptance of an offer by Seller, are hereby objected to. No such additional, different or inconsistent terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller’s acceptance of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer’s assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer’s offer. Acceptance of Seller’s products shall in all events constitute such assent. 2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely paid shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each month or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer’s receipt of the shipment. 3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall be made F.O.B. Seller’s plant. Regardless of the method of delivery, however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller’s delivery to a carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no liability for any delays in delivery. 4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of 24 months from date of shipment from Parker Hannifin Corporation. THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO ITEMS PROVIDED HEREUNDER. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE USAGE, OR COURSE OF DEALING ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER ON ITEMS BUILT OR ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY, TO BUYER’S DESIGNS OR SPECIFICATIONS. 5. Limitation of Remedy: SELLER’S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ITEMS SOLD OR THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ITEMS SOLD OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT SELLER’S SOLE OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ITEMS SOLD HEREUNDER, WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR IN TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE, FAILURE TO WARN OR STRICT LIABILITY. 6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyers may request to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment to this Agreement. Acceptance of any such requested modification of cancellation shall be at Seller’s discretion, and shall be upon such terms and conditions as Seller may require. 6 7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller’s property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufacture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time. 8. Buyer’s Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings, confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer, or any other items which become Buyer’s property, may be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using such property. Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller’s possession or control. 9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufacture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereon which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable. 10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Seller shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter ‘Intellectual Property Rights’). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller’s obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringement, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to continue using said item, replace or modify said item so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to accept return of said item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold hereunder. The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute Seller’s sole and exclusive liability and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for infringement of Intellectual Property Right. If a claim is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer, Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or judgements resulting from any claim that such item infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar right. 11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller’s obligations by reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller (hereinafter ‘Events of Force Majeure’). Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or labor disputes, acts, laws, rules or regulations of any government or government agency, fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of carriers or suppliers, shortages of materials and any other cause beyond Seller’s control. 12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or agreements which pertain thereto. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio. No actions arising out of the sale of the items sold hereunder of this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues. 224 Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Profile Systems Business Unit Houston, TX 77066 Parker Hannifin de México Oficinas de Venta Toluca, Edo Méx Monterrey, NL Guadalajara, Jal Av Eje Uno Norte 100 Parque Industrial Toluca 2000 CP 50100 Teléfono 722 275 42 00 Fax 722 279 03 16 Boulevard Stiva 350 Parque Industrial Stiva Aeropuerto Apodaca CP 66600 Teléfono 81 8288 1515 Fax 81 83864202 Juan Ruiz de Alarcon 452 Sector Juárez Guadalajara, Jal CP 44100 Teléfono 33 3630 5730 Fax 33 3630 4553 Catálogo Master M&C www.parker.com 2008 mccotizaciones@parker.com
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Parker Hannifin Corporation
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