Pages 309-398
Pages 309-398
Incidental Catch of Halibut 309 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 310 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Incidental catch and mortality of Pacific halibut, 1962-2007 Gregg H. Williams Abstract Estimates of the bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in 2007 totaled 12.2 million pounds (net weight), a decrease of 5.6% from 2006 and the lowest seen since 1987. Bycatch mortality decreased in most major regulatory areas from 2006. Most of the decrease is attributable to lower bycatch in the Alaskan groundfish fishery. In Area 2A, bycatch mortality decreased seven percent in 2006, despite an increase of trawl effort (hours). Bycatch mortality in Area 2B remained slightly higher than in 2003-4. Lower trawl bycatch in Area 4 was the primary reason for reduced bycatch mortality in that area. Introduction Fisheries targeting on other fish and shellfish inadvertently catch Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Information collected by at-sea observers has indicated the incidental catch, or bycatch, is substantial. Regulations require that halibut be returned to the sea with no additional injury. However, some fish do die from being caught and handled. The preliminary estimate of 2007 bycatch mortality is 12.2 million pounds. This is a decrease from 2006 and the lowest seen since 1987. This document provides an overview of areas and fisheries which contributed to halibut bycatch mortality in 2007. Sources of bycatch information and estimates The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) relies upon information supplied by observer programs for bycatch estimates in most fisheries. Research survey information is used to generate estimates of bycatch in the few cases where fishery observations are unavailable. The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) operates observer programs covering the groundfish fisheries off Alaska and the U.S. west coast, and provides IPHC with estimates of bycatch. Estimates of bycatch off Alaska for 2007 were based on bycatch reported from fishing conducted through mid-November and projections for the remainder of the year. Estimates of bycatch mortality in crab pot and shrimp trawl fisheries off Alaska have been made by IPHC staff from previous studies of these fisheries and are based on bycatch rates observed on research surveys because direct fishery observations of bycatch are lacking. The amount of information varies for fisheries conducted off British Columbia. For the trawl fishery, bycatch is managed with an individual bycatch quota program instituted in 1996 by Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Fishery observers sample the catch on each bottom trawler, collecting data to estimate bycatch. Bycatch in other fisheries, such as the shrimp trawl, sablefish pot, and rockfish hook-&-line fisheries, is largely unknown but is believed to be relatively low, particularly for the shrimp trawl fishery (Boutillier et al. 1999). A new management program in 2006 which included 100% at-sea monitoring (observers or video) required groundfish vessels to account for their bycatch of all non-target species, and will likely provide new information on halibut bycatch levels in many fisheries where little has been known. 311 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Halibut bycatch in the domestic groundfish trawl fishery operating in Area 2A is estimated from information collected by at-sea observers. Bycatch rates (number per hour) are derived from the observer data, and applied to commercial fishery effort from logbooks (Wallace and Methot 2001). Most recent estimates have been provided by Wallace and Hastie (2007). Shrimp trawl fishery bycatch estimates are provided by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) staff from examinations of halibut bycatch during gear experiments. The estimates are considered rough approximations given the limited amount of data available, but appear reasonable and are updated every few years. Bycatch in the hook-&-line fishery has been determined through comparisons with the Alaskan sablefish fishery (Williams et al. 1998). Discard mortality rates and assumptions Discard mortality rates (DMRs), used to determine the fraction of the estimated bycatch that dies, vary by fishery and area. Where observers are used for fishery sampling, DMRs are calculated from data collected on the release viability or injury of halibut. For areas without observers, assumed DMRs are used, which are based on the similarity of fisheries to those in other areas where data are available. The mortality models used to calculate these rates have been presented by Clark et al. (1992) and Williams (1997). Observer data are used to estimate DMRs in fisheries in two major areas. NMFS manages the groundfish fisheries off Alaska according to a schedule of DMRs; the 2007 schedule is summarized in Table 1. DMRs for previous years can be found in Williams (this volume). In Area 2B, observers monitoring the Canadian trawl fishery examine each halibut to determine survival. Data to determine DMRs for other fisheries are not available, so assumptions are made on likely DMRs based on similar fisheries where DMRs are known. For Area 2A, the domestic groundfish trawl and shrimp trawls are assumed to have a 50% mortality rate, whereas the unobserved hook-&line fishery for sablefish is assigned an assumed DMR of 25%. The midwater fishery for whiting is assumed to have a 75% rate, based on the large catches of whiting typical of this type of fishery. Bycatch mortality by regulatory area Halibut bycatch mortality was relatively small until the 1960s, when it increased rapidly due to the sudden development of the foreign trawl fisheries off the North American coast. The total bycatch mortality (excluding the Japanese directed fishery in the eastern and western Bering Sea) peaked in 1965 at about 21 million pounds (Fig. 1). Bycatch mortality declined during the late 1960s, but increased to about 20 million pounds in the early 1970s. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, it dropped to roughly 13 million pounds, as foreign fishing off Alaska came under increasing control. By 1985, bycatch mortality had declined to 7.2 million pounds, the lowest level since the IPHC began its monitoring nearly 25 years earlier. Bycatch mortality increased in the late 1980s, due to the growth of the U.S. groundfish fishery off Alaska, and peaked at 20.3 million pounds in 1992. Bycatch mortality has since declined; preliminary estimates for 2007 total 12.2 million pounds, representing a 5.6% decrease from 2006 and a 40% decrease from the peak in 1992 of 20.3 million pounds. Bycatch mortality has ranged between 12-14 million pounds since the late 1990s. Estimates of bycatch mortality by fishery and major IPHC regulatory area for 1998 through 2007 are shown in Table 2 and discussed in the following sections. Tables 3 through 5 provide 312 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 bycatch mortality estimates by various area groupings. Tables 6 and 7 provide estimates of bycatch mortality in the federally-managed Alaskan groundfish fisheries. Area 2 Bycatch mortality in Area 2 in 2007 was estimated at 1.06 million pounds, up slightly from 2006 and below the 10-year average of 1.25 million pounds (Table 2). The primary sources for bycatch mortality in Area 2 are the groundfish trawl fisheries in 2A and 2B, and the crab pot and shrimp trawl fisheries in 2C. NMFS estimated halibut bycatch mortality for the 2006 trawl fishery operating in Area 2A at 333,000 pounds, a 7% decrease from 2005 despite an increase of 8.2% increase in overall trawl effort (Wallace and Hastie 2007). Trawl effort in depths less than 150 fm, where halibut bycatch rates are generally higher, increased by only 2%. The 2006 estimate has been used for 2007, but will be replaced when an actual estimate for 2007 is obtained. Finally, no new estimate of halibut bycatch mortality is available for the shrimp trawl fishery, so the most recent estimate has been rolled forward to 2007. In Area 2B, trawl fishery bycatch mortality was estimated at 0.35 million pounds, an increase of 18% from the 2005 estimate of 0.30 million pounds. This latest estimate is significantly above the average of 0.26 million pounds which has occurred since 1996, when the Individual Bycatch Quota program was started. In Area 2C, crab pot fishing and shrimp trawling occur in various locations and harvests have held steady over the years. Pot fishing for brown king crab (Lithodes aequispina) occurs in the deep waters of Chatham Strait during the winter months, and beam trawling occurs for shrimp and flounders in the inside waters of southeast Alaska. These fisheries have not been reviewed since the early 1990s, but these fisheries are small scale in nature, with low bycatch. It is assumed that mortality has been relatively stable since first examined. Area 3 Bycatch mortality in Area 3 was estimated at 4.02 million pounds in 2007 (Table 2), an 8.2 percent decrease from 2006. The groundfish fishery continued to be affected by fishery closures inside stellar sea lion critical habitat, which forced vessels to fish in less productive areas. In all Gulf areas, the trawl fishery was more closely managed in 2007 to prevent overruns of fisheryspecific bycatch mortality limits. For some fisheries, NMFS required daily reporting by observers to achieve this goal. Also, a study which permitted a portion of the rockfish trawl fishery to operate as a fishery cooperative resulted in less than 82,000 pounds (50 t) of mortality for those vessels, compared to 350,000-500,000 pounds (200-300 t) in previous years. Vessels participating in the rockfish cooperative were able to fish more off-bottom and at a slower pace offered by the cooperative structure. In other fisheries, the catch of Pacific cod, which typically accounts for the majority of the halibut bycatch in Area 3 for all gear types, was similar to 2006. Pot effort for cod, which has lower bycatch properties than other gears, continues to be quite high. Within Area 3B, trawl and hook-&-line fishery bycatch each dropped 13% from 2006. The total 2007 Area 3 bycatch mortality is below the 10-year average of 4.45 million pounds. 313 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Area 4 Bycatch mortality in Area 4 was estimated at 7.1 million pounds, a drop of 5.5% from 2006. Since 1998, bycatch mortality in this area has ranged from 6.8 to 7.7 million pounds annually, averaging 7.3 million pounds. This year’s estimate is slightly below the long term average. For 2007, an 11% decrease in trawl fishery bycatch was somewhat offset by minor increases in bycatch by the hook & line and Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries. Driven by cod fishing, bycatch by hook & line gear increased markedly, even with lower cod quotas. CDQ fisheries also expanded their effort on cod, which previously they had fished primarily on pollock. Within the non-CDQ trawl fisheries, big decreases in bycatch by the cod and arrowtooth flounder fisheries were offset by bycatch increases in the midwater pollock, rock sole, and Atka mackerel fisheries. References Boutillier, J. A., Bond, J. A. and Nguyen, H. 1999. Halibut by-catch in the British Columbia shrimp trawl fishery. Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat Research Doc. No. 99/122. Clark, W. G., Hoag, S. H., Trumble, R. J., and Williams, G. H. 1992. Re-estimation of survival for trawl caught halibut released in different condition factors. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1992: 197-206. Wallace, J. and Methot, R. 2001. Estimates of Pacific halibut bycatch and mortality in IPHC Area 2A in 2000. NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Report submitted to the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee, September, 2001. Wallace, J. and Hastie, J. 2007. Pacific halibut bycatch in IPHC Area 2A in the 2006 groundfish trawl fishery. NOAA, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Report submitted to the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee, September, 2007. 12 p. Williams, G. H. 1997. Pacific halibut discard mortality rates in the 1990-1995 Alaskan groundfish fisheries, with recommendations for monitoring in 1997. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1996: 211-227. Williams, G. H. 2007. Pacific halibut discard mortality rates in the 2005 groundfish fisheries, and recommendations for discard mortality rates for monitoring halibut bycatch in 2007-2009. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2006:175-188. Williams, G., Stauffer, G., Weeks, H., Saelens, M., Scordino, J., Bodenmiller, D., and Northup, T. 1998. Pacific halibut bycatch in Area 2A: Bycatch rates and current estimates of bycatch mortality. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1997: 269282. 314 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Preseason assumed discard mortality rates used by NMFS for monitoring halibut bycatch mortality in 2007-2009 in the Alaskan groundfish fisheries. From Williams (2007) and Williams (this volume). Bering Sea/Aleutians Recommendation Gear/Target for 2007-2009 Trawl Atka mackerel 76 Bottom pollock 74 Pacific cod 70 Other Flatfish 74 Rockfish 76 Flathead sole 70 Pelagic pollock 88 Rock sole 80 Sablefish 75 Turbot 70 Arrowtooth fldr 75 Yellowfin sole 80 Pot Pacific cod 7 Longline Pacific cod 11 Rockfish 17 Turbot 13 Gulf of Alaska Recommendation for 2007-2009 Gear/Target Trawl Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Deepwater flatfish Shallow water flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Pelagic pollock Sablefish Arrowtooth fldr Rex sole Pot Pacific cod Longline Pacific cod Rockfish 60 59 63 53 71 67 61 76 65 69 63 16 14 10 CDQ Fisheries Recommended Gear/Target DMR for 2008 Trawl Atka mackerel 85 Bottom pollock 86 Rockfish 82 Flathead sole 87 Pelagic pollock 90 Rock sole 86 Yellowfin sole 86 Pot Sablefish 34 Longline Pacific cod 10 Turbot 4 315 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 2. Estimates (thousands of pounds, net weight) of bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) by year, area, and fishery for 1996 through 2007. Estimates for 2007 are preliminary and subject to change as new information becomes available. Region and Area AREA 2A Groundfish Trawl Shrimp Trawl Hook & Line 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total 1,041 25 16 1,082 946 25 16 987 781 25 16 822 796 25 16 837 512 25 16 553 462 25 16 503 245 25 16 286 358 25 16 399 333 25 16 374 333 25 16 374 Total 213 213 193 193 230 230 177 177 244 244 244 244 251 251 346 346 294 294 348 348 AREA 2C Crab Pot/Shrimp Trawl Groundfish Trawl Hook & Line (non-IFQ) Hook & Line (IFQ) Chatham Str. Sablefish Clarence Str. Sablefish Total AREA 2 Subtotal 303 4 18 3 8 25 361 1,656 303 1 18 3 8 25 358 1,538 303 0 56 3 8 25 395 1,447 303 0 2 3 8 25 341 1,355 303 0 1 3 8 25 340 1,137 303 0 2 3 8 25 341 1,088 303 0 23 3 8 25 362 899 303 0 1 3 8 25 340 1,085 303 0 2 3 8 25 341 1,009 303 0 3 3 8 25 342 1,064 250 1,908 360 119 15 10 2,662 250 2,148 317 119 41 10 2,885 250 2,222 281 119 10 10 2,892 250 2,404 203 119 23 10 3,009 250 1,685 128 119 2 10 2,194 250 2,407 389 119 5 10 3,180 250 3,033 244 119 15 10 3,671 250 2,664 149 119 28 10 3,220 250 2,339 239 119 18 10 2,975 250 2,218 167 119 7 10 2,771 50 1,130 89 116 4 1,389 4,051 50 1,184 281 116 106 1,737 4,622 50 1,194 143 116 7 1,510 4,402 50 1,320 171 116 18 1,675 4,684 50 1,508 248 116 2 1,924 4,118 50 1,341 198 116 29 1,734 4,914 50 866 205 116 37 1,274 4,945 50 862 69 116 29 1,126 4,346 50 926 299 116 9 1,400 4,375 50 806 260 116 12 1,244 4,015 300 5,795 1,409 60 11 150 7,725 300 5,972 982 60 11 187 172 7,684 300 5,379 1,508 60 24 64 106 7,441 300 5,322 1,300 60 13 57 68 7,120 300 5,591 1,058 60 17 131 116 7,273 300 5,589 556 60 28 187 102 6,822 300 5,499 617 60 6 176 77 6,735 300 6,454 666 60 2 128 82 7,692 300 6,269 593 60 8 187 74 7,491 300 5,590 797 60 2 247 85 7,081 13,432 13,844 13,290 13,159 12,528 12,824 12,579 13,123 12,875 12,160 AREA 2B Domestic Trawl AREA 3A Crab Pot/Shrimp Trawl Groundfish Trawl Hook & Line (non-IFQ) Hook & Line (IFQ) Groundfish Pot Pr Wm Sd Sablefish Total AREA 3B Crab Pot/Shrimp Trawl Groundfish Trawl Hook & Line (non-IFQ) Hook & Line (IFQ) Groundfish Pot Total AREA 3 Subtotal AREA 4 Crab Pot/Shrimp Trawl Groundfish Trawl Hook & Line (non-IFQ) Hook & Line (IFQ) Groundfish Pot CDQ Trawl CDQ Hook & Line AREA 4 Subtotal GRAND TOTAL 316 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 3. Estimates (thousands of pounds, net weight and metric tons, round weight) of bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from all sources by IPHC regulatory area for 1962 through 2006. Estimates for 2006 are preliminary and subject to change as new information becomes available. Year 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Thousands of Pounds, net weight Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Total 1,383 1,283 1,310 1,640 1,879 2,091 2,478 2,651 2,032 2,284 2,506 2,357 2,738 3,025 3,249 2,874 2,325 3,149 2,368 2,169 1,644 1,723 1,851 1,915 1,940 2,428 2,389 2,278 2,943 3,133 2,925 2,847 2,191 2,484 1,258 1,226 1,656 1,538 1,447 1,355 1,137 1,088 899 1,085 1,009 1,064 3,083 6,102 11,639 16,539 12,495 9,528 7,053 4,980 6,230 4,341 7,099 7,147 8,667 5,231 5,938 5,988 4,895 6,715 7,099 6,282 5,972 4,892 3,647 1,578 1,246 3,113 3,415 4,085 6,159 6,514 6,650 5,353 5,294 4,723 4,700 4,408 4,051 4,622 4,402 4,684 4,118 4,914 4,945 4,346 4,375 4,015 4,143 2,038 2,965 3,182 3,400 4,718 5,685 7,599 8,028 13,095 9,675 8,029 7,620 3,650 4,564 2,914 5,023 5,419 9,235 6,408 4,756 4,269 4,692 4,207 5,576 5,738 8,858 7,282 8,580 10,022 10,718 7,764 9,466 8,726 8,507 7,880 7,725 7,684 7,441 7,120 7,273 6,822 6,735 7,692 7,491 7,081 8,609 9,423 15,914 21,361 17,774 16,337 15,216 15,230 16,290 19,720 19,280 17,533 19,025 11,906 13,751 11,776 12,242 15,282 18,702 14,859 12,373 10,883 10,189 7,700 8,762 11,279 14,662 13,646 17,682 19,669 20,293 15,964 16,951 15,933 14,465 13,514 13,432 13,844 13,290 13,159 12,528 12,824 12,579 13,123 12,875 12,160 Area 2 834 774 790 989 1,133 1,261 1,495 1,599 1,225 1,377 1,512 1,422 1,651 1,825 1,960 1,733 1,402 1,899 1,428 1,308 992 1,039 1,116 1,155 1,170 1,465 1,441 1,374 1,775 1,890 1,764 1,717 1,322 1,498 759 739 999 928 873 817 686 656 542 654 609 642 Metric tons, round weight Area 3 Area 4 1,860 3,681 7,020 9,976 7,537 5,747 4,254 3,004 3,758 2,618 4,282 4,311 5,228 3,155 3,582 3,612 2,952 4,050 4,282 3,789 3,602 2,951 2,199 952 752 1,878 2,060 2,464 3,715 3,929 4,011 3,229 3,193 2,849 2,835 2,659 2,443 2,788 2,655 2,825 2,484 2,964 2,983 2,621 2,639 2,422 2,499 1,229 1,788 1,919 2,051 2,846 3,429 4,584 4,842 7,899 5,836 4,843 4,596 2,202 2,753 1,758 3,029 3,269 5,570 3,865 2,869 2,575 2,830 2,538 3,363 3,461 5,343 4,393 5,175 6,045 6,465 4,683 5,710 5,263 5,131 4,753 4,660 4,635 4,488 4,295 4,387 4,115 4,062 4,640 4,518 4,271 Total 5,192 5,683 9,599 12,884 10,721 9,854 9,178 9,186 9,825 11,894 11,629 10,575 11,475 7,181 8,294 7,103 7,384 9,218 11,280 8,963 7,463 6,564 6,146 4,644 5,285 6,803 8,844 8,231 10,665 11,864 12,240 9,629 10,224 9,610 8,725 8,151 8,102 8,350 8,016 7,937 7,556 7,735 7,587 7,915 7,766 7,335 317 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 4. Estimates (thousands of pounds, net weight and metric tons, round weight) of bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from all sources by IPHC regulatory subarea for 1962 through 2007. Estimates for 2007 are preliminary and subject to change as new information becomes available. Thousands of pounds, net weight Year 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Area 2A 477 477 477 477 477 476 476 475 475 476 475 475 476 476 477 477 408 408 444 444 444 614 614 614 1,082 987 822 837 553 503 286 399 374 374 Area 2B 1,176 1,077 1,105 1,435 1,666 1,652 1,963 2,183 1,470 1,745 1,750 1,509 1,729 1,909 2,064 1,817 1,471 1,852 1,372 1,188 867 943 1,074 1,139 1,161 1,649 1,609 1,498 1,679 1,992 1,745 1,661 1,219 1,522 299 215 213 193 230 177 244 244 251 346 294 348 Area 2C 207 206 205 205 213 439 515 468 562 539 756 848 532 639 708 580 377 821 520 507 302 304 302 301 303 303 303 303 856 733 736 742 528 348 345 397 361 358 395 341 340 341 362 340 341 342 Area 3A 1,919 3,314 9,370 6,097 4,513 4,633 5,476 3,806 3,389 2,974 5,406 4,452 5,247 3,158 3,495 4,094 3,055 5,780 5,852 4,720 3,797 2,957 2,140 1,001 836 2,240 3,365 3,267 4,114 4,843 4,668 4,291 3,907 2,963 2,743 2,965 2,662 2,885 2,892 3,009 2,194 3,180 3,671 3,220 2,975 2,771 Area 3B 1,164 2,788 2,269 10,442 7,982 4,895 1,577 1,174 2,841 1,367 1,693 2,695 3,420 2,073 2,443 1,894 1,840 935 1,246 1,563 2,175 1,935 1,507 577 410 873 50 818 2,045 1,671 1,982 1,062 1,387 1,760 1,957 1,443 1,389 1,737 1,510 1,675 1,924 1,734 1,274 1,126 1,400 1,244 Area 4 4,143 2,038 2,965 3,182 3,400 4,718 5,685 7,599 8,028 13,095 9,675 8,029 7,620 3,650 4,564 2,914 5,023 5,419 9,235 6,408 4,756 4,269 4,692 4,207 5,576 5,738 8,858 7,282 8,580 10,022 10,718 7,764 9,466 8,726 8,507 7,880 7,725 7,684 7,441 7,120 7,273 6,822 6,735 7,692 7,491 7,081 Total 8,609 9,423 15,914 21,361 17,774 16,337 15,216 15,230 16,290 19,720 19,280 17,533 19,025 11,906 13,751 11,776 12,242 15,282 18,702 14,859 12,373 10,883 10,189 7,700 8,762 11,279 14,662 13,646 17,682 19,669 20,293 15,964 16,951 15,933 14,465 13,514 13,432 13,844 13,290 13,159 12,528 12,824 12,579 13,123 12,875 12,160 318 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Area 2A 288 288 288 288 288 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 288 288 246 246 268 268 268 370 370 370 653 595 496 505 334 303 173 241 226 226 Area 2B 709 649 667 866 1,005 996 1,184 1,317 886 1,052 1,056 910 1,043 1,151 1,245 1,096 887 1,117 828 716 523 568 648 687 700 995 971 904 1,013 1,202 1,053 1,002 735 918 180 130 128 116 139 107 147 147 151 209 177 210 Metric tons, round weight Area Area Area 2C 3A 3B 125 1,157 702 124 1,999 1,682 124 5,652 1,369 124 3,678 6,298 128 2,722 4,815 265 2,795 2,953 311 3,303 951 282 2,296 708 339 2,044 1,714 325 1,794 825 456 3,261 1,021 511 2,685 1,626 321 3,165 2,063 385 1,905 1,250 427 2,108 1,474 350 2,469 1,142 227 1,843 1,110 495 3,486 564 314 3,530 752 306 2,847 942 182 2,290 1,312 183 1,784 1,167 182 1,290 909 182 604 348 183 504 247 183 1,351 527 183 2,030 30 183 1,971 494 516 2,481 1,233 442 2,921 1,008 444 2,816 1,195 448 2,588 641 318 2,357 837 210 1,787 1,062 208 1,655 1,180 239 1,788 870 218 1,606 838 216 1,740 1,048 238 1,744 911 206 1,815 1,010 205 1,323 1,161 206 1,918 1,046 218 2,214 768 205 1,942 679 206 1,794 844 206 1,671 750 Area 4 2,499 1,229 1,788 1,919 2,051 2,846 3,429 4,584 4,842 7,899 5,836 4,843 4,596 2,202 2,753 1,758 3,029 3,269 5,570 3,865 2,869 2,575 2,830 2,538 3,363 3,461 5,343 4,393 5,175 6,045 6,465 4,683 5,710 5,263 5,131 4,753 4,660 4,635 4,488 4,295 4,387 4,115 4,062 4,640 4,518 4,271 Total 5,192 5,683 9,599 12,884 10,721 9,854 9,178 9,186 9,825 11,894 11,629 10,575 11,475 7,181 8,294 7,103 7,384 9,218 11,280 8,963 7,463 6,564 6,146 4,644 5,285 6,803 8,844 8,231 10,665 11,864 12,240 9,629 10,224 9,610 8,725 8,151 8,102 8,350 8,016 7,937 7,556 7,735 7,587 7,915 7,766 7,335 Table 5. Estimates (thousands of pounds, net weight and metric tons, round weight) of bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from all sources by geographic region of the coast for 1962 through 2007. Estimates for 2007 are preliminary and subject to change as new information becomes available. Year 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Thousands of Pounds, net weight Bering Wash.,Oreg., Gulf of Sea & Calif. B.C. Alaska Aleut. 1,176 3,290 4,143 1,077 6,308 2,038 1,105 11,844 2,965 1,435 16,744 3,182 1,666 12,708 3,400 1,652 9,967 4,718 1,963 7,568 5,685 2,183 5,448 7,599 1,470 6,792 8,028 1,745 4,880 13,095 1,750 7,855 9,675 1,509 7,995 8,029 477 1,729 9,199 7,620 477 1,909 5,870 3,650 477 2,064 6,646 4,564 477 1,817 6,568 2,914 477 1,471 5,272 5,023 476 1,852 7,536 5,419 476 1,372 7,619 9,235 475 1,188 6,789 6,408 475 867 6,274 4,756 476 943 5,196 4,269 475 1,074 3,949 4,692 475 1,139 1,879 4,207 476 1,161 1,549 5,576 476 1,649 3,416 5,738 477 1,609 3,718 8,858 477 1,498 4,388 7,282 408 1,679 7,015 8,580 408 1,992 7,247 10,022 444 1,745 7,386 10,718 444 1,661 6,095 7,764 444 1,219 5,822 9,466 614 1,522 5,071 8,726 614 299 5,045 8,507 614 215 4,805 7,880 1,082 213 4,412 7,725 987 193 4,980 7,684 822 230 4,797 7,441 837 177 5,025 7,120 553 244 4,458 7,273 503 244 5,255 6,822 286 251 5,307 6,735 399 346 4,686 7,692 374 294 4,716 7,491 374 348 4,357 7,081 Total 8,609 9,423 15,914 21,361 17,774 16,337 15,216 15,230 16,290 19,720 19,280 17,533 19,025 11,906 13,751 11,776 12,242 15,282 18,702 14,859 12,373 10,883 10,189 7,700 8,762 11,279 14,662 13,646 17,682 19,669 20,293 15,964 16,951 15,933 14,465 13,514 13,432 13,844 13,290 13,159 12,528 12,824 12,579 13,123 12,875 12,160 Wash.,Oreg., Calif. 288 288 288 288 288 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 288 288 246 246 268 268 268 370 370 370 653 595 496 505 334 303 173 241 226 226 Metric tons, round weight Bering Gulf of Sea & B.C. Alaska Aleut. 709 1,984 2,499 649 3,805 1,229 667 7,144 1,788 866 10,100 1,919 1,005 7,665 2,051 996 6,012 2,846 1,184 4,565 3,429 1,317 3,286 4,584 886 4,097 4,842 1,052 2,943 7,899 1,056 4,738 5,836 910 4,822 4,843 1,043 5,549 4,596 1,151 3,541 2,202 1,245 4,009 2,753 1,096 3,962 1,758 887 3,180 3,029 1,117 4,545 3,269 828 4,595 5,570 716 4,095 3,865 523 3,784 2,869 568 3,134 2,575 648 2,382 2,830 687 1,133 2,538 700 934 3,363 995 2,060 3,461 971 2,243 5,343 904 2,647 4,393 1,013 4,231 5,175 1,202 4,371 6,045 1,053 4,455 6,465 1,002 3,676 4,683 735 3,512 5,710 918 3,059 5,263 180 3,043 5,131 130 2,898 4,753 128 2,661 4,660 116 3,004 4,635 139 2,893 4,488 107 3,031 4,295 147 2,689 4,387 147 3,170 4,115 151 3,201 4,062 209 2,826 4,640 177 2,845 4,518 210 2,628 4,271 Total 5,192 5,683 9,599 12,884 10,721 9,854 9,178 9,186 9,825 11,894 11,629 10,575 11,475 7,181 8,294 7,103 7,384 9,218 11,280 8,963 7,463 6,564 6,146 4,644 5,285 6,803 8,844 8,231 10,665 11,864 12,240 9,629 10,224 9,610 8,725 8,151 8,102 8,350 8,016 7,937 7,556 7,735 7,587 7,915 7,766 7,335 319 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 6. Estimates (thousands of pounds, net weight and metric tons, round weight) of the bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from the Alaskan groundfish fishery for 1990 through 2007. Estimates for 2007 are preliminary and subject to change as new information becomes available. All federally managed fisheries are represented, including the IFQ sablefish fishery and Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries. However, fisheries operating within State of Alaska jurisdiction, e.g., Chatham Strait sablefish fishery, are excluded. Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Gulf of Alaska Thousands of pounds, net weight Metric tons, round weight Trawls H&L Pot Total Trawls H&L Pot 4,331 2,012 52 6,395 2,612 1,214 31 4,538 2,081 7 6,626 2,737 1,255 4 4,060 2,684 26 6,770 2,449 1,619 16 3,548 1,900 19 5,467 2,140 1,146 19 3,619 1,512 23 5,154 2,183 912 14 3,745 645 35 4,425 2,259 389 21 3,890 498 11 4,399 2,346 300 7 3,291 855 13 4,159 1,985 516 8 3,042 705 19 3,766 1,835 425 11 3,333 854 147 4,334 2,010 515 89 3,416 718 17 4,151 2,060 433 10 3,724 614 41 4,379 2,246 370 25 3,193 615 4 3,812 1,926 371 2 3,748 827 34 4,609 2,261 499 21 3,899 710 52 4,661 2,352 428 31 3,526 457 57 4,040 2,127 276 34 3,265 778 27 4,070 1,969 469 16 3,024 668 19 3,711 1,824 403 11 Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Bering Sea/Aleutians Thousands of pounds, net weight Metric tons, round weight Trawls H&L Pot Total Trawls H&L Pot 4,331 2,012 52 6,395 2,612 1,214 31 4,538 2,081 7 6,626 2,737 1,255 4 4,060 2,684 26 6,770 2,449 1,619 16 3,548 1,900 19 5,467 2,140 1,146 19 3,619 1,512 23 5,154 2,183 912 14 3,745 645 35 4,425 2,259 389 21 3,890 498 11 4,399 2,346 300 7 3,291 855 13 4,159 1,985 516 8 3,042 705 19 3,766 1,835 425 11 3,333 854 147 4,334 2,010 515 89 3,416 718 17 4,151 2,060 433 10 3,724 614 41 4,379 2,246 370 25 3,193 615 4 3,812 1,926 371 2 3,748 827 34 4,609 2,261 499 21 3,899 710 52 4,661 2,352 428 31 3,526 457 57 4,040 2,127 276 34 3,265 778 27 4,070 1,969 469 16 3,024 668 19 3,711 1,824 403 11 320 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Total 3,857 3,997 4,083 3,305 3,109 2,669 2,653 2,509 2,272 2,614 2,504 2,641 2,299 2,780 2,811 2,437 2,455 2,238 Total 3,857 3,997 4,083 3,305 3,109 2,669 2,653 2,509 2,272 2,614 2,504 2,641 2,299 2,780 2,811 2,437 2,455 2,238 Table 6. (Continued) Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Alaska Total Thousands of pounds, net weight Metric tons, round weight Trawls H&L Pot Total Trawls H&L Pot Total 10,640 2,639 56 13,335 6,418 1,592 34 8,043 12,792 3,545 11 16,348 7,716 2,138 7 9,861 11,682 5,459 47 17,188 7,046 3,293 28 10,367 10,151 2,761 19 12,931 6,123 1,665 19 7,807 10,818 3,456 32 14,306 6,525 2,085 19 8,629 10,355 2,376 60 12,791 6,246 1,433 36 7,715 10,472 2,033 41 12,546 6,316 1,226 25 7,567 9,238 2,419 22 11,679 5,572 1,459 13 7,044 8,987 2,114 30 11,131 5,421 1,275 18 6,714 9,492 2,068 158 11,718 5,725 1,247 95 7,068 8,859 2,392 41 11,292 5,344 1,443 25 6,811 9,103 2,042 54 11,199 5,491 1,232 33 6,755 8,915 1,849 21 10,785 5,377 1,115 13 6,505 9,524 1,545 62 11,131 5,745 932 37 6,714 9,574 1,464 58 11,096 5,775 883 35 6,693 10,108 1,265 59 11,432 6,097 763 36 6,895 9,721 1,505 35 11,261 5,863 908 21 6,792 8,861 1,610 21 10,492 5,345 971 13 6,329 321 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 7. Estimates of 2007 groundfish catch and Pacific halibut bycatch mortality by region, gear and target fishery in the groundfish fisheries off Alaska. Does not include IFQ or CDQ fisheries. Data current through October 27, 2007. Region & Target fishery Bering Sea Alaska plaice Arrowtooth flndr Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Flathead sole Midwater pollock Other flatfish Other species Pacific cod Rock sole Rockfish Sablefish Turbot Yellowfin sole Total Gulf of Alaska Arrowtooth flndr Bottom pollock Deepwater flats Flathead sole Midwater pollock Pacific cod Rex sole Rockfish Sablefish Shallow water flats Total Pot Hook & Line Groundfish Catch (mt) Hbt Byc Mort (mt) Groundfish Catch (mt) Trawl Hbt Byc Mort (mt) 110 1 50 83,873 0 475 11 0 1,515 5 85,560 481 2 0 11,542 259 22,642 11 11,544 259 22,642 11 322 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 16,031 0 754 1 16,785 1 Groundfish Catch (mt) Hbt Byc Mort (mt) 195 1,212 58,112 25,918 20,971 968,134 3,057 269 91,369 36,982 12,117 1 17 222 30 305 238 60 4 1,042 910 23 120,357 1,338,692 518 3,372 20,056 13,157 22 1,591 15,526 14,046 5,927 18,726 388 12,564 102,003 435 88 0 17 1 467 132 99 5 581 1,824 Bycatch Mortality (million lbs 25 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 20 15 10 5 0 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 Year Figure 1. Bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut by IPHC regulatory area, 1962-2007. 323 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 324 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Pacific halibut discard mortality rates in the 2006 open access and CDQ groundfish fisheries, and recommendations for discard mortality rates needed for monitoring halibut bycatch in 2008 CDQ fisheries Gregg H. Williams Abstract Observations of the physical condition and injuries of halibut caught as bycatch in the groundfish fisheries off Alaska were used to determine discard mortality rates (DMRs). DMRs were calculated for each target fishery (open access, and Community Development Quota or CDQ) in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea/Aleutians regions. The resultant 2006 fishery DMRs differed very little from 2005. Bycatch management for 2007-2009 is to be based on the DMRs adopted by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council in September, 2006. Recommendations for CDQ fisheries in 2008 were based on mean DMRs calculated from 1998-2006 data. Introduction Pacific halibut discard mortality rates (DMRs) in the Alaskan groundfish fisheries are estimated from viability (injury and condition) data collected by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) observers. Analysis by staff of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) results in recommendations to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC or Council) for managing halibut bycatch in subsequent fishing seasons. This paper describes the results from an analysis of data collected from the 2006 open access and Community Development Quota (CDQ) groundfish fisheries, and includes DMR recommendations for monitoring halibut bycatch in the 2008 CDQ fisheries. Data description and methods The analysis followed the same approach that has been employed since 1996, which was described by Williams (1996). Observer haul data from the NMFS groundfish observer database formed the basis of the analysis. The data records included the catch of groundfish by species or species group, estimates of the number and weight (kg) of halibut bycatch, and the number and length of halibut sampled for release condition or injury by category (excellent/poor/dead for trawl and pot gear, minor/moderate/severe/dead for longline gear). Records for all hauls sampled by observers in 2006 were obtained; hauls not sampled for species composition were excluded. The records were assigned to target fishery categories, based on the catch of the particular species within the haul catch composition, relative to the overall total and retained catches (Table 1). For example, hauls were coded as midwater pollock if pollock comprised 95% or more of the summed total catch for the week (Sunday-Saturday). The determination for the flatfish targets assumed that all arrowtooth flounder caught in a haul were discarded; the remaining species were assumed to be retained. Target determination was based on the species/species group comprising the greatest percentage of the “retained” catch. Flatfish targets in the Bering Sea/Aleutians (BSA) 325 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 were determined in a succession of comparisons of individual flatfish species compositions in the catch. Table 1 shows the target codes and definitions used. NMFS observers examined halibut for their release condition or injury immediately before being returned to the sea. Each fish was judged according to a set of criteria (Williams and Chen 2003), which were used to determine internal and external injuries, and body damage from predators (e.g., amphipods and marine mammals). Beginning in 2000, a dichotomous key was introduced to reduce subjectivity in the determinations of condition and injury. Observers recorded the number of halibut in excellent, poor and dead condition (trawls and pots) or with minor, moderate, severe injuries, or deemed dead (longlines) each haul or set sampled, respectively. Samples were only collected on hauls that were sampled for species composition. The species composition sampling provides an estimate of the total number of halibut caught in the haul, as well as the catch of groundfish, necessary for determining the target. Observers were instructed to limit the number of fish examined to a maximum of 20, although this was occasionally exceeded by enthusiastic observers. Next, the viability distribution was calculated. First, for each haul, the proportion of halibut in each category was extrapolated upwards to the total number of halibut caught. The extrapolated numbers of halibut for each vessel by viability category were then summed within each region/ gear/target strata. The general model for calculating the DMR for halibut caught by gear g was of the form: 4 d DMRg = ¦ mi , g u Pi i 1 i where m is the mortality rate for gear g, and P is the proportion of halibut in condition i, where 1 is excellent/minor, 2 is poor/moderate, 3 is dead (trawl or pot)/severe, and 4 is dead (longline). The mortality rate m varies among gear types (see Clark et al. (1992) for trawls, Williams (1996) for pots, and Kaimmer and Trumble (1998) for longlines) and represents the aggregate effects of external and internal injuries to the fish and the presence of predation by amphipods or marine mammals. There can be many sources of injuries, which vary by gear type. For longlines, injuries are most frequently caused by improper release methods used by vessel crews. Another significant factor is the length of the soak time, which can exacerbate the mortality caused by hooking injuries and also increase the potential for amphipod predation. Estimated halibut mortality rates by gear and condition/injury were as follows: Gear (g) Trawl Pot Longlines mexc 0.20 0.00 mminor 0.035 mpoor 0.55 1.00 mmoderate 0.363 mdead 0.90 1.00 msevere 0.662 mdead 1.00 Mean fishery DMRs and associated standard errors were estimated by assuming that each vessel acts as a separate sampling unit, so that a DMR was calculated for each individual vessel in a target fishery. The DMR for a target fishery was then estimated as the mean of vessel DMRs, 326 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 where the vessel’s proportion of the total number of bycaught halibut was used as a weighting factor, as follows: Let DMRv = observed DMR on vessel v = proportion of total number of halibut caught on vessel v in a fishery pv ¦bp n DMR = Then v u DMRv v 1 g Standard errors of the weighted mean DMR were estimated as: d V DMR i ¦cp n v 1 2 v b u V DMRv gh d i V d DMRi where V b DMR g is the sample variance of all the DMRs and SE DMR v v d i d i , and V DMR and SE DMR are the variance and standard error of DMR , respectively. Results Open access fisheries A summary of observer coverage, sampling, and halibut size composition data is shown in Table 2. Coverage and sampling in the major targets produced a large number of sampled hauls, and a substantial number of halibut sampled. For example, observers sampled slightly more than 13,000 hauls and 16,000 halibut in the BSA midwater pollock fishery, which represents the largest sample of any target fishery in 2006. Sample sizes were also very high (>1,000 hauls and/or >900 halibut measured) in the BSA cod (trawl), bottom pollock, rock sole, yellowfin sole and Atka mackerel fisheries. More intermediate in sample size was flathead sole. Sampling in the remaining BSA trawl fisheries was relatively low. The longline fishery for cod was the only BSA longline fishery to receive much sampling; only minimal sampling occurred on vessels targeting rockfish and turbot. Pot fishing was focused on cod, as in past years. Most of the sampling in GOA trawl fisheries occurred in the pollock, cod, rockfish, and flatfish targets, which continued patterns seen in past years. In 2006, the rockfish fishery contained the greatest number of vessels (36) and hauls (554) monitored. Sampling of the cod and the two pollock fisheries occurred at similar levels (33-34 vessels; ~200-400 hauls). Sampling of flatfish fishing was concentrated in the shallow water, flathead and rex sole targets. For the second year in a row, no vessel effort was noted in the deepwater flatfish target, which primarily has been directed at Dover sole. In 2005, high catches of Dover sole were most frequently associated with even greater catches of arrowtooth flounder or rex sole, and to a lesser extent flathead sole. Consequently, vessel effort was assigned to those targets and not to deepwater flatfish. The number of sampled longline and pot vessels targeting cod was similar to past years. Data on sampling levels and release viability (condition or injury) by fishery and region are summarized in Table 3. The raw data represent the observations recorded by observers. In most cases, these raw data total less than those shown in Table 2, as the latter include halibut which were 327 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 not examined for condition/injury. The observations on each haul were extrapolated upwards to the total number of halibut caught on the haul, and then summed across vessel & target fishery strata. For most fisheries, the distribution of the extrapolated viability data is very similar to the raw data. However, for the GOA bottom pollock fishery, the final, extrapolated data exhibit a different distribution than the raw data. The complete time series of fishery DMRs is provided in Tables 4 and 5 for the BSA and GOA, respectively. CDQ fisheries In 2006, CDQ fishing was conducted using pots, trawls, and longlines. Species targeted by trawl included pollock, rockfish, Atka mackerel, rock sole and yellowfin sole. Pacific cod were targeted by longline, and sablefish by pots. Sampling levels and injury/viability data for CDQ operations are summarized in Table 6; the time series of mean annual DMRs is shown in Table 7. Almost all halibut caught in the trawl operations were dead when examined. The resulting DMRs ranged from 0.88 to 0.90, which are generally higher than what is seen in open access fishing for the same target species, with the exception of pelagic pollock and yellowfin sole. Longline CDQ fishing consisted of 20 vessels targeting cod. Distribution of release injuries to halibut in the CDQ longline cod fishery was similar to that observed in the open access cod fishery, which is reflected by very similar DMRs (0.104 vs. 0.098). Pot effort in 2006 was focused on sablefish, with four vessels observed, compared to five vessels observed in 2005. The fishery DMR (0.404) was slightly higher than the long term mean and what has been previously seen in this fishery. Pot soak time is believed to be positively correlated with halibut mortality. The long soaks increase the potential for amphipod predation and injury from hard-shell crab in the pot. Recommendations for 2008 CDQ fisheries Until 10 years of data from CDQ fishing have been collected, recommendations will be based on averaging all available data. Thus, for the 2008 recommendations, a mean annual DMR for all targets was calculated using data from 1998-2006. For the major species, there are at least five years of data, and up to eight years for pelagic pollock and longline cod. These recommendations are shown in Table 8. For those targets with no recent information, such as trawl flathead sole and rockfish, longline turbot, and pot cod, DMRs derived from open access fisheries data are recommended. The current open access fisheries are probably more alike the current CDQ fishing, than data from fishing conducted over five years ago or more. Note on open access fisheries The Council is using a plan in which the DMRs used to monitor halibut bycatch are an average of data from the preceding 10 year period. These 10-year mean DMRs for each fishery are used for a 3-year period, with the justification being two-fold: 1) to smooth out small, interannual variability, and 2) to avoid annually changing the DMRs, thereby by providing stability for the industry to better plan their operations. The following table outlines what has been used thus far. Note that data from 1996-2005 form the basis for 2007-2009 monitoring. 328 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 10-Year Basis Period 1990-1999 1993-2002 1996-2005 Years of application 2001 - 2003 2004 – 2006 2007 - 2009 References Clark, W. G., Hoag, S. H., Trumble, R. J., and Williams, G. H. 1992. Re-estimation of survival for trawl caught halibut released in different condition factors. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1992:197-206. Kaimmer, S. M., and Trumble, R. J. 1998. Injury, condition, and mortality of Pacific halibut bycatch following careful release by Pacific cod and sablefish longline fisheries. Fish. Res. 38:131144. Williams, G. H. 1996. Pacific halibut discard mortality rates in the 1994 Alaskan groundfish fisheries, with recommendations for monitoring in 1996. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1996:173-183. Williams, G. H. and Chen, D. 2003. Pacific halibut discard mortality rates in the 1990-2002 Alaskan groundfish fisheries, with recommendations for monitoring in 2004. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2003:227-244. 329 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Groundfish target definitions and the method used to determine target species for observer sampled hauls, as used in the halibut discard mortality rate analysis. Target A B C F K L O P R S T W Y BSA Definition Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Other flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Other spp. Pelagic pollock Rock sole Sablefish Greenland turbot Arrowtooth flounder Yellowfin sole Target A B C D H K L O P S W X GOA Definition Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Deep water flatfish Shallow water flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Other spp. Pelagic pollock Sablefish Arrowtooth flounder Rex sole OPEN ACCESS and CDQ TARGET DETERMINATION Bering Sea/Aleutians P if pollock > 95% of total catch, or W if arrowtooth flounder ≥ 65% of total catch. Y/R/L/F if (rock sole + other flatfish + yellowfin sole + flathead) is the largest component of the retained catch using this rule: Y if yellowfin sole is ≥ 70% of (rock sole + other flatfish + yellowfin sole + flathead sole), or R if rock sole > other flatfish and rock sole > flathead sole, or L if flathead sole > other flatfish and flathead sole > rock sole, or F if none of the three conditions above are met. If target is not P, W, Y, R, L or F, then target is whichever species or species group (A, B, C, K, O, S, or T) forms the largest part of the total catch. Gulf of Alaska P if pollock ≥ 95% of total catch, or W if arrowtooth flounder ≥ 65% of total catch. If target is not P or W, then target is whichever species or species group (A, B, C, D, H, K, L, O, S, or X) forms the largest part of the total catch. 330 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 2. Information on observer coverage, sampling, and size composition of the halibut bycatch in 2006. Area/Gear No. of vsls No. of No. of fish Mean Percent Percent /Target observed smpld hauls measured length (cm) <65 cm < 82 cm BSA Longline Pacific cod 39 5,875 10,433 67.8 42.5 86.6 Rockfish 3 20 0 Turbot 7 137 20 88.6 5.0 20.0 BSA Pot Pacific cod 40 727 747 63.9 52.7 98.7 BSA Trawl Atka mackerel 14 1,051 135 65.1 68.9 84.4 Bottom pollock 71 1,464 5,846 55.6 71.0 94.6 Pacific cod 65 1,908 5,720 51.6 86.6 95.9 Other flatfish 1 4 10 61.0 80.0 90.0 Rockfish 6 168 23 90.1 13.0 39.1 Flathead sole 14 842 1,930 59.0 70.1 91.7 Other sp. 1 1 0 Pelagic pollock 96 13,106 16,217 57.9 68.8 93.9 Rock sole 23 1,268 4,725 46.5 87.6 94.9 Sablefish 0 0 0 Turbot 0 0 0 Arrowtooth flndr 0 0 0 Yellowfin sole 29 2,418 2,623 58.8 66.3 78.9 GOA Longline Pacific cod 17 658 2,021 67.4 45.4 88.5 GOA Pot Pacific cod 24 385 489 74.0 19.6 75.5 GOA Trawl Bottom pollock 34 435 658 64.2 55.5 85.0 Pacific cod 32 213 1,018 62.7 64.5 93.3 Dp wtr flatfish 0 0 Shall wtr flatfish 21 186 1,184 53.7 79.9 94.7 Rockfish 36 554 258 77.2 29.5 65.1 Flathead sole 12 139 414 62.0 69.6 86.5 Other sp. 3 4 0 Pelagic pollock 36 238 37 66.9 54.1 81.1 Sablefish 4 20 17 71.5 41.2 70.6 Arrowtooth flndr 18 171 352 68.0 46.9 84.9 Rex sole 5 73 241 64.7 54.4 89.2 331 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 3. Distribution of 2006 halibut condition & injury data, by factor and open access target fishery. Target BSA Trawl Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Other flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Other sp. Pelagic pollock Rock sole Turbot Arrowtooth flounder Yellowfin sole BSA Pot Pacific cod GOA Trawl Bottom pollock Pacific cod Deepwater flatfish Shallow water flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Other sp. Pelagic pollock Sablefish Arrowtooth flounder Rex sole GOA Pot Pacific cod Target BSA Longline Pacific cod Rockfish Turbot GOA Longline Pacific cod Exc Raw data Poor Dead DMR Exc Extrapolated data Poor Dead DMR SE 0.640 0.737 0.768 0.818 0.900 0.748 0.898 0.833 0.865 0.2694 0.1065 0.1003 0.1820 0.1682 0.0689 0.1176 0.1262 27 253 860 0 0 205 0 21 207 0 0 112 31 344 816 3 0 329 0 62 479 0 0 150 59 3,806 3,022 7 22 765 0 16,129 2,840 0 0 1,908 0.646 0.832 0.711 0.795 0.900 0.701 0.898 0.811 0.840 2,430 8,158 18,653 0 0 6,866 0 43 9,687 0 0 4,374 2,827 5,075 14,857 43,992 28,074 126,011 350 1,138 0 2,598 15,231 44,540 0 0 139 31,609 26,679 203,947 0 0 0 0 5,431 130,000 456 21 18 0.079 1,512 63 68 0.080 0.0250 68 376 0 291 112 53 0 10 0 67 105 69 211 0 198 59 34 0 4 1 55 38 453 293 0 542 87 79 0 23 16 149 52 0.778 0.517 0.635 0.516 0.605 0.673 0.879 0.656 0.455 1,498 9,264 0 5,307 7,117 2,069 0 49 0 1,799 1,624 1,408 5,892 0 5,182 2,505 1,198 0 15 17 2,109 860 4,832 9,890 0 17,103 4,427 3,707 0 100 473 9,836 737 0.701 0.559 0.700 0.483 0.632 0.659 0.888 0.755 0.454 0.2363 0.0581 0.1068 0.1003 0.1200 0.1276 0.4509 0.1992 0.1955 411 43 34 0.158 1,215 120 89 0.147 0.0728 Raw data Mod Severe Dead DMR Minor 8,753 0 16 1,042 0 4 250 0 0 207 0 0 0.103 212,411 23,341 0 0 0.101 215 38 5,689 0 0 1,652 259 37 73 0.123 78,538 12,794 1,956 Minor 332 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Extrapolated data Mod Severe Dead DMR SE 4,438 0 0 0.098 0.084 0.0184 0.0254 3,756 0.128 0.0446 333 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Gear/Target BSA Trawl Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Other Flatfish Rockfish Flathead sole Pelagic pollock Rock sole Sablefish Turbot Arrowtooth fldr Yellowfin sole BSA Pot Pacific cod BSA Longline Pacific cod Rockfish Sablefish Turbot 77 74 64 75 67 82 79 66 55 88 4 23 55 32 30 66 68 68 80 65 85 64 46 69 83 12 19 17 14 15 21 14 11 12 71 78 69 76 69 85 78 83 17 6 13 10 4 69 78 67 69 69 85 76 26 80 15 23 38 14 10 73 80 64 61 75 67 80 76 20 58 81 14 9 10 73 73 71 68 68 62 79 73 75 77 12 20 15 7 83 79 70 67 72 66 83 74 70 76 11 4 22 4 85 72 67 71 71 57 87 77 75 80 11 52 18 13 77 80 66 78 56 70 86 79 86 82 12 17 9 81 74 69 63 81 79 87 81 90 70 78 12 12 14 13 77 67 69 76 89 74 88 75 60 74 77 12 10 6 6 73 74 69 81 85 69 89 77 68 74 10 4 23 5 85 78 69 77 73 60 90 83 75 77 8 7 6 67 65 67 79 84 69 89 82 67 67 81 10 4 7 63 73 70 80 68 70 88 85 31 67 86 8 6 3 67 79 81 65 79 83 90 84 82 90 85 10 8 8 64 74 77 82 90 75 90 83 87 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 11 17 13 7 76 74 70 74 76 70 88 80 75 70 75 80 Used in bycatch mgmt 2007-9 Table 4. Summary of halibut discard mortality rates (DMRs) in the open access (non-CDQ) Bering Sea/Aleutian (BSA) groundfish fisheries during 1990-2006. IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 334 Gear/Target GOA Trawl Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Pacific cod Deep wtr flats Shall wtr flats Rockfish Flathead sole Pelagic pollock Sablefish Arrowtooth fldr Rex sole GOA Pot Pacific cod GOA Longline Pacific cod Rockfish Sablefish 18 27 7 12 15 6 17 89 62 62 58 71 75 82 60 - 67 51 60 61 66 65 71 70 - 13 28 16 81 66 66 70 69 79 72 68 - 7 7 30 24 67 57 59 59 65 75 63 59 - 11 22 17 53 48 53 60 62 58 54 61 67 56 13 4 - 21 66 64 56 70 71 64 51 58 76 11 13 - 7 60 79 70 71 71 65 67 81 80 66 63 22 - 11 66 62 61 71 63 74 70 61 48 47 11 9 - 16 55 64 51 67 68 39 80 62 58 17 - 13 55 54 51 81 74 51 86 68 73 70 16 9 - 8 52 57 62 67 71 69 80 38 75 71 11 - 33 58 67 49 62 61 68 89 66 86 62 11 - 19 55 59 48 66 64 74 90 62 76 57 13 - 21 47 69 31 80 65 49 34 70 69 16 - 22 73 63 49 71 73 62 88 79 65 67 8 - 13 45 66 77 66 57 62 66 61 13 - 15 70 56 70 48 63 66 89 76 45 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 14 10 - 16 60 59 63 53 71 67 61 76 65 69 63 Used in bycatch mgmt 2007-9 Table 5. Summary of halibut discard mortality rates (DMRs) in the open access Gulf of Alaska (GOA) groundfish fisheries during 1990-2006. Table 6. Observer coverage and halibut viability/injury data collected from the 2006 Bering Sea/ Aleutian Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries. Target CDQ Trawl Atka m. Btm pol Rockfis Pel pol Rocksol YF sole Raw Data Extrapolated data No. of # of Exc./ Poor/ Dead/ Exc./ Poor/ Dead/ Vsls Hauls Minor Mod. Sev. Dead DMR Minor Mod. Sev. Dead DMR 3 11 3 12 3 3 147 76 39 1,684 160 199 8 13 2 3 4 0 6 25 5 9 44 29 26 258 10 686 201 202 4 508 146 14 55 CDQ Longline P cod 20 1,780 1,629 354 32 CDQ Pot Sable - 23 471 417 3,104 82 198 41 1,996 662 12,038 809 7,395 - 0.798 0.876 0.690 0.895 0.862 0.730 SE 0.708 0.840 0.715 0.892 0.827 0.856 70 152 2 10 58 0 0.2101 0.2853 0.3640 0.0266 0.1664 0.1759 - 0.321 430 41 183 - 0.404 0.2537 39 0.120 32,758 6,007 695 821 0.104 0.0370 Table 7. Summary of halibut discard mortality rates (DMRs) in the Community Development Quota (CDQ) Bering Sea/Aleutian (BSA) groundfish fisheries during 1998-2006. Gear/Target CDQ Trawl Atka mackerel Bottom pollock Rockfish Flathead sole Pelagic pollock Rock sole Yellowfin sole CDQ Pot Sablefish CDQ Longline Pacific cod Turbot 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mean DMR 1998-2006 90 90 - 82 88 88 90 83 89 90 83 88 - 80 90 90 90 89 - 90 66 89 81 86 90 89 87 84 90 88 89 90 90 88 80 88 69 90 86 73 85 86 82 87 90 86 84 - - 38 46 25 22 18 56 40 35 10 - 10 - 13 4 11 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 10 4 335 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 8. Recommended Pacific halibut discard mortality rates (DMRs) for 2008 CDQ fisheries. CDQ Fisheries Recommended Gear/Target DMR Trawl Atka mackerel 85 Bottom pollock 86 Rockfish 82 Flathead sole 87 Pelagic pollock 90 Rock sole 86 Yellowfin sole 86 Pot Sablefish 34 Longline Pacific cod 10 Turbot 4 336 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Halibut bycatch limits in the 2007 Alaska groundfish fishery Gregg H. Williams Abstract Bycatch of Pacific halibut in the groundfish fisheries off Alaska has been managed with Prohibited Species Catch limits. In 2007, the limits totaled 2,300 t (3.80 Mlbs net) in the Gulf of Alaska and 4,575 t (7.58 Mlbs net) in the Bering Sea. The limits are annually set by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, and are subdivided by gear types, target fisheries and time period. In contrast to other bycatch species, the halibut limits are set as estimated mortality rather than total catch. Introduction This document summarizes the 2007 groundfish fishery off Alaska and the accompanying bycatch of Pacific halibut. All of the federally-managed groundfish fisheries off Alaska were managed with mortality limits, although certain gear types were exempted to encourage their use. If reached, a limit would have closed a fishery before the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of the target species was attained. 2007 halibut bycatch limits and fishery closures Tables 1 and 2 show the halibut mortality limits for the groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and Bering Sea/Aleutians (BSA) as adopted by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council). As in previous years, the Council apportioned the trawl and fixed gear limits into seasonal or quarterly amounts. NMFS took actions later in the year to reassign portions of the limits from fisheries that were closed to fisheries that were running short of their limit. NMFS management areas are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Gulf of Alaska For the GOA, the Council used a framework approach to set the trawl limit of 2,000 t (3.3 Mlbs net) (Table 1). As in previous years, the GOA trawl limit was divided between the fisheries for shallow water and deep water complexes by specific season. However, the fifth seasonal apportionment (October 1 through December 31) was not divided between the complexes. Bycatch management in the GOA hook-&-line fishery in 2007 was similar to previous years. The bycatch limit was set at 300 t (0.5 Mlbs net) for all other fixed gear fisheries, which was an amount similar to bycatch levels of past years for those fisheries. The fixed gear fisheries targeted primarily on Pacific cod in the central and western GOA during the winter, and rockfish in the eastern GOA in the spring. All pot and jig gear fisheries were exempted from mortality limit, as well as the sablefish IFQ fishery. Bering Sea/Aleutians Halibut bycatch mortality limits for the 2007 BSA trawl and fixed gear fisheries are listed in Table 2. The list represents fishery categories defined and implemented by BSA Fishery 337 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Management Plan (FMP) Amendment 21. Limits for the individual fisheries were based on “need”, as recommended by industry representatives and adopted by the Council. The bycatch limits were apportioned by quarter or season. When a limit was reached, the entire BSA was closed to further fishing until the next season, or for the remainder of the year. Bycatch limits for most trawl fisheries in 2007 were very similar to those established in 2006, although some minor changes occurred. As in past years, the BSA fixed gear fisheries were initially allocated a bycatch limit of 900 t but 7.5% was reassigned to Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries, leaving a total of 833 t. The Pacific cod hook-&-line limit was divided into three seasonal apportionments, with the summer apportionment intentionally “zeroed out” to eliminate any cod fishing during the traditionally high-bycatch period. All pot and jig fisheries were exempted from halibut mortality closures. The sablefish IFQ hook-&-line fishery was also exempted from the bycatch limit. In 2007, the CDQ program operated throughout the year. Under the program, 10 percent of the pollock TAC and 7.5 percent of all other groundfish TACs were allocated to the six CDQ programs. Ten percent of the trawl bycatch limit and 7.5% of the hook-&-line bycatch limit was allocated to the CDQ program, with it subdivided among the six CDQ programs in relation to their groundfish allocations. 338 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Halibut bycatch mortality limits (metric tons, round weight) for the 2007 Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries. Exempted fisheries for 2007 include groundfish pots, jigs, and the IFQ hook-&-line fishery for sablefish. Gear/Time Period Trawl Shallow water complex1 January 20 – March 31 April 1 – June 30 July 1 – September 1 September 1 – October 1 October 1 – December 31 Bycatch Limit (t) 2,000 450 100 200 150 Remainder - no apportionment Deep water complex2 January 20 – March 31 April 1 - June 30 July 1 – September 1 September 1 – October 1 October 1 – December 31 100 300 400 Any rollover Remainder - no apportionment Hook-&-Line All species except demersal shelf rockfish and sablefish January 1 – June 10 June 10 – September 1 September 1 – December 31 Demersal shelf rockfish (Southeast only) 300 250 5 35 10 Groundfish Pots & Jigs GRAND TOTAL Exempt 2,300 Shallow water complex: pollock, Pacific cod, shallow water flatfish, flathead sole, Atka mackerel, and other species. Deep water complex: rockfish, sablefish, deep water flatfish, and arrowtooth flounder. 1 2 339 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 2. Halibut bycatch mortality limits (metric tons, round weight) for the 2007 Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands groundfish fisheries. Exempted fisheries for 2007 include groundfish pots, jigs, and the IFQ hook-&-line fishery for sablefish. Fishery group Bycatch Limit (t) Trawl Yellowfin sole January 20 – March 31 April 1 – May 20 May 21 – June 30 July 1 – December 31 936 312 195 49 380 Rock sole/flathead sole/other flatfish January 20 – March 31 April 1 – June 30 July 1 – December 31 829 498 164 167 Turbot/sablefish/arrowtooth flounder n/a Rockfish July 1 – December 31 69 69 Pacific cod 1,334 Pollock/Atka mackerel/other species Total Trawl Mortality Limit 232 3,400 Fixed Gear Hook-&-line Pacific cod January 1 – June 10 June 10 – August 15 August 15 – December 31 775 320 0 455 Other hook-&-line1 May 1 – December 31 58 Groundfish Pot & Jig Total Fixed Gear Mortality Limit Exempt 833 CDQ Fisheries (trawl and hook-&-line) 342 GRAND TOTAL 4,575 For all practical purposes, this only includes rockfish and turbot. The sablefish IFQ fishery was exempt from the 2007 bycatch limits. 1 340 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Figure 1. NMFS statistical (3-digit) and management areas for the Gulf of Alaska. 341 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Figure 2. NMFS statistical areas for the Bering Sea/Aleutians. 342 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 The Bering Sea trawl fishery Prohibited Species Donation Program: Results from 1998-2007 Gregg H. Williams Abstract Since 1998, SeaShare of Bainbridge Island, Washington has operated a program which acquires unintentionally-landed halibut bycatch in Alaska for donation to hunger relief programs. The program is conducted under a Prohibited Species Donation (PSD) program adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) following several years of development and, ultimately, approval by the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). In 2007, halibut collected for this program totaled 36,619 pounds (preliminary) and were landed by shore-based catcher vessel trawlers at two participating processors in Dutch Harbor. Donations in the program have totaled 230,457 pounds (net weight) since program inception. NMFS Enforcement Division has monitored the halibut donated to this PSD program and has reported no incidents. Final 2006 results The amount of halibut collected by SeaShare in 2006 was 10,762 pounds, with two participating processors (Table 1). As in past years, Unisea was the leading contributor, followed by Alyeska. Processing and inspection was conducted by SeaFreeze personnel, as in previous years. Food Lifeline in Seattle was one of the recipients of the processed halibut Preliminary 2007 results As in past years, two Dutch Harbor processors (UniSea and Alyeska) participated in 2007. As of November 27, 2007, 34,619 pounds (net weight) of frozen, headed & gutted halibut had been received (Table 1): 69 percent from Unisea and 31 percent from Alyeska. The total amount processed increased substantially from 2006, and was attributed to Unisea. SeaShare officials noted that while most of the fish came in during the latter half of 2007, both companies accumulated fish as it was received and stored it in their freezers. Shipment occurred when needed, so the fish could have been in the freezer for several months. Also, a late summer visit to Dutch Harbor by SeaShare officials may have created renewed interest in the program and spurred an increase in donations. Handling of fish was similar to past years. The fish were delivered to SeaFreeze in Seattle through shipping that was donated by Coastal Transportation. SeaFreeze weighed the halibut in the totes, and the net weight was estimated. The fish were processed in Seattle into steaks, then sleeved, and repackaged for delivery. Halibut steaks were distributed to food banks in San Jose and Oakland, CA. Program history The initial program adopted by the Council in 1998 expired on December 31, 2000. NMFS and IPHC staff conducted a review of the program during 2000 for the purpose of examining the 343 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 appropriateness of extending the program. The review was discussed with the Council at its June, 2000 meeting and formed the basis of an extension of the program. The extension contains no sunset provision but does require a review every three years. Although limited to shore-based trawl catcher vessels that land in Dutch Harbor, there is neither a limitation on the amount that can be donated nor a requirement that the halibut bycatch originates from specific fisheries. Table 1. Amount of halibut (pounds, net weight) received and distributed by SeaShare through the NMFS Prohibited Species Donation program since program inception in 1998. Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total UniSea 10,498 3,762 Alyeska 10,698 714 Westward --- Total 21,196 4,476 6,534 32,318 33,256 15,737 14,274 27,340 7,415 32,261 183,395 5,051 10,281 718 2,669 1,616 1,946 3,347 2,358 39,398 6,684 980 ------7,664 18,269 43,579 33,974 18,406 15,890 29,286 10,762 34,619 230,457 344 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Biological Research 345 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 346 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Examination of genetic population structure in spawning adults of Pacific halibut: laboratory and field work completed in 2007 Lorenz Hauser University of Washington, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences Timothy Loher International Pacific Halibut Commission James Rhydderch and Lyndsay Newton University of Washington, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences Abstract The eastern north Pacific halibut resource is presently managed under the assumption that a single fully mixed population exists from California through the eastern Bering Sea. This belief rests largely upon studies that indicate that drift of larvae to the northwest is balanced by migration of juveniles and adults to the southeast, over broad geographic expanses. In 2002, a project was initiated to investigate genetic population structure in the northeast Pacific, and in 2004 the study was expanded to spawning groups from British Columbia, the central Gulf of Alaska, and southeast Bering Sea. Although initial analysis suggested population differentiation, interpretation of results was complicated by very low FST values and the fact that genetic studies conducted without temporal replicates are in danger of detecting false positives. Here, we report results of 2007 winter charters that resample locations visited in 2004, and present data from 13 microsatellite loci from spawning halibut collected in 2004 (Pribilof Canyon, Portlock Bank, and the Queen Charlotte Islands) and historical samples from 1998 (the Queen Charlotte Islands and Portlock Bank). Three longline vessels were chartered during February of 2007. Mature fish were sampled at all sites, with males captured at higher rates than females. Samples were collected from 100 mature males and 99 mature females at the Queen Charlotte Islands, 100 males and 200 females at Portlock Bank, 99 males and 100 females at Pribilof Canyon, and 158 males and 100 females in the Aleutian-Andreanof Islands. Using samples collected prior to 2007, analyses of sexes combined suggest differentiation of Pribilof Canyon from Portlock Bank and the Queen Charlotte Islands when temporal samples are pooled. Increasing the number of loci analyzed changed results surprisingly little from prior work, though increasing sample sizes did result in increased levels of significance. Suggestions for future research include screening of remaining samples, filling gaps in the current data set, and pursuing markers such as mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites in evolutionarily selected genes. Introduction The idea that fisheries management should be based on local self-sustaining populations rather than the typological species can be traced back to the turn of the 19th century (Heincke 1898, Hjort 347 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 1914). Fisheries models developed since then are based on fish “stocks”, which are the unit for the estimation of parameters such as the number of spawning individuals and recruitment (Hilborn and Walters 1992). Despite this long history of the stock concept (Sinclair 1988, Carvalho and Hauser 1994), our knowledge of the population structure of many marine species is still very limited, not only because of the apparent lack of environmental barriers to dispersal, but also because the ecology and life history of many species seems to promote large scale dispersal (Hauser and Ward 1998). Furthermore, early molecular studies based on protein variability often revealed little genetic differentiation, suggesting the existence of large panoceanic populations. However, the recent combination of improved sampling designs and more sensitive genetic markers has provided evidence for population structure on a surprisingly small scale (e.g. cod; Ruzzante et al. 2000, Hutchinson et al. 2001), and allowed the identification of stocks relevant to fisheries management. An example for a species with uncertain population structure is Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), which are distributed in the North Pacific from northern California through the northern Sea of Japan, and within the Bering Sea north to Norton Sound and the Gulf of Anadyr (Hart 1988). The species has long represented an important fishery resource in western North America, being fished by the indigenous peoples of the US and Canada for hundreds of years and by a commercial fleet since the late 1880’s (IPHC 1998). Over the last decade, commercial catches in the US and Canada have fluctuated around an annual mean of ~50 million pounds (IPHC 2007). The value of this resource is recognized throughout the region, as evidenced by the establishment of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) in 1923 by the governments of the US and Canada to jointly manage and study the eastern Pacific population(s). Presently, the eastern Pacific halibut resource is managed under the assumption that a single fully mixed population exists from California through the eastern Bering Sea. This belief rests largely upon a long history of tagging studies (see review in Kaimmer 2000) and analyses of larval distribution (Skud 1977, St. Pierre 1989) indicating drift of larvae to the northwest, throughout the Gulf of Alaska and into the Bering Sea, balanced by migration of juveniles and adults to the southeast, over broad geographic expanses. In particular, individuals tagged in the southeast Bering Sea have been recovered as far south as California, and maximum annual movements of over 1,500 km have been observed (Skud 1977). Thus, Pacific halibut in the eastern Pacific Ocean are treated as a single unit stock with regard to reproduction and recruitment, while management is conducted within a series of Regulatory Areas. The Gulf of Alaska fishery was historically separated into two broad regulatory regions located east and west of Cape Spencer, Alaska. This division was originally based on differences in size- and age-structure within the stock as well as tagging studies that suggested adult fish move more freely within regulatory areas than between them (Thompson and Herrington 1930, Van Cleve and Seymour 1953). Regulatory areas have become progressively smaller and more numerous but recent analyses indicate that population dynamics may differ between the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska(Clark and Hare 2001). However, the Bering Sea population component is effectively treated as an extension of the Gulf of Alaska. While the management scenario rests upon the best available information regarding movements and spatial population structure, there is reason to believe that actual structure could be more complex than presently understood. Conclusions drawn from tagging studies are sensitive to patterns of fishing effort, tag loss, and reporting (Hilborn et al. 1995). Patterns observed in size structure and abundance between regions can be caused by factors other than reproductive isolation, such as regional differences in mortality or responses to environmental conditions. In light of this, 348 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 attempts have been made to identify reproductive units using a variety of genetic techniques. Use of allozyme electrophoresis (Tsuyuki et al. 1969, Grant et al. 1984) has generally not demonstrated significant genetic variation within the eastern north Pacific, though significant genetic separation between the eastern and western Pacific has been identified (Grant et al. 1984). More recent research using nuclear DNA microsatellites supported the hypothesis that eastern and western Pacific stocks are genetically separate, but also suggested that the eastern Pacific population may “be structured in distinct reproductive groups” (Bentzen et al. 1998). In particular, the results of existing genetic analyses are difficult to interpret due to a number of study limitations, and the true nature of the relationship between population components within the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska remains elusive. In 2002 the IPHC embarked upon a renewed effort to examine genetic population structure in halibut, using markers (nuclear microsatellites) that are theoretically more powerful than those previously employed, and seeking to remedy sampling problems that have hampered historical studies. The initial phase of the project was completed in 2003, intended simply to screen microsatellites and optimize laboratory conditions for future work. Samples collected from commercial landings at St. Paul Island (AK), Adak Island (AK) and Newport (OR) were tested for evidence of genetic differentiation at 10 microsatellite loci. This study provided some evidence for low-level differentiation among populations, but was limited by unsuitable samples. These samples were collected in summer, and therefore represented individuals in non-spawning condition, potentially far away from their spawning groups. Studies suggest that halibut may carry out extensive migrations between shallow water summer feeding and winter spawning grounds located near the shelf edge (Loher and Seitz 2006, Seitz et al. 2007) and subsequently home to their summer feeding grounds (Loher 2007). Such migrations have also been supported by seasonal changes in the overall distribution of mature fish (Skud 1977, St. Pierre 1984). Samples collected in summer may therefore represent population mixture and be unsuitable for the analysis of population differentiation. We subsequently extended the scope of this project using samples collected from spawning aggregations (Hauser et al. 2006). Additional loci were screened for variability, ease of scoring and reliability. In addition to the loci from Atlantic halibut that were available for the previous study (McGowan and Reith 1999, Coughlan et al. 2000), additional Atlantic halibut loci became available from the publication of a more recent population genetics study (Reid et al. 2005). We reported data from ten loci of 96 individuals from each of the three samples. Although this data set was very powerful for population genetic data analysis, studies conducted without temporal replicates are in danger of detecting false positive results (Waples 1998) and therefore samples should be collected over several years. In 2007, we extended the project by increasing the number of loci screened to 13, and included two historical collections from spawning populations: one from near the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, and one from Portlock Bank, Alaska. In addition, winter charters were conducted to resample the spawning grounds visited in 2004, and obtain a sample from the Aleutian Islands that will allow us to expand the geographic scope of the analysis. This report details those collections and results-to-date of the temporally expanded microsatellite analysis. 349 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Methods Field work: 2007 winter charters Sampling locations, vessels, and timing Four charter regions were visited (Fig. 1), two in the Gulf of Alaska (the Queen Charlotte Islands and Portlock Bank), one in the southeast Bering Sea (Pribilof Canyon), and one in the Andreanof Islands. Fishing was not confined to specific set locations in any region. For the first three regions, vessels were allowed to fish anywhere within established rectangular boundaries that corresponded to the boundaries established in 2004. For the Andreanof region, the vessel was allowed to fish anywhere west of 172º W longitude. Within these general regions the captain of the vessel, in coordination with Commission staff, was allowed to “prospect” in order to find aggregations of spawning adult fish, targeting high catch regions in order to complete sets during the good weather periods. Charter specifications stipulated that for the first three charter regions all fishing was to be conducted between January 10 and February 21. The Andreanof region could be fished until February 28. These periods correspond to the peak in known spawning activity (St. Pierre 1984). The Queen Charlotte Islands region was chosen to represent the southernmost known major spawning location in the Gulf (St. Pierre 1984). The region was defined by the following boundaries: between 54º 30’ and 51º 30’ north latitude, and between 134º 00’ and 130º 00’ west longitude. This charter region was awarded to the F/V Banker II from Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia. The Banker II is a 50’ longline vessel with winter fishing experience in the sablefish and deep-water rockfish fisheries. The vessel began official charter operations on February 10 and completed charter obligations on February 12, having actively fished for two days, fishing overnight to avoid incoming weather. The Portlock region, east of Kodiak Island, represented the center of the Gulf and was defined as the grounds between 59º 15’ and 57º 00’ north latitude, and between 151º 00’ and 148º 00’ west longitude. The Portlock charter was conducted by the F/V Predator from Homer, Alaska. The Predator is a 59’ longline vessel experienced with winter Pacific cod and crab fishing. The vessel began official charter operations on February 1 and completed charter obligations on February 12, having actively fished on five days after a four-day initial weather delay. The Pribilof Canyon region, in the southeast Bering Sea, was chosen to represent the northernmost known major spawning ground (St. Pierre 1984). It was defined as falling between 56º 25’ and 55º 15’ north latitude, and between 171º 00’ and 168º 00’ west longitude. This region was awarded to the F/V Kema Sue of Kodiak, Alaska. The Kema Sue is an 80’ longliner with an enclosed, heated shelter deck, extensive experience in the midwinter Pacific cod fisheries of the northern Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea, and the vessel that conducted the 2004 IPHC winter charter in the same region. The vessel began official charter operations on January 25 and completed charter obligations on February 12, having actively fished for three days after a 13-day pre-fishing transit period from Kodiak to the grounds, including weather delays. In addition, the Commission sought to find a vessel to fish in the Andreanof Islands, defined as falling between 51º 30’ and 52º 30’ north latitude, and between east of 177º 00’ and 172º 30’ west longitude. No vessels bid on this charter opportunity, but upon being awarded the Pribilof Canyon charter, the owners and captains of the F/V Kema Sue agreed to fish the region at the end of their available charter window, providing that the objectives at Pribilof Canyon could be accomplished 350 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 no later than February 16. The vessel began the Aleutian charter leg on February 13 and completed fishing the site on February 26, after which a 15-day offload and transit period, including weather delays, was required before the vessel arrived at the port of Kodiak. Sampling gear Because these charters were conducted solely for the purpose of sample collection and not to assess relative abundance among areas, vessels were allowed to fish whatever gear configuration best suited their operations. All vessels employed benthic longline gear comprised of 1,800’ skates. Hook size, spacing, gangion length, and bait varied among vessels. The Banker II used snap gear with a mix of size 14/0 and 15/0 circle hooks on 1’ gangions at a 9’ spacing, baited with chum salmon, and a 5-10 lb weight at each skate change. The Predator used 16/0 circle hooks at 10’ spacing, baited with cut salted herring. The Kema Sue used fixed gear, with size 16/0 circle hooks on 2-3’ gangions at an 18’ spacing, baited with a combination of squid and walleye pollock. Sash weights were placed between skates while fishing in the Andreanofs, but not at Pribilof Canyon. Vessels were staffed by the captain, a crew of two or three additional mates, and two IPHC biologists (Table 1). Sample handling and analysis Upon capture, the gonads of each fish were removed to assess sex, and a maturity stage was assigned based on gonad characteristics as per standard IPHC setline survey protocols (IPHC 2004). Fork length (FL) was then measured and recorded, and otoliths were removed using relatively clean techniques that avoided contact between the otoliths and metal objects. Steel knives were used to cut and pry open the otolith cavity, but samplers took care to ensure that no contact occurred between the knife and the otoliths. Once exposed, otoliths were removed using plastic- or ceramic-tipped forceps, cleaned using freshwater, and placed in dry plastic storage trays without the use of glycerin solution. Tissue samples (fin clips) were collected from fish deemed to be sexually mature, with tissue sampling terminating after 100 fish of each sex had been sampled. Clips of about 0.5 cm2 were taken either from the tip of the tail or the pectoral fin and immediately preserved in 100% ethanol. Vessels were also equipped with electronic PIT tag scanning gear (Forsberg 2003), and all fish captured were scanned either during onboard processing or offload in order to check for the presence of PIT tags. At the end of each charter, all tissue and otolith samples were shipped to the IPHC’s Seattle office for future analysis. Lab work: expanded population analysis Samples Three samples of spawning adults were collected in 2004, one each at the Queen Charlotte Islands (BC, Canada; QCI), Portlock Bank (Gulf of Alaska; PTL) and Pribilof Canyon (Bering Sea; PBC) (Fig. 1; Loher 2005). Two additional samples, collected in 1998, were available from winter charters conducted in Dixon Entrance (Queen Charlotte Islands) and on Portlock Bank. Ninety-six individuals, 48 males and 48 females, were chosen from each sample and used for genotype determination at 13 loci (Table 2). In total, we therefore screened 480 fish at 13 loci. Genotyping PCR reactions contained 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.5, 50mM KCl, 0.1% Triton X-100, 800 µM dNTPs, 0.5 units Taq DNA polymerase, variable concentrations of MgCl2 and primers (Table 2), 351 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 and water to bring the total volume of the reaction to 10 µL. An initial denaturation step of 95ºC for 2 min was followed by either 25 or 30 cycles of 95º C for 30 s, the annealing temperature (Table 2) for 30 s, and 72ºC degrees for 30 s, followed by a final extension step at 72ºC for 40 min. Six loci were screened using a method requiring only a single labeled M13 primer (Schuelke 2000): one of the primers has a 5-prime extension complementary to the M13 primer. The advantage of this method is considerable savings, in that only a single labeled primer needs to be purchased instead of specific labeled primers for each locus. Samples Analyses were carried out on samples with sexes separately as well as sexes combined. Microchecker (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004) was used to check for scoring problems such as large allele dropout and stuttering. Exact tests were used to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium (GENEPOP; Raymond and Rousset 1995). Genic and genotypic tests for population differentiation were carried out by exact tests (GENEPOP v 3.4; Raymond and Rousset 1995), G-test based permutation tests (FSTAT v 2.9.3; Goudet 1995) and FST based permutation tests (GENETIX v4.05; Belkhir et al. 2004). Genotypic tests in FSTAT and tests in GENETIX were based on complete multilocus genotypes. All individuals with missing data were excluded, resulting in smaller samples sizes and lower power. F statistics were calculated following Weir and Cockerham (1984) in FSTAT v 2.9.3 (Goudet 1995). Multidimensional Scaling Plots were produced in SPSS from pairwise FST values. Negative FST values were set to zero before analyses. Results Field work: 2007 winter charters Mature halibut of both sexes were successfully captured and sampled in all charter regions (Table 3). Catches varied among areas and the charter contracts specified that each vessel’s charter obligation would be fulfilled under slightly different conditions. The Queen Charlotte Islands and Portlock charters were established as lump-sum contracts wherein the vessel’s obligation was considered fulfilled when tissue samples and otoliths had been collected from 100 adult male and 100 adult female fish, the IPHC’s lead biologist deemed the potential for additional catch to be negligible, or catches were so close to the target that incurring additional fishing days was deemed unduly onerous by the project Principal Investigator (T. Loher). The specifications for the Pribilof Canyon region were similar, but with the caveat that the vessel was chartered on a daily-rate basis with a fixed date upon which the vessel would return to port, regardless of the total catch to date. The Andreanof region was largely opportunistic. The vessel owners and captains agreed to fish the region at a daily-rate following completion of the Pribilof Canyon region, provided that enough time remained between completion of Pribilof Canyon and the end of February to allow the vessel to return to Kodiak in time to participate in its March fishing obligations. Thus, total sample sizes varied by region (Table 3). Total fishing effort required to complete sampling was highest at the Andreanof Islands, where the crew of the Kema Sue made eleven sets of gear comprised of a total of 80 skates, resulting in 3.2 samples retrieved per skate. Catch rate was quite similar at Pribilof Canyon, where eight sets comprised of 61 skates yielded 3.3 samples per skate. At Portlock Bank, catch rates were roughly double that experienced in the Bering Sea: eleven sets comprised of 47 skates produced 6.4 samples per skate. Sampling proceeded most rapidly at the Queen Charlottes, where a catch 352 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 rate of 13.3 samples per skate required fishing just three sets comprised of a total of 15 skates to complete the charter requirements. In all regions, adult male halibut were captured at a higher rate than females, as was the case at these sites during the 2004 winter charters. A total of 200 mature males were sampled at Portlock, 158 at the Andreanof Islands, 100 at the Queen Charlotte Islands, and 99 at Pribilof Canyon. Catch of mature females was essentially equivalent at all sites; 100 samples were obtained at each site, but one fish sampled at the Queen Charlotte Islands was immature. The majority of males sampled in all regions were <100 cm, whereas the majority of females were between 90 and 140 cm. This was similar to the size-distribution encountered during the winter of 2004. Age distribution of the fish is not presently known because otoliths have not yet been subjected to age-reading. Aging of these samples is expected to take place early in 2008. Tissue samples from the Andreanof region will be subjected to analysis of nuclear microsatellite frequencies late in 2007, in order to complete the population analysis using these markers. Samples from the other sites will be retained for future analyses using alternative genetic markers. Lab work: expanded population analysis In total, 6279 genotypes were obtained, with an average of 40 individuals of each sex screened at each locus (total of 392 individuals; Table 4). The quality of genotypes was generally good, and there was no evidence of scoring errors due to stuttering or large allele drop-out. Genetic variability was high, with an average heterozygosity over all samples and loci of 0.912, and an average of 13.6 alleles per locus. Exact tests for genic differentiation at 11 loci (Table 5) provided some indication for geographic differentiation, with all three computational approaches (FSTAT, GENEPOP, GENETIX) providing qualitatively similar results (Table 6). Although differentiation among all samples was not significant (Fig. 2), pooling of 1998 and 2004 samples from the same location (RYP98+QCI04, HER98+PTL04) resulted in weak but significant overall differentiation supported by two loci. Pairwise tests for differentiation suggested genetic differences between Portlock Bank and the Pribilof Canyon (Table 7). This differentiation is also apparent on the multidimensional scaling plots based on FST values (Fig. 3). Discussion The interpretation of the analyses of population differentiation are complicated by the fact that FST values (Fig. 2) were quite low, and sometimes negative, but still indicated differentiation between Pribilof Canyon and Portlock Bank (Tables 5, 7). Interestingly, increasing the number of loci from our prior report had little effect on overall results, whereas increasing sample sizes by pooling temporal samples showed some significant differentiation. It may therefore be advisable to screen the rest of the samples that have already been collected. Furthermore, as genotypic tests are sensitive to missing data, it would be important to fill gaps in the current data set. In the near future, extending the geographic scope of the survey to include the Aleutian Islands west of Amchitka Pass may be also be pertinent, as would be the inclusion of samples from outside of the range, such as the western Bering Sea and even samples from a population of Atlantic halibut. In addition, we suggest two primary avenues of further research. We suggest using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as an additional marker. MtDNA is maternally inherited, and so could provide evidence of sex-biased migration. Although it may seem unlikely that such sex-biased dispersal 353 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 determines levels of population structure in a species with extensive larval dispersal such as halibut, preliminary screening of mtDNA would be fairly rapid and cost-effective. Additionally, all the markers screened so far are selectively neutral and thus evolve primarily by homogenizing migration (presumably extensive in halibut) and differentiating genetic drift (presumably very small in the large halibut populations). Recent studies isolated microsatellites from expressed genes (expressed sequence tags, ESTs) and already have shown higher differentiation in such ESTderived microsatellites than in conventional markers (Vasemägi et al. 2005). Microsatellites are surprisingly common in ESTs, and in a recent trial in our lab, we found over 1,500 microsatellites in 65,000 ESTs of Atlantic cod. Currently, 17,771 ESTs are available for Atlantic halibut, and it is likely that dozens of selected markers for Pacific halibut could be obtained from this source. Such selected markers may provide the best opportunity to detect stock structure in species with high dispersal potential and large populations such as Pacific halibut. References Belkhir, K., Borsa, P., Chikhi, L., Rausfast, N. and Bonhomme, F. 2004. Genetix 4.05, logiciel sous WindowsTM pour la génétique des populations. Montpellier (France). Laboratoire Génome, Populations, Interactions, CNRS UMR 5000, Université de Montpellier II. Bentzen, P., Britt, J. and Kwon, J. 1998. Genetic variation in Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) detected with novel microsatellite markers. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 1998:229-241. Carvalho, G. R. and Hauser, L. 1994. Molecular genetics and the stock concept in fisheries. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 4:326-350. Clark, W. G. and Hare, S. R. 2001. Assessment of the Pacific halibut stock in 2000. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2000:85-118. Clark, W. G. and Hare, S. R. 2006. Assessment and management of Pacific halibut: data, methods, and policy. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Sci. Rep. 83. Coughlan, J., Stefansson, M. and Galvin, P. 2000. Isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Mol. Ecol. 9:817-829. Forsberg, J. E. 2003. Portside sampling for recovered PIT tags in Pacific halibut. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2003:361-389. Goudet, J. 1995. FSTAT (Version 1.2): A computer program to calculate F-statistics. J. Heredity 86:485-486. Grant, W. S., Teel, D. J., Kobayashi, T. and Schmitt, C. 1984. Biochemical population genetics of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) and comparison with Atlantic halibut (H. hippoglossus). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 41: 1083-1088. Hart, J. L. 1988. 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Using Pop-up Archival Transmitting (PAT) tags to study seasonal migration timing and summer homing rates in the Gulf of Alaska. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2006:299-310. Loher, T. and Seitz, A. 2006. Seasonal migration and environmental conditions experienced by Pacific halibut, elucidated from Pop-up Archival Transmitting tags. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 317:259-271. McGowan, C. and Reith, M. E. 1999. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus. Mol. Ecol. 8:1753-1768. Raymond, M. and Rousset, F. 1995. Genepop (version 1.2) - population genetics software for exact tests and ecumenicism. J. Heredity 86:248-249. Reid, D. P., Pongsomboon, S. and Jackson T. 2005. Microsatellite analysis indicates an absence of population structure among Hippoglossus hippoglossus in the north-west Atlantic. J. Fish Biol. 67:570. 355 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Ruzzante, D. E., Taggart, C. T. and Cook, D. 2000. Mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic cod near the Gulf of St. Lawrence based on microsatellite DNA. Ecol. App. 10:1090-1109. Schuelke, M. 2000. An economic method for the fluorescent labeling of PCR fragments. Nature Biotechnol. 18:233-234. Seitz, A., Loher, T. and Nielsen, J. L. 2007. Seasonal movements and environmental conditions experienced by Pacific halibut in the Bering Sea, examined by pop-up satellite tags. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Sci. Rep. 84. Sinclair, M. 1988. Marine populations An Essay on Population, Regulation and Speciation. University of Washington Press, Washington, DC. Skud, B. E. 1977. Drift, migration, and intermingling of Pacific halibut stocks. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Tech. Rep. 63. St. Pierre, G. 1984. Spawning locations and season for Pacific halibut. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Tech. Rep. 70. St. Pierre, G. 1989. Recent studies of Pacific halibut postlarvae in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea. Int. Pac. Halibut. Comm. Sci. Rep. 73. Thompson, W. F., and Herrington, W. C. 1930. Life history of the Pacific halibut: (1) Marking experiments. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Rep. 2. Tsuyuki, H., Roberts, E., and Best, E. A. 1969. Serum transferrin systems and the hemoglobins of the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 26:2351-2362. Van Cleve, R., and Seymour, A. H. 1953. The production of halibut eggs on the Cape St. James spawning bank off the coast of British Columbia 1935-1946. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Tech. Rep. 19. Van Oosterhout, C., Hutchinson, W. F., Wills, D.P.M. and Shipley, P. 2004. MICRO-CHECKER: software for identifying and correcting genotyping errors in microsatellite data. Mol. Ecol. Notes 4:535. Vasemägi A., Nilsson, J. and Primmer, C. R. 2005. Expressed sequence tag-linked microsatellites as a source of gene-associated polymorphisms for detecting signatures of divergent selection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1067-1076. Waples, R. 1998. 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Queen Charlotte Region, F/V Banker II Name Position David Beggs Vessel Owner and Captain Darryl Conrad Mate Steven Rowlands Mate Ivan Loyola Lead Biologist Evangeline White Second Biologist Dates February 10-12 February 10-12 February 10-12 February 10-12 February 10-12 Portlock Region, F/V Predator Name Position Don Lane Vessel Owner and Captain Clayton Smith Mate Sean Rhodes Mate Malcolm Milne Mate Revelle Russell Mate Tom Wilson Lead Biologist Tucker Saltau Second Biologist Dates February 1-12 February 1-12 February 1-12 February 1-12 February 1-12 February 1-12 February 1-12 Pribilof Canyon Region, F/V Kema Sue Name Position Jorg Schmeisser Co-owner and Captain Peter Freier Engineer Stan Van Matre Mate Art Gamash Mate Bruce Biffard Lead Biologist Andy Vatter Second Biologist Dates January 25 - February 12 January 25 - February 12 January 25 - February 12 January 25 - February 12 February 1-12 February 1-12 Aleutian/Andreanof Region, F/V Kema Sue Name Position Norbert Echevario Co-owner and Captain Peter Freier Engineer Stan Van Matre Mate Norbert Adameitz Mate Bruce Biffard Lead Biologist Andy Vatter Second Biologist Dates February 13 – March 13 February 13 – March 13 February 13 – March 13 February 13 – March 13 February 13 – March 1 February 13 – March 1 357 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 2. Loci used for routine screening of halibut samples, the reference of original publication, GenBank accession number, and PCR reaction conditions (MgCl2 concentration, primer concentration (Primer), annealing temperature (TA), and number of cycles (Cycles)). Locus Reference GenBank Acc. No MgCl2 (mM) Primer (µM) TA (ºC) Cycles HhiA44 McGowan et al. 1999 AF133243 2 0.1 55 25 HhiC17 McGowan et al. 1999 AF133244 2 0.2 55 25 Hhi3 Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270780 1.5 0.2 57 25 Hhi53 Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270783 1.5 0.2 57 25 Hhi57 Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270786 2 0.1 55 30 Hhi63 Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270789 2 0.2 56 25 Hhi58IMB Reid et al. 2005 AY752692 2 0.2 55 25 Hhi79IMB Reid et al. 2005 AY752693 2 0.1 55 25 HhiI29* McGowan et al. 1999 AF133246 1.5 0.2 60 28 Hhi1* Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270779 1.75 0.2 60 28 Hhi55* Coughlan et al. 2000 AJ270784 1.75 0.2 56 30 Hhi55IMB* Reid et al. 2005 AY752691 1.75 0.1 56 30 Hhi120IMB* Reid et al. 2005 AY752700 1.5 0.2 56 30 * These loci were screened using M13 primer extensions (Schuelke 2000), and thus also include a 3rd unlabeled forward primer with the M13 sequence, at a concentration ¼ of the labeled forward M13 primer. These reactions were done using a touchdown program, with an initial annealing temperature (TA) of 66ºC, a reduction in TA of 2ºC per cycle, and a final TA given in the table. 358 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 3. Number of mature halibut sampled each day in each charter region, by size category (cm fork length) and sex. The dates listed refer to the day upon which sets were hauled, and the fish sampled. Queen Charlotte Islands, F/V Banker II Female February 11 60-69 0 70-79 2 80-89 11 90-99 18 100-109 17 110-119 20 120-129 9 130-139 13 140+ 9 Total 99 Male February 11 60-69 32 70-79 35 80-89 25 90-99 4 100-109 2 110-119 2 120-129 0 130-139 0 140+ 0 Total 100 Portlock Bank, F/V Predator Female February 5 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 Totals 60-69 0 0 0 0 0 0 70-79 0 0 0 0 0 0 80-89 0 4 1 3 1 9 90-99 3 3 0 1 4 11 100-109 2 4 3 2 3 14 110-119 2 9 0 0 7 18 120-129 2 7 1 0 5 15 130-139 0 8 2 0 7 17 140+ 0 5 1 1 9 16 Total 9 40 8 7 36 100 Male February 5 February 7 February 8 February 9 Totals 59-69 10 0 0 8 18 70-79 11 0 1 26 38 80-89 13 0 0 86 99 90-99 4 0 0 31 35 100-109 0 0 0 8 8 110-119 0 0 0 1 1 120-129 0 0 0 1 1 130-139 0 0 0 0 0 140+ 0 0 0 0 0 Total 38 0 1 161 200 Pribilof Canyon, F/V Kema Sue Female February 7 February 8 Totals 60-69 0 0 0 70-79 0 0 0 80-89 0 0 0 90-99 0 3 3 100-109 3 21 24 110-119 1 23 24 120-129 2 21 23 130-139 1 16 17 140+ 0 9 9 Total 6 94 100 Male February 7 February 8 Totals 42-69 22 1 23 70-79 18 4 22 80-89 5 11 16 90-99 9 7 16 100-109 6 12 18 110-119 0 3 3 120-129 0 1 1 130-139 0 0 0 140+ 0 0 0 Total 60 39 99 Andreanof Islands, F/V Kema Sue Female February 23 February 24 February 26 Totals 60-69 0 0 0 0 70-79 0 0 0 0 80-89 0 0 0 0 90-99 0 1 1 2 100-109 1 5 5 11 110-119 1 11 12 24 120-129 1 8 24 33 130-139 0 3 13 16 140+ 0 3 11 14 Total 3 31 0 100 Male February 22 February 23 February 24 February 26 Totals 60-69 0 2 4 1 7 70-79 0 11 7 8 26 80-89 0 25 8 12 45 90-99 2 12 7 11 32 100-109 4 7 6 13 30 110-119 0 2 1 9 12 120-129 0 0 1 2 3 130-139 0 0 0 1 1 140+ 0 0 0 2 2 Total 6 59 34 59 158 359 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 360 HhiI29 N He AR FIS Hhi55I N He AR FIS Hhi55 N He AR FIS Hhi1 N He AR FIS Hhi63 N He AR FIS Hhi57 N He AR FIS Hhi120 N He AR FIS 48 0.969 16.4 -0.011 30 0.806 7.8 0.049 33 0.975 17.2 0.036 25 0.968 15.9 -0.033 30 0.76 7.2 -0.052 42 0.976 17.2 0.024 *** 45 0.94 14.0 0.054 *** 27 0.968 16.1 -0.033 41 0.917 12.5 -0.01 43 0.968 16.4 -0.009 *** 53 0.913 12.6 -0.033 23 0.854 9.1 -0.019 24 0.839 7.5 0.056 30 0.752 6.0 0.202 35 0.784 7.9 0.052 52 0.661 4.2 -0.019 42 0.646 4.1 0.153 45 0.626 4.2 -0.065 28 0.978 17.5 0.014 RY98F 26 0.978 17.6 0.017 HE98M 31 0.985 18.8 0.017 HE98F 19 0.975 16.6 0.028 26 0.874 11.1 -0.056 23 0.976 17.1 0.02 16 0.74 6.9 -0.183 17 0.862 9.4 -0.092 26 0.699 4.5 -0.045 15 0.983 18.3 -0.017 RY98M 27 0.958 15.0 0.033 36 0.752 7.7 -0.071 * 41 0.969 16.2 0.068 *** 47 0.91 12.8 0.065 24 0.851 8.4 -0.028 33 0.98 17.7 0.134 *** 39 0.681 4.0 -0.017 PBCF 38 0.975 17.1 -0.026 48 0.921 12.7 -0.04 47 0.972 16.8 0.015 42 0.771 7.3 -0.05 43 0.984 18.4 0.126 *** 44 0.629 3.7 -0.265 * 39 0.822 8.2 0.064 PBCM 42 0.974 17.0 0.023 *** 47 0.913 12.0 -0.002 * 38 0.971 16.4 0.051 32 0.738 6.6 0.027 19 0.773 6.6 -0.157 29 0.625 4.2 0.062 25 0.979 17.7 -0.021 PTLF 29 0.974 16.8 0.115 42 0.881 11.7 0.081 39 0.978 17.5 0.03 22 0.721 6.9 -0.135 11 0.886 9.0 0.077 26 0.626 3.7 -0.044 15 0.969 15.9 -0.032 PTLM 46 0.967 16.2 0.011 47 0.969 16.2 -0.01 *** 47 0.902 11.9 -0.014 39 0.74 6.0 0.064 44 0.968 16.6 0.084 * 47 0.65 4.0 -0.244 ** 46 0.813 8.4 -0.016 QCIF 43 0.971 16.3 0.042 43 0.922 12.9 0.016 36 0.736 6.7 0.018 * 43 0.967 15.9 0.038 45 0.825 8.2 0.003 37 0.979 17.7 0.061 * 46 0.667 4.3 -0.076 QCIM 37.2 0.967 16.0 0.010 43.0 0.971 16.6 0.019 *** 47.8 0.916 12.7 0.014 33.4 0.748 6.7 0.034 29.6 0.812 7.8 -0.019 42.4 0.649 4.1 -0.057 32.2 0.978 17.7 0.046 AVGF 30.8 0.973 16.6 0.025 40.0 0.903 12.2 -0.002 37.0 0.974 16.9 0.028 29.2 0.755 7.1 -0.060 27.0 0.850 8.8 0.007 36.8 0.653 4.0 -0.055 27.2 0.979 17.6 0.031 AVGM 34.0 0.970 16.3 0.018 40.0 0.972 16.7 0.024 *** 43.9 0.909 12.4 0.006 31.3 0.752 6.9 -0.013 28.3 0.831 8.3 -0.006 39.6 0.651 4.1 -0.056 29.7 0.978 17.6 0.038 AVG Table 4. Microsatellite locus statistics in three samples (HE98 – Portlock Bank 1998; RY98 – Dixon Entrance, Queen Charlotte Islands 1998; PBC – Pribilof Canyon 2004; PTL – Portlock Bank 2004; QCI – Queen Charlotte Islands 2004, with males (M) and females (F) treated separately. N: sample size per locus; He: expected heterozygosity; AR: allelic richness adjusted for a minimum sample size of N=11; FIS value and its significance (*: P<0.05, **: P<0.01; ***: P<0.001). Averages of all females and males (AVGF; AVGM) and over all samples (AVG), as well over all loci (All) are also shown. 361 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 HhiC17 N He AR FIS Hhi53 N He AR FIS Hhi58 N He AR FIS Hhi03 N He AR FIS Hhi79 N He AR FIS HhiA44 N He AR FIS All N He AR FIS 30 0.963 15.6 -0.004 * 35 0.987 19.1 -0.014 39 0.973 17.0 0.025 31 0.974 16.7 0.04 44 0.979 17.7 0.002 38 0.958 15.1 0.039 40 0.945 13.3 0.021 41 0.959 14.9 0.033 34.1 0.918 13.8 0.023 41 0.963 15.6 -0.038 38 0.947 13.7 0.027 44 0.964 15.5 0.057 37.2 0.916 14.0 0.009 42 0.982 18.3 0.03 HE98M HE98F Table 4. continued. 44.0 0.909 13.6 0.021 50 0.957 14.8 -0.003 35 0.956 14.7 -0.046 45 0.96 15.1 0.051 52 0.971 16.7 -0.01 51 0.973 16.7 0.073 * 50 0.977 17.5 0.018 RY98F 21.8 0.914 13.7 -0.031 26 0.95 14.5 -0.012 19 0.949 14.8 0.002 21 0.968 15.7 0.016 26 0.969 16.5 -0.032 23 0.972 16.8 -0.028 26 0.964 15.3 0.002 RY98M 40.0 0.915 13.7 0.016 44 0.965 16.1 -0.013 45 0.956 14.6 0 48 0.963 15.5 0.005 42 0.972 16.8 0.02 47 0.975 17.2 -0.026 47 0.967 15.9 0.032 PBCF 45.0 0.912 13.7 -0.013 48 0.96 15.0 0.023 47 0.948 14.3 -0.01 48 0.965 15.7 0.007 48 0.972 16.8 -0.029 * 45 0.966 15.9 0.033 48 0.966 15.9 -0.013 PBCM 45 0.942 13.4 0.104 * 39.5 0.905 13.5 0.018 48 0.962 15.4 0.004 48 0.974 16.8 0.123 *** 48 0.97 16.3 -0.009 46 0.978 17.6 0.044 46 0.968 16.1 -0.01 PTLF 33.7 0.909 13.5 0.018 39 0.954 14.2 0.032 44 0.958 15.1 0.003 45 0.966 15.8 -0.012 43 0.959 15.4 0.03 43 0.976 17.1 0.07 40 0.968 16.3 0.018 PTLM 46.2 0.908 13.3 0.002 48 0.963 15.5 0.048 48 0.955 14.4 -0.026 48 0.967 15.9 0.117 * 48 0.96 15.0 0.023 46 0.975 17.2 -0.003 46 0.969 16.1 -0.009 QCIF 42.7 0.912 13.6 0.015 45 0.964 15.5 0.008 45 0.96 14.8 0.028 46 0.957 14.7 -0.022 43 0.959 15.3 0.03 43 0.985 18.8 0.032 40 0.967 15.9 0.017 QCIM 41.4 0.911 13.6 0.013 46.2 0.958 15.1 0.039 42.8 0.955 14.5 -0.008 46.8 0.973 16.8 0.050 *** 46.0 0.963 15.5 0.006 46.2 0.977 17.6 0.013 44.2 0.970 16.3 0.025 AVGF 35.4 0.913 13.6 0.003 39.8 0.957 14.8 0.017 39.0 0.952 14.5 0.009 39.6 0.963 15.4 0.006 39.2 0.965 16.0 0.017 38.4 0.978 17.7 0.006 36.8 0.966 15.8 0.004 AVGM 38.4 0.912 13.6 0.008 43.0 0.958 14.9 0.028 40.9 0.954 14.5 0.000 43.0 0.969 16.4 0.034 *** 42.8 0.963 15.4 0.006 42.3 0.978 17.6 0.009 40.5 0.968 16.0 0.015 AVG * All samples RY98M RY98F QCIM QCIF PTLM PTLF PBCM Locus Hhi03 Hhi1 Hhi120IMB Hhi53 Hhi55 * Hhi55IMB Hhi57 Hhi58 Hhi63 Hhi79 HhiA44 HhiC17 * HhiI29 All loci *** * PBCF HE98M HE98F Table 5. Results of exact tests for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Fisher’s combinations of probabilities (*: p<0.05, **; p<0.01; ***; p<0.001) over all samples and over all loci at each site are also provided. * * ** *** * * *** *** *** * *** * * * *** ** *** * *** *** Table 6. P values of exact tests (GENEPOP) and permutation tests (FSTAT) for genic differentiation, as well as P values of FST based permutation tests (GENETIX) at 11 loci and both sexes combined. Five samples: temporal samples separate; three samples: temporal samples combined (RYP98+QCI04, HER98+PTL04). Hhi55I Hhi55 Hhi1 Hhi63 Hhi57 Hhi120 HhiC17 Hhi53 Hhi03 Hhi79 HhiA44 All Loci 5 samples (98 & 04 sep). FSTAT GENEPOP GENETIX 0.269 0.238 0.545 0.551 0.346 0.366 0.126 0.132 0.047 0.068 0.088 0.058 0.752 0.715 0.214 0.192 0.984 0.977 0.801 0.835 0.142 0.260 0.156 0.144 0.146 3 samples (98 & 04 comb) FSTAT GENEPOP GENETIX 0.174 0.127 0.755 0.746 0.045 0.035 0.064 0.089 0.031 0.021 0.084 0.052 0.753 0.809 0.158 0.186 0.923 0.931 0.802 0.819 0.217 0.227 0.048 0.022 0.064 362 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 7. P values of exact tests (GENEPOP) for pairwise genic differentiation (above diagonal) and the number of loci (out of 11 loci) showing differentiation (below diagonal) for both sexes and temporal samples combined (RYP98+QCI04, HER98+PTL04). PBC PTL QCI PBC 3 2 PTL 0.009 2 QCI 0.077 0.127 363 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Pribilof Canyon Portlock Bank Queen Charlotte Islands Andreanof Islands Figure 1. Collection sites for 2004 and 2007 winter sampling. The Queen Charlotte Islands, Portlock Bank, and Pribilof Canyon were visited in 2004. The present analysis reports results of 13 microsatellite loci screened in 96 individuals (48 males and 48 females) collected at each of these sites, as well as at Portlock Bank and near the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1998-99. All sites in the figure were sampled in 2007. 364 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 HER98F HER98F PBCF PTLF QCIF RYP98F HER98M PBCM PTLM QCIM RYP98M PBCF 0.0000 PTLF -0.0009 0.0013 QCIF 0.0009 -0.0001 0.0001 RYP98F 0.0048 0.0035 0.0029 0.0011 HER98M -0.0009 0.0172 0.0173 0.0160 0.0176 PBCM -0.0014 -0.0020 0.0168 0.0150 0.0168 -0.0014 PTLM -0.0020 0.0011 -0.0007 0.0184 0.0215 -0.0002 -0.0021 QCIM -0.0008 -0.0007 -0.0021 -0.0018 0.0161 -0.0027 -0.0013 -0.0023 RYP98M 0.0001 -0.0017 0.0048 0.0007 0.0027 0.0016 -0.0011 -0.0018 -0.0008 Figure 2. Multidimensional Scaling plot of FST values between all halibut samples, based on 11 loci (r2=0.97, excluding Hhi29, Hhi58). For each site, squares represent females and diamonds represent males. FST values are provided in the table below the figure. 365 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 HER98 HER98 PBC PTL QCI RYP98 PBC 0.0002 PTL 0.0019 -0.0008 QCI 0.001 0.0001 0.0007 RYP98 0.0023 -0.0004 -0.0005 0.0001 Figure 3. Multidimensional Scaling plot of FST values at 11 loci. Temporal samples from Portlock Bank (PTL and HER98) and the Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI and RYP98) cluster together, while Pribilof Canyon (PBC) is more separated. FST values are shown below the figure. 366 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Oceanographic monitoring on the IPHC setline survey in 2007 Lauri L. Sadorus and Steven R. Hare Abstract A Seacat SBE-19 water column profiler was successfully deployed for a seventh year from a vessel participating in the annual stock assessment survey. Only conductivity, temperature, and depth profiles were collected in the first four years, and for the past three years, dissolved oxygen was also measured after a sensor was integrated with the unit. A second profiler, an SBE-19plus, was purchased this year, which was made possible by a grant from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Restoration and Enhancement Program. In total, 168 casts were completed successfully, encompassing four survey regions. Introduction Since the expansion of its survey operations in 1997, the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) has annually conducted fishing operations at more than 1000 stations ranging from Oregon to the Bering Sea. These stations are located on the continental shelf in depths between 35 and 500 meters, on an equidistant 10-nautical mile grid. As such, the IPHC operates the largest consistent sampling program of any research agency in the north Pacific. In the late 1990s, the IPHC sought proposals on how this sampling program could be used for other scientific investigations without affecting the core survey activities. One obvious project was the collection of oceanographic data. The IPHC already recorded bottom temperature at one-quarter to one-half of the survey stations; however, the potential existed to sample the entire water column. To better understand the factors driving fluctuations in growth and recruitment of fish populations, researchers are paying increasing attention to climatic and oceanic conditions. Primary and secondary productivity are directly driven by variations in water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and other factors. Most of this productivity occurs in the mixed layer, between 20 and 100 meters depth. Acidification of the oceans and upwelling-induced hypoxia are just two of the phenomenon linked to global climate change in recent years. How these fundamental changes in the physical and chemical makeup of the ocean waters affect organisms living there is not well understood. Coupling oceanographic observations with estimates of production from the IPHC setline survey is an obvious next step to increasing the understanding of what drives the abundance and distribution of our natural resources. In 2000, a Seacat SBE-19 water column profiler (Profiler I) was purchased by the IPHC and deployed aboard a commercial halibut longliner chartered for the annual stock assessment survey. A pump was added in 2001 to stabilize the salinity profiles. In 2005, a Seabird SBE-43 dissolved oxygen sensor was added to the unit. In 2007, the IPHC received a grant from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Restoration and Enhancement Program to purchase a Seacat SBE-19plus (an updated version of the SBE-19 and hereafter referred to as Profiler II) dedicated to the IPHC survey stations off the Oregon coast. This new profiler was equipped with sensors to measure depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (SBE-43), pH (SBE-18), and chlorophyll (WebLabs ECO-FLRTD). 367 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Methods Profiler I The original SBE-19 profiler is equipped with an aluminum housing which is rated for depths to 3400 meters. The SBE-43 dissolved oxygen sensor is equipped with a titanium housing and is rated for depths to 8000 meters. The unit (without the SBE-43) weighs 9.2 kg in air and 5.2 kg in water. The profiler is protected by a stainless steel cage, 96 cm tall and specially designed for this profiler. Software for downloading and displaying the data is provided by the manufacturer. Communication between the profiler and a computer is accomplished via an RS-232 port. To adapt the profiler for deployment from a halibut fishing vessel, a system was designed using weights and floats that permitted the profiler to descend rapidly enough through the water column to collect valid data, but also ensured that the unit would not crash into or become permanently attached to the ocean bottom. A sustained descent rate of 1-2 m/sec is generally ideal for CTD sensors. The weight of the profiler and cage in the water were sufficient that, if the unit was allowed to freefall, the target descent rate would be achieved. A 15-meter anchor line was attached to the bottom of the CTD cage using a section of gangion line as a weak link (in case the anchor could not be freed from the bottom). A 40-pound longline anchor was attached to the end of the 15-meter line. To the top of the cage, two floats were attached that effectively offset the weight of the anchor in water. The floats were attached to standard halibut buoy line which is almost neutrally buoyant. To deploy the unit, the anchor was lowered into the water followed by the profiler and cage and then the buoys. After a minimum of 90 seconds in order to acclimate the unit and prime the pump, the line was released and the full set allowed to freefall. Once the anchor hit the bottom, the remainder of the unit ceased descending shortly afterward due to the strong positive buoyancy of the floats compared to the weight of the profiler and cage. During trials with this unit, recorded bottom depths were compared with profiler measured depth, and it appeared that the unit descended approximately five meters after the anchor hit bottom and therefore was never in danger of impacting the bottom. On board the vessel, it was immediately obvious when the anchor hit bottom because of a noticeable slackening of the line. After the anchor hit bottom, the line was coiled around the gurdy and the profiler was immediately hauled back. Once on deck, the conductivity cell was rinsed with a weak solution of industrial cleanser (Triton X-100), followed by a rinse with distilled water. Tygon tubing was attached to the cell and filled with a weak bleach solution which remained in place until the next cast. Profiler II The SBE-19plus that was purchased in 2007 was deployed fundamentally the same way as Profiler I with some modifications. A custom bridle assembly and float configuration were devised to accommodate the added weight of the additional sensors. The pH sensor (SBE-18) had to be kept moist with a pH 4 solution when not in use and this was accomplished by storing the sensor with a soaker bottle assembly between casts. The manufacturer suggested field calibrations of the pH sensor about once a month. This profiler, however, was used for less than one month and so no calibration was necessary. The WetLabs chlorophyll sensor required only rinsing and then wiping with a clean cloth. 368 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Data capture Both profilers were equipped with dedicated laptop computers that accompanied them into the field. Approximately once a day, the profilers were connected to the computers, data were uploaded, and the profiler units were then reset for the next day’s casts. The data were sent via disk back to the Seattle office after each trip. The laptop accompanying Profiler II was newer than that with Profiler I and it was able to run a more advanced version of the processing software. This gave the field biologist the opportunity to conduct quality control checks to make sure the unit was performing as expected. The IPHC plans to purchase a similar computer for Profiler I for the 2008 season. Results In 2007, Profiler I was deployed from the F/V Pender Isle and covered three survey regions (Figs. 1 and 2): Vancouver, Goose Island, and Ketchikan (Soderlund et al. 2008). The first cast was made on June 5 and the last was made on July 28. A total of 125 profiles were possible and 113 were completed successfully. The unit was not deployed at the remaining stations due to weather concerns. Profiler II was deployed off of Oregon at all IPHC Oregon region stations as well as 15 stations that are technically in the Washington grid but positioned off the northern Oregon coast (Fig. 3). The profiler was deployed from the F/V Bernice for its first trip beginning on June 23, then was transferred to the F/V Blackhawk which profiled the remaining stations and concluded on July 28. Of a total of 57 stations, 55 were profiled successfully. Data availability A primary goal this season was to convert the profiling data into a format that could be linked to IPHC’s existing database, as well as be available to the public via the IPHC website. Both tasks are nearing completion and the data are scheduled to be available on the website by the first part of 2008. Additionally, there is an effort underway to submit profiles to the National Oceanographic Data Center, a NOAA-based oceanographic database that is widely used by scientists around the world. Spring of 2008 is the projected completion date for this phase of the project. Once both archiving procedures are established, the current year’s data should become available each summer, soon after the IPHC field season concludes. Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge the profiling work of the IPHC sea samplers aboard the F/V Pender Isle, F/V Bernice, and F/V Blackhawk. References Soderlund, E., Dykstra, C. L., Geernaert, T., Anderson, E., and Ranta, A. M. 2008. 2007 standardized stock assessment survey. Int. Pac. Halibut Commission Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2007. 475-500. 369 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 130°W 129°W 128°W 127°W 126°W 125°W 2086 52°N 52°N 2072 2085 2084 2083 2079 British Columbia 2082 2081 2080 2077 2076 2075 2074 2071 2070 2069 2068 2067 2066 2064 2063 2062 2061 2060 2059 2058 2057 2056 2055 2054 2053 2052 2051 2043 2050 2049 2048 2047 2046 2042 2041 2045 2044 51°N 2078 2073 2065 51°N 2040 2039 2038 2037 2035 Vancouver Island 50°N 50°N 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 Legend 49°N 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2021 2020 2019 Seacat 49°N 2018 2017 2016 Sets 2015 2014 2013 Successful 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Unsuccessful 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 130°W 129°W 128°W 127°W 126°W 125°W Figure 1. Stations fished by the F/V Pender Isle in the Vancouver, and Goose Island regions in 2007. Successful profiler deployments are depicted with a circle. Stations where the vessel fished but the profiler was either not deployed or unsuccessfully deployed, are depicted with a x. 370 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 134°W 133°W 132°W 131°W Legend 3042 56°N Seacat 3041 Prince of Wales Island 56°N Sets 3040 Successful Unsuccessful 3039 3038 3037 3036 3035 3034 3033 3032 3031 3028 3027 3021 3020 55°N 55°N 3030 3029 3026 3025 3024 3023 3019 3018 3017 3016 3007 3006 3005 134°W 3022 3015 3014 3013 3003 3002 133°W 3012 3011 3010 3009 3008 3001 132°W 131°W Figure 2. Stations fished by the F/V Pender Isle in the Ketchikan region in 2007. Successful profiler deployments are depicted with a circle. Stations where the vessel fished but the profiler was either not deployed or unsuccessfully deployed, are depicted with a x. 371 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 126°W 125°W 124°W 123°W 122°W 121°W 120°W 1058 1057 46°N 46°N 1056 1055 1054 1053 1052 1051 1050 1049 1048 1047 1046 1045 1044 1043 1042 1041 1040 45°N 45°N 1039 1038 1037 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032 1031 1030 1029 1028 Oregon 1027 1026 1025 1024 1023 1022 1021 44°N 44°N 1020 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 Legend 1011 1010 43°N Seacat 1009 1008 43°N Sets 1007 1006 Successful 1005 Unsuccessful 1004 1003 1002 42°N 42°N 1001 126°W 125°W 124°W 123°W 122°W 121°W 120°W Figure 3. Stations fished by the F/V Berniece and F/V Blackhawk in the Washington, and Oregon survey regions in 2007. Successful profiler deployments are depicted with a circle. Stations where the vessel fished but the profiler was either not deployed or unsuccessfully deployed, are depicted with a x. 372 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Estimating halibut hooking success using DIDSON sonar Stephen M. Kaimmer and Stephen Wischniowski Abstract The International Pacific Halibut Commission conducted a fishing experiment using a highfrequency acoustic camera to observe halibut around baited hooks during the summer of 2007. This study was designed to investigate halibut hooking behaviors to better describe the hooking success curve for halibut on #3 circle hooks. The data are currently being analyzed. Introduction The purpose of the study was to verify, by direct observation, the hooking success curve for halibut on setlines. Halibut hooking success is an important component of the length-specific selectivity which is used in the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) stock assessment model. This selectivity has most recently been estimated using multiple marking experiments as being dome shaped: increasing from a low value for small halibut to a peak at some fork length around 110 to 140 cm, then dropping off again (Clark and Kaimmer 2006). The halibut hooking success curve was previously estimated from direct camera observations of 42 shallow-water hook attacks which resulted in 21 halibut captures. This current project was designed to generate a larger set of observations and operate in deeper, more appropriate depths. The study used a DIDSON (Dual frequency IDentification SONar) acoustic camera. Methods Experimental design We planned for minimum gear deployment times of one hour, with each deployment observing four baited hooks. We expected to observe 100 to 200 hook attacks, four times the number of attacks observed previously with the more conventional underwater camera system. Attack rates and hooking success were determined for size class of halibut and for halibut overall. Halibut size was determined using DIDSON techniques demonstrated by Rose et al. (2005). Estimated sizes were verified by comparison with actual measurements of fish which were hooked and brought to the vessel on gear retrievals. Vessel and area A 10-day experiment was conducted 13-22 August, 2007 from the 17.7-meter fishing vessel F/V Free to Wander. Fishing locations were based on local knowledge of the vessel crew and a review of catches at IPHC survey grid stations during the previous three years. IPHC Regulatory Area 3A was selected as having fishing grounds suitable for the experiment. The vessel was supplied with a list of IPHC survey stations with high catches of halibut in Area 3A during recent years. 373 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 DIDSON camera and frame Despite conditions of darkness and sometimes high turbidity, the acoustic camera can provide continuous, high-resolution imagery of approaches to the gear, hook attacks, and escapes. Rose et al. (2005) first demonstrated the DIDSON acoustic camera as a device for observing fixed fishing gear and our deployment borrowed much of the design of their system, although our frame was more rugged (Fig. 1). This system was previously used by the IPHC in 2006 to investigate the behavior of halibut and rockfish in the vicinity of fish pots (Kaimmer and Wischniowski 2007). The DIDSON provides multiple, high-resolution images per second across a 29º fan-shaped sector, with a beam depth of 12º. In high-frequency (1.8 MHz) mode, the 29º sector is acoustically divided into 96 beams (0.3º each) and the selected range window is divided into 256 equal bins (e.g., 1.6 cm for a 4 m long window). Thus, the pixels at the center of an image with a 4 m range window are approximately 1.6 cm by 2.6 cm. This resolution is sufficient to show the body shapes of adult fish, while the update rate of eight frames per second allowed each individual fish to be tracked through the image. The 12º depth of the acoustic beams limits images to acoustically reflective objects that pass within a distance equal to 10% of the range above or below that fan shape, while the view provided is integrated into a single plane. Because better range resolution (limited by 256 range bins) was more important than showing the small wedge of area within a few meters of the camera, we set the near edge of the image to 3.0 m (Fig. 2). Objects in the resulting null area close to the camera were not directly imaged, but could produce shadows in the image. The acoustic camera system used in this study included a hard drive to record the image data. Two 13.2 volt, 9 amp-hr NiMH battery packs in a titanium pressure housing provided the power. The acoustic camera and the battery case were contained in a cylindrical open frame constructed of 2½” Schedule 40 aluminum pipe (Fig. 1). Two ELP-362A acoustic pingers manufactured by BENTHOS1 were attached to the camera cage to assist in gear recovery should the surface connection become lost. The camera was mounted so that its viewing angle could be adjusted in the vertical dimension. The frame itself stood on four 4’ by 2” Schedule 40 pipes. A 20-foot 4½” by 6” aluminum box beam, made to break down into two pieces for easier transport, was attached across the top of the cylindrical cage. The other end of the box beam was supported by a 2” Schedule 40 pipe, bent into a U-shape with a broad, 9-foot middle section and two 4-foot legs. The whole structure was further strengthened by an 8’ long, 4” box beam laid crosswise near the mid-join, with 2” round pipes leading from the box beam ends to the end of each leg on the bent support pipe. A triangle of 5/16” groundline was suspended by shock cords from the legs of the deployment frame at the end further away from the camera (Figure 1). These cords allowed the groundline to ‘give’ when a fish was attacking and subsequently darting on the hook. The transducer ‘lens’ of the acoustic camera was 7 feet away from the nearest end of the groundline triangle, approximately 30” above the bottom, and oriented horizontally with a downward tilt of ~8º. This distance allowed the entire setline ‘triangle’ to be inside the acoustic image along with about 3 feet to each side of the gear, and about 6 feet in front of and beyond the gear. The main beam was above the view of the camera. A buoyed rope bridle was attached to each end of the main box beam. The DIDSON is designed to both archive data onto an internalized 8 Gigabyte flashcard, and output a live NTSC broadcast signal. In order to view the live feed, 1,000 feet of CAT5E twisted 1 Benthos, Inc., 49 Edgerton Drive, North Falmouth, MA 02556 USA. 374 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 pair, non-shielded Ethernet cable2, reinforced to an 8,000-pound breaking strength, was buoyed to the surface. This line also served as our deployment and retrieval cable. The live NTSC signal from the DIDSON was transmitted via the CAT5E twisted pair to a floating, water-tight, PVC housing. Twisted pair video transmission units (Nitek3 VB31PT video transceiver, and Nitek TR560 video receiver) on opposite ends of the CAT5E twisted pair cable were used to condition and boost the signal up to 1200 feet. The NTSC video signal was then broadcast from a 900 MHz FM micro audio/video transmitter (AVX-900-T4) capable of a range of one mile. The signal was received by a directional Yagi-900 super high gain receiver antenna, and interpreted by an AVX 900 receiver. The live video output was then viewed on a Planar 14-inch color video monitor and recorded on a Sony (GV D1000E) digital VCR. On the third day, we lost the transmission functions of this cable, and subsequent deployment and retrievals were made using a 1,200 foot length of 9/16” American4 Ultra-blue line, which was then buoyed to the surface. Data collection and archiving The DIDSON stores files of the sonar data on its onboard flashcard. After each deployment, these files were uploaded to a laptop and also backed up on an external hard drive, giving two file copies. The original files were then erased from the DIDSON. Gear setting and hauling information was entered on standard IPHC data forms. The captain completed a Captain’s Set Form. In addition, a unique Set Form A was created to include information specific to the DIDSON deployments. Results Fishing locations and fish catches Actual fishing locations are given in Table 1 and shown in Figures 3 and 4. The vessel deployed the apparatus 68 times in total. Deployments, which averaged about one hour in duration, were made between the hours of 6 AM and 10 PM. As many as twelve deployments were made per day. The first three deployments were conducted in shallow water from the anchored vessel in order to configure the DIDSON and frame. The next five days were spent in Prince William Sound, around Montague Island. Catches on these days were disappointing. For the remainder of the charter, we ran to outside waters around Portlock Bank where catches were more favorable. As many as four halibut were caught on many of these deployments. The charter ended a day early to avoid a large weather system. Because of a perceived problem with the DIDSON battery case, combined with the almost 14-hour run from the fishing area to harbor, it was decided that it would not be practical to return for a single, final day’s fishing. In all, we caught 50 halibut on the DIDSON gear. While the live video feed remained in operation, we took note of halibut behaviors at sea. For each gear deployment, first observations and subsequent behaviors of halibut were observed and recorded. These behaviors were classed into one of the following categories: 1) approach or first 2 3 Purchased from Falmat Custom Cable Technologies, 1873 Diamond Street, San Marcos, CA 92069 Nitek, 5410 Newport Dr. Ste 24, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3722 375 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 observation; 2) lying on the seafloor; 3) biting the hook; 4) darting while hooked; and 5) successful escape. Subsequent to the loss of the transmission capability of our hauling cable, we performed cursory video file reviews after each download. Final file review will be conducted during the winter of 2007 and into 2008. Discussion This project had many successes, not the least of which were the excellent performance of the DIDSON sonar and the deployment frame and protocol, and the continuing development of the data transmission system. It is unfortunate that we did not observe more fish captures. We hope to have enough observations of hook attacks and hooking events to generate an initial estimation of the hooking success curve. We have proposed a subsequent trip to be conducted during 2008 which will gather more observations on the #3 hooks, as well as a fresh set of observations on the smaller #6 hooks. References Clark, W. G. and Kaimmer, S. M. 2006. Estimates of commercial longline selectivity for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from multiple marking experiments. Fish. Bull. 104465467. Kaimmer, S. M. and Wishniowski, S. 2007. Examining the behavior of rockfish and halibut around pots. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2006:239-249. Rose, C. S., Stoner, A. W., and K. Matteson, K. 2005. Use of high-frequency imaging sonar to observe fish behaviour near baited fishing gear. Fish Res. 76 (2):291-304. 376 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Fishing locations during the 2007 DIDSON hook study. Set Number 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Date 13-Aug 13-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 18-Aug 20-Aug 20-Aug 20-Aug 20-Aug Latitude 59º56.71’ 59º 56.71’ 59º 56.71’ 60º 05.03’ 60º 05.03’ 60º 05.03’ 60º 04.04’ 60º 04.04’ 60º 04.04’ 60º 09.46’ 60º 04.32’ 60º 04.55’ 60º 04.21’ 60º 04.21’ 60º 04.21’ 60º 04.21’ 60º 04.08’ 60º 04.37’ 60º 04.06’ 60º 08.27’ 60º 08.26’ 60º 08.26’ 60º 05.03’ 60º 05.06’ 60º 05.05’ 60º 05.12’ 60º 05.04’ 60º 04.97’ 60º 06.26’ 60º 04.17’ 60º 04.92’ 60º 05.59’ 60º 05.76’ 60º 20.02’ 60º 19.97’ 60º 20.03’ 60º 20.34’ 60º 09.91’ 60º 04.66’ 60º 04.66’ 60º 04.66’ 60º 04.66’ 59º 00.79’ 59º 00.61’ 58º 50.10’ 50º 50.20’ Longitude 148º 12.10’ 148º 12.10’ 148º 12.10’ 147º 38.30’ 147º 38.30’ 147º 38.30’ 147º 39.90’ 147º 39.90’ 147º 39.90’ 147º 34.30’ 147º 39.60’ 147º 39.50’ 147º 39.70’ 147º 39.70’ 147º 39.70’ 147º 39.70’ 147º 40.00’ 147º 40.00’ 147º 40.10’ 147º 35.60’ 147º 35.70’ 147º 36.10’ 147º 38.20’ 147º 38.20’ 147º 38.40’ 147º 38.40’ 147º 38.30’ 147º 38.30’ 147º 38.00’ 147º 39.90’ 147º 39.40’ 147º 37.70’ 147º 37.70’ 147º 30.90’ 147º 30.40’ 147º 29.70’ 147º 27.90’ 147º 30.90’ 147º 35.90’ 147º 35.20’ 147º 35.20’ 147º 35.20’ 148º 13.80’ 148º 13.90’ 148º 15.00’ 148º 15.10’ Depth (fm) 19 19 19 31 31 31 54 54 54 46 56 53 48 48 48 48 51 50 59 40 35 66 38 38 33 45 32 33 33 52 49 41 31 79 65 53 18 28 68 58 58 58 95 100 151 150 Halibut catch (no.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comments Gear calibration, vessel at anchor Gear calibration, vessel at anchor Gear calibration, vessel at anchor Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Prince William Sound, west of Montague Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank 377 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. continued. 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 17-Aug 17-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 58º 29.21’ 58º 29.16’ 58º 29.04’ 58º 29.38’ 58º 29.80’ 58º 29.72’ 58º 29.67’ 58º 29.61’ 58º 30.42’ 58º 30.20’ 58º 29.92’ 58º 30.08’ 58º 30.10’ 58º 30.10’ 58º 30.02’ 58º 30.00’ 58º 30.01’ 58º 30.06’ 58º 30.04’ 58º 30.14’ 58º 29.97’ 58º 30.09’ 148º 34.50’ 148º 34.80’ 148º 34.90’ 148º 34.30’ 148º 33.80’ 148º 33.80’ 148º 33.80’ 148º 33.80’ 148º 34.00’ 148º 33.90’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 52.50’ 148º 52.80’ 148º 53.10’ 148º 53.10’ 148º 53.10’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 53.00’ 148º 53.00’ 72 72 71 73 74 75 75 75 73 73 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 4 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 378 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Portlock bank Figure 1. Deployment frame for using the DIDSON acoustic camera to observe fish behavior around baited hooks. 379 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Figure 2. A DIDSON image showing range markers (in meters), groundline, rocks, shadows from rocks, halibut, halibut ‘shadow’, and other small fish. The ring at the bottom right shows vertical and horizontal orientation, and compass orientation. 380 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 158°0'W 156°0'W 61°0'N 154°0'W 152°0'W 150°0'W 148°0'W # ### Sets 173-176 146°0'W Prince William Sound 61°0'N ## ## # # # # # ## # Sets 143-172, 177-181 # # ##### # # 60°0'N Inset Area # 140 141 142 59°0'N # 60°0'N # Sets 140-142 59°0'N # # # # 58°0'N 58°0'N Kodiak Island 57°0'N 57°0'N 158°0'W 156°0'W 154°0'W 152°0'W 150°0'W 148°0'W 146°0'W Figure 3. Station positions near Prince William Sound during the 2007 DIDSON hook study. 381 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 158°0'W 156°0'W 154°0'W 61°0'N 152°0'W 150°0'W 148°0'W 146°0'W Prince William Sound # 61°0'N Sets 182, 183 ## # ## # # # # # Sets 184, 185 60°0'N # 60°0'N # 59°0'N Inset Area # # # # # # 59°0'N Sets 196-207 Sets 186-195 # # # # 58°0'N 58°0'N Kodiak Island 57°0'N 57°0'N 158°0'W 156°0'W 154°0'W 152°0'W 150°0'W 148°0'W Figure 4. Station positions near Portlock Bank during the 2007 DIDSON hook study. 382 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 146°0'W 2007 hook size and spacing experiment Stephen M. Kaimmer and Bruce M. Leaman Abstract The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) conducted a fishing experiment using different combinations of hook sizes and hook spacings during the summer of 2007. The 2007 experiment was a repeat of an experiment conducted in 2005, that was conducted in an area with higher halibut densities. This study was designed to address potential differences in CPUE and size selectivity of selected combinations of hook size and hook spacing in the commercial fishery relative to the configuration of the standard IPHC survey skate. Compared with the 2005 experiment, the 2007 experiment in lower halibut density grounds resulted in a strong relationship between hook spacing and the weight of legal-sized halibut caught. Larger hook spacing resulted in higher catches of legal-sized halibut, by weight. Hook size had negligible impact on catch of legal fish (weight or number) but smaller hooks caught more sublegal-sized fish. Introduction The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) conducted a fishing experiment using different combinations of hook sizes and hook spacings during the summer of 2007. This study was a companion to one conducted in 2005. Both studies were designed to address potential differences in CPUE and size selectivity of selected combinations of hook size and hook spacing in the commercial fishery, relative to the configuration of the standard IPHC survey gear skates of 100 #31 circle hooks, with 18-foot spacing. The adoption of Individual Quota management for halibut and sablefish, together with coincident seasons for these species, has resulted in an increased amount of mixed-target or combination fishing for both halibut and sablefish in Alaska. The optimum gear for the two species is quite different, with sablefish gear using smaller #5 or #6 hooks and short 36-48” spacing, while optimum gear for halibut may be larger #3 hooks with 15-18’ spacing. IPHC assessments make corrections for hook spacing relative to the IPHC standard 1800-ft, 100-hook skate. However, the adjustment is based on a relationship developed in the 1970s from spacing experiments using Jhooks. No adjustment of CPUE for hook size is made. There is concern that smaller hooks may affect size selectivity and, hence, CPUE. The increased use of combination gear for sablefish and halibut fishing within the commercial fishery has prompted our investigation of the relationship of catching power by these different gear types. The 2005 study was conducted in IPHC Area 3A, where halibut densities are relatively high, and was reported on in the 2005 RARA (Leaman and Kaimmer 2006). The 2007 study was conducted in the relatively lower-density IPHC Area 2C. For clarity in our gear codes for this project, used the 3, 4, 5, 6 numbering scheme for hook sizes. This nomenclature corresponds to the 16, 15, 14, 13 scheme, in that the large #3 hook is equivalent to a 16/0 hook, the smaller #4 is equivalent to 15/0, and etc 1 383 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Experimental design The 18.3-meter F/V Proud Venture was chartered to conduct the hook size and spacing experiment in IPHC Regulatory Area 2C (southeastern Alaska). We initially bid this project to be conducted in Area 2B (British Columbia), but regulatory difficulties which would have prevented fish sales from this experiment forced us to make a last minute venue change to Alaskan waters. The experimental design was the same as that used in 2005, and required the successful hauling of 44 strings of gear. Fishing locations were based around IPHC setline survey grid stations in the southern regions of Area 2C. The vessel was supplied with a suggested list of fifty fishing locations whose survey CPUE had averaged in the top 40-85 percent in IPHC Area 2C in the 20042006 three-year period. The experiment was a randomized block design with two factors: hook size and hook spacing. The four levels of hook size were #3 - #6 hooks (alternate designations are hook sizes 16/0 – 13/0). The four spacing levels were 18, 12, 9, and 3.5 feet. Not all combinations of hook size and spacing were fished. While all these hook sizes and spacings are present to some extent in the commercial fishery, almost none of the large-hook gear is fished on short spacings, and likewise almost none of the small hooks are fished on long spacings. The combinations tested in the experiment are shown below. Hook Size Hook Spacing 3.5 ft 9 ft 12 ft 18 ft #6 X X X #5 X X X #4 #3 X X X X X X For clarity, we standardized our hook size nomenclature so that hook sizes were termed as sizes #3, #4, #5, and #6. Our hook spacings were recorded as two-digit integers, so, as examples, the 3.5 foot spacing was recorded as 04 and the 9 foot as 09. Using this nomenclature, the gear code was expressed as a three-digit integer: the first digit giving the hook size, and the second and third, the hook spacing. Thus, the skate with #4 hooks at a 12-foot spacing was given the code “412”, #3 hooks at 18-foot were coded as “318”, and so on, as shown below. Hook Size Hook Spacing 3.5 ft 9 ft 12 ft 18 ft #6 604 609 612 #5 504 509 512 #4 #3 409 412 418 309 312 318 For each day’s fishing, two strings of twelve 100-hook skates were set, with the hook and spacing factors randomized by skate within each string. The order of the skates in each set was determined by reference to a random setting order table. Twelve skates of each gear were included in each string, representing one each of the twelve hook size and spacing combinations as shown in the above table. The sample size for the experiment was based on an analysis of 2003 survey data 384 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 for Areas 3A and 3B. With an α = 0.05 and power of 0.90, we needed a sample size of 480 skates (forty 12-skate sets) to have a minimum detectable difference = 60 lb/skate. Our bid specifications for the experiment called for 22 stations (44 sets). Note that the skates were a standard number of hooks rather than a standard length. Therefore, the length of the skates varied from 1800 ft (100 hooks at 18 ft spacing) to 350 ft (100 hooks at 3.5 ft spacing). The length of each string was approximately 12,700 feet, about equivalent in length to seven standard IPHC survey skates (1800-foot each). Hook size, spacing, and gangion type and length were constant within a skate, i.e., each of the 12 skates was a unique combination of hook size and spacing, with standard 24-inch, 60-thread count, hard-lay gangions (after tying) on all gear. The vessel was responsible for construction of the gear and for rigorous gear maintenance before each resetting of the gear. Hook counts were conducted on all gear prior to setting to ensure adherence to the 100-hook per skate specification. Damaged or missing hooks or gangions were replaced prior to setting. All strings were set in parallel berthings, greater than one and less than three nautical miles apart, in a similar depth stratum. Two 12-skate sets (24 skates total) were made per day and were treated as a single station. Station positions were occupied progressively to avoid depletion issues. Measured characteristics for halibut were length on all fish, sex, and maturity on all legal-sized (≥ 82 cm) fish, and a 10% random sample of sex and maturity of sublegal-sized fish. Otoliths for age determination were not collected. All station and fishing data standard to assessment survey fishing were also collected. Setting began at approximately 5:00 AM local time or at first light each morning. When all strings were set, the vessel returned to the first string and began hauling after the set had been soaking at least five hours. During hauling, all halibut were brought aboard. Sublegal-sized fish which were not part of the 10% random sample were measured and returned to the water unharmed. All legal-sized halibut and some bycatch (Pacific cod and rockfish) caught on all skates were retained and sold to offset charter costs. The chartered vessel was responsible for completing all experimental sets in the experiment effectively. Sets were considered effective if the vessel properly set the gear and hauled back within 24 hours. Situations resulting in the data from a set being deemed ineffective for the experiment and requiring re-setting of the string included loss of function of ≥ 33% of the total number of hooks for a string. Loss of function could be the result of lost gear, snarls, shark or mammal predation, or excessive sand flea activity. No sets were deemed ineffective during either the 2005 or the 2007 experiment. The fishing gear was provided as half skates coiled in tubs. During setting, a weight of approximately 5 to 10 pounds was snapped on the groundline at each skate junction. A color coding system was devised to mark each skate end using colored twine to represent both the hook spacing and hook size on that gear. This coding was combined with a series of plasticized charts which specified, with both colors and text, the randomized order for the day’s fishing. All gear was hand baited with the same bait used in standard IPHC grid charters: frozen chum salmon, number 2 semi-bright, or better. The crew was responsible for cutting the salmon into pieces sized between 1/4 and 1/3 pound for baiting the gear. Bait cutting was monitored by IPHC staff to ensure the bait size was consistent across all gear types. This experiment had a number of features which required special data handling. The most obvious was the use of 12 skates in each set (our data archives only allow up to ten skates per 385 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 set), and the recording of depth and location for each skate. Our data archive format only allows up to ten skates per set. This restriction was accommodated by creating a unique data form with room for 12 skates. Less obvious, but as demanding, was the fact that each skate was unique. For each skate, we needed to keep track of hook counts; the hook size and spacing; and whether that particular skate was effective for the experiment, and if not, why. We handled these data needs by designing special versions of the Captain’s Set Form and Set Forms A and B used normally on IPHC assessment surveys and by some special protocols during data entry and subsequent retrievals. Using codes developed for this experiment, we were then able to record hook sizes and spacings, hook counts, and depth for each skate set. We changed the ineffective set criterion so that it could be applied to individual skates. The criterion for an ineffective skate was if 33% or more of the hooks in that skate were compromised, rather than 33% by set as is used on standard IPHC surveys. If more than 33% of the skates in a set were deemed ineffective, the string would have to be reset. Results Fishing commenced on 14 July and was completed on 12 August. The experiment was completed with three 6-fishing day trips, and one 5-fishing day trip. A total of 44 sets were successfully completed, occupying 22 station locations (Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2). During the course of the experiment, the gear caught 3,325 legal-sized halibut (this compares to 10,408 legalsized halibut caught during the 2005 experiment), with an estimated weight of 85,421 net pounds, and 2,596 sublegal-sized halibut. Fishing depth ranged from 29 to 160 fathoms. Table 2 presents a preliminary summary of the results by hook size and hook spacing. These are simple tabulations. The CPUE of legal-sized halibut increased with increasing hook spacing, and generally increased with hook size. The CPUE of the largest hooks (#3) was actually less than the next smaller hooks (#4). There is no clear relationship between the catch of sublegals and hook spacing, although sublegal catch is higher on the smaller hooks. A complete analysis of the results of this experiment, in combination with the 2005 experiment, is in progress. References Leaman, B. M. and Kaimmer, S. M. 2006. 2005 hook size and spacing experiment. IPHC Report of Assessment and Research Activities 2005: 215-231. 386 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Fishing locations and halibut catches during the 2007 Gear Effect experiment. Set Number 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Date 14-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 18-Jul 22-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 27-Jul 30-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul 31-Jul 1-Aug 1-Aug 2-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 3-Aug 7-Aug 7-Aug 8-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 12-Aug Depth (fm) Minimum Maximum 108 129 109 160 40 65 49 80 99 105 110 121 112 114 110 110 126 143 129 137 107 108 112 114 71 77 70 76 66 73 64 93 40 49 41 68 30 46 29 55 52 66 54 58 113 114 98 99 99 103 89 94 77 84 91 97 101 107 97 106 98 103 99 103 43 64 42 67 71 77 82 90 68 73 72 75 88 92 76 80 77 90 84 87 67 73 66 70 North latitude 56°00.10 56°00.91 56°30.41 56°29.25 55°50.53 55°50.42 55°58.44 55°57.47 56°40.49 56°40.06 56°20.77 56°19.25 56°19.58 56°19.72 56°08.60 56°11.23 56°18.61 56°20.84 56°00.23 55°58.84 56°29.39 56°29.32 57°09.48 57°10.47 56°09.88 56°12.64 56°10.50 56°10.03 56°09.80 56°10.82 56°14.00 56°14.09 54°59.63 55°00.12 54°50.03 54°48.28 54°51.40 54°52.17 54°48.04 54°49.92 54°59.02 55°01.24 54°51.94 54°52.97 West longitude 132°31.18 132°32.53 133°44.97 133°44.44 135°10.02 135°13.01 135°13.04 135°13.64 135°53.55 135°50.67 135°31.11 135°31.91 134°56.66 134°59.08 134°19.96 134°19.92 134°18.94 134°19.15 134°19.55 134°22.24 135°13.98 135°16.59 136°11.36 136°07.22 134°55.66 134°56.69 134°47.36 134°52.05 134°56.89 135°00.27 135°14.77 135°11.03 133°27.11 133°28.86 133°43.59 133°43.30 133°44.06 133°47.89 133°47.20 133°47.58 134°01.68 134°04.30 133°44.96 133°45.06 Pounds ≥ 82 cm 690.7 801.2 237.5 714.6 1989.4 1139.1 1339.4 1647.9 712.1 313.7 748.6 353.3 183.7 624.1 475.3 703.3 697.1 424.6 470.0 253.6 592.8 816.9 673.0 565.2 1947.4 901.4 772.8 1112.7 764.0 739.7 868.5 596.3 759.5 596.3 2387.7 1791.6 2593.1 2113.0 771.1 2169.3 446.9 547.1 897.9 1015.5 Number < 82 cm 9 17 7 4 92 25 53 68 9 7 14 15 35 45 27 11 35 17 26 17 22 37 18 24 80 25 19 31 19 28 15 14 147 176 10 19 14 16 6 10 0 0 20 20 387 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 2. Summary statistics of catch rates (net lb/100 hooks and net count/100 hooks) on experimental skates as a function of hook spacing and hook size from the 2007 Gear Effect experiment. Hook spacing (ft) N Mean legal weight of legal weight Mean sublegal count Std. dev. Of sublegal count 3.5 88 130.7 126.4 4.4 6.8 N Mean legal weight of legal weight Mean sublegal count Std. dev. Of sublegal count #6 132 145.2 128.5 6.3 8.0 9 176 149.4 114.3 4.8 5.9 Hook Size #5 132 152.8 144.6 4.6 6.1 388 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 12 176 173.3 150.8 5.3 6.5 18 88 194.6 157.8 4.7 5.3 #4 132 179.7 139.1 4.3 4.8 #3 132 169.4 138.6 4.3 5.1 136°0'W 135°0'W 134°0'W 133°0'W AK 109 110 Baranof Island 57°0'N 57°0'N BC 96 Map Area 95 56°30'N 89 107 108 56°30'N 90 98 104 100 97 103 99 117 118 116 115 112 111 114 102 101 106 56°0'N 93 92 94 88 105 56°0'N 91 Prince of Wales Island 136°0'W 135°0'W 134°0'W 133°0'W Figure 1. Northern fishing locations with set numbers for the 2007 IPHC Gear Effect experiment. 389 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 135°0'W 134°0'W 133°0'W 55°30'N 55°30'N 113 Prince of Wales Island 128 55°0'N 120 127 124 126 125 AK 130 129 123 121 122 55°0'N 119 Forrester Island BC 54°30'N 87 54°30'N Map Area 135°0'W 134°0'W 133°0'W Figure 2. Southern fishing locations with set numbers for the 2007 IPHC Gear Effect experiment. 390 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 2007 dogfish mischmetal experiments Steve Kaimmer International Pacific Halibut Commission Alan Stoner Fisheries Behavioral Ecology Program, NOAA Abstract Recently, rare earth metals have been shown to have deterrent effects on members of the shark family. These effects are the result of electric fields created by these metals in seawater, which are sensed and avoided by sharks. The IPHC conducted two experiments during 2007 to see whether these deterrent effects might help keep dogfish off halibut longlines. Two studies, one in the lab and one in the field, showed positive deterrent effects of rare earth mischmetals on the spiny dogfish. The application does not appear to be a practical technique at this time for the Pacific halibut fishery. Introduction During 2007, the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) and the Fisheries Behavioral Ecology Program of the National Marine Fisheries Service Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Newport, Oregon, conducted joint studies on the effects of rare earth metals on dogfish and halibut feeding behavior. These studies were jointly funded by the IPHC and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Bycatch Reduction Program. The study purpose was to investigate the potential for using these metals as a deterrent for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) capture on halibut longlines. There were two components to the study in 2007. The first was a laboratory study where attacks on baits by both dogfish and halibut were tested in the presence of two different rare-earth materials (neodymium-iron-boride magnets and cerium mischmetal1) believed to deter elasmobranch catch. Experiments were conducted with spiny dogfish and with Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in pairwise tests of the rare-earth materials with inert metal decoys. Results of these experiments showed promise for the mischmetal, and are reported in Stoner and Kaimmer (in review). Encouraged by the results of the laboratory studies, a fishing experiment, the second component of this study, was then conducted in August of 2007 using pieces of the mischmetal attached to circle hooks to determine whether the deterrent effect seen in the laboratory would transfer to the field. Experimental design The 18.3-meter F/V Predator was chartered to conduct the field mischmetal experiment in IPHC Regulatory Area 3A. The experimental design required the successful hauling of 36 strings of gear. Fishing locations were chosen based on the local knowledge of the vessel captain. 1 a cerium-rich mixture of lanthanide (rare earth) metals 391 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 The experiment was a randomized block design, with two treatments and one control (Table 1). The first treatment had a triangular piece of mischmetal, 4.5 cm on a side and about 0.7 cm thick, weighing about 50 grams, attached to the hook (Fig. 1). The second ‘dummy’ treatment had a triangular piece of steel of the same size, with a weight of about 55 grams, similarly attached. These were compared with hooks with no attached metal. The fishing gear otherwise met our survey criteria: #3 hooks fixed to groundline at 18-foot intervals. Each set was comprised of three 50-hook skates, one skate of each treatment, randomly arranged into each set of gear. Gear was set at approximately 0800 local time or first light, hauled after a minimum two-hour soak time, and then reset and re-hauled (with a two-hour soak) through the day. The most gear set in any one day was seven sets. The vessel was responsible for construction of the gear and for rigorous gear maintenance before each resetting of the gear. Hook counts were conducted on all gear prior to setting to ensure adherence to the 50-hook per skate specification. Damaged or missing hooks or gangions were replaced prior to setting. Data collected included length for all halibut, and counts and sample weights for all other catches. During hauling, all halibut were brought aboard. Sublegal-sized fish were measured and returned to the water unharmed. All legal-sized halibut and some bycatch (Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus) were retained and sold to offset charter costs. The fishing gear was provided as 50-hook skates coiled in tubs. Because of the weight of the mischmetal and dummy metal pieces, weights were not added to the gear during setting. A color coding system was devised to mark each skate end with colored twine to represent the treatment on that skate. This coding was combined with a series of plasticized charts which specified, with both colors and text, the randomized order for the day’s fishing. All gear was hand baited with the same bait used in standard IPHC grid charters: frozen chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), number 2 semi-bright or better. The crew was responsible for cutting the salmon into pieces sized between 1/4 and 1/3 pound for baiting the gear. Care was taken to keep the bait size consistent across all gear types. Research staff monitored bait size during the charter to ensure compliance to charter standards. Field fishing results Fishing commenced on 25 September and was completed on 1 October. A total of 36 sets were successfully completed, with all fishing conducted within Kachemak Bay, and within 10 miles of the Homer Spit (Table 2 and Fig. 2). Halfway through the experiment, the mischmetal pieces were removed from the hooks and weighed. The mischmetal reacts electrochemically with seawater, giving off an electrical field while undergoing a process of ionization and dissolution, much like a protective zinc anode, but at a much faster rate. On average, the mischmetal triangles had lost half their mass during the first three days of fishing, about 20 hours of soak time on average for each piece of metal. Fresh pieces of metal were put on for the second half of the experiment. During the course of the experiment, the gear caught 141 legal-sized halibut, with an estimated weight of 2,800 pounds; 178 sublegal-sized halibut; and 2,062 dogfish (Table 3). Fishing depth ranged from 29 to 58 fathoms. The mischmetal gear caught fewer dogfish on average for 50 hooks fished (17.0) compared to the dummy and standard gear (19.2 and 21.1, respectively). The mischmetal gear caught slightly more halibut on average for 50 hooks fished (27.0) compared to the dummy and standard gear (26.5 and 24.6, respectively). 392 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 We analyzed the data using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with block (set) and treatment effects. It was not necessary to transform the data prior to analyses, as the ANOVA assumptions of normality and constant residual variance were reasonable. There was very strong evidence for differences among the three treatments (F(2,70)=11.9, p<0.0001, Table 4). Pairwise comparisons of the three treatment means were done using Tukey’s HSD method. The mischmetal treatment ‘M’ had a significantly lower mean dogfish catch than both treatments C and D (p<0.0001 and p=0.029 respectively), while there was little evidence for a difference between treatments C and D (p=0.069). Although we did not perform a statistical analysis, the mischmetal gear also caught far fewer skates, another elasmobranch species. An ANOVA on halibut catch weights showed no significant difference among the three treatments (F(2,70)=0.06,p=0.9439). Discussion The field trials showed a significant, 20 percent, decrease in the dogfish catches on gear protected with mischmetal. While this was statistically significant, the practical application of this particular metal for dogfish catch reduction is unlikely. The metal itself was reasonably expensive, somewhat difficult to work with metallurgically, and had a high rate of dissolution. There may be other reactive metals, or electrical field generators, which would be practical. The difference in effectiveness from the lab to the field might be due to a ‘frenzy’ type of feeding behavior. What might deter a single dogfish in a lab setting becomes less of a barrier when many dogfish are approaching baits in the field. References Stoner, A. W. and Kaimmer, S. M. (in review). Reducing elasmobranch bycatch on longline gear: laboratory investigation of rare earth metal and magnetic deterrents with spiny dogfish and Pacific halibut. 393 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Table 1. Gear configurations used in the 2007 Dogfish mischmetal experiment. Gear Standard Mischmetal Dummy Code C M D Description #3 hook #3 hook with attached mischmetal triangle #3 hook with attached dummy metal Table 2. Fishing locations during the 2007 Dogfish mischmetal experiment. Set Number 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Date Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Oct-07 N. latitude 59º 39.68’ 59º 40.24’ 59º 40.50’ 59º 39.75’ 59º 39.21’ 59º 39.64’ 59º 40.00’ 59º 35.20’ 59º 37.28’ 59º 39.73’ 59º 38.39’ 59º 37.00’ 59º 38.48’ 59º 37.33’ 59º 35.75’ 59º 36.91’ 59º 36.95’ 59º 37.00’ 59º 36.66’ 59º 37.55’ 59º 30.91’ 59º 29.67’ 59º 30.32’ 59º 30.62’ 59º 30.49’ 59º 29.74’ 59º 30.30’ 59º 29.55’ 59º 29.51’ 59º 30.70’ 59º 31.59’ 59º 31.91’ 59º 32.38’ 59º 32.38’ 59º 37.06’ 59º 37.95’ W. Longitude 151º 11.85’ 151º 10.92’ 151º 11.71’ 151º 12.20’ 151º 12.75’ 151º 13.12’ 151º 11.72’ 151º 17.81’ 151º 14.29’ 151º 12.34’ 151º 17.66’ 151º 17.38’ 151º 15.56’ 151º 14.59’ 151º 18.41’ 151º 14.56’ 151º 12.13’ 151º 13.93’ 151º 14.18’ 151º 13.14’ 151º 41.20’ 151º 43.00’ 151º 45.88’ 151º 43.03’ 151º 46.32’ 151º 43.92’ 151º 45.03’ 151º 35.17’ 151º 36.42’ 151º 35.83’ 151º 33.38’ 151º 34.74’ 151º 32.56’ 151º 33.06’ 151º 19.35’ 151º 19.67’ Soak Time (h:mm) 2:30 3:47 4:22 4:50 2:54 3:21 3:58 3:16 3:22 3:34 1:35 3:00 3:20 2:38 3:25 3:34 3:38 2:27 3:15 3:51 2:32 2:40 3:12 2:41 3:15 2:56 3:12 2:44 3:04 3:19 2:34 3:13 3:21 3:00 3:20 3:39 394 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Average depth (fm) 33 29 29 33 35 33 35 33 32 33 28 44 36 39 41 34 21 31 36 29 57 21 45 51 53 31 47 37 16 58 47 50 53 53 40 30 Table 3. Catches in numbers and pounds (for legal sized halibut) during the 2007 Dogfish mischmetal experiment. Species or species group Pounds Halibut ≥82 cm Count Halibut ≥82 cm Halibut <82 cm Dogfish Skates Sculpins Pacific Cod Starfish Others Standard ‘C’ Gear Dummy Mischmetal ‘D’ ‘M’ Total 884.4 953.0 962.8 45 80 759 24 43 23 25 4 51 46 691 23 28 9 16 4 45 52 612 13 42 10 43 7 2,800.1 141 178 2062 60 113 42 84 15 Table 4. ANOVA table of dogfish catches in numbers. Set Treatment Residuals Df 35 2 70 Sum Sq 3,739.1 300.7 885.3 Mean Sq 106.8 150.3 12.6 F value 8.4469 11.8873 Prob (>F) 3.15e-14 3.59e-05 395 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 Figure 1. Circle hook with metal 4.5 cm on a side 0.7 cm thick triangle attached using an electrical tie. 151°40'W 151°30'W 151°20'W 151°10'W 152 59°40'N 155 Homer 160 153 159 151 156 154 162 185 59°38'N Homer Spit 184 161 59°40'N 150 59°38'N 169 163 158 166 165 167 168 59°36'N 164 Kachemak Bay 59°36'N 157 59°34'N 59°34'N 183 182 181 59°32'N 174 59°30'N 172 173 170 179 Cook Inlet 176 175 171 59°32'N Alaska 180 178 177 Kachemak Bay 59°30'N Kodiak Island Mercator 151°40'W 151°30'W 151°20'W Figure 2. Fishing locations for the 2007 Dogfish Mischmetal experiment. 396 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 151°10'W Homogeneity test for the Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus): Project update Stephen Wischniowski International Pacific Halibut Commission Trent Garner Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, United Kingdom Caroline Cameron Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, Canada Abstract A test of homogeneity will be conducted on Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) samples from the north Pacific Ocean in an attempt to determine the genetic stock structure of this species. Collections are represented by 118 tissue samples ranging from areas of high to low shark occurrence within three IPHC charter regions. Extraction of mitochondrial DNA and PCR amplification will commence in the winter of 2007. Introduction The population dynamics of Pacific sleeper sharks (Somniosus pacificus) within the northeast Pacific are not well documented. Preliminary tagging studies have indicated that at least some sleeper sharks display a resident behaviour, and likely have relatively small home ranges. To test this assumption, tissue samples were collected during the 2004 International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) general setline survey. A simple test of homogeneity will compare samples collected from regions of high species occurrence to peripheral regions of lesser occurrence. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms will be used as the initial genetic marker system to investigate genetic differentiation among the sampling locations. The objective of this study is to test if mobility in sleeper sharks has led to genetic homogeneity within this sampling range. Alternately, heterogeneity could indicate some degree of site fidelity. Knowing the population structure of a species can be very useful when dealing with concerns of conservation. The IPHC general survey has one of the best designs for encountering sleeper sharks over a wide area, and thus was solicited to supply tissue samples for this experiment. Results Tissue samples were collected during the 2004 IPHC standardized setline survey. Biopsy tips mounted on pole spears were utilized to collect tissue samples of approximately 5 by 100 mm in size. These were immediately placed in 2-ml micro-vials containing 95% EtOH. A total of 118 samples were collected: 40 samples from the Unalaska charter region, 51 samples from the Shelikof charter region, and 27 samples from the Ommaney charter region. Data collected included date, charter region, station number, and animal’s condition. The animal’s condition was 397 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007 based on whether the sample was collected from a dead specimen or a live specimen. Length and sex data were also collected when possible. Discussion The extraction of mitochondrial DNA from tissue samples and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the DNA target chain will commence in winter 2007. We will initially attempt amplification using primers located within the proline tRNA and 12S rRNA regions of the mitochondria. These primers have been used to examine population genetic structure across a similar geographic range in blacktip sharks (Charcharhinus limbatus) and yielded sufficient information to differentiate among nurseries of this species. In the event that primers fail to function for our species, we will use cytochrome b-specific primers. While this region will undoubtedly yield lower polymorphism than the faster-evolving control region, the respective primers are known to exhibit utility across a broad range of shark families and have previously exhibited point mutation variability in three different shark species: the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus), blue shark (Prionace glauca), and the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Statistical analysis will be by way of χ2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) probabilities of haplotype homogeneity across sampling sites. As the name suggests, AMOVA is a method for studying molecular variation within a species. AMOVA works on such data to create a distance matrix between samples in order to measure the genetic structure of the population from which the samples are drawn. In statistical terms, AMOVA is a testing procedure based on permutational analysis and involves few assumptions about the statistical properties of the data. The extraction of mitochondrial DNA has been delayed until the winter of 2007 because of the unavailability of one of the co-investigators. This delay will also result in a laboratory change. The extractions were to occur at the Laboratory for Infectious Diseases at the Department of Medicine, University of Washington; however, this work will now follow the co-investigator to a new facility operated by the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. 398 IPHC REPORT OF ASSESSMENT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2007