991166525 - Dunavant
991166525 - Dunavant
14 Pursuant to CwIoms OinK:tive21 10-D36, Form llppfDVfKi by NtJw Yom Cuslom6 ManagemtHll CtfflItNDrI 10l2512000 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 991166525 CU~~~~S UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE BK REF BOND NUMBER' lAasJgnod bv Cos/om., ONLY CUSTOMS BOND 19 CFR Part 1 1 3 FILE REFERENCE In order to secure paym&nt ol any d.cy, till< or ch8roe and compliance with law or regU.~on 8S a relult 01 &ellvlty covered by any cond ition reterenced below, we the below named principal(s) and su'ety(Ies), bind ourselves 10 the United Slate. In tho amount or amounts, e$ aet forth below. SECTION JII. Ual below .lIlndenem... or IInll1CDrpol81ed dlyl.lona th.1 will b. permltled to oblll/8te this bond In the CU8t orne ldemllle_lIon Numtler(s) a (II more _"e Is needed, UM Section 11I(Ci)ntlnu.tlon) on ~ck o••onn ) Import.r Neme Importer Number Importer Nllmber Importer Nam.. Trans Gulf Transportation 27-3987n7 01 N.A. N.II. 1 Total number a'importer ","mee lIated In Secllon III: Principal and SurelY:Jree that any charge anllin8t Ihe bond undor any of tho liat nam.. Is a8 though I w.. mlde by lhe prtnoipal(.). PrIncipal .nd lIUIety ogre. that thoy are bound .to the SlIme •..r0Tl\ .. ~ Ihoy OXOC\ltad a $9pC1ta\8 bond CtN01lng """" HI 01 _d~ i ona .Incorporatad by rol.renee (J) In. Customs R_· lotiono Into thia bond. 11 the .urety 1.11. 10 a~i nt an aganl undar Thle 6, United Slato. Coda Section ,aUletv con....l, to ••Mc. on tho Cieri< of any n"e<I States DlllriCI Cou" 01 1ft. U.s. Court 01 Intornational Trade, wh.r. lui t i. bsought on thi. bond, That clerlr. ISIG send notiea at the ..",,,,", 10"", <urely at: U ~ i'I8Ine IUId AcIdness 11. TGT Trane Gul~ Transportation, I.I.C 501 Independence Parkway S . La 110 rte , TX 7'1571 (TX Corporation) c( ~ ~ IL "'..I OIl: Joho E. Trascber, Jr. SIGNATURE ~ _ SEAL Vice~ <-'" /~ -- Ilmport., No~ Q. N.A. ~ \..../ SIGNATURE N.A. 0 101 South Phil~pa Avenue S;"oW& "al18, SO 57117-6703 Imparl.. Neil 27-398749700 Nlme .nd Add,... z Mailing Add_ Requ_1ed by the SUnaty ..$EAls · ·~ . '0 ;-,' , N.A. ~ "l • E II: ~ III .~ "l J Name ,Ild Addr... SlGNAl\)RE ~J1/\. Su'F Na"n....d Addr... N.A. ex:: N 7 o SIG~ ::J III SURETY Namas John J. Sheppard AGENTS ./. Pran. 0uJ.' Atty-in-Fact I 151-84-3410 INames -.uli",,_ No. 2£1/' ~ECTJONS AND ALiERA~~Rt MADE P~I J?; ~l) J'" nit SiGNtNCOf THE DON, ' , . 1'":' • .•.•. ~.; . Surety N;?13 W••tern Surety Company 101 South Philip. Avenue Sioux Falla, SD ~7117-6703 (SD Corporation) ... .' .... 11. ~ ~ ~ ~ (0 N.A. ,-....... ~ . 0/ . ", .: S't'At" ',.,.'-.,' .~. : - -- :.-~ :'. . ....... .' ~"'t::!Ii '';: ' " .. ldenUficarlon /10." N.A. Customs FO/m 301 (D92189) 110118008 -.. . . , . ~ • rf' : ' (:-1 991166525 Continuation 01 Bond 110118008 SECTION III(Contlnuat1onl Importer Number InJI)Orter Name Importer Number Importer Name N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. M.A. N.A. SIGNED. SEALED. and OEUVERED In the PRESENCE OF: Nanle WITNESses ana hIdr... 01 'Nllne.. 1o,1he Principal Name and Add,._ of Wilnne lot 1M Su,ety Two ....tn.... 1 arl rtqulntd 10 aultlen . 1~1. Itl. liQnalu,. 01 Iny petlon who . . . . In Incl1V\duai or .. I partner; ~, ~= .. witrNN may ~lIaahr u.. 01 boll'! filch non-oo",.,'I" Ia .nd .ur.d... No wM... Ie ".eded to aufItn1lcele the aiarl.ruN oIa C:O<POCII.II 0"011 Q{ ~t ligna ror lilt OQIlIOfIUDn. ~IGNATURIi: SIGNATuRE: Nam, and AddreN 01 \Mlnftl 100Ino Prlnd p.tl ...no SIGNATURE: SIGNATUII.E: fXPLIlNATJOH AAD I'OO~ TIle CU.larntlloftd _ _ Ie • conn nun _ _.Ignad by CuatCllne 10 III, 110M contnM;t wtI.. Ih. beNld I. IIPProWd IIy lIIIa..tlulrtud CU.. I. ~. I'or tI. bond ~v'rIIa••.,.Utll., and tlla I.nlll.... of t"- bonC! con dltlOIIa ....., to P8I1 11 S. ~ Q, 1:\1.--ltagultllon•• 11'1. ",-_"",,,N. I. 11M CU.1OMt IdefltKlc:atlon .... "'.... 'liad pcn • u.". to aulloll 206.5, CUetom4l R.....llon.. Whan ttlalnlom.t .. ........ Sarva .mployll' Ida""UoeUon n ..rna... I. iliad ItIt two·dlglt • uttbl coM mu.I N .hawn. II. S. . wltlM.. requln.....,t UIova. It I., JIIIncl,.1 or 81Iltty I•• cQrpcr.Uon. lh. InCQf1lOfltad __tiM ahow". tim. 01 ''', R_ '"'1 ;a: T. 8urert Numllar Ie iht thr~Je" iclMlllncatlOn code ....gMd Ity c. 10M,lo • ,urely lIompM, at the II_the turttv ~_, ...y 1nI11t1ty ,Iva. noIl~ 10 cy.lllml I!wI U1. oompany will Ita wrtllng Cu~oma Itolicla • sur.ly "gent lallll Indlvldu.1 grant.d • CorpOl'~ Iur.ly 'GM' of AI1o~. C. aa.7,lty lhe aur.ly oompllny .-11rIg thillond . Aaant Id_lflc.atIQn NUIIIIIer .hall N tha 'rwllvldutl'a 8001.1 keurlty NUmb••••• 110..., on \he CGrpora" 'Urtty PI!'WW at Allom.y, CF '67, nled tty the .uraty arenllnll auDIt ,..., Qf attorney. •• II. I~ ."Ioh COllI,..,'. •• 10m' cfflelaf. i"" lY N..... " • cO'lIOrsthm. M\ell be ih. name " .It It .DeI M I" SUNIy comllUllM ANMUd LIel.D1Ib11aftM mlM ......., Rea liar DV'" De"'-;t of iht Tu.alllY (TI'Htury ~""*" Qr. ~l.Il1r Imll. P~ R_on /4d. N_. 1M Pap_lie /4d. .. '110 10'/0 w. mUll'" "",WIly WOO or. COl....., ...' -...on, _ ......... 1 _ _ _ n... ., gl'n n 10 .... Wo ... Ior ... 1nIo......" III......., out ... U.s. c......., !ItMcto _ III .... UrIed BI.... Woo neod 10 ...... till "'"""" ..... -"It _ _ ...... C _ _ IN _ bond • ., _ . _ r....CIIonIu req....., bJ ' - _ .. lJjIdon. Ya.. r _ .. 10 ..... """ anv • ..-lan In _ • _ '- 'II'"~ t'- T.rtII Ad 01 1t3O. u ...._ 'OQUI'" ~ ~ .... ",In"""'1IIon _'lii0i... .. PIIYKy Ad 111-"';"'" - . . . nodco 10 ...... """..... "'''UOn 7\1» cot ... 1'IIv"", /4d. 01 "7~ IS U.S.c.1I52a1. f\IIIIINnCI on ,hi, I<orm.Ino\oIInG'" _ &ocu1l\' _ . --.,y. TIle pOI~ IJU at .... ....., IIeouIClf _ .... II> ....-y. In ... C _ _ 8,..... . . . 111M an . . . - . . . . a tI.I....... bond 101 ~ I ___ • c.wpow.I,~ _ oI........,bf ...... ""V~. Sot.."" 701kA .. JllyJO,...7..... _0t0.• , GIIII. .... UJIIu.... IfM_oIl11.-....IIon. z_ C1'II13IIOJI1: The -..ad _ . . b_ _ ...'" 1fII. 001_" .. kll!>mI..... 10 O.25hou1a .... ~o .. ot .. CII..... "'I'... dot-"'*'i on JncIoriIiIoI_......... III". _ _... ond 'uaa_Ior,_g lti.tou_ ...... 1eI be _ 10 U.S. CuoIanI. s.rw., P.,., WUIIII'GIAn DC Ill_Of 101"" OItiooal ..._ _ _ 'OIWI . . . . p _ _ -..u,n ~1KI1."H ...). ~ DC ~"''*II*.d Dy 5 eon..-~ .........." -.oe- .......... !lack 01 C"'IO"W Form 301 (012118) PROCESSED August 3. 2012 REVENUE DIVISION - U Name Chlnge of Principal By this rJar Ie the CUstoms Form 301. 991166525. (borJd number), daled V3IlO11. executed by TGT TraIlS Galf TransPOl"Qtion, LLC, (form~r name), as princjpal, 27..398749700. (i~ rnsmber). the, DunaYUlt Trans Gulf Transportation, LLC (new name), hereby certifies tnat it is the SIUIle entity formerly known as TGT Trans Gulf Transportation, LLC. (former narne), and the principal and surety agree that they are ~&ponsi0Ie f()r any Act secured by this bond done under principal's formor name. Principal and surely I1gret: to be bound under this bond to the same extent as if this bond had been ex..eculed in the prii1clpal's new name. This rider is effectiVl'l on ___1_u_ly_3_B_,_2_Bl_2_ _ _ _ (dale), Agreed 10 by the Principal: Agreed to by Ihe SurelY: Dunavant 'floaos Gulf Transportation, LLC Western Surety Company (913) 8. President Agreed to by the Obligee: Western Surety Company 10] South Philips Avenue Sioux Falls, SD S7117-6703
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