LG Electronics Inc. LG Android 6 devices (G5, V10, G4)
LG Electronics Inc. LG Android 6 devices (G5, V10, G4)
LG Electronics Inc. LG Android 6 devices (G5, V10, G4) Guidance Documentation Version 0.5 2016/04/06 LG Electronics Inc. 20 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpogu, Seoul 152-721, Korea 1. DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 EVALUATED DEVICES .....................................................................................................................................4 ACRONYMS.....................................................................................................................................................4 2. EVALUATED CAPABILITIES .........................................................................................................................7 3. SECURITY CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................9 3.1 3.2 COMMON CRITERIA MODE ............................................................................................................................. 9 COMMON CRITERIA RELATED SETTINGS ........................................................................................................9 4. SECURE UPDATE PROCESS ........................................................................................................................ 26 5. CRYPTOGRAPHIC APIS ............................................................................................................................... 27 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 FCS_CKM.2(1) - RSA ................................................................................................................................. 27 FCS_CKM.2(1) – ECDH ............................................................................................................................. 27 FCS_COP.1(1) - AES CBC.......................................................................................................................... 28 FCS_COP.1(2) - SHA .................................................................................................................................. 28 FCS_COP.1(3) – RSA(SIGNATURE ALGORITHMS) ...................................................................................... 29 FCS_COP.1(3) – ECDSA(SIGNATURE ALGORITHMS) ................................................................................. 30 FCS_COP.1(4) - HMAC .............................................................................................................................. 31 6. VPN CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................. 32 7. WI-FI CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................... 33 8. BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 34 9. AUDIT LOGGING ............................................................................................................................................ 35 10. 10.1 10.2 DATA SEPARATION ................................................................................................................................... 51 WORK PROFILE INSTALLATION AND DATA SEPARATION .............................................................................. 51 HOW TO WIPE ENTERPRISE DATA (WORK PROFILE) ...................................................................................... 51 APPENDIX A GENERATING SECURE RANDOM DATA .............................................................................. 52 A.1 ANDROID API FOR GENERATING SECURE RANDOM DATA ................................................................................ 52 APPENDIX B SECURE KEY STORAGE ............................................................................................................ 53 B.1 KEY USAGE........................................................................................................................................................ 53 B.2 SYMMETRIC KEY GENERATION.......................................................................................................................... 53 B.3 SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION ...................................................................................................... 53 B.4 ASYMMETRIC KEY GENERATION ....................................................................................................................... 54 B.5 ASYMMETRIC KEY SIGN AND VERIFY ................................................................................................................ 54 B.6 KEY DESTRUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 55 APPENDIX C CONFIGURATION OF FIPS VALIDATED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ENGINES ....................... 56 C.1 SETTING THE FIPS MODE .................................................................................................................................. 56 C.2 SDK FOR FIPSMODE APIS ................................................................................................................................ 56 APPENDIX D GUIDANCE FOR USING HTTPS/TLS APIS ........................................................................... 57 D.1 ANDROID APIS FOR TLS CONNECTION .............................................................................................................. 57 D.2 HOW TO SET CIPHER SUITES USING ANDROID API ............................................................................................. 57 D.3 HOW TO SET CLIENT CERTIFICATE...................................................................................................................... 58 APPENDIX E GUIDANCE FOR BLUETOOTH APIS ...................................................................................... 59 E.1 ANDROID APIS FOR BLUETOOTH ....................................................................................................................... 59 E.2 HOW TO ESTABLISH A SECURE CHANNEL FOR BLUETOOTH USING ANDROID API ............................................... 59 E.3 HOW TO INTERACT WITH THE BLE DEVICE VIA THE ANDROID BLE API ........................................................... 60 E.4 HOW TO ESTABLISH A PROFILE CONNECTION FOR BLUETOOTH USING ANDROID API ........................................ 61 Page 2 of 64 APPENDIX F GUIDANCE FOR ACCESS CONTROL TO SYSTEM SERVICES ........................................ 63 F.1 ACCESS CONTROL TO SYSTEM SERVICES ............................................................................................................. 63 Page 3 of 64 1. Document Introduction This guide includes procedures for configuring Common Criteria on LG Android 6 devices (G5, V10, G4). 1.1 Evaluated Devices The evaluated device is the LG Android 6 devices (G5, V10, G4). The following carrier models are supported: LG G5 H820 (AT&T) LG G5 VS987 (Verizon) LG G5 LS992 (Sprint) LG G5 H830 (T-Mobile) LG V10 H900 (AT&T) LG V10 VS990 (Verizon) LG V10 H901 (T-Mobile) LG G4 H810 (AT&T) LG G4 VS986 (Verizon) LG G4 LS991 (Sprint) LG G4 H811 (T-Mobile) The software identification for the evaluated devices is as follows: Security software version, MDF v2.0 Release 2 To check your carrier details, go to Settings > About phone > Network To check your current security software version, go to Settings > About phone > Software info To check your current OS versions & Build number, go to Settings > About phone > Software info Product Carrier Security Software Version OS version Build number LG G5 H820 AT&T MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0.1 MMB29M LG G5 VS987 Verizon MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0.1 MMB29M LG G5 LS992 Sprint MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0.1 MMB29M LG G5 H830 T-Mobile MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0.1 MMB29M LG V10 H900 AT&T MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG V10 VS990 Verizon MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG V10 H901 T-Mobile MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG G4 H810 AT&T MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG G4 VS986 Verizon MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG G4 LS991 Sprint MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K LG G4 H811 T-Mobile MDF v2.0 Release 2 Android 6.0 MRA58K 1.2 Acronyms • BYOD : Bring Your Own Device • CA : Certificate Authority • CAVP : Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program Page 4 of 64 • CBC : Cipher Block Chaining • CCM : Counter with CBC-Message Authentication Code • CC Mode : Common Criteria Mode • CCTL : Common Criteria Testing Laboratory • CDH : Computational Diffie–Hellman • CRC : Cyclic Redundancy Check • CTR : Counter • CVL : Component Validation List • DEK : Data Encryption Key • DPM : Device Policy Manager - It is Android native APIs for device management. Please see the link below. - http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.html • DRGB : Deterministic Random Bit Generator • ECDSA : Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm • EAP-TLS : Extensible Authentication Protocol - Transport Layer Security • ECC : Elliptic Curve Cryptography • eMMC : embedded Multi Media Card • FIPS : Federal Information Processing Standards • FS Signature : File System Signature • FW Signature : Firmware Signature • GCM : Galois Counter Mode • GPS : Global Positioning System • HMAC : Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code • HW : Hardware • ISV : Independent Software Vendor • KEK : Key Encryption Key • KW : Key Wrap • LG FOTA : LG Firmware Over The Air • LG MDM : LG Mobile Device Management - It is LG’s mobile device management solution. It extends DPM in android framework. • NFC : Near Field Communication • OS : Operating System • PBKDF2 : Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 • PIN : Personal Identification Number • PKG : Public Key Generation • PKV : Public Key Validation • RSA : Rivest Shamir Adleman • SD Card : Secure Digital Card Page 5 of 64 • SIG : Signature • SHA : Secure Hash Algorithm • SHS : Secure Hash Standard • SMS : Short Messaging Service • SP : Special Publications • SSID : Service Set Identifier • TEE : Trusted Execution Environment • USB : Universal Serial Bus • VPN : Virtual Private Network • WEP : Wired Equivalent Privacy • Wi-Fi : Wireless Fidelity • WLAN : Wireless Local-Area Network • WPA : Wi-Fi Protected Access Page 6 of 64 2. Evaluated Capabilities The Common Criteria configuration adds support for many security capabilities. Some of those capabilities include the following: 1. Cryptographic Key Management The LG provides Key Management feature to protect keys and key materials used for Full Disk Encryption, SD Card encryption and Android KeyStore. A. Random Number Generation This feature employs all deterministic random bit generation services in accordance with NIST 80090a using CTR_DRBG (AES) to generate keys which provide entropy of more than 128bits. B. Key management It manages the major types of keys: DEKs and KEKs. DEKs are used to protect data. KEKs are used to protect other keys – DEKs, other KEKs and other types of keys and key materials C. Key storage It stores the cryptographic keys encrypted by a h/w-protected key into a special user partition. The special user partition is wiped when Factory data reset is performed. 2. Data protection The LG Data Encryption protects user data stored in the device’s internal storage and the external SD card from an unauthorized use. The capability can be configured by application settings or by IT administrators using MDM capabilities. All user data is encrypted with 256-bits AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and stored in the user data partition The encryption key is protected by a KEK generated by combining a KEK derived from a user PIN or password using PBKDF2 with a randomly generated KEK which is protected by h/w. • • • Full Disk encryption SD Card encryption KeyStore data protection 3. Certificate Validation LG provides Certificate validation feature for all certificates to protect your secure connection from spoofing and invalid certificates. This capability can be automatically configured by enabling CC Mode. • • More robust validation of certificates Revocation status checking of certificate, using OCSP(Online Certificate Status Protocol) 4. MDM Capability Although generic Android OS has been supporting mobile devices management (MDM) capability since Android 2.2, enterprises need substantial control and management over mobile devices where corporate data is being used. The newest native Android OS does not even provide as much management capability as IT managers would want under various circumstances of organizations and environments. For example, there is no way to restrict the use of GPS or Bluetooth by native MDM APIs of generic Android. To close such gaps, LG Android devices come pre-loaded with extended MDM capability on top of the native Android OS, giving IT administrators the enhanced ability to configure various device and application settings, control hardware components, and manage applications at much more granular levels. Page 7 of 64 LG Android device not only expends MDM capability and but also adds a rich feature set of mobile application management keeping in mind of enterprise mobility management to meet the requirement for granular and high level of manageability and security in LG Android devices. Figure 1 describes LG MDM architecture. Independent software vendors (ISVs) can not only use generic MDM APIs provided by Android but they can also leverage a rich set of extended MDM on LG Android devices according to their needs and requirements. • • • • • • • • Encryption Policy Password Management Lock-screen Policy Certificate Management Radio Control Wi-Fi Settings Hardware Control Application Control < LG MDM Architecture > 5. Firmware Update Protection Except secure update verified by RSA(2048bit) altorithm and SHA256 for hash, unsecured firmware update methods is restricted in CC mode. For the details of secure updates, please see the Section 4. Secure Update Process. • Restriction of firmware update other than FOTA (CC mode only) 6. Audit Logging LG provides Audit Logging feature to record the auditable events to help monitor secure-related objectives, including identification of certain events, reconstruction of events, intrusion detection and problem detection. For this purpose, Audit Logging feature records each audit record as a specific formula including date and time of events, type of event, subject identity and outcome of the event at least. Thus, the integrity of audit logs must be protected from modification. This protection is achieved by SELinux policy and DAC. Audit Logging can be automatically configured by enabling CC Mode. For the details of Audit Logging, please see the Section 8. Audit Logging. Page 8 of 64 3. Security Configuration The LG G5, V10, G4 Smartphone offers a rich built-in interface and MDM callable interface for security configuration. This section identifies the security parameters for configuring your device in Common Criteria mode, for managing its security settings and for controlling preinstalled and 3rd party applications. Please contact to support-enterprise-mobility@lge.com for the information about the testing app, guide and the list of natively installed applications. 3.1 Common Criteria Mode To configure your device into Common Criteria Mode, you must set the following options: 1. Enable the password on the lock-screen Please refer to No.5,6,7 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 2. Disallow the ‘Download Mode’ Please refer to No 44 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 3. Enable device encryption (It isn’t needed in G5 device which applies ‘Default device encryption’.) Please refer to No 2 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 4. Enable SD card encryption Please refer to No 3 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 5. Disable the ‘Smart Lock’ Please refer to No 14 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 6. Disallow VPN split-tunneling Please refer to No 45 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 7. Set CC mode Please refer to No 1 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings Note: Only the OpenSSL Cryptographic Module has been evaluated in the CC mode. While it is possible to use other cryptographic modules without enabling CC mode, the use of them was not evaluated or tested during the CC evaluation of the TOE. 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings The Common Criteria evaluation requires a range of security settings be available. Those security settings are identified in the table below. Security Feature CC Mode Encrypti No. 1 2 Setting Common Criteria Mode Device Encrypti Description Enable CC mode Encrypts all internal Required Value Enable Enable API [LGMDM] void setCommonCriteriaMode(C omponentName who, int mode) mode = LGMDMManager.COMMO NCRITERIA_ENABLED [LGMDM] Void User Interface N/A Encrypt all data on your phone. Page 9 of 64 Security Feature No. on Setting on Description Required Value storage API User Interface setEncryptionPolicy(Compo nentName who, int policy) Settings > Security > Encrypt phone (It isn’t needed in G5 device which applies ‘Default device encryption.) Encrypt all data on the SD card storage. Settings > Security > Encrypt SD card storage. Configure the Secure start-up to be selected “Require PIN to power on phone”. (LG G5 VS987 exceptionally turns on the Secure start-up in Settings > Fingerprints & security > Secure start-up.) Reset your settings to the factory default values and delete all your data. policy = 1 3 SD Card Encrypti on Encrypts all SD card storage Enable [LGMDM] void setEncryptionPolicy(Compo nentName who, int policy) policy = 2 4 Wipe Device Removes all data from device Enable [LGMDM] void wipeData(int flags) flags = 0(Device) 1(Device+Storage) Passwor d Manage ment 5 6 Password Length Password Complex ity Minimum number of characters in a password Specify the type of characters required in a password Greater than 6 [DevicePolicyManager] void setPasswordMinimumLengt h(ComponentName admin, int length) length = greater than 6 [DevicePolicyManager] Void setPasswordQuality(Compo nentName admin, int quality) Quality : DevicePolicyManager.PASS WORD_QUALITY_COMP LEX (393216) Settings > Backup & reset > Factory data reset Set a screen lock type to secure your phone Display > Lock screen > Select screen lock > Password Set a screen lock type to secure your phone Display > Lock screen > Select screen lock > Password & ================= void setPasswordMinimumLetter s(ComponentName admin, Page 10 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface int length) length = Insert the number you want or void setPasswordMinimumNume ric (ComponentName admin, int length) length = Insert the number you want or void setPasswordMinimumLower Case (ComponentName admin, int length) length = Insert the number you want or void setPasswordMinimumUpper Case (ComponentName admin, int length) length = Insert the number you want or void setPasswordMinimumSymb ols (ComponentName admin, int length) length = Insert the number you want or void setPasswordMinimumNonL etter (ComponentName admin, int length) length = Insert the number you want ================= 7 Password Expiratio n Maximum length of time before a password must change [DevicePolicyManager] N/A Void setPasswordExpirationTime out(ComponentName admin, long timeout) timeout = millisecond unit ex. 1Day = 24*60*60*1000) 8 Maximu m Maximum number of 10 or less [DevicePolicyManager] setMaximumFailedPassword N/A Page 11 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description password failed attempt authenticat ion failures Required Value API User Interface sForWipe(ComponentName admin, int num) num = insert the number you want 9 10 Lockscreen 11 Password Visible Show password Inactivity to lockout The last character of the password is visible for a few seconds if enabled Disable Disallow show password option on the configuratio n screen of lock-screen password Disable Time before lock-screen is engaged Less than 15 minutes [LGMDM] Void setAllowPasswordTypingVi sible(ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled [LGMDM] Show the last character of the hidden password as you type. Settings > Security > Password typing visible N/A void setAllowPasswordVisible (ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled [DevicePolicyManager] void setMaximumTimeToLock(C omponentName admin, long timeMs) timeMs : millisecond unit Sets the amount of time before the screen times out. Settings > Display > Screen timeout Sets the amount of time before the screen automatically locks after the screen has timed-out. Settings > Display > Lock timer 12 13 14 Banner2) Banner message displayed on the lockscreen Administra tor defined text Remote Lock Looks the device remotely Enable Smart Control KEYGUA [LGMDM] N/A Void setWarningMsg(Component Name who, boolean allow, String str) allow = true str = Insert the text you want [LGMDM] N/A void lockNow() [DevicePolicyManager] N/A Page 12 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting lock Description smart lock Required Value RD_DISA BLE_FEA TURES_N ONE/KEY GUARD_ DISABLE _TRUST_ AGENTS API User Interface void setKeyguardDisabledFeature s(ComponentName admin, int which) which = KEYGUARD_DISABLE_T RUST_AGENTS : disabled which = KEYGUARD_DISABLE_F EATURES_NONE : enabled 15 16 Transitio n to the locked state Remove Enterpris e applicati ons Prevents a user from turning off the power button instantly locks. Disable You cannot see the application icon in the Launcher's menu Disable public void setEnforcePowerButtonLock s (ComponentName who, boolean allow) N/A allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled public void setApplicationState (ComponentName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) N/A applicationStateList application state list LGMDMApplicationState. If it is null or empty list, remove all application state policies. Certifica te Manage ment 17 18 Import CA Certificat es Remove Certificat es Import CA Certificates into the Trust Anchor Database or the credential storage Remove certificates from the Trust Anchor Database or the credential storage [LGMDM] int installCertificate(Component Name who, String path, String password) path : path of file location password : PKCS12 password [LGMDM] Boolean uninstallCertificate(Compon entName who, String certificateId) Install certificates from storage Settings > Security > Credential storage > Install from storage Deletes all secure certificates and related credentials and erases the secure storage’s own password. you’re prompted to confirm you want to clear this data. Settings > Security > Page 13 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface Credential storage > Install from storage > Clear credentials Radio Control 19 Control Wi-Fi Control access to Wi-Fi Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowWifi(ComponentNa me who, boolean allow) Turns on Wi-Fi to connect to available Wi-Fi networks. Settings > Networks > Wi-Fi allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 20 Control GPS Control access to GPS Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowGPSLocation(Com ponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 21 Control Cellular Control access to Cellular Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setEnforceAirplaneMode(Co mponentName who, boolean enforce) enforce = true : enforce AirplaneMode Turn on location service, your phone determines your approximate location using GPS. Settings > General > Location > Mode > Device sensors only(GPS only) Turn off all wireless connections(Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and data) and calls. Settings > Networks > More > Wireless & networks > Airplane mode enforce=false : no restriction(default) void setAllowAirplaneModeOn(C omponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 22 Control NFC Control access to NFC Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowNfc(ComponentNa me who, int allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 23 Control Bluetoot Control access to Bluetooth Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void Allow sending and receiving data, such as transportation or credit card info, by holding phone and other device together. Settings > Networks > Share & connect > NFC Turn the Bluetooth wireless feature on or Page 14 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value h API setAllowBluetooth(Compon entName who, int allow) User Interface off to use Bluetooth Settings > Networks > Bluetooth allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 24 25 26 Control Location Service Control SMS Control VPN Control access to Location Service Control Messaging capabilities Control access to VPN Enable/Dis able Enable/Dis able Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowGPSLocation(Com ponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled public void setAllowWirelessLocation(C omponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled [LGMDM] Turn on location service, your phone determines your approximate location using GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks Settings > General > Location > Mode > High accuracy(GPS and networks) N/A void setAllowSendingSms(Comp onentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled void setAllowReceivingSmsMms (ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled [LGMDM] void setAllowVpn(ComponentNa me who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled Displays the list of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that you've previously configured. Allows you to add different types of VPNs. Settings > Networks > More > Wireless & networks > VPN 27 Enable/di sable Bluetoot h BR/DR Prevents a user from ready to connect in Bluetooth. Disable public void setAllowReadyToConnectIn Bluetooth (ComponentName who, boolean allow) N/A allow = true : enabled Page 15 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface allow = false : disabled Wi-Fi Settings 28 Specify Wi-Fi SSIDs Specify SSID values for connecting to Wi-Fi. Can also create white and black lists for SSIDs. listType = 2 [LGMDM] void setAllowWiFiSSIDList(Com ponentName who, int listType, List<String> wblist) Settings > Networks > Wi-Fi listType = 1 : Black list listType = 2 : White list wblist = list of WiFi SSID 29 Set WLAN CA Certificat e Select the CA Certificate for the WiFI connection CA Certificate [LGMDM] Int installCertificateSelectUsety pe(ComponentName who, String path, String password, int useType) Settings > Security > Credential storage > Install from storage useType = 2 30 Specify security type Specify the connection security (WEP, WPA2, etc) Wi-Fi connection type [LGMDM] void setWiFiSecurityLevel(Comp onentName who, int policy) policy = 0~3 31 Select authentic ation protocol Specify the EAP-TLS connection values Wi-Fi protocol NONE : 0 WEP : 1 WPA: 2 EAP : 3 [LGMDM] void setEap(String eap); eap = “TLS” “FAST” “PEAP” “TTLS” Turns on Wi-Fi to connect to available Wi-Fi networks. Settings > Networks > Wi-Fi> select connected Wi-Fi > check the security type Turns on Wi-Fi to connect to available Wi-Fi networks. Settings > Networks > Wi-Fi > Select Option Menu > Saved Wi-Fi > check configured Wi-Fi Ex) LGMDMWifiConfiguration newConfig = new LGMDMWifiConfiguration( ); newConfig.SSID = oldSSID; newConfig.hiddenSSID = Page 16 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface false; newConfig.priority = oldPriority; newConfig.allowedKeyMan agement.set(LGMDMWifiC onfiguration.KeyMgmt.WP A_EAP); newConfig.allowedKeyMan agement.set(LGMDMWifiC onfiguration.KeyMgmt.IEE E8021X); newConfig.setEap("TLS") ; newConfig.setPhase2("None "); newConfig.setIdentity("wifiuser"); newConfig.setCaCert("pmk" ); newConfig.setClientCert("p mk"); newConfig.setEngine(LGM DMWifiConfiguration.ENG INE_ENABLE); newConfig.setEngineId(LG MDMWifiConfiguration.KE YSTORE_ENGINE_ID); newConfig.setKeyId("pmk") ; LGMDMManager.getInstan ce().addWifiNetwork(newC onfig) 32 Select client credentia ls Specify the client credentials to access a specified WLAN Wi-Fi credentials [LGMDM] List<String> enumCertificateIdSelectUset ype(ComponentName who, int useType) useType = 2 Hardwar e Control 33 Control Microph one Control access to microphones Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] Settings > General > Fingerprints & Security > Certificate management > Trusted credentials > select User tab > check configured credentials N/A void setAllowMicrophone(Comp onentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled Page 17 of 64 Security Feature No. 34 Setting Control Camera Description Control access to camera Required Value Enable/Dis able API [LGMDM] User Interface N/A void setCameraDisabled(Compon entName admin, boolean disabled) disabled = true : disabled disabled = false : allow 35 36 Control USB Mass Storage Control access to mounting the device for storage over USB. Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] Control USB Debuggi ng Control access to USB debugging. Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] public void setAllowUsb(ComponentNa me who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled void setAllowUSBDebugging(Co mponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 37 Control SD Card Control access to SD card storage. Enable/Dis able N/A [LGMDM] void setAllowExternalMemorySl ot(ComponentName who, boolean allow) Turn on debug mode when USB is connected Settings > General > Developer options > USB debugging Settings > General > Storage >SD CARD allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 38 Control USB Tethered Connecti ons Control access to USB tethered connections. Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowUSBTethering(Co mponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 39 Control Bluetoot h Tethered Connecti ons Control access to Bluetooth tethered connections. Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowBluetoothTethering (ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled 40 Control Hotspot Control access to Enable/Dis [LGMDM] Connect the USB cable to share the internet connection with the computer. Settings > Networks > More > Wireless & networks > USB tethering Turn on Bluetooth tethering and connect other devices to phone via Bluetooth Settings > Networks > More > Wireless & networks > Bluetooth tethering Allows you to use your device as a Wi- Page 18 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Connecti ons Wi-Fi hotspot connections Required Value able API void setAllowHotspot(Componen tName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled User Interface Fi hotspot for other devices to use your mobile network connection. Set up Wi-Fi hotspot: Sets the SSID and password for your Wi-Fi hotspot. Timeout: Allows you to set the time after which Wi-Fi hotspot automatically turns off. Settings > Networks > More > Wireless & networks > Mobile Hotspot 41 Automati c Time Allows the device to get time from the Wi-Fi connection Enable/Dis able [LGMDM] void setAllowChangeDateAndTi me(ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled Use Date & time settings to set how dates will be displayed. You can also use these settings to set your own time and time zone rather than obtaining the current time from the mobile network. Settings > General > Date & Time 42 Applicat ion Control 43 Enable/di sable all data signaling over USB The USB mode is forced to be configured as none. Install Applicati on Installs specified application Disable public void setEnforceUsbModeAsNone (ComponentName who, boolean enforce) N/A enforce = true : enforce enforce = false : release [LGMDM] N/A void installApplication(Compone ntName who, String path) path : apk file path to the installation. 44 Uninstall Applicati on Uninstalls specified application [LGMDM] public void uninstallApplication(Compo nentName who, String packageName) Settings > General > Application manager > menu > Uninstall apps Page 19 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface packageName : package name to be deleted. 45 Applicati on Whitelist Specifies a list of applications that may be installed [LGMDM] <install> Settings > General > Application manager public void setAllowInstallApplication( ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled & void setApplicationState(Compon entName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) applicationStateList: Insert the list you want ex) ArrayList<LGMDMApplica tionState> mSelectedAppStateList; LGMDMApplicationState item = new LGMDMApplicationState(); item.setPackageName(editT ext.getText().toString()); item.setAllowInstallation(1); item.setAllowUninstallation( 0~2); item.setEnable(0~2); mSelectedAppStateList.add( item); <uninstall> public void setAllowUninstallApplicatio n(ComponentName who, boolean allow) allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled & void setApplicationState(Compon entName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) Page 20 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface applicationStateList: Insert the list you want ex) ArrayList<LGMDMApplica tionState> mSelectedAppStateList; LGMDMApplicationState item = new LGMDMApplicationState(); item.setPackageName(editT ext.getText().toString()); item.setAllowInstallation(0~ 2); item.setAllowUninstallation( 1); item.setEnable(0~2); mSelectedAppStateList.add( item); 46 Applicati on Blacklist Specifies a list of applications that may not be installed [LGMDM] <install> Settings > General > Application manager void setApplicationState(Compon entName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) applicationStateList: Insert the list you want ex) ArrayList<LGMDMApplica tionState> mSelectedAppStateList; LGMDMApplicationState item = new LGMDMApplicationState(); item.setPackageName(editT ext.getText().toString()); item.setAllowInstallation(2); item.setAllowUninstallation( 0~2); item.setEnable(0~3); mSelectedAppStateList.add( item); <uninstall> void setApplicationState(Compon Page 21 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Required Value API User Interface entName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) applicationStateList: Insert the list you want ex) ArrayList<LGMDMApplica tionState> mSelectedAppStateList; LGMDMApplicationState item = new LGMDMApplicationState(); item.setPackageName(editT ext.getText().toString()); item.setAllowInstallation(0~ 2); item.setAllowUninstallation( 2); item.setEnable(0~3); mSelectedAppStateList.add( item); <running> void setApplicationState(Compon entName who, List<LGMDMApplicationSt ate> applicationStateList) applicationStateList: Insert the list you want ex) ArrayList<LGMDMApplica tionState> mSelectedAppStateList; LGMDMApplicationState item = new LGMDMApplicationState(); item.setPackageName(editT ext.getText().toString()); item.setAllowInstallation(0~ 2); item.setAllowUninstallation( 0~2); item.setEnable(2~3); mSelectedAppStateList.add( item); 47 Applicati on Specifies the location Void setAllowInstallation(int N/A Page 22 of 64 Security Feature No. Setting Description Reposito ry from which applications may be installed Required Value API User Interface allowInstallation) allowInstallation : 0(Default) 1(Enabled) 2(Disabled) & void installApplication(Compone ntName who, String path) path : apk file path to the installation. Downloa d Mode 48 Control Downloa d Mode Control access to Download Mode [LGMDM] Int setAllowDownloadMode(Co mponentName who, boolean allow) N/A allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled VPN 49 Control VPN splittunneling Control access to VPN splittunneling Disable [LGMDM] void setAllowVPNSplitTunneling (ComponentName who, boolean allow) N/A allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled Backup 50 Enable/di sable backup to Disable backup to locally connected system Disable backup to remote system Disable public void setAllowGoogleBackup (ComponentName who, boolean allow) N/A allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled public void setAllowSpecificApplication (ComponentName who, LGMDMManager.Applicati onType applicationType, boolean allow) LGMDMManager.Applicati onType.LGBACKUP is for allowing/disallowing LGBackup Page 23 of 64 Security Feature Audit Logging No. 51 52 Setting Configur e the auditable items Read audit logs kept by the TSF Description CC mode is forced to be configured with auditable items at one time Admin only can access audit logs Required Value Enable API allow = true : enabled allow = false : disabled public boolean setGranularControlOnCCMo de (ComponentName who, int function) User Interface N/A CC_MODE = 0x01, CC_AUDIT_LOGGING = 0x2, .... ex ) 0x3 is CC_MODE == ON, CC_AUDIT_LOGGING == ON. Enable Returns true : CC mode Service is enabled, policy is called false : CC mode Service is not enabled, policy is not called public ParcelFileDescriptor ExportCCauditLogFile (ComponentName who) N/A Returns ParcelFileDescriptor [Password Policy Recommendation] To configure good and strong password, next password policies are strongly recommended 1. Password Length For setting the good password, administrator has to set password length. It is recommended that the password length is more than 8 characters. Please refer to No.5 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 2. Password Complexity and Quality Password complexity should include more than 1 character, number and symbol. Administrator can enforce minimum number of numeric, upper and lower case, symbol, and so on. Administrator also can choose one of password quality to increase the level of password strength; PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED,PASSWORD_QUALITY_SOMETHING, PASSWORD_QUALITY_NUMERIC,PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHABETIC, PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC, or PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX. Please refer to No 6 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings 3. Maximum password failed attempt Administrator can set maximum password failed attempt policy. The device will be wiped immediately when maximum count is reached in case of unsuccessful authentication. For example, when maximum password failed attempt is 10, if the half of maximum count(5) is reached , device shows the warning Page 24 of 64 dialog that displays ‘Life is good’ message and requires user input to continue trying authentication and then, if maximum count(10) is reached, the device will be wiped. Please refer to No 8 in 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings Page 25 of 64 4. Secure Update Process This section provides how secure updates are delivered. LG FOTA supports below verification item for secure update when delta package for FOTA is placed on device’s storage. Verification of delta package itself Verification of whether delta package is for the device’s image or not Verification of delta package itself is done through checking signature of it. The signature is made for every delta package of firmware images and files. It’s used RSA(2048bit) altorithm and SHA256 for hash, to make signature for packages of each images. Verification of whether delta package is for the device’s image is done through checking CRC of every image (CRC-32). It checks identification between calculated CRC value of every image such as all firmware image and all files, and delivered CRC value of delta packages for Download delta package Check Signature of whole pkg. Write a update setting value to eMMC Reset Device & reboot Read a update setting value on eMMC Update? Stop FOTA Upgrade Whole Signature mismatch error occurred & Device goes to Idle status Magic code? Check Signature of each FW pkg. Check identification by CRC for each FW images FW Signature mismatch error occurred & Normal boot Validation Fail occurred (Mismatch between FW image & pkg.) & Normal boot Check Signature of each File pkg. FS Signature mismatch error occurred & Normal boot Check identification by CRC for each File Validation Fail occurred (Mismatch between FW image & pkg.) & Normal boot Update Firmware images Update Files Reset & Normal booting [FOTA update process for secure delta package] Page 26 of 64 5. Cryptographic APIs The following Algorithms are evaluated by CCTL (CC Testing Laboratory). You can access to the following algorithms by using Android Cryptographic APIs. 5.1 FCS_CKM.2(1) - RSA Assume that Alice knows a private key and Bob knows Alice’s public key. Bob sent a key encrypted by the public key. This example shows how Alice gets a plain key sent by Bob. Alice needs her own private key to decrypt an encrypted key. // generate an Alice’s private key KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", “ AndroidOpenSSL”); RSAPrivateKeySpec rsa_private = new RSAPrivateKeySpec( new BigInteger(n, 16), new BigInteger(d, 16)); // generate private key PrivateKey privKey = kf.generatePrivate(rsa_private); // Decrypt an encrypted key Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(“ RSA/ECB/NoPadding”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privKey); cipher.update(encryptedKey); byte[] resultK = cipher.doFinal(); Algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL for RSA Pair-wise key establishment “RSA/ECB/NoPadding” “RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding” Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/javax/crypto/Cipher.html 5.2 FCS_CKM.2(1) – ECDH Assume that Alice knows a private key and a Bob’s public key. Bob knows his private key and an Alice’s public key. Then Alice and Bob can share a secret key via ECDH Key agreement. // Bob’s public key ECPublicKey BobPubkey = … ; // Alice’s private key generation ECPrivateKey AlicePrivkey = … ; //Generate Secret key in Bob Side KeyAgreement ka = KeyAgreement.getInstance(“ECDH”,” AndroidOpenSSL”); ka.init(AlicePrivkey); ka.doPhase(BobPubkey, true); byte[] secret = ka.generateSecret(); Key agreement of AndroidOpenSSL “ECDH” for KeyAgreement Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/javax/crypto/KeyAgreement.html Page 27 of 64 5.3 FCS_COP.1(1) - AES CBC Cipher class encrypts or decrypts a plaintext. // get cipher instance with provided algorithm and provider Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(“AES/CBC/NoPadding”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); // generate key and iv to be used when encrypt or decrypt SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"); AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv); // initiate cipher instance as encrypt mode cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, ivSpec); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plaintext); // initiate cipher instance as decrypt mode cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, ivSpec); byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encrypted); AES algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL “AES/CBC/NoPadding” Reference webpage http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/javax/crypto/Cipher.html 5.4 FCS_COP.1(2) - SHA You can use MessageDigest class to calculate the hash of plaintext. MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(“ SHA-256”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); md.update(plaintext); byte[] hashdata = md.digest(); MessageDigest algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL “SHA-1”, “SHA-256”, “SHA-384”, “SHA-512” Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/MessageDigest.html Page 28 of 64 5.5 FCS_COP.1(3) – RSA(Signature Algorithms) KeyFactory class generates RSA private key and public key. Signature class signs a plaintext with private key generated above and verifies it with public key. // generate key spec KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(“RSA”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); RSAPrivateKeySpec rsa_private = new RSAPrivateKeySpec( new BigInteger(n, 16), new BigInteger(d, 16)); RSAPublicKeySpec rsa_public = new RSAPublicKeySpec( new BigInteger(n, 16), new BigInteger(e, 16)); // generate key PrivateKey privKey = kf.generatePrivate(rsa_private); PublicKey pubKey = kf.generatePublic(rsa_public); // sign test Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(“ SHA1WithRSA”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); signature.initSign(privKey); signature.update(plaintext); byte[] signed = signature.sign(); // verify test signature.initVerify(pubKey); signature.update(plaintext); boolean verified = signature.verify(signed); Signature algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL “SHA1WithRSA” “SHA256WithRSA” “SHA384WithRSA” “SHA512WithRSA” Key generators of AndroidOpenSSL “RSA” KeyFactory “RSA” KeyPairGenerator Reference webpages: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/KeyFactory.html http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/Signature.html http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/spec/RSAPrivateKeySpec.html http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/spec/RSAPublicKeySpec.html Page 29 of 64 5.6 FCS_COP.1(3) – ECDSA(Signature Algorithms) Signature class signs a hash data with EC private key and verifies it with EC public key. KeyPairGenerator kpg; ECGenParameterSpec kpgparams; kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC", “AndroidOpenSSL”); kpgparams = new ECGenParameterSpec(”secp256r1”); kpg.initialize(kpgparams, new SecureRandom()); ECParameterSpec params = ((ECPublicKey)kpg.generateKeyPair().getPublic()).getParams(); // key spec generation ECPoint point = new ECPoint(Qx, Qy); ECPublicKeySpec ec_public = new ECPublicKeySpec(point, params); ECPrivateKeySpec ec_private = new ECPrivateKeySpec(d, params); // key generation KeyFactory kf; kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC", “AndroidOpenSSL”); ECPrivateKey privkey = (ECPrivateKey) kf.generatePrivate(ec_private); ECPublicKey pubkey = (ECPublicKey) kf.generatePublic(ec_public); // sign the hashdata and generate signature Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(“SHA256WithECDSA”, “AndroidOpenSSL”); signature.initSign(privkey); signature.update(hashdata); byte[] signed = signature.sign(); // verify the signature with public key signature.initVerify(pubkey); signature.update(hashdata); boolean verified = signature.verify(signed); Signature algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL “SHA256withECDSA” “SHA384withECDSA” “SHA512withECDSA” Key generators of AndroidOpenSSL “EC” for KeyFactory “EC” for KeyPairGenerator Supported curves “secp256r1” “secp384r1” “secp521r1” Reference webpages: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/Signature.html http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/spec/ECPublicKeySpec.html http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/spec/ECPrivateKeySpec.html Page 30 of 64 5.7 FCS_COP.1(4) - HMAC Mac class calculates the hash of plaintext with key. Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance(“HmacSHA1”, “ AndroidOpenSSL”); SecretKeySpec secretkey = new SecretKeySpec(key, algorithm); hmac.init(secretkey); byte[] hmacdata = hmac.doFinal(plaintext); MAC algorithms of AndroidOpenSSL “HmacSHA1” “HmacSHA256” “HmacSHA384” “HmacSHA512” Reference webpages: http://developer.android.com/reference/javax/crypto/Mac.html Page 31 of 64 6. VPN Configuration The LG VPN in LGE mobile devices provides IPsec VPN connection. If a VPN connection is established, interceptor module(kernel side) in LG VPN is able to control all inbound and outbound traffic traverse. It means that all IP traffics are controlled through the VPN client (IPsec tunnels). Applications User socket <Inbound> LG VPN socket socket Kernel interceptor tun0 Routing Routing Applications User socket <Outbound> LG VPN socket eth0 socket Kernel Routing tun0 interceptor Routing eth0 The Split-tunneling feature is enabled by default. So, the Split-tunneling feature must be disabled on the CC Mode. The feature can be configured by MDM capability. Page 32 of 64 7. Wi-Fi Configuration User can set Wi-Fi configuration on the device by going to ‘Settings > Wi-Fi’. Follow the next instructions to test EAP-TLS/TTLS in the LGE devices: 1. 2. 3. Place certificates into internal storage or external SD card by using MTP or Email attachment. Administrators are able to distribute certificates by web link that executes certificates installation directly. “Install certificates” of the “PERSONAL” tab on the “advanced Wi-Fi” menu. - Must select “Wi-Fi” of “Credential use” tab. Back to the Wi-Fi menu, Select Access point which is supported EAP-method. - Select EAP method to “TLS” or “TTLS” - Select CA certificate, User certificate installed on Step #2 - Input identity parameter. - Push “Connect” button. Page 33 of 64 8. Bluetooth Configuration User can set Bluetooth configuration on the device by going to ‘Settings > Bluetooth’. Follow the next instructions to test pairing with a remote Bluetooth device: 1. 2. 3. 4. Search remote device Select device to pair if you find remote device Please check passkey and select “PAIR” You can connect device if you success to pair. 5. You can delete device in your paired list if you select Unpair menu. Page 34 of 64 9. Audit Logging A MDM client can get the audit log file using the API #52 ‘Read audit logs’ that is mentioned in Section 3.2 Common Criteria Related Settings. Basically, the whole concept of Audit logging is based on Android logging system. The following provides examples of audit log. 12-31 20:27:05.776 2662 2662 I CCModeService: FIPS validated BouncyCastle self-test success!!! 12-31 20:25:51.605 819 819 D CCAUDIT_KERN: <6>[ 1.796391 / 01-01 00:00:01.739][5] [880] [CCAudit] Secure boot Success Similar to Android logging system, basic format of Audit logging is written and it represents fields as follows. • • • • • Date and time of the event; type of event; This is described as log level and log tag subject identity; This is described as PID and PPID the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and additional information in the below table. Audit logs of kernel are also complied with typical kernel log . These additionally contains typical kernel log information in the outcome field and tag the log with ‘CCAUDIT_KERN’. Each field of two example logs corresponds with above format as below. Date and Time 12-31 20:27:05.776 12-31 20:25:51.605 Type of event Subject identity The outcome I / CCModeService 2662 / 2662 FIPS validated BouncyCastle self-test success!!! D / CCAUDIT_KERN 819 / 819 <6>[ 1.796391 / 01-01 00:00:01.739][5] [880] [CCAudit] Secure boot Success The following provides a list of audit events required by the MDFPP so the administrator knows what to look for when reading the audit log. MDFPP Requirem ent FAU_GEN .1.1 Auditable Events Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; All administrative actions; Start-up and shutdown of the OS and kernel; Additional Audit Record Contents The outcome of Audit Records a. write_flag_to_misc::CC_AUDIT_LOGGING is started b. write_flag_to_misc::CC_AUDIT_LOGGING is stopped a. setAllowBluetooth(ComponentInfo{com.lge.mdm.newclient/co m.lge.mdm.newclient.MainActivity$DeviceAdminSampleRecei ver}) : 1 a. [CCAudit] Run init process for OS startup b. devicePowerOff, devicefunction : 1, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient c. start normal shutdown Page 35 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents Insertion or removal of removable media; a. [CCAudit] mmc1: slot status change detected (0 -> 1) b. [CCAudit] mmc1: slot status change detected (1 -> 0) log : c. [CCAudit] mmc1: slot status change detected (0 -> 1) d. [CCAudit] mmc1: slot status change detected (1 -> 0) a. [gmail-ls][Account {name=ccaudit.test@gmail.com, type=com.google}] Account synchronizing connection is established,,, Establishment of a synchronizing connection; FCS_CKM _EXT.1 FCS_CKM .1(1) FCS_HTT PS_EXT.1 The outcome of Audit Records [selection: Audit records reaching [95] percentage of audit capacity]. [selection: none] a. CCAudit logging record reaches 95 percent Failure of key generation activity for authentication keys. Failure of the certificate validity check. a. Primary keymaster device failed to generate key, falling back to SW. b. rc ERROR : -4 Issuer Name and Subject Name of certificate. [selection: User's authorization decision, no additional information]. FCS_RBG _EXT.1 Failure of the randomization process. FCS_STG_ EXT.1 Import or destruction of key. [selection: Exceptions to use and destruction rules, No other events] Identity of key. Role and identity of requestor. FCS_STG_ EXT.3 Failure to verify integrity of stored key. Identity of key being verified. a. SSL:Certificate invalid:subject name=/OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=COMODO SSL Wildcard/CN=*.crashlytics.com:issuer name=/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA a. dual ec drbg disabled b. error initialising drbg c. no fips random method set a. importKey keyName = USRPKEY_9fcbc887f0ab90118827ec41270497dee5dc629e, uid = -1 del : filename : user_0/1000_USRPKEY_6f41232b523647d0043d9c57a309255 0cdf0bc50, keyBlob type : 4, userId = 0 del : filename : user_0/1000_USRCERT_6f41232b523647d0043d9c57a309255 0cdf0bc50, keyBlob del : filename : user_0/1000_CACERT_6f41232b523647d0043d9c57a3092550 cdf0bc50, keyBlob type : 1, userId = 0 a. Failed to verify integrity of stored key : user_0/1000_USRCERT_111 Page 36 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FCS_TLS C_EXT.1 Auditable Events Failure to establish an EAP-TLS session. Additional Audit Record Contents Reason for failure. The outcome of Audit Records 1. Invalid information when EAP-TLS connection a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Private key not configured b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS ca_cert is invalid. c. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS client_cert is invalid. d. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS key_id is invalid. e. Wi-Fi TLS: Failed to load private key f. Wi-Fi TLS: Failed to set TLS connection parameters 2. Failure in SSL initialize during EAP-TLS connection a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Failed to initialize SSL. b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL : Failed to initialize new TLS connection 3. When EAP-TLS connect/disconnect/connect fail a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Done(establish) b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS session termination!! c. Wi-Fi EAP-TSL SSL: Received non-ACK when output fragments are waiting to be sent out d. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Failed - tls_out available to report error e. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: TLS errors detected f. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Invalid TLS message: no Flags octet included Establishment/te rmination of an EAP-TLS session. Non-TOE endpoint of connection. 4. Connection success/failure a. Wi-Fi Connection success b. Wi-Fi Connect Failure 1. Invalid information when EAP-TLS connection a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Private key not configured b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS ca_cert is invalid. c. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS client_cert is invalid. d. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS key_id is invalid. e. Wi-Fi TLS: Failed to load private key f. Wi-Fi TLS: Failed to set TLS connection parameters 2. Failure in SSL initialize during EAP-TLS connection a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Failed to initialize SSL. b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL : Failed to initialize new TLS connection 3. When EAP-TLS connect/disconnect/connect fail a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Done(establish) b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS session termination!! c. Wi-Fi EAP-TSL SSL: Received non-ACK when output fragments are waiting to be sent out d. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Failed - tls_out available to report error e. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: TLS errors detected f. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Invalid TLS message: no Flags octet included 4. Connection success/failure a. Wi-Fi Connection success b. Wi-Fi Connect Failure Page 37 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FCS_TLS C_EXT.2 FDP_DAR _EXT.1 Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents Failure to establish a TLS session. Reason for failure. Failure to verify presented identifier. Presented identifier and reference identifier. Non-TOE endpoint of connection. Establishment/te rmination of a TLS session. Failure to encrypt/decrypt data. FDP_STG _EXT.1 Addition or removal of certificate from Trust Anchor Database. Subject name of certificate. FDP_UPC _EXT.1 Application initiation of trusted channel. Name of application. Trusted channel protocol. Non-TOE endpoint of connection. FIA_AFL_ EXT.1 Excess of authentication failure limit. The outcome of Audit Records SSL:Validation error:subject name=/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/CN=*.googleapis.com:issuer name=/C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority G2 a. connect to google.com, facebook.com,ssllabs.com through https:// a. SSL:session connected:hostname=www.googleapis.com b. SSL:session terminated:hostname=www.googleadservices.com a. [CCAudit] Error getting random bytes in SEC mode b. [CCAudit] ecryptfs_filldir: Error attempting to decode and decrypt c. [CCAudit] Error attempting to allocate memory d. [CCAudit] ecryptfs_open: Error attempting to initialize the lower file for the dentry with name a. Addition CA Cert - C=FI,O=Authentec\, Inc.,CN=Test RSA CA b. Delete CA Cert - CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2, OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US c. Delete CA Cert - OU=certSIGN ROOT CA, O=certSIGN, C=RO d. Delete CA Cert - CN=DST ACES CA X6, OU=DST ACES, O=Digital Signature Trust, C=US e. Delete CA Cert - CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US f. Delete CA Cert - CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Jersey City, ST=New Jersey, C=US g. Delete CA Cert - CN=UTN-USERFirst-Hardware, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, ST=UT, C=US a. com.slacker.radio attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. b. com.slacker.radio attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. c. com.vcast.mediamanager attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. d. com.vcast.mediamanager attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. e. com.cequint.ecid attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. f. com.cequint.ecid attempts to establish SSL/TLS connection. a. Excess of authentication failure limit. Page 38 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FIA_BLT_ EXT.1 Auditable Events User authorization of Bluetooth device. User authorization for local Bluetooth service. Additional Audit Record Contents The outcome of Audit Records User authorization decision. Bluetooth address and name of device. Bluetooth profile. Identity of local service. 1. PAIR : a. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (NEW_PAIR_REQUEST) : b. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (SSP_REQUEST) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] PASSKEY:794842 VARIANT:PAIRING_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATI ON c. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (BOND_BONDED) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] d. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (ENTER_STABLE) : 2. CANCLE : a. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (NEW_PAIR_REQUEST) : b. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (SSP_REQUEST) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] PASSKEY:705961 VARIANT:PAIRING_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATI ON c. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (BOND_NONE) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] REASON:UNBOND_REASON_REMOVED - An existing bond was explicitly revoked d. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (ENTER_STABLE) : FIA_BLT_ EXT.2 FIA_UAU _EXT.2 FIA_UAU _EXT Initiation of Bluetooth connection. Bluetooth address and name of device. Failure of Bluetooth connection. Action performed before authentication. User changes Password Authentication Factor. Reason for failure. Reason for failure of validation. 3. request delayed : a. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (NEW_PAIR_REQUEST) : b. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (SSP_REQUEST) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] PASSKEY:355552 VARIANT:PAIRING_VARIANT_PASSKEY_CONFIRMATI ON c. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (BOND_NONE) : V10 [22:22:2C:6D:9F:07] [CoD:524] REASON:UNBOND_REASON_AUTH_FAILED - A bond attempt failed because pins did not match, or remote device did not respond to pin request in time d. [FIA_BLT_EXT.1] - (ENTER_STABLE) : e. STATE_ON : SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE a. OPP Service Access User decision: accept, Peer Device NameLG ZeroAddress22:22:20:26:86:C1 b. OPP Service Access User decision: reject, Peer Device NameLG ZeroAddress22:22:20:26:86:C1 a. Failed to connectPAN a. PackageName: com.jiubang.goscreenlock is performed before user authentication a. User changes Password Authentication Factor. .3 Page 39 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FIA_X509 _EXT.2 FMT_SMF _EXT.1 Auditable Events Failure to establish connection to determine revocation status. Change of settings. Success or failure of function. FMT_SMF _EXT.2 FPT_AEX _EXT.4 FPT_NOT _EXT.1 Additional Audit Record Contents a. SSL:Certificate revoked:subject name=/C=KR/ST=Seoul/L=Youngdungpogu/O=LG Electronics Inc./OU=it 2/CN=*.lgecloud.com:issuer Role of user that changed setting. Value of new setting Role of user that performed function. Function performed. Reason for failure. Initiation of software update. Version of update. Initiation of application installation or update. Unenrollment. Name and version of application. Blocked attempt to modify TSF data. [selection: Measurement of TSF software, none]. The outcome of Audit Records Identity of administrator. Remediation action performed. Identity of subject. Identity of TSF data. [selection: integrity verification value, no additional data]. a. setEnforceAirplaneMode : true, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 1. Success a. LG VPN existing profile newly saved : xpsk b. LG VPN DisableSplitTunneling FALSE : xpsk c. LG VPN connection SUCCESS : xpsk 2. Failure a. LG VPN new profile created : xpsk b. LG VPN DisableSplitTunneling FALSE : xpsk c. LG VPN connection FAILED : xpsk d. LG VPN failed REASON : Timeout while connecting a. Started updating software successfully. b. SW update Version : XXXXX a. com.google.android.apps.translate(4.4.0.RC01.104701208): Installation Success! b. com.google.android.apps.translate(4.4.0.RC01.104701208): Removed! a. [MDMCClog] removeActiveAdmin() requested unenrollment process~!!! a. [CCAudit] do_sys_open error=-13 file=/data/dalvikcache/arm/system@app@LGEIME@LGEIME.apk@classes.de x flag=131650 proc=dex2oat parent=com.lge.ime 1. Bootimage Fail a. [CCAudit] Image hash : 7D95E4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... b. [CCAudit] cert hash : 420F5BXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... c. [CCAudit] Hash is different d. [CCAudit] Image mis-matched e. [CCAudit] Secure boot Fail 2. System component fail a. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : Modules hash : 1EEE9FXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... b. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : [ 293] verify_certificate Different hash c. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : Cert hash : 44D649XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.... Page 40 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents The outcome of Audit Records d. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : Verifying fail... 9 [selection: Measurement of TSF software, none]. [selection: Measurement of TSF software, none]. [selection: integrity verification value, no additional data]. [selection: integrity verification value, no additional data]. a. Openssl Self-test Started!!!! b. cc_mode_selftest::OpenSSL fips self-test failed~~!!! c. Openssl Self-test failed!!! errorno=-9 a. com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsSelfTestFailedError: Failed self test on encryption: AES b. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.SelfTestExecutor.validate( SelfTestExecutor.java:3c. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES$EngineProvider. createEngine(FipsAES.java:918) d. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES.<clinit>(FipsAE S.java:192) e. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.loadClass(Fips Status.java:178) f. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.access$200(Fip sStatus.java:21) g. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus$Loader.<init>( FipsStatus.java:315) h. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.isReady(FipsSt atus.java:49) i. com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsSelfTestFailedError: Failed self test on encryption: AES j. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.SelfTestExecutor.validate( SelfTestExecutor.java:3k. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES$EngineProvider. createEngine(FipsAES.java:918) l. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES.<clinit>(FipsAE S.java:192) m. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.loadClass(Fips Status.java:178) n. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.access$200(Fip sStatus.java:21) o. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus$Loader.<init>( FipsStatus.java:315) p. at Page 41 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents The outcome of Audit Records com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.isReady(FipsSt atus.java:49) FPT_TST_ EXT.1 Initiation of selftest. Failure of self-test. Algorithm that caused failure. 1. openssl error log a. Error entering FIPS mode b. RSA key generation faild as expected. c. Testing induced failure of DSA keygen test d. Pairwise Consistency DSA test failure induced e. Pairwise Consistency DSA test failed as expected f. DSA key generation failed as expected. g. Error entering FIPS mode h. Testing induced failure of ECDSA keygen test h. ECDSA key generation failed as expected. i. Error entering FIPS mode j. Testing induced failure of DRBG CPRNG test k. DRBG SHA1 test Failed Incorrectly!! l. failed INCORRECTLY! 2. BCFIPS error log a. com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsSelfTestFailedError: Failed self test on encryption: AES b. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.SelfTestExecutor.validate( SelfTestExecutor.java:34) c. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES$EngineProvider. createEngine(FipsAES.java:918) d. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES.<clinit>(FipsAE S.java:192) e. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.loadClass(Fips Status.java:178) f. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.access$200(Fip sStatus.java:21) g. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus$Loader.<init>( FipsStatus.java:315) h. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.isReady(FipsSt atus.java:49) i. com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsSelfTestFailedError: Failed self test on encryption: AES j. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.SelfTestExecutor.validate( SelfTestExecutor.java:34) k. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES$EngineProvider. createEngine(FipsAES.java:918) l. at Page 42 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FPT_TST_ EXT.2 FPT_TUD _EXT.2 Auditable Events Additional Audit Record Contents Start-up of TOE. Boot Mode. [selection: detected integrity violation, none]. [selection: The TSF code file that caused the integrity violation, no additional information]. Success or failure of signature verification for software updates. Success or failure of signature verification for applications. FTA_TAB. 1 Change in banner setting. FTA_WSE _EXT.1 All attempts to connect to access points. The outcome of Audit Records com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsAES.<clinit>(FipsAE S.java:192) m. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.loadClass(Fips Status.java:178) n. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.access$200(Fip sStatus.java:21) o. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus$Loader.<init>( FipsStatus.java:315) p. at com.lge.org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips.FipsStatus.isReady(FipsSt atus.java:49) a. [CCAudit] Start-up BOOT MODE = Reboot_by_PowerKey 1. Bootimage Success a. [CCAudit] Image hash : 7D95E4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX… b. [CCAudit] Secure boot Success 2. System component Success a. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : Modules hash : 1EEE9FXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX... b. [CCAudit] [WALLPAPER] : [ 309] verify_certificate Success verifying a. [CCAudit] Signature verification for software updates Note: You may need to update FOTA system App to get logs of this item. Please contact to support-enterprisemobility@lge.com for the application. 1. success : a. com.lge.mdm.newclient: Signature verification Success! 2. Failure a. android.content.pm.PackageParser$PackageParserException: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1629286186.tmp/base.apk b. Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Incorrect signature a. Banner is showing b. Banner is removed Identity of access point. 1. SSID that DUT trying to connect a. Wi-Fi Attempts to connect to [SSID] 2. Connection success/failure a. Wi-Fi Connection success b. Wi-Fi Connect Failure Page 43 of 64 MDFPP Requirem ent FTP_ITC_ EXT.1 Additional Audit Record Contents Auditable Events Initiation and termination of trusted channel. Initiation and termination of trusted channel. Trusted channel protocol. NonTOE endpoint of connection. Trusted channel protocol. NonTOE endpoint of connection. The outcome of Audit Records a. SSL:session connected:hostname=www.googleapis.com b. SSL:session terminated:hostname=www.googleadservices.com 1. When EAP-TLS connect/disconnect/connect fail a. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS Done(establish) b. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS session termination!! c. Wi-Fi EAP-TSL SSL: Received non-ACK when output fragments are waiting to be sent out d. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Failed - tls_out available to report error e. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: TLS errors detected f. Wi-Fi EAP-TLS SSL: Invalid TLS message: no Flags octet included 2. Connection success/failure a. Wi-Fi Connection success b. Wi-Fi Connect Failure <Security Setting Related MDM Audit Logs> No. 1 Change of Settings Common Criteria Mode Description Enable CC mode Required Value Enable Audit Records [MDMCClog] "setCommonCriteriaMode, mode : " + mode + " (0:NONE, 1:DISABLED, 2:ENABLED)” + “, who : “ + who.getPackageName() mode : 0(COMMONCRITERIA NONE), 1(COMMONCRITERIA DISABLED), 2(COMMONcRITERIA ENABLED) 2 Device Encryption Encrypts all internal storage Enable [MDMCClog] "setEncryptionPolicy : " + policy + " (0:NONE, 1:DEVICE, 2:STORAGE, 3:DEVICE_AND_STORAGE,” + "4:DEVICE_DISABLED, 5:DISABLED, 6:DEVICE_AND_STORAGE_DISABLED)" + “who : “ + who.getPackageName()) policy : int 3 SD Card Encryption Encrypts all SD card storage Enable [MDMCClog] "setEncryptionPolicy : " + policy + " (0:NONE, 1:DEVICE, 2:STORAGE, 3:DEVICE_AND_STORAGE,” + "4:DEVICE_DISABLED, 5:DISABLED, 6:DEVICE_AND_STORAGE_DISABLED)" + “who : “ + who.getPackageName()) policy : int 4 5 Wipe Device Removes all data from device Enable Password Length Minimum number of characters in a Greater than 6 [MDMCClog] "setAllowWipeDataMaster : " + allow allow : boolean (true or false) [MDMCClog] "setPasswordMinimumLength : " + length + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() length : int Page 44 of 64 No. Change of Settings Description Required Value Audit Records password 6 Password Complexit y Specify the type of characters required in a password [MDMCClog] setActivePasswordState, quality: 327680 quality : password quality (Unspecified(0 (0x00000000)), Something(65536 (0x00010000)), Numeric(131072 (0x00020000)), Alphabetic(262144 (0x00040000)), Alphanumeric(327680 (0x00050000)), Complex(393216 (0x00060000))) more detailed : http://developer.android.com/intl/es/reference/android/ app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.html#PASSWORD_ QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC [MDMCClog] "setPasswordMinimumLetters: " + length + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() length : int [MDMCClog] "setPasswordExpirationTimeout: " + timeout + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() timeout : long (millisecond) ex. 1Day = 24*60*60*1000 7 Password Expiration Maximum length of time before a password must change 8 Maximum password failed attempt 10 or less Maximum number of authenticatio n failures [MDMCClog] "setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe: " + num + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() num : int 9 Password Visible The last character of the password is visible for a few seconds if enabled Disable [MDMCClog] "setAllowPasswordTypingVisible: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 10 Show password Disallow show password option on the configuration screen of lockscreen password Disable [MDMCClog] "setAllowPasswordVisible: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 11 Inactivity to lockout Time before lock-screen is engaged Less than 15 minutes [MDMCClog] "setMaximumTimeToLock: " + timeMS + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() timeMS : long (millisecond) ex. 1Day = 24*60*60*1000 12 Banner2) Banner message displayed on the lockscreen Administra tor defined text [MDMCClog] "setWarningMsg: " + allow + “, str : “ + str + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false), str : String Page 45 of 64 No. Change of Settings Description Required Value Audit Records 13 Remote Lock Looks the device remotely Enable MDMCClog: setLockoutNow, level : 1 (0:UNLOCKOUT_STATE, 1:stUnlockoutNow(ComponentName), 2:LOCKOUT_STATE), str : tyui, recoveryKey : null, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 14 Smart lock Control smart lock KEYGUA RD_DISA BLE_FEA TURES_N ONE/KEY GUARD_ DISABLE _TRUST_ AGENTS [MDMCClog] ""setKeyguardDisabledFeatures: " + which + " (0:FEATURES_NONE, 1:WIDGETS_ALL, 2:SECURE_CAMERA" + "3:SECURENOTIFICATIONS, 4:TRUST_AGENTS, 5:UNREDACTED_NOTIFICATIONS" + "6:FINGERPRINT, 7:FEATURES_ALL)" + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() which : int 15 Transition to the locked state Prevents a user from turning off the power button instantly locks. Disable [MDMCClog] "setEnforcePowerButtonLocks: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 16 Remove Enterprise application s You cannot see the application icon in the Launcher's menu Disable MDMCClog: setApplicationState, list : [LGMDMApplicationState [packageName=com.google.android.gm, allowInstallation=0, allowUninstallation=0, enable=3], who : com.lge.mdm.new Enable : 0(Default), 1(Enable), 2(Disable), 3(Hide) 17 Import CA Certificate s Import CA Certificates into the Trust Anchor Database or the credential storage [MDMCClog] "installCertificate, certificateId : " + certificateId + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() certificteId : String 18 Remove Certificate s Remove certificates from the Trust Anchor Database or the credential storage [MDMCClog] "uninstallCertificate, certificateId : " + certificateId + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() certificteId : String 19 Control Wi-Fi Control access to Wi-Fi Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowWifi: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 20 Control GPS Control access to GPS Enable/Dis able 21 Control Cellular Control access to Cellular Enable/Dis able 22 Control Control access Enable/Dis [MDMCClog] "setGPSLocation: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) [MDMCClog] "setAllowMobileNetwork: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) [MDMCClog] "setAllowNfc: " + allow + " (0:DISALLOW, Page 46 of 64 No. Change of Settings Description Required Value Audit Records NFC to NFC able 1:ALLOW)" + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) [MDMCClog] "setAllowBluetooth: " (" + who + ") : " + allow + " (0:DISALLOW, 1:ALLOW_AUDIOONLY, 2:ALLOW)" allow : int MDMCClog: setAllowWirelessLocationWithWhitelist : false, list : [com.android.chrome], who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 23 Control Bluetooth Control access to Bluetooth Enable/Dis able 24 Control Location Service Control access to Location Service Enable/Dis able 25 Control SMS Control Messaging capabilities Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowSendingSMS: " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 26 Control VPN Control access to VPN Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowVon: " + allowType + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : 0 (allow), 3(disallow) 28 Specify Wi-Fi SSIDs Specify SSID values for connecting to Wi-Fi. Can also create white and black lists for SSIDs. listType = 2 MDMCClog: addNetwork, config : * ID: -1 SSID: " testAP_802.1x" BSSID: null PRIO: 40 29 Set WLAN CA Certificate Select the CA Certificate for the Wi-FI connection CA Certificate MDMCClog: ca_cert: mdmweak 30 Specify security type Specify the connection security (WEP, WPA2, etc) Wi-Fi connection type MDMCClog: KeyMgmt: WPA_EAP IEEE8021X Protocols 31 Select authenticat ion protocol Specify the EAP-TLS connection values Wi-Fi protocol MDMCClog: eap: TTLS 32 Select client credentials Specify the client credentials to access a specified WLAN Wi-Fi credentials MDMCClog: client_cert: mdmweak 33 Control Microphon e Control access to microphones Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowMicrophone : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 34 Control Camera Control access to camera Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setCameraDisabled : " + disabled + ", ComponentName: " + who.getPackageName() disabled : boolean (true or false) Page 47 of 64 No. Change of Settings Description Required Value Audit Records 35 Control USB Mass Storage Control access to mounting the device for storage over USB. Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowUsb : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 36 Control USB Debugging Control access to USB debugging. Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowUSBDebugging : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 37 Control SD Card Control access to SD card storage. Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowExternalMemorySlot : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 38 Control USB Tethered Connectio ns Control access to USB tethered connections. Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowUSBTethering : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 39 Control Bluetooth Tethered Connectio ns Control access to Bluetooth tethered connections. Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowBluetoothTethering : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 40 Control Hotspot Connectio ns Control access to Wi-Fi hotspot connections Enable/Dis able [MDMCClog] "setAllowHotspot : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) 42 Enable/dis able all data signaling over USB The USB mode is forced to be configured as none. Disable MDMCClog: setEnfoceUsbModeAsNone : false, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 43 Install Applicatio n Installs specified application MDMCClog: installApplication, path : /storage/emulated/0/mytest.p12, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 44 Uninstall Applicatio n Uninstalls specified application MDMCClog: uninstallApplication, packageName : com.wildtangent.android, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 45 Applicatio n Whitelist Specifies a list of applications that may be installed MDMCClog: setApplicationState, list : LGMDMApplicationState [packageName=com.amazon.kindle, allowInstallation=1, allowUninstallation=0,enable=0]], who : com.lge.mdm.newclient allowInstallation : 0(Default), 1(Enable), 2(Disable) 46 Applicatio n Blacklist Specifies a list of applications that may not be installed MDMCClog: setApplicationState, list : LGMDMApplicationState [packageName=com.amazon.kindle, allowInstallation=2, allowUninstallation=0,enable=0]], who : com.lge.mdm.newclient allowInstallation : 0(Default), 1(Enable), 2(Disable) Page 48 of 64 Change of Settings Description 48 Control Download Mode Control access to Download Mode 49 Control VPN splittunneling Control access to VPN splittunneling Disable MDMCClog: setAllowVPNSplitTunneling : false, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient 50 Enable/dis able backup to Disable backup locally connected system Disable MDMCClog: setAllowSpecificApplication : false, applicationName : LGBACKUP, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient No. Required Value Audit Records [MDMCClog] "setAllowDownloadMode : " + allow + ", who : " + who.getPackageName() allow : boolean (true or false) to MDMCClog: setAllowGoogleBackup : false, who : com.lge.mdm.newclient Disable backup to remote system 51 Configure the auditable items CC mode is forced to be configured with auditable items at one time Enable MDMCClog: setCommonCriteriaMode : 2 (0:NONE, 1:DISABLED, 2:ENABLED), who : com.lge.mdm.newclient Page 49 of 64 Page 50 of 64 10. Data Separation This section describes how to install ‘Work Profile’ of ‘Android for Work’ and wipe enterprise data. 10.1 Work Profile installation and Data Separation There are 2 ways to set up work profile installation. The first one is using Corp. Account. When a Corp. Account that's set to enforce EMM policy is added to a device (either on a new device in the Setup Wizard, or afterwards from Settings), the corresponding DPC(Device Policy Controller) for that account’s domain will be downloaded and invoked in order to continue the setup AfW work profile. The other way is by using the DPC that is downloaded via Play Store or EMM store and just executed to set up AfW work profile. The data separation between personal and work profiles is implemented by storage emulation. Each profile has its own physical storage, which can be accessed only by the applications in it. When an application starts, the physical storage is mounted to an application as an emulated path that is mapped with its own UserHandle. An application with a different UserHandle is not allowed to accessing data stored with the original UserHandle. Additionally, all data separation is governed at the system level, all the way down to the SELinux kernel, which runs in full enforcement mode as of Lollipop. Separation between the work and personal users is strictly enforced, and cross-sharing of intents from work to personal is off by default. The admin does have the option to enable sharing in certain instances, such as work contacts to the system dialer for caller ID. 10.2 How to wipe enterprise data (Work Profile) The android framework is supporting the method to be able to wipe enterprise data that is described in DevicePolicyManager. So DPC(Device Policy Controller) just calls the method for wiping all of the enterprise data in the work profile. Page 51 of 64 Appendix A Generating Secure Random Data This appendix guides how to generate cryptographically secure pseudo-random data. To use FIPS validated SecureRandom, enable FIPS mode of OpenSSL first. See Appendix C. Reference Page: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/SecureRandom.html A.1 Android API for Generating Secure Random Data SecureRandom() provides the most cryptographically strong provider available as following example. com.android.org.conscrypt.FipsMode.FIPS_mode_set(1); SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom(); Byte[] output = new byte[16] Sr.nextBytes(output); Page 52 of 64 Appendix B Secure Key Storage This appendix guides how to utilize the key management with Keystore APIs Reference Page: https://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/KeyStore.html B.1 Key Usage Use the AndroidKeyStore provider to let an individual app store its own credentials that only the application itself can access. This provides a way for applications to manage credentials that are usable only by themselves. AndroidKeyStore is registered as a KeyStore type for use with the KeyStore.getInstance(type) method and as a provider for use with the KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, provider) method. You can refer to examples from the Android KeyStore System webpage for generating a new key pair, signing and verifying as follow. Reference pages: https://developer.android.com/training/articles/keystore.html https://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/KeyPairGenerator.html https://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/android/security/keystore/KeyGenParameterSpec.html B.2 Symmetric Key Generation The Android Keystore system lets you create secret keys in the secure key storage. KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance( KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, "AndroidKeyStore"); keygen.init(new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder( "AESTEST", KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT) .setBlockModes(KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_CBC) .setEncryptionPaddings(KeyProperties.ENCRYPTION_PADDING_NONE) .setRandomizedEncryptionRequired(false) .build()); SecretKey sk = keygen.generateKey(); Generators of AndroidKeyStore “AES” SecretKeyFactory & KeyGenerator B.3 Symmetric key encryption/decryption Applications can encrypt their plain text by using a SecretKey stored in the AndroidKeyStore. Encrypt and decrypt a message by a key stored in the AndroidKeyStore AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(hexToBytes(iv)); KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore"); keystore.load(null); SecretKeyEntry keystoreKey = (SecretKeyEntry)keystore.getEntry("AESTEST", null); Page 53 of 64 SecretKey sk = keystoreKey.getSecretKey(); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sk, ivSpec); byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(hexToBytes(plaintext)); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sk, ivSpec); byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(encrypted); Cipher algorithm of AndoridKeyStore “AES/ECB/NoPadding” B.4 Asymmetric Key Generation Generate a key pair in the AndroidKeyStore KeyPairGenerator kpg1 = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_RSA, "AndroidKeyStore"); kpg1.initialize(new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder( "RSATEST1", KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN | KeyProperties.PURPOSE_VERIFY) .setKeySize(Integer.parseInt(mod)) .setDigests(KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256, KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA384, KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA512) .setSignaturePaddings(KeyProperties.SIGNATURE_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1) .build()); // Generate Key Pair from the Secure Key Store kpg1.generateKeyPair(); Generators of AndroidKeyStore “RSA” KeyFactory & KeyPairGenerator “EC” KeyFactory & KeyPairGenerator B.5 Asymmetric Key Sign and Verify Sign and verify KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore"); ks.load(null); // Get RSA Key KeyStore.Entry entry1 = ks.getEntry("TEST1", null); PrivateKey privKey1 = ((PrivateKeyEntry) entry1).getPrivateKey(); PublicKey pubKey1 = ((PrivateKeyEntry) entry1).getCertificate().getPublicKey(); // Sign Test Signature s = Signature.getInstance(algorithm); s.initSign(privKey1); s.update(msg, 0, expectedMaxMessageSizeBytes); byte[] signature = s.sign(); // Verify Test s.initVerify(pubKey1); Page 54 of 64 s.update(msg, 0, expectedMaxMessageSizeBytes); Signature algorithms of AndroidKeyStore “NONEwithRSA” “SHA1withRSA” “SHA256withRSA” “SHA384withRSA” “SHA512withRSA” “ECDSA” “SHA256withECDSA” “SHA384withECDSA” “SHA512withECDSA” B.6 Key Destruction Application can delete the entry identified with the given alias from this KeyStore. KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore"); ks.load(null); ks.deleteEntry(“TEST_ALIAS_1”); Page 55 of 64 Appendix C Configuration of FIPS Validated Cryptographic Engines This appendix guides how to configure FIPS mode. C.1 Setting the FIPS Mode Get a FIPS status of OpenSSL by FIPS_mode() function and set FIPS mode by FIPS_mode_set() function. Example code import com.android.org.conscrypt.FipsMode; if (FipsMode.FIPS_mode() != 1) { if (FipsMode.FIPS_mode_set(1) != 1) { Log.e("CryptoTest", "Failed to OpenSSL enable"); } else { Toast.makeText(this, "OpenSSL FIPS Mode Enable Success", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } else { Toast.makeText(this, "OpenSSL is in FIPS Mode", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } C.2 SDK for FipsMode APIs A SDK is needed to build an application using FipsMode APIs. Please contact to support-enterprisemobility@lge.com for the information about the SDK for FipsMode APIs. Page 56 of 64 Appendix D Guidance for using HTTPS/TLS APIs This appendix guides how to use HTTPS/TLS APIs in your source codes. Using URL class is easy and safe way to use HTTPS. Developers can use SSLSocket class directly to utilize TLS connection. The detail guidance is available at following reference webpages. Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/reference/javax/net/ssl/package-summary.html https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl.html D.1 Android APIs for TLS connection Https connections can be established by using URL class. URL url = new URL("https://wikipedia.org"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); copyInputStreamToOutputStream(in, System.out); D.2 How to set cipher suites using Android API It describes how to set TLS cipher suites with Android APIs. The cipher suites are limited on the CC Mode to prevent TLS connection by weak cipher suites because LG Android platform restricts other cipher suites not in the following table from being set when generating cipher suites list of client hello message for TLS connection. Application developers can choose few cipher suites among the approved cipher suites. Example codes private X509HostnameVerifier hostname Verifier; @Override public Socket createSocket(Socket socket, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) socketFactory.createSocket(socket, host, port, autoClose); sslSocket.setEnabledProtocols(protocol); String[] ciphersuits = new String[]{"AES128-SHA", "AES256-SHA", "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA", "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA", "AES128-SHA256", "AES256-SHA256", "DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256", "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384"}; sslSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(ciphersuits); hostnameVerifier.verify(host, sslSocket); return sslSocket; Page 57 of 64 } Approved Cipher suites TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS version TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 D.3 How to set client certificate If server requires client certificate to establish connection, client should provide a certificate to be authenticated by the sever. A custom X509KeyManager can be used to supply a client certificate. Example codes KeyStore keyStore = ...; String algorithm = KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(algorithm); kmf.init(keyStore); SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null); URL url = new URL("https://www.example.com/"); HttpsURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setSSLSocketFactory(context.getSocketFactory()); InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream(); Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection.html Page 58 of 64 Appendix E Guidance for Bluetooth APIs This appendix guides how to establish a secure channel for Bluetooth in your source codes. Reference webpage: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/package-summary.html E.1 Android APIs for Bluetooth Android provides classes that manage Bluetooth functionality, such as scanning for devices, connecting with devices, and managing data transfer between devices. The Bluetooth API supports both "Classic Bluetooth" and Bluetooth Low Energy. The Bluetooth APIs let applications: • • • • • • • Scan for other Bluetooth devices (including BLE devices). Query the local Bluetooth adapter for paired Bluetooth devices. Establish RFCOMM channels/sockets. Connect to specified sockets on other devices. Transfer data to and from other devices. Communicate with BLE devices, such as proximity sensors, heart rate monitors, fitness devices, and so on. Act as a GATT client or a GATT server (BLE). BluetoothA2dp This class provides the public APIs to control the Bluetooth A2DP profile. BluetoothGatt Public API for the Bluetooth GATT Profile.BluetoothGattServer Public API for the Bluetooth GATT Profile server role. BluetoothHeadset Public API for controlling the Bluetooth Headset Service. BluetoothHealth Public API for Bluetooth Health Profile. BluetoothAdapter Represents the local device Bluetooth adapter. BluetoothDevice Represents a remote Bluetooth device. BluetoothManager High level manager used to obtain an instance of an BluetoothAdapter and to conduct overall Bluetooth Management. BluetoothServerSocket A listening Bluetooth socket. BluetoothSocket A connected or connecting Bluetooth socket. E.2 How to establish a secure channel for Bluetooth using Android API It describes how to establish a secure channel for Bluetooth with Android APIs. Example codes Start the bonding (pairing) process with the remote device. public boolean startPairing() { if (!mDevice.createBond()) { return false; } This is an asynchronous call, it will return immediately. Register for ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED intents to be notified when the bonding process completes, and its result. Android system services will handle the necessary user interactions to confirm and complete the bonding process. public SecureSocket createSocket() { Page 59 of 64 BluetoothSocket socket = null; try { socket = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID_SPP); } catch (IOException e) { ; } Use this socket only if an authenticated socket link is possible. Authentication refers to the authentication of the link key to prevent man-in-the-middle type of attacks. For example, for Bluetooth 2.1 devices, if any of the devices does not have an input and output capability or just has the ability to display a numeric key, a secure socket connection is not possible. E.3 How to interact with the BLE device via the Android BLE API Here is an example to interact with the BLE device via the Android BLE API. // A service that interacts with the BLE device via the Android BLE API. public class BluetoothLeService extends Service { private final static String TAG = BluetoothLeService.class.getSimpleName(); private BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager; private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; private String mBluetoothDeviceAddress; private BluetoothGatt mBluetoothGatt; private int mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; private static final int STATE_DISCONNECTED = 0; private static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 1; private static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 2; public final static String ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED = "com.example.bluetooth.le.ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED"; public final static String ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED = "com.example.bluetooth.le.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED"; public final static String ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED = "com.example.bluetooth.le.ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED"; public final static String ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE = "com.example.bluetooth.le.ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE"; public final static String EXTRA_DATA = "com.example.bluetooth.le.EXTRA_DATA"; public final static UUID UUID_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT = UUID.fromString(SampleGattAttributes.HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT); // Various callback methods defined by the BLE API. private final BluetoothGattCallback mGattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() { @Override public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) { String intentAction; if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) { intentAction = ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED; mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTED; Page 60 of 64 broadcastUpdate(intentAction); Log.i(TAG, "Connected to GATT server."); Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to start service discovery:" + mBluetoothGatt.discoverServices()); } else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) { intentAction = ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED; mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED; Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from GATT server."); broadcastUpdate(intentAction); } } @Override // New services discovered public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) { if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) { broadcastUpdate(ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED); } else { Log.w(TAG, "onServicesDiscovered received: " + status); } } @Override // Result of a characteristic read operation public void onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status) { if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) { broadcastUpdate(ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE, characteristic); } } ... }; ... } http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth-le.html E.4 How to establish a profile connection for Bluetooth using Android API It describes how to establish a profile connection for Bluetooth with Android APIs. Example codes You can connect device with each profile like as below. - profile.connect(mDevice) You can get the each profile proxy like as below API to handle each profiles. public boolean getProfileProxy(Context context, BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener listener, int profile) { if (context == null || listener == null) return false; Page 61 of 64 if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HEADSET) { BluetoothHeadset headset = new BluetoothHeadset(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.A2DP) { BluetoothA2dp a2dp = new BluetoothA2dp(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.A2DP_SINK) { BluetoothA2dpSink a2dpSink = new BluetoothA2dpSink(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.AVRCP_CONTROLLER) { BluetoothAvrcpController avrcp = new BluetoothAvrcpController(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.INPUT_DEVICE) { BluetoothInputDevice iDev = new BluetoothInputDevice(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.PAN) { BluetoothPan pan = new BluetoothPan(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.DUN) { BluetoothDun dun = new BluetoothDun(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HEALTH) { BluetoothHealth health = new BluetoothHealth(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.MAP) { BluetoothMap map = new BluetoothMap(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HEADSET_CLIENT) { BluetoothHeadsetClient headsetClient = new BluetoothHeadsetClient(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.SAP) { BluetoothSap sap = new BluetoothSap(context, listener); return true; } else if (profile == BluetoothProfile.HID_DEVICE) { BluetoothHidDevice hidd = new BluetoothHidDevice(context, listener); return true; } else { return false; } } Page 62 of 64 Appendix F Guidance for Access control to System services F.1 access control to system services Users can restrict applications access to sysem service in application install time. If users want to install an application from Android PlayStore, the users must accept all permissions for system services used by the application when the application is installed. Page 63 of 64 Page 64 of 64