November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010
N Noovveem mbbeerr 1199,, 220 0110 0 The Tauber Academy at Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center is accredited by AISF, SACS, and CITA, and is affiliated with The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education Grandparents are special people with wisdom and pride. They are always offering love and kindness and are always there to guide. They often make you feel so confident and strong. Their arms are always open no matter what you did wrong. They try to help out in every way that they can. They love all their grandchildren the same whether you're a child, woman or man. They are always there to listen and to lend a helping hand. They show you respect and they try to understand. They give their love, devotion and so much more, that's easy to see. Grandparents, what perfect examples of the kind of person that we should be. By Stacy Smith November 24th 12:00 p.m. Dismissal November 25th & 26th NO SCHOOL Special Needs Resources: It is common for children to achieve their developmental milestones at their own pace. They can be ahead in some areas of functioning and at the same time they may need further development in some of their other areas. Each child is unique and special in their abilities. They all need to be accepted and understood for who they are and deserve the opportunity to receive all the attention and support to become the best they can be. At times, parents may observe that their child is not progressing or learning as quickly as other children. At that moment, parents may experience multiple emotions in dealing with themselves and dealing with their child. This is the time when they still need to be the best advocate for their children and learn how to help them. There are many resources available to infants, toddlers and preschoolers with different abilities. When there is a concern about a child’s developmental progress, parents can arrange a free comprehensive screening that involves assessment of the following areas: physical, cognitive, communication, adaptive ability, social, emotional and self-help abilities. The screening will also identify necessary early intervention services. Under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) evaluations are provided at no cost to parents. They are funded by State and Federal monies. Parents can contact local resources such as FDLRS-services ages birth through 21(305-274-3501), Parent to Parent of Miami (305-271-9797), CCDH (305-596-1160) and Part-C Early Steps Program (305-243-5600). Early Intervention is an effective way to help children catch up or address specific developmental concerns as soon as possible. It enables a child with special needs to become self-sufficient, prevent a disability from becoming more severe, build on the child’s strengths and preserve the child‘s pride and selfesteem. Milagros “Millie” Huberman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and National Certified Counselor. She has a private practice in Aventura and Plantation. She conducts mental health counseling evaluations and psychotherapy in English and Spanish. Millie is also a Tauber mom and she has volunteered to share information on resources with anyone interested. She can be reached at (305) 562-9585 or e-mail: November 22nd Tofu Nuggets; Brown Rice; Black Beans; Fresh Fruit November 23rd Grilled Cheese Sandwich; Corn on the Cob; Fresh Fruit Plain Pasta offered as an alternate. Menu subject to change without notice. November 24th 12:00 p.m. Dismissal No Lunch November 25th & 26th NO SCHOOL Happy Thanksgiving Got ? We all shop for groceries, sometimes two or three times a week-or more! Now turn those shopping trips into easy cash for your school, and encourage friends to do the same! Just look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios, Kleenex and so much more in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and send them to school with your child- each one is worth 10 cents for your school! Visit to see the complete list of participating product. GREATER MIAMI JEWISH FEDERATION JEWISH VOLUNTEER CENTER presents SPONSORED BY: FORD MOTOR COMPANY Hosted by Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2010 5:00 – 7:00 PM Tauber Academy will leave a lasting impression on your little ones…. Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center Social Hall Join the Jewish Volunteer Center of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation on November 22nd as the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center prepares 1,800 Kosher servings of your favorite Thanksgiving side dishes for those in need of assistance this holiday season. Everything but the turkey will be delivered to Jewish families and to the Miami Rescue Mission. Jewish Volunteer Center Chair - Mark Kravitz Everything but the Turkey Chair - Tobi Ash North Dade Liaison - Jonathan Morse South Dade Liaison - Honorable Bronwyn Miller To RSVP or for additional information, please contact JVC Director, Lori Drutz, at 786.866.8414 or So let your little ones leave a lasting impression on Tauber Academy! It’s easy! Bring your child into the Tauber Art Studio located in the school office in order to create your tile. Handprints can be created on Fridays from 8:30am – 9:00am. 1 tile = $45 2 tiles = $85 3 tiles = $125 Call Natasha for further details 305-931-0010 Thank you to our fantastic Parent Network Volunteers for the amazing week of Book Fair activities!!! Jennifer Avidan Cindy Behar Tamara Fenster Diane Gleit Paula Holiday Miriam Karsh Lauren Koplowitz Holly Laor Seena Leiferman Lisa Lips Lori Norris Dana Nuchamovitz Harriet Mautner Ruth Schechter Anita Tallo Romin Wejcman Lisa Weiss Challahs will be available for purchase in the main lobby every Friday morning $4.00 each Pre-paid programs available by Semester or Full Year. Fill out order form below The Tauber Academy Parent Teacher Network has launched a Facebook Page to strengthen the connection between home and school. We will be posting information about upcoming events, fundraisers and enrichment programs. We encourage you to use the group's "wall" to make play dates, add suggestions or comments. Looking forward to a fun year filled with new friends and good times. . Our popular Friday Night Live service is held each Friday night at 6:30 p.m. This lively musical service, led by Rabbi Jonathan Berkun on guitar and Cantor David Muchnick on keyboards is the perfect way to begin Shabbat. It is usually followed by a Family Style Shabbat Dinner. Soon you will be receiving an "invitation" to join the group if you are interested. If you choose not to join, you can always refer to the Tauber Times for details about what the PTN is doing. Thank you. Dear Tauber Parents, All Are Welcome (Indich Auditorium) Baby University/Toddlers 9:30am Upper Toddlers/Nursery 10:30am Pre- K/ Kindergarten 11:30am Rooms 107, 108, 109, 110 Rooms 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Rooms 201, 204, 205, 206 Your children will decorate cupcakes in their classroom and present them in our Mini Iron Chef Competition in Indich Auditorium. T h e T au b e r A c ad e m y Spring 2011 After-School Enrichment Program 3:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. Day of week Class Mondays Jan 24 - May 23 (15 classes) 3:30 - 4:30 Science Tuesdays Jan 25 – May 24 (16 classes) 3:30 - 4:30 Arts & Crafts Wednesday Jan 26 – May 26 (16 classes) 3:30 - 4:30 Spanish (No Class on April 27th) Friday Jan 28 – May 27 (15 classes) 2:30 - 3:30 Cooking Grades Cost Total Cost Materials Pre-KKindergarten 300.00 10.00 310.00 Nursery- Pre-K 300.00 20.00 320.00 Pre-K – Kindergarten 300.00 NurseryKindergarten 300.00 300.00 10.00 310.00 Child’s Name: __________________________________ Teacher: ___________ Please check the classes of your choice and enter the total amount due in the space provided below. Science Arts & Crafts Spanish Cooking - $310.00 $320.00 $300.00 $310.00 = = = = TOTAL DUE: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ My child will attend “after-care” upon completion of enrichment class (additional fee applies). ___ I will pick up my child by 4:30pm and avoid an additional fee for “after-care”. _______ I, the undersigned, agree to the policies of The Tauber Academy After-School Enrichment Program PARENT/GUARDIAN_____________________________________ DATE: _________________ Parent phone #s: ________________________________________________________________
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