AGM Presentation.pptx
AGM Presentation.pptx
62ND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2009 HALIFAX MARRIOTT HARBOURFRONT :3 ;3 <3 =3 AGENDA #&&6 #! $$&#- #;99A5;99B!",(' ,'"''&'"&#!!",(' #!!+$#&('2 :3 !&'$ ;3 &)"6#!!,")#"' <3 $#&( =3 #-&"!"(&' >3 &',&&4'$#&( ?3 $$#"(!"(#&"", "" -. @3 &#$#',(#&;99B5;9:9 A3 /."' 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REPORT OF THE SCRUTINIZER Costa confirmed that there were enough members in attendance to constitute a quorum. (5% of the membership) APPROVAL OF PAST MINUTES (FROM AGM NOVEMBER 21, 2007) Costa drew everyone’s attention to the previous meeting’s minutes, which could be found in the meeting kits. He allowed time for minutes to be reviewed and then asked if there were any questions to be tabled. When there were none, he asked for a motion from the floor to approve the minutes as circulated. Tanya Braine so moved, Michael Howell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES 2008 COMMITTEE REPORTS MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS REPORT Presented by: Katie Reid GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT Presented by: Tanya Braine, Vice President MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Presented by: Katie Reid APRA REPORT Presented by: Danny Hewitt AWARDS Presented by: Gordon Stewart FINANCIAL/TREASURERS REPORT Chris Smith presented the audited financial statements and the treasurer’s report. Chris drew everyone’s attention to the auditor’s report in the meeting kit. NOMINATION FOR NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Presented by: Costa Elles MINUTES 2008 2008-2009 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL REPORT HIGHLIGHTS INCOME Net increase: fundraising/sponsorship EXPENSES •+60,000 •increased costs, additional staff LIABILITIES More money up front OBJECTIVES •Break even this year •Chris asked if there were any questions arising from the Treasurer’s Report and financial statements. •Chris Smith noted that the Proposed Budget would reviewed at the first meeting of the 2009 Board of Directors. Budget approved: Joe McGuinness & Michael Howell 2nd. Chris asked for a motion from the floor to appoint McMullin and Associates as the Association’s Accountant. Linda Mombourquette so moved, Joe Figliomeni seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES 2008 ELECTION OF THE 2008/2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Danny Hewitt drew everyone’s attention to the list of proposed Board of Directors in the meeting kits, and began by reading the names of those nominated. •'+,$$+;(71&7* 4$7'+"< •'0"&&++;0*,4$$49+< •"&'%'0*)0/;%*"& 3(*++< •&&40* ++;< •0+&&;&+*"1,* &&< •!*"+-&'2*;''&'< •!*"+%",!;%"+'&9+ *"+!'0+= *"$$< •*"&%*,;0"&49+< •&4*"&;&%*#'+(",$",4 *'0(< •&&:*"!"%'2"5;*,'++"*'0(< •"!$'2$$;%(+,+,0*&,< •"$$*/;++'"-'&'!+=''#+< •"!$"$$;*"-%1* = $'!'$++'8< •&&&*;&"&++'"-'&' '%%$"*+:,$&-!(,*< •'&" $"'%&";'9+*!'0+< •"!*,1&+;' 0'< •'&'";$$ !*%*,*'0(< •*40"+;*'&'&&'**'0(< •*'2&;''$'/$"& *'0(< •&&42"/;0%(**+= &&'1-1 1* +< •*20*$/;*%"*"&+=("*",+< '0"&&+++#'*&'%"&-'&+*'%,!''*'*,!'*' "*,'*+8'%"&,,',!30-12+&&:*"!"%'2"5 ;>+,&&42"/7?&!*"+%",!<7"!$'2$$;>+,"& '%'0*)0/7?&0+&&<='&" $"'%&";>+,&&40* ++7 ?&&4*"&< MINUTES 2008 EXECUTIVE BOARD Joe continued by reading the names of the slate of officers nominated to sit on the Executive Committee. He reminded everyone that individuals nominated must already be elected to the Board of Directors. President: Costa Elles (Opa, Seven, Argyle, Mosaic) Past President: Joe McGuinness (Chocolate Lake Hotel) Vice President/Treasurer: Chris Smith (Jamieson’s Irish House & Grill) Vice President: Anna-Maria Jachimowicz, (Bertossi Group) Michael Howell, (Tempest) Jon Figliomeni, (Joe’s Warehouse) Joe asked for additional nominations from the floor for each office of the Executive Committee. He repeated the call for nominations for each position. When there were none, he read the list of the proposed slate of officers. Joe asked for a motion to elect the Executive Board Members as read, Chris Smith so moved. Dan Tanner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Costa recognizes the volunteers and their work with the committees MINUTES NEW BUSINESS Chris Smith suggested reducing paper / handouts for 2009 meeting Costa seconds motion Moved – 2009 no paper for meeting. 2008 MEETING ADJOURNED BUSINESS ARISING FR M MINUTES REP RTS Membership Committee M E M B E R S H I P Committee Members # * $ $# ' !! # ! $! ) %" ! "+%!)$! &$ #) !, "! ") " ! " (!)",!" "& ") (!"!() !!$") M E M B E R S H I P Accomplishments Solicited and obtained 21 new members (13 Restaurants; 8 Suppliers) Redesigned and launched Completed a new Membership Benefits Package Various meetings with Suppliers held to discuss new benefits (Precision Atlantic, Borderless Solutions, Group Health) Updated policy on late payments Wrote-off approximately $10,000 in Bad Debt for Memberships M E M B E R S H I P New Benefits 2009-10 Chase Paymentech Visa/Mastercard Structure Precision Atlantic printing discount Chronicle Herald Member Rate Doers & Dreamers Guide expansion Attend Catch Seafood Festival M E M B E R S H I P Targets for 2009-10 Encourage and support voice from Associate Members/Suppliers Complete Benefits Review and establish Benefits Section online Update internal and commercial databases o Internal: Additional Contact Names • Credit Card Processor • Month to be Invoiced • Previous or Prior Board Member o Commercial: Take out • Rating System • Seating Capacity • Sommelier on staff • Reviews M E M B E R S H I P Targets for 2009-10 Enhance Membership Due Process o Set up Recurring Billing o Provide Payment Incentives o Adhere to 60 Day Bylaw Rule o Modify Billing for Seasonal Establishments Create an Events Calendar Marketing and Communications MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Committee Members !( ! $' %%' "' !$#%## #"!*'+ ,$!*'$+) MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Marketing Projects WEBSITE we under took a review of items to be changed installed a new upgrade for still requires some changes MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Marketing Projects Dining Out repositioned the guide book and re named Dining Out,’s guide to where to eat in Nova Scotia did a 3 year RFP for publishing (Holiday Media) added a contest to cross-market with the website the bluenose experience we reached our financial goal for the project increased copies to 90,000 increased distribution in province printed the guide book on echo friendly paper Primary sponsors of guide book were American Express & NSLC MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Marketing Projects Others items added several new pop up banners to our inventory for events & meetings created a new savour plate & an etched wine taster for events have increased our exposure in the Doers & Dreamers guide received a Niche Marketing Project for Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage will produce up to 35 vignettes (2-5 minutes in length) to run on and other associated websites vignettes will include all areas of the province and have a restaurant focus MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Communications Projects press releases & interviews did 10 press releases in 2008-09 on a variety of subjects did 21 interviews with (TV, radio and print media) several articles for restaurant news & other publications a briefing paper on tip differential a paper for H1N1 tips on how assist restaurants on items there should do in a pandemic situation MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS 2009-2010 Targets Agenda items for 2009-2010 review of and suggest changes review of website support services redesign of our sponsorships program ongoing communications activities revise the communications/media data base MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work ! )((* ! % %$ % % &!'% "! &'% MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work SEAFOOD COOKBOOK ! MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work using One of the greatest benefits of your membership w i t h RANS is inclusion on the website. One of the top 10 food and drink websites in Canada, gives you the opportunity to not only list your restaurant, but notify customers of specials, events and more. With your RANS membership, you are given an online account that gives you access to the backend of both the and eDining. ca websites. Contact us if you don’t have yours! On RANS.CA you will find an area in the left-hand menu called MEMBERS LOGIN. Type in your username and password and you will be directed to the members section. There you will have access to a new menu that lets you edit your online restaurant profile, event listings, recipes, articles and information on specials to You can also find information on RANS, like the organization’s constitution, budget, committees and contact information, as well as industry information like job postings, education opportunities, special offers and a supplier directory. The “Account” section, shown here, manages your eDining profile. Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 1161 Hollis Street, Suite 5 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2P6 (2nd floor of the VIA Train Station) Phone 902.429.5343 President Costa Elles Executive Director Gordon Stewart Association Administrator Chrystal Risley Toll Free 1.800.665.3463 Fax 902.429.0659 what your membership means to you. Newsletters Melissa Buote Taking place rain or shine at Glen Arbour Golf Course in Hammonds Plains, NS, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2009, this year’s annual RANS Golf Tournament brings together RANS members for a day of fun that is anthing but par for the course. Selling out every year, this tournament offers fun, prizes and even the opportunity to shoot for $1,000,000 from American Express. There’s dinner, awards, trophies, and best of all — no speeches. Buy your tickets today at: OUR NEWSLETTERS RANS also has two newsletters. BITE is an industry newsletter that covers issues that are of vital importance to the RANS membership. THE SPREAD is a newsletter that focuses on the region’s culinary scene, as is targeted at foodies everywhere. SIGN UP FOR BITE AT WWW.RANS.CA SIGN UP FOR THE SPREAD AT WWW.EDINING.CA MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Representing the interests of owners, operators and employees in the foodservice sector, RANS has a growing group of benefits & services that will support employee retention, give industrywide exposure and increase the bottom line of restaurants with key benefits & services that include: Free Listing on our website Free listing in Dining Out, our definitive guide to restaurants Consumers on-line resource for up to date listings of Nova Scotia’s top eating establishments RANS e-newsletter with all the current news, tips, events and research delivered to you, 12 times + per year Advocacy of sector-wide issues and concerns to government and media and development of marketing and partnership projects to boost industry profile Discounted interest rates and credit card processing from Chase Paymentech Access to special rates for group health benefits, personal indurance and commercial insurance Discounted advertising rates in the Chronicle Herald A free pass to the ApEx Trade Show, Atlantic Canada’s largest foodservice & hospitality trade show As always, RANS will work with industry partners and sponsors to help maintain and promote the best food and beverage scene in the culinary world, which is right here in Nova Scotia! ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We are excited to announce that due to the overwhelming success of last year, once again this year’s AGM is going green! Like any responsible business, RANS recognizes the need to ensure we do as much as we can to operate in an efficient and environmentally conscious manner. We have taken on a number of initiatives throughout the year to employ greener efforts in our operations, and to encourage others to do so. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009, the RANS AGM will take place at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel in Halifax. This year we are taking a new approach, and our AGM will also be an awards banquet for the restaurant industry. We are looking for nominations and sponsorship for our awards, so if you are interested in being recognized for an outstanding year or if you want to help recognize your peers for their excellence, please get in touch with Gordon Stewart at or 902429-5343, ext 3. Nomination forms are online at The Awards: Taking place every February, Savour Food & Wine lets you Get up close and personal with some of Nova Scotia’s finest Executive Chefs, Sommeliers and Restaurateurs! Learn some brand new cooking techniques, taste local, luxurious wines and discover the fresh and innovative culinary terrain of Nova Scotia as you stroll down the famous streets of Savour, sipping & tasting your way through this mouth-watering evening of decadence! Hall of Fame Award (sponsored by RANS) Appreciation Award (sponsored by RANS) Green Restaurant Award Best Restaurant Award Best Design/Décor Award Best Wine/Beverage Menu Award Best Supplier Award (sponsored by RANS) MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES! Get your listing on and in Dining Out, our annual guide of where to eat in Nova Scotia. Member dues must be up-todate and fully paid in order to take advantage of these great, free marketing opportunities! One of the highlights of the Savour Food and Wine Festival is the Dine Out Nova Scotia Program. The Dine Out program has also been extended to take place in June of every year. Restaurants participating in the Dine Out program create a multi-course prix fixe meal at one of three set price points, to encourage both regulars and newcomers to their establishments to try some of the best staples or new creations the restaurant has to offer. RANS promotes Dine Out by publishing menus and restaurant info on and taking out print ads with restaurant info. RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA RANS’s number one priority is the promotion of The Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia (RANS) is a non-profit association that seeks to improve the operating environment of the restaurant and food service industry in Nova Scotia. Through government advocacy, marketing and promotion, education and outreach, RANS has successfully represented the food and beverage sector since 1947. The premier culinary source for food and drink in Atlantic Canada and one of the top 10 restaurant information websites in Canada, offers information on local restaurants, recipes, articles, employment opportunities and more. By presenting hallmark events like Savour Food & Wine and Dine Out, RANS is ensuring Nova Scotia remains at the forefront of culinary excellence. Both Savour Food & Wine and Dine Out have brought success to the Nova Scotia foodservice sector at what is traditionally a difficult time of year for sales. 6=(#*6;0(5:,4736@,+05 ;/,-66+),=,9(.,:,*;69 6-;/,.96::05*64,6-(-66+ :,9=0*,67,9(;0650:;0,++09,*;3@;6 >(.,: =,96-9,=,5<,:.6,:+0 9,*;3@;6>(.,: 5*9,(:,:0540504<4>(., 05*9,(:,:6;/,9*6:;:%!! 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We want to make you aware of the top issues effect our sector and the foodservice business in your constituency. Please take a moment to get familiar (more detail info is available on line) and let us know how you would support our sector. We would be more than glad to meet with you and other members of your party to discuss in more detail. %5+,9(.,+905205.(5+;/,<:,6-(2, :;6796*<9,(3*6/630:(504769;(5; :6*0(30::<,;/(;"#),30,=,: ;/,796=05*,5,,+:;6(++9,:: 6>,=,9"#;(2,:0::<, >0;/;/,3*6/63(5+(405. 0=0:0656-6=(#*6;0(()6<9 (5+'692-69*,,=,3674,5; (5+;/,09<:,6-:<:7,5:065 6-30*,5:,,:(:7<50:/4,5; >/,5,5-69*05.;/,308<69 *65;9639,.<3(;065: The restaurant sector is not only weathering the tough economic times like all other business but we are also burden with some of our own government’s regulations and price increases (i.e. in 2009 prices increase in alcoholic beverage, price increases for licenses and another price increase minimum wage). Lower sales and increases from our own government makes our industry’s even more challenges. :<7769;"#B76:0;06565>/63,:(3,(3*6/63790*05.-699,:;(<9(5;: 66+,=,9(.,6:;: #(3(90,:'(.,: !9,$(?!96; +=,9;0:05.!9646;065: ",5;(3,(:05. ,79,*0(;065 %;030;0,:$,3,7/65, ",7(09(05;,5(5*, ;/,9?7,5:,: :<7769;"#B76:0;06565;07+0--,9,5;0(3: PLACE STAMP HERE WHAT BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY EMPLOYS MORE THAN 30,000 NOVA SCOTIANS? RANS represents industry suppliers and operators, and consists of approximately 1,550 operations with over 33,000 employees in the province of Nova Scotia. !3,(:,-0336<;;/0::/69;:<9=,@(5+:,5+0;;6<::6>,*(5.,;(50+,(6->/,9,@6<:;(5+650::<,:-(*05.;/,# -66+:,9=0*,:,*;69',(779,*0(;,@6<905;,9,:;05(5+*6440;4,5;;6@6<9*65:;0;<,5;: RESTAURANT ASSOCIATON OF NOVA SCOTIA 1161 HOLLIS STREET, SUITE 5 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA B3H 2P6 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work TOURNAMENT #31 GLEN ARBOUR 06 OCTOBER 2009 31ST ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Sysco’s support is a “good thing” Sysco’s ongoing sponsorship of the Tournament is appreciated Welcome the 2009 Thank You RANS thanks all of our wonderful partners, sponsors, donors and participants for another wonderful year on the golf course. Thank you for your cotinuing support today and throughout the year. An extra special thank you goes out to our golf tournament partner, Sysco, for their ongoing support of this wonderful event. We hope to see you again next month at the RANS Annual General Meeting on November 12, 2009, at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront. HOLE SPONSORS HOLE 1 HOLE 2 55 HOLE 4 PM HOLE 5 HOLE 3 $55 QUAT HOLE 6 Don’t Miss The RANS AGM POP! More than just par for the course EVENTS 12 November 2009 The Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia is proud to welcome back Sysco as the presenting sponsor for the 31st Annual RANS Golf Tournament. SYSCO has shown unwavering supoprt for all of RANS’s initiatives throughout the years, and continues to be a positive force Don’t miss your chance to win with our balloon pops. Only $20. for the Association and cornerstone of the foodservice industry in Nova Scotia. HOLE 7 HOLE 8 HOLE 10 HOLE 11 HOLE 9 “We are so pleased to continue working side by side with Sysco and build on the support network they help provide year after year,” said Costa Elles, RANS President. “Sysco is always there when we need them.” Glen Arbour continues to be ideal venue for the Annual Golf Tournament The 31st invitational golf tournament is back in Hammonds Plains this year, with RANS members happily getting ready to tee off at Glen Arbour Golf Course. 2009 is the second year the tournament has taken place at Glen Arbour and RANS could not be happier about it. “Glen Arbour is a beautiful location for our golf tournament, so we couldn’t be happier to continue on with our relationship with them,” said Gordon Stewart, Executive Director of RANS. We hope everybody ejoys their day playing the championship ad executive courses! HOLE 12 Restaurant Awards If you didn’t win a trophy today at the golf tournament, there’s still time to take home some gold for your restaurant or supplier business this year. The Nova Scotia Restaurant Awards are taking place on November 12, 2009, after the RANS AGM. You can nominate your establishment by visiting WWW.RANS.CA. HOLE 13 HOLE 16 HOLE 14 HOLE 15 HOLE 17 HOLE 18 Where to Find Our On-Course HOLE 14 HOLE 2 hole-in-one competition for a car longest drive (women) win a prize if you can drive a marshmallow $1,000,000 hole in one Take a small chance to possibly win some big money Once again, American Express is giving you the chance of a lifetime -- win $1,000,000 in their fantastic hole-in-one challenge! HOLE 7 hole-in-one competition for a Victory Motorcycle HOLE 18 longest drive (men) Where to Find Our On-Course BBQ Players who have a valid American Express Card, or whose businesses accept AMEX are eligible to take one shot at the AMEX holein-one after regular play is finished on the 18th hole. A witness will be placed at the tee -- 165 yards out for men and 150 yads for women -- and another witness will be at the pin, videotaping the excitement. “It’s a step-right-up-and-swing event,” says Linda Mombourquette, AMEX Eastern Region Client Manager for Canada. There are, after all, no mulligans or practice shots. “But who knows? Somebody may get lucky this year!” Register for the AMEX hole-in-one challenge at the reception desk. Breakfast of champions Bishop’s Cellar provides morning mimosas for all! HOLE 4 HOLE 15 Don’t forget you can purchase MULLIGANS keep your perfect ball rolling for only $10 available at the registration desk Start your game off with style by enjoying a mimosa courtesy of Bishop’s Cellar. And keep your energy up with some of the wonderful muffins being supplied by Glen Arbour and the delicious Mother Parker’s coffee. Thank you to all of our food sponsors for helping out this year! Let’s Make a Toast Franklin Imports & Andrew Peller bring the wine If you find yourself at the putting competition, take the time to enjoy a tipple thanks to Andrew Peller’s wine sponsorship. And make sure to raise your glass to Franklin Imports at dinner, as the wine you’ll be enjoying with your chicken & ribs is all thanks to them. Find this information and details about all RANS initiatives at MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Examples of Our Work ! ! ! " About the Association APRA #)" # (#"" ## "# &&$!" " $#%$ APRA #&%$#%$#& %$* %&$#%% # $* %#%%#% $ +-% %+##%%' #) "%* APRA #"" ##$%'%( o o ##" ## #) $# "%$$"$ ""%%"# $"""% Government Affairs AFFAIRS GOV’T Committee Members Tanya Braine, Landmark Hospitality (former Chair) Richard Stevens, Pogue Fado (Chair) Costa Ellis, Opa Taverna Michael Howell, Tempest Shannon Bhrum, RCR Gary Muise, Grafton Connor Group Gordon Stewart, RANS AFFAIRS GOV’T How We Work… $ ! ! ! ! # " AFFAIRS GOV’T 08/09 Committee Activity #"+(!)"'-(# '2 #,&"!"(&'/(#$( $ """'''#"2 (-( . 43&/&2 &"!)"-($+(/ &&( #" 2 ("&(&$)#"-("- '5,"62 &4 )#"%+')#""&#""+'(&/''+(# "('2 &''"!"(&,-'#""+!&#'+('2 #"+ &,-2&3&0"# "''7+&" "&)#"&,-'2 $&'"( "''7(#",&#+'''+'2 #&(4(&!-"".("#+&'#" AFFAIRS GOV’T Tactic/Priorities and 2010 Strategy Opening of Liqour Control Act, Wholesale pricing for licensees, Minimum wage and tip differential, Mayor’s committee on downtown safety, Urban transportation issues, AGD inspections/ID issues, Credit card company debit card issue, AGD position re: police endorsement - extended hour/s, establish a productive relationship with our new provincial gov’t, Focus on calling on elected officials, Invited to present to the provincial caucus, Treasurer’s Report PROPOSED BUDGET Draft Budget 2009-2010 Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Working Paper actual 2009 budget 2010 56,415 63,165 (30 net members) 14,758 16,000 48,095 69,923 11,091 14,000 181 32,000 70,000 3,900 66,000 200 214,463 251,265 Revenue Membership Marketing Revenue GUIDE, WEBSITE Fundraising Events GOLF, AGM, SAVOUR GENERAL SPONSORSHIP APRA PROJECT MGT APRA INVESTMENTS AND INTEREST INCOME Revenue total Expenses PROFESSIONAL FEES WEBSITES BAD DEBTS FINANCE CHARGES DONATIONS MEETINGS AND PLANNING SESSIONS MEALS AND TRAVEL INTERNET AND TELEPHONE GENERAL OFFICE INSURANCE PROMO/ADVERTISING RENT & OCCUPANCY TAXES CONTRACTS, WAGES & BENEFITS Committees GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS MEMBERSHIP MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS SOCIAL & EVENTS EDUCATION & TRAINING 6,425 2,250 14,165 4,547 100 4,428 4,646 2,704 10,429 1,891 9,793 14,601 142,742 6,000 4,000 10,000 5,500 100 4,000 4,000 3,000 13,000 1,900 11,000 16,000 160,000 319 0 0 0 0 4,000 2,500 2,500 4,500 1,000 Expense total 219,040 253,000 SURPLUS/-DEFICIT -4,577 -1,735 Proposed Budget for 2009-2010 final approval new Board of Directors BY-LAW CHANGES By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia By-laws of Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:06 PM Deleted: November 2005 Proposed Revision September 2009 Revised October 2009 1/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Article 1: Classes of Membership 1A Membership 1. There shall be seven classes of membership in the Association which are as follows: (a) Regular Membership - Available to owners, partners, proprietors, executives, corporate officers and/or managers having administrative duties and responsibilities and discretionary authority respecting the preparation and/or service of food and/or beverage at an operation. (b) Seasonal Membership - Available as in 1. above but only respecting an operation not open for more than six months of every year. Membership fees are reduced for Seasonal Members. (c) Additional Membership - Available as in 1. Above (up to 40 members) but only respecting additional operations of a Regular or Seasonal Member. Membership fees are reduced for Additional Members. (d) Associate Membership - Available to manufacturers, processors and/or suppliers of industry-related commodities or suppliers of industry-related services. (e) Educational Membership - Available to instructors or students in industry-related government departments, colleges, universities or trade schools or industry-related consultants or foundations. (f) Honourary Life Membership - Available to persons who are not currently active in the affairs of the Association but have performed some distinguished service to the Association or the food and beverage community. Such persons may be elected as Honourary Life Members by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors and if so elected, shall be exempt from paying membership fees and dues and shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership in the Association with the exception of voting and holding office. (g) Franchise Membership -Available to owners, partners, proprietors, staff of franchise operations involved in the preparation and/or the service of food and/or beverage in an operation. 2. The Executive shall have the power and authority to create additional classes of membership in the Association. Revised October 2009 2/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 1B Application for Membership 1. Application for membership shall be made by submitting to the Executive an application in the form approved by the Executive and issued by the Association. The Executive shall consider and accept or reject each application submitted to it. Until an application is accepted by the Executive and the payment of the membership fee is paid in full to the Association, membership in the Association is not granted and the benefits and privileges of membership do not arise. 2. The basis of membership, eligibility for membership, membership fees and annual dues shall be determined by the Executive. Membership fees can be waived or reduced by the Board, the Executive, the President or the Executive Director. 3. Each membership shall be entitled to and shall appoint one member of record. 4. A welcome letter and information on all benefits and privileges of membership should be sent to all new members. 1C Withdrawal from and Termination & Suspension of Membership 1. Subject to Subsection 3 of this Section 1C, the Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to suspend a member for such period as it deems reasonable or to expel a member if: (a) such member is in arrears in payment of his or her annual dues for greater than sixty days; or (b) in the opinion of the Board, such member is or could be detrimental to the Association. 2. The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to lift the suspension of a member who has been suspended or to reinstate a member who has been expelled upon such terms and conditions as it determines appropriate. 3. A membership may be terminated at any time for any reason upon a resolution authorizing same being passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Board of Directors. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:39 PM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:39 PM Deleted: 4. A member may withdraw from the Association upon delivering written notice thereof to the Association. A member will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Association in the event of failure to pay annual dues or any other due, fee, levy or amount required by the Association, or any portion thereof, within sixty days of the due date. Revised October 2009 3/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 5. A member shall, upon ceasing to be a member of the Association for any reason, forfeit all benefits and privileges of membership and all rights arising out of membership, including any rights to the property and funds of the Association, and discharge and release the Association and its property and funds from any actions, claims and demands. 6. A letter of suspension, expulsion or termination shall be official notice of the suspension, expulsion or termination of a membership and shall be forwarded by ordinary mail to the last known address of the member who has been suspended or expelled or whose membership has been terminated. 7. A letter should be sent to all benefit providers advising of a cessation of membership. Article 2: Board of Directors 2A Number The Board of Directors shall be made up of not less than five and not more than twenty members. 2B Eligibility No person shall be nominated, elected or act as a Director unless he or she is a member in good standing. The total number of Associate and Educational Members on the Board of Directors shall not exceed forty percent of the Board. 2C Election of Directors 1. The election of Directors shall take place at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. 2. Only those members in good standing present or represented by proxy at a General Meeting shall be entitled to vote for the election of Directors at a General Meeting. 3. One vote for each candidate for Director shall be held. Each candidate for Director shall obtain a majority of all votes cast by members entitled to vote at a General Meeting. Should more than twenty-four candidates for director obtain a majority of all votes cast by members entitled to vote at a General Meeting, the twenty-four candidates who obtained the most votes shall hold the positions. 4. Each director elected shall be elected for a two-year term and upon the expiry of such term, shall be eligible for re-election. Revised October 2009 4/19 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:21 AM Deleted: e me Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:21 AM Deleted: -fiv By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 5. Upon the expiry or termination of a President's term, he or she, who will be known as the Past President, shall be a Director for a term equal in duration to that of the President. 6. If an immediate Past President is unable or unwilling to act as a Director, the Board of Directors may appoint a prior Past President to so act. 2D Duties & Responsibilities 1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors. 2. The Board of Directors shall advise and instruct the Executive Director and other key staff and shall receive and consider reports from the Executive Director and other key staff 3. The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to formulate policy with respect to any and every matter involving or touching upon interests of the Association and to do all such things as in their opinion may be necessary or expedient to carry out effectively the objectives of the Association and in particular, the Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to: (a) prohibit any act or practice by a member which, in the opinion of the Board, is or could be detrimental to the interests of the industry, and to deal with any such member disregarding any such prohibition in such manner as it may deem proper; (b) approve all decisions made by the Nominations Committee as to the eligibility of a person nominated for or elected as a Director c) Make, repeal or amend any and all regulations which they may deem expedient for the internal management and well being of the Association. All regulations made by the Board under this rule shall be binding upon the Association and its members until repealed by the Board or by a resolution passed by the members at a General Meeting; Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:36 AM Deleted: Committee Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:33 AM Deleted: Executive Committee. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:35 AM Deleted: n Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:35 AM Deleted: Officer or Director; ( Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:41 PM Deleted: m Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM (d) Borrow money pursuant to a resolution passed by the members at a General Meeting authorizing the Board to borrow money for a specified purpose, in a specified amount and at a specified interest rate. The power granted to the Board hereunder shall only be effective until the next Annual General Meeting. Deleted: borrow Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:41 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:39 AM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:38 AM (e) Levy a special assessment for any purpose whatsoever pursuant to a resolution passed by the members at a General Meeting. Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:41 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM (f) Determine and collect membership fees and annual dues. Deleted: levy Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: determine Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:41 PM Deleted: ; Revised October 2009 5/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia (g) By resolution authorize the President and at least one other officer or the Executive Director to sign, accept, draw and endorse on behalf of and in the name of the Association cheques, promissory notes and bills of exchange and generally, conduct the banking business of the Association. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: b Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: promissary (h) Authorize expenses for attendance at meetings for the transaction of business by the Officers of the Association provided these expenses have been approved in the annual budget. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: authorize (i) hire an Executive Director, an Administrative Assistant and any other employee as it determines necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Association; or, if appropriate, authorize key staff to make hiring decisions on a case by case basis. (j) Examine and approve the current financial statements at each regularly called meeting of the Board. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: e (k) authorize the participation of the President at industry related functions and if the President is unable to attend such a function, authorize the participation of an alternate representative. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:42 PM Deleted: ; 2E Vacancies In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, the Board may, so long as a quorum remains, appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the balance remaining of the vacant Director's term. 2F Attendance Requirement Any elected member who does not attend any two meetings (without just cause and notification) of the Board of Directors during his or her term may be asked by the Executuve Committee to resign from his or her position and upon being so asked, shall deliver his or her resignation to the Board. The Board may elect or appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the balance of the term. Deleted: A Chairperson, Officer or Director 2G Appeal Subject to the following, all decisions of the Board of Directors shall be upheld. Any member of the Association may appeal a decision of the Board to the Association to be decided upon by the Association at its next General Meeting provided that written notice of the appeal is delivered to the President within thirty days from the date of the decision to be appealed. Deleted: complied Revised October 2009 6/19 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:45 AM Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:46 AM Deleted: Board Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:47 AM Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:47 AM Deleted: with By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Article 3: Officers & Executive Committee 3A Eligibility No person shall be appointed an Officer unless he or she is a member in good standing. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:51 AM Deleted: Director 3B Election of Officers 1. The election of Officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting of a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. 2. Only those members in good standing present or represented by proxy at a General Meeting shall be entitled to vote for the election of Officers at a General Meeting. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:52 AM 3. Candidates for the offices of President, Senior Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer shall obtain a majority of all votes cast by members at the General Meeting entitled to vote. If a candidate for one of these offices does not receive a majority of all such votes cast, then the candidate for that position who received the least number of votes shall be excluded and another vote shall be taken. This procedure shall continue until the position is filled. Candidates shall be voted on separately by the showing of voting cards. Deleted: (s) Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:51 AM Deleted: and Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:51 AM Deleted: / Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:53 AM Deleted: s and the Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:53 AM Deleted: / 4. The President shall be elected for a two-year term and shall be eligible for re-election up to two additional terms. Senior Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall continue to hold office until their successors are elected and shall be eligible for reelection. 3C Executive 1. Unless otherwise provided herein, the affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive comprised of the President, Senior Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the immediate Past President. The Executive Director is an ex-officio member of the Executive. 2. Any question arising at a meeting of the Executive shall be decided upon by a majority of the votes cast. 3. . The Executive shall report to the Board of Directors at each Board meeting. In reporting, the Executive shall provide the Board with a summary of the affairs of the Association and at the Annual General Meeting a copy of the Financial Statements of the Association for the preceding fiscal year. 4. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for managing the affairs of the association.. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:53 AM Deleted: (s), the Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:53 AM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:53 AM Deleted: / Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:37 AM Deleted: The Executive shall meet at least four times a year. Meetings of the Executive shall be called by the President, a Vice-President or a quorum of the Executive and shall be held on a date and at a time and location in Nova Scotia designated by the person or persons so calling the meeting. 4. A minimum of seven days notice in writing of any meeting of the Executive shall be given by prepaid post, fax or e-mail to each member of the Executive at his or her last known address appearing in the books of the Association. Subject to Subsection 5G 4., any meeting of the Executive, except as it may relate to the passing of any extraordinary resolution, may be held without notice if a majority of the members of the Executive are present or if those not present waive notice thereof either before or after the meeting. 5 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:37 AM Deleted: 6. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:57 AM Deleted: The Board of Directors will provide guidelines and direction to the Executive Committee Revised October 2009 7/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 3D Vacancies In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Executive, the Executive may, so long as a quorum remains, appoint a Director to fill the vacancy for the balance remaining of the vacant Executive's term. 3E Officers 1. The Executive shall determine the terms of remuneration of the Officers, if any for expenses incurred, Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:58 AM The Executive will also determine the terms of employment and remuneration of employees of the Association, including, but not limited to an Executive Director and an Administrative Assistant. Deleted: Executive Director and Administrative Assistant Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:59 AM Deleted: and 2. President The President shall: (a) Chair the meetings of the Association and perform all the usual and customary duties of President. If the President is unable to attend any meetings of the Association, he or she shall notify the Senior Vice-President, who will chair the meeting in the President’s absence, and the Executive Director; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: chair Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:00 AM Deleted: (s) (b) Provide guidance and direction to the Executive Director respecting, amongst other things, the policies approved by the Board of Directors; Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:01 AM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM (c) Execute all agreements, contracts and documents in the name of the Association when authorized to do so by the Board of Directors; Deleted: provide (d) Be a member ex-officio of all Committees of the Association and with the approval of the Board of Directors, establish special committees and appoint the members and the Chairperson thereof as is deemed advisable. Deleted: execute Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:02 AM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM (e) Use his or her best efforts to inform himself or herself of the opinions of the Directors in regard to current policies of the Association and therefore be qualified to speak for and represent the entire membership. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: be Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:44 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: use (f) Sit on the Atlantic Provinces Restaurants Associations, APRA, Board of Directors and represent the interest of the Board of Directors of the Association thereon or designate an elected member of the Board of Directors to represent the Association on his behalf and report monthly to the RANS Board of Directors; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: sit Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:03 AM Deleted: Revised October 2009 8/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia (g) With the consent of the Board of Directors, represent the Association at industry related functions and if the President is unable to attend any such function, the Board may appoint an alternate representative. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: w Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:06 AM (h) Obtain approval of the Executive for any unforeseen expenditures. (i) Conduct a performance appraisal of all senior employees of the Association at least once a year. Deleted: present a formally written budget and agenda two months prior to a function for approval by the Board of Directors; (i) obtain Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: ; Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM 3. Senior Vice President Deleted: ; and Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:06 AM a) The Senior Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in his or her absence and such other assignments, duties and responsibilities as the President may request from time to time. Deleted: j b) He or she shall notify nominees of their appointment to committees on behalf of the Association. Deleted: (s) Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:45 PM Deleted: c Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:55 AM Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:54 AM Deleted: A Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 10:54 AM 4. Secretary Deleted: designated Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:47 PM (a) The Secretary shall send meeting reminders, collect committee reports and disseminate the meeting agenda one week prior to the meetings of both the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee b)Ensure minutes of all of the meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting are properly taken and filed in the minute book and are maintained for at least seven years from the date of the meeting. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:09 AM Deleted: /Treasurer The Secretary-Treasurer shall: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:07 AM c) Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting d) Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, correspondance, etc.) to note applicability during meetings e) Responds to correspondance on behalf of the President, Executive and or Board of Directors as so instructed. Deleted: become and remain informed of the financial situation of the Association, make regular reports to the Board of Directors as to such situation and present to the Board for their approval all expenditures outside the scope of the budget; (b) examine and approve the current financial statements presented at each of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors; (c) present audited financial statements for the past year and a proposed budget for the forthcoming year at the Annual General Meeting; and (d) e Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:09 AM f) He or she shall have custody of the Seal of the Association. Deleted: and all such meetings are tape recorded and all such recordings Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:09 AM 5) Treasurer Deleted: two a) The Treasurer shall prepare and present a budget for approval annually at the Annual General Meeting Revised October 2009 Deleted: 9/19 Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:48 PM Deleted: By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia b) Become and remain informed of the financial situation of the Association, make regular reports to the Board of Directors as to such situation and present to the Board for their approval all expenditures outside the scope of the budget. (c) Examine and approve the current financial statements presented at each of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors. (d) Present audited financial statements for the past year Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:07 AM . Executive Director Deleted: 5 (a) An Executive Director may be employed by the Association when it is financially feasible. Such employment must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director will receive guidance and direction from the Board through the President. (b) The Executive Director and/or the Operations Manager shall be responsible for organizing and administering the day-to-day affairs and operations of the Association. He or she shall be responsible to, and maintain ongoing consultation with, the President and the Executive and shall be ultimately responsible to the Board of Directors. (c) The Executive Director shall cause to be kept all records of the Association, (d) The Executive Director and/or Operations Manager shall be the custodian of all papers and documents brought before all bodies, both elected and appointed and all written agreements, contracts, deeds, insurance policies, leases and records and evidences of title to real estate and other property (except monies and securities) owned or controlled by the Association. (e) The Executive Director and/or Operations Manager shall have authority to execute all agreements, contracts, deeds, certificates, bonds or other documents when authorized by the Board of Directors. (f) The Executive Director shall advise the President on all issues and matters affecting the Association. (g) The Executive Director shall consult with the President on the necessity for all committees and assist in recommending chairpersons and committee members. (h) The Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the Executive, the Board of Directors and all other groups and/or committees that may from time to time be established. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:49 PM Deleted: to be kept minutes of all meetings of the Association, Executive, Board of Directors and all committees. He or she shall also cause Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:49 PM Deleted: other Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:27 AM Deleted: the Executive, the Board and all Committees and shall be responsible for serving all notices of the Association, the Executive, the Board and all Committees. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:28 AM Deleted: He or she shall have custody of the Seal of the Association. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:50 PM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:30 AM Deleted: He or she shall notify nominees of their appointment to committees on behalf of the Association. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:50 PM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:50 PM Deleted: Revised October 2009 10/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia (i) The Executive Director and/or Operations Manager , in consultation with the President, shall be responsible for developing all the various types of programs and seminars of a provincial nature, both education, public relations and otherwise, within the limitations of the annual budget. (j) The Executive Director, in consultation with the duly appointed Committee Chairperson, shall have the responsibility for selecting by tender all facilities for, and developing and producing all phases of, the Association's Annual Genral Meeting and for any and/or all provincial seminars, conferences, or other special meetings whenever held throughout the year. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:31 AM Deleted: a Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:31 AM Deleted: convention (k) In co-operation with the President, the Executive Director may represent the Association before and to all levels and areas of the federal and provincial Governments and shall monitor government activities and their effect on the foodservices/hospitality industry. He or she shall also serve as liaison with all other associations. (l) In consultation with the Treasurer, the Executive Director shall develop annual budget of the Association to be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval and adoption. On behalf of the Treasurer, he or she shall cause to be prepared on a regularly scheduled basis financial statements to be submitted to the Executive Committee (m) The Executive Director may be assigned any duty or responsibility that is logically a part of his or her function as Executive Director of the Association. 6. Operations Manager Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:31 AM Deleted: Secretary/ Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:32 AM Deleted: Secretary/ Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:32 AM Deleted: and he or she shall be custodian of all financial books and records of the Association. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:50 PM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:32 AM (a) An Operations Manager may be engaged by the Association when it is financially feasible. Such employment must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Operations Manager will receive guidance and direction from the Board through the President. Deleted: Administrative Assistant Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:32 AM Deleted: Administrative Assistant Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: and the Executive Director Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:32 AM Deleted: Administrative Assistant (b) The duties and responsibilities of the Operations Manager shall be determined by the Executive Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: in consultation with the Executive Director. (c) The Operations Manager may be assigned any duty or responsibility that is logically a part of his or her function as Operations Manager of the Association and is responsible for the day to day operations of the Association including, but not limited to, event and administrative management . Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: Administrative Assistant Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: Administrative Assistant Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:33 AM Deleted: Administrative Assistant Revised October 2009 11/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Article 4: Meetings Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:36 AM 4A Board of Directors Deleted: and Executive 1) The Board of Directors shall meet not less than four times a year to, amongst other things, examine the current financial statements and manage the affairs of the Association. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the President in his or her discretion or a quorum of the Board shall be held on a date and at a time and location in Nova Scotia designated by the person or persons so calling the meeting. 2. Minutes shall be taken of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and shall be available to the members of the Association for inspection. All minutes must be maintained for at least seven years from the date of the meeting or proceeding. The minutes shall state the date of the next meeting of the Board. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:35 AM Deleted: two Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:51 PM Deleted: Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:35 AM Deleted: two 3. As it is intended that the Board of Directors provide recommendations to organizations, the Board will meet to formulate such recommendations and meetings of the Board called for this purpose shall be called by the President on a date and at a time and place in Nova Scotia to be designated by the President in his or her discretion on a date and at a time and place in Nova Scotia to be designated by the President in his or her discretion to formulate such recommendations. 4. Notice of a meeting of the Board of Directors and the minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Directors shall be mailed, faxed or emailed to each Director at his or her last known address or fax number appearing in the records of the Association at least five days before the date set for such meeting, and such notice shall state the business to be transacted thereat and the date, time and place in Nova Scotia of such meeting. A meeting of the Board may be held without notice if all the directors waive notice thereof either before, or after the meeting. 4B Executive Committee Meetings a)The Executive shall meet at least four times a year. Meetings of the Executive shall be called by the President, the Senior Vice-President or a quorum of the Executive and shall be held on a date and at a time and location in Nova Scotia designated by the person or persons so calling the meeting. b) A minimum of seven days notice in writing of any meeting of the Executive shall be given by prepaid post, fax or e-mail to each member of the Executive at his or her last known address appearing in the books of the Association. Subject to Subsection 5G 4., any meeting of the Executive, except as it may relate to the passing of any extraordinary resolution, may be held without notice if a majority of the members of the Executive are present or if those not present waive notice thereof either before or after the meeting. Revised October 2009 12/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 4C General Meeting 1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year within 30 days of the previous year end. An Annual General Meeting shall be called by the President or a quorum of the Board of Directors and shall be held on a date and at a time and place in Nova Scotia designated by the person or persons so calling the meeting. 2. At each Annual General Meeting an annual financial review for the past year, a proposed budget for the forthcoming year and annual reports of the President and Executive Director shall be presented. The Executive may decide to request a full audited statement for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.The directors, officers and auditors for the forthcoming year shall be elected as hereinbefore provided. All general business of the Association shall be transacted, including the approval of the proposed budget for the forthcoming year. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:02 PM Deleted: 3. A Special General Meeting maybe called for any purpose by the Board of Directors on a date and at a time and place to be designated by the Board. A Special General Meeting shall be called for any special purpose by the President or a quorum of the Board upon receipt of a request in writing signed by not less than thirty members of the Association setting forth the purpose or purposes for which such meeting is to be called on a date not later than sixty days of receipt of the requisition and at a time and place in Nova Scotia designated by the person or persons so calling the meeting. 4. Minutes shall be taken of all General Meetings and shall be available to the members of the Association for inspection. All minutes maintained for at least seven years from the date of the meeting. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:39 AM Deleted: must be tape recorded and Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:39 AM 5. Notice of a General Meeting shall be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to each member at his or her last known address appearing in the records of the Association at least fourteen days before the date set for such meeting, and such notice shall state the business to be transacted thereof and the date, time and place in Nova Scotia of such meeting. An accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to a member shall not invalidate a resolution passed or proceedings taken at such meeting. Deleted: two Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:39 AM Deleted: 4C Procedure of Meeting 1. At all meetings of the Association the President, and in his absence the Senior Vice President, and in their absence a member selected by the Board of Directors, shall take the chair. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:41 AM Deleted: one of Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:41 AM Deleted: s 2. Every active member present shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion, and in case of equality, the Chairman or President shall have the casting vote. Revised October 2009 13/19 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:41 AM Deleted: By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 3. Unless otherwise decide by the Board of Directors, only members in good standing of the Association shall be permitted to attend the meeting. The President, however, if he deems it advisable, may invite non-members to attend and/or address the meeting. 4. Parliamentary procedure shall govern in deciding questions or procedure at all meetings of the Association. However, Association meetings may adopt standing rules of procedure by a majority vote at any regular meeting. Rules of procedure may be suspended at any meeting by two-thirds vote. 4D Adjournment Any meeting of the members of the Association may be adjourned to any other time or location. 4E Voting 1. At any meeting of the members of the Association or the Board of Directors, the Chairperson of such meetings shall not vote except in the case of a tie, where he shall have a casting vote. At any meeting of the members of the Association, each regular member in good standing, except the Chairperson as mentioned, shall be entitled to one vote. 2. Associate and Education members shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association. 4F Quorum 1. Thirty percent of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the Board of Directors. 2. Five percent of the members shall constitute a quorum at any General Meeting. 3. Five percent of the members shall constitute a quorum at any Special Meeting. 4. Fifty percent of the Executive shall constitute a quorum at any Executive Meeting. 4G Voting by Mail or by Electonic Means The President, at his discretion, may submit any question by mail or electronically to the members of the Board of Directors, who may vote thereon by mail or electronically, and such vote shall be as binding on the Board of Directors as if taken at a duly convened meeting thereof. Revised October 2009 14/19 By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Article 5: Committees 5A Nominating Committee 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past President and two persons who are members of the Board of Directors. 2. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of Directors and Executive Officers for the forthcoming year. Directors may be re-elected or selected from among the membership.. The Nominating Committee shall report these nominations to the Board of Directors for preliminary approval prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Nominating Committee shall then report these nominations to the Annual General Meeting of the Association for election. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:44 AM Deleted: The Executive shall be selected from among the Directors elected by the Association 3.Nominations may be made from the floor for the Executive and the Board of Directors provided that the persons so nominated are members in good standing of the Association and have consented in writing to their being so nominated. The names of such persons shall be added to the names appearing on the slate so prepared by the Nominating Committee. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:46 AM Deleted: 3. The President and all Board members have a say in the nomination of proposed Board members and proposed Executive members. 5B Standing Committees Unknown 1. Standing Committees like the following may be formed, but are not limited to these categories. Deleted: -Government Affairs -Membership -Social and Events -Marketing & Communications -Education & Training Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:47 AM 2. While it may not be necessary for all Standing Committees to function continuously, Chairpersons should be elected by the Board of Directors and instructed to form committees. 3. Each Chairperson shall select her own committee members from among the Board of Directors or any knowledgeable person in or out of the Industry, and hold meetings from time to time as the need arises, reporting regularly thereon to the Board of Directors. 4. Each standing committee will prepare their terms of reference and objectives for the year and submit to the Board of Directors for approval. 5. Each standing committee shall report on their progress at regular Board of Directors meetings Revised October 2009 15/19 Deleted: -Atlantic Provinces Restaurants Association (APRA) By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:54 PM 5C Standing Committees Deleted: 1. Government Affairs Committee It shall be the function of this committee to establish and maintain a useful line of Communication with all levels of government which have some bearing on the business of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia and its members; to maintain a useful line of communication with other related organizations such as the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS); to use its best efforts to promote and safeguard the interest of the members; to act on legislative and any other related matters when authorized to do so by the Board of Directors. 2. Membership Committee It shall be the function of the Chairperson of this committee to execute a program aimed at promoting membership in the Association. This committee shall have as its function the conducting of a continual program of membership promotion and the implementation of all programs developed by the Association for this purpose, and any other related matters. 3. Education & Training Committee It shall be the function of the Education Committee to determine the educational needs of the Foodservices Industry in the Association; to furnish leadership and direction for the educational programs to be developed by the Association; to ensure high standards of food and beverage service; to include seminars, management courses and workshops and to encourage co-operation with the educational programs sponsored by education institutions and related groups for newcomers entering the Foodservices Industry; to work in close co-operation with the provincial Department of Health in an effort to improve the standards of sanitation; to act, on request, in liaison capacity on any problems which might arise at the local level; to work on any other related matters. 4. Social and Events It shall be the function of the Social and Events Committee to plan organize and carry out events which are deemed to provide value to the membership. Staff will be made available to assist the committee in the administration of said events. 5. Marketing and Communications It shall be the function of the Marketing and Communications Committee to work with staff and outsourced contractors to develop a program and materials which will market the benefits of membership to the foodservice industry and the general public, to provide tools, both print and electronic, for members to market their own establishments, and to establish tools and methods to enhance communication with the membership Revised October 2009 16/19 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:49 AM Deleted: provincial Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:50 AM Deleted: departments By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia Additional Board Positions 1. APRA Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:51 AM Deleted: 4. RANS shall, upon receiving a request from the APRA Association, elect two representatives to sit on the APRA Board of Directors by unanimous votes. Directors may volunteer for these positions or be nominated. One of the appointed APRA representatives will sit on the RANS Board of Directors ex-officio and will not have voting privileges. The APRA representative will submit reports to the Board of Directors and act as a liaison between the two associations. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:51 AM Deleted: Appointments Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:58 AM Deleted: , Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 11:58 AM Deleted: so long as the person so nominated accepts the nomination. Article 6: Financial 6A Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Association shall be October 1st to September 30th. 6B Audit The Executive of the Association shall make a decision annually regarding requirement of a Full Audit or a Review Engagement at the end of each fiscal year. A financial statement, including a balance sheet and statement of receipts and expenditures, must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. 6C Borrowing The Board of Directors may, from time to time: 1. Borrow money upon the credit of the Association in such amount and upon such terms as may be deemed necessary. 2. Issue bonds, debentures or other securities of the Association for its lawful purposes and for such amounts and upon such terms as may be expedient, and pledge or sell the same for such sums and at such prices as the Directors may determine. 3. Hypothecate, mortgage, charge or pledge all or any of the real and personal property, undertaking and rights of the Association to secure any such bonds, debentures or other securities or any money borrowed or any other liability of the Association. 4. Delegate to the Executive all or any of the powers conferred by the foregoing clauses of the by-laws to such extent and in such manner that the Board shall determine at the time of such delegation. Revised October 2009 17/19 Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:01 PM Deleted: and/or Board of Directors By Laws of the Restaurant Association of Nova Scotia 5. Give indemnities to any Director or any other person who has undertaken or is about to undertake any liability on behalf of the Association, and to secure such Director or other person against loss or giving him a mortgage or charge upon the whole or any part of the real or personal property of the Association. Valued Acer Customer 19/9/09 1:56 PM Deleted: 6D Cheques, Drafts, Notes All cheques, drafts and promissory notes shall be drawn or be directed to be drawn by the Treasurer, and shall be signed and endorsed on behalf of the Association by the designated signing authorities. Article 7: Legal Proceedings & Declaration Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:04 PM Deleted: Administrative Staff person and by the Secretary/Treasurer, President or Vice President. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:04 PM The President, Senior Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President and Executive Director shall be authorized and empowered, on behalf of the Association, to appear and answer summonses upon articulated facts, examinations on discovery, seizures by garnishments, and all such matters, and the Executive is hereby authorized and empowered to delegate such authority and such powers to any third parties upon proper resolution. Deleted: Secretary/ Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:04 PM Deleted: (s) Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:04 PM Deleted: / Article 8: General 8A By-law Interpretation The Board of Directors shall be the sole authority for the interpretation and application of the by-laws of the Association. Any decision made by the Board of Directors in this regard shall be final and binding upon the members. 8B Amendments 1. The by-laws of the Association may be rescinded, amended or added to at the Annual General Meeting. 2. These by-laws are binding upon all members and they are deemed to be acquainted with same. Article 9: Association Seal 1. The Association shall have an Association Seal. Documents bearing the impression of the Association Seal under the hand of any two of the President, Senior Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President or Executive Director shall be binding upon the Association. The Secretary shall apply the seal in any case. Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:05 PM Deleted: Executive Director Valued Acer Customer 17/9/09 12:05 PM Deleted: / Revised October 2009 18/19 N MINATI NS C MMITTEE NOMINATIONS Executive Committee ! +!!!!!.(/ % +%!)), .(/ '+ !.&/ %%$+( )'$+ % -&"&& NOMINATIONS Board of Directors 3$' +$7""%%"'"!56 *%+3"+"'%7""%%%"'"!56 !!!$3%%"'"!%"" $%"&!'$"+!%56 *%!!3!%2$+&$%!!0+$#"" $&+!%3"*"0- $.*%3$"!"!!"$$"*#0- $",!3"3"")!$"*# !!.*$%%3.%" !.$!3! $"%#&&.$"*# "$3"1%$%&*$!&7"*!0.!. $$*3$*2%%&$"0!'"!% $ !%!30- .!".4%"#2%$0- NEW BUSINESS ADJ URNED