C - Katherine Skaggs


C - Katherine Skaggs
Artist Reception & Show
Friday, August 1, 2014
Wine & Hors d’oeuvre Reception
RSVP requested
Atrium Gallery at Midwest CareCenter
2050 Claire Court, Glenview
Open Exhibit
August 1-29, 2014
Monday - Friday
8:30am to 5pm
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
The Presence of the Divine
Angels, Goddesses, and Divine Beings of Light
Visionary Paintings by Katherine Skaggs
The Presence of the Divine is the vibrant, light-filled color and beauty of the seen and unseen worlds of the Divine, brought to life
on canvas through the visionary sight of Katherine Skaggs, intuitive artist and shamanic practitioner, as well as artist of the Mythical
Goddess Tarot.
Angels, Goddesses, the Christ, the Buddha, the Shaman, all exist in the world of Katherine Skaggs, vibrant, alive and Divine Presences
offering healing, guidance and beauty to all who partake. Stand in front of any painting and receive an infusion of light healing energy beyond the beauty your eyes see. Be reminded of the expansiveness of the Divine within every brush stroke, and within every
breath you take as you breathe in each image. A must see experience.
Katherine began her first visionary, divine art paintings in the mid-1990s, inspired by the works of Susan Seddon Boulet and Alex Grey.
It was a merging of Katherine’s spiritual life and her lifelong path as an artist and energy healer that unveiled her true purpose and
love. In 2003, Mother Mary came to Katherine Skaggs, telling her to paint her presence and take her into the world to bring healing
and the light of love to all who would gaze upon her. Since that time, many beings of light, of the Divine have inspired Katherine’s
imagery on canvas, as well as her guidance as an intuitive, mystic artist, teacher and writer.
After a trip to Rome on a “Conversations with the Goddess” tour in 2006, Katherine came home with the message from mystic crone
artisan Lydia Ruyle, that it is time for each of us to re-member to tell “Her-Story.” Immediately upon arriving in Fort Collins, Katherine
contacted her dear soul sister, author Sage Holloway, who had told Katherine years earlier (early 1990s) that they should create a
Divine Feminine tarot deck. From 2006 to 2008, Katherine painted 78 paintings for the Mythical Goddess Tarot, with the inspiration of,
and collaboration with Sage’s wisdom. With each Goddess came a complete downloads of their essence and frequency, offering healing and illumination to all who partake. This body of work is very much a part of the Presence of the Divine Show, offering the healing
of the Divine Mother to all.
Katherine Skaggs is also a painter of Souls, able to “see” the essence of each person beyond their human expression, connecting to
their Divine expression. Katherine reveals each person in vibrant color, symbol and imagery on canvas, with channeled guidance of
their true essence, revealing soul truth and purpose, healing personality. Each session results in not only a painting, but multi-dimensional soul portal with a healing and soul guidance session.
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
Laskshmi is the Hindu Great Mother Goddess who
brings blessings of abundance from Heaven to Earth.
She is spiritual enlightenment embodied. As the Great
Mother Goddess, her joy is to bestow her gifts of
Heaven and Earth to all her children without limit.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Lakshmi holds the
position of the Wheel of Fortune. She is the embodiment of purity of consciousness and communion with
the Divine, inviting you to change your fortune by
opening to the opportunities she brings. She brings
blessings, and offers them upon you. All you must do
is open to receive.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
Shakti is the Hindu Goddess who emanates the
dynamic forces of primordial cosmic creation energy
that creates and moves the entire Universe. She is
the Divine Feminine creative power that brings all
birth and all change, liberating each of us through
her Kundalini forces, and awakening our
mystical, psycho-spiritual Self.
Shakti, in the Mythical Goddess Tarot is the Ecstatic
Union card, replacing the Lovers card in a traditional
deck. As an expression of the totality of Creation and
its primal cosmic energy, she represents total union
of Self, wholeness, and marriage of Spirit and Soul as
One awakened, harmonic expression.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
White Buffalo
Calf Woman
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
White Buffalo Calf Woman is the Native American Goddess who teaches that all life is Sacred.
She inspires through her high frequency teachings of unwavering reverence for the Sacred, of
sacred ritual, and continual prayer and conversation with Spirit. She brings Sacred Fire to
illuminate and ignite your fiery essence to let
your Spirit shine.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, White Buffalo Calf
Woman holds the place of Sacred Fire, which is
the Strength card in traditional decks. The Divine
Feminine strength comes from living life as a
sacred ceremony, united with Spirit in all form.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Crow Woman
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
Crow Woman is the keeper of Sacred Law. She
knows the unknowable mysteries of Creation,
and reminds us that something special is about
to happen when we find her medicine in our
life. Crow Woman is the guardian of ceremonial
magic and healing. Within this healing energy
she brings a shift in consciousness and awakens
the true self.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Crow Woman
holds the place of Sacred Law, which is symbolized as the Justice card in other tarot decks. She
is a great example of equilibrium and attunement to Divine order .
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Giclee’ on 36x36” Canvas
36x36” Giclee Show Price $795
Isis is the Great Egyptian Mother Goddess of
the Universe. She encourages us to explore our
intuition, dreams, and prayers to let our subconscious unite with our Superconscious, where She
dwells. Let Her nourishment enfold you as She
guides you to your inner knowing.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Isis is the High
Priestess, and the one who shows you how to
live and navigate your life through honoring
your inner guidance and intuitive knowing.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Pleiadian Star Goddess
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Giclee’ on 36x36” Canvas
36x36” Giclee Show Price $795
Evoking the Star Goddess of the Pleiades calls
to you your Soul inspiration, the guiding light to
understanding and achieving your true destiny
on Earth. Open to receive Her abundant celestial
essence, to illuminate your life path.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, the Pleiadian Star
Goddess is the traditional tarot’s Star card. She
is the Central Sun of our Galaxy, the very soul
source of life for our Sun, our solar system and
life on earth. She brings the gift of life and destiny, radiating her starry essence from her heart to
all living creatures. Let her awaken your heart to
ascend into your highest stellar path, sparking
your divine purpose with confidence and vision.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
Aditi is the celestial Goddess Mother of all
beings, of all form; she is the cosmic womb,
the Great Void — the akasha and the place of
all potentiality. She is the primal essence and
substance that gives birth to all form. Aditi is
associated with Sacred Speech and Sound that
creates all form.
Aditi in the Mythical Goddess Tarot replaces
the Judgement card in the traditional tarot. Her
Divine Feminine essence reveals the frequency
of rebirth, restart, acceptance, release, hope,
redemption and forgiveness begin in the womb
of the Great Cosmic Mother, the Great Void.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Ix Chel
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Giclee’ on 36x36” Canvas
36x36” Giclee Show Price $795
Ix Chel, is the Mayan Moon Goddess who brings
blessings of the lunar light, and the waters of life
everywhere she walks. She generously blesses
with her fertile energy, giving life and form from
the deep wells of the Divine Feminine.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Ix Chel is the
Moon card, and reminds us of the power of
the lunar, feminine light that is fertile, mystical
and the essence of psychic knowing. She asks
us to trust our deep inner knowing that comes
through messages in dreams, prayers and deep
meditation. From this place you will remember
and awaken to the truth of who you are.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x36” - $795
30x30” - $615
24x24” - $450
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Owl Shaman
Jaguar Medicine
Acrylic on
48x36” Canvas
Original Painting $9995
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
48x36” -$945
40x30” - $725
32x24” - $550
24x18” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
Owl Shaman Jaguar Medicine Healing is an expression of a sacred journey to the jungles of Peru along the Amazon River, where
Katherine trained with shamans from the indigenous people, the Shipibo. It is a culmination of visions that came over a week during
a tobacco dieta, where the plant medicine Spirit of tobacco is laid into the energy matrix of the body for protection and strength of
the shamanic practitioner. Owl also came as part of Katherine’s healing medicine, infusing Katherine with owls wisdom and tenacity
for cleaning bad energy in healing work. Black Jaguar also was integrated into Katherine’s energy to bring the medicine of the jungle
more deeply into her being.
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
A Shipibo Shaman
Acrylic on 36x36” Canvas
Original Painting $6995
Herlinda is a Shipibo Shaman from the
Amazon jungle in Peru. Katherine had the good
fortune of working with Herlinda in her Shipibo
traditions between 2007 - 2010. When Herlinda
passed in 2010, Katherine was guided to create this
painting as a portal, to her and her healing songs
of the sacred plants and other allies and medicines
of the deep feminine Mother Jungles.
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
Special Fundraiser for the Center for
Shamanic Education & Exchange
Limited Edition of 25
30x30” - $795
Signed and numbered
Prints must be ordered and shipped.
Purchase of prints will be made to the Center for
Shamanic Education and Exchange and are tax
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Mother Mary
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x48” Canvas
Original Painting $7995
Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven, expands her
sacred heart light to enfold us in compassion
and knowing.
She teaches surrender of attachment to that
which is outdated and complete, as she ensures
us to be patient and trusting in Spirit, as everything is resurrected in Divine timing. Her
unconditional love holds us with assurance that
All is Well, no matter appearances.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Mother Mary
replaces the Hanged Man in the traditional tarot,
emanating the Divine Feminine spirit of sacrifice
through opening of the heart, and awareness
that all is Spirit.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x48” Canvas
Original Painting $7995
Yemaya, Brazilian/Caribbean Goddess of the
Seas, in her deep watery, lunar nature, and deep
introspection brings her prophetic wisdom
to all. Her radiant wisdom encourages you to
unplug from your busy, linear life, and tune into
the wisdom of the Divine.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot Yemaya replaces the Hermit card of the traditional tarot. Her
essence expresses the Divine Feminine aspect of
the knower, the intuitive, the Oracle — inviting
us to reclaim this true nature within our own
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Kuan Yin
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x48” Canvas
Original Painting $7995
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Compassion,
hears the cries of the world, and offers relief from
the suffering. She radiates the perfect fusion of
love, wisdom and comfort for all to receive.
Her frequency of light and love heals the hearts
of humanity, paving the way to enlightenment
with the sheer power of compassion.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot Kuan Yin is the
Empress card, the Goddess here to help you
open your heart, to mother you, to nurture you
and to renew your Spirit.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x48” Canvas
Original Painting $7995
Athena, Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom,
brings the power of the lunar light in union with
the solar logos to exemplify the power of the
Chariot, getting you to your goal without distraction or conflict. Athena brings wisdom that
marries the masculine and feminine energies for
great success.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot she is the Chariot
card, bring the power of her wisdom and light to
carry you to your goal.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 36x48” Canvas
Original Painting $7995
Kali, a fierce and ancient Hindu Goddess is the
very power of death and resurrection from illusion and ego. She devours time and transcends
form. Her power and fierce nature brings protection to your essence, bringing change that
uplifts and restores as you shed what no longer
serves you.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot Kali is the death
card, which is perhaps the most feared and
misunderstood card in the tarot. A sacred aspect
to the Divine Feminine is the ability to let die old
patterns, and to be reborn into new ways. Kali
is the Divine Mother Goddess who protects you
through her power of release, allowing you to
move forward as you face your fears and let go.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 24x30” Canvas
Original Painting $5995
Gaia, our beautiful and abundant, healing Mother Earth is the very soul of our planet. She gives
life, regenerates, and creatively originates. She
provides all that is needed. She is here to remind
you that all life is kin, adn that it is time to enjoy
the harvest. Call upon her to help rebirth you
into a New Self, and a New Consciousness full of
her illuminating energies.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Gaia is the World
card, signifying harvest and fulfillment on all
levels. She assists you in being reborn into a new
Self, with new consciousness and illumination.
She reminds you that you are kin to all life, and
that your place on Earth is as a being of love,
wholeness and power.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
24x30” - $525
20x25” - $410
16x20” - $300
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 30x40” Canvas
Brigid is the Great Celtic Mother Goddess of Fire.
She is the Divine Creative Spark, igniting creativity and beauty with her alchemical nature. Let
her essence inspire and support your creative
Self, awakening your own inner artist fire, for all
you desire to create.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Brigid represents
Alchemy, or the Art card in other decks. She is
harmony, beauty and creativity born of the Divine Feminine essence that creates all life. When
living in balance with this Divine alchemical
nature, peace ensues and harmony is assured.
Original Painting $5995
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Morgan le Fay
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 24x30” Canvas
Morgan le Fay is the Celtic Queen of the Fairies
and Ruler of Avalon. She shape shifts between
the worlds with great ease. She rules the land
with loving wisdom and transformative, healing
skill. She wants you to know that no matter your
circumstances, you have all that you need to
transform them into whatever you choose. You
are the creator of your life who has the power to
bend the seeming laws of time and space when
you invoke Morgan’s powers.
Morgan le Fay, in the Mythical Goddess Tarot,
is the Sorceress, or the Magician in traditional
decks. She brings the power of magic to
everyday life, to shape shift the seen world
through the forces of the unseen.
Original Painting $5995
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
24x30” - $525
20x25” - $410
16x20” - $300
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Giclee’ on 36x48” Canvas
Gallery Wrap Giclee’ on Canvas $945
Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, is the Divine
Feminine soul that gave birth to God. As the
pure light of wisdom, she is the literal guiding
light during times of darkness and lack of clarity.
She is pregnant with knowledge that she shares
with all who ask.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Sophia is the Wise
Woman, replacing the Hierophant in a traditional tarot deck. She is the Divine Feminine essence
of Divine knowledge and illumination.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
36x48” - $945
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Mary Magdalene
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 30x40” Canvas
Gallery Wrap Giclee’ on Canvas $725
Mary Magdalene, embodies the Divine Feminine
Christ light. Magdalene is the incarnation of
love, fertility, compassion and wisdom. She was
the High Priestess of Initiation who anointed
Jesus Christ. She is here to remind us that we are
each sacred vessels and doorways to life.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Mary Magdalene
represents Initiation, which replaces the Devil
card in other decks. Another dark position in the
traditional tarot is brought to light through the
Divine Feminine healing forces of Magdalene,
piercing darkness and fear with compassion, illumination and an initiation into awakening. Let
her initiate you into your own sacred Christ light,
that you may activate and radiate your Christ
frequency on Earth.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
30x40” - $725
24x32” - $550
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Adapted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Acrylic on 20x24” Canvas
Original Painting $3495
The Ascension Goddess is a warrior goddess
of transformation, power and change. She told
me that she brings Light through Fire for healing and transformation. She is the healing wise
woman of God/Gold. She represents the bird
clan of the North and the Northern Lights off this
Earth. She says, “We are of the Pleiades and are
the fire planet, the sun planet of transformation.”
The red and green are rays of healing; the yellow
and white tools to the light body for ascension.
“We come to heal the bridge of the heart to the
root of humans, to infuse a shift at a DNA level.”
These colors vibrate at a frequency healing of
heart, soul and body. It is time for soul passion
and truth to pierce the mind and body of man,
through the Divine Feminine presence.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
20x24” - $395
15x18” - $275
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Painted for the
Mythical Goddess Tarot
Giclee’ on 24x30” Canvas
Gallery Wrap Giclee’ on Canvas $525
Pele is the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, Lightening
and Volcanoes. She is a purifying Goddess of
the Earth, bringing transformation through the
power of fire. Wherever there is dishonor or desecration, Pele arrives to destroy these patterns of
energy, all the while purifying and restoring the
perfect template of the Divine.
In the Mythical Goddess Tarot, Pele represents
the essence of Purification, raising the frequency
of the Tower card in the traditional tarot. From
this position, Pele gives her fire to shape shift
your life, to release and burn away the old ways
that no longer serve you. Once cleaned, you are
free to usher in the passion and light of Spirit to
manifest your life in perfect and Divine order.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
24x30” - $525
20x25” - $410
16x20” - $300
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Dream a New Dream
Painted for Guidance
for a New Year
Giclee’ on 22x30” Canvas
Gallery Wrap Giclee’ on Canvas $500
At the end of 2009, I was guided to sit at my easel with paints, and ask, “What do I need to know
about the upcoming year (2010)?”
In response, Dream a New Dream flooded onto
canvas, with the clarity of her message. “Dream
only from an enlightened heart, through love
and beauty. Allow the soul heart’s unconditional
love and wisdom take you inside and remember
who you are, to bring the enlightened heart
energy into your heart/mind. Dream the new
way from here, speak it, be it. Be centered in
the frequency of peace, for it is what emanates
There is nothing to do but dream from the place
of Divine Love. From this place only love can be
born and expanded.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
22x30” - $500
18x24” - $375
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Dark Aztec Mother
Acrylic on 30x36” Canvas
Original Art $5995
Virgin de Guadalupe, the ancient Great Dark
Aztec Mother, watches over and provides for
each and every one of us.
She is the Great Mother of Miracles who brings
magical power and Divine Intercession when
you call upon her. During times of hope, tragedy, illness and death, She hears your prayers
and intervenes in ways your mind have never
thought possible. She brings you comfort of Her
loving arms and is there for you in all ways.
Lift your heart to the beautiful Virgin de Guadalupe and surrender your cares to Her, that you
open yourself to Her presence and the workings
of miracles in your life.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
30x36” - $695
20x24” - $395
15x18” - $275
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Ascended Master
White Eagle
Giclee’ on 24x30” Canvas
Framed Giclee’ on Canvas - $600
White Eagle is a wise, gentle Ascended Master
of the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended
Masters who are here to guide humanity in its
evolutionary ascension process. He has come to
support each of us in waking up, and raising our
frequency to that of ascension energies.
When I was painting White Eagle, he showed me
the rivers of rainbow light that are the star codes
of light infusing our DNA at this time, to assist us
in raising our frequencies. These are represented
by the dots of light coming from his mouth in
this painting.
White Eagle’s gentleness reminded me of the
many keys to awakening are purity of heart, of
thought, of intention, of word and of action;
innocence, kindness, forgiveness, love and unification are all qualities of the higher octaves of
ascension energy.
Special Show Pricing
Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
24x30” - $525
20x25” - $410
16x20” - $300
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Ascended Master
Serapis Bey
Giclee’ on 20x24” Canvas
Gallery Wrap Giclee’ on Canvas $395
Serapis Bey is an Ascended Master of Ancient
Wisdom and also of the Great White Brotherhood
of Masters guiding humanity. As I sat to bring forth
his essence, I felt his ancient Atlantean & Egyptian
energies infusing the canvas with light, and guiding me to his high frequency expression.
With this Serapis brings the deep, ancient, mystical
spiritual encoding to activate the timeless wisdom
teachings of all knowing. The radiant light circles
are each portals and points of activation for star
codes to unlock the light strands of DNA. The circle
of golden light around his head are spirals of light
representing the DNA, which each have their original template star codes symbols, to restore the
DNA to its perfection.
If you have been drawn to Serapis Bey and his
radiant image, expect the infusion of high frequency light to support you in clearing the past and
cleansing at deep levels that give you rebirth into
new frequencies of higher consciousness.Special
Show Pricing Giclee Gallery Wrap Prints
20x24” - $395
15x18” - $275
Giclee Gallery Poster Print - $45
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Soul Portraits
Revealing the Multi-Dimensional Soul Self
Painting the Soul, Awakening Consciousness
In the mid-1999s Katherine was guided to bring her art and intuitive skills together
to create Portraits of the Soul. Over the years she has come to know that each Soul
Portrait opens a portal to reveal the larger multi-dimensional soul self. Soul Portraits
help individuals re-member who they are, connect to their vast consciousness and
essence, as well as to receive healing and the awareness they are never alone in the
continuum of life, and death. Soul portraits emanate Divine guidance and soul
direction, and offer healing at the soul level.
Since 1994, Katherine has painted 1000s of soul portraits. In the process she has
learned that each person is a divine blessing, is filled with light — no matter the appearances. Immediate healing has occurred within the soul portrait painting process
as brilliant light flows to canvas through the pigments of the paint and the intention
to connect to the highest levels of soul.
Each soul portrait session is a divinely guided, intuitive, channeled session alive with high-frequency energy, providing healing,
awakening, soul retrieval and remembering, and inspiration.
Soul Portrait sessions are available in Katherine’s studio in Colorado, as well as by photo and intention long distance, and also where
Katherine travels to work. Each individual soul portrait is an hour channeled session, which results in an original acrylic painting on
16x20” canvas.
Soul Portrait sessions are available while Katherine is in Chicago area the first week of August, as well as at the end of August.
To schedule a soul portrait session in the Chicago area, contact Katherine at 970-213-0241 and she will let you know her availability.
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
Katherine Skaggs
Visionary Artist, Painter of Souls
Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, Author, Shamanic Practitioner
Painter of the Mythical Goddess Tarot
Katherine Skaggs is a visionary artist, intuitive, author, teacher, spiritual counselor, entrepreneur,
shamanic practitioner and painter of souls. She has been an artist since she can remember, drawing
since she has been able to hold a crayon, and painting since she was a teen. Her spiritual interests began early too, with her love of God as a child within the church, to a deep interest in the world of the
unseen unfolding with studies in metaphysics and Mystery Schools in her early 20s. This spiritual path
has continued to evolve and expand, infusing ancient shamanic traditions and practices into Katherine’s daily approach to life, as well as her visionary art. Today Katherine has blended her skills as artist
with her mystic nature and abilities, to reveal the Divine in all she expresses.
Katherine Skaggs has a home in Fort Collins, Colorado in the foothills of the Rockies.
Purchasing Original Art & Fine Art Prints
To purchase original art after the initial Artist Reception, please contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or by email at
All sales of original art and fine art giclee’ prints will include Certificate of Authenticity and may be picked up at the end of the show,
August 29th, at the Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care Center.
If you order a fine art print or poster print early August, it could possibly be delivered by August 29th to the Midwest Palliative and
Hospice Care Center for you to pick up. All other orders will be shipped via FedEx per your request at an additional cost.
katherine@katherineskaggs.com • 970-213-0241
Fort Collins, CO
To purchase original art or prints, contact Katherine Skaggs at 970-213-0241, or at katherine @katherineskaggs.com.
The greatest blessing to the world is to follow one’s dreams, one’s heart path, one’s destiny.
Thank you Mother Mary, and all the goddesses and Divine Beings of Light, for guiding me each step of the way!
Katherine Skaggs
The Presence of the Divine Show August 2014