Weekly Mirror - Morrow First United Methodist Church


Weekly Mirror - Morrow First United Methodist Church
We e k l y M i r r o r
S e p t e m b e r 11 , 2 0 1 6
10:55 a.m. Service
Liturgical Color: Green
Rev. L uis O rti z
http://www.mfumc.com/Morrow Mirror
Great Things in Store
By Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson
Words cannot express how delighted and excited I am to be the new bishop of the North Georgia Annual
Conference. I recently was meditating on John 4. You probably remember that part of the passage that says
“...look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting.”(v. 35) That’s the part I generally focus on. But
in this season the following verses had an impact: “One sows and another reaps. I sent you to reap that for which
you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” (vs. 37-38)
I come to you well aware that I am entering into the labor of a long and distinguished history of the people
called Methodist in North Georgia. I also appreciate that many clergy and laity are already tirelessly working to
spread the gospel and be Christ in this part of the world (and throughout the world). This annual conference is
known for its fine clergy and lay leadership, and Bishop Mike Watson and the bishops that preceded him have
handed off to me an already vibrant and exceptional connection.
I now come to enter into YOUR labor, to add my gifts to your gifts, to discern with you where the Holy
Spirit is leading us in this new chapter of Georgia Methodism, and to live out life and ministry with you. I have far
more to learn from you than you from me! I will, however, constantly remind you that Jesus seeks to draw all
people to him, and that our churches are places that proclaim grace and follow Christ out into the world to extend
grace to all. We are all on the path to perfection in love, and the vast majority of us have a ways to go! Our
churches must be hospitable, inviting others to join us on that path.
Speaking of hospitality, I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude to so many for the amazing
welcome we received here. Thanks to the folks on the episcopacy committee (Will Zant, Walter Jones, Ed
Tomlinson, Karlton Holston, Bill Martin, Julie Boone, Chuck Savage, Morris Henderson, Dave Hardy, Bob
Greene, Rene Watson, Virginia McCahan, Deloris Carhee, Janette Chevere, Dawn Townsend, Mathew Pinson,
and Phil Schroeder) for the wonderful reception at Lake Junaluska, the gift baskets, the words of encouragement,
and the one-of-a-kind glass crozier made by the Fräbel Glass Art Studio (stop by and see it when you are in the
episcopal office). Special thanks to Will Zant for checking in often!
Thanks to Keith Cox for being a key contact person during our move, to Walter and Sondra Jones for
being there to help on move-in day, and to my incredible administrative assistant Judy Imig-Bush, who worked
behind the scenes and in too many ways to count to make the transition go smoothly. And thanks to the Cabinet
for pep talks and much-appreciated meals during move-in week. I know that listing folks is dangerous, but I
promise to mention any I left out in another column!
Please join me in prayer during this transition as we get to know each other and as I enter into your labor.
God has great things in store for the people called Methodist in North Georgia, and the world has never needed
us more!
Grace and peace to you all, and blessings on the journey.
Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson began her four-year term as bishop of the North Georgia Conference on
September 1. Contact her at bishop@ngumc.org.
Service of Installation of Bishop
Sue Haupert-Johnson, New Episcopal
Leader of the North Georgia Conference
Sunday, September 18 @ 4 p.m
Peachtree Rd. UMC
3180 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta
Nursery provided by reservations.
E-mail: eveningchildcare@prumc.org by Wednesday,
Sept 14, 5 p.m. Childcare opens at 3:45 p.m.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Morrow First United Methodist Church
5985 Jonesboro Road • P. O. Box 143, Morrow, GA 30260
770-961-4668 (Office) 770-961-8204 (FAX)
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Closed on Friday
Church Staff
Rev. Luis Ortiz, Senior Pastor
Cora Johnson, Admin Assistant
Donna Weeks, Chancel Choir Director
Jackie Davis, Accompanist
Becky Griffin, Financial Secretary
Nannette Dooley, Nursery
Elizabeth Lee, Nursery
49th Annual Church
BBQ/Yard Sale
October 22
Morrow First UMC
The Time Has Come!
Yard Sale Donations
Clean out your closets and garages for
your gently used items and
bringing them to the church. Please
place the items in the room down the hall from the nursery.
No Furniture before October 3 (The fire marshal
frowns on anything that might block the hallways.)
NO Computers,
Printers, TV’s, etc
We will not be accepting these items.
However, we will accept small electric
appliances that are in good working
Tracy Holland, Custodian
Jamie Bales, Chef
Morrow First UMC
Weekly Budget Needs: $5,971.55
September 4, 2016 Budget Report
For Sunday, September 4, we collected $6,406.00
which is a plus amount of $434.45 for our weekly
budget needs.
Attention all bowlers!
The Bowling Banquet to celebrate the 2016 Summer
Sprinklers Bowling League is Saturday, September 17
at 6 p.m. at Olympia Pizza in Stockbridge located at 5537
N. Henry Blvd, Stockbridge, GA 30281. Olympia has
graciously allowed us to use part of their restaurant as a
gathering place to recognize all bowlers and to provide for
some great fellowship. All attendees will be responsible
for their meal but the league will provide a cake. Please
RSVP to Chris Hoenes no later than Wednesday,
September 14 so he can provide an accurate count to
Olympia Pizza. All bowlers, prospective bowlers, and
supporters are invited to attend!
Need A Pick-Up?
If you are unable to get your discarded items to the church
and need a
pick-up, please call Liz Haynie at:
(h) 770-477-7522 or (c) 404-234-9267, or the church office
Liz Haynie
38th Annual United Methodist Women’s
Spiritual Growth Retreat
September 30 - October 2
Hinton Rural Life Center in Hayesville, NC
Adult: $150.00
Teen (sixth grade & up): $75.00
Registration and final/full payment is due by
September 24. Forms are on
table near library.
Please contact Anna Cox for
more information.
September 15
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
September 15
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
4th Annual Career & Job Fair
Forest Park Recreation Center
New Library Focus Group
at Virginia Burton Gray Recreation
Center, Riverdale
September 25
12:20 p.m.
UMW Fundraiser Luncheon to
help cover cost for teen girls to
attend UMW Retreat,
Fellowship Hall
Sunday, October 30
3:00 p.m.
Charge Conference 2016
MFUMC, Sanctuary
Westside Rydaz is Joining the Fight
Against Juvenile Diabetes by
Sponsoring Kelsey Bales & Kelsey’s
Krew for the Seventh Annual
Charity Ride on Saturday, October 8
Gather:9:30 a.m. & Depart: 11 a.m.
Start: Thunder Tower West
Harley Davidson
1384 Southlake Pkwy
Finish: Heritage Park
Morrow, GA 30260
101 Lake Dow Road
McDonough, GA 30252
$10 per Rider & $5 per Passenger
Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Chips,
& Drinks provided at end of the ride.
Each number represents a letter of the alphabet. Substitute
the correct letter for the numbers to reveal the coded words.
Youth Lounge
Open House
September 18
After Service
National Day of Remembrance
In the United States, Patriot Day, observed as
the National Day of Service and Remembrance,
occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of
the 2,977 people killed in the 2001 September 11
Wanted: Volunteers
The Food Pantry needs people
willing to help for 2.5 hours/month
or 9:30 a.m. to noon one Thursday a
month. Please contact Diana Aull to schedule a day.
Two helpers are needed each week.
Our Love, Prayers, &
Christian Sympathy
to the family of Ralph Ortiz, father of Rev. Luis
Ortiz, who passed away on Sunday, September 4,
2016 in Lakeland, Florida, after a long battle with
cancer. Those wishing to do so, may give a gift in
his memory to Morrow First UMC Youth.
Stationed on Okinawa
Kameron Burrell (great nephew of Linda McElhannon)
Stationed Stateside
Matt Allen (husband of Darcy Bloom Allen)
Jayson Dooley (son of Nannette Dooley)
David Key (son-in-law of Bil & Melanie Johnson)
Aviano AFB - Italy
Capt. Kyle L. J. Phillips (grandson of Larry Phillips)
Stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC
Alex McKenzie (son of Ardell McKenzie)
Jacob Beard (friend of Brooksie Foster)
Stationed at USN Great Lakes Boot camp
Kevin McElhannon, Jr.
(grandson of Bill & Linda McElhannon)
Stationed in Kandahar Afghanistan
Max Anderson (cousin of Layla Leo)
Nursing Home /Hospital
Richard Mix remains in Rockdale Hospital after
Independent Living/ Rehab Patients
colon surgery, requested by his cousin, Brooksie
Bright View North Andover: Ethel Jewett, 1275 Turnpike
Tony Ochoa-Mejia has cancer, requested by Doug St, #1211, North Andover, MA 01845.
Golden Crest (Morrow): Toni Bish, Rm 10B.
Governor’s Glen Assisted Living: Marline Sargent, Pod B.
ONGOING PRAYER REQUESTS: Jonesboro Nursing & Rehab: Tootsie Callaway, Rm 116A.
Barry Crawford, healing, requested
Summer’s Landing Bayberry Trace: Linda Jenkins, Rm. 119
by Susan Crawford; Brenda Moore
(315 Arrowhead Blvd, Jonesboro, GA 30236).
for healing, requested by Keith &
Brightmoor Senior Living: Ellen Kovaleski, Rm.2 (3223
Kathy Munson; James Hewatt,
Newnan Road, Griffin, GA 30223).
chemotherapy, requested by Keith &
Kathy Munson; Jennifer Sullivan, requested by Arbor Terrace Senior Living: Mary Ann Hawkins, Rm.3010
Nelda Dunson; John Davis, has untreatable cancer (201 Crosstown Drive, Peachtree City, GA. 30269)
requested by his cousin, Nelda Dunson; John Salude Transitional Care and Rehab Center: Mary Brazeal,
Maddox, enduring treatments and side effects for Rm 122, (601 Northolt Parkway, Suwanee, GA 30024)
two types of cancer, requested by his sister, Jackie
Davis; Lamar Hawkins, Keith Munson’s Uncle,
brain surgery, requested by Kathy Munson; Lila
Winn, sister of Rev. Richard Winn (Griffin District
The Sick and Shut-in through
Superintendent), is in Hospice in Lawrence, Kansas,
cards, calls, prayers and visitations.
with Stage IV lung cancer; Matt Reonas & family
and all the flood victims in MS & LA, requested
Mary & Jerry
by Faye Kirskey, his aunt; Walt Alton, for healing,
requested by Keith & Kathy Munson.
Order of Worship September 11, 2016
17th Sunday After Pentecost - Green
As we gather to worship our Lord, feel free to greet your neighbors in Christian love. However, when the announcements
begin, please take your seats and at the chiming of the hour prepare your hearts and minds for worship. Out of courtesy for
your brothers and sisters in faith, silence your cell phones so we can be in a spirit of worship throughout the service.
10:55 a.m. Ritual of Friendship
10:57 a.m. Parish Notices
Chiming of the Hour
Lighting of the Altar Candles
Choral Call to Worship
Doug Jewett, Liturgist
Bell Toller
Makayla Gant and Noah Seelhammer, Acolytes
It Is Well With My Soul
arr. Spafford
Joyful Praise Ringers
Praise & Worship
*Hymn of Praise,
UMH p. 368 vv 1, 3-4
Celebration of Our Children
My Hope Is Built
Julia Gawel
Children, ages 2 through Kindergarten leave for Children Church
Congregational Praises and Concerns/Announcements (From the Prayer Books)
Morning Prayer & Apostle Creed
*Hymn of Celebration,
O Jesus, I Have Promised
UMH p. 396 vv 1-2
Offertory Prayer
Musical Offering
Sweet, Holy Spirit
*Presentation of God’s Tithes and Our Offering
*The Doxology UMH p. 95
Rev. Ortiz
Joyful Praise Ringers
The Acolytes
The Word Read & Shared
Anthem, Chancel Choir
They Shall Soar Like Eagles
Don Davis, Guest Director
New Testament Reading, p. 16
Matthew 14:22-33
“Called to Walk on Water”
A Service of Word and Table II, UMH p.12
Rev. Ortiz
Rev. Ortiz
Rev. Ortiz
We Depart to Love & Serve
*Hymn of Going Forth,
When We All Get to Heaven
UMH p. 701 vv 1-2, 4
*Extinguishing of the Candles
The Acolytes
Rev. Ortiz
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
* stand, as you are able
CCLI # 1090020
Do This In Remembrance Of Me
“This is my body, which is given for you. This cup that is poured out for you is the new
covenant in my blood.” Luke 22:19-20
Communion Offering
The offering left at the chancel rail during Communion today will be used to assist the
needy in the community.
This Week at MFUMC
Choral Choir
Donna Weeks
Jackie Davis
Bell Choir
Doug Jewett
Anna Cox
Acolyte Assistant:
Molly Knowles
Altar Guild:
Nelda Dunson
Nelda Dunson
Children’s Church: Hall:
Anna Cox
Kathy Gailey
Anna Cox (head),
Youth Team
Sound Tech:
Mary Anne
Today’s Sanctuary
Honor Garrett
Oravetz for his 12th
birthday on September
7 from his Papa &
Mimi (Bob & Mary Anne Brannon).
Informational Luncheon for The United
Methodist Children’s Home
Tuesday, September 13
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Griffin First UMC
1401 Maple Drive
Griffin, GA 30224
(770) 228-3020
September 11, 2016 - September 18,2016
Sunday, Sept 11
Communion Sunday
9:00 a.m.
Handbell Practice, Music Room
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
10:55 a.m.
Worship Service, Sanctuary
12:20 p.m.
SavageRace Pancake Brunch, Fellowship Hall
Monday, Sept 12
10:30 a.m.
Comfort & Joy, Conference Room
Tuesday, Sept 13
10:00 a.m.
UM Children’s Home Informational Luncheon;
Griffin First UMC, Griffin, GA
Wednesday, Sept 14
6:00 p.m.
Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper & Program
Fellowship Hall. Nursery Provided
6:30 p.m.
Children’s Activities, Patsy Hoenes Learning Center
6:30 p.m.
Youth Activities, Youth Lounge
7:30 p.m.
Chancel Choir Practice - Nursery Provided
Thursday, Sept 15
10:00 a.m.
FOOD PANTRY open until noon
Saturday, Sept 17
9:00 a.m.
Sunday, Sept 18
Lay Servant Ministries Academy, Griffin First UMC
UM Children’s Home Special Offering
9:00 a.m.
Handbell Practice, Music Room
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages
10:55 a.m.
Worship Service, Sanctuary
12:20 p.m.
Youth Lounge Open House
A Love Offering
Sunday, September 18 will be the last Sunday Donna
Weeks is our Choir Director. The church will be
receiving a love offering through September 17 to
present to Donna in recognition and appreciation for her
21 years of faithful service to Morrow First United
Methodist Church. If you would like to donate to this
offering, please mark the offering in honor of Donna
Weeks and place in the offering plate or present it to the
church office before September 17, 2016. Please help
show Donna how much we appreciate her work!
Chris Hoenes, Chair
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper
See Insert for Details
WWNS Expenses for 8/31: 47 (paying adults) @ 6.00 =
$282.00 - $300.00 (expenses) = -18.00
Griffin District
Lay Servant
Ministries Academy
Saturdays - September 17
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Griffin First UMC, 1401 Maple Drive, Griffin, GA 30224
SavageRace 2016
September 24 Dallas, GA
See insert for more info
Participants’ fees due TODAY!