6th World Congress
6th World Congress
6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain Skull Base & Spine, and Second Global Update on FESS, THE SINUSES & THE NOSE Milan, Italy 14th - 17th April 2014 MiCo Congress Center Dear friends and colleagues, we are very pleased to inform you that we will be organizing the 6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine and Second Global Update on FESS, the Sinuses and the Nose. The exciting event will be held in Milan, Italy from the 14th to the 17th April 2014. We feel very privileged to be responsible for the organization of such a prestigious event and we are already very pleased to have positive replies from the excellent faculty that we have invited. Following the Vienna SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS Paolo Castelnuovo Chairman of Otorhinolaryngology Department, University of Insubria, Ospedale di Circolo and Fondazione Macchi, Varese meeting will be very challenging since Heinz Stammberger and Michael Mokry made such an excellent impact in Vienna 2012. We feel very honoured to have this opportunity however, and are sure that the Milan conference will bring some new aspects and consolidated results in 2014. Endoscopic Surgery is growing and keeping pace with new technology is very important. The quality of our Scientific programme Giorgio Frank Center of Pituitary and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery, Bologna will be first and foremost in our plans and we hope to offer many “take home” aspects for the young surgeons as well as stimulating more experienced surgeons or “eternal students” to consider new techniques through the case studies and videos of colleagues. We will be offering a pre-conference course on cadaver dissection, tutored by world experts, and live video sessions of dissection will be held during the meeting, with real time question and answers directly from the plenary room to the tutor. Davide Locatelli Chairman Neurosurgical Department, Ospedale Civile, Legnano We will be trying to keep the registration fees as low as possible to allow those who struggle to travel, so we are able to involve many young surgeons. Milan is a very strategic city to visit in Italy, so we encourage you to make the most of the time and add a few days to visit other areas. The lake district in the North of Italy (lake Como and Lake Maggiore) are around one hour from Milan and the city of Turin can be reached by train in one hour. We will be offering some pre and post conference tours as well as some suggestions on our website later, so add the conference website to your “favourites” and visit us from time to time. We hope to meet you in Milan, next spring. Our best regards The Endomilano team Ernesto Pasquini Chairman of Otorhinolaryngological Department, Area Metropolitana AUSL, Bologna GENERAL INFORMATION ABSTRACT SUBMISSION REGISTRATION FEES FACULTY Preliminary list on www.endomilano.com All attendees are invited to submit an abstract related to one of the following subject areas: REGISTRATION Euros 520,00 Payments received on or before 30/03/2014 ON SITE RATE Euros 670,00 Payments received on or after 01/04/2014 FORMAT Four parallel sessions Instructional courses Live dissection courses Panels E-poster sessions TARGET AUDIENCE Otorhinolaryngology, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Neurosurgeons, Facial Plastic Surgeons OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English. LETTERS OF INVITATION On request, an official letter of invitation will be provided to get visas. This invitation is not to be considered as covering fees or other expenses. EXHIBITS The exhibits will feature surgical equipment, endoscopic instrumentation, medical and educational materials. The exhibit area will be open during the whole duration of the congress. • Allergy, nasal citology and olfaction • Rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps • Sinonasal & skull base benign and malignant tumours • New technologies • Sinuses and skull base imaging • Pediatric rhinology • Spinal surgery • Endoventricular surgery The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. A selection of abstracts will be admitted as Oral Presentations in the Scientific Programme. All the other abstracts, if approved by the Committee, will be presented as E-Posters (a slide presentation displayed thru flat screens in the exhibition area and on the website). No E-Posters will be published on the website or during the conference, for non-registered participants. Special rates for young physicians <35 years (an ID document must be provided together with the form): “YOUNG” REGISTRATION Euros 370,00 Payments received on or before 30/03/2014 ON SITE RATE “YOUNG” Euros 470,00 Payments received on or after 01/04/2014 The registration fee includes: • tuition • certificate(s) of attendance • coffee-breaks • welcome cocktail PAYMENTS, REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY see Registration Form on www.endomilano.com HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Information available on website. WEATHER The temperature in April is normally 15 °C to 20 °C. Clothing should be suitable for a mild, changeable climate. Changes in the programme may take place. The Programme is regularly updated on line www.endomilano.com April 14th, 2014 07:00 - 14:00 Preliminary programme REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES ROOM A NASO SINUSAL ROOM B SKULL BASE ROOM C SPINAL ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR 07:30 - 08:30 IC SN 01: SINONASAL MUCOSAL MELANOMA: ARE WE MAKING ANY PROGRESS? (Lombardi-Turri Zanoni) IC SB 01: CSF LEAKS/ SKULL BASE-DEFECTS: FROM A-Z (Stammberger) IC SP 01: LUMBAR STENOSIS (Brayda-Bruno) • Minimally invasive versus open technique (Fornari) • Endoscopic transforaminal technique (Krzok) • Endoscopic assisted approach (Oertel) IC EV 01: PEDIATRIC HYDROCEPHALUS-1 (Longatti) • Preoperative evaluation (Baledent) • Indication to ETV (Mallucci) • Surgical technique (Schoeder) 08:30 - 09:30 IC SN 02: SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SEVERE EPISTAXIS (Bernal Sprekelsen-Alobid) IC SB 02: LONG TERM RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF SINONASAL & SKULL BASE MALIGNANCIES (Carrau) IC SP 02: LUMBAR DISC HERNATION (Balsano) • Endoscopic transforaminal approach (Krzok) • Endoscopic extraforaminal approach (Cervellini) • Endoscopic posterolateral approach (Luebbers) IC EV 02: PEDIATRIC HYDROCEPHALUS-2 (Gorelyshev) • Complications avoidance (Melikian) • Neuroendoscopic surgery in a developing country (Qureshi) • Results and perspectives of Choroid Plexus Coagulation (Riva-Cambrin) 09:30 - 10:30 IC SN 03: MULTIPORTAL APPROACH TO THE SKULLBASE (Castelnuovo-Dallan) IC SB 03: HARVESTING SEPTAL FLAPS INTRAPTERIGOIDAL APPROACHES (Snyderman-Gardner) IC SP 03: POSTERIOR LUMBAR FUSION (Luebbers) • Open and minimally invasive posterior lumbar fusion (Barbanti) • Minimally invasive transforaminal interbody fusion (Barbagallo) • EndoLIF (Wagner) IC EV 03: ARACHNOID CYST-1 (Sgouros) • Arachnoid cyst: classification and radiology (Galassi) • Sylvian cyst: endoscopic surgical technique (Oertel) • Suprasellar cyst: endoscopic surgical technique (Ozek) 10:30 - 11:30 IC SN 04: NASAL CITOLOGY (Gelardi-Macchi-Poletti) IC SB 04:ENDOSCOPIC TRANSNASAL TREATMENT OF CLIVAL CORDOMA (Stamm-Vellutini) IC SP 04: ANTERIOR LUMBAR FUSION (Lamartina) • Minimally invasive ALIF (Specchia) • Minimally invasive XLIF (Balsano) IC EV 04: ARACHNOID CYST-2 (Cavalheiro) • Interemispheric cyst: endoscopic surgical technique (Spennato) • Posterior fossa cyst: endoscopic surgical technique (Peretta) • Long term results (Gangemi) 11:30 - 12:30 IC SN 05: GRANULOMATOUS DISEASES OF THE NOSE AND PARANASAL SINUSES (Trimarchi) IC SB 05: ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS: THE PROPER USE AND THE UNWARRANTED ABUSE (Swift) IC SP 05: THORACIC AND THORACO - LUMBAR JUNCTION SURGERY (Specchia) • Thoracic disk herniation: endoscopic technique (Cornips) • Toracic fractures: percutaneous osteosynthesis using navigation (Roccucci) • Thoraco-lumbar fractures: endoscopic anterior arthrodesis (Grin) • Thoraco tumors: endoscopic approach (Gushcha) IC EV 05: COMPLEX HYDROCEPHALUS 1 (Ersahen) • Multiloculated hydrocephalus: classification and radiology (Rossi) • Multiloculated hydrocephalus: endoscopic anatomy (Massimi) • ETV in post tuberculosis hydrocephalus (Chatterjee) IC EV 06: COMPLEX HYDROCEPHALUS 2 (Wan Tew) • Neuriendoscopic surgery in neurocysticercosis (Herrada-Pineda) • Role of neuroendoscopy in Post Infectious hydrocephalus (Chatterjee) • Multiloculated hydrocephalus: surgical techniques (Cinalli) April 14th, 2014 Preliminary programme 14:00 - 14:30 OPENING CEREMONY (ROOM A) 14:30 - 18:00 14:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00 18:00 - 18:30 KEYNOTE LECTURES (ROOM A) Anatomical journey around the skull base (Tschabitscher) Thirty years history of endoscopic sinus surgery (Stammberger) Has MIS and/or Endoscopic Spine Surgery changed the indications and outcome of spine surgery? (Aebi) Coffee Break Endoscopic skull base team: what lies ahead (Kassam) Myths & realities in endoventricular endoscopy (Grotenhuis) Tracing the evolution of skull base imaging (Maroldi) Surgical treatment of pituitary adenoma, evolutions of the techique (Laws) Hidden secrets of endoscopic skull base surgery (Castelnuovo-Frank-Locatelli-Pasquini) Welcome Cocktail April 15th, 2014 Preliminary programme INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES ROOM A 07:30 - 08:30 NASO SINUSAL IC SN 06: RECALCITRANT RHINOSINUSITIS (Simmen) ROOM B SKULL BASE ROOM C IC SB 06: SKULL BASE IMAGING (Maroldi) SPINAL ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR ROOM M IC SP 06: CERVICAL DISC DISEASE (FORNARI) • Anterior endoscopic discectomy (Wagner) • Minimally invasive decompression/fusion (Froelich) • Multilevel open discectomy and arthrodesis (Lepori) IC EV 06: ASSISTED ENDOSCOPY -1 (DI ROCCO) • Endoscopy in intraventricular hemorrhage (Thomale) • Endoscopy in brain tumors (Puget) • Endoscopy in vascular surgery (Galzio) 3d ANATOMICAL DISSECTION OF THE CAROTID ARTERY IN THE SKULL BASE (Battaglia-Bolzoni - Villaret) SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 08:30 - 09:30 RT SN 01: FESS VS ESS (indications and technical hints) (LEUNIG) Terzis-Swift-Otori Lecture 01: ANTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA: SURGICAL ANATOMY (Castelnuovo-Locatelli) RT SP 01: C1-C2 INSTABILITY: WHEN AND HOW TREAT? (FABRIS MONTERUMICI) Delfini-Roccucci-Lepori RT EV 01: HOW AND WHEN ASSISTED ENDOSCOPY (SCHROEDER) • Assisted brain endoscopy (Grotenhuis) • Posterior fossa endoscopy (Godano) • Endoscopic burr-hole removal of basal ganglia hematoma (Nishiyama) VIDEO SESSION 09:30 - 10:30 RT SN 02: SINONASAL FUNGAL DISEASE (BRAUN) Ponikau Hassab-Herzallah RT SB 01: ENDOSCOPIC AND ENDOSCOPE-ASSISTED TREATMENT OF MENINGIOMAS: WHEN & HOW (KELLY) Gentili-Kalinin-Gellner RT SP 02: SUBAXIAL CERVICAL DISC HERNIATION: WHAT’S BETTER IN ONE OR MORE LEVELS? (DELFINI) Fornari-Wagner-Prestamburgo RT EV 02 PEDIATRIC HYDROCEPHALUS -1 (MALLUCCI) Giordano - Santos de Oliveira Sgouros VIDEO SESSION 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break-Symposium by Fiagon 11:00 - 12:00 RT SN 03: NASAL POLYPOSIS – 1 (medical and surgical treatment) (GEORGALAS) Lopatin-Belozerkovsky-Douglas-Tirelli RT SB 02: Tuberculum MENINGIOMA - 2 (CAPPABIANCA) Vellutini-De Notaris-Gardner RT SP 03: THORACIC MINIMALLY INVASIVE SPINE SURGERY: WHEN TO USE IT (LAMARTINA) D’Aliberti Cornips-Grin RT EV 03 PEDIATRIC HYDROCEPHALUS-2 (CAVALHEIRO) Wan Tew-Talamonti-Ersahin ORAL ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS 12:00 - 13:00 RT SN 04: NASAL POLYPOSIS - 2 (long-term outcomes) (ONERCI) Palmer-Caversaccio-Negm RT SB 03: MALIGNANT TUMORS (indications and surgical techniques) (CASTELNUOVO) Pareschi-Schwartz-Carrau RT SP 04: LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION: OPEN, MINIMALLY INVASIVE OR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY: REALLY DIFFERENT? (BRAYDA-BRUNO) Cervellini-Krzok-Luebbers RT EV 04: ARACHNOID CYST-1 (FERRER) Giordano - Ozek Ravegnani Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery using the Visionsense VSii and the new VSiii System Gellner-Gerlach-Locatelli 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Lunch-Symposium by Storz: Future in FESS April 15th, 2014 Preliminary programme SCIENTIFIC SESSION ROOM A NASO SINUSAL 14:30 - 15:30 RT SN 05: RECALCITRANT RHINOSINUSITIS (ELOY) Desrosiers-Gallo-Douglas 15:30 - 16:30 RT SN 06: MANAGEMENT OF RHINOSINUSITIS COMPLICATIONS (DOUGLAS) Eviatar - Terzis-Simmen-Tirelli ROOM B SKULL BASE RT SB 04: MALIGNANT TUMORS (long term results) (NICOLAI) Hanna-Cantu-Arbolay-Zhou Bing SPINAL ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR ROOM M RT SP 05: OPEN, MINIMALLY INVASIVE OR ENDOSCOPIC POSTERIOR LUMBAR FUSION: WHICH IS BETTER? (VISOCCHI) Barbanti Brodano Prestamburgo - Wagner RT EV 05: ARACHNOID CYST-2: (NADDEO) Ferroli - Mascari Grotenhuis ORAL ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS RT SP 06: MINIMALLY INVASIVE ANTERIOR LUMBAR FUSION: WHEN AND WHAT? (SPECCHIA) Teli-Balsano-Assietti RT EV 08: INTRAVENTRICULAR TUMORS (DELITALIA) • Tumor biopsy/removal: surgical technique (Melikian) • Pineal tumors (Murai) • Endoventricular tumors (de Alencastro) RT SB05: NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN SKULL BASE - 1 HD and 3D (STAMMBERGER) Georgelas Lasio - Schroeder - De Notaris Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 ROOM C RT SN 07: ANOMALIES OF SINUS PNEUMATIZATION (SALEH) Massegur-Carrillo-Lee D. RT SB 06: NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN SKULL BASE - 2 (intraoperative MR/CT and navigated surgery) (CAPPABIANCA) Pratz Galino-Tatagiba-Tirelli RT SP 07: OPEN, MINIMALLY INVASIVE OR ENDOSCOPIC LUMBAR DECOMPRESSION: WHY? (KRZOK) Barbagallo Oertel - Teli RT EV 07: NEUROENDOSCOPY AND... (Miyajima) • Neuronavigation and neuroendoscopy (Hellwig) • Ultrasonic aspiration in endoventricular endoscopy (Schroeder) • Robotics in neuroendoscopy (Goutagny) • Novel 3D-HD surgical scope for neurosurgery and next generation (Nishiyama) INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES 18:00 - 19:00 IC SN 07: BEYOND THE BIOFILM: INTEGRATING THE BACTERIA AND THE MICROBIOME INTO OUR APPRECIATION OF CRS (DESROSIERS) IC SB 07: MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM-WORK FOR NASOSINUSAL ITAC (CASTELNUOVO) IC SP 07: C1-C2 DECOMPRESSION AND OSTEOSYNTHESIS (HARMS) • Transoral approach (Visocchi) • Endonasal endoscopic odontoid resection (Gaillard) • Lecture: Pathologies at the occipitocervical junction and surgical treatment options (Harms) IC EV 07: NEW TECHNOLOGIES -2 (GALZIO) • New instrumentations in endoventricular endoscopy (MIYAJIMA) • Laser in endoventricular endoscopy (Oppido) • Endoscope assisted management of craniosynostosis (Delye) April 16th, 2014 Preliminary programme INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES ROOM A 07:30 - 08:30 NASO SINUSAL IC SN 08: LONG TERM RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF JNA (NICOLAI) ROOM B SKULL BASE IC SB 08: ENDOSCOPIC APPROACHES TO THE INFRATEMPORAL FOSSA (HERMAN BRESSON) ROOM C SPINAL IC SN 10: ENDOSCOPIC FRONTAL SINUS APPROACHES “DRAF TECNIQUES” (BOCKMUEHL) ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR ROOM M IC SB 10: ENDOSCOPIC TREATMENT OF MENINGIOMAS: WHEN & HOW (KELLY PREVEDELLO) SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 08:30 - 09:30 RT SN 08: INVERTED PAPILLOMA - 1: diagnosis and classification (LOPATIN) Lombardi - Tomazic - Dragonetti - Zimmer Lecture 02: MIDDLE CRANIAL FOSSA SURGICAL ANATOMY: the long way of carotid artery (KASSAM) RT SN 15: APPROACHES TO THE FRONTAL SINUS (BOCKMUHEL) Bernal Sprekelsen Bignami-AlQhatani-Sama RT SB 13: ITALIAN SKULL BASE SOCIETY (SIB) JOINT MEETING: NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMAS: endoscopic surgery vs lateral apporaches in salvage surgery (POLETTI) Castelnuovo-Bolzoni Villaret-De Donato-Pareschi 09:30 - 10:30 RT SN 09: INVERTED PAPILLOMA – 2: different surgical techniques; long term results and complications (KAMEL) Kapitanov - Pistochini - Lanisnik - Rigante RT SB 07: PITUITARY ADENOMAS – 1 (available surgical options) (SAEKI) Gazzioglu - Bettag - Ensenat Jane - Esposito RT SN 16: BALLOON SINUPLASTY (LOPATIN) Castelnuovo - Torpel - Pianta RT SB 14: CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (LAWS) Kelly-Faustini-Fahlbusch Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 RT SN 10: Fibro Osseous Lesions – 1: diagnosis and classificication (SWIFT) Briner-Kozlov-Al Amri-Fasanella RT SB 08: PITUITARY ADENOMAS – 2 (beyond surgical options) (LAWS) Frank - Beck Peccoz - Picozzi Cappabianca RT SN 17: NASOPHARYNGEAL CANCER: MULTIMODAL TREATMENT (ORECCHIA) Zhou Bing-Pareschi-Bossi RT SB 15: SKULL BASE CENTER SETTING (BROGGI) Lasio-Arbolay-Simmen-Van Furth 12:00 - 13:00 RT SN 11: Fibro Osseous Lesions - 2: different surgical techniques; long term results and complications (MECO) Leunig Prepageran - Bignami - Felisati RT SB 09: CRANIOPHARYNGIOMAS & OTHER CYSTIC SELLAR/SUPRASELLA LESIONS 1 (primitive lesions) (LOCATELLI) Prevedello-Ceylan-Gellner-Jane RT SN 18: NASOPHARYNGEAL ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION: SURGICAL PROCEDURES (CARRAU) Castelnuovo-Fliss-Herman RT SB 16: ENDOSCOPIC ASSISTED NEUROSURGERY IN ANEURYSMS (DELFINI) Galzio-Ensenat-Kassam-Valvassori 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch-Symposium by Storz: news in Navigation RT SB 31: Endoscopic assisted microsurgery in the skull base (TATAGIBA) Galzio Reisch April 16th, 2014 Preliminary programme SCIENTIFIC SESSION ROOM A NASO SINUSAL ROOM B SKULL BASE ROOM C SPINAL 14:30 - 15:30 RT SN 12: JUVENILE ANGIOFIBROMA - 1: diagnosis and classification (BERNAL-SPREKELSEN) Onerci-Michel-Padoan-Zimmer RT SB 10: CRANIOPHARYNGIOMAS & OTHER CYSTIC SELLAR/SUPRASELLA LESIONS 2 (recurrence) (GENTILI) Kassam-Cappabianca-Wang Rn Zi RT SN 19: MANAGEMENT OF INTFRATEMPORAL FOSSA TUMORS (CASTELNUOVO) Fliss - Zhou Bing - Dallan Prepageran 15:30 - 16:30 RT SN 13: JUVENILE ANGIOFIBROMA – 2: different surgical techniques; long term results and complications (DANESI) Nicolai-Kamel-Otori RT SB 11: CAVERNOUS SINUS (FRANK) Doglietto-Saeki-Roman Bosnjak RT SN 20: ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY COMPLICATIONS (SIMMEN) Presutti - Stamm - Stammberger Canevari RT SN 14: RARE BENIGN AND VASCULAR TUMORS (miscellaneous) (SAMA) Felippu - Carrillo - Dharmabakti - Rauba RT SB 12: CAVUM MECKEL (MORTINI) Prevedello-Pasquini-Nogueira IC SN 14: INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED TREATMENT FOR CRS USING BIOMARKERS: IS THIS THE FUTURE IN CRS MANAGEMENT? (DESROSIERS) RT SB 18: RADIATION COMPLEMENTARY TREATMENTS (ORECCHIA) Fariselli-Iannalfi-Laws RT SB 19: QUALITY of LIFE AND NASAL FUNCTION IN SKULL BASE SURGERY (CARRAU) Turri Zanoni-Gentili-Georgalas INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES 18:00 - 19:00 IC SN 09: IP: TECHNIQUES, PROBLEMS & RESULTS (PASQUINI) IC SB 09: LONG TERM RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF CRANIOPHARINGIOMAS (Schwartz-Jane) IC SN 11: DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY OF SMELL DISORDERS (Hummel- Macchi- Landis) ROOM M RT SB 17: Focus session: where are we now and what lies in the future (TOMMASELLO) Tatagiba - Tram Ba Huy - Grotenhuis - Constantini - Han Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR IC SB 11: CAVERNOUS SINUS (Frank- Pasquini-Locatelli) April 17th, 2014 Preliminary programme INSTRUCTIONAL COURSES ROOM A 07:30 - 08:30 NASO SINUSAL IC SN 12: COMPREHENSIVE SURGICAL APPROACHES TO THE ORBIT (Sellari-Castelnuovo) ROOM B SKULL BASE IC SB 12: ENDOSCOPIC ANATOMICAL JOURNEY AROUND THE CAROTID ARTERY (Tschabitscher-Dallan) ROOM C SPINAL IC SN 13: UPDATE IN FUNGAL RHINOSINUSITIS (Braun- Ponikau) ROOM D ENDOVENTRICULAR IC SB 13: PRINCIPLES OF ENDOSCOPIC SKULL BASE SURGERY AND THE NASAL CORRIDORS (Carrau-Prevedello-Kassam) SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 08:30 - 09:30 RT SN 22: DCR: Dacryocystorhinostomy (MASSEGUR) Lombardi-Bernal Sprekelsen-Emanuelli-Padoan Lecture 03: POSTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA: SURGICAL ANATOMY (Cavallo-Cappabianca) RT SN 28: DAY SURGERY FESS PROCEDURES (CAVERSACCIO) Padoan-Briner-Onerci RT SB 25: CSF LEAKS AND MENINGOENCEPHALOCELES (LOCATELLI) Pistochini - Bernal Sprekelsen-Braun-Bing-Canevari 09:30 - 10:30 RT SN 23: TONES: transorbital neuroendoscopic surgery (MOE) Sellari Franceschini-Carrau-Saleh-AlQhatani RT SB 20: CLIVAL CHORDOMAS (VELLUTINI) Hermann - Mazzatenta Danesi - Goyal RT SN 29: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: THE ENDOSCOPIC PERSPECTIVE (PALMA) Simmen-Vasilenko-Saleh-Moe-Tasca) RT SB 26: SKULL BASE RECONSTRUCTION – 1 (NICOLAI) Castelnuovo - Meco - Terzis - Saleh Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:30 11:00 - 12:00 RT SN 24: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR FESS (BRAUN) Georgalas-Stammberger-Jardin RT SB 21: CLIVAL CHONDROSARCOMAS (PREVEDELLO) Schwarz-Felippu-Froelich-Tatagiba RT SN 30: PEDIATRIC SESSION - 1 FESS for inflammatory disease (De Bernardi-Bottero) RT SB 27: SKULL BASE RECONSTRUCTION - 2 (CARRAU) Braun-Martin-Kassam-Schwartz-Alobid 12:00 - 13:00 RT SN 25: INFERIOR TURBINATES SURGERY (KOSLOW) Eviatar - Nogueira - Catalani RT SB 22: ENDOSCOPIC EAR SURGERY (PRESUTTI) Kakeata - Nogeira Marchioni - Ayache - Badr El Dine RT SN 31: CHOANAL ATRESIA (MECO) Pasquini-Naraghi RT SB 28: SKULL BASE COMPLICATIONS - 1 (vascular) (KASSAM) Cappabianca Stammberger - Kelly - Prepageran 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch by Medtonic Lunch Symposium by Storz: 6 pillars in neurosurgery 14:30 - 15:30 RT SN 26: ENDOSCOPIC SEPTOPLASTY (HASSAB) Felisati-Aloulah-Naraghi) RT SB 23: CRANIO-VERTEBRAL JUNCTION AND ODONTOIDECTOMY (FROELICH) Mazzatenta - Kalinin Prevedello - Gaillard REMODELLING AND ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY: TERAPEUTICAL PROTOCOL FOR POSTOPERATIVE MEDICATION RT SB 29: SKULL BASE COMPLICATIONS – 2+3 (csf-l & pneumocephalus; neurological & infectious) (SCHWARTZ-VAN FURTH) Lyson-Gellner-Martin-Vellutini 15:30 - 16:30 RT SN 27: ENDOSCOPIC CLOSURE OF SEPTAL PERFORATIONS (ELOY) Alobid-Ferreli-Meco RT SB 24: MISCELLANEOUS (cavernous hemangioma, aneurysms) (REISCH) Ensenat-Kassam-Frank-Piccirillo RT SN 33: PEDIATRIC SESSION - 3: pediatric tumors (BING) Prepageran-AlQhatani-Fliss RT SB 30: PITUITARY ADENOMAS – How I do it (DUCATI) Ishii - Arbolay Van Furth - Vulekovic - Sungwon - Hong) LIVE DISSECTION COURSES ROOM F ROOM E April 15th, 2014 08:30 - 09:30 (AS 1) Sinus balooning (Lopatin) (AS 2) FESS 1: anterior compartment (Eloy) 09:30 - 10:30 (AS 1) Medial Maxillectomy (Kamel) (AS 2) FESS 2: posterior compartment (Georgalas) Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 (AS 1) TRANSETHMOIDAL PTERIGOIDAL SPHENOIDAL SURGICAL APPROACH (TEPS) (Onerci) (AS 2) DCR + FRONTAL SINUS SURGICAL APPROACH (DRAF III) (Bockmuehl) 12:00 - 13:00 (AS 1) Transmaxillary window approach (Herman) (AS 2) TRANS PLANUM + ANTERIOR Skull base exposure (Nogeira) Lunch time 13:00 - 14:30 14:30 - 15:30 (AS 2) NASOPHARYNGEAL ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION 1&2 + POSTERIOR CRANIAL FOSSA DISSECTION (Simmen-Reisch) (AS 2) SEPTAL FLAP (HADDAD) + TRANSETHMOIDAL PTERIGOIDAL SPHENOIDAL SURGICAL APPROACH (TEPS) (Pasquini-Mazzatenta) 15:30 - 16:30 (AS 1) Anterior cranial fossa: surgical anatomy and technical notes (Castelnuovo-Locatelli) (AS 2) NASOPHARYNGEAL ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION 3 (Carrau) Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 (AS 2) DCR + OPTIC NERVE & ORBITAL DECOMPRESSION (Bernal-Sprekelsen) (AS 2) Odontoidectomy: endoscopic surgical techniques (Snyderman-Gardner) April 16th, 2014 08:30 - 09:30 (AS 3) FESS 1: anterior compartment (Stammberger) (AS 4) MEDIAL MAXILLECTOMY(Massegur) 09:30 - 10:30 (AS 3) FESS 2: posterior compartment (Braun) (AS 4) Transantral surgical approach + Infratemporal Fossa surgical approach (Herman) Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 (AS 3) Transplanum approach (Prevedello-Carrau) (AS 4) MIDDLE CRANIAL FOSSA: SURGICAL ANATOMY AND TECHNICAL NOTES (Kassam) 12:00 - 13:00 (AS 3) Extended frontal sinus surgery (Simmen) (AS 4) NASOPHARYNGEAL ENDOSCOPIC RESECTION type 3 (Nicolai) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch time LIVE DISSECTION COURSES ROOM E ROOM F 14:30 - 15:30 (AS 3) Transorbit approach to the anterior and middle cranial base (Felippu) (AS 5) ENDONASAL ENDOSCOPIC APPROACH TO ORBIT (Stammberger) 15:30 - 16:30 (AS 3) Odontoidectomy: endoscopic surgical techniques (Saeki) (AS 5 EXTERNAL APPROACH TO ORBIT AND LATERAL CANTOTOMY (Sellari Franceschini) Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 (AS 3 Internal Carotid Artery dissection in the skull base (Tschabitscher) (AS 5) Transclival window (Stamm-Vellutini) April 17th, 2014 08:30 - 09:30 (AS 6) TONES — TRANSORBITAL NEUROENDOSCOPIC SURGERY (Moe) (AS 7) FESS: anterior-posterior compartment (Leunig) 09:30 - 10:30 (AS 6) SELLA+PARASELLA ENDONASAL DISSECTION (Locatelli) DRAF 3 (BIGNAMI) Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 (AS 6) Posterior Cranial Fossa surgical anatomy and technical notes (Cappabianca) (AS 7) ENDOSCOPIC EAR SURGICAL DISSECTION (Presutti-Marchioni) 12:00 - 13:00 (AS 6) anterior cranial fossa surgical anatomy (Schwartz) (AS 7) MODULAR SKULL BASE APPROACHES (Snydermann-Gardner) INVITED FACULTY Aebi Max, Svizzera Al Amri Ali, Saudi Arabia Alobid Isam, Spain Aloulah Mohammad, Saudi Arabia AlQahtani Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia Arbolay Omar Lopez, Cuba Assietti Roberto, Italy Ayache Stephane, France Badr-El-Dine Mohammed, Egypt Balsano Massimo, Italy Baptista Jardin, Spain Barbagallo Giuseppe, Italy Barbanti-Brodano Giovanni, Italy Battaglia Paolo, Italy Beck-Peccoz Paolo, Italy Belotserkovsky Igor, Bielorussia Benazzo Marco, Italy Bernal-Sprekelsen Manuel, Spain Bettag Martin, Germany Bignami Maurizio, Italy Bing Zhou, Cina Bockmühl Ulrike, Germany Bolzoni Villaret Andrea, Italy Boriani Stefano, Italy Bossi Paolo, Italy Bottero Sergio, Italy Brayda-bruno Marco, Italy Braun Hannes, Austria Bresson Damien, France Briner Hans Rudolf, Switzerland Broggi Giovanni, Italy Bussi Mario, Italy Cama Armando, Genova Canevari Rikki, Italy Cantu Giulio, Italy Cappabianca Paolo, Italy Carrau Ricardo, USA Carrillo H. Josè F., USA Castelnuovo Paolo, Italy Catalani MaurizioItaly Cavalheiro Sergio, Brasil Caversaccio M., Switzerland Ceylan Savas, Turkey Ceylan Savas, Turkey Cervellini Patrizio, Italy Cinalli Giuseppe, Italy Constantini Schlomi, Israel Cornips Erwin, Belgium D’Agostino Antonio, Italy D’Aliberti Giuseppe, Italy Dallan Iacopo, Italy Danesi Giovanni, Italy De Alencastro Luiz Carlos, Brasile De Carpentier John Peter, UK De Donato Giuseppe, Italy De Notaris Matteo, Spagna Debernardi Francesca, Italy Delfini Roberto, Italy Delfini Roberto, Italy Delitala Alberto, Italy Delu Giovanni, Italy Delye Hans, The Netherlands Desrosiers Martin, Canada Di RoccoFederico, France Doglietto Francesco, Italy Douglas Richard, New Zeland Dragonetti Alberto, Italy Ducati Alessandro, Italy Eloy Philippe, Belgio Ensenat Joaquim, Spain Ersahin Yusuf, Turkey Esposito Felice, Italy Eustacchio Sandro, Austria Eviatar Ephraim, Israele Fahlbusch Rudi, Germany Fariselli Laura, Italy FasanellaLuigi, Italy Faustini Fustini Marco, Italy Felippu Alexandre, Brazil Felisati Giovanni, Italy Ferreli Fabio, Italy Ferrer Enrique, Spagna Ferroli Paolo, Milano Fliss Dan, Israel Fornari Maurizio, Italy Frank Giorgio, Italy Froelich Sebastien, France Froelich Sebastien, France Gaillard Stephan, France Galassi Ercole, Bologna Gallo Stefania, Italy Galzio Renato, Italy Galzio Renato, Italy GangemiMichelangelo, Napoli Gardner Paul, USA GaziogluNurperi, Turkey Gelardi Matteo, Italia Gellner Verena, Austria Gentili Fred, Canada Georgalas Christos, Netherlands GiussaniCarlo, Milano Golbin Denis, Russia Godano Umberto, Potenza Gorelishev Serge, Russia Giordano Flavio, Italy Goutagny Stephane, France Goyal Parul, USA Grin Andrey, Russia Grotenhuis Andre, Netherlands Grotenhuis A., Netherlands Guizzardi Giancarlo, Italy GushchaArtem O., Russia Han De-Min, China Hanna Ehab, USA Harms Juergen, Germany Hassab Mohammed, Egypt Hellwig Dieter, Germany Herman Philippe, France Herrada-Pineda Tenoch, Mexico Hong Yong-Kil, Korea HummelThomas, Germany Iannalfi Alberto, Italy Ishii Yudo, Japan Jane John jr, USA Kalinin Pavel, Russia Kamel Reda, EGYPT Kapitanov Dimitry, Russia Kassam Amin, Canada Keles Nesil, Turkey Kelly Daniel, USA Kozlov Vladimir, Russia Krzok Guntram, Germany Lamartina Claudio, Italy Landi Massimo, Italy Landis Basile Switzerland Lanisnik Bostjan, SLOVENIA Lasio Giovanni, Italy Laws Edward, USA Lee Dennis, Hong Kong Lee John, USA Lehmberg Jens, Germany Munchen Lepori Paolo, Italy Leunig Andreas, Germany Locatelli Davide, Italy Lombardi Davide, Italy Longatti Pierluigi, Treviso Lopatin Andrey, Russia LuebbersThomas, Germany Macchi Alberto, Italy MallucciConor, Britain Marchioni DanieleItaly Margalani Osama, Saudi Arabia Maroldi Roberto, Italy Martini Alessandro, Italy Mascari Carmelo, Bologna Massegur Umbert,Spagna Massimi Luca, Roma Mazzatenta Diego,Italy Meco Cem, Turkey MelikianArmen G., USA Meloni Francesco, Italy Michel Olaf, Belgio Miyajima Masaichi, Japan Moe Kris, USA Mortini Pietro, Italy Müller Hermann, Germany Murai Hisayuki, Japan Naddeo Michele, Torino Naraghi Mohsen, Iran Negm Hesham, Egypt Nicolai Piero, Italy Nishiyama Kenichi, Japan Nogeira Joao Flavio, Brazil NogueiraGustavo Fabiano, Brazil Oertl Joachim, Germany Oertl Joachim, Germany Önerci Metin, Turkey Oppido Piero, Roma OrecchiaRoberto, Milano Otori Noboyosci, Japan Ozek Memet, Turchia Padoan Giovanni, Italy Pagella Fabio, Italy Palma Pietro, Italy Palmer James, USA PaludettiGaetano, Italy Pareschi Roberto, Italy Pasquini Ernesto, Italy Peretta Paola, Italy Pianta Luca, Italy PiccirilloEnrico, Italy Picozzi Piero, San Raffaele Pistochini Andrea, Italy Poletti Arturo, Italy Poletti Donatella, Italy Ponikau Jens, USA Prats Galino Alberto Prepageran Narayanan, Malaysia Prestamburgo Domenico, Italy Presutti Livio, Italy Prevedello Daniel, USA Puget Stephanie, France PuxedduRoberto, Italy Qureshi Moodhy, Kenya Ravegnani Marcello, Genova Reisch Robert, Switzerland Rigante Mario, Italy Riva- Cambrin Jay, Canada RoccucciPaolo, Italy Rossi Andrea, Italy Saeki Naukatsu, Japan Saleh Hesham, United Kingdom Sama Anshul, UK Santos de Oliveira Ricardo, Brazil Schröder Henry, Germany Schröder Henry, Germany SchubertMichel, France Schwartz Theodore H., USA Seiji Kakeata, Giappone Sellari Franceschini Stefano, Italy Seow Wan Tew, Singapore Sgouros Spyros, Grecia Simmen Daniel Bruno, Switzerland Snydermann Carl, USA SpecchiaNicola, Italy SpennatoPiero, Italy Stamm Aldo, Brazil Stammberger Heinz, Austria Sufianov Albert, Russia Sufianov Albert, Russia Sungwon Kim, Korea Swift Andrew C, United Kingdom Talamonti Giuseppe, Milano Tatagiba Marcos, Germany Teli Marco, Italy Terzis Timoleon, Greece ThomaleUlrich, Germany Tirelli Giancarlo, Italy Tomazic Peter Valentine, Austria Tommasello Francesco, Italy Tran Ba Huy Patrice, France Trimarchi, MatteoItaly Tschabitscher Manfred, Austria Turri Zanoni Mario, Italy ValentiniLaura, Milano Valvassori Luca, Niguarda Van Furth Wouter, Netherlands Vasilenko Irina, Italy VellutiniEdoardoBrasile Visocchi Massimiliano, Italy Wagner Ralf, Germany Zhou Bing, Cina Zimmer Lee, USA S PO TAZ RT ION A E GA RI B S CE TAZI NT ON RA E LE F. S. MILANO CENTRO MALPENSA 42 km L'Isola M Pirellone 13 AL Sempione ORIO AL SERIO 55 km DI IPPODROMO Du La te grand oltre Corso Como SAN SIRO L'u di Le Il cap di Leo ARENA Arena Brera PLANETARIO Pinacoteca 8 di Brera AZ ST Castello Sforzesco IO 10 NE La Triennale 4 RD NO LINATE 11 km . .M N F. Quadrilatero della Moda La Il tem della 3 Teatro La Scala 2 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 5 Ultima Cena di Leonardo Museo 11 dell Scienza 9 Pinacoteca Ambrosiana 6 1 Duomo Il C Un co fortez comin 12 Palazzo Reale S. Lorenzo 7 E 14 Rotonda della Besana HOTEL A 1 KM DI DISTANZA DAL MIC categoria ★★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ stanze MELIA MILANO ACCADEMIA ADMIRAL ATA HOTEL FIERA MILANO ENTERPRISE POLIZIANO FIERA MONTEBIANCO NASCO UNA HOTEL SCANDINAVIA JOHNNY MINI HOTEL PORTELLO MOZART ORO BLU 274 67 60 238 113 100 44 76 153 31 96 121 27 METROPOLITANA LINEA 1 LINEA 2 STATION PORTA GENOVA LINEA 3 PASSANTE Navigli SHOPPING VITA NOTTURNA Lago Pavia monu Berg nego Mant e dec Meeting Venue MiCo Congress Center North Wing: Via Gattamelata 5 - Milan Bus n. 78: stop Colleoni/Gattamelata Organizing Secretariat CQ TRAVEL s.r.l. Part of the MZ International Group Tel +39 02 36753900 / +39 02 66802323 Fax +39 02 49542900 / +39 02 6686699 e-mail secretariat@endomilano.com www.endomilano.com
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