Chetney wins state singles title


Chetney wins state singles title
C NY Striker
A B i - w e e k l y N e w s p a p e r P u b l i c a t i o n B r o u g h t t o Y o u b y t h e S y r a c u s e Usbc M e n ’ s , W o m e n ’ s & Y o u t h A s s o c i a t i o n s
S e p t e mber 2011
Your Guide to Local Bowling News and Scores
Volume 3 – Issue 2
Syracuse loses out to
El Paso for the
2015 Open Championships
The United States Bowling Congress announced Sept. 9 that the 2015 USBC Open
Championships will be held in El Paso, Texas, marking the first time in a decade the tournament will travel to a brand new host city. El
Paso beat out Syracuse and Las Vegas for the
marquee tournament.
After a successfully hosting the USBC
Women’s Championships last spring, Syracuse put in a bid for the 2015 Open Championships, which would have been held at the
Oncenter. USBC Open officials also toured
the Oncenter facility last spring. But in the
end, the USBC decided to award the Open
Championships to El Paso.
The 2015 event will be the 112th edition of
the USBC Open Championships, which has
been held in 48 cities in 26 states since its inception in 1901. The last time the tournament
ventured to a new city was 2005, when it was
held in Baton Rouge, La., also its first visit
to Louisiana. The 2012 Open Championships
will be hosted by Baton Rouge.
The USBC said the biggest reason El Paso
was selected is it was the only bidding city
that would be a new destination for Open
Championships bowlers. Surveys show that
many Open Championships bowlers like to
see new cities, and the 2005 event featured a
sellout field of 13,222 five-player teams.
“The city of El Paso really rolled out the
red carpet for the bowlers and staff during
the Women’s Championships in 2010, and
we’re excited about being able to return
with the Open Championships in 2015,” said
USBC Executive Director Stu Upson. “The
event has been to many different places over
the years, and it will be great to add another
amazing city to the list.”
After hosting the 2010 USBC Women’s
Championships at the El Paso Convention
and Performing Arts Center, the city of El
Paso made a strong proposal to hold the 2015
Open Championships in the same venue. The
offer was accepted with the full support of
the USBC Board of Directors.
“The venue in El Paso played a huge role
in the history of the Women’s Championships as the event’s first convention-center
build,” said Brian Lewis, USBC’s Managing
Director of Tournaments. “Along with the Intercollegiate Team Championships, Queens
Chetney wins state singles title
Margie Chetney, of Baldwinsville, bested
the top scratch bowlers in the state to win
the Singles title at the 75th annual New York
State USBC Women’s Bowling Association
Championship Tournament last spring.
Chetney placed first with a 769 series,
which she rolled in April at Transit Lanes,
Williamsville. The right-hander fired games
of 244, 266 and 259, but had to wait a month
to see if her score would hold up. The tournament ended May 22. Chetney cashed $400.
Chetney’s state singles event crown completed a stellar 2010-11 season. At The PostStandard Women’s Masters in February at
Bowl Mor Lanes, Chetney rolled a 298 game
in qualifying to tie the tournament’s singlegame record. The following weekend, she
made Masters history by firing 12 straight
strikes during the first game of match play
for the first-ever perfect game in tournament
play. Her 542 two-game total set another
tournament record for high series.
Chetney added another perfect game the
next day at the Masters, and her 544 twogame total bettered her previous record. She
averaged 234.6 for the tournament and finished ninth.
At the USBC Queens Championships in
April at the Oncenter, Chetney qualified for
double-elimination match play, earning the
last spot (64th place) with a 2,915 total for 15
games. She lost her first two matches, to hall
of famer Carolyn Dorin-Ballard and USBC
Women’s Tournament champion Jodi Woessner. Chetney cashed $750.
Chetney was also featured in an article in
the April issue of the Bowlers Journal Magazine. The article mentioned Chetney’s two
300 games in the Masters tournament, as well
as the city of Syracuse hosting the USBC
Women’s Championships.
Here’s a list of local ladies who rolled award scores last season
(300, 800 and/or 11-in-a-row).
800 series
Michele Connor 805 Bowl Mor
300 game
Marni Vincitore, Flamingo
Maria D’Imperio, Thunderbird
Margie Chetney (2), Bowl Mor
Emilie Pawlick, Thunderbird
Courtney Radick (2), Lighthouse
299 game
Veronica Adams, Flamingo
Roseann DiFlorio (2), Bowl Mor
299 game…cont.
Emilie Pawlick, Bowl Mor
Colby Stejbach, Bowl Mor
298 game
Krystal Ashby, Erie
Rachael Thompson, Thunderbird
Margie Chetney, Bowl Mor
Christine Nichols, Bowl Mor
290 game
Courtney Radick, Lighthouse
Syracuse was the home of the 2011 USBC Women’s Championships at the Oncenter last spring
but lost out to El Paso for the 2015 Open Championships. The Oncenter would have been the
venue for the 2015 Open.
and other events, our previous stay in El Paso
couldn’t have been any smoother, and we
know our return to El Paso will be another
Known as “The Sun City” because of more
than 300 days of sunshine each year, El Paso
treated the bowlers and their families to a fantastic experience during the 2010 Women’s
Championships, and officials are confident
that Open Championships bowlers will have
the same great stay in west Texas.
Go to page 6 as the USBC addresses a series of questions about its Open and Women’s
USBC Open Championships Future Sites:
2012 - Baton Rouge, La.
2013 - Reno, Nev.
2014 - Reno, Nev.
2015 - El Paso, Texas
2016 - Reno, Nev.
continued on page 6 ☞
µ µ TRI BUTE µ µ
Sellin retires from SBA board of directors
Len Sellin made up his mind last season.
After 40 years of service with the Syracuse Bowling Association,
Sellin decided to step down as a director. He had the longest tenure
of any active director on the SBA board before he officially retired
last July.
“I didn’t anticipate staying on for 40 years when I started,” Sellin
said. “The time was right to step aside and let the younger guys take
Sellin served on almost every committee throughout his years
with the SBA, most recently as chairman of the nominating committee. During his tenure, he was the chair of the BVL, League
Officers Tournament, Champion of Champions, City Tournament,
Budget and Finance and Hearing and Rating (which looks into misappropriation of funds). He also was the SBA president in 1985-86.
Sellin has pretty much seen and done it all within the local bowling community, including roll
a 300 game at the age of 78 in 2008. Sellin, who also was a league secretary for years, continues
to enjoy the game as he bowls in three senior leagues every week.
Sellin recently took the time to reflect on his time with the SBA and shared his thoughts a
variety of topics.
How he got his start with the SBA: “At that time, there were eight candidates and I was up
against some stiff competition. I never expected to be elected. But I got the most votes, which
was a surprise to me. I thought I’d stay for a few years but as the years went on, I was asked
to be on this committee and that committee. I always tried to do my best. It was a privilege to
The best part of being a director: “I made a lot of friends and new acquaintances that I
wouldn’t have made if I hadn’t been involved as a director. It also made me a better bowler
because I was around so many good bowlers and saw what kind of equipment they used. I also
bowled in more tournaments. I wouldn’t have done that unless I was involved in the association.”
Juggling work and bowling: “I worked for 40 years and was an industrial engineer at Carrier
for 25 years. I did the best I could with my schedule. I was supposed to be SBA president in
1984-85 but had to relinquish it to Don Gates because of my job. But in 1985, I took over. I used
to bowl one night a week when I worked, but after I retired, I started bowling more.”
Biggest disappointments: “There are two things. What happened and the situation with (former SBA secretary) Linda Stachnik, and the loss of bowlers over the years. There’s also a lack
of commitment for some with being a SBA director. We’d elect four people but by the end of the
season only one would be left.”
The way it was: “There used to be factory leagues. Carrier alone sponsored four bowling
leagues. I was secretary for the Eastwood Merchants League at the Sports Center and we bowled
in shifts, 16 teams at 7 p.m. and 16 teams at 9 p.m. When I was chairman of the League Officers
Tournament in 1975, we had to turn bowlers away because we didn’t have enough lanes. The
city used to have 20,000 bowlers. Now we have 5,000. It’s been a comedown over the years.”
September 2011
C N Y Striker
Ventura, Tryniski
fare well in regional events
In a PBA East Region Senior event, Pennsylvania native Kent Wagner, of Bradenton, Fla., defeated Sammy
Ventura, 236-225, to win the
Strike Zone Senior Open at
Strike Zone Alleys in Pottsville, Pa., on on Sept. 4.
Wagner, who hails from
nearby Allentown, stayed in
the northeast visiting family Mike Tryniski
Sam Ventura
after the conclusion of the
PBA Senior Tour. It was Wagner’s 12th career regional title. He earned $1,500 for first.
Ventura, who became a regional champion in August, earned $750 as the runner-up.
Mike Tryniski, of Fulton, advanced to the round of eight and cashed $550.
On Sept. 11, Tryniski placed fourth at the PBA East Region Howell Lanes
Senior Open at Howell Lanes in Howell, N.J. Tryniski finished with a 5-3 record and
won $750. Tryniski lost to Richard Bucey, 213-179, in the semifinal round. PBA hall of
famer George Pappas won the event.
As of Sept. 12, Tryniski ranks first on the PBA East Region Senior tour with 225.87
who volunteer
The efforts of our local bowling associations
revolve around a dedicated group of individuals who volunteer their time to promote the
sport of bowling. The CNY Striker features
one of those special people in this issue, Len
Sellin, who spent 40 years serving on the SBA
board of directors.
Ray Bresee is another gentleman who deserves recognition. Bresee was a board member for 10 years and most recently served on
the Hall of Fame committee. He also coordinated the Hall of Fame ceremony before stepping aside last fall. Bresee did a wonderful
job organizing the annual event and making
it special for both guests and hall of fame inductees. Bresee was recently hospitalized and
our thoughts and prayers go out to him. He
would welcome your cards and letters. Please
send them to:
Ray Bresee
St. Joseph’s Hospital
301 Prospect Ave. | Syracuse, NY 13203
I’d also like to thank the people who help
get this publication delivered to the area bowling centers for you to enjoy. This group is led
by Robert Ripka and includes John Rougeau,
Karl Reester, John Savage, Rob Combs, Kevin Pierson and Courtney Radick.
If you’re interested in becoming a SBA director, please email the SBA office at
– Fran Piraino
Your free copy of The CNY Striker is courtesy of
your local bowling centers and other advertisers
that appear in this edition. We thank them for their
To send story ideas, upcoming events, league
scores or to inquire about advertising, please email
us at The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
not necessarily those of The CNY Striker or the
local bowling associations.
The C N Y Striker
715 Old Liverpool Road
Liverpool, NY 13088
Editor/Writer......................... Fran Piraino
............................................Joyce Rougeau
Advertising coordinator.... John Rougeau
Distribution coordinator.... Robert Ripka
Contributing writers.............John Savage
Bookkeeping/Finance......... Sandy Adiano
............................................... Sandy Argus
competes in
Frank Sorbello, of North Syracuse, was
among the nearly 370 bowlers that took part
in the 2011 USBC Senior Championships
which was held after the conclusion of the
Women’s Championships on July 6 and 7 at
the Oncenter.
Sorbello competed in the Open Division
Class D (55-59). Male and female bowlers
from across the United States and Canada
took part in the two-day handicap singles
event. They qualified for the USBC Senior
Championships through local and state tournaments.
Sorbello finished with a six-game handicap total of 977. After two three-game blocks
over two days, champions were crowned in
each classification based on their six-game
Anthony Barone (Canastota) was the only
other Central New York bowler to qualify.
Barone competed in the Open Division
Class C (60-64). He finished with a two-day
total of 1,024.
The Seniors Championships consists of
two divisions - Open and Women’s - and
each is made up of five age classifications:
Super Seniors (75 and older); Class A (7074); Class B (65-69); Class C (60-64) and
Class D (55-59). Handicap is 90 percent of
The winners in the Open Division were:
Super Senior - Thomas O’Brien, Woodsfield, Ohio, 1,399; Class A - Ray Stormo,
Campbell River, British Columbia, 1,358;
Class B - Silas McGhee, Greenwood, Miss.,
1,311; Class C - Merv Belanko, Campbell
River, British Columbia, 1,322; Class D Gary Keener, Indianapolis, Ind., 1,415.
The winners in the Women’s Division were: Super Seniors - Gloria Chin of
Modesto, Calif., 1,275; Class A - Jeanne
Rickert, S. Royalton, Vt., 1,293; Class B Marlene Stephens, Nehelam, Ore., 1,267;
Class C - Shirley Job, Bismarck, N.D.,
All champions received $1,000 and a crystal bowling pin. Each runner-up received a
commemorative clock, while third place finishers received plaques. All bowlers in the
top 10 received prize checks.
Strike Zone Alleys, Pottsville, Pa.
Kent Wagner, Bradenton, Fla. ($1,500) def.
Sammy Ventura, Syracuse, N.Y., ($750), 236-225.
Semifinal Round (losers earned $625)
Wagner def. John Chapman, Brantford, Ont., 236-214.
Ventura def. Gary Shultis, Levittown, N.Y., 234-221.
Round of 8 (best of three games, losers eliminated and earned $550 each)
Wagner def. Mike Tryniski, Fulton, N.Y., 2-1.
Ventura def. Andy Ippolito, Forest Hills, N.Y., 2-0.
Chapman def. Russell Michaud, Hudson, N.H., 2-0.
Shultis def. Andy Smith, Colonie, N.Y., 2-0.
Round of 16 (best of five games, losers eliminated and earned $500 each)
Wagner def. David Kneas, Annapolis, Md., 3-2.
Ventura def. Bob Kavanaugh, Clifton Park, N.Y., 3-1.
Chapman def. Pete Bryan, Laurel, Del., 3-1.
Shultis def. Patrick Mott, Waterloo, N.Y., 3-1.
Ippolito def. Sam Maccarone, Sewell, N.J., 3-1.
Tryniski def. George Tignor, Winchendon, Mass., 3-1.
Michaud def. Mike Hastings, Millsboro, Del., 3-0.
Smith def. Chris Fedden, Albany, N.Y., 3-2.
PBA East Region Howell Lanes Senior Open
Final Standings
Pos Name – Hometown
1. Pappas, George (ss) – Charlotte, N.C.
2. Bucey, Richard (ss) – Forest Hill, Md
3. Petraglia, John F. (ss) – Jackson, N.J.
4. Tryniski, Michael – Fulton, N.Y.
5. Smith, Andrew – Colonie, N.Y.
6. Berke, Marty – Allentown, Pa.
7. Kavanaugh, Robert J – Clifton Park, N.Y.
8. Bower, Darryl – Middletown, Pa.
9. Mazzanti, Vince – Levittown, Pa.
10. Maccarone, Sam – Glassboro, N.J.
30. Ventura, Sammy – Syracuse, N.Y.
Points (as of Sept. 12)
Pos. Name – Hometown
1. Shultis, Gary – Levittown, N.Y.......................................7
2. Maccarone, Sam – Glassboro, N.J...................................5
3. Ventura, Sammy – Syracuse, N.Y....................................5
4. Tryniski, Michael – Fulton, N.Y......................................4
5. Kneas, David – Annapolis, Md........................................7
6. Caruso, Bob – Dayton, N.J..............................................7
7. Hastings, Mike – Millsboro, Del.....................................6
8. Hunter, Brent – Glenville, Pa..........................................6
9. Tignor, George – Winchendon, Mass..............................6
10. DiSantis, John – Wilmington, Del...................................6
Earnings (Beginning April 1, 2011 as of Sept. 12)
Pos. Name – Hometown
1. Shultis, Gary – Levittown, N.Y....................................... 7
2. Maccarone, Sam – Glassboro, N.J................................... 5
3. Ventura, Sammy – Syracuse, N.Y.................................... 5
4. Tryniski, Michael – Fulton, N.Y...................................... 4
5. Hastings, Mike – Millsboro, Del..................................... 6
6. Caruso, Bob – Dayton, N.J.............................................. 7
7. Kneas, David – Annapolis, Md........................................ 7
8. Tignor, George – Winchendon, Mass.............................. 6
9. Hunter, Brent – Glenville, Pa.......................................... 6
10. Brodowski, Tommy (ss) – New Hyde Park, N.Y............ 4
Average (Beginning April 1, 2011 – minimum 24 games)
Pos. Name – Hometown
1. Tryniski, Michael – Fulton, N.Y......................................60
2. Chapman, John – Canada................................................27
3. Ventura, Sammy – Syracuse, N.Y...................................65
4. Glover, Mark – Woodbridge, Va......................................39
5. Mazzanti, Vince – Levittown, Pa....................................24
6. Bower, Darryl – Middletown, Pa.....................................58
7. Bondarchuk, Gary – Langhorne, Pa................................25
8. Wolf, Karl – Saratoga Springs, N.Y.................................31
9. Lickliter, Steve (ss) – Beckley, W Va..............................25
10. Ippolito, Andy (ss) – Forest Hills, N.Y............................38
S e p t e mber 2011
Soutar is Senior Tour leader for appearances
Dave Soutar of Bradenton, Fla., the only player ever to win both the USBC Masters and
USBC Senior Masters, extended his record for appearances in PBA Senior Tour events to
250 tournaments by competing in the 2011 season-finale in Dayton, Ohio in August.
Soutar, who turned 71 on March 7, is an 18-time PBA Tour champion and seven-time
PBA Senior Tour winner. For his entire career beginning in 1961, Soutar has bowled in
a total of 1,109 PBA events (661 PBA Tour, 93 regionals, 105 senior regionals and 250
Senior Tour).
In the overall tournament race, the all-time leader is Ernie Schlegel of Vancouver, Wash.,
with a grand total of 1,165 appearances (829 PBA Tour, 218 regionals, 92 Senior Tour and
26 senior regionals).
Schlegel was the owner of the all-time PBA Tour participation record until Tom
Baker of King, N.C., quietly assumed to the leadership position during the 2010-11
Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour season. By competing in the 2011 PBA Tournament of
Champions, U.S. Open, Mark Roth GEICO Plastic Ball Championship and Dick Weber
PBA Playoffs, Baker increased his total number of PBA Tour events to 831, two more
than Schlegel. Baker has a combined 1,107 PBA tournament appearances (168 regionals,
70 Senior Tour and 38 senior regionals), which ranks third on the all-time list, two behind
Soutar. Dale Eagle is fourth with 1,019 events (691 PBA Tour, 76 regionals, 182 Senior
Tour and 70 senior regionals).
1. Ron Mohr, Eagle River, Alaska 2. W.R. Williams Jr., Ocala, Fla. 3. Harry Sullins, Chesterfield Twp., Mich. 4. Dale Traber, Cedarburg, Wis. 5. Tom Baker, King, N.C. 6. Dale Eagle, Tavares, Fla. 7. Hugh Miller, Seattle 8. Wayne Webb, Columbus, Ohio 9. Kenny Parks, Hammond, Ind. 10. Mike Dias, Lafayette, Colo. 11. Mark Williams, Beaumont, Texas 12. Kent Wagner, Bradenton, Fla. 13. Michael Henry, Brunswick, Ohio 14. Tim Kauble, Marion, Ohio 15. Ricky Beck, Box Elder, S.D. 16. Kerry Painter, Henderson, Nev. 17. Steve Ferraro, Kingston, N.Y. 18. Peter Knopp, Germany 19. Henry Gonzalez, Colorado Springs 20. Keith Sharp, Orlando, Fla. VERAGES
1. W.R. Williams Jr., Ocala, Fla. 2. Ron Mohr, Eagle River, Alaska 3. Hugh Miller, Seattle 4. Tom Baker, King, N.C. 5. Harry Sullins, Chesterfield Twp., Mich. 6. Wayne Webb, Columbus, Ohio 7. Kenny Parks, Hammond, Ind. 8. Keith Sharp, Orlando, Fla. 9. Mark Williams, Beaumont, Texas 10. Kent Wagner, Bradenton, Fla. 11. Mike Dias, Lafayette, Colo. 12. Dale Csuhta, Wadsworth, Ohio 13. Kerry Painter, Henderson, Nev. 14. Steve Ferraro, Kingston, N.Y. 15. Dale Eagle, Tavares, Fla. 16. Charlie Tapp, Kalamazoo, Mich. 17. Michael Henry, Brunswick, Ohio 18. Kevin Croucher, Grants Pass, Ore. 19. Tim Kauble, Marion, Ohio 20. Dale Traber, Cedarburg, Wis. OMPETITION POINTS
1. Ron Mohr, Eagle River, Alaska 2. W.R. Williams Jr., Ocala, Fla. 3. Harry Sullins, Chesterfield Twp., Mich. 4. Tom Baker, King, N.C. 5. Mark Williams, Beaumont, Texas 6. Kenny Parks, Hammond, Ind. 7. Dale Traber, Cedarburg, Wis. 8. Wayne Webb, Columbus, Ohio 9. Dale Eagle, Tavares, Fla. 10. Michael Henry, Brunswick, Ohio 11. Kent Wagner, Bradenton, Fla. 12. Ricky Beck, Box Elder, S.D. 13. Kerry Painter, Henderson, Nev. 14. Hugh Miller, Seattle 15. Mike Dias, Lafayette, Colo. 16. Kevin Croucher, Grants Pass, Ore. 17. Steve Ferraro, Kingston, N.Y. 18. Keith Sharp, Orlando, Fla. 19. Tim Kauble, Marion, Ohio 20. Peter Knopp, Germany Events
10 11 11 11 10 11 6
11 9
11 8
11 9
11 10 10 10 6
10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 7
10 Total
C N Y Striker
A message from the SBA President
John Rougeau
I’d like to welcome you back to what I hope will be a
successful season for us all! It’s that time to meet back
up with all our bowling friends that we haven’t seen
over the summer and an opportunity to make new acquaintances. And maybe for a few, try something new
on the lanes or make changes to our equipment.
As you most likely have heard by now, our former
State Associations have merged into one. New York
State is one of only a handful of states that have taken the lengthy steps to merge. Now that the state has
merged, the door is open for any association to take
the necessary steps to merge as well. Our association
has a committee in place and will be meeting with the
SWBA and Youth Associations to discuss when and if it’s right for our membership to
merge. We will keep everyone posted on this topic as we move forward.
Our annual BVL collection to support our local veterans at the VA hospital is moving
back to the original collection month of November. Your house representatives from the
SWBA and SBA will be collecting in every league. On behalf of all the veterans we have
supported over the years, I know they greatly appreciate your continued support!
Make sure you keep in touch with us throughout the season by picking up a free copy of
The CNY Striker, on our Facebook account or visiting our association’s website, www.
The CNY Striker has a fresh new look this year that I hope will meet your approval. We
must thank every bowling center and pro shop along with our ad sponsors for making
it possible for us to bring the paper to you. With the lack of local support, The CNY
Striker is our only consistent source for up-to-date bowling news. New ads are always
welcome. Just contact the association office for information.
Have you seen our annual yearbook? If not, I invite you to take a look at our official
Association Yearbook, which is a joint effort between the three local associations. Much
effort went into completing the yearbook so it would be ready before the start of the
season in August.
Inside the yearbook you’ll find your average(s) from last season, award scores and tournament history along with our sponsor ads. Your league secretary has a copy for you
to review. We have a limited number of books for sale at the SBA office for a minimal
price. Any discrepancy should be brought to the attention of your league secretary and
the association office for corrective action.
In closing, I welcome you to contact us at any time with comments, suggestions or general bowling inquires. To contact us at the office, our phone number is 488-3761 or by
email at The office is open Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. I look forward to seeing you on the lanes!
A message from the Syracuse Bowling Association
With a new season upon us, SBA association manager Sandy Argus wanted to pass along
some pertinent information to association members.
USBC sanctioning
The USBC requires that bowlers complete a sanction application card for each league the
first time they participate in it. Please note that many leagues have rules for failure to comply with this rule. It’s the team captain’s responsibility to make sure the sanction card is
turned into the league secretary.
If you are a bowler that has paid their sanction in another Association, then you only need
to pay the $9 Syracuse Local Association dues. This also applies for ladies that are sanctioned through the SWBA and bowling in a SBA league.
When completing sanction cards, be sure your information is current and correct. This is the information the
USBC uses when mailing your sanction cards back to
you. Once the sanctions are processed at the national
level, every bowler can access their own records at bowl.
com. They can also print their own sanction card!
Familiarize yourselves with the USBC rules via bowl.
com. Often rules are changed and/or updated so make
sure you’re following the latest version.
If you have any questions, the SBA office is open Tuesday
through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our phone number is
488-3761 and our email is
Thank you and good luck this season,
Sandy Argus
For all local bowling scores and information, please go to
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September 2011
C N Y Striker
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Join in on fan only specials and stay up to date on new ball releases!!!
A look back in history:
1932 Markson Furniture team
by John Savage
One of the local teams to compete in the USBC Women’s Championships were the Syracuse
Strikers. (Left to right): Donna Wilson, Betty Bathke, Fran Piraino, Ann Marie Hotaling and
Elizabeth Bury.
During the 1927-28 bowling season, the Commercial League had 32 teams which made
it the largest league in the United States. It later expanded to 72 teams and became the largest traveling league in the United States. In 1939, the league bowled at the Jefferson Bowling Academy and became the largest bowling league to bowl under one roof in the world.
On February 9, 1932, the Markson Furniture team became the first team in the history
of the Syracuse Bowling Association to bowl over 1,200 for a game. Starting with Greg
Griffo in the sixth frame, they rolled 26 consecutive strikes. The alleys at that time had no
arrows or dots, only the foul line.
The team members all bowled with a two fingered bowling ball. Team members and
their scores were; Bill Shaul -263, Tony Malone-247, Frank Turco-209, Sam Pasquale-214
and Greg Griffo-279 for a team score of 1,212.
Creative team names highlight
Women’s Championships
Naming your bowling team isn’t always easy unless you have a team sponsor and you just use
that name. At the 2011 USBC Women’s Championships, there was an array of creative team
names among the 6,000 that competed. Here’s a sample of some unique monikers.
Alley Cats
Pin Pals
Frame Throwers
Happy Hookers
Sassy Lassies
Bowling Ball Busters
Maybe This Year
Strike Force
Split Happens
We Need A Miracle
Rollin On
Pin Pushers
Rock n Cher
Striking Ladies
Strike It Rich
Do you have a unique story on how you came up with your team name? The CNY Striker would
like to hear about it. E-mail us at and tell us your team name story.
Another local team to compete in the USBC Women’s Championships were the CNY Strikers.
(Left to right): Anne Moore, Veronica Adams, Allie O’Donaghy, Joyce Rougeau and Lori Youker.
S e p t e mber 2011
While the USBC Women’s Championships is now a memory, its legacy lives on in the community thanks to the generosity of the United States Bowling Congress.
Materials used to transform the Oncenter Convention Center into a state-of-the-art 48-lane
bowling arena last spring were donated to the Syracuse chapter of Habitat for Humanity
(HFH) for local building projects.
The Oncenter venue, which took 42 days and more than 6,500 man hours to construct, took
approximately nine days to take apart. The deconstruction began July 8 with volunteers
from HFH working to salvage raw materials. Volunteers, who ranged in age from teenagers
to senior citizens, worked in shifts to pull out nails from 2-by-4s and stack lumber over the
course of deconstruction.
Floor joists, 2-by-4s, plywood and the rug from the squad room were among the materials
donated to HFH. At the start of the tournament, which began April 7, the USBC donated a
surplus of dry wall and dry-wall supplies not used during the construction process.
USBC and the local HFH chapters have been working together since the 2002 USBC Open
Championships in Billings, Mont., and the relationship has been extended to the Women’s
Championships, which was held in a convention-center setting for the second consecutive
The Syracuse City School District bowling program will also benefit from USBC donations. Brian Whitman, the registration manager at the 2011 Women’s Championships, donated abandoned bowling equipment to Syracuse varsity coach Bob Piraino in June.
“Many of our bowlers don’t have their own equipment,” Piraino said. “I was greatly appreciative for an event that large to think of our kids. There are kids who need these items
to compete.”
Bowling balls, bowling bags, shoe covers, towels, rosin bags and assorted accessories were
among the items donated by the USBC.
DiGenaro rolls
first perfect
“I think this is great,” said Greg Wright, Faith Relations and Deconstruction Coordinator
for Syracuse HFH last April. “It saves us a small fortune on the building supplies, and that’s
significant for us.”
The large electronic scoreboard was retained by the USBC and will likely be used at the
2012 Open Championships in Baton Rouge. Brunswick work crews took away the synthetic
lanes, approaches, pin setters and ball returns. A Brunswick representative said some of the
equipment was sold to undisclosed centers around the country.
C N Y Striker
Youth Corner
Local community
benefits from
Women’s Championships
Alex DiGenaro
Ten minutes of practice proved to be a
prelude to perfection for Liverpool High
School senior Alex DiGenaro.
Prior to his Have-A-Ball League at Flamingo on Aug. 3, DiGenaro rolled all strikes
during warm-ups. The 17-year-old righthander then proceeded to fired 12 straight
strikes in his first game for his first career
300 game.
“I was in the pocket the whole time
in practice,” DiGenaro said. “But I
didn’t think anything of it.”
The warm-up strikes were a good
omen for DiGenaro, whose previous
career high was 279 twice. He finished
with games of 300, 243 and 179 for
a 722 series. His career-best series is
DiGenaro, who has been on the Liverpool varsity since the eighth grade,
said he had a good line to the pocket
but lucked out on two shots.
“One ball I got way too far out but
it ended up coming back for me,” he
said. “Then on my last ball, I had a
wobbling 10-pin before it finally went
down. It felt pretty good (to get 300).”
DiGenaro, who also bowls in the
Junior Travel League, kept himself
from getting nervous by talking to his
friends during the game. DiGenaro’s
father, Pete, was present for his 300.
Pete DiGenaro, the author of multiple
perfect games, anxiously watched
his son off to the side until the 12th
Congratulations Alex!
Bowl Mor
Bumper Buddies
Sept. 10. Chiara Messina 81/148, Cadence Wilson 81/138, Tim Hess 65/120, Trey Borkowski
69/135, Shaun Petrocci Jr. 90/164, Preston Petrocci 66/123
Sept. 17. Shaun Petrocci, Jr. 99/180, Chiara Messina 73/136, Tim Hess 77/134, Trey
Borkowski 69/133, Cadence Wilson 66/118, Preston Petrocci 66/111
Sept. 10. Hope Wright 73/188, Kobie Gibson 104/225, Evan Carhart 123/292, Geno Messina
86/209, Kyle Patterson 102/241, Hunter Borkowski 103/301, Frank Colosi 161/389, Robert
Briscoe 163/413, Emily Petrowski 88/228, Haley Youker 126/298, Kenny Kopp 123/268
Sept. 17. Megan Natello 71/174, Sean Timmons 98/269, Hunter Borkowski 125/303, Frank
Colosi 128/367, America Carhart 64/141
Sept. 10. Ryan MacCombie 188/507, Casey Smith192/534, Beth Piston 189/500, John Diamond 141/314, Mike Goodfellow 185/431, Brad Delavan 224/575, Michael Lyons 237/555,
Jake Patterson 220/578, Joe Cummings 234/514, Tim Reitz 177/513, Marc Guilfoil 125/337,
DJ MacCombie 254/615, Adam Natello 198/470, Tim McNeilly 166/388, Jeremy Natello
Sept. 17. Ryan Murphy 176/419, DJ MacCombie 232/604, Luke Chestnut 219/490, Jimmy
Maxwell 125/323, Casey Smith 186/512, Kevin Romer 187/438, Nathan Madigan 205/542,
Rachel Briscoe 137/370, Tim Reitz 200/523, Jake Patterson 227/608
Some of the 2-by-4s used during construction of the Oncenter venue (seen here) were donated to the Syracuse chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The wood used to build the state-ofthe-art bowling facility was enough to build five houses.
VanGorden is winner of Champion of Champions
Butch VanGorden rolled a 697 series to win the 44th annual SBA Champion of Champions
Tournament last May at Lakeview. VanGorden earned $100 for winning the year-ending scratch
Mike Daley placed second with a 684 series and cashed $70. Ed Sagor Jr. rolled a 681 series
and finished third. He won $40.
2011 Champion of Champions Tournament
At Lakeview Bowling Center, Liverpool – May 2-4
Final results
Butch VanGorden....... 697
Mike Daley................. 684
Ed Sagor Jr.................. 681
Jeff Chapman.............. 660
Chris Cooper............... 659
Brian Gawlick............. 645
James Calkins............. 644
Rob Ripka................... 638
Don Hurry Sr.............. 602
Dave Prouty................ 597
Andy Szpack Jr........... 576
David Hurry Jr............ 566
Jim Zimmerman......... 562
Mark Jones.................. 546
James Virginia............ 521
Dave Demperio........... 504
Kris Goodfellow......... 496
Lee Mather.................. 454
September 2011
C N Y Striker
(continued from page 1)
Local teams that
participated at the
Open Championships
(List Courtesy of Joe Cordone)
Low To Cash
Team NameTeam Scores
Lakeview Lanes
Mike Tryniski
159 208 224
Arthur Alexander
201 259 267
Joseph Petrowski
188 201 210
Alex Agular
220 246 256
Raymond Cyr
178 180 202
946 1094 1159
Ray Cyr’s Pro Shop
Matt Chetney
262 238 195
Joe Conti
188 226 180
Michael Carno
175 170 166
Larry Porter
196 204 222
Dean Distin
211 233 215
1032 1071 978
Bowling Green Lanes
Charles Lentz
213 191 169
Gary Baronick
204 195 225
Thomas Brown
202 192 173
Thomas C Sims
151 145 179
David Kenyon
186 207 192
956 930 938
A & C Tops
Edward Batruch
185 171 202
Theodore Melnyk 217 198 213
Andrew Melnyk
214 212 235
Ron Clifford
157 163 244
Dennis VanGorden 199 185 236
972 929 1130
Creno & Kelly Pro Shop
Pete Moro Sr 143 158 236
Greg Heidelberger 207 203 164
Fred Kenyon
142 185 187
Stephen Szkolnik
181 191 181
Karl Reester
192 211 190
865 948 958
Exit-Eagan Real Estate
Chris Leonard
160 154 222
Robert Ripka
172 151 158
Eric Ripka
159 161 152
Ronald Mcdonald 203 216 205
Bob Youker
204 200 190
898 882 927
Stoddards Lanes
Glen Lewandowski 179 156 135
Brian Stoddard
204 159 203
Larry Stoddard
153 125 107
Kevin Lock
168 162 169
Gary Stoddard
162 193 217
866 795 831
Jack’s Wildcards
Thomas Harding
200 164 179
Daniel Warner
216 138 169
Nicole Picciano
185 117
Richard Garlic Ii
155 171 198
Joseph Stines
176 245 213
932 835 858
Zimmers Funeral Home
Geoff Zimmer Sr
201 178 167
John Rougeau
188 184 161
Maria Dimperio
191 171 200
James Stark
178 175 198
Sonny Pickard
167 161 235
925 869 961
Nys Usbc Ba 2
Louis Liberatore
192 178 179
Daniel Soulier
155 148 171
Brian Perry
162 127 168
Gary Hilliard
119 187 145
Mark Suta
146 178 168
774 818 831
Kingpin Pba Experience
Jim Malone
181 181 213
Dave Stern
206 166 223
Joe Bar
222 213 216
Jody VanLiew
245 217 192
Doug Stoddard
199 222 201
1053 999 1045
Kingpin Lanes
Craig Vogel
234 179 227
Jeff Gordon
200 226 235
Jason Baker
192 153 209
Merle Foster
221 185 169
Jeff Voght
204 193 224
1051 936 1064
Team NameTeam Scores
Legends Pro Shop
Tim Lawton
242 192 149
Darrel Vanhoose
150 189 169
James Dupee Ii
211 226 163
Jimmy Zimmerman 159 174 179
Jim Bero
186 222 200
948 1003 860
Roger Blanchard
203 220 169
Kris Carr
135 167 206
Steve Kuss
216 141 221
William Timmons 162 150 255
Donald Wright
180 147 192
896 825 1043
Onondaga Coastal Sign Toc
Joe Campione
195 192 137
Walter Buck
139 143 167
Frank Curinga
179 163 148
George Falley
207 204 156
Joe Leiser
211 123 174
931 825 782
Mento Produce
Stephen Suslik
180 179 200
Benny Appleby
204 159 189
Michael Ryan
188 171 188
T J Mento
148 188 215
Derek Magno
201 182 226
921 879 1018
Ricks Lawn Service
Cory Slater
199 240 174
Richard Liccion
141 170 226
Gregory Spinnelli 142 184 181
Lee Burnett
191 182 192
Jeffrey Matty
182 233 211
855 1009 984
Mark’s Auto Sales
Christopher Plis
166 161 169
Jeff Furman
169 183 168
John Owen
159 157 183
Gregory Hypes
204 169 200
Brian Brooks
200 173 205
898 843 925
Snappers Tavern
Nicholas Pingryn Jr 183 188 190
Mike Pingryn
182 136 195
William Stanley
201 151 155
Michael Crowley
128 165 173
Kieth Thomas
174 182 155
868 822 868
Team 17336
Jeremy Macri 181 211 181
Sam F. Ventura
164 188 254
Kevin Tabron
227 170 167
Chris Sears
223 191 185
Mike Guernsey
207 256 248
1002 1016 1035
Bowl Mor Lanes 1
Mark Macbain 173 212 184
Jack Vault
189 278 211
John Sacco
192 198 175
John E Turbeville 174 189 176
Michael Piston
226 169 202
954 1046 948
Bowl Mor Lanes 2
Thomas Roberts
143 169 152
Gary Rosteck
154 167 133
Joe Piston
196 161 175
Rick Leonardo
152 191 191
Tino Amodei
192 175 171
837 863 822
Gregory Hudson
222 137 185
Martha Hudson
187 139 163
Theresa Pryce
195 152 154
Howard Jones
164 215 194
Mike Jones
171 153 171
717 659 682
USBC Facts
about the 2015
Open Championships
in El Paso
What was the biggest reason that El Paso was selected?
El Paso was the only bidding city that would be a new destination for Open Championships bowlers. El Paso proved to be terrific host city during a successful Women’s
Championships in 2010 and presented a strong proposal for 2015.
How safe is El Paso?
El Paso has the lowest crime rate in the United States among cities with a population
of 500,000 or greater, according to the independent research firm CQ Press. Crime
across the Mexican border is in another country and unnoticeable for El Paso visitors.
How many lanes will be able to fit in the venue?
The El Paso Convention and Performing Arts Center has room for at least 48 lanes,
and possibly more, which could allow for a side event of some sort or practice
Why was an east coast city not selected?
Many cities are unable to allow access to valuable convention center space for several months at a time. While USBC leadership has a preference to hold the Open
Championships in an eastern city, all aspects of a proposal must be considered.
What other cities bid for the event?
USBC received formal bids from two other cities, Syracuse and Las Vegas.
What factors are considered when evaluating a city’s bid?
There are many factors, including projected teams, appeal/newness of city, hotel
rooms, quality and size of the venue, financial commitment and others.
Is the Orlando stadium project still on the table?
We continue to work with various entities in the Orlando area. If a stadium project
does come to fruition, the next window for a major event would be in 2016.
Are there casinos in El Paso?
Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino is about 15 minutes away in Sunland Park, New
Mexico, and offers horse racing and slot machines. Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort
and Casino is a full casino with table games, about two hours away in Mescalero,
New Mexico. Shuttle service is available to both attractions.
Will bracket winnings be distributed at the casinos? No.
Are there hotels near the venue?
Yes. There are multiple full-service hotels within walking distance.
Are there lots of flights into El Paso?
Eight of the top 10 U.S. airline hubs have direct flights to El Paso, and Southwest
Airlines has more flights to/from El Paso than any other airline.
Will USBC change the schedule to allow for fresh oil in each squad?
Beginning with the 2013 Open Championships, there will be fresh oil on every
squad. Specific squad schedules have not yet been finalized.
Will fresh oil only be used in larger venues like the National Bowling Stadium?
USBC is committed to using fresh oil on all squads for all Open Championships
moving forward, regardless of the size of the venue.
What lane conditions can bowlers expect to see in 2012?
All patterns for the Open Championships will continue to be sport-compliant.
Why is the lane pattern not released until right before the event?
The pattern must be tested on the lanes in the venue. Since completion of the lane
installation does not occur until several days prior to the start of the event, there is
a very tight window of time in which the pattern can be tested. The unveiling of the
2012 pattern will be live on Bowl TV.
Will the online registration system be expanded to include team management
and other features?
Yes. Plans are underway to expand the registration system to include scheduling and
team management and this is expected to be available in time for registration for the
2013 event.
How many teams are expected for the 2012 event in Baton Rouge?
USBC has already received commitments for over 10,000 teams and is expecting a
near sellout, approaching 13,000 teams.
What months will the tournament be using in the coming years?
Dates for the 2013 Open Championships are still being finalized, however USBC
plans to continue with dates in February through early July.
How often will future tournaments be held at the National Bowling Stadium in
The Open Championships will be held at the National Bowling Stadium in 2013,
2014 and 2016. There are no further commitments at this time.
What is the long-term future of the USBC Women’s Championships?
After the 2012 Women’s Championships at the National Bowling Stadium, the event
moves across town to the Reno Convention Center for 2013 and 2014, before returning to the National Bowling Stadium in 2015. Events in 2013 and 2014 when the
Open Championships are also in Reno provide an exciting opportunity for ladies to
bowl both tournaments in one trip, and also for some new side events that will make
for a more appealing trip in the future.
(continued from page 6)
S e p t e mber 2011
Notable High Scores
Bowl Mor Lanes
East Syracuse, NY
Alexander & Catalano
Ken Hall 298/799, Don Gasiorowski 258/736,
Jim Stoddard 264/734, Terry Knapp 247/720,
Sean Hiller 269/717, Mike Gingalewski 268/684,
Robert Dexter 240/669, Ron Foraker 246/665,
Joseph Sojewicz Sr 236/654, Ronald Seagfrid
Caz Sports Bowl
Cazenovia, NY
Wednesday Night Women
Sept. 7. Robin Roberts 209-196, Brenda Garlock
224, Debbie Davis 199, Karen Easterly 189,
Shelly Stearns 159
Sept. 14. Debbie Davis 185, Brenda Garlock 237188-192-617, Andrea Sweet 170, Diane Slocum
201-189, Lynn Williams 183, Julie West 180,
Becky Slocum 185, Karen Easterly 204
Erie Blvd. Lanes
Syracuse, NY
Romano Auto Dealerships Men’s League
Sept. 8. John Maselli 279-746, Paul Taylor
246/679, Ed Flood Jr. 255/674, Jeremy Riter 278657, Kris O’Donaghy 258-648, Greg Talarico
223-631, Tim Jackowski 221-628, Fred Nielsen
245-618, Mike Piston 237-608, Tony Catalano
Daytime Seniors
Sept 13/15. Lance Hinman 237-686, Dave Reals
246-650, Willie Davis 258-640, 226-616, Chet
Wisniewski, 229-565, Delores Yandon 189-526
Flamingo Bowl
Liverpool, NY
Monday Bud Doubles
Sept. 12. Howard Jones 259/699, Walt Fedor
247/681, Vince Filapello 231/671, Mike Fedor
268/667, Sam Perry 256/664, Joe Conti Jr.
246/654, Leo Jernigan 236/654, Greg Hudson
266/653, Steve Hoosock 224/652, Antwan Johnson 235/650
John’s Auto & Tabatha’s
Sept. 12. Melissa Perry 224/608, Patty Wright
243/602, Robin Smith 236/595, Joanne DeStefano 200/574
Syracuse Insurance Women’s
Sept. 6. Jan Moro 190/528, Kathy Recor 199/515,
Korynne Burns 183/495, Betty Genninger
Sept. 13. Karynne Burns 205/542, Kathy Recore
196/514, Joy Burns 177/476
Wednesday Seniors
Sept. 7. Robert Solazzo 225/629, Angelo Amodei
225/609, John Ippolito 222/609, Walt McArdell
202/590, John McArdell 211/585, John Polito
216/565, Hank Varner 204/565, Al Chemotti
220/562, Bob Lavine 212/549, Leo Soeder
196/548, Diana Berube 234/566, Joan Doyle
187/521, Sue Roy 187/507, Janet Chemotti
227/488, Dot Reistrom 170/485, Rosemary Denni
161/452, Sally Werner 169/450, Rosanne McNeil
144/426, Anne Burkhart 146/423, Joey Moffatt
Sept. 14. Len Sellin 245/620, John Polito
222/619, Tom Rickard 214/613, Nathan Messie
207/551, Joan Doyle 193/541, Diana Berube
210/522, Marge Jewell 167/484, Janet Chemotti
173/470, Dot Reistrom 174/469, Millie Flett
165/468, Gwen Ventura 169/452
Architects & Engineers
Sept. 13. John Adams 213/604, Jerry Piersall
203/592, Steve Altman 202/573, Jim Altman
204/566, Kristin Abbott 214/561, Lloyde Merry
193/557, Ken Light 247/555
Lockheed Martin
Sept. 7. John Hughes 249/691, Denis Fleisher
249/654, Justin Hall 269/622, Den Dykeman
231/621, Larry Flora 224/619, Carl Baker
Sept. 14. Dan Uzunoff 258/739, Mike Daley
258/683, Frank Dewees 238/631, Darin Hill
235/626, Dave Talaga 242/620, Doug Antl
214/617, John Hughs 224/611, Denis Fleisher
232/611, Justin Hall 214/609
Jack Noonan’s League
Sept. 9. Scott Stachnik 236/659, Shane Randino
245/653, Ed Davis 236/649, Joe Stines 226/619,
Tom Harding 221/617, Bob Heisey 226/604,
B. McNally 223/532, Kathy Ingram 189/523,
Dana Harding 171/506, Sandy Corcoran 172/487,
Jackie Bhunot 169/477, Ginny Murdoch 180/474,
Ryan Brown 183/473, Nicole Picciano 180/471
Mixed Up Birds
Sept. 11. Joe Stines 255/693, Chris Liberty
226/649, Jason Ingram 235/635, Rob Quattrocci
242/623, John Ingram 213/609, Will Smith
233/606, Wayne Ferris 238/603, Earl Auslander II
210/603, Korynne Burns 246/627, Renee Hansen
257/588, Sally Ferris 204/531, Marie Heckman
179/500, Yvonne Kenyon 181/507
Lakeview Bowling Center
Liverpool, NY
A-1 Trophies
Sept. 6. Mark Guarante 231/674, Bob Walker
237/655, Bill Backus 242/639, Kurt Schultze
235/635, Chris Orlicz 234/620
Lakeview Ladies
Sept. 7. Katie Frazee 212/539, Charlie Bower
170/459, Mickey Hunter 177/454, Aimee Flowers
196/445, Jan Atanesian 171/440
Independent Men
Sept. 7. Jeff Chapman 267/776, Stan Williams
269/745, Chris Barron 269/727, Don Hurry
245/712, Jamie Nestor 245/700
Lakeview Doubles
Sept. 8. Jerry Rieder 246/715, Bob Gray 265/655,
Howard Jones 254/637, Doug Banks 277/632,
Andy Alpern 211/607, Claudia Rieder 227/640,
Pat VanDyke 236/638, Evelyn Lott 181/523, Roberta Smith 193/506, Janice Drummond 171/490
Painters and Decorators
Sept. 8. Mark Zlotnick 300/700, Joe Ferrini
225/640, Michael Hayes 235/634, Dominick
Belcore 276/630, Brian Bieganowski 204/630
2010-2011 League Champions
Sunday Weekend Wrap-up
Forest Medical
Salina Sizzlers
Monday Night Men
M&W Aluminum
Lakeview Saliba Doubles
Chris Leonard and Sam Ventura
Liverpool Mixed
Tuesday Funtime Mixed
It’s Your Turn
A-1 Trophy
American Amusement
Charlie’s Angels
Independent Men
Lakeview Doubles
Bill’s Pro Shop
Painters and Decorators
Empire Metal
(Tie) SS Seniors and Ringers
Friday Night Men
Syracuse Original Carmel Corn
Saturday Night Mixed
Salt City Riders
Rainbow Lanes
Weedsport, NY
Senior Stars
Sept. 1. Sharon Mills 209-562, Hildegard Gunnip 188-506, Linda Weigand 176-487 and Bob
Yeomans 224-597, Dale Weigand 213-584, Rick
Jordan 239-573
Sept. 9. Sharon Mills 235-659, Hildegard Gunnip 192-514, Linda Weigand 196-494, Dale
Weigand 257-683, Bob Yeomans 244-585, Rick
Jordan 190-544. Percy Shaffer also bowled a 119
Sept. 15. Mary Williams 201-570, Sharon Mills
199-533, Darlene McArdell 190-506, Dale
Weigand 246-697, Rick Jordan 223-620, Bruce
Christopher 228-612
Sept. 6. Kira Mettler 605, Tammy Williams 578,
Angie Ryan 564, Lisa Matty 236-553, Kelly
Blaisdell 207-546, Chris Gilman 221-530, Loretta Lees 527, Kris Hoisington 206-512, Candy
Ryan 480, Karen Jordan 475, Mary Eastman 470,
Linda Cuff 461, Kimmie Evans 450, Kay Rizzo
433, Cyndy Dennis 415
Ira Watkins
Sept. 9. Mike Pucino 279-258-235-772, David
Sutton 248-668, Josh Devlin 257-650, Steve
Eastman, Sr. 256-644, Dale Weigand 629,
Reamer Fiester 239-623, Scott Coomber 234-618,
Mike Jump 615, Jeff Farrelly 596, Mike Lumb
593, Rodney Squires 231-589
Dale Biss Memorial
Sept. 7. Jeff Matty 300-245-215-760, Benny
Appleby 258-245-243-746, Barry Marginean
244-237-681, Cory Slater 234- 667, Steve Suslik
222-235-655, Ron Wilson 236-629, Doug Augustine 242-224-623, Neal Baran 225-622, Scott
Thomas 267-617, Dave Blumer 222-606, Phil
Perkins 234-598, Bob Ball 236-224-596, Wayne
Bibbens 574, Mike Rouse 574, Andy Perkins
573, Kevin Garr 571, Dan Bibbens 570, Steve
Eastman, Sr. 568, Mike Weeks 566, Andrew Dennison 224-564
Sept. 14 Steve Suslik 234-233-679, Ken Hoalcraft 240-228-678, Mike Rouse 266-222-675, Joe
Melfi 251-223-673, Pat Donahue 247-671, Jim
Melfi 278-670, Mikey Walker II 228-227-661,
Andrew Dennison 239-235-655, Benny Appleby
233-222-645, Chris Plis 234-231-633, Wayne
Bibbens 632, Jeff Matty 235-623, Ron Rizzo
239-600, Barry Marginean 246-600, Mike Weeks
222-591, Paul Samasuck 587, Steve Geery 222-
C N Y Striker
583, Scott Thomas 579, Walt Joshanski 572, Eric
Dawley 568
Thurs. Morning Pastimes
Sept. 8. Barb Dennison 228-227-204-659, Marie
Cronin 173-482, Holly Denman 180-463, Peg
Gilmore 176-446, Pennie Youells 171-434, Brenda VanNorstrand 430, Marie Berish 428, Theresa
Smithler 421, Grace Boss 421, Lori Hamel 416
Sept. 15. Barb Dennison 256-204-631, Pennie
Youells 414, Kate Syder 407, Marie Berish 405,
Brenda VanNorstrand 399, Marie Cronin 389,
Lois Blumer 386, Robin Green 381, Holly Denman 379, Sheila Scoutin 379
Sept. 8. David Ashby 644, Brandon Mettler
249-634, Kevin Stoneburg 630, Tim Rathbun
267-627, Brian Christopher 603, Wayne Brown,
Jr. 601, Jerry Ripley, Jr. 599, Ron Wilson 245595, Chet Hoisington III 591, Josh Axtell 580,
Bob McDuffie 579, Rob Weatherstone 578, John
Kensinger 230-572, Chad Blaisdell 569, Ken
Colvins III 568
Friday Coffee Break
Sept. 9. Hildegard Gunnip 511, Rhonda Quimby
498, Margaret Andrews 451, Peg Kent 443, Marilyn Helmer 439, Jeanie Lober 434, Linda Morano
422, Peg Gilmore 418, Dorothy Hubbard 412,
Sue Foster 410, Mary Brown 406
Weedsport Mixed Doubles
Sept. 11. George Mills 225-574, Jamie Compson
192-552, Jamison Mills 197-547, Ray Head 191530, Andy Roden 213-523, Mike Milton 199508, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 504, Clarence Moore
223-467, Doug Milton 455, Al Rizzo 444, Barb
Dennison 194-549, Sharon Mills 189-508, Linda
Hitchcock 189-496, Margaux Milton 163-464,
Sarajane Vitale 167-453, Penny Mills 398, Jennifer Roden 354, Jackie Squiores 327, Beth Flynn
326, Val Head 317
Fran France
Sept. 10. Phil Perkins 258-640, Steve Eastman,
Sr. 223-621, Bob Clarke 219-609, Butch Squires
236-608, Chet Hoisington 215-563, Kristopher
Harwood 538, Chuck McLaughlin 535, John
Weslowski 515, Mike Kelley 501, Jimmy Bos
501, Mary Eastman 221-220-600, Debbie Squires
220-572, Marla Brown 179-503, Heather Walter
184-468, Melissa Reese 440, Nancy Weslowski
429, Janice Harwood 402
Senior Rainbowlers
Sept. 13. Dale Weigand 254-687, Bob Ball 236612, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 214-594, Bob McDuffie
226-581, Glenn Cottrell 210-577, Harry Sowles
559, Sharon Mills 203-497, Carol Lewis 170465, Joan McCarthy 168-435, Margaret Andrews
Thunderbird Lanes
Baldwinsville, NY
CNY ATM / T’Bird Ladies Classic
Sept. 6. Teri Gonzalski 242-668, Nikki Lafaver
233-664, Tina Fabrizio 254-660, Anne Bethmann
254-653, Jennette Adams 227-642, Dawn Murray 265-638, Courtney Radick 248-630, Nicole
O’Brien 239-630, Dee Cote 233-629, Rosa Moro
217-627, Martha Cameron 213-604
Sept. 13. Roseann DiFlorio 259-730, Tina Fabrizio 276-709, Martha Cameron 280-672, Nicole
O’Brien 236-644, Rosa Moro 235-637, Lucetta
Rosteck 226-631, Anne Bethmann 215-626, Dana
Harding 221-615, Margie Chetney 230-613, Lori
Pientka 220-613
AMF Strike N Spare
1777 Brewerton Road, Syracuse
Number of Lanes: 72
Bowling Green
445 S. Main Street, North Syracuse
Number of Lanes: 12
Bowl Mor Lanes
201 Highland Avenue, East Syracuse
Number of Lanes: 24
B’ville Sports Bowl
45 East Genesee Street, Baldwinsville
Number of Lanes: 16
Caz Sports Bowl
3 Carriage Lane Place, Cazenovia
Number of Lanes: 12
Cedar House Lanes
812 West Genesee St. Road, Skaneateles
Cedar House Lanes
Erie Blvd. Lanes
2312 Erie Blvd., Syracuse
Number of Lanes: 20
Falcon Lanes
75 Pulaski Street, Auburn, NY 13021
Number of Lanes: 16
Flamingo Bowl
7239 Oswego Road, Liverpool
Number of Lanes: 40
Green Acres
3019 East Avenue, Central Square
Number of Lanes: 16
Editor’s note: The first issue of the CNY Striker left out a few
area bowling centers. We regret the error.
Green Lakes Lanes
East Genesee Street, Fayetteville
Number of Lanes: 12
Pastime Athletic Club
1314 North Salina St.
Rainbow Lanes
Green Lakes Lanes
Hi-Way Bowl
Route 5 Seneca Ave., Canastota
Number of Lanes: 12
Lakeview Bowling Center
715 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool
Number of Lanes: 16
Lakeview Lanes
723 West Broadway, Fulton
Number of Lanes: 20
Lighthouse Lanes
295 East Albany Street, Oswego
Number of Lanes: 24
Marcellus Lanes
Slate Hill Road, Marcellus
Number of Lanes: 12
Route 31 and Jordan Road
Solvay Recreation Alleys
1737 Milton Avenue, Solvay
Number of Lanes: 14
Solvay Recreation Bowling Alleys
Starlite Lanes
1379 Clark St. Road
Thunderbird Lanes
1818 State Fair Blvd.
Number of Lanes: 24
Thunderbird Lanes, Inc.
Bowl Mor Pro Shop SPECIALS
Brunswick Alpha Max &
Wicked Siege:
$50 Rebate with
Brunswick Loaded
$25 Rebate with
Sale on select balls in stock only.
2 Week Special:
Good until Oct. 7, 2011
Hammer Taboo
Ebonite Vital Energy
$185 Drilled
$165 Drilled
Ball Cleaners & Polishes (while supplies last)
Come try it out. Resurfaces & restores balls
to original factory finishes!
(315) 433-1372
For the third straight season, the Syracuse Men’s, Women’s and Youth Bowling Associations will be
publishing its bi-weekly bowling newspaper, The CNY Striker, that is also published on the Association’s
website: ( This is a great opportunity to advertise your business directly to
this market, bowlers who buy bowling products and services and who patronize your business!
The newsletter will be published 16 times (every other week), in the 2011-2012 season. Discounts will
Sept. 9 and continue to April 13, 2012.
To advertise: mail this form, with payment to Syracuse Bowling Association, 715 Old Liverpool Road,
Liverpool, NY 13088. For more information call: (315) 488-3761 or email
Ad Dimensions
Cost Per Ad Based on # of Ads/Year
Full Page Ad
10.25” x 16.25”
Half Page Ad
10.25” x 7.75”
Quarter Page Ad
5” x 7.75”
Business Card Ad
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Phone #:
Email Address:
Ad Size:
o Full Page o Half Page
Frequency: o 1 Issue
o Quarter Page
o 4-7 Issues o 8-11 Issues
o Business Card
o 12-16 Issues
Please include either:
(1) camera ready ad,
(2) your text and a high
quality electronic logo, or
CNY Striker