Transition Year Brochure


Transition Year Brochure
Transition Year
Cistercian College
Mount Saint Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary
Transition Year Programme
Cistercian College Roscrea
has been educating boys in
the heart of Ireland for over
one hundred years.
Introduction to Transition Year
Core Subjects and Modules
Since 1994 the College has offered the Transition
Year Programme as a bridge between the junior
and senior cycles. The programme has been
evolving over the last two decades, reflecting
the changing approaches to education and the
developments in the school curriculum, as well
Social Sciences
Information Technology
as the massive advances within the scientific and
technological worlds. Now in the 20th year of
this programme, the College has added extra
dimensions, enhancing this unique experience
Religious Education, Spiritual
Development & Pastoral Care
Careers & Work Experience
As a 7-day boarding school Cistercian College
Extra-Curricular Activities
offers students the opportunity to live where
Sport in CCR
Music/Drama/Public Speaking
as an invaluable preparation for the Leaving
Certificate programme and entry to third level
they learn. Located in the extensive grounds of
Mount St Joseph Abbey, the College is a secure
environment, the facilities of which are enhanced
by the adjoining dairy farm and woodlands.
These factors together with the monastic
influence of Mount St Joseph Abbey and a
dedicated and committed staff are what make
Cistercian College unique.
Cultural Experiences/
About Cistercian
College Roscrea
Cistercian College has a proud tradition of
offering a rounded and holistic education.
Our educational philosophy is modelled on St
Benedict’s advice that in a monastery everything
should be organised so that ‘the strong have
something to strive for and the weak are not
discouraged’. We focus on developing the
individual and unique talents of each student,
Contact us
Cistercian College
Mount St Joseph Abbey
Co Tipperary
P: 0505 23344 W:
and on providing a broad and balanced timetable
and curriculum. Our Care Team approach to
the pastoral well-being of all students ensures
a cross-campus monitoring of each boy’s
. . . promote self-esteem
and maturity . . .
. . . foster self-directed learning . . .
The Transition Year Programme at Cistercian College is intended to prepare students
for senior cycle and also to provide educational experiences to enhance their personal
development and decision making. Research carried out by the National Council for
Curriculum and Assessment [NCCA] clearly indicates that in the Leaving Certificate
examination students who followed a Transition Year course outperformed those who
did not.
“. . . preparing them
for the world of work
and adulthood.”
Placing a strong emphasis on encouraging personal development, self-esteem and
maturity, the Transition Year programme promotes self-directed learning and
increases the students’ social and personal awareness. It also aims to extend each
student’s range of interests and skills and promote interpersonal skills with a view to
preparing them for the world of work and adulthood.
There are several different strands to the Cistercian College Roscrea Transition Year
Programme which weave together to form a unique experience. As a seven-day
boarding school, our students have the opportunity to broaden and develop their
minds and horizons during class time and also in the afternoons and evenings,
through a wide spectrum of experiences. The six hours of class contact time are
complemented by an exciting and extensive programme of extra curricular activities
focusing on environmental awareness, personal development and confidence building.
TY Philosophy—Personal Development
The basic philosophy of our Transition Year Programme is that each student will
have an exposure to a wide range of experiences and challenges with the ultimate aim
of helping him to develop the human, emotional and personal skills and religious
convictions that will equip him for the two years of preparation for the Leaving
Certificate and indeed throughout life.
. . . encourage personal development . . .
There are several complimentary strands to the Transition Year Programme
at Cistercian College Roscrea. All students study the core subjects of English,
Irish and Maths throughout the entire year and experience the other twelve
subjects for eight-week modules.
Core Subjects
English, Gaeilge & Project Mathematics
“. . . engage students
positively in the
learning process”.
A host of realistic and outstanding teaching and learning strategies designed to
raise the academic standards will be employed in the delivery of our core subjects
of English, Mathematics and Gaeilge. A variety of stimulating methodologies are
explored in order to engage students positively in the learning process.
In studying English Transition Year students are equipped with skills in the area of
cultural literacy by being exposed to a variety of genres such as poetry, drama and
novels. They will develop skills in functional writing by addressing the language of
business, academia and what is required socially. Creativity will also be enhanced
by studying media and the role that it plays in entertainment, information and
propaganda. Oracy/oral skills will be promoted and developed through drama, public
speaking and debating.
“. . . master classes
in Irish language and
Gaeilge – Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam
Our commitment to promoting our national language is reflected in our master
classes in Irish language and culture. Oral competency will be assured by emulating
the immersion strategies promoted by the Gaeltacht Coláistí. Seachtain na Gaeilge is
given its due prominence with díospóireachtaí, tráth na gceist, scoraíocht, agus céilí.
Project Mathematics
The students will participate in high impact lessons where mathematical applications
and understanding will be promoted using teaching strategies designed to raise
academic standards. The areas of digital applications, project mathematics and
cryptonography will be addressed as well as core mathematical concepts.
. . . develop research skills . . .
Introduction to Modules
A particular and distinctive aspect of the Cistercian College Transition Year
Programme is the modular aspect of the timetable, allowing students to
focus on different areas according to their ability and interest. We currently
offer three modules — Languages, Technology and Environment. Students
can choose to sample all three throughout the year or focus on one or two,
enabling them to hone their skills in this area.
The language programme in Transition Year is tailor-made to meet the requirements
of individual students, with the objective of raising academic standards by focusing
exchange programme on oral competency. The phraseology of business French and German will also be
emphasised with a view to equipping students to write CVs and preparing them for
with a school in either interviews. The course incorporates a four-week exchange programme with a school
in either Germany or France; this will enhance the students’ ability to converse with
Germany or France”. ease in their chosen languages. The overall objective is to develop expressive and
receptive language skills both in and outside school hours.
“. . . a four-week
. . . support planning and organisational skills . . .
“. . . encourages the
creative process in
terms of conception
and production of
products . . .”
Technology is a relatively new subject to the curriculum and is essentially about
product design. Students learn about materials, circuitry and technological
applications. Technology encourages the creative process in terms of conception
and production of products designed to meet needs. This course will provide an
introduction for students contemplating studying Technology for the Leaving
Certificate. The Technology course has an extra dimension as it is taught partly
through the VLE (virtual learning environment) making use of the latest technology
to enable the students to receive expert tuition and training from teachers outside of
Cistercian College.
“. . . develop
in students an
of the natural
environment . . .”
Cistercian College is unique among secondary schools, being situated on grounds
enriched with environmental diversity. Grassland, freshwater, hedgerow and
woodland habitats all offer opportunities for learning experiences. Agricultural
and horticultural activities are also present in the form of the monastery dairy farm
and orchards. The Transition Year Environment Programme aims to utilise the
environmental amenities on the doorstep of the College to develop an appreciation in
students of the natural environment as well as the skills and knowledge required for
the careful and considered management of our environment and natural resources.
B u s i n e s s (Economics, Accounting, Business)
Students are given the opportunity to apply the concepts underpinning commercial
activity and economic principles by setting up Mini companies, participating in Build
a Bank programme, developing an understanding of sage accounting software. Class
work will focus on the elements of the three major subjects areas Business, Accounting
and Economics reinforcing the concepts learned for the Junior Certificate syllabus.
S c i e n c e (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
Students will have the opportunity to sample the three modules of Biology, Chemistry
and Physics. There will be an emphasis on practical work and the presentation of
the results of this practical work. Transition Year students are strongly encouraged to
participate in the Young Scientist Competition.
Social Sciences
History and Geography are delivered in a modular format where varied and
stimulating high-impact learning opportunities are presented to students in the
classroom and through the use of Irish and European field trips. Self-directed
learning is encouraged with the compilation of interesting research projects, and
critical thinking is enhanced with the appreciation of concepts such as Cause and
Consequence, the role of Key Personalities and Environmental Challenges.
“. . . stimulating
opportunities . . .”
. . . develop communication skills . . .
I n f or m at i on T e c h n ol o g y
Information Technology is everywhere today and is taken for granted in our lives. IT
permeates most aspects of the curriculum in Cistercian College, not just in Transition
Year, but throughout the whole learning experience. However Transition Year
students are enabled to maximise the benefits of this powerful tool with the help of
skill-specific training. Specific skills taught include the ECDL (European Computer
Driving Licence), Sage Accounts and photo, video and film editing.
Transition year students take a specially designed course in which they are exposed to
different aspects of music from composition to performance and recording. They are
taught by a team of enthusiastic and dedicated teachers and tutors who are convinced
of the value of music within a broader second-level education.
Transition Year art provides the opportunity for students to express their creativity.
This diverse programme includes exposure to many different art forms and media,
and involves the students in personal composition as well as projects to support school
activities such as the annual opera and other group presentations..
“. . . students are
taught by a team
of enthusiastic
and dedicated
teachers and
tutors . . .”
. . . encourage the creative process . . .
R e l i g i o u s E d u c at i o n , S p i r i t u a l De v e l o p m e n t
& Pa s t o r a l C a r e
As a Catholic School in the Benedictine tradition our Christian faith is central to life
in Cistercian College. In addition to the regular liturgical life of the College and the
timetabled classes of Religious Education, the Transition Year students participate
in an over-night monastic retreat at another Cistercian monastery in Ireland and
several faith-focused activities designed to awaken and promote their spiritual
development and faith formation. These activities are complemented by the Pastoral
Care Programme in the College, the Rainbows programme and some social awareness
activities and are linked with the Care Teams who monitor and support each boy’s
progress in the College.
“. . . students
attend two class
periods per
week of career
guidance . . .”
Transition Year is the ideal time for students to begin to think about what future career
path they will choose after school. As part of the academic programme, students
attend two career guidance class periods per week, where the initial focus is on C.V.
preparation, completion of application forms for University and for the workplace.
Students are also encouraged to take part in the various University taster programmes
which are on offer in Trinity College, UCD and the RCSI. During the year the
students explore different career options through the medium of a programme of
career information evenings where guest speakers deliver career seminars, complete
with question and answer sessions. An important aspect of the Transition Year career
guidance programme is to facilitate subject choice for the Leaving Certificate.
Transition Year students also make use of, an award
winning web-based suite of psychometric career assessments which enables students
to scientifically identify suitable careers. It empowers them to make confident and
informed Course and Career choices. It enables them to achieve clarity in relation to
the educational pathway they wish to pursue.
Work Experience
Students spend two weeks during Transition Year on work placement. They are
encouraged to secure places in career areas of genuine interest to them. The College
endeavours to facilitate students in obtaining suitable work placements.
. . . to broaden and develop their minds and horizons . . .
Extra Curricular Activities
The afternoons, evenings and weekends are filled with a variety of activities
that complement the classroom based curriculum. Theses include cookery,
film making, driving lessons, ECDL and mini-company.
Skills Acquisition
C e rt i f i c at e d C o u r s e s
n Cookery
n Driver Education
n Sage Accounts
n Chinese Language and Culture
n First Aid (Fetac Level 5)
n Live action film making
n Life Saving
n Photography Workshop
n Gáisce – The President’s Bronze Award
n Writing Workshop
n Art Workshop
. . . instill self-confidence . . .
S o c i a l , P e r s o n a l a n d V o c at i o n a l
n Law Module delivered by the Public Access to Law programme
n Dr. McCarthy Perpetual Trophy for Achievement in Science
n Career Guidance
n General Health and Welfare
n Comhairle na n-Óg
n Establishing and Running a Student Bank
n Establishing and Running Mini-Companies
n Charitable and Social Work
n Self-Defence
n University TY taster programmes facilitated (DCU, UCD, Trinity, RCSI)
. . . inspire charitable/social work . . .
O u t d o or P urs ui t s , L ei s ur e , C ult ur e a n d Hobbi e s
n Transition Year Garden
n Swimming and Life-Saving
n Horse riding
n Adventure Centre Activities
n Leadership and Team Building
n European School Tour
n Cultural Trips (theatre, monastic sites, history)
. . . promote self-discipline and self-motivation . . .
Transition Year students have the opportunity to participate in the regular
College sports programme which includes Rugby, Hurling, Gaelic Football,
Athletics, Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Aquatics, Equestrian, Self-Defence, LifeSaving and Tennis.
Opportunities to e xcel
Through on-field activities, video analysis and dietary awareness the students’
opportunities to enhance their sporting abilities are unlimited. We are almost unique
among secondary schools in the fact that we compete with considerable success
at the highest levels in both hurling and rugby with many of our students playing
representative rugby at provincial and international level; and in hurling at club and
inter-county level.
“We are almost unique among secondary schools in the fact that we
compete with considerable success at the highest levels . . .”
Music/Dra m a/Public Speaking
There are many opportunities in the course of the school year for Transition Year
students to perform either individually or in groups, both within and outside the
College. Comprehensive music facilities are offered within the College, including
teaching and practice rooms, two pipe organs, several pianos and many instruments,
as well as a library of instrumental and orchestral music. Transition Year students
have the time and opportunity to progress their study of a particular instrument or
take up a new one.
Dra m a
Cistercian College has a long tradition of drama and performance on stage. Transition
Year students will have the opportunity to perform on stage in the Transition Year
play, and on camera in the course of the film making module. TY students are an
integral part of the backstage team involved in the annual musical, from lighting to
sound and from stage management and set design.
Public Speaking
Transition Year students are encouraged and helped to develop their skills of speaking
in public, both in presenting their projects and in debating. Building on the College’s
strong tradition of public speaking, they participate in the in-house public speaking
and debating competitions.
. . . nourish personal creativity . . .
C ult ur a l De v elop m en t
“. . . linked with the
curriculum and
project work”.
An integral part of the Transition Year Programme are the tours and outings from the
college. These include educational, cultural and historical tours. There are outings to
the theatre and cinema, linked with the classroom-based curriculum and project work.
At the beginning of the year there is a three day residential event at the Delphi
Outdoor Pursuits Centre, tailor-made to meet the needs of Transition Year students in
the areas of team-building, relationships, confidence and maturity.
The exchange element of the language module involves a four week stay with a host
family in either France or Germany, where our students attend school and benefit
from full immersion in the language and culture of the country. At the same time the
college facilitates the reciprocal arrangement where the overseas student is welcomed
to Cistercian College and accommodated with the Irish Family during the weekend
. . . extend each student’s range
of interests and skills . . .
Cistercian College Roscrea
Founded just over one hundred years ago by the monks of Mount St
Joseph Abbey, the Cistercian College has since, its inception, been a leading
educational establishment in Ireland.
Cistercian College has always been more than just a school. It is home to those who
live and work here, be they students or staff. Set in the eight hundred acre campus of
the abbey, it is surrounded by open fields, woodland and forest. Built in the shadow of
the monastery, the college is under the direction of the Abbot and community, assisted
by the Board of Governors.
“Transition Year sport in
Cistercian College Roscrea
is thoroughly enjoyed
by the students. It gives
them a chance to take
part in all sports at senior
level. From on-field
activities to video analysis
the students get the best
coaching and the best
opportunity anyone could
wish for. The facilities for
sport are easily accessible
at all times. Sport is
an important aspect
of Cistercian College
Roscrea and competitions
and awards are always
achieved in a positive
The enduring strength of Cistercian College over the last century has been its staff led
by the college President, an experienced and committed staff which strives to serve the
individual student always to the best of their ability.
Rather than create an atmosphere in which only the fittest survive, the staff of
Cistercian College, following St. Benedict’s advice, has always sought to cultivate an
environment in which “the strong have something to strive for while the weak are not
— Tim Carroll
(TY 2012/13)
“During Transition Year I developed fundamental values for life such as leadership and
endeavour which have made me mature as a student athlete, both on and off the pitch.
It gave me the focus and confidence to reach my full potential both academically and in
rugby for which I will forever be grateful. The experiences encountered and the values
learned throughout this year will stay with me for life”.
— Cormac Brennan, House Captain 2012/13 (TY 2010/11)
“Placing a strong emphasis on encouraging personal development, self-esteem
and maturity, the Transition Year programme promotes self-directed learning
and increases the students’ social and personal awareness”.
Cistercian College
Mount Saint Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary