exhibit a - Kaiser Bad News
exhibit a - Kaiser Bad News
Casel-:l-2-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 Filed02lL3lL2 USDCColoradopage1 of 3L EXHIBIT A Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 FiledO2lL3lL2USDCColoradoPage2 of 31 3 Filedo2tL3lL2USDCColoradoPage3 0f 31 Document case 1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH DISTRICTCOURT,DENVERCOUNTY' STATEOF COLORADO CourtAddress: Clerk of theDistrictCourt 1437BannockStreet,Room256 Denver,CO 80202 Plaintiff: COURTUST]ONLY Dr. Jeryl McGaw v. Defendants; THE PERMANENTEF'EDERATION,LLC' A corporation;KAISERFOUNDATIONHEALTH PLAN' INi., a corporation;KAISER FOUNDATIONHOSPITALS' a corporation;LINDA SMITH, an individual;andDOESI through100,Inclusive' Attorneysfor Plaiutiff: Keith F. Cross,#8934 Cross& Bennett,LLC 108E. St.Vrain St.'Suite20 ColoradoSprings'CO 80903 Phone: (719)633-1359 Fax: (719)633-5788 Email: kcross@crossbennett.com CaseNo.: Division: COMPLAINT & JURY DEMAND plainriff, JERYL MCGAW, throughher counsel,respectfullysubmitsthe following Complaint: of 31Filed02lL3lL2 USDCColorado Page4 3 Document EH M-M 12-cv-00382-WJ 1: Case l, of theyareresidents because overtheDefendants jurisdiction Thiscourt haspersonal in theStateof Colomdo' andaredoingbusiness 2,VenueisproperpursuanttoC.R.C.P'98(c)becausetortiousconductbythe tookplacein theCityandCountyof Denver' Defendants PARTTEg ,.PLAINTIFF,,) wasat al| "McGAw, or Plaintiff,JERYL MCGAW $lereinafter untilshe of Defendants andanemployee of theStateof Colorado heretoa resident timesrelevant on or aboutApril 7 '2010' waswrongfullyterminated by NurseDirector'dulylicensed herctowasa Doctorate 4. Plaintiffatall timesrelevant by theDefendants'Shewas andemployed Nursingin thisState, to practice Colorado theState.of 5,lg66,andis cunentlyforty-fiveyearsof age' bornonNovember the stateof colorado'Jefferson 5. At all timesrelevant,Plaintiffwasa residentof 3. County, that DefendantKAISER Plaintiff is informedand believesand thereonalleges andexistingunder organized F.UNDATIoN HEALTHPLAN,INc. ("KtlHP,')is a corporation 6. in andprincipalplaceof business thelawsof an unknownstatewith ttreirregionalheadquarters thestateof colorado'includingthecity and ttuoughout Denver,colorado,anddoingbusiness Plaintiff is informedand county of Denver. KAISER is in form a "non-profitcorporation"' statusclaimis a sham' andthereonallegesthatin reality,KAISERs "non'profit' believes that DefendantTHE 7. Plaintiff is informedand believesand thereonalleges is a corporationorganizedand PERMANENTEFEDERATION,LLC (.FEDEIIATION")' andprincipalplaceof headquarters statewiththeirregional underthelawsof anunknown existing tluoughoutthe stateof colorado' locatedin Denver,colorado,anddoingbusiness business theCity andCountyof Denver' including CaseL:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 Filed02lL3lLZ USDCColoradoPage5 of 31" 8. Plaintiff is informed and believesand thereon alleges that DefendantKAISER FOLINDATIONHOSPITALS("KFH"), is a corporationorganizedand existingunderthe lawsof an unknown state with their regional headquarters and principal place of businesslooatedin Denver,Colorado,andbusinessthroughouttheStateof Colorado,includingtheCity andCountyof Denver. 9. Plaintiff is informed and believesand thereon alleges that Defendants,THE PERMANENTEFEDERATION, LLC, KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLANS,INC., ANd I(AISER FOLINDATIONFIOSPITALS(collectively,"KAJSERDEFENDANTS'oT"KAISER"), arecorporations organizedandexistingunderthe lawsof theStateof Colorado,with theirprincipal placeof businesslocatedat 10350E. DakotaAve.,Denver,Colorado3023I . 10. Plaintiff is informed and believesand thereonallegesDefendant,LINDA SMITH ("SMITH') is, and at all times relevantwas, a residentof the Stateof Colorado. Plaintiff is informedand believesandthereonallegesthatat all timeshereinrelevant,DefendantSMITH was a SeniorDirectorfor KAISER, (now an ExecutiveDirector)employedin the City andCountyof Denver. I l. Plaintiff is informedand believesand thereonallegesthat I(AISER DEFENDANTS are an "integrated"healthcare delivery systemcomposedof the insurancecompany,KFHP, its doctorsandits hospitals. I(AISER DEFENDANTS'doctors arefictitiouslyemployedin a variery of purportedlyseparatebusinessentilies. The KAISER hospitalsand most relatedphysical fbcilitieswhereKaiserPermanentedoesbusinessare wholly ownedand/orcontrolledby KFHp throughDefendantHospitals, Plaintiff is informedand believesand thereonallegesthat the boardsof directorsof DefendantsKFHP andHospitalsareidentical. 12. Plaintiff is informed and believesand thereonallegesthat DefendantKFHP is an insurancecompanythat purportsto providecomprehensive total medical cBreto its members. DefendantKFHP describesitself as the largestHeslthMaintenanceOrganization("HMO") in the 3 Filed02lL3lL2 USDCGoloradoPage6 of 31 Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH KFHPexercises allegesthatDefendant andthereon country.Plaintiffis informedandbelieves total controlover FEDERA'|IONand I{OSPITALSand a numberof other corporateand separale entitiesis in fact asa purported veryexistence partrership entitiessuchthattheseentities' KFHP is a legitimale"non'profit" the myth that Defendant a sham,designedto perpetuate corporation. KFHP is in fact a "non-profit" 13. Plaintiff is informedandbelievesthat Defendant much compensation, publicly,andpayingenormous enterprise regularlyreportingits profitability whocontroltheorganization. to thedoctorsandotherindividuals of it hidden, andthereonallegesthatKFHP'stotaldominance 14. Plaintiffis informedandbelieves entireannualbudgetis by thefactthattheFEDERATION's is evidenced overth'eFEDERATION operations come by KFHP;all fundsfor theFEDERATION's setby,controlled by, andapproved is allowedto make;the what"profit,"if any,theFEDERATION fromKFHP;KFHPdetermines from theFEDERA|IONis precluded for its service; doesnot bill anycustomers FEDERATION workingfor any otherpersonor entity;KFHP providesvirtuallyall legal,humanresources' advertising,billing, and other necessaryservicesfor the lnsurance,comrnunrcations, to theFEDERATION renderlegaladviceandcounsel FEDE11ATION. KFHPlawyersroutinely department KFHP'sHumanResources records; to theFEDERATION access andhaveunfettered againstthe FEDERATIONpractices of discrimination EEOCcomplaints routinelyinvestigates and KFHPlawyers onall suchinvestigations; to KFHP'slegaldepartment reporting andemployees records of theFEDERATION staffdo notobtainprivacywaiverswhenseeking humanresources employees or investigating theirclaims;KFHPprovidesandpaysfor all facilitiesin whichthe notownedor controlled fromanyentityor individual anybusiness fromaccepting FEDERATION by KFHP. namedhereinasDOESI through10, oftheDefendants 15. Thetruenamesandcapacities suessuch areunknownto Plaintiff,who therefore associate, or otherwise, inclusive, corporate, CaseL:l-2-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 FiledO2lL3lI2 USDCColoradoPage7 of 31- Defendantsby fictitious namespursuantto C,R,C.P,10.Plaintiff is informed and believesand thereonallegesthatthe DOE Defendanls, andeachof them,areColoradoresidenls, Plaintiffwill amendthis Complaintlo showtrue namesandcapacities if andwhenthey are ascertained, 16. Thetrue namesandeapacities namedhereinas DOES l through10, of theDefendants inclusive,whether individual Defendantsand their parents,subsidiaries,their succesorsin interest,partners,and theiremployeesand/oragents, actedonbehalfof, and forthe benefitof,at the directionof, andunderthe control of, andin conspiracywith, eachand every Defendant,known or unknown,and their agentsand/oremployees, and eachof them, to do the actscomplained herein. 17, Plaintiffis informedandbelievesandon thatbasisallegesthat at all timesreferredto in this Complaint,eachDefendantwas the agent,servantand/oremployeeof eachotherDefendant, andwasactingin the courseand scopeof thatagencyand/oremployment. FACTS COMMON TO ALL CAUSESOF ACTION 18, Plaintiff receivedher Bachelor'sof Sciencedegreefiom the Universityof Colorado, Boulder,in 1989,with an emphasisin Biology, Sheobtaineda Master'sDegreein Biology in 1991, also from the University of Colorado,Boulder. In 1997, Plaintiff was swardedher RegisteredNurse degree from the University of Colorado,Health Sciences,and a Nurse Practitioner/Doctorate in I 999. 19, In or aroundJanuary2001, KAISER DEFENDANTShired Plaintiff as a Research Associatein the Allergy Department,underthe supervisionof Arne Beck, She workedout of Kaiser'sRegionalOffice (Headquarters) in Denver,Colorado, As ResearchAssociatein the Nursing Department,Plaintiff had the responsibilityof developing systemsand measuring oulcomes. of 31 M-MEH Document3 Filed02lL3lL2 USDCColorado Page8 Case1:12-cv-00382-WJ of sMITH' underthesupervision 20, In or aroundoctober2002,Plaintiffbeganworking andoutcomes'During for nursingresearch asthecoordinator theDirectorof Nursingservices, nurses(alsoknown for thechronicSpecialNeeds evaluations thistime,Plaintiffbeganoutcomes redesign' or 'CCC'). Withina year'Plaintiffled the program's as ChronicCareCoordinator in multiple for theprogram'Thisworkwaspublished a $3 millioncostsavings demonstrating NationalVohsAwardfor quality' andultimatelywontheKaiserPermanente articles ill thebirthof herson,Elijah'whobecame er 23,2003,Plaintiffwelcomed 21. on septemb ilt againin early2004, 2003,ElijahbEcame forthe first timein December andwashospitalized ("FMLA') to carefor her leadingPlaintiffto applyfor leavEundertheFamilyMedicalLeaveAct comorbidities palsy,andsufferedlife-threatening with cerebral son who was later diagnosed FMLA leaveandinitiallytook5 palsy,At thattimePlaintiffwasgranted to hiscerebral secondary leave to work,Ptaintiffwasgrantedintermittent weeksoff fromwork to carefor herson.Returning aftera year,ThiswasPlaintiffsfirst FMLA leave statusto carefor herson.ThisFMLA expirecl with Kaiser. in touchwith SMITH, Duringoneof these 22. while on FMLA, Plaintiffremained had sMITH mentionedthat themanagerfur ccc (chroniccare coordination) conversations, onaninterimbasisandthenapplyforthe andaskedplaintiffif shewouldtaketheposition resigned SMITH positionfutl time.Plaintiffcouldnot committo this dueto her son'smedicatneeds' Plaintiffthather thatthepositionwouldbeinterim' SMITHfurtherassured persisted, requesting to carefor wouldbe flexibleandshewouldbeableto workfromhomewhennecessary schedule at thispointin herson, Ptaintiffagreedto thepositionuponreturnfromFMLA' SMITHagreed awayfrom timeto permitPlaintiffto workoutof theHiddenLakeOffice,whichwasl5 minutes ptaintif?shome,This permittedPlaintifftheflexibilityto Ieturnhomewhenthe child needed SMITHwasaware to haveit reinserted' care,suchaspullingouthisg-tubeandneeding emergent care'SMITH of Plaintiffsneedingto becloseto hometo providethisemergent of thenecessity 3 FiledO2lL3tL2USDCColorado Page9 of 31 Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH ableto continuein this position' knew that if Plaintitr was not able to do this, shewould not be her son'slife would be endangered' because manager'SMITH reguested 23. After the Plaintiff servednearly4 monthsas the interim had concernsabout the permanent thar Plaintiff apply for the position permanently.Plaintiff needs' SMITH again assured appointmentdue to Elijah's medical fragility and health care andageedto allow plaintiff to work from the facility plaintiff of the flexibirity of theappointment facility was HiddenLake clinic in closerto her home in orderto providefor Elijah'scare. This Arvada,Colorado. underPlaintiff' The 24. Over the next two years,the programcontinuedto be successful demonstrationof annual program received a Resourcestewardshipaward for the continued . savingsof millions of dollarsforthe company' staffof approximately10, ZS. During this time,plaintiffalsohadthe SeniorCarenurses,a departmentalso received transferredinto her department- senior care coordination- The includingtheCentersof Medioareand Medicaid nationalrecognitionfrom multipleorganizations, (CMS), for the high quality and affordablecaredeliveredto patients' Director of Cluonic CarE 26. In or around September2007, Plaintiff was promotedto as the amount of inoreased Coordination,based on her outcomesand evaluations'as wetl responsibilityshehad accruedovErthe previousyears' again expressedher 27. During the discussionsregardingthis promotion, Plaintiff her that she of her son'shealthcareneeds. SMITH assured. sonc€rnsregardingthe nranagenrent maintain her office in would retain the flexibility to manageher son's appointmentsand could HiddenLake to remaincloseto her son. progBm Zg. In or around the Fall of 2007, Plaintiff had the diseasemanagement Nurse to her, which includcd:AsthmaCare,DiabetesCare,and a Lipid Management transferred Plaintiff was also Practitioner(approximately 20 addifionalstaff members)' At this time, Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 FiledO2lL3lL2USDCColoradoPageL0 of 3L appointedby SMITH to representKaiser on a committeewith the State Health Departmentto later to be named'CzuCC" (ColoradoRegional overseeinitiatingnew Medicaidl partnership, IntegratedCareCollaborative). CRICC is a stateand federally fundedprogramsupervisedby the ("HCPF') wi0r thestaledgoalof StateofColorado'sHealthCarePolicyandFinancingDeparonent clients highest-cost improvingthe quality of care reccivedby ColoradoMedicaid'shighest-need, by bettercoordinatingphysical health,mentalhealth,and substanceabuseservices.This contract would re'establishKaiser'sprovision of Medicaidseryicesin the stateof Coloraclo.z 29. Similarly, Plaintiff was appointedby SMITH to work with Dr. BarbaraMorris of Kaiser to representthe Coloradoregionin a collaborativeprogramwith the Centersfor Medicare and Medicaid,refened to as "SNP,"or the SpecialNeedsPlan. SNP was an opportunityfbr increasedfunding for Kaiser to provideenhancedcareto at-risk Medicaremembers. 30. Congressauthorizesfrrndingto organizationssuch as Defendantsfor SpecialNeeds Plansto providefor medicalservicesto "dualeligibles'(personsqualifiedfor both stateMedicaid and Medicare)and individuals with chronicallysevereand disablingconditions. SNPs are requiredto have an evidence-basedmodel of care with appropriatenetworks of providers and specialists,Additionally, they me required lo conduct an initial assessmentand annual reassessrnent of each individual participant'sphysical,psycho-social,and functionalneEds,to developa care plan, in consultationwith the individual if feasible,that identifiesgoals and objectivesand specificservicesandbenefitsto be provided,and to utilize an interdisciplinaryteam in the managementof care, I healthcareprogram(in Coloradofunded5070by thestateand Medicaidis theJointfederalandstatefundedgovernment Stf/obythefederalgovernment) thatprovideslorvcosthealthcareto indigentindividuats. t Kaiserhad previously it felt thatthe statehadnot appropriately reimbunedKaiser, suedthe staEof Coloradobecause of Kaiserwonthatlawsuit,whichmadestateHCPFoflicialsreluctantto getbackIntobusiness with Kaiser,Represcntatives statcHCPFwereexpressing to thepoor, concems to thePlaintiffthatKaiserwasnota goodproviderof Morlicaid sprvices PageL1of 3L 3 FiledO2lL3lT2USDCColorado Document Case1:12-cv-00382'WJM-MEH with Kaiser plaintiffbeganworkingon Kaiser'ssNP program level national the on 31. emp|oyeeDr.RichardDellaPenaofSanDiego,Califomia,whowasmedica|directorforthe nationalagingnetwork' Defendants' 32.Plaintiffalsochairedanewcommitteeinearly200storeducetheutilizntionofthe emergencydepartmentforpatientswhofrequentlysoughtcareinthisvenue'Theproject local recognition'andSMITH $l million in costsavings'receiving an arurualized demonstrated work' Plaintiffwith a $700spotbonusforthis rewarded for Medicaid'Plaintiffwas onthestateconrmittee 33. As theonly clinicalrepresenlative aboutKaiserand its reputation'as indicated privy to concerningcommentsmadeby the state and Kaiserwasnotsigning contract abouta Medicaid pr.uiourty. stateofficialsalsocomplained werefrustratedithadnotbeensigned.StateofticialssaidthatthiswasareputationissueforKaiser' at a higher that someone with SMITH,aswell asherconcerns thesecomments Plaintiffshared However'SMITH in thesenegotiations' levelof authoritythanPlaintiffshouldbe participating anyone to include necessary herthatshewasdoingwell,andtoldherthatit wouldnotbe reassured elsefromKaiserat thistime. for KaiserwasHealthysolutions' 34. Theagencybeingutilizedto providesNPservicEs basedin a differentstate(Texas) plaintiffwasconcerned thatHealthysolutions,asanewcompany defined andto providethe,care wouldnotbeableto oversee beingserved, thantheactualpatients with shared wereongoingandwersrepeatedly withintheMedicaresNP contract.Theseconcems SMITH. 35.lnearly2008,sMlTHmetwithPlaintifftodiscussfurtherexpandingherrole' At Services' andPrevention intotherole of SeniorDirectorof Population SMITHhadtrarrsitioned management to includedirectionof the disease this time, Plaintiffs role was also expanded program,nearlydoublingthesizeof Plaintiffs staff' programandtheweightmanagement 3 FiledAzlL3lLZ USDCColoradoPageL2 of 31 Document Casej-:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH team 36. plaintiffwas appointedin May or Juneof 2008by SMITH sit on a newly designed Nancy Wollen from KFHP to addressexternalcostsfor the company,a teamled by Vice President Medical Group' Plaintiff was actively and Vice PresidentDale Varner from the Permanente involved in multiple su$committeeson this team. This work was very labor intensiveand proactiveto reducecostsand help with regionalbudgetcontrol. Plaintiff discussedher concerns with SMITH on with the amountof work with this projectcombinedwith herotherresponsibilities particularly{br analytical multipleoccasions,SMITH continuedto promiseadditionalresources, to havel to all meetings. SMITH told services,and advisedPlaintiff that it was not necessary Plaintiff to encourageher administrativeassistant,Donna Vaugh-King, to scheduleas many meetingsaspossibleasteleconferences.SMITH alsocoachedPlaintiffon filteringthroughemails andnot to worry aboutrespondingto all emails,as somedid not requirea response. Ihey also discusseddecreasingthe numberof committeesPlaintiff sat on. SMITH agreedto makesome to somecommittees, but did not everidentiff andappointothersin herdepartment recommendation specificcommitteesthat Plaintiff could decline.SMITH was becomingincreasinglyconcerned role with the company.When Plaintiffraised aboutP.laintiffsnot beingableto meether expanded concernsaboutbeing able to accomplishall of this, SMITH would not permit any reductionin Plaintiffs responsibil ities. 37, During or aroundthis time, Plaintiffs son'svision beganto deteriorate,and an exam indicatedthat Elijah might havedevelopeda brain tumor. Despitethis undergeneralanesthesia news, Plaintiff continuedto worlg albeit while she was very distressed.Plaintiff disheartening receivedan email from Elijah's surgeonduringa meetingat work, describingthe rypesof tumorshe may have. Plaintiff left, visibly upset. SMITH waspresentat thatmeetingandobservedPlaintiff beginto cry as a rezult of the news abouther son. concernsaboutHealthy 38. In or aroundSummer2008, becausePlaintiff had expressed Solutions'adequ*elyprovidingtheservicesthatCMS waspayingfor in the SNPprogram,Plaintiff l0 3L O2lI3ltZ USDCColoradoPage13 of Filed 3 Document EH M-M 12-cv-00382-WJ Case1: due to in a site visit to Healthysolutions' staffparticipated Kaiset's of members staff and several members'as well as concems lack of careprovidedto the sNP continuedconcemsregardingthe it becameclear Medicare' During this site visit' with obligations contractual meeting aboutnot (l) not all memberswere including,but not limited to: concerns, major several were that there receiveda survey;(2) no 5% of the total sNP population only fact, in and, service, this receiving at all; (4) patientsreceivedno serviceor education (3) institutionalized provided; directcarewas careprovidedwasnotgeriatricappropriate;and(5)therewaseitherinadequateorabsenl regionregardingthework of HealthySolutions' backto directcareprovidersin the communicalion officials' concemsabouttheseissuesto Kaiser Plaintiff immediatelybeganto expressherserious includingSMITH. 39.Followingthisvisit,in200sandcontinuinginroearly200g,thereweremultiple were Kaiser'sexecutivestaff where these concems meetingswith Plaintiff and membersof and executiveleadershipregarctingtheseconcerns' discussed. However,no action was takenby was not in atignmentwith thedirectionthe SMITH advisedPlaintiff that pursuingtheseconcems companywas going. Plaintiff to implementthe state Medicaid 40. In or aroundmid-2008,SMITH instructed projectas"r€sourqeneutral'despitereceivingsubstantialfundingfromthestatetohireadditional stafftocarefortheseveryhighriskpatients'theaged,theblindandthedisabled'"Resource providingadditionalcapitatfundingto pay for sNP neutralomeansthat, even though cMS was providingadditionalFTE's'Plaintiffwas Kaiserwouldnot be hiring anyadditionalstaffor services, veryconcemedaboutthisandsharedwithSMITHthatshefeltthatwasirnpossibleforherto or notprovidingthelevelof carerequiredby the complywithoutcompromisingcarefor thepatients on throughout the remainderof 2008 and sNP program. This conversationcontinuedoff and 2009. ll o2lL3tL2 usDc colorado Page14 of 31 Filed 3 Document case 1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH 4l.WithrespecttotheCNCCprogram'Kaiser,throughSMITH,persistedint[eresource be divertedonly to pay for in orderfor the fundingfrom the stateto neutralimplementation currentlyemployedstaff.However,theCNCCprogramwasprovidingKaiserwithcompletely previouslyprovidingcareto thesf medically new patients. The staff of l(aiserhad not been homehealthcarenotprovidedby Kaiser'bu!Kaiserwas patients, someof whomrequired complex to handle to provideadditionalemployeps govemment not utilizingthemoneysreceivedfromthe thiscare. longtime{tentor'Vice andself-proclaimed 42, At theendof 2008,sMITH',ssupervisor with Plairitiffthatthis SMITHshared Kristinsnyder,Ph.D.,retiredfromthecompany' President a4rdSMITH's Dr. Snyderwasnot goingto be replaced concernbecause hertremendous caused pitherGinny in placeVice-Presidents' reportto oneof theothercurrently wouldinstead department MclainorNancywollEn.ultimately,NancywollenwasaPpointedtothispositionassMlTH',s newsupervisor. aboutKaiser'sfailingto perfprmits legal complaints 43. Followingplaintift'scontinuing at and duringPlaintiffs holi{ay partyin underthe sNp and czucc programs, obligations because with herthattheywereveryuncomfortable shared of 2008,Ptaintiffsmanagers December Plaintiffsferformance' SMITIJhadbeenaskingeachof themto cometo heroffrceanddiscuss andtheyfelt shewastryingto gefthemto say SMITHwasaskingleadingandnegativequestions negativeremarksabout Plaintiff' her team co{nPletea Hay 44. In or aroundearly 2009, SMITH requestedthat everyoneon employeeis bein$promotedin 360 degreeevaluation. A Hay 360 evaluationtakesplacewhenan personnelbelow, at thp samelevel' an organization.The Hay 360 evaluationinvolvesa queryof with Ms' Woflen and Ms' and abovethe personbeing evaluated, Plaintitf continuedto meet meetings,Plaintiff sharedherponcernsthat Mclain separatelyduringthis time. During separate that SMITI{ intendedto fire Plaintiff' Bot(rMs' Mclain rumorsweregoingaroundthe department t2 3 Filedo2lL3lL2 USDCColoradoPage 15 of 31 Document case 1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Plaintiffthat SMITHwouldnot fire her' Despitetheir andMs. Woilenassured dishonesty dueto SMITH'srepeated with thesituation Plaintiffwasnoicomfortable her worls for resources to follow throughon necessary own behaviorandunwillingness whom are Plaintiff sharedsome of theseconcernswith Ms' Mclain and Ms' Wollen, both executiveleaders. for NCQA in a mockFederal 45. ln or aroundspring2009,Plaintiffparticipated . Inrs by SMITH's whichwasprepared (National Committee for QualityAssurance), auditconcemedthe CorirplexCareInitiative, a federallyfundedprogramthat Kaiser in. icipated During this meeting,Plaintiff presenteda solutionto the identifiedpopulation the auditor approved of and shareil this with SMITH, This solution involved targeting appropriate Plaintiff thismeeting, Fotlowing population thatwouldmeedtheNCQAstandards, withDr. MichaelRaggio,the physicianlead for Quality,includingNCQA, for Kaiser' Al SMITH agreedwith this solution,shewas unwilling to addany staff to effectuateyour of 2009with SMITH metin theSpringor earlySummer 46. Plaintill'later by Kaiserto resources andneedfor additional withhertheNCQAconserns fundedSNPand CRICCprogramsandtheNCQA initiatives, Kaiserthrcugh discussed the federally was not supportiveof providing additionalresourcesdespitethe shorttime frame they had be re the actual audit. Concernedaboutfraud againststateand federalgovernmenthealthcare took theseconcernsand the potentialrisks to the highestlevelsof Kaiser Plaintiff , goingto Ms. Wollen,Mr, Kerry Kohnen,and Ginny threeof Kaiser'sVice Presidents: Lain (Vice thego usedtheterm'fraud'against of Operations).Plaintiffspecifically President when to theseexecutives. speaking 47. During this same time, Plaintiff received her results from the Ha 360 degree fromMs. MargaretTumerfromHumanResources.Plaintiffsresults evaluation in fact she was told by Kaiser HR consultantMargaretTumer that it was the hi I3 verygood; she had ever M'MEhl Document3 FiledO2tL3lL2USDCColorado Case l-:l-2-cv-00382-WJ 16 of 31 goalto "improve[Plai personal wasto workon Plaintifes seen. Theonlysuggestion recognitionofher skills as a greatleader"' advi .byhuman 48. Fromlate2008throughupto early2009,Plaintiffwascontinuously PlaintiffhadaboutSMITH uestioning to applyfor FMLA for herson,dueto concerns resources for Elijah.Elijahmetall criteriafor FMLA, andPlaintiff her aboutappointments granted made severalcommentsto Plaintiff l2-month intermittentleave of absence, SMITH had also and was plaintiffappried for FMLA for herselfas of this, aboutherownhearth.Because FMLA withina monthof thefirstFMLA' Up for 12monthsintermittent approved the factthat Plaintiffhadbeenvery openwith SMITHaboutherhealth,including thispoint, had been flu intravenous on multipleoccasionsdueto medicalconditions,requiring dehydrated d by Vice 49,InSummer200g,PlaintilTwasperformingsowel|thatshewasselec Lynne, of theKaiserHealthPlanc'E'o" Dr, Dalevarnerat therecommendation President presentcarecoordi to representHEalthPlan on a trip to the united Kingdomto prograrnsin the colorado region, PlaintiffnotifiedsMITH of this' containment and cost clinicatstaffforthenewlyfunded 50. In Fall2009,all Kaiserapproved aboutthe lackof clinicalstaffnecessary implement (CzuCC)wasin placeandthe concerns analytical additional needed with SMITH. Theprogram cRlcc werediscussed by the state. SMITH mentionedthat she continuousreportingrequirements divertingthe fundingto anothermanagerin her department.Plaintiff responded think that wasallowablesincethe statewaspayingfor the full+ime employees used for the Medicaid work. After confening with the Kaiser Medicaid StephanieDenning,Plaintiff and Denningagreedthat Medicaid funding could work with Kaiserandwasintendedto fund work for Medicaid supportgeneralized programs, Plaintiff sharedthis informationin an email witlr the managertn dueto the considering shedid not to be I lead, be usedto and and with to Plaintiff,telling her shedid not be ievethatthis SMITH, SMITH sentout a very hostileresponse l4 Page17 of 31 M-MEH Document3 FiledQ2lL3lL2 USDCColorado Case l,:1-2-cv-00382-WJ wastrue,but couldnot provideinformarionfrom thestateto veri$ theiragreementfor theirfunding to be usedfor otherKaiserinitiatives' workingin the LegacyHighlandbuilding on oneoccasionin early2009,Plaintiff was office and shutthe door' Shesharedwith when SMITH's administrativeassistantoameinto her going through, that she had seen many of Plaintiff that she was sorry for what Plaintiff was to orhErpeople' and describedsMITH's sMITH's emails and how she talked about Plaintiff assistant ,,witchhunt"to destroyPlainriff. PlaintifTwasstunned' The administrative behaviorasa talkedaboutplaintiffs son,quotingthatshehad arsosharedrhatshewas sorryfor theway sMTH rhatshewas "so tired of hearingabout[her] heardsMITH say to Beth Martin (a peeranda friend) 5l, son'' handicapped had an appointmentfor her son' SMITH 52, on or about September30,2009,P|aintiff shewas at children'sHospitalwith a faceto facemeetingwith Plaintif4who explained requested meetingaftercompletinghis appointrnent' her son. SMITH told Ptaintiff to bring her son to lhe of to agree' Because with doingthis,shefelt pressured AlthoughPlaintiff wasvery uncomfortabie hasa very shortattentionspan'In addition' his cerebralpalsy,Plainriffs sonis easitydistracledand to opportunisticinfectionswhen in the he is susceptible becauseElihah is immunocompromised, or a groupof people.SMITH wasawareof theselimitations' presence of a strangers 53.onoraboutoctoberl,2009,SMTHhaddecidedrohaveanoff.sitemeetingforher for a multi-disciplinaryappointment reamar sMITH's house. Prior ro rhis,Plaintiffhadscheduled which is approximatelyan hour from Elijah and three therapistsat Children'sHospitalNorth, to dueto the numberof therapists'was exlremelydifficult SMITH's home. Elijah'sappointment, beenscheduledprior to SMITH's schedule,had taken about a. month to be scheduledand had assistantimmediately meeting, when sMITH scheduledthe meeting,Plaintiffs administrative shereceivedthis' andPlaintiff declined,dueto Elijah'sappointment, SMITH calledPlaintiffwhen very importantto her and requested had to explainthe situation. SMITH saidthis meetingwas l5 Page1-8of 3L 3 FiledO2lL3lL2 USDCColorado Document H E M-M Case 1-:12-cv-00382-WJ but had to dectine'given the circumslances' go to SMITH's afterwards' meetingsearlierso that shecould offeredto seeif they could startthe Plaintifffor makingthe lunchhours') SMITH thanked on their meeting all wer€ (The therapists for the therapistsat her son'smulti'disciplinary agreements effort. Plaintiff not only acquired to get attendso thatshecouldleaveearly husband her had also but early, hour half a meetingto stalt twice during her efforts,SMITH still oallerlPlaintiff to sMITH's meeting, Despiteall of these meetingaskingherwhereshewas' son'srnulti-disciptinary her severe virus duringthe Fall of 2009' Due to 54. Plaintiff becameill with the HtNl andshewasseenin the emergency her physicalconditionbecamedebilitating' respiratorydisease, joumeyingto This prohibitedPlaintiff from and advisedto stay hometo recuperate' department Elijah's appointment'Plaintiff plaintiff reschedule Englandon a previoustyplannedKaiserassignmenL 55'PriortoNovemberof200g,becauseofhermedica|conditionandthecomplex Ptaintiffput in an applicationfor intermittent problemsinvolvedin taking careof her son,Elijah, in felt it was necessaryto havea formal FMLA FMLA leavefor both her and her son' Ptaintiff from sMITH to compromiseher own mEdical plaoebecauseshe was getting increasingpressure demands'SMITH told Plaintiff that she was not careand her son,scarebecauseSMITH,swork JanetPerry,informedthe assistant, happywith this FMLA application.SMITH'S administrative utilized her plaintiff that sMITH had requestedthat she keep track of times that Plaintiff notifyherimmediatelyof anytimesthatPlaintiff intermittentFMLA leavefor her or for hersonand hadto leavework' 56. On or aboutNovember6,20QI,SMITH had a meetingwith Plaintiff in her office and meeting,during which SMITH informed includedMargaretTumer from HR. This wasa one-hour felt shewas plaintiffthat her performancewas concerning,leadershipthroughgutthe organization and shewas not a teamplayer' amongst not performingwell, shetalked too mushabouther famity, plaintiff that she would be putting her on a performance other negativeremarks. she informed l6 of 31FiledO2lL3lL2USDCColoradoPage19 3 Document EH M-M 12'cv-00382-WJ 1: Case andfelt at this shockedat this suddenturn of events' improvementplan. Plaintiff wascompletely andher her applyingfor FMLA leave for herself point in time that SMITH',shostilitywas due to the sNP and to Kaiser'sfailure to adequatelyfund son,8s well as Plaintiffs vocal objections CRICCPrograms. a faceto face meelingrvith Plaintiff' 57. In or aboutDecember2009, SMITH requested phrasessuchas "[I am] red hot',o"so angry[] Duringthis meeting,SMITH was livid. she USed employee"'etc' Three times she accused couldn'tspeaktO [her]," "neverbeenangrierwith an God sakes'Jeryl' you are on an actionplan"' Plaintiffof "insubordination."SMITH stated,"For havingpermittedsupervisorsworking The purportedreasonfor SMITH's outburstthat Plaintiffs ar an off-sitemeeting' Plaintiff immediately underher to buy lunchesfor their respectivestaffs lunches,and was not evenawareofit explainedthat shedid not approvethe purchasingofthose her administrativeassistanthad made those until she anived al the off-site and realized that Plaintitf of "lying in frontof purchases and deliverieswithouther authorization-SMITH ascused with her administrativeassistant 200 people,,,whichplaintiff deniedand said shecould validate Plaintiffs insistencethatshe Ms. DonnaVaughn-King. sMITI-l continuedto be angry,despite end,SMITH orderedPlaintiffto ( | ) wasunawareof andhadnothingto do with thelunches. In the policy wherebyher staff may not instructMs. King to apologizeto JanetPerry;(2) initiatea new decisionsto purchaselunch without her direct approval;(3) discussthe ramificationsof the went; and (4) purchaselunch with her staff and repo( back to SMITH on how the discussion for their staff and for allowing apologizeto SMITH,s otherdirect reportswho did not buy lunch demands' Plaintiffs staff to buy lunch. Plaintiffcompliedwith all of SMITH's Plaintiff met with Dr' 5g. At approximatetythe sametimq in or aboutDecember2009, long discussionabout Glen Gade,who was the physicianleadfor the SNP program. They had a ancihis fearthat for SNP reimbursement Dr. Gade,sconcemsregardingmeetingthe requirements alsoPlaintiffs theprogramwas setup to fail. PlaintiffconveyedDr. Gatle'sconcerns'which were l7 M-MEH Document3 Filedo2lL3tL2 USDCColorado Page20 of 31 Case1:12-cv-00382'WJ SurnanGraber' Kaiset'sVice concems,to SMITH, as well as Kaiset'sregulaforysupervisor Joni McGuire' NancyWollen andKaiser'sManagerof theSpecialNeedsProgram' President to me€t' either 59. FromNovember2009ro January2010,SMITH andPlaintiff continued improvementplarl SMITH by phoneor in-person- on a weeklybasis' As partof herperformance which wasapproximately insisredrhatplaintiffmove heroffice to theLegacyHighlandsbuilding, This move madecarefor her son 45 minutesfrom Plaintiff s currentoffrce andalsofrom her son. for home' and it wasnecessary extremelydiffrcult, ashe wasreceivingthempytwice nearPlaintiffs this but SMITH insisted' Plaintiff to attendthesesessions,Plaintiff sharedher concernsover plaintiffcornpliedandoften foundthat otherstaffmemberslookedfor her "to makesureshewasat providedtoherand she Legacy.' AlthoughSMITH insistedPlaintiffmove,therewas no office usuallyhad to bonow a spaceto setup hercomputer' coachfor Plaintiff,PatrickHeiser' Mr' Heiser 60. SMITH alsoarrangedfor a professional aboutmany goalsandhavingdiscussions andPlaintiffmerthroughoutthis time period,establishing thattheperformanceplan sMITH wastryingto topics. Plaintiff sharedher ooncerns professional at the end of implementdid not haveobjectivegoalsand was not surehow she could document Plaintiff to challengeSMITH and ask threemonthsthat shehad met them. Mr. Heiserencouraged to andto speakup abouther issues,includingher concernsaboulbeingable the ,,toughquestionsD her son'soare' useher FMLA leaveto accommodate calledher 61. On or aboutJanuary21, 2010,Plaintiffssonwokeup vomiting, Plaintiff ro norify SMITH that shewouldbe late for her meeting. Plaintiffmade administrativeassisranr andin for sick child careandanivedat themeelingonehour late. After themeeling, arrangements Plaintiff on her tardinessfor the meeting' the presenceof Ms. Sue Schriner,SMITH questioned plaintiff explainedthat she had askedher administrativeassistantto leave word. SMITH stated andPlaintiffpromisedto follow up on miscommunicalions' shenevergot the message, l8 Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 Filed02lL3lL2 USDCColoradoPage21 of 31 62. On or aboutFebruaryl, 2010,SMITH calledPlaintiff and was very frustrated,She stated that Plaintiffs input for her (Plaintifl's) staff evaluationswas incomplete. Plaintiff explainedthatshewasnot awareofthe levelof detailthatSMITH wasaskingfor and,perSMITI-I's requesl,would makeit a priorityandhaveit to SMITH by theendof theday. Plaintiffclearedher calendarand spentall day gettingthe datatogetherthat SMITH required.Howeverthis caused Plaintiffto missa meetingwith SMITH. SMITH thenexpressed her displeasurewith Plaintifffor missingthe rneeting. 63. On or aboutFebruary10,2010,SMITH and Plaintiff discussedin detail an apparent miscommunication betweenPlaintiffand Ms, SueSchreiner.Plaintiffwas surpriserlat how much SMITH knew abouttheconversation, sinceMs, Schreiner hadsaidit wasconfidentialandtheemail which Plaintiff had written in an attemptto work on "courageous conversation"(asencouraged by her coach)had beensentconfidentially. Clearly,SMITH had-r,ea*wasaccessingPlaintiffs and Ms. Schreiner's confidentialemail at this point in time. 64, SMITH continuedto try to find purportedexamplesof under-performance by Plaintiff. On or aboutFebruaryI l, 2010,SMITH trackedPlaintiffdown,attemptingto requestexplanations for the evaluationsPlaintiff gaveto her staff,who received"exceeds"on the evaluations. SMITH felt the evaluationswere inappropriate. Plaintiff hadcompletedtheseevaluationsin the samethat SMITH had always previously required,llowever, SMITH was now adding an additional requirementPlaintiff had neverseenbefore,which was to supply specific datato substantiate each of the staff member'sgoalsthat had beenmet. Perthis request,Ptaintiffpreparedan explanation for SMITH. Nonetheless, SMI'I'Hstill insistedto Plaintiffthatthetaskwas incomplete. Plaintiff pointedout to SMITH that she had never requiredthis level of documentarionand SMITH reluctantlyagreed. 65. In or aboutMarch 2010, Plaintiff was refenedto an atlergydesensitization program that requiredher to have9 to I I differentappointments one week in the observationroom in the l9 3 FiledO2lL3lL2USDCColoradoPage22 ot 3L Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH allergy departnentin Kaiser'sRock Creekfacility, which is one hour away from the Legacy Highlandsbuilding where SMITH and Ptaintiffs offtces were located. Appointmentswere to vary in length and could lastup to 3 hourseach. Plaintiff sharedthis information, scheduled includingappointmenttimes, during her staff meetingwith SMITII and her physicianpartner. Althoughtheseappointmentswere cover€dby Plaintiffs FMLA leave,SMITH's hostility to this requestfor accommodationwas evidencedby a banage of hostile questions.Despite the notification,SMITH neverthelessinsistpdon multiple occasionsthat Plaintiff attendeither by at the allergy duringthis time, This madeattendance phoneor in personthe meetingsscheduled desensitization appointmentsvery difficult for thePlaintiff, 66. Multiple individuals went to Plaintitf to express their concernsfor Plaintiffs emptoymentpredicament. Rumorsweregoingthroughthe department,includingthe fact that she wason a performanceplan= 67. Duringa meetingwith SMITH,SMITH statedshewas liustratedthatPlaintiffhadbeen seencryingin heroffrcewith her offrcedoorclosed, SMITH specificallystatedthat shehasasked Plaintiffnotto haveher door closedunlessabsolutelynecessary,Plaintiff told SMITH that when sheis tearful,sheshutsher door so otherswon'tseeherandknow sheis upset, SMITH agreedthat Plaintiffcouldshuther door at that time, Duringthis samemeeting,SMITH askedFlaintiff aboul shehad siheduled. Plaintiffwassurprisedat this inquiry,asshenevertotd a cardiacappointment SMITH about this. Apparently, SMITH was either accessingPlaintiffs medical records or inquiringof anotheremployeeor a Kaiserphysician, an extrahalf hourto meelwith SMII'H 68. On or aboutMarch I 5, 2010,Plaintiffrequested duringtheir regularlyscheduledtime. Plaintiffhadbeenreceivinginformationthat SMITH was planningon firing her and that this hadbeendiscussed in emails. Plaintitf askedSMITH, "Do you I don't." I do wantyou to leaveandsometimes wantme to leave?' SMITH responded, "sometimgs The meetingscontinuedwith very opendiscussion aboutthe working relationship,ctc. Plaintiff 20 bocument3 Filed02lL3lLZUSDCColoradoPage23 of 3L CaseL:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH thar shelovedherwork andshe alsotold SMITH thateventhoughtheyhavehadproblems, ntiffstated theyhad in prior years' lhe two of themcouldgetbackto the workingrelationship to staywith $MITH in her currentrole. that it wouldbe her preference with Tom c 6g,on or abourAprit 6, 2010,Plaintiffhada conveNation from the Medicaiddepartmentat Kaiser. They discussedPlaintiff going to work for Mr. asa clinical Directorfor Medicaid. They wereboth very excitedaboutthe potential' . Cunigan stated,"l know Linda will be angry but this will be very goodfor my departmenl'" agreedto put togethera businessplanlo put this into place' 70.Theverynexrday,April 7,2010,SMITHandPlaintiffhadan early After arriving at SMITH's office, SMITH informedPlaintiff that lhey were going t meelin the department, When they got there'SMITH left and said she was ing to get HumanResources DirectorKardell Websterto join them.OnceMr. Websterarrived, HumanResources thedoor and stated,"You askedme whenwe met onceif I wantedyou lo leaveand I ITH shut decided thal I do," Mr, WebstErthen passedout a copy of a documentthat was called "volunlary resignalion," Mr. Websterwent over thedocument,pointingout a markingindicati is Plaintiff "ineligiblefor rehire." Mr. WebsterthencollectedPlaintiffsbadge,BlackBerr)'and P-card, wasrnadefor her to of herlaptop,soanappointrnent Plaintiffwasnot in possession thisitem. There was a brief discussionabout how her staff would be notified, and Plai requested permissionto sendan emailsayinggoodbye,which SMITH loudly answered,"No'" SMITH said shewould composerhe email, and she promptlyIeft the room. When Plaintiff at the very highestlevels Mr. Webstersaid,"Thishasbeendiscussed Webster, thatyou havedoneverygoodworkat Kaiserandthatyou Everyoneacknowledges savedthe companya greatdeal of money."Mr. Webstertold Plaintiff she had done nothi wrong.The documenthe askedher to sign includeda completereleaseof all claims and o six months' for this. compensation zt 3 FiledOZlL3lL2USDCColoradoPage24 of 31 Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH I that her administrative t f . Plaintiff left at that point. She requested everythingand did not pack anythinghenelf. She had a brief meetingwith Mr' coach,whowasvery surprisedto hearthatshehadbeenterminated. FIRSTCAUSEOF ACTION INTERFERENCEWITE FMLA l) (29U.S.c'$2615(aX t);29c'F.R'S82s'220(aX LLC,KAISERFOLNDATION FEDERATION, (Againsr THEPERMANENTE TH PLAN, SMITH,andDOESl'l HOSPITALS, INC.,KAISERFOLINDATION I through7l of theComplaint if thesame Paragraphs andrealleges 72. Plaintiffrepeats werefulty setforth hereinandwith thesamefull forceandeffect. by the covered heretoan employee 73. Plaintiffwasat all timesmaterial LeaveAct ('FMLA'). Plaintiff workedat a worksitewhere Defendants ily Medical 50 or more in within 75 miles duringeachof 20 or moresalendarwork-weeks employees currentor for at leastl2 months.Plaintiff year. Plaintiffworkedfor Defendants preceding edat least of leave' thecommencement preceding I 250hoursof serviceduringthe I 2 months wereat all timesmaterialheretoan employerwithin the 74. Defendants FamilyMedicatLeaveAct and,as such,banedfrom interferingwith Plaintiffs right of the takeleave. 75. Underthe FMLA, an employeeis entitledto takefull or intermittentlea interferedwith Plaintiffs exerci 76. As fully describedabove,Defendants her rights and/ordenyingPlaintiffs interfering, restraining, underFMLA by discouraging, of her full leaveasdefu:edby 29U.S.C.526l5(a)(l); 29 C'F.R.$825.220(a|), (b). and/orintermittent againstPlaintiff,Plaintiff 77. As a proximaleresultof Defendants'astions sufferedand andotheremploymenlandreti continuesto suffersubstantiallossesin earnings, and beneflrts humiliationand mental has suffercdand continuesto suffer embanassment, all to her damagein an amountaccordingto proof, 22 3 FiledO2lL3lL2USDCColorado Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM'MEH 25 of 3L actsas allegedherei4Plaintiffis entitled Iiquidated 78, As a resultof Defendants' pursuant to 29U.S.C.2617(a)(l xAxiii); 29 c'F.R'825'400(c)' damages Plaintiffis entitled reasonable herein, as alleged 79. As a resultof Defendants'acts 29 C.F'R' by 29 U'S.C.52617(aX3); suitasprovided feesandcostsof said. attomeys' asallegedherein,Plaintiffis entitledto 80, As a resultof Defendants'acts ,a000), on her 29 C.F,R.,S 825'400(c)' pursuant to 29 U.S.C.,2617(a)(lXA)(iXll); damages 8l . actsas allegedherein,Plaintiff is entitledto i As a resultof Defendants' C.F'R',S 825'400(c)' pursuant to 29 U.S.C.,2617(a)(l)(e)(i)(ll);29 damages g2, As a resultof Defendants'actsas allegedherein,Plaintiff is entitledto nstatement C.F'R.,$ 825.a00(c)' pursuant to 29 U.S.C.,2617(a)(l)(B);29 SECONDCAUSEOF'ACTION RETALIATION IN VIOLATION OT'FMLA (3),(c)) (29U.S.c'526ls(a)(2);29 C.F'R.S825'220(a)(2)' LLC,KAISERFOLINDATION FEDERATION, (Againsr TIJEPERMANENTE TH PLAN, SMITH,andDOESl-t0) HOSPITALS, INC.,KAISERFOLINDATION I through82 of ths Complaint if thesame 83. Plaintiffrepeatsandreallegesparagraphs werefutly sel forth hereinandwith the samefull forceandeffect' 84. Plainliff was at all timesmaterialheretoan employeecoveredby the F LeaveAct. employed50 or Plaintiff worked at a worksitewhereDefendants within 75 milesduringeachof 20 or morecalendarwork-weeksin thecurrentor for at leastl2 months. Plaintiffworkedat year. Plaintiffworkedfor Defendants ly Medical employees calendar I250hours of leave, of serviceduringthe l2 monthsprecedingthecommencement wereat all timesmaterialheretoan employerwithin the 85, Defendants Family MedicalLeaveAct and,assuch,banedf'romretaliatingagainstPlaintiff for FMLA rights. 23 of thethe isingher 3 FiledOzt]'gl].zUSDCColoradoPage26 of 31 M-MEH Document Case1:12-cv-00382-WJ her of herson,Plaintiffexercised healthcondition 86. As a resultof a serious for takingleave' leaveunderFMLA,andwasterminated herstatutorilyauthorized persons 87, Defendantshavea pattemard practiceof retaliatingagainst t to take medicalleave. in havea faciallyneutralpolicyof non-retaliation 88. AlthoughDefendants who decisions,Defendants'policy hasan unfavorableimpacton thoseemployees tn a slmllar positionto the Plaintiff' actionsagainstPtaintiff,Plaintiff 89, As a proximateresultof Defendants' and andotheremployment in eamings, losses to suffersubstantial continues humiliationand mentalan hassufferedand continuesto sufferembarrassment, to proof. in anamountaccording damage actsas allegedherein,Plaintiffis entitlei 90. As a resultof Defendants' 29C'F'R',$ 825'400(c)' pursuant to 29 U'S.C',2617(a)(l)(AXiii); damages ach as allegedherein,Plaintiffis entitled reasonable 91. As a resultof Def'endants' S feesand costsof said suit as providedby 29 U.S.C,'S 2617(aX3); c,F,R., attomeys' 825.400(c). actsasallegedherein,Plaintiffis entitledto 92. As a resultof Defendants' 29C'F.R,'S 825'400(c))' 2617(a)(l)(AXiXU); pursuant to 29U.S.C., damages plaintiffis entitledto i hErein, actsasalteged 93. As a resultof Defendants' 29C'F'R.,$ 825'400(c))' 2617(a)(l)(nXiXll); pursuant to 29U.S.C., damages actsasallegedherein,Plaintiffis entitledto 94. As a resultof Defendants' 2gC.F.R., pursuant 2617(a)(l)(B); S 825.a00(c)). to 29U.S.C., THIRD CAUSEOFACTION RETALIATION IN VIOLATION OF F'MLA (3)'(c)) (29U.S,C.,S 26ls(aX2); 29C.F.R., S 825.220(a)(2), 24 27 oI 3L 3 FiledA}tL3tLZUSDCColorado M-MEH Document Case1:L2-cv-00382-WJ (AgainstTHEPERMANENTEFEDERATIoN,LLc,KAISERFoUNDATIoN P L A N , I N C , , K A I S E R F O U N D A T I O N H O S P I T A L S ' S M I T H ' a n )d D O E S l if thesame 95.Plaintiffrepeatsandreallegesparagraphslthroughg4oftheComplaint were fully set forth hereinand with the samefull forceand effect. coveredby theFa heretoanemployee 96. Plaintiffwasat all timesmaterial LeaveAct. Plainliff worked at a worksitewhereDefendantsemployed50 or in thecurrentor work'weeks within75milesduringeachof 20or morecalendar for at least12monthi. Plaintiffworkedal year. Plaintiffworkedfor Def'endants of leave' thecommencement of serviceduringthe12monthspreceding withinthe heretoanemployer g7. Defendants wereatall timesmaterial Plaintifffor agairtst FamilyMedicalLeaveAct and,assuch,barredfromretaliating Medical employees calendar 1250hours of the the isingher FMLA rights. Plaintiffe healthcondition, 98. As a resultof Ptaintiffsownserious for taking leaveunderFMLA,andwasterminated takeherstatutoillyautborized herrightto gg. Defendantshave a patteln and practitn of retaliatingagainst persons medicalleave. in 100. Moreover, f)efenclants'facialty neufal policy of non-retaliation who arein a similar positior decisionshasan unfavorableimpacton thoseemployees l0l. actionsagainstplaintift' plaintiff As a proximateresultof Defendants' and andotheremployment lossesin earnings, to suffersubstantial continues bumiliation and mental angt has suffered and continuesto suffer embarrassment, menl plaintiff. and benefitsand all to her damagein an amountaccordingto proof. 102. As a result of Defendants'acts as allegedherein,plaintiff is entitled c.F.R.,S 825.400(c)). pursuant to 29 U.S,C.,2617(a)(lXA)(iii);29 damages 25 liquidated 28 of 31 M'MEH Document3 FiledO2lL3lL2 USDCColorado CaseL:12-cv-00382-WJ actsas allegedherein,plaintiffis entitledto reasonable 103. As a resultof Defendants' c.F.R., s feesand costsof sriidsuit as providedby 29 U.S,C.,$ 2617(aX3); atrorneys, 825.400(c)). on her herein,plaintiffis entitledto actsasatleged 104. As a resultof Defenclants' c'F'R" S 825'a00(c))' pursuant to 29 u's'c', zotz(axrXnXiXll);29 damages actsasallegedherein,plaintiffis entitledto i 105. As a resultof Defendants' C'F'R"S 825'400(c))' pursuant to 29 U.S,C.,2617(aXlXAXiXtl);29 damages on her herein,plaintiffis reinstateme actsasallegecl 106. As a resultof Defendanls' 29C.F.R., $ 82s'a00(c))' 261?(a)(l)(B); 29U.S.C., FOURTHCAUSEOF ACTION WRONGFULTERMINATIONIN VIOLATION OF PUBLICPOLI LLC,KAISERFOUNDATIOI'I EALTH FEDERATION, (Againsr THE PERMANENTE andDOESI'l HOSPITALS, PLAN,INC.,KAISERFOTNDATION if thesame I throughI 06 of the complaint paragraphs I 07. Plaintiffrepeatsandrealleges werefully set forth herein and r,,'iththe samefull force and effect. in and for 108.Plaintiffas an employeeof Kaiserwas given responsibility Program the SpecialN monitoringstateand federal governrnentftuded prograrns'particularly (CNCC). P carecollaborative Integrated (sNP)andthecolorado Regional consistently signi complainedto her superiorsat Kaiser that, although it was receiving amountsof it wasnotutilizingthemoneyreceivedfrom government government fundsfor theseprograms, to implemenlthe program's the use of the programsbul insteadpretending to implernent administr ion that this existingpersonnel. Plaintiff madeclearto the highestlevelsof Kaiser's Health policy amountedto health care fiaud. Plaintiffalso madeher concemsknown to were awareI Care Policy and FinancingDepartmentofficials. Kaiser officials Plaintiff was exposingirs fraudbothinternallyto Kaiseroflicialsandexternallyto thegovenrmen Case1:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH Document 3 Filed02lL3lL2.USDCColoradoPage29 of 31 thatit wouldnotbudge 109.KaisertoldPlaintiffonmorethanoneoccasion is policyof "resoureeneutral"treatmentof the SNP and CRICCprograms,and refused accepther personnel. in thediversionof recommendation for additional Thisresulted fundsfrom purpose in theSN theirintended useandthefailureto usethefundsfor theirintended CRICC programs. Plaintiffbecause to andrefused to comply I I 0. Kaiserdischarged sheobjeoted itspolioy of t'ailingto frrndthe SNP and CNCC prograrmand insteadusingfundsrecei from the governmentfor day-to-dayoperations. suffered of Plaintiffsemployment, I I l. As a resultof Defendants' illegaltermination pastandfuture,lossof eaming damages, economic includinglossof eamings , lossof employeebenefits,including health insuranceand otherbenefits,and has suffered damages includingemotional distress, insultto dignityandhumiliation. FIFTH CAUSEOF ACTION WR0NGFULTERMTNATIONrN VTOLATTON OF 3l U.S.C.A.$ (AgainstTHEPERMANENTE LLC,KAISERFOLTNDATION FEDERATION, PLAN,INC.,KAISERFOUNDA]]ONHOSPITALS, SMITH,andDOES l 0 ) ll2. Plaintiffrepeatsand reallegesparagraphs l ttuoughI ll ofthe Complaint if thesame were fully setforth hereinand with the samefull force andeffect, | 13.As statedherein,Plaintiff,duringthecourse andscopeof heremployment, complainedto Defbndantsabouttheir divenion of federalfundsprovidedto Kaiser NeedsProgramto Kaiser'snormalday to day activities. Plaintiff madeit clearto stently the Special offrcials that, by not using the firnds to provide fbr additionalernployeesto provide care patients as requiredby the SpeoialNeedsProgram,Defendants werecommittinghealthcare againstthe United States,specifrcally,Kaiser was acceptingmoneysfrom the United States a specific purpose,providingcareto MedicareandMedicareAdvantagepatientseligiblefor the lNeeds Program, divertingthosefundsto otheruses,andnotprovidingtheservices the nt was 27 3 Filedo2lL3lL2 USDCColorado Document case L:12-cv-00382-WJM-MEH 30 of 3l- payingfor. of herlawfully protectedactivity Plaintiffbecause I | 4. Defendantsdischarged 3l u.s.c.A. $ 3730(h), with the ll5. Defendantsare thereforeliableto Plaintifffor reinstatement for lossof employeebenefits,ingl status,2 limesthe amountof backpay,compensation and retirementbenefits, front pay, intereston all damages,litigation and seniority health fees in with 3l U.S.c.A.$ 3730(hX2)' accordance thattheCourtenterjudgmentin favor and requests Plaintiffrespectfully WHEREFORE, herfor herecon ic and compensate in anarnountthatwill reasonably againsttheDefendants attorney andnecessary damages,andthatthe Courtawardreasonable non-economic interest,togetherwith suchotherrelief,includingequitablerelief, andprejudgment andcosts the Court deemsappropriate. PLAINTIFF'DEMANDSTHAT ALL CAUSESOF ACTION BE TRIED 201l' dayof Decetnber, this3Orh submitted Respectfully & BENNETT,L.L.C, CROSS /s/ KeithF. Cross By: #8934 KEITHCROSS, L.L.C. Cross& Bennett, 108E. St.Vrain,#20 CO80903 Springs, Colorado Ph.:(719)633-1359 Fax:(719)633-5788 com K cross@crossbennett, 28 JURY. 3 FiledOzlL3lLZUSDCColorado M-MEH Document Gase1:L2-cv-00382-WJ ProHacVice): (to beadmitted Of Counsel Esq' SBN55889 T, Mathews, Charles (ted@ctmesq'com) TITE MATHEWS LAW GROUP Suite204 2596MissionStreet, 9l108 SanMarino,Califomia Ph.: (626)683-8291 Fax: (626)683-8295 AppearlngPro Hac Vice Esq. SBN185216 JeffreyA. Rager, (j eff@raeerlawoffi ses'cgm) THE RAGERLAW FIRM Suite304 970W. l90rhStreet, Califomia90502 Tonance, Ph.: (310)s27-6994 Fax: (310)527'6800 AppearingPro l{ac Vice Plaintiffsaddress; 9441West63'dPlace Arvada,CO 80004 29 3L of 31