Page 1 Page 2 Notice Thank you for your purchase of this DVD
Page 1 Page 2 Notice Thank you for your purchase of this DVD
∷ ¢ 矿 ^C’ l9枋 锡诫 纫蓄 Ⅱ ∷ˇ ` ∶ I-∶ o1∶ Ⅱ f,・ rⅡ Ⅱ ∵ 丿冖‘Ⅱ ˉⅡ |Ⅱ 。i「 Ⅱi`Ⅱ ∷ ∷ Ⅱ i1`Ⅰ Ⅱ△J△ lⅡ .l△ :弘 屮 ∶ ∶ 丿‖∴ ∴∶ ⒒。 ⒈ ∵ ∴∶ "I氵 .∴ .∴ ∴ 。 ∴ ,∴ ∷ ∷∴ .∴ ∴ 。 ∴ ,∴ Ⅰ ∴ Not℃ o∷ ,∷ ^” 0a湘 勰 -∶ ,,,.∶ `. I∶ ,。 刂 ∶ ∷ ∶ ,I.I.1,J∴ i∴ l∶ u,~Ⅱ 彳 Ⅱ Ⅰ ¨ ∷ ∶ ,¨ ¨ …¨ ∴ ¨∶.… ¨ 1.∶ J|'∫ ,∶ ,。 ,∷ .⒈ .∶ '宫 systmmmIp⒒ 眈弘氵 ⒒ Ji.∶ 刊 j。 ℃∶艹杰 ~i∶ ..汾 ∷ 1,.△ 。J∴ .j'Ⅰ 丿 ig恣 ∶..。 j.,.Ⅰ j:i亠 :、 搦 “ .~如 .三 :∴ 七 ∶ ∶ I∶ l1∴ ∷r.∶ 驷 ∶ CD∷ Tra"蜘 驷 ”煦衤聃艹凼唧 flM匕 dl目 fu汛 细¤ pY∶ .∶ i∶ ?,丿 J。 ∷丿叮 b曹 ".∷ ∶ ∶∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∶∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ 【 ∶ ∶ ∶∶ 要 扌 ∶诧 I蓓{碴 i∶ ii∶ i;∶ iii∶ il∶ IⅠ i∶ i∶ I∷ ∴ ⅡⅡ 0ρ 刂 NOfe∶ WrFMrG芭 mo functions a沌 ∷ ρnal }{i9!0∷ :缶 .|冫 ・ li `j′ l;|Ⅱ Ⅱ :Ⅱ ↓ 宀∷ 亠 |. Ⅱ∶ f△ 1∶ ‘ i¢ 扌 Jˉ Ⅱ Ⅱ氵 hⅡ q 。 Ⅱ ∷;Jl∶ ∶∶ 产 ∶ }Γ 氵 F∵ △ˉ ` I ∷Ⅱ∵氵 ”Ⅱ1|ˇ 守∷ 091iik灬 ′|:Ⅱ .、 r∶ Ⅱ ∶ )|J i∶ :i) ∷F $∷ ∶ $/Ⅱ .∴ `秀 △Ⅲr|冫 ∷ .|∷ ∶ Ⅱ∶ { |∵ 、 |`it Ⅱ ∴∷ 。Ⅱ ∷ 呷 ¢ ∫ "i .∵ Ⅱ凵 ?叫 rⅡ Ⅰ Ⅱ 彳 i|、 |"Ⅱ Ⅱ●“Ⅱ⒈∷-)|Ⅱ Ⅱi |ˇ 、 (+o|l}lJ・ -☆ 忄∴ 刂 ∷ }r"Ⅱ b'△ △ ~∷ - F∶ I∴ Ⅱ ∶∷丿 :lI。 Ⅱ ∷ /・ ” ∷ Ⅱ} ∷ Ⅱ Ⅱ 1 ∷ |∵ |Ⅱ 卩 |Ⅱ C∵ Ⅱ{Ⅱ i|| ∶ l1Ⅱ ∶ iⅡ ∷ IgⅡ Ⅱ v(冲 I忄 丨 冖∮ Ⅱli|” 丨 ∵ Ⅱ `Ⅱ Ⅱ∷ |忄 Ⅱ||;Ⅱ I.丿 Ⅱ 氵∷ 。 Ⅱ ∴丨∷ⅡⅡ|苷 ∫ Ⅱ ∶ Ⅱ ∷ ∶ 1I |\I △Ⅱ・ /-∷ ∶ Ⅱ∶ ∷ ∵ifi忄 ∶|iJc∷ 、 △ ~∷ ∷i ;Ⅱ i∫ |Ⅱ lⅡ ;∷ l∴ |∵ iˇ |∴ =∴ ^Ⅱ }亻 |∵ }9∷ 艹IⅡ 1∵ 濒瀛 | ;I . i∴ w艹 J∶ 注艋 } 糨 i 1 i i:\∵ ˉ1ˉ ‘ ∶∶ ;【 Ⅱ 亠 i∵ }∴ ∷ Ⅱ ;)∴ 5.Earphone NOtiCe Adlustthe volume in the middle du"ng use ofthe earphone k maydamage earWhen Thank you for your purchase ofthis DVD player Please read this manual carefu"y and listening to h!gh volume mu引 c for a long刂 me keep it properly for future reference Note∶ VVhen open,refit or demountthe machine,our colη pany cannot supply afte卜 sales 6.Humidity ln aVoid of electric shoCk and fire accident, please dont out the D\/D in the rain or servIce hunη idity environment Do not open the cabinet so as to avoid the direct radiation ofthe /ice peop|e VVhen using laser VVhen repair the D\/D must consigned the technica|se⌒ Not∶ Ce and safety InfoⅡ ηation swimming pool when the hand is not dry,do not touCh charge,9r wilI be e ectronic 1.User notice After buying the D∨ D,please read the oρ erations and other instruction of user rnanual carefu"y,the inCorrect use wiⅡ cause the damage of hea"h and|oose of wea"h shoCk 7,far away fronn Iiquid Please sure D、 /D and spare pads far away from liquid,don t putitin such environment, 2.Disc lt cannot use the broken,distortion shape or rnended disc,whiCh Wi"Cause damage and such as vase beside lA/hen the inside of El∨ D has丨 iquid,wi"Cause electronic shock 8.Faraway from heating ine仟 iciently read D\/D mustfar aVvay from hea1such asˇ Varm-air blower,induction cooker and so on 3.Inspection Check the crust and power adapter(especia"y the parts of the existence of damage) ⑧Λ the DVD,should avoid ofthe water,such as bathtub,bathroom,basin,k"Chen room,sink and washroom And also should be avoid of hunη idity environmen1such as basemen1 mark palt ofinternalthere danger of vo"age,current and enough 4.Repa∶ r 9.AVo∶ d to thunder Do not use DVD in the thunder and lightning conditions 10.Enˇ ∶ronment andˇ ent∶ Iate ln order to avoid the electric shock, please use wide blade plug to match with vVide DVD and spare parts sh0uld be on ventilate environment VVⅢ grooVe connector and make sure the secure connection so a" repair issue, please of put on bed,sofa,or other soft surface may be Wa"of ventilation,causing DVD and contact technical se⌒ /ice center VVithout teChnical serVice a"oWed,don t repairthe D∨ D run DVD and other parts other parts components is too hoot,even cause fire accident and spare parts 11.LCD screon DO not drop,irnpact,scratCh LCD screen,or do not puttoo heavy goods on the D∨ D Note∶ avoid ofthe liquid of LCD sCreen touch body directIy,When it was broken,the liquid has touched the skin,please vvash your skin by rnass water atleast15minutes 12.Laser Attention∶ This DVD playeris equipρ ed with the laser system Please make sure to get the famiⅡ ar with the instruCtions ofthis manualto help you master how to use this p丨 ayer properly ln case of requiring repai1 please contract the distributor or our technical service centen DO not0pen the interlock mechanism lf need repair please contact the -2- -3- distributor or our technical sen"ce centei DO not stare atthe Iaser beam in case of any visible laser radiation damage the eyes, 13.Charger legisIative decr。・ e, destroy the environmen1 ‘ 、 i ,r Use the power wlre,charge and ba仗 eγ in the aCCessory box,do not use dherrnodel of ρads。 Make sure the charge pIug suit forthe proρ er'`C.Avoid of electdc shock,please use the Wde plug su"for socke1and conned tigh刂 Unsuitable power source rnay do damage the DVE冫 y. The buiIⅡ Ⅱne,power adaptor and ba‖ ery moduIe Which may . Ⅱnθ is too high wi"arouse the unstabIe ofthe vo"age and in the1fire hazard. 。 g,do卩 ot hs|!thρ r qui-s,it Wl"Causθ damage to the ba廿 θry, Ⅱ impact. zl r you want to have a bng rest or sleepj please take the ower ρ off to preVent a batteγ ),you can use more Iongθ r刂 me,convenient for yourtdp 9)Before the nrst charge please use a"stock powe∴ C FuncⅡ on lntroduction 1)Charging `and process charg∶ 1 High rθ sOIu刂 on cOIOr TFT LGD fu"s0reθ n dispIay Before shipping,a"batteries have not enough poWe∴ 2supor eIeCtron⒗ shock re酞 № n0θ (3o∞ °nds for DVD,10se∞ ndsfor CDⅣ CD Please putthe DVD connθct DC charge,the DVD wⅢ charge by"ser,(the red ll be green,then u can ght Ⅱ ρIay the DVD When you ont"ρ NOte:you can pIaythe DVD when the DVD⒗ chargIng,more ρonvenient. seconds for MP3) } 3.Comρ a1ble u灬 h most DVD,sVCD,VCD,CD,Mρ 3,MP0,DlVX doCs etC ~ing仙 n四on lPA凵 NTsC/sECAM systemX0ptbnaD 4.W啪 . 5.Bui" in suρ er power ρoIymθ rIⅡ hium ba廿 ery for up!o2hours con刂 nue ρIaying 6,Bui" in D0LBY de∞ dθ r suρ porting MEPGˉ 0Video decoding 2)repIace and deaI w"h ba‖ ery If you replace the battery, must be same standard o"ginaI battery, or there wi" be ⒎support usB,sDrMMC eXplosIon dangerous 8,supρ o"full fun硎 0ns contrOI rθ mote,eas"y to ope旧 te Do not putthe ba仗 ery team in hit environment 9.supρ o"ga叩 e仙 n钊on(optional) There are some ha田 ηnJI substance inside battery team。 10.suρ po"MP4、 MP3、 WMA、 MPG、 Aˇ o∶ dto damage0ody healthy and onˇ ∶ronment,p∶ ease note as beloW: 1)In orderto protectthe qual"y ofthe DVD,r charging short】 me,the lighttum to green, en`need to rθ place,please repIace the ba仗 en`by service centre "meansthe ba仗 ∷ 6)DO not open the ba仗 ery and change the st:vdure. ng mean charge not enough,When fu"charge the"ght V顷 θ ry. 5)DO not appθ ar or ba仗 e~叫 olθ nce and otherteam on thθ 10l Use in temperature-s° C 00° Dangerou⒏ 14.Batte冂 "η rechargeabIe ce"or damage∞ used by an unexρ ected accident. Bl when丬 犭ythe DVD,d0ase0utthe voIume h tho m旧 deu。 w vOIu而 e can save more NOte; PIease do not bind the power lssion to insta"or remove ablθ battedθ s, no pθ ”plaCed by ρrofessionals. not putthθ battθ γ into water or othθ DO not use the same ρower source Wth high p° wer motor electHcal over the"Ⅱ 1ited powerrnotor ofthe W"ng board,VVhen the DVD have unusuaIsound and sme"such as damage to the DVE冫 ,data,and also the equiρ ment which is circumsc"bθ d,θ Ven resuⅡ in high∞ paCity rechargθ battery must bθ ba廿 Fn∷ 0arg” q or∷ Pla'卩 3)DO not "⒗ putthe ba△ ery+ˉ a dired connedion,"wⅡ Icause damage to thθ ba讧 θry4)D° had aIready damaged and aged, and poop,pIease Wtch offthe poWer"ne as soon as possiblθ ☆ Ⅱote: ?)i叫 Do not use the power socke1power ρIease dθ al withェ hese ba位 e"es by a 1)D° not putthe bauery into】 re,In avo旧 of eXpIOslon ,eVen cause】 re aCCident and eIectHc shoCk, spⅡ nte“ ng 2)the battery umI 、 、 11・ 聊 AVI、 VOB、 DIVX、 JPEG fomna‘ 。 tch reguated powersuρ plyadapterf、 (冫 100・ 叫 2Ⅱ0OV 12.Pθ rsonaIize a丬 us△ nent¤ f TFT disρ Iay 13.Fine u|raˉ thin de引 gn∶ sut for your betterl"e 14suppo"RM`RMVB fomats(0pJ° nal) 15,FM Radio仙 ndon`RMVBfunc刂 on`TXT Reader仙 n喇 on are optbnal and90 Ⅰ pop-up mθ nu∷ system PIease hoId w"h disc edge,dont touch surface,Iest i叫 ure disc surface dig"al signaIs short presslng the"ser・ Please do not puttape or sticker on disk settings/Ianguage setting/audio settings/video se杖 ‘DO notletthe disc eXposed to direct sunⅡ 6 ght or nearthe heat source sETUP LCD/db After pIay disc,please keep disc ing/speaker se廿 ing/Dolby digitaI set;Again according to the direction key reaⅡ zation through shod cut each function LOng time press" LCD/0 "backⅡ ght function can rea"ze shutout CIean disc 丨 Before ρlay disc,pIease use clean flanneIette cIean DVD and from centra!outwards to 7 M0DE wipe cDs shorttirne press"mode"button can be pop-up mode menu DVD`Γ V/Video input function screen Under DVE)playback,can retreat quickly,in orderto search for Do not use VOIatile gasoⅡ ne,the functiona"ties of cleansing "quid or plastic disc with electrostatic spray etc solution << i specfic target broadcast;some models and compound the "Settin¤ s"menu underthe function of state to the loft UnderE)VD playback,can quickly into play to search for specific )> Keys Function and PaneIInstruct∶ on Note∶ di仟 erent obledlVes;some modeIs and comρ ound the"Se杖 ings"menu underthe state to the rioht function UnderDVD p丨 ayback,can press on a paragraph orlast program,to I(( model of bu仗 ons panels di矸erent, not necessarily a"the functions that search for specfic o丬 ec刂 ves;some contains the fo"owing keys Under DVD piayback,can press a function instruction 1 LCD MENU )>l >‖ funC刂 on0K of upWard menu,or sirnu"aneously composite rea"ze choice Use machine read CD content,and put UsB diskintO UsB C0PY inus functi° n,or con】 rm jack,Press copy bu仗 on,operation according to display putthe disC Contents copies to UsB disk function,some rnodels in comρ osite"set"menu state the sirnu"aneously doWnWard compound reaⅡ ze one 刊4 LCD/O sono seIection function short pressing"volumeˉ "can roa"ze the vOIume deCreases UsB/sD sho仗 tirne press" LCD/0 "back"ght function can rea"ze shut out DVD playback cond"ion for disc pIayback/UsB/sD sw"Ch function SOme rnodels in the LCD screen of composite button func刂 on ofs妇 te ofthe rnenu to the left,or sirnu"aneously shorttirne press"track"can undertake∶ left singIe voice/right composite realize choose retreat quickly function 16 func刂 on R/L \ short tirne press"volume+"Can reaⅡ ze the volume increase V0L+ Press this bu廿 on Can confirm select rnenu content or start playing disC;Meanvvh"e compound in"settings"rnenu state the some modelsin the"Settings"composite state ofthe function shorttime press"channel-"0an rea"ze channel n∩ VOL- ρaragraph orthe next progranη ves;some models and compound sho吐 刂me press"play/pause"can play/pause func刂 ons switch; function one sono functions CH- to s0arch for speCⅢ c oblec刂 the"se杖 inqs"rnenu underthe state to the rioht function shod press the"menu"button poρ ˉ uρ lmage parameters shod time press"channel+"can reaⅡ ze channel add fundion, CH+ modeIs and compound the "menu"underthe fundion of state upward some modeIsihthe LCD screen menu compound to sTOP MENU/PBC the right ofthe state,or sirnultaneously compos"e funotion reaⅡ zation choice quiCkIΨ hto function -6- 0PEN sinoIe Voice/stereo/miXed track function switching short tirne press"stop"can rea"ze in play when stop funCtion shod刂 me press"PBC/menu"can reaI⒓ e DVD~刂 ueⅣ CD~ menu functions sWitchin¤ Clicked CD door sWitch,oρ en CD doorρ ut CD -7- , gh蚀∷ lnterfaces、″kh∶ ∶ 1 GAME ANT Game handIe socket, Match rnachine antenna or cable TV si¤ naIinout. POwerinρ ut seats NOte:when notin use,please draw 3 DCˉ lN pcnⅡ 口 ,r DC adaρ te△ an-wi"ρ oWer adaρ ter pIucked from the socket. 4 0N'0FF AV IN 6 7 8 AV0UT Ω EARPH0NE sD/MMC UsB socket The powersw"ch。 Note:When notin use,please dial shut OFF tO1. ExternaI video signalinput This rnaChino video signaI OutDut HeadsetinDut or outDuUexternal earDhone sD`MMC Card socket ∪sB Equipment socket Game0andIe socket。 NOte:the game handIe quant"y 冂o GAME and interfaoe ρ osition aCoording to speCi】 c JnodeIs and decIde. Bθ causρ of dmbrent modeⅡ Charging instructions have ∴ g";仙 ght. A)Charging,red Ⅱ Ⅱ "of Charging green B)Charghg,lamp shining;and仙 the fo"owing kinds,Ⅱ ght cOIOr d淝 RechargeabIe"ghts "of Charging,long bright C)Cherging,the lamp bHg",仙 Ⅱof Charging,lamp ooWer off 12 Remote control recelvIng wIndoW Rθ ceive a rθ mote contrOI signaIs. Tum onthe ρowe1如 m indicatorIVht yelIOw Ⅱghts,red 13 on indicator D而∝ent modelthθ brs "ght d⒒ "g"of CoIor dⅢ somewhat. POWER MENU Prθ ss this bu"on to DIav rnachine or shutdown. ln thθ vidθ o,DVD ρlayback shoWed proorams rnθ nu, Prθ ss this bu廿 on Can aρ LCD MEN∪ tirnθ ρθarLCD seⅢ ngs menu,sho" press the"menu"bu△ on ρoρ upimage pa旧 meters 仙nction. 0n DVD mode ordinal cl⒗ k thIs button w"swtCh tO TV moDE ▲ -8ˉ stateˉ AV inρ ut-tum back DVD ρlayback modes ddure. h"sθ 仗ings"menu state the仙 ndbn of uDward. ~9~ ● q Under"se⒒ inqs"menu state the function ofleft ENTER Under"se廿 ings"rnenu operation of se!ected function When OK con】 m Number keys ) Under"settinqs"rnenu state to the rioht ofthe funCti° n V⊙ L+ PR○ G/sEARCH WatChing TV program or DVD playback video/audiO CD Channe丨 su矸 ing shodcut,Channel surfing navigation waY with quick丨 V enter channel surfing state V UndOr"se廿 inos"menu state the function of down MUTE 0pen/c丨 ose the trumρ et sound output cabin rnβ chine, note∶ RETURN AV output don’ t mute REPEAT >) (< Press this bu廿 on forthe system sounds add features Press this bu‖ V○ L- Press this bu廿 on t° enter play state,then press this button to suspend ρlay Under DVD playbaCk,repeat play bu‖ on,aired favorite proorams On D∨ D TITLE Under DVD playbaCk,butfastfomard,looking f° can cVcle for'`oicture ○n DVD condition video/audiO CD/broadcast,character 0sD disolav kev can displav disc information 0n DVD neXtp|ay CD/video state key can slow play sLOW sometime screen dis¤ laV ))l PBC Shod time press the"set"ρ shorttime press"subtit!e"again through sho付 time sUBT丨 TLE press the directlon key choose pIay contains rnany kinds oflanquage subtitles AUDl0 CH+ sD/UsB The le〃 riohVstereo track sWitChino TV condition with"forii channel can be realized、 ″ith feature Channel Meanwh"e compound the DVD player cond"ion for disc pIaVback/UsB/sD sw"ch button TV condition for"channeI decreased"can reaⅡ ze CH= C0PY channel add funcuon Meanwhile compos"e pvD dayback∞ ndⅢ on,can be∞ nduded for C⊙ 卜Y butt。 n dlsCs/UsB/sD COPY bu⒒ on oρ -up rnenu,then aCCording to the direction key reaⅡ zation by short,eaCh fVnction sWitChin¤ ○n DVD cond"ion Video/audiO CD/broadCast GOTo G0T0 keys,rea"ze,according to tirne repertoire,se。 rch broadcast progranη ,to search for sρ eCific goals program,to search for specfic goals aV simple PBC interac刂 ve func刂 on r speciflc Under DVD playbaCk,can press a ρaragraph orthe neXt slow o丨 0n DVD condⅢ ons play super VCD disc,Can enloy the obiectives broadcast l(< ay DVD and state刂 ue key can shoW all e 0n DVD next play video,according to state A-B key sETUP Undbr DVD playb。 ck,con press on a paragraρ h orlast neXt p丨 program tit丨 Under DVD playbaCk,backward quickI⒘ looking for sDecfic obieC白 ives broadcast on forthe system sounds reduced function A-B Press this bu廿 on to plav and stop° IaVback on tirne >‖ shoⅥ 〃plavback EXits Current oρ eration,return to the frontleve丨 operation /,can choose the plaCe be fond of audio/video flles z○ 0M 0n DVD next play CD/Mdeo state,by complex modula】 on ZOOM kevs butlarger orsma"er screen FiX the baⅡ eries・ 1 FⅡ p the remote controlto the back,take down the lid; 2 The ba⒒ ery Ⅵ `arehouse pola"ty direction,putinto tWo7ba仗 丿 3Acc° rding to remove the lld of a reVerse dⅡ edion,mountthe ery; Ⅱ d NOte: 丨 1 Rem。 te c。 ntrol do not use rechargeable ba廿 2 DO not mix use different brand,type of ba⒒ e"es ery,donIt put the old and neW batterles togetherto use 3 、 Ⅳhen the remote control funCtion is not strong or control range be sma" please repIace neW batteγ 4 LOngˉ term no use remote controI,please putthe remote controI not battery inside,lest △ 0ˉ -11ˉ ba仗 ery"quid leakage,corrosion,causing damage to the rernote c° ntrol 1。 5 DOnit putthe remote controlin extremeIy hot or rnoist pIace Press the “LCD MENU" key to enter menu setting; press the direction key 6 Dont disassemble remote control, 7 DOnlt Iet light pρ intˉ PANEL sETTING UP/D0VVN key to move the cursor, press the direction key to select the desired blank remote° r paneI infrared senso1s° as not to interfere v叫 th submenufurrcuon and the direc‖ on key LEFT/RIGHT key to adjustthe function remote signa1, 8 Within5rneters away from the rnaChine in3o° Angle and used on!y vvithin the scope ofthe remote control best effect 1)B"ghtness Adjustment:Pressthe direcuon key DowN key and RlGHT key t° “ Brightness” submenu,press the direction key LEFT/RIGHT key to Choose the adjustthe function and set the brightness of video outρ 2)Contrast Adjustment;Press the direC刂 ’ “ Basic Function operati0n Choose the COntrast’ submenu, pross the direction key LEFT/RIGHT key to adjustthe funCtion and setthe contrast of video outρ 1.operaJon 1)C° nnectthe machine to eledHc with power supply(1o0ˉ 240V)。 Red"ght shows power on and charging 2)switch the0N bu⒒ on on the machine for screen d沁 play LeaMng the power s咖 tch 0FF and unplug the adapterif notin using ut 3)Col° r Adjustmen⒈ Press the direC刂 on key DOWN key and RlGHT key to Choose the “COIOr’ ’submenu,press the direction key LEFT/RlGHT key to adjust the function and setthe color of video output, 4)TlNT Adjustmen⒈ Press the direcu° n key DOWN key and RlGHT key to ‘ ‘ Choose the Tinr, submenu,press the direction key LEFT/RIGHT key to adjustthe function and setthe tint of video output, 3)Links with the TV set,please change the TV modelinto AV state 5) Ratio∶ Press the direCtion key DOWN key to move the cursor and choose “ 2.PIay`Pause Ratio” ,press the direction key LEFT/RIGHT key to adjust the function and set the ratio ofimage screen of video output as16:9/4∶ 1)This pIayer V"ll automatica"y play once the disc is IOaded factor settings。 sl Press>I key once more to resume play. on 1)Connρ ct the joystick咖 th the rnachine and lace the game disc t° the layer ρ ρ Then cIose the cove1the pIayer。 3。 6)Defau":After this option is chosen,this function setting coIumn is restored to 2)Press>|key,to pause 3. Game funct∶ ut on key DOWN key and RIGHT key to an p丨 ay for ρlay soon, 2)Use the remote contrOIfor menu page change.Ch° ose the game se"al number by ρress1ˉ 1o+ 3)Use the joysuck t° ρlay games。 Press RETURN key in the remote control or press MODE sTART atthe same刂 meto back game menu, 4.Play the program° fusB'sDrmⅢ c mem。 ry card sη吐ch the model to DVD state,Cove the oρ en doo1 press sD'usB 1.sΥ sTEm sETvP 1)TV syste"∷ Choose the[TV system】 keyto enterthe submenu∶ °p刂 on,press the direC刂 on key RlGHT cted TV,choose memberto choose a correct TV according to the cOIOrformat ofthe Connθ a proper system from NTsC,PAL and AUT0.(Rθ system;othθ rwise,noimagθ wⅢ be avaⅡ ablθ ) 2)P° wer Res"mθ :Choose the[Power Resume]op刂 oh,press the direCuon kθ y “ ’ set the function 0N’ or RIGHT and UP key to choose the desired opuon t° ‘ ‘ ’ oFF’ ;When this dθ viCθ is in stop state or sw"ched off, restart the device to key to play thθ ρrograms of rnemory card resume the Iast vidθ o play status. 3)screθ n saˇ θr:0n/0ff;you fnay turn on/off th0sCreen saver. { TV Typel opti° n,press the dirθ c】 on key RIGHT key to 4)tV Typo:Choosθ thθ 【 enterthe submθ nu,according to your demand,therθ are three avaⅡ abIe modes: 4∶ 3Ps∶ FOr Common TV,in suCh modθ ,when thθ wide-screen video is played, the Iθ Ⅱ and right odgθ s ofthe V∶ -12- deo vvi"cut o“ . 4∶ 3LB∶ FOrCommon TV,in such mode,when the wide-screen vide° is pIayed, the top and bottom ofthe screen wi"have bIack strips 16∶ 9∶ su"abIe forthe vvide-screen TV Note: a The play effectis related to the ratio of the Video recorded;therefore,some videos may notbe p!ayed in the screen size you have chosen b.FOrthe4∶ 3video,whiCheVer video ratio is set,the p丨 ay rati° wi"be4:3, c The seIection of video ratio sha" match the screen ratio of the TV being used 5) Passvv。 rd∶ In"ia"y, set this option as “ Password lock” status; in such case, you can not cho° se the passˇ vord as per “ Lever’ n。 r change the passvvord T° set the “Lever’ opti。 n, press the number key to input the in"ial password of this device∶ oooo,then press the selection key to confirnη ;to revise the ρassword,you need to input the° Id password and then neVv password(the VaⅡ d passⅥ 3)subuue Lang∶ Enter sUBTlTLE LANG settIng,press the direction key to Choose the desired “subtiue Language” option,then press the[ENTERl key to confirm There are mu"iple modes ava"able for such option,ie Eng"sh∶ Chinese, German,spanish,Frθ nch,POrtuguese,"a"an,Russian,etc 4)Menu Lang∶ Enter RllENU LANG setting,press the direction key to choose the “ desired Menu Language” option,then press the[ENTER]key to confirm There are mu"iple modes ava"abIe for such oρ tion, ie EngⅡ sh, Chinese, German, spanish,French,POrtuguese,"a"an,Russian,etc Note∶ 丨 fthe language you Choose is unaVaⅡ able in the DVD,then this deViceˇ vi" automatiCa"y choose the defau"ed Ianguage in such disc 3.AuDIo sETUP 1)KEY∶ Pressthe uP/DOWN key to move the sliding blockto adjustthe audio 4.V:DEO sETuP `ord sha"be of4dig"s.). 6)Rating∶ 、 Ⅳhen the disc vvith丨 ock function,you may,according to the IeveI Of the disc and your actuaI demand,choose a proper age controlleVel,The control leVels are arranged from high to l° vv; Leve1 1 is the lovvest whⅡ e Leve1 8 is the highest This functi° n is only suⅡ abIe for the disc ˇ ˇith level limit system; this function can be reaⅡ zed onIy when the password function is reIeased,cerelcontrOI can be used when passwor0funCtion is actine. 7)Defau"∶ After this opti。 n is chosen,this function setting column can restore to the initial factory settings 1)B"ghtness∶ Press the UP/D0WN key to move the module to adjust the brightness of Video output 2)COntrast∶ Press the UP/D0WN key to moVe the module to adjustthe contrast of Video output 3)Hue∶ Press the UP/Do、 ⅣN key to move the moduIe to adjustthe hue of video output 4) Saturation∶ Press the UP/DOWN key to moVe the module to adjust the saturation of video output 5)Hue:Pressthe UP/D0lAlN key to move the module to adjustthe sharpness of 2.LANGuAGE sETTIⅡ G video output, 1)osD Language∶ Enter0sD LANGuAGE setting,press the direction key to Choose the desired “ osD LANGuAGE” °ptlon,then press the【 ENTER]key to confirm There are 8 modes aVa"able for such option, ie Eng"sh, chinese, German,spanish,French,Portuguese,"aⅡ an and Russian If the Ianguage you ch° °se is unava"able in the DVD,then this device vvⅡ l automaticaⅡ y choose the defau"ed language in such video NOte∶ 2)AudiO Lang∶ Enter AUDlO LANG setting,press the direction key to choose the desired “AuDIO LANGUAGE” opuon, then press the 【 ENTER] key to conⅡ rm There are multiple modes aVaiIabIe for such° p】 on,i e English|chinese, German,spanish,French,POrtuguese,"a"an,Russian,etc 5.DIGITAL sETuP 1) oP M° de∶ ln the output mode, choose the desired "ne output and RF adlustment, Range Compression ” menu to eject the fo"owing Compression” functional pictures;press the dire° uon key RIGHT key and DOWN “ key to adjustthe Dynamic Range Compression” ratio. 3)Dual MOno∶ Choose the【 Dig"al setup]op刂 0n,press the direction key RIGHT key to enter the submenu to eject the “ Left +Right’ ’ Compression∷ , then press the direction k0y uP/Do、 stereo/Left/Right/h/liX and fina"y press the OK key to confirm -14- “Dynanη ic “Dynamic Range 2)Dynanη ic Range∶ Press the direc刂 on key D0WN key to enterthe -15- or “ Dynamic Range ⅣN key to choose 6.ATV sETuP Press the sETuP key to enter menu setup,oress tho direction key to move the cursor to the TV menu position, pres the diroctiρ n key to choose the desired “ submenu functionl pross the ENTER” key to confirm.TO adjust other submenus, pressthe sETuP keyto backto the menu 1)Auto search∶ Press the direction key to move the cursor up/dovvn to choose “ Auto searCh” ,then press the direction key to move the cursor left and right to Choose “start” and press the “ENTER” key to confirm “ 2) Manual search: Press the direction key to move the cursor to Press the[ENTERl key to choose th0desired track,press the direction Manual search” ,then press the directi° n key to move the cursor丨 eft and right to choose “ “ start” and press the ENTER” key to confirm, 丁his deVice supports auto key to move the cursor left to the “ start’ ’ option and then press the “ ENTER” key to start copying, search and manuaI search Choose the corresponding formatto have auto search. The manuaIsearch needs to choooe Correct band and formatˇ 3)Fine Tune∶ llVhen on?channeHOck deViates from the deⅡ ned frequency ofthe Channe1 press the direction key to move the cursor for fine tune, then pres the d∶ rection key to move thθ cursorIeft and right to choose “start’ ’,and then press “ ’ the 厍nter’ key to enterthe fine tube search function 4)ATV Audi° MOde∶ Press the direC刂 on key to move the cursorto the “ ATV Audio MOde” , then press the direction key to move the cursor left and right to Choose the desireo format from ‘ ‘ I,BG,D/K,M” and ⅡnaIly press the “ENTER” key to enter the format for the locaI s"uation (Different area has d忏 ferent format PIease choose thθ one f"ting your area) CD∫ Transcord'MuIt∶ rVledia Function 1.Copy the music'ˇ ideo in MP3,CD,FVD,MP4,RMVB(Ⅲ P5) Whon pIaying MP3/CD,press the[CH-C0PYl key on the remote controlIer,the dispIay ofthe devico wi"ejeCtthe operation menu;press the uP/DOWN keyto moVe the cursorto[TRACKsl,press the direCtion key RIGHT koy to move the cursorto the TRK TlTLEl menu,and press the【 ENTER】 key to choose a"tracks Press the 【 UP/DOllVN key moVe the blue cross cu氵 sor to the “Track” to be reproduced and press tho[ENTERl key to confirm In the transcording process, do not disconneCt USB Or power off; otherWise the f"e transcorded Ⅵ `i"be IOst;after the transcorded music or video is pIayed compIeteIy,the transcording w"l be compIete atthe same tirne, In such case,the U disc has such track.After the operation is oVer, “ press the direction key to rnove the cursor to the Q1川 T” the “ ENTER” Note∶ key to exist and then unp丨 option,pross ugthe USB VVhen EVD/MP4/MP is played,you must press the “ key。 n ■r’ the remote contro"er and then press the ICOPYl key(if not so,no reaction When onIy the[COPYl key is pressed)to have the foIlowing interface;the device wⅡ I(,jectthe operation menu(press the direction key to moVe the cursor -16- -17- rightto the icon of your desired f"e,such as music icon,aIbum icon,game TV PARAMETER icon,Video icon,e-book iCon,and then press the UP/D0WN key to rnove Ana丨 the cursor to[TRACKS】 ,press the direction to move the cursor Hghtto the frequency [TRK TITLEI menu and finally press IENTERl key to confirm,0r press the AUDlO sYsTEM ogue receiver ' 86325MHz 25MHz~801 25MHZ BG/DK/″ L;4825MHz^ˇ M;55Ⅱ DK,l,BG,L,M UP/Do、 ⅣN key to rnove the b|ue cross cursorto the track to be copied and press the !ENTERl key to confirm.After pressing the IENTERl key to Choose the desired track,press the directlon key to rnov0the cursorIeft to the “ START” option and then press the[ENTER]key to start Copying, After the operation ends,press the direction key to rnove the cursor to the “ QUIT” option and then press the “ ENTER’ ’key to eXit and fina"y unplug the UsB, DVD Parameter DVD Pa吐 teGhn∶ caI specif:cation DVD, sVCD,VCD, CD, CD-R/RⅥ COmpa刂 ble disc `, JPEG DVD, DVD, WMA,MPG,MP3, DlVX,V0B,AX/I,MP4etC supporting out device Antiˉ shock funCtion Audio out UsB/MMC/sD DVD;3seConds;VCD/CD∶ 10seconds;MP3∶ 90seConds AUDlO;20V+-02,Speak∶ outout of earohone∶ 20HZ— 20KHz Audio(S/N)Radi° ≥50dB Range of activity ≥50dB VIDE0oUTPUT LEVEL 10V± 02Vp-p(75Ω PAL/NTsC/AUT0/SECAM 0UTPUT 8Ω /1 5W; 15mW Frequency VlDE○ (RM/RMVBis op刂 °nal) | ) -18- -19-