High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums


High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums
Solution Guide
High-Density Wireless
Networks for Auditoriums
Validated Reference Design
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High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums Validated Reference Design | Solution Guide
October 2010
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
About Aruba Networks
Aruba Validated Reference Designs
Solution Guide Assumptions and Scope
Design Validation and Testing
Reference Documents
Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs
Functional Requirements
Technical Requirements—Client Devices
Technical Requirements—Wired Infrastructure
Technical Requirements – Wireless Infrastructure
Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
HD WLAN Capacity Planning Methodology
Step #1: Choose a High-Density WLAN Capacity Goal
Step #2: Determine the Usable Number of Channels
20-MHz vs. 40-MHz Channels
Available 5-GHz Channels
To DFS or Not to DFS?
Site-Specific Restrictions
5-GHz Channel Reuse
Available 2.4-GHz Channels
2.4-GHz Channel Reuse
Step #3: Choose a Concurrent User Target
Mixed Auditoriums with Both 802.11n and Legacy Clients
Choosing a Concurrent User Target
Step #4: Predict Total Capacity
5-GHz Capacity
2.4-GHz Capacity
Step #5: Validate the Capacity Goal
RF Design for HD WLANs
Coverage Strategies for Auditoriums
Overhead Coverage
Side Coverage (Walls or Pillars)
Floor Coverage (Picocells)
Choosing Access Points and Antennas
Recommended Products
Choosing an Access Point
External Antenna Selection
Minimum Spacing Between Adjacent Channel APs
AP and Antenna Spacing – Overhead and Underfloor Strategies
AP and Antenna Spacing – Side Coverage Strategy
Aesthetic Considerations
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Contents | 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
4 | Contents
General Installation Best Practices
Managing Adjacent HD WLANs
Managing Clients
Overhead or Floor Coverage
Side Coverage with Directional Antennas in Series
Side Coverage with Back-to-Back APs and Directional Antennas
Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs
Essential ArubaOS Features for HD WLANs
Achieving Optimal Channel Distribution
ARM Channel Selection
Mode-Aware ARM
Achieving Optimal Client Distribution
Band Steering
Spectrum Load Balancing
Optimal Power Control
How ACI and CCI Reduce WLAN Performance
How the 802.11 Carrier Sense Works
How Adjacent Channel Interference Reduces WLAN Performance
How Co-Channel Interference Reduces WLAN Performance
Limiting AP Transmitter Power
Limiting Client Transmitter Power
Enabling the Aruba RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse Feature
Optimal Airtime Management
Ensuring Equal Access with Airtime Fairness
Limiting “Chatty” Protocols
Maximizing Data Rate of Multicast traffic
Enabling Dynamic Multicast Optimization for Video
Limiting Supported Legacy Data Rates
Other Required Infrastructure Settings
VLAN Pooling
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
Achieving Optimal Channel Distribution
Enabling ARM Channel/Power Selection
Enabling Mode-Aware ARM
Enabling DFS Channels
Achieving Optimal Client Distribution
Enabling Band Steering
Enabling ARM Spectrum Load Balancing
Achieving Optimal Power Control
Reducing AP Transmitter Power
Limiting Client Transmitter Power
Minimizing CCI with RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse
Achieving Optimal Airtime Management
Enabling Airtime Fairness
Limiting “Chatty” Protocols
Implementing Multicast Enhancements
Enabling Multicast Rate Optimization
Enabling IGMP Snooping
Enabling Dynamic Multicast Optimization for Video
Video Scalability
Reducing Rate Adaptation by Eliminating Low Legacy Data Rates
Other Required Infrastructure Settings
VLAN Pooling
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 7
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
Scoping the Problem
End-to-End Solution Framework
HD WLAN Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Flow Chart
Symptom #1: Device cannot see any SSIDs
Symptom #2: Device can see SSIDs but not the one it needs
Symptom #3: Device successfully authenticates but cannot communicate
Symptom #4: Device has Connection Loss and/or Poor Performance
Before You Contact Aruba Support
HD WLAN Testbed
Testbed Design
What is a Client Scaling Test?
Testbed Design
Test Plan Summary
20-MHz Channel Tests
40-MHz Channel Tests
Adjacent Channel Interference Tests
Co-Channel Interference Tests
Test Results: 20-MHz Channel
How does total channel capacity change as clients are added?
How does per-client throughput change as clients are added?
How much does throughput decrease as legacy stations are added?
How many stations can contend before channel capacity declines?
Is there a limit to the number of concurrent users an AP can serve?
Test Results: 40-MHz Channel
How does total HT40 channel capacity change as clients are added?
How does per-client HT40 throughput change as clients are added?
Advanced Capacity Planning Theory for HD WLANs
Predicting Total Capacity
Predicting Device Counts Using a Radio Budget
Predicting Performance Using a Throughput Budget
Capacity Planning Methodology for HD WLANs
Basic Picocell Design
RF Design for Picocell
Understanding Structure of a Picocell
Link Budget Analysis
Minimum Channel Reuse Distance
Capacity Planning for Picocell
Reconciling the RF and Capacity Plans
Dynamic Frequency Selection Operation
Behavior of 5-GHz Client Devices in Presence of Radar
Behavior and Capabilities of 5 GHz Client Devices
DFS Summary
Aruba Contact Information
Contacting Aruba Networks
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Contents | 5
6 | Contents
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 1
This guide explains how to implement an Aruba 802.11n wireless network that must provide high-speed
access to an auditorium-style room with 500 or more seats. Aruba Networks refers to such networks as
high-density wireless LANs (HD WLANs). Lecture halls, hotel ballrooms, and convention centers are
common examples of spaces with this requirement. Because the number of concurrent users on an AP
is limited, to serve such a large number of devices requires access point (AP) densities well in excess of
the usual AP per 2,500 – 5,000 ft2 (225 – 450 m2). Such coverage areas therefore have many special
technical design challenges. This validated reference design provides the design principles, capacity
planning methods, and physical installation knowledge needed to successfully deploy HD WLANs.
About Aruba Networks
Aruba delivers secure enterprise networks wherever users work or roam. Our mobility solutions bring
the network to you — reliably, securely, and cost-effectively — whether you're working in a corporate
office, teaching space, hospital, warehouse, or outdoors. Aruba 802.11n WLANs reduce the need for
wired ports, which lowers operating costs. Our remote access point technology brings the network to
branch offices, home offices, or temporary locations with plug-and-play simplicity, and all of the heavy
lifting stays at the data center. For customers with legacy wireless LANs, our AirWave multivendor
management tool supports WLAN devices from 16 manufacturers, which allows you to seamlessly
manage old and new networks from a single console.
Aruba Validated Reference Designs
An Aruba validated reference design (VRD) is a package of product selections, network decisions,
configuration procedures and deployment best practices that comprise a reference model for common
customer deployment scenarios. Each Aruba VRD has been constructed in a lab environment and
thoroughly tested by Aruba engineers. By using these proven designs, our customers are able to rapidly
deploy Aruba solutions in production with the assurance that they will perform and scale as expected.
Aruba publishes two types of validated reference designs, base designs and incremental designs.
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between these two types of designs in the Aruba validated reference
design library.
Figure 1 Aruba Validated Reference Design Library
Aruba WLANs
for Roaming
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Introduction | 7
A base design is a complete, end-to-end reference design for common customer scenarios. Aruba
publishes the following base designs:
Campus Wireless Networks VRD: This guide describes the best practices for implementing a
large campus wireless LAN (WLAN) that serve thousands of users spread across many different
buildings joined by SONET, MPLS, or any other high-speed, high-availability backbone.
Retail Wireless Networks VRD: This guide describes the best practices for implementing retail
networks for merchants who want to deploy centrally managed and secure WLANs with wireless
intrusion detection capability across distribution centers, warehouses, and hundreds or thousands
of stores.
Virtual Branch Networks VRD: This guide describes the best practices for implementing small
remote networks that serve fewer than 100 wired and wireless devices that are centrally managed
and secured in a manner that replicates the simplicity and ease of use of a software VPN solution.
An incremental design provides an optimization or enhancement that can be applied to any base design.
Aruba publishes the following incremental designs:
High-Density Wireless Networks VRD (this guide): This guide describes the best practices for
implementing coverage zones with high numbers of wireless clients and APs in a single room such
as lecture halls and auditoriums.
Optimizing Aruba WLANs for Roaming Devices VRD: This guide describes best the practices
for implementing an Aruba 802.11 wireless network that supports thousands of highly mobile
devices such as Wi-Fi® phones, handheld scanning terminals, voice badges, and computers mounted
to vehicles.
Wired Multiplexer (MUX) VRD: This guide describes the best practices for implementing a wired
network access control system that enables specific wired Ethernet ports on a customer network to
benefit from Aruba role-based security features.
Solution Guide Assumptions and Scope
This guide is an incremental design. It addresses advanced radio frequency (RF) design topics, and it is
intended for experienced WLAN engineers. This design builds on the base VRDs that Aruba has
published (Campus Wireless Networks, Retail Wireless Networks, and Virtual Branch Networks). A
properly implemented master/local design is a prerequisite to proceed with this High-Density VRD.
This guide is based on ArubaOS version This guide makes assumptions about the knowledge
level of the engineer, the existing architecture and configuration of the Aruba WLAN, and the AP type
and wireless frequency band that will be used. Table 1 lists these assumptions.
Table 1 Solution Guide Assumptions
Engineer Knowledge Level
8 | Introduction
Thorough understanding of and experience with RF design principles,
link budgets, RF behaviors, antenna selection, regulatory bodies, and
allowable channel/power combinations, with Certified Wireless
Network Administrator (CWNA) level or equivalent.
Thorough understanding of 802.11 MAC layer operation, beacons,
probes, rate adaption, retries, CSMA/CA.
Experience with spectrum analysis and troubleshooting RF problems.
Comfort with controller-based WLAN architectures that employ thin
Thorough understanding of Aruba controller design, master/local
architectures, and controller and AP redundancy.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Table 1 Solution Guide Assumptions (Continued)
Existing Aruba Configuration
High-Density WLAN Design
Base design was architected using one or more master/local clusters
that conforms to the Campus, Retail (for example, distributed), or
Virtual Branch Networks VRDs.
Complete control over the RF airspace; freedom to choose any
combination of channels and power levels that are legal within the
country/regulatory domain.
5 GHz is the primary band for servicing clients and all 5-GHz-capable
clients will be steered to that band; 2.4 GHz will accommodate legacy
devices or provide overflow capacity for 5 GHz.
802.11n is required, with Gigabit Ethernet connections between each
AP and the IDF to support peak AP throughputs.
High-throughput 20-MHz (HT20) channels are used exclusively in HD
WLAN coverage zones to increase capacity. 40-MHz channels are not
used in HD WLAN coverage zones.
Channels are not reused inside any single auditorium. However, reuse
may occur for adjacent HD WLANs or adjacent conventional WLAN
deployments. (See Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on page 113
for discussion of advanced designs requiring reuse in a single room.)
Clients are stationary and evenly distributed within each auditorium.
The infrastructure may influence them to roam to balance the load.
Design Validation and Testing
Test cases for this VRD were executed against the RF design and physical architecture recommended in
this guide using a heterogenous mix of up to 50 late-model laptops with varying operating systems,
CPUs, and wireless network adapters. This mix approximates actual conditions in a typical auditorium.
Aruba 3000 Series controllers were tested with AP-120 Series and AP-105 Series access points. ArubaOS
release was used to conduct these tests. Ixia Chariot 7.1 was used to produce repeatable
controlled test loads that were used to characterize relative performance of various design choices.
More information on test methodology can be found in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs”
on page 17 and Appendix A, “HD WLAN Testbed” on page 95.
Reference Documents
The following technical documents provide additional detail on the technical issues found in
ARM Yourself to Increase Enterprise WLAN Data Capacity, Gokul Rajagopalan and Peter
Thornycroft, Aruba Networks, 2009
Adaptive CSMA for Scalable Network Capacity in High-Density WLAN: a Hardware Prototyping
Approach, Jing Zhu, Benjamin Metzler, Xingang Guo and York Liu, Intel Corporation, 2006
Next Generation Wireless LANs: Throughput, Robustness, and Reliability in 802.11n,
Eldad Perahia and Robert Stacey, Cambridge University Press, 2008
Own the Air: Testing Aruba Networks’ Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) in a High-Density
Client Environment, Network Test Inc., July 2010
Data sheets for Aruba AP-105, AP-124, and AP-125 access points
Data sheets for Aruba AP-ANT-13B, AP-ANT-16, AP-ANT-17, and AP-ANT-18 external antennas
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Introduction | 9
10 | Introduction
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 2
Design Requirements
for Auditorium HD WLANs
HD WLANs are defined as RF coverage zones with a large number of wireless clients and APs in a single
room. With the proliferation of wireless-enabled personal and enterprise mobile devices, a surprisingly
diverse range of facilities need this type of connectivity:
Large meeting rooms
Lecture halls and auditoriums
Convention center meeting halls
Hotel ballrooms
Stadiums, arenas, and ballparks
Press areas at public events
Concert halls and ampitheaters
Airport concourses
Financial trading floors
This VRD addresses auditorium-style areas. When you understand the auditorium scenario, it is quite
straightforward to apply the design principles to almost any type of high-density coverage zone.
The high concentration of users in any high-density environment presents challenges for designing and
deploying a wireless network. The explosion of Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones means that each person
could have two or more 802.11 NICs vying for service, some of which may be capable of only 2.4-GHz
communication. At the same time, maximum HD WLAN capacity varies from country to country based
on the number of available radio channels. Balancing demand, capacity, and performance in this type of
wireless network requires careful planning.
This chapter defines the functional and technical requirements of the auditorium scenario, including
those for client devices, wired infrastructure, and wireless infrastructure. Understanding these
requirements sets the stage for the design, configuration, and troubleshooting chapters to follow.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs | 11
Functional Requirements
The typical auditorium addressed by this VRD has a total target capacity of 500 seats. If each user is
carrying a laptop and a Wi-Fi-enabled PDA or smartphone, the total WLAN client count could be as high
as 1,000 devices. The average real-world, per-client bandwidth need is usually no more than 1 Mbps
even for many video streaming deployments. In Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on
page 17, we discuss how higher or lower throughput targets alter the total capacity of an HD WLAN.
Figure 2 500 Seat University Lecture Hall
The users in an auditorium are evenly distributed across the space because they are usually sitting in
rows of stadium-type seating. The user density in the seating areas is an average of 1 user per 15 ft2
(5 m2), including aisles and other common areas. As many as 20 APs could be deployed in a single
auditorium, depending on the total number of allowed channels in the regulatory domain. Available
mounting locations are often less than ideal, and aesthetic and cable routing considerations limit
installation choices.
Figure 3 shows the user density in a typical auditorium or lecture hall environment.
Figure 3 Auditorium of 320 Seats with Typical Dimensions
12 | Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
The user density of the typical auditorium is approximately 20 times greater than an office environment.
In a typical office environment with a mix of cubicles and offices, a typical client density is 250 – 350 ft2
(23 to 33 m2) per person, including common areas, with a per-client bandwidth need of 500 Kbps or less.
It is common to deploy one AP every 2,500 to 5,000 ft2 (225 to 450 m2), which provides for average
received signal strengths of -65 to -75 dBm depending on the walls and other structures in the area.
Also, the office environment provides much more flexibility in AP mounting and placement choices.
In universities and convention centers, it is common for several auditoriums of varying capacities to
exist side-by-side or above-and-below. This situation makes the design aspect even more challenging
because the rooms are almost always adjacent and close enough to require careful management of cochannel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) between auditoriums. This
situation can include intended and unintended RF interaction between APs, clients, and between
clients in different rooms. As a result, such facilities require special RF design consideration, which is
covered in Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on page 31.
Technical Requirements—Client Devices
Understanding and controlling the output power and roaming behavior of the client devices is an
essential requirement for any HD WLAN. Client radios greatly outnumber AP radios in any high-density
coverage zone and therefore they dominate the CCI/ACI problem. 802.11h and Transmit Power Control
(TPC) are critical, but they are totally dependent on the client WLAN hardware driver. Encouraging or
requiring users to implement these features will greatly improve overall client satisfaction.
The usage profile of most dense auditorium environments is a heterogeneous, uncontrolled mix of
client types. The devices are not owned and controlled by the facility operator, so they cannot be
optimized or guaranteed to have the latest drivers, wireless adapters, or even application versions. Any
operating system of any vintage or device form factor could be in use. Network adapters could be any
combination of 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.
Users of the wireless network in an auditorium expect moderate throughput, high reliability, and low
latency. Concurrent usage and initial connection is of primary concern in the design and configuration.
Some common small handheld devices, such as the iPhone, go into a low power state frequently and
cause a reconnection to the WLAN periodically. This demand puts more control path load on the WLAN
infrastructure and it must be considered in the design.
The user traffic in an auditorium WLAN is a variety of application types. Some of the most common
applications in the auditorium WLAN are HTTP/HTTPS traffic, email, and collaboration and custom
classroom applications. Custom applications in an auditorium include classroom presentation and
exam applications, as well as multicast streaming video applications. With the exception of video, these
applications are bursty in nature and require concurrent usage by many or all of the wireless clients.
Therefore, this VRD assumes that fair access to the medium is a fundamental requirement.
Technical Requirements—Wired Infrastructure
The user density and heterogeneous client mix inherent in the auditorium HD WLAN scenario also
places a number of unique requirements on the wired network infrastructure. Some key requirements
 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) Edge Ports with 802.3af or 802.3at: This guide assumes 802.11n APs,
which provide up to 300 Mbps per radio. This speed in turn requires gigabit connections at the edge.
 10-Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks to Distribution Switches: Most, if not all, APs in each auditorium
will terminate on the same IDF, so edge switch backplanes and uplinks must be sized for the
expected peak aggregate throughput from the HD WLAN.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs | 13
 Simultaneous Logins/Logoffs: The RADIUS or other authentication server must be able to handle
the inrush and outrush of users at fixed times (such as a class start and stop bell). Ensure that the
AAA server can accommodate the expected peak number of authentications per second. You can
use the Aruba command “show aaa authentication-server radius statistics“ to monitor
average response time.
 IP Address Space: Sufficient addresses must be available to support not only laptops but also
smartphones and other future Wi-Fi-compatible devices that may expect connectivity. Some surplus
space will be necessary to support inrush and outrush of users in a transparent fashion and in
concert with the DHCP service lease times in order to prevent address exhaustion.
 DHCP Service: The DHCP server for the HD WLAN must also be able to accommodate an
appropriate inrush peak load of leases per second. Lease times must be optimized to the length of
sessions in the room so that the address space can be turned over smoothly between classes or
Technical Requirements – Wireless Infrastructure
HD WLANs also require specific capabilities in the wireless infrastructure, including:
 Adaptive Radio Management (ARM) Dynamic RF Management: To minimize the IT
administration burden and enable HD WLANs to adapt to changing RF conditions, dynamic channel
and power selection features are a requirement. So are dynamic client distribution features
including the ability to steer 5-GHz-capable clients to that band and spectrum load balancing to
ensure even allocation of clients across available channels. Because there are many fewer 2.4-GHz
channels than 5-GHz channels, another requirement is that the minimum number of 2.4-GHz radios
are enabled inside each HD WLAN. This requires either an automatic coverage-management feature,
such as the Aruba Mode-Aware ARM to convert surplus 2.4-GHz radios into air monitors to prevent
unnecessary CCI. Alternatively, a static channel plan may be used in the 2.4-GHz band in parallel
with ARM in the 5-GHz band.
 ARM Airtime Fairness: Airtime fairness is basic requirement of any heterogenous client
environment with an unpredictable mix of legacy and new wireless adapters. Older 802.11a/b/g
clients that require more airtime to transmit frames must not be allowed to starve newer highthroughput clients. The ARM Airtime Fairness algorithm uses infrastructure control to dynamically
manage the per-client airtime allocation. This algorithm takes into account the traffic type, client
activity, and traffic volume before allocating airtime on a per-client basis for all its downstream
transmissions. This ensures that with multiple clients associated to the same radio, no client is
starved of airtime and all clients have acceptable performance.
 VLAN Pooling: There must be adequate address space to accommodate all of the expected devices,
including a reserve capacity for leases that straddle different meetings in the same room. At the
same time, limiting the broadcast domain size is crucial to limiting over-the-air management traffic.
Aruba’s VLAN Pooling feature provides a simple way to allocate multiple /24 subnets to
accommodate any size auditorium.
 Disabling Low Rates: By definition, any high-density coverage area has APs and clients in a single
room or space. To minimize unnecessary rate adaptation due to higher collision activity, it is a
requirement to reduce the number of supported rates. This may be accomplished by just enabling
24-54-Mbps legacy OFDM rates. However, all 802.11n MCS rates must be enabled for compatibility
with client device drivers.
 “Chatty” Protocols: A “chatty” protocol is one that sends small frames at frequent intervals,
usually as part of its control plane. Small frames are the least efficient use of scarce airtime, and
they should be reduced whenever possible unless part of actual data transmissions. Wherever chatty
protocols are not needed, they should be blocked or firewalled. These protocols include IPv6 if it is
not in production use, netbios-ns, netbios-dgm, Bonjour, mDNS, UPnP, and SSDP.
14 | Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
 Dynamic Multicast Optimization (DMO): DMO makes reliable, high-quality multicast
transmissions over WLAN possible. To ensure that video data is transmitted reliably, multicast video
data is transmitted as unicast, which can be transmitted at much higher speeds and has an
acknowledgement mechanism to ensure reliability. Transmission automatically switches back to
multicast when the client count increases high enough that the efficiency of unicast is lost.
 IGMP Snooping: Ensures that the wired infrastructure sends video traffic to only those APs that
have subscribers.
 Multicast-Rate-Optimization (MRO): Multicast over WLAN, by provision of the 802.11 standard,
needs to be transmitted at the lowest supported rate so that all clients can decode it. MRO keeps
track of the transmit rates sustainable for each associated client and uses the highest possible
common rate for multicast transmissions.
 Quality of Service (QoS): If voice or video clients are expected in the HD WLAN, it is essential
that QoS be implemented both in the air as well as on the wire, end-to-end between the APs and the
media distribution infrastructure.
 Receive Sensitivity Tuning: Receive sensitivity tuning can be used to fine tune the APs to “ignore”
clients that attempt to associate at a signal level below what is determined to be the minimum
acceptable for a client in the intended coverage zone. This tuning helps to reduce network
degradation to outside interference and/or client associations that may be attempted below the
minimum acceptable signal level based on the desired performance criteria.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs | 15
16 | Design Requirements for Auditorium HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 3
Capacity Planning
for HD-WLANs
Over the next four chapters you will learn capacity planning, RF design, configuration, and validation
for HD WLANs. In this chapter, you will learn the basic approach to planning an HD WLAN and making
a first-order assessment of whether the desired level of performance is possible for an area of a given
This chapter uses charts and lookup tables to provide the wireless architect with the necessary sizing
parameters. These tables are based on extensive validation testing conducted in the Aruba labs. For
those interested in the mathematics and theory of HD WLAN design behind the charts, Appendix B,
“Advanced Capacity Planning Theory for HD WLANs” on page 107 provides a technical explanation of
the process.
HD WLAN Capacity Planning Methodology
The process of sizing an HD WLAN is straightforward if you have the benefit of certain test data and an
accurate database of allowable channels in each country. You will follow the same five steps for each
coverage zone you plan:
Choose capacity
against goal
Determine usable
channel count
Choose concurrent
user target
Predict total
1. Choose a capacity goal: The first step is to pick an application-layer throughput target linked to
the seating capacity of the auditorium.
2. Determine the usable number of channels: For each band, decide how many nonoverlapping
channels are usable for the HD WLAN. Use a database of regulatory information included here,
augmented by site-specific decisions such as whether or not Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
channels are available.
3. Choose a concurrent user target: Determine the maximum number of simultaneously
transmitting clients that each AP will handle. Use a lookup table based on test data supplied by
Aruba. You must do this for each radio on the AP.
4. Predict total capacity: Use the channel and concurrent user count limits to estimate the maximum
capacity of the auditorium using lookup tables supplied by Aruba.
5. Validate against capacity goal: Compare the capacity prediction with the capacity goal from
step 1. If the prediction falls short, you must start over and adjust the goal, concurrent user limit, or
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 17
channel count until you have a plan that you can live with. For large auditoriums over 500 seats, you
should be prepared to accept a per-client throughput of 500 Kbps or less, assuming a 50/50 mix of
.11n and .11a stations and nine usable channels.
This guide assumes that channels will not be reused within a single auditorium.
If Channel reuse is required to achieve the capacity goal, see Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on
page 113 for an advanced discussion of the theoretical issues involved in managing AP-to-AP and clientto-client interference. In practice, reuse is extremely difficult to achieve in most auditoriums due to
their relatively small size and the signal propagation characteristics of multiple-in multiple-out (MIMO)
radios. Reuse requires more complex calculations and testing as well as the potential for modifying
physical structures in the user environment.
Step #1: Choose a High-Density WLAN Capacity Goal
Every HD WLAN design begins by defining a capacity goal. This goal has two parts, which are the key
factors are necessary for the designer to properly scale and produce a HD WLAN project design.
Total number of devices: Often, this is just equal to the seating capacity of the area. Sometimes,
each seat may contain more than one client (that is, one laptop and one Wi-Fi-capable smartphone).
This is important because every MAC address consumes airtime, an IP address, and other network
Minimum bandwidth per device: This is primarily driven by the mix of data, voice, and video
applications that will be used in the room. Aruba recommends using LAN traffic studies to precisely
quantify this value.
Here are some common examples of a complete capacity goal:
“Each classroom has 30 students who each need 2 Mbps of symmetrical throughput.”
“The auditorium holds 500 people. Each one has a laptop that must have at least 350 Kbps for data
and a voice handset that requires at least 128 Kbps.”
“The trading floor must serve 800 people with at least 512 Kbps each.”
Each of these scenarios provides the wireless architect with a clear, concise, and measurable end state.
It’s a good idea to build in future capacity needs. While the number of seats in the auditorium is not
likely to change, it is nearly certain that the number of 802.11 radios per seat will increase in the future.
Be sure to consider the actual duty cycle of each device type when setting the capacity goal. In many
cases, it is unlikely that every device will need access to the maximum capacity simultaneously (unless
there are specific applications that require it such as interactive learning systems). It's a good idea to
use a wireless packet capture utility to study the actual bandwidth requirements of a typical user. Many
customers initially overestimate their bandwidth requirements.
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Step #2: Determine the Usable Number of Channels
In any HD WLAN, we need to use as many nonoverlapping RF channels as possible, because data
capacity increases linearly with the number of channels. Figure 4 shows two colocated APs on different
nonoverlapping channels provide roughly twice the capacity of a single AP. With three APs on different
channels in the same room, capacity is roughly tripled.
Figure 4 Using Additional Channels to Increase WLAN Capacity
If one channel provides x Mbps capacity…
Two APs covering the same area on
non-overlapping channels provide 2x Mbps capacity.
Wi-Fi operates in the 2.4-GHz band and in different segments of the 5-GHz band. The available RF
channels are subject to national regulations, but generally there is 83 MHz available at 2.4 GHz and
around 460 MHz at 5 GHz. The 802.11 standard uses 20-MHz or 40-MHz (for 802.11n) channels, so
standard Wi-Fi equipment is also constrained by these parameters. The number of allowed
nonoverlapping channels is the primary capacity constraint on an HD WLAN. For this reason, HD
WLANs should always use the 5-GHz band for primary client service because most regulatory domains
have many more channels in this band.
20-MHz vs. 40-MHz Channels
Most HD WLANs including auditoriums should only use 20-MHz channel widths, also known as HT20.
Using high-throughput 40-MHz (HT40) channels reduces the number of radio channels by bonding them
together. This forces each AP to serve more users. It is better to have 50 users each on two different
HT20 channels than 100 users on one HT40 channel. Also, most handheld devices are not capable of
taking full advantage of 40-MHz channels due to their limited processing power single spatial stream
radios. HT40 channels are never expected to be used on the 2.4-GHz band for reasons that are beyond
the scope of this guide.
The main benefit to using HT40 channels is the ability for individual stations to burst at the maximum
PHY rate when only a portion of the users are trying to use the WLAN. However, in the auditorium
scenario, we must support so many users in a single room that we need every possible channel. In this
case, we accept a reduction in the maximum per-station burst rate during light loads in exchange for a
greater total user capacity at all times.
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Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 19
Available 5-GHz Channels
The 5-GHz band(s) allow many more nonoverlapping channels than 2.4 GHz. In the United States before
2007, the UNII-I, -II, and –III bands allowed the use of a total of thirteen 20-MHz channels (or six 40-MHz
channels). The number of available 5-GHz channels varies significantly from country to country.
Figure 5 shows the number of 20-MHz channels and 40 MHz channel pairs available for use in the 5-GHz
Figure 5 5-GHz Nonoverlapping Channels
defined defined
for 5-GHz
Plan and
for Band
5 GHz (US
(US regulations
), showing
20 MHzChannel
channel plan
MHz o ptions
Edg e
515 0
Frequency (MHz)
Frequency (MH z)
Frequency (MHz)
5 450
518 0 52 00 5 220 52 40 52 60 5 280 5300
1 00
10 4
550 0 55 20 5 540 556 0 558 0 56 00 56 20
Ba nd 1 49 153 157
57 25 5745 57 65 5785 58 05
Ba nd
58 50
532 0
I and UNII
II bands
51 50-5 250MHz
II: 5250
-535 0 MHz
8x MHz
20 MHz
UNII-II requires DFS
UNII II r equires DFS
Edg e
535 0
12 8 1 32
56 40 566 0 568 0 57 00
Edg e
572 5
US Intermediate Band
US intermedia
Extended)te band
(UNII II extended)
-572 channels
5 MHz
2 0 MHz
5x 40 MHz
Requires DF S
ISM Band
ba nd
57 25-5 850 MHz
4x 20 MH z channels
2x 40MHz
MH z channels
In 2007 the radio regulatory bodies in many countries allowed the use of the “UNII-II extended” band
from 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz as long as UNII-II equipment was capable of Dynamic Frequency Selection
(DFS). DFS requires that the AP monitor all RF channels for the presence of radar pulses and switch to
a different channel if a radar system is located. Wi-Fi equipment that is DFS-certified can use the
extended band, which adds up to another eleven 20-MHz channels or five 40-MHz channels (depending
on the radio regulatory rules in each country).
20 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
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Table 2 lists the typical channels available for some example regulatory domains at the time of
DFS Channels
Table 2 Typical 5GHz Channels Available for Use in Selected Regulatory Domains
Channel #
Total without DFS
Total with DFS
Actual channel availability for any given installation depends on the specific AP model selected, the
present status of regulations, and any local country specific deviations or changes from this table since
the time of publication. Aruba recommends that you contact our Technical Assistance Center or a
professional installer to obtain a specific list for your deployment. An Aruba controller will also report
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 21
the valid channels for a given regulatory domain with the “show ap allowed-channels countrycode <country code>” command.
As of October 5, 2009, the United States FCC and European Technical Standardization Institute
have disallowed 5600 to 5650MHz (approximately channels 120-132) for use with WLANs. This is to
avoid interference with airport terminal doppler radar systems. Aruba APs with approvals as of that
date, including AP-120 series and AP-105, are allowed to continue using those channels, but future
AP models may not support them.
Enabling or disabling specific channels is done through the Regulatory Domain Profile of the AP Group
to which the auditorium APs belong. Configuration of channel availability is covered in Chapter 6,
“Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs” on page 67.
To DFS or Not to DFS?
With as many as twenty 20-MHz channels (different vendors support slightly different numbers), the
5-GHz band with DFS now has sufficient channels to achieve high performance in a 500-seat auditorium
without channel reuse in dozens of countries. Without DFS channels, the goal can still be achieved, but
the radios will be oversubscribed and the per-client average throughput will be much lower. So why
wouldn’t everyone use DFS?
Three significant exceptions could adversely affect HD WLAN performance with DFS enabled. The
wireless architect must assess whether either of these exceptions applies to their organization:
Proximity to radar sources in the 5250-MHz to 5725-MHz band.
Lack of DFS support on critical client devices.
The Receive Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse feature of ArubaOS is needed.
First, actual or false positive radar events can be extremely disruptive to a WLAN that attempts to use
DFS channels. Users on DFS channels can potentially experience lengthy service interruptions from
radar events. Because radar frequencies do not align with 802.11 channelization, such events can
impact multiple Wi-Fi channels simultaneously. See Appendix D, “Dynamic Frequency
Selection Operation” on page 119 for a more detailed discussion of radar operation and DFS
Second, as of this writing, many 802.11 client Network Interface Cards (NICs) do not support DFS
channels, especially outside the United States. Client devices in an auditorium are not generally under
the control of the facility operator, so always be sure to include non-DFS channels in your HD WLAN
channel plan for these devices.
The question of usability is also a function of the client and what channels its chipset/driver
combination supports for that regulatory profile. For example, with driver version, both the
Intel 5100agn and 5300agn WLAN NICs support all DFS channels in the US (both 52-64 and 100140). However, with the same driver, the Intel 4965agn does not support channels 100-140. Another
example is the Cisco 7925g voice handset, which does not support channel 165.
Third, ArubaOS will not allow the Aruba Receive Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse feature to be
used with DFS channels, because it could result in the AP missing radar events. This feature is only
available on the non-DFS channels in any regulatory domain.
Site-Specific Restrictions
Because high-density coverage zones are just one part of a larger facility, the channel plan for the rest
of the site may also impose constraints on channel availability. Be sure to consider any reserved
channels that are required for indoor or outdoor mesh operations, or for dedicated applications such as
22 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
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IP surveillance video. It is prudent to conduct a spectrum clearing survey to ensure that no fixed
frequency interference sources would further reduce channel selection.
5-GHz Channel Reuse
Since wireless signal strength decays over distance, a given RF channel can be re-used at intervals. This
concept has long been used by mobile telephone networks, and it is central to most WLAN
architectures. All enterprise WLANs reuse channels in clusters to serve large areas, where the radios
are separated from one another by free space, walls, or other structures. In this case, the purpose of
reuse is to provide a consistent signal level everywhere in a facility, regardless of the actual number of
client devices. Figure 6 shows two channel reuse clusters and the relative position of reused channels.
Figure 6 Channel Plan with 13 Channels in 5GHz with Minimum Separation of Two Cells
2 cell
However, in an auditorium, channel reuse is driven by the number of devices to be served. Because
each radio can serve a finite number of devices, there is a limit to the total number of clients that can be
in an area without either oversubscribing the APs or reusing the allowed radio channels.
Achieving channel reuse in a single room of less than 10,000 ft2 (930 m2) is technically challenging,
requires expensive directional antennas and costly physical installation. The antennas and cables can
negatively impact the room aesthetics, which is a concern in most buildings. However, no channel reuse
is needed for auditoriums of up to nearly 1,000 devices in the United States, Europe, Japan and Korea
with DFS enabled (assuming 50 simultaneously transmitting clients per radio). Without DFS, up to 650
devices can be accommodated in the US and 400 devices in Europe.
As this covers most common auditorium sizes, the main body of this VRD uses a simple lookup table
approach for capacity planning assuming that no channel reuse occurs. Appendix C, “Basic Picocell
Design” on page 113 presents the mathematics behind channel reuse distances. If your high-density
coverage zone does require reuse, picocells with under-floor mounting will likely be required. This is
described in Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on page 31.
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Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 23
Available 2.4-GHz Channels
This solution guide assumes that the 5-GHz band is the primary service band for all auditoriums.
However, many of today’s personal smartphones and enterprise single-mode voice handsets are not 5GHz-capable. Therefore, many high-density coverage zones must be dual-band to provide some reduced
level of service to those devices. The IEEE 802.11b/g standard allows only three nonoverlapping
channels in 2.4 GHz, installed facing downward, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 2.4-GHz Nonoverlapping Channels
These channels are available in most countries today. With a small amount of overlap, four channels
have sometimes been employed to increase overall system capacity. However, four-channel plans are
not advisable in HD WLANs due to the very high levels of ACI already present in the environment.
Because of the very limited number of nonoverlapping channels in the 2.4-GHz band, it is vital to
anticipate how many of those radios will be on that band and to conduct a basic traffic study for the
applications expected in your high-density coverage area. Aruba has found that most smartphones that
provide basic push email service have low duty cycles and consume 256 Kbps or less. Voice-over-Wi-Fi
handsets using higher quality G.711 codecs generate 128 Kbps of bidirectional traffic.
2.4-GHz Channel Reuse
Because 2.4-GHz radio signals travel nearly twice as far in free space as 5-GHz signals and experience
less attenuation when penetrating objects or people, channel reuse is even harder to achieve in 2.4 GHz.
Overhead and wall-mount coverage strategies will not succeed in most auditoriums.Figure 8 shows the
maximum number of simultaneous transmitters is just 150 in the 2.4-GHz band, assuming 50 users per
Figure 8 2.4-GHz Channel Reuse vs. Users
24 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
Number of 2.4 GHz APs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
In planning mixed 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz deployments with dual-band APs, only one 2.4-GHz radio should
be enabled on each of the three channels. Don't forget that these channels are very likely already being
reused outside the auditorium, which will further reduce overall capacity of each 2.4-GHz channel.
With under-floor mounting, it may be possible to reuse each 2.4-GHz channel one time in a very
large auditorium over 10,000 ft2 (930 m2). If this is a requirement in your environment, see the
section on picocells using under-floor mounting in Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on
page 31.
Step #3: Choose a Concurrent User Target
The next step is to figure out the practical limit for the number of client devices that can transmit
simultaneously on a radio in your environment while still achieving your capacity goal. This is one of
two main constraints on HD WLAN performance (the other being available channel count). The
concurrent user limit is determined by looking up the per-client throughput value that best matches the
capacity goal you picked in Step #1, adjusted for the expected mix of legacy and high-throughput
Some vendors attempt to simplify this with blanket rules, such as recommending no more than 10
active voice calls or 25 active data clients. This works well enough for standard WLAN deployments,
but is nowhere near precise enough for HD WLANs that need to serve large numbers of heterogeneous
users with relatively few radios. The wireless architect trying to serve 500 auditorium users with just 10
available channels needs to know for sure how far each AP can scale and whether channel reuse can be
avoided. If it cannot, then many more radios and a much more expensive and complex physical
installation will be required.
Aruba’s research has shown that per-client limits are primarily determined by the mix of legacy 802.11a/
b/g and 802.11n devices expected in the auditorium. The more legacy devices that are present, the lower
the limit will be. For further information on the testbed Aruba constructed for this VRD, including
detailed test results for both 20-MHz and 40-MHz channels, see Appendix A, “HD WLAN Testbed” on
page 95.
Mixed Auditoriums with Both 802.11n and Legacy Clients
In most auditoriums, it is probable that there will be a mix of 802.11a, 802.11g, and even 802.11b devices
coexisting with faster 802.11n clients. The important parameter here is time on the medium, because an
802.11a client with a top rate of 54 Mbps will tend to slow down a population of 802.11n HT20 clients at
150 Mbps if all have data to send. The same phenomenon exists in the 2.4-GHz band. Therefore, the
presence of even one older device can dramatically reduce the aggregate channel capacity, which in
turn reduces the maximum per-client limit per radio.
Mixed WLAN environments support the latest high throughput standards while still supporting the
legacy technologies 802.11g, 802.11b, and 802.11a through a protection mode mechanism that is part of
the 802.11n standard. This is an automatic response by the APs and high throughput clients in the
presence of legacy clients as detected in management frame capability fields. High throughput devices
support legacy clients by transmitting additional management frames that can be decoded by the legacy
clients. This support results in significantly reduced throughput for both HT and legacy station types. It
is important to note that the legacy client does NOT need to be associated to the HD WLAN to cause a
protection mode to be triggered. The mere presence of a legacy client will reduce throughput. It is very
difficult to create an environment where no legacy devices are present.
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As part of the validation testing for this VRD, Aruba completed open air client scaling test runs for five
different mixes of 802.11n and 802.11a clients:
100% HT20 clients
75% HT20 and 25% 802.11a clients
50% HT20 and 50% 802.11a clients
25% HT20 and 75% 802.11a clients
100% 802.11a clients
The testbed included a heterogeneous mix of 50 different laptops and netbooks with a wide variety of
operating systems and wireless NICs, just as you would find in a real auditorium. Ixia Chariot was used
as the traffic generator.
Figure 9 shows the effect of these combinations on application-layer throughput. The left vertical axis is
the average per-client application-layer throughput in Mbps (shown by the lines). The right vertical axis
shows the total channel capacity relative to the total throughput for 10 clients transmitting at one time
(shown by the bars). When we change just 25% of the clients on a 5-GHz HT20 channel to be 802.11a
only, the average per-client throughput is reduced by between 20% and 25%, depending on the number
of stations in the test. Increasing the .11a client mix to 50/50 results in another 25% reduction in both
aggregate and per-client throughput. Interestingly, little difference was observed with less than 50%
HT20 clients.
Figure 9 5-GHz Per-Client Mixed-Mode TCP Client Scaling Performance
These results were obtained with airtime fairness enabled using “preferred” access mode which
provides somewhat more transmit slots to HT clients. Without airtime fairness, legacy clients starve
newer 802.11n clients by consuming a greater share of the airtime. Airtime fairness effectively reduces
the amount of time that is made available to legacy stations to transmit, which essentially penalizes
them to allow the fastest clients to obtain the bulk of the airtime. In Chapter 5, “Infrastructure
Optimizations for HD WLANs” on page 51, you will learn more about how to leverage this feature in
your HD WLAN.
26 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
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Choosing a Concurrent User Target
Use Table 3 to choose the concurrent user limit for each 5-GHz HT20 AP. First, choose the row that
corresponds to your expected mix of legacy and 802.11n clients. Then find the column whose
throughput is closest to the capacity goal you chose in Step #1. Note the client count at the top of the
column and proceed to Step #4: Predict Total Capacity on page 27.
Table 3 TCP Bidirectional Mixed PHY Scaling Test (Per Client)
100% HT20
5.99 Mbps
2.99 Mbps
1.81 Mbps
1.30 Mbps
0.94 Mbps
75% HT20 / 25% 11a
4.69 Mbps
2.20 Mbps
1.46 Mbps
1.03 Mbps
0.77 Mbps
50% HT20 / 50% 11a
4.17 Mbps
1.73 Mbps
1.10 Mbps
0.75 Mbps
0.54 Mbps
25% HT20 / 75% 11a
3.96 Mbps
1.72 Mbps
1.07 Mbps
0.68 Mbps
0.56 Mbps
100% 11a
1.50 Mbps
0.75 Mbps
0.50 Mbps
0.36 Mbps
0.28 Mbps
Step #4: Predict Total Capacity
By combining channel count with the concurrent user target, we can construct a simple chart that
allows the wireless designer to quickly determine the number of devices that are supportable for a
given number of nonoverlapping channels.
5-GHz Capacity
Use Figure 10 to quickly arrive at the total device capacity of your HD WLAN in 5 GHz. Choose your
country and whether DFS is available or not. Follow that upward to the line that matches the
concurrent user target you picked in Step #3: Choose a Concurrent User Target on page 25. The total
user/device count can be seen on the Y axis.
Figure 10 HD WLAN User Capacity Predictor
20 Users/Radio
20 Users/AP
30 Users/Radio
40 Users/Radio
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Available 20 MHz Channels
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
HD_249 no
Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 27
The chart allows a wireless designer to rapidly assess the capacity limit of a given auditorium. Table 4
provides the same information in tabular form.
Table 4 HD WLAN User Capacity Matrix - 5 GHz
28 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
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2.4-GHz Capacity
We begin by determining how large the current population of 2.4-GHz-only devices is and what type of
growth to expect on that band. The following approaches can be used to answer these questions:
Simply assume that each user has one 5-GHz and one 2.4-GHz client (such as a laptop and a
smartphone). This is the worst case.
If dual-band coverage exists elsewhere in the facility, use historical WLAN client association data
from a network monitoring system, such as the AirWave Wireless Management Suite, to obtain a
ratio of 2.4-GHz to 5-GHz users as well as per-station bandwidth consumption.
In the second case, you would then multiply the base occupancy of the auditorium by the ratio of users
to get the 2.4-GHz population. To be conservative, increase the ratio by 5-10% to provide a safety margin
for near-term growth in the 2.4-GHz band.
Table 5 lists the maximum number of 2.4-GHz devices that are supportable for a given number of
nonoverlapping channels.
Table 5 HD WLAN User Capacity Matrix - 2.4 GHz
CAUTION: 1 reuse is required, which requires picocell deployment. See Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on
page 31 and Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on page 113 for more information.
The obvious problem with this chart is how to support a 500-seat or larger auditorium where every user
has an iPhone, BlackBerry, or other 2.4-GHz-only-capable smartphone. If picocells are not feasible, then
the only solution is to oversubscribe each radio. Use Aruba's airtime fairness feature to help distribute
capacity evenly among the users associated to each AP.
Step #5: Validate the Capacity Goal
You now have the tools to validate whether the entire auditorium will meet the capacity goal you chose
in Step #1. It is common for the wireless architect to have to follow an iterative process, compromising
between channel count, radio loading, and minimum per-client throughput. If the capacity prediction in
Step #4 falls short of the capacity goal, repeat the first four steps until you achieve a balance you can
live with.
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Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs | 29
30 | Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 4
RF Design for HD WLANs
Coverage in HD WLANs is achieved by carefully combining the number of APs as determined in the
previous chapter with the physical space for which the designer is providing wireless services.
Placing many APs in close proximity to one another and enabling them to operate with minimal
interference requires the use of a several specific wireless design principles. These principles must be
balanced against building limitations like mounting restrictions, cabling requirements, room shape, and
room size. This chapter will teach you how to achieve this balance successfully.
Coverage Strategies for Auditoriums
A coverage strategy is a specific method or approach for locating APs inside a wireless service area.
Generally, any given coverage strategy will also call for a specific antenna pattern providing required
directionality (even if it is just using integrated antennas in the AP).
Three basic coverage strategies for auditoriums are available to the wireless architect. Each strategy
has advantages and disadvantages that we will explore in this chapter. These methods should never be
combined to ensure that signal levels are as consistent as possible throughout the coverage area.
Overhead Coverage: This refers to placing APs on the ceiling above the seats in the
auditorium, usually with a special low-gain antenna with a radiation pattern directing the
signal at the floor.
Side Coverage: The AP is mounted to walls and/or pillars that exist in the auditorium,
generally no more than 12 ft (4 m) above the floor. Either directional or omnidirectional
antennas can be used, with the direction of maximum gain aimed sideways across the seats.
Floor Coverage: This design creates picocells using APs mounted in, under, or just above
the floor of the auditorium, with a low-gain downtilt antenna reversed to face straight up at
the ceiling. This strategy is the only one that can allow for multiple channel reuse inside a
room of 10,000 ft2 (930 m2) or less.
Within each of these approaches, a number of choices must be made, such as whether to use integrated
or external antennas, mounting method, minimum AP spacing, how APs will connect to the LAN, and so
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
RF Design for HD WLANs | 31
Overhead Coverage
Ceilings are a common AP mounting location because they generally allow an unobstructed view down
to the wireless clients. By distributing APs consistently and evenly across a ceiling, you are able to limit
AP-AP interference (also known as “coupling”) while providing very uniform signal levels for all client
devices at floor level. Figure 11 shows what an overhead coverage deployment would conceptually look
Figure 11 Simplified Overhead Coverage Example
Side View
Overhead View
Overhead coverage is a good choice when uniform signal is desired everywhere in the auditorium.
Overhead APs are usually out of view above eye level. It is even possible to conceal the system
completely by flush mounting external antennas to the ceiling. Of course, it must be possible to access
the ceiling without too much difficulty or expense to pull cable and install equipment. No channel reuse
is possible with overhead coverage because the signal spreads. This applies to areas underneath
balconies of up to 10 rows, because APs in the front portion of the auditorium will generally have
favorable line-of-sight even if the AP immediately above is obstructed. Every AP will be available with
high signal strength everywhere in the auditorium.
32 | RF Design for HD WLANs
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Some omnidirectional antennas are designed with built-in electrical downtilt. Aruba recommends the
use of these downtilt or squint antennas for overhead coverage, either integrated directly into the AP or
externally connected. Although they are omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, they have
directionality in the vertical plane. They focus substantial energy in the downward direction or, if
mounted under the floor facing up, they focus and receive energy upward. See Table 7 for specifications
of the models that Aruba recommends.
Figure 12 AP-ANT-16 Downtilt Antenna Flush-Mounted to Ceiling Grid
These antennas look like “patch” antennas but they are installed facing downward. They are electrically
designed to provide a full 360 degrees of omnidirectional coverage with standard vertical polarization.
However, when viewing the E-plane from the side, we can see that the antenna provides approximately
120 degrees of vertical beamwidth with the direction of maximum gain centered around a 45-degree
down angle, as shown in Figure 13. This produces a coverage pattern shaped like a “cone” underneath
the antenna.
Figure 13 E-Plane Antenna Pattern of AP-ANT-16
3 dBi - 5 dBi = -2 dBi
directed at other
APs on ceiling
Direction of maximum gain
at -45° to ceiling,
max gain = +3 dBi
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Max gain is directed to clients!
3 dBi - 1 dBi = 2 dB
at -90 degrees down
RF Design for HD WLANs | 33
These are commonly referred to as “downtilt” or “squint” antennas. From the plot, it is clear that the
antenna pattern helps with interference rejection in two important ways:
External room interference: Because the direction of maximum gain is straight down, 802.11
signals outside the room on the same floor will not be aligned within the 3-dB beamwidth of the
antenna. In the case of two auditoriums on top of one another, the back lobe is up to 12 dB down
from the main lobe.
Reduced AP-AP interference at ceiling level: In the plane of the ceiling, the pattern of a downtilt
antenna is about 8 dB down from the main lobe, which allows APs to be spaced somewhat more
closely for a given EIRP.
A ceiling deployment can occur at, below, or above the level of the ceiling surface. Care should be taken
with above-ceiling installations when external antennas are not being used to leverage building
obstructions such as pillars, ductwork, or floor joists that can benefit the RF design by further reducing
AP-AP coupling within the room. The closer the obstruction, the greater the blocking effect. APs should
never be placed more than 6 inches above the ceiling material to minimize obstructions in the direction
of the users.
Figure 14 Use Attenuating Building Materials to Reduce AP-AP Coupling
to reduce AP-AP coupling
Here is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of overhead coverage for auditoriums:
APs can be concealed inside ceiling with flushmounted antennas
APs can be mounted above eye level
More uniform signal in the room when APs are
evenly distributed
Clear line-of-sight to user devices and minimal
human-body attenuation
Better CCI/ACI control between adjacent HD
WLANs (when downtilt antennas used)
34 | RF Design for HD WLANs
Channel reuse is not possible
Difficulty of pulling cable to high ceiling locations
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Side Coverage (Walls or Pillars)
Wall installations are most often seen where ceiling or under-floor access is not possible or too
expensive. Wall installations come in every variety you can think of, because no two auditoriums are
the same. Common examples include:
Co-located APs in an A/V area in the back of an auditorium with directional antennas facing
Hotel ballrooms where APs with integrated antennas can only be placed along the sides of the room,
mounted to speaker stands or simply placed on tables.
Where pillars or columns exist in very large auditoriums, it is often practical to mount on them
3-6 ft (1-2 m) above the users.
Structures with no overhead or under-floor access, which could include temporary structures like
tents or open air fairs.
As with overhead coverage, channel reuse is not possible when mounting to walls or pillars. Care must
be taken to orient antenna patterns to cover the intended area and reduce AP-to-AP interference.
Figure 15 shows what a wall-based side-coverage solution that uses integrated omnidirectional
antennas looks like conceptually.
Figure 15 Simplified Side Coverage Example with Integrated Antenna
Overhead View
Front View
The illustration is meant to show AP position and antenna pattern, not the actual signal propagation. In
fact, even in the very largest auditoriums every AP will likely be able to hear every other AP. It is vital
that adjacent channels, such as 36 and 40, not be adjacent on the wall. Aruba ARM will automatically
manage this for you, but the level of CCI/ACI in a side coverage design is much less desirable than in the
overhead or under-floor cases. You may find that mounting closer to the floor is more successful. For
example, one university customer experienced an issue when they side mounted the APs at 15-20 ft (3-5
m) above floor height. The APs all saw each other with strong enough signal strength that they auto
tuned their power down to match the ARM coverage index causing AP to client signals to be weaker
than required. This resulted in seated clients getting very inconsistent connectivity. When the APs were
moved to floor level, locating them underneath the desks/seats in a few locations, much better
performance was achieved.
You will note that half of the wall-mounted AP signals are lost to the next room (and 75% of the signal in
the corners). With multiple adjacent HD WLANs this can be exploited by the wireless designer, but
otherwise it represents a waste of signal.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
RF Design for HD WLANs | 35
You can overcome the signal leakage problem through the use of low-gain external directional antennas
aimed sideways. This can also be achieved very inexpensively by mounting the Aruba AP-105 with its
integrated downtilt pattern vertically on the wall, pointing back to the seats. In this case, no special
antenna is required. See Table 8 for specifications on the models that Aruba recommends.
Figure 16 Simplified Side Coverage Example with Directional Antennas
Front View
Overhead View
This strategy also allows APs to be spaced slightly closer together for the same reasons explained under
Overhead Coverage. For details on computing minimum AP-AP separation, see Appendix C, “Basic
Picocell Design” on page 113.
Aruba strongly advises against the use of high-gain directional antennas (8 dBi or more) in auditoriums
for several reasons:
Questionable benefit: With MIMO technology, signal scattering in typical size auditoriums negates
any value of a narrower beamwidth. At distances typically required in an HD WLAN, higher gain
antennas are not necessary for good coverage and can increase the interfering signal levels within
the coverage space significantly.
Poor near-field signal: Narrow vertical-beamwidth antennas mounted just 12-15 ft (4-5 m) above
the floor do not actually reach the ground for dozens of yards (meters). Close in to the antenna,
clients may experience weak signal as a result of being outside the 3-dB beamwidth
Increased interference outside room: High-gain directional antennas can adversely affect
WLANs outside the auditorium in the direction of maximum gain.
Multiple radomes: The maximum gain for a dual-band antenna in a single radome is about 8 dBi.
Higher gain requires separate antenna radomes for each band. This can be unsightly.
Aesthetics: MIMO panel antennas are relatively large, have multiple RF cables, and generally
require an azimuth-elevation swivel mount. This looks great on a rooftop mast, but not so good in an
ornate auditorium.
36 | RF Design for HD WLANs
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Sometimes pillars or columns exist in an auditorium, and they may even have existing cable pathways
to them. These can be used by the wireless designer to achieve more uniform coverage of a room than
is possible from just the walls alone. When using integrated omnidirectional antennas, be sure to take
into account the “shadow” that a pillar or column creates on the opposite side from the AP. This can be
used to the designer’s advantage to limit AP-AP coupling. The closer the AP is to the pillar, the greater
the blocking effect.
Figure 17 Simplified Column Mounting Coverage Example
As you can see, an infinite variety of side-coverage scenarios are possible. Here is a summary of the
advantages and disadvantages of side coverage for auditoriums:
Easy access for installing APs and pulling cable
Columns can be used to deliberately create
RF shadows
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Channel reuse is not possible
Inconsistent signal levels on each channel due to
AP location
Increased human body attenuation
Harder to control CCI/ACI between rooms
Wasted signal bleed outside desired
coverage area
RF Design for HD WLANs | 37
Floor Coverage (Picocells)
By far the best coverage strategy for auditoriums is mounting under, in, or just above the floor. In this
design, we flip the overhead model upside down and use either integrated or external downtilted
antennas that point back at the ceiling and use very low transmit power.
This is the only coverage strategy that allows for channel reuse in auditoriums smaller than 10,000 ft2
(930 m2). Aruba calls this a picocell design. By using very low EIRP and taking advantage of the
attenuation provided by human bodies in the seats, Aruba has successfully achieved single channel
reuse distances of just 30 ft (9 m).
Figure 18 Simplified Picocell Coverage Example
Side View
Overhead View
Floor mounting is the best choice when there is convenient access underneath the auditorium either for
locating APs or simply pulling cable up into the auditorium from beneath. APs can be located in small
enclosures that are permanently mounted underneath or behind seats.
This strategy has all the advantages of overhead coverage, without the maintenance access headaches.
Because signal is directed upward, impact on adjacent HD WLANs on the same floor is negligible. In
multifloor buildings, inter-floor isolation is also generally good.
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It may also be possible to install APs in the ceiling of the floor or basement underneath, shooting up
through the floor. This method can allow for even finer control of the cell size. However, it may be
necessary to use directional antennas with 6-8 dBi higher gain to compensate for interfloor absorption,
such as the AP-ANT-18. Many invisible construction details can influence RF penetration of floor slabs.
Validation testing in a variety of possible configurations should be completed before this method is
selected. The distance from the AP to the slab and floor construction have a direct impact on the size of
the cell in the user space.
Figure 19 Effect of AP Distance on Picocell Width
Aruba has studied signal propagation of underfloor mounting. Figure 20 shows an AirMagnet survey of
an AP-124 with AP-ANT-16 facing up on channel 44 at 3 dBm conducted power, or 6 dBm total EIRP. It
is mounted underneath a layer of ¾-in plywood.
20 ft (6 m)
Figure 20 AirMagnet 2D Survey of AP-124 with AP-ANT-16 Picocell at 6 dBm EIRP
20 ft (6 m)
Channel 44 AP-ANT-16
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RF Design for HD WLANs | 39
The radius of the -70 dBm signal was approximately 10 ft (3 m) in this test. Aruba subsequently set up
two APs 40 ft (12 m) apart and measured signal roll off between them. Figure 21 shows that roughly 20
dB of isolation was achieved between these cells.
Figure 21 AirMagnet 3D Survey of Side-by-Side Picocells at 6 dBm EIRP
Here is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of floor coverage for auditoriums. For more
detailed information on picocell design, see Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on page 113 or contact
your local Aruba representative.
Channel reuse is possible
Higher AP densities can be achieved
APs can be easily concealed
More uniform signal in the room when APs are
evenly distributed
Better CCI/ACI control between adjacent
Access underneath the auditorium
Availability of cable pathways beneath the floor
Higher signal attenuation requiring higher gain
Validation testing is required to characterize floor
Choosing Access Points and Antennas
The process for deciding which AP and optional external antenna to use for an auditorium deployment
requires that you have chosen a preferred coverage strategy and are familiar with the physical
installation constraints in the coverage area.
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Recommended Products
Aruba offers both integrated-antenna and external-antenna capable 802.11n APs to enable you to
implement the plan of your choice. Table 6 compares features of the Aruba 802.11n APs, particularly
antennas and RF performance.
Table 6 Aruba 802.11n APs
Integrated Antennas
External Antenna
Dual Radio
Dual Radio
Dual Radio
Integrated downtilt
Integrated dipole antenna
3 dual-band RPSMA
Transmit Power (5GHz)
MCS15 = +15 dBm
MCS0 = +20 dBm
54Mbps = +17 dBm
6Mbps = +20 dBm
MCS15 = +12 dBm
MCS0 = +17 dBm
54 Mbps = +13 dBm
6 Mbps = +17 dBm
Same as AP-125
Receive Sensitivity
MCS15 = -77 dBm
MCS0 = -96 dBm
54 Mbps = -83 dBm
6 Mbps = -96 dBm
MCS15 = -65 dBm
MCS0 = -91 dBm
54 Mbps = -77 dBm
6 Mbps = -91 dBm
Same as AP-125
Maximum Antenna
2.4 GHz = 2.5 dBi
5.150 GHz - 5.875 GHz =
4.0 dBi
2.4-2.5 GHz = 3.2 dBi
5.150- 5.875 GHz =
5.2 dBi
E-Plane (Vertical)
Antenna Pattern
Depends on selected
external antenna
Best TX power
Best RX sensitivity
Lowest cost
Integrated downtilt
Smallest footprint
Wall or ceiling mount
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
3x3 MIMO
High performance
Integrated dipole
Wall or ceiling mount
3x3 MIMO
High performance
Supports external
AP can be concealed
behind walls or
RF Design for HD WLANs | 41
Table 7 and Table 8 list the antennas that are recommended for use with the AP-124 in external antenna
Table 7 Downtilt Antennas
Antenna Gain
3 radomes / 1 element each
1 radome / 3 elements inside
2.4-2.5 GHz (4.4 dBi)
4.9-5.9 GHz (3.3 dBi)
2.4-2.5 GHz (3.9 dBi)
4.9-5.9 GHz (4.7 dBi)
E-Plane (Vertical)
Antenna Pattern
> 60degrees
(centered at +/-45 degrees down angle)
> 60degrees
(centered at +/-45 degrees down angle)
2.0" x 2.0" x 0.7"
5.1 x 5.1 x 1.8 cm
12.1" x 3.6" x 0.9"
30.8 x 9.2 x 2.2 cm
Antenna Pattern
42 | RF Design for HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Table 8 Low-Gain Directional Antenna
Antenna Gain
(Linear vertical & dual slant +/- 45 degrees)
(Linear vertical & dual slant +/- 45 degrees)
2.4-2.5 GHz (6.0 dBi)
4.9-5.875 GHz (5.0 dBi)
2.4 - 2.5 GHz (7.5 dBi)
5.15 - 5.875 GHz (7.5 dBi)
E-Plane (Vertical)
Antenna Pattern
60 degrees
(with 15 degree electrical downtilt)
60 degrees
(with 15 degree electrical downtilt)
120 degrees
60 degrees
7.9" x 7.9" x 1.3"
20.1 x 20.1 x 3.2 cm
7.9" x 7.9" x 1.3"
20.1 x 20.1 x 3.2 cm
Antenna Pattern
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RF Design for HD WLANs | 43
Choosing an Access Point
In general, the AP-105 is the most economical, flexible and aesthetically pleasing solution for
auditoriums. It can be directly mounted in the user space. The integrated downtilt antenna can be
oriented up, down, or sideways so it can be used with all three coverage strategies.
The AP-125 is the best choice for wall-mounted installs where the wireless designer wants an
omnidirectional pattern to serve both sides of a wall. It contains a higher performance CPU than the
AP-105. Otherwise, the AP-105 is more cost effective.
Where external antennas are needed or desired, the AP-124 is required. This could be to conceal the AP
outside the user space using flush-mounted antennas. Or it could be driven by the need to a specific
type of directional antennas.
Use the decision tree Figure 22 to simplify the decision of which AP model and corresponding antenna
is appropriate for your specific environment.
Figure 22 AP and Antenna Selection Tree
Side coverage
20 ft?
or AP-125
AP above
Above or
facing up
AP-124 +
facing up
or integrated
Omni or
120° or
60° beam
External Antenna Selection
Several of the recommended options above include a particular external antenna model. External
antennas can provide the designer with additional options when designing HD WLANs:
If a wide horizontal beamwidth (120 degrees), low-gain directional is needed, the AP-ANT-17 should
be used.
If a narrow horizontal beamwidth (60 degrees) is needed, the AP-ANT-18 should be used.
If an external downtilt antenna is needed, and a very small antenna is desired, choose the AP-ANT13B-KIT. This includes three small units, each less than 2 in (5 cm) square. However, they must be
individually mounted with 4-6 in (10-15 cm) separation between them.
Alternatively, if you prefer a single radome, choose the AP-ANT-16. While larger than all the APANT-13B antennas put together, it requires only a single installation.
For underfloor picocell deployments with the AP on the ceiling below, the AP-ANT-18 is
recommended facing straight up. If the AP will be in the auditorium (in the floor itself or a floormounted enclosure) then use the AP-105 with no external antenna facing up.
However, before you choose an external downtilt antenna, be aware that the RF performance of the
AP-105 with its integrated antenna is equal to or better than an AP-124 with either the AP-ANT-13B or
AP-ANT-16. In general, you will find that the AP-105 is the more economical and higher-performing
solution. Unless you have a need to conceal the AP outside the user space, the AP-105 is the better
44 | RF Design for HD WLANs
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Minimum Spacing Between Adjacent Channel APs
As mentioned previously, this solution guide assumes no channel reuse due to the relatively small size
of auditoriums. So you need not compute a single channel reuse distance. However, in HD WLAN
designs it is also important to isolate APs from each other to reduce ACI. This can be done by ensuring
a minimum separation distance between APs. A wireless designer may also deliberately interpose
building structures, including existing floors and walls or newly-installed shielded boxes, to control APAP coupling.
The impact of ACI is especially important to consider in an HD WLAN because the overall effect of ACI
is to reduce the total channel capacity. These two considerations are critical for determining the
minimum recommended AP spacing:
Spacing between the integrated or external installed antennas
Spacing between the APs themselves
Typically, if the APs are co-located with their antennas, the second distance can be ignored because the
characteristics of antennas used will solely determine the recommended distance. This is typically the
case with an integrated antenna AP or an external antenna that is at the same location as the AP (within
one meter). However, if the antennas are remotely located from the APs as may be the case when APs
are located in a closet with RF extension cables to the antennas, the distance between the APs in the
closet can be important to consider in addition to the spacing between the remote antennas.
AP and Antenna Spacing – Overhead and Underfloor Strategies
For overhead and floor-level picocell coverage strategies, the wireless designer should distribute APs
evenly around the auditorium for optimal performance. Ensure that the minimum physical separation
distance listed below is observed.
Figure 23 shows a conference center auditorium, and circles are used to display even AP spacing in the
coverage area. (The circles are a tool used to assist the designer with spacing only and are not the
actual RF coverage for individual APs).
Figure 23 Example Conference Center AP Layout
16,500 ft2 (1,533 m2)
400 user capacity
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RF Design for HD WLANs | 45
In this case, we consider 2.4 GHz as the worst case due to increased free space propagation in that
band. Table 9 lists the minimum required separation for two APs with 20 MHz minimum center
frequency separation (that is, 1 to 6 or 6 to 11). This provides an additional 15-dB reduction in coupling.
The interference target is typically recommend to be -85 dBm to ensure that no channel bandwidth
degradation occurs and all data rates are available. However, in HD WLANs this may not be possible
depending on the number of channels in use, so -75 dBm is sometimes used as a compromise between
increased capacity and reduced peak performance.
Table 9 Interfering AP to AP Minimum Mounting Distance (Five 802.11BG Channel Separation)
Transmit Power
Interference Target
-85 dBm
Interference Target
-80 dBm
Interference Target
-75 dBm
200 ft / 61 m
114 ft / 35 m
65 ft / 20 m
144 ft / 44 m
82 ft / 25 m
46 ft / 14 m
98 ft / 30 m
58 ft / 17 m
32 ft / 9.8 m
72 ft / 22 m
39 ft / 12 m
22 ft / 6.9 m
See Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on page 113 for a detailed explanation of the math behind
this table.
AP and Antenna Spacing – Side Coverage Strategy
In general, wall-mounted deployments on the sides of an auditorium should evenly distribute APs along
the length of each wall being used to maximize the physical separation between APs.
Of somewhat greater concern is a wall-mount deployment where only one wall is available, such as the
back of the auditorium in an audio/visual room where the APs will be colocated and connected to
external directional antennas on the back wall.
In the case of wall-mounted antennas, the gain of the antennas in the direction of other antennas can be
significantly lower than for the ceiling-mounted case. For example, the maximum gain of the AP-ANT18, which is a 60-degree sector is 7 dBi in the direction of the clients. However, the side-to-side gain in
the direction of other antennas mounted on the same wall is -10 dBi.
Use Table 10 when the APs are mounted with their antennas on the same wall.
Table 10 Adjacent Channel AP spacing (Channel 1 to 6 or 6 to 11),
Wall-Mounted Antenna AP-ANT-18
Transmit Power
Interference Target
-85 dBm
Interference Target
-80 dBm
Interference Target
-75 dBm
12.8 ft / 3.9 m
7.2 ft / 2.2 m
3.9 ft / 1.2 m
9.1 ft / 2.8 m
5.2 ft / 1.6 m
2.9 ft / 0.9 m
6.2 ft / 1.9 m
3.6 ft / 1.1 m
1.9 ft / 0.6 m
4.6 ft / 1.4 m
2.6 ft / 0.8 m
1.3 ft / 0.4 m
46 | RF Design for HD WLANs
See Appendix C, “Basic Picocell Design” on page 113 for a detailed explanation of the math behind
this table.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
If the antennas are remotely located from the APs, the values of Table 10 apply to the minimum spacing
between antennas and it is a good idea to check that the minimum spacing between APs meets the
values of Table 11, which are computed for the direct coupling between APs that are located in a closet.
Table 11 AP spacing (channel 1 to 6 or 6 to 11), APs in a closet
Transmit Power
Interference Target
-85 dBm
Interference Target
-80 dBm
Interference Target
-75 dBm
1.3 ft / 0.4 m
0.7 ft / 0.22 m
0.4 ft / 0.12 m
1.0 ft / 0.3 m
0.5 ft / 0.16 m
0.3 ft / 0.09 m
0.7 ft / 0.2 m
0.4 ft / 0.11 m
0.2 ft / 0.06 m
0.5 ft / 0.14 m
0.3 ft / 0.08 m
0.1 ft / 0.04 m
Aesthetic Considerations
In many auditoriums aesthetics requirements significantly limit the ability to attach APs in view. The
availability of suitable mounting locations can have a significant impact the performance of the overall
RF design. In the auditorium shown in Figure 24, high and low ceilings, dense users, and tightly
controlled aesthetics severely limit the options available to mount APs.
Sometimes a suitable cover can be utilized to hide the AP, but in most cases it is necessary to mount the
AP in spaces that are not visible. These spaces may include interstitial spaces between floors, drop
ceilings, behind curtains, catwalks, and maintenance areas.
Figure 24 Aesthetics Requirements Vary Between Auditoriums
Aruba recommends the following best practices for installations with restrictions on mounting:
The small, attractive design of the AP-105 with no antennas makes it resemble a smoke alarm or
other typical ceiling device. The status lights on the AP can be disabled so there is no indication of
activity from the ground. Aesthetics committees are likely to approve the use of the AP-105 in
ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted deployments.
Another option for wall-mounted installations is to use a flush-mounted panel antenna like the
AP-ANT-18, connected to an AP-124 mounted on the other side of the wall or inside the wall itself.
For installations that absolutely cannot have any visible network equipment, mounting of AP-124
with AP-ANT-18 in the interfloor space below aiming up is the best solution.
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RF Design for HD WLANs | 47
General Installation Best Practices
Antenna mounting locations are always important. Here are some suggestions:
Select mounting locations that have no obstructions between the front of the antennas (or
integrated antenna APs) and the intended wireless clients.
If external antennas are being used, plan to mount your APs as close to their antennas as possible. If
absolutely necessary, use good-quality, low-loss coaxial cable to connect AP to antenna when
mounting the AP some distance away from the antenna.
Follow these guidelines when aligning antennas:
Do not mix mounting strategies in the same room. When planning adjacent HD WLANs, use the
same strategy (overhead, side, or picocell) in all rooms.
Each strategy is carefully designed to (i) ensure a uniform signal level throughout the auditorium; and
(ii) control both AP-to-AP interference inside and outside the auditorium. Mixing strategies will
reduce performance and increase interference.
Always mount antennas with built-in downtilt flat against the ceiling or floor so that the beam is
exactly vertical.
Keep a safe distance between your integrated antenna APs and any location where people will be
present. There are Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) distance requirements designed to protect the
human body from coming into too-close contact with wireless devices and wireless energy. In the
U.S. the SAR regulations require at least 6 in (15 cm) of clearance between WLAN antennas and the
human body. Plan to allow at least this much clearance, though more is better.
When using side coverage with directional antennas on opposite sides of the same room, mount the
antennas using an appropriate amount of mechanical downtilt so that the 3-dB beamwidth of the Eplane is aimed below the far antennas. (Note that the AP-ANT-17 and AP-ANT-18 have a built-in
downtilt of about 20 degrees).
Managing Adjacent HD WLANs
It is common to find adjacent auditoriums at universities, hotels, and convention centers, either on the
same level or spanning multiple floors. In this case, it’s very possible that auditoriums will interfere
with one another and reduce overall throughput. In this situation, it may be necessary to use APs with
integrated or external directional antennas to preserve network performance.
Managing Clients
We stated earlier that the client devices dominate the CCI/ACI problem in HD WLANs because they
greatly outnumber the AP. Always use very low EIRP on the AP in an high-density deployment. Then,
enabling TPC is critical to getting as many client devices as possible to lower their power to match the
APs. Clients that do not honor TPC and use full power may create interference with adjacent
auditoriums. There is little you can do about it—user education is the key. Provide resources for your
users that identify the best version of driver and its appropriate configuration. Strongly encourage users
to update their drivers—and remind them often.
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Overhead or Floor Coverage
If you’ve already selected an overhead or under-floor coverage strategy using downtilt antennas, your
HD WLANs will likely coexist without any further action on your part. Especially in the case of underfloor coverage, where EIRP levels can be very low, the amount of signal penetrating to the next floor is
likely well below the receive sensitivity of the radios upstairs. The front-to-back ratio of the antennas,
which is a measure of the rejection of signals from the opposite side, will also diminish interference so
long as they are all aligned in the same direction. In general, the higher the gain of a directional antenna,
the greater its front-to-back ratio.
Figure 25 shows an elevation view of a two-story building with wireless installed in all the auditoriums.
An overhead coverage strategy has been selected. Floors generally absorb more RF energy than walls
(10 dB is a typical value).
Figure 25 Using AP-105 Integrated Directional Antenna to Isolate Adjacent HD WLANs
-10 dBi
Second Floor
+3 dBi
10 dB
Side Coverage with Directional Antennas in Series
Figure 26 shows the same two-story building using a side-coverage strategy. Wall-mounted directional
antennas help reduce the noise between classrooms (typically 6 dB) on the same floor and also help to
reduce the noise between the upper and the lower floors.
Figure 26 Using AP-105 Integrated Directional Antenna to Isolate Adjacent HD WLANs
6 dB loss
Second Floor
-10 dBi
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
+3 dBi
RF Design for HD WLANs | 49
Side Coverage with Back-to-Back APs and Directional Antennas
Sometimes in older buildings it is not possible to run power or data cabling to every wall. In these cases,
you can place APs with either integrated directional or external directional antennas on opposite sides
of the same wall. However, this is almost certain to increase ACI and CCI levels and must be done with
great care. Figure 27 shows the right and wrong ways to design this.
Never place back-to-back APs or antennas on the same channel. This does not work unless there is a lot
of space between them (at least 2X the adjacent-channel separation distances listed in AP and Antenna
Spacing – Side Coverage Strategy on page 46). Even with 20 dB front-to-back ratios (which would be
very good), interference will be significant. Instead, make sure there are at least 40 MHz of separation in
the channels (36 and 44 for instance).
Figure 27 Back-to-Back Directional Antennas
40 MHz frequency isolation between APs
Back-to-back APs
on same channel
50 | RF Design for HD WLANs
20 MHz frequency isolation
and observe adjacent channel
spatial separation distance
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 5
Infrastructure Optimizations
for HD WLANs
The HD WLAN capacity plan and RF coverage strategy you selected in the last two chapters depend on
a number of very important assumptions. For example, the usable channel count assumes that the AP
radios are optimally assigned and that all clients can use them. The concurrent user target assumes that
all clients in the auditorium are evenly distributed across APs, rather than being clustered together on
just a few of them. In this chapter, you will learn about specific Aruba infrastructure features that help
manage the environment to turn these assumptions into reality so that your design will work as
expected. Along with the capacity plan and RF design, the controller configuration is the third part of
the “recipe” for a successful high-density wireless network.
Essential ArubaOS Features for HD WLANs
ArubaOS can intelligently manage the HD WLAN environment to provide the best possible experience
to all users in the coverage area. To achieve this, the Aruba controller must be configured to
continuously optimize the allocation of channels, clients, power, and airtime. When learning HD WLAN
design, it is useful to think of these optimizations being applied in a specific sequence.
Even distribution of
channels with ARM
Enable load-aware,
voice-aware, and
video-aware scanning
2.4-GHz radios
disabled with ModeAware ARM or static
Enable DFS channels
if being used
Shift all 5-GHzcapable devices off
2.4-GHz band with
Band Steering
Even distribution of
clients with Spectrum
Load Balancing
Restrict the maximum
allowable EIRP with
ARM to minimize cell
Control power on
clients with 802.11h
Minimize CCI and
ACI with Receive
Channel Reuse
Ensure equal access
to medium with
Airtime Fairness
Limit “chatty”
Enable Multicast
Rate Optimization
and IGMP Snooping
Enable Dynamic
Multicast Optimization
for video
Reduce rate
adaptation by
eliminating low
legacy rates
This chapter presents the ArubaOS features behind these optimizations in detail. Some of these features
require that the wireless designer makes certain choices, and these are covered as well.
Achieving Optimal Channel Distribution
To make best use of scarce spectrum, we must optimize the distribution of RF spectrum to APs and
clients. In any HD WLAN, we would like to use as many allowed RF channels as possible, and ensure
that they are properly distributed within the coverage area after accounting for in-band 802.11 and nonWi-Fi transmissions outside the room.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs | 51
ARM Channel Selection
Enterprise WLANs commonly use automatic channel selection algorithms. The Aruba ARM technology
uses a distributed channel reuse management algorithm where each AP makes decisions independently
by sensing its environment and optimizing its local situation. The algorithm is designed so that this
iterative process converges quickly on the optimum channel plan for the entire network, but without a
central coordinating function.
Figure 28 ARM Channel and Transmit Power Selection Algorithm
Ambient noise
I nterference index
PHY , M AC errors
Channel selection
Client, load, VoIP, rogue monitoring
C overage index
Interference + coverag e
Tx power selectio n
Each AP periodically scans all allowed channels for other APs, clients, rogue APs, background noise,
and interference. During the scan, the AP is not servicing its own associated clients, so scanning can be
suspended for situations such as clients in power-save mode, active voice calls, or heavy load on the
When the scan is complete, two figures are derived: the “interference index” and “coverage index”.
These indexes are used to calculate the optimum channel and transmit power for the AP.
The interference index is a single figure that represents Wi-Fi activity and non-Wi-Fi noise and
interference on a channel. When the interference index on the current channel is high compared to
other channels, the AP will look for a better channel, generally choosing the channel with the lowest
interference index. This tends to avoid non-Wi-Fi interference, but also to minimize CCI as other APs on
the same channel contribute to the interference index.
The coverage index comprises the number of APs transmitting on a particular channel, weighted by
their signal strengths as measured by the AP. The ARM algorithm aims to maximize and equalize
coverage indexes for all channels, and this is the primary factor controlling an AP’s transmit power,
within configured limits. ARM also seeks to maximize the separation of adjacent channels when
possible, for instance separating channel 36 and 40 by at least one cell.
The result of the ARM channel reuse management algorithm in an HD WLAN is an optimum RF plan
that makes the best use of the available spectrum by distributing channels within the high-density
coverage zone so as to minimize CCI with APs outside.
Mode-Aware ARM
HD WLANs need many more 5-GHz radios than 2.4-GHz radios. The Aruba Mode-Aware feature
dynamically shifts surplus radios in the same RF neighborhood to become air monitors. The feature
actually works on both bands, but in an HD WLAN this feature primarily helps reduce or eliminate
overcoverage in the 2.4-GHz band.
The Mode-Aware algorithm is aware of the physical geography of the network, so it will only disable
nonedge APs into temporary air monitors when there is excessive RF coverage.
Mode-Aware ARM is disabled by default.
APs cannot be individually configured for Mode-Aware; the feature works across the entire physical
AP pool in each AP group.
Some customers may prefer to statically assign which 2.4GHz radios are enabled on which APs. This
may be accomplished by making AP-specific profile assignments in either the GUI or CLI.
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Achieving Optimal Client Distribution
After the RF channel and transmit power of each AP has been determined, we employ two other ARM
features - band steering and spectrum load balancing – to ensure that all of the clients are distributed
optimally between and within frequency bands.
Band Steering
Most enterprise WLANs use dual-radio APs, which provide simultaneous coverage in the 2.4-GHz and
5-GHz bands. In Wi-Fi, clients are primarily responsible for association choices, and so they should be
able to pick the optimum AP and frequency band, based on where they will achieve the best
performance. However, a number of factors prevent this in practice:
Some clients, including most Wi-Fi phones, older PCs, bar code readers, and other special-purpose
devices are only capable of 2.4-GHz operation. These devices have no option to use the 5-GHz band,
so it is generally desirable for 5-GHz-capable clients to use the 5 GHz band, which minimizes traffic
on the 2.4-GHz band.
While many notebook PCs, the most common WLAN client, are now capable of operation in either
band, they typically have a preference for 2.4 GHz, because that is the most commonly available.
When they find a suitable 2.4-GHz network, they usually stay in that band, even when 5-GHz service
is available.
The result is that even in dual-band networks, most clients connect at 2.4 GHz, even though it is the
most crowded, and interference-prone band and despite 5-GHz availability. As a result, the 2.4-GHz
band becomes congested, even though there is plentiful capacity at 5 GHz, and network usage is
The solution is for the HD WLAN to “steer” 5-GHz-capable clients to that band by giving them clear
conditions, which allows 2.4-GHz-limited clients more data capacity as their own 2.4-GHz band
becomes less crowded.
The infrastructure-controller steering mechanism used in ARM monitors probe requests from all clients
and notes when they transmit on the 5-GHz band. Association requests are refused at 2.4 GHz (with
exceptions for persistent clients to avoid disruption), so the client only hears 5-GHz APs, and connects
to them. Wi-Fi devices are not designed with this environment in mind, so the algorithm must be failsafe and must allow connection at 2.4 GHz when the client resists “steering.”
Figure 29 Effect of Band Steering on Throughput (Mbps)
Bef ore Band Steering
With Band Steering
Figure 29 shows the effect of band steering on data throughput (Mbps, vertical scale) for a population
of 802.11b and 802.11g clients at 2.4 GHz and 802.11a- and 902.11n clients at 5 GHz. In this case, as more
802.11a and 802.11n-capable clients were steered away from 2.4 GHz, the data throughput of both
802.11b and 802.11g clients increased while the new mix of clients at 5 GHz is more favorable to 802.11a
and 802.11n.
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Spectrum Load Balancing
The band steering technique just described is used to move suitable clients to the 5 GHz band. However,
another feature called spectrum load balancing moves clients away from congested APs or RF channels
into those with available capacity. This is especially useful in an HD WLAN where the large user
population is concentrated in a small area, where client devices have a choice between more than one
AP on different channels.
Empirical testing at Aruba has shown that the number of clients on a given channel, rather than per-AP,
is the dominant predictor of data capacity. This is because closely spaced APs create an interference
zone where Wi-Fi transmissions are detected by most APs and clients on the channel, so adding APs
merely increases CCI. We conclude that it is much more effective to move a client to a relatively
underutilized RF channel than to another AP on the same channel. To this end, the ARM load balancing
algorithm seeks to equalize the number of clients on each available channel. While the decision of
which AP to choose is normally left to the client, it is the ARM infrastructure-controlled load balancing
that uses a “refused” code in the association response frame to bounce the client to a “better” channel.
Figure 30 Data Capacity Improvement with ARM Load Balancing
Channels in use
With no load balancing
With ARM load balancing
The ARM algorithm uses the number of clients, rather than data rates or load because we have found
that historical patterns of behavior are not a good indicator of future activity. A device may be passive
for hours, and then suddenly start a high-rate transaction, and after it has begun, it would be disruptive
to balance it to another channel. Similarly, a very active client may suddenly fall silent. Traffic is
unpredictable, and the optimum solution flows from assuming that each client is equally capable of
generating traffic.
Wi-Fi devices have, as yet, no standard way to detect dynamic load on an AP. However, the new 802.11k
amendment will allow APs to advertise current traffic and available capacity, and when 802.11k-capable
clients appear, the ARM load balancing algorithm may extend infrastructure control through this
Optimal Power Control
Now that we have seen how to achieve an optimal distribution of channels and clients, we turn our
attention to controlling transmit power and receive sensitivity to minimize the amount of 802.11
interference in the HD WLAN.
How ACI and CCI Reduce WLAN Performance
Auditoriums and other HD WLANs are especially vulnerable to ACI due to the proximity of many APs
and users in the same room. CCI is also a threat to overall performance. This is true even when
channels are not reused inside the auditorium itself, because those channels are often reused outside.
To understand how to mitigate ACI and CCI, you must first understand the mechanisms by which they
degrade performance.
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How the 802.11 Carrier Sense Works
802.11 networks use Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA), in which each
station with data to transmit utilizes a carrier sense mechanism to determine whether the channel is
busy or idle. Unlike Ethernet, where collisions can be physically detected, two or more frames colliding
on the air leave no evidence. For this reason, both a virtual carrier sense and a physical carrier sense
must report an idle channel before a station may transmit:
Physical Carrier Sense: For the channel to be idle, the Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) must
report that no energy is detected above a defined threshold. CCA is a complex subject beyond the
scope of this guide. For purposes of HD WLANs, the key point is that strong ACI will cause the CCA
to report a channel as busy.
Virtual Carrier Sense: For the channel to be idle, the Network Allocation Vector (NAV) must be
zero. All 802.11 frames contain a preamble that includes a length field that tells receiving stations
how much time that frame will take on the air. When a Wi-Fi station receives a frame with a valid
preamble from any other station—whether part of the same Basic Service Set (BSS) or not— it must
use the duration field to set a counter called the NAV. This is essentially a timer that is always
counting down. As long as the NAV is greater than zero, the virtual carrier knows that the medium is
busy. This is the primary mechanism of detecting so-called co-channel interference. It is not
interference per se, like Bluetooth, but a way of ensuring that only one station can transmit at a
To maximize the performance of any HD WLAN, it is of fundamental importance to control the transmit
power of stations in the auditorium to reduce ACI, and to limit the receive sensitivity of the AP to
provide some protection against weak co-channel sources. It may also be necessary to enable Requestto-Send / Clear-to-Send (RTS/CTS) depending on conditions in each individual auditorium.
How Adjacent Channel Interference Reduces WLAN Performance
The spectrum of an 802.11 transmission is not shaped like a “barn door” with vertical edges, but with a
more gradual or tapering decline of power at frequencies beyond the edge of the nominal band. Energy
outside the nominal envelope can cause noise and increase errors in adjacent channels. In most
enterprise deployments, this is not a factor because APs on adjacent channels are separated by at least
60 ft (20 m). The expected free-space propagation loss at that distance is 80 dB in 5 GHz, which
provides adequate isolation to minimize or avoid ACI performance impacts.
Figure 31 802.11n HT20 Spectral Mask
-9 MHz
0 dBr
-20 MHz
-28 dBr
+9 MHz
0 dBr
-11 MHz
-20 dBr
+11 MHz
-20 dBr
+20 MHz
-28 dBr
-30 MHz
+30 MHz
-40 dBr
-20 MHz
-10 MHz
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
+10 MHz
+20 MHz
+30 MHz
-30 MHz
-40 dBr
Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs | 55
However, in an HD WLAN with multiple adjacent channel APs spaced close together, Wi-Fi signals are
received at sufficiently high power levels to cause the 802.11 carrier sense mechanism to declare the
channel busy. In this situation, adjacent channels have effectively become part of the same collision
domain. This problem is even more significant for adjacent clients that are even more numerous and
more tightly packed than the APs. Therefore, at the densities required for HD WLANs, otherwise
“nonoverlapping” 5-GHz channels actually do overlap.
Consider the HD WLAN in Figure 32, which has three pairs of APs and clients, each one on an adjacent
20-MHz channel. Pairs 1 and 3 are transmitting heavy-duty cycle traffic such as a video stream. All six
stations are configured to use 20 dBm EIRP.
Figure 32 ACI Example with APs and Clients at Short Range
(Ch. 36)
(Ch. 40)
(Ch. 44)
Station 1
0.5 m
(-44 dBr)
Station 2
Station 3
(-50 dBr)
0.5 m
AP2 and station 2 on channel 40 now want to transmit and perform a CCA. Because pair 1 is only 3.2 ft
(1 m) away, their transmissions are received at -44 dBm, while signals from pair 2 travel 6.5 ft (2 m) and
are received at -50 dBm. Neither AP2 nor station 2 are allowed to transmit because the detected energy
exceeds the CCA threshold, even though no one else is using the channel.
Figure 33 Frequency Domain Illustration of ACI at Short Range
Station 1
(-44 dBr)
Station 3
(-50 dBr)
Channel 36
5170 MHz
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Inside an auditorium, with minimal free space propagation loss between stations, the edge of the skirt
can easily be -75 dBm or higher. This is easily modeled. Note how reducing the transmit EIRP from
20 dBm to just 3 dBm reduces the interference radius by more than a factor of 4.
Figure 34 ACI Power vs. Receiver Distance
(Peak Skirt Power = 20 dBr, n=2.2, 2.4-GHz NF = -95 dBm, 5-GHz NF = -105 dBm)
The effect of ACI is easy to measure in an HD WLAN environment. The following test was conducted
with two side-by-side groups of 10 clients, each associated to an AP on an adjacent HT20 channel. A
baseline was taken first, with each group testing separately. Then the test was rerun with each group
(channel) transmitting simultaneously. The two groups were moved 25 ft (7.6 m) and 50 ft (15.2 m)
apart with tests run at both locations. These results align with the previous model quite well.
Figure 35 TCP Throughput with Decreasing Distance and Increasing ACI
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The primary method to reduce ACI is to use the minimum amount of transmit power necessary for the
size of the auditorium. In general, Aruba’s research shows that an EIRP of 6 dBm is more than adequate
for most high-density zones.
Reducing client transmit power is even more important than the AP power. Ensure that 802.11h
Transmit Power Control is enabled in your HD WLAN to influence those clients that honor it to match
the AP transmit power. In large, heterogenous auditoriums where IT does not control the user devices,
it’s a good idea to ask all users to go into their client NIC utility and reduce the transmit power to a
medium value. We will explore in more detail how to reduce AP and client power in the next section.
From an AP perspective, the other method of reducing ACI is to ensure maximum possible physical
separation of adjacent channel APs. This is the reason to evenly distribute APs throughout the coverage
area. ARM will then make channel assignments to maximize the physical distance between same and
adjacent channels.
How Co-Channel Interference Reduces WLAN Performance
Co-channel interference has an even greater negative impact on overall performance. This is true even
when channels are not reused inside the auditorium itself, because those channels are generally reused
outside. Walls and floors provide some isolation, but even highly attenuated Wi-Fi signals can often be
decoded by the increasingly sensitive radios in modern NICs.
CCI is realized as collisions on the air, when more than one station seeks to transmit on a given RF
channel. Many such situations involve transmissions within the cell of an AP, as different clients – and
the AP itself – contend for transmit opportunities. However, at least as many collisions occur between
APs and clients in neighboring cells that share the same RF channel. These collisions occur even with
reduced AP transmit power, because many clients use a fixed, high transmit power.
The key concept is that any Wi-Fi device that detects an 802.11 frame on the air is inhibited from
transmitting or receiving any other transmission until the frame has ended. It does not matter if the
transmitting and receiving stations are on the same SSID, as long as they are on the same channel and
can decode one another's frames this will be the case. However, bursts of energy that are too weak to
be decoded as 802.11 frames are much less damaging to throughput, because a second transmission can
occur simultaneously, if the difference in signal levels is sufficient. Figure 36 shows this effect.
Figure 36 Effect of Simultaneous Transmissions on Data Capacity
When A-w and D-t are simultaneous
A w
Data transferred
A w
When A-w1 and D-t1 are not simultaneous (all devices are in one collision domain)
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This effect is also very easy to measure. We took the same two groups of 10 clients and put them on the
same channel at a distance of 50 ft (15.2 m). Each group was run separately and the results added. This
produced a solo AP and dual solo AP baseline. Then the test was rerun with both groups transmitting
simultaneously. A third group of 10 clients with another AP was then added to the same channel and the
test was rerun. The results of the previous ACI tests are also shown for comparison.
We see in the results that CCI reduces the overall capacity of a channel as a result of the contention and
collision effects just described. It is also clear that adding more APs actually reduces capacity when
they share the same collision domain.
Figure 37 ACI vs. CCI: Bidirectional TCP Throughput
These are three basic strategies to minimize CCI effects in a high-density coverage area:
Good RF Design: Do not reuse channels inside the same HD WLAN to limit CCI effects in the same
area. Choose a coverage strategy that will minimize CCI from other APs near the auditorium, taking
into account the construction of the building. If using a picocell strategy, engage an experienced
wireless integrator with the training and tools to properly design it.
Limit transmit power: Do not use even 1 dB more power than is absolutely required. Less is truly
more, because less power will produce more throughput.
Control the Receive Sensitivity Threshold: Use the Aruba Channel Reuse Management (CRM)
feature to selectively deafen the APs in the auditorium. CRM includes an intelligent dynamic mode
and also a static mode. This can provide a performance benefit on downstream traffic leaving the
You may also wish to experiment with enabling RTS/CTS if the above methods are not yielding the
desired level of control.
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Limiting AP Transmitter Power
For optimal performance, it is recommended to shape the decisions that ARM makes for APs in an HD
WLAN, since the wireless designer typically has greater knowledge of the physical environment than
ARM does. Aruba recommends the following steps:
1. Separate AP group and ARM profile: APs for an auditorium or other high-density coverage zone
should be provisioned together into their own AP group. This group should have its own ARM
profile allocated that contains optimizations for the HD WLAN. If you have multiple auditoriums, it's
generally a good idea to create separate AP groups for each one. This may be a little more work up
front, but it simplifies the process of making adjustments on a specific room later.
2. Set min and max transmit power in the ARM profile: ARM behavior can be bounded in several
ways, including the minimum and maximum conducted power it can choose. Due to the specialized
RF designs and antenna patterns used in auditoriums, we need to help ARM make choices that
match the designer's intentions. Aruba typically recommends a min TX power of between 0 and
3 dBm, and a max TX power of between 3 dBm and 6 dBm. Different size rooms will have different
optimal settings. This is a good reason to make each high-density zone its own AP group.
ARM configuration is addressed in Chapter 6, “Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs” on page 67.
Limiting Client Transmitter Power
Transmit Power Control (TPC) is a technical mechanism that is used within some client devices to
reduce interference and thereby increase the throughput in HD WLAN coverage areas by reducing the
client transmit power. TPC is implemented in IEEE 802.11h and client devices must support this
feature. HD WLAN owners should encourage their users to enable this feature on their client devices.
Configuring ArubaOS to support TPC is explained in Chapter 6, “Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs”
on page 67.
Enabling the Aruba RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse Feature
Aruba offers a method of adjusting AP receive sensitivity, Receive Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel
Reuse (RST), which helps the APs to automatically reject interference from co-channel sources outside
the high-density coverage area. RST can also provide some immunity to ACI sources within the same
auditorium or high-density environment.
The receive sensitivity of a Wi-Fi device, in this case an AP, defines the lowest signal level at which it
can successfully decode a frame on the air. In residential APs, one device must cover a whole house, so
it is important to have the highest possible sensitivity (to the weakest possible signal) to receive signals
from distant clients. However, enterprise HD WLANs always offer the client a good signal from a nearby
AP and an AP can always receive a good signal from the client. Thus, the enterprise WLAN always
operates with “good” signal levels, and link failures are not due to weak signals but rather to
interference from its collision domain.
Consider a very weak Wi-Fi frame on the air. If it is just too weak to be detected, it will be seen as noise
and a subsequent, stronger transmission will be correctly received. But if the initial frame is just
powerful enough to be detected, the receiver will lock onto it, even if it is not addressed to the receiving
device, and the subsequent, strong frame will be ignored. The better the receive sensitivity of an AP, the
more distant Wi-Fi frames it will detect and the larger its collision domain.
The best technique to reduce this CCI effect is to reduce the receive sensitivity of the AP. Doing so
means that weak frames from distant cells will still raise the noise floor, but they will not be decoded as
802.11 frames and the increased noise level will still be much lower than transmissions from nearby
clients. Consequently no appreciable change in the error rate will occur. This is the purpose of the
Aruba RST feature.
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The RST algorithm measures received signal levels from associated clients and applies a moving
average to reduce the AP’s receive sensitivity based on the worst-case (that is, farthest) client. The
adjustment is dynamic, so if all clients connect with good signal strength, the sensitivity will be
considerably reduced. However, if some clients are distant, the reduction in sensitivity will be less. A
static mode is also available if the wireless designer wants to specify a fixed power level for the filter.
This has the effect of tuning out more distant transmissions while maintaining responsiveness in cases
where a client has a weak signal.
Figure 38 Operation of the Receive Sensitivity Tuning Threshold
0 dBm
-20 dBm
-40 dBm
-60 dBm
Rx sensitivity
Channel 1
-80 dBm
By dynamically or statically setting the RST threshold higher (closer to 0 dBm) signals from more
distant APs are ignored, transmit deferrals are reduced, and network throughput is increased. However,
the RST threshold must not be set so high that there is insufficient SNR to demodulate the highest data
rates. Aruba generally recommends a minimum SNR of 25 dBm to achieve MCS7 and 15. You can use
Figure 34 on page 57 to estimate the ideal threshold if you wish to use static mode. Simply identify the
lowest signal level for the maximum EIRP you allow ARM to choose and use that as your threshold.
Optimal Airtime Management
The Aruba technologies described in this chapter have optimized the available channels, distributed
clients evenly among them, and used power control to shape the physical cell size. The final key to
maximizing performance is to keep the 802.11 data rates as high as possible for every transmission.
This section explains five additional Aruba features that help ensure optimal airtime management:
Ensuring equal access with Airtime Fairness
Limiting “Chatty” Protocols
Enabling Multicast Rate Optimization
Enabling Dynamic Multicast Optimization for video
Limiting Supported Data Rates
Ensuring Equal Access with Airtime Fairness
Wireless is a half-duplex medium where a single physical channel is shared amongst multiple nodes.
The maximum achievable throughput by any client is dependent upon the slowest transmitting peer.
This is due to the fact that CSMA/CA prevents collision but does not provide air time fairness for clients
associated at different data rates. In a situation such as this, some of the clients are starved of airtime
while the others are not. The clients associated at low data rates eat up all the air time, which degrades
the wireless performance for clients that are associated at high rates.
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The Aruba WLAN infrastructure maintains application performance in high-density areas (such as
lecture halls) with scheduled airtime fairness.
Across heterogeneous clients (such as Broadcom, Intel, and Atheros)
Across heterogeneous operating systems (such as XP, Vista, and MacOS)
The time allocation policy has three options:
Default access: Disables air time allocation
Fair access: Allocates same air time to all clients by the process of token allocation
Preferred access: Allocates more air time to high-throughput clients
Preferred access is generally recommended for HD WLANs. This option applies higher weights to faster
modes, for example, assuring that an 802.11n client can complete a transaction much faster than its
802.11a equivalent. Preferential fairness offers the highest overall data capacity, but at some cost to
less-capable clients. Some network managers would welcome this as a subtle nudge to the user
population to upgrade to 802.11n clients.
Figure 39 shows the effect of using all three modes. On the left, the absolute airtime is shown in
milliseconds obtained by a mix of a/b/g/n clients using Default, Fair and Preferred access. On the right,
the UDP throughput achieved by those same clients is shown. We see that Fair access increases 11n
client time-on-channel by up to 1089% and a 3X increase in throughput. Preferred access turns in a
3176% increase in airtime, which yields a 5X increase in throughput. Clearly, the Aruba Airtime Fairness
feature has a significant impact on any auditorium with an expected heterogenous client mix.
Figure 39 Performance Improvement with Airtime Fairness Fair and Preferred Modes
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A particularly powerful way to evaluate the operation of Airtime Fairness is to examine its impact on
individual clients and flows. The throughput vs. time graph from a 20-client TCP downstream Ixia
Chariot test in Figure 40 shows the difference in the individual client throughput when the shaping
policy is toggled from default access to fair access. The quasi-random contention-based access on the
left gives way to a much steadier result on the right due to the airtime shaping algorithm that imposes
consistent access tokens to different client types.
Figure 40 Effect of Airtime Fairness Token Algorithm on Individual TCP Streams
Limiting “Chatty” Protocols
“Chatty” network protocols are those with a high frequency of small frame transmissions, such as IPv6
or mDNS. As of this writing, most organizations do not have a requirement for IPv6 or other chatty
protocol connectivity. However, Windows Vista comes with IPv6 enabled by default and the Apple
iPhone generates large amounts of multicast traffic. In an HD WLAN, this type of traffic consumes
precious airtime that is needed by other users. Restrict or eliminate chatty protocols to cut down
unnecessary traffic that is not needed for most day-to-day applications in the high-density zone.
Specifically, Aruba recommends using ACLs and settings on the controller to restrict this traffic as
Limit what devices can appear in the controller’s user table by specifying exactly what subnets and
protocols are allowed through the “validuser” IP access list. The following CLI command can be
used: “firewall local-valid users.”
If IPv6 is not required, it is suggested to block it via Ethernet ACL on each mobility controller
interface and user-role. IPv6 quickly consumes user entries on the controller, and it is chatty with
multicast by default with some devices. It is a good general security best practice to disable any
unused network protocols to minimize potential risks.
If netbios-ns, netbios-dgm, mDNS, UPnP, and SSDP protocols are not required, it is strongly
suggested to block them in the appropriate user role. These protocols are quite chatty through
device queries or announcements and are mainly used for discovering devices in small networks,
such as in-home networks. Most devices that support these protocols can easily use DNS instead,
which is a more optimal protocol for large, highly mobile networks.
Prevent HD WLAN clients from accidentally being configured as DHCP Servers by blocking the
protocol port “udp 68,” which is used for DHCP server replies. This setting should be applied to
every user role.
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When creating ACLs, use netdestination aliases when several rules have protocols and actions in
common with multiple hosts or networks, to simplify firewall policy configuration. The
netdestination alias allows adding IP addresses by host, network, range, or by using the invert
feature. It is best to use “network” to specify a range of hosts when creating a netdestination alias to
minimize the number of ACL entries created on the controllers. The maximum limit is 8,000 entries
for the Aruba M3, 3000 and 600-series controllers. The limit is 4,000 entries for Aruba 2400 and 800series controllers.
Maximizing Data Rate of Multicast traffic
Traditional multicast-over-WLAN implementations involve sending multicast frames over the air at base
transmission rates (1 or 6 Mbps for 802.11b or 802.11g/a/n respectively). This significantly reduces the
maximum transmission bandwidth for a WLAN. Further, multicast transmissions are not acknowledged
in 802.11, thus multicast delivery is inherently unreliable.
Figure 41 Optimization Methods for Multicast Rate Selection
Optimizing Multicast Modulation Rates
12 Mbps
Multicast algorithm
‘simple’ algorithm
9 Mbps
2 Mbps
6 Mbps
Modulation rate
Lowest basic rate = 1 Mbps
Lowest rate in use
Rate to z = 2 Mbps
Lowest rate for members of
this multicast group (v, w, y)
Rate to y = 6 Mbps
24 Mbps
Channel A
The default behavior in 802.11 is to transmit multicast traffic at the lowest configured basic rate for the
AP, so it stands the best chance of reaching all associated clients. This can be very expensive in terms
of time on the medium, and multicast has been the subject of many optimization techniques.
ARM technology includes a number of techniques to reduce the time on the medium of multicast traffic:
Instead of transmitting all traffic at the lowest configured rate of the AP, the AP can identify the
lowest actual rate used by all of its clients, or a configured minimum rate, which is often
considerably higher. This is shown in Figure 41.
APs are configured as bridges by default, so they automatically transmit all multicast traffic whether
or not there is a member of the multicast group on a particular AP. By using IGMP snooping, the
infrastructure can identify which APs and clients need particular transmissions, blocking all others.
Enabling Dynamic Multicast Optimization for Video
Under certain circumstances it may be desirable to turn multicast traffic into unicast, which means that
generally that it can be transmitted at a higher modulation rate and an ACK will ensure consistent
Aruba’s latest innovation in this area, Dynamic Multicast Optimization, makes reliable, high-quality
multicast transmissions over WLAN possible. Multicast over WLAN, by provisions of the 802.11
standard, needs to be transmitted at the lowest supported rate so that all clients can decode it.
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The Aruba solution tackles the multicast reliability problem on multiple fronts:
IGMP Snooping ensures that the wired infrastructure sends video traffic only to those APs that have
DMO sends multicast traffic as unicast traffic, which can be transmitted at much higher speeds and
has an acknowledgement mechanism ensuring reliable multicast.
Transmission automatically switches back to multicast when the client count increases high enough
that the efficiency of unicast is lost.
Multicast-rate-optimization keeps track of the transmit rates sustainable for each associated client
and use the lowest common sustainable rate for multicast transmissions.
As a result, reliable high-performance multicast video delivery over a high-density wireless network
becomes a reality.
Limiting Supported Legacy Data Rates
It is essential to reduce the number of supported data rates in an HD WLAN to maximize speeds as well
as to cut back on derating due to the collision process.
Most if not all users in an auditorium will connect to their nearest AP at the highest data rate supported
by their wireless NIC. This is made possible by a clear line of sight to the APs, and the absence of walls
or other structures to block signal. At the same time, the high density of users virtually guarantees
abnormally high collision rates. In most WLANs, the default behavior when a collision is detected is to
try again at a lower data rate. Sometimes, this results in the same frame being tried over and over at
progressively slower rates. Aruba has an automatic feature that will intelligently retry at higher rates
when packet loss is due to a collision as opposed to a client moving farther away. We can further
reduce the number of low-rate retries by limiting the supported rates in the high-density BSS.
Aruba recommends that you enable only the top two data rates for each legacy PHY type:
48 and 54 Mbps for 802.11a/g
5.5 and 11 Mbps for 802.11b
At this time, Aruba does not recommend disabling any MCS rates as it has been observed to cause
unpredictable client driver behaviors.
Other Required Infrastructure Settings
VLAN Pooling
Use VLAN pools in the virtual AP profile for large networks that require more than one subnet for
HD WLAN clients within a specific floor or building. Doing so restricts the size of the broadcast domain,
thereby limiting unnecessary traffic.
Keep each VLAN subnet within a VLAN pool to a 24-bit subnet mask.
Do not have more than 10 VLANs within a pool so that broadcast or multicast traffic does not
consume too much air time access.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs | 65
66 | Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 6
Configuring ArubaOS
for HD-WLANs
This chapter explains how to enable and configure the Aruba controller options described in the last
chapter for a high-density deployment. The configuration options for HD WLANs are:
Even distribution of
channels with ARM
Enable load-aware,
voice-aware, and
video-aware scanning
2.4-GHz radios
disabled with ModeAware ARM or static
Enable DFS channels
if being used
Shift all 5-GHzcapable devices off
2.4-GHz band with
Band Steering
Even distribution of
clients with Spectrum
Load Balancing
Restrict the maximum
allowable EIRP with
ARM to minimize cell
Control power on
clients with 802.11h
Minimize CCI and
ACI with Receive
Channel Reuse
Ensure equal access
to medium with
Airtime Fairness
Limit “chatty”
Enable Multicast
Rate Optimization
and IGMP Snooping
Enable Dynamic
Multicast Optimization
for video
Reduce rate
adaptation by
eliminating low
legacy rates
This chapter assumes that a complete base configuration already exists on the controller that conforms
with Aruba best practices as laid out in any of the VRD base designs.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 67
Achieving Optimal Channel Distribution
Enabling ARM Channel/Power Selection
ARM is enabled and set to single-band assignment by default in the ArubaOS 3.4 configuration. ARM is
essentially turned on by selecting an ARM assignment and enabling scanning in the ARM profile. The
ARM operational mode has these options:
Single-band: Enables ARM scanning for channels in either 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz band.
Multiband: Enables ARM scanning for both 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands.
Maintain: Keeps the AP operating on the current channel and power level. Does not change the AP
power or channel based upon information gathered during ARM scanning. This setting is most often
used to keep all settings the same while troubleshooting or performing a site survey.
Disable: Returns all APs to the channel set in the relevant RF radio profile. AP power level and
channel will not be changed based upon ARM information.
Figure 42 ARM Profile Configuration
The scanning checkbox enables ARM scanning and is necessary for ARM to function properly.
The Aruba controller is application aware and can also perform deep packet inspection of the traffic
flowing across the HD WLAN using its ICSA certified stateful firewall and stop scanning accordingly.
The following scanning modes can be independently enabled or disabled:
Voice aware scanning: In the presence of voice traffic, scanning is postponed.
Video aware scanning: In the presence of video traffic, scanning is postponed.
Load aware scanning: In the presence of high traffic loads on the AP, scanning is postponed.
Voice aware scan and videoaware scan can be configured in the controller GUI by selecting the
checkbox in the ARM profile or by using the CLI. Aruba recommends that all three modes be employed
in most auditorium environments.
68 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Here are the equivalent CLI commands to configure these features from a secure shell:
Voice aware scanning: Defers ARM
scans when active voice calls are
present on an AP.
rf arm-profile <arm profile name>
Video aware scanning: Skips ARM
scans when active video flows are
present on an AP.
rf arm-profile <arm profile name>
Load aware scanning: Skips ARM
scans during high traffic load
conditions, 1.25 Mbps default
ArubaOS and before:
rf arm-profile <arm profile name>
ArubaOS and after:
rf arm-profile <arm profile name>
load-aware-scan-threshold <bytes per second>
Enabling Mode-Aware ARM
Enable Mode-Aware ARM to dynamically convert excess 2.4-GHz APs into air monitors in response to
changing load conditions.
To configure from the ArubaOS GUI, note the Mode Aware ARM checkbox in the ARM Profile in Figure
42 on page 68. Aruba recommends a value of 6 for HD-WLAN environments.
Mode-Aware: Dynamically
switches APs to air monitors if
ARM detects high coverage
overlap to mitigate CCI.
rf arm-profile <arm profile name>
ideal-coverage-index 6
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 69
Enabling DFS Channels
DFS channels are disabled by default. If needed for your HD WLAN, they can be enabled in the
Regulatory Domain profile for the AP group in the controller GUI. After the Country has been selected,
use the check boxes to select or deselect the applicable channels for DFS operation in the designated
country. For a list of all DFS channels, please see Table 2 on page 21.
Figure 43 Valid Channel Selection in the Regulatory Domain Profile
DFS channels can be also be enabled or disabled via the following CLI commands:
ap regulatory-domain-profile default
valid-11a-channel <20mhz channel number>
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair <40mhz channel pair>
no valid-11a-channel <20mhz channel number>
no valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair <40mhz channel pair>
70 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Achieving Optimal Client Distribution
Enabling Band Steering
Band Steering is a feature of ARM that moves 802.11a/n-capable devices to the 5-GHz band.
To enable the ARM Band Steering feature, check the Band Steering checkbox in the Virtual AP Profile.
Figure 44 Configuring Band Steering in the Virtual AP Profile
The Band Steering feature will not work unless you enable the Local Probe Response parameter in
the Wireless LAN SSID profile for the SSID that requires band steering. This parameter is normally
enabled by default.
1. This VAP profile parameter should
only be applied to VAPs that are
configured for all bands (a/b/g).
Local probe response must be
enabled as well.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
wlan ssid-profile <HD-WLAN client ssid name>
wlan virtual-ap <HD-WLAN client vap name>
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 71
Enabling ARM Spectrum Load Balancing
ARM Spectrum Load Balancing can be enabled directly in the 802.11a or 802.11g radio profile by
checking the box.
Figure 45 Configuring Spectrum Load Balancing in the Radio Profile
1. Spectrum Load Balancing requires
ArubaOS The feature may
be enabled on a per-radio basis.
72 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
rf dot11a-radio-profile <802.11a rf profile name>
rf dot11g-radio-profile <802.11g rf profile name>
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Achieving Optimal Power Control
Reducing AP Transmitter Power
Configuring the max and min power settings for each AP radio controls the physical RF cell size. In
high-density environments, smaller physical RF coverage areas will reduce CCI and ACI, which
improves performance. Aruba recommends using transmit power no greater than 10dBm for overhead
and side-coverage deployments with a minimum of 6dBm. For picocell deployments, a maximum power
of 6 dBm should be used, with a minimum of 3 dBm. A qualified wireless designer should validate these
recommendations for each individual auditorium during the commissioning phase.
To set the AP transmit power limits on the Aruba GUI, edit the 802.11a and 802.11g radio profiles in the
RF Management section as shown Figure 46.
Figure 46 Configuring Transmit Power in the ARM Profile
Minimum and Maximum transmit power must be individually configured on each radio. The example
above shows the 5-GHz radio settings.
Or use the following CLI commands:
1. Configure the minimum and
maximum transmit power in the
ARM profile that is referenced in
each radio profile.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
rf arm-profile <HD-WLAN client arm profile name>
min-tx-power <desired minimum transmit power>
max-tx-power <desired maximum transmit power>
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 73
Limiting Client Transmitter Power
Client devices greatly outnumber APs in any HD WLAN, so it is critical that as many of them as possible
reduce their transmit power to match the AP setting. This can greatly reduce ACI and CCI in the
auditorium. 802.11h TPC should be enabled for clients that honor 802.11h power constraint
announcements. This is enabled in ArubaOS graphical interface under the RF section.
Figure 47 Configuring 802.11h in the Radio Profile
1. Enabling 802.11h in the RF profile
turns on the country and power
constraint information element in
the 802.11 header of all SSIDs in
the corresponding AP group.
rf dot11a-radio-profile <802.11a rf profile name>
rf dot11g-radio-profile <802.11g rf profile name>
Minimizing CCI with RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse
Aruba provides a configurable knob to control the AP receive sensitivity, called RX Sensitivity TuningBased Channel Reuse. This feature is useful in high-density deployments where the APs adjust their
hearing capability dynamically, thereby mitigating adjacent channel interference and facilitating
channel re-use between adjacent dense WLANs.
This feature is being renamed to Channel Reuse Management in a future ArubaOS release.
The channel reuse mode is configured through an 802.11a or 802.11g RF management profile. You can
configure the channel reuse feature to operate in one of three modes: static, dynamic, or disable. (This
feature is disabled by default.)
Dynamic mode: This mode is recommended for HD-WLANs. In this mode, the Clear Channel
Assessment (CCA) thresholds are based on channel loads, and take into account the location of the
associated clients. When you set the Channel Reuse feature to dynamic mode, this feature is
automatically enabled when the wireless medium around the AP is busy greater than half the time.
The CCA threshold adjusts to accommodate transmissions between the AP and its most distant
associated client.
74 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Static mode: This mode is a coverage-based adaptation of the CCA thresholds. In the static mode of
operation, the CCA is adjusted according to the configured transmission power level on the AP, so
as the AP transmit power decreases as the CCA threshold increases, and vice versa.
Disable mode: This mode does not support the tuning of the CCA Detect Threshold.
This feature is not available for DFS channels.
To enable RX Sensitivity Channel Reuse, select either dynamic or static from the drop-down menu in
the 802.11a radio profile.
Figure 48 Configuring Channel Reuse in the Radio Profile
The following example is a CLI configuration of how to configure RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel
1. Valid channel reuse policies are
disable, dynamic or static.
2. For static mode, a threshold in
dBm must be specified.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
rf dot11g-radio-profile <802.11g rf profile
channel-reuse <disable, dynamic, or
channel-reuse-threshold <Rx Sensitivity
Threshold value in -dBm>
rf dot11a-radio-profile <802.11a rf profile
channel-reuse <disable, dynamic, or
channel-reuse-threshold <Rx Sensitivity
Threshold value in -dBm>
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 75
Achieving Optimal Airtime Management
Enabling Airtime Fairness
Airtime Fairness is a traffic-shaping feature that prevents legacy clients from starving modern highthroughput clients, and it ensures an equitable distribution of finite medium access opportunities.
In the controller GUI, navigate to the QOS section, choose the Traffic Management Profile, and choose
the policy from the drop-down box.
Figure 49 Configuring Airtime Fairness in the Traffic Management Profile
1. There is no default 'wlan
It must be created.
2. Valid policy types are default,
fair-access, and preferredaccess.
3. The 'wlan traffic management
profile' is applied separately to
each radio at the AP group level.
wlan traffic-management-profile <wtm profile name>
bw-alloc virtual-ap default share <percentage>
shaping-policy <policy type>
ap-group <ap group name>
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile <wtm profile name>
dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile <wtm profile name>
To verify that Airtime Fairness is enabled, you may use this procedure:
1. Open the CLI using a terminal emulation program.
2. Type “show wlan traffic-management-profile <default>” to check the current configuration
(Default is the profile name which may change based on your configuration).
3. Confirm that the station shaping policy corresponds to your selected mode.
76 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Limiting “Chatty” Protocols
To configure the wired port firewall policy in the controller GUI, navigate to the Configuration > Ports
page and select the firewall policy from the drop-down menu.
Figure 50 Configuring Firewall Policies in the Wired Port Profile
The following configuration suggestions have some parameters that are meant for customers that do
not require IPv6 and other chatty protocol connectivity. Limiting this type of connectivity for their
wireless users cuts down unnecessary traffic that is not needed for most day-to-day application and
network use.
1. IPv6 is disabled by default, but
take this configuration step if it
shows enabled with the CLI
command “show ipv6 firewall”.
no ipv6 firewall enable
2. Prevent any IPv6 traffic passing
through the mobility controller.
no ipv6 enable
3. This ACL prevents any HD WLAN
client from discovering services
and devices through Multicast
Domain Name Service. Apply this
ACL to all user roles.
ip access-list session deny_mDNS_acl
any any udp 5353 deny
NOTE: This setting will prevent
mDNS-based peer-to-peer
communication. In particular,
Apple devices utilizing Bonjour
will no longer be able to discover
one another. If mDNS is required
in your auditorium, skip this step.
4. This ACL prevents any HD WLAN
client from discovering services
and devices through Universal
Plug and Play and Simple Service
Discovery Protocol. Apply this
ACL to all user-roles.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
ip access-list session deny_SSDP_and_UPnP_acl
any host any deny
any host any deny
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 77
5. This ACL prevents any HD WLAN !
ip access-list session-acl deny_netbios_acl
client from discovering services
any any udp 137 deny
and devices through NetBios
any any udp 138 deny
protocol. This should be applied to
all user-roles.
6. This ACL is in the logon system
user-role by default, but it should
be applied to all user-roles to
block any wireless device from
acting as a DHCP server.
ip access-list session
user any udp 68 deny
7. This is an example user-role with
the suggested protocol deny
statements. Notice that the eth-acl
should be at the top of the list.
Some administrators may not
want an “allowall” session ACL in
the HD WLAN user role, so make
sure to create ACLs that specify
which protocols are allowed and
apply it to the user-role. Note that
there is an implicit deny at the
user-role <wireless user role name>
session-acl deny_mDNS_acl
session-acl deny_SSDP_and_UPnP_acl
session deny_netbios_acl
session-acl deny_client_acting_as_server_acl
session-acl allowall
8. The IPv6 eth ACL should be
applied to all interfaces on all
mobility controllers.
interface [all active Fastethernet/
gigabitethernet/port-channel] <slot/port value>
ip access-group no-ipv6-acl in
Implementing Multicast Enhancements
As discussed in Chapter 5, “Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs” on page 51, Aruba
recommends that two features be enabled to improve multicast airtime efficiency: Multicast Rate
Optimization and IGMP Snooping.
Enabling Multicast Rate Optimization
Additionally broadcast/multicast rate optimization is configured as part of the SSID profile to select the
optimal data rate for broadcast and multicast frames. This is accomplished by forwarding frames over
the air at the lowest control rate, which is generally higher than the lowest configured data rate for the
specified PHY type.
78 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
To enable broadcast and multicast rate optimization, check the box in the SSID profile as shown Figure
Figure 51 Configuring Multicast Rate Optimization in the SSID Profile
1. This SSID profile parameter
forwards broadcast and multicast
packets in the air at the highest
802.11 control data rate. Apply this
feature to all HD WLAN SSID
profiles to provide the best
performance to associated clients.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
wlan ssid-profile <HD-WLAN client ssid profile
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 79
Enabling IGMP Snooping
IGMP Snooping is configured in the IP/VLAN settings to ensure that multicast traffic is only replicated
to APs with active members of a multicast group, which limits the unnecessary flooding to all APs on a
given mobility controller.
Figure 52 Configuring IGMP Proxy on the VLAN Interface
1. Apply IGMP snooping to all
HD WLAN client VLANs on all
mobility controllers to make sure
only necessary traffic is sent to the
interface vlan <vlan number for every active vlan>
ip igmp snooping
Enabling Dynamic Multicast Optimization for Video
Over-the-air transmissions can benefit from unicast transmissions depending on the number of clients
in use. If only a small number of clients are subscribed to a multicast group, it can be more efficient to
convert over-the-wire multicast to over-the-air unicast due to the faster data rates and prioritization
capabilities of unicast connections. As this number grows, multicast gains in efficiency over unicast.
Aruba’s Dynamic Multicast Optimization (DMO) technology dynamically selects the appropriate
conversion based on real-time network and video usage information. The conversion takes place at the
controller at the 802.11 layer, on a client-by-client basis, and is transparent to the higher-level client
To enable DMO from the ArubaOS GUI, go to Configuration->AP Configuration-> AP name and
select edit. Then select WLAN profile->VAP Profile->Profile name.
Figure 53 Configuring VLAN Pools in the AP Group
80 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
The DMO threshold has a default value of 6 clients, but it may be set higher. The DMO threshold
specifies the number of HT WLAN clients per Virtual AP, per VLAN for video delivery mode. Video is
delivered as multicast when the number of HT clients exceeds the threshold, and video delivered as
unicast when the number of HT clients is below the threshold. For this computation, 1 legacy client
(802.11a/b/g) has a penalty factor equal to 3 HT clients (802.11n).
For example, if there are three 802.11n clients associated to a VAP and the threshold value is set to 4,
DMO will take place. Once the fourth HT client associates to the same VAP, DMO will no longer take
place. If two 802.11b clients are associated to the VAP and the threshold is set to 4, they will be treated
as if they were 6 HT 802.11n clients and DMO will not take place.
Video Scalability
The example below demonstrates the impact of DMO and MRO transport on video scalability as it
relates to over-the-air channel utilization. Unicast transport is almost always optimal; however, there
are use cases in which optimized multicast delivery will reduce channel utilization. This needs to be
balanced against the need to assure reliable delivery and QoS. Thus unicast delivery is preferred and
recommended to ensure reliable delivery and QoS for multicast video applications.
In the example below, channel utilization is estimated for MRO vs. DMO as a function of 802.11n,
802.11a/g, and 802.11b client counts. This model assumes a single 2 Mbps video stream and average
rates of 180, 36, and 5.5 Mbps for 11n, 11a/g, and 11b clients respectively.
Figure 54 Channel Utilization for MRO and DMO (As a Function of 11n, 11a/g, or 11b Clients)
Note that in Figure 54, 40 11n clients averaging 180 Mbps of PHY rate can sustain 2 Mbps video with
good quality and still remain below the full channel utilization. Also, note that the channel utilization
shown above is for illustration purposes only, and should never exceed 80% in practice.
To verify channel utilization, use the command “show ap debug radio-stats ap-name AP-125-2 radio 0
advanced | include Clear” and select enter. This will show the channel utilization and the resulting air
time. High numbers represent high channel utilization and low numbers reflect more channel capacity
is available for transmissions, with averages over the past 1, 4, and 64 seconds respectively.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 81
Aruba has tested the following configurations and recommends the following settings be used based on
the size of the video streams that will be delivered:
If the video stream bandwidth is around 500 Kbps, the threshold can be set as high as 12.
If the video stream bandwidth is > 2 Mbps then keep the threshold between 6 to 8.
For HD video (stream bandwidth > 10 Mbps) drop threshold to between 2 and 3.
These values will clearly be dependent on the video stream size, the client mix, the number of unique
video streams or channels, the AP density, and the reserved channel capacity (see earlier sections for
instructions on reserving channel capacity for video).
Reducing Rate Adaptation by Eliminating Low Legacy Data Rates
Low data rates are not needed in an HD WLAN because clients are stationary with clear line-of-sight to
and strong signal from the APs. To prevent unnecessary rate adaptation from collisions, the Aruba
controller SSID configuration should be modified to remove unnecessary legacy data rates as described
in Chapter 5, “Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs” on page 51. Aruba recommends maintaining
the highest two rates plus any required basic rates for device compatibility, or simply enable 24Mbps
and higher. To modify the minimum and maximum data rates for a WLAN, edit the SSID profile section.
Click the SSID profile to modify the profile details. (In this case, the SSID profile is called aruba-ssidprofile). On the Advanced tab, check or uncheck the data rates from the profile details of the SSID
Figure 55 Configuring Supported Rates in the SSID Profile
1. To provide better interoperability
with older HD WLAN clients, it is
suggested to limit the 802.11 data
rates. Apply this setting to all
single-purpose HD WLAN clients.
82 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
wlan ssid-profile <HD-WLAN client ssid profile
g-tx-rates 5 11 24 36 48 54
a-tx-rates 24 36 48 54
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Other Required Infrastructure Settings
VLAN Pooling
VLAN pooling can be used to maintain small broadcast domains while easing administrator burden of
managing many small user VLANs. VLAN pooling allows an administrator to assign a “pool” of /24
VLANs to a particular auditorium or group of auditoriums when they are set up as independent AP
groups instead of consuming address space from the per-building or floor VLANs. Aruba strongly
recommends that you implement discrete IP ranges for HD WLANs with sufficient headroom to
accommodate sudden changeovers of room occupants. DHCP lease times for addresses in that pool
should be reduced to match the usage profile of the specific audiotorium.
A hash algorithm is used on the client MAC address to distribute the users across the pool of VLANs.
VLAN pooling is configured in the Virtual AP profile. Enter the range of VLANs in the VLAN field under
the profile details. (A range of VLANs can be separated by a hyphen and a nonsequential series can be
separated by commas).
Figure 56 Configuring VLAN Pools in the AP Group
1. This virtual AP parameter enables
the AP to use either one VLAN or
multiple VLANs (VLAN pooling)
for its SSID.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
wlan virtual-ap <HD-WLAN client virtual ap name>
vlan <HD-WLAN vlan # or list of vlans>
Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs | 83
84 | Configuring ArubaOS for HD-WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Chapter 7
for HD WLANs
To troubleshoot client device issues in high-density wireless networks, you must systematically narrow
down the source of the problem by knowing the relationship of all the components in the system from
end to end. This chapter provides the processes that are used by senior Aruba support engineers to
resolve problems with mobile client devices. It will help you to identify and troubleshoot the most
common problems found in WLAN connectivity.
Scoping the Problem
The first step is to have a clear understanding of the issue being reported so that the next steps can be
efficiently chosen. Table 12 lists several symptoms and possible causes to help you initially scope the
Table 12 Trouble Symptoms and Causes
Possible Cause
Issue is isolated to an individual.
Might be related to a NIC, supplicant, or driver
Issue is isolated to a geographical area.
Might be a RF or other physical layer problem
Issue affects a group of people on a certain SSID.
Might be an AP configuration problem
Issue affects a group of people on a common group of APs.
Might be an AP configuration or L2/L3 problem
Issue is isolated to a certain application.
Might be a routing problem or an application
layer problem
Issue is isolated to a particular server.
Might be a routing or server problem
Issue is isolated to a particular time of day.
Might be a non-802.11 device, firewall, or
service issue
Other things to check:
Has anything changed in the WLAN equipment configuration? (All the Aruba Mobility Controllers
have an audit log that tracks every GUI and CLI configuration change.)
Has anything changed in the network?
Has anything changed in the area of the reported problem?
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Troubleshooting for HD WLANs | 85
End-to-End Solution Framework
As we have seen, designing a WLAN for high-density environments involves many hardware and
software components, all operating in the most optimal manner. Troubleshooting these highly active
WLANs requires skills learned by understanding the sequence of protocols involved in providing end-toend connectivity and by having the experience in checking common symptoms to complete the process
of elimination. It is therefore imperative to know what areas can affect wireless mobility. Table 13 lists
the basic network elements and their corresponding components.
Table 13 Possible Component Trouble Spots
Things to Check
wireless client
access point (AP)
backend servers
device hardware
device OS
device supplicant
device driver
AP physical location
antenna position
AP status
AP configuration
DHCP server
RADIUS server
LDAP server
user database (for example, Microsoft Active Directory)
HD WLAN Troubleshooting
When you receive a report of a connectivity issue related to an HD WLAN, gather the following
Device location (country, city, building, floor, general location, room number)
Device username (if using Layer 2 or Layer 3 authentication)
Device NIC MAC address
Device IP address (if available)
The location determines the Aruba controller(s) on which you should concentrate troubleshooting
86 | Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Troubleshooting Flow Chart
The flow chart shown in Figure 57 shows you where to start troubleshooting when a problem is
reported for an HD WLAN. The sections that follow the flowchart help explain in further detail what
steps can be taken to help resolve or narrow down the issue.
Figure 57 HD WLAN Troubleshooting Flowchart
Does the device show
it is connected to
the WLAN?
Is the WLAN
interface enabled?
Enable the adapter or radio via the
hardware switch on the device or via
wireless driver/supplicant configuration.
1. Verify if the Aruba APs in the area
of the device are up.
2. Verify the SSID configuration on
the device is correct.
3. Verify if the device has started and
completed an 802.11 connection to
that SSID via Aruba Mobility Controller
CLI commands or via packet capture.
Can the device
see the SSID?
Does the device’s
SSID require 802.1X
Did the device
get an IP address?
Can the device
access network
Is the session slow
or disconnecting?
If problem continues,
call Aruba TAC.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
1. Verify the device has successfully
completed 802.1X authentication and key
assignment via Aruba Mobility Controller
CLI commands or via packet capture.
2. Verify the SSID EAP configuration on
the device is correct.
3. Verify that the 802.1X and AAA profile configuration for the associated AP is correct.
4. Verify the authentication server is
functioning properly.
1. Check what VLAN the device is associated
with and verify the device’s user-role is
allowing DHCP.
2. Verify the DHCP server is configured
correctly with a scope for that VLAN.
3. Debug DHCP on the Aruba Mobility
Controller to determine if the DHCP
packets are being sent/received to/from
the server.
4. Verify that there is an IP Helper configured
for the device’s VLAN to make sure
discovery/requests reach the DHCP server.
1. Check the device’s user-role ACL settings
on the mobility controller to make sure
the network protocols needed to connect
to the network resources are allowed.
2. Verify the network infrastructure (including
routers) allows the client to have IP
connectivity to the network resource.
a. Use ping and traceroute on the
device if possible.
3. If Layer 3 Mobility is enabled, verify the IP
mobile state of the device on the mobility
controller is correct or not.
1. Check that the device did not roam
outside of the RF coverage area.
2. Disable/re-enable the device’s adapter.
3. Ask the user if anyone else nearby is
having the same issue.
4. Check the wireless device’s 802.11
association state.
5. Check the mobility trail to determine if the
client is bouncing between APs.
6. Check device frame retry rate, noise
levels, and SNR for the client.
Troubleshooting for HD WLANs | 87
Symptom #1: Device cannot see any SSIDs
Suggested actions:
1. Check building location of the wireless device.
2. SSH to the Aruba Mobility Controller that is responsible for the building.
3. Verify that APs are up on the controller.
Show ap bss-table and show ap active
This command lists all APs with their respective AP names and their active SSIDs and BSSIDs.
4. Verify that the SSID is not hidden.
If the SSID is hidden, verify that the client is properly configured to associate to it.
5. Check the wireless NIC enable/disable physical switch on the mobile device.
6. Check the wireless NIC enable/disable soft setting within wireless supplicant software.
7. If the device is using Microsoft Windows Operating System, issue a “repair” in Network Connections
or wireless NIC system tray icon. For MacOS devices, turn AirPort off and then back on again.
If no issues are found and these actions have not corrected the problem, continue with device
troubleshooting. In addition to previously gathered information (username, location, MAC/IP), gather
device hardware model name and number and wireless NIC brand, model, type, and driver version for
further troubleshooting. Also, take a wireless packet capture so that Aruba Support can perform
analysis by means of the AP Remote Packet Capture method or by means of third-party software (for
example, WildPackets OmniPeek, CACE Technologies AirPcap, and so on). Please also provide the
Aruba Support Team all the necessary CLI command output for mobility controller, AP, and user
Symptom #2: Device can see SSIDs but not the one it needs
Suggested actions:
1. Verify that the required SSIDs are active and enabled in the Aruba Mobility Controller.
Show ap bss-table
Issue this command from any mobility controller, master or local, that is servicing APs. This
command lists all APs with their AP names and their active SSIDs and BSSIDs.
2. Verify that all APs are up and active, especially those in the area of the problem device.
show ap database long | include <auditorium>
Issue this command from the master mobility controller that is servicing the area of the problem
device. This command lists all known APs serviced from that master mobility controller,
regardless of being up or down.
3. If all APs have proper SSID configurations and no APs are reported down, verify that the client
device is attempting to associate and authenticate.
configure terminal
logging level debugging user-debug <wireless device's mac address>
This command starts debugging on all Aruba processes for the wireless device and logs the
results in Aruba logging category “user-debug.”
View the debug output with this CLI command:
show log user-debug all | include <wireless device’s mac address>
88 | Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
show ap debug mgmt-frames client-mac <wireless device's mac address>
This command lists the 802.11 management packets (Association Request, Association
Response, Re-Association Request, Re-Association Response, Disassociation, and Deauth) for
the specified wireless device.
If you see the latest packet as “assoc-resp,” the wireless device should be authenticating (if VAP
is configured for Layer 2 or Layer 3 authentication) or should be authenticated already.
show log system all | include <wireless device's mac address>
Issue this command from any master or local mobility controller that is servicing APs to which
the device may attempt to associate. This command shows if the problem client is attempting to
associate. Look for the problem client MAC address. It also shows to which AP the client MAC is
attempting to associate. Note the BSSID.
show ap association client-mac <wireless device's mac address>
This command shows the 802.11 state of the wireless device, what SSID it is associated to, what
VLAN it is assigned, what PHY type it is using, how long it has been associated to the AP’s BSSID,
and what capabilities it has such as WMM, Active/Not Active, RRM client, Band Steerable, or
Use the AP BSSID and device MAC taken from this command.
show ap association | include <AP BSSID that the device is associated to> and
show user-table bssid <AP BSSID that the device is associated to>
This output can be used to verify if there are other devices currently associated to the same AP,
thus helping to rule out infrastructure issues as compared to a single-client issue.
show log security all | include <wireless device's mac address>
Look for the problem client MAC. This command can be used to determine whether the client is
attempting to authenticate via Layer 2 or Layer 3 authentication and if the request is being
rejected. If the attempt is rejected, this can be established as the reason for client failure.
Investigate authentication server logs as needed.
show auth-tracebuf
If the device is configured to use Layer 2 authentication such as 802.1X, verify that the wireless
device successfully completed all EAP and Key exchange phases using this CLI command:
show auth-tracebuf mac <wireless device mac address>
show log errorlog all
This command can be used to determine if there are any miscellaneous errors with the mobility
controller, the AP, or the wireless device.
This command can also point to problems with an authentication server not responding to
authentication requests if Layer 2 or Layer 3 authentication is enabled on the virtual AP to which
the device is trying to connect.
If the authentication server is RADIUS, look for excessive RADIUS timeouts or instances of the
Aruba Mobility Controller taking a RADIUS server out of service for the server hold-down timer.
This behavior indicates possible RADIUS server connectivity or performance issues and should
be investigated as needed.
Using these steps, you can determine if the device has passed 802.11 negotiation and is attempting to
authenticate (if Layer 2 or Layer 3 authentication is required). If none of these steps yields information
that helps you correct the problem, take a wireless packet capture for Aruba Support to analyze. You
can use the AP Remote Packet Capture method or third-party software (for example, WildPackets
OmniPeek, CACE Technologies AirPcap, and so on). Please also provide the Aruba Support Team all
the necessary CLI command output for mobility controller, AP, and user statistics.
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Troubleshooting for HD WLANs | 89
Symptom #3: Device successfully authenticates but
cannot communicate
This scenario is most likely related to the device being in a restricted user-role (firewall ACL
misconfiguration). Or the device may not be getting an IP address from the DHCP server due to VAP
configuration, DHCP connectivity issues, DHCP Scope misconfiguration, or Layer 3 Mobility issues (if
Suggested actions:
1. Verify that the device is receiving an IP address via device statistics or via the Aruba Mobility
show user mac <wireless device MAC address>
This command displays all details pertaining to the client. Verify that the IP address is not
or a 169.x.x.x address.
This command is also used to verify if the user was successfully authenticated, and displays the
user-role, ACL number, authentication method, and associated AP name/BSSID.
If the device is associated to the right user-role and VLAN but it does not have a valid IP address,
disable and re-enable its wireless adapter or force a DHCP “release-renew” in the operating
system of the device.
If the problem is not corrected, investigate DHCP infrastructure and connectivity.
DHCP troubleshooting:
Enable DHCP debugging on the Aruba Mobility Controller at the AP device location.
config t
logging level debugging network subcat dhcp
View the DHCP debug for the wireless device using this CLI command
show log network all | include <wireless device MAC address>
Confirm that the DHCP server is in service.
Verify that the upstream router has the correct DHCP helper-address for the device’s VLAN.
Investigate whether or not the DHCP scope is correctly configured for the device’s subnet and
that it has available IP addresses in its pool.
2. Verify that the device has been placed in the correct user role with the correct session policies.
show user mac <wireless device MAC address> or show user ip <ipaddr>
This command lists all details pertaining to the client. Use this output to confirm that the user’s
authenticated role is correct.
show rights <device’s assigned role name>
Use this command to determine which policies are associated to the device’s authenticated role
and verify that they allow the required protocols for device IP and application connectivity.
show datapath session table <device IP address>
This command displays all IP flows between the device and the network.
Have the device attempt a connection to its required network resource and use this command to
confirm that traffic passing from the device is not being denied by the Aruba stateful firewall
role-based policies by verifying no IP flow is marked with the “D” flag (denied).
Using these steps, you can determine if the device has received a proper IP address, has been placed in
the correct user-role with the correct policies, and verify network connectivity. If none of these steps
yields information that helps you correct the problem, then prepare a wired packet capture for the
Aruba Support team to analyze between the Aruba Mobility Controller and the uplink switch. This can
90 | Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
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be done with built-in operating system applications like tcpdump, network monitor, or third-party
software like Wireshark, Ethereal, or WildPackets OmniPeek/EtherPeek. Another method to achieve
device packet capture is by implementing session mirroring in the device’s user-role on the mobility
Symptom #4: Device has Connection Loss and/or Poor
Suggested actions:
1. Confirm with the user that they did not roam outside of the engineered RF coverage area with their
2. Disable and re-enable the device’s adapter and verify if the issue persists.
3. Confirm that the AP to which the device is associated is nearby.
To determine the “last Rx SNR” value of the device, use this CLI command:
show ap debug client-table ap-name <ap name that the device is associated to>
Anything with “Last Rx SNR” value of 25 or greater normally provides good performance with the
higher supported 802.11 data rates.
4. Compare the problem user’s stated location with the building and AP floor plan or use Aruba RF
5. Ask the user who is reporting the trouble if anyone else nearby is having the same issue. This
information assists in determining if this is an infrastructure or single-user problem.
6. Check the user log and the AP 802.11 management frames for possible cause of disconnection.
show log user all | include <wireless device's mac address>
show ap debug mgmt-frames client-mac <wireless device's mac address>
This command determines from when and where the disconnection originated (either the AP or
the device) and helps determine the reason.
7. Check the 802.11 association state of the wireless device.
show ap debug client-table ap-name <Aruba AP name where the wireless device is
associated to>
Part of this CLI output displays the Last_Rx_SNR, Tx_Rate, and Rx_Rate of the wireless device.
If the SNR is 15 or lower, the wireless device is possibly too far from the AP. This might be due to
the device’s roaming algorithm not being optimal and needs to be forced to look for a closer AP
by disabling and re-enabling its network adapter.
If the Tx_Rate or Rx_Rate are 1, 2, or 6, the device may be experiencing interference or is too far
away from the AP.
If the Tx Retry rate is constantly 35% or higher, the device may be experiencing interference or is
far away from the AP.
There might be non-802.11 interference if the MAC and PHY errors are at an aggregate of 20% or
higher, which can be seen using this CLI command:
show ap arm rf-summary ap-name <Aruba AP name where the wireless device is
associated to>
8. Check mobility trail to determine if the client is bouncing between APs even when stationary.
show ip mobile trail <wireless device MAC address>
“router mobile” must be configured for this CLI command to work.
This command displays the mobility history of a given client. This can be used to check for the
frequency of roaming.
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Troubleshooting for HD WLANs | 91
9. Check device frame retry rate, noise levels, and SNR for the client.
show user mac <device wireless MAC address> or
show user ip <device IP address>
Investigate the following:
Channel Frame Retry Rate:
10-20% is normal
20-30% is intermediate
40+% is very high
This means that 40% of the frames sent to the air have been retransmitted.
This is a symptom of heavy interference or low signal strength between the device and the AP.
Take a wireless packet capture to see if the 802.11 frame retries are due to the AP not hearing the
wireless device, or the wireless device is not hearing the AP due to interference, or the device is
too far from the AP.
Channel Noise:
If channel noise is at a value of 75 or below, this is a critical interference level that should be
viewed with a Spectrum Analyzer.
From these steps you can determine possible causes for poor performance or roaming issues due to
device driver sub-optimal performance, roaming outside of the WLAN coverage area, or interference. If
none of these steps yields information that helps you correct the problem, then take a wireless packet
capture for Aruba Support to analyze by means of the AP Remote Packet Capture method or third-party
software (for example, WildPackets OmniPeek, CACE Technologies AirPcap, and so on). Please also
provide the Aruba Support Team with all the necessary CLI command output for mobility controller,
AP, and user statistics.
Before You Contact Aruba Support
To help Aruba Support provide the fastest problem resolution to any HD WLAN connectivity or
performance issue, provide the following information:
1. Provide the Aruba WLAN Controller logs and the output of the “show tech-support” command.
CLI Example:
a. tar logs tech-support
b. copy flash: logs.tar tftp:<tftp server IP address> <file name>
2. Provide the Syslog Server file of the Aruba WLAN Controller at the time of the problem.
If no Syslog Server is available to capture log output from the Aruba WLAN Controller, set one up as
soon as possible, because this is a strongly suggested troubleshooting and monitoring best practice.
A free Syslog server can be found at Kiwi Enterprises (http://www.kiwisyslog.com/).
3. State the scope of the problem as mentioned earlier in this section.
4. If there was a configuration change, list the exact configuration steps and commands used.
5. State the date and time (if possible) when the problem first occurred.
6. Is the problem reproducible?
If the problem is reproducible, list the exact steps taken to recreate the problem.
92 | Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
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7. Provide the wireless device’s make, model number, and its OS version, including any service packs
or patches.
8. Provide the Wireless LAN Card’s make, model number, driver date, driver version, and configuration
on the wireless device.
9. Provide a detailed network topology:
a. Include all the devices in the network between the user and the Aruba WLAN Controller with IP
addresses and Interface numbers, if possible.
b. The diagram can be formatted as Visio, PowerPoint, JPEG, TIF, etc., or it can even be hand
written and then faxed to the Aruba Support Team (1-408-227-4550).
10. Provide any wired or wireless sniffer traces taken during the time of the problem.
11. Provide the following HD WLAN statistic output on the mobility controller:
a. show aaa state user <wireless client ip address>
b. show ap association client-mac <wireless device's mac address>
c. show ap debug mgmt-frames client-mac <wireless device's mac address>
d. show ap debug client-stats <wireless device's mac address> advanced
Run this command at least three times during the debugging.
e. show ap monitor stats ap-name <ap name> mac <client mac> verbose
Run this command at least three times during the debugging.
f. show auth-tracebuf mac <wireless client mac address>
12. Provide the following AP statistics on the mobility controller output:
a. show ap tech-support ap-name <Aruba AP name where the wireless device is
associated to>
Run this command at least three times for every AP the wireless device has a problem with
performance or roaming to.
13. If Layer 3 Mobility is enabled on the mobility controllers, provide the following CLI output:
a. show ip mobile binding | begin <wireless device's mac address>
b. show ip mobile domain
c. show ip mobile global
d. show ip mobile host <wireless device's mac address>
e. show ip mobile remote <wireless device's mac address>]
f. show ip mobile trace <wireless device's mac address>
g. show ip mobile traffic foreign-agent
h. show ip mobile traffic home-agent
i. show ip mobile traffic proxy
j. show ip mobile traffic proxy-dhcp
k. show ip mobile trail <wireless device's mac address>
l. show ip mobile visitor <wireless device's mac address>
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Troubleshooting for HD WLANs | 93
94 | Troubleshooting for HD WLANs
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Appendix A
HD WLAN Testbed
In Step #3: Choose a Concurrent User Target on page 25 in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning
for HD-WLANs” we presented summary HT20 results of the HD WLAN testbed that Aruba used during
the authoring of this VRD. This appendix explains the testbed design, test plans, and a summary of the
most interesting results for both 20-MHz and 40-MHz channel widths.
Testbed Design
The need for real-world, open air performance data when planning an HD WLAN cannot be
understated. Such data takes out much of the guesswork, but can be expensive and time-consuming to
obtain because it requires dozens of workstations, lots of spare network hardware, skilled engineers,
shielded test facilities, and specialized measurement tools. Recognizing this challenge and the broadbased marketplace need, Aruba undertook a research program into client scaling as part of its industry
leadership efforts to assist customers with HD WLAN capacity planning.
What is a Client Scaling Test?
Client scaling tests measure performance with increasing numbers of real clients in open air to
characterize behaviors of interest to a wireless engineer. For this VRD, Aruba ran each test case starting
with one client and ending with 50 clients. Each test case changed one aspect of the testbed at a time, to
study how that particular variable affects performance. Examples of typical variables include channel
width, PHY type mix, frame size, traffic type, antenna configuration, and transmit power to name just a
few. Scaling clients for each variable provides an intrinsic consistency check on the data because
occasional bad runs are quite obvious.
Testbed Design
Aruba tested 50 late-model laptops with a diverse mix of manufacturers, operating systems, and
wireless adapters. They are summarized in Table 14. The goal was to mimic the uncontrolled,
heterogeneous environment that exists in most auditoriums.
Table 14 HD WLAN Testbed Device Population
Intel 5100agn
Intel 4965agn
Intel 5300agn
Broadcom 4321agn
Windows XP
Dell 1490
Windows 7
Dell 1505agn
Windows Vista
Dell 1515agn
Linksys WPC600N
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Our test facility in San Jose, California is in an area with virtually no wireless transmitters, so the RF is
extremely clean. Laptops were placed in three rows with spacing between units of 4 in (10 cm), as
shown in Figure 58.
Figure 58 Aruba HD WLAN Test Area During 30 Station Test
Ixia Chariot 7.1 was used to generate repeatable IP traffic loads and to provide a control plane for the
tests. Most tests were run three times as a quality check. Each machine in the testbed had two active
network interfaces. The interface under test was the wireless NIC. To ensure that measurement data
was not lost during a test run due to wireless contention, all Ixia management traffic was sent via a
wired Ethernet link.
An Aruba 3600 controller running ArubaOS was used to execute all tests. A single Aruba AP-125
was used for the client scaling tests. CCI and ACI tests used three AP-125s at varying distances
depending on the test case. Open authentication was used on the test SSIDs. Channel 157 was used for
the HT20 tests, and channel 161- was used for the HT40 tests.
Test Plan Summary
For the validation testing for this guide, the primary focus of the research was on 20-MHz channel
widths to maximize capacity in a high-density environment. Aruba also conducted 40-MHz tests for
comparison purposes.
20-MHz Channel Tests
Perhaps the most important variable that affects performance in an HD WLAN is the mix of legacy and
high-throughput stations. Aruba set out to measure the relative impact of various combinations of such
clients. We completed open air client scaling test cases for five different mixes of 802.11n and 802.11a
clients, including:
96 | HD WLAN Testbed
100% 802.11n HT20 clients
75% HT20 and 25% 802.11a clients
50% HT20 and 50% 802.11a clients
25% HT20 and 75% 802.11a clients
100% 802.11a clients
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Each complete test case to characterize a given variable thus included 32 separate runs. Table 15 lists
the actual client counts for each test that was run.
Table 15 20-MHz Channel Tests
100% HT20 /
0% 802.11a
75% HT20 /
25% 802.11a
50% HT20 /
50% 802.11a
25% HT20 /
75% 802.11a
0% HT20 /
100% 802.11a
10 / 0
0 / 10
20 / 0
15 / 5
10 / 10
5 / 15
0 / 20
30 / 0
22 / 8
15 / 15
8 / 22
0 / 30
40 / 0
30 / 10
20 / 20
10 / 30
0 / 40
50 / 0
37 / 13
25 / 25
13 / 37
0 / 50
Not applicable
The Chariot script used was throughput.scr with default settings and a duration of 30 seconds. This
script generates continuous TCP traffic. Four streams were used on each client. Aruba conducted
upstream, downstream, and bidirectional test cases for each combination in Table 15.
For 20-MHz channels, we are interested in the following questions:
How does aggregate channel capacity change as more clients are added to a channel?
How does per-client throughput change as more clients are added to a channel?
How much does throughput change as the ratio of legacy stations increases?
How many stations can contend for the channel before overall channel capacity begins to decline?
Is there a limit to the number of concurrent users an AP can serve?
40-MHz Channel Tests
Customers routinely ask Aruba what the best possible level of performance is that can be achieved in a
real-world deployment. To help answer this question, we completed an open air client scaling test suite
using a pure HT40 configuration. We did not study the impact of legacy clients in this mode as the goal
was to quantify peak throughput.
This test included scaling with 1, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 clients. The same Chariot script was used, also
with a 30-second duration. Upstream, downstream, and bidirectional results were obtained.
For the HT40 test suite, a subset of the 20-MHz questions is of interest:
How does aggregate channel capacity change as more clients are added to a channel?
How does per-client throughput change as more clients are added to a channel?
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HD WLAN Testbed | 97
Adjacent Channel Interference Tests
All HD WLANs will employ multiple overlapping adjacent channels to maximize capacity, so Aruba set
out to measure the effect of ACI on throughput.
For these tests, we set up three groups of 10 stations, chosen from the best individual performers in the
scaling tests. Three APs were configured, each on an adjacent UNII-1 channel. Figure 59 shows how
these stations were arranged.
Figure 59 Testbed Configuration for ACI and CCI Tests
75 ft (23 m)
25 ft (7.6 m)
Ch 44
Ch 40
Ch 48
Overhead View
20 ft (6 m)
25 ft (7.6 m)
We want to answer these key questions:
What is the baseline performance of each solo channel without ACI?
How much drop is seen for two channels at 0 ft (0 m) distance?
How much drop is seen for two channels at 25 ft (7.6 m) distance?
How much drop is seen for two channels at 50 ft (15 m) distance?
How much drop is seen for three channels at 25 ft (7.6 m) distance?
The ACI test results are presented in Chapter 5, “Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs” on
page 51.
Co-Channel Interference Tests
Finally, Aruba wanted to quantify the effect of CCI on channel capacity to determine the feasibility of
reusing the same channel inside an auditorium without using a custom RF design, such as under-floor
The ACI test design was used for these tests, except that all APs were put on channel 44. We want to
answer the same key questions for CCI that were asked for the ACI test. The CCI test results are also
presented in Chapter 5, “Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs” on page 51.
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Test Results: 20-MHz Channel
Here we review answers to the key questions, with highlights from the data collected by the Aruba open
air research team for the 20-MHz channel tests.
How does total channel capacity change as clients are added?
The test results provide several key insights into the basic operational behavior of 20-MHz channels in a
high-density setting. Table 16 lists the average TCP bidirectional throughput for increasing numbers of
clients with the chosen ratios of 802.11n HT20 to 802.11a PHY types.
Table 16 TCP Bidirectional Mixed PHY Scaling Test (Aggregate Channel)
100% HT20
84.6 Mbps
68.5 Mbps
59.9 Mbps
59.8 Mbps
54.2 Mbps
52.0 Mbps
46.8 Mbps
53.2 Mbps
46.9 Mbps
43.9 Mbps
43.8 Mbps
41.1 Mbps
38.4 Mbps
44.1 Mbps
41.6 Mbps
34.5 Mbps
32.9 Mbps
29.8 Mbps
26.9 Mbps
43.1 Mbps
39.6 Mbps
34.3 Mbps
32.0 Mbps
27.3 Mbps
28.0 Mbps
17.3 Mbps
16.9 Mbps
14.9 Mbps
14.9 Mbps
14.3 Mbps
14.0 Mbps
75% HT20 / 25% 802.11a
50% HT20 / 50% 802.11a
25% HT20 / 75% 802.11a
100% 802.11a
22.4 Mbps
Some interesting items in the data stand out from the numerical presentation:
The peak single-client channel capacity was nearly 85 Mbps for pure HT20 vs. 22 Mbps for 802.11a.
The AP-125 provides robust and consistent performance with 50 stations and 200 individual flows.
The results were extremely repeatable, which builds confidence in the accuracy of the testbed and
data collected.
Figure 60 shows the same data displayed in chart form, showing six through 50 clients.
Figure 60 TCP Bidirectional Mixed PHY Scaling Test (Aggregate Channel)
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HD WLAN Testbed | 99
When viewed as a chart, other interesting items stand out:
The aggregate channel capacity is not constant, but rather decreases as more clients are added. As
more stations contend for the medium, the rate of collisions and other PHY-layer errors begins to
climb. This in turn reduces the effective maximum throughput of the channel.
However, overall channel capacity with 50 stations degrades by just 40%, which indicates that the
channel is robust in the face of significant contention for the medium.
Each PHY type mix produces very repeatable performance relative to other mixes. This suggests
that results obtained by Aruba can be reliably extrapolated to other environments.
The performance of the 50/50 and 25/75 PHY mixes is nearly identical. This implies that the
performance gain of a mixed-mode HT network is capped until the legacy stations fall below than
50% of the population.
Figure 61 shows another view of the same data, showing the channel capacity for each scaling
increment relative to six-client throughput.
Figure 61 Relative Channel Capacity with Increasing Client Counts
The main conclusions that can be drawn from this chart are:
Pure 802.11a legacy maintains the highest relative throughput at high load, losing just 20% of the sixclient channel capacity with eight times more clients.
The 50/50 and 25/75 PHY mixes cluster together, suffering the greatest relative throughput loss at
high load of nearly 40%. Clearly, the presence of many legacy PHYs creates inefficiencies in channel
The 75/25 and pure HT20 PHY mixes also cluster together, maintaining nearly 70% of the six-station
channel capacity even with 50 stations contending simultaneously.
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How does per-client throughput change as clients are added?
The Aruba HD WLAN capacity planning methodology introduced in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning
for HD-WLANs” relies on average per-client throughput values to predict total system performance. We
obtain these results by dividing the aggregate data in Table 16 by the client count.
Table 17 TCP Bidirectional Mixed PHY Scaling Test (Per Client)
100% HT20
84.6 Mbps
11.4 Mbps
5.9 Mbps
2.9 Mbps
1.8 Mbps
1.3 Mbps
0.9 Mbps
8.8 Mbps
4.6 Mbps
2.2 Mbps
1.4 Mbps
1.0 Mbps
0.7 Mbps
7.3 Mbps
4.1 Mbps
1.7 Mbps
1.1 Mbps
0.7 Mbps
0.5 Mbps
7.2 Mbps
3.9 Mbps
1.7 Mbps
1.0 Mbps
0.6 Mbps
0.5 Mbps
2.9 Mbps
1.5 Mbps
0.7 Mbps
0.5 Mbps
0.3 Mbps
0.2 Mbps
75% HT20 / 25% 802.11a
50% HT20 / 50% 802.11a
25% HT20 / 75% 802.11a
100% 802.11a
22.4 Mbps
Figure 62 shows the same data charted, showing values from 10 concurrent users out to 50 stations.
Figure 62 TCP Bidirectional Mixed PHY Scaling Test (Per Client)
Some of the principal insights that should be drawn from this chart are:
On average, an auditorium with 100% HT20 devices can deliver 3 Mbps each at 20 stations, and
nearly a full 1 Mbps at 50 stations.
An auditorium with a 50/50 mix of devices can deliver 1 Mbps each at 30 stations and 512 Kbps each
at 50 stations.
Average per-client throughput declines in a very predictable way out to at least 50 concurrent users.
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How much does throughput decrease as legacy stations are added?
Turning our attention to the relative performance of various PHY mixes, we chart the percentage of
each mix relative to the HT20 result for each scaling step. Figure 63 is a clearer way of visualizing the
relative PHY behavior we see in Figure 62.
Figure 63 Channel Capacity of Various PHY Mixes Relative to Pure HT20
The principal insights that should be drawn from this chart are that on a per-client basis:
A cell with 25% legacy devices will achieve an average of 20% less throughput than pure HT20.
A cell with more than 50% legacy devices will achieve an average of 40% less throughput than pure
An auditorium with 100% legacy devices will achieve an average of 75% less throughput than pure
HT20. Put differently, a pure HT20 client environment will deliver four times the performance of a
pure legacy environment.
Interestingly, little difference was observed with more than 50% legacy clients. So long as at least one
HT20 client exists in the environment, the overall throughput will roughly double. But it cannot exceed
this amount until the legacy station ratio drops below half.
How many stations can contend before channel capacity declines?
It depends on the PHY type mix. We see in Figure 60 that a pure HT20 environment does not begin to
suffer contention losses until after 20 concurrent users. This is consistent with HT40 results, which are
shown in the next section.
For mixed-mode environments, Figure 60 shows that contention losses begin right away at 10 clients.
The greater the ratio of legacy clients to HT clients, the greater the rate of contention losses.
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Is there a limit to the number of concurrent users an AP can serve?
The test results show clearly that a single radio on an Aruba AP can serve cells of at least 50 concurrent
users reliably and robustly. A dual-radio AP can serve at least twice as many concurrent users. In other
tests, the Aruba 802.11n APs have been proven out to well over 100 simultaneously transmitting clients1
on a single radio. So long as the per-client capacity goal for the HD WLAN is not too high after factoring
for contention losses, it is possible to choose very large concurrent user targets if called for by the
specific design scenario.
However, the wireless designer should be aware that beyond a certain point, adding more concurrent
users (as opposed to associated users) to any cell yields diminishing returns. The IEEE 802.11 protocol
has overhead associated with each transmission. Management frames are transmitted at much lower
data rates and therefore consume a relative greater percentage of the available airtime. 802.11n frame
aggregation features are less effective with many stations contending. Additionally, interference from
outside sources or from other clients and APs on the same channel reduces the overall channel
Therefore, as a best practice Aruba recommends keeping contention losses to no more than 40% of the
peak channel capacity. For pure HT20 cells, this permits 100 concurrent users per radio. For mixedmode cells with 50% or more legacy PHYs, Aruba recommends limiting to 60 concurrent users.
Test Results: 40-MHz Channel
While this VRD is principally concerned with 20-MHz channels, Aruba recognizes the significant
community interest in the equivalent results for 40-MHz channels. We investigated answers to the
questions listed in the 40-MHz test plan listed earlier.
How does total HT40 channel capacity change as clients are added?
The behavioral characteristics of 40-MHz channels on Aruba APs in a high-density setting are similar to
that of 20-MHz channels. Table 18 lists the average TCP up, down, and bidirectional throughput for
increasing numbers of HT40 clients.
Table 18 TCP HT40 Client Scaling Test (Aggregate Channel)
138.5 Mbps
145.1 Mbps
136.3 Mbps
126.0 Mbps
113.0 Mbps
96.4 Mbps
HT40 TCP Down
133.0 Mbps
134.0 Mbps
132.2 Mbps
112.9 Mbps
116.4 Mbps
97.1 Mbps
HT40 TCP Bidirectional
154.0 Mbps
151.2 Mbps
141.3 Mbps
132.2 Mbps
115.9 Mbps
108.7 Mbps
Some important observations from this dataset include:
Average single-client channel capacity of 154 Mbps for pure HT40 is 181% more than 85 Mbps with
pure HT20.
Average 50-client capacity of 108 Mbps is 232% greater than the 47 Mbps seen with pure HT20.
TCP up and downstream performance were consistent, with approximately a 10% gain seen for the
bidirectional case.
Advances in Wireless Infrastructure Control, Farpoint Group, Document FPG-2008-341.1, September, 2008
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HD WLAN Testbed | 103
Figure 64 shows the same aggregate channel throughput results displayed in chart form, showing one
through 50 clients.
Figure 64 TCP HT40 Client Scaling Test (Aggregate Channel)
How does per-client HT40 throughput change as clients are added?
On a per-client basis, HT40 results are especially compelling. Table 19 lists the results we obtain by
dividing the aggregate data in Table 18 by the client count.
Table 19 TCP HT40 Client Scaling Test (Per Client)
138.5 Mbps
14.5 Mbps
6.8 Mbps
4.2 Mbps
2.8 Mbps
1.9 Mbps
HT40 TCP Down
133.0 Mbps
13.4 Mbps
6.6 Mbps
3.7 Mbps
2.9 Mbps
1.9 Mbps
HT40 TCP Bidirectional
154.0 Mbps
15.1 Mbps
7.0 Mbps
4.4 Mbps
2.9 Mbps
2.1 Mbps
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Figure 65 shows the same data charted, showing values from 10 concurrent users out to 50 stations.
Figure 65 TCP HT40 Client Scaling Test (Per Client)
Some of the key insights that should be drawn from this chart are:
On average, pure HT40 cells deliver 230% more throughput per client than pure HT20 cells.
The rate of channel degradation due to increasing contention is nearly identical for both HT40 and
A cell with 100% HT40 devices can deliver 4 Mbps each at 30 stations vs. 1.8 Mbps for HT20.
Even at 50 stations, an HT40 cell delivers an average of 2 Mbps per client.
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106 | HD WLAN Testbed
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Appendix B
Advanced Capacity Planning
Theory for HD WLANs
Performance in the IT world is measured in terms of the total data transferred by a given number of
devices in a given time. This benchmark rises inexorably, year after year, as a result of advancing
standards and innovations in implementation. This benchmark can also be applied to a high-density
wireless coverage zone. However, you must consider other variables besides throughput and user
counts to successfully achieve a desired capacity plan. These variables include maximum concurrent
users, the number of usable channels, channel width, and the number of allowable channel reuses. In
this appendix you will learn some of the theoretical basis of the HD WLAN capacity planning
methodology presented in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on page 17.
Predicting Total Capacity
As explained in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on page 17, the first step in HD WLAN
design is knowing how many end users need to be served. Then, we must design a system that delivers
some specified minimum throughput to each of the users. The wireless architect must balance a
number of variables to achieve these goals.
Predicting Device Counts Using a Radio Budget
A radio budget is a simple tool used to understand the number of radios and radio channel reuses that
are needed to support a given number of users in a single room. It works in a manner similar to an RF
link budget, a well-known tool that can be used to successfully predict whether a given wireless
connection will work as expected.
The radio budget is expressed by the following unitless formula:
Devices(D) = Channels(C) x MaxUsers(U) x Reuses(R)
The radio budget is a zero sum formula just like an RF link budget. When computing a link budget,
increasing the EIRP of a radio on one side of the formula results in a larger free-space path loss budget
on the other. In a similar way, increasing the number of required client devices in a radio budget can
only be achieved by increasing one of the other variables on the other side of the formula.
Table 20 Explanation of Radio Budget Variables
Total number of client devices (802.11 MAC
addresses) that the HD WLAN must support
This is the primary capacity goal and is
normally fixed by the size of the high-density
coverage zone (seats or users).
Total number of 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz nonoverlapping RF channels available for use
Limited in each particular country and in a
particular area of each country. Uneven
distribution of 2.4-GHz clients may require
separate analysis of ISM and UNII bands.
Maximum number of concurrent user devices
that can be supported by a single AP radio
Varies with the specific targeted traffic mix
(data, voice, and video), duty cycle, and
802.11 PHY type of the wireless adapter.
Number of times each available
nonoverlapping channel must be reused to
accommodate the client device population
Channel reuse in a single room is extremely
difficult and expensive to achieve.
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The formula allows us to quickly estimate how many 802.11 clients can be supported in a room when
key values are known. For example, if we make the following assumptions:
Single-band 5-GHz deployment in the United States with 20-MHz (HT20) channels where the UNII-2
Extended band is allowed (C=20)
25 concurrent users per radio (U=25)
No channel reuse is possible or desired (R=1)
Then D = 20* 25 * 1 or 500 maximum concurrent devices, all of which must be 5-GHz-capable. This
provides the wireless designer with a quick snapshot of the feasibility of covering a given high-density
If we know the targeted number of clients, we can solve for the number of required channel reuses
when the other values are known:
If R is less than or equal to one, it means that you do not need to reuse channels within the same room.
This is the preferred situation, because it means a simpler and cheaper RF design. If you are getting a
value of R that is between 1 and 1.5, it is strongly in your interest to revisit your assumptions to see
whether you can compromise in a way that allows you to avoid channel reuse.
For values of R that are greater than 1.5, this means that you must have more than one AP on the same
channel in the same room. This almost certainly means that under-floor mounted external antennas will
be needed to control the propagation of signal within the room, and careful control of AP and client
transmit power will be required (among other factors). RF coverage strategies for multiple-reuse HD
WLANs are explained in Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on page 31 and Appendix C, “Basic
Picocell Design” on page 113.
To gain an understanding of the how the radio budget is used to obtain a reuse requirement, consider
the simplified examples in Table 21.
Table 21 Example Radio Budgets
Example 1
Example 2
Auditorium in a European Union country
(other than the UK)
Trading floor in New York City near multiple
airports and ship traffic with frequent radar
AP Type
802.11gn (dual-band)
802.11a (single-band)
Capacity Goal
500 users (D = 500)
1,000 users (D = 1,000)
Capacity Goals
U = 25
U = 20
C = 22 (channels 1,6, 11, 36-64 and 100-140
are allowed)
C = 9 (channels 36-48 and 149-165 are
Special Notes
 0.9 = No Reuse
22  25 550
At least 425 devices must be
1,000 1,000
 5.5 = Reuse Needed
9  20 180
Custom RF design needed to achieve the
required number of channel reuses.
In the European auditorium (example 1), we have 22 available channels (including three on the 2.4-GHz
band for iPod and smartphone device types and 19 in the 5-GHz band). In the United Kingdom, there are
presently 13 channels in 2.4 GHz and 24 channels in 5 GHz available. We also set U to the commonly-
108 | Advanced Capacity Planning Theory for HD WLANs
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used value of 25 concurrent users per AP. With this information, we can determine that there are more
user berths (550) than users (500). So radio channels do not need to be reused in the auditorium. This
greatly simplifies our RF design. However, if more than 75 of the devices lack 5-GHz radios, the plan
must be reconsidered.
Example 2, the trading floor in New York City, is more complicated, not only because of the larger
device population, but also because DFS events greatly reduce the available channels. In this case, we
set U to a conservative value of 20 to allow for future growth. The radio budget tells us that we’ll need to
reuse each channel at least five times in the same room to fit all 1,000 devices into the 180 available
concurrent user slots. This will require a very special RF design, and possibly customization of the
client device radio driver, to meet the primary capacity goal. Knowing that the channel reuse factor (R)
is 5.5 allows the wireless designer to assess the difficulty level of the design, and begin to think about
cost/benefit justification.
Predicting Performance Using a Throughput Budget
The primary capacity goal from Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” includes both a device
and a throughput target. Having established the device limits, we can now use a second formula called a
throughput budget to estimate the data transfer rate available in a high-density zone:
Bandwidth Per-Device(Bd) x Devices(D) = Channels(C) x Reuses(R)
x Bandwidth Per-Radio(Br)
In this formula, we reuse D, C, and R from the radio budget. Br is the aggregate bidirectional layer-4
(TCP or UDP) throughput for each radio. Good typical planning values are 21 Mbps for an 802.11a/g
radio, 75 Mbps for an 802.11n HT20 radio, or 150 Mbps for an 802.11n HT40 radio. See Appendix A, “HD
WLAN Testbed” on page 95 for more specific values based on Aruba lab testing.
We can solve for the average per-device bandwidth if we know the other values:
Bd 
C  R  Br
For instance, if we make the following assumptions:
802.11n HT40 modulation rates (Br = 150 Mbps)
Single-band 5-GHz HT40 deployment in the United States where the UNII-2 Extended band is
allowed (C=11)
600 maximum devices (D=600)
No channel reuse is possible or desired (R=1)
Then Bd = (11 * 1 * 150) / 600 = 2.75 Mbps per HT40-capable client assuming that all clients are evenly
distributed across all radios and ACI losses do not degrade per-radio throughput below 150 Mbps.
However, this design has a significant limitation. Each radio would have to support 55 clients assuming
a 100% duty cycle. Even though Aruba APs have been proven stable well beyond 50 clients, you will see
data later in this chapter that shows that the overall capacity of the channel begins to degrade above 20
stations due to contention between stations.
It is always better to use 20-MHz (HT20) channels with a high-density 802.11n deployment than 40MHz (HT40) channels.
This can be seen by altering our example as follows:
802.11n HT20 modulation rates (Br = 75 Mbps)
20-Mhz HT20 deployment with UNII-2 Extended (C=24)
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In this case, Bd = (24 * 1 * 75) / 600 = 3.0 Mbps per HT20-capable client. Not only is this is 9% more
throughput per client, but the number of concurrent users per radio is a much more healthy value of 25.
In fact, the actual HT40 performance is likely to be closer to 120 Mbps than the 150 Mbps planning value
because total channel capacity degrades due to management overhead and contention with larger
numbers of clients. In this case, the use of 20-MHz channels would yield a 26% improvement in total
throughput vs. the HT40 case.
Table 22 shows how the auditorium and trading floor examples from the previous section work from a
bandwidth perspective.
Table 22 Example Throughput Budgets
Example 1
Example 2
Auditorium in a European Union country
(except for the UK)
Trading floor in New York City near multiple
airports and ship traffic with frequent radar
AP Type
802.11gn (dual-band)
802.11a (single-band)
Capacity Goal
2.0 Mbps per device (Bd = 2.0)
512 Kbps per device (Bd = 512)
Capacity Goals
Br = 75 Mbps for 802.11n HT20
Br = 10 Mbps for 802.11a
Br = 21 Mbps for 802.11g
C = 9 (channels 36-48 and 149-165 are
C = 22 (channels 1,6, 11, 36-64 and 100-140
are allowed)
D = 500 users
D = 1,000 users
R = 5.5 channel reuse
R = 1 channel reuse
Estimated PerDevice
Special Notes
Bd 
(19  1 75) (3  1 21) 1,488
 2.98Mbps
Meets primary capacity goal with margin of
Bd 
9  5.5  10 495
 495 Kbps
DOES NOT meet primary capacity
Requires complicated and expensive
picocell under-floor RF design.
In example 1 on the left, we have to use two different values for Br. On the three 802.11g channels we
use 21 Mbps, while on the 19 HT20 channels we can use the full 75 Mbps. The throughput budget
formula shows that the primary capacity goal can be easily met. It may be noted that these are best case
throughput values in practice and one would expect rate adaptation and client orientation/distance
from the AP to reduce best case numbers to some lower average.
Example 2, the trading floor in New York City, is more challenging. Notice that we used a figure of just
10 Mbps for Br . This is because R is very high, with each channel reused five times in the same physical
area. We saw in Chapter 5, “Infrastructure Optimizations for HD WLANs” that adding additional samechannel APs actually reduces aggregate throughput. Even with a working picocell design, the
contention between clients will be increased. Therefore, we assume that we will achieve no more than
50% of the normal channel capacity in any given cell.
Therefore, to meet the primary capacity goal of 512 Kbps per client, the RF design must deliver at least
10 Mbps of throughput on each radio. Aruba has validated in a lab and in customer production
environments that this result can be achieved with this amount of channel reuse in a single room.
However, even if the full 10 Mbps per radio is successfully reached, the bandwidth budget formula
shows that each client will receive at most 495 Kbps, which is slightly less throughput than the goal.
This result tells the wireless architect that the application developers will need to be consulted to verify
that they can operate with a lower level of bandwidth than requested.
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Capacity Planning Methodology for HD WLANs
Armed with the radio budget and bandwidth budget formulas, you have the tools necessary to complete
the Aruba methodology for HD WLAN capacity planning. This methodology is a more in-depth version
of the process presented in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on page 17. Figure 66 shows
the planning cycle.
Figure 66 HD WLAN Capacity Planning Cycle
Device count (D)
Channel count (C)
Validate primary
capacity goal
Target (U)
Determine available
bandwidth (Bd)
Radio bandwidth
target (Br)
reuse (R)
reserve (-U)
1. Device count (D): Determine the number of concurrent wireless client connections needed over
the useful life of the network.
2. Channel count (C): Determine the number of different, nonoverlapping frequencies that are
available and usable by the expected client device drivers.
3. Concurrent user target (U): Determine the number of concurrently transmitting clients that each
AP can handle (per radio).
4. Capacity reserve (-U): Choose the amount of spare capacity that you want to hold back for traffic
peaks and future growth. Adjust U downward by this amount.
5. Determine reuse (R): Use the radio budget formula to determine if each channel will need to be
used more than one time
6. Radio bandwidth target (Br): Look up the maximum per-radio throughput for the radio type and
R value (802.11a/b/g/n). Tables are provided for this purpose in Appendix A, “HD WLAN Testbed” on
page 95. If you plan to reuse channels in the same room, divide the single-radio throughput value by
the number of reuses.
7. Determine available per-device bandwidth (Bd): Derive the per client value and compare to the
primary capacity goal.
8. Validate primary capacity goal: If the primary capacity goal cannot be achieved, make necessary
design compromises and repeat steps 1-7 with adjusted input values.
This methodology allows the wireless architect to make an assessment of how much bandwidth can be
made available to a given population of users.
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112 | Advanced Capacity Planning Theory for HD WLANs
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Appendix C
Basic Picocell Design
The main body of this VRD assumes that no channel reuse is needed to implement an HD WLAN in an
auditorium. This is easily achievable in countries that offer 13 or more 20-MHz channels in the 5-GHz
band. However, this is much harder for countries such as China with only five allowed 5-GHz channels
at the time of this writing, or sites that reserve channels for other purposes such as medical telemetry
or security video.
This appendix covers the basics of picocell design to help wireless engineers understand the
requirements and constraints of channel reuse. A full treatment of picocell design is beyond the scope
of this guide. Contact your local Aruba representative for further information or engineering
RF Design for Picocell
Picocells are one of the most interesting and challenging RF designs to undertake. Controlling the
collision domain requires careful analysis in three dimensions, not only between APs and clients but
also between clients.
An under-floor picocell system has three key RF design differences from a conventional WLAN
Client device radios tend to increase picocell radius as opposed to shrinking the cell radius.
The link budget for clients at the picocell edge must factor in variable amounts of structural and
body loss.
The minimum channel reuse distance between picocells on the same channel must be determined
and observed.
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Basic Picocell Design | 113
Understanding Structure of a Picocell
In conventional WLAN deployments, wireless designers following best practices will consider client
radio capabilities to restrict the effective cell size of an AP. This is because wireless links are two-way,
and the weakest link is typically from the client to the AP. A good predictive model will use the lesser of
the AP or client transmit power to estimate the distance at which a given data rate is available. Client
transmissions beyond the cell can be safely ignored due to the spacing of APs in most environments.
With a picocell design, the extreme proximity of overlapping APs and clients means that client radios
effectively increase the size of a cell. Figure 67 illustrates this structure.
Figure 67 Structure of a Picocell
— 20 rows —
— 20 seats —
The picocell is divided into the following components in the H-plane:
Inner AP radius (r1): This is the usual cell edge of the AP. It is the target data rate radius, not the
interference radius. It is defined as the maximum distance at which the SNR exceeds the value
required to demodulate the desired minimum data rate, typically MCS7 and MCS15 in an HD WLAN.
In a picocell operating at very low transmit power, this distance is often less than 30 ft (10 m).
Client interference radius (r2): This is the distance at which a client radio transmission can
interfere with a same-channel transmission by another station. Typically, this means that the SNR is
4dB or greater, which is the minimum required to decode an 802.11a/n frame. Therefore, this is
much greater than the inner AP radius.
A picocell network works best when the seats are full. In this case, the increased lateral human body
attenuation will shrink the client interference radius dramatically. This effect is deliberately exploited
in picocell design to achieve reuse.
114 | Basic Picocell Design
Outer picocell radius (r3): This is the outer boundary of all the client interference radii when
multiple clients exist at the edge of the inner AP radius. This is the effective radius of the picocell.
r3 expands and contracts depending on how full the seats are.
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
From this analysis, it is clear that client transmissions have the result of increasing the size of a picocell
due to the small power levels and short distances involved.
Link Budget Analysis
Another unique requirement of picocells is the need to perform link budget planning to compute the
required EIRP to deliver the desired SNR level to all of the users above the AP after considering losses
for flooring, seating, and human body attenuation. These losses are not constant, but increase as the
angle between the AP and the user decreases. Just as with a conventional WLAN, the wireless designer
must ensure that the clients at the edge of the cell exceed the SNR requirement for a desired speed. It is
assumed that clients in the center of the cell will work well if this is achieved.
Figure 68 Picocell Link Budget
L body
L floor
L freespace
L body
L freespace
L floor
Figure 68 shows two applications of the picocell link budget formula:
PRX = PTX – Lfreespace – Lfloor – Lbody + GTX + GRX
= Received power at the client in dBm
= Conducted power at the antenna port of the AP in dBm
= Free space path loss in dB using standard path loss formula
= Loss due to flooring and structural materials in dB
= Loss due to human bodies in dB
= Antenna gain at the transmitter in dBi
= Antenna gain at the receiver in dBi
In the figure, all three types of loss vary with the angle of incidence, which increases the distance that
RF energy must travel. Free space loss increases with distance. Floor loss increases as the length of the
path through the floor goes up. Body loss increases as the number of bodies or body parts in the
transmission path increases.
The quickest, surest way to obtain reliable planning data is to do an active RF survey with a test AP
installed on, in, or under the floor as envisioned by the designer. Using a site survey tool such as
AirMagnet or Ekahau, it is possible to quickly determine Lfloor + Lfreespace for an empty auditorium.
To quantify Lbody, the test can be repeated with volunteers filling up a section, or possibly during an
actual event. The Aruba Customer Engineering (ACE) organization has measured body loss data, and is
available to consult with customers planning picocell systems. Ask your local Aruba systems engineer
for more information.
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Basic Picocell Design | 115
Minimum Channel Reuse Distance
Since the primary reason to use a picocell design is to attempt reuse inside a single large space, the
wireless designer needs to know how many reuses are possible.
The key goal of the link budget analysis is to determine the weakest signal power that delivers the
desired performance inside the picocell. We don’t want to use any more power than absolutely
necessary so as to permit reuse inside the auditorium.
When PTX and PRX have been determined, the link budget analysis can be easily extended to compute
what RF engineers call the minimum channel reuse distance. This is the physical separation that must
exist between same-channel picocells to minimize interference.
To do this, we use a different version of the link budget formula that has been rearranged to solve for
the distance of a desired maximum interfering signal:
distance (km) = 10
In Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on page 31 we presented minimum separation distances for
adjacent channel APs, meaning those with at least 20-MHz separation of center frequencies. Those were
computed with this formula. In the same-channel case, Table 23 shows the required separation for no
interference and partial interference in both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
Table 23 AP to AP Minimum Separation Distance APs Operating on Same Channel
5 GHz
2.4 GHz
Maximum Interfering Signal
Maximum Interfering Signal
-85 dBm
-80 dBm
-75 dBm
-85 dBm
-80 dBm
-75 dBm
15 dBm
152 ft / 46 m
85 ft / 26 m
48 ft / 15 m
321 ft / 98 m
180 ft / 55 m
101 ft / 31 m
12 dBm
107 ft / 33 m
60 ft / 18 m
34 ft / 10 m
227 ft / 69 m
128 ft / 39 m
72 ft / 22 m
9 dBm
76 ft / 23 m
43 ft / 13 m
24 ft / 7 m
161 ft / 49 m
90 ft / 28 m
51 ft / 16 m
6 dBm
54 ft / 17 m
30 ft / 9 m
17 ft / 5 m
114 ft / 35 m
64 ft / 20 m
36 ft / 11 m
As a general rule, picocell networks require five or more channels to ensure at least a one-cell gap
between same-channel APs. With nine channels it is possible to ensure at least two-cell separation and
at least 40 MHz of frequency isolation between adjacent channels.
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Capacity Planning for Picocell
The physical cell, as defined by the boundary at which SNR meets the data rate objective for the
network, must also be aligned with the concurrent user capacity of the AP and the duty cycle of client
The number of seats that can be served by a single picocell can be determined by this formula:
concurrent user limit
seats =
devices per seat * average duty cycle
Concurrent user limit is the value you chose in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on
page 17.
Devices per seat is the number of radio MACs per user.
Average duty cycle is the percentage of time they have data to transmit.
For example, a cell with a 50 concurrent user limit where each seat has one device and the duty cycle is
10% could support 500 seats. However, a cell with 25 concurrent users with a single device and a 75%
duty cycle can only support 33 users.
Our focus is 5-GHz coverage in this guide, and it should be noted that some additional clients can be
served in the 2.4-GHz band, which permits some increase in the “size” of the picocell from a capacity
perspective. However, due to the inherent limitations of 2.4 GHz, it is often better to exclude it from the
capacity plan.
Reconciling the RF and Capacity Plans
The last step in the picocell planning process is to reconcile the RF design with the capacity plan. The
goal is to exactly align the number of seats reached by the radio coverage with the network capacity of
the AP.
This is relatively easy to do for high concurrent-user limit, low duty-cycle environments, even for large
numbers of clients. The earlier example with 500 seats implies an area of 25 seats across by 20 rows. At
typical seat dimensions, this is 3,750 ft2 (350 m2). Aruba has successfully constructed picocells of this
size with no difficulty.
The most challenging situation is low concurrent-user limit, high duty-cycle auditoriums. In the 33-seat
example above, this is an area of roughly six seats square. At typical seat sizes, this is just 275 ft2 (25
m2). This implies an inner radius of under 10 ft (3 m), which is quite difficult even before dealing with
the client interference radius.
The Aruba RX Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse feature is critical tool in the wireless designer’s
arsenal to help refine performance in those situations. For further assistance, contact your local Aruba
systems engineer.
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Basic Picocell Design | 117
118 | Basic Picocell Design
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Appendix D
Dynamic Frequency
Selection Operation
With a total of about twenty 20-MHz channels (different vendors support slightly different numbers) the
5-GHz band with Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) now has sufficient channels to implement most
HD WLAN scenarios. So why wouldn’t everyone use DFS?
Three significant exceptions could adversely affect HD WLAN performance with DFS enabled. The
wireless architect must assess whether any of these exceptions applies to their organization:
Proximity to radar sources in the 5450- to 5725-MHz band
Lack of DFS support on required client devices
Need for the Aruba Receive Sensitivity Tuning-Based Channel Reuse feature
If you do plan to use DFS channels, here is an overview of how DFS works and what you can expect
when radar events occur.
For more information, please see Chapter 4, “RF Design for HD WLANs” on page 31.
Behavior of 5-GHz Client Devices in Presence of Radar
Actual radar events can be extremely disruptive to a WLAN that attempts to use DFS channels. To
better understand what this means, we will review the constraints on APs and clients on these
The rules for DFS are different for different countries or regions. The definition of what kind of signals
should be considered radar signals and how each signal is classified also vary (per region and over
time). But, at a high level, the following steps provide a generic description of DFS for WLAN:
1. Before initiating any transmission on a DFS channel, the device (can be AP or client) monitors the
channel for the presence of radar signals for the Channel Availability Check (CAC) time. In most
cases, this CAC time equals a minimum of 60 seconds, but is increased to a minimum of 10 mins for
channels in the 5,600- to 5,650-MHz sub-band in Europe (channels 120, 124, 128, 116+, 120-, 124+,
and 128-)
2. If any radar signal is detected, the device “blacklists” the channel and selects a different channel. If
that channel is also a DFS channel, the process in step 1 is repeated. If a non-DFS channel is
selected, this process no longer applies. Any blacklisted channels are considered unavailable for a
minimum of 30 mins (nonoccupancy period).
3. If no radar signals are detected during the CAC time, the device can start using the channel.
4. While using the channel, the device that “owns” the connection (typically the AP) continuously
monitors the channel for radar signals (in-service monitoring). If a radar signal is detected, the AP
issues commands to all clients to instruct them to stop any transmissions on the channel, and selects
a new available channel. After detection, the AP needs to clear the channel within 10 seconds.
As you can see, APs on DFS channels take longer to come up and users on DFS channels can potentially
experience lengthy service interruptions from radar events. Because radar frequencies do not align with
802.11 channelization, such events can impact multiple Wi-Fi channels simultaneously.
Therefore, the wireless designer is strongly encouraged to conduct a DFS survey during the HD WLAN
planning process to validate the availability of these channels. Just because there is no airport nearby
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Dynamic Frequency Selection Operation | 119
does not mean there is no radar. Other common sources of radar include marine shipping traffic,
military installations, and doppler weather systems at local television stations.
A DFS survey is relatively simple to perform, and requires an Aruba controller and AP. These are the
basic steps:
1. Install the controller with ARM scanning disabled. If the controller is not in the location where the
survey will take place, arrange for wide-area connectivity to the AP.
2. Provision the AP to operate on channel 52.
3. Allow the AP to dwell on that channel for four hours.
4. If a radar event has occurred, it can be noted from the system log, and you’ll notice that the AP will
be on another channel.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the next highest 20-MHz channel until channel 140 has been completed.
Unfortunately, radar pulses cannot be detected with any PC-based portable spectrum analyzers on the
market as of this writing. The cost of renting and operating a laboratory-quality spectrum analyzer is
typically much higher than simply using the Aruba equipment you intend to deploy.
Behavior and Capabilities of 5 GHz Client Devices
As noted in Chapter 3, “Capacity Planning for HD-WLANs” on page 17, there is a wide variety in 5-GHz
channel support among client devices. Some devices don’t support any of the 15 DFS channels, some
support only the four in the UNII-2 sub-band, and currently only a few support all channels. The number
of devices with full DFS support is growing, but the majority still has limitations. Typically, the actual
level of DFS support depends not only on the client device itself (or WLAN chipset), but also the
specific software driver version for that device.
Note that WLAN client devices with support for DFS channels will typically not implement actual radar
detection capabilities, but depend on the AP for this. Therefore, even with DFS supported, these client
devices are unable to establish ad-hoc networks or do active scanning on DFS channels. Without a
detection mechanism, devices are not permitted to initiate transmissions on DFS channels. Also, they
need to respond to commands from the AP to vacate the channel in a well-defined manner.
As a result of the limitation to passive scanning, even when DFS is supported it will typically take much
longer for a client to “see” an AP on a DFS channel, and the client will appear to have a “preference” for
the non-DFS channels. It should be noted that implementing a WLAN deployment where DFS channels
are included in the supported channel list (regulatory profile) in which some clients do and others do
not support the full set of clients has the potential to create large coverage holes for some clients.
To address this concern, start with an inventory of the critical devices in each HD WLAN coverage zone.
Validate that the NIC and driver software fully support DFS. If they do not, a mitigation plan will be
needed upgrade them before DFS channels can be utilized.
DFS Summary
DFS channels are a vital weapon in the wireless architect’s arsenal when planning any HD WLAN.
However, due to the importance of these possible exceptions, all DFS channels are disabled in ArubaOS
by default but can be easily enabled. This is explained in Chapter 6, “Configuring ArubaOS
for HD-WLANs” on page 67.
Before enabling DFS channels in any WLAN system, it is critical to complete a DFS survey and to
understand the behavior of all client devices in the system on all DFS channels.
120 | Dynamic Frequency Selection Operation
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Appendix E
Aruba Contact Information
Contacting Aruba Networks
Web Site Support
Main Site
Support Site
Software Licensing Site
Wireless Security Incident
Response Team (WSIRT)
Support Emails
Americas and APAC
Please email details of any security
problem found in an Aruba product.
Telephone Support
Aruba Corporate
+1 (408) 227-4500
+1 (408) 227-4550
United States
+1-800-WI-FI-LAN (800-943-4526)
Universal Free Phone Service Numbers (UIFN):
Reach: 11 800 494 34526
United States
1 800 9434526
1 650 3856589
1 800 9434526
1 650 3856589
United Kingdom
BT: 0 825 494 34526
MCL: 0 825 494 34526
IDC: 10 810 494 34526 * Select fixed phones
IDC: 0061 010 812 494 34526 * Any fixed, mobile, and payphone
KDD: 10 813 494 34526 * Select fixed phones
JT: 10 815 494 34526 * Select fixed phones
JT: 0041 010 816 494 34526 * Any fixed, mobile, and payphone
DACOM: 2 819 494 34526
KT: 1 820 494 34526
ONSE: 8 821 494 34526
Singapore Telecom: 1 822 494 34526
Taiwan (U)
CHT-I: 0 824 494 34526
Belgacom: 0 827 494 34526
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide
Aruba Contact Information | 121
Telephone Support
Bezeq: 14 807 494 34526
Barack ITC: 13 808 494 34526
EIRCOM: 0 806 494 34526
Hong Kong
HKTI: 1 805 494 34526
Deutsche Telkom: 0 804 494 34526
France Telecom: 0 803 494 34526
China (P) China Telecom South: 0 801 494 34526
China Netcom Group: 0 802 494 34526
Saudi Arabia
800 8445708
800 04416077
2510-0200 8885177267 * within Cairo
02-2510-0200 8885177267 * outside Cairo
91 044 66768150
122 | Aruba Contact Information
High-Density Wireless Networks for Auditoriums VRD | Solution Guide