St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . 630.355


St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . 630.355
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . 630.355.8980
Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois
Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop
Most Rev. Joseph Siegel, Auxiliary Bishop
Most Rev. Joseph L. Imesch, Bishop Emeritus
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 26, 2012
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail:
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parish Staff
Rev. Don E. McLaughlin – Pastor, x102,
Rev. Rodolphe Arty, C.S.C. – Parochial Vicar, x 103,
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Associate,
Permanent Deacons
Rev. Mr. Michael (Kathryn) Barrett – x220,
Rev. Mr. Jim (Mary Jo) Breen – 630.357.4853,
Rev. Mr. Larry (Susan) Kearney – x225,
Rev. Mr. Chuck (Sue) Lane – x220,
Rev. Mr. Pat (Mary Jo) Lennon – x220,
Kate Cuddy – Director of Music and Liturgy, x112,
Scott Knisley – Asst. Director of Music and Liturgy, x111,
Lori Culberson – Liturgy Coordinator, x120,
Theresa Sheliga* – Sacristan Coordinator, x116
Faith Formation
Sandy Renehan – Principal at All Saints Catholic Academy 630.961.6125
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education, x109,
Brett Adams – Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, x117,
Peggy Goralski – Associate Partner of Youth Ministry, x123,
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA x138,
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, x118,
Outreach and Social Justice
Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach & Social Justice, x121,
Anne Schultz – OSJ Partner, x113,
Sally Meno* – OSJ Financial, x137,
Pastoral Care
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, x124
Felicia Lawlor*, M.S., R.N. – Faith Community Nurse, x104,
Rose Grumbine*, R.N., – Faith Community Nurse, x140,
Janet Simmons – Finance/Business Officer, x106,
Diane McQueen – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x101,
Kathy Ferguson – Gen Office Administrative Asst, x100,
Elizabeth Fisher* – Evening/Saturday Receptionist
Mary Wright* – Evening/Saturday Receptionist
Marge Coronado – Administration and R.E. Asst, x219,
Marilyn DeMeo* – Database Coordinator (T/Th), x107,
Angie Tuttle – Bulletin and Web Editor, Liturgy Asst, x110,
Bob Hartmann – Facility Manager, x133,
Pastoral Leadership Community
Christine Berta 579.4294
Pam Foster 699.3044
Charles Haydon 369.2262
Nick Furibondo 898.5224
Richard Strassburger 499.5676
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Kate Cuddy
Chris Baker
Charles Haydon
Carol Healy
*indicates part-time staff
Reconciliation is available Saturday, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m.,
in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Fr. Don is
available during the week by appointment. Communal
Penance services are held occasionally during the year.
Sick and Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist
from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care.
Baptisms are usually celebrated 2-3 Sundays each
month at a 12:30 p.m. service. On selected dates,
Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents
are required to attend an awareness and renewal
evening prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office
a few months in advance to make arrangements.
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom,
or their parents, must be a registered parishioner
for at least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Religious Education
Call the 630.305.6318 to register.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 630.355.8980.
Counseling Service
Call Samaritan Interfaith 630.357.2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 630.355.8980 x 124.
Sunday Nursery
Nursery care is available for your child age one
(walking) to four at the 9:30 a.m. Mass.
For more information call the church office.
Liturgy Schedule
(Monday — Friday)
Communion Service — 6:30 a.m.
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 a.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
every first Friday, 9:00 — 9:30 a.m.
From the
Pastor’s Desk
Today, as we enjoy our parish
annual picnic, we conclude our
five week long “picnic with the
crowds” in chapter six of John’s
gospel, where Jesus in the first
week feeds the crowd with the
multiplication of the loaves and
fish, and then the
succeeding weeks feeds the
crowd (and us) with his teaching
that He is the bread of life. The
final section of chapter six focuses on the response of the disciples to what Jesus has said, especially about himself being the
bread of life. The responses back then, and even today, are wide
and varied. They include complaining, disbelief, rejection, confession of faith, and betrayal. Notice that these are the responses from
his disciples and those who seemingly believed in him. In many
ways, Jesus asks them (and us) to stretch in ways that they cannot
accept. Some could only say, “This teaching is difficult; who can
accept it?” Jesus himself recognizes the challenge he is presenting.
He indicates that no one can come to him unless it is granted by the
Father, but even then there is no guarantee that a person will respond positively and believe the words of Jesus.
In the end, Simon Peter speaks for the twelve and affirms their
decision to stay with Jesus. Difficult as it is to really grasp the full
identity of Jesus, the twelve believe that he has the words of eternal
life and that he is the Holy One of God. When one comes to believe that, there is nowhere else to go. Once again, the Gospel
writer shows us that, even if we would have been alive and present
at the time of Jesus, the challenge to accept him and believe that he
was the Holy One of God would have been daunting. Like those
who were present, some of us might go our separate ways.
Each time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, we are celebrating the very truth of our faith that caused some people in Jesus’
day, and even our own times, to walk away in disbelief. We believe that we are offering the death and resurrection of Jesus to the
Father, and that we will soon receive the very Body and Blood of
Jesus in Communion. May we look around and see other men,
women and children who share our faith by being here at the
Eucharist and draw strength from our shared faith in the teaching
of Jesus, the true bread come down from heaven, the Bread of Life!
21st Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2012
As for me and my household,
we will serve the LORD.
— Joshua 24:15b
Welcome Guests
and Visitors!
We’re so glad you’re here and invite
you to walk the path of faith with us.
St. Thomas strives to provide a spiritual
home where all are welcome, where the
healing, reconciling, liberating love of
God is shared by all. We believe the
church is the sacrament of God’s saving
presence in the world, join us!
Would you like to become a
Call Kathy Ferguson 630.355.8980.
Parish Picnic—THIS weekend!
SUNDAY, Noon—3:00 p.m. With “Chalk Rock” presentation by Shaun Hays 12:30—1:00
You won’t want to miss this exciting event and good food and fellowship that follows!
Worship Commission—Liturgy & Music
Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass Resumes
The Communion Song…Part 2
The Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass will resume September 9. This is a very upbeat, lively mass geared for
youth and the young at heart. All ministers are needed
— Lectors, Musicians, Choir Members, and Eucharistic Ministers. If you are interested, call Lori Culberson at 630.355.8980 x 120.
GIRM, no 86, indicates that the second purpose of
the Communion song is to give evidence of a joyful
heart. The Communion song is meant to express the
joy we experience in being called to the messianic
table to feast on the Body and Blood of Christ and
become together the one Body of Christ. Appropriate
Communion songs express praise, thanksgiving, joy
in being fed and filled, gratitude for being healed and
forgiven, and gladness in being one in Christ.
This purpose is especially important to keep in
mind during the more festive seasons of the Church
year. Songs of expectation during Advent, nativity
carols during Christmas season, and songs filled with
alleluias during Easter easily accord with expressing
our joy of heart at approaching the banquet of eternal
life. Even during Lent, songs expressing sorrow or
penitence that we might sing for Communion carry
an undercurrent of joy, for it is at the table of the
Lord that we are fully forgiven, reconciled to God
and one another, and made whole.
Voices of Faith Returns!
After a much deserved summer break, Voices of
Faith — St. Thomas’ large adult choir, will begin
singing again at the 9:30 a.m. Mass on September 9.
Anyone interested in joining this highly talented, funfilled group, call the Liturgy and Music Office.
Scott: 630.355.8980x111 Kate: 630.355.8980x112
Fr. Don’s Formal Installation
Fr. Don will be formally installed as the fourth
pastor of St. Thomas on September 30 at the 9:30 a.m.
mass by Fr. Thomas Sularz. Fr. Thomas Sularz is the
pastor of St. Daniel the Prophet in Wheaton and is
also Dean of the Western Dupage Deanery. A reception for Fr. Don will follow the Mass.
Presider’s Schedule September 1/2
Altar Servers…it’s not too late! A training session is
scheduled for Wednesday, September 12 from 6:00 to
8:00 p.m. You only need to attend one session. Interested? Contact Lori Culberson 630.355.8980 x 120.
Also….it’s not too late to sign-up to be a Eucharistic Minister or a Host Greeter. These ministers
are needed for all Masses, but Host Greeters are especially needed for the 11:15am Mass on Sundays.
Training is provided! All you need is a welcoming
heart and a willingness to serve the community!
4:30 pm, Fr. Bob Colaresi
Today’s Readings
Readings for the Week
First Reading — It was the LORD, our God, who protected us along our entire journey
(Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b).
Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
(Psalm 34).
Second Reading — Christ nourishes and cherishes the
church because we are members of his body
(Ephesians 5:21-32 [5:2a, 25-32]).
Gospel — We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God (John 6:6069).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
August 26, 2012, Page 4
8:00 am, Fr. Dof Arty, Dn. Michael Barrett, Preaching
9:30 am, Fr. Don McLaughlin, Dn. Pat Lennon, Preaching
11:15 am, Fr. Don McLaughlin
Schedule is subject to change.
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Mt 23:23-26
2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Mk 6:17-29
1 Cor 1:1-9; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 25:14-30
Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15; Jas 1:17-18,
21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Pray For Our Parish
Christ Jesus,
when we hear your voice,
our hearts burn with passion.
When we feel your presence,
our lives are alive with purpose.
Come now,
here in this time and place,
and be our hope,
be new life for all of us
who feel dead,
who long for new breath,
new life,
and new promises.
Help us to spin our passion
into service for your people.
For the sick…
Cardinal Francis George
Maria Martinez, mother of Leticia Soto
Kathryn Smith, daughter of Karen Vojtech
Kevin Roach, infant nephew of Elise & Dave Diner
Macy & Liz, friends of the Arce family
Eva Salazar, wife of Rod
Jim Steele, son of Kay
Tamba Loll, aunt of Natalie Jason
Patricia Strassburger, mother of Dick
Silvia Hernandez, friend of the OSJ office
Jose Blanco, father of Miguel
Pat Kammer, wife of Ray
Vince Harrison, brother of Pat
For the deceased…
Jim McCorquodale, husband of Maureen
Eloise Vallejo cousin of Frank Trujillo
Eunice Boehle, great aunt of
Karen Trimble (Curt) Alliaume
Please Pray for our Men and Women
Serving in the Military
Mass Intentions
Our parish community would like to recognize and
remember the following individuals in prayer:
Monday, August 27, 2012
8:30 Special Intention for Sr. Helen Kallus,
by Ron & Elaine Smith
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Joseph Zito
Staff Sgt. Brooke Sica
Airman Maxwell Dempsey
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
8:30 †Mary & John Phillips, by The Martin Family
Air Force National Guard
Senior Airman Jacob Brancaleon
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
8:30 †Rosario Quattrochi, by Joseph Battisto
U.S. Army
Lt. Alanna Casey
Cpt. Matthew Haselhorst
Sgt. Aaron Simms
Sgt. William Stuart
PFC Sean Wesley
1st Lt. Chris Turley
SPC Eric Servatius
Warrant Officer Aviation Kyle Zimmerman
Thursday, August 30, 2012
8:30 †James Cliff, by Phyllis Cliff
†Pat Patterman, by Jan & Gary Stull
U.S. Marine Corps
Lt. Kevin Martin
Corporal Aaron Murphy
Lance Corporal Oliver Buckley
Captain Brad Rothman
Lt. Colin Miller-Ratcliffes
Lance Corporal Tommy Balducci
Saturday, September 1, 2012
8:30 †Margaret Wos, by Mary & Ed Doyle
†Mark Kuzemka, by Mary & Ed Doyle
4:30 †Sue Culberson, by Arts & Environment
U.S. Navy
AT3 Amanda Schlarman
Ensign Jason Coons
SR Joel Curry
SR Jeffrey Bates
Friday, August 31, 2012
8:30 †Felix Amore, by Tina & Pam
Sunday, September 2, 2012
8:00 Our Homebound Parishioners
9:30 For the People of St. Thomas
11:15 Megan Boken, by Fr. Don
U.S. Coast Guard
Call the parish office 630.355.8980 to include
someone you love in the Military prayer list.
Page 5 — August 26, 2012
Faith and Formation Commission– Adult
Catholicism Series
coming to St. Thomas
Fr. Robert Barron’s acclaimed video series, “Catholicism” is coming to St. Thomas!
In just 10 sessions, in the Lighthouse on
Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., travel
through time and to more than 50 locations
throughout the world as Fr. Barron presents
what Brad Miner, Senior Editor of The
Catholic Thing blog, calls, “simply the most
vivid catechism ever created; a high-def, illustrated manuscript for the 21st century.”
Discover the full meaning of the Faith in a
visually compelling and engaging way!
Learn what Catholics believe and why, while
being immersed in the art, architecture, literature, music, and all the global treasures of the
Catholic tradition.
To reserve your place, contact Chari
Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office
by September 3 at 630.355.8980 x138 or
Calling All Artists...
The Celebration of
the Arts ministry of
St. Thomas the Apostle
invites artists to
participate in the
15th Annual Fine Art
and Craft Fair.
The event takes place Saturday and
Sunday, November 3 and 4 in the Ministry
Center. The deadline for registration is
September 30, however space is allocated
on a “first come first serve” basis so don’t
wait until the last minute to register. Call
Don Castro at 630.717.9354 or Chari
Rosales at 630.355.8980x138 for entry forms
or more information.
August 26, 2012, Page 6
Is it time to invest in your relationship?
A strong, loving and lifelong
relationship doesn’t happen by
chance. We can all learn how to
make even the happiest marriage
better. Once a month on Friday evening
from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., come to the
Lighthouse for dinner, a video and
private couple conversation on topics vital to everyday concerns
such as the art of communication, resolving conflict, the impact of
family, and love in action. Dates for 2012-13 are Sept. 14, Oct. 12,
Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 8 and Apr. 19.
Tables for two, candlelight and a relaxed atmosphere await you
with your hosts, Rose and Steven Grumbine. So that all conversations
remain private – there is no group sharing – registrations are available
only to the first 12 couples who apply. The cost is just $70 per couple
to cover meals and materials. Pick up a flier/registration form in the
Gathering Area or register with Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office at 630.355.8980 x138 or
Sign up now – good things await you!
The Apostles’ Creed is one of our oldest catechisms,
dating back to the early Church and possibly back as early
as the second century. It’s intent is to summarize the faith
that the early apostles believed and preached. The word
“creed” comes from the Latin word “credo” which means
“I believe.” And that’s where our Creed begins. The opening line of the Apostles’ Creed is “I BELIEVE.” Although
we say this in communion with everyone else with whom
we are celebrating Mass, we also take personal responsibility for what we are saying in that we profess the Creed
personally. The statement of “I believe” requires us to take
ownership for the words we are speaking.
What does it mean to believe in something or someone?
To believe means to have faith in, to trust, to accept as true
and to take without proof. And who do we say we believe
in? We profess to believe in “ONE GOD”, in the persons
of God as Father, God as Son and God as Holy Spirit. This
is the mystery of the Trinity, which is absolutely foundational to our Christian faith. Making such a belief statement automatically suggests we are sure that God exists
and that God is a unique force greater than ourselves. Next
week we’ll take a more detailed look at what our Creed
says about God the Father.
Spread the Word
Scripture Study at St. Thomas
Walking Humbly with God
- Poor exploited by wealthy
- Infidelity and adultery rampant
- Cheating scandals and political upheavals
Headlines from the Chicago Tribune? No, excerpts from Old Testament prophets Amos, Hosea
and Micah, pioneers in the transmission of God’s
insistence on social justice – the focus of the upcoming Friday Bible Study. What God values and what
we do are often at odds. How can we align the two?
Fr. Richard Rohr, noted Franciscan teacher and author writes, “If you understand Hebrew Scripture,
you can truly understand Jesus.” Start with these
three prophets and see how and why Jesus in his
ministry was indeed the word of God in the flesh.
Grow your understanding of Amos, Hosea and
Micah through the Friday Morning Bible Study,
which meets 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. from September 14,
2012 thru May 2013. An orientation for new participants with facilitator Audrey Easton will be held at
9:15 a.m. on September 7. To register, or for more
information, contact Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith
Formation Office at 630.355.8980 x138 or All are welcome!
Go Out in the World: Acts of the Apostles, the
sequel to the Gospel of Luke, will be the focus of the
Thursday Adult Bible Studies.
- Connect with Jesus’ first followers
- Explore how apostles formed disciples and how
disciples formed communities
-Reflect on the meaning and practice of the
Church in our day and time
Interactive sessions of prayer, study and discussion begin September 6 and continue thru May 2013.
Choose the time most convenient for you: 9:15 to
11:15 a.m., OR 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Child care is available mornings. Make a year’s commitment, or drop
in when you can. Bring a friend or come to be welcomed by new ones.
To be a part of this adventure, contact Chari
Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office at
630.355.8980 x138 or
Dance lessons coming!
John 6:60-69
Did you know that only in John’s gospel does it
speak of many of Jesus disciples rejecting him? Peter speaks for all of us: “Master, to whom shall we
go? You have the words of everlasting life.” Do you
follow Jesus even through your doubts and challenges?
“Shake it up, baby!” Long-time, experienced
dance instructor Diana Giarusso will lead couples,
both beginner and experienced dancers, through
swing, salsa, rhumba, fox trot, cha cha, waltz and
tango in four Thursday sessions, September 27
through October 18, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the
St. Thomas Gym. Cost is $20 per couple per session.
All that’s required is a sense of fun and adventure! Register by September 24 with Chari Rosales
in the Adult Faith Formation Office at
630.355.8980 x138 or
Page 7 — August 26, 2012
Faith and Formation Commission– Youth
Orientation for New Families
to St. Thomas’ Religious Education
Program (Pre-K – 8)
Come to one of the following brief orientations in
the St. Thomas Gathering Area:
Tues, Aug 28: 10:30 – 11:00 am or 5:30 – 6:00 pm
Wed, Sept 5: 9:30 – 10:00 am or 2:00 – 2:30 pm
• How to get the most out of the Religious
Education program
• Directions to school, parking procedures and
which doors to use
• How to use the calendar
• About special events
Kick Off Mass for
St. Thomas Faith Formation
On Sunday, August 26, the new faith formation year
will kick off with the 11:15 mass. Parents should plan
to arrive a few minutes early to check in the Gathering
Area for the name of their child’s catechist, then sit
together as a family in church. Listen for Religious
Education announcements before mass. Immediately
after mass, families can meet the catechists (those able
to attend) before going outside to enjoy the St. Thomas
Parish Picnic. In the event of rain, the picnic will be
held in the gym.
A highlight of the picnic this year is The Chalk
Man, Shaun Hayes, who is scheduled from 12:30 to
1:00 p.m. See you then!
RSVP helpful: Patti Dougherty 630.355.8980 ext. 109
Children are welcome. Check out the St. Thomas
website for more information
For Families with Special Needs
Sometimes the sights and sounds at Mass is overwhelming for those with sensory challenges. The conference room, next to the St. Thomas Nursery, and
across from the Faith Formation Office, can serve as a
Quiet Space for parents to bring children who need a
short break during Mass. This small space can only
accommodate one family at a time attending to a
child. Families are encouraged to rejoin the assembly
when their child has had the opportunity to regulate
him/her self.
Copies of “My Picture Missal” are available for on
Sundays during the 9:30 and 11:15 masses and are
located at the Greeter Desk in the Gathering Area.
Please check in the booklet right after mass so others
may borrow it. This booklet uses visuals (similar to
Boardmaker) to help a child follow the order of the
Mass. It is small and colorful, with basic captions instructing “sit”, “stand”, “sing”, etc. Parents will find
this tool useful in allowing children with special
needs to be engaged and participate during the Mass.
All are truly welcome at St. Thomas the Apostle.
If there are other ways to better support your family’s
needs, please contact the Faith Formation Office at
630.305.6318 or the Parish Office at 630.355.8980.
Did you know St. Thomas
has a nursery?
See page 13 for details!
August 26, 2012, Page 8
Liturgy of the Word with Children
Liturgy of the Word is for children 4 years old
(and able to attend on their own) through Grade 3.
This begins September 23 until April 21 except
around Christmas and Easter. This will be offered for
children during the 9:30 and 11:15 Masses.
Children begin mass with their parents until they
are invited by the Priest to attend their own ‘Liturgy
of the Word.” They leave just before the assembly
starts the Readings and return after the Prayers of the
Faithful. They go into meeting rooms in the Ministry
There is no registration and children of the above
ages may attend either mass. Contact Patti Dougherty
if interested in helping or with any questions at
630.355.8980 ext. 109 or
Families: Take some time to discuss
and reflect on the readings.
Question of the Week...
What are some ways that you follow Jesus?
Two middle school catechists
are still needed: a 6th grade
catechist for Saturday at 8:30
and a 7th grade catechist for
Saturday at 8:30. For more
information or to volunteer,
contact Peggy Goralski at
or 630-355-8980, x123.
Small Group
Leaders Needed
Adult small group leaders are
needed for high school faith sharing groups. The first
meeting for high school faith sharing groups is scheduled for
Sunday, September 30. The groups meet 4-5 times through
the course of the year. If you are interested in ministering in
this way, contact Brett Adams at or
630.355.8980, x117.
Need Metea Valley
Student Volunteer
Metea Valley High School has offered to help the
St. Thomas Haiti Twinning/Education cause. To
make this happen, St. Thomas needs a Metea Valley
student who will act as a “go between” for the
St. Thomas and the high school. This student volunteer will earn community outreach hours.
If you a Metea Valley High School student and are
interested in serving in this role or would like more
information, contact Julie Murphy at or by calling 630.851.3479.
Youth Ministry Corner
While the Olympic summer games were taking
place in London, my family attended the Transplant
Games of America in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Like
the London games, the Transplant Games of America
were sports competitions. The Transplant Games competitors, from all over the United States, had either received an organ transplant or been an organ donor.
These games were a wonderful celebration of life and
sport. It was an especially meaningful experience for
my family because on March 3, 2011, my son Josh donated a kidney to my husband, Mark. Both Mark and
Josh competed in the games and I was able to cheer my
two men on! At the games, we met a family from New
York who had lost a baby boy when he was two and a
half months old. They were there to cheer on the now
four-year old little boy from Iowa who received their
son’s heart.
Giving the gift of life so that someone else can have
a fuller life…doesn’t that message have a familiar ring
to it? Ezekiel 36:26 states, “I will give you a new heart
and place a new spirit within you, taking from your
bodies stony hearts and giving you natural hearts.” I
guess that makes us all heart and spirit transplant recipients. God is our donor! What an amazing gift…
one that is meant to be celebrated and used wisely.
Please pray for the grace to do just that!
Reflection from the Appleton
Just5Days Mission Trip
Middle School — Important Dates
Sunday, Aug, 26, Noon-3, Parish Picnic,
a chance to meet your catechist and to support
middle school missions by purchasing a snow cone!
Monday, Aug 27, 7 pm, All Catechists Meeting
Tuesday, Sept 4, 7 pm, Middle School
Catechists Meeting
Monday, Sept 10, Middle School
Monday RE classes begin at All Saints
Saturday, Sept 15, Middle School
Saturday RE classes begin at All Saints
Earlier this summer, a group of middle school youth
participated in a week-long service trip to Appleton,
Wisconsin. One of the St. Thomas participants, Callie
Vitro, wrote this reflection on her experience:
“My favorite part of Just5Days was getting to
meet new people. I got very close to the other people I was working with, but also those that we
helped throughout the week. It was really interesting to learn their stories and spend so much time
with them, knowing how much help we were giving. My faith really grew as I reached out to others and saw God in everyone I met. Overall, the
whole entire trip was amazing!”
Consider participating in Just5Days next summer.
Watch future bulletins for more information.
Page 9 — August 26, 2012
Service Commission—Outreach & Social Justice
St. Thomas Long Beach Revisited
Wed, Aug 29 is the 7th anniversary of Hurricane
Katrina’s landing on the southern gulf coast
When Hurricane Katrina destroyed St. Thomas the
Apostle Church in Long Beach, Mississippi, as well
as their school and scores of homes in the area, St.
Thomas the Apostle in Naperville sent a number of
rebuilding teams to their community and, in the process, developed a relationship that continues. When the
new church was dedicated last year, a large, beautiful
“Our Father” plate was gifted to the Long Beach parish.
St. Thomas parishioner, Mark Wolverton, recently
visited the new church and spoke with Patsy, the parish Office Manager. Patsy welcomed Mark and took
him to the church to see where the gift had been
placed. It is in a place of honor right next to the primary crucifix in the church.
Harvest Sunday
Planning Committee Help Needed
This year’s Harvest Sunday is November 4. It will
again be a St. Thomas family oriented event. A few
people are needed to help with the planning for the
Harvest Sunday is a neighborhood and local store
food collection, that last year yielded 3,275 bags of
food that were shared between the St. Thomas Care
Pantry, St. Nicholas pantry, and the Sisters of Notre
Dame pantry. Over 500 volunteers participated. It is
one of the major service projects for middle and high
school youth. It is jointly organized by the Middle
School and High School Office and the Outreach and
Social Justice Office.
If you can volunteer for the planning team or have
questions, contact Mike Ryder 630.355.8980,
Rachel Vineyard Weekend Retreat
Post abortive women and men are encouraged to attend the Rachel Vineyard Weekend Retreats held
twice yearly at the St. Charles Borromeo Pastoral
Center. The next scheduled retreat is being held, Friday, September 7 - Sunday, September 9, 2012, beginning Friday evening at 6:00 PM and continuing
through Sunday early afternoon. Contact Kay at 1866-99-4-GIVE (4483) for additional information. Registration brochures are available at http://
Hike for Hesed (8th Annual)
September 22
Registration 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Hike begins at 8:30 AM
(2.6 miles roundtrip)
Walk alone or build a hike team
with co-workers, family, friends!
Hike team forms are available
in the Gathering Area.
Over 400 men, women, and children spend each
night at Hesed House. Walk to help them get out of
homelessness! The Hike starts at Hesed House - 680
S River St, Aurora - and winds along the walk path
of the Fox River to the Montgomery Mill Street
Bridge. Food and refreshments provided following
the hike For information, call 630.897.2156 x 542
August 26, 2012, Page 10
Lakota Relationship
Mission Trip Report Meeting
Vacation Bible School on the Reservation
Wed, Aug 29, 7—9 pm, St. Thomas Lighthouse
Four St. Thomas parishioners recently traveled to
the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota to
participate in Vacation Bible School at St. Agnes, the
St. Thomas sister parish. It was a moving experience
for the team; they interacted with the children, met
many people, and marveled at the beauty of the people
and the natural setting.
Join the team on Wednesday, August 29 for a slide
presentation and commentary. The group will also start
to discuss plans to welcome two people from the reservation to St. Thomas this fall. The team was the second
group from St. Thomas to visit the reservation. They
were warmly welcomed and it was evident the relationship is deepening with the people of St. Agnes and the
surrounding community.
September Food Collection
Next Weekend Sept 1 & 2
Items especially needed are:
• Peanut Butter
• Pasta Sauce
• Jelly
• Cereal
• Large soup
• Juice
• Toilet paper
• Jello
• Microwave Popcorn
As part of your offering, please bring your
gift of food to the altar when the gifts of
bread and wine are brought forward.
If you can’t bring food to Mass next weekend,
bring it when convenient… just leave it outside the
Outreach Office or in the Gathering Area.
Letters from Father Don Kenny
St. Thomas is a member of Quito Barrio Outreach
( in support of Fr. Don
Kenny’s mission work in Quito, Ecuador. (Fr. Don is a
prior St. Thomas Pastor.) Below are two excerpts from
his latest letters. You can visit to
see the entire letters
July 11, 2012
Dear friends: First I’ll describe my adventure in the
“the Orient” which is what Ecuadorians call the part
of their country east of the Andes Mountains, the rainforest or jungle, with tributaries which eventually join
tributaries in Brazil to form the Amazon River. On
Monday I flew by Tame, our small Ecuadorian airline,
to Lago Agrio, a small town in the jungle, and stayed
there overnight in a hotel.
The tourist agency was supposed to take me by taxi
to a bus terminal on Tuesday morning, but they forgot
about me. I would have been stranded, but, by incredible luck, another agency had sent a taxi to pick up four
people at the hotel, but only three were there. A man
named Sali Mohammed was missing. They all agreed
that this was another name for Don Kenny (!), so I left
with them, first on a two-hour bus ride, where I saw
this part of the country.
See the Thomas website for the rest of Father Don’s
adventure — and it was an adventure!
July 19, 2012
Now I will describe the last big happening. The people at Rancho Alto have always celebrated on Saturday
night with the groups who came down and lived in the
places here … I knew that they would do so for Marmion again as well. … Sister Rosa had told me that
Caring is thinking with your heart!
Ask if there is a chore you can do during the week
- helping with the laundry perhapsto earn a box of cerealto bring to the altar
when you come to church Saturday or Sunday.
Thank You!
there would be something said about my tenth anniversary as a missionary (I left the U.S. to be a foreign
missionary on July 16, 2002.) … Then after Communion I saw a huge picture of me on the wall, which
I hadn’t noticed. Then they set up a power point, i.e.,
a slide show, about things I have accomplished here:
clinic, soup kitchen, education center, Miguelito,
things in Mirador, in the chapel. They put up some of
my usual sayings, and some of my goofy sayings. Then people talked and thanked me.
Then after Mass the outside show began. There
must have been ten music groups. Yaware came back,
with Juan and his beautiful voice; a mariachi
band; Riocío Macancela and her Loyola traditional
dance group; the AfroEcuadorians; our own youth
dancers; then our youth combined with Marmion
kids; then Marmion by itself, some singers from Mirador; skits. It went on for a long time, with constant
opportunities for everyone to dance. There were gifts
for me and again words of thanks. I felt appreciated
and loved.
See the Thomas website for the rest of Father Don’s
July 19 letter
Page 11 — August 26, 2012
Pastoral Care
Parish Nurse Note:
As reported recently in the news there have been
outbreaks of Pertussis “whooping cough” in the United
States this year, with as many as 3,000 more cases expected by the end of 2012. Below is a brief description
of the disease and its symptom. For more information
go to
Pertussis is a common disease in the United States,
with frequent outbreaks and periodic epidemics every
three to five years. It is also called whooping cough
because of the “whooping” sound people often make
while gasping for air after a coughing fit.
Found only in humans, this highly contagious bacterial disease is spread from person to person, usually
by coughing or sneezing while in close contact with
In rare cases, pertussis can be fatal. Before routine
child vaccination became widespread in the 1940’s,
pertussis caused thousands of fatalities each year in the
It starts off with cold-like symptoms, including:
• Runny nose
• Low-grade fever
• Mild, occasional cough
As the disease progresses, the traditional symptoms
of pertussis appear, including:
• Fits of many rapid coughs followed by a highpitched “whoop”
• Vomiting
• Exhaustion following coughing fits.
In infants, the cough can be minimal or not even
there. Infants may have another symptom known as
apnea- a pause in the child’s breathing pattern. Pertussis is most dangerous for babies, and more than half of
infants younger than one who get the disease must be
An adult booster shot for pertussis – called Tdap for
tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis-has been
available since 2005. Fewer than one in 10 adults have
received the shot; most don’t even know they need it,
learning about the booster only when they see a doctor
for a tetanus shot.
In 2010 California had a pertussis epidemic with
more than 9,000 cases, including 10 deaths. Washington State just declared an epidemic in April, with the
worst outbreak seen there in decades. State officials are
seeking help from federal disease experts and are urging residents to get vaccinated amid worry that cases of
the highly contagious disease are likely to spike much
higher. Outbreaks are also being monitored in counties
in California, Florida, Iowa, Montana, Texas, Utah and
August 26, 2012, Page 12
Parish Nurse Note:
Blood Screenings Scheduled
Health Ministry Blood Pressure
Screenings will again return to
St. Thomas. They will be held in the
Deacon’s Office (West Wing of the
Church) after all the Masses. The screening
opportunities are for the benefit of all parishioners and
visitors to St. Thomas.
Many individuals are aware of their Hypertension
but a staggering number of younger and older adults
are among the uninformed. Since Hypertension produces no symptoms of its own, it has been called the
“silent killer”. Get informed and stay informed.
Please stop by the Deacon’s office to see a nurse
on the following dates this season:
September 8-9
October 13-14
November 10-11
December 8-9
January 5-6
February 9-10
March 9-10
April 6-7
May 4-5
Counseling Service:
Call Samaritan Interfaith 357-2456 or
Jan Olah, Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124
In the Hospital
or Homebound?
Call the parish office 355-8980
or the Pastoral Care Office x 124 and
one of our parish nurses or
ministers of care will visit,
bring Eucharist and prayer.
Stewardship Commission
Last Weekend’s stewardship
of financial gifts...
Weekly Sunday Offertory
August 19, 2012
Sunday Collection Offering
Automatic Direct Debit
Mailed in & stock donations
Total for week
*Based on Collection Counters Reports
Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date:
Weekly Average 7/1/10 to date:
Offertory Goal Year to Date
Over/short of goal to date:
Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30
Remaining for Fiscal Year goal
Catholics understand that faith is forever.
Being buried in a Catholic Cemetery is an extension of
and affirmation of how they lived their lives.
Did you know St. Thomas
has a Sunday Nursery?
Please come and check out
St. Thomas’ Sunday Nursery held
during the 9:30 and 11:15 masses.
The nursery is located off the hall
by Ministry Center Entrance and we welcome children of walking age through the
age of three. At age four, children may begin attending the Liturgy of the Word sessions offered during these two mass times.
Parents are encouraged to be a part of our
nursery schedule but need to complete Diocesan requirements before helping. Teen
volunteers are welcomed as well.
Your Diocese operates 21 Catholic cemeteries,
allowing you to affirm your faith, heritage,
and tradition for all eternity.
We offer several choices for burial options,
including in-ground burial, crypts, and mausoleums,
as well as options for the preservation and honoring
of cremated remains.
Demand is high and spaces are limited,
so call now for more information
about a Diocesan cemetery near you.
630.554.7590 .
Information of these requirements as well as
registration forms, are available on the nursery door. There is also the option of paying
a fee of $3.00 per child per Sunday. The
nursery is open after Labor Day until Memorial Day and is closed on some holy days.
For more information, please contact
Nursery Facilitator, Ombretta Schutz,
or call the Faith Formation Office
at church 630.305.6318.
Page 13 — August 26, 2012
Administration Commission
Free Personal Change Class Offered
Through Catholic Charities
Do you feel that life is beating you down? Are you
always struggling to make ends meet? Do you want to
let go of unproductive thoughts, feelings and behaviors
and replace them with positive ones that will move
you toward a better quality of life?
Catholic Charities is offering a program of personal
change called Out of Poverty. This program is not just
about lack of money; it’s also about poverty of the
spirit. Discussion within a group setting encourages
honesty and focuses on the fact that life has not turned
out the way you thought it would.
Give yourself a second chance and register for Out
of Poverty classes today. Classes are held at Catholic
Charities, 26 W. St. Charles Road in Lombard each
Monday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. from September
17 – November 5. A special graduation ceremony is
planned for November 12, 2012. Onsite childcare will
be provided. For more information, or to register, call
Yvonne Morrongiello at 630-495-8008 ext. 2122 or
Ron Madsen at ext. 2119. Visit our website at
Monday, Aug. 27
7:00—9:30 p.m.
7:00—9:00 p.m.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Coed Volleyball, Gym
Catechists Evening of Faith Formation, Lighthouse
Haiti Twinning, Senior Center
Tuesday, Aug. 28
10:00—11:00 a.m.
10:30—11:00 a.m.
5:30—6:00 p.m.
7:00—9:00 p.m.
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Care Pantry, Gym
Orientation for New R.E. Families, Gathering Area
Orientation for New R. E. Families, Gathering Area
Charismatic Prayer Group, Lounge
Adult Basketball, Gym
Wednesday, Aug. 29
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Lakota Ministry, Lighthouse
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Sojourners Rehearsal, Church
Thursday, Aug. 30
5:30—8:30 pm
Retreat Team Leaders, Youth Center
6:30—9:30 p.m.
Protecting God’s Children, Lighthouse
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Genesis Rehearsal, Church
Friday, Aug. 31
Saturday, Sept. 1
9:00—10:30 a.m.
Men’s Saturday Sharing, Senior Center
4:00—7:00 p.m.
RCIA, Senior Center
An Introduction to Walking the Labyrinth
Offered at Marianjoy in Wheaton
The labyrinth—an ancient tool for spiritual reflection and growth—provides an opportunity for centering reflection, self-discovery, and mindful movement
to all who take the time to walk its path. Led by Marianjoy Director of Spiritual Care, Rev. Dr. Patricia
Roberts, this class will start with a brief introduction to
walking the labyrinth with time for questions and answers. Participants will then have an opportunity to
experience the Marianjoy labyrinth on their own.
Class takes place at Marianjoy in Wheaton, September 24, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. and is free. Registration
is required. Please call 630-909-7102 to register or for
more information.
August 26, 2012, Page 14
Summer Office Hours
St. Thomas offices close
at Noon on Fridays during the summer.
(Memorial Day through Labor Day).
Page 15 — August 26, 2012
August 26, 2012, Page 16