ST-503I_raci spacer_L
ST-503I_raci spacer_L
● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 RACI SPACER TYPE L Mar./10 Rev. 1.0 - General revision Editing L.Manoni Approval G.Borta 1/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I D es c ri pti o n ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 In many countries pipelines crossing or running parallel to highways and railways shall be protected by casing. Spacers are used in order to separate the carrier pipeline from the casing. Raci casing Spacers isolate water, sewer and gas pipelines from casing simply and effectively. Insulators are required to separate casing and carrier pipes according to the following requirements: □ Must ensure electrical insulation between the carrier pipe and the casing pipe; □ Must guarantee an easy insertion of the carrier into the casing pipe preventing damage of carrier pipe coating; □ Must permit to be tightly fastened onto carrier pipes in order to avoid horizontal movements during insertion; □ Must be made of material which does not conduct electricity and which ensures permanent resistance to chemical corrosion; □ Must be resistant to mechanical and thermal shocks and stresses, particularly those that occur during both the installation and the inserting operation. C h ar a ct e ri s ti c s □ Spacers are manufactured entirely out of high density polyethylene (HDPE). No metal bolts or attachments are required; □ The modular system which permits to compose insulator rings allows spacers to be used on a wide pipe diameter range therefore reducing inventory costs; □ Spacers are quickly and easily assembled by manually fitting elements one into the other. □ The tooth insertion method allows on site adjustments to fit a wide range of pipe diameters; □ A low friction coefficient guarantees an easy insertion into the casing; □ Spacers are designed and tested to maintain continuous and long term support for the carrier pipe and its contents; □ Spacers provide a constant projectio n around the entire circumference of the carrier pipe; □ Spacers provide long term protection from corrosion; □ Spacers can be installed on steel-coated pipes, concrete pipes, ductile iron pipes or plastic pipes. Jul./10 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 2/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I HD P E C h ar a c te ri s t i cs – t a bl e A Description Value Standard Ref. Yield strength * ≥ 25 N/mm2 UNI EN ISO 527-2 Elongation at break * > 200% UNI EN ISO 527-2 Hardness shore D Dielectric strength UVL stabilization 64 ASTM D 2240 -20°C -20°C > 37 kV/mm ASTM D 149/64 Good * on test specimen with extruded material Raci’s production quality control: BATCH NUMBER MARKING RACI quality dept. also provide samplesurveys by installing a few elements on a pipe and checking them through an ageing test which is carried out in the climatic chamber. This test will last for 15 days. The temperature excursion range will be from -20° C to +80° C. After this test, samples will be checked against creep or any other damage. Te c h ni c al d a ta – t a bl e D L25-L50 Total length A (mm) 394 280 - 325 Width B (mm) 210 L75-L100 394 280 – 325 210 75-100 2500 L125 394 280 – 325 210 125 2000 TYPE Useful length (mm) Height h (mm) 25-50 Ring carrying capacity* (Kg) 3000 1500 h L150-L175-L200 394 280 – 325 210 150-175-200 * values esteemed and verified under static and ideal conditions. A B ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 Minimum working temperature Minimum stocking temperature All Raci tests are carried out in our internal laboratory according to the UNI EN 527 standard. For each production batch, we test 10 specimens which verify compliance to our standards (see TABLE A). When mechanical characteristics are satisfied, we guarantee the production of the specific batch by marking every elements with the corresponding batch number. This allows to trace the story of each element. During the production phase, all pieces are tested according to their project’s drawing. Before packaging, visual inspection ensures that the overall quality reaches our standards. Jul./10 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 3/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I Sp a c e rs c al c ul ati o n L El em e nt - t a bl e B 1 Sp a c e r he i gh t 2 5- 1 2 5 mm ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 CARRIER PIPE O.D. ELEMENTS TO MAKE ONE INSULATOR RECOMMENDED SPACING BETWEEN INSULATORS (I) Height ≤125 mm Ø MIN Ø MAX N1 WATER GAS 450 510 5 2,5 2,5 540 610 6 2,5 2,5 625 715 7 2,5 2,5 715 805 8 2,5 2,5 805 895 9 2 2,5 895 985 10 2 2,5 985 1075 11 1,5 2,5 1075 1160 12 1 2 1160 1250 13 1 2 1250 1340 14 1 2 1340 1430 15 0,8 2 1430 1520 16 0,8 2 1520 1610 17 0,5 2 1610 1750 18 0,5 2 Sp a c e rs c al c ul ati o n L El em e nt - t a bl e B 2 Sp a c e r he i gh t 1 5 0- 2 0 0 mm CARRIER PIPE O.D. Jul./10 ELEMENTS TO MAKE ONE INSULATOR RECOMMENDED SPACING BETWEEN INSULATORS (I) Height ≥ 150 mm Ø MIN Ø MAX N1 WATER GAS 450 510 5 2,5 2,5 540 610 6 2,5 2,5 625 715 7 2,5 2,5 715 805 8 2 2,5 805 895 9 1,5 2,5 895 985 10 1,2 2,5 985 1075 11 1,2 2,5 1075 1160 12 1 2 1160 1250 13 0,8 2 1250 1340 14 0,8 2 1340 1430 15 0,6 1,5 1430 1520 16 0,5 1,5 1520 1610 17 0,5 1,5 1610 1750 18 0,5 1,5 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 4/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I R i n gs a n d el e m e nt s n u m b er c al c ul ati o n The exact number of elements, N2, comes from the following formula: N2 = L/I + 3 N2 - required rings L - crossing length I - spacing as per table B N1 - elements to make one insulator as per table B The total number of elements for each crossing Ntot is: ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 Ntot = N1 x N2 R e q ui r e d q u a nti ty o f s el f a ma l g a m ati n g t a p e ( m) - t a bl e E In case of plastic carrier pipe (PVC, PE and similar), it is suggested to tape the contact area between the ring insulator and the carrier pipe: this precaution will avoid any horizontal sliding of the rings on the carr ier pipe during the inserting operations. The follo wing table resumes the required quantity of tape for each insulating ring referred to the different pipe size. CARRIER PIPE O.D. 16” 20” 24” 30” 32” 36” 40” 42” 48” Required quantity (m) 5,25 6,6 7,8 9,75 10,35 11,7 12,9 13,5 15,45 Required quantity (in) 206,7 259,8 307,1 383,9 407,5 460,6 507,9 531,5 608,3 Please note that the above quantities concerning tape consumption are calculated considering rolls height 100 mm. Assembly Instructions Assemble the insulator ring as shown in the above pictures leaving the ring open at the ends. During this procedure do not insert one end of each segment over the second section of the guide of the other end (detail A). Jul./10 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 5/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 Complete the insulator ring by wrapping the ring around the pipe and close manually the two remaining ends. Again, do not insert the two ends over the second section of the guide, in order to make sure that at this stage the belt is not too tig ht on the p ipe. Start to tighten the ring using the appropriate tool. Make sure that for every joint at least the end of the third section of the guide has been reached (OK). Continuously proceed to tighten the insulator ring in order to guarantee, that the number of fixing teeth engaged is as homogeneous as possible on all joints. Do not use any lever extensions to increase the torque because this could lead to some damages of the tool. The tool is designed in order to guarantee an appropriate fastening by using the original lever only. For pipes with a very smooth external surface (PVC -PE or similar ), in order to avoid the sliding of the rings along the pipeline axe during pulling the carrier pipe into the casing pipe, we recommend to increase the friction rate by wrapping some butyl rubber tape around the pipe in correspondence of every insulator ring. Apply the tape onto the pipe surface where the insulator ring will be placed. In case of need of more than one layer of tape to cover the entire width of the insulator ring, remove the protective film while wrapping it around the pipe by overlapping it by 50%. We recommend not removing the protective film from the last layer which finally is in contact with the insulator ring in order to avoid a reduction of the adhesion by possible pollution (dust, rain, etc.). The assembling procedure of the insulator rings itself is the same as described in point 1 – 4. Only before the final tightening (point 5) remove the protecting film. Our technical service is at your disposal for any possible assistance. Jul./10 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 6/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products. Raci spacer type L ST 503I ● Raci s.r.l. - via Adriano, 101 20128 Milano –Italy - – tel. +3902262351 – fax +390226235215 PACKAGING Jul./10 CODE CARTON BOX Q.TY FOR BOX NET WEIGHT (kg) GROSS WEIGHT (kg) CDL25 60 x 60 x50 60 24 26 CDL41 60 x 60 x50 42 20 22 CDL50 60 x 60 x50 30 14.5 16.5 CDL100 60 x 60 x50 18 15 17 CDL125 60 x 60 x50 14 12.6 13.6 CDL150 60 x 60 x50 12 13 15 CDL175 60 x 60 x50 10 12 14 CDL200 60 x 60 x50 8 9.5 11.5 Rev. 1.1 - General revision 7/7 All technical details given herein are purely indicative, Raci Srl reserves the right to make changing without prior warning following the growth of its products.