Orientation Packet
Orientation Packet
BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY INFORMATION YOU NEED DURING INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ORIENTATION FALL 2016 Dear New Student, The office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) welcomes you to Binghamton University! We are very excited about your arrival and look forward to welcoming you to the Binghamton community! Graduate International Student Orientation is Friday, August 12 & Undergraduate International Student Orientation is Monday, August 15 & Tuesday, August 16. A message with meeting times and locations will be sent out the week prior to Orientation. This email will also be on the pre-arrival e-mails webpage after it has been distributed. As you start your time at Binghamton University, we recommend that you use this Orientation Packet to learn about the university and the community. This packet attempts to provide all the information that you need to succeed at International Student Orientation and at the very start of the semester. As you settle in, please continue to refer to this document, as well as the New Student Handbook. Again, welcome to Binghamton University and we look forward to meeting you! Warm regards, International Student & Scholar Services Binghamton University - SUNY | 2 Table of Contents Academic Calendar …...…………………………………………………………………………... 4 The English Language Skills Assessment ……………………………………………………….... 4 Who is Who at the ISSS Office ..………….……………………………………................................ 5 ISSS Contact Information ……………….……………………………………………………….. 6 ISSS News ………………………...……………………………………………………………… 7 International Coffee Hour ………………………………………………………………................ 8 Online Handbook 2016 .…………………………………………………………….….………… 9 Transportation in Binghamton ...…………………………………………………………………. 10 State University Police ……………………………………………………………………………. 11 Health Insurance …………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Student Computing FAQ……………………………………………………………….………… 14 Opening a Bank Account ………………………………………………………………………… 15 Banking Information ……………………………………………………………………………... 16 Cell Phones ………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Meals During Orientation ……………………………….……………………………...………… 19 Ethnic Restaurants and Markets ……………………………………………………….…………. 20 Fun Tıps for the Greater Bınghamton Area …………………………………………….……….... 25 What to do in Binghamton ……………………………………………………………………….. 32 Building Names and Abbreviations ……………………………………………………..………... 33 Campus Map ...…………………………………………………………………………………… 36 Binghamton University - SUNY | 3 Academic Calendar/ Fall 2016 Residence halls open for new students 8 a.m. Aug 21 Residence halls open for returning students 8 a.m. Classes begin No classes (Labor Day) Course add deadline * Course drop/delete deadline* No classes ( Fall Break/Rosh Hashanah) Technology Maintenance Day No classes (Yom Kippur)** Course withdraw (with a “W”)/Change grade option deadline Last day for seniors to submit an application for degree for fall 2016 Classes recess at 1 p.m. Residence halls close 2 p.m. No classes (Thanksgiving) Residence halls open 2 p.m. Classes resume Last day of classes (Monday classes meet) Reading Days Final Examinations Residence halls close at 2 p.m. Aug 22 Aug 25 Sept 5 Sept 7 Sept 7 Oct 3-4 Oct 4 Oct 12 Oct 31 Oct 31 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 24-25 Nov 27 Nov 28 Dec 8 Dec 9-11 Dec 12-16 Dec 17 * Courses meeting less than the full semester have proportionately adjusted deadlines ** Students needing to travel for observance of Yom Kippur, or otherwise make preparations for the holiday, will not be penalized for absence from classes. Professors must be notified in advance The English Language Skills Assessment will be offered on Tuesday, August 16th from 8:00am - 10:00am in the Mandela Room, located in the University Union Binghamton University - SUNY | 4 WHO IS WHO AT THE ISSS OFFICE Trisha Bello Director of International Student and Scholar Services International Advising Team Karen Keefe-Guzikowski Katie Barvinchak Erin Provost ISSS Secretary Grace Lewis Samantha Bolan ISSS Clerks Connie Murphy Information Systems Coordinator Tim Pierce Valarie Lane Diana Heggelke ISSS Program Coordinator Linda Torricelli Health Insurance Team Student Workers Lubna Abdul-Hadi, Anita Venkitaraman, Omkar Kulkarni, and David Baek Terry Creeden Lorraine Medionte Not Pictured: Shailen Patel and Annie Newberry Binghamton University - SUNY | 5 ISSS Contact Information Please include your B number when you write and allow 3- 5 business days for an email response Employment Questions Intl.work@binghamton.edu Renewing US Visa and Travel Questions Intl.travel@binghamton.edu Extending your I-20 or DS-2019 Questions Intl.extend@binghamton.edu Health Insurance Questions Intl.insure@binghamton.edu Send a message and/or attach a file Housing Questions intlhous@binghamton.edu All Other Questions isss@binghamton.edu Binghamton University - SUNY | 6 ISSS NEWS Binghamton University YOU CAN RECEIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON: Immigration Regulations Employment Opportunities Funding Opportunities News From The Office of International Student & Scholar Services AS SOON AS THEY ARE AVAILABLE! Subscribe to ISSS NEWS; Binghamton University’s monthly electronic newsletter for international students and scholars! If you do not have an e-mail account, you may claim an email account and password by going to the following web link: http://www2.binghamton.edu/self-service/ Directions on how to use e-mail are available at the Help Desk in Computer Services, in the Academic A Computer POD, and the West POD (Science Building III). ► To subscribe from your binghamton.edu account, send an e-mail message to: listserv@listserv.binghamton.edu Leave the subject and all other fields blank Type a single line in the message text as follows: Subscribe ISSS-BU first name and last name (Replace first name and last name with your name) ► To subscribe from an e-mail account on a server other than binghamton.edu: Send an e-mail to ISSS@binghamton.edu Ask to be subscribed to ISSS NEWS and include your e-mail address and your full name Make Sure You Can Receive E-Mail from the ISSS office: The Office of International Student & Scholar Services will be sending you e-mail throughout the year to alert you to important information regarding immigration regulations, your SEVIS responsibilities, employment workshops and other topics. It is crucial that you receive this e-mail and read it. These messages are often sent to hundreds of international students at the same time. Many e-mail servers filter messages to prevent “spam”. Be sure to adjust the options on your e-mail account (often this is done under “options”) to indicate that you wish to receive e-mail from the following two addresses: ISSS-BU@LISTSERV.BINGHAMTON.EDU and isss@binghamton.edu. Do this as soon as you set up your account so you do not miss important messages because your server blocked them. If you have not received a message from us in the two weeks after you have given us your subscription request, you will want to contact us at isss@binghamton.edu to verify that your e-mail address is correct. Binghamton University - SUNY | 7 TIME: 3:30PM—5:00PM September 2nd → Old Union Hall October 7th → Old Union Hall November 4th → Mandela Room December 2nd → Undergrounds International Coffee Hour is held on the first Friday of each month during the academic year. Coffee Hour provides a space where members of the entire University community can meet in a relaxed atmosphere. Each Coffee Hour is sponsored by a different University department or office. Complimentary refreshments are available. All are welcome! If you have any questions about International Coffee Hour, please feel free to contact Linda Torricelli at ltorrice@Binghamton.edu International Coffee Hour All AreWelcome! Binghamton University - SUNY | 8 ONLINE HANDBOOK 2016 Get Your Fall 2016 Handbook Online! THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HANDBOOK Fall 2016 International Student Handbook You will find all you need to know about: Binghamton University and Campus Your Essential Living Needs Health Insurance/University Health Services Binghamton University - SUNY | 9 TRANSPORTATION IN BINGHAMTON BC Transit and OCCT Bus Use your Binghamton University ID Card to ride the Blue OCCT Bus and the Broome County Transit Buses (White Buses) for free during your time as a Binghamton University student. Please note that the OCCT Buses will run limitedly during the Summer Break. Full service will resume on August 25, 2016. Download the ETA Spot App for OCCT Bus tracking assistance Check out the OCCT Schedule Check out the BC Transit Schedule Taxi Service Information Triple Cities (607) 724-8294 Broom Taxi (607) 773-2228 Courtesy Cab (607) 723-2000 Checker Cab (607) 722-2227 City Cab (607) 722-2422 Yellow Cab (607) 722-2322 Binghamton University - SUNY | 10 STATE UNIVERSITY POLICE International students who are concerned about the safety of university premises will be glad to know that the New York State University Police maintains a branch on campus to ensure the safety of the campus community. University Police is housed in the basement floor of the Couper Administration Building and is operational 24-hours a day, seven days a week. University Police is staffed by trained, NYS certified, police officers, dedicated to ensuring the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors of the university. Be Safe, Be Alert, Be Prepared: University Police provides valuable support and timely assistance in addressing the safety concerns relating to students. Some of the services provided by the department are listed on the next page. In case of an emergency: Call 607-777-2222 to reach University Police. If you are calling from an on-campus line, call 7-2222 or dial 911. Staff answering this phone number will direct your call. If you cannot remember the emergency number you can always dial 911 from a cell phone and be connected to Broome County Dispatch who redirect your call to the University Police. In case of a non-emergency (or) any other matter: call 607-777-2393 Blue Light Emergency Telephones: More than 70 highly visible outdoor phones encased in Yellow boxes for emergency use are connected directly to the University Police Dispatcher. Security Access Telephones: Security access telephones are located outside the main entrance of each residence hall. Guests, visitors, or delivery persons can call students to let them know they are waiting outside the hall. Residents are responsible for meeting these callers and escorting them while they are in the building. Telephones are also located in every elevator on campus. Binghamton University - SUNY | 11 Educational Programs: In addition to the above programs and services, the University Police offers educational programs on issues including alcohol and other substance abuse, fire safety, other dimensions of personal safety and related topics. Residence Halls: All residence hall doors are locked on a 24-hour basis. Escort Program: On-campus escorts are available to all members of the University community each night, between 9:00pm and 1:00pm, during the academic year. Officers will provide escort services at other times. Escorts receive special training and carry radios for communication with the Police. Call 607-777-2393 to arrange an escort. Student Escort Van: An escort van is available to provide escort transportation via a predetermined route on campus from 9:00pm to 3:00am. Students may use the van by waiting for it along the escort van route, or by calling 777-SAFE. A map of this route is available from the university police department. Rave Emergency Alert System: https://www.getrave.com/login/binghamton Binghamton University has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system which is capable of delivering messages to your University and personal e-mail addresses, as well as to your cell phone. Students will receive a welcome e-mail as they enroll at the University, with instructions for reviewing and managing contact information within Rave. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to register for the service. If you want to receive text notifications, you will need to log in to enter or verify your cell phone number and provider. Otherwise, you will be notified of emergency situations only via e-mail. Note that your cell phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to your phone. For more information, visit the New York State University Police website: www.binghamton.edu/police Binghamton University - SUNY | 12 HEALTH INSURANCE ► To contact a member of the ISSS Health Insurance Team please send an email to: intl.insure@binghamton.edu. Terry Creeden and Lorraine Medionte will answer your questions, assist in resolving problems related to health care bills and insurance coverage, assist in the renewal of your dependent’s health care coverage, and other related health insurance issues. ► Health Insurance Enrollment normally occurs after the last “add/drop” date for classes. If you need your insurance card prior to that date please contact Terry or Lorraine directly for immediate enrollment. You only need your insurance card if you are referred to an off campus doctor by the Decker Health Services or you need to purchase a prescription medication at a pharmacy. In an emergency you can report your insurance information to a hospital after you are treated. ► Please visit the ISSS Health Insurance web pages for additional information regarding health insurance and medical care in the U.S. Binghamton University - SUNY | 13 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (ITS) STUDENT COMPUTING FAQ ► What if I don’t have my own computer? BU has a number of public computing areas available to students. The main public computing areas are the Information Commons (Bartle Library, Science Library and University Downtown Center), Academic A Pod areas, Library North Ground Pod, West Pod, and Science II Pod. There are also a number of smaller public residential computing areas on campus. The main public computing sites and additional residential satellite areas offer a wide selection of locations in which to work. ► Where I can print on campus? You can print directly to laser printers from BingSuns, Windows PCs, Macintoshes and personal computers. You have an initial quota of $9.75 (175 b&w pages) and your account is credited $2.25 (55 b&w pages) per week. There is a lower per page charge for duplex (double sided) printing and a higher per page charge for color printing. You must pay for additional printing above your quota and all color printing using your BUC$ account. ► What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a course management system used by instructors to generate information, communicate with students, record grades, and implement many other tools that can be beneficial to a successful on-line learning environment. ► For extra information about: General Computing services and assistance: Information Technology Services website Setup your laptop: contact the Information Technology Services (ITS) Help Desk by phone, 607 -777-6420, or email, helpdesk@binghamton.edu. Or you can contact your residence hall’s ResCon (Residential Consultant) for assistance. Binghamton University information on mobile devices: Check out the Apple Store for the bMobi app. How you protect your computer against computer viruses and spyware: IDs and Passwords, how to change and set up your password Where to find information about how to use software Rules for using campus network and computing services BMail: http://its.binghamton.edu/email What kind of computer you should buy, vendor’s special computer purchase programs How to connect to the campus network Binghamton University - SUNY | 14 OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT What do you need to open a local bank account? Banks require different amounts of money needed to open a savings or checking account. Contact the bank to find out more information. A social security number is not needed to open a bank account. However, you will need to show identification. We recommend that you contact the bank of your preference for information regarding their policies on the identification needed to open an account. Please note that checks in U.S. dollars drawn from overseas banks will not be credited to your bank account until the check clears. This process may take one to two weeks and some banks will charge extra for this service. Depending on the bank, a fee may also be charged for international wire transfers of money to and from your bank account. See the Banking Chart on the following pages for more information. If you are a graduate student and will receive an assistantship or fellowship, you may arrange through the University to have your checks directly deposited to your bank account. Arranging direct deposit may help you to open a checking account on very favorable terms. Ask your bank for more information. Binghamton University - SUNY | 15 BANKING INFORMATION The chart on below summarizes basic accounts offered at five local banks with branches near the University. M & T Bank has a branch office on campus in the University Union West. You are encouraged to contact the banks directly for more information. Bank Location University Union West 4400 Vestal Pkwy East, Vestal Contact Information (607) 777-6400 M & T Bank First Niagara Bank 4481 Vestal Pkwy, E. Vestal (607) 772-2321 148 Vestal Pkwy E. Vestal (607) 757-2622 20 Jenison Avenue, Johnson City - Main St (607) 772-2381 1250 Front St, Binghamton (607) 723-3521 47-49 Front St, Binghamton (607) 723-8231 4700 Vestal Pkwy E. (607) 770-7111 65 Court Street, Binghamton (607) 772-5416 282 Main St. Binghamton (607) 770-4200 84 Court St. Binghamton 3212 Vestal Pkwy E. Vestal Citizens Bank NBT Bank Peoples Security Bank & Trust Company (next to Kohl’s) (607) 723-5391 (607) 723-5760 247 Main St. Binghamton (607) 766-9190 3121 Vestal Pkwy E. Vestal (607) 797-3773 156 Robinson St. Binghamton (607) 799-7022 331 Main St, Johnson City (607) 797-7940 273 Main Street Binghamton (607) 729-3832 1235 Upper Front Street Suite 1 Binghamton (607) 721-8830 Binghamton University - SUNY | 16 CELL PHONES There are two types of cell phone options available in the United States: either Pre-Paid “pay-as-you -go” packages (purchase your air-time minutes in advance) or individual plans (you are billed monthly). The type of package you choose may depend upon whether or not you have a Social Security Number. When calling abroad, using pre-paid international phone cards with a cell phone might be the best option for you. Otherwise, it is very expensive. The phone card will use minutes off of your cell phone plan, but it is usually the cheapest option available for international calling. You can purchase international phone cards via internet or at grocery stores, Target, and Walmart. Carrier Address Required Documents 3108 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal (607) 766-0548 AT&T Passport and 1 other form of identification Radio Shack Credit Check 1250, Upper Front St. Binghamton (607) 722-3124 You receive special discounts as a student. Contact Telecom for more information. Target (Parkway Plaza) Monthly Plan or Sign a 2 Year contract (607) 729-6611 47 Court St. Binghamton Virgin Mobile (607) 722-2280 No Documents Required Radio Shack 1250, Upper Front St. Binghamton (607) 722-3124 * RadioShack does not need an SSN nor a credit card 3951 Vestal Parkway, Vestal (607) 763 – 1000 Verizon Wireless Sign 1 year or 2 year contract Toll Free: 1-800-256-4646 Passport 601 Oakdale Mall, Johnson City (607) 348-0600 Billing address in New York Binghamton University - SUNY | 17 Carrier Address 2520 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal Required Documents Monthly Plan or Sign a 2 Year contract (607) 644-9166 Sprint Radio Shack 1250, W Front St. Binghamton (607) 821-2560 Oakdale Mall, Johnson City (607) 798-0550 Valid Photo ID and Social Security Number. If you do not have a SSN, you need 2 forms of ID (Passport, Drivers license, etc.) and proof of address 10% discount for students Walmart 1835 2405 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal (607) 798-1011 T - Mobile Walmart 5732 No annual contract for any plan 2 Gannett DR Johnson City (607) 644-9101 No documents required Radio Shack 1250, Upper Front St. Binghamton (607) 722-3124 H2O Any Family Dollar, Big Lots, 7 eleven and Best Buy No Documents Required Target (Parkway Plaza) (607) 729-6611 Radio Shack Boost Mobile No annual contract for any plan 1250, Upper Front St. Binghamton (607) 722-3124 No documents required 215 Main St. Jonson City (607) 373-7470 All information is subject to change. This information is correct as of November 9th, 2015. Please contact the company for more information about their services and specials Binghamton University - SUNY | 18 Where To Eat On Campus During Orientation Hours of Operation Location Payment Method Friday, August 12th 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Marketplace Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Jazzman’s Café (Library Tower) Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Marketplace Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Jazzman’s Café (Library Tower) Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 8:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. C4 Dining Hall Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Welcome Picnic on the Peace Quad / Rain location: OUH & No charge for new International Students 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Marketplace Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Jazzman’s Café (Library Tower) Meal Card, Cash, or Credit 8:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. C4 Dining Hall Meal Card, Cash, or Credit Monday, August 15th Tuesday, August 16th Please note the following: Please check www.budining.com for additional times and options. Jazzman’s Café, located in the Library Tower, serves coffee and light dining options for breakfast and lunch. C4 Dining Hall is the Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center. Binghamton University - SUNY | 19 ETHNIC RESTURANTS AND MARKETS Restaurants Name American Address/Website Phone Number Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar* Denny’s Restaurant* College Town Pizza* IHOP Restaurant* 3701 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal 13850 (607) 729-4311 4024 Vestal Pkwy, Vestal 13850 1101 Bunn Hill Rd., Vestal 13850 (607) 798-9660 (607) 644-1231 (607) 644-9051 Jimmy John’s* Kentucky Fried Chicken* Subway* Texas Roadhouse* Wendy’s* 3915 Vestal Parkway E., Vestal, NY 4010 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal 13850 3801 Vestal Pkwy, Vestal 13850 4399 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal 13850 3737 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal 13850 (607) 217-7393 (607) 770-9786 (607) 729-7257 (607) 729-8200 (607) 798-7474 Mexican Los Tapatios* Moe’s Southwest Grill 1101 Bunn Hill Road 5 Vestal, 13850 3612 Vestal Pkwy E ,Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 644-9121 (607) 729-6100 Moe’s Southwest Grill 1257 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 Chipotle 4698 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 797-2528 Taco Bell 2507 Vestal Pkwy East, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 729-7039 Taco Bell 429 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13904 (607) 724-2380 Mediterranean Basha’s Lebanese Grill* 3748 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal 13850 (607) 217-5288 Lampy's Mediterranean Grill 105 W Main St, Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 748-5200 Despina's Mediterranean Taste Mediterranean Garden Buffet 79 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13901 117 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 235-2406 (607) 723-7500 3720 Vestal Pkwy E, #4695 Vestal 13850 Restaurants close to Binghamton University campus are marked with a (*). See the map on page (24) for some of their locations. Binghamton University - SUNY | 20 Restaurant Name Chinese Buffet Star* Address/Website Phone Number 4089 Old Vestal Rd, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 798-8060 China Chef Restaurant 1001 Union Center HWY Endicott 13760 (607) 754-4614 China Doll Restaurant China Garden Restaurant China Lake Restaurant China Wok Vestal Park* Empire Chinese Restaurant Far East Chinese Restaurant Foliage Chinese Restaurant 13 Washington Ave. Endicott 13760 1011 North St. Endicott 13760 3215 E Main St. Endicott 13760 4700 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 3502 Country Club Rd Endicott 13760 287 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905 45 Riverside Dr Johnson City 13790 1110 Chenango St , Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 748-5093 (607) 786-2165 (607) 748-2133 (607) 797-2288 (607) 741-1888 (607) 797-1166 (607) 798-8998 Fu Star Chinese 1185 Vestal Ave 3 Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 722-5767 Great China Buffet (607) 772-0722 Moon Star Chinese Restaurant 560 Harry L Dr. Johnson City 13790 1246 Upper Front St ,Binghamton, NY 13901 3218 E. Main St. Endicott, NY 13760 New Century Chinese Restaurant 254 Main St, Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 729-0156 New Panda Chinese Restaurant 199 Robinson St , Binghamton, NY 13904 (607) 772-0250 Panda-III Chinese Restaurant The Old Teahouse* Red Wok Wok ‘n Roll* 3748 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 1101 Bunn Hill Rd., Vestal 13850 125 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905 1101 Bunn Hill Rd, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 798-1833 (607) 729-3038 (607) 724-2003 (607) 729-2689 Mekong Vietnamese Restaurant 29 Willow St. Johnson City 13790 (607) 770-9628 Nhu Y* 3701 Vestal Pkwy E Store 11 Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 217-7276 4010 Vestal Pkwy, Vestal 13850 (607) 770-0073 Fraternity Chinese Restaurant Great Wall Chinese Take Out (607) 724-0633 (607) 772-3388 (607) 754-6778 Vietnamese Korean Man Nam Korean Restaurant* Binghamton University - SUNY | 21 Restaurants Name Indian Currys of India Address/Website Phone Number 45 Court St. Binghamton 13901 (607) 722-8181 Moghul Fine Indian Cuisine 4700 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 729-2266 The Royal Indian Bar & Grill (New)* 1101 Bunn Hill Rd, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 238-1346 Taj Restaurant (Halal, Zabiha) 59 Main St. Binghamton 13905 (607) 723-6454 4105 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 797-3188 Fuji San Japanese Restaurant* 4105 Vestal Parkway East Vestal 13850 (607) 797-9888 Kampai Japanese Steak House 108 N Jensen Rd Vestal 13850 (607)798-7521 Sakura Japanese Sushi Restaurant 1009 North St. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 786-8028 Sake-tumi Sushi Bar 71 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13905 (607) 238-1771 Thai 1st Thai Basil Restaurant Bangkok Thai Cuisine 29 Washington Ave, Endicott, NY 13760 1550 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 484-0188 (607) 205-1272 Sabaidee Thai Restaurant 36 Jennison Ave, Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 766-0557 Thai Time Restaurant 96 Front St. Binghamton, NY 13905 (607) 724-8424 Thai Thai Cuisine 584 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13904 (607) 775-9499 258 Main Street, Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 644-9030 56 Court Street, Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 296-4213 Japanese Japanese & Chinese Food Delivery Turkish Turkish Restaurant Sultan Sofrasi Ukrainian Taste of Europe Binghamton University - SUNY | 22 Restaurants Name Italian Aiello’s Italian American Restaurant Brothers 2 Restaurant Consol’s* Address/Website Phone Number Cortese Restaurant 117 Robinson St , Binghamton, NY 13904 (607) 723-6440 Grande Pizzeria Italian Restaurant 1250 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 723-9011 Grande's Bela Cucina Restaurant 1171 Vestal Ave, Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 772-3104 Grotta Azzurra Italia Ristorante 52 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905 (607) 722-2003 Little Venice J. Michael's Restaurant and Lounge 111 Chenango St. Binghamton 13901 (607) 724-2513 59 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 720-6453 Olive Garden Italian Restaurant 1112 Vestal Pkwy Vestal 13850 (607) 748-5840 Interstate 81. Exit 8. Corner of Route 11& Main St. Whitney Point, NY 13862 2901 Watson Blvd, Endwell, NY 13760 1101 Bunn Hill Road Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 692-4114 (607) 785-5550 (607) 217-7437 Grocery Stores/Markets Ali’s Halal Meat Shop (halal) 208 Grand Avenue Johnson City 13790 (607) 729-1092 Halal Meat Groceries (halal) City Rugs Asian Food Store (Asian) Hang Phat Market (Asian) Kim’s Oriental Grocery Store (Asian) 59 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905 233 Main St # 1, Johnson City, NY 200 Main St. Binghamton 13905 278 Main St Binghamton 13905 (607) 722-1055 (607) 777-9900 (607) 729-9988 (607) 797-4087 3740 Vestal Parkway Vestal (607) 797-2277 Lao’s Mini Store (Lao) 200 Grand Ave Johnson City 13790 European Market 20 Downs Avenue, Binghamton, NY 13905 (607) 766-9509 Binghamton University - SUNY | 23 Binghamton University - SUNY | 24 FUN TIPS FOR THE GREATER BINGHAMTON AREA Where is the best place to buy things for my room or apartment? Bed Bath & Beyond, Parkway Plaza Dollar Tree, all locations Sam’s Club (membership required), Town Square Mall Staples, Campus Plaza Target, Parkway Plaza Walmart, Town Square Mall Where is the best place to buy personal items? CVS, all locations Price Chopper, Binghamton and Endicott Rite Aid, all stores Sam’s Club (membership required), Town Square Mall Target, Parkway Plaza Walgreens, Binghamton and Johnson City Walmart, Town Square Mall Wegmans, Johnson City Weis Markets, all stores Where is the best place to buy school supplies? Barnes & Noble / University Book Store/ campus and Town Square Mall CVS, Oakdale Mall and other locations Sam’s Club (membership required), Town Square Mall Staples, Campus Plaza Target, Parkway Plaza Walgreens, Binghamton and Johnson City Walmart, Town Square Mall Where can I buy used furniture? America’s Attic, 308 Harry L Drive, Johnson City Check the classifieds in the local paper Craigslist on used furniture Salvation Army Family Store Binghamton University - SUNY | 25 Where is the best place to buy computers and electronic equipment? Best Buy, Vestal Parkway Computer Man, Harry L Drive, Johnson City Staples, Campus Plaza Target, Parkway Plaza Unicorn Electronics, Valley Plaza, Johnson City Walmart, Town Square Mall Where is the best place to buy CDs? Best Buy, Vestal Parkway Barnes & Noble, Town Square Mall Kmart, Binghamton Plaza Made in Japan, 113 Washington Ave, Endicott Music City, Vestal Parkway Oakdale Mall, various stores Sound Go Round, 305 Vestal Parkway E., Vestal Target, Parkway Plaza Walmart, Town Square Mall Where is the best place to have your hair cut? Bill’s Barber Shop, 259 Floral Ave, Johnson City Cost Cutters, Vestal Plaza and other locations Oakdale Mall, Various Stores SmartStyle, inside Walmart Tommys Hairstylists, 1290 Upper Front St., Binghamton Where is the best place to have photos developed? Barnes & Noble University Book Store, on campus CVS, all locations Target, Parkway Plaza Walmart, Town Square Mall Wegmans, Johnson City Where is the best place to buy clothes? Boscov’s, downtown Binghamton JC Penny’s, Oakdale Mall Kmart, Binghamton Plaza Kohl’s, Vestal Parkway Target, Parkway Plaza Oakdale Mall, Various stores Walmart, Town Square Mall Old Navy, Vestal Parkway T. J. Maxx, Town Square Mall Binghamton University - SUNY | 26 Where can I buy “Second-Hand” (used) clothing? Fabulous Finds, 125 Rano Blvd Vestal Plato’s Closet, 1708 Vestal Parkway Salvation Army Family Store (for used clothing) Where is the cheapest place to shop for food? Aldi, 619 Main St, Johnson City Price Chopper, Binghamton and Endicott Price Rite, Parkway Plaza Sam’s Club (membership required), Town Square Mall Weis Markets, all stores Target, Parkway Plaza Walgreens, Binghamton and Johnson City Walmart, Town Square Mall Where is the best Asian grocery store? Ali’s Halal Meat and Grocery, 208 Grand Ave, Johnson City Asian Food Store, 200 Main Street, Binghamton Dnister Euro Foods, 9 Glenwood Ave, Binghamton Hang Phat, 278 Main Street, Binghamton Kim’s Oriental Grocery Store, 3740 Vestal Parkway, Vestal Spartan Market (Greek), 50N. Ave B, Endwell Which grocery store has the best selection of fresh fruits and vegetables? Down to Earth Whole Foods Company, 305 Grand Ave, Endicott Price Chopper, Binghamton and Endicott Walmart, Town Square Mall Wegmans Food Market, Johnson City Weis Markets, all stores Are there Farms in the area where I could buy fresh fruits and vegetables? (Or “UPick”) Apple Hills, Brooks Rd, Binghamton Our Green Acres, Waverly Rd, Owego Iron Kettle Farms, Owego Rd, Candor Lone Maple Farm, Hawleyton Rd, Binghamton Downtown Farmers’ Market (Summer only), Collier St. Binghamton Where can I find Bubble Tea? K & K The Old Teahouse, Bunn Hill Road, Vestal We Tea, University Plaza, Binghamton Binghamton University - SUNY | 27 What is there to do On-Campus? Evening activities, programs and movies Student Clubs and organizations Campus Recreation Binghamton Outdoor Pursuits Bearcat Games Anderson Center Performances Music Department Performances Volunteer/Community Service What are some local attractions I should visit? Binghamton Visitor’s Bureau 6 free Merry-Go-Rounds (also called “Carousels”) Ross Park Zoo, Southside of Binghamton Skate Estate, Water Slide and roller-skating rink, Vestal Kopernik Space Education Observatory Tioga Downs, Horse Racing and Video Gambling Waterman Conservation Center, Apalachin How do I know what’s happening in the area? Check the Entertainment section of the online Press and Sun Bulletin or the “Good Times” section of print version Binghamton Visitor’s Bureau City of Binghamton website Tioga County website Where can we go for Arts and Cultural Activities? Anderson Center Performance Binghamton Philharmonic BU Art Museum Cider Mill Playhouse, Endicott EPAC, Endicott Performing Arts Center First Fridays, Binghamton Arts Walk first Friday of every month Parks & Recreation, Binghamton The Roberson Museum Tri-Cities Opera Which movie theatre can we visit to watch good foreign films? Harpur Cinema The Art Mission and Theater Binghamton University - SUNY | 28 Where can we go to watch a movie? AMC Loews Cinema, Town Square Mall, Vestal Cinema Saver (“Cheap Theater”), 19 Madison, Endicott Late Night movies Regal Cinemas, Upper Front Street, Binghamton The Art Mission and Theater Take One Video at Munchies, University Union, on campus * (Bring your Student ID to ask for a Student-Discount ticket!) Where can you find a good, inexpensive restaurant? Consol Family Kitchen, Bunn Hill Road, Vestal Denny’s, Vestal Parkway and various locations Friendly’s, Vestal Parkway Tony’s Italian Grill, Endicott Plaza, Endicott Whole in the Wall (Vegetarian), Binghamton Mekong Vietnamese Restaurant, 29 Willow St, Johnson City Moe’s, Vestal Parkway Panera Bread,Vestal Parkway The Park Diner, Conklin Ave Binghamton The Plaza Diner, 3605 Vestal Parkway Java Joe’s, 81 State Street, Binghamton Los Tapatios, 1101 Bunn Hill Road, Vestal Where is best coffee bar? Antonio’s Galleria and Cafe, 100 Oak Hill Ave, Endicott Barnes & Noble, Town Square Mall Lost Dog Café, Water Street, Binghamton Cyber Café West, Main Street, Binghamton Dunkin’ Donuts, various locations Panera Bread, Vestal Parkway Starbucks, Pier 1 Plaza and University Plaza Java Joe’s, 81 State Street, Binghamton Brewed Awakenings Cafe, 20 Hawley St, Binghamton John Arthur Café, Fine Arts Building, Binghamton University Binghamton University - SUNY | 29 Where is a fun place to go when it’s cold outside? Broome Community College Ice Center Chenango Ice Rink, Chenango Bridge Elk Mountain, PA Greek Peak, Cortland Hill behind East Gym for sledding and snowball fights Stay warm indoor and rent a movie! Where is a fun place to go when it’s hot outside? Buttermilk Falls State Park, Ithaca Cayuga Lake, Ithaca Chenango Valley State Park, Port Crane Dorchester Park, Whitney Point Nathaniel Cole Park, Colesville Otsiningo Park Taughannock Falls, Ithaca Where can I go to exercise? Fitspace, East Gym on campus Open Recreation Hours, on campus Planet Fitness, University Plaza YMCA Where can I go for a walk? Around the “brain” on campus Chenango Valley State Park, Port Crane Vestal Rail Trail Nathaniel Cole Park, Colesville Nature Preserve, on campus Otsiningo Park Recreation Park, Binghamton East Gym Track Field What is the name for marinated lamb, pork, or chicken, cooked on a skewer over an open flame and served on fresh bread? Spiedies! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiedie www.spiediefest.com Binghamton University - SUNY | 30 Where can I play sports? Binghamton Tennis Center (Indoor and Outdoor) BU Club Sports BU Intramural Sports Campus Recreation (East Gym) Hickories Park, Owego (Volleyball, Basketball, Walking trails) MacArthur Park (Tennis), Vestal Ave, Binghamton Otsiningo Park, Binghamton (Volleyball, bicycling) Recreation Park, Binghamton (Tennis) Where can I play special sports? Ahwaga Canoe Club Binghamton Crew Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome Broome County YMCA, Johnson City and Binghamton Greater Binghamton Sports Complex Midway Bowling What can I do if I want to sight-see in the region? Binghamton Visitor’s Bureau New York Tourism website Pennsylvania Tourism website Where can I go to worship? Good Shepherds Community Church Islamic Society of Southern Tier, JC Korean Baptist Church New Hope Presbyterian Church Newman House (Roman Catholic) Grace Point Church Union Center Christian Church Which University has the best International Students Office? Binghamton University, of course! isss.binghamton.edu Binghamton University - SUNY | 31 WHAT TO DO IN BINGHAMTON First Fridays Art Walk Enjoy music and dance performances, art openings, fine dining, cafes and entertainment, held on the first Friday of each month from 6-9 PM in downtown Binghamton http://www.gorgeouswashington.com/firstfridays/ firstfridaysupcomingevents.html Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally Eat tasty spiedies, see hot air balloons and enjoy local music in Otsiningo Park, held on August 5, 6 & 7, 2016. http://www.spiediefest.com/ The 21st Annual Rec Park Music Fest A great day of music, fun, activities, and community in Historic Recreation Park, held on August 21, 2016: https://www.facebook.com/events/1602475356731210/ Binghamton Mets Baseball Games If a baseball fan, go cheer for the Binghamton baseball team, Binghamton Mets, at the NYSEG Stadium: http://www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t505 Hike in the Nature Preserve Located on Binghamton University’s campus, the Nature Preserve encompasses 182 acres of land and multiple hiking trails: http://binghamton.edu/nature-preserve/ Apple and Strawberry Picking Pick fresh apples, strawberries, different types of berries and enjoy exciting events: http://www.applehills.com/you/ Check the Binghamton University Calendar http://calendar.binghamton.edu/calendar/ Visit Binghamton Community Calendars What's Going on Binghamton: http://whatsgoinonbinghamton.com/ Check Visit Binghamton: http://www.visitbinghamton.org/things-to-do/ Check BingSpot: http://www.bingspot.com/binghamton/all-events Binghamton University - SUNY | 32 BUILDING NAMES AND ABBREVIATIONS ID AA AB AC AD AH AP BE BI BN BR BY C4 CA CC CH CL CM CO CPS CR CS CT CU CV DA DC DE DG DK EB EC EN ES Building Name Academic Building A Academic Building B Anderson Center Administration Building Adirondack House (Hillside) Appalachian Collegiate Center Belmont House (Hillside) Biotechnology Building Bingham Hall (Newing) Broome Hall (Newing) Brandywne (Susquehanna) Chenango-Champlain Collegiate Ctr Cayuga Hall (College in the Woods) Computer Center Champlain Cleveland Hall (Hinman) Commons Building (Hillside) Commissary Campus Pre-School Chem & Radioactive Waste Storage Cascade Hall (Mountainview) Catskill House (Hillside) Choconut (Susquehanna) Clearview Hall Darien House (Hillside) University Downtown Center Delaware Hall (Newing) Digman Hall (Dickinson) Dickinson Dining Hall Engineering Building Events Center Endicott Hall (Newing) Engineering & Science Building Binghamton University - SUNY | 33 BUILDING NAMES AND ABBREVIATIONS ID EV FA FI GA GE GL GN GR GW HD HE HP HT HU IB ICD IN IR JH JS KH LA LH LM LN LS LT MG MH MO MR NA NH Building Name Evangola House (Hillside) Fine Arts Filmore House (Hillside) Garage East Gym (Recreation Center) Glimmerglass House (Hillside) Glenwood (Susquehanna) Greenhouse West Gym Hinman Dining Hall Hempstead House (Hillside) Central Heating Plant Hunter Hall (Mountainview) Hughes Hall (Hinman) Information Booth Institute for Child Dev Health Services Iroquois Commons Jones House (Hillside) Johnson Hall (Dickinson) Keuka House (Hillside) Lakeside House (Hillside) Lecture Hall Lehman Hall (Hinman) Library North Library South Library Tower McGuire Building Minnewaska House (Hillside) Mohawk Hall (College in the Woods) Marcy Hall (Mountainview) Nanticoke (Susquehanna) Nyack House (Hillside) Binghamton University - SUNY | 34 BUILDING NAMES AND ABBREVIATIONS ID OA OC ON PF PFN PH PS PSPC OD OJ OO ORA OW RA RC RO RS S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 SA SE SL SM SW TU UU UUW WA WN Building Name Onondaga (College in the Woods) O’Connor Hall (Dickinson) Oneida Hall (College in the Woods) Physical Facilities Physical Facilities North Palisades House (Hillside) Parking Structure Pub Services Program Ctr Old Digman Hall Old Johnson Hall Old O’Connor Hall Old Rafuse Hall Old Whitney Hall Rafuse Hall (Dickinson) Nelson A Rockefeller Ctr Rockland House (Hillside) Roosevelt Hall (Hinman) Science 1 Science 2 Science 3 Science 4 Science 5 Saratoga House (Hillside) Seneca (College in the Woods) Science Library Smith Hall (Hinman) Student Services Wing Tuscarora Office Building University Union University Union West Warehouse Windham Hall (Mountainview) Binghamton University - SUNY | 35 Binghamton University - SUNY | 36 Bus Stop International Student and Scholar Services LSG 500 607-777-2510 International Student & Scholar Services LSG 500 — Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:45pm Walk in Hours: Monday & Tuesday: 10:00-11:45 am Wednesday & Thursday: 1:30 – 3:30 pm Phone: 607-777-2510 Fax: 607-777-4649 Email: isss@binghamton.edu ISSS Facebook page
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