comment letter - Safe Patient Project
comment letter - Safe Patient Project
April 18, 2013 Food and Drug Administration Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0661 To Whom It May Concern: Consumers Union and the more than 11,000 people signing this letter due to their concern about high-risk implants are in full support of the FDA proposal (Docket No. FDA-2011-N-0661) to require all metal on metal (MoM) hips to be reviewed through the agency's premarket approval (PMA) process. It is too late for thousands of people who have been harmed by these implants that were cleared for market through a loophole in the law that allowed them to be sold without thorough review by the FDA to assure safety, even though they were classified as "high risk." We also strongly support the proposal's requirement for makers of hip implants in this category that are already on the market to provide critical safety information to the agency within 90 days. However, it is troublesome that MoM hips can continue to be commercially distributed up to 90 days after the FDA order. This order will finally require manufacturers to demonstrate clinical testing for safety and effectiveness before approval of new metal on metal hips. But at this time we are skeptical that any metal on metal hip implant could be safe for patients. Because of that, we urge the FDA to push all manufacturers of metal-on-metal hips to remove their products from the market, because of the high failure rates and high numbers of adverse events, especially experienced by women. While the FDA has issued an alert about possible adverse events to the public, this does not guarantee that all affected patients have been given advice on monitoring their metal hips for problems. As was done in the UK, all patients with these implants should be notified about their risks and advised to get yearly tests for cobalt poisoning. Unless the FDA confirms that each manufacturer has done due diligence to notify every patient with these MoM hips, the problem has not been properly addressed. The New York Times recently reported that a MoM hip sold by Johnson and Johnson had a 40% failure rate but the company continued to sell the remainder of their inventory, despite the knowledge of the failure rate. This kind of irresponsible behavior must stop. Requiring a more thorough review up front, as the current order proposes, will help to keep flawed devices from the market. In addition, we strongly encourage the FDA to review and re-classify to PMA status all Class III implantable medical devices. Other high risk implanted medical devices like surgical mesh should also be put into the PMA approval track, requiring more clinical information. Patients suffering from harm due to surgical mesh implants have reported debilitating side effects from punctured organs to autoimmune disorders. Many have undergone multiple surgeries to remove the mesh, which has broken apart and traveled to other parts of the body. Please move quickly to bring metal on metal hips and all other high risk implants under the PMA process so clinical evidence will be required to show their effectiveness and safety. Sincerely, Lisa McGiffert Consumers Union Safe Patient Project 506 West 14th Street Suite A Austin TX 78701 Consumers Union comments Page 1 First Jean K Last Spangenberg City Mechanicsburg ST PA Nancy Lyttle Bennettsville SC James Cook North Myrtle Beach Pamela Roy Clark Richards Abq San Leandro holly porscha lutz mccabe Pdx Columbus Comments You would think this is a no-brainer for anyone in the industry or in the FDA, especially because of so many recalls and lawsuits over the last decade of these similar devises not LIVING UP to the manufacturers' claims up front! FDA, you know these proposed safety measures should be tested first over time. Stop the manufacturers of these devices from just promising good results and have them prove it - have them give you their list of subjects that they start with so they can't just drop them off of their studies if the results are negative. Hold them accountable for proving their statements to be truthful with actual facts and proof! You mean to tell me they're NOT safe?! What kind of agency lets UNSAFE products be inserted into American's bodies? This Bull-Puckey has GOT to stop! FDA, DO your Job! SC You don't develop anything else without first testing it thourghly before releasing it. Why is a body part released before extensive testing? Because that would cost millions and the medical industrial wants to keep their millions. NM You are the FDA. Do your job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CA Yhis hits very close to home as I have a mixture of titanium and other alloys/metals throughout my body and some failed the first go around and had to be redone - NOT a secure feeling and although I'm no spring chicken, I will be 59 this month and hope to not have anything go awry that was put in manually - as opposed to being what I was born with!! OR OH Yes...they need to be more safe! Yes, my friend has had multiple hip surgeries and replacements. She is currently having reconstruction this month as the latest surgery last year involving an implant has caused massive swelling and immune system dysfunction. There's your real world testing - it failed. Consumers Union comments Page 2 Joan Wiersma Bokeelia FL Orlando R ken Reyes Sr hyche New York Cullman NY AL Krystal Johnson Medford OR marie dixon Winchester OR Susan Bianconi New Haven CT Roy Windmuller Aiken SC ERROL DILLON FLORA MS Christine Aaron Call Hemmelgarn Tallahassee Burbank FL CA Jean L. Corcoran Tarpon Springs FL Yes, I've known 2 people who got bad implants and went through hell. So STOP letting bad implants get through with no testing! WTF!!!!!!!!! why would you let a co use humans to test implants on, not smart!! Why should anybody be putting anything in somebody elses body that wasn't put through a safety test? Not only is that ridicoulusly stupid, in the long run it can lead to lawsuits against the company. Save the headache, start requiring implant safety testing. Why is there even a question that implantable devices should go through premarket safety testing before being sold. Has the FDA totally caved in to the corporations that manufacture these devices. Why is it that savvy patients-to-be need to seek product reports on these devices that are compiled in the U.K. or New Zealand, but not in the U.S.? Not acceptable--esp. for an industry involving human safety and one gifted with many tax breaks. Why are they using an untested product in the first place? Who would want to try out a new unproven implant, not me. A defective implant is certainly not in order. Lets hold our standards higher than what we have done in the past. Lets see the test results of these critical devices. Where is the logic? Where is the comment sense in our Government these days. You know this isn't a safe practice, yet you do nothing to control it, so citizens are tasked to do your jobs for you. When was it decided that humans were the perfect test subjects? Consumers Union comments Page 3 Karen Leeds Valparaiso IN When I think of the number of lives that have been ruined because of inadequate testing of body implants, I shudder. How would you feel if you or a member of your family or a friend had to go through a life of pain because a device had not been properly tested and failed? Please don't let that happen to people. When I learned of recalled hip implants last year, I was reminded of a dear old friend who suffered complications from a faulty hip implant, became very ill, and later died. My heart was broken, and I still feel angry that what should have been a routine procedure lead to the loss of a loved one. Serena Lim Berkeley CA Alexander Sexton Philomath OR Kathleen Morrison S stan mcanelly Brady MaryEllen Winski Tacoma Whatever goes into our bodies should help it, not harm it. FL Whack jobs are in control. FDA needs to get it together to do the PEOPLE's work! Or get out!! TX We trust the doctors, the doctors trust the feds to test this stuff.....they have to be tested by someone before installing! WA we test our cars why do we not test this??? Michael Schumann Bloomington IL We should test everything that goes into medical use as completely as possible. This is such a simple matter to understand, if it is too risky for YOU to use yourself, then it is too risky to sell it to the public. amy jackson Loveland CO We should be doing more to take action on these things as so many people die from things that could have been prevented Nancy Bell Rossvile GA Joel Scott Elaine Strauss McAuliffe Haverstraw Elmont NY NY We do not need to turn people into unfortunate guinea pigs! Make Implants safe! We do not need more risk to our health! We deserve properly tested, safe, durable implants. We do not deserve to be used as experimental subjects. Consumers Union comments Page 4 Linda F. E. Stroudsburg PA We Are Not Lab Rats, although there is a rampant infestation of RATS in the government in all branches to suit this purpose. FDA is broken and corrupt. They do nothing what they were originaly formed to do. They are owned by the big businneses as is the government as well. So Lawyers and lawsuits for people injured or killed by the experiments done on the masses will flourish and grow. What needs to be done is it MUST move to the next level. Lawsuits against the USA Government and any of it's tentacles, such as the corrupted FDA and individuals involved, that are reaching the masses and injuring and killing us through their indifferent actions.. That includes Big Pharms and Big Business. We are not GOD yet we play that we are by putting out unsafe products that can kill. Serena Dossenko Waynesville NC Gary A. Jacobs Mooresville, Nc NC Wake up FDA and do your job! Nothing this critical should ever be on the market without sufficient testing. Don't let the profit hungry manufacturers of these devices bully you. Cynthia Stevenson Stillwater OK Using people as experiments is wrong...unless they know and are compensated appropriately and don't have to pay for the surgery and device and the future surgeries to repair the problems. Errikka Mark andrea Jordan Jordan burns Philadelphia Philadelphia Foxboro PA PA MA Urge the FDA to Make Implants Safe! Urge the FDA to Make Implants Safe! unsafe metal hip replacements must test ! Consumers Union comments Page 5 Lynn Carter Fort Smith AR U.S. Navy Veteran Abused at United States Veterans Hospital, Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks 1100 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 On June 15, 2011. TELEPHONE 479-443-4301 A. Elderle M.D. and John R. Henley M.D. Congressman Steve Womack PHONE 202-2254301, Senator Mark Pryor PHONE 202-224-2353, Senator John Boozman x.cfm/e-mail-me each of Arkansas, We spent five hours in which my husband lay in pain and his own URINE, FECES, and STENCH. My husband was incapacitated DUE TO THE STROKE he was having and not at all mad or upset. He was barely conscious ... We then drove to Fort Smith AR (because of MY decision, not his) to Sparks Regional Medical Center ks-regional-medical-center where my husband was hospitalized, and treated with human dignity, Critical time lost (wasted) at the VA hospital How many U.S. Veterans are Elizabeth Grinnell Dexter ME Two years ago I broke my right femur and had a titanium rod to replace it. The usual time of recovery for a woman of middle age is 6-12 weeks. I must still use a walker to get around and my pain is constant if I move at all and sleeping on my right side. I have zero faith in my doctor and cannot face another surgery with no promises however I realize my options are few if I ever want to walk again. Sincerely, jsid Cecile sid Caple Harvey Elgin LA TX Jude Hand Daytona Beach FL to make implants safe Times are changin', and it can't come quick enough. "First, do no harm!" This should not require discussion and should be done immediately. For goodness' sake, the very idea that these implants aren't tested and scrutinized throughly shocks me! Consumers Union comments Page 6 Artheillia Thompson Detroit MI This should have been done long ago! If they can't be tested don"t let them be sold!! Aileen Hanson Fort Collins CO Paul Smith Honolulu HI Victoria Pueschel Makawao HI Val Maylone Tollhouse CA Alyssa Duffin Dallas OR loren Stolley Lower Lake CA Jim Phillips Sonoma CA Shaktari Chris Belew Roam Ashland Media OR PA Taffiana Neal Cincinnati OH bill haight Phoenix AZ This seems like one way to help cut down on sky rocketing medical costs. Make sure implants have been tested for their efficacy and safety. This issue hasgone on long enugh! We have US Military personnel that are returning that need assurances that the devices we are using to help them, do just that. Comapnies & Corporations have got to be stopped! No More Abusing The Consumers for mere profit! This is wrong, the medical community shouldn't be gambling with people's lives more than they already do. This is what I pay taxes for, not for corporate bailouts and vampirialism. This is unacceptable. My Grandpa had a hip implant and it made him worse! Now I know why... This is outrageous and clearly dangerous for anyone who has to have an implant. Can't FDA do its job to protect Americans rather than industry profits? This is important. Make implants safer by closing the loopholes. Implants must be tested before they are implanted into humans. This is common sense. Do it. This country has developed drones that can fly and visualize 10 miles around it but we can not properly assure citizens that a surgical device is truly safe. Our priorities are a mess. They need to perform safety test. Why wouldn't you and your dealing with the human body. these have been around and by now should be safe and woman should only do it for them not to please somebody just themselve Consumers Union comments Page 7 Beth Shanahan Louisville CO These companies have sunk so low that despite knowing these implants caused degenerative health issues, pain, and even death, it does not matter more to them than taking advantage of the system to make money! Wow. People don't even matter at all to the greedy companies that willingly market these harmful devices. No conscience and a blind eye to the terrible damage to others is the standard operating behavior of the medical device industry as long as they can get away with it. That is unless we step in and put a stop to it! Dana Bellwether Santa Rosa CA Marc Smason Seattle There are slight differences in design that can make huge differences in use. Test ALL! WA The U.S. must implement 3 things to establish a democracy: publicly-funded campaigns, election reform (a la W. Europe) and end obscene corporate lobbies! R Ferrier Ashland OR David Thorpe Sarasota FL The percentage of painful revision surgery is too, too high. Medical "upgrades" must be monitored. The metal on metal hip implants should be required to be thoroughly inspected and observed during the implantation process to ensure a safe and proper surgical procedure. This should really be an industry standard I feel that the medical device industry need to step up their game and get on the ball. Consumers Union comments Page 8 Lynn Carter Fort Smith AR the Gov is one big HUGE OVERSITE. US VETERANS HOSPITAL PATIENT ABUSE June 15, 2011 Remains un-Investigated U.S. Navy Veteran Abused at United States Veterans Hospital, Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks 1100 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 On June 15, 2011. TELEPHONE 479-443-4301 A. Elderle M.D. and John R. Henley M.D. Congressman Steve Womack PHONE 202-2254301, Senator Mark Pryor PHONE 202-224-2353, Senator John Boozman x.cfm/e-mail-me each of Arkansas, We spent five hours in which my husband lay in pain and his own URINE, FECES, and STENCH. My husband was incapacitated DUE TO THE STROKE he was having and not at all mad or upset. He was barely conscious ... We then drove to Fort Smith AR (because of MY decision, not his) to Sparks Regional Medical Center ks-regional-medical-center where my husband was hospitalized, and treated with h Jacqueline Bobnick Lawrence PA Carolyn Newton Carbondale CO The FDA needs to stop catering to these companies and make sure proper testing has been done. I'm curious to see the money trail from these companies to the FDA. The FDA needs to be restructured for the 21st century and the people who work there must be civil servants not the strong arm for corporations like Monsanto, Nestle's, Kellogg s. This needs to be by the people for the people and run by the people who actually give a damn about the safety of We the People. Not the douche bags that run an arm of the government that does absolutely nothing or prosecutes those they have targeted like Dr. Burzynski Consumers Union comments Page 9 Rosemary Rannes Salem NH Lela Perkins Everett Joanna Whitney Longmont Edward Greisch Moline WA the FDA is supposed to look out for the consumers, not corporations who only care about money CO the FDA is just a bunch of beaurcrats doing whatever for whoever they can get political favors from - buy local - cuz you cant trust the FDA IL That is one reason why I still have my original left hip. The hip joint is a bearing, just like any other bearing with sliding motion. What is the lubricant in artificial hip joints? You can't make a reliable bearing without a lubricant. Metal on metal sliding creates fine metal particles. I suggest tungsten disulfide, which can be added to either ceramic slurry or plastic before molding. I thought everybody knew that all bearings, even ball bearings, need grease. I was wrong. Some people don't know. Metal on metal joints without lubricant make fine particles, as expected. Teflon shreds, as expected, because teflon is strictly for low pressure applications. Teflon flows under pressure. Here are 2 solid lubricants that will take enough pressure to make steel flow like water: Molybdenum disulfide and tungsten disulfide. They will also withstand such a high temperature that they can be mixed into the slurry that is molded into ceramic for a metal on ceramic joint. Molybdenum disulfide damages oxygen sensors in car engines. Tungsten disulfide does not, so test tungsten disulfide. Search t Erik Pihl Sacramento CA The FDA must require all companies/manufacturers of " all high risk implantable devices to go through premarket safety testing before being sold." Individuals having to return for additional invasive surgery due to failures specific to metal on metal hip devices is totally unacceptable. Noting in this petition that Johnson and Johnson had a 40% failure rate has convinced me, my family and friends who are aware of this fact as well, refuse to purchase any of their products! Testing is crucial for any product. Consumers Union comments Page 10 Peter Wormley New Berlin sherry boyce richmond Timothy Barbara E Spurlin Grandin Cape Girardeau Titusville Barb Wignall Beaverton Will Agee El Cajon debbie martin weyauwega D Williamson Lake Mary Karen Hewelt Chesterfield Aurora Sancoy Eugene Geoff Wingard Burlington Laura Paula Jobe Yates Pearland Mount Perry WI Stop using patients as a testing device!! Require sfety testing on ALL medical implant devices!! IN STOP THE GREEDY BASTARDS THAT PAY OFF THE FDA AND THE GOP SO THEY CAN RECIEVE THEIR MONEY MO Stop the greed! NJ Similar to is too murky a requirement when health and welfare are at stake! OR Similar is not the same; we are talking about the human body here; the greed for "almost as good as" reminds me of the generic prescriptions..almost the same..but NOT THE SAME CA Should have been done already!!! Implant testing please!!! WI Seriously?! I can't believe how lax this country has become! FL Seriously who has to pay for the trip back to the hospital when the company sold an inferior product? The company that sold the replacement product should have to pay ALL the costs to the patient! Including damages, MI SAVE YOURSELF A TON OF FUTURE LAWSUITS ~ DO THE TESTING! OR save time, don't fast track it and those that get them, are dying NC Safety testing for implants is a _MUST_. "Similar to.." does not mean "As safe as..."! ! ! Get with it FDA, make _ALL_ replacement joints and other high risk implantable devices undergo safety testing. TX OH Safety first. REQUIRE implant safety testing with submission of ALL data, not just the favorable data. Consumers Union comments Page 11 Mike Schuhow Everett WA Reagan's de-regulation to insure faster corporate profits and practically no government inquiry or oversight has proven to be a detriment to the American Public. By eliminating a responsible and necessary process to provide effective, secure results, industry is free to promote any "new and improved" gimic they want to make their immediate profit and if anything goes wrong the rely on corporate insurance to cover the loss. A very inadequate result for those affected and suffering the consequences for their (corporate) irresponsibility. If corporations are people too, why is it they never suffer the great pains of injustice and selfish disreguard for their fellow mans plight? FL Read too many tales of devices left in patients, poor quality of parts and incompetent surgeries. When there was a nurses' strike one year, fewer patients died in that state's hospitals. NY Putting profits (or executive compensation) ahead of science will always come back to hurt us. WI Please require that all high risk implantable devices go through premarket safety testing before being sold. I have had both hips replaced with DePuy (J&J) implants. Had these been tested, hundreds of thousands of recipients would not be facing the problems they face now. Darlene Wolfe Orlando Richard Tarr Carthage Walt Bogner Montello Mary L . Babiec Pawtucket RI Linda Peterson Santa Rita GU Jane DiGirolamo Salinas CA Craig Simpson Coram NY Please make sure that hip replacements are safe to use . MLB Please make sure that all high risk implant devices are safe and have been tested before being sold. These devices are meant to help not make the problem worse. Please help keep untested implants off the market. Having to have a joint replaced already means that you've suffered pain and rehabilitation. Don't add more pain and suffering to patients' lives. please end this now. too many lives have been lost to this. Consumers Union comments Page 12 John Nutefall Ponchatoula LA Please do not allow these unproven procedure to continue. There are no reason to procede with these procedures. I will not support any type of procedure that does not comply with the applicable laws to protect such people. The laws themselfes must be changed when neccessary. Leslie Cirigliano Sunset UT ROBERT Arlene KEELER tilly Tehachapi Grand Rapids CA MI Please close the loopholes on oversight. My mom has pulmonary hypertension from taking phen-phen, which was unsafe but put on the market any way. While many people lost their lives as a result, the drug company got rich enough to earn interest on the money they had to pay out in claims. They still got ahead! Pharmacuticle companys RULE the FDA People in to be told if implants have not been tested or not and then they can decide if they want to go through it or not. Caroline Ellis Tucson AZ Marilyn Andrew Evenson Cohen Tacoma Mem Shannon Spencer Denver Outrageous loophole. We need to get this fixed and fixed soon! So many of the folks who need these implants are already vulnerable, which means any revision surgery is doubly risky for them. WA Our health is important TN Orthopedic implants are tricky, and many things can go wrong between the opening of the patient and the ultimate accommodation the patient makes to the device. That said, this is unacceptable. If there are to be technological fixes for biological injuries, they have to be vetted before they are done on people. CO ok, how is this not another no brainer, come on companies, quit abusing your customers! Consumers Union comments Page 13 Kari Hopson-Moten Victorville CA of course...I bet we all do. Can someone please let people know that it's okay to keep the beautiful body that we were born with....small boobs are really okay and boobs are over rated. We as a society are constantly shoved into our faces that we need to have a "perfect" body and that growing old gracefully no longer exists. Aren't we smarter than this? Womens lib came out so strongly making some changes in women's lives and then we succumb to wanting bigger boobs for the sake of getting noticed by men! Come on now. Brenda Troup Bolton MA Virginia jesus Marti Collins Gonzalez Zettel San Leandro Las Vegas Alexandria CA NV VA jennifer stiles ventura CA Troy Teeter Harford NY Patrick O'Meara Clearwater FL OF COURSE the FDA should not approve any device unless and until its safety has been tested and assured! Do not trust any company's word; they care only about profits. Now! Nothing should skip a test. Nothing should be allowed to be used as practice on people! Suggestions of raw sewage being given to you is all right? I didn't think so. Than why would you accept or expect others to chance something as a guniee pig? not sure "who" these should be tested on first before patients that require, however also request that testing NOT be done on animals. Not only should we be allowed to do more work with implants, but they should make implants, and prostetics cheaper. Not much chance of getting anything done. FDA is only interested in the money. Patricia Carla Myers Lott Chicago Vancleave IL MS Marguerite Polidori Bingham Farms MI Zenda sharon Boss-Hall berry Bellevue Chesapeake WA No more loopholes or price gouging! VA No brainer... No safety tests? Unbelievable! no one should have to worry if their implants are safe or not No one should ever have problems with a defective implant. We have operations, which I will be having soon, to solve the problem with our bodies. Test any implant thoroughly before use in any person, and prosecute corporate executives that ignore serious complications when they occur. Consumers Union comments Page 14 Jessica Engel Marietta GA Janet Mundt Lebanon ME Rena Chevalier Bath ME kathi culver Cave Junction OR Nancy Taylor Kaukauna WI James Anthony Huntingdon Vallley PA my step mom has a recalled hip implant and lives in constant fear of the failure and having to go through that surgery again. This needs to stop! My sister suffered severe pain and lost wages for several years due to a defective hernia patch. She was invited to be part of a class action suit which resulted in nothing or next to nothing for the injured parties. Another friend suffered the double pain of having to have a defective hip replaced. The FDA allowing these products on the market is inexcusable. My poor mother ended up dying because she couldn't exercise because of the pain in her hip because of the new hip she got that was defective. My partner has a J&J hip implant, and is going in later this month for "revision" surgery. It has leached metals into his blood, and his bones are disintegrating! Shame on them for selling the hip, knowing what damage it did in other countries, and banned in other countries! My oldest sister suffered through three, yes, three hip transplants in only one year. My dearest friend went through two. My neighbor had breast implants after double mastectomy and they leaked. Back to the hospital. Consumers Union comments Page 15 Susan Hupp Eden Prairie MN My mother's first implant, many years ago, was defective. She was told by her physicians that she got the last one before they were removed from the market. While her subsequent replacement surgery was successful, that implant lasted only about 15 years. That meant that she had to undergo a third replacement surgery. That hip popped out three times and also had to be revised. She underwent these last two when she had Alzheimer's and was very distressed by the procedures. The message is that revisions of surgery are very problematic for products that don't last a life time. Two hip surgeries would have been sufficient. The third and fourth ones should have been unnecessary. These are major surgeries with major risks for complication. These devices should be tested sufficiently to reduce exposure to such complications. Jena Ball Cary NC Shera Tyner Commerce GA Linda Swain Norfolk VA Flame Simcox Silverdale My mother has had two hips replaced, and while she had no defective implants the surgeries were both difficult and required long recovery times. I can only imagine what it would be like if a defective hip had to be replaced. My Mother has had hip replacement in both hips. The left one first & that went well but the right one has infection after infection. She was even seen by a Dr. Visitation from the Center for Infectious Diseases. She is still having a lot of pain & trouble from it & has been told that they will probably have to replace that hip again. She should not & should never had to go through this. My mother had bilateral hip prostheses and one would continuously pop in and out of socket. This required multiple trips to the emergency room and anesthesia for someone in their eighties. These hip implants were later recalled which did not help the needless pain and suffering she endured. These need to be tested BEFORE they are implanted. WA MY MOTHER HAD 3 PAINFUL HIP REPLACEMENTS. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO ENDURE THIS!!! Consumers Union comments Page 16 Gary Roy Wpb FL Sharon Bergman Ortonville MI Krissy Cattrell Bozeman MT Kathleen Rouse Cape Charles VA Bonita Gilbert Henderson NV BETTY WILLIAMS Many LA Margaret Kramer St. Paul My mom just received a new hip last month, I hope it is not one that is reportedly having problems. Safety measures need to be improved and further testing, if that is the issue. My Mom had a good implant, but I am concerned that others may get subgrade almost because of her success with her good one. It's like saying any car by any manufacturer is safe just because a Cadillac was. My husband is a recent recipient of a THA or Total Hip Replacement - Sept. 2012. He is only 39 years old and will likely require additional surgeries to "update" his implant. An unnecessary surgery was the cause of his eventual THA to begin with. Product testing is standard for children's toys and pet products yet the medical device industry is not held to the same standards?! That is outrageous and they should be ashamed. FDA - Require testing on ALL medical devices, whether similar to others on the market or not. My husband had a hip implant in 1963. I would have hoped that safety regulations and safe implants would have improved since then. My husband died after a heart transplant supposedly from a hospital borne super STAPH infection. The anger is killing me slowly. The hospitals hid their statistics and they all were found out and published by our. Newspapers. I couldn't sue because the statute of limitations ended A YEAR after his death, even though no one knew the "WHY" OMG I miss him. :-( MY GRANDDAUGHTER QUANTAVIA ARMSTRONG.ITOLD HER TO PUT A LAW SUIT IN. BUT SO FAR SHE HAVE NOT PUT IN A LAW SUIT SOP FAR. MN My friend underwent hip implant six years ago only to discover that her implant is one of the defective ones which allow toxic metal to enter her bloodstream. This must stop. Consumers Union comments Page 17 Elaine Simon Memphis TN My friend Sonja was told that the stent that they had implanted in her was faulty and had been recalled. This is not like having your toaster recalled where they can just send you another one. To get this replaced calls for another major surgery. Deb Carey Amesbury MA My friend Rosie Werner has had her chest opened three times in 10 years to deal with defective and recalled devices. Please. She is 70 years old now. Enough. Sharleen Stueland Anoka MN My friend has a bad knee replacement that caused him lots of pain and missed work. He can taste metal everyday! the Ins. co. is dragging their feet to correct the problem. Barbara Talbert Medina OH Carol Peterson Charles City will patterson riverton elizabeth kovar Seattle My friend had a knee implant and was allergic to the metal which caused a whole host of problems including pain and rashes. Also anything with chitin in it is going to bother people with a shellfish allergy. No matter how it is purified it still retains it's own genetic expression. IA My finace had both hips replaced in 2005. The left one dislocated at least a dozen times, and had to be removed and replaced twice. This is unacceptable! You have no idea, the pain he has gone through. Please help future patients. WY My fear is.....that a great number of our politicians have had transplants that may have seriously harmed their decision making processes. WA My family has been affected by strokes for years. From my father to two grandmothers, strokes have affected mine and my loved ones life. Consumers Union comments Page 18 alan thierman suffern NY Matthew Clowry Castro Valley CA Emma Miniscalco Washington DC Michal Lutinsky Norwich CT charlene wrobel Chicago IL Bonnie Urciuoli Clinton NY gloria gallagher Yorba Linda CA Margaret White Cincinnati OH Regina Mastrogiacomo Southington CT MC David Kubiak Shelton IL NC BMI Casar my daughter Lisa had a titanium implant in her tmj joint so she could open and close her mouth and eat and chew properly, instead of having to eat liquids only. Since the operation about 12 years ago, she has continual jaw and joint pain and is unable to work and now needs to have the tmj device removed or it will fall out. We believe the device was not properly tested but the doctor who operated has continued to request approval of this experimental implant. Such devices must go thru thorough testing before made available to sale. My cousin had to have his hip replacement redone after it was found to be defective. There is a chance I may have to get one or two done also and I would prefer not to have to undergo having to get it redone also. Please test them thoroughly before allowing them to be released to the public. My close friend is preparing for hip surgery, and we want to be assured that he will not be given a faulty implant that has escaped basic testing. It is common sense that the safety of these devices should be proved before patients undergo replacement surgery. My brother had two of them due his service in the military, so it would be awful to know that these may cause him pain. My brother died having a defective device removed. My 85 year old mother is currently suffering from the results of a bad hip implant. Was she a guinea pig? t... money first...everything second...third...forth...etc... Make sure you know a product is safe for a person before you put it in their bodies! You wouldn't want it done otherwise for yourself... Make sure implants are safe for us to use. Let's go back and do this one correctly. Let' s do it right and stop risking people's health. Consumers Union comments Page 19 Eva Gate Albuquerque Lindell Lovelace El Prado LARRY TOTTEN Spokane Sara Bowman Humboldt Piotr Sliwka Manassas Karen Hendrickson Waite Park Carol Gutierrez Carthage Martha Bargeron Savannah Laura Nowack Brewster NM Just goes to show that research is necessary before doing things to our bodies, food and planet!!!! NM Just do your damn job. And it's NOT shilling for Big Pharma. WA JUST DO THE RIGHT THIND FOR YOR PEOPLE,WE VOTE. AZ Joint replacement is a painful and difficult surgery and is usually needed by seniors. Defective implants cause prolonged pain and suffering, not to mention waste Medicare and insurance monies for meds, surgeries and rehab. Treat people and their health plans with respect. VA I've heard of a man with huge complications after metal knee implant in Manassas, VA. The man has been in pain three years after surgery. MN I've had breast cancer twice and I need a transplant. PLEASE don't let unsafe implants kill me when cancer didn't! NY I've had a hip replacement. I really don't want to have surgery to redo/or replace=they need to make all implants safe for the person receiving them. GA I've been advised by my attorney to not share my story on any websites; but I will say my life has been absolutely ruined by a product taking advantage of the process where companies avoid FDA review by adapting a product approved for a given use to a new use without proper testing making me a guinea pig. Unfortunately, as I'm not a true guinea pig I must suffer through the damage where a guinea pig would have been euthanized. NY It's time we stop letting these device makers profit off of us without thoroughly testing the device first. Only in the USA are the corporations given free rein to harm us, wreck the environment and rip off the public. Consumers Union comments Page 20 Wendy Frederick Brandon VT It's outrageous that patients are being used as guinea pigs for companies who won't take the time or spend the money to test their own products. The patient pays THEIR money and may even pay with their life. Where's the FDA to protect us from things that are not ready for market? Dee Grimsrud Madison WI It's likely I may need a hip replacement in the future, and I sure don't want to be a guinea pig! Surely they can devise mechanical tests that simulate the wear and tear an implant would get in actual use...if they can do it for cars, why not for implants? Nancy Crom Colonie NY Nancy Collyer Hermiston Lois Keel Madison Paula Waters Brownsville Tereasa Turner Van Nuys Holly F. Malarney Chelsea Jack Emily Heller Willoughby Kansas City Tukwila It's just plain stupid to Ok a device you haven't even tested! OR It's clear that KMart cares nothing for the animals that inhabit our planet. If they did they wouldn't have transported that poor shark in the first place. The nearest KMart is over 30 miles away but even if it were next door I would want nothing to do with this company. Their attitude says they care for nothing but the dollar. WI It's appalling that companies will overlook the health & well-being of people in order to get their products on the market faster. It's the human guinea pigs who suffer the consequences. VT It seems ludicrous to me that these implants don't have to be tested prior to use...just who does the FDA work for? CA It isn't right that you would think of using implants that are unsafe. We should do all we can to make things less stressful and non harmful. MA It is very disturbing to learn that medical devices that are placed in our bodies for the purpose of helping/healing us do not have to be appropriately tested for efficacy and safety. Clearly profit supersedes the wellbeing of patients. MO It is insane that it is not. WA It is bad enough to need an implant, the least we can do is make sure they are safe for humans before implanting them. Consumers Union comments Page 21 Barbara Dahms Flint TX It is absurd but profit making, to use implants before they are adequately tested. Patients should not pay to be guinea pigs. They should be paid and they should have complete knowledge of the risks they face. walter mimi Mastropaolo cristall Pgh Seattle Buddy Penick Memphis Alice D. Rosenfeld Somers PA Integrity!! WA Implants must be safe. There is no other option! TN Implants ARE safe! There's always a turd in the punch bowl, but they implants are already as safe as possible. NY Imagine having to go through the anxiety and agony of having an implant, only to find the procedure has failed because of failure to adequately test! NOT IN THE USA! Elizabeth Urbaniak Ann Arbor MI Kathleen Dixon Grand Forks ND Elizabeth Kepner Yucca Valley CA Sylvia Brown Grass Lake MI I'm tired of being a guinea pig. Drug companies already have immunity in the state of Michigan, which they call a test kitchen for signing other states onto this hideous crime. I'm one of those who had to get TWO hip replacements because the FDA did not require adequate testing on the device that was implanted in me. It malfunctioned, and leaked metals into my system, poisoning me. Hip replacement surgery is a major operation! There is always the risk of death during and after such surgery, and the recovery time is lengthy. The FDA is supposed to work for ME, not the manufacturers! I would like BOTH a functioning hip AND a functioning government! If the implants are causing illnesses, or negative side effects, is the patient really getting the help they deserve? No. If something is going to be implanted into anyone, human or animal, I want it to be tested to esnure it is safe to use. Consumers Union comments Page 22 Virginia Caraco Camden SC If an implant has not been proven by independant study to be safe the FDA should not give the manufacturerer license to distribute. Too many people have been injured by faulty implants. Close the FDA loophole and require manufactureers to support their implants with data before a license is issued to produce them! Michael C. Ford Watsonville CA Steve Trammell Meeker OK Carol Evans St. Petersburg FL Wayne Renardson Nashville TN Trish Phyllis Kendall Paperno Gardner Glenford MA NY I, Michael Ford, have hip replacements. Thank goodness my medical provider, Kaiser, has been very careful in what they use for them. Other people were not so lucky. I would think they would want to ensure their products are safe to avoid mal practice lawsuits. I will be getting hip and knee surgery in the next few months and this is of particular interest to me! I wear a prosthesis and soon will try an osseointegrated implant. Please insure the products you approve are safe. An unsafe implant could cost me my leg. I thought Safety is was Job 1. I recently had an implant. I recovered, could do just about everything right away. Now everything hurts. How can I find out what's in me? Oh well. I'll sign this in case it might help others in the future. Aurora Hunter Houston TX kristi coleman Spokane Sherri Marlow Cedar Creek WA I know someone who is very ill from the metal implant that is in her body. TX I know of a man who got his hip replaced and then it was recalled towards the end of his rehabilitative phase.. he had to start all over again. Worse thing is he couldnt understand why this was happening to him... it was hard to see his distress. I'm fortunate to not get a metal on metal replacement but this option is not available for everyone. We all should be SAFE! I oppose humans being used as guinea pigs for the profit of the medical device industry. Each new devise must be safety tested regardless of similarity to another. Consumers Union comments Page 23 Marilyn Brown Bellingham WA I know a few people who have had hip replacements, and knee replacements. So far, they seem to be o.k. They have had some problems with them, but nothing too serious yet. Then, of course, we have the wonderful Tea Party and other Republicans in the House insisting that we do away with the FDA and other vital agencies that help protect us! It is time to make pharmaceutical companies, and the medical device industry, accountable for their actions!! What on earth has this country come to when we put profits of big Corporations ahead of human lives?!? ! I have to go now, I'm too upset to continue. Every time I think about the Sequester and the whole mess Congress has created, I get physically ill. I will definitely E-mail this to my friends. A very angry Democrat in Bellingham, Washington. Michelle Lambert Manchester NH Jill Robert Mosovich Petersen Coral Springs missoula FL MT Kathryn Burgess Camden NC Eleanor Lillie Denver CO I keep putting off getting an implant because I may have to amputate...this is crazy! Where is the accountability! I hope my Stryker knees are safe. I have two implants in my spine as I write this. I have two friends that had to go back in for surgery after their hip implants failed. I have two artificial knees and an implant in one shoulder. I got these in order to extend my life and to be able to live without so much pain. Cancer and Arthritis both run very strong in my family on both sides. I am currently 67 years old - my mother lived to be 93 years old and had a hip replacement as well as both of her knees. My father died of Colon Cancer when I was 13 years old. Consumers Union comments Page 24 Annette Harvill Stone Mountain GA I have seen these hip implants fail on my friends, and watched them go back into surgery. I know see why this has happened. Seriously? This did not need to happen to them? One of my friends is only 54. She is very athletic, which is part of why she has had to have so much surgery. Now I find out what she has been through is due to a loophole in the system. It is time to correct this mistake that is causing thousands of people needles pain and suffering, not to mention the cost involved. The medical companies are definitely profiting, and who pays? The patients. I am asking the FDA to require all high risk implantable devices go through premarket safety testing before being sold. Lyn Chambers Phoenix AZ Kari Fromm Redford MI I have not been affected but I have just been told I need a full replacement of my left hip. I have multiple degrees in medicine and I do not see how this is happening. I will most likely need at least one knee replacement in the future. This is unacceptable! Margaret Houghtaling Woodbury Anna Joy Brown Monmouth MN I have had hip surgey 4 times. I hope this recklessness will stop and testing must be done first. OR I have had four hip replacements in four years and each one has had MAJOR complications. My current one is by Stryker – and they are now "recalling " a part. I don't WANT another hip surgery! I want to be able to WALK. We all must be able to rely on these devices. Please make this happen – for everyone. Thank you. Sandra Walker Greensboro NC I have had 2 hip replacements on the same hip,plus they were popping out to where I had to go back to the hospital to have it popped back by my doctor.Something has to be wrong somewhere.I HURT all the time. Consumers Union comments Page 25 Meredith Jones Yachats OR I have both hips transplanted. This is not the kind of news I want to hear, The FDA ia meant to be watching oiut for folks like me,not for making it easier on the companies who make them.One hip has always hurt;the other felt fine from day one. It was stated clearly that I''d need noes ones in 20-25 years if I'm lucky,I sure would like thise ti be safe and sound. JS Deran Kingman AZ Loretta Haynes Honea Path SC I have an implant that is a 30 year ceramic hip- a 3 part hip that can be repaired by replacing any one piece if it wears early. FDA should be more aware of quality devices that are available. I have a Zimmer Hip implant now....How do I know it is going to stay safe? I am in need of knee replacements as well, but how will I know they will be safe and successful? Belinda Wilks Burlington CO I have a total knee implant that has hurt since the surgery, 6 years ago. It's getting worse and I don't know what to do about it. anni miller Lake Oswego OR Leslee McPherson San Mateo CA R.W. Carmichael Tuscaloosa AL Pam Bryant West Milford NJ Debbie Kaplan Los Angeles CA I have a successful hip implant, but if had to redo i would want mine to be safety tested!!!! Wow , terrible loophole! I have a stent in a coronary artery and a titanium plate in my wrist. Implant failure means additional painful and expensive surgery for the patients involved. So far, my implants are all OK, because they were adequately safety tested before they were used on me. Hip replacement surgery is very painful with an extended convalescence. I have a replacement knee that was recalled, but implanted anyway due to the loophole. Every day I hurt and every day I thank the assholes at the FDA. I have a metal/metal hip replacement by Smith & Nephew, who have discontinued making the socket. This leaves me with considerable anxiety and my doctor suggests annual MRIs, which are expensive and unpleasant. I have a knee implant and may need another on my other knee. This is important to me! Consumers Union comments Page 26 Laura Daly Topeka KS I have a hip implant that's 13 yrs. old and I would like to be sure that when it wears out that I will get an implant that has been tested. I have a hip implant cause of HFCS induced uric acid that rotted away my hips & the replacement hip did no good as the PAIN is just as BAD I HAVE A FRIEND WHO HAS NOW UNDER GONE 3 PAINFUL HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERIES DUE TO FAULTY PARTS! IT IS NOT RIGHT..ITS COSTING EXTRA MONEY, PAIN AND RISK FROM ANETHESIA. I have a friend who had knee replacement surgery and has had problems. Please make these products safe BEFORE marketing them!!! Thank you! I have 2 good implants and am so grateful.Health is a human right I have 2 friends who have suffered from faulty hip implants. That's 2 too many. I had two metal clips inserted in my belly, without my knowledge or consent, during an appendectomy. I spent the next year throwing up and losing weight, until an ER physician found the clips on a CT scan and had a surgeon remove them. After that, I have had no subsequent problems with nausea or vomiting. I oppose the current 510(k) process. Please require further testing before making unsuspecting patients into guinea pigs! peter grzeskowiak Minto ND JENNIFER CARPENTIER Mtn Home ID Lynn Boudreau Newport NH Estelle Stern Tucson AZ barb purdie High Point NC Emily Thompson Farmville VA robert nevills Cle Elum WA I had two implant operations on the same hip because the original was not heavy enough. It became painful and debilitating. Mark Peterson Johns Creek GA I had a Stryker hip implanted in August 2011 and began experiencing pain and lack of mobility in December 2012. I currently have high blood levels of cobalt and will more than likely have to undergo another surgery in the near future. Needless to say, I'm not very happy about it. Consumers Union comments Page 27 Michael Henderson Lawrence Gloria Holcroft Overland Park Richard Lares Brandon Gordon Hills Mason peter rosenbluth North Conway Susan Hawkins Constable Andrea Simmons Friday Harbor Ila Lewis Glencoe Lauretta Jenkins Washington KS I had a Medtronic implanted pump that nearly killed me. Its predecessor, which was recalled, did a fine job for 9 years. The replacement pumped its contents into my flesh instead of my spine, sending me into a coma for 3 weeks. KS I had a hip replacement in 2000, and a revision on the same hip in 2012. The cost, pain, and rehab are too great to risk the possibility of untested devices being used in the procedures. FL I got a mesh in my knee over a year ago. Will have to come out, burns all the time. If it is not safe do not use it. I would have rather had the problem with it dislocating. OH I expect you to do you job and require high risk implant devices to be subjected to testing before being used on patients! NH i do not want any person to be a test subject for the latest medical implant. imagine having your knee, hip or pacemaker recalled . you will then need new surgery and rehabilitation to fix a problem that could easily have been avoided. expand the testing requirement to include ALL NEW DEVICES. DON'T LET THE MANUFACTURER USE SIMILAR DEVICE TEST RESULTS TO MARKET A NEW PRODUCT. NY I do not have a story to tell about someone who has been affected by a faulty implant. But I do feel that extreme care and vigilant testing must be required for these types of metal hardware, implants, to prevent health concerns and risks. Please hear my plea, and thank you for listening. Blessed Be. )O( Susan. WA I believe it urgently necessary for the FDA to require all high risk implantable devices to go through premarket safety testing before being sold. IL I am one of the people who, after having both hips replaced, needed to have both hips revised, just four years later. How I now wish that a more thorough vetting process had taken place prior to the approval of these prostheses for general use. DC I am NOT a guinea pig. Consumers Union comments Page 28 Dolores M Goytia Rosemead CA I am in full support of your (Docket No. FDA201-N-0661) to require all (MoM) hips to be reviewed through your agency's premarket approval (PMA.) I urge you to please implement this PMA process ASAP, I have osteo in my hips and left foot due to completely crushing into pieces my achilles heel. Am in pain 24/7, live alone and praying to God that I don't fall and break my hip. Gary Leitz Cleves OH Judith Cole Tucson AZ I am having a double hip replacemnt tomorrow 4/9/13. Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati,Ohio. I am currently waiting a revision of my left hip. Stryker has "voluntarily" recalled my replacement. My surgeon did an MRI and blood work, and I must have a replacement. Connie Miles Mountain Home AR Diane Winkles Caledonia MS George Brieger Brooklyn NY Sean Reihani Chapel Hill NC Elizabeth Julie Debbie Schwab Gibbs Minton Clinton Township Los Angeles Roanoke MI CA VA Peggy Fugate Oxford OH I am against implants altogether except in the case of reconstruction following mastectomy. Implants should have always been safe! I'm sick of hearing of women suffering from unsafe implants! I am a recipient of a total hip replacement, and so far it has done very well. There has got to be a way to test these implants mechanically before saying they are good. I am very much opposed to using animals for this testing as well as for any testing of medical devices or medicine on ANY animal for any reason. In this day and age it is not necessary. I am a New Yorker from the Midwood section of Brooklyn. How would you like it if your children took potentially unsafe medications? How is this even an issue?? How is that even legal?? how can they put anything in your body that HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED ----- how is this even ALLOWED ?????? How can these be tested to be safe? I hope they don't plan to use animals. Consumers Union comments Page 29 G Hardiman Tucker GA How can the FDA even consider giving the ok to ANY device being left in the body, without testing ? Any adult in this country knows the profit motive is too great to believe what a manufacturer says & thus give approval without testing. Nancy Malczewski Milwaukee WI Have had four hip replacements. Safety testing should be done on all parts that are being implanted into a human body. These hip replacement surgeries are not fun and take an extremely long time to recover from. Henry Capote Front Royal VA Sherri Gillespie Los Gatos CA have a friend who needed a replacement and he paid $100,000 for the surgery. Well he is ruined and this replacement is going to need replacing. Greed is greed whether it is the banking or the medical industry makes no difference. Johnson and Johnson should be prosecuted for willful medical negligence and they should have to pay for every surgery to correct the problem including Medicare. The FDA has to increase regulation to control all implants the same as they would if it is a a life or death heart implant. Vitra Garcia Miami Shores FL ROBERTMAR SWAIN Grand Rapids MI William Collins Summerville SC Rebecca Rens Ogden RICHARD michelle RUTLAND adams Tacoma Austin Julia Fontaine Kamay Good Lord. You mean we have to ask for this, when it should be the norm???!!! Clearly the FDA is abdicating its responsibilities. FOR YOUR CREDIBILITY, FUTURE TESTING IS A MUST. THE SWAIN FAMILY Fix the loophole! Don't wait for the manufacturers to tell you what to do. UT FDA- Require that all high risk implantable devices go through pre-market safety testing before being sold. WA fda is for my safety do your job TX FDA cannot do much in this regard. Talk to the manufacturers. Idiots. TX Facing a knee replacement this year has put me in a quandary; do I live with debilitating pain or risk a faulty device. Not knowing that my device has been thoroughly tested or not is beyond scary. Consumers Union comments Page 30 Roger E Dickson Chisholm MN EVERYTHING that is put into the HUMAN BODY either by Surgery/orally/injected whatever, it ought to be thouroughly tested period!!! WA Every medical procedure and device should be safe. . . why are we dealing with safety issues after the fact? Where is the FDA? Kim Harris Bothell elizabeth knepp Tucson AZ Ted Herb Bloom Larson Astoria San Jose NY CA Patricia Glasson Lafayette Melinda Lewis Albuquerque Alita DeMarco Ypsilanti virginia jarvis Seattle Empathy Don't these devices have reliability testing similar to components used in space applications? If not, then demand this type of testing. Do failure analysis on the broken ones, and fx the process. IN Don't cave in to greedy corporations. Protect the lives and health of the American people. Thank you. NM Don't allow manufacturers to sell replacement body parts until they are fully tested! MI Do You know how many devices have been RECALLED ? WA Do unto others as you'd have them o to you Rolaine Smoot Riverview FL Maggie Schafer Boulder CO Lorrie Miller Paulding OH End medical implants! Mt mother and her friend were harmed by flawed hernia mesh. Do to fact I have not insurance, I couldn't get a knee replacement since 05. But after hearing horror stories from other people I'm sure I don't want to until this loophole is taken care of! DO NOT WHORE TO INDUSTRY! THE PEOPLE NEED PROECTION, NOT THE MEDICAL DEVICE INDUSTRY! THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEIR BOTTOM LINE NO MATTER WHO GETS HURT! Depending on use and the way certain implants are made they can fail and cause other unforeseen problems that they were supposed to help and need to be replaced requiring more surgery. Some implants are poorly made and defective and should be made better than metal on metal like by using polymer plastics and moldable medical grade materials that can help extend the life and usability of medical hip implants Consumers Union comments Page 31 Kris Rosvold Terrebonne OR Dear FDA: Your GDAMN JOB is to protect the Citizens from defective and dangerous medical devices and drugs. It is not, Not, NOT, to protect the profits of corporations! DO your Job or GTFO! NOW! Meredith Ryan Kingwood TX Cathleen Billiski Honeoye NY considering that the FDA needs YEARS of testing to bring a revamped drug to market, why should it not be the same for revamped medical devices? come first. the FDA is suppose to protect us. we shouldn't have to be test subjects as new devices are released. we want safety tests before marketing Patricia Gg Sunrise FL Susan karl Clarinda Tracey Rose smith MacLean Pennington Surprise North Chicago Huntington Beach West Hartford AZ IL CA CT Paul Horne Boynton Beach FL sybille Michael stegmueller Murray Eville Ferndale AK MI Nina Shengold 12484 NY C'mon FDA get strick and force the safety issues here Close the loophole!!!! clean air clean mind clarinda maclean Checking to be sure that the devices are functioning properly and safely will ultimately save money for the company and the health care system, not to mention the patients. Caveat emptor has become trust no one in power because you cannot trust them to do the right thing ever! Our country has become a nation where the rich and corporations run it and to hell with any individual's rights including the most basic rights, the right to life, freedom or the pursuit of happiness. Can you say "lawsuit"? Can car companies make the same claims when it comes to safety? Both my parents have implants (hip & knee), Their safety comes before manufacturers' profits! Consumers Union comments Page 32 Karen Davis Gilbert AZ Big Pharma rakes in big bucks by releasing potentially harmful and barely tested medications to the market. Mostly affecting women, it seems that these companies do their real testing by allowing patients access and heavily lobbying their doctors to write scripts. Then, when patients come down with serious side effects, the FDA sometimes steps in to regulate, but not before lawsuits are filed, adding to the incomes of lawsuit lawyers. Injuries and deaths occur, but it is far cheaper to pay this price compared to the billions they were already allowed to rake in. This system stinks, and it must end. Linda Pope Portland OR Kimberley su Smith johnson Memphis Chester TN VT Big corporations must step up to the plate and be interested and responsible for the well being of people and the planet BEFORE the bottom line! Ban it please Aunt had hip implant get infected, then ruined her bone, causing a 4 inch difference in her leg length, causing pain and disability leading to another plastic implant Kate Florio Brookings OR Julie Oliver-Zhang Washington DC Jackie Duvall Gulf Breeze FL As long as these implants are not tested on animals. As attorneys who are helping victims of hip implants to exact just compensation from the device manufacturers, we have seen the terrible effects of defective hip implants. Defective hip implants can cause heavy metal poisoning, blood clots, nerve damage, bursitis, constant stiffness, edema, swelling, extreme pain, protrusion, revision surgeries, and even death. Millions have been awarded to hip implant victims and the companies will not stop to profit from these defective devices unless consumers take action. Please contact us for details at Julie@aaronlevinelaw or visit our site at: As an Operating Room RN, I have witnessed many implant removals, and this is not minor surgery! Consumers Union comments Page 33 Larissa Ghiso Royal Oak Julie Neidich Orange County Suzanne Coffman Grafton Kamia Taylor Preston Diane Verrochi Jewett City Maureen McGuire Ruidoso Sarah Gillen Montpelier MI As a recipient of 3 hip implants-2 at Mass General & 1 at Beaumont-I am deeply concerned that ALL implants are properly safety tested & that this loophole be eliminated IMMEDIATELY!!! CA As a physician, I am shocked to find that any device that will be implanted into a human can escape safety testing before it is used. I would not recommend that my patients receive such an implant under any circumstances. WV As a physical therapist, I believe that testing these devices is the humane thing to do. Revising a hip or other failure is more painful and destructive than the original procedure and more prone to a poor outcome, leaving people with limited mobility and perhaps leading to an early admission to assisted living or a nursing home. Please, trusting patients (like you and me) are depending on this oversight. Thank you. MO As a person who received implants, I have suffered many problems that could have been avoided by testing them & having them certified. CT As a nurse in post-acute and long-term care, I have seen the results of untested devices and the painful recovery from revision surgery. It is utterly unacceptable that we are allowing insufficiently safetytested devices to be implanted into people's bodies. NM As a home health therapist I have heard so many complaints from patients who have had total hip replacements and thereafter live with constant pain that their doctors ignore, calling them "complainers". Please pass this law to protect the public from these callus pharmaceutical companies whose only interest is profits. VT Are you kidding? All the company has to do is claim their product is equal??? As a woman in her 60s who might need new hips at some point, I find this incredibly scary. It is unacceptable. Devices must go through rigorous tests. Don't forget your mandate to protect the consumer - not the corporation! Consumers Union comments Page 34 EJ Duncan Huber Heights Florence Parker Gays Mills Nicholas Adams Petersburgh Laura Helouvry Jackson Carol Halberstadt Newton OH Anything that goes in the human body should be tested for safety. We have seen too many products already fail and can be fatal to people. WI Any type of implant be it breast or joint should have to be PROVEN safe before it can be sold to be implanted NY And device used for implants should be vetted and proven safe for reactions with the human body. WY All the money that gets paid into insurance and government and yet we can not have confidence in the FDA to protect hip replacement patients from potentially dangerous materials and structures being placed in someone's body? People aren't having these procedures because they WANT to...that are having them because they are looking to improve the quality of life and be able to move freely without pain. Why would anyone not support and require mandatory testing of anything that goes even remotely close to a person (let alone, inside)? MA All metal-on-metal hip implants should be rigorously tested before FDA approval, just as any type of medical implant should be tested. The newer ?DePuys? J&J implant is the one most implicated in failures, to my knowledge. The Birmingham metal-on-metal implant had been in use in the UK and many European countries for about 10-15 years without major failures or side effects, until it was approved by the FDA in the U.S. in May 2006. To my knowledge, the Birmingham implant has also not been implicated in statistically significant failures or side effects in the U.S. since it was approved by the FDA, and is still being used. Also, to my knowledge, the J&J ?DePuys? device, has been recalled. Consumers Union comments Page 35 Cat Jefferson San Diego CA ALL devices implanted in the human body MUST be tested. 'Similar to' does NOT mean 'exactly alike' .I can hardly believe that a loophole like this allowed a 40% failure rate device to continue to be implanted into unsuspecting patients. This has got to be stopped ASAP. I do not want to wind up like those 40% of poor people who had to endure a second surgery! Require all implantable devices go through premarket safety testing before being sold. Ted Vollers Jacksonville FL Jane M Germani Ofenloch Eugene Anycity OR NJ Kathy Mullins Chicopee MA Elizabeth Aden Mt. Vernon TX F Timothy Dugan Green Valley AZ Ah, the practice of medicine. They practice on you! Absolutely critical! A relative of mine had pain in the hip for 2 years after the surgery until the day they died. Horrible. A friend of mine had to have a knee replacement done over again due to a bad implant. A friend of mine had a mesh implant for a female problem. It was defective and she has had problems ever since. A Friend had a routine blood test, and metal poisoning in his blood. It was from a failing hip. His leg was broken taking the old replacement hip out, so a new could be installed. He has been in pain for a number of month and is walking with a cane. DEBBIE BERGWERK PETERSBERG NY Ann Jay Bryan Lexington KY Scarlet Kinney Surry ME Fredi Juri Perry IA A friend , an aunt and my husband all had implant surgery and all have complaints . I have dental implants that have been a nightmare . A dear friend's mother has had a failure of a hip implant that has left her bedridden for the rest of her life. This is a woman with a vibrant mind and she is now trapped in a bed. I become ill every time I think of it. A dear friend of mine, now deceased, suffered for over a year following hip replacement surgery before it was finally discovered that the device was flawed. She couldn't stand at all, and had to have the surgery done over again. A "similar products" standard is not good enough! ALL NEW PRODUCTS MUST BE TESTED!! Consumers Union 36 First Edvanir Tamara R John Bob Sassy David Pauline Stanley Robert Albert Caryle Laurie PAULINE Lori Andrea Ted Patrick torenthy Thomas samantha Virginia Orion Dean Faith Therese Thomas Karen Doug Charlotte Barbara richard Jjoseph Estel Leila ROBERT Barbara Jean Noah aurelia shari John David Frelima sue renata Theresa M. d Diana Lyle Robert Last Lins Pearlman Cheney Tollick Albee Judd Burkhart Ram Kennedy Bechtel Johnson Sudol LAWVER Kegler Collins Fishman Whalen perkins Clark Church Ferriero Lyonesse Monroe Wagner Ryan Goodrich Fisher Marchel Lundemo Hargrove riger Carson Cooper Merl PARKER STELLATO Baird Poole Brenner kinslow halvorsen Kurilla McGlocklin Dixon wills dobryn Campbell page Hinkle Courtsal Stoll City East Elmhurst Roanoke Henderson Evanston Fort Worth Eureka Jacksonville Deerfield Beach Berwyn Seattle Vail Clarkdale El Monte San Pedro Asheville Sab Jose Cortland Patchogue LA Lenoir Delray Beach Everett No. Hollywood Las Vegas Palmdale Park Forest Chillicothe Vacaville Jackson Hammond Alb Newton Menifee Delaware Redwood City Rayland Acworth New York Honokaa Bellingham Clifford Twp' Davis Seattle Irvine Montauk Madison Heights Scottsville st petersburg Porttownsend Bloomington ST NY TX NV IL TX MO FL FL IL WA AZ AZ CA CA NC CA NY NY CA NC FL WA CA NV CA IL OH CA MS IN NM MA CA DE CA OH GA NY HI WA PA CA WA CA NY MI VA FL WA IN Consumers Union 37 Kathryn Floss Janet Charlie Gordon Ron virginia Max Troy charles john Ellen roth Myers Carolyn Nik Donna Thomas Robert Scott theresa paula A Christina Frank philip Gina Arlene olga Guy Laurita John bette Alfred catrina Reevyn florik Joanne Diane Julie auri Hannah Lee Ann Bette Barbara Elaine Dean LAURA ANN K Ruth Sarah Margery LeMosy Shahbegian Pielke Graham Gross Avila rhodes Ellsworth Irvin yeager lundquist Garnett woods Myers Friedman Kripalani George Fitzgerald Janusko Coahran stone pruner Chandler Aulson White patterson Gatto Wiltberger monzon Tuttle Walters Schmittauer grotegut Griffith nesper Aronson perkins Britton Kruse Sasaoka ford Grace Greaves Nelson Miller Barton Pryer BERNSTEIN Barnes Sercombe Schiff Paris Whitestone Claremont Hillsboro Berkeley San Francisco Vallejo Brookline Highland Stephenville Broomfield Chapin Ann Arbor Phoenix Willow San Diego Mattydale Los Angeles Bethlehem Los Banos Palm Springs North Hollywood Santa Fe Campbell Willsboro Flushing Castro Valley San Carlos Chicago Chicago Salmon Chauncey Plattsburg Miami Kailua Redwood City tamarac San Diego Conifer Concord Guaymabo Ashland Spokane Burien Ravenna Okc Eugene Hartsdale Monterey Royal Oak White Plains IL NY CA OR CA CA CA MA IL TX CO SC MI AZ NY CA NY CA PA CA CA CA NM CA NY NY CA CA IL IL ID OH MO FL HI CA FL CA CO CA PR OR WA WA OH OK OR NY TN MI NY Consumers Union 38 Frank Brian Matthew Jake Jean Robert Susan Eric Vincent Michelle Lynn Katherine KC Jacquelyne e sylvia Patrick tammy salvatore Rosana Jennifer Saul Peter Frances Fern Dan Alex Sharon Philip M. Deb Barry David Alan James Rebecca Robin Bill Thomas John GW Grant Terri Louis Ratan Karen Anthony Laura Pat sharon Ronald Heather Colletto Smith Franck Terpstra Simons Linzmeier Inman von Borstel Patti Cipriano Walker Gerant Carney Pitts hegeman Szczepaik Bouvier Donovan kubik cento Bachmann Walter Aguirre Gunther Eckles Schlesinger Harris Vollmer Bailey Cucchiara Lashever Rabichow Ulibarri Lambert Walker Skinner Lorentzen Funk Murphy Logan Cheney Garson Simmons Dees Barua Meisenburg Tripp Saxon Moen davidson Hobbs Kutch Simi Valley Warrenton New Brunswick G. Rapids Nashville Palatine Elk Rapids Stayton Long Beach Somerville Cleveland Kansas City Pittsburgh San Juan Capistrano Ny Chicago Brooklyn Lisbon Brooklyn Sorrento Durango Chicago Chicagoi New Paltz Murrieta Charlotte San Rafael Richardson Shaker Hts. Venice Oak Park Chicago Gibsonburg Janesville Rumford Caldwell Buckley Des Moines Phoenix Boone Milwaukee Boise Springfield Gardens Woodhaven Tacoma Strawberry Morriston Mpls Chillicothe Highland Sierra Vista CA MO NJ MI IN IL MI OR CA MA OH MO PA CA NY IL NY NH NY FL CO IL IL NY CA NC CA TX OH CA IL IL OH WI ME ID WA IA AZ NC WI ID NY NY WA AZ FL MN IL IN AZ Consumers Union 39 Karen Sharon Misha Sidney Guy cindi Becky J David Joshua Richard Maria Jacques JL KL alisa Charlene lorraine Tara Shaden David Linda Ron Joanna Lauren Marie Carolyn Lisa LEIF RAINET Ron Mary frank Monty Alexa Gordon Jim Marc rizwana Christeen Billy Benjamin William Stephanie Jacob Brittney Teresa Brant Chris David Erin Berger Davis Lauridsen Marble Perkins Dean Sillasen Beverly Wilson Smith Crawford Lopez Zakin Angell Matlock battaglia Rush brabham Ashmore Melky Dice O'Keefe Anderson M Ford T. Martinez Barrett Wilsher TILLOTSON LEWIS Silver Hale lapore Ward Taren Johnston Oxyer Schoenberg shaheen Anderson Hamilton Leff Harwood Reap Kingman Harvey Litteral Kotch Catania-Rachlin Tucker Sly Montrose Riverview Cocoa Beach Irvington Reno Ll,,jhb Columbus Urbana Myrtle Point Livonia Ojai Miami Dublin Rescue San Jose Weston Allison Park Hoboken Seeley Lake Louisville Jersey Shore Evergreen Park San Jose New Britain Venice Campbell Northsyracuse Francestown St. Albans Avondale Atlantic Beach Theodosia Parkfalls West Hollywood Jersey City Portland Louisville Farmington Hills Bakersfield Crestview Granbury Coral Springs Ruther Glen Owings Mills Pleasant View New York Inman Houston Bangor Boone Winlock CA FL FL NJ NV NY OH IL OR MI CA FL OH CA CA FL PA NJ MT KY PA IL CA CT CA CA NY NH VT AZ FL MO WI CA NJ OR KY MI CA FL TX FL VA MD TN NY SC TX PA IA WA Consumers Union 40 Michael Tracey Ron Laria Carol susan John Ralph Jodi Jeanne Joyce Meredith Steven Richard Kathryn Lawrence D Fred Kenneth vicki Bobbie Dee mary Jennifer Fred Althea marybeth Chris Victoria margery Nicole Muse LaShuna Ana Kathleen Rheanna leonard Shelley Carole Juli Judy chad TJ Marie Frederick Ellen JUDITH Gustavo Jade Diane Jeff Leonard Mari Stuart Smallwood Allen Saunders Pippin sachs Cornacchioli Hart Ashley Young Barringer Bellomy Nyberg Holloway Irby Goldman Ferguson Harris Maheu Flowers tulloch Joseph Rilling Black vanpelt Casper Powers drake Rupke en Lystrala Garcia Oviedo Fink Vote cork Brunskill McAuliffe Tromley Anthony hayes Broshie Alabiso Remus B BARNETT Sandoval Hawks Sullivan Cashatt Larson s Wonder Lake Waldorf, Centerville Los Angeles Peoria Wakefield Hauppauge Durham Kaufman Sequim Cambridge San Antonio Wausau Saugerties Gulfport Chicago Lutz New Orleans San Diego New York Manhattan Fairfax Nokomis Dc Seneca Madison North Vernon Houghton Menomonee Falls Albany Tucson Chicago Edina Eugene Chicago Las Vegas Wellfleet Indianapolis Albuquerque Phila Blues Plymouth Naples kentucky Crossville San Mateo Congress Foley Casselberry Seattle Kennesaw IL MD OH CA AZ RI NY NC TX WA MA TX WI NY MS IL FL LA CA NY IL CA FL DC SC WI IN MI WI NY AZ IL MN OR IL NV MA IN NM PA KY MA NY KY TN CA AZ AL FL WA GA Consumers Union 41 Shirley Sally C Debbie Joseph Janice joslyn dorsey Karyn Loba cheryl Jerry Lindsay Marius Dawn Jill Walt Winn Peg Kerry ann Tegwin Jan Tenzin Jesse Lorna Jason Chip Susan Suni James Edward Millie Nancy Courtney Ken Jane Jessica Elizabeth rose Bryan Barbara Loretta m Rubi angela margaret N Sumana william LindaSue James Smith Phelps K Schepis Shulman Dlugosz Baker thompson Gil Moon weiss Peavy Myre Vermeulen Albanese Miller Kleine Adams LeClair Dorsey rafkin Moye Mattimoe Norris Tatum Cheifetz Davis Maguire Ibarra Brooks Birdman O'Connor Chismar Daniels Woolard Chischilly Foster Entenman hall Jajowka Tomlinson Hollings collins Martinez fazzari wright C Raychaudhuri johnson Hope Cameron Longview El Prado Lake Geneva Roselle Park San Diego Beachwood Vancouver Rocky River Sacramento Rohnert Park Granite City Chico Great Falls Voorhees Elk Grove Village Sausalito Oakland Bellingham Pittsfield Vacaville Kensington Igh Somerville Eugene Redmond Phx. Montebello Santa Barbara Rohnert Park Lynn Tucson Westford Edison Sherman Oaks University Pl. Bisbee Milwaukee Gresham Wittmann Seattle Seattle Tucson Latham Bronx Portland Las Vegas Schaumburg New York Kalamazoo Drive Santa Rosa TX NM WI NJ CA NJ WA OH CA CA IL CA MT NJ IL CA CA WA MA CA CA MN MA OR OR AZ CA CA CA IN AZ MA NJ CA WA AZ WI OR AZ WA WA AZ NY NY OR NV IL NY MI NV CA Consumers Union 42 Barbara Joanne Timothy Ann Liz Michelle Debra Barbara Elaine richard Val Prudence Daniel Joanne rosanne Thomas Concerned Janet Sara Robert Heather Mair Danielle LYNETTE Miles Marlene Kristin Lisa Patricia John Pedro Michele JENNIFER Karen Amelia Jean jennifer Julia Natalie Raymond SPIRIT Maureen Jeffrey Pam Fran tia Sheila Ralph Jan janet stormy Mango Shumway Post Goldsmith Dyer Malkin Rehn Mathiews Jennison lechner Dear Brooks Ortiz Petaccio paquette Pagliaro Jr Citizen Campbell-Vincent Ogden Orndorff Graham McNamara Richardson ZIZZO Russell Alexander Parker Peters Gallo Montgomery Rodriguez Nihipali HARDCASTLE Hatlestad Wellman Weller tozzi Brannon Alexander Keeling CHEROKEE Wheeler Korn Bixter Fulwiler pearson Mandell Dickar Depwe heatwole raines Kewanee Murrieta Lee's Summit Buffalo Alexandria Phila Portland Mesquite Delavan Seatac Bayshore Gardens Glendale San Carlos Harleysville New York Bristol New City Scottsdale Hohenwald Oklahoma City Scottsdale Barrington Rialto Calverton Killbuck Burbank Elkhorn Evanston Troy San Rafael Miami Hauula Houston Maplewood New York Columbia Toms River Reidsville Irvine Milford Los Angeles Silver Spring Bronx Evergreen Portland Wahiawa Fort Lauderdale Staten Island Hilo Damaus, Md Vancleave IL CA MO NY VA PA OR TX WI WA FL AZ CA PA NY PA NY AZ TN OK AZ IL CA NY OH CA WI IL MI CA FL HI TX MN NY MD NJ NC CA MI CA MD NY CO OR HI FL NY HI MD MS Consumers Union 43 DonnaNova Stacy D Taylor Rebecca Don allison Edward L. J. John Norman Eilyn D Sandra diane Dave Casey Patricia Dorian Suzanne Kathey Glenn patty Karen Lola Marilyn Thomas EILEEN naomi Patti John Terrance Everest Marilyn Jeanne T Alvin Lynn Salvador Diana Michele paul patsy Lopamudra Vicki Bonita Coral EDWARD G. Michael John Wayne Blythe Keeley amy Diamond Billings Pologruto isMyName Martinez-Krpeger Somsky saft Craig Lanfranchi Oda Crawford Cascante Massa yarmuth Councilman Phillips Brendel Rooney Kirby Brodtman Byrnes Palmer Bennick Schappell Trimble Pass VELEZ ulrich Yeager Armstrong McIntosh Nwaogwugwu Vargas Janson Piker Trammell Elliott Mendoza Bair Henley carter Mohanty Gardner Mugnani Friesner MRKVICKA Herz Langley Clark-McKitrick Harding bratt Ocean Grove Astoria Loxahatchee Bethel Park Yuma Castle Rock Elkins Park Eugene New Braintree San Francisco Antonito Miami Lakes Port Washington Au Gres Golden Valley Williamson Canton Santa Barbara Sag Harbor Lottsburg Sylmar Albuquerque Oceanside Corneius Phoenix Orange Hyde Park Centerport Portland Tucson Adams Washington DC Bronx Coral Gables La Junta Indianapolis Durham Gustine beckley Everett Paducah St.peters Kent Santa Cruz Largo Arvada Tallahassee Grand Prairie Portland Portland Syracuse NJ NY FL PA AZ CO PA OR MA CA CO FL NY MI MN NY MA CA NY VA CA NM CA NC AZ TX MA NY OR AZ MA DC NY FL CO IN NC CA WV WA KY MO WA CA FL CO FL TX OR OR NY Consumers Union 44 Diane Karen Leidy martha Jennifer Elizabeth Marilyn Miranda Russell Maria Sallee Bruce Mahin Jana Ed ryan rosanne Tessa Chuck Michelle Margarita C.R. julia Krysa richard michael Dean Kathleen Ray Cara trae Amy Ernest Brook Dian chris Elizabeth charlotte Hedda Annika Geri Henry Jean Steven Raven Charmaine Nancy Karen Diane Lana Kay Schwarz Wendtland Schultz leahy McDougal Schlein Arnest Mellis Chiappa Rainho Young Ross Charles Switzer Askins hebert sparacino Bragg Ricevuto Taylor Quijano Goodman richardson Kobryner bello jansen Peerman Evergreen Mr Rambo smaron Hernandez Valdez Bergland Berger leboeuf Reid beckert Hamilton Bowden Biggs Weinberg Naples Born Dorantes Shannon Perry Campbell Alcibar Miller Lowe Le Mars Green Bay Chicago Winchester Sandy Creek Houston San Francisco San Francisco Croton On Hudson Watertown Grass Valley Houston San Francisco Portland Woodstock Broussard Encino Mt. Clare Oroville Fort Pierce Modesto Ca Los Gatos Sacramento Tucson San Juan, Puerto Rico Loretto Chicago La Grande Bakersfield kennewick Woodbury Houston Thornton Brooklyn Boise Oklahoma Shorewood Englewood Punta Gorda Seattle Dearborn Santa Barbara West Haverstraw Las Vegas New York Latrobe Gilbert Citrus Heights Portland Cedar Hill Denver IA WI IL MA NY TX CA CA NY MA CA TX CA OR GA LA CA WV WA FL CA CA CA AZ PR TN IL OR CA WA NJ TX CO NY ID OK MN CO FL WA MI CA NY NV NY PA AZ CA OR MO CO Consumers Union 45 mary Nicolette Ruth tom Shawn Kim Andrew Sally Marcia Pam angel Dogan Colleen James H Sharon beverley Lorrie Melissa Sam Sharone Robert Jolene heidi kevin Cheryl Hilda Dinda Marie Martin H karen elena Darrell dee Julia Marilyn Elizabeth kenneth john Jean Keith Joanne Kim m john Michael W Ryan Eric Chase LMj Robert Karen larson Lyons Aydelott holmes Williamson Baumgartner Kurzweil Bromley Berman Boland lindsey Ozkan Johnson Jorgensen Tyson abbey Miller Erickson Leeper Oren Lichtenbert Graves thorne garrity Winfield Andrews Evans Banks Landa F nelson kermani Wilson madden Jester Bartlett Reynolds ervas Rodine Woelbing Shepherd Wells h boyle Evans Bradley Zakin Hutchinson Mallory Ortiz Nordyke Madrid Staten Island Denver Champlin Studio City Cambridge Brooklyn Thayne Berkeley Grovetown Topeka Coldfoot Spokane Ames Monroe Morro Bay Paulding Kearns Asheville Woodland Hills Chicago Norman franklin Gainesville Pembroke Pines Miami San Diego Tucson Sedona Huntsville La Crosse San Diego Redwood City Balch Springs Glencoe Burnt Hills Shoreline Menifee Phoenix Eugene Kenner Pflugerville Rt Summit Hill Los Angeles Greenbelt San Mateo Sun Valley Payson Phoenix Sacramento IA NY CO MN CA MD NY WY CA GA KS AK WA IA NC CA OH UT NC CA IL OK NC FL FL FL CA AZ AZ AL WI CA CA TX AR NY WA CA AZ OR LA TX KS PA CA MD CA ID AZ AZ CA Consumers Union 46 irene Kayla Darryl maria Charles Beverly Autumn Chuck Michael Mary Patricia tommy Allen K Barbara Austin Amy Susan Allen Charla Colonel Holly Thomas Alex Rose greg Carol norma Carrie April Joan Gary Carl Jinny scott DAN Joseph Robert Deborah Barbara Michael clinton Suzie Chris Betty jo Mary Bob Anna Gary Sami herrera Hendricks Warner carmona Woodliff Morgan Sweeley Anthony Espinoza Galiani Hodge allen Olson Lucas Freitas Keefe Raucci Grodensky Barris Smith Meyer Corder Nieland Oshiro Williams curtis Kann harris Davis Emmert Martorano Sorensen Rosenstock Lee lindsey CAPPELLO Wenzel Veralli Gorman Kirch Kuerlemann sennett Majikol-Maier Sego Stewart puleo Kuhnley Atwood Myrha Kuehnapfel Signorino albuquerque Marion Far Rockaway Elgin Cornelia Turlock Jersey Shore Albuquerque Trenton Austell Los Angeles everett Minneapolis Westminster Key West Somerville Beverly Rochester Birmingham Pittsburgh North Port San Antonio Alamo Honolulu North Little Rock Manheim Glen Allen Queens Bangor Murphy Beacon Chicago Baraboo Melrose Munster Pa West Saint Paul West Milford Hastings On Hudson Egg Harbor Twp Dunnellon Lewistown Marietta Ocoee Newport News Babylon Ormond Beach Redding New York West Deptford Kokomo NM SD NY IL GA CA PA NM MI GA CA MA MN CA FL MA MA NY MI PA FL TX TX HI AR PA VA NY ME TX NY IL WI FL IN PA MN NJ NY NJ FL MT GA FL VA NY FL CA NY NJ IN Consumers Union 47 Yanula Jane Susan Elise A. Abbe Antonio Denise Susan Judi Miranda Libby MARILYN TOM Olivia Maria DIANE David kelley Raemona Mae Ramona Catherine Marie charlene Jean Dan and Tina Patricia Randy Cathy Sandra Angelique Barbara Donna julie Edie Robert Katherine Deborah Gary FREDERICK Richard Michelle Ann Marie Elizabeth Vionnette C.J. Mark Alan linda Jorge Bobbi Stephanie Steven Rayleen Pengenika Heir Torres Tollner Anderson Calabria Dunlap Anderson Pinkham Straubel Welch FINNELLI Schlosser Rivera MYERS Radens sullivan Clark Hart James Mello casucci Thorsen Partlow Doyle Brady Wiseley Tolson StPierre Lambert Statz guzdzial Mcmanmon Nelson Rykowski Dowling Beck MAHAR Rheder Unger Teli Reynolds Negron Gelfand Dellavecchia Newman Monastersky Malone Smith Russell Nunez Pensacola Dallas Carmel New York Silver City San Antonio Woodbridge Ukiah Framingham Durham Hyattsville Apopka Mansfield Center Milwaukee Clayton St. Petersburg Charleston Largo Gloucester Santa Maria Fairhope Medway New London Allen Garrettsville Kearns Clayton Austin Melbourne Blacksburg Fort Myers Swartz Creek Boston Salt Lake City West Hollywoood Green Cove Springs Grass Valley W Springfield Woodstock Hillsboro Chesterfield Twp. Minneapolis Sanford Newyork Campbell Cincinnati Laguna Niguel Port Charlotte Denver Monee Boston FL TX NY NY NM TX VA CA MA NC MD FL CT WI MO FL WV FL MA CA AL MA CT TX OH UT NJ TX FL VA FL MI MA UT CA FL CA MA NY OR MI MN FL NY CA OH CA FL CO IL MA Consumers Union 48 Sara Susan Philip Dorymar Douglas Rachel Janee Nicole Wanda Bernard orlando wanda Sharon Kit Larry marsha Mary Tom arthur Richard Hj alicia Linda Morgan charles Katherine Denise LORENE DAVID Janine Valerie roxie Carla James Tracia Bruce Christine Laurry Samuel Marilyn Stephen Dennis Diane Thomas Laurel Carmen Elisa Linda Vic Carol J Carole Avila Wilcox Capobianco Carrion Lass Kiernan Gillette Hansen Huelsman Winegrad baez vazquez Ellingson Blumenstein Branson maxwell Jones-Giampalo Ramos jackson Kennedy Withers wilder Vega Maxwell anderson Whitson Thomas WARTICK SPIEGELMAN Taulman Bower Harrington Winger Doeppers Sedivy Blacknight Fultz Michlin England Traver Nicklay Schaef Carroll Martins Boucher Bonilla-Jones Sessine Skelton Gray Nichols Ness-Lira Bastrop Silver Spring Dunnellon Aguadilla De Witt Bailey Draper Las Vegas Dayton Tucson Staten Island Bronx Sus Lewisville Pomona Walnut Creek New Lisbon Tempe harvey Cerritos Falcon middletown springs New York Albuquerque San Marcos Prairie Village Northfield Daytona Beach Carmel Carmel New Yoek Holmen Garland Mill Valley Maplewood Surf City Dixieland Dallas Austin Metaline Falls Moorhead Meadville Corpus Christi Avon Seattle Venice West Bloomfield La Plata Indiana Oakham Big Bear TX MD FL PR IA CO UT NV OH AZ NY NY WI TX CA CA WI AZ LA CA CO VT NY NM TX KS MN FL CA IN NY WI TX CA MN NC FL TX TX WA MN PA TX MN WA FL MI MD IN MA CA Consumers Union 49 Chrissy Yamila Destinee Rabecca Bryna Susan Katharine Gloria Annie Cameron Anne Brenda wayne Lynn Elizabeth Patti Christine Randy Frederick Kyle Marie Lori Alan mary lou Patricia José Jennifer ordell Darry nelson Michele Pam Amy Joy Michael Venu Grace Kirstin Alicia Betsy Dillon Suzan Margaret Maura Jule Donna Larry Ilia I. Kathleen joyce DJ Zotalis Miranda McMillin Gainey Pizzo Pencall Sprecher Sall Hammond Coffman Salzer Lahm frank Gonser Poole McCarron Brock Lopez Rives Harmon Russell-Barker Dennis Kardoff paul McKelvie Botín Kollert vee Carlstone myers Martinez Wilkinson Bernett Mover Swiger Reddy Mercer Beard Guidarelli Farr Monday McGlinch Richardson Phillips Garrison Selquist McLaughlin paganrivera Newlin johnson COX San Francisco Brooklyn Park Peoria Louisville Saint Louis Topanga Athens Dana Point Medford Denver Greenland Ceresco Pittsburgh Holland Augusta Santa Cruz Chaparral League City Florence Portland Chicago Eugene Palm Bay Benson Aurora Portland Portland Madelia Tahlequah Harrisburg Hayward Marshall Centerville Townsend Ludington Pleasanton Walnut Creek Anaheim Cortlandt Manor Vicksburg Can't Tell You Hasbrouck Heights Saint Paul Le Roy Daleville Port Saint Lucie Aurora Mayaguez Augusta Lawrenceville, Madison CA MN IL KY MO CA OH CA OR CO NH NE PA MI GA CA NM TX SC OR IL OR FL AZ CO OR OR MN OK PA CA MI OH MA MI CA CA CA NY MS WA NJ MN NY AL FL CO PR WV NJ WI Consumers Union 50 Nayeem Esther Carole Amy anne Candice Laurence Nicolette Arlene Lynda Marilyn Dodie Lauren Tom Wayman Renae Robert Jean-luc K Daniel Patricia Samuel Geraldine Michele CAROLE Louise Dorothy Maria Rebecca David Brittany Shannon Connie Rena theodore ERIN George Lorna Elizabeth George Mark Dawn Carolyn Alexander Maurice Barbara janet Vallie Robin Kitty Scottie jen Aslam Zamora Di Tosti Ph D Springer eeade Barnett Taylor Gascon Zimmer Whitney Mick Shepard Pierce Haaren Williams Gray Scott Mercier Hagerty Robarts Carlson Newman Donigan Villeneuve LACEY Pinson Nylen Moscoso Borrero Lindey Smith Cowett Childs montgomery HALL Oliver Buratto Gi Sidoti Bosse Lahey Terrien Gallipeau Luker Sykes hopkins Lenzen-BeBad Davis Farmer Singer Sleeve Villa Park Victorville Kew Gardens, Red Cloud Reseda Santa Monica Visalia Chicago Rancho Palos Verdes Ventura San Antonio Burbank Sicklerville Atlantic Beach Pasadena Las Vegas Thousand Oaks Huntington Madison Arlington Los Angeles Columbia San Diego Kingsport Glendale West Palm Beach Dayton Boca Raton Bellerose Beaver Dam Las Vegas Chantilly University Place Albany Oregon Pompano Beach Port Huron Carlsbad Middletown East Northport Ocean City Elk Grove Vernon Redondo Beach Sarasota Lanham Columbia Portland Crystal Beach Santa Fe Hemet Mill Valley IL CA NY NE CA CA CA IL CA CA TX CA NJ FL CA NV CA NY WI MA CA MD CA TN CA FL NV FL NY KY NV VA WA OR FL MI CA CT NY MD CA VT CA FL MD SC OR FL NM CA CA Consumers Union 51 Donna Michael casey Lorene Jan sally Phyllis Kerri Sandy Ray Kelly cathy Bess Robert Marcus Susan Leasha lili Judith R Tina penny -Kathleen Rosie Veronica Kenneth Jane Kim Antonio William M. / Joyce C. Gregory Margaret Patricia Ruby Betty Steve Mary Patricia Jane Edward Ronald Charanna Eugene Marsha jody Rita barbara Michele Deborah margaret Patricia H Serra Foster heaton Rowland McMichael castiglia Shaw Allen Castro Jordan Casey crum Katerinsky Kelly Williams Dominica McCoy traband Greene Landis harris -Dunn Umstattd Velasquez Bird Sunshine Thiele Huerta Stark Rossi Klette Lindsey Walker Kowall Rusk Wahle Kowerko Kreisman Carey Carlson Koblick Vargas Cole pitari Sammons gale Denski Busch mitchell Allen La Crescenta Rochester Kilauea, Billings Kirkwood Van Nuys Los Angeles Wilmington Hollywood Bloomington, In Minneapolis Agoura Buffalo Lehighton Braddock Hills Fort Collins Aurora Long Beach Louisville Arnold Lemon Grove -Igo Columbia Norfolk Rochester Woodstock Albrightsville San Diego Santa Fe Waterford Minneapolis Sausalito Versailles Penngrove Van Wert Mountain View North Kingstown Washington Whitestone Lanham South Bend Woburn Oakland New York Cape Coral Sherman Oaks Lake Worth Missoula Pittsford Waukegan CA IN HI MT MO CA CA NC FL IN MN CA NY PA PA CO CO CA KY MO CA -CA MO VA NY NY PA CA NM MI MN CA IN CA OH CA RI DC NY MD IN MA CA NY FL CA FL MT NY IL Consumers Union 52 Michael Allen courtney Margaret iyanola jayne regina Francisco marilyn Judith Linda Christine Kathy John Jennifer patricia Linda Jennifer Joy Tommy Mary sue kathy Margaret Kyle Gisela Benjamin Sandra Gretchen Joan and Paul MICHAEL Filiz Carol Patty Marian michelle Douglas Justin Eleanor Marji Marcia Pedro Sue N B Raymond Marcia Barbara Anita Barbara Andrea Walden Smith combs Denn josephmenard pitchford johnson Diaz nusbaum Scott Trevillian Wheeler O'Hara LeConte Gage johnson Rust Boron Zadaca Gray Doino rogan hilt Hodgkins Bracken Zech Henderson Palkovic Scarry Armer MELINCOFF Selman Claus Boytos Prezyna anderson Kinney Hannington Jones Ramirez Tindell Perez-Ortiz Huntenburg McManus Clifford Del Colle Klaas Daniels Buffer Passero Jarich Columbus Los Angeles Lexington Bonney Lake Petaluma Santa Monica Phila. Richmond New York Venice Alhambra Denver Indian Harbour Beach Agoura Hills Elgin Fayetteville Willow Springs Centennial Long Beach Bakersfield Santa Fe Middleton Columbus Denison Los Angeles Boise New York Longwood Topanga San Mateo Cle Hts New Rochelle Marietta Albuquerque Wales Center Chicago Otego Island Pond Somerville Milpitas Kingwood New York Mount Horeb Wyckoff Reno Bristol Marshall Newbury Park Warminster Waltham Burlington GA CA KY WA CA CA PA CA NY CA CA CO FL CA IL NC MO CO CA CA NM WI OH TX CA ID NY FL CA CA OH NY GA NM NY IL NY VT MA CA TX NY WI NJ NV RI AR CA PA MA WI Consumers Union 53 thelma Jan Michael Richard Marge Lori Myrna Suzanne Sharone George Samantha Chelsea Rowe Harold Kaleigh Barb Ryan renee Helena-Sophia Kathleen Brendan devon Mariann melissa Linda John Elizabeth Kathleen Debra Virginia Jack Roslyn Michael Blake fabiola Tricia Michael Nick paul Jeremy Tommie karen Charles robin Gerald Christine Alexia Cindy katrina Pat Ron kew Zollars Moats Snook Gianelli Steckervetz Goldman Horsburgh Ketterman Costich Bush Small Taro Coss Fiddler Heimbach Henke lusian Exel Keske Cardaci leonard Tierney arnold Simpson Patton Ramsey Ernst Saude Bowers Blue Gut Shoemaker Bentley arancibia Philipson Maslanek Page babicki Stuckwisch Johnson kenney Anthony dolbear Hassett Senchesen Ferranti Payson poplinka Mimeau Riskin Westland Asheville Downers Grove Lincoln El Paso Madison Mountain View La Verne Eatonville Cape May Grand Junction Portland Raymond Tucson Aurora Warsaw Akron Seal Beach Pahoa Brooklyn Fredericksburg Pahoa Berkeley Heights Urbana Chartley Pelham Davis Middleton Sweet Home Medford Wright City Philadelphia Marietta Roanoke New York Danville Congers Ferndale Titusville Lincoln Tuskegee Oakland Albuquerque Hermon Sunnyside Monroeville Tucson Winchester Hanover Park San Francisco Santa Barbara MI NC IL NE TX WI CA CA WA NJ CO OR NH AZ CO IN OH CA HI NY VA HI NJ IL MA AL CA WI OR MA MO PA GA VA NY CA NY WA NJ NE AL CA NM NY NY PA AZ VA IL CA CA Consumers Union 54 maureen Margaret Jason Jodi Robert Bev Angie tim Jeannette william Cynthia Sandy CeAnne Sharon Diana Alan Carla Katherine Scott Atoussa Helen T Aya Laura Donna Bruce Gisele Jhene Carol Alex frances Juliet Christina Lucinda zephyr KATHLEEN M Virginia Willard Anne Jennie Helen susan VINCENT Everette Laura Betty Ron Annastasia Jodi mary Kirsten Lauri mcmahon Beck Barlow Rodar Whitford White Guevara Goggin Austin toner von Hendricks Inguaggiato Becker Lindsley Petrauskas Austin Melendez Kruska Williams Stone Mosley I Fenwick Desrosiers Peacock Dorman Canody Collins Woodhouse reed Ganpat Gallagher Gerlitz taurel QUINN Black Hardin Benveniste Winter Lowe spector STRYNKOWSKI Rice Peckham Powell Berti Siry Beers allen Edwards Provencher Nyc Grosse Pointe Boise Springfield Mariposa Pittsfield Framingham Claremont Diamondhead Mcgraw Albuquerque Guilford Eden Prairie Odessa Cleveland Diamondhead Goleta Louisville Staten Island New York Bayside Venice Austin Plymouth Vrntura Brooklyn San Francisco Dover Brooklyn Gibsonton Jamaica Oakdale Bailey Oakland Chittenango Charlotte C H Newburgh Salinas Belmont Seattle Rochester New Hyde Park Portland Wakefield Blacksburg Portland Dayton Albuquerque Hazel Park Sanger Los Angeles NY MI ID MA CA MA MA NH MS NY NM CT MN NY OH MS CA KY NY NY NY CA TX NH CA NY CA DE NY FL NY MN CO CA NY VA IN CA CA WA NY NY OR MA VA OR OH NM MI TX CA Consumers Union 55 Noah-D.M. yolanda Arthur Deborah Yvonne J. janis Rachel Carol Frank G. debra Sue Ron martha kellie Jan Jake Thom Denise emma Mel Boris SAlly Maria Veronica Patricia Malynda Nick Rose Loretta Bo Kathryn K.E. Virginia candy Carol Kathleen Timothy mary Frank CINDY Michelle PK Kevin Juanita Bridget Linda Dolly Daniel Renee claudia Lucy Sanchez figueroa Pinkerton Hepler Peraza Berendt sexton Kepford Murph Andrews arrington Bartel Rodrigo mccormick federico Robbins Alter de Cant Hudson bloebaum Safken Dirnbach Blaser Manthei Fleischer Cook Barcott Barragan Mento Svensson Parke von Wittelsbach Allgaier mcdaniel Bostick Rooney Havel bedard Pavlick DALTON Palladine Doyle Neff Zeinstra Halladay Finch Austin Bryan Bertman schlefstein Berrington Tampa Tampa Concord Pittsburgh Queens Littleton Gainesville Springfield Hartford San Rafael Manchester Byron Glasco Washingtonville Salem Stockton Palm Springs San Francisco Los Angeles Lockhart Whitewater Philadelphia Lafayette Henderson Longmont Shawsville Lynnwood Sonoma Linwood Santa Rosa Pittsburg Ithaca Stirling Memphis Concord Lacey Boston Evergreen Bel Air Henrico Palm Springs Chicago Fayetteville Belmont Houston Rochester Hills King Georgetown Kalamazoo Palm City Newton FL FL NH PA NY CO FL MO CT CA TN MN NY PA OR NJ CA CA CA TX CO PA CO NV CO VA WA CA NJ CA KS NY NJ TN CA WA MA CO MD VA CA IL AR MI TX MI NC CO MI FL MA Consumers Union 56 teresa Jane Reba Elizabeth MARGARET reita Mark Christine Alyssa Lisa Marlene Donnan Randall William nathaniel Toni nanci Jason Vicky Mary ann Janice Natalie Dale Judith david Nancy Carl Katalin margret David Suanne Ileia Alexis David Diane maria juanita Karla Donald Virginia Leigh Mason Iris Dolores Xavier Joy VICKIE Joy Janice Martin Clark floyd Drake Smith Artman HASHMI NEWKIRK Match McCabe Melton Katter-Jackson fLEMENS Huddleston Redmon Mc Guire benjamin Kimball steeb Asher Forrest Swenson Mastin-Kamps Lallatin Goldstein Gundrum wesaw Bruny Hosterman Daskoczy taylor Lyle Weber Kiss Smith Carol Jenkins Friedman wahrendorf badders Bravo Rosentreter Wilson Zander Mitchelle Carr Pena-Davis Thompson Fricke ANDERSEN Whitfield lEVITT Horwitz Davis Boring Dothan Charlotte Pittsford Bellingham Santa Fe Great Neck Anderson Arlington Encinitas Brooklyn Santa Fe Versailles San Francisco Reno Santa Ana Rochester Fishers Indianapolis Salt Lake City Medina Flushing Levittown Cordova Kentwood Northglenn Wausaukee Lynnwood, Wa San Francisco Tomball Huntsville Warner Robins Chester Edmond Richardson Holiday Baltimore Paramount Princeton Mechanicsville Portland Martinsville Asheville Fullerton Detroit Lutherville Houston Mishawaka Baltimore San Francisco Los Osos OR AL NC NY WA NM NY SC TX CA NY NM KY CA NV CA NY IN IN UT OH NY NY TN MI CO WI WA CA TX AL GA CT OK TX FL MD CA IL VA OR VA NC CA MI MD TX IN MD CA CA Consumers Union 57 Kathleen Andrew Carole JUDY Linda Blackie Carole Leland Donna dave Jodi Magdalena R Angela Kellie M. Levanah Darlene Wendy CAROLYN Lisa Kalpini Philip Pam nikki Terri Janice Brijesh Veronica Suzy Victor Barbara Nancy Dana Kathy Gloria Sara Juan kayla tanya ann Janice Melvin Leslie Kathy Colleen Steven Deborah Megan Fred Johanna ray Serrano Spafford Mock ONEILL Mellen Straussburg Mathews Brun Przybylowicz delson Desharnais Czeblakow Wells DeBolt Taylor Delatte Ruthschild Bulnes KUTZKE Hammermeister Banks Torres Meuer richards Pattison Padgett Shah Brummer Chersky Malyar Smith Black Wong Precht Diggle Dykstra Rivera engelson baker estes Lee Poindexter Walden Waller Gilger Budd Otto Sunderman Cobos Lavy Ellison Hanks legault Havertown Fremont Lafayette Port Richey Newport Beach El Segundo Smyrna Honeoye Falls Berkeley Boca Raton Breckenridge Des Plaines Los Angeles Oswego Bothell Long Beach Baltimore Asheville San Diego Granada Hills Sinking Spring, Benicia Madison Casa Grande Rock New Albany Columbus Knoxville Fountain Valley Brooklyn Ny Saint Charles Plano Longmont Fort White Milwaukee Philadelphia Coon Rapids Santa Cruz San Antonio Fresno Watertown Henryville Austin Spring Valley Philadelphia Belton Raleigh Harrisonburg Galesburg Kent PA CA CO FL CA CA GA NY CA FL CO IL CA IL WA CA MD NC CA CA PA CA WI AZ WV IN OH TN CA NY NY MO TX CO FL WI PA MN CA TX CA MA IN TX IL PA SC NC VA IL WA Consumers Union 58 David Thomas Lori LIANE robert joth Diane Alan Susan Deirdre Ralph Willa Joelene Robin Edward Debra Susanna Marie joe Linda Kalea Ludmila Jana Jerry LAMB Cathy Susan Theresa Kathy Mary Stephen mark C. Emmet Robin charlotte Gaile RONNIE Elaine Geri Brandi Robert Mark Sandra Michael Anne Justin Janet Kat Olavf Donald Roger Lee Teague Kowalski Bryan CASTEN smith Arnoldy Shaughnessy Green Wigget Johnson Alvarez Scott Moore Putnam s Dawson Roadcap mogel Myers Swan Dmitriev-Odier Leland Pecks ARNOLD Ashley Borzenski DiTullio Shimata Thomas Davila Lubin trifeletti Glick Ryan Flowers Flynn Carr DAMARIO Al Meqdad Marshall Warren Hickman Lowentrout Brooks Collier Blackford Maddox Macri Slavik Athayde Ino Kegley Brevard Greendale Durango Evanston Venice mpls. Tacoma Nashville Portland Mount Kisco Warwick Milwaukee Fort Worth Spokane Oglala Springfield Halifax Worcester Petersburg Maple Valley Stillwater San Antonio Arvada Connolly Springs Santa Monica Waterbury New York Honolulu Richmond Sun Valley Rome Laguna Woods E Atlantc Bch Reading Austin Mount Shasta Collingswood Burr Ridge Modesto Brooks Richmond Santa Clarita Kapolei Oakwood Riegelsville Lake Stevens Auburn Beaverton nyc San Francisco Abingdon NC WI CO IL CA MN WA TN OR NY NY WI TX WA SD OH PA MA PA WA OK TX CO NC CA CT NY HI CA CA NY CA NY PA TX CA NJ IL CA KY VA CA HI GA PA WA WA OR NY CA MD Consumers Union 59 Carolee CECILE Lillian A Suzy F. Michael Donna JILL alain Beth Christiana Julie Joseph Alison Teri Deirdre Sharon Julia Keith Nancy Lisa Gretchen marcy Jerome CHERYL James and Judy Angelo Ellen MeryeBeth Sam Donna Valjean robert Richard Marilyn Fern Debra Nancy Allison Barb Gena Ricardo Dena peter Susanna Wendy william Andrea Janet ARLENE Mayra Holbrook JOHNSON Orlando Overton Mound Montgomery Crane SMITH pire Stiver Bannister Slater-Giglioli Bieliunas Gray Gonzales-Lowry BRownell Chandler Wellman Gragg Gathing Johnson Taylor klapper Moton WALKER Brady Mule' Woodward Albert Amer Nothe-Choiniere Lueking nobrega Han Waltasti Woodfork Connolly Gates Berwald Palmquist Crow Montanez Corl rubin Purucker Walker monahan Snyder Brodeur PARKIN Cordero Goodyear Indianapolis Downers Grove Adelma Beach Jerome Santa Rosa San Tan Valley Mesa Sf Warren Bainbridge Island West Hollywood Springfield Stroudsburg Chicago Burbank Las Vegas Hanover Mount Gilead Madison Lombard Waterford West Tisbury El Paso Fort Worth Rochester Jacksonville Canaan Surprise Staten Island Hubbardston Hoffman Boca Raton Ann Arbor Maricopa Chicago Toms River Haverhill Athens Northfield Victoria Caguas Hot Springs Guilford Miami Beach Exeter anacortes.wa Hickory Dennis Boca Raton El Paso AZ IN IL WA AZ CA AZ AZ CA OH WA CA PA PA IL CA NV PA OH WI IL WI MA TX TX MI FL NH AZ NY MA IL FL MI AZ IL NJ MA AL MN TX PR AR VT FL NH WA NC MA FL TX Consumers Union 60 Daniel carol Lynn Phil Dana EF Phil Elena Edward mike mikell Ginger margaret Lewis Y.D. cindy Jack Richard Elaine miles ilene judy Marilyn Mayra wagner Jeriene Nicole shell Cindy Judie ro Alberta Craig REGINA Robert darcy Margo Jan Arthur Linda Valarie Phyllis Dawn Dick Robert Alejandra mark Mike Michael Carola matt Nikolay hogan Conner Osborne Riffel Lazare Heinlein Gascon-Vera Armm danowski grafton Hill beresford Colello Jordan Navarro Schuttenberg Collins Gerhardstein kenn beninson bailey Beidler Luria wood Walberg Seibert bell Goldman Lewellen rogers Householder Brown CAMBILLO Smith wright Raprager Zech Hansen Luzadder Snell Johnson West Merrill Robertson Padilla singh McCauley Branaman Tschiemer zedler Cambridge Lk Barrington Madison Cincinnati Wichita Lakewood Summerville Wellesley Lake Hopatcong Scottsdale Ky Lyman Montreal Morrisville Montclair Sf Ormond Beach Maynard Miller Place Knox Berkley Sewickley San Diego Ft. Launderdale bloomington Il Seattle Spring Hill Rock Island Jackson Pearblossom Dubois Saint Petersburg Bloomington Yorktown Heights, Ny Durham Vista Franklinton Bayfield Kew Gardens Hills Kent Greensboro Taos Southerland Springs Bandon Lake Grove New Bern Greenbelt Dallas Orange Aurora Marshall WI IL WI OH KS CO SC MA NJ AZ KY SC NY PA NJ CA FL MA NY TN MI PA CA FL IL WA FL IL WI CA PA FL MN NY NC CA NC CO NY WA NC NM TX OR NY NC MD TX VT CO NC Consumers Union 61 Judie Russell Jaron Susan elizabeth Deborah Georgina Daniel Steve Steven Jo Valerie Judi Ash Jason Reba William Meredith Hillary Dianne Doug James Eugene J Halima Chris Dimitri Katy Elizabeth Terri Valerie Sharon Don Andrea Beth Amy Shelby Lisa mark Susan Sean christine Carol patricia Martha Linze Randolph Rita cruz Cindy Lydia Van Leeuwen Jayne Montemayor Brown bonniwell Robinson Delorme Poling Laycock Bodofsky Oyola Smith Roller Wolf Hatcher Armstrong Friedlander Smith Colby Brainard Hammond McKinney Timpe Murray Taylor marion Yiantsios Dynes Rau McGhee Kaplan Burch Michelbook Angel Phillips McClintock Heverly Siebern corbin Tornicelli McDougal valdes Milton watson Wilson Samangy Scott Moran zamarron Perlin Fankhauser Boulder Creek Boonton Saint Joseph Baltimore Columbia Raleigh Hoquiam Albuquerque Waianae Southampton Langley Southfield Mazomanie Linden Kingston Eureka Springs Tamp Norfolk Aurora Ann Arbor Largo Fort Worth Carbondale Medfield Fayetteville Keene Philadelphia Richmond Bolingbrook Salt Lake City Potomac Mt Ida Roswell Lynnwood West Allis Durango Buffalo Kansas City Haverhill Crestone Carlsbad beavercreek Centennial Imperial Bryan Baden Amityville Largo Kings Beach Delmar Windsor Heights CA NJ MO MD SC NC WA NM HI PA WA MI WI VA PA AR FL VA IL MI FL TX IL MA NC NH PA VA IL UT MD AR NM WA WI CO NY MO MA CO CA OH CO MO TX PA NY FL CA NY IA Consumers Union 62 Marissa Scott richard Mike Kenlyn Laura Vera Kate Laura Darlene Leslie M. Diego Antonette William Lane Lydia Michael Cristine Maxwell John Jan Victoria Patricia Donald Craig Kat Susan Joanna Loren Gay Paul Charissa Chauncey Cari Stacey Winona Gerardo Pam David Kelly melisa Tamica Sanford Jamie Ray wayne Rosemary Guy Wende susan Silva Eaton otto Jackson Moore Mushaw Strobel Montelione Simonetti Payne Morrison Rosenbluth Audette Porter Bookland Free Sugarman Hobbs Garner Payment Carbone Steward Haynes Richardson Woods Burns Allen Wrench Liao Bliss Herbst Von Blaj Schaefer Wood Mansfield Treadwell Salazar Moreno Castanera King McVey janiuk Canon Bradshaw Greer Cage Labeaud Kent Harrell Brown hanzel San Diego Hector East Lansing Mcalester Martinez Woodbridge Nyc Levittown Washington Waldorf Manchester Eugene Chicago Coon Rapids Lahaina Newark San Francisco Bakersfield Scottsboro Monroe Elmont Los Angeles Glen Burnie Boston Bloomfield S. Lyon Concord Port Orchard New York Tacoma New Castle Vancouver Broken Arrow Fountain Hills Hampton Whitehouse Plantation Boston Bellingham Albuquerque Anaheim Pilot El Cajon san Antonio West Orange Prescott New Orleans Boulder Riverside Ashburnham kissimmee CA NY MI OK CA VA NY NY NJ MD MA OR IL MN HI NJ CA CA AL MI NY CA MD MA NY MI NC WA NY WA DE WA OK AZ VA TX FL MA WA NM CA VA CA TX NJ AZ LA CO CA MA FL Consumers Union 63 Melissa michael Carolina J. B. Philip Craig Mary Karl Ayman Kaitlin Christina Sonia Lynne Joanie Brad s Cathleen Tristan Daniela Becky Nancy sarah Graydon Ryan lindsey Annette Rick Elliot Ellen Paul Spencer E Maureen Chris Carole David Julie Linda Wallace Catherine Morgan denise Nancy William Gabriela Richard Dennis Lauren Jason Smita Jeffrey Pennington murphy Campos Van Wely Morais Jr Byrd Ulewicz Stromberg Haq Faudie Busse Carreon Lerner Murphy Stanfield mayner Thompson Hubsch Roth Perry Starr o'brien Kimbrough Hoskins davis Eisenberg Jackson Bautista Oberle Butterbrodt Mitchell C Lang Brown Howell Stratton Mortillaro Schwartz Elton Ricia Feathers pope Wolf Bolin Melano Grady Rodriguez Verruni Balestrieri Prasad Kime Groom Creek north las vegas North Hills Baltimore Redwood City Los Angeles Sandusky Raleigh Garland Rochester Hills Levittown Albuquerque Van Nuys San Jose North Hollywood Federal Way Woodbury Washington Santa Fe Whitley City Monterey ft lauderdale Gaithersburg Cincinnati rowland hgts. Cordova Indianapolis Arcata Wichita Milwaukee Grosse Pointe Farms Mission Viejo Wonder Lake Addison Wilton Apex Plano Cannon Beach Saratoga Springs Warren Boone Derby Greenwood Reno Vallejo, East Orange Coral Gabled Mount Pleasant Mills Santa Fe Louisville Arroyo Grande AZ NV CA MD CA CA MI NC TX MI NY NM CA CA CA WA TN DC NM KY CA FL MD OH CA TN IN CA KS WI MI CA IL TX ND NC TX OR NY MI IA CT MO NV CA NJ FL PA NM KY CA Consumers Union 64 Mark Graciela Susan Kathryn J. Skip Stephen Rachel Gwendoline Lynda Ryan Dina Jeff Maurice Heather Jennifer Ryan Mukta Zo Drew Philip Adela Tyler Kelli Lois Paul Kendra Trevor Richard mindy Dr. Mrs. George B. joyce Will Robyn Glen Sophia Lorraine Tess David Robert Warren M. Patrick Andrea Dave Carol Larry Patricia Zora Carol Michael Lori Rosman Gerber Weil Ellison Kummer Vena Duncan Baker Pere-Lahaille Samis Cek Albrecht Ziehler Sumner Brandon Stander Riddle Mukherjee Schilling Luper Katz Valdez Snyder Keller Sparkman DeKay Burnham Ring Ullom dozhier Kauffman green Cordery Quinones Kilpatrick Navarra Lowry Fraad-Wolff Oradesky Parker Gold Champeau Monk Saze Royce Gray Long M Stevenson Tuttle Rice Havre Reistertown South Salem Boynton Beach Roslindale Woodland Park Warsaw Chicago Los Angeles Boynton Beach Richmond Heights Edinburg Anchorage Houston Austin Santa Monica Mount Vernon Syracuse Haskell Seattle Portland San Diego Lakewood Kilauea Orlando Portland Los Angeles Gaithersburg Portland roseburg Fresno tamarac Las Vegas Kansas City Lake Ozark Naples Beverly Hills Ny San Francisco Germantown Mill Valley Santa Rosa Crossville Baton Rouge Danbury Acworth Saint Helens Waimanalo Brooklin Moscow Port Townsend MT MD NY FL MA CO OH IL CA FL OH TX AK TX TX CA KY NY NJ WA OR CA CO HI FL OR CA MD OR OR CA FL NV MO MO FL CA NY CA MD CA CA TN LA CT GA OR HI ME ID WA Consumers Union 65 Jason Thomas Maria Ann James Susan Kristin tatyana Donna Jonathan Kevin Dan rita Kiera lisa Jennifer Kristy Keri Brian Rowena SARAH Mark Joseph Michael Jennifer Tracey Neal Richard Dennis Alexa P& S chloe Susan Gary Maricruz Glen Steve Tom Kenneth Timothy Kevin JILL Leslie W Michael Cynthia Becky Deborah Paula leo Margaret Geoffrey Laurie Resendes Berton' Miller Blair Russell Bryant Leve deyeva Alleyne-Chin Solomon West Rub harrison DeCanio cameron Dahl Jenkins Gleason DuVall Vogel CHATFIELD Ricci Pinc Pritchett Sadiq Reid Curtin Rector Brill Kent cerutti Pines Walker Lopez Aponte Armas Heinz Lees Alstrum O'Neil JONES-SODERMAN Choquettte White Pilgrim Taylor Hayes Hill verhaegen Rigsby Miller Howard Raynham Ny Elk River Red Creek Owensboro Port St Lucie Albuquerque Brooklyn Montara New Orleans Austin Marseilles St Clair Shores Brigantine Elkton Sneads Ferry Texarkana St Charles Elkridge Granada Hills Venice Point Arena Vancouver Homer Debary Meadowview Fort Myers Springfield Mechanicsburg Oneonta Murfreesboro New York Mansfield El Paso Bronx San Luis Obispo Irvine Brockway Ct St Pete Hewitt Rocky Hill Conneautville Cushing Corinth Missoula Auburn indianapolis Hazel Green Pittsburgh St. Augustine MA NY MN NY KY FL NM NY CA LA TX IL MI NJ MD NC AR MO MD CA CA CA WA GA FL VA FL IL PA NY TN NY TX TX NY CA CA PA CT FL NJ CT PA OK MS MT CA IN AL PA FL Consumers Union 66 Rachel Janice Liz robert Monique Ellen Allison Alan Yvonne Fenra Barbara cchimn David Guy Brian Shirley Reem Photini Julie Darren Alexia Electra Ana Deborah Douglas Ellen Julie Donna Carol Kathleen Amy Alice Lauren Mary erica Ricky Rachel Christine Wayne Judy Kristen Herbert E. Julie Christopher Alexa Margie Ken Paul Lauren Heather Patricia Carr Johnson Lundquist casey Grajeda Segal Cochran Munro Moore Bondarenko Ferrucci Young borad Landskron Benson Gold Leonard Kattan Kambos Vincent Kane Strout Jubon Sharma Jerry Fair Middleditch Derber Fort S Mullendore Reyes Bloch Spector Landrum morris Deodati Dudley Doolittle Buckham Lin Clendenen Larson Funke Cornwall Peters Davis Crawford Skurka Swaim Reed Chang Arlington Scottsdale S Saint Paul Long Beach San Luis Obispo Palm Springs SLC Grand Rapids Lily Anchorage Galloway nj Winter Haven Phila Plantation Hamilton Clearwater Staten Island Sandy Creek #2 Fort Worth Colbert Boston Cuba City Jacksonville Los Alamos thousand oaks Taylorsville Newton Arlington Gulf Breeze Saint Louis Brookings Nashville Vandalia York Ames Montour Falls Mckeesport Seattle Littleton Cleveland Royal Oak St Petersburg Grand Prairie Chicago Fairbanks Corpus Christi Little Rock Felton Indianapolis TX AZ MN CA CA CA UT MI KY AK NJ NJ FL PA FL IL FL NY NY NY TX WA MA WI FL NM CA KY IA MA FL MO OR TN OH PA IA NY PA WA CO OH MI FL TX IL AK TX AR CA IN Consumers Union 67 Sherry rose Eve Donald Brenda Norma Mia Robert Tom C Eduardo kellee Sandra michael terio Paul Jessica Stephen LINDA Nina Allison Alan Patrick Randy michael Carol Charles The Rev. John Caitlin Mariko Gary Carol Brendan Hazen William Nancy Mandy Fjaere Jonathan Stephen Rachel Dan Laurie janet Scott FRANK David Candy Shai-Dre Walter E. Alexander samantha Salomon wild Seamone Shaw Rusch Viscomi Washington Holgate Jackson Alexander Retif herington McDowell foersch Ficklin-Alred Andrews Palm HIPSHER Morales Cox Feltman Sullivan Eastman maggied Suchecki Blevins Dormheim Reed Kaonohi Sc Nahin McGuire Parsons Gunn Tucker Rahardjo Mooney Rigg Holmes Wales King Turner maker Rogers WAGNER Ferger Bowman Dillard Margie Jr. Pavel kirkman Rockville Buffalo Santa Cruz Syracuse East Greenbush N Falls Rockville Centre San Francisco Denver Hattiesburg Miami Beach Bradenton Cape Coral Norristown Decatur Tucson Palm Harbor Anderson Gary Vashon Knickerbocker Royersford Yakima Mesa Culver City Clear Brook Northport Medina Matteson Battle Ground Palm Desert Poultney Monroe Lawrenceburg Seminole Simsbury North Hollywood Brunswick Kansas City Oak Lawn Cedar Park Mission Viejo Los Angeles Defiance Minoa Southfield Sacramento Lynn Bethlehem Hillsborough Virginia Beach MD NY CA NY NY NY NY CA CO MS FL FL FL PA GA AZ FL SC IN WA NY PA WA AZ CA VA NY OH IL WA CA VT OR TN FL CT CA ME MO IL TX CA CA OH NY MI CA MA PA NJ VA Consumers Union 68 GANESAN Joyce Duke Debra Wyman Jeremy Teresa Constance maggi Michelle mauro Sandra Billy Scott marilyn James R Georgiann Lynn rick Darlene Jennifer Raminta Mary Nancy Phyllis Ron Dorothy michael Daisy Rosalind Evelyn Mary Kathy deborah George Odis Shaheena Scott giovanni Emanuel Horace Marilyn Connie Flavia Toby Ann Nan lee Bob Anne Betsy Art CHINNATHAMBI Holtzapfel Lassiter Bradford Whipple Hinkson Koschmeder Moreau hall Jung ferrero Goodwin Escobar Zgraggen Gaddis Ross Monroe Kiricoples Demsky canning Hissem Berger Jonyniene Gutierrez Pitkavish Coopwood Gary Kirkpatrick prymula Porter Wilgus Zehring Thoma Connah pugliese Gordon Ferguson Qureshi Gorn biolcati Falcone Gaims Stern Allison Ruzi Reese Hunter marut Pauls Rainwater Hegeman Calvin Fremont Huntington Los Angeles San Marcos Dahinda Sacramento Lawrenceburg Fort Lauderdale Deland Chicago Los Angeles Monroe Township Littlerock Elkins Park Binghamton Concord Winston-salem Rochester Aurora Decatur Crestwood Evanston Pensacola Grawn Memphis Chicago Boynton Beach Zion Eldon Indianapolis Newark Daytpn Mastic Coconut Creek Normal Lithonia Chestnut Hill New Britain New York Fort Myers Los Angeles Pembroke Pines Geneva Costa Mesa Valley City Battle Ground Mars Hill Des Moines Cheektowaga Ny Greensboro CA WV CA TX IL CA IN FL FL IL CA PA CA PA NY CA NC MI IL TX MO IL FL MI TN IL FL IL IA IN OH OH NY FL IL GA MA CT NY FL CA FL NY CA OH WA NC IA NY NY NC Consumers Union 69 Ellen Jonelle Jose Judith Celinda Carlos ralph Diana Cristian steven Janet Diana Andrew nicholas Seth Lisa Wayne carolyn lynda Elizabeth Donna Kelly Staci Hector jeff Anita Mari Carmen PATRICIA Wanda Jody William Diane Sam Marjory Jim Florence John Susan Peggy Lee Kaelyn Francine Kimberly Natalie Elaine Susan Frederick Karen Timara Colleen Roger Corinne Levine Reynolds Artigas Pearson Burns Phillip estevez Alfonso Cupertino carr Neihart Ramadani Galusha lenchner Peck Fritz Valiente Daniel smith leigh Housel Williams Pawluk Evans Lopez miller Goncalves Moral MCHUGH Spraggon Gibson Mulcahy Harrison Worthen Montgomery Wurster Eaise Barfield Sally Brocius Vandenburg Allen Bridgeman Rabinowitz Roberts Halversen Westphal Yatsko Nichols McGlone Steinmetz Woodland Castro Valley Saint George Miami Estancia Brooklyn Lanham edgewood Olympia Boca Raton Littlerock Cottage Grove Rowlett Fairfax Santa Rosa Denver Bolingbrook Phoenix New York Santa Cruz Carmel Kansas City South Lyon Sacramento New Canaan, Ct Sun Valley Ludlow Payson Saint Louis La Crosse Des Moines South Dennis Santa Clara Wareham Colton Springfield Oaklyn Plano Chatsworth Cordova Coachella Northville La Selva Beach Colorado Springs Powder Springs Tucson Midland Bethesda Richmond New Port Richey Couer D'alene Bradenton CA UT FL NM NY MD MD WA FL CA MN TX VA CA CO IL AZ NY CA CA MO MI CA CT NV MA IL MO WI IA MA CA MA CA PA NJ TX CA TN CA MI CA CO GA AZ MI MD VA FL ID FL Consumers Union 70 Oilicec Claire Jennifer Marilyn Brendon anthony Kim Amber Jeanne Wendy tim Lynne A Pat Dolly jonathan Ellen Paul Lisa pam James kent Lisa Cyndi Mary-Louise Mary Ann Peter Keith Anthony DR Frank Donna R. shannah LILY Philip Marc Jan Roberto Michelle Elizabeth aurora Deana Dara Cathy Paul Matthew Virginia Jean Mary Nora Ashley Sheila Robbio Cocroft Long Gabor Jones costa VonderHaar Kanner Hayes Messenger zakosek Bannon Guinzburg Tibbs Arond gigear Glatman Jerome McColman smith Rice morris Jensen Porter Kurtyka Peters Schneider Richards Nunez Spencer Brincka D'Fini hiatt MOLLENCOTT Dennany Berber Modjeski Romo Rose Prager marquez Hinton Santhai-Sherman Aronson Rodgers Jr. Mendez Brock Corrigan Freeman Stewart Casey Ridgefield Park Northfield Fayetteville Baltimore Rochester Astoria Prospect West Palm Beach Slc Wauconda Aurora Il Port Washington East Hampton San Francisco Northridge Columbia Bowling Green El Paso Carver Rochester Ball Ground Fullerton Omaha Littleton Stoughton Evanston Owatonna Rich Creek Florence San Diego Sussex Colrain Newburyport Newtown Indianapolis Lakewood Murrells Inlet San Francisco Catskill Denver Santa Barbara Lehi San Francisco Bristol Hereford Miami Petersburg N.y. Wakefield Port Chester Dallas Eureka NJ MN NC MD MA NY KY FL UT IL IL WI NY CA CA SC KY TX MN NY GA CA NE CO MA IL MN VA KY CA NJ MA MA PA IN WA SC CA NY NY CA UT CA RI AZ FL NY RI NY TX CA Consumers Union 71 Teri Troy Krystoffer Steven Lyn Karen Flora Carolynn laura Mary Tori Dennis Rafael Carla Jennifer Holly Christina E Richard Devon deborah Joshua Ahdena Stewart Shanen Lauren Francine maud Carolyn Lawrence Britta Jeremy R Sybil Ed Rudy Jeanne Donna Richard Priscilla allie Michael A Jim Bruce Richard Helen Estella Roland mary brenda Fontes Dos Reis Leutz Sprague Freiman Williams Raccio Mattis Griffith balocca Bauer VanTimmeren Sullivan Rivera Compton, Advocate/Activis Hall Gibson Kolberg PULIDO Hurlburt Apple Neff Van Deventer Clark Crawford Bock Tozzi Demyan sylvain Alexander Naderhoff Voss Walz J Harmony Gould Hillinga Perch Ranson P. Lipka Atwood cat Berman Lotsch Puckett Young McCauley Mathew Clifford Davis rossi dent raynham Jackson Sylvan Grove Conway Winter Haven Maple Grove Manhattan Honolulu Sutton Chicago Hudsonville Savannah Wesley Chapel Placerville Greeneville Temple Petoskey Montclair Belfair Oakland Inverness Goodview Heber City Jacksonville Arvada Seattle Parma Brooklyn West Columbia Mill Valley Falmouth Albany Twin Oaks Petaluma Chicago Kenmore Mifflinville Anchorage Depew Houston Pasadena Ansonia Southampton Castle Rock Kilauea Afton Irving Glenside Gadsden Santee Belfry MA MI KS MA FL MN NY HI MA IL MI MO FL CA TN GA MI CA WA CA FL VA UT FL CO WA OH NY SC CA MA NY MO CA IL WA PA AK NY TX CA CT NY CO HI NY TX PA TN CA KY Consumers Union 72 Russell Joyce joel Debbie Paula Carisa Adolfo Karen Heather PauLa debra Daniel Gary Greg Mark Arin Linda karen Mark Annie Kent Michael Robin James Ellen Rose Kevin Janice ROBERT TODD Rashida Luz Darlene Robert Karin Christine Barb annie robert Andrew Alyssa C Joshua Christopher shari Mir janette Helen Logan Tony Stuart C Riley West malkerson Duley Katz Cattran Miralles Carney Hanson Katz howard Rous Lapid Hyatt Giordani Tememe Jofery sartain Brdaford Bartholomew McClelland Friedman Aurandt Kenyon Henegar Lombard Stafford Henderson STREBECK WILSON Paul Sanchez Ingram Belyea Liiv Dutton Ackerman laurie mayton Coy Solazzo L Henderson Vasquez eubanks Faugno barbara Hays Wells Thomas Quast Pensacola Nyc Venice Lusby San Francisco Millersport San Dimas Spencertown New York Amherst Sale Creek New York Mountain View Kansas City Woodland Hills Miami Redondo Beach Pearce Rochester Hills Ashburn Huber Heights El Sobrante Williamsburg Pennington Columbus Lincoln Warwick Louisville Euless Bloomington Sloatsburg New York New Albany Newington Staten Island Cartersville Encinitas Dracut Owensboro Bastrop Freeport Houston Bell Buckle Kearny N. Hollywood Playa Del Rey Gastonia Oregon City Norfolk Tucson Henderson FL NY FL MD CA OH CA NY NY VA TN NY CA MO CA FL CA AZ MI VA OH CA PA NJ OH NE RI KY TX IL NY NY IN CT NY GA CA MA KY TX NY TX TN NJ CA CA NC OR NY AZ MN Consumers Union 73 Sharon Michelle joan marie Anne Alison sharon Jacqueline Pedro Margaret Leah Devi Sarah Christopher Aria Aaron Kyle Jennifer Teresa Cara Patti Jane Jennifer d Kary Diane Peggy Aurea Vicky John Rachel Jason Yvonne mark Mimi William Tippi Beth Maria N. Louann Michael Janet Janette Charles Cara RM Sanford Jared Cheryl Sylvia Dawn Moore Indianer douglas logston Fleischmann Massa ferrell DuFoe Saboulard Chapman McIntosh peri Hamilton Henry Jackson Gayken Czimback Tra Winner Sherrod O'Connor Ellis Ungureanu klocek Leigh Ladner Acosta Walker Forrest Fischer Wright Phelps Sandoval head Troisi Hamilton Pollet Laurer De Las Heras Steinwand Shelton Robinson Wells Labig Friang Owens White Long Gentry Leach Borden Lancaster Los Gatos Mukilteo Bellflower Henrico Novato sikeston Machesney Park Philadelphia Santa Barbara Austin Fairfax Canastota Golden Portland Sioux Falls Sacramento Biloxi Dayton Bartlett Oceanside Akron Folsom Ny Prospect Shandaken Womelsdorf Los Angeles Indianapolis Brunswick Newark Detroit Ribera Encino Trout Run Holland Eugene Crawfordsville Weed Placentia Springfield Pingree Bend Tulsa Seattle Hadley Highlands Ranch Denver Tampa Wellesley Boring CA CA WA CA VA CA MO IL PA CA TX CA NY CO OR SD CA MS OH IL CA OH CA NY KY NY PA CA IN ME NJ MI NM TX PA PA OR IN CA CA MO ID OR OK WA MI CO CO FL MA OR Consumers Union 74 Candy Randy Catherine Nasrin Rita jessie Melissa Jehangir florence Jill Christine Barbara Rosemary N laura Rachel Rose Bob Patty Keith Jeannette ELIZABETH Loretta WALTER Carol Shirley Parag Timothy Susan Jessica Jennifer Rick Mary Lou Sarah Erica Lauren Cohen Lee Flo Alx Loretta Brenda Twyla Linzy Stephen David Adrianna Patricia Martin Lori Dave chell LeBlanc Daugherty Moles Bashir Grady Ponton Abruzzo Vevai christoplos Lange Litsheim Tucker Graham-Gardner C raforth Loudermilk Graybill Hurley Wittlinger Swanson Hernandez ROBLES Cukale BROWN Consolantis Wallack Desai Shivers Gano McKenzie Towe Posten Wendtland Boynton Munton 19010 Glenwood Blvd. LV St. John Mizelle Uttermann Rothstein Kaiser Meyer Allen Pofahl Haskins Krzywicka St August Barcelo Kirk Chelsea-Seifert var Placerville Sherwood Fremont Scottsdale Union Missoula Philadelphia Newark Laurel Signal Hill Chatsworth West Palm Beach Manhattan Beach Bensenville Rochester Collierville Van Nuys Saginaw Plainwell Mercer Island San Antonio Palmdale Aloha Palm Springs Memphis Santa Rosa Fort Lauderdale Dallas Warren Seattle Kalamazoo Los Angeles Madison Waterford Bothell Lathrup Village Grand Terrace Santa Cruz Felton Rio Rancho Guymon Pomona Santa Maria Milwaukee San Diego Urbana Wenatchee Chicago Beaverton Foster City Las Vegas CA OR WI AZ IL MT PA DE MD CA CA FL CA IL NY TN CA TX MI WA TX CA OR CA TN CA FL TX OH WA MI CA WI MI WA MI CA CA CA NM OK CA CA WI CA IL WA IL OR CA NV Consumers Union 75 Mary Beth Tiffany Donna Paul Sandra D K trell Delene Danny Christina Nadia Victoria Janet Abbe Dalia Alta Casey Joyce Alvin Devon Alec franhezska Timothy William Latoya Lucia Aimon Karin Reverend Dawn William Ali Kelly dan Michael shirlie monica Danny Merryl juanita s Joyce doug Berty Jan sylvia Marie Thomas Karen Fred Brown Ino Watson Cameron Patterson Brown H lucas St Clair Stamper Peters Rains MA CCHT Kelley Miller Jaye Hettfield Bardsley Steslicki McDonald Berger Van Alyne Hendrickson zamora Rutnicki Klepadlo Brookins Canas Bustardo Simpson Boony Goodman Gale Boraby Smith blotcher Ray eaton orleck Abreu Goldman martino Richi Overton grant Jardine Terradotter winner Fitzsimmons Fusco Vater Chauncey Saint Louis Rosemead Sacramento Carrollton Catawissa Sausalito Sd El Paso Valley Center Lexington Lake St Louis Sacramento Salem Sherman Oaks Van Nusy South Gate Cedar Rapids South Lyon Webster Sherwood Middletown Minneapolis Pasadena Bourbonnais Mukilteo Las Vegas Chicago Lake Oswego Reynoldsburg Beckley Durham Webberville Toledo Sarasota Denver Somers, Ct Jackson Hendersonville Nyc Alexandria Stuart Oakland Rowlett Clawson Saint Petersburg Berea Ny Jacksonville Brunswick Cleveland Raleigh MO CA CA TX MO CA CA TX CA KY MO CA OR CA CA CA IA MI NY OR DE MN CA IL WA NV IL OR OH WV NC MI OH FL CO CT NH TN NY NH FL CA TX MI FL OH NY FL ME WI NC Consumers Union 76 Sam Alexa Sue Martin Winfield Lisa michaEL Danielle Gary Mary Ann d Patricia A.K. Nicole Frankie Joanna Katharina Jesus Neil S. J Bruce Jordan Kristen George Louise Sonja Scott Alexander Susan Katherine Charles gudrun Zakaria Paul Richard david Tara Melissa Dan NEIL justin Jennifer Amy celeste Marie Kevin V Linda Robert Ronna Heaton Penzner Scott Baskin Hutton Pace SCHUESSLER Green Weaver Soltis carr George Witt Sikora Mason Dang Nordmann Colon Kaye Etherton Roth Howarth Howells Lowry White Al-Hamad Yates P Dalton Evans Doberne McGivern krueger Takhripha Haider Crozier beam Lulla Ambrose Meier MERRICK brent Konungrinn Kayner omealy Coria Amaral Alexander Braydon Fricke Sommers Mocksville New York Buffalo Alexandria Seattle Stow Tucson Charleston Franktown Fort Lauderdale Apex West Hartford New York Itasca Manassas Dublin Carle Place Fitchburg Greensboro New York Algonquin South Berwick Scranton Beverly Hills Kalamazoo Springfield Gardens Elbridge Neenah Montpelier Oviedo Winnetka Pompano Worcester Quakertown Chicago Port Royal Perry Hall Houston San Francisco Cedar Falls Brooklyn San Diego Coventry Southgate oldhickory Mcallen Winthrop Albuquerque Suffern Alsip Fordland NC NY NY VA WA OH AZ WV CO FL NC CT NY IL VA CA NY MA NC NY IL ME PA CA MI NY NY WI VA FL CA FL MA PA IL PA MD TX CA IA NY CA CT MI TN TX MA NM NY IL MO Consumers Union 77 Christina Gwen Brandy Khristine Cheryl marilyn Jon Kelly Lisa Stephanie John Melanie L Brad Mindy alex pamela Barbara Laura Kristen Timothy Riana Margaret Lupe Anthony Amy Elisabeth nan Eileen george Drake Anthony elizabeth Rondel Michelle JOE patricia Nancy Ashley Marianne Lisa Kevin Elissa tami Judi Abbey Amber sharon Cathy Steven Nan Carlson Villa Abshier Hopkins Sowers logan Lee Branstner Pizzey Derf Krasowski Farden Weekly Hunter Edwards snydman joseph Sultan Shirey Martin Keeler Fisher Medford Guerra Ferri Hammer Byrd stevenson Coughlin-Mcpeak davis Castaneda Ross slacum Lashley Stern TODORA townsend Edmondson Ray Wilson Adolf Fansler Vaughn schreurs Poulson Boeckman Cozad frank Spalding G HUNTER Maplewood Petaluma Midland Provincetown Bristol Prairie Village New York Brownstown Los Angeles Warsaw Portland Mesa Akron Centennial Westlake Village Northampton Westport Ashburn Austin Dover Kenmore Yucaipa Cleveland Hts Chicago Las Vegas Rolla Hilton Head Island St Paul Lakewood Beaverton Tampa Long Beach Church Hill Ny Austin Inver Grove Heights San Francisco Atlanta Cosby Fl Everett Havre De Grace Kernersville Boynton Beach Fairmont Benton Oklahoma City Lewisville Olympia Eden Prairie Wyandanch MN CA TX MA CT KS NY MI CA IN ME AZ OH CO CA MA CT VA TX DE WA CA OH IL NV MO SC MN NJ OR FL CA MD NY TX MN CA GA TN FL WA MD NC FL MN AR OK TX WA MN NY Consumers Union 78 Meghan Janet Robert priscilla Stephanie Dan Alexandre Wanda Jeanne Lisa David Lauren Jenette Rita Patricia Michele Stella Nancy Gregg ALICE Jennifer Seymour Dianne Sarah Winter Marcos L Jodey Patty Daniel Susan Abbie Susan Linda John Karen Heather mabel Michelle C. Samuel Jink lisa Marisa Linda Ramona linda patricia Linda Ali Angela Joy Wynne McKee Reed liebowitz Fezza Bell Silva Kelley McLaughlin Lollar Filing Nelson D'Alessandro Schwalbe Marlatt Haralson Morris Juskowich Garnett COLLINS Wolf Brodsky Lien Measday-Ralls Blesch Palacios Griffiths Bateman Kent Cox Brooks Harville Sl Rivera Bertelsen Mills Platt ayotte Fjalltoft Mudd Huge brown Jebo Taylor Draeger davidson jewell Butler Tay carlson Weaver New Concord Staten Island L. Elsinore Cortlandt Manor Middletown Carmichael Boca Raton Michigan City Aurora Saltillo Akron Chicago Whitestone Mankato Los Angeles Houston Webster Groves Waynesburg Boulder City Queenstown Billings Ridgewood Tomah Hagerstown Fountain Tampa Beaverton Silver City Safety Harbor Madison Lawrenceville Benbrook Chicago Sebastopol Margate Hamburg Waltham Santa Ana Irvington Anderson Thousand Oaks Carnegie Wilmington Tucson San Francisco Bloomington Sault Punta Gorda New Kensington Carroll Marietta OH NY CA NY NY CA FL IN CO MS OH IL NY MN CA TX MO PA NV MD MT NJ WI MD CO FL OR NM FL WI GA TX IL CA FL PA MA CA NY IN CA PA CA AZ CA IL MI FL PA OH GA Consumers Union 79 Christian kathy Kyle Angela Carole leonard Clary kathi Amy Shannon Simone Ally Marsha Cynthia Eileen norma Susan Julia Jacquelyne kathy Sue Judith Paris Evelyn Edward Robert Megan Veronica Shelania Ashley Cristina Matthew Jean Alexandra karen Lynette Jennifer angelic Dee Mark Johnes Laurie Michele Ann Pam patricia regina Michael Linda wanda Angela Ehlimana Roberts slisher Botts Chamberlain Boka rogan Torres Cranford Liebetreu Millikin Vargas E Osborn High Sullivan riccobene May Kaloustian Pitts measday Christiansen Preiato Tirone Goodman Lang Eding Murphy Johnson Anderson Roberts Kashuba Wiant Dzwill chartier Basara Bowman rubalcava Turner Van der Gaag Ruta E-Bozek Godfrey Kinney Acmenameco mathews johnson Eppenbach Reeves salyard Culver Imamovic Atlanta Hudsonville Centennial Mosinee Huntington Beach tinley park Georgia Lancaster Warr Acres Chicago Carpentersville Cincinnati Tacoma Antioch Charlotte Stuart Indianapolis San Jose San Juan Capistrano Hagerstown Iowa City Sag Harbor Philomath Pensacola East Brunswick Danville Mpls Riverdale Hopewell Junction El Centro Scranton Philipsburg Bristol Ormond Beach Romeoville Jacksonville Fontana NY Chalfont New Haven North Chili Lilburn Richfield Eastchester Chicago Phila Oakland Ocala Eugene Fort Worth Williamsville GA MI CO WI CA IL GA CA OK IL IL OH WA TN NC FL IN CA CA MD IA NY OR FL NJ CA MN GA NY CA PA PA RI FL IL FL CA NY PA CT NY GA MN NY IL PA CA FL OR TX NY Consumers Union 80 Terunesha Linda Terry M Lisa val Gordon A Bejamin Andrea Kaylee Angela Anna Jocelyn Fernando Sherman and Denise Michael Andie Melyni Caroline Laura Gail Julian Richard Robert Nicole Paula Eric Deirdre Sandra Patrick Denise Victor Nelda Matt Stephen Valadia Donna H. Martin SB Miguel Jeanne Tae'lur Kitsaun Catherine al Tandi Torsten Edna Marissa Melissa Mcpherson Morse-Robertson Ridge Z Thierman jorgensen Ginsberg Windle Kendall Torres Nelson Orozco Zucco Elderkin Valentin Nelson Clegg Gould Worth Carrington Horning McGlone Siminski Stockton Craig Maschke Shafransky Talbot Haire Neznamy Adcock Wright Delgado Jr Mold Peters Holler Kristoffersen Rail Ruttenberg MacIntyre Apodaca Newman Jones King Standish chazin Parent Hans Rainey Abdow Kalt San Francisco Knightsen Lakeview Columbia Fort Lee Bedford Memphis Tamarac Payson Woodhaven Romeoville San Francisco Pana Seattle Poughkeepsie Oakland Tucson Atlanta Staunton Oakland Westlake New Port Richey Studio City Bothell Lake Barrington Cleveland Sedro Woolley Chicago Cleveland New York Norfork Los Angeles El Paso, Texas Durham Tucson Houston Hagerstown Port Richey Northbrook Sdona Lynnwood Campbell Beaumont San Francisco Westland Flushing Del City Arcata Tampa Somerset New York CA CA OR MD NJ IA TN FL AZ NY IL CA IL WA NY CA AZ GA VA CA OH FL CA WA IL OH WA IL OH NY AR CA TX NC AZ TX MD FL IL AZ WA CA CA CA MI NY OK CA FL MA NY Consumers Union 81 Kim Loan Lucy Rachel Claudia Mame Rachel Kathy Hazel elizabeth Melissa john Valerie holly Brenda James Phyllis Karen Judith Jacquelyn David bret Alex Carole EILEEN Karl Arthur Robert Barbara Karen hollie Hollis Timothy Deborah Samuel David terri W reyna Bonnie Margay Jamie Mary Irene Pamela Salha Leslie J nicholas Sofia Katrina John Binh Nguyen Smith Morr Fernsndez Boyd Miller Stringer Dillard bloom Yeckley rubano Blaylock lovell Ruesch Mashburn Krystal Stammeyer Neal Weinbrenner Garza daugherty Aparicio Ivy FONFERKO Petrick Schurr Bebee Lewy Miller moore Zimmerman Ford Thomas Pappas Porter coffin IM garcia ramos Burke Jednak Lawrence Kraus Wingert-Loomis Mamont Hamlin Rodden merry Martínez Parzych Iavarone Tang San Jose Waterford Muskegon Seattle Rancho Mirage Chattanooga Mount Vernon Roanoke Missoula Ebensburg fort Lee Slc Indianapolis Highland Village Montgomery Madera Onondaga Council Bluffs Long Beach Banner Elk Seymour Fullerton Malibu Ct North Port Longmeadow Brooklyn Houston Seattle Corpus Christi perry New Market Portland Pine Bluff Levering Amery Naugatuck Eu Pomona San Diego Hendersonville Scottsdale Mission Viejo Elmira Sherman Oaks Atlanta Stanwood Johnson City Cicero New London Pittsfield Winnetka CA MI MI WA CA TN OH VA MT PA NJ UT IN TX AL CA MI IA NY NC IN CA MI FL MA NY TX WA TX IA MD OR AR MI WI CT OR CA CA NC AZ CA NY CA GA WA NY IL CT MA CA Consumers Union 82 Milton Michelle Karen Liz Manuel Kristen Pat Lance PAUL Joanne Aarti Barbara Bruce Katrina Elona mary Kate Delphine Phineas Janet Laura C. Brandi Kaela Rachel gerli Vidya Alem Sonja Laura James William Jonathan Rachel Avery Susan Genevieve Connie Sharon Lisa wanda Kelly Teresa Kit Laura Maria Natalie Bonnie John lisa Drezdany Bartelme Armstrong Jackson Garratt Moran Hughson Parran Michel STODDARD Rist Shah Bunton Fick Tibbs Muwin romero Lawrence Pichot Walsh Schoenhaus Cupshan Johnson Foose Bierce Fisher winters Sims Abebe Mechura Case Flynn Newman Gibbons Scott Snyder Kollar Shank Moreno Hoff Dolan darland Preston Campbell Ho Stevens Galarza Batovsky Strait Schneider casale Wildlife Franklin Fresno Bowie Buffalo Oracle Lawrenceville Baltimore Jersey City Rancho Cucamonga Manahawkin Woodbridge Alamogordo E.syracuse Minneapolis Indian Township Ranchos De Taos Cathedral City Jacksonville Philadelphia Kihei Ithaca Atlanta Phoenix Lakewood Fayetteville Boston Orick La Birchwood Estes Park Seattle Austin North Tonawanda Whitewater Seattle Westlake Bellingham Merrillville Amherst Brentwood La Pine Adrian Las Cruces Rodeo Porter Pittsburg Union Bridge Elmore Township Of Washington Canton El Cerrito WI TX MD NY AZ GA MD NJ CA NJ NJ NM NY MN ME NM CA FL PA HI NY GA AZ OH TN MA CA CA WI CO WA TX NY WI WA OH WA IN NY NY OR MI NM CA IN CA MD AL NJ NC CA Consumers Union 83 Twyla Jim Leslie sandra Bridget Tara jane Glenn Olympia NOZ Mindy ARIANA Josh Keelan Nan JEAN laurie stacey nancy Diana Lea John Denise Anne dawn Terry Tim Marcos Nancy Rocio Robert john Rosie Michelle Candyce marguerite Candy Carmen ann R Theresa Sarah Josh Cassie Lorie Sheila Nicole Tricia Celestial Henry Brian Sparks Hobson Wilson burmeister Law Buffington connolly Zorn Poulos CAVAN Kleingartner BAKEMAN Adams Smith Singh-Bowman MARZUCHOWSKI harris stearns Bartz Bryer Hodges Engel Jacobs Moore malley Morrell Paich Balzaretti Martin Lopez Van de Castle mulins Orozco Dobbins Sindelir smukler Anderson Garza downey Danek Gregg Hawkinson Hedge Westerdahl Friedman Barry Drucker Guerette Brown Walton Gottejman jeffersonville Winston-salem Oakland Straw Plains Boulder Incline Village branford Milwaukee Mv New York Tucson Roseville New Britain Indianapolis Ben Lomond Little Ferry Irving Aurora Alexander,ny Santa Cruz Ashburn Bay City Tampa Ann Arbor Corning Independence Flemington San Francisco East Berlin Gainesville Charlottesville Schererville Los Angeles Brooks Cross Roads Eagan Berkeley Rushville Phoenix Laguna Hills Lawrenceville Lacey San Diego Fishers Colfax Ann Arbor Asbury Park Scranton Plainfield Fairfield Hollywood Los Alamitos IN NC CA TN CO NV CT WI WA NY AZ CA CT IN CA NJ TX NE NY NM VA MI FL MI CA KS NJ CA PA FL VA IN CA NC MN CA IL AZ CA NJ WA CA IN WI MI NJ PA NJ IA CA CA Consumers Union 84 rosemary Tara Kathleen Shelley Geoffrey Kaye Brittany Jasmin Heaher Linda chris crystal April Severian Dale Isabella Ronnie kim Curtis Wendy Linda Juana Lauren jalal Richard Grace Richard Ash kathy Donna alan Alexandra Desaree Patricia Kenneth Lyn Brad Buell Antonio Ruby Aida Barbara Paul dorinda Brenda James Monica Zlata Jose Karen Melissa swartz Haight Santora Hirshberg Guttmann L Richardson Green Elamon Jones bujdasz kilchrist Martines Fryskesma Noonkester Randazzo Foster miller Scheib Gonzalez O'Connor Torres Sengele Shabab Fairfield Proctor Lehr Cardona sperling Felthousen lott Preston Bradshaw McDonald Robertson Zerin Niswander Vann Henriques Andrews-Lester Zarif Wahler Marcussen kelley Montoya Wolfosn Jelonnek Simic Paz Wisniewski Gregory Las Vegas Little Falls Charlestown Bartlett Fort Worth Miami Kansas City Richmond Cocoa New York Park Ridge Bay Saint Louis Holmdel Portland Potrero Coram Nine Mile Falls Cape May Beach Salida Port Hueneme Pa Winter Springs Noblesville Greenbelt Bonita Springs Westlake Bayside Hills Pico Rivera Sixes Austin Haiku Farmington Hills Arroyo Grande Winter Park Kansas City Largo Normal Largo Yonkers Chicago Kalamazoo Chicago Lincoln Portland Denver Chambersburg Dover Chicago Teaneck Philadelphia Manhattan NV NJ MA IL TX FL MO VA FL NY IL MS NJ OR CA NY WA NJ CO CA PA FL IN MD FL OH NY CA OR TX HI MI CA FL MO FL IL FL NY IL MI IL NE OR CO PA NJ IL NJ PA NY Consumers Union 85 sherron Kate PAULA dana Stan Jerry Kimberly Susanne Alexis Carah James Trish jesse Sheeza dave Tanya iva Kathy jane Genevieve Christine Liz Kathy jenny Pete Edy Katherine LISA Margie gertrude Joe Yvonne Liz Anne Beulah Sce' Teri mandela Jesse Rhonda Valerie Sue Mary Gallagher Richard susan Jennifer juls Natasha jane Jennifer intriago Orth GLOMB leva Banos Polder Louthan Bader Mohr Buescher Powers Watson burt Q wukjusick Smith brigati Zabrin malick-nugent Wiedenhoeft Grace Haynes McKinney anderson Harvey Rayfield Dimitri Golden Williams rauch Madres Wootten Horn Weiss McLemore Elise Travis rojas Chairez Rain Hoffman Givens Krettler Green Chadwick betourne King robertson Binek Bruce-Munro Stapleton-Kotloski Englewood Somerset Chicago livingston San Francisco Madison Portage Grass Valley Hopewell Junction, Ny Nlr Springfield Evergreen colorado springs Sicklerville Cincinnati Buffalo West Caldwell Arlington Heights Ashland Tulsa Robbinsville O'fallon Beaverton Glendale Antelope Davenport San Diego Santa Rosa Valley Center Great Neck Sarasota Lexington las vegas State College Reston Clifton Park Seattle San Dimas Stanton Albuquerque Chicago Henderson Astoria Burns Concord Flagstaff Morrisonville Kapolei Ithaca Santa Cruz Winston Salem NJ WI IL NJ CA WI IN CA NY AR VA CO CO NJ OH NY NJ IL MA OK NJ MO OR AZ CA CA CA CA CA NY FL MI NV PA VA NY WA CA CA NM IL KY OR KS NC AZ NY HI NY CA NC Consumers Union 86 BIRGIT Bethany Jean Brenna anthony Joseph Svetlana Natcho Lisa Ralph jeanne Wendy Elfriede ERV suzanne TIA June Linda JOANIE Jolie Maryann Ira Thea Shelia Vicki Alex will Heather Joella Laura Barbara john Lynn Melissa Ken LAMIDAS Robin Don steph sharon pamela Krista Angela&Nat barbara toni Aimie Halo Ronald Lynnette Dorothy David Noelis Hermann Burnett Salvatore beauclair carsanaro Rainho Stoykova Natchev Keilty Schlesinger bertram Tico Moore ZAIKIS harris UPHOFF Attarian Kelly LAINE Kulsar -------Nirenberg Snyder Knight Salmonese Kulcsar concannon Laurance Trull Inglima Swain cuda Barnett Holzer Green MACK Mayerat Malone M bykerk-lonergan clutts Russell Belpedio wisniewski heuchan Foster Maxson Anderson Gary Skolnick Morel San Francisco Winston-salem Bel Air Lyndon Methuen Watertown Medford Medford Incline Village Woolrich Vadnais Hgts Berkeley Washington Hammond Chicago Memphis Saint Louis Gt Barrington Desert Hot Springs N. Tonawanda ----Poplarville Coos Bay Stillwater San Diego Highland Indianapolis Parkdale West Palm Beach Homer Burke Pittsburgh Northbrook Fargo Cooper Landing S.p. Hamburg El Cerrito London Jersey City Jackson Rose Hill Palm Beach Gdns Neptune Beach Long Beach Timberon Los Angeles Seattle Las Vegas Berkeley Hawthorne CA NC MD KS MA MA MA MA NV PA MN CA DC IN IL TN MO MA CA NY FL MS OR OK CA NY IN OR FL AK VA PA IL ND AK CA NY CA KY NJ GA KS FL FL CA NM CA WA NV CA NJ Consumers Union 87 Lori laura marie-andrée melissa Heidi Joanna Janet Mariya sebrina corey Cynthia Homer karen Paula thomas J. ROSE Richard James Joei Loxi Lee herb joanne Jason Zima Evan SANJA Rhona Mandy Kate majill Linda Vu Gina Sam Diane Carolyn mike Tom Brett charlene Olga Jennifer Melanie Robert Roy joseph newton Darbi Sue Jo carol De Sena harris aird-turenne aguirre Erhardt Ramos Kitiyakara Starichenok richards wiley Scionti Elliott marchand Morgan hall BARLOW Jacobel Kendall Borchers Schneider Longfellow yager mershon Chin Nahrin Roman valecic Baum Buffington Colvin weber Barnette Nguyen Meredith Alden Breen Grimes thompson Williams Cherry pollard Strickland Lange Uno Merz szewczuk kirkland Rash Koentopp Levkoff macilroy Gardnerville Loveland Ashland Anaheim Paia Los Angeles Alhambra Bothell San Pablo Phoenix Tampa The Plains Concord Hollywood Belingham Wadsworth Oakhurst Pittsburgh Vandalia Bremerton Lake Oswego Ojai Anaheim Portland Anaheim San Diego New York Saratoga Gresham Bloomington Tucson Nashville Houston Fountain Inn Burbank Sheffield Manchester Edgewater Fulton Freeland Shelbyville Mesa Romeoville Potato Pemberton Bloomsbury Cherry Hill East Amherst Spokane Valley Del Rio Winston Salem NV CO OR CA HI CA CA WA CA AZ FL OH CA FL WA NV CA PA OH WA OR CA CA OR CA CA NY CA OR IN AZ TN TX SC CA VT OH FL MO MI TN AZ IL CA NJ NJ NJ NY WA TN NC Consumers Union 88 Norma D Shari Frank tricia susan nicole Diana Robert Thomas steve Diane Connie shannon Heather James Joanne Sherri Horst Gene Alexandra Jody Shane Donelle Jessica Moe janet ivonne Jeff Dyan Jennifer Anne Gavenia David jason RB Sam Patty Ann stewart Sandy NKA David Melissa Gloria Robert Lois Eddie Sarah Linda Nellie Wren Robbin Burns Hennes Martinez minter bender panucci Ross Warburton Green fuchs Arnal Raper Hahn-Wallace Voisinet Leach-Ross Robinson Troppello Pfand Bauerle Sipiora Schulman McAndrew Gregory McGeady Kafka kregelstein leon Rendano Gibson Schnick Borreggine Bailes Read smith Archer Stroup Dimech Sandritter schrauger Brass Acevedo Gutierrez Winters Jones Lewis W Bissell Barton-King Vega Fink LaPorta Bennett Gainesville Miami Ridgeway Albuquerque West Long Branch Northport NJ Jackson Belleville Durham Columbus Warwick St. Louis Honeoye Falls Phila Port Orford Huntingdon Vly. Chicago Ellicott City Prospect Park Missoula Littleton New Brunswick florida Brandon, Fl Monroe Ocean Springs Buffalo Bangor Windham Topsfield Knoxville Westminster Philadelphia Williamsville Old Bridge Prescott Valley Phelan Boston Hammond Buena Vists Dickson Feasterville Dallas Oscoda New York Bklyn Sheffield Rockaway Park NC FL FL VA NM NJ NY NJ MS NJ UT NC OH RI MO NY PA OR PA IL MD PA MT CO NJ FL FL NY MS NY ME VT MA TN CO PA NY NJ AZ CA MA IN CO TN PA TX MI NY NY MA NY Consumers Union 89 Gregory LYNDA Mary Jeannie jeffrey Bev Kelly Bruce Karen Bonnie sterling Carole Larry roy Leonora Edward Robert JAMES P. paul Alesia Jeff Janis Michael Roy Ann Jaime Sara Ruth Linda Elissa brian Pamela roger lorie catherine Bernadette Terry Mara Sarah Patricia Carmen Idilia elizabeth jennifer christian josh Ronald Cara Donn Teri Katie Neel CUNNINGHAM Kirk Williams surovell White-corl Sparks Ernst Reynolds Rubin showers Feray Wood bell Consoli Rouse Merz SCHMIDT henig Cole Klein Melum Chase Major Loveless Neumann Woodruff Maskrey O'Neill Rosner taylor Harper-Smith burton miller mirabella Barberini Palin Dukats Bohen Butler Cordero Venti scibelli jones czingula kimmel Radford Beverage Jett Karnas Richards New Castle Vancouver Marion San Antonio New York Pittsfield Cleveland Las Cruces Olympia Huntingdon Valley York St Paul Las Vegas Frankfort North Las Vegas Lilburn Highland Park HAGERSTOWN Buffalo Broken Arrow Seattle River Falls Jacksonville Watkinsville N. Richland Hills Minneapolis New Orleans, LA Wrightsville Ozark Cutchogue cleveland College Station venice ca Nyc Staten Island Alameda Staten Island Park Ridge New Rochelle Los Angeles New York Philadelphia New York Ossining Bellingham Philadelphia Ballwin Adamstown Toledo Akron Evergreen IN WA KY TX NY MA OH NM WA PA PA MN NV KY NV GA IL MD NY OK WA WI FL GA TX MN LA PA MO NY OH TX CA NY NY CA NY IL NY CA NY PA NY NY WA PA MO MD OH OH CO Consumers Union 90 Don Peggy judy Judith Erin Jacqueline CHRIS Chad priscllla Theodore p Vanessa alice Johnny Michael Mary Ann Judith Madeline Ronald Bryann David Ragna Christine Jacqueline Tim Erica Ken Malcolm Grace Lorraine Steve Jeannette Ella noelia doug Melinda Judith Gloria Dorothy Ian Connie Vinay Elizabeth Edith Eileen Ronald Jane John Lora PauleAnne Elizabeth Ghidoni Haase wass VanOsdol Hisle Pavan MORANO Elliott drake Kelly porter Arinze fairchild Stallings Vecchio Fischer Taylor Jackson Nichols Ybarra-Weckmann Jones Cook Aurilia Haessly Donahue Smith Sexton Moore Hepler Weber Dickman Gerlaugh Johnson herrera franklin Franks Martin Evans Silecchia Greaves Sweatman Duggal Haddad Cheney Peckham Gibbons Kolenko Read Nicodemo Pruneau Vega Claycomo Knoxville Bettendorf Camillus, NY Newport Margate Guerneville St. Louis penn yan Guerneville Las Cruces Voorhees Kyle Portland Bradenton Rochester Hills Tatum Silver Spring Albany Willows Wasilla Oceanside Sayreville Brown Deer Emporia Chandler Salem Portola clemmond El Paso Vestal Schenectady Tamarac Chicago Hayesville Whitinsville Bayonne Freeport Clearwater Schwenksville Sioux Falls New York Virginia Bch Elizabeth Auburn Corvallis Bloomingdale Nonsuch Canton Baltimore Ayer MO TN IA NY KY FL CA MO NY CA NM NJ TX OR FL MI TX MD NY CA AK CA NJ WI KS AZ OR CA NC TX NY NY FL IL NC MA NJ NY FL PA SD NY VA NJ CA OR MI CT OH MD MA Consumers Union 91 June Georgina Jackie Amanda Raleigh Michelle michelle Chelsea Susan Emil harold anne Luanne Larry D Todd Lisakay Mike ainsley Richard susan Herb Vonnie Mara Donna Vincent Nicholas Cathleen Lisa Faith Cheryl Waunita O. Linda Jeaneen B John Mary Lorna Gabriele Howard Camilla Constance celeste john Charlotte cindy celeste Pete Patricia Maren Marilyn Regina Caminiti Reyes McNeiley Gore Stout Melfi borden Sudduth Raphael Reisman meyer jr kenney Alomair Grazier Snyder Petkevicius Testa peck Beaulieu cooney Hastings Gross Hornby andersonDonnaAnderso Vandenbosch Biondo Kelly Miranda Paul Sims Scott Ruiz Boettcher Andretta Grech Parlinski Greenway Ansay Paley Weinandt Clarke chase quincy Sines marvin randall Sutliff Pearne Erickson Lemons Golden San Rafael Miami Union Grove Austin Greensboro Chicopee Milwaukee Chesapeake Albion Encino Washington Depot Hayward Beaverton Lexington San Francisco Manitowoc Raleigh Galesburg Hollywood Bath Minneapolis San Marcos Laguna Niguel Westchester West Hills East Longmeadow Calverton Fair Oaks Titusville Redondo Beach Allentown Clifton Prairie Du Sac Florham Park Parker Liberty N.Y. Houston Port Washington Pembroke Pines Safety Harbor Schenectady Shasta Lake ft worth Colorado Springs nj Ny Warren Framingham Milwaukee Mesa Olney, Md. CA FL WI TX NC MA WI VA CA CA CT CA OR TX CA WI NC IL FL ME MN CA CA CA CA MA NY CA NJ CA PA NJ WI NJ CO NY TX WI FL FL NY CA TX CO NJ NY MI MA WI AZ MD Consumers Union 92 Joseph Julie Lisa Barb geoff Dona Amanda Dechen sharon Pamela Brita Denise Michelle Alfred Donald Cary William Scot Christine William Cindy Carol Nick Sarah Jeff Renee CATHERINE Linda Tracey William Max Tara maria Ed William ALEXANDER Fanette Vicky Tammy Neil STEPHAN Cyndi Julie Cindy Susan Janet Lucy Ernest Sheila RICHARD Maria Klimovitz Nurenberg Lemons MacKenzie richcreek Leiba Winters Hawk newell Dzieciolowski Light Romano Minah Martinez Hyatt Eng Phillips Phillips Karlovich Goggin Ross Vincnet Taylor Hunt Harris Stein MIRABELLA Harlow Till Davis Wilder Tabatabaie moreira Connor Thomas IRVINE Stewart Corrente Grimes Freson ALTSCHUL Vincent Lowe Kirkeby Ragsdale Dobrer Tsitrin Montoro Spencer GILBERT Ramirez Hesperia Clarksville St James Strawberry North Fork West Palm Beach Hood River Boulder md Griffith Camden Austin Durham Coachella Columbus Brooklyn Brooklyn Kansas City Great Falls Hattiesburg Alexandria Kerrville Seattle Las Vegas Des Plaines New York STATEN ISLAND,NY Santa Rosa Tucson Bearsville Santa Cruz Okc Somerville Lacey West Hollywood Palm Springs Spokane Kailua Marion Henrietta Monterey Torrance South Lake Tahoe Vermillion Spokane Hackensack,NJ Chicago Parma Gresham Delray Beach Potomac MI MI MO AZ CA FL OR CO MD IN ME TX NC CA OH NY NY MO MT MS PA TX WA NV IL NY NY CA AZ NY CA OK MA WA CA CA WA HI IN NY TN CA CA SD WA NJ IL OH OR FL MD Consumers Union 93 Marian Steven Patricia Donna Caroline Brian Lenore Carol Nelda Dana Roger Margaret Linda Carl William G Jim Alexandra Barbra Doug Eileen Kyra Willaim Neil James Ted James M cheryl barb Lorene Lauren john Keren Pam Eric Tim joshua Christine Gail Katie barbara Wendy Regina GAIL lavan Eddie Nicholas Matt Sandra Kathy Brian Rachel M Corbin Kostis Abbott Stevens Millen Gaudet Greenberg Stasiewicz Farrow Guy Hilten Munroe Wakely Coleman Gonzalez Gayden Aaron Doherty Fleming Welch Collins Rodriguez Stark Thow Gauthier Todd neddo c Bishop Stone miskelly Carter Evans Schwartz Taylor heffron Vetukevic Levenstiem VanDervort lawson Becker-Raabe Flores REESE wright Williams Jr Alvarez Dann Cobb Cornely Henning Hervey PHN Haverhill New York Royal Palm Beach bristolville Factoryville Millbury Brooklyn Reno Shawnee Denver Winterville Louisvillle Belfast Allebntown Suffern Vancouver Asheville East Hampton Littleton Moline Indianapolis Chicago New Hyde Park Carrboro Mustang Randolph Bridgeport Chrarleston Kalispell Northfield baltimore Chico Kemp Williamsport Los Angeles NYC Pine City Norcross Muscle Shoasl calimesa Camino Lake Elsinore Jamaica Hazen Oakland Jurupa Valley Fillmore Moreland Hills Aurora Bloomington Santa Margarita MA NY FL OH PA MA NY NV OK CO GA KY ME PA NY WA NC CT CO IL IN IL NY NC OK ME NY SC MT MA MD CA TX MD CA NY NY GA AL CA CA CA NY ND CA CA CA OH CO MN CA Consumers Union 94 jenifer John L Judy Mark monika Jacki Heather Dennis Pamela William vickie terri LisaJo Nicole Adrienne liz Nikolay Joyce Barry Alice Josh Robert Richard Marianne Theo Joyce ashley Paul Kenneth Kathy GLORIA Sue Esther Reese Diane guillermo Alan Jimmy William jon HAL Holly Kathy Silvia Suzzanne Domenico Heather C b Joseph emley Hutchison Willis Curry Fickert mccomb Weaver Drees Feichtinger Mayer Cromwick Burns tippett Laptad English Holland Galst Arcos Niksic Taranto Shields Maizel Johnson Tortorella Dietrich Norgaard Filauri trigg Smith Stinnett Turba AMEN Walsh Streisfeld Forbes Deutsch cancio Dorfman Del Castillo Cody siegfus PILLINGER Riker Crews Hall Scauzillo Mastrototaro Jakusz G mint Heininger chestertown Salem Huntsville Lake Forest Dallas Norco Murfreesboro Grand Forks Trenton Mi De Bary Somerville Fort Wayne Huntsville Colorado Springs Kansas City Irmo Manhattan Streamwood Hammond San Rafael Ny Red Bank Elmwood Park Centreville Pleasantville Miles City Coraopolis Gautier Unionville Randle Jacksonville Albuquerque Pawtucket Eugene Saint Louis Youngsville Hollywood Delray Beach Orlando Benicia Norwalk port chester Harwood Richmond Boca Raton Seattle Boston, Las Vegas New York Federal Way Elmhurst MD OR AL CA TX CA TN ND MI FL MA IN AL CO MO SC NY IL IN CA NY NJ IL VA NY MT PA MS IN WA FL NM RI OR MO NY FL FL FL CA CA NY TX VA FL WA MA NV NY WA IL Consumers Union 95 Sheila Charles Tamara Elaine Veronica Heather BARBARA Ken George Deborah Barbara C. Joan Steve Robert Stephanie Greg Lynn John Michael Cathy Michael Linda Brent Colleen Shelby Gwen kent Al Waleed Howard Laura John Jay Robert Lucy Judith Barry katherine Rick Dianne Ronald KAREN AILEEN Carolyn Nathan John Danee george Heather Melanie Aaron Gunerius Wittman Dreier Howes Schweyen Files ROGIE Burke Paiva Escoto Hughes Balfour Wolfert Daws Proctor Mason Loiacono Totten Bennett Tam Eisenberg Wasserman Rocks Keating Averhart Mehring swenson Abrams Husseini cohn Neiman Lemmon Rutherdale Duke Wolpin Schwab Deist Burns-sams Hart Hummel Robinson JONES VEGA Broadwell Rulli Comella Lee graham Sorensen Trotz Lawee Mount Vernon Amityville Ofallon Colorado Springs Mt. Rainier Stratford Alameda Oakland Reno Riverside Sanford Boynton Beach Irvington Birmingham Van Nuys Excelsior Springs Port Charlotte Port Charlotte New Rochelle Cupertino Raleigh Tacoma Portland Ridgewood Garland Pensacola Franklin Findlay Larkspur Madison New York Nederland Sacramento Charlottesville Tucker Issaquah Chambersburg Orlando McKinney Jonestown Audubon Venice ISELIN Napa Brooklyn Philadelphia Phoenix Chula Vista Fargo Auburndale Chicago WA NY IL CO MD CT CA CA NV CA FL FL NY AL CA MO FL FL NY CA NC WA OR NJ TX FL NC OH CA CT NY CO CA VA GA WA PA FL TX PA NJ CA NJ CA NY PA AZ CA ND FL IL Consumers Union 96 Russell rebecca Daniel homer Gerard Susan Ed Richard Rasheed Caroline Martin and Sharon Dominic Joanne Jim marta Robin Larry Mary John PAMELA Stephanie Barbara Chris Audrey Geraldine Elena York Kitty mully Ronald James Jeane Suzanne Michael William Rilla Olivia Anne Marie Jennifer Sharon bradley Michael robert Joseph Patricia Jong Eric Kathryn Donna Temesia Jim Novkov tippens Aldouby viator Aripez Fishman Martin Hovey Conner Gibbons McGladdery Libby Popp Gay cunningham Bowman Rosen Barbezat Fortner STEWART Farrell Harrison Collins Taylor May Rumiantseva Quillen Willis music Hammersley O'Connell Harrison Benson Swanson Ryerson Heslin Wong Martinez Scott Cram adams Miller Jr clark DeSanctis Camarda Lee West Hulka Kimelman Heath Clement Madison Colrain Lower Makefield Eureka Springs Zumbrota Edwards Costa Mesa Eastpointe Philadelphia Richmond Farmington Hills Milton Boulder City Seattle Los Angeles Findlay Alexandria Elgin Quincy WILMINGTON Port Ludlow Chicago Hendersonville Kalamazoo Santa Margarita Seattle Knoxville Colorado Springs Easton Palm Bay Malden Des Moines Sunapee Lancaster Indianapolis La Mesa New York Silver Spring Fort Myers Vancouver Peoria Phila bumpass Bergenfield Detroit Huntsville Port Orange Cave Creek Apo Longview Covina WI MA PA AR MN CO CA MI PA VA MI NH NV WA CA OH VA IL IL DE WA IL TN MI CA WA TN CO MA FL MA IA NH PA IN CA NY MD FL WA IL PA VA NJ MI AL FL AZ AE TX CA Consumers Union 97 michelle Katherine Cheryl morley Hedda Scott Daniel Dorinda Janice Geri Cheri Frederik jeani Bonnie Lance Michael Elizabeth mark Barry Beatrice Judi Glenn Wendy Thelma Elizabeth Mike Gary John Sandra Larry David Anne Harriet Jackie George Shirley john David steven Eithne Gloria Robert Paul Karen Carol Barbara Marsha Jean Matthew Vicki Lorna robertson McNeill Ross horsfall Koslow Bracken Orozco Scott Ninomiya Sarno Gaspero Norberg Hoffman Roberts Robert Kobert Cook craig Benjamin Kreinik Weiner Tetterton Burgess Nash Kanze Williams Porter Jeavons Langer Siegel Tisdale Hastings Cohen King Kormendi Peak casablanca Arntson pfeiffer Cunningham Emison Seigle Ellis Nelson Johnson Biggs Wiseltier Long Royer Wayne Holmes Salt Lake City Sacramento Las Vegas West Allis Miami Beach Bartlett Huntington Park Austin Woodbridge Middleton Monee Iowa City Costa Mesa Huntsville San Diego Escondido Prescott goldbar Palm Bch Gdns Hedgesville Swampscott Wilmington Park Ridge Minneapolis Cambridge Magnolia Edmonds Willits East Elmhust Plainsboro Southport Hampton Bays New York Staunton New York New Orleans Houston Bothell Chaska Grass Valley Loveland Nutley West Linn Sun City Winfield Reno Glen Head Mastic Keystone Lumberton Hillsdale UT CA NV WI FL IL CA TX CT MA IL IA CA AL CA CA AZ WA FL WV MA NC IL MN MA AR WA CA NY NJ CT NY NY VA NY LA TX WA MN CA OH NJ OR AZ IL NV NY NY CO NC MI Consumers Union 98 Douglas Steve TABATURA Liz Samuel Elena Diane Neil Kay Joy Sarah Mary mike Susan MaryAnna Debra Christina Mario sherry Max Charles Michael Sheri nicholas Joseph trish Paul Dorothea Susan Jorge Toby Charlotte Steven Doreen Alphonse Peter Bob Lynn Lenora Laura Ken Kj Gerald Rachel George Bessie Banitia Robert Keelin Michael Athena Casper Caulfield JOB Meyer Moore Busani White Blumenshine Ward Rebello Wright Mason shay Porter Foskett Watson Marcus Mesa stillwell Pappas Welsbacher Watson Nelson nakadate Wieczorek stevens Borcherding Paiva Savion Garriga McElravey Maier Handwerker Trevino Kamanzi Geidel Sipe Manzione Cooper Hendrix Clark Dowds Stratman H. Girshick Pro Brown Greenlee Blumenthal Magnis Fishel Huff-Sandstrom Jacksonville Stockton Snellville Clearwater Columbus Riverdale Buckhead Mesa Santa Monica Hoschton Lantana Philadelphia fairfield Pasadena Arlington Gering Medford Waterbury Covington Fort collins Wichita Sonoma Chicago Portland Westland Troy La Grande Prairie Village Syracuse Miami Portland Brooklyn Boca Raton Tucson Boston Paterson Richmond Athens Boulder College Station East Helena Chicago Glen Ellen Hampton Houghton Vale Kosciusko Seattle Saint Paul Atlanta Arvada FL CA GA FL OH NY GA AZ CA GA FL PA IA CA MA NE NY CT KY CO KS CA IL OR MI ME OR KS NY FL OR NY FL AZ MA NJ VA GA CO TX MT IL CA CT WA NC MS WA MN GA CO Consumers Union 99 Michael Les Mark Martin Virginia Ellen Barbara Terri Barbara Bonnie Jim Mary Daniel Kenneth Senka Nicole Sherrill Jill deborah Lisa alexander carmelita Mr nonnie Vicki Michael Alison Richard Richard Kimberly David Emily Brian Richard Martha george wendy Beth Ann Ilene Logan KAREN Heather Jennifer Sharon Peter Jim Esosa Edward Seth Meredith Denys Garitty Rees Matteson Sobel Britton Rosenberg Polhamius Allen Doucet Bain May Michaelis Abbott Smith Tajic Kulina Franklin Kon wagner Venegas fiore moe Evans clark Andrew Schmidt Hartle Arthur IV Harrington Kern Brodnax Lubahn Mirand Chesen Shelley craciun scott Buist Kazak Mulford CAHILL Hartwig Gitschier Paulson Sweeny Davis Aghimien O'Gara Klibonoff Gold Cope Nevada City Tempe Ashland Sarasota Alexandria Columbia Soquel Deming Newnan Cedar City Fort Myers Columbia Station Everett Austin Seattle Crown Point West Grove Wakefield Mahopac Nashville portland andover Clovis Washburn Los Angeles Boston Honolulu Phoenix Endwell Fort Lauderdale Oak Park Erie East Amherst Hollywood Portland Thonotosassa Norton Bluffton Detroit Knoxville Pittsburgh Spooner Plainville Airville Pleasantville Billings, Houston Quincy Bergenfield Glendale Santa Fe CA AZ MA FL VA MD CA WA GA UT FL OH WA TX WA IN PA RI NY TN ME NH CA WI CA MA HI AZ NY FL IL PA NY FL OR FL MA OH MI TN PA WI MA PA NY MT TX MA NJ CA NM Consumers Union 100 brad judith Leba Kirk Henry Jr Kipp Sara Crystal Peggy janis Marco Todd Jack Joan Meredith Nancy Nena McLin Susan Joanne James/Linda Tupefaavae S MJ Timothy Nita Derek sasha Eugene Russell anthony Vanessa Sue Michelle Anita G. eliane Kevin Lara Glenn Aly A. Joan Natasha Michael Susan margaret Sarah George Camille Tim matt Diane Anna Carole ekstrand gray Morimoto Edwards sr Hill Hollingsworth Syswerda Smith Larvey kuhn Pardi O'Buckley Schonewolf Walker West Ranieri Dunn Dean Norris Therou Auelua Allison Cooper Dalton Boucher Flores Meyer conlen Key shakir Sandoval Anderson Tichy Whitlock biourd Macdonald Cassell Krakower Silvet Gravel N. Dutton Devine tatum Jacobson Picchioni Gilbert Steedman bender Thorp Cushman Mehl Los Angeles ripley El Cerrito Houston Pine Bluff Winston-salem Middleville New Freedom Santa Clara canton Lawrenceville Durham New York Bell Chicago Dresher Bainbridge Island Denver St. Paul Renton Victorville Mount Vernon Union City Eureka Healdsburg Alexandria University Place Dundalk Detroit Albuquerque Aloha Cedar Falls Laurel palenville Belgrade Lakes Brooklyn Greenfield Thousand Oaks Oceanside Redwood City Newport Chicago Kerrville Tucson Bronx Santa Barbara Jamestown Cardiffbythesea Overland Park Portage Kansas City CA OH CA TX AR NC MI PA CA OH GA NC NY FL IL PA WA CO MN WA CA IA GA SD CA VA WA MD MI NM OR IA MD NY ME NY WI CA CA CA RI IL TX AZ NY CA NC CA KS MI MO Consumers Union 101 James Sheila Daniel Ryan John John Bernice Jerry Ruth Cassie Ellen Mary Jane Bobbie Fay Molly Maryjane Thomas kay Maki Rebecca B. scheree Alice Diane An J Michael Melanie b Donald LuAnn Pamela John Jan Barry Thomas Jose Tecla Nancy Tim Toni Barbara Nora Lenore James maureen Noel Tim Nancy Mary martha Handy Malone Gildesgame Ketley Sonin Delia Fishstein Ravnitzky Maples Lewis-Getman Alek Dustin Daniel Knight Wouk Madden Wheat Campanini miller Murakami Wilk bailey Brody Pease Vu Tizon Garden Graf newman Shaw Daniels Barnes Armstrong Lindeman Brown Pauley Valle Loup Sharpe Martinson Clark Johnson Parrish Kadish Cullipher brucker smith Holmen Schuhrke Himmer schwartz Silver Spring Waterville White Plains Brooklyn Juneau Syracuse Brooklyn Mahopac Edina Rochester Pingree Grove Willoughby Gloucester Denver Boulder K.C. waleska York seattle Monroe Woodstock Alamogordo Manhattan Littleton Huntington Beach Miami Sacramento Bakersfield Cambridge Saint Petersburg Wautoma Los Altos Muncie Fort Atkinson Ojai York Chicago Tecumseh Liverpool Ventura Kansas City Greensboro Jacksonville Oro Valley Balsam Grove Greeley Sarasota Dayton Chandler Blue Bell Santa Cruz MD ME NY NY AK NY NY NY MN NY IL OH MA CO CO MO GA PA WA NJ NY NM NY NH CA FL CA CA MA FL WI CA IN WI CA SC IL MI NY CA KS NC FL AZ NC CO FL OH AZ PA CA Consumers Union 102 patricia Towan Susan Scott Tina Darby George Richard ROBERT Amber A. Helmut jim Janet Fabiola Phillip Lyndsay Tomasita Loren doreen Deborah Cathy Christina Jessica Dave katira Celine John steve Tami Raelyn Lawrence R. Caron Donald L. john Carole LA Roxanne Patricia William jennifer Randi Mike Terri rebecca A. Craig Shirley betty Beverly David rexer-euvrard Hooper-Jones Alcorn Lobato Levine Michael-Dahlmann Tarr Moscona McKee BENDER Tidwell Ray-Jones Mueller black Yacht Vasquez C'de Baca Reed Medal Lewandowski neshiem Dahlgren Brownlee DiJulio Butler Clark tejeda Gandolfo Wilson durbin Fleming Michaelson Brown Jr. Allen Taira Anderson stelling Mulliken Craft Warren Barnhart McGoldrick chenoweth Ross-Quick Acerra Kaczmarczyk rydle Gwaltney Martin Butler degaetano Gilyeart Elliot Huntington Richmond Baltimore Astoria Westport CARTHAGE Belen Longmont Royersford Los Angeles New York Chapel Hill Philadelphia New York Seattle Colma Scotch Plains San Francisco Grand Island Mazeppaj Cromwell Mountain Home Berkeley Sequim Paducah Plano Provincetown Oakdale Coupeville Omaha Seatac Swanzey Saint Louis Harpswell Aitkin St. Charles Saint Louis New York Elkins Park Atlanta Bonaire Plano Califon Whitehall Pittsburgh Brooklyn New Stanton New Orleans auburndale Everett Waterford NY VA MD NY MA NY NM CO PA CA NY NC PA NY WA CA NJ CA NE MN CT AR CA WA KY TX MA MN WA NE WA NH MO ME MN MO MO NY PA GA GA TX NJ PA PA NY PA LA FL WA MI Consumers Union 103 Tom carolyn sonja Matthew Sally Sharon Gordon Temmo Jerry Charlotte Kelly Trudy Alice Bob lawrence Alan Jessica Chrystal Ginger Dorothea Olga Catherine Linda James DEBORAH Jesus brian Ralph Craig Sharon Joel Linda Bogdan Andrew Sandra Saab david Richard Ronald gary owen Bonnie Sally eRROL Lisa Denise Sherryl Gary Angie Ray Janice cate Hunsberger celler leonard leonard Humphrey Planalp Dymowski James Korisheli Haney Wells Overacker West Green Berthiaume barley Townsend Means Chrystal Armstrong Murray Guerra Harrison Townill Johnston PAPALEO Escatiola gould Dominguez Hutton Alexander Eizenstat Friesen Knezevich Politzer Wurl Lofton kersten McGrain Warren faas Reil Giles sOMA Butterfield Sicotte Wilson Beckerman Keller Bustos Rogera griffin Lexington dunnellon Denver Baltimore Kent Alexandria Charlotte Santa Barbara Wichita Tigard Bisbee fabius Wheat Ridge San Jose Jacksonville San Francisco Reisterstown Venice Sacramento Tallahassee Philadelphia Pine City Plainfield DuBois Az Colton Cary Hollister Los Angeles De Leon Comer Durango Thousand Oaks Bethel N Tonawanda Seattle Medina Charlottesville Glendale Albuquerque La Center Flushing Beverly Hills Eureka Charlotte Roswell Santa Ynez Houston Fullerton Port Arthur Southbury TN FL CO MD OH VA NC CA KS OR AZ NY CO CA FL CA MD CA CA FL PA MN IL PA AZ CA NC CA CA TX GA CO CA CT NY WA OH VA CA NM WA NY CA CA NC NM CA TX CA TX CT Consumers Union 104 Philip Karla Dave Linda JOYCE Rick Yoana Dusty Dana and Nelda Patricia Richard Jerry Elizabeth Susan Diane angie William Mary Ursula Donald Michele Ronald Katie vickie Keith ALICE BELLE Robert Shelley Claire Will Gary Robert Gregory Thomas Michelle Diana neil Diane Jinx Donna Cheryl A. Maria Martha ed Vera vin Susan Nick Denise Jacque Robert Traynor Larson Linnane Spellman PUSTILNIK McGowan Corro Stepanski Snider Forbes Bachman Kovac Watts Moon Magasich emery Estes Ethridge Schuh Chambers Ponce Mimnaugh Cole thomas D'Alessandro WILLIAMS Butler Krayer Lombardi Richardson Smith Rosas Martin Windberg Jacobsen Dee johnson Jalbert Hydeman DeClue Dawson Olarte Desrosiers Fiedler Watts agamenone Watts Mantas Bradley Manning Damon Johnson Fresno East Moline Salisbury Gig Harbor New York Sunset Court Miami Richwood Middlebury Albuquerque Friendswood Raritan Lynbrook Manchester Seattle Indio Princeton San Diego Redmond New Orleans Las Cruces Louisburg Grand Rapids Hillsborough Canton Austin San Diego East Hanover Franklin Medford Vancouver Georgetown College Station Spicewood Seattle North Hollywood Va Bch Atlanta Trabuco Canyon Sarasota York Valrico Reston Austin Memphis Carson City Riverside Township Of Washington Woodbury Heights Missoula Shippensburg CA IL NH WA NY VT FL NJ IN NM TX NJ NY CA WA CA IN CA WA LA NM NC MI NC MI TX CA NJ MA OR WA TX TX TX WA CA VA GA CA FL PA FL VA TX TN NV CA NJ NJ MT PA Consumers Union 105 Martha Marjorie Patricia Robert John Charles Patty Cindy joyce mj Craig John Janet Kay Carl C Dinah Sarah Victoria Margaret J. Bruce Jon janna Pierre Carroll Ronald Cathy walter Jeanne jaime Jo David Mary Jane Rebecca Don Russell Tabitha Carol Rebecca Karen Gerda Richard Toni Mandeep Jennifer Becky James JoAnn Evelyn Lois BARBARA Dominique Mathis Lev Mehrkens Ludwig Kirk Brobst Diana Moczarney mellom crook Marx Markon Sullivan Steinauer Bowman Holtzman Meyers Trimble-Lowe Lilienthal Marshall Madden piper Schlemel Boone Zurawski Pyle denton Walters alcantara Walters Linebarger Lean Doane Harvey Whitley Davis Mock Brookman Nelson Seaman Koda Standard Sharma Ciambrone Pierce Kelley Polley Fraser Klempner EHRESMANN Mason Chicago Sacramento San Jose Harvard Modesto Binghamton Glendale Elmwood Park Minneapolis Groveland south hampton Winter Haven Exeter Co Bluffs Melbourne Rochester Howell Bellevue East Dennis The Villages Lake Worth Portland Old Bethpage La Mesa Menominee Mountain View Nineveh Lakewood California Sprague Chicago Harwood Heights Andersonville Sheridan Chesapeake York Fremont Princeton Alfred Chico Ridgefield Fremont. Hamilton Sq Clifton Wilmington Gambier Poulsbo Washington W Bloomfield Philadelphia Mountlake Terrace IL CA CA IL CA NY AZ IL MN MA NH FL NH IA FL NY MI WA MA FL FL OR NY CA MI MO NY CO CA WA IL IL TN CO OH PA CA IN ME CA CT CA NJ NJ DE OH WA DC MI PA WA Consumers Union 106 Judy Jim Fred Patrick suzanne Christopher Lee Cathy Clarissa john sharon Thomas Patty Georgina Karen Charlie Philip Elizabeth Robert Susanne Brian Helen Raul Lynn anne Russel Mike Linda Michael Jennifer Molly JAMES Richard Elizabeth Brad Deborah Pam Vivian Kathryn Marjorie Charles K. James Robert D valerie Phyllis Shirley Seana Barbara Silvio Charles Hazel Krystal Meyer Snee Young Cameron docimo Jacobs Ziska Frost such weiner Thibeault McAdam Callahan Vasto Wallin Sherman P.E. Hickman Krueger Loyd Ainsley Stapleton Anorve O'Shea chavez Deroche Kelly Hardy Simik Martinez Hauck ZITIS D'Apollo Riddle Badger Baker McCombs Birdwell Plitt Vandervoort Alexander II Griffin Finley johnson Caridi Reis Graham Mauz Fittipaldi Mickelson Rozema Harris Marshfield Center Rutland Bradford El Cajon Grants Pass Bethel Carlsbad Saco trenton Scarsdale Pocahontas Point Pleasant Beach Venice Atlantic Highlands Boone Oak View Auburn Grass Valley Arroyo Seco Fort Collins Bethpage Los Angeles New Orleans San Leandro Gramercy Petaluma Matawan Imlay City Sunnyvale Kensington Holiday Swarthmore Whitsett Lawrence Brighton Belleville Tecumseh Gig Harbor Closter Albany New York Payson Thief River Falls Boca Raton Hartford Santa Cruz Los Angeles Philadelphia Laramie Macnhester Peyton WI VT PA CA OR WA CA ME NJ NY AR NJ FL NJ NC CA WA CA NM CO NY CA LA CA LA CA NJ MI CA MD FL PA NC KS MA MI OK WA NJ NY NY AZ MN FL WI CA CA PA WY MO CO Consumers Union 107 Susan Gayla Domitila david Michael Yusuf Janet Linda David Sally elizabeth Elaine Michael Ellen Deenie Robert Polly marsha Patty Penny Lewis John M larry Emily Lorraine Jeffrey Betty thomas Harold Dean Zeljko Stephanie M Thomas Russ Diane Nadia Paul Linc suzi nikol CARL Patricia kirsten GEOFF Jordan S. george David Preston Linda matheny Reiter Navar levy Baker Ahmed Estep Parena Osterhoudt Bates custer Donovan Neil Lockhart Tallant von Oeyen Tarpley stelzer Orr Leboeuf Cisle Long machado Nelson Kirk McCollim Burns bartow Robinson Borgeson Cipris Boffo Chitty Gillespie Kirkpatrick Knight Shamsi Gregg Cole hokonson gestrine CHILDRESS Cachopo kuhre-holmquist LEAVELL Gomes Worker Weiter Gerke Collins Horkitz Covington Benicia Ogden Carlsbad Lynn New York Portland El Sobrante Rancho Santa Margarita Kailua Kona Doylestown Hemlock Denver St. Thomas Highland Village Staunton Poulsbo Rice Lake Freeburg Montegut Belfast Redmond Las Vegas Largo Nederland Concord Twp Indianapolis delaware Talladega Brooklyn Park Stockton Indianapolis Austin La Mirada Tigard West Hills Chicago Seymour Cudjoe Key spokane 98532 Burlington Santa Clara Atalissa Fountain Valley Tooele Eureka Raytown White Oaks Yelm Miami Beach GA CA UT CA MA NY OR CA CA HI PA NY CO VI TX VA WA WI PA LA ME OR NV FL CO OH IN OH AL MN CA IN TX CA OR CA IL WI FL WA WA NC CA IA CA UT CA MO NM WA FL Consumers Union 108 L. Gloria Susan kathleen John Richard Charity maureen Barb Sara W. Francine Elaine June pam KELLY ken Kent Margaret Fann Jocelyn Wanda zoraida Char mike David Heather Susy Jon Laurie maxine Rich Janice terry Mist Lambert P. Carole Ellen Cecil Janet Lee Ruth James Nicole Veronica lisa Marie Te-Chen shelly William Craig erica Glasner Syms D. king Van Horn Reichmann Rollins lannan Brass Baker Kubrin Eudy Hurst skoff WOODRING bobrow McGill Forde Harding Davis-Beck Waters golding Messinger lyons Walsh Forsythe Brown Pankin Manis lewis Miller Pushinsky molina Reynolds Lockett Jr. Smith Sanford Gabriel Brown Patrizzi Yurchuck mOFFAT Plescia Hayes kingsley Kimokeo-Goes Hu running Hess Talent sommers Ny Brooklyn Houston madison Kansas City Allston Reno Chicago Roseville Portland Los Angeles East Point New York Crystal Lake Denver Walla Walla Lakeview Sutton Washington Beecher Ocala Kansas City Aloha Sewaren Saint Paul Trumansburg Houston Mill Valley Rock Island Oakland Evanston W Palm Beach Aloha Westminster Brooksville Anaconda Portland Chestnut Hill Chuluota Tucker Englishtown Los Angeles Ferndale norfolk Ashland San Jose Tulsa Edwardsville St. Helens Ventura NY NY TX WI MO MA NV IL CA OR CA GA NY IL CO WA NC MA DC IL FL MO OR NJ MN NY TX CA IL CA IL 713 TX FL OR CO FL MT OR MA FL GA NJ CA MI VA OR CA OK IL OR CA Consumers Union 109 Pamela STEVE Bill Michael Kristyn Carolyn gerry Vafa Kellie Colleen Arnold Ramona Cheryl Karina Brad Helen Lonnie #NAME? Thomas Jo William Sue Lynn nancy Pedro Shelby Lourdes Sonja Rhonda kelly shaun Arlene Jesus B Donald Catherine Jim Michael Rosemary Ronald Michelle Asher janeen Barbara Robert Howard John Mary Jane William Marilyn Joan Evelyn Waterworth ANDERSON Herrera Essex MacPhail G Crombie Collins Ansarifar Rockey Albert Schultz Hi Kenter Black Hitchcock Butt Ward Treitner Gannon Redding Cross Nelson Gray kovalcik Salgado Holley Gibbons Garland Paulson dahlman steiner Baker Ochoa Rubin Darklock Sellers Crouch Maziarz Eike Maddock Atchick velez Cowan Studzinski Stein Salter Blustein Jones dresser Joesting McBride Seabrook Frankfort Lewisville El Dorado Hills Littleton Seattle Murrieta Framingham Denver Covington Aurora richmond Blue Springs Boulder Fairborn Hyattsville Nettie Pine Hill Montpelier Kealakekua, York Lawrenceville Durango Canon City Orlando Palmdale Hickory Hills Anacortes Camano Island Roscoe madison Berkeley El Paso Plympton Oregon City St.Louis Centennial Saint Charles Merritt Island Cincinnati King Of Prussia El Cajon Cambridge Bexley Chicago Morrow Olympia Uniontown Lawrence Melbourne Lynchburg MD KY TX CA CO WA CA MA CO WA CO VA MO CO OH MD WV NY VA HI SC GA CO CO FL CA IL WA WA NY WI CA TX MA OR MO CO IL FL OH PA CA MA OH IL OH WA PA KS FL VA Consumers Union 110 John Nancy Marcia Susan Brianna Calien gary Saad Michael Linda Jon Alicia Robert Sue Eileen Jan-Paul Robert and Ann Ismet Leland Alisha James Gloria Rand Glynnis Mark danielle Sandra Janice Pamela Teresa maryam Arlene Joan James Jerrie Akiko Maryann Diane Dolores Bob John James Katie Nancy Barbara Linda Susan john Kathleen David Ruth Barbour Evans-Jones Arend Wolinsky Hammes Fales-Jussel walton Siddiqui Griffith Cohen Blaze Caraballo Wait Chard Schimpf Alon Pugh Kipchak Long Stireman-Beyer Shih Wurst Brown Mileikowsky Roeder chanrey Green Bailey Brightman Bryan faresh Nickels Shelby Caldwell Meadows Abe Haller Krassenstein Wetzel Layton Reis Ferguson Chess Pigg Caton Barnes Rustad coyle Boddington Fairman Ungar Monroeville Kingston Sturgis Denver Anchorage New York Spokane Valley Arlington West Des Moines Las Vegas Reseda Ashburn Kalamazoo Portland Spokane Cherry Hill Las Vegas Nesconset Denver Xenia San Diego Ogden Oswego Bethesda Bloomington santa monica Miami New York Riverside Kelso Valley Village St. Louis Seattle Shreveport Emeryville, Ca Sherman Oaks Escondido Philadelphia Alburtis Portland Hartford New York Chico Pinole Avila Beach South Bend Bonita Springs Brick New York Mystic Oakland PA WA MI CO AK NY WA TX IA NV CA VA MI TN WA NJ NV NY CO OH CA UT IL MD IN CA FL NY RI WA CA MO WA LA CA CA CA PA PA OR WI NY CA CA CA IN FL NJ NY CT CA Consumers Union 111 Christa Dale Mary Ron Irene Robert M. and Carol E. Chris Gary E. Patricia victor Ron Sara Kathleen Peter Marlene Margaret Christina Elisabeth Carol Luisa Debra Jean Barton Nora Brenda Jean david Jim Benjamin Susan Michele Lea Wayne Martha Annette Allan Trudy Teresa MES Sarai Michelle Laura Jeanne Ronald Andrea Donna Alaina Mark Dan Kim John Jackie Kurvits Blake Cobb-Blumer Ciminesi Schumacher Christensen McGinn Cynowa Meeks stamboulian Hollatz Easter Koprivec Martin Yallup Bergwall Dickson Moore McGeehan Patroni Pinkham Mixon Chambers Bardo Korte Genasci lindberg Marlow Warfield Harrie von Kampen Morgan Day Milne kowalczewski Francis Kletsky Craddock MES Zitter Ku Horowitz Mackay Seratte Speed DiToro Duvall Orlando Lindsay Stewart Sanders Healy Roanoke Tampa Gainesville Rch.cucamonga Tucson Glenrock Manhattan Macomb Twp. White Salmon New York Chicago Princeton Langley Wapato Haines City Black Mountain Seattle Holland Miami Beach Boxford Sarasota Pace Danbury Sacramento Albuquerque Milwaukee Carlsbad League City Grand Forks Phoenix Pittsfield San Francisco Ft. Myers Wyoming Portland Syracuse Smithfield Anchorage Newtonville Denver Pittsburgh Marysville Everett Tacoma Cordillera Shreveport Hesperia Hilo Los Angeles Austin Brier VA FL FL CA AZ WY NY MI WA NY IL NJ WA WA FL NC WA MI FL MA FL FL CT CA NM WI CA TX ND AZ MA CA FL MI OR NY VA AK MA CO PA MI WA WA CO LA CA HI CA TX WA Consumers Union 112 Armgard Sharon Frank Susana Anne Samuel William Dorothy Marilyn Dennis Trevor dana James Judy Jack Thomas Loretta Frances Mary Alison Christopher Paul Deb newton Norman John Kevin Dan Joan David Sylvia Albert Judith Naeda Patrick Duncan irene Mr. Terry + Ms. Linda Anna David Cindy Fred Alan eileen Dorri Julie Kathleen dave art Kelly Jon Everett Moore Cannon Carella Schreibe Speciale Stern Meyering Rose Burdick Thomas mcquiller Notestine Toner Zektzer Willette Miller Appleby Button West Holbrook Pickard O'Neill farmer Crouter McNally Oldham Carpita Basnett Sharpe Duncan Kopec White Robinson OConnor Brown willey Allen-Combs Owen Walker Lang Thaller Papscun macmillan Raskin Van Ness Moraski parrish vinson Spear Boyle Holland West Nyack South Lake Tahoe Lynn Burien Asheville Euclid Owatonna Albuquerque Milwaukee Grand Junction ladson Tucson Milwaukie Seattle Greencastle Goshen Walterboro Groton New Britain Findlay Vero Beach Baltimore Louisville Seattle Monroe Shirley Enumclaw Parma Great Barrington Plano Dundee Lansdowne Carmel Peoria Tucson Snohomish xxx Rogue River Wilmington New Port Richey Murray Stockbridge lafayette Northridge New York Woodbury Cobden Durant New Orleans Dover MI NY CA MA WA NC OH MN NM WI CO SC AZ OR WA IN IN SC NY CT OH FL MD KY WA NH NY WA OH MA TX NY PA CA AZ AZ WA TX OR NC FL UT MA CA CA NY MN IL OK LA KY Consumers Union 113 Annie Jacqui Sherry Beverly Margaret Kathleen Michele don Rae Tara Martha Brain Kathryn Regina Sara Christie Anita Gloria christina Donna Laurinda I. Dennis Kit ROGER sarah Timothy Kathryn Frank Tena William Richard Jeff paul Rebecca Ayleen Bonnie Sheila Eva Kayla Ann Laura Christine Patricia Robert Kathryn John Sharla Maxwell Tom barbara mandy Delgado Foster Marsh Pranzatelli Wilbur Stephens McWaters bailey Pearson McDonald Tocco Volk Fenn Latimore Fisch Ley Wasserman Lahay eldridge Rowland Conyers Engle O'Keefe Joel VEIK lincoln DeWitt Boniface Onishuk McCoy Goldstein Riggs Hibbard wyrick Goodrich MacRaith Brooks Kranjc Anderson Kottner Macdonald Marquette Bentley Derrickson Keiner Fitzpatrick Dutton Tanner Chenault stewart walker Penngrove Urbana Oceanside Bound Brook East Harwich Victorville Summerville fairfield bay Seattle Battle Lake Los Angeles Littleton Durham Newark Scottsdale Shaftsbury Stamford Il St. Louis Seattle Orangevale Tularosa Dunellen Santa Barbara BILLINGS N. Ferrisburg Spokane Cincinnati Wolfeboro Port Orchard Huntington Station Branchburg Otto Franklin Anchorage Arcata Danbury Westerly Henderson Bronx Lombard monticello Waterford Mechanic Falls fulda West Springfield Long Beach Larchmont South Fork Columbia Cottage Grove CA IL CA NJ MA CA SC AR WA MN CA CO NC NJ AZ VT CT IL MO WA CA NM NJ CA MT VT WA OH NH WA NY NJ NC TN AK CA CT RI NV NY IL NY MI ME MN VA CA NY CO MD OR Consumers Union 114 Sharon Marc Debbie Daniel Phil Karen Kim Anne Lloyd valerie Mark Richard Aaron John judith Cecil annette Lesley Patricia Noel Barry Eshkol malek Bobbi Linda Regina Kathleen Jeffrey Duane O Ana Richard Susan Larry A.G. Richard Bonnie Esther arden Daniel BARBARA Nadine Pamela Ellyn Jerry Fran James Michelle Dennis Aeyrie Sally Valerie Karen Dorian Brito Page Wood Reschke Hanson Purcell Schreiber Smith gilbert Sebree Waldo Hapner Leinen rowe Woolley turello Woodward Abdullah Levy Adelman musleh Halpin Delap Wilhelm Malley Fernandez Reid Bruno Dempsey Greb Blanz Hansen Bassil Penix Garvett erlichman Hawley SWYDEN Miller RN Hall Jacobson Greenstein Fuller Stover Webb Deal Silver Eagle Simpson Brickell Peralta Barth Tucson Norwich Middleburg Canton Portland Londonderry Arvada Atkinson New York Albany Riverdale North Manchester Stillwater Chevy Chase Westminster Crestwood Cleveland Springdale Baltimore Vero Beach West Lafayette Read Beach E Strodsburg Seattle Tacoma Tryon Richmond Hts Gainesville Va. Beach Vancouver Nashville Crestwood Alachua Sacramento Miami Ashland Ketchum Rio Rancho Romney Joliet Chicago San Rafael San Antonio Belmont Pitman Tuckerman Yorba Linda Garland Emporia Kenmore New York AZ CT FL IL OR NH CO IL NY GA UT IN MN MD CO KY OH OH MD FL IN HI PA WA WA OK OH VA VA WA TN IL FL CA FL OR ID NM WV MT IL CA TX MI NJ AR CA TX VA WA NY Consumers Union 115 Minal Dolores Ralph Dawn Edwin Rebecca Deborah Sean Nina gabriela Felicia Luis Lila Mary C Moira Dennis Linda faye James David joyce Dan Chance Rachel Alicia Jessi Rheta Dorothy Sarah Terry David Renee William Greg Jacquelyn SUZANNE Mary Michael Bonnie Patricia Adam Yvette Robert ronald Barbara jack Michael Marina Larry Julie Andres Patel Helman Guay Kauffman Philbrook Page Baldwin Mathis Lebaron struminger Dale Sarellano Schott Fleege Whalen Hartenstine Kwan lapp Neely Vespa robinson Kegebein Rearden Maldonado Addeo Harris Johnson Miller Brown Moore Allen Madera Wakefield Evert Clark SCHERER O'Brien Cleveland Long Zylius Nazimowitz Ouanson Manning King Meredith Harris Missell Gonzales Olsen Redman Pacheco Portland Berkeley Helena Walnut Creek Latham Park City Estes Park Austin Fh Pompano Beach Snohomish El Paso Austin St. Paul Park Surry Birdsboro Laguna Niguel Kzoo Austin Arlington Glen Burnie Salkum West Hollywood Round Rock Saint Petersburg Denver Potomac Newton Bakersfield Mahomet Ashland S.w. Ranches Deruyter Garfield Heights Milwaukie FAYETTEVILLE Union City Plattsburgh Long Beach Santa Cruz Merrick Ontario Johnsburg Ranchos Taos Calumet City Nashville Prescott Vallet San Jose Scranton Madisonville Keller ME CA MT CA NY UT CO TX WA FL WA TX TX MN ME PA CA MI TX VA MD WA CA TX FL CO MD MA CA IL WI FL NY OH OR AR NJ NY CA CA NY CA NY NM IL TN AZ CA PA LA TX Consumers Union 116 Laura Guy Jane Pamela Jessica Rose Maria john Barbara P.A. AnnaMaria Sharon ASTA Jennifer Diane Brenna Gayle Ellen Gabrielle P Fran Russell Leslie Paul Cynthia mary Richard Joy Kenneth Susan Marie Valerie Ron Anita Robin Beatrice Barbara Elaine Betty D. Kaye Elizabeth john Doug Scott James Robin David David ashley Shirley Elizabeth Emily Manges Zahller Goebel Reich Heritier Andal miller Hauck Lewis Garcia Smith SEMETA Graham Gallagher Green Muskus Fox Wanner Samuelsen Kelley Wood Winston Sherlock Henderson huelster Sposit Rudder Toft Peter-Thompson Driscoll keys Brickman Miller Patten Howard Stevens Tarango Kalber Patrick Chacich cevasco Landau Williams Conway McKee Balfour Moorman matzen Kelley Oranges Jelassi Berea Aptos Melville Kapaa Portland Jacksonville Brooktondale Largo Green Valley Tacoma Chicago Walnut Cove Clifton Park Waterloo New Bern Cumming New York Long Beach San Pedro Burbank Petoskey Washington Cleveland Chelmsford Hillsborough Cleveland Scottsboro Ames Davis Lee's Summit Gig Harbor Downers Grove Oak Park Oklahoma City Berkeley Golden Santa Fe Burr Ridge Ft Wayne In Cloquet Northfield Gulfport Lafayette Rochester St. Paul Kihei Huntington Beach Seneca North Charleston Lake Park Annapolis KY CA NY HI OR FL NY FL AZ WA IL NC NY IA NC GA NY NY CA CA MI DC OH MA NJ OH AL IA CA MO WA IL IL OK CA CO NM IL IN MN MA FL NY MN MN HI CA SC SC FL MD Consumers Union 117 Marlaine Jennifer Barbara Dawn Ann Robert Maris sylvia Lourdes Susan Chaz Sarah Edward annick Emily M Carol Elizabeth David Andrew Patricia Gregory Harry Tara Lawrence Bernadette Holly Larissa Athena Melvin Deb Suzette Anita mary Wayne Bonny larian H.Delaine Donald J Shannon Emma Andrea sandy Denise Charmaine Harry Tony Sarah Russell Kayla Dale Kolins Diamond VanNess Standley Eastman Keller Bennett Cuolahan Arvizu Scholl Chilcote Staats Laurson baud Mullinix Leszczynski DeWald Floersch Greene Astalos Bereczki Wallen Barone Huber Montford McCrea Fertig Matthews Batsios Bautista Furlott Armenta Johndro neptune Wilkinson Sallee foley Smith Emery Donahue Day Armstrong konstantinidis Laffer Michaels Stierli Alberico Mathews Skinner Bartlett Kelly Leonardo Las Vegas Kansas City Santa Maria Littleton Parsippany Antioch pompano Herald Kansas City San Diego San Francisco Denver malden Reisterstown Lapeer La Center Goodlettsville Irwin Lakewood Vancouver Utica Hawthorne Rockville Kissimmee Seattle New Richmond Plainview Nassau Phoenix Milton Tucson Sebec Vancouver St Louis Marysville Talent Santee Galesburg Folsom Saco San Diego Indian River Shores North Plainfield Mantua Honolulu Romulus Astoria Kimberly Eugene Lompoc NJ NV MO CA MA NJ CA FL CA MO CA CA CO NY MD MI WA TN PA NJ WA NY NJ MD FL WA OH NY NY AZ WI AZ ME WA MO WA OR SC IL CA ME CA FL NJ NJ HI NY NY WI OR CA Consumers Union 118 Barbara Martha Sabrina Corliss John Roy Kathryn Alma charles Naomi Joshua joyce Erik Michael cortrin Douglas Sheri Brian Franklin Katherine Marla Jennifer leslie Joy Sara Saundra Cynthia Diane elizabeth CHRISTINE Edward Ashleigh Nancy Nancy Steve hazel Harold Ann Shirley Jean Thomas Gregory Don Helen Brad Noryne Nancy K. John Leslie Gary randy Kamm Dowis Perkins Phillabaum Fitzgerald Higgins Boland Kratovac carter Fatouros Seff rauch Dahlstrom Murphy robinson Wise Alexander Guadagno Long Schock Holbrook Smith carter Keeping Hart Petrella Overton Savory biscuso HARVEY Lewis Smith Brenner Cook Griffith mellerson Trent Barnette Bensetler Boyd Wicks Monahan Hannah Mendoza Hulick Chappelle McCarty Bernard Shankman Nelson rushton New York Atlanta Phila Cedarburg Cottage Grove Villa Rica Newport Novi Lompoc Bloomington Mckinney Wa Alexandria Port St Lucie roanoke Newark Austin Bayonne Lusby Rock Springs Brookville Houston Easthampton Richmond N Myrtle Bch Beaver Hot Springs Santa Rosa rolling prairie Bronx Santa Fe Hohenwald Murrieta Lone Oak Melbourne Kent Marion Nashville Cresskill Spokane Bellevue Lake Oswego New Lexington Waterville Tolono Vancouver Syracuse South Portland Bellingham Port Townsend denver NY GA PA WI MN GA RI MI CA IN TX WA VA FL VA NJ TX NJ MD WY OH TX MA TX SC PA AR CA IN NY NM TN CA TX FL WA OH TN NJ WA WA OR OH NY IL WA NY ME WA WA CO Consumers Union 119 Lynne jc John Cheryl Miranda Kirsten Janice James Marijeanne Michele Janet DOROTHY suzanne Jonathan Janna adam Therold Corine brandi Amena Delia Heidi Jeanette marcia Aarlene Deborah Marcia Robert Elizabeth Glen joel Nilah M. Jerre Diane Lois jill Korinne Patty Relora MARILYN Dori Rose Donna Vinson Kathleen Jeff john jeff Donna Moranda Perry Larson freedline Mayeux Dzubak Leiva Crase Phillips Moffitt Sarraille St Peter Micieli FILA valencia Martins Matsuoka mills Bailey Gribble bastian Ravenwing Frederick Steffy Nicola heitz Campion Greenblatt Bickmore Hasselbrink Kelley Carroll mulder MacDonald Miller Lahren d nord taylor Ramos Joyce WAYTE Saunders Helmuth Blue Burch Miller Hall wu hopkins Williams Meyer Hutchison Madison Sinclairville Luray Yardville Sherman Oaks Takoma Park Kernersville Honolulu Pittsburg Flat Rock Smithfield Patchogue Melbourne Sandwich Oakland Washington Conway Milwaukee Indian Head Steuben Highlands Erie Jacksonville Cuba Leesville Avoca Venice Pueblo Newport News Seattle Seattle Scituate Willow Springs Fargo Oakhurst Glendale Desert Hot Springs Berwyn Longmont Wichita Falls Portland Holmes Elmhurst Kansas City Wilkes-barre Grass Valley Sunnyvale Lindenhurst Columbus Las Cruces Tigard WI NY VA NJ CA MD NC HI CA MI RI NY FL MA CA DC AR WI MD ME NC PA NC IL LA NE FL CO VA WA WA MA MO ND OK NY CA IL CO TX OR PA IL MO PA CA CA IL OH NM OR Consumers Union 120 Sarah DONNA Jay Ilana Ann mary Robert Grace joanna Gabrielle sherrie Lawrence Barbara Robert kathryn R dean Kenneth Judith Angie Anna les J LuAnn Gary lisa Edward Rene Claudette Megan Penelope Lisa Deborah Carleton Sher David Ron Jason Christine Donald Ellizabeth leslie Vicki Margery Brent Kari Anne Kathy Danielle Barbara Judy Jane carol Forbes KUHARSKE Sullivan Zablow Hofstedt flores Fritsch Feldmann strezo Kayser heckendorn Jacksina Lauman Bruce white James Tabachnick Springer Mason Blaszkiewicz roberts Rigney Wherry Nason staley Downie Bliedung Beit-Aharon Pinkston Williams Langcake Montero Vickers Sheldon Weinstock Chacey Hann Telega Morrison Osborn Fine Ireland Coffey Wachter Ron Margulis Fendrick Garber Krach Matusick cranston Mansfield Tomahawk Gig Harbor Jamaica Plain Briarcliff Manor ALB Dexter Santa Barbara Schiller Park Hicksville Portland Charlottesville Littleton Greencastle Bakersfield Conway Woodland Hills Exton Phoenix Norwalk Fresno Newton San Diego Rocky Point phoenix Fayetteville Columbus Newton crestwood Rockledge Fort Mill Carmichael Reston Novato Davie Pagosa Lakes Redmond Bunnell West Windsor Indianapolis Willow Park Gaithersburg Rosalie Cleveland Oakland Park Brookhaven Media Long Island City Hazel Crest Hermitage Santa Rosa MA WI WA MA NY NM ME CA IL NY OR VA CO IN CA AR CA PA OR CT CA NJ CA NY AZ AR OH MA IL FL SC CA VA CA FL CO WA FL VT IN TX MD NE OH FL NY PA NY IL PA CA Consumers Union 121 Billie RIC Tina steve william Chris N. Dean Jane Edna Dave Jackie denise Edward Robert john Patti Beverly Rita Dita Bina Blakeley Gery Dawn Eldon Ed Michael Denise Virginia helen Laura Jennifer sandy Don B. jim Janice Barry Kevin Anne Marie karen Jan James Mary Steven Jessica Stefan Mary Suzanne John Marie Nancy Watkins HEIVILIN Haller willard Weston Kimar Johnson Wagner Webb Rossenas Decot Tulli kugler Allan Granger welton McWilliams Bradshaw Goodner Obler Robinson Kim Bargen Sare Wedlock Wainio Brodie Roux vilcinskas weisler Krause Perone valencour Meriwether beene Durham Linan Hopper Bucher aquino Stevenson McGrath Maley Ganter Weller Kozinski Dunne Menne Best Weis Golden Vancouver Germantown Webster Minonk Chicago Au Train Brooklyn Napa Green Valley Muir Beach Santa Clara Colorado Springs Las Vegas Boston Eugene Bronx San Rafael Fredericksburg Connersville Cambridge Swain San Francisco Medford Salinas St Petersburg San Diego North Hollywood Puyallup Berlin Lyndhurst Boca Raton St. Augustine auburn Atlanta Townsend Leavenworth St Ann Lincoln Bronx East Stroudsburg Panama Rochester Brewster Santa Barbara Baltimore Wilmington Downers Grove Camarillo Belen Fox Island Ashland WA MD NY IL IL MI NY CA AZ CA CA CO NV MA OR NY CA VA IN MA NY CA OR CA FL CA CA WA CT OH FL FL WA GA MA KS MO NE NY PA OK NY NY CA MD DE IL CA NM WA OR Consumers Union 122 c Robert Sandy Kimberly Kari jeffrey Sherry Alexander Susan Andrea Mrs christine Heather Randall Alexis Benita Michael chris Ellie Karyn Carol Billie Shirley Dr. Wayne tracy Paulett Robin Camille Alex Clover Kent Matea John Paulette William Walter Thomas Lisa G. Maurenn Deb Leslie Lynn Nilsa Beth Marcia Cathy August Harold Tina Amy Courtney Vartenuk Gumpher Bell Frey Wilson gordon Russell Desantiago Ray Kendall M kelly Marko Paul Church Smith Pesce mahaffy Leichter Goff McGrath Hurley Hopkins Sygman romeo Simunich Foat Johnson Gibson Catskill Gardner Leon Sweet Doulatshahi Maxwell Ramsey Reynolds Valliere Mehler Crump Emma Camhi Pena MacDonald Clarke Foxhoven Guyot Watson Snyder Dingman Glondeniz Scottsdale Harrisburg Chesapeake Beach Newark Lynnwood morgantown Annapolis Stockton Lewiston Athens Clifton Park Buffalo North Plainfield Jackson Heights Las Vegas Berkeley Massapequa Montgomery Beverly Hills Livonia Coatesville Big Rock Port Richey Levittown Granite City Johnstown Philadelphia Middleton Estes Park Pinole Swansboro Virginia Beach Behrany Mercer Island Vandalia Oakley Voorheesville Blacklick Laguna Woods Florissant Louisa Petaluma Derby MA Bothell Millbrae New York Springfield Tonopah Albuquerque El Cajon AZ PA MD DE WA WV MD CA ME GA NY NY NJ NY NV CA NY AL CA MI PA VA FL NY IL PA PA WI CO CA NC VA OK WA MO CA NY OH CA MO VA CA CT MA WA CA NY MO NV NM CA Consumers Union 123 Purnima Gerald James Lanelle Javier Chuck Stephanie Claudia John Lorraine phil Elizabeth James hELEN Zipporah Melissa Stella Felicia Herb Jenna J Cynthia Sandra roland Kathy Rosemary sanford Peter Paul Xviara Holly Michael Judy James Gary Patti Kim Mary Harry Barbara Christopher Carole Bonnie KAREN Barbara Karil Angela James Rick sheila Stephen Barve Lampe Massey ND Lovelace Rivera Stewart Flessert Chaffin Grant Easterling vanasse Enright Amory aLTMAN Farrior Martin Nobrega-Garcia Williams Evert Adams Chapman Knight Joy bosch McCann Rogers abrams Tesoro Omin Owens Kukkonen Mangino Mayer Root Binderim Bridges McCoy Gomez Cantor Mason Galton Jones Stallard-Bales STRAYER Moore Daniels Elder Moore St. John segura Sunkle Gulph Mills Manassas Portland Crestone Brooklyn Shawnee Mission Oconomowoc Georgetown Cookeville Fairhope High Bridge Scottsdale Leraysville oYSTER bAY Lynnewood Gardens Norwich Mountain Top Washington Cottage Grove Holliston Maybrook Acworth Orono Atwater Olympia Athens Albuquerque Forest Hills Chappaqua Chicago Iowa City Valhalla Rock Island El Prado Kingwood Culver City Worcester San Antonio Drive Campbell Myrtle Beach Willimantic Mansfield Sykesville St. Johns San Francisco Lake Jackson Lilburn San Francisco Chicago Granville PA VA OR CO NY KS WI TX TN AL NJ AZ PA NY PA CT PA DC WI MA NY NH ME MN WA OH NM NY NY IL IA NY IL NM TX CA MA TX CA CA SC CT OH MD FL CA TX GA CA IL OH Consumers Union 124 Kevin Rose don John Robert Maurice Paul Virginia John Karol Gail Sagar gerri Fred Donna Carl Scott Patrick J marjorie Tim sherry Adriana Stephanie Mika Carol Peter Cynthia Gretchen Erika Anna Max Cindy Holly Kimberly Joyce Daniel Judi Gill Paul Cathy William Kim Jane ruth Valerie Kathy Kevan Angel Melinda Barbara Mary O'Hornett Thomas crozier Schmidt Krikourian Guertin Waller Gredell Catherine Rawlings Colby Patel rhodes Keen Daane Ollivier didonato Mitchell curci Duda Denton-noonan Jastram Schoenfeld Stonehawk Giles-Straight Supersano Johnson Dennison Tachet Kushner Heffler Massey Egan Hejjawi Frohn Thayer Zimmer Fahrenwald Rea Revis Cross Olson Pedersen hosek Bonzek Schubert Welch Marquez Winn Koles Keithler Arvada Las Vegas Ofallon Lawrenceville El Dorado Hills Cumming Woodland Hills Albuquerque New York Spokane Ocala Westborough Hopewell Tenafly San Diego Sun City Ctr. Pawtucket Poughkeepsie Beaver San Antonio Terre Haute Brooklyn Canoga Park Tustin St. Louis Reno Park Forest Lake Oswego Studio City Fuquay-varina Houston Littleton Corte Madera Columbia Oshkosh Rio Rancho E. Greenwich Olympia Newark New Hamburg Memphis Mayville Menomonie Chicago Ludlow Chicago Porter Plymouth Meeting Portsmouth Shaker Hts. Englewood CO NV MO GA CA GA CA NM NY WA FL MA NY NJ CA FL RI NY WA TX IN NY CA CA MO NV IL OR CA NC TX CO CA TN WI NM RI WA CA NY TN WI WI IL MA IL ME PA OH OH CO Consumers Union 125 Steve Rich Judy Debra lavaune mal Patrick kallya Athena Oleh LeRoi Maroulitsa Allen Sannasi Stephen Robert Arthur Frank Tahlia Richard HELEN Jill Russell Alison Stephen Jim Robert DAVE Erna mary helen RENE Todd Michael Victor Richard Mike Tami M Ashley Connie Jill Arlene David giedre Kathleen Jessica Stacy Nancy Marion Jan Setsuko Eklund Feit Wyeth Bean guenther Gaffney MacVittie gorgiades Fitch Sydor Armstead Buffington Dohner Chandran McDonald Taylor van der Harten Santangelo Uranga Cramer ZIKA Haverland-Wilder Petricka Gibson Urbaniak Watkins Rivera Lindblom Kiessling stephens LAMBERT Novacek Duffey Vuyas Hiestand Raymond Lohf-Gottwalt Langelan Massaro Podorf Berkowitz-Berliner Fryer Buck biciunas Carlson Anklam Green Enos Lakatos Jeffries Maruki-Fox Salinas Evanston Lodi Silver Spring oshkosh Lompoc Oakland Park Palm Beach Gardens Bremerton Glen Ellyn Poughkeepsie Seattle Mesa Atlanta Brentwood Porterville Mancos Prospect Park Spring Glendale Mansfield Astoria Northfield Randolph Clinton Township Grand Rapids New York Mt. Pleasant Lake Mills Valdez Berkeley Steubenville Ft. Walton Beach San Francisco St. Louis Shelby Township Silvis Chevy Chase Fairport Sussex Mount Kisco Sioux Falls Staten Island Taos Negaunee Lapeer Portland St Augustine croton Albuquerque Grants Pass CA IL WI MD WI CA FL FL WA IL NY WA AZ GA NY CA CO NJ TX CA OH OR MN NJ MI MI NY UT WI AK CA OH FL CA MO MI IL MD NY NJ NY SD NY NM MI MI OR FL NY NM OR Consumers Union 126 Matthew Barbara Gwen Bill Gene Erline Calvin Demelza Rodney Dawn Richard Kathy Cyndi Donna Stephen cindy joe Shirley Darren David gentry Dori David Sami Fay Doria Patty agron Rosemary Ronald Dana Jennifer Christopher Patricia Leon erika Barbara amy John Michael Ragubathee Mark Cynthia Jamie Marcia Laurie Rick Linda Frank Robert Valorie Skinner Root Gangi Brady Ferguson Towner Lounds Costa Waddell Hoenes Mimms Spera Clough Wagoner Carl zacks cramer Keenan Skotnes Ketchum cooper Cole Blake Onur Biegun Whitlatch Kowalczyk morina Lerario Katz Bleckinger Marrs Dunham Pollock Taylor rivera Porter gunderson Riley Koloshinsky Pather Grzegorzewski Ashworth VanHoesen Haines Ware Marqusee Lewison Wilson Buchholz Valo Grosse Pointe Farms Mckinleyville Monroe West Chicago Chino Valley Milford Mason Sweet Home Surprise Union City Charlotte Tyler Wichita Woodleaf Lansdale Joshua Tree Delaware Des Moines Delmar Owego Houaton Wheaton St Petersburg Sherman Oaks W Sayville Reynoldsburg Peru Winnipeg Eastampton Huntington Woods Yachats Burlington Feasterville Jackson Berkeley Fernandina Beach Dolgeville Wausau New Brighton Latrobe Charlotte Largo Scottsdale Homer Wintersville Worcester Eagle River Sandwich Yellow Springs Readlyn Tualatin MI CA CT IL AZ NH MI OR AZ MI NC TX KS NC PA CA OH IA NY NY TX IL FL CA NY OH IL MD NJ MI OR KY PA MS CA FL NY WI MN PA NC FL AZ NY OH MA AK MA OH IA OR Consumers Union 127 Valerie gordon Robert Shaurain Tashann Donna Maria Francisco Darleen Becky Angela Doris B. Bea matt Mary Sherrie Marcia Violet Kelly Rick Ardith Constance ROBERT Sandra Tina Ronald Ethan Elaine Harvey Chuck Eileen Tony Jillian Amelia Susan james Todd MaryBeth Hagit Gerry Samuel Andrew Iliana Shirley Charles Elizabeth Preston Terry Gary Ralph E. Roberto Eliza Hardy sigmund Mammon Farber Purvis Shroyer Magana Gonzalez Kautz Fernette Carswell Wilson Baxter keeley Detrick Bousquet Godich Novinski Stouder Arrington Birch STILLSON Creswell Hunt Kestler Hattendorf Benson Ammerman Hailes Mothershead Bell LaBruzzo Hefferlin Lopez-Embury mccarthy Chier Flavin Halperin Acks Simmons Askins Linares Kane Herring Sepulveda Wheaton Vanderbush Grice Davis Villanueva Solesby Litchfield Sav Annah Richmond Bronx New Rochelle Meeker Burlington Deltona Omaha Fennimore Haw River Lyman Campton Erdenheim Clearwater Oakville Trafford St. Petersburg Seattle Staunton Bolivar Huntingdon Winter Haven Louisville Taylor Mill New Market Madison Oxnard Mesa Austin Harvard Dexter Tampa Lynchburg Berlin Pfafftown Brooklyn Oldtown Ovilla Gettysburg East Vineland Corrales Lapine Brandon Olympia Bloomington Chicago Brooktondale Braselton Chesnee NH GA CA NY NY CO WA FL NE WI NC SC NH PA FL CT PA FL 46225 IN WA VA NY PA FL KY KY MD ME CA AZ TX MA MI FL VA WI NC NY MD TX PA NJ NM OR FL WA MN IL NY GA SC Consumers Union 128 Lynn Dave & Sue Charles Daniel Mary K. -Rita Eileen Jackie Shawn Debra sarah Donna ROSEMARY LD Lauren Rebecca Stephanie Charles Alvy mike Anne Clarissa James Peter Andrea Robert lauren julio kate Nichole Rachel Richard Wayne Mark Caitlin Brenda Pilar sally Kay Susan Paula Ilsa Deborah Richard Jill Vicki Robert Mark Arthur Rodema John and Martha Bengston Priest Barber Eastman Case Sokolow Brown Calderon Sargent Barmichael collins McMillan TANN Boone Murdock Everhart Jacobs Itzkovitz King krouse Iulianelli Bunuel Whitted Schumacher Lieberman Haslag grasch wilches mccall Long Docherty Burgess Hinkson-Carrington Donaldson Hurban Harris Zorrilla cambel Popelka Reedy Biren Lottes Fexis Rew Swander-Reed Fox Decker Gallegos Lapite Ashby Stoltenberg Belchertown North Chittenden Mandan Elk Mountain Buckner Los Angeles Trenton Brooklyn West Yarmouth Phoenix Garden City Chattanooga Fort Lauderdale Hatboro Santa Barbara Sellersburg Flushing Mills River Austin Lakewood Highland Van Nuys Homosassa Pennsboro Los Angeles Centertown New York Aventura Louisville Montgomery Boyes Hot Springs Omaha Laguna Beach Melbourne Cedar Falls Lanham Bell Canyon Phillipsville Nevada Middletown Los Angeles Baltimore Nashua Denver Wooster Beacon Lake Wales Los Angeles New York Albuquerque Elkhart Lake MA VT ND WY MO CA NJ NY MA AZ MI TN FL PA CA IN NY NC TX OH MI CA FL WV CA MO NY FL CO AL CA NE CA FL IA MD CA CA IA OH CA MD NH CO OH NY FL CA NY NM WI Consumers Union 129 Judith louise Kara Stu john Erica Gwyn Theresa Katie Lisa Brian Adrienne choky Ashley MaryAnn Greg Dorothy Jacqueline Ceharra Joan S. Gleny Gayle aaaaap Sandra Jennifer S. Gene Kay Judi Victoria Marion Charleen Marti Kim Ann Linda Tanya Veronika Wende Jennifer todd John Herbert Robert George Vivian Robert Cynthia Bernadette Lydia Irene Maureen Carlson parker Reese Weiss pasqua Hulstrom Chiara del Rosario Priester Read Gibbons Rogers alvarez Choker Hamilton Tompkins Wheeler Ward Uebler Parker Vargas Westbrook atti Brady Ferrigno Lawson Brown Fidler Crampton Townsend Steeves Cooksey Gelinas Pitman Dennis Gonzales Griffin Gau Baumgardner atkins Yarber Stein Bennett Hendrick Kasey Belknap Williams Foti Selfa Duffy Meehan Maple Grove Ft Collins Lafayette Lake Ronkonkoma Valley Center Perris Delray Beach Saint Paul Boise Seattle Greenbelt Tulsa Miami Vicksburg Greenville Milwaukee Vestal Atascadero Buckley Greensboro Springfield Miami Yelm Pinellas Park Niantic Lynnwood Grand Rapids Melbourne Patagonia Anchorage Topanga Colorado Springs Westfield Collinsville Sequim Albuquerque Cusseta Parker Redondo Beach n attleboro Austin Washingtonville Enka Madisonville Peoria Raleigh Boise Paso Robles Stockton Leonardtown El Paso MN CO CO NY CA CA FL MN ID WA MD OK FL MI AL WI NY CA WA NC MA FL WA FL CT WA MI FL AZ AK CA CO MA IL WA NM GA CO CA MA TX NY NC LA IL NC ID CA CA MD TX Consumers Union 130 Dianne Shari Kirstina kat carolyn Kathleen Dennis Holly Chris Tino Bob Merlyn Ivor Patricia Lynn Willa P. Jesus Barbara Bridget Joan Jason Andy Jayna elizabeth Peter Mary Robert ken Beth Annemarie Dorothea ali S Anne Isa bel Candee Pierre Lanorris Gregg Lisa Katie Debbie jan Victoria Joseph Paul HANNAH Klara Robert and Mary Michael Watson Kelts Whitford thomas proctor Hollingsworth Nolan Marczak Kugler Dai Mcdonald Heyman Schucking Kunkel FREDERIKSEN Hillman Perry Jornacion Avila-Crawford Bailey Leonard Leistad High Williams freer Sheehan Van Vliet Rogers burge Cook Prairie Walker pearson Pena Pinkerton Vanover Potter Aterianus Hughes Morris Miller Shafer Goldstein conley Smatla Blaede Haeckel FREED Bilgin Place Iltis Pittsburgh Kirkwood Whitehall Seattle Westminster Rockford Sun City West Bradenton Sanger Arlington Los Angeles El Paso Laguna Beach Oklahoma City Framingham West Palm Beach Hvl Los Angeles Clarkston Stafford Fridley Bend Durango Pomona Scottsdale Kansas City Forest Grove Angleton New Paltz Bloomington Boulder Lot 56 dobbs ferry Moorpark Phoeniville, Pa Albuquerque Dallas Whitefish Bay Immokalee Hodd River Au Gres Spencer Ny City Lake Nebagamon Arvada Corry Chicago Pasadena Fairfax Westerville Madison PA MO OH WA CO IL AZ FL TX VA CA TX CA OK MA FL CA CA GA VA MN OR CO CA AZ MO OR TX NY MN CO GA NY CA PA NM TX WI FL OR MI WV NY WI CO PA IL CA VA OH WI Consumers Union 131 Jess EK Kathleen renee Amy Maria Sydney Lisa Carolyn Juanita Dave Glenda susan Catherine Gary Evgenia Michelle Charlotte Roger Kate Sabrina TERRY Annie Julie Benita Dayna Keir Rickey Robert Steven Carol phyllis lynn Renee Joyce Carol kathleen Caroll Cindy Paul jan Joseph Lois Susan Allen Lorraine bruce David jeffrey Danny Terry Bolen Cobb Mezoff lethbridge Petty Gomez Cohen Mastalier McCollum Rubilar Rossi Plaehn Shipp delles Stewart Freeman Vyatchanin Markin Ward Clyne Klingensmith Hogan TROTTER Hallatt Sanford Cohen Lamb Sterling Wilkins Beverly Brewer Nelson Thigpen beagle Vespa Fisher Scher smith Fowler Zeth-Sciulli Keene ball Aguilar Whitley Murphy Bratcher Herman brancati Young shuben Sherwood Stuart Cape Girardeau Lufkin Gallup Los Angeles Billings Mountain Home Wausau Sterling Heights Boise Minneapolis Corvallis Killeen Rogue River San Diego Huntsville Gainesville Cerrillos Auburn Homer Moberly Monrovia Woodbridge Berkeley Van Nuys Desert Hot Springs Tucson Richmond Venice Orange Auburn San Rafael Creedmoor Antioch Spaulding Columbia Eureka Livingston Hayward Pittsburgh Flagstaff Griffith Corpus Christi Huntington Beach Rochester San Diego Carlsbad Loxahatchee Seattle Philadelphia Wellsville State College MO TX NM CA MT AR WI MI ID MN OR TX OR CA AR FL NM AL AK MO CA VA CA CA CA AZ VA FL TX NY CA NC IL IL IL CA TX CA PA AZ IN TX CA MN CA CA FL WA PA NY PA Consumers Union 132 Linda K William Susan Joseph Pamela John Erika Ian Charity Thora Carolann Tatiana Sherry david Robert wendy Julie Jan April Mary John Betty Lyle Roger Sy Jessamyn Cheryl alex Malik Michael William Karl David E Beverly connie Alison darryl Quinee Philip Jon Sarah troy Karrie Carolyn Susan Ruth Enel Jonathan Zee Carol Susan DiVittorio Foltz Flores Orlando LaVinka Hayes Bonaparte Sherman Moschopoulos Lares Johnson Zolotareva Murphy holmes Oxborrow hinsberger Smith Soares Cross Escobar H. Hamill Merring Oberg Bove Gross Hager Binns brown Hassan Lynch McKiven Reinhardt Blankers williamson-Pecori garrett Mehlhorn autry Lewis Koster Boyden McIntyre beals Hough Kiel Resendiz Fisher Woods Mitchell Kallah Skoufis Severin Harwich Grayslake Hamshire Boston Winthrop Harbor Warrensville Heights Westland Columbus Annandale Cotati Riverside Seattle Ann Arbor West Palm Beach Kent santa ana Los Osos Honolulu Gold Canyon Miami Conway Belvidere Amado West Chester Minneapolis Seattle columbus Littleton Decatur Oakland Tellico Plains Webster Groves (Saint Louis) Chanhasssen Mckees Rocks Bethesda Menomonee Falls Emporia Revere Grand Haven Los Angeles Loveland Gladstone Sterling Heights Port Orange Laredo Mesa El Segundo Madison Phoenix Sahuarita Ashland MA IL TX MA IL OH MI OH VA CA CA WA MI FL WA CA CA HI AZ FL PA NJ AZ PA MN WA OH CO GA CA TN MO MN PA MD WI VA MA MI CA OH MO MI FL TX AZ CA AL AZ AZ OR Consumers Union 133 William & Marianne Julianne Sarah Gene Betty Walter James Chaz Jesus Catherine Laura Patricia Lee Michael Mary n Amy Quinton Edmund jackie stephen Leanne Nancy FRANKLIN Linda Kenneth Steven ingrid Susan Jonathan Francs Edwin Margaret Joan Matthew Leslie georgii janelle Sue Ann Jamie Michael Kathryn Vickie Lauren Sharon O'Neill marcie Karl Erica Rama R Sherman Fontenoy High Denney Vignes Schmitt Burks Walter Gonzalez Hunt Overmann Ryan White Hicks Cutting w Taylor Parker Wright wells beeler Burns Blackmon KAPUSTKA Babb Crandall Haggerty martin Davidson Ballak Foster McCready Adam Downey Lipschik Hinton billiris himmel Kent Nicolai Arveson Lindstrom Rudd Bryant Cetnar Louchard usselman Koessel Anthony Vemulapalli C Mountain Home Beaufort Plantation Morris Fairfax Loves Park Wyndmoor Houston Fresno Piscataway Burlingame Washington Charlotte Nampa Fort Smith delray beach Rochester Redding Bradenton Lincoln Decatur Stkn Cameron Aloha Lexington Bellevue Washington Oakland Seattle Los Angeles Jacksonville Los Angeles Bozeman Jennings Lodge B'klyn. Vancouver Atlanta Sherman Oaks Spokane Milwaukee Lake Tapps Gresham Phoenix La Crescenta Wilmington Port Townsend Portland Blue Lake Austin Whippany Akron AR NC FL OK VA IL PA TX CA NJ CA DC NC ID AR FL IL CA FL NE GA CA NC OR SC WA DC CA WA CA FL CA MT OR NY WA GA CA WA WI WA OR AZ CA DE WA OR CA TX NJ OH Consumers Union 134 David T. Martha Edith Joo courtney Meryle A. Heather jean John Stuart R. Kathy Heather Kathleen A Michele Risse Ardis Debbie Kate Jay Martin Virginia Peter Jeff KM Larry Dale Elaine Lorraine George Louis Nyle Janet Leslie Lisa Joseph Matthew Samuel Heather MICHAEL Jeannie Mike Dorothy Bernie Marianna Marjorie Pat Alicia yseult Kevin Jesse Forest Parchem Perlmutter Coleman Allen stephens Korn Mann richards Markham Shaw Lochner Hicks Todd Kelly Roma Michaels Pierron Reichow Holland Carr Bernard Davis Albrecht Linden Gorman Lapuyade McCart Fischer Jimenez Mayer Evans Hada Zeitler Golanty McGlinchey Sadorf Ware Hanly MITCHELL Roberts Civitello Tharsing Gonzales Mejia Young Brunson Nizzardi biwer Calahan Doty Frasieur Baraboo New City Wilmington Henderson Pope Valley Portland Spotsylvania Greenfield Princeton Salem Livingston Harrisburg Minneapolis Toledo Concord Oregon City Spring Hill Scottsdale Aurora Somerville Fort Worth Woodinville Spokane Phoenix Sedona San Anselmo Irvine Roanoke Las Vegas New York Taunton Snohomish Berkeley Los Gatos Canton Glendive Sunnyvale Oakland New York Madison N. Franklin Bandon Caruthers Soquel Santa Fe Las Vegas Bremerton Woodland Hills N. Ridgeville Eureka Benicia WI NY DE NV CA OR VA CA KY OR TX PA MN OH CA OR KS AZ CO MA TX WA WA AZ AZ CA CA VA NV NY MA WA CA CA MI MT CA CA NY WI CT OR CA CA NM NV WA CA OH CA CA Consumers Union 135 Terry Lonnie dolores Mariah Robert Andrew Joseph S. edith Valerie Patti Robert anita david Peter Kjersten Andrea Linda Valerie Jennifer Neal Jon Jane Richard Vivian Debra Barbara Lisa Debera Don Richard Marina Marvin Bettina Joan Steve joyce Nadean Pauline Ana Earl diane Megan BARBARA Eric Jordan Judyth denise jim Ernest sandy B. Thomas Young Hart dempsey Shepherd Glass Sisson Cox freeman Romero Allen Gabriel padilla eisbach Weinelt Gmeiner Cripps Bogdanow Brambilla Hang Feldman Anderholm Jaehning Terrone Pons Gainey Kopelman Albright Hanrahan Bidwell Kramer Molnar Bell Riedel Abruzzo Bryant hodgs0n-palcek Breault Erera Chavez Gernert self Muller FOSTER Fosburgh Stratton Katz allen kirkpatrick Portlow stambaugh Diener San Rafael Garland Chula Vista Evansville Oak Park Blacksburg Lake Elsinore Westerly Quincy, CA. Redmond Olympia parsippany san jose Morristown Seattle Grants Pass Fair Lawn Lindenwold Corvallis Salem Cazadero Oak Harbor Valley Stream Orem Hartsville Northbrook Pittsboro Bellingham Antigo Miami Lancaster Dayton Pa Bay Terrace Biloxi Flossmoor Somerset Seattle Riverside Greenbelt ohio Seminole W Bloomfield Seattle Las Cruces Eagan Norfolk Gr Junct Chicago Gettysburg Albuquerque CA TX CA IN IL VA CA RI CA WA WA NJ CA AZ WA OR NJ NJ OR OR CA WA NY UT SC IL NC WA WI FL CA OH PA NY MS IL WI WA CA MD OH OK MI WA NM MN VA CO IL PA NM Consumers Union 136 Steven Marianne Caera Cindy S lorrie Steven Traci faith lynn Barbara Lonnie Beverly Elizabeth sue Oriana Barbara A. Ana Alyson janis joe Marjorie Deirdre-Deborah J Lee Victoria Maria Jonathan Jesse Martin Susan Susan roy John Mary Stewart Terri Ruth Ellen Debra Anna Joseph Patricia lois e Matt Deborah Benita John Kurt harriet Peter Carol Renee Vince Owens Aislingeach Potts Asmus smearcheck Goldstein Phillips vigeant thompson Macek Patterson Carter Songalia spetter Spizzo Lessig Alvarez Garvey rich-smith white Mountjoy Davin Go Davis Pawlick Rushby Holland Biggs Hales Workman adsit DeRose Schor Neish Scott Knapp Baker Forman Bower Powell Bacon olin Erickson Kmiecik Campbell Hammel Frees crumpton Lackowski Smith Fullman Ames San Rafael Everett Greenville Seattle West Mifflin Oregon City Chicago Heights Chelmsford Rocky River Nyc Princeton Boise St. Paul Bremerton Belleville Westville Clermont Newburg Carmichael Pointless Kalamazoo Hyannis F Portland Williamson W. Granby Crossville Aurora Berkeley Winston-salem Portland Harvard Bethesda Greenville Charleston Round Rock Palm Beach Gardens Williamsport Larchmont Milan Longmont Sarasota Wausau Burgettstown Chattanooga Cincinnati youngstown Burlington Wilmington Delray Beach IA CA WA CA WA PA OR IL MA OH NY TX ID MN WA IL NJ FL MO CA NJ MI MA NC OR NY CT TN CO CA NC OR MA MD PA WV TX FL PA NY NH CO FL WI PA TN OH OH VT IL FL Consumers Union 137 Laura Alicia Paula Lori William Ruth Ann Kendra Dennis joyce joni Patrick Geoffrey Carol Terry R Shobha Noreen judith Angella Debby Nancy patricia christel Martine Carol Scott diane KImberly Jeff Amy Debra Francine toni Richard Carol shauna Deborah Yvonne Dameon Richard caren Diane Christine John Tommy Manetric Don Barbara hillary Joyce Denisse Erma GIbowski Rubi Kastal Miller Shields Wiesenthal-Gold Riney Steussy whitby burkett Libby Bruce Hopwood Sapp Schaid Sharma Perry eisenberg Beardsley Mayer Fifer Hammel fiore Michelle Ashley Plantier daren Casperson Morgan Perrin Spaulding Tyler lubka Causer Chappell urban Simmons Hardgrave Torrey Alloway ziegler Chatigny Austin Dougan Tomlin Douglas Imler Hegarty butler Bower Delgado Lewis Durham nyc Baltimore Phoenixville West Branch Palm Bay Seabrook Des Moines east hampton No. Ferrisburgh Jacksonville Arvada Dayton Walworth Libertyville Jamaica Hixson Grand Blanc San Antonio Lewes Norwalk portland Marietta Park Rapids Allendale Brookline Atlanta Winston-salem Claremont Racine New York hendersonville Flagstaff High Falls Durango Bellevue New Haven Atlanta Philadelphia Chelsea Newburyport Marion Stone Mountain Las Cruces Indianapolis Duncansville Ny New York Citrus Heights Coral Gables Brooklyn NC NY MD PA IA FL TX WA NY VT NC CO KY WI IL NY TN MI TX DE CT ME OH MN MA MA GA NC NH WI NY TN AZ NY CO WA CT GA PA MI MA IL GA NM IN PA NY NY CA FL NY Consumers Union 138 Martha Kent Matt Frank Dr. Dorothy K. Stephanie herman Kevin Anna Matt Michael Diambu Eula Jan Virginia Rhonda Charles Freyja Sara Karen Paul Susan Jack Edward Alison Stephania Margaret May David Vincent Lynne Sean stephanie Juli LINDA Rebecca Nina John Frances Audrea Phyllis Jeanette Suzanne shaun Cathy Marvin Deborah David Joyce Jerome J Brenna Kellner Peterson Wallace Probst Cinquemani Baxter hardy Haynes Kick Barry Balsai Smith Lanier Ford Loggins Lawford Mozitis Helmer-Sindemark powell Brickner Sorensen Daily Wills Gertler Boncz Byrd Raynor LU Collins Corrado Ragazzini Hardin hydal Kring SMITH Marshall Kornstein Tarantino Ly Cosme Smith Farrell Jackson woodson Winsor Wagner Pero Worley Lewis Fisher Tinsley Chenequa Stoughton Ft. Myers Blue Point Largo Mt Washington Pittsburgh Harbor Springs DeForest Munhall Philadelphia Euclid Bham Freehold Bloomfield Morris Blackwood Apex New York Shelby Twp. Grafton Branford Fairmont Kingston Springs Ft Lauderdale Madison Galt New York Flemingsburg Bronx Arlington Minneapolis Washington Houston Saint David Gainesville Framingham Cos Cob New York Bronx Statesville Garden City St Joseph Herndon Mclean Indpls. Kittredge Reno Redan Wapakoneta Glasgow WI WI FL IL FL KY PA MI WI PA PA OH AL NJ NJ IL NJ NC NY MI WI CT WV TN FL OH CA NY KY NY VA MN DC TX AZ TX MA CT NY NY NC NY MI VA VA IN CO NV GA OH KY Consumers Union 139 frank Connie Glen Sherisha LaShel Ross Sonja Jean Bill KEYA karen D. A. maria Lisa Darrell Ana Karla Edith Renee Nghi Vince Milica Caro dennis JAMIE Patricia Denise Page Ewa William Paul Alan Susan James Reto Diane A. Mindy Zachary Warren David Pauline Mari rose Virginia merian Susan Pat Rachel marilyn Ed Lara renn DeWitt Donahue Hatchett-Lewis Kardon Lasseter Citron Kohlmeyer THOMAS grant Van Iderstine morbey Hess Robinson Rios Meadows Martin McGuire Nghiem Robertiello Stamenich Urquhart Allen HART Foster Brady Rogers Roselli Putnam Ezust Sundby Hanlon Moses Pieth Steets Obermeier Santo Nelms Metzger Bidgood Hebert ONeill garcia Jost soto Lee Bell Ilardi coleman Bennett Harmon Pocatello Id. Saint Paul Southfield Williamsburg Philadelphia Sarasota Seminole Des Moines INDIANAPOLIS, IN cumberland Amherst philadelphia Reading Nevada City Miami Abq Punta Gorda Eden Folsom Flanders Mclean Mayfield Village Santa Barbara Lake Mary Middletown Aurora Columbia Mapleville Vallejo Cambridge Madison Manchester Happy Valley Grafton Oceanport Albuquerque Birmingham Portland Mukwonago Independence Manchester NH Renton EL Paso Ferguson Philadelphia Northbrook Mesa Newark Ct Vancouver Manassas ID MN MI VA PA FL FL WA IN RI MA PA PA CA FL NM FL NC CA NJ VA OH CA FL NY NY SC RI CA MA WI NJ OR VT NJ NM AL OR WI MO NH WA TX MO PA IL AZ OH CT WA VA Consumers Union 140 KATJA Brian laurie Shana Alberto john Rosemary Karen Vivian & Ken Elaine RITA B Micheal Siri Bob Gregory Carole Amanda Dorothy Charles don Michael Fredde Desiree Celtová Sherri Steve Andrea Jacob Ashley Guy Sezar and Barbara stephen Bobby Richard Anita Joan Jane Shannon Jim Betsy Beth Sandra Laura Tacey Scott scarlett Ellen Nyala LISA Taylor PHILLABAUM Faust adkins Jespersen Garcia evans Ruddell Keating-Secular Hensel Benjamin RANEW Blank Barry Kaur Caelson Lund Fernholz Campbell Jackson Alexander kelly MacPherson Hollman ginepra Renáta Whittenburg Herbst Schneider September Bennett Gargiullo Ciu jafargian Morris Bower Murray Cole Morgan Chappell Oldham Bryan Beck Darrall Goldberg Conover Clark g Gray Allen TURNER Belshaw Mequon Oak Hills Thronton Corning Marietta Jaffrey Newport News Rego Park Faribault Alpine Bradenton Miami Lewiston Id Los Angeles S. Salem Boscobel Madison Meridian Dolton Lutherville Bigelow Milbridge Cleveland Chelsea Frýdek Antioch New York Onsted Williston Egg Harbor Township Emeryville Oakland Waldwick shreveport Mason City Saugus Fords Portland Farmington Hills Oxford Ridgeland Madison N. Miami Arlington, Wa Redding Greene Downers Grove Menlo Park Sacramento Clifton Dallas WI CA CO CA GA NH VA NY MN CA FL FL ID CA CT WI MN ID IL MD AR ME OH MA OK CA NY MI VT NJ CA CA NJ LA IA MA NJ OR MI NC MS WI FL WA CA NY IL CA CA CO TX Consumers Union 141 Fred Ann Deborah Thomas kathleen Susan Bonnie Nancy Hossein Elizabeth Noel Richard Rhonda Catherine Debra Rachel Jacob R. Amanda melissa Ryan patricia Patricia Cathy Steven Jason Martha Samantha Patricia diana Kate Michael Misti Robert Lina Peggy scotti Nancy Joan Amanda Lynn Kristin gary Alayne Jessie Nancy Lucyann Ben mynka Judy lori Joan James Binkley Rennacker Mulron McAusland spencer Carpenter Shinneman Dean Amirjalali Audas Larock Rowan Weir deGraw Roach Wolf Raitt Boege vaughn Hammond koelling Tripi Warnock Cypher Chastain Knobler Barker Brooks molinari Chance House Stout Perry Cofresi Mangan didonato Athanas Brasaemle Kavanagh Gabella monahan Day Haller Mallory Forbes Miller Thomas draper Ness avalos Linstrom Nakata New York Ft Bragg Gig Harbor Brooklyn Duluth South Dennis Westminster Wakefield Malden Des Moines Southwick Friendswood Carson Ny Honeoye Falls Santa Cruz Laurel Corolla Chickamauga Lowell Bellingham Amherst Erie Rochester Morgantown Berkeley Quincy Houston san pedro Galena Phoenix Virginia Beach Tyler Garner Pigeon Pawtucket Toledo Copley Midvale Kent Butte Haysville Norristown Rancho Palos Verdes Clementon Greensboro L.a. Milwaukee Los Angeles Cheverly Citrus Heights NY CA WA NY MN MA CO RI MA IA MA TX CA NY NY CA MD NC GA MA WA NY CO MI WV CA MA TX CA MD AZ VA TX NC MI RI OH OH UT OH MT KS PA CA NJ NC CA WI CA MD CA Consumers Union 142 Barbara Evin Janell Sandra Gayle Lee Jane Anna John PJ Willaim terry Pamela Ian Christina Beverly Vicky Holly Brittany Monique Carolyn Glenda Adrienne Harley Heather sally Gloria Renee Carol Thomas jessie Janet joanmarie kevin Heather johnny Michael Cynthia Christian Lisa Paulette BA donal carol Catherine OLIVIA kathryn Kristina PaulDouglas Christine Ben Hassan Magner Jenkins Steinberg Hawes Evans Stewart Mashevich Bradley Masters Romero cadwallader Rouse sudano Irwin Nadelman Davis Davis Glenn Ruiz Moyer Staats Cobbs Williams Stogsdill austin Hines Still Day Kommerstad-Reiche Miskovsky mcdade Tyler herczku oneil Wadas mccracken Bryant scalici Rudolph Hess Smith Mack wick reom Garneski DE JAVELINA reynolds Thagard Wilson Schaeffer Richards Manahawkin Louisville Garland Arlington Fresno New Canaan Dover Sherman Oaks Winston-salrm Burbank San Diego st. louis, mo. Splendora Palm Springs Lake Oswego Deerfield Beach Roy Wellsville Dallas Fullerton Lancaster Kansas City Pollock Pines Pasadena Houston Portland Atco Penrose Montecito Ann Arbor Brooklyn Pasco bloomsburg NEWTON Gibsonton snow Oxnard New Baltimore Seymour Eagle Mountain Norfolk Los Angeles Seattle Piedmont Newark Tucson Kailua Kona Newark Kettering Fullerton Leominster NJ KY TX VA CA CT NH CA NC CA CA MO TX CA OR FL UT MO TX CA PA MO CA TX TX NY NJ CO CA MI NY WA PA MA FL OK CA MI CT UT VA CA WA CA DE AZ HI OH OH CA MA Consumers Union 143 Alan Diane Betty Sheena Sierra Aa Wanda John Shakima Linda David marian Rashana Marie Laurie Teri anne Kerry Jane Alicia Cheryl james Linda V Luz Chris Leana Jean Nicholas Constance Sharon lLeslie anna JACK Elizabeth Lynn Terri Julia Michael Vienna Kathryn Carolyn Christopher Mimi Mark Valerie sharon Loralee Juan Kristopher Dennis Haggard Hannisch Abadia Jacob Trojan G Ballentine Borrelli Jones Haynes Walter toledo Talip Snavely Malek Breitenbach romanow Sell Bjornsen Hinson Hickman keats Graham Evan Rivera Robbins Bosley Cameron Dimitriadis Lord Wright Kemp oskarsdottir kELLEY Faris Prno Granholm Brown Kast Harju McBride Gehle Hunter Brown Johansen McNulty lacy Clark blas Green Baca San Diego Trenton Durham Silver Spring Westmilford West Park St Paul Newtown Brooklyn Carson Roslindale vineland Queens Village Lititz Royal Oak Carnation Chicago Mount Airy Caldwell Rock Hill Glen Burnie Springfield Hayward Chicago Killeen Clay City Wylie Colllege Station nY Atlanta Erie Eureka Wellesley BOISE San Francisco Boca Raton Bridgewater Henderson Panorama City Shelby Twp Pasadena Chicago Monroe Salt Lake City Chicago Elberton Sebastopol Williamsburg Ph pawtucket Fort Collins CA NJ OR MD NJ FL MN PA NY NM MA NJ NY PA MI WA IL MD NJ SC MD MA WI IL TX KY TX TX NY GA PA CA MA ID CA FL NJ NV CA MI CA IL LA UT IL GA CA VA AZ RI CO Consumers Union 144 Melissa Patricia kelly Kerry Dale Joe Amy MISSY James Randy Eva nicole Sarah Kent Yolanda jason Martin Linda Joan Tiffany Karen PHYLLIS Jacqueline JOSEPH Sue Faith Stephen Nancy Arlene Ralph Margaret lynne Carol Kim Stanley Tracy Dottie Pamela Siegfried Annemarie Janean Shannon Yolanda D Gisela Victoria RHONDA Judith Elizabeth Lisa Elaine Ritchey Slevc ragsdale Lopez Goodin Krein Dumas JOYCE Tyree II McMillan Winters bos Cullen Reedy Mendoza kruse Rosado Skaggs pOSS Vasquez Lozow SHERMAN Valle WINCEK Hogan Herschler Clarkson Dailey Corona Zelman Goodman pateman Whitmore France Slater Barbour Luke Beck Schultz Harrod Dela Cruz T Castillo Rise Schloss-Birkholz Olson MCELROY Voran Lister Brown Semanik N. Waterboro Denver Longview Woodbridge Lakewood Willow Las Vegas Paterson Portland Lexington Hampton Wilmington Miami San Diego Golden Isles Santa Clara New York Glen Burnie Fresno Gilbert Indianapolis Canandaigua Nicholasville PLAINS Clifton Springs Stanton Al Albuquerque La Crosse Hightstown Glen Mills Los Angeles Nyc Lead Clearfield Derry Mountain View Indianapolis Astoria Nashville, Phoenix Beavercreek Bronx Burlington Mountain Park Ft. Lauderdale Boise Strawberry Wichita Lancaster West Bloomfield ME CO WA VA CO NY NV NJ OR KY VA NC FL CA FL CA NY MD CA AZ IN NY KY PA NY CA AL NM WI NJ PA CA NY SD UT NH HI IN NY TN AZ OH NY WA GA FL ID AZ KS PA MI Consumers Union 145 Jamie peggy C Michael cheryl Laura Martha Heather Elisse Cathy Susan Steve Stefanie Jacob Isabella David Carly Catherine mandy jennifer Arlene michael Vera Marianne anthony Caroline Melli lloyd Mary Sue Krysia Crystal Brandy JESSICA Margaret elizabeth maura Donald Liza betsy DENNIS Susan Jane Ann Heather Noah Louis Kaydell Rita Philip Carol Vincent James P White supple Christensen Kiralla ketchen Bursh La Cava-Cordelli Taylor De Sio Seay Kauffman Ollove Farren Smith Nemier Barnes Cavanaugh Steele lindgren hill Dobra torres Taylor Zito McKaskle Thomas Hoppe revalee Sagor Solheim Christner Barber LOCICERO von Biesen bias chawad Mackay Ward Short RISTOW Beebe Harris Burch Koeppl Carliner Gaasvig McDonald Henderson Beckham Newman Moriarty Somerville Downers Grove Apple Valley Arcadia Raymond Fontana White Plains Middleburg, VA Redwood City Everett Minnetonka South Hamilton Puyallup Salem Waterbury Gerrardstown Ottawa Chapel Hill Seattle Griffin Sarasota elk grove Baton Rouge Wilmingtin Fayetteville New York Long Beach Kansas City Arlington, Tx Boulder Charlotte Brooklyn Flagstaff Santa Monica Concord Iselin South Pasadena Black Hawk Wayland Arvada Saratoga Little Rock Houma Blackduck Cape Coral Bemidji Covington Lansing St. Louis Hollywood Cedar Rapids MA IL MN CA NH WI NY VA CA WA MN MA WA OR CT WV IL NC WA GA FL CA LA DE AR NY IN MO TX CO NC NY AZ CA CA NJ CA CO MA CO NY AR LA MN FL MN LA MI MO FL IA Consumers Union 146 James Kathleen T Greg nick Sarah Janie Betty Jean (BJ) Roberta Jeanne Stephen pearl Jimmy Mary paki E Ita Leonard Mark Karen Tyler Ellouise Kathleen Bill Robert Tammy Sheila Mark michael robert Owen Karen maria Cocoa Jennifer Calie Andrea Carol megan Thomas Maryann margaret karl Chris Patricia Stephen Paul Mary Janis Liana ?melissa Phil King Vick C LeRoy evans Denis Corinne Myers Hoffman Winter Ekholm wheeler Massey McGann wieland Auringer Schoch Hale VanAtta Schuster Pritchett McCauley Freeman Johnson Perkins Carroll Wemple Allen ryder Christianson Higgins endler Chanvre Johnson Youngblood Merrill Kent james Berton Camilleri mccutchen clarke Mark Shortt McDaniel Anderson Bouchoux King Halverson maynard Espitallier Winston-salem Virginia Beach CH Santa Barbara Santan Valley Wakefield Questa Creede Freedom Wrentham Bainbridge Island Pasadena Cooperstown Baltimore Northampton Missoula Salamanca Sauk City Lake Stevens Milwaukee Avon Park Jackon Heights Anthem Hesperia Cascade Atchison, KS Severna Park So. S. F. Southampton Decorah Arcadia Kaneohe Fort Lauderdale Ludington Newbury Park Boulder Antelope Coweta Ny San Anselmo hoover Hiawassee Livonia Coronado Riverside Secane Bloomfield Reno Portland Connersville Severna Park NC VA IL CA AZ RI NM CO NY MA WA CA NY MD MA MT NY WI WA WI FL NY AZ CA WI KS MD CA NJ IA CA HI FL MI CA CO CA OK NY CA AL GA MI CA CA PA NJ NV OR IN MD Consumers Union 147 Zsa Nina Joan Steve Franz Gene Dave WOON Steven Christine carol adam Korinne Helena madeleine Irene carol Geralyn Charlotte rita Christina Susan Jo gwendolyn Kristin Jorinda Linda Aaron rc Barbara Adele Lydia Lynn Spencer Kendra Mj Margaret Nancy Ulle James Janet Roberta Mark Katherine Judith Barry Julia Velma krista Emily Douglas Johnstone-Mosher Johnston Wharton Schueth Sugarman Labovitz Adamson HYOUN Coutoumanos Cheng broll wall Papalexis Liber smith Tremper martin Leannah Gardiner hanscom Viljoen Krcmar Collier shannon Coe West Macgillivray Cain Poukkula hatfield Rierson Galloway Hamessley Spuler Dean Griffin Van Fleig Brown Koiv McCarthy Dakan Siemering Cappetta Grace Russo Cahill Campbell Kawaguchi skye Smith Asbury Bronx Joplin Dallas Chicago Trumansburg San Diego Joplin Mclean Onsted Bronx Tunkhannock east hanover West Hollywood Oakland Pasadena Berwyn Heights Goldendale Sheboygan Roanoke Corvallis Irondale Woodland Park Houston Bronx Galesburg Alamosa Ocala Yakima Falls Church San Antonio Winfield Clinton East Stroudsburg Westminster Petoskey Milwaukee Trenton Black Mountain New York Forest Hills Louisville Lakewood Rancho Mirage Beacon Falls Charlotte Valley Center Pioneer Knox Marquette Chapel Hill Riverside NY MO TX IL NY CA MO VA MI NY PA NJ CA CA CA MD WA WI VA OR AL NJ TX NY IL CO FL WA VA TX KS NY PA CO MI WI NJ NC NY NY KY NJ CA CT MI CA CA IN MI NC IL Consumers Union 148 andreas A Gabbie Gene william Ivan Thomas Brenda carmen Graham Annmarie David Tamara naomi marcy Peter Frank Mark Barbara Stephanie Annie Jeffrey Joan Andrew Margaret Sarajane Janet george peter Deborah Mary Julie LaTonya gina William erin Diana Dawn Ron Ashleigh Virginia Alison Carly Dianne Norma Sheila Jim Heather ewing Lawrence Russell N ohland K Willard Stancak vail Irizarry Mosby Cooper marin Krueger O'Toole Breed Armellini littell lewis Kallay McCraw Lozano Mehok Cohen McMahon Miranda Knott Weiner Alsaraf Troxel Kennington beitler stillman Brooks McGuirk Herrscher Fort wiese Wimmer yarrobino Riera Mello Berry Steil Lawson Wilson Schwartz Miller McNeill Stevens Nordstrom Warner baldwin Robinson Allbertson Cheltenham Midland Park Salt Lake City Medina Columbus Greenville Lafayette Houston San Francisco Beloit Braintree Tucson Miramar Philadelphia norwich Kennesaw Savannah San Francisco Newark Philadelphia Clarkdale Chicago Elgin Upton Round Lake Gloucester Los Angeles Pittsburgh epsom San Francisco Phoenix Green Bay St. Louis Minneapolis New Whiteland Ozone Park Kamuela Clarksville Bend Cedar Rapids Syracuse Pittsburgh Lenoir San Diego Atlanta Phila Jersey City Mountain View Alton Robbinsdale Upper Black Eddy PA NJ UT OH MS SC IN TX CA WI MA AZ FL PA NY GA GA CA OH PA AZ IL IL MA IL VA CA PA NH CA AZ WI MO MN IN NY HI NY OR IA NY PA NC CA GA PA NJ HI IL MN PA Consumers Union 149 Julia Hugo Gloria barbara peter James Bill Don edith Brock Mike Mark Patricia Shirley laila Brenda Kay Alan Rachelle William Louis Rita Randi Michael Terrance Charles Jim david James Carlos Lisa Ann Jennifer Ellen Tom John Monica Tristan Sherry Timothy Steven Daniel John Ron Michael John G Croitiene yadira Neal Joseph Sara Kubek Martorelli Hackwith richards jensen Wilson McDaniel Barth frank Dilling Sabin Soenksen Melody Olsen sabet Scannell Blevins Barbier Parks Zaccagnino St. Pierre Brady Nielsen Moeller Chad Casey Melton kronner Schmitt Castro THomas Hoff Eshaqzai Schwartz Finholt Brown Metzger Bayer Glass Martin Russon Weinberger Park Harris Quinn Booker Jr ganMoryn gaibor Baron zmuda Pyle Milford Hollywood Cheney Washington, San Pedro Monticello Dallas Mt. Laurel Bronx Pittsburgh Gresham De Witt Oakdale Columbus Davis Charlotte Raleigh Chichester Aptos Alexandria Fall River Cedar Rapids Richmond Ca Crown Point Phila Indian Land Flint Monroe Hammond Issaquah Tucson San Antonio Berkeley Wildwood Hope Mills New Bloomfield Venice Henderson Woodside Elmer Maplewood Rexford Wisconsin Rapids Phoenix Corvallis Ocala Independence Fbg Chicago New York MI FL WA NJ CA IN TX NJ NY PA OR IA MN OH CA NC NC NY CA VA MA IA CA CA IN PA SC MI NY IN WA AZ TX CA MO NC PA CA NV CA MO NJ NY WI AZ OR FL MO TX IL NY Consumers Union 150 William Richard Barry Dan'i Eric Judith Shellie Angella Elizabeth Percival brian Sonia Brandon Charlie Sherry J Eben Eric G. Tom Tamra Helen Claudia Stephen Destiny Tony Jill Gail Teresa Susan philippa Daniel Pam Laurie Thalia Charlie Will Sharon robert Agnes Dianne James Lisette Patricia Hope Althea Judy Samuel barbara julian Gina jeff Ursula Strange Rydelek Werber Howard Morris McConnell Rodgers Lee Gottlieb Cunningham DVM gosnell ImMasche Mingo Luna Gold Goresko Ramstrom Caine Berry Bibelheimer Deaton Glover Penkacik Pannell Whetstone Wettersten Grabow Eshleman Nierenberg pohl Brown Rubelmann Hein Morgan Smith Files Maxson bills Sievers Arancibia Bishop Sweeney Rocker Schnee Harris Stewart Durkin hilliard rice Gregoire rathbun Anderson Whtie Sulphur Springs Bowie Pittsburgh Pa Decatur Murphysboro San Diego Des Moines Norfolk Guilford Cassatt kirkland Fort Collins East Wenatchee Columbia Skokie Longmont Redding Osprey Henderson Keizer Chicago Buffalo Junction City Greenville Chicago Minneapolis Manheim Teaneck essex, CT Portland Bethany Homosassa Cleveland Urbandale Homer Green Valley Burnet Junction City Oakland Cartersville Westminster Marblehead Rockville Centre Boulder Kure Beach Fairfield Seattle Griffin Charlotte Corry La Verne WV MD PA GA IL CA IA VA CT SC WA CO WA TN IL CO CA FL NV OR IL NY KS NC IL MN PA NJ CT OR CT FL OH IA AK AZ TX WI CA GA CO MA NY CO NC CA WA GA NC PA CA Consumers Union 151 Tone Bertram larry Ian sara Rena Gabriel Darius Christy Julie Anne John Georgia Jim Claudia Alfred mushtaq Mary Anne Alli maggi Chatranjan Barbara Matthew Tamara Donald Debra Judith chelsea Valya Robert Ross Marilyn Jim Edward James Richard carl sandra Brian Christine Willie Sean A. Elvira David Penny Mark Judith Karen Colleen Lewis Carol O'Sullivan Miller fairchild James colton Kaplowitz Fairfoot Mazaheri Wilkins Montes de Oca Sauer Allen Koenig Herne Moore Claassen syed Gaskins Sayers rubenstein Sandhu Carver Bowen Lentz Martineau Williams Coburn-Harris davis Woodstoc New McKenzie Siani Rutherford Regan Coughlin Arrindell barta bryan Skinner Barnes Lee Price Chavous Bigwood Cooper Kaplan O'Callaghan Parlette Roots Szymanski McMahon Fort Lauderdale Brooklyn Battle Creek Issaquah Ny Co Santa Monica Spring Des Moines Phoenix Va. Beach Wilton Corona Lafayette Clifton Akron Santa Clara Centennial Selden San Francisco Del Mar Austin Maryville Sullivan Sacramento Cheyenne Orono Portland Chicago Rutland Sierra Vista Albuquerque Spokane Brooklyn Catonsville Melbourne Miami Shortsville Boston Maplewood Los Banos Rio Rancho Randolph League City Bridge[prt New York Deer Isle Eureka Columbia Twin Lake Placerville FL NY MI WA NY CO CA TX IA AZ VA NY CA CO VA PA CA CO NY CA CA TX IL IL CA WY ME OR IL VT AZ NM WA NY MD FL FL NY MA MN CA NM MA TX IL NY ME CA MD MI CA Consumers Union 152 Julia Lucretia Laura Mileen Daymon Michael Lynn John Paul Cleo dan Louise Lucille Mike Betsy Annette Jilda brian Colin brian Sheila Dan Cathi Edgar Chico Joe Lynn tim Jeri karen sara Lisa chris David David Aleksandra marsha Stephen zuka Todd Patricia Natalie Joyce Ruth Saul John ivory Brenda Tessa Pauline Andrew Robert Artineh DeNiro OToole Finley Kirkpatrick Tracy Young Stanley Clark Videgain gill Hillman Serody Woods Kitch Shamey Green janiga Hutten caneda Henry Haddad G Bosque Salazar Baker musial Coleman donofrio elkins Klepek bongardt Wright Pluska Oliasz sheiness D'Alessio kitoku Adelman Miller Pierson ELLS Powell Sherter Maude henson Lipe Pou Blair Lakso Letts Havan Columbus Hueytown Arlington Satellite Beach, FL sturtevant Longmont Provincetown Asheville Brooklyn Belair Great Barrington Melbourne Round Rock Centerville Santa Monica Rockledge Flagstaff Boulder Charleston Fountain Hills East Lansing Elmwood Park Aurora Santa Rosa Westchester East Aurora Brockport Philadelphia Northampton Glen Ellyn Rohnert Park North Tonawanda Floyd Brewster New York Glen Rock Rosedale Nederland Las Vegas Cheverly Oakdale Eaton Geneva New York El Cajon Belleville, IL Lakeland Shalimar La Palma Hagerstown Brooklyn OH AL TN FL WI CO MA NC NY MD MA FL TX OH CA PA AZ CO SC AZ MI NJ IL CA IL NY NY PA MA IL CA NY VA NY NY NJ NY CO NV MD MN NY IL NY CA IL FL FL CA MD NY Consumers Union 153 Susanne Keith Jessica Katherine Sharon Phoebe Jason Joanne Jennifer Charlotte Christa K. M Patricia Richard Kathy Alondra DENNIS Sarah Donald Linda Karen William Phyllis Rachel Karl Stephen Kathleen Patricia Melvin abigail Monica Don Sandra Douglas Carrie Libby Larke MICHAEL Gaylee Erika Eleni Alice Judy Guillermo Arin DEE gregory saliha Brian Christopher Zack Moore Ohler Trusty Bommarito Hill Wooding Trenkle Kaus Kalmanson Powning Donaldson Arnone Pertel DiMatteo Barber Mello MCGEE JR Fulton Jones Harris Mueller-Harder Graf Free Cook Volk Renov Gorman Allalmon Jensen wilson Maloney McKeley Thompson Fruge Duggins Manis-Haynes Brost ERSKINE Goodrich BARRAZA Hagen Grow Trohkimoinen Arnaud Cole BELL kendall abrams Feist Butsch Blumberg Alviso Denver longmont St Louis Indio Pittsburgh Bangor Grafton Laurel Providence Albany Brooklyn Chicago San Diego Beaufort Bisbee Chicago Rockville Chicago Littleton Cabot Seattle Atlanta N.o. Poughkeepsie West Orange Myrtle Beach Camp Hill Portland Frisco Boulder Euclid Orlando Arvada Kansas City Knoxville Millbrae Whitehouse Corvallis Orange Brookline Newfield Casper Tahlequah Berne Toledo Lakeville Carson Bellevue Mount Angel Carson City CA CO CO MO CA PA ME WI MD RI CA NY IL CA NC AZ IL MD IL CO VT WA GA LA NY NJ SC PA OR TX CO OH FL CO MO TN CA OH OR CA MA NY WY OK IN OH MN WA WA OR NV Consumers Union 154 Karen Jill michael t Paul James Ilse Rhonda pam Virginia Michael Marcy Barbara elaine Shannon Matt Alastair Jennifer Nancy nellie Connie Nick Chris Timothy Margaret scott Alice Ronald Jeannine Lucy Valerie P Bruce Bob Sandy chris roby Roseann Lindy Albin Jeff Jamie celeste Holly Hugh Sylvia Joyce Deb Keith Marjorie Marilyn Eugene Heaton Levy williams Bohmann Asbrand Hadda Powers lynch Macy Weinand Weathers Larcom huff Carey Lee Green Hughes Judd lee Villalobos Yang Cox Brennan Street wagner McGough Garner Ruskin Robinson Watts M Hildebrandt Delaney Dalcais brazis besly Foley Frenchko Hansen Dearman Laurnoff tubman Hall Phillips Ethington Harvey esponde m Gallen-Hanover Martucci Whitehead Los Gatos Stony Creek eugene Chicago Salt Lake City Berkeley Bristol Wichita Fontana Phoenix Kingsley Baltimore San Francisco South Amboy Redlands Salem Purchase Keene Miami Coalinga Brooklyn San Jose Mount Vernon Mosinee Klamath Falls Mashpee Bronx Santa Cruz Bluffton Valley Village Chicago Little Ferry Saint Louis Sunnyside San Francisco Hon Mesa Tigard Escanaba Winchester Mesa Santa Monica Temecula Tempe, AZ Des Moines Nashville Longview C Altadena Roanoke Los Angeles CA NY OR IL UT CA TN KS CA AZ MI MD CA NJ CA OR NY NH FL CA NY CA WA WI OR MA NY CA SC CA IL NJ MO NY CA HI AZ OR MI MA AZ CA CA AZ IA NC WA OH CA VA CA Consumers Union 155 John Richard John Brock Helen Tim Pat Dijana Thad CHAD Marilyn R Samuel Ed Ricardo Gabriel cheryl Glen Vittorio Jessie Craig Julie lisa e Pamela Robert Dale kathryn donald William Bill Carol Peter Nancy MS Paul Barbara chere Amy Kellie Charlie Amanda Illia Mike stephen Catalina Marie Sylvia Carol Robert Emily Diane Alberta Merrifield Demarest Overbeck Brown Yi Lank york Dugalija Pendleton ROSENBERG Meyer Mitchell Montgomery Cottrell Steinfeld dymond Benjamin Tracy Karlish Steimling Glenn kelly Albert Lindsay Hug gargano schmitt Stewart Jutz Glidden Gray Higgins Dillon III Calnan Sr Ida high Harlib Grimes Pfeiffer Tabone Rosenthal Loomis mckay Bennett Zamora Pham Changus Sargent Storar Weissenberger Gentleman Los Angeles Columbia Philadelphia San Diego Rancho Cucamonga Springfield Eugene Clinton Twp Chicago West Valley City Algona Honolulu Brooklyn Honolulu Oakland Albuquerque Portsmouth Pinole Poplar Bluff Hendersonville Saint Louis Mesa Forest Hills Madera Green Bay Spring Valley BETTYVILLE KY Las Vegas Delavan Kalamazoo Charlotte Pomona Coconut Grove Milford Melbourne Jupiter New York Highland Powhatan New Brunswick San Francisco Hbg. Urbana Rapid City Salinas San Francisco La Jolla Salem Sacramento Indpls Alliance CA SC PA CA CA VA OR MI IL UT IA HI NY HI CA NM NH CA MO TN MO AZ NY CA WI CA KY NV WI MI TN NY FL MA FL FL NY NY VA NJ CA PA IL SD CA CA CA NH CA IN NE Consumers Union 156 Luis Alfredo Dean ANTOINETTE Ann Margaret Linda Deborah paul Melissa Lawrence Tamara Gregg Liz Jeanne Emily Joanne wanda Barbara Dan Melissa E Ann John Sarah Dave Marie Joe Bev Dale N. EDWARD james Les Thomas Susan Audrey Arthur Janice Crea Rosemary Terri Chapa Devon Patti Larry Jane Janeen Diane Tom cathy Thomas Rachel Eric Cartagena Thompson GREEN McLaughlin Beitzel Morgan Beattie nelson Bishop Cottle Martin Bracke Miller Straw McWilliams Karaczun adams Smith Refsdal Lane Moses Nelson O'Donald Schnitzler Pesce Medina Sadergaski Kindred POTTS tomasic Lambert Rottmayer Hall Burns Foster Reamer Ellis Halsey knauber Apach Edson Schoenberger McLaughlin Van Gelder Stepnenson Blackburn Copley delaware Crothers Fussell Genheimer Church Street Irving Bronx Rosemount Mount Joy Savannah Howell Chapel Hill Deposit Dallas St Johns Lexington Kapaa Sun Prairie Watertown Bethel Park Mt Morris, Mi Pinetop West Valley Constantine Brooklyn Niantic Pittsburgh North Kingstown Palm Bay Henderson Saint Cloud Kansas City WELLSVILLE Braddock Worcester Columbus Lawton Oaklyn Albany Erie Mansfield Golden Cheektowaga Chicago Northfield Eden Prairie Aurora New York Houghton Garland St. Petersburg medford Lexington Jamestown Troy NY TX NY MN PA GA MI NC NY TX AZ KY HI WI MA PA MI AZ UT MI WI CT PA RI FL NV MN KS PA PA MA OH OK NJ NY CO TX CO NY IL MA MN CO NY MI TX FL MA KY NC MI Consumers Union 157 Brent Rachael Barbara suzanne Deb Cheri KATHY Clarice FRANK Antoinette Ruth Anastacia Daniel Lauren sheryl Tara Belinda patricia Pam Katrina Lainie dinah David Amy Rakesh SHIRLEY George rachel Mary Ellen Karen Michael Carl Paul Mindy Karen Toni Bob Professor Wendell Kristina Cynthia Dan Anna Evelyn LARA Patricia Sally Chad Leslie Mary larry william Dennis Gunderson Pappano Welch sullivan Barner Ellington Clark Glandon COLANTUONO Schneeberg Adancik Interrante Warner jones Miller Bryce canterbury Hogan Kirby Zink hill Underwood Mahadevan Chandranatha ADLER Ferris niu Briganti Sidley Hamburger Fugate Pietrzak Hall-Lane Cignoli Garmon Rusk Hovey Bain Nelson Garrett Roblin Berryhill SMITH Collier Roberts Purcell Usrey Liss fleischman hauser Knight Green Bay Mattawamkeag San Antonio N. Falmouth East Lyme Henderson Bellingham Long Lake Osprey Viroqua Ohio Lindenwold, Nj Deering gig harbor Centennial Rochester Chicago Taos Front Royal Dallas corunna Midwest City Tucson Golden SEATTLE Wake Forest Apo East Lansing Arlington Collingswood Lexington Nc Depew Beaverton Coram Dawsonville Point Pleasant Merced Greeley Murfreesboro Blue Grass Buffalo Memphis Janesville Alexander City Charleston Clinton grayling MI Brookfield Nyc Rochester Whittier WI ME TX MA CT NC MA NY FL WI OH NJ NH WA CO NY IL NM VA GA MI OK AZ CO WA NC AE MI MA NJ NC NY OR NY GA NJ CA CO TN IA NY TN WI AL WV MN MI IL NY NY CA Consumers Union 158 Victor Maurice ruth Leslie fran Larry Dannan Karen Julie ROBERT Ruth SHIRLEY Cathy charles Idelle karen Jamie khristopher Harry Rebecca Garry Katherine Connie William jacob Mary victoria colleen Richard Christina Catherine James Rosemary Paul Candace Grace matthew Darrell Marcia Judy Carol Gay William Amy Mary Mary dolores Evelyn Lisa Yvonne Margaret Warren Faubert groden Kelly vacatello Gardner Beltran Hall Bannister LUKE Gomez KRAMER Ridenbaugh scarpati Peterson klingston Ollar shoban Smythe Cowart Dinkin Babiak Allen Kittle cannon Shoop williams bonin Sherman and family Kline Field Walker French Sorensen walker Holman charlton Blobaum Lovelace Fern Libby Chung Tepper Kaiser March Heiser moreno Smith De Mille La Rosa Dawson Schalit Austerer Jackson ca Gurley La Quinta Manasquan Bessemer City Ogden East Falmouth Auburn Woodbridge WASHOE VALLEY Columbus Jackson Bourbon Prescott Valley Lamont Redwood City Olmsted Falls Orlando Fredericksburg New York Edmond Birmingham Woodhaven Burns Flat kansas city Seattle Berkeley Bradford Waconia Arcata Reno Independence or Childress San Antonio Dixon Oakland Margate Seattle San Francisco Rochester Montgomery Buchanan Reynoldsburg SAnta Cruz Arlington Haverhill Des Moines Schenectady, NY Portland NJ CA AL CA NJ NC UT MA CA VA NV OH NJ MO AZ CA CA OH FL VA NY OK AL MI OK KS WA CA PA MN CA NV MO OR TX TX IL CA NJ WA CA NY PA MI OH CA MA MA IA NY ME Consumers Union 159 Anna Sandra Cindy Pat Tim Bobbi Jennifer Haley Lesly ellen Denise Diane laura Leslie gina Kathleen sylvia William Liane Mary Michelle noura Donna Jonathan Mary Albert Debra Rhonda Philip Mark Jennifer Shirley Rebecca Joyce Dorothy God Garrett Wendy Jean Sonya Mary John staris R James Joe Deborah rita Margaret Patricia Charles Perry Barnett Richardson Loverink Weitzel Rosell Wilson Saucier B champion Laurelli Dutch Toffenetti Medina hamilton Gresham rabb De Voe Parker Dolan Greenway kabbani Karp Harger Boudreau Tahhan Kosich Roidt Chaffin Meyer Lake Reed Rajhansa Lewis McDaniel Dammit Dunnington Bohatyritz Dibble Lucatero Webb cole morgan Rivera Palmer Baker Lynch reisman Roberts Downey Brugler Grand Rapids Battlefield San Diego Austin Iowa City Black Mountain Juneau Ponchatoula Brighton Edwards Philadelphia Peru Chicago Milford Asheville Houston Lauderhill Woodstock Lake Oswego Midlothian Hazelwood Glenview York Niantic, CT Santa Fe Quincy El Paso Portage Lockport Westland Mi. Taylorsville Rochester Blackwood Redan Hazard,ky. Morristown South Bend Denton Clermont Flagstaff Williamsport, OH New Berlin Goldsboro Henderson Eugene Redwood City Long Valley Nutley Houston Estero Tucson MI MO CA MN IA NC AK LA MI CO PA IL IL CT NC TX FL NY OR VA MO IL PA CT NM MA TX WI NY MI UT NY NJ GA KY TN IN TX FL AZ OH WI NC NV OR CA NJ NJ TX FL AZ Consumers Union 160 Diane M Kay Linda jitka cassie DONA Theresa Bonnie Rhonda Elaine Bill Melissa Alice Patricia Chester Anne Adrienne Nancy megan Irvin sharis Michael david Mel Cheryl Phillip J Kimberley Anson Edouard Felice T wayne Leonora Christopher Regina Gene charlee Ronna Alisa Herbert mason Phil Nancy Michael susan Leticia Carroll Theresa Michael jill luis Patzer Taylor Ruth mencik holdsworth VAN ECK Levesque Doody Oliver Janko Walton Wise Birmingham Greiner Stark Murdoch Baksa Hale cutler Emanuel Dilanchian Hepler davis Palmer McKiernan Crabill Green Martin Valette York Padgett hardaker Midgley Gerth Marino Castro bailey DeLoe Quint Eash mulkey Davison Henderson Molder johnston Cowan Dartez Ramsey Miller fackenthal cuevas Ithaca Aurora Mishawaka Payson bensalem Pittsburgh saint Cloud Allbany La Quinta New York, Ny Santa Cruz Fort Worth Antioch Naples Portland Atlanta Miami Woodbury Los Angeles Seattle Burbank Statesville Petersburg Springville Sioux Falls Highland Village Pocatello Wheaton Louisville, CO Oakland Vancouver Aurora Park City Indianapolis Hamden Hoyt Lakes Indianapolis Thomaston Larkspur Vancouver omaha Columbus Orinda Newberry Centre San Jose Houston Rock Hill, SC Tucson Souderton Gainesville NY CO IN AZ PA PA FL NY CA NY CA TX CA FL OR GA FL MN CA WA CA NC IN CA SD TX ID IL CO CA WA CO UT IN CT MN IN ME CA WA NE OH CA SC AL CA TX SC AZ PA FL Consumers Union 161 Debra Alan Sue steven Joanne Marcos chijioke Alecto Mary Jo Laurie Durk Eugene Garr Bonnie Tom Eric J Ursula ASTRID jan Gwen Eleanore M. Desiree Stephen Dennis Jackson Mm Eric crystal Harry S Susan Donald Kristen L Ruth Rachel barbara FRANCISCO Gabrielle Steven Paul David Chris MIKE S stacie FRANCIS P. A. JULIE Jeff Edwin Richard Mark Myers Carroll Castaneda goldman Moffat Arguello Ude Caldwell Aardsma Schwisow van den Berg Kester Thompson III Robinson Ronan Arroyo Casanova NELSON weiss Macchione Williams Mills Rebello Stein Smith Horwitz wagner Nydick Daugherty Dimock Gill Bates Miller Sachs sharma MERCADO Baer Barrett Wilgus Clark Lehman REED Logan walston GIARRUSSO Wood OHLUND Lowry Martinson Vartanian Lemke Wayland Abilene Columbia ny Charlestown Las Vegas Henrico Oakland Conifer Shelton Greenbrae Tacoma Canton Lake Hughes Phila. New York Tempe Goleta Martinez Whitehouse Station Clarion Carbondale Los Angeles Medfield Hillsborough Lake Forest Spillville Collingswood Austin Monmouth Alpine Saint Louis Chapel Hill Seattle Los Angeles Bronx Carbondale Walnut Creek Rural Retreat Hagerstown Austin Sheridan Miami Folsom Jacksonville Nampa SPOKANE Johnstown Alpharetta Pasadena Pflugerville NY KS MO NY RI NV VA CA CO WA CA WA MI CA PA NY AZ CA CA NJ PA IL CA MA NC CA IA NJ TX OR TN MO NC WA CA NY IL CA VA MD TX IL FL LA FL ID WA PA GA CA TX Consumers Union 162 Gerald Sally BETTY Michael Linda Steve James Jane Karen Thomas Lucille John Isaac kim Scarlett Nancy Tmothy Erika Robert Laurie Janice Laura Ed Robert Angela Thomas Wildon Douglas Shari Kate Charles Misty Matthew Pedro Cheryl margaret Jerry Carrie Thomas Alice Amy D. H. Eric Brucce rachel Becky Jared Jill Aaron Jennifer Marilyn Zeigerman Cook AWAD Taylor Reid Stutz Brown Schuster Winkler-Swanson Pintagro Caruso MacGregor Salazar muovich Hepworth Mills Trudo Kreider Ellis Eldredge Hallman Tennen Maling Keller Macelli Brenner Forbes Stuart Davenport Sparks Clines Belser Carpenter Montes de Oca Dare ryan Giefer McCannell Danfield Bosveld Winter Kerby Taylor Eggum berrios Bezerra Polens Millman Ucko Stafford Roth Devon Hendersonville Co Spgs Albany, Ca Texas City Laporte Detroit Seattle Haslett Jamestown Baldwin Enid Los Angeles Beckley Oakland Atlanta Columbus Tucson Okaland North Reading Birchwood Tucson San Marcos Claremont Portland Hollidaysburg Hertford, N.c. Houghton Greenfield Boulder North Richland Hills Holly Springs Kalamazoo Alhambra Memphis Portland Windom Fernandina Beach Arroyo Grande New York Flushing Philadelphia Park Forest Gresham Vancouver Redding North Adams Somerset Washington Heartland Anchorage PA NC CO CA TX TX MI WA MI NY NY OK CA WV CA GA OH AZ CA MA MN AZ TX CA ME PA NC MI IN CO TX NC MI CA TN OR MN FL CA NY NY PA IL WI WA CA MA NJ DC TX AK Consumers Union 163 Vicki Robin Peter T Martha vickie Elizabeth Matthew Melanie Amy Betty Steve Susan David ELIZABETH philip Ilene Marlin Raul James joan Beverly Christopher Lauren Minerva Evan hector Vincent Chris Mary Julia Marietta Roxanne John Jean Bob Catherine gerri Elizabeth John Craig Michael Bruce Dale Glen Francisco Jeremiah Carol Mary Janiece Adrian Linkin Herzig Guzman Roland Brown whitecotton Shepherd O'Donnell Magana Levi Baldwin Painter Weeks Ewers SVERCL delany Sandman Zaid Magana Capps abbott davis Camp Miller Hernandez Hazard ortiz Riggs Pomeroy Bryant Tilley Thompson Scanlon Brown Dorgay Farrellarrell Stevens gatlin Starr Lilly Johnson O'Brien Czerniuk Amsel Sturges Myers Velez Slife Lightner Riley Staton Hunter Las Vegas Nyc Islip Terrace Falls Church Los Angeles Burbank New York Roslyn Perris Albuquerque Berkeley Farmington Greenfield Torrance ANOKA Windham Chicago Homestead La Mirada Great Falls Marietta Long Beach Baltimore Austin Madera Bemidji Bloomfield Tucson Austin Louisville Mukilteo Oakridge Las Cruces Groves Vancouver Seattle Hilton Head Island Seattle Eugene Palisades Newtown Square Evanston Cleveland San Francisco Jersey City Bronx Phoenix Jackson Hoquiam Beaverton Albuquerque NV NY NY VA CA CA NY PA CA NM IL MO MA CA MN NH IL FL CA MT GA MS MD TX CA MN NJ AZ TX KY WA OR NM TX WA WA SC WA OR NY PA IL OH CA NJ NY AZ MI WA OR NM Consumers Union 164 Ivan Mary Richard Sarina theodore rita Jerry Richard Joyce Krista Esther Jennifer Kate kathleen Bill David Conrad Sandip Mark Hayduke Jeanne David Donald Sam Donna sherry Keven Petra Kathleen chris chico Brent James b Suzanne Michael Ed Karen joseph Rodney Katalin shelby karen Scott Debbie Nicole Regina Michael David S. barbara Matthew Melissa Womboldt Chatfield King Johnson urbanowitz butler Neal Kassouf Schwartz Schumacher Garvett Mattison Daly roberts King Laing Sheff Dasverma Grenard Flynn Krone Scott Smith Dollner tanzman Bridge Snyman Pearson witting woren Riggs Dixon bers Shafer Bell Neal Lent shelton Patterson Pesti swain levins Proctor Bray O'Banion Esquivel McHugh Nichols shapiro Cleveland Harding Palm Springs San Angelo Kelso Hackensack Nj louisville Alexandria Parma Hts Altamonte Springs Mannford Miami Los Angeles Salem Hampton Chicago Stockton Springs Klamath Falls Richland Phoenix,yuck,sprawl Seabrook Island Milwaukie Clairton, Pa Denison Stockbridge Slingerlands Southampton Walnut Creek Anchorage Queens Boston Inglewood Terra Alta San Francisco Apopka Cary Oxford Hudson Greensboro Ny San Mateo lowell albuquerque Tacoma Royse City Goshen New York Pinellas Park Portland Santa Monica Elizabethtown brick CA TX WA NJ NJ KY LA OH FL OK FL CA OR NY IL ME OR WA AZ SC OR PA TX GA NY NY CA AK NY MA CA WV CA FL NC NC FL NC MA CA MA NM WA TX IN NY FL OR CA PA NJ Consumers Union 165 Mehmet A Adrienne Sandy Charlie Betty Jeff Deborah Louie jessae Richard john Hillary ken Joe Robert Nigel Harvey mary Valarie Yara Janice Holly Diane Carol paul Douglas Gregory Alicia Madeleine John Christine Albert Orlando Alex Richard milton Donald Quinn C.A. Phil Cassandra Rebecca Judy Deborah Linda Phyllis marcella Carole Tracey Euleta Gisela Gulecek Long Grandchamp Stookey Ramsey Martin Brandon Stallone brown Perras contos Culver mchenry Wiederhold Cassinelli Ward McMaster sherwood Day Tethys Parker Dowling Terranova Jenkins O'Neill Rindfleisch Zimmer Huber De Leon Bush Newhouse Pikala Fick Melendez Hepler Carling klein Biggs Dahlstrom Dinsmore Palmer Lyons Gentry Scott Wolfe Bescript Schulte rice Moore Miller Usrey Brinker-Gabler Boca Raton Fl New Paltz Aurora Reno Las Vegas Seattle Nashville Chciago Brooklyn Albany N/a Stanford Honey Brook White Salmon Sacramento Lake Jackson Philadelphia Reston Levant Seattle Sonora Pope Valley Lancaster East Lansdowne golden Snohomish Philadelphia Buena Park New York Glendale Minneapolis Clawson Brooklyn, NY Arcata Venice W.palm Beach Fl. Harrisburg Bonney Lake Pittsburgh Trinity Lexington Albuquerque Chesapeake Labadie Tucson Washington Troy Zephyrhills Rockville Springfield Vestal FL NY CO NV NV WA TN IL NY NY CA KY PA WA CA TX PA VA ME WA CA CA NY PA CO WA PA CA NY CA MN MI NY CA FL FL IL WA PA NC KY NM VA MO AZ NC NY FL MD MO NY Consumers Union 166 Gail Cindy Phillip Duncan Susan David Chris dick Gunda Edward Roger sam Delores Kynewulf LEON mike Joel Ralph Merrill joan Brian Beverly Melissa Kathleen Margaret Margaret Jennifer John Billie sasha JIMMIE Eric john Johanna sharon Trevor Erik Jonathan Carol joyce Dorothy Carina miguel George Matthew Interstellar Susan Sarah jean Sandie Alan Fuhlman Evenson Schwartz Andrews Todd Friedman Butkevicius lunzer jr Vesque Schott McQuown Holland Jr. Nickel MacGowan FULCHER delaney Anderson Drake Rodin lakebrink Clifton Hayes Montgomery Cahill Polino Keller Konungrinn Jarrott Close silverstein JOHNSON Demetriade schaechter Schroth mcgreevy Wooten Bergesen Syms Held king Li Calzi Prowell regojo Quasha Smith Daydreamer Goldberg Jumel carr Abel Minietta Wa N Fort Myers Ghent Wellesley Malta Bend Bronx Chicago lindstrom Freeland New Haven Lakeland Scc West Allis Saint Augustine MOREHEAD CITY Valley Mills Spanish Fork Oak Harbor Marina Del Rey Chicago Slidell Flippin Phoenix New York Bayside Minneapolis Coventry New Orleans Weehawken Brooklyn OAKLAND Ferndale Canton Baton Rouge East Aurora Macclesfield Hayward Waccabuc Middleton Lithia Santa Monica Shadow Hills Miami Barrytown Albuquerque Knoxville Glendale Austin Indianapolis Madison Wheatridge WA FL NY MA MO NY IL MN WA CT FL SC WI FL NC TX UT WA CA IL LA AR AZ NY NY MN CT LA NJ NY CA MI MA LA NY NC CA NY WI FL CA CA FL NY NM TN CA TX IN WI CO Consumers Union 167 Odilia Leonard B Amy Gail Brent Kevin lauren Deborah David Marcia Kerri o Ann Jay Gabriel Martha Margie glenda Greg Haley Jessica Mark Christopher Karen Elaine Dave Nora James Sandi Judith kim Rolf Veronica Robert Rosemary Louise jamie Teresa Carolyn Mary Ron Brian david Dianna samuel susan Laurence Virginia Tim janice Georgia Leal-McBride Chandler Jensen McMahon Reitze Revolinski campbell Crosset Satinoff Baltz Grant lewis Sisto Wagner Johnson Miller-Hampton Becker young Olson Severance Reff Chromey Duma Wibbenmeyer Kirsch Oleson Rivkis Ricklef Mann T.obin chavez Taylor DeLuze Vail Cerniello Henderson pellegrini Jaeger Kidder Prubant Harrell Evans bohn Ochoa lees aniskewicz Frommer Prator Marks combs Libbares Lufkin San Jose Dunellen Birmingham Bowie Madison Graton Granby Little Neck Massapequa Portsmouth Los Angeles Brooklyn Roscoe Bend Chelsea Middleton Sultan Ironton Las Vegas Raleigh Stillwater Spring Hill Half Moon Bay Brooklyn Lindenhurst Shoreline Los Angeles Austin Crestline Aptos Falls Church Forest Crete Psl Ames Chicago Orlando Wayne San Jose Arlington Clarkston Wahiawa Mesa St.petersburg Mims Nyc Franklinton Gladstone Margate Chicago TX CA NJ AL MD WI CA CT NY NY NH CA NY NY OR OK MA WA MN NV NC NY FL CA NY IL WA CA TX CA CA VA VA IL FL IA IL FL PA CA VA MI HI AZ FL FL NY LA MO FL IL Consumers Union 168 Patricia william Sebrina Ha George Judy Paul Lisa erin Arthur Patricia Pamela Devin Trish D A Brenda Lauren Robin Erin Lisa Jesse Phyllis Ed Liselle Gary Mercedes William Paul Sue Ozan Phil merle Lyle patricia Doris Brian kathy Gus Valerie Deidre N. Stephen Jeffrey James Lenore h Jean Andrew Thomas Allison Watson Walraven Neal Mateo Steinitz Watkins Bell Reynolds yorker King Foxall Shaw Brizendine Taylor C G Fleming Mitchell Hudson Menard Miller O'Day Lackey Simmons McFletcher Rea Lackey Everett Sullivan Wilkin Lish Cox wanger Sanders delzell Miller Rodney gjesfjeld Gonzalez King Wille Spence O'Connor Blair Hardison Depot sty Wright McEnhimer Baldridge Everitt Siler City Akron Chicago Forestville Campo Atlanta Santa Rosa Beaufort Tampa Patchogue Cleveland Metairie Springfield Fredericksburg Deale Stoughton Memphis Pittsburgh Tarpon Springs Tilton New York Oswego Carlsbad San Diego Kalamazoo Wallingford Claremore Anchorage Boston Kingman Santa Rosa Everett sunny isles fl Camas, WA Goffstown Mt Vernon Glenville Eau Claire Chicago Grass Lake Jordan Overland Park Largo Bakersfield Rockville Quincy Grants Pass East Vassalboro Chesterfield IOWA CITY Albuquerque NC OH IL CA CA GA CA SC FL NY OH LA IL VA MD MA TN PA FL NH NY NY CA CA MI PA OK AK MA AZ CA WA FL WA NH MO NY WI IL MI MT KS FL CA MD MA OR ME VA IA NM Consumers Union 169 sunna KRISTAN Ira Phillip Mike Laura Sharon Susan Esther Joan Izabel Robert DANIEL Angela Debra Cathy hilliard Diana Alexis John LATOYA a Linda Kay Glazier Gerald Mary Jennifer Alma Joseph and Apri Joseph Chester Jacqueline Rick James rosalind Rick Ronald jeri Dianne Rona angie Tracy-Ann Bob Peter avril jane Don Erik Melisa April JUNE Maria zaidi KINCADE Seigel Ferrell Shea Hill Baker Michetti Shauger Kiley Rivers Burr Sansone Marshall Birkholz Evanovitz learson jr Murray Nixon Kerwin THOMAS davis Henning Moss McKeon Kanter Leon Faires Naumann Lusk Johnson Redfield Seiler McKevitt Benson Russo Liggett Greenfield Riley harguess Waters Thomas Curia harville frydman Cicchelli Horak Orellana Plumeri FAIL Cabrera tempe Port Angeles Norwalk Chickasha Jacksonville Portland Palmer Lake mt horeb Midland Oakland Asheville Bellingham Angola Las Vegas El Paso Youngstown Statesville Phoenix Atlanta W Long Branch San Jose Roseville Wakonda Unity M'ville Upland Waldport Puyallup Fort Madison Seattle Gainesville Wilmette Alpine Long Beach Indian Lake Estates, Fl Watertown Oklahoma City Prefer Not To Share Seal Beach Belpre St. Cloud Myrtle Creek Scottsdale Benbrook lawrence Sunny Isles Beach Elyria Boise Niagara Raleigh Caguas AZ WA CT OK OH OR CO WI MI CA NC WA NY NV TX OH NC AZ GA NJ CA CA SD OR NY CA OR WA IA WA MO IL NJ NY FL CT OK SC CA OH FL OR AZ TX KS FL OH ID NY NC PR Consumers Union 170 Kimberley Maude Mary Scott John Dale Rachel betty CLIVE David Randy vivian Elizabeth Diane Carol ida Janet Steve Julia Michael evan George Irina Sarah Mary Janet ross Todney Candace Barbara Martha Charlene Ed Carl Selina lois Victoria Margaret Mary Jason RICHARD Orville Marie Maggie Joan Nestor dave cynthia Jamey Philip R. andrew Hallas Wahlman Kraeszig Crockett Holland Curry Wales greene FRANSELLA Batt Jackson drean Bettis Sawyers blum Schmidt Shawn Frisk lampi jaros Speers Klinkovskaya Urovich Schodt Robinson bender jr Harris Barron Julien Utz McClain Weingold Peterson Schecroun hilli George Yelenik Sier Trenkle RINEHART Grant Pedraza Barry Kempffer Cobos Johnson disanto George Strickland Waychoff froehle Gastonia Leawood Zionsville Florence Barre austin Oak Lawn Stafford San Antonio Berkeley Cottage Grove New Port Richey Winter Springs Santa Cruz Prairie Du Chien Eugene Rockville Plumas Lake Bellevue Leavittsburg Fort Myer,fl. Brockton Oceanside Chandler Boca Raton Washington East Hartford New Port Richey Kent City San Jose Venice Santa Cruz Manistee Pisgah Forest new york Gold Bar Manalapan Manhattan Albuquerque Fairfield,CA St. Petersburg Palmer Asheville St. Paul Cedar Park Smethport Port St Lucie Chesterfield Akron Bratenahl BROWERVILLE NC KS IN OR MA TX IL VA TX CA OR FL FL CA WI OR MD CA WA OH FL MA NY AZ FL PA CT FL MI CA FL CA MI NC NY WA NJ KS NM CA FL AK NC MN TX PA FL VA OH OH MN Consumers Union 171 Andrew Barry stephanie Shane Salvatore Wayne Pam Naomi Judith Paula Rob daniel Crystal Diana Lee Ann Sheila Eric John Theresa Carolyn Harry Mary Atwell Robert Dennis M. Corinne wayne Ann morris Karen Travis David Suzann Katherine Stephen Katherine David Donna TIFFANY Janice Paul Rick nancy Tom Serge Dan Catherine Terence Sandy Doris Sarah Seeger Stelling shobe Cassidy Carlino Woolhiser Withee L LaValley Englert Weinberg derda Allegretti Barbee Taylor Loayza Meyer Kesich McFadden Trunca McNally Kilpo West Oestreicher McLaughlin Smith gray Kaslow Dahn Vaughan Harper Randall Donovan Roberts Patronick Karnopp TURNER Lowre WISHART Cragnolin Alekman Sparks hartman Card Krawiecki-Gazes Flynn Malin Travis Rusk Cloud Apfel Clinton sonoma omaha Simpsonville Catasauqua Kent Weymouth Brewster Gibsonia Louisville Lake In The Hills Casper Lecanto Calabasas Chico Wayland Fairfield Millerton Cambridge Fort Salonga Fanwood Parkers Prairie Dallas Lake Mills Sanborn N.y. Clinton Mills Brooklyn lawrenceville Brooklyn Seattle Port Jefferson Pittsburgh San Francisco Las Vegas Denver Spencer Peacham Walla Walla Unadilla West Bloomfield Toluca Lake Lafayette Sioux Falls New York Medford Philadelphia Ewa Beach Houston FL New York WI CA NE SC PA WA MA CT PA KY IL WY FL CA CA MA IA PA MD NY NJ MN TX WI NY TN PA NY GA NY WA NY PA CA NV CO WV VT WA NY MI CA CA SD NY MA PA HI TX FL NY Consumers Union 172 Frances Todd charles Jorge Tuesday jerry Gerry Eva jane Urmiah cecily Anntte David * Sebastian Robert Cheryl Emily Alex Deane Gared Albert Kevin Chris Georgia Samantha Wes jeff alma davina Nathanael Petra Kelli carley Jennifer joan janice ardith Michelle Lorraine Kendra Alexander John Sandra yvonne Jena Lisa Crystal rosemary Jessie Lillian Thobois Mayo harris Marroquin Hoffman daker Barksdale Covey atlas Lynch Cedilote Newby Jamroz Zentura Ortiz Rinella Bachan Andrew Harris Miller Oudeans D'Orazio Murnane Withrow Palmer Ling Mauney edwards shaffer dutra Pine Laug Wilson anne B whitacre MACARTHUR wake Ockman Hersey Aroca Chapman Wike olson townsley Reid Scerbo Hart blanton Caporal Taylor Fairmont Auxier Cazenovia PA Carlisle Mwky Kannapolis Jerome brooklyn Surprise Austin Cleveland Landing Casper Edgewater N.y. Willow-Grove Albuquerque Independence Watertown Green Bay Rancho Cucamonga Jackson Los Angeles St. Louis Brooklyn Dallas lincoln Albemarle Nc Glendale Watertown West Harrison Sunnyvale Buffalo Fairfax Sta Nyack Washougal Mansfield Plymouth Pendleton Morristown Bridgeport Minneapolis Gretna Louisburg Rancho California Mechanicville Leesburg Yuma Dallas Sun City West WV KY WI PA PA WI NC ID NY AZ TX TN NJ WY NJ NY PA NM MO WI WI CA NJ CA MO NY TX NE NC CA MA IN CA NY VA NY WA OH MN OR NJ CT MN LA NC CA NY VA AZ TX AZ Consumers Union 173 joan Emily Laura Rosanne Donna Melinda Sharon Leonard Kathleen Marvin Nathana Ru'Kaiel Debra lucia Roberta Jennifer Glynn Sophia Nicholas Sarah J.R. Charles Helen C. shawndy Zee Monica Jorge Darrell Donna Amy Carol Somer Rebecca alain Michael N jana Scott Melissa fawm ethan Arnold mike Mary lAURIE Jonathan Ray Bill Martha dorothy Patrick burgins Lawton Cox Carter Koleski Baker Fetter Welch Kuczynski Gentz Marunich Johnson Andrade shorts Jones Przybylski Pettiford Tascon Zizelis Schmidt DuBois Looney Kyle hicks Kallah Moir Torres Repka Van Laeken Carpenter Midler King Haynes mei KochKetola Dalton fiero Wong Johnson chow ouimet Ruiz aber Berkenkamp sHREFFLER Ames Tuley Brown Markley gitman Knowles Marietta Ga Monroe Austin Wichita Griffith Henderson Puyallup Akron Lake Forest Ukiah Pittsburgh Lacy-lakeview Kaneohe Ridgely Issaquah Tulsa Los Angeles Perth Amboy Bayside York Lake Oswego Scappoose Fairfax Pensacola Phoenix Santa Fe Santa Monica Reedsburg Happy Valley Eugene Tallahassee Bryan Salt Lake City Kihei Middletown Garner Scottsdale Sacramento Blm Visalia Eugene Phoenix Reseda Okc, Ok Antelope Manchester L.A. Lengby Miami Petaluma Columbus GA WA TX KS IN NV WA IA CA CA PA TX HI MD WA OK CA NJ NY ME OR OR VA FL AZ NM CA WI OR OR FL TX UT HI CT NC AZ CA IL CA OR AZ CA OK CA CT CA MN FL CA OH Consumers Union 174 James Marilyn Anne Lisa Thomas Angela Mathew lisa edwin Stephen Alexandria Maxine Bernie renee maria Anna-Marie Thaddeus Frank Paul Linda Marilyn Gabriela Elizabeth Lisa James Jyrica Jamie Barbara Evan pedro barbara Clivonne Beth Alfred William Wayne Stephen Dennis jeff Judy Susan Ruth Duane Max Donna Linda Jim Ange Renee Misha Laura Brooke Ryan Middleton Styve Brennan Little Cuomo ruff hege Schwab Clinton Sheehan Lewis repkin caceres Soper-O'Rourke Szostak Csorba Bentzel Straubel Stooks Amari Shetter Lynott-Carroll Piper Gough Himmelstein Hyle Beattie Sanchez jannicelli Corbett Bridges Utton Yancy Farmer Cessna Honigs bohan Spooner Palmer Lanton Brayboy Johnston Silverman Tomlinson Moran Petrovic Mraw Fox Casey Aiken Mastic Beach Fairport Elwood Belmar Irvington Miami Port Aransas Chevy Chase Gresham Fort Collins El Reno Saranac Skokie los angeles Atlanta Greensboro Lucinda Nutley Ormond Beach Murrieta Brooklyn Springfield Wagner Coralville Annapolis San Jose Kennesaw Irvine New York Spring Hill Roseburg St. Petersburg Denver Little Rock Newark Lansing Minneapolis Winston Salem Savannah Wylie Plainview Hickory Marengo Rochester Nashville wOONSOCKET Fort Myers Hamilton Firestone Rose Hill SC NY NY IL NJ NJ FL TX MD OR CO OK MI IL CA GA NC PA NJ FL CA NY IL SD IA MD CA GA CA NY FL OR FL CO AR OH MI MN NC GA TX NY NC IA NY TN SD FL NJ CO KS Consumers Union 175 Dick David Barbara Margaret Laura D Doris Julie Polly tita Sherry Gladys kevin Linda Vernon cory Minnie Jenn Dorothy Michael cheryl john Candace Alexis Jane Lois dawn julie mercy Linda Denisa leroy Aubrey Julie Randal Jennifer francesca dorothy James James sharon Emily Caroline Jere thomas Carol Dinah Wanda camilo kathy Nancie Bullock Powning Quarles Laut Thorpe Bryan Risk Motl Harris peterson Doney Thompson shaffer Lawrence Fath corzine Reddy Hudson Brenn Collins woodruff robbins Eastman Wilson Davidson Lovelace walker cinco parker myers Barrett Mitchell washington Finegan Solell Klefbeck Conibeer mcnichol hanz Guinane Meehan holt Ralph Miller Wilkerson ditmyer Patterson Abbott Hoover rojas munoz benoit Beaven Priest River Newcastle Milwaukee Dix Hills Eldersburg S.S.F. Lake Placid Telford Durham Veniceozone Entice Lake St. Louis Emporia Collinsville Akron Florence Beaverton Baltimore Tacoma Bouse, Az Rochester,ma Tampa Seattle West Lebanon San Antonio Englewood Shreveport Bayonne Fort Wayne St. Paul Branford Cincinnati Ann Arbor Franklin Dallas Milwaukie Endwell Mechanicsburg Naperville,il Clarksburg Fort Lauderdale green cove springs Forest Park St Petersburg, Cambria Royal Oak Franklin Watsonville Winton Ocala North Canton Guilford ID ME WI NY MD CA FL TN NC CA MO KS IL OH MA OR MD WA AZ MA FL WA NH TX NJ LA NJ IN MN CT OH MI TN TX OR NY PA IL CA FL FL IL FL CA MI WI CA MN FL OH CT Consumers Union 176 JoAnn Toni Andreen Alexandra Cathy Maxane Jaymee Karri Dee tania David jack eleazar Cheryl Susan Djana Maria Laurie Ellen jon Carolyn Bruce frank dale Alicia Catherine Nan Cristi Sharon Kathryn Donna Rebecca Sheryl NR harvey gerri Lisa Janice Crystal Wade Marja Nellie K Angyl Jeff william Danna Jordan Catherine Ellen Kimberly Alicia Robert Ailes Meadows Neukranz-Butler Pappano Hathaway Goldstein Workman Krelik Wood morales Brown bender sevilla Lawson Luckowski Hughes Runyon Tracy schroeder Lee Laumeister downey allen Nuszloch Wilson Kriek Sturgill Ginsburg Sugg Jaggard Gaub Goodwin CULCLASURE lyon ward Rodarte Zdzieblowski DeCell Stonier Eloheimo Adaba Wisemessenger Friedrich wilson Garcia Ryan Lee Aknin aka Venable Duke Guzman Shah Westville Portland Oak Park Mattawamkeag Sequim Hacienda Heights Keizer Union Beach Phoenix San German Garden Grove Minden Kenmore Sparks West Chester Bronx Cupertino Bellevlille Novato Warner Robins Tucson mobile Valparaiso Reno Tarponsprings Middletown Mount Vernon Winter Park Greenville Chicago Scotts Valley Deland High Point Beverly Shores Detroit Portland Plover Bloomington Lyman Olympia Mamaroneck Arlington Lawrence Denver Amarillo Indianapolis Jasper Denver Sioux Falls Memphis Irving IN OR IL ME WA CA OR NJ AZ PR CA NV WA NV PA NY CA MI CA GA AZ AL IN NV FL NY KY FL NC IL CA FL NC IN MI OR WI IN ME WA NY TX KS CO TX IN IN CO SD TN TX Consumers Union 177 Michele James John Diana Simon Jeffrey Elizabeth Diana carol Yolande Karen lisa william linda Victoria Kaleigh Leo Susanne Tonya Ronald Meg Renee Natasha Denise Elizabeth Brian Deb Tom Kerry Kaniska Greg brittany SUSAN Rebecca codruta Sabrina laura james Paige Stephen Cynthia Jenny Barbara Pamela Anastasia Deanie Christy Lynn tamara Sharon Nysha Arista Roberts Dalla DeMarco Hubble Steinberg Peterson Quinn banever Long Wight Greenberg carollo morgan prince Mascari Leon Hasanaj Waldburger Thomas Phillips Weir McIntyre Meisel Skogfeldt Michalec Fletcher Bowen Heino Sullivan Mohanty King north Lang Rosengren Onaga Reese bonadona roberts Van Vliet McMath Castillo Kilgore Lipska Bishop Walters McLaughlin Lamb Andretta kasin Matthews S Macnshester North Kingstown Las Vegas New Martinsville Alpine Plainview Lincoln Big Sandy Los Angeles Alexandria Brooklyn Windsor Boston Santa Fe Bellmore Lynn Brooklyn Henderson Grosse Pointe Farms Mankato Brighton Madison Rocky Point Binghamton Park Ridge Ashford B'ville Nacogdoches Burtonsville Boulder Oklahoma City Brielle Palm Beach Gardens Oklahoma City Glendale Cochranton Grayslake Sugarloaf Denver Laporte Jackson Kingsport Tigard Okemos Littleton Mahopac Gilbert Washington St. Paul Coos Bay Saint Paul NH RI NV WV CA NY NE TN CA VA NY CO MA NM NY MA NY NV MI MN CO CT NY NY IL CT NY TX MD CO OK NJ FL OK CA PA IL CA CO CO WY TN OR MI CO NY AZ DC MN OR MN Consumers Union 178 Rosa Lucile Robert Claudia Thomas Ronald Sue William JEAN Jesse Marco Michel Angela Benjamin Marilyn hugh Yitzy Rachel Rohan penny carol Jacqueline John Jessica Krystal Sandra sandra Sue Matthew Alexis Paige Mary Steve Shaina Yashira Mary Myles Natalie Jude Joan Riko michelle Lorraine M Annamay Sherry LESLIE Jeanette melanie MARVIN Patricia Rkachea Holloway Edwards Hirst Foronda Horsch Prado Lewis Nobles JAKUSZ Estok Miani Martinez Dakota Klaiber black Stopak Cain-Kellman Crawford berlin-thomas schwartz Rutledge Carter Jung Seewer George Froehler Kiser Rosa Jacobsen Red Grana Keltner Beaudoin Colon Carpenter Mueller Stewart Turner Warnock Egawa carter Hahn A Waldman Woodward PHILLIPS Denton thomas CLING Mucci Carpenter Lafayette, AL Tuxedo Park Massapequa New Orleans Spring Grove Miami Knapp Rio Rancho Milwaukee Manalapan Denver Los Angeles New York Clifton Park Pittsfield Baltimore Traverse City Roswell West Chester Cazadero Phila Antioch Sussex Louisville Douglasville Tulsa Murphy Philadelphia Berkeley Springs Senatobia Santa Fe, Nm Brooklyn Ft Lauderdale Temple Terrace Apopka Tucson Mcminnville Orange City Salem Clayton west valley city Carmel Lv Fort Pierce Bloomingdale Ingram Whitehall Ann Arbor PLEASANT POINT Holly Hill, Florida Papillion AL NY NY LA VA FL WI NM WI NJ CO CA NY NY MA MD MI GA PA CA PA IL NJ KY GA OK OR PA WV MS NM NY FL FL FL AZ TN FL OR MO UT NY NV FL IL TX PA MI ME FL NE Consumers Union 179 Marte' Heather clauds david James Karen E. Gail B Dale Brendan larry rory Katy Keighan sharon Mark Bruce and Donna Jennifer Debarah Fred sylvia Sylvie Dorothy Mary Ann Mary Stephen allan Nancee sylvia Charlotte Julian Lorraine Jessica Francille DANIEL Douglas Erma Lynne Karin audrey mag PS Eileen Marilea Brittney Mary BARBARA nell Carol edna Greg Reese DeMelia t Frederick Renk Reagle Owens Conelley Hoglund Pearse spruill loughner Anderson Melton caminneci Alexander Pritchard Faulhaber Shoultz Ehrgott idelson Chizallet Meyer Merville Kullman Crews alexander Russell rsamsey Morley Parks Hall Fawley Willis HUMPHREYS Thayer Lowe Weixel White leidy hepner Wolf DiFelice Hoffmann Gledhill Herbert BAGGS rando Gay anderson Scharrer Nashville North Attleboro Brockton Milwaukee Roy Atl Portland Frederick La Quinta Newport macon Braddock Garden City Athens Cedar Rapids Fredericksburg Westfield Fenton Columbus Ocean Isle Beach Travelers Rest New Orleans Minocqua Pittsburgh Aurora Moreno Valley Tucson Maryville Columbia Bluffton Rego Park Kimberling City Little Rock Lyndhurst CINCINNAIT Santa Rosa Clarksville Lenox Milwaukee Louisville Plymouth N Ft Myers Hockessin Midwest City Providence Pittsburgh Chgo Wakefield Ilio Beloit Monroe TN MA MA WI UT GA OR MD CA OR NC PA ID AL IA VA PA MO IN NC SC LA WI PA IL CA AZ TN MD SC NY MO AR OH OH CA TN MO WI CO MN FL DE OK UT PA IL MA NY WI WA Consumers Union 180 John Steve Eric Natalie Doug Danielle Dianna Sherrill meghan Julie Lou Anne Kimberley Alexa Hobart barbara Jennifer Jay sherrian Karen Silvia RoseAnne Amy laura Danny Bruce Nancy corie Barbara Darlene Andra Roxann Linda Timothy John Sabrina Richard Kristina Alfredo Bridget Diane Joseph Kay Mirta Angela Dale Taylor Bridgette Paul Ken Terry Carole Astaunda Keil Clemenson Boyd Flynn Masek Starr Futrell follansbee N. Stevenson Leonard Sweeney Gonter Bateman Moore Atkinson afrashteh Lind Comparini Leblanc Gunkel mancuso Wu Batten Movitz corpas Selig Farnsworth Heide Goetz Swanson Schneider Butler Carey Bolland Howansky Balmaseda Garnsey Meyer Simon Krick Carey Kenny O'Malley McCarthy Jones Harris Aaron Howard Fallon Parker San Diego Hermitage Clearwater Gilbert Wooster Lisle Bisbee Davis Brook Line Bath Salt Lake City Conyers Las Vegas East Lexington Jarvisburg Nyc El Sobrante Sherman Oaks Union City Studio City Tickfaw La Oak Lawn Willis Brooklyn Roseville Ca Epping Staten Island Athens Manchester Cantonment Seattle Parma Heights Ypsilanti Elgin, Il Talent Plainfield, Illinois Rockaway Mchenry Bozema Montecito Highbridge Henderson Wharton Ellettsville Rockville Tacoma Lima Hillsborough Etna Natick Townsend CA TN FL AZ OH IL AZ CA MA ME UT GA NV VA NC NY CA CA NJ CA LA IL TX NY CA NH NY GA NH FL WA OH MI IL OR IL NJ IL MT CA WI NV NJ IN MD WA OH NC OH MA MT Consumers Union 181 Kathy Nicholas Susan Jacquelne Mark Karen Diane Sheree Bari Jennae Vicky April Robert Carolyn Toni Mark Jana Candace Kenndra Mary cd Debbie Shawna Nicole Carolyn katherine Angela Charlotte Michael Barbara Molly Shearle Vivian Lee Miriam Karen D. Barbara M Melissa Emily neresa Patricia S. Lucille G Virginia Athena Michael david nora Jessica Evelyn Mc Jones Baldwin Brenner Wittmeyer Sauer Ukena Sawtell Bala Weiss Dungan Matsui Rowlett Jeffrey Dennison Russell Avellan Pendragon Lewandowski Thompson Knock merricks Geno Call Reese Eck altman Clark Edwards Donovan Mancini Grace Furnish Hoppock Evans Sutter Colbourn Singer Jacobson Roberts McCreary Estilow williams Cross Goodier Pittman MceEan Cutler karchem johnson Owen McMullen Bridgeport New Hartford Sullivan Salt Lake City Ohio Wadsworth Molalla Seattle Middle Island Pittsburgh Seattle Cincinnati Topsfield Garden Grove Pacifica San Gabriel Long Beach Plant City Bloomington Great Falls Rahway Florissant Palmyra Fort Collins New Baden Chickamauga Fort Smith Summerville Springfield Lawrence Ligonier Canfield Iselin New York Hot Springs Wilmington Oakland Norwalk Warren Middlesboro Cheltenham Lr Knoxville Hillsborough Jackson Mill Valley Belleville chatsworth Caldwell New Bern Montgomery PA NY ME UT OH IL OR WA NY PA WA OH MA CA CA CA CA FL IN MT NJ MO ME CO IL GA AR SC VA MA PA OH NJ NY AR DE CA WI MI KY PA AR TN CA MI CA IL CA WV NC AL Consumers Union 182 Ed Clayton Savanna Kami sheila carolyn Dave Adele Emilio Kevin margaret Paul Catherine Regina Lois Daniel Megan Carmen Shannon laura Ursula Jonathan Deb Phyllis pearl Charles Melayne Christina Elmer George G. Barbara Susan Linda Nicholas beverly wendy Latisha Joan francis Larisa Jacqueline Salvador Gloria Jeff Arielle Susan Sharon E. Denis cortney Jennifer beth Valerie Mezynski Conway LaChatte Wegman bitts silvers Waugh Bowers Aymat Flanagan scripp Frank Goolsby Clarkson Banks Krautkramer Vladoiu Bustamante Gregor Snyder Delaney Zuchowski C Swank roberts Smith Mills Milauskas Croan Wilson Couture King Graae Metheny rosen enos Alexander Frohlich Horton Alexandrov Smith Moreno Iaci-Smentek Wildman Shields Owens Cournoyer greenlaw Taylor warichak Bolduc Pittsboro Seattle Leominster Burlington Tigard vallejo San Marcos Rohrersville San Francisco Manchester varysburg Fairfield Lilburn Elsberry Greenville Streamwood Blmgtn Tucson Mill Creek Sound Beach Clarkesville Ogden East Falmouth Chapel Hill Buffalo Tucker Avondale East Greenwich Frisco Grand Rapids Williamstown St Paul Ft.collins Thurmont Providence Astoria San Jose N Fort Myers Statesville Rochester Charlotte Morgan Hill Prunedale Herndon Collinsville Philadelphia Framingham Lakewood Las Vegas Pewaukee Woodinville NC WA MA KY OR CA TX MD CA CT NY IA GA MO SC IL IN AZ WA NY GA UT MA NC NY GA AZ RI TX MI MA MN CO MD RI NY CA FL NC NY NC CA CA VA IL PA MA WA NV WI WA Consumers Union 183 Linda Zoe Louella michael Theresa Sullie peter Paula Dana Mark Deborah Catherine Susan Tammy Deanna Emily Bill and Katie Cynthia monika Caroline cherie Penny Susan Janet R.L. Wayne Roxanne Greg Madeleine connie Francis Pamela Debbie homeyra James Francisco Penny Catherine Joseph melissa Diana Janice Sandra Marcy Sara Tom Elizabeth Mary Cheryl julia David Hiltz Paul Jeter herrity Viscuso Sweeney souza Foley Earnest Forsyth DeSimone Caron Maxson Emon Eaves Baker Dresbach Chambers poole Darst fineberg Matekaitis Stockdale Cuenca Poirier Glasman Staley Nease Brewer maggart Booth DeFilippo Crawford Eshaghi Lang Varela Trevena Hirsch Caporelli smout Balgaard Barnes Carapetyan Benicaso Banks Sullivan Hanan Nuss Fergeson knight Chatburn Berkeley, Darien Columbus Culpeper Houston Montegut Bennington Springfield Moss Point New York Cooperstown Mount Pleasant Rock Hill Montrose Pine City Brooklyn Sheffield Lake Jamestown Bahama Somerville Buffalo Naperville Poughquag St. Louis Issaquah Roswell Hanover Park Salina Paradise N.las Vegas Lake George Durham Battle Ground San Francisco Oak Grove Mesa Rapid City Redway Mililani Idaho Falls Seattle Jacksonville Colorado Springs Mesa Naperville Foley Newark Charleston West Point Albuquerque Bonney Lake CA IL OH VA TX LA VT VA MS NY NY MI SC MN MN NY OH NC NC MA NY IL NY MO WA GA IL KS CA NV NY CT WA CA MO AZ SD CA HI ID WA FL CO AZ IL AL DE OR UT NM WA Consumers Union 184 William Debra Bethany Lauren RHONDA Cecilia Courtney C. Lynnette Rita Kate nicole Ana J Nancy Melanie Peter Barbara N William Margo Michelle Maya Lauren Kenneth Eugene j Diane Mindy Kurt cheryl Elizabeth cindy Ricardo morgan Randy Bill Tim bobbi doreen Barbara Tari Gayle tammy Wendy Carol Shirley Mary Anne Jessica ruth Jackie Smalley Bellinger Perdue Jusek FONTANILLA Blewer Lowe Eng Bower Iverson Lenthall smith Vila Verde Pina Englehart Magana Lambert Myers M Resseguie Geddis Pelletier North Chen Slem Howard johnson Nelson Diltz Huber boker Spreadbury bowens Valentino kae Goughnour Dunaway Maurer browne fri Miller Price Person nichol West Hetzel Mix Anselmino L poling Braga Bolingbrook Chandler Coal City Garrettsville CHOWCHILLA, CA Ny Tacoma Little Neck Mishawaka Casper Wawarsing New Albany New York Washington Schenectady Perris San Jose Naperville Astoria Phoenix Tucson Deerfield Beach Olympia Arvada Lancaster Franklin Arnold Butte Columbus Bloomington Bloomingdale Adel lakewood Clw. Hanford Johnstown Fairmont Anaheim Oak Ridge Grand Rapids Franklin Pocatello Melbourne Florence Portland Stevens Point Millsap St. Joseph Abbeville grafton Dunedin IL IN WV OH CA NY WA NY IN WY NY IN NY DC NY CA CA IL NY AZ AZ FL WA CO CA TN MO MT OH MN IL IA CA FL CA PA WV CA TN MI NJ ID FL AZ ME WI TX MI GA WV FL Consumers Union 185 Missy Dawn TJ Nichols Marguerite Brandon THOMAS Etheal Karen Susanne kathleen Holly Charles Forrest Michael Ronald Jean Maureen Jessy vicki Greg Pamela Barbara Margie Jackie Embree Katherine Catherine Edward Kathy Geneva SHAWNA Lani Deborah Elizabeth margaret Scott Dian Bonnie Shamaine Judith Brad Linda kelly Debra Amy John Lynne LISA Marcia May Walters Foiles Grant Malpass DeMaria Branciforte LEFFLER Elder Chapman Slauenwhite pierce Cooper Thomas Sweat Verdon Holst Patrick Coughlin Bernard stone Nielson Sproul White Becker-Lewin Muzio Daniels Burck Rock Hintze McGrogan Nickell BRONK Roberts Fischer Lockley rutledge Mosiman Kress King Costanzo Sofranko Eltman Sue jules Straub Ezekiel Rocene Krause KELSEY Perskie Mair Fridley Howell Asheville Hendersonville Bloomfield Hills Leroy Oakland Park Anniston Bradenton Brooklyn shaker hts. Paris Des Moines Harri8sburg East Grenwich San antonio Macon Wareham North Miami Beach KENNESAW Strongsville Bainbridge Island Madison NY Sebastopol Houston Hopkins Avoca New York Georgetown Washington Michigan City Brighton Delavan West Warwick Savage Evergreen Mayetta Huntington Newtown King of Prussia Hollandale Queen Valley Ny Whitehall Oaklyn Missoula Clinton Twp Olympia New York City Crestwood MN NJ NC NC MI NY FL AL FL NY OH CA IA IL RI TX MO MA FL GA OH WA WI NY CA TX MN AR NY SC NC IN UT WI RI MN CO KS WV PA PA WI AZ NY MI NJ MT MI WA NY IL Consumers Union 186 Susan yoshi Debbie Patricia Maryann Katherine Patti zoli Maria Nicole Gloria arlin Natalia Carole Margaret Julie Peggy Nena Linda VALERIE Lynette Robert Tom William Bobbie Maria Ana Maria Heather Susie Arlyn Connie Michaela Xavier James Nadine Michael Brandon aggie Dale katharine Jane dee Paula Reynolds Garrett Mina Deborah T Brian Dawn valentino Kathy Grisales miyamoto Williamson Anderson Bartell Connor McKee Aker osaze Kalousi Weber La Fleur huseman Isaza K. Cromartie Squire Detmers Knights West Norton WILK Ridder Tomlinson Tree Leavenworth Wager Scripture Rosato Drago Long Potter Marcantel Pond Whitcome Ducote Alfonso Lewandowski Richardson martinez Mattes maxwell Flanagan ahlquist Lloyd Jones McAdams Johnson Welton Wales Runyon reyes Magne Dewalt Los Angeles Mountain Home Grass Valley Nc Shelby Polson Burbank Redmond Pasadena Dearborn Heights Van Boca Raton Alto Pass Austin Raytown Rapid City Miami fla Cumberland FALLS CHURCH, VA Concord Friendswood Elmwood Searsmont Stanton Tonawanda Ridgeland Lith Madison Maryville Myrtle Beach corona del mar Clymer Sanford Mesa Sleepy Hollow Clayton Cypress Pasadena New York Monroe Huntsville Burton St. Johnsville Draper Nashville Brookneal Oak Lawn Lomita miami fl Saint Paul TX CA AR CA NC NC MT CA OR MD MI WA FL IL TX MO SD FL RI VA CA TX MA ME MI NY MS IL AL TN SC CA NY FL AZ IL DE CA CA NY LA AL WA NY UT TN VA IL CA FL MN Consumers Union 187 Charles ed Emma Diana Randall Debbie william marcella Beverly Elodia John Diana Anna David Gloria margaret mende Joan Kimberly Brandy Sue Marta Ric michelle Donna Louis robert Ann Gertrude Gysele Starte Ruth Sue Yvonne Marilyn kiki M dan Sylvia Christina Marilyn Kevin Austin Ellen M. Steven Martha BarbaraRose James Gary Rochelle Diane Hanks tittermary Pfingston Portwood Redmon Miller berg ambrosino Doty Resendez Brogan Andersen Mont Petrosky Schultz micale snodgress Gabrych Leighty McCoy Harrington Rodriguez Coppola g Knipp Stanfield keenan Pineles Robinson van Santen Christ Bak Scott Baab Hollen arevalo T Cheever Jones McKee Gulledge Anderson Maylath Parent Stratton Parish Farber McCarthy Gilardi Honey Sullivan Campbell Philadelphia Bowling Green Lincoln City Versaillrs Two Rivers Eau Claire Belleville Chester Midland Spokane Boca Raton Alpha Sharon Grove City Woodland Park Deer Park Sun City Ruffs Dale Lafayette Piedmont San Juan Orlando Boca Raton New York Newton Mission Viejo St. Paul Mcddonough Washington Montgomery Village Union City Buffalo Montpelier Bethany isl hghts nj Riverside Iola Los Angeles Dedham College Station Omak Hesperia Kittery Sebastopol Davison Las Cruces Whitestone Hood River North Liberty Oak Harbor CA PA KY OR KY WI WI NJ NY MI WA FL NJ MA OH NJ TX AZ PA IN CA PR FL FL NY IA CA MN GA DC MD CA NY VT CT NJ CA KS CA MA TX WA CA ME CA MI NM NY OR IA WA Consumers Union 188 Joseph margo stacey Linda Xen Sarah Candace Jessica Karin Dean Beatrice A. Rhonda Inken Ashley Gail Stephen simone Janet Mila Robert Andrea Sharon Lynn arthur lana rob Tiziana joann veronica Maria Lynn Ahmed Janna Mary derek Teresa Walter Jan Michelle Hail jacqueline Virginia William Matthew Annette Michael L Luke Susan Sandra Brad Robert Sullivan molin updyke McFarlane Zara Moldenhauer Hollis-Franklyn Gound Zambrano Garr Johnson Zorn Purvis Winkler Safrit Bomber schwinn Mcclarren indgren Ruiz Wilkie Autumn cabral buckner perrella DeRovere pedro buecher Vargas Price Hasan Neperud Speer yearwood Persinger Long Herrick Van Peborgh Storm covarrubiaa Goss Sharfman Essex Hipkins Cloud Tolsma Asbury Sielke Jeffries Powell Warburton Stevensville Mora Albany Eugene Carolina Melrose Park Tiburon Lincoln Brooklyn South Jordan Loudon Louisville Longmont Corpus Christi Greensboro Aloha grass valley Paradise Maricopa Salt Lake City Uncasville Encinitas salinas Providence glenoaks,ny Phoenix Magna Danbury Lafayette South Lake Tahoe Battle Creek Inver Grove Hts. Tampa Greebville Detroit Oreland Howell Santa Rosa San Angelo Las Vegas Plainview New York Pikesville Jacksonville Cinnaminson Aspen Grove Ventura Keene Weymouth Glasgow Wheaton MT MN NY OR PR IL CA NE NY UT TN KY CO TX NC OR CA CA AZ UT CT CA CA RI NY OR UT CT CO CA MI MN FL SC MI PA MI CA TX NV NY NY MD IL NJ WI CA NH MA KY IL Consumers Union 189 Sean dylan Ellyn Bethany Velda Kathi BENJAMIN Sandra George David Sheri Maria Mary Christopher Colleen Betty Jayna Debbie Lillian Alexa Manmitha pajjalak Leslie Janice Rhonda Ashley Richard Betsy David Madeline Stephanie mahnaz Iris Leslie Maria ELIZABETH Dawn Bruni Tricia George vita Gale Melodie Kyle jameson Dawn Linda Shane Danny matt carolyn Harrington singh Sutton Woody Harrison Sjotvedt BEAMAN Smith Yonge Mantel Martin Furtuna Parviainen Cass Johnson Derro Sheats Reynolds Martin King Neelam wongsawat Washington Waldrop Greig WestCebulski Tod Bee Kane Loder Jacob tafreshi Aikins-Afful Sanford Nagem ORTIZ VEGA Browning Boyden Rosatti Allen ciaglia Shafkind Metje Brandt bergen Delph Baumgarten Cummings Dishon penn birkbeck Groveland New York Spokane Southgate Blue Ridge, GA Napa Salem Kingman Davis Potomac Santa Clara Allen Park Sault Ste Marie, Mi South Pasadena Lathrop Yuma Palo Alto Plainfield Westhampton Beach Upland Alpharetta Cockeysville Atlanta Austell North Branch Fort Myers Beach Simi Valley Mesa Brooklyn Longmeadow Bridgewater Mission Viejo Randallstown Hendersonville Charlotte Puerto Rico Idaho Falls Va Minot Tracy Addison Royal Oak West Chester Contoocook Burlington La Plata New York Norwich Longmont Irmo preston CA NY WA MI GA CA OR AZ CA MD CA MI MI CA CA AZ CA IN NY CA GA MD GA GA MI FL CA AZ NY MA MA CA MD NC NC PR ID VA ND CA IL MI OH NH CT MD NY NY CO SC CT Consumers Union 190 sandi Jacob Catherine Sue Ashlee Julia Amy lucy Wendi Adriana Liliana Cynthia marilyn Charles Juleen Dorlinda Armand Jason casey Jade Becca judy Sharlene Lisa Beth Ann JOHN richard Nora deborah Jon Lyle Lynn Claudia ashley Ellen Donna Michael Lacia Toni Lydia Cyndy Christine Lance Eileen Denny Glenda Carol Fairy Nicholas maria Joannes barrett Steijn Bennett Martin Davis Bajovich Walter hatrick Cohen Guidi Pulvirenti Inman hawthorn Thomas Dickson Chong Biron Tibbetts anspach Newton Dike valine White Stotler Stoll DEPETRIS jones Koch beck Remley Olmstead Juozilaitis Hall paterson HInchcliffe Libbey Holland Renyck Noll Stone Lee Jones McDonald O'Connor-Barnes O'Brien Smith Reom Coyle Hollander grogan Hotagua Scottsdale Walla Walla Depeyster San Diego Denver Depoe Bay Seattle Tonawanda Ossining Sherman Oaks Windsor Mill Lowgap Bettendorf Parker West Allis Lucerne Valley Mansfield Center Morrill Lansing Beaverton Beaverton Pahrump Oceanside Pittsburg Fair Oaks Baltimore Lyons Wayland Peekskill Birmingham Rice Lake Aurora Beaverton St Louis Minneapolis Neoga San Diego Mapleton Depot Portland Columbus Port Richey Kingsland Harrisburg Denver Columbus Shrewsbury Piedmont Pocatello La Mesa Deptford Jacksonvill AZ WA NY CA CO OR WA NY NY CA MD NC IA CO WI CA CT ME MI OR OR NV CA KS CA MD CO NJ NY AL WI IL OR MO MN IL CA PA OR OH FL GA PA CO OH MA CA ID CA NJ FL Consumers Union 191 jamesd samuel Louise Lisa Fran julie Vanessa Ronald Many Josh Tanya Carol Laura Stephanie michael Pamela Deborah Kathi Marie Kathy Christine Karen Ariel Kathleen Erik Michael Chris teresa Don GEORGE D Bernice Susie Deborah Peter Kathy Marija Mss Mukti Drew Susan William Ronald Melissa Vicki Ilona Chantho linda Mary robin Rita Lisa saulnier jackson Gaskins Broome Leard quanstrom Pacheco Rothchild Feathers Battaglia Croke Bellinger Albert Boger edghill Dugan Martin Feldman Williams Putt Peters McKinley-Smith Marquet A Patrick-Marchi Jones Di Bona K. wells Sauve BELLESHEIM White-Morton Earnest Freeman Stickney Fischer Santos Wiseman Ishanpara LaVercombe SM Schawo Thiele Howarth Gentes Marshall Vorasarn labombard Lindsley feiger Ryan Finley-Shirley danbury topeka Groton, MA Springfield White Hall Sun City South San Francisco Huntington Station Pittsburgh Point Pleasant North Tunbridge Adamsville Algonquin Fort Wayne Miami Naples San Antonio Canoga Tucson Fort Wayne Morton Grove Eastlake Ephrata Gallipolis Philadelphia College Point Memphis Anderson Mora Gainesville Hampton Fort Worth Charlotte Santa Rosa Florissant Cedar Rapids Waco Indianapolis Spring Lake Bloomington Topeka Redway Asheville Kill Devil Hills Greenbrae Conley terryville Mason City Hb Boonville New Albany CT KS MA MO MD AZ CA NY PA NJ VT TN IL IN FL FL TX NY AZ IN IL OH PA OH PA NY TN IN MN FL VA TX NC CA MO IA TX IN MI MN KS CA NC NC CA GA CT IA CA IN IN Consumers Union 192 ericca Helen Edwin Katie Aliscia denise Eric AMY Bonnie Jean Doug Morris Jonathan S. Shanae Eva Elena Eric Chris Rosalyn Maggie Nancy Marina Sal Allison Rachel Jesse Elizabeth Regina L Matthew Claire Illana SHAYNE Angelique Janet Carla Bobbi-Lee Diane eva stacey Octavio e Hannah ashley christine Cherie Jessica Julia Vincent Marvin Lori hirt Goldenberg Harris Hauke Wood roberts Serxner MAYNARD Brown Aborn Huck Combs McIntyre Martinez Cutler Chernysheva Luu Petree Charnes Russell Ferrando Owen Cirano ODell Amalia Garcia Eisner Duprat W Soderquist Chambers Naylor ELIZABETH Purcell Ricks Brauer-Lalezari Smart Steck thiemann Robinson Pérez anderson Seaman schwabe beaudry Gajewski Sottile Westbrook Dee Roy Estridge Glen Haven Tamarac Apt.b Bayside Buffalo Marine City Brooklyn Lawrenceville Morgantown Stoddard Champaign The Woodlands Derbyline Milwaukee Pembroke Pines Brooklyn Wilmette Centerville Union Kent Sunny Isles Beach Yellow Springs Philadelphia Telluride San Francisco Tulalip Augusta Palos Verdes Estates alameda Lacey Murrieta Manassas Stamford Tallassee Spring Branch Longmont Anaheim Reno Jacksonville Candor Aurora Detroit Amherst Friendship Winchendon Springs Cheektowaga Olathe Aiken Encinitas Milpitas Fort Mill CO FL KS WI MN MI NY GA WV NH IL TX VT WI FL NY IL OH NJ OH FL OH PA CO CA WA GA CA CA WA CA VA CT AL TX CO CA NV OR NC IL MI MA WI MA NY KS SC CA CA SC Consumers Union 193 Jeannie Jessica Christina Kristine Sharon Sheila richard Danielle Peggy Richard E Janet tiffany richard Beth Jean-Michel Patrisia Anneliese Diane MARIANN Rin steve McKenna Grace Michele Joe Esther scott Zara Larie Veronica Twyla Michael and Kat krystine Susan JoAnn Dinelka Hiroko Drucilla Steven Ross Honey Lynn Karen Jaclyn Starr Spooky barbara Linda Linda c Trudi Ruth Nadolny Riojas Heon Andarmani Bodman Ens ellison Montello Ivimey Cooley Brown tenney Andersen Davidson Perrot Rawlins Schultz Dawson ADCOCK Wolfe finger Fisher Shimizu Farmer Wolk carpenter Ivanova Mallory Jacobi Anderson Shores jett Brown Herbo De Silva Patterson Gallego Campbell S. Pendleton May De Falco Faeth Beauvais Cat kelly Henson Rigsbee s Kubik Rivera Albuquerque Omaha Arroyo Grande Saratoga Siletz Gladwin Seattle Rockport Saranac Lake Albuquerque Dardenne Jefferson Hemet Claremont Seatle Mount Vernon Gray Soquel Antioch Windsor Mill Sanford Portland Boston Austin Medford green island Anchorage Darien Santa Rosa Brisbane Tempe Portland Sandston Erie Fresno Silverdale Las Vegas Presque Isle Chicago Flushing Southern Pines Inverness Tucson, Lynn Saint Clair Salisbury Mills Haddon Township Independence Ny Louisville Camden NM NE CA CA OR MI WA MA NY NM MO OH CA CA WA WA ME CA TN MD NC OR MA TX MA NY AK CT CA AP AZ OR VA PA CA WA NV ME IL NY NC FL AZ MA MO NY NJ VA NY KY NJ Consumers Union 194 Liz monty joeseph G Lisa Victoria Ann Joanna RM thea Edith Pete Sarah Geri Robert Paula Michael Cee vania Daniel Monica Jane michele Deanna anne Sharon Debi Janice Neal Leslie Sharon jim Victoria Bruce Allen Marilyn Chris Ellen madeleine bert Sharon Catherine Dennis ROGER Joan Edward Linda Ebonie Cissy Maggie JEFFERY Recko-Morrison bullard pulaski Battle Potter Dahl Lowery Holland Selya surrey Cheney Kier Peters Fowler Abramson Hurley Gerber Clark weksler Ogas Aparicio Patton turney Pucci mastrototaro Burge Russell Albright Crandall Scott Hobrock moczynski Cross Halvorsen Boulos Mullen Austin Robinson watt Greenberg Leventhal Sanchez O'Donnell CAGLE Dankovich Dalton Kasper Blackforest Cameron Chu MCQUISTION Pittsfield Kimball Piscataway Doraville Bluffdale Waretown Clinton Bristol Cincinnati Melbourne Elizabeth Ortonville Hastings Silver Springs Toccoa North Royalton Amherst Englewood Mount Vernon San Diego Randolph Beach Haven Cool Lake Quivira Ma Salem Rochester Masontown Springfield Coventry Washington, Dc Bassett Montgomery Village Meriden Setauket Casper Indianapolis Portland Cashiers San Jose New York San Diego Myrtle Beach Gleason New York Asheville Eagan, Mn Olympia Austin Hollywood mt blachard MA MI NJ GA UT NJ NY ME OH FL NJ MI NE FL GA OH NY FL NY CA NJ NJ CA KS MA OR NY WV OH RI DC WI MD CT NY WY IN OR NC CA NY CA SC TN NY NC MN WA TX FL OH Consumers Union 195 Kim Catherine Paul Pat Paulette lee dennis Maria Tommy Anna william Karen Joni michael Cheryl Penny Joann Linda Andi Anastasia Michael Anitra Brooke Jennifer Thomas Andrew Adena JM A Hector Debra Sondra William Karil Heather Judith ginny Linda Rosemary Cheryl Vickie Jessica Carmela Frank Vanessa Catherine Diana Ruth Pamela sheryl Marilyn Parker Croteau-Pinney Hause Marshall Ward berenson bradanese Gillem Yarbrough Lombardo Paxton Fabri Webb bennett Smith Larson West Watson Bauer Macdonald Keudel Henning Pratt Baron Blaney Hopper Zastrow Ournog Labis Fuentes Siegel-Furlin Enos Gans Daniels Detwiler Nicholaisen crawford Tonner Ward McAtee Hambrick Davis Albanese Bennett Welch Ayoub BAiley Frazier Ackermann jones Farmer Washington Brockton Cumming Belleville East Haven Whitestone dallas Washington Vale Palmerton Edgewater Lakeville Syracuse Kokomo Arlington Deerfield Cornville Salem Neenah Pooler Kenmore San Antonio Clermont Indianapolis Oklahoma City Los Angeles Janesville Pacifica White Plains Redwood City Dunedin Prescott Berthoud San Francisco Pasadena Thornton Burlington Stewartstown Greenville Vancouver Front Royal Portland Toms River Raleigh Kirkland Las Vegas Enosburg Knoxville Wheeling Gig Harbor Catawba WV MA GA MI CT NY TX DC NC PA FL PA NY IN TX MI AZ OR WI GA NY TX FL IN OK CA WI CA NY CA FL AZ CO CA CA CO IA MD MS WA VA OR NJ NC WA NV VT TN WV WA NC Consumers Union 196 Devorah Amy Elizabeth Elizabeth Bruce Jason Gaye Werner leona Francine Jordan Carmela Morgan Susie john sharon Yahaira Janice Patricia Helga Robert Craig Robert Rosa Matilde Marianne Brianna Mike Kerri fernando Nikki Eileen Jennifer Paul Eileen Diana Carolyn Stephanie David Timothy William Philip sandra Sarah bagwan Kathy Roger Karen Paul Jessica adrian Diane Abrams Farmer Katt Echevarria Ferraro Cratty Evans Franks Bergman maddux Shacter Kaplowitz Micheli Sheridan Signorino-Richards wilson barnett Lopez Garrod Davis Ganguly Gardiner Bovia Prince Rodriguez Diaz Vendin Carroll Larson McCanna christensen Martinez-Solano Matro Silvia Bfbird Holcomb Reeves Smith selznick Thompson Allen Tool Read Jr chiappone Behnke ali-kan Downey Bailey Schwall Ryan Marlowe tonon Lewis Cambridge Largo Moodus Woodhaven Denver Fountain Valley Richmond Stanwood Albertville Tucson Pacific Palisades Gig Harbor Albuquerque Edinburgh Emmett Andover Miami -Oakland San Jose Sterling topanga fuquay Varina Carolina Long Beach Nashwauk Carrington Eagle Los Angeles Murray Minneapolis Fall River New York Gwinner Daytona Englewood Quincy Chickasha Mesa Berkeley Clifton bangor Pa. Saukville Kansas City Byfield Silverdale Raleigh Napa Easton Farmington Hills Mesa MA FL CT NY CO CA VA WA AL AZ CA WA NM IN ID NY FL -CA CA VA CA NC PR CA MN ND ID CA UT MN MA NY ND FL CO MA OK AZ CA NJ PA WI MO MA WA NC CA CT MI AZ Consumers Union 197 Bolt Richard Dick Dana Barb Angela sheila Gail Les Nazen Stephen Marc Bonnie Kathy l Devin Brian Suzanne Dean Becky Jennifer Bonnie Ruth Cathleen Sandy Maureen Amalia Katie Rissie Ginger Bruce Theresa Jessica Barbara Mary Gina Brian Lea Haremi Jeannemarie Catherine Ashley charlotte Kathleen Johan GERALD Gloria Linda Adam Marla Cheryl Diane Linda Upright Ott Birnbaum Lindley-spence Brooks Wood bilbrey Murcott Van Horn Merjian Hansen Babin Hurwitz Niell byers Mack Norvell Bowler Cupini McCrary Clark Jacobs Herrera Allen Maliga Kuenstler Erickson Cook Javier Chapin Tulpo Boone Smith Ledl DeMaio Santonas Radosevich Andrews Watts Dieval Parker meza Peterson Cohen MORRIS Maldonado Campbell Hoff Wilsey-Cleveland Gordon Wolfe Baton Rouge Mpls Seattle Pinckney Lacey Long Beach Kingsland Hampton Bays Oceanside Charlottesville San Luis Obispo Napa Baltimore Hampton Voorheesville Seattle Port Townsend Kensington Granite City Old Hickory Moss Beach Los Angeles Tucson Skokie Los Angeles Chicago Redondo Beach Washington New Milford Greenwich Madison San Diego Sidney Reedsport Deltona Brooklyn Niles Fortson San Diego Iowa City Collegeville charlotte Anchorage New York Wolflake Redwood City Boulder Modesto Newtown Square Lynnwood Marina Del Rey LA MN WA MI WA CA TX NY CA VA CA CA MD VA NY WA WA MD IL TN CA CA AZ IL CA IL CA DC CT CT WI CA ME OR FL NY MI GA CA IA PA NC AK NY IN CA CO CA PA WA CA Consumers Union 198 Mary steve Dawn cindy Irven Karly Pamela Phoebe Jean Ann Heidi Roberta Carolyn Don Kyle Rose Teresa Emma Robert Anna Helen Linda CD Naomi Cathie VICTORIA Donna Felicia EDWARD Wendy Sandra Tina Lisa SHARON Kacy stella George Lisa Sandra Harold Sheri james Helen Chalen michelle Ricardo Laura Susan-Girl Diana Cheryl Karla Ferraro dryden Freeman shipley Wright Drake-lusby Collins McLeod Gilbert Garth Fagerquist Sprague McElroy Vaupel Matthews Izikoff Gifford Grimes Goin Meacham Fogel Engelmann Gillett Lynn Serletic COOK Horn MANCERA RAYNE TAYLOR Sands O'Neal Pump Gutierrez LEE Utech la rue Rogozin Hines Evans Manning Center stephens Becker Lathrop vogt Galino Andersen-Bales Froman Mattion Connolly Barrios Aurora Joelton Penobscot Irwin Mem Sisters Ann Arbor Columbia Chicago Park Long Beach Nashua Gary Mountainair Olympia Corona Goffstown Mentone Seaford Valparaiso Athens Machiasport Bolton Atlanta Toledo San Francisco Fairfield Santa Margarita Mountlake Terrace Green Ny Sapulpa Fremont arleta Bend Thiensville New York Mickleton Marshall Morgantown Martinsburg Columbus Salem Union Cambridge Wash Woodside Noblesville Gahanna Montgomery Village Onalaska Phoenix CO TN ME PA TN OR MI SC CA CA NH IN NM WA CA NH CA DE IN GA ME MA GA OH CA CA CA WA ME NY OK OH CA OR WI NY NJ NC WV WV OH OR NJ NY DC NY IN OH MD WI AZ Consumers Union 199 Connie Rena Geoff Teresa Jacqueline Juliette Sherron Kari Maggie Gendreau Nancy carrie eileen Brian Rachel Robert donna Charella Joan Elizabeth Cathy Terry Jill Yvonne martha Audrey jason Kristen Richard Rubye Marc Yee-Shin Kathleen LUCY Trena Linda Maggie Terrence John Kelly Courtney JENNI Rabecca Cary Binh carolyn Rhonda Erin Judi Tawnya Michelle nicole Childs Harrington Peterson Godlevsky Zephyr Norlander Dyrdahl Garcia Doreen Heath obrien mitchell Mclenaghan Teshera Nesbit joyner Marx Blatz Moore Kurtz Saberhagen Rivas Christison roddenbery Hollaar mecum Floyd Patenaude Frazier Arnold Yang Kennedy heagy Epperley Simmons Russelll Parkhurst Stevenson Balliet Bramer Hamilton Gainey Moy Truong terrien Galbraith O'Hara McDermott Stojakovic Agnew zborial caravajal University Place Hudson Falls Flagstaff Sioux Falls Havre De Grace Grand Ronde Mounds View Miami Tiverton Mobile San Francisco Meridian New Hudson Bristol Augusta Vancouver Edgewater Charlottesville Santa Cruz Wenatchee Ottawa Longview Stevens Point Lilburn Salt Lake City Milwaukie Muncie Hayward Kansas City Tacoma Lincroft Rose City Pittsburgh Dallas Wallis Maumee Seattle Las Vegas Hubertus Grand Rapids Plattsburg Audubon Park Oak Park Skokie vernon Clinton Brooklyn Wallkill North Haledon Altadena Los Angeles WA NY AZ SD MD OR MN FL RI AL CA ID MI CT GA WA MD VA CA WA IL WA WI GA UT OR IN CA KS WA NJ MI PA OR TX OH WA NV WI MI MO KY IL IL VT WA NY NY NJ CA CA Consumers Union 200 Elizabeth Ronald jan GAYLE Mary Jo bernie Stuart David Tina Zoe Freya Laurie Don Hope Wayne Malley Karen cathy Jennifer james Barbara Megan Jodi Kathleen jenny Tristin Jackson Cheryl Melissa Eva Virginia Randi Maria Clarissa Sarah Kimberly Marc Helen Paul Camille Connie Daniel Rheachel susan Makeda kimberly Colleen Cara Sullivan Stacey Scott Bollington Harley lochner SPULNIAK Al-Tukhaim white Ross Savige Risley Woodbridge Hill Millane Tutor Williams Mc Cune Heinlein Kravcov Malcolm monroe Taylor cunningham Byers G Ansley Wolfe walsh Ison Reynolds Higer Alvarado Johnson Cowie Perkins Mariorenzi Almeida Kirchens Wade Rubin Colby Cunningham Singaraju Toohey Luttrell Keith harmon Kamara vincent Kitson Perrin DeRoeck Wilson Thompson Poole Lincoln Tucson Sebastopol GRESHAM West Townsend Lincoln Park Madison Portsmouth Westfield College Park Geneva Viroqua Harrells Saint Clairsville Auburn Kingston Scottsdale Scottsburg Hon Warrenton Ann Arbor Salinas Jewett Des Moines Coconut Creek Harrison Okmulgee Wheatfield Willowbrook Phillips Grand Blanc Atascadero Cranston Wayne Spruce Pine Malverne Hamilton Square Miami Galveston Albuquerque Kingsport Marlow Brockton Brooklyn Dorchester Moscow Lehigh Acres Little Rock Santa Fe Deer Park Havasu City CA AZ CA OR MA MI WI VA IN MD NY WI NC OH WA NY AZ IN AA MO MI CA TX WA FL MI OK IN IL WI MI CA RI NJ NC NY NJ FL TX NM TN OK MA NY MA ID FL AR NM NY AZ Consumers Union 201 Kimberly Su m Elizabeth Carol Lilia Heather Karen Marsha Sandra Linda Susan Leslie Sharon Destiny Estela Synnove Susan Karl Sheila Della Rose Carl Melanie Rose Donna M. LESLIE Okiyo Carrie Allan norma Latisha Stacey mary Lisandre beorne Lana Karen Moses dennis Eddy Casey Lynn Vince Milena Julia Suzanne melinda John Nanette jennifer Mike Kessleski Wilson mercho Davies Wilson Wood Sawitzki Weeger Estefan Starkey Burt Della Sala Brown Anhorn Reed Hernandez Johnson Ross Bokelmann Shiozaki Perkins Fisherman Kenoyer Stadt Jitchotvisut EDSTROM Ososaka Sue Ayvar Nicholson loewen Kantlehner Perlman bontz :Lyon maukonen Bobak Naumann Adams kreiner Wong Blanchard Goldberg Davis Christankova Cafaro Sheldon mcbride Albertini Saucier ruunion Kelly Philadelphia Kent Indianapolis Bristol Fort Worth Mill Creek Rotterdam Santa Rosa San Antonio Balt. Ward Brick Montclair Loveland Denver San Diego Lynnwood Scranton Baileys Harbor Olympia Covington Franklin Lakes Vancouver Jacksonville Chicago CARPENTERSVILLE Oakland Miami Seattle Pioneer Traverse City Los Angeles Sykesville Seal Beach Clearwater Rochester Hills Las Cruces Brown Summit Carpentersville Franklin D Roosevelt Biloxi Manassas Independence Atlanta Woodstock Fredetteville Topanga Charleston Soquel Florence Huntington Beach PA WA IN CT TX WA NY CA TX MD CO NJ NJ CO CO CA WA PA WI WA LA NJ WA FL IL IL CA FL WA CA MI CA MD CA FL MI NM NC IL NY MS VA MO GA GA VT CA ME CA KY CA Consumers Union 202 Amanda Denise Marion Sarah Lauren jennifer elisha mary M Diana Pat Regina Sandra Jessica Cheryl Robert carol Franco Dennis Sarah Andrew Steve terri Taylor Maria G Lucy Bobbie Ruth Brittany Urmila Dan alex Pamela donna Douglas gene cindie Macie Mellinda Ali Paul Susan Ashley Alison Catherine Gary gary Julie Karen Kim Laura Cooks Limbert Dulabaum Rogozinski Cohen richie minsal peplinski Thornbury Brunswig-Bosso Miller D'Andrea Laursen Pote Ward Fay westeen Di Palma Specht Foster Spofford Mendoza zuckerman1 Floyd Jimenez-Madrid Monserrate Daniels Epstein Jett Padmanabhan Baker dere Quattrini mickelson McNeill schlein harris Schriner Phillips Roberts Paine Kruse Roach Halm Staats Tubb wood Scott Lewis Grodberg Cales Roswell Conshohocken Uniontown Cape Coral Lathrup Village Kannapolias Deerfield Beach Berryville Hermitage Arnold Spokane Kernersville Bath Potsdam Sanger Saint Petersburg Springfield Naples Ashland Madison Missoula Rocky Hill woodstock Aurora Tucson San Juan Camden New Rochelle Portage Fremont Eat Claire Renton Dixon Dearborn Greenbelt Fort Lee Mt Juliet Lansing Bayfield Chicago Trenton Overland Park Orlando Arlington Heights Sheboygan Copley Lacrosse Long Beach Beaumont Manhattan Lucedale GA PA OH FL MI NC FL AR TN MO WA NC NY NY TX FL MA FL OR WI MT CT GA CO AZ PR SC NY IN CA WI WA MO MI MD NJ TN MI CO IL FL KS FL IL WI OH WI CA TX KS MS Consumers Union 203 Melissa Brian JP L Eleanor Carey Ria Michele Sarah Roxane John Sharon Ilea Courtland jeimy KIM Shelley Chris Rose Linda Kathy Terry Gloria chas Emily Kristen virginia lskdjj Katherine P.Darlene kelly Nicole nina katie Ellen shannon Alexandra N Lauren Lucas Daneen Daniel JEFFREY Joel Leslie Joyce Robyn Linda Robin Sara NANCY Pamela valerie Pool Craig Finney Beach Brigmann Merritt Wolters Connor Angus Craven Woods Geib maldonado BARKETT OConnor Cordo Madison Folk Johnston Austin Lemos withers McIntire Fowler nordberg jdfljkase Nelson Stribling mccoy Bovigny weber edwards Fischler Gauba williams Fresch Miller Blyskal Bardoni Uhling Kasper SALES LaFleur Distad Britcher Winder Muntner Berenson Davis ROACH Dawson-carhart williams Albuquerque Rockaway Laguna Niguel Pensacola Petaluma Pendleton Mogul Falmouth Boise Phila Eureka Ironwood Bolingbrook Lawrenceville Flushing Jackson Whitefish Desert Hot Springs Mpls Jamestown Pinewood schererville Indianapolis Smithsburg Maplewood Morristown Moorestown Webb parkville Valencia Drexel Hill Weston Torrance Lafayette Denver miami Trace Glen Burnie veradale No Abbotsford Bacliff Minneapolis Miramar Largo Raleigh Highland Park Cranston York Hopkinton Des Moines NM NJ CA FL CA IN NV VA ID PA CA MI IL GA MI NJ MT CA MN NC SC IN IN MD NJ TN NJ MO MD CA PA FL CA IN CO FL TX MD WA TN WI TX MN FL FL NC IL RI PA MA IA Consumers Union 204 Amanda Leslie Micah Patty Chandra Melissa Valerie Barbara A. Alan Melody Barbara Sharlynne Anna Bonnie Jessica Lynn Jasmine Lea Alan Chris cindy Violeta Laurence Gabriel Lillian Sara Betty Wayne John Susan Laura Lisa Kelley Natasha Diane Darin jill Bryan Brandon June margaret Cat Laura Orne LORETTA darlene Barry constance lauralee Phillip Scuder Peretsky Groover Langford S. Steffey Keith Boardman Lanigan Schwartz Crespo Jack Sanchez Ocasio Emmons Bennett Flores Geth Raisdanai Richardson Serlin Brady collins Latorre Mong Colasurdo Neumann Bakker Grantham Todd Chamberlin Kotowicz Jensen Witham Ley Bojorcas Golub Singleton Allene Henning Bell DeLong Maselbas moulton Summers Hicks Montgomery WAGLER gordon Kem buck lenahan Schneider New York Englewood Monterey De Berry Austin Sugar Hill Sunland Boise Park City Mooresville Maspeth Fountain Manati South Plainfield Eugene New Braunfels Miami Arlington Woodinville Chicago Kingman Hernando Los Angeles Scottsdale Portland Shelby Twp. Santa Clara Greenwood Anchorage Fountain Cheyenne Modesto Mentor Sarasota Chino Valley Grand Junction Los Angeles Melbourne Port Angeles Toledo Larkspur Olympia Kissimmee Nampa Las Vegas Milwaukie evanston Muncie Santa Fe Dorchester Bo NY CO TN TX TX GA CA ID UT NC NY CO PR NJ OR TX FL WA WA IL AZ MS CA AZ OR MI CA MS AK CO WY CA OH FL AZ CO CA FL WA OH CA WA FL ID NV OR IL IN NM NJ WA Consumers Union 205 Liliana Marigold Beverly Laura Brandi Kevin Bob Sara Cheryl Alma Erin Jamarcus angela Loree Chuck Gloria Lynn Cindy Jerry marie robert Linda Richard Regina Barbara Al Christine Geraldine Bradley Cathryn robert Jody mariam Jay Roberta leslie joe dennis Monluedee Stefanie Maryellen Laura Ken lee Kim Tammy Carol Barbara Ileana Linda Sandra Garcia Ruff Miller Wilson Varnell Hill Davis Young Courtney-Evans Ibrekic Mooney Thomas zerance McKenna Gruver Rosenkrantz Frye Lampton Valliere newhouse dubois Babb Falzone Bennett Schreier Schwartz Chittum Truog Savage Ciszek ingrao Norwood goretti Buckley Desalle jaye sandbothe anderson Luecha Spear Lee Walden Thenuwara malcolm Wise Watts Brown Costa Knight Baker Stevens Carolina Altadena Kansas City North Pole Knoxville Havelock Philadelphia Craigsville Atlanta Beaverton New Hope Granite City Palmyra Pendleton Salt Lake City Omaha Shipshewana Wichita Manchester Homosassa Houston Torrance Alliance Winter Springs Putnam Pleasantville Fairfield West Middlesex Carmel Titusville Shoreline Stone Mountain Bx Saint Petersburg New York Sarasota council bluffs cranston Kearney Moreland Hills Fultonville Leesburg Mountain View Easley Cape Coral Grayson Staten Island New Port Richey Lawrenceville Madison Heights Gadsden PR CA MO AK TN NC PA WV GA OR MN IL PA OR UT NE IN KS NH FL TX CA OH FL CT NY VA PA IN FL WA GA NY FL NY FL IA RI NE OH NY FL CA SC FL KY NY FL GA MI AL Consumers Union 206 Patricia Danielle Sarah S Dorothy Russell Sabrina gerard delores Denise ed Kathleen Linda April kate Eileen Llew Deborah Colleen Kim sandy Sarah melissa Robert robin patsy Craig Rian Maureen Lucy Rebecca Tanya SUSAN Christopher Renee Jody Nancy Maggie Mary Angela Daniela Travis lisa Brenda Raquel Kristen Stephen Sue Betty Shala Barbara Trillo Hageli Porter Reynolds Meyers Webb Everson lambert Lowis Janssen Eager larson Meyer Collier Zannier beales Murray Taylor Kowalski Kennedy McDonald smith Tomer chisena Cheetham rutan duffany Stevens Combs Ward Goffan Moudy Ellenburg-Kimmet GREENE Jay Keller Ganiban Gilbert Kearns Israel Bowman Crespo Herb wason Herndon Guillen Cone Hill Faggion Bain Freeland St John Lock Haven Janesville Oxr Edmond Neenah Germantown Chester Westbury Plainwell Evansville Boulder Twin Falls Hyattsville Bloomington Randolph Belmont Beaver Falls Elgin Burbank Taylor Chittenango Edwardsville Philadelphia Friendswood Manassa Plattsgurgh Baton Rouge Middletown Ozone Park Waldwick Colorado Springs Yellow Springs Queen Creek Huntington Coon Rapids Washington, DC Athens Harrisburg Santa Fe Buffalo Bayamon Ashland PA WI AL OK WI TN VA NY MI WI CO ID MD IN MA MA PA IL CA MI NY IL PA TX CO NY LA OH NY NJ CO OH AZ NY MN DC GA PA NM NY PR OR 12188 NY Charlotte NC San Francisco CA Chicago IL Palos Verdes Estates CA Eagan MN Cleveland GA Strockbridge GA Whiting NJ Consumers Union 207 shirley Joan JOANN Nick louis Margaret Carlos NEIL Patricia Stephen and Barbara barbara Daphne patrick denise Christine Tina David Pamela Dorothy Jan Ryan Christina penny Steven Carla Rajiv Karen Diane vlake Victoria Brenda Jo Anne Kay Sherry Susan bernard stephanie s Karen Cal Kennedy Sarah johanna John Emily Joe Gina Burr Theresa barbara Susan Steven walter Earnshaw BOWMAN Bariloni pappas Sampson Santiago STECKER Daniels Young colella Fenster malone krogstadt Hunt Braga Waldon Johnson Neff Jackson Flynn Fitz Gibbon jablonski Hunter Jacob Ramdass Osipoff Ferrante winters Toro Wilson Zito Shelton Hutchison Thompson howard scott Trocchia Clements Ayers Blanchard t Carlow Taylor Mihm Macias Tyler Hamilton barton ONEAL Vaughan Ocala La Plata ORLAndo San Jose Brooklyn Lake Bluff San Juan Tamarack, Mn Manassas Clearfield Middle Island Oak Park conyers Roseburg Spring Lake Hudson Stockton Lake Village Coleman San Marcos Fort Collins Fresno Punta Gorda Dayton Thomson Vc Belleville Bellmore Conway Bronx Rapid City Elmwood Park El Paso Des Moines Boynton Beach ogden Virginia Bch East Hanover Athens Salt Lake City Edmonds Portland Penhook Los Angeles Borger Fort Myers Berkeley Cincinnati Chicago Scottsdale Brighton FL NM FL CA NY IL PR MN VA KY NY MI GA OR MI MA CA IN MI TX CO CA FL TX GA FL WI NY SC NY SD NJ TX IA FL KS VA NJ GA UT WA OR VA CA TX FL CA OH IL AZ IL Consumers Union 208 Edward mark Susan Joyce susan S Nancy Melyssa Rebecca Tammy Michele elvin Mildred susan Susan jean Ruth Deborah David Barbara Anna janet Veronica Patricia Bill Vivian Linda Cindy Samuel Linda Claire John M. Linda Madelaine Laurie William Matthew Ronald Shaytu Ginny Heidi James Joan Diane Randy Robert Edward p Carrie David Vonnie Michael Sumerdon mironov Toft Leggatt wetherbee K Boden Lyons Hessinger B Nimmick thompson Kleriga Rangel-Johns dickerson Sillars mazzella Powell Cox Fung Travis Smith ayers Bolivar Daniels Hulbert Woo Fisdcher Wyatt Morningstar Chamberlin Cooper Burt Prechtel Burgess Fraker Freeman Stedinger Shields Schwandes Canady OBrien Whitehead Goulden Thomas Heimos Freeborn Weber Brooks Allison Sisauyhoat Zomber Schaumburg Highland Park St. Paul Portland Southbridge Richfield New London Seattle Burt Okc Dubuque detroit Las Vegas Clinton Portage Ashland New Philadelphia Los Angeles Robbinsville Ewa Beach Manhattan Chicago Stephenville Los Angeles Olympia Los Altos Hills Tacoma Hurricane Milwaukee Los Alamos Clarkston Corvallis New Berlin Concord El Centro Birmingham Ithaca Pittsford Silver Spring Charleston Manhattan Beach Los Angeles Honolulu brooklyn Howey State College Los Angeles Nicholson Gwynn Oak Madison Devon IL NJ MN OR MA MN MO WA NY OK IA MI NV MD MI WI OH CA NJ HI NY IL TX CA WA CA WA WV WI NM MI OR WI CA CA AL NY NY MD SC CA CA HI NY FL PA CA GA MD WI PA Consumers Union 209 Tay'Paris Adam lisa Barnali Sarah michael Jimmy Gram Brandon Dianne Raeanna Pam Kristin Marisa Deborah Alyson lynn Vaiva Kathryn JOE lu Cody David Jade Karen Lori Pat Angela Patty t alice Alexa sydney Opaletta Teresa Barbara Lynn Evelyn Chanel Monica Laurel Laura Carol Erin Julia Shirley Alik Jessica Jacob Ann Gene Buckner Lutz bornfriend Ghosh Beams townsend Arcade Benike Archambault Chandler Biddle Seguin L. McDonald Detering King noto Griskaite Arndt SZYMCZAK bailey Salter Simeone Gulden Beattie Pottinger Mulready Flautz Cook Keil cleveland Bushmire vallano Oslakovich Towe Sukstorf Haspel Smart Brown Marcu Sheffield McGowan Jones wood Perryman Chandl Kalashnikov Ramirez Hanifl Murphy Gary-Williams Las Vegss Castaic Winter Park Berkeley O'fallon Springfield,Il. Columbus Scottsdale Bismarck Woodstock Denver Washington Buffalo La Verne El Mirage Manchester Oxford Grass Valley Madison Niles Chicago Columbia Narragansett Bisbee The Villages Berkeley Silver Spring Long Beach Cupertino Breckenridge Frankfort Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Lockport Easley Cedar Bluffs Carriere Irving Sacramento Issaquah Columbia Lothian Cupertino Salisbury Delaware Jamaica Plain Miami Beach Los Angeles Middleton Louisville Upper Marlboro NV CA CO CA MO IL OH AZ ND GA CO MI NY CA CA NH MS CA WI IL IL MO RI AZ FL CA MD CA CA CO IN PA PA IL SC NE MS TX CA WA MO MD CA NC OH MA FL CA WI KY MD Consumers Union 210 Bev Raymond Nicholas Max Carole Cyndi jesus Carole Liane Maggie Shawn Sharon Linda Jason James Anna Dennis CYNTHIA Janice Sherri Tanya Kristy Paulina Stephanie Dana Linda Charles Ulrika Christopher David T Joan Jennifer Lizette Emily Robert Brian Bill Jessica Galin J. Chelsea Anita pat Andrew Julie Megha Monica Robert Kevin anne Amy Furnish Scharff Davidson Barack Lane Holcombe portalatin Niemietz Pei Shields Pillon Eichhorn Driscoll Smith Soviero Will Rybicke ENGLER Clarke Repass Bae Cronkrite Fadrowska Chrisman Zupanovich Auld MacKay Muller Southers Friedman Lamoureux Colburn Hochberg Flores Pagano Levy Grogan Juarez Pheylan Siglin Arne Edington chery Sterioff Adams Shyam Severy Hunt Curtin jenkins Parish Park hills Rockville Cleveland Glenview Woodland Park Swannanoa new york Marion Ny Worcester New York Faribault Lake Oswego Eastman Red Bank Arvada Fort Atkinson Apt. 1 Mount Vernon Gallipolis Portland Yorba Linda Chicago Niles San Pedro Fort Collins Coaldale Madison Staunton Bronx Agoura Hills Los Angeles Fairfield Chicago Granville New Orleans Arlington San Antonio Bloomington Asheville Windham Buffalo East Falmouth Minneapolis Kerrville Corvallis Virginia Beach Chesterfield Cedaredge Spring Los Angeles KY MD OH IL NJ NC NY IN NY MA NY MN OR WI NJ CO WI MN NY OH OR CA IL MI CA CO PA WI VA NY CA CA CT IL OH LA WI TX IN NC CT WY MA MN TX OR VA VA CO TX CA Consumers Union 211 Wendy DuAnn James Esther S Gina Robert Jim Sharon Elizabeth Floyd J Rebecca Veronica Nahiris Tiffany saptarshi Ellie Karen Cindi Ann Jihan Judith Delores Jacqueline Margaret Elliot JENNIFER Cindy Seth Charles Mary Ellen angie Alan Gilbert Donald John Josh Pearlly Chris Carol S.M. Robert michael Lisa Barbara Patricia Vernette John stefan Mike Terry Pratt Peterson Dennis Kim Kilpatrick Crunkilton Carson Gragel Reynolds Otto Hidalgo Jr Rosen Lum Brikker Bahamon Dietterich lahiri Mazack Kampwirth Hoppes Lentz Kim Maron-Friend McQuiston Seifert Flower Stern GOYETTE Tancredi Bartlett Stensrud Ford humphries Suits Blaha Metzger Cole Griffith Bouddhara Pitzel Stephens Bonante Boschee soudant Jensen Davidson Mastrangelo Chance Shea perrachon Nestor Rydell Lansing Salina, Ks Sequim Brooklyn Atlanta Cabool Towson Sagamore Hills Las Vegas Kansas City Livonia San Francisco Brooklyn Boston Coal Run Syracuse Durham Galesburg Edwardsville Kula Brooklyn Portland Escondido Cortlandt Manor Oak Creek Santa Fe Smyrna Shenandoah Anacortes Hilo San Francisco dallas Santa Fe Buffalo Valley Tappan Wheaton Sykesville Wichita Simi Valley Bluffton White Oak Quincy Lafayette Santa Cruz Westminster Scituate Wichita Brooklyn Pittsboro Toledo Watertown MI KS WA NY GA MO MD OH NV MO LA CA NY MA PA NY NC IL IL HI NY OR CA NY WI NM GA PA WA HI CA NC NM TN NY IL MD KS CA SC PA CA CO CA MD MA KS NY NC OH SD Consumers Union 212 Brindle Carolyn Randy Tami Isabella Rosanna Vicki Bryan Heather Larisa Lisa Thatcher Joan Lee Margaret Pam DeAnn Chizuko neil Elaine Julie Michael John Judith Jose Mary Beth Adam judy Leslie Lana Maureen Shanna Jeff carla Richard Kathleen J.J. stephanie Leigh John Joan Patricia Joanna Elihu Austen Tim Adam maureen Sharon R Jessica Lair Douglas Schick Green Thomson Mattingly Luman Hampton Sutherland Kuhar Saladin Bohrman Nickum Milligan Behr Davis Major Walter youngberg Fitzpatrick Connely Smith Dawson Anderson Hernandez Vargas Savett smith Hall Pierson Burke Benton Captain christianson Hyman Wolak Blade riedman Walker Harrison Crawford Post Fong Edelson Legel Gural Bedway madden Redey Atanacio Nutter Dallas Indianapolis Plover Brookport Woodinville Portland Sterling Heights Raleigh Raeford Colorado Springs Moscow Prescott Kansas City Tucson Geneseo Soperton Denver Hillsborough East Elmhurst Sparta Op West Monroe Perry Phoenix Woodside La Vista Solon Whitmire Folsom baton rouge Palm Bch Gdns Florence Madison Ormond Beach Burbank Hamden La Slc Atlanta Arlington Buckfield Nashville rosemead Tyler Portland Centennial Wheeling Philadelphia Key colony beach Gulph Mills Apopka TX IN WI IL WA OR MI NC NC CO ID AZ KS AZ IL GA CO NJ NY NJ KS LA OK AZ NY NE OH SC CA LA FL AL WI FL CA CT CA UT GA VA ME TN CA TX OR CO WV PA FL PA FL Consumers Union 213 Bobbie Stephanie Robert Sally Shambie Nancy Mary Robert Maria Sheryl Gabriella Linda Alan Heather Pam Gene Amber Michelle Sally Bellina Shanti Leslie Patrick Grace BRIAN Stan Kathy anita Candace Jessamine John Jennifer Holly Kelly Janice Kim Donna Virginia Kit Jason levert Anne Diana Terri Marta Kiersten Lemlem Allison Helene Julie HOWARD Loeffler Biermann Jones Hitchcock Cooper Straus Cordoba Katz Brueckner Eichenlaub Bertelmann Frese Hulsebus Albanese Sherrer Michels Haseltine Crean Nottage Chan Leon Guerrero Price London Nash-Cunningham LAVELLE Wiaduck Jacob tovich Yamakawa Belland Lynch Roland Adkisson Martinson Lawrence Graham Sorrell Werp Jones Roach thomas Greene Stephenson Kelley Nerin Torrez Herring Sly Phillips Strauss WHITING Eastborough St Louis Maricopa Sacramento Cocoa Beach Philadelphia Leesburg Denmark Seffner Bethel Park Denver Magnolia Ames Clarence Morrow Charles City Chicago Chatham Eugene San Mateo Chicago Eugene Charlotte Camarillo Yonkers Palos Hills Chico New York New York Kalamazoo Flagstaff Citrus Heights Charlotte Madison Lebanon Southaven Yellow Springs Overland Park Livingston Manor Rapid City n. plainfield Carmel Cincinnati Charlotte norwalk Saint Louis Chesapeake Edinboro Sparks Evanston Vancouver KS MO AZ CA FL PA VA ME FL PA CO DE IA NY GA IA IL MA OR CA IL OR NC CA NY IL CA NY NY MI AZ CA NC WI MO MS OH KS NY SD NJ CA OH NC CT MO VA PA NV IL WA Consumers Union 214 Elsa Nicoll john Michael Jonathon Heather Daevad Deborah Kathleen james Marie-Odile Tracy Jane O. Carol brenda Sara Carol Michelle pryshneel Megan Barbara Leeann DAVID Trisha Ken mike Charles James Miranda Alana Brenda Carla James Sarah Scott David V John Jessica Ellen Michael Denise Peter Amanda lowell Carolyn R. alice Deborah DAve Medin Stapleton egan Fishel Lovell Adler Tajkowski Ford Strickland fuller Fortier Hendrix Cigard Lamoree Royce jewell Kenney Munsey Buerger Prasad Latshaw Zanger Stahl HERMAN Conroy Green rice Sterling Calibjo Hansen Serignese Ramirez Simpkins Huston Bauman Pedersen Hardee J Gruenwald Geich Caprio Pedersen Diesbergen Ianchiou Mengden Reichman Hui Woodson sjardijn Rubin MacCool Coral Gables Denver New Rochelle Atlanta Newark Madison Sarasota Ambler Union Springs Durham Lawrence Memphis Baldwin City Cooper City Danbury Midland Los Angeles Tacoma Madison Mountain View Baltimore North Attleboro Frankton FREDERICK Las Vegas Kigsport Port Angeles Colorado Springs San Rafael Oro Valley Lebanon Corona Arkadelphia Rushville Lincoln Luverne Sumter Clovis Sussex Oakland San Diego Maple Valley Northbrook Tucson Ypsilanti Ocean Fitchburg Oak Park Baltimore Dallas Louisville FL CO NY GA OH WI FL PA NY NC KS TN KS FL CT MI CA WA WI CA MD MA IN MD NV TN WA CO CA AZ CT CA AR IN NE ND SC NM WI CA CA WA IL AZ MI NJ WI IL MD TX KY Consumers Union 215 Helen John Jimmie patricia Ruth Carole Heidi J Sonia Yvonne brenda susana Jerry John Darcy Clive Caro Meya Ann D. Dick Denny danielle Autumn Skye James Geoffrey Leonard Sherrie Christine Misty David jean Maria colleen Molly Kristy Karen Bette Quinn Rama Robin Rose Uton beth Wanda Pamela Lindsey Matt Carol vanita Cherlyn Daly Chaker Wise. silver Olafsdottir Latino Gulick Fleischmann Naidu Jimenez muoio diaz Withers Yuknis Dallin Smith Dedona Law Pirie Wood Reiss Ruble librizzi Rath Roser Thulin Dawson Koon-McFee Harness Hay Gebhardt conway Stevens Daley Withers Dodge Peralta Cadwell Ramirez Inacio Lashells Bowen Neil pfaff Harden Standridge Hollett Kelly Draizen novak Willis Hull Bedford, TX Clipper mills Farnham Santa Monica Ft. Myers Shrewsbury Los Angeles New York Cedar Park coventry Miami Beach Pasco Burr Ridge Aurora Summit Bloomfield Forestville Emerald Hills Lincoln City Kent Fort Worth Linwood San Francisco Teaneck Cashtown Seattle Chapmansboro Savannah Santa Rosa Gardnerville Sonoma Mccook Chula Vista Denver Roseville Kenmore Metairie Sterling Heights Olathe Citrus Heights Strasburg Long Pond Bozeman Hattiesburg Sparks Salem Petersburgh Oakland Rice, Wa. San Diego MA TX CA NY CA FL VT CA NY TX RI FL WA IL CO NJ MI MD CA OR OH TX NJ CA NJ PA WA TN GA CA NV CA NE CA CO CA WA LA MI KS CA VA PA MT MS NV MA NY CA WA CA Consumers Union 216 Sally Kenna Vera Debra Marcella Susan Loretta Kathryn Savannah Hannah Judith Adrienne Tami Michele Angela Jessica Michael Lauren Maria Darrell Sara Allegra Robert Alexandra Suzanne Tom A Diana Rick Kathryn Ron Michelle patrick Trudy Peter jen Sandra Jeannette Kathleen Shellie Barbara melissa Remy Danielle Viviane Ric Linda Elaine Jacqueline Jennifer Catherine Conolly Smoot Stafford Hosford Stupin Cottle Burnham Paulsen Spiffy McGowan Steeh Tsikewa Crane Bell Muriel Goodway Bouey Bourque Biryukova DeGeeter Matteson Schecter Johnson Bancroft Becker Lemieux Chickey Restaino O'Connell Coll Bergman Renfro thomas McCreanor Rallo fyk Teichner Robinson Rinker Parrish Basler g Amadeo Durst Lerner Palomo Thacker Anderson Romo Johnson Moore Dallas, Or Calabasas Kalamazoo San Pablo Stone Mountain Raleigh Peabody New York Athens Crosby Ann Arbor Aurora Chenango Forks Terrell Brooklyn Wilton Tucson Hartsville Box 1283 Mckinney Las Vegas Cherry Valley Albuquerque New brunswick Aurora Boulder Torrance Dayton Tucson, Az San Jose Flagstaff Nashville Middletown Ukiah Vernon Hills Cochranville Plymouth El Paso Salt Lake City Fort Rucker Santa Fe Freeport New Haven Irwin HILO Santa Rosa Winslow Burnsville Fort Worth Ludington Denver OR CA MI CA GA NC MA NY GA TX MI CO NY TX NY NY AZ SC AE TX NV NY NM NJ CO CO CA OH AZ CA AZ TN OH CA IL PA MN TX UT AL NM TX CT PA HI CA AZ MN TX MI CO Consumers Union 217 mike James Lynne Sandra William Maureen Deborah Sandra J Gloria Burnley Cynthia Nicole Beverly Brenda Andy Val Julie Michele Kendra Teresa Brandon J. Diana Connie Donna Will kathleen Beth Judy Abbie Gail Michael R Lynne Heather Kaitlyn ralph Mark Rolando Dolly Susan Karen Michel Nati John aaron Catherine Anne megan Katherine kays Hellman II Elmer Blake Fraser Kelley Whorley Hauss M Boeringa Hayes Heinze Knight Garcia Milam Pfeiffer Velitschkowski Hoffer Dollar Brown Richardson Lee Joshua Gladstone Mazour Downing Morgan strang Kaplan Pigg Behrendt Karlish Fleischaker Patterson Brown Holley Wendt Cooper weston Westbrook Mendoza Schertz Levine Gravelle Poisson Zavaleta Sedia jones Bogue Wilson sinclair Collinson weatherford Jefferson Lafayette Mooresville West Point Natick Greenwood Yonkers Worcester Shorewood Cocoa Beach Flushing Brick Norman Cimpton Middleton Apache Junction Brooklyn Sunland Arnold Lebanon Goodyear Granada Hills Pittsburgh Norfolk Falls Church New York Albany Worcester Kalamazoo Poplar Bluff Shutesbury Whitefish Reston Lake Forest Durham Maroa Glenolden Carmichael Coral Gables New Braunfels San Diego Long Island City Westcliffe Stokesdale Bala Cynwyd Oakland Williamston Butler Greenwoodlake Bellingham TX OR NY NC CA MA IN NY MA IL FL NY NJ OK CA WI AZ NY CA MO OR AZ CA PA NE VA NY GA MA MI MO MA MT VA CA NC IL PA CA FL TX CA NY CO NC PA CA MI PA NY WA Consumers Union 218 D Karen Clifton Larry Julie Lynda Sara Maris Diana Trent John Brigit Karen Mary Barry Kathryn H NJ Tatiana Karen steve Timothy Charles Anthony Brittney Jeanne Jennell Amelia Karen judy Stephen EDIE Jazzie Susan Chris Jonathan MICHELE Richard rachel Deanna Kris naomi Elisabeth Renee Melissa Judy lynn Jackie Stephen sammy Donald Van Ormer Mirate McMillan Jr Wyles Bernheimer Stamm Rockwell Sidenstecker Antunes Taylor Cort Sunflame Strauss Maiden Mueller Horney Callan Price Chapel Hubbard Hanson woodward Neuenkirchen Dixon Mark Schmidt Chang Madrid Clearwater Spradlin stack French GLENN Alvarado Reichbart Romar Lane LAROSE Sandler biermann Wolf Viens guttormsen Rosewall Fisher Goldsmith Stewart martin Caldwell Bohac greenblatt Wallace San Diego Prairie Du Sac Helena Gaffney Lewes Hamersville Brookline Watsonville Seattle Louisville Boulder Portland Phoenixville Decorah Howell Valatie Oakland Encinitas Santa Rosa Tillamook Thousand Oaks Montgomery Marshall Oakland Dubuque Santa Fe Woods Cross Somerville Jacksonville Burton Tuscola Florence Newton Fairfax West Des Moines Ballston Spa N Bergen South River alton Mansfield Vernon Rohnert Park Grand Rapids Fair Oaks Northampton Kure Beach Martinsville Athens Twain Harte Boca Raton Littleton CA WI AL SC DE OH NH CA WA KY CO OR PA IA MI NY CA CA CA OR CA IL TX CA IA NM UT MA AL OH IL KY NH VA IA NY NJ NJ IL MO CT CA MI CA MA NC VA AL CA FL CO Consumers Union 219 Chey tricia Steven Carrol oswaldo Toni Jeannette Jan Margaret Norma Heather June Joanne Dorothy Cathy Celeste Felice Rhonda Lynnece Dan Daniel Linda Erin Bonnie Mary John Linda Alden Margery mary Jill Nicole E Lindsay John Maryann nathalie Arielle Gavin Cathy Glen KEVIN Libby J. Jessica Lauren Jacob Denise Priscilla Frank Thira Ernest Leonard Kumara taylor Koszut Lewis padilla Geer Lajoie Accardo Brusatto-Uzelac Perlstein Marsh Helker Wright Freeman Brooks Winterberger Zinderman Jackson Brook Slomoff Bovy Stevenson Gordon-Lucas Deforest Neal Shamis Thayer Lavery lanier Bittner Knapp Baum Sharp Newton Khan gorgis Rames Thorinson R Standridge KREISS Goldstein Howard Mills Kru Baez Martinez Toriello Goldfinger Mackey Joy Mpls. Dillon Orland Park Valdosta Sacramento Seal Rock Leeds Salem Magna Berkeley Washington Madison Stratford Alameda Cordova Raleigh Arlington University Park San Jose Mill Valley Minnetonka Schaumburg Blmtn Albuquerque Westland Houston Claryville Guilford Lodge San Francisco Colorado Springs Norfolk Topanga Matthews Port Richey Chicago New York Marysville Pepperell Sparks Seattle Philadelphia Ashland Easthampton Merrimac Bronx Alpine Montague New York Baltimore Berkeley MN CO IL GA CA OR ME OR UT CA DC WI CT CA TN NC MA IL CA CA MN IL IN NM MI TX NY CT SC CA CO VA CA NC FL IL NY WA MA NV WA PA KY MA MA NY CA CA NY MD CA Consumers Union 220 Jennifer Ariane Wendy Patricia Susan Sherry angela Tripp; Nancy Aurora tom C Joanne John Howard Jessica Nancy Kathleen Jill Nicklin ron Frederick Debi David Karen Linda Amye Michele Katie Shana Mark Bonnie Melodie Peter KM Jessica brendan Karen Susan David Austin Danny SYLVIA Perla Mollie Yolanda Y. Kim Susan lyne Richard Storm Beck-Manning Lemmons Ludwig Scharf Walker gulliver Mikich Gathing Mata williams Williams Seghieri Garrison Lehr Munden Chenet Davis Worrell Heap lombard Fuller Mcclintock Owens O'Rourke Grassia Elfin Liva Pollak Moore Haystead Kaake Peet DeMaio Wilt Cruz meagher Eckel Stacy Brunner Ford Wang MITCHELL Hernandez Salamon Leaird Pena Dudek Murray briere Salaz SeaTac Campbell Saint Paul Hanoverton Flushing Yellow Springs hartford Placerville Madison AMARILLO buffalo North Richland Hills Manteca New Wilmington Boston Manitowoc Osteen Silverdale Hillsville La Grange Park Canoga Park Roanoke lawrenceville Durham Cedar Park Somers Bethesda Huntington North Miami Bay Shore Denver Lakewood Guilford Nyack Portland Chicago Providence Richburg Tijeras Ottawa Alexandria Charlotte Arlington San jose Taunton Twain Harte Whitefish Manhattan Valley Center Knoxville Firestone WA CA IN OH NY OH MI CA WI TX NY TX CA PA MA WI FL WA VA IL CA VA GA NC TX NY MD NY FL NY CO CO CT NY OR IL RI SC NM KS VA NC TN CA MA CA MT IL CA TN CO Consumers Union 221 Susan Grace kristen LAUREANO Angela Ada Peter Karen Timothy Shirley Jessica Kenny keren cathie Carrie Kathryn Beverly A Tricia Jessica Lidell Robert Cynthia Kourtney whitney Greg David Emily maryke Rachelle Susan Linda Deborah judy Joanne Deborah Shirley Margie Barry Maria Mary Natalie Jim Patrick Barbara Coy steve Sara Katherine Patricia April Julie Argetsinger Johnson letourneau CASTREJON Vanthaneeyakul Reep Eckhardt Boger Grim Williams Leiter Haystead man shoffner Competty Conrad Watson Holman Aiello Brooks Johnson Killip Kaercher kemp Lonewolf Burcar Robbins petruzzi Shively Eiseman Levitin Allan Runyan zimmer Singer Ross Fukuhara Wade Swedlow Del Alcazar Adams Mathis Pilewski C Kelly Burgess mccasland Robertson Halet Pierce Garcia Peet Whitefield San Diego Allston chicago Arcadia Missoula Suffield Mocksville Salem Harvest Columbus Bonners Ferry Seattle Woodleaf Massillon Duncannon Las Vegas Salem Pittsburg Brooklyn Newton Maple Valley Lansing New York Espanola Clinton Twp Austin Nyack Shelley Worcester Atantic Beach Clinton New Lebanon Greenfield Denham Springs Loma Linda Novato Lynchburg Oceanside Santa Clara E Watertown Eastlake Madison Beaufort Conway Savannah Laurens St. Louis Poolesville El Paso Santa Fe NH CA MA IL CA MT CT NC OR AL OH ID WA NC OH PA NV OR CA NY MA WA MI NY NM MI TX NY ID MA FL MS NY WI LA CA CA VA CA CA MA OH WI SC SC TN SC MO MD TX NM Consumers Union 222 Sara Chad Diane Rosia L Suzanne Julie cassio Donna Carol Robin Gudrun Sharon Charmaine Melissa Joshua Jessica Kristina ashley R Allen William Harold Rachel Teri Zachary Barry paul Lauren Rodger Shirley Christine Thea Lillian Joann Elizabeth penelope Christina Eileen Robert Connie Candie joe Anne Paul Wendy Karen Paul Rachel Jeff gerardo patricia Hagen Palmer Alessi hethington Llewellyn Finkelstein saverino Cravens McWhirter Allen Kellam Barnes Shannon Albright Antus Martinez Peterson Adams Ryce-Paul Shifrin Clement Bennett Van Treuren Krueger Richards Cohen eisenberg Barrios Reed Hachey Mosby Dively Horwitz Bergeman Chalfant marth Chen Bryant Miller Murphy Barnett smith Volz Dixon Rangel Stidd Krause Gluck Altenburg valtazar brigance Cambridge Vienna Auburn Syracuse Walnut Creek Chappaqua Peoria Antioch Doniphan Baltimore Kingman Encino Latrobe Federal Way San Diego Dallas Edmonds Litchfield Ny Bronx Petersburg Washington, D.c. Tonopah Portage South Portland Brewster Hixson San Jose Long Beach Gastonia Mountain View Altoona Los Angeles Brentwood Davis Higginsville Westfield Seattle West Jordan Madison Coguille Nashville Chicago Brighton Key West Los Altos Port Orchard Sun City Gaston Ontario Windsor Heights MN VA CA NY CA NY AZ TN NE MD AZ CA PA WA CA TX WA IL NY NY VA DC NV MI ME CT TN CA CA NC CA PA CA NY CA MO NJ WA UT WI OR TN IL MA FL CA WA AZ OR CA IA Consumers Union 223 vicky James David colleen Jeanne Gabi THERESA A Barry Robert Debra Robert B. Julie Nyack Ronald William Dale Letitia Robert Douglas Chris carol Anna Norma Kathleen Lily Aida Anastasia Daniel Charyse Tracey F marly Daniel Jennifer Lauren Steven Christian rosie D Irene Cathy Deanne mark Carolyn D leta LuAnn Alison Eva Ann Gail Jim zetina Robertson Morse mcnicoll Tyler Cardenas CANTO Wieting Abel Donelan Johnson DiGiovanni Jr. English Clancy Hurtado Kueppers Underhill Noel Piggott Wagoner OMeara Dietrich GREEN Niblack Cano angotti Swartz Shirley Hagins Marmon Harvick Taylor Lacy barikdar French Kelton Graham Skal Kalthoff herrera Ramirez Photopoulos McKee arfert Jackson rosetree Bristlin Terrell Brandimarti Colmus Williams Hale Tulsa Heber Springs Lansing Jordan Aurora Ny Astoria Denver Cambridge Burbank Brush Prairie Monterey Sacramento Manhattan Chino Valley Alameda Aloha Chicago Sf Post Falls San Jose Baltic Middleton Ivanhoe greencastle New Hope Las Vegas Hayward Medicine Lodge Honolulu Belleville Houston Newyork Elephant Butte Bridgewater San Francisco Columbus Austin Los Gatos San Diego San Jose Osage Farmington Hills Philadelphia Issaquah Newark Linwood Hi Manchester Albemarle Westmoreland OK AR MI MN CO NY NY CO MA CA WA CA CA NY AZ CA OR IL CA ID CA CT WI CA PA PA NV WI KS HI MI TX NY NM MA CA OH TX CA CA CA IA MI PA WA DE NJ HI MD NC NY Consumers Union 224 Carol Kelly clifford DeeShannon Deborah Reeni Jonas Suzanne Day tina Nancy A.R. mary ellen Donna Linda Caroline LUCIANE Christine Hal Peter Angie Kathy Janet Carrie Liz Anna james Eva Heather jennifer L Paul Donald chris anna Derrick michaelann Clifford Debra Christina Edith Noel Ralph Barbara Andreas Doug Jeanne Jamie Barbara Laurence RALPH C. Eva Garde Reymers Bobo Garrison Holewinski Jarrell Harrington Smither Denton davis Honeychuck flynn Cannon Jacobson Giza LUCIANE DE RANGEL Harris Rhoads LaFlamme Ellington Philbin Atkinson Davis rodriguez Engdahl Shelton Armfield Hope DiGrazia Russell Greenberg Sigal ottosen gagern Stallings bewsee Patter Fournier Yang Williams Liermark Villyard Strohm Wittenstein Dederich Joannides Bickel Bruce Dupray Brooks Freedman Sunrise Pisgah Forest Ellicott City Macon East Aurora Kill Devil Hills Brockton Fort Lauderdale Pensacola East Islip Spring Valley Leominster Gr Chestnut Hill Cedar Lane Vitã“ria/es Sonora Emporia Richardson Miramar Matawan New York Bangor Plainfield Hankins Cedar Heights,MD Centereach St Cloud Brooklyn Moretown Coral Springs Suffern Shell Lake Southfield Elizabeth City Springfield Jamaica Lancaster St. Paul Clinton Rutland Cleveland Gilford Woodacre Poynette Fox Island Troy Murphy Portland Schenectady Deerfield Beach FL NC MD GA NY NC MA FL FL NY MN MA MI MA PA -CA KS TX FL NJ NY ME IL NY MD NY FL NY VT FL NY WI MI NC MA NY MA MN NC ND TX NH CA WI WA NY NC OR NY FL Consumers Union 225 Matthew Don Susan john Theresa Kathy Jane Marie Margaret Ken john carol Victor barbara Linda Sylvia Pauline Dominic Candace Linda virginia judith mike Bradley Jeff Kelly John Catherine Aviva Marie Jalene Christine Susan Tara Claudia Eric Jessica Peggy Mary David Tom Abigail Kay Benjamin k Julie carolyn ANNIE Barbara Mary Jonathan Shepherd Fewell Brandwein reuter Maxwell Seeba Ketterman Haughey Huelsman Brown holecek white Castro farrell Dickerson Easton Locke Valiente Davis Miller smith sanders brennan Callahan Lyles Moore Fahey Moore Kamin Feeley Eden Reimer Olsen Marr Bainbridge Carr Kellam Neuman McRae Harris Warhol Simon Moore Fennell anastasio O'Rielly hoyt GENTRY DeFratis Bonnett James Boca Raton Silver Spring Flushing Gorham West Harrison Rocklin Lawrenceville Halethorpe Indianapolis buford St Petersburg Rapid City Valley Cottage sarasota Lexington Knoxville Ogden San Diego Carbondale Boulder Kansas City fredericksburg pinellas park Plattsburgh Yacolt Garland Muir Danby Redondo Beach Oak Park Sandstone Ft Collins Reno Fellsmere Port Orchard Richmond Greensboro Cary Greenbush Carson City Randolph Chjh Grandview, Mo. Raleigh Fairfield Aptos Wichita Algood Stow Chicago New York FL MD NY ME NY CA IL MD IN GA FL SD NY FL KY TN UT CA IL CO MO VA FL NY WA TX MI VT CA CA MN CO NV FL WA VA NC NC MA NV VT AZ MO NC IA CA KS TN OH IL NY Consumers Union 226 Alexander Nancy Kristina Martina Terrell Larry Amanda Natalie Patty sharon Kathy jordan Lineh Amy Michael Tina joan Elise bryan Tasha glenda Merideth Michael David strauven Brenda Kathy Samuel Melinda Crystal GA Carelyn Tamara Stephanie Janet michael Thomas Lisa Trish Theresa Chris Josh Rita Susan Marlene Thomas David Alicia Major Mark charlene Fedorov kasper Hansen Porras Wexler Troiano Hearl Thompson Meyers shapiro Scherich hon Derderian Cormier Fitzgerald Paccione allen Nielsen beals Pomparelli bowen Genin Bresnahan Sukovaty josette Caruso Shewbridge Davidson Sponder Hughes Hemingway-Proia Shellman Hayes Millrt Boyd herrington Garrett Smithline Shaw Thomas Fries Eaton Guerrero Lozon Parker Reyer DePue Martin Tucker Van Valkenburgh rodriguez Jamaica Plain North Rose Newtown Kissimmee Albuquerque Warwick Damascus Waldorf Misenheimer key largo Cottonwood Cape Elizabeth Lake Orion Kent Brooklyn Addison Seattle Colorado Springs sanata ana Marlton Milwaukee New York West Chester Lincoln Lafayette I.b. Cumb. Honolulu Mcdonough Dallas Oakland Henderson Milwaukee Gainesville Central City Republic York Calabasas Boulder Bessemer Negaunee Columbia Pacoima Troy Pittsburgh Ithaca Macungie Ames Conyers Berkeley Islip Terrace MA NY CT FL NM RI VA MD NC FL AZ ME MI WA NY IL WA CO CA NJ WI NY PA NE LA CA MD HI GA TX CA NV WI FL KY MI PA CA CO AL MI MD CA NY PA NY PA IA GA CA NY Consumers Union 227 Kathy Mary Michele Sara Ayesha Jason Arlene Jason Nannina Tamika Ellen Maryruth Sarah Larry David Kelly carol Codie Vickie Patricia Rev. Elizabeth Penny enos Rae heather darryl DORIS marqus robert Marlene Kay Kristin Michele Denise Kari Michelle margaret jude Janice Christine gloria debra Edrice Cherylann Robert E. Julie Nancy Larry Mary victoria Jeff Garcia Krobock Clark Burden-McClure Babar Burch Helsel Moore Leo Santiago McDearmont nivens Cole Lima Israelievitch Lane oneil Aguilera Grant Emmert Dodd Ryan nelson Sanders fiedler manthey BUTTERFIELD fischer butler McAndrew Jackson Williams Sobeck Tarr Sorrells Murphy tolbert misurelli Graham Knapp garcia zingg Tozier Wharton Goellner Christensen Randall Schlessinger Hagerty anderson Kline Waco Roseville Chapel Hill Austin Fairfax Slc Tucson Seguin Las Vegas Cleveland Denver Leadville Mabelvale Campbell Seattle Adrian Walpole Montague Pacific Grove Austin Boca Raton Tucson INDIANAPOLIS Westlake Lock Haven Wantage Walden Heber Springs colorado springs North Olmsted Chatsworth Miami Canyon Lake Copperas Cove Grand Junction Amherst Maple Grove Hockessin Plano Rainier Long Beach Toledo Roswell Philadelphia Lincoln Park Sacrameto Pinellas Park San Francisco East Liverpool madison hgts San Francisco TX MI NC TX VA UT AZ TX NV OH CO CO AR CA WA MI MA MI CA TX FL AZ IN OH PA NJ NY AR CO OH GA FL TX TX CO NY MN DE TX OR CA OH NM PA NJ CA FL CA OH MI CA Consumers Union 228 Theresa Anita Claudete erin DEBORAH Chris Erikah Ryan rebecca Bill julie Averi krystal Stirling Judith Daniel Evan Lisa Jackie Julia Jacqueline Monica Anya Danielle Farice Deborah Vic Tempera Lynn James parnel Denise Connie Amy victoria Frank renee David Neil Edith Edward Christopher John michelle Lyra Megan Beverly Hailey Deborah Stacy Cynthia Kirsten Hart Fiorillo Levin whitford BRANKS hammerstrom Teague Yehling dodge Herman orosco Torres hill Cousins Zulliger Ferro Bell Kobyleckyj Davis Hawkins Hanna Kelly Wright Bozich Bartlett Rezabek Stephenson Bostock McCarron Allen Thrailkill ide Vernon Kiernan Parks Kelly Fredenburg may Moysis Harrington Prigge Piotrowski Smith gardner Bloom Sheldone Hammond O'Donnell Bandru Golden Stewart Andersen Hampden New York Arcadia San Diego Enka Genoa City Camarillo Tempe Brooktondale Oceanside San Antonio Malibu Las Vegas White Bear Lake O Brien Warren Sioux Falls Annandale Christiansburg Jc Pacifica Bigfork Philadelphia Corrales Tesuque Cedarcreek Altadena Willits San Antonio Longmont Granby Des Moines Citrus Heights Lexington Amsterdam Milford Nevada City Johnsbury Northville White Lake Minneapolis Los Angeles Mccormick Eugene Saginaw Hagerstown Collegeville Dunmore Albuquerque Wakefield Yonkers ME NY CA CA NC WI CA AZ NY CA TX CA NV MN OR RI SD NJ VA TN CA MT PA NM NM MO CA CA TX CO CT IA CA KY NY PA CA VT MI WI MN CA SC OR MI MD PA PA NM MA NY Consumers Union 229 Robert Everest Jen Donna gisselle BRANDALY Timothy Karen BETTY Barbara Dolores Barbara Gerald Taylor Conrad JODI Jack Sally Jeanne Sharon trisha joe and mary jim M. (Moo) Karen Tom Keith Paul Tanya Susan Dale Alexander d Glen kevin 'Great White' Amy mary ann Gary Eva ashley sharon BOB richard Helen Gillian Erin c Melissa Donyela David Lewis Jenkins Goveronski Carter leon CARR Wirth Heenan GAWLAK Tipton Ciabattoni Sena Shaia Norton Borovski FRITZ Robins McKinney Delaney Gebhart eganhouse volpe koenig Prince Sanders Parsons Fabing Hammond Koester-Radmann Adams Rogers Dean sichel Gattie clement Earth & Beings Rights Per Graske patz Filippelli Wilson lutz ailstock HAGELE pittenger Geyer Schultz Stark Copeland Kelley Mann Dowdy Wilmington Buford Somerset Springdale Hampton Bays Kiss Port Austin lansing Amsterdam Woodstock Cortland Sacramento Sun Valley St Paul Menlo Park Maryland Heights Iowa City Bloomington Santa Cruz Media Savanna Ventura White Bear Lake Metairie Ferndale San Diego Seattle Lowell Chisago City Auburn Los Angeles, Ca Miami Montclair Mentor Golden Homestead Germantown chesapeake Queensbury overbrook Greensburg Norfolk CHICAGO sioux falls Bellbrook Sunnyvale Denver Santa Monica Lexington Sherwood Modesto NC GA WI AR NY FL MI MI NY IL OH CA CA MN CA MO IA IN CA PA IL CA MN LA WA CA WA MA MN WA CA FL NJ OH CO FL WI VA NY PA PA VA IL SD OH CA CO CA KY OR CA Consumers Union 230 Heather Joanne Jessica Amelia Vicki Susannah Rosemary Loretta Lori Nitza Vickie Leon Richard Robert Jeanne carol ann Karen Fabiana Terry Donna Christine Maxine John Janie Vanessa M MC jan Elizabeth Linda Jane Sierra Maureen Marikler Amanda martin Elizabeth Gabriella Nick Randy Kayla Lee Leslie Denise Brittany albert Nicole Vanessa D. Lois McBride Smith Sprehn Adams Bonk Beckett Webber Kent Alaniva Mejias Erickson Trumpp Stafford Milgrom Ewy geels Keller Caudle Puscas Hodgin Poedy Bassett Lipsitz Coleman Horowitz Porter Sanders Young pringle Jackson Heiartz, Jr. Palmer Matthew Mahon Toensmeier Levesque sym-smith Brown Mendoza Rodin McNea Lester McCann Cummings Pianforte Maldonado cline Cruz Lasko Grey Jordan Logan Saylorsburg Piqua Oakland Minneapolis Philadelphia Des Moines Richmond South Padre Island New York Pittsburgh Sedalia The Plains Bronx Oakland Bloomington Colo.Springs Walkertown Craiova Veneta Fresno Sebastopol San Francisco Boulder River Edge Belleville Petaluma New Haven Nitro Elk Grove Grants Pass Stone Mountain Lincoln Zanesville Holyoke Terryville Los Angeles Mt Vernon Chandler Soquel Spring Valley Camano Island O'fallon Lahaina Port Jeff Station Jefferson Roanoke Rapid Ewing Virginia Beach San Francisco Tucson UT PA OH CA MN PA IA CA TX NY PA MO VA NY CA IN CO NC DC OR CA CA CA CO NJ MI CA CT WV CA OR GA NE OH MA CT CA IA AZ CA CA WA MO HI NY LA NC NJ VA CA AZ Consumers Union 231 Samantha Joyce Robert John George Erica Peter Lorna Leslie Lorraine Pat Darren Ryan K shannon Susie karen Andy T. LaShawn Walterine Annie Roberta sandy Susan Jessi Romeo sarah Alan Thomas trudy julie Alisa M. Karen Brian David Parricia victoria Randy Michele Ronald Pamela Neva Kimberly Caroline Laura Stephanie Sarah deborah Jaime Colleen Mary Greer Johnson DeVowe Sofos Colee McDonald Gair Emdy Davenport Grasso Villarreal Revell McKenzie Funaro GREELY Reid welch Lora Seabrook Eugene-Griffin Katz Klemmer cox Kraus Gemmell Barriere mullins Sacerdote Barto murray krycler Wright Pentek Harvey McFarland Wagner todd Dean Nutini Ratner Brooks Ahern Winslow Netzorg Whittemore Divito Rodeo kelly Grimwood Boucher Hall Wytheville Burbank Phoenix West Babylon Mesa Germantown Lancaster Hailey New York South Salem San Antonio Los Angeles Apple Valley Phila Seabrook Sacramento Oldtown Arverne Greensboro New Orleans Cincinnati Goshen Lennox Malibu Cary Rouses Point Alton Brooklyn Fairfax Cleveland Sherman Oaks Alexandria Greendale St Petersburg Urbandale Saybille Orange Village Mcgaheysville Naperville Sioux Falls Douglasville Selden Idaho Springs Los Angeles White Plains Unit 203 New York Pahoa Phoenix Canton Denver VA CA AZ NY AZ TN NH ID NY CT TX CA CA PA TX CA FL NY NC LA OH IN CA CA NC NY IL NY VA OH CA VA WI FL IA NY OH VA IL SD GA NY CO CA NY CA NY HI AZ MA CO Consumers Union 232 Paula Kathy Michael maury Michelle Bobbie thereasa Larry charles e lori Deborah Natalie stevie Brant traci JULIANNA Linda KENNETH Lyla Dana Alan Jay micheline Georgina Emma Colleen Jeri Karen Robyn Madeline John & Bev Vasu Darien Sam Grace dfgdf Barb ivy Linda DEBRA Christine oksana Teresa edith Patricia Catherine Ailed Geoffrey Raymond Martha David Bourgeois Steel Miller palmer Hughes Turner murray Beard goss donohue Greene Ladik sheatsley Serxner tolliver BENEFIELD Farwell CRAWFORD Diaz Stickney Nishiguchi Tee miche Wright Houza Carroll Rhodeos Ehrlich Reichert Spalding Metzler Murti Stefani Ford Smith rssedfs Bowers parsons JANNEY CRAINE Teeft becker Hoskins lizarraga Villamil Farrell M. Iglesias Harold Zahra Williams Yocum Woodland Park San Marcos Unadilla Charles Town Philadelphia Medon Leroy Sebastopol northbrook Julian Roseburg Vista Nevada City Chicago Yelm Cary Gaithersburg Fairbanks Newbury Park Mattapoisett Redmond Atlanta Merrimack North las Vegas Spring Lake Holmdel San Diego Fredonia Lake Worth South Portland Louisville Oakland Austin San Jose Fbg Qewqeqwrw Pagosa Lakes Baltimore Loxahatchee Weaverville Belgrade alexandria Kingsport Downey Washington Rochester Saint Augustine Portland Florissant Sidney Denton CO CA NY WV PA TN KS CA IL PA OR CA CA IL WA NC MD AK CA MA WA GA NH NV NC NJ CA NY FL ME KY CA TX CA TX PA CO MD FL NC ME VA TN CA DC NY FL OR MO AR TX Consumers Union 233 Karmen Suzette Vera phyllis HELEN Ellyn Chloe Vickie Gary BC Doris Catherine Roger danielle sara Stephanie Morgan Michelle Sarah K Karen Dawn Therese Paul gail rocky Leslie Cristin Peggy J. Dana Nicholas debbie katie Diana Daniel Pamela Laura Gail MICHAEL Jessica Kimberly Linda Lisa w MARIA sherrie Rita Zachary Kelly Ro Justin Greer Hoyt Dixon doan HOWARD Annoreno McClain Anderson Curtis Sanchez Maat Jobe Bozarth Russell cochran Alarcia McDowell Coffman Arponen Giesbrecht Larsen Perkins Squillacote Gunther harris reuter Thatcher Moore Brown Goodwin Sofos hoffman Daly Danis Helsel Sinclair Fonfara Linnerson TOOBERT Kangas Hanson Potter Rizzo keane FREGOSO munday Bachleda Dunne Smith MacKown Walker Mtn Grove Cedar Rapids Detroit Greenville Lexington Park Bartlett Houston Everett Freeland Espanola Bronx Fort Worth Yukon San Marcos Columbia Las Vegas Indianapolis wv Glennville Villa Hills Pewaukee Guymon Whittier Minnetonka Damascus Greensboro Flagstaff Henderson Covington Traverse City Farmingdale Amsterdam Ny E Bridgewater Florence Lakeport Milan Austin Minneapolis Grass Valley Buffalo South Beloit Muncy New Castle Myrtle Beach Chicago Boulder Louisville Massillon Dayton Ellington Petaluma MO IA MI SC MD IL TX WA MI NM NY TX OK CA MD NV IN WV GA KY WI OK CA MN MD NC AZ KY WA MI NY NY MA CO CA MI TX MN CA NY IL PA PA SC IL CO KY OH OH NY CA Consumers Union 234 Sam Katherine Melissa Lorraine James Ryan Larry Tracy Jamie Valerie Jane Ciara Kim Florence Jennifer Dawn sara Ronnie Brigite Dianora Teresa Alivia -Pam Eric Julie Laura Christine Bruce Gregory Susan Patricia Elke Helga Jan Tina Alicia Debbie Tim Cyndi Juan carol Patricia Nicole Teri Megan ravensley Michaela jerry Sebastian Lois Habeck Loban Hillen King Pearce Combs Schauff Sampson Bryan Hawkes-Howat Rismann Donohue Moss-Allen Raynor McDaniel White booth Ortiz Markovic Niccolini Faulkiner Holmes -Bozio Zimmer Parcells Aldridge O'Rourke Higgins Gunter Cooper Lewis Hoppenbrouwers Bradish Norton Holt Quintero Trujillo Harrison Fritzler Reyes reom Burns Pillsbury Cheatham Mcinnis rene Dunaway arnolts McDonald St.John Milwaukee Moose Lake Romney Clinton Sanford Hope Mills Dixon Yakima Dallas North Port San Marcos Brooklyn Papillion Selma Springfield Dixon Springs Ddaphne Santa Fe Henderson New York City Grafton Kings Park -Garden City Garden City Ellicott City Ishpeming Alden Brady Winston Salem Davison Los Angeles East Haven Santa Monica Lubbock Euharlee Beacon Dover Springfield Lakewood Arcata Piedmont Beaverton Baraboo Cincinnati Issaquah Brooklyn Waco lexington York Belen WI MN WV CT NC NC IL WA TX FL CA NY NE NC MO TN AL NM NV NY WV NY -SC NY MD MI MN TX NC MI CA CT CA TX GA NY AR TN CO CA CA OR WI OH WA NY TX IL PA NM Consumers Union 235 Lisa Juan Lisa robert Kimberly Jourdan Ray darla ROBBIN dora Jody grace Joana MARY ELLEN Paul Daniel Thomas Shirley Becky Dennis ana maria Barbara mm Nancy Paula Rochelle Lawrence Peter Krishna Anthony michelle Kathryn Wayne Cindy Luke bonnie Cathy Tammielyn Madeleine Margee Dave Rusty Tracy Kim Gloria Olivia Louise Judith Jennifer Kayla Pat Francia Lopez Arnone okroi Igla Johnson Swiatkowski keeling CHAPMAN haslett Warren kinder Redd WARD Elkins Gwinn Cox Rozelle Karr Gwynn marejil tomas Slagg French Borg Staton Becker Altman Lee Murphy Costa usher Lowery Brumley Landis Ouradnik allen Tudhope Gay Ricklis Stone Williams Okoniewski Singletary TRUE Woodley Tomisek Gikow Spicer Schmidt Chavez Gentle Hendersonville Albuquerque Bakersfield Channahon Olathe Roanoke Dallas Anchorage CINCINNATI Portland Pasco salen Cimarron Hills LAS VEGAS Moultonboro St. Louis Enon Swoyersville Cleveland Ohio salem Madrid Eagan Cortez Stowe Foreman Berkeley Cambridge San Francisco Boiling Springs Brewster Lake Havasu City Vero Beach Fort Wayne Woodstock Fargo El Paso Isle La Motte Tyngsboro Corpus Christi Newurgh Kansas City Orlando Atlanta Lees Summit San Diego La Fayette New York Parish Cincinnati Colorado Springs New Haven NC NM CA IL KS VA TX AK OH OR WA NH CO NV NH MO OH PA OH OR -MN FL VT AR CA MA CA SC CT AZ FL IN GA ND TX VT MA TX IN MO FL GA MO CA GA NY NY OH CO CT Consumers Union 236 Karolina Ginger Clifford Theresa William Keevin Iris angela Patricia E Robert Norman Jerzy Carol Doug steven Diane Sara Marie Jane Brenda earle Tom sharron Terri Rosemary Brenda Kent Sherri Debbi Jacquelynn allison vicki Terrence Lalo joseluis Corinne rafa Melinda Brian Barry Louise George Linda Andrea berkly julie Nichole william Izabella Tina Simone Zakonek Roberts Andrews Martinez Fleming Shultz Fox stewart G. Spurling Leslie Wiech Becker Scott sugarman Gilman Hazan Leven Brandes Kriegel reuschling Horne perkins Harris-Downing Prem Kirby Cole Buzbee Dymon Maruffo acker covert Wood Garci limon Svalmark Algarin Lyman Gwinn Blum Olivi Wybenga Juergensen Salazar miller butler Kelley hannon Dabrowski Spears St Clare Commerce Wabash Rochester Titusville Port St Lucie Tucson Greenbackville Phoenix New York Fort Collins New Orleans Rego Park Sherman Oaks Findlay Malibu Woolwich Independence Flushing Larchmont Arlington pylesville Chicago New Prague Chillicothe San Francisco San Antonio Huntsville Jasper West Bloomfield Clearwater Kansas City surfside Limerick Astoria chula vista Chicago Buffalo Weymouth Sunland Encino New Haven Center Moriches Athol Greensboro El Cajon Edmonds Merced Cohasset Austin Anchorage Lafayette MI IN NY FL FL AZ VA AZ NY CO LA NY CA OH CA ME MO MI NY VA MD IL MN OH CA TX TX AL MI FL MO CA ME NY CA IL NY MA CA CA CT NY ID NC CA WA CA MA TX AK CA Consumers Union 237 Summer Nando Sandra Megan Jean karen Pamela John Elisabeth Chester Candice Julie Debra Wayne sally Michele J. Michael Kim luis Patricia Karen Brittanie Valerie John Shirley M Juanita Johnathan zack Serene Joan Annette B.J. Dana Patricia Shanda DAVID F Sam CRYSTAL Michelle Carolyn Elaine lennie Jamie John Cyle Andrea Elizabeth Julie Jim Van Stevens Casinelli Vinje Cox Richter levey Raup-Kounovsky Guill Kohnke Kraszewski Laurence Amato Jobson Drum winkel Sullivan Gilbreath VanderZiel caraballo Summers Smith Schneider Strain Doucette Petrus T Montano Perrucci ramey Edwards Ochoa Roca Miller Stark Trice Barnett BROWN Sapirstein boles Killilea D'Agostino Evans zwibh Lewis BH Cox Carlson Rilette Ostoich Offer Sauve Moscow Stamford Woodstock Albuquerque Alameda Andes Chatham Houston San Francisco Bergen Royal Oak Mountain View, Ca Placerville Gastonia Albuquerque Vienna Cochituate Marshall Bethlehem bend Red feather Lakes Pryor Okc Providence Wildomar Boston Kenosha Meriden Irvine Carlsbad Oxnard San Jose Westerville Pulaski Greensboro Marietta Saint Clair Shores Brooklyn Maynardville Macon Shelby Township Beaumont Nyc Paso Robles Pavilion Smyrna Gloucester Katy Sacramento Philadelphia Byers ID CT MD NM CA NY NY TX CA NY MI CA CA NC NM VA MA MN PA OR CO OK OK RI CA MA WI CT KY CA CA CA OH WI NC GA MI NY TN GA MI CA NY CA NY GA MA TX CA PA CO Consumers Union 238 Cara Linda mich Crystal Donna Lesley Nick David Chad lanette Heather Michaell alex William M. Silvia Steve Judith jim Dan Belinda Michelle Jada Marlon Kenny Steve Tammy Linda Florence Duane Micha John Clyde Inga Yvonne Mary Kara Jake mildred Robert Russell Rosemary Jennifer Charlotte Tywanda Mark Rob norma Jackie Christine B. Sheryl Casey Kreiser Higgins kim Rector Charter Annitto_Coulombe Foley Lampe Ford sansoni Lambert Rosen Peterson Flevares Rayces Curtis Monarch lavin Mccurdy Pearson Fox Snowmoon Woodward Velasquez Haak Wennmacher Johnson Frey Moesch Glaeser Peters Wilson Agrest Ore Dreher Bologna Mabus grossman Ewing Attoe Klemm Elsbury Sahnow Mines Hoffman Borgo fitzpatrick Tennyson Keafer Geddes Southards Oak Grove Flourtown Fort Lee Phoenix Arlington Valley Center Milwaukee Moberly Delray Philadelphia Lawrence Los Angeles Stockton Howland Tucson Chicago Austin spencer rochester East Ridge Asheville Morristown San Francisco Denver Seattle Lakeside Apple Valley Forksville Shawano Cambridge Aliso Viejo Macon Charleston Burlington Independence Woburn Mount Prospect Santa Fe Brunswick Madison Firestone San Francisco Eugene Baltimore Colorado Springs Pittsburgh Milford Portage Homewood Petaluma Gillette PA PA NJ AZ TX CA WI MO FL PA KS CA CA OH AZ IL TX MA IL TN NC TN CA CO WA CA MN PA WI MA CA GA SC NC MO MA IL NM MD WI CO CA OR MD CO PA CT MI IL CA WY Consumers Union 239 Maxine Kristin yolanda B. Mandi Kenneth Helen Susan Carol Julie Ashley Alexander John Sandra gerald Kendra Edward trey Carolyn Alex Dinah Shelly Martha Michelle Ashish Nanci che Sarah Sherquetta Gary Tina Michael Katie Carrie James Robin-gabrielle Michelle Ellen Rachel Alisa Rachael Janet Sabina Virginia Cynthia Jim james Orysia Dean Kim nancy Lipkin Schultz banda Chan T Grieser Horvath Fusner Wise-Littrell Chung Morsi Gonzalez Lipscomb Lindsey carr Jonas Brendel simpson Dahm Icilensu Groce Lewis McDougall Brandt Poddar Quinn davy Phillips Ingram Guinard McKim Huerter Mielke Raupp Pfitzner Frabbiele Devlaeminck Pauly Weiland Phillips Roberts Kirshner Vanish Ewing Thomas Cembrook Evans Dagney Trearchis Novak hmel Seattle Manor Seattle San Diego Campbell Federal Way Matthews Hammond Novato Chicago St Augustine Coral Gables Kansas City Loveland homosassa Woodburn Canton Lafayette Sharon Forest Hills Clk Atlanta Baton Rouge Everett Troy San Francisco Chicago Inwood Opelika Cheyenne Seattle Hiawatha Brooklyn Hesperian Lagrangeville Scappoose,or. Vancouver Gaffney Wilson N 3rd Ave Crete Langhorne Mosinee Spokane St. Petersburg Lake Mary Heber City Philadelphia Dracut Seattle Coudersport WA TX WA CA CA WA NC IN CA IL FL FL MO CO FL OR MA GA MA NY TN GA LA WA MI CA IL WV AL WY WA KS NY CA NY OR WA SC NC AZ IL PA WI WA FL FL UT PA MA WA PA Consumers Union 240 Douglas Dg Chantal Ellen Clint Stacey laurie Leslie Jayne David and Betty Karen william Donald JOHN Sandie frank Khalid donna mary Coleen Heather Jennifer Dan karin Susan Debi Susan Pamela Michael Rob Arlene Debra Nikki debra Chad Jessica Tanya Andrew Dana Vicky Ellen Dolores Sally Pam Tracy Giovanni stephen amber Tracy jesse Mitchell Houston Gray GHILARDI Purvis Davis Williams werbner Hubbard Basiliko Knutzen Woolhiser coles Williams DOWNS Smith magiera Halabi palmer bush W. Else Gardner Fischbach lindstrom Johnson Shutek Shaw Elliott Macintyre Taylor Burdine King-Ferro Hahn barnes Koch Stabler Balon Coutant Holt Tornes Wilson Simonson Abrams Julian Knudson Fioramonte fisher adams Liberty dwyer Torres Houston Pinellas Park Ambridge Fresno Bella Vista Lajas Bellingham Vonore Harrington Waunakee Kent Windsor Mill Columbus Girard Austin Dudley Hieghts Clifton Park West Chester Norman Los Angeles Lewisville Cherry Hill Ann Arbor Largo Hilliard Casa Grande Wapakoneta Laughlin Tierra Verde Glendale Davenport Waterloo Wilson Oak Park Vernon Mystic No. Haven Prairie Village Marion Keego Sparta San Francisco Hurricane Bozeman Rochester Sumner Wa. Woolstock Brownfield Wichita Sunnyside TX FL PA CA AR PR WA TN DE WI WA MD OH IL TX MA NY NY PA OK CA TX NJ MI FL OH AZ OH NV FL AZ FL IA NC IL CT CT CT KS OH MI WI CA WV MT NY WA IA ME KS NY Consumers Union 241 Laurie Laura Paula Michelle Hope Rahelio Lauriel PJ Evelyn Cheryl Stephen Constance isabel Sue EDITH Willow William Rolland tara kathy Ruby Sandra rose ashley Faye Renee Roberta harvey Rita Sandy Joe Alexander Richard Liz Jeanette Elisa ROSETTA Diana Laragh Lisa MICHELLE Maria Loren celia Barry gertrude Jeanne-Marie Denise debbie Stephen Kazi Fisher Brock Whitfield Troyer Warren Rodriguez Axtell-Smedley Malin Pietrowski-Ciullo Thompson Stavropoulos Anderton lozano Eberhardt Nichols Savage Davis Roy lav don Bailey Woodall conklin mcbride Gary Pennington Travis stein Castillo Soffin McGee Esposito Karpen Anderson Richardson Kornegay RIZZO Patterson Walsh Valanti GARRISON Rodriguez Moore opromollo Kelman powell Peterson Hall arquette Suleeman Ahmed Tigard Greensboro Morehead City Philadelphia #3 Sedona Albuquerque New Hartford Salem Arvada Millers Falls Baltimore Maimi Woodstock Shelton Elkins Shelbyville Glendale Brooklyn west palm beach New York San Antonio Roseville Dutton Gadsden Jacksonville Long Valley Merrick Springfield New York Tonawanda East Haddonfield River Vale Pine Knot Neport News La Fetia Lutherville Seattle Staten Island Pittsburgh Lawndale Des Plaines Huntsville paterson Redmond mobile Soap Lake Staten Island Clarkston Berkeley Riverside OR NC NC PA WA AZ NM NY OR CO MA MD FL IL WA AR TN AZ NY FL NY TX OH AL AL FL NJ NY OR NY NY NJ NJ KY VA TX MD WA NY PA NC IL AL NJ WA AL WA NY MI CA CA Consumers Union 242 Delia Stephanie Visente Roger Lisa Camila melanie amir Sunni Rebecca Arnold kalista Joana Kathleen dave Marion Lisa Janice PAM Heather Gwen Chris Corrine Audrey MC laura Josue Stephanie Christopher Will San Nan Tom patrick j Amy Emilio jasmine Kathleen Joy Marylu harry maureen Kelly Joan Bonni Michelle Dan Kate Robert Lora Rose Medina Hess Trevino Banyots Ross Kgi-Mejia freismuth niknam Welles McTeague Robbins Kennedy Selko Clancy greer Hulen Hopkins D. S Mcpherson Reandeau Tyler Hall Spieler Schultz austin Munoz McCarren Johnson collins R Waters Fritts castille McClelland Tulipano bloodworth Rapa Toney Seidel harry ciancio D Wilder Thompson Haag Wagner Kalajainen May Zeis Mack Chicago Brunswick TX Girard St. Louis Suffern Fond Du Lac Northridge Sedona Phila. Las Vegas New Orleans Eugene Bellevue Loma Linda Houston Annapolis Sacramento Charlotte Hazel Park Sequim Greenville Las Vegas Columiba San Diego Buffalo Calexico Lawrenceville Victoria Fountain Hills Bh Redmond Louisville Mesa Pittsburgh Attleboro Gadsden Baraboo Richmond Cazenovia fort p Tonawanda Oxnard Cedarpines Park Huntsville Commerce Benton Brunswick Cullowhee Houston Canton IL OH TX OH MO NY WI CA AZ PA NV LA OR WA CA TX MD CA NC MI WA MI NV MO CA NY CA GA TX AZ CA OR KY WA PA MA AL WI CA WI FL NY CA CA AL GA AR ME NC TX OH Consumers Union 243 Dawn Steve Patricia Jim Margie Julia patricia Stephanie Delores Ana Stacy Melanie Ann Barbara VL Wayne Sondra sara steve Esther Kirsten Deborah Christmas Madeleine Laura Kathie Harold Marilyn Diane flori Susan Lucy Laura LuAnn Michele Mark Deb Enchanted Brian Robert Mike linda Claiborne Debby Susan sarah Cindy Stephanie Thelma Abigail Elizabeth Maryann Woodman Yakoban Carey Crossley DeCosta gomez Renner Hardin Aviles Jessen Jackson-Cracchiolo Muri Bills Towler Staples Olson galvan sacharoff Allman Taufer Lennon Moore Kemper Garza Caflisch Jett Bibeau Ballinger garcia Bechtholt Forrest Bennett Foty Eberle Battiste Lincoln Silverbroom Buchanan Banning Houser torre Smisson Gesaman Melchior mcmillen Hughes Schriber Cain McKinley Wilbur Holtsclaw Flat Rock Englewood Rochester Vancouver Providence Muskegon West Des Moines Carrabelle Boca Raton Huger Norwalk Bronx Sayville Dover Vergennes, Vt Beaver Dam austin Rockville Frankfort Byers Newport Warren Kansas City Chicago Lake Zurich Ok Somerville Nacogdoches Texas Port Orchard Flagstaff Marlinton Minnetonka Jamison Gainesville Osage South Padre Island Averill Park Carpentersville Overland Park Yaphank Raleigh Ravenna Apollo Beach Selbyville Tallahassee Davison Shawnee Maple Falls Austin Edison MI NJ NY WA RI MI IA FL FL SC CA NY NY NH VT WI TX MD IL CO RI RI MO IL IL OK MA TX TX WA AZ WV MN PA FL IA TX NY IL KS NY NC OH FL DE FL MI OK WA TX NJ Consumers Union 244 Jerry Walter Pattie Kathe Janet toni Dawn Gloria lyla Nelia nancy David Elizabeth Alan Kelly Brigitte Rudy Bruce ben James Mary Eric Branden Stephen Annie christian Diane James seth carolee Kenneth Lisa Justin Tammi Catharine Linda Evan amber dorothy Audrey Linda Lynne Barbara FRED Jerry Patricia Sharon Tammy Yula john Lorelei Henry Johnston Meade Garbrick Presley heathcote Picard Easton ruiz Lake sadowsky Nuttle Bentley Kohn Epley Wierzbicki Stefenel Daniels silliman Buchanan Sofatzis Barrett Alexander Mattison Cowling lee Wynne Boston Ham wood Schultz Anthony O'Brien Hvozda McEachern Dally Greene palmer reed-inman Tobias MacRae Preston King RUTH Harwell Cline Mylott Barr Flournoy malley Andrews Claremore Jamestown San Clemente Manhattan Kenosha Des Moines La Porte Jackson Colville Ellsworth Miami Tahlequah Little Rock Berwyn Lenexa Fairport Milpitas Carpinteria Hygfh Kokomo Alameda BETHANY Richardson Malabar Danbury kenly Cincinnati Fort Worth Cambridge Columbia Apt. 110 Iowa City Loveland Crofton Saint Paul Santa Cruz Brooklyn Rio Rancho Pinetop Rodkford -San Francisco Los Angeles Atlanta TN East Walpole Charlestown Winston Salem Romoland Youngstown Warren OK NY CA KS WI IA IN MI WA ME FL OK AR PA KS NY CA CA IL IN CA LA TX FL CT NC OH TX MA MO CA IA CO MD MN CA NY NM AZ IL -CA CA GA TN MA NH NC CA OH MI Consumers Union 245 Catherine cheryl Zabrina John Edele Robert and Ginny Arlene Suzanne Carolina JEREMY Kira April Anthony Susan Randi Catherine Dean Beverly Marilyn Dottie Hannah Sheila Tiffany Ola Patricia Mavis Javier Jessica Ana MD john J.T. Ellen Cheryl Tia Trayce Barbara serge Frederick Jenny roy Jeffery Darlene Jerry Kathleen chris Karen Amy Debra steve Andrew Davis greco KIdd Cox Heath Bonometti Figueroa Wheat Oliveira SPENCER Pilat Warwick Reeves Hughes Saslow Hollingsworth Morris Coffmon Whitesdes Japonis Russell Dooley Gooden Cooney Mitchell Eggiman Espinosa Dotson Rial Fein wilson SMITH Marshall Farinholt Sanders Olsen Namie schneider Valdemira Maclaren albert Porter Kirby Benjamin McNally courtenay Lappa Haas Labonte Kenison kent Stephenson Rockville Waltham Chamblee Portland Parker Winchester Bayonne Loganville Charlotte Portland Cleveland Anchorage Matthews Tampa Hamden Wasilla Largo Lewis Center New York Bristol Berkeley The Dalles Chicago Indianapolis Baton Rouge Fargo Alamo Oak Harbor Murrieta Newport Beach Darrington Dublin Waterloo Wilmington Portland Coon Rapids Naples Columbus Lake Ronkonkoma Fresno rochester kansas city Magalia Robbinsdale San Jose Shipman Wheaton Boca Raton Evergreen Park Hamilton Los Angeles MD MA GA OR CO VA NJ GA NC OR OH AK NC FL CT AK FL OH NY CT CA OR IL IN LA ND TX OH CA CA WA PA IL NC OR MN FL OH NY CA NY KS CA MN CA VA IL FL IL OH CA Consumers Union 246 Liz Charlene sharon Marcelle Christine Blaine Gale Jun Montie constance Brandy John a Jacquelyn Dana Tracy Patti Renata susan Trisha Edh Judy Elaine Robin meeta Jill kristen Jennifer Laura James Phyllis joe deborah Kathy tyler Kate Steve Mary c Virginia Kay Kelly Nan Pattie Bernida tracy peter Rebecca Bernadette Takis Catherine Cameron Carberry bauer Higginbotham Sheppard Boyd Franklin Shrout Jones clineharden Rose Starcevich l Eck Wilson Robinson Wolfe Coffey goldstein Boyd Stanley Vandergrift Barker Hall mohan Shephard TRUE Arreola Scherry Goble Camera tompkins woods McGuire syvertsen Simmons Phillips Clark brooks Batson Soriano Lloyd Hughes Roke Iqbal arcure kinney Colvin DeMarco Pepe Davey New Haven Henderson montrose Port Charlotte Fayetteville Atlanta Groton Blue Springs Lawton Springfield Indianapolis Butte Avoca Montoursville Appomattox Vevay West Bloomfield Dallas Brooklyn Hyattsville Sacramento, CA Praire Village Arlington Greenville Sparta Williamsburg Thornton Twin Valley Chicago Brewer Colts Neck Mesquite Saint Clair Shores Jupiter Morton Grove Blandford Chesapeake Ypsilanti Pittsboro Collingswood Maple Valley Lancaster Bothell Phila Richmond Port Charlotte Pennsauken Aliceville East Greenbush Plantation Villas CT NV MI FL AR TX CT MO OK IL IN MT NY PA VA IN MI TX NY MD CA KS VA SC NJ VA CO MN IL ME NJ TX MI FL IL MA VA MI NC NJ WA PA WA PA IN FL NJ AL NY FL NJ Consumers Union 247 Kali Cathy Sarah sharon Jan Daniel Jose Charles Alden Sayde Kimberly Diana Henry Gary Danika Roy Edward Robert mary Amanda Elizabeth Sylvia augustine Liana Jack kirstan Francesca Naomi nina Nicole Herbert Shirley Stephanie carrie jessica Nora Shirley terri joel Lois Nancy James joyce Kerrie Miles Diana Ellen Benjamin carrie Mathew Mike Rieman Owens Gioia tucker Petree O'Malley vazquez Merriman Cross Baker Turner Negrón WashingtonJr Goetz Bentley Fischman Estrella Skillstad taylor Saffer Paynter Struthers gaona Haig Blue sanders Castillo Shankwiler rohling Coates Stiles Thomas Blankenship mdowell bannester Karr Townsend stewart atkins Hollin Membrez Bowen kantoff Cowan Schumacher Huet de Guerville Heyer Oppenheim gray Dunn Perkins Stephentown Germantown Minneapolis Joliet Hosges Salt Lake City Lilburn Cohoes Las Vegasd Mountain Home Spokane Valley Utuado Hanover Park Carefree Seattle Staten Island Tucson Long Beach Denver Tucson Weston Beverly Hills Houston Port Jefferson Wright City Snohomish Coweta Falmouth Encinitas Bradford Hudson Elgin Battle Creek K.falls porland Norton Shores Columbia San Diego Beaverton North Vernon San Antonio Jamaica Bainbridge Is Collingswood Windsor Heights Kalamazoo Thiensville Miami Boardman Beverly Hills San Diego NY MD MN IL AL UT GA NY NV AR WA PR IL AZ WA NY AZ CA CO AZ MA MI TX NY MO WA OK MI CA MA NH AZ MI OR OR MI SC CA OR IN TX NY WA NJ IA MI WI FL OH CA CA Consumers Union 248 Stephanie Sheila PAULA Lora Maureen loretta jessi Beverly Debra Keith Peggy Karen MaryKathleen michael BETH Geetanjali Adak Steven Leron Brittney Jessica Patrick James DEBI MJ Marin Sarah Samuel Joan Carol debbie mark Dennis Gail Jaemes Adam FAITH mel ANN natalie Vicki Presley DM Al Aaron M Susan C Vincent James Margaret Cornell Symons WIDNER Officer Wheeler weathersbee niles Bradshaw Livingston Loomis Earle Herczegh Jackson plaisted GALLEGOS Singh Island Holcomb Bouma Canning Padgett Dunn Damare SKELTON Carroll Andersen Good Blue Jr Campbell Allen lane lane Meadors Richmond Esterly Lebowitz carone hendrix AFFRIOL wainwright Sheets Summers BECK Hodge Baker Kelly Naftol Cole McClean Lee Schnipper Duvall Michigan City Greenville Huntley Silver Spring San Angelo Paw Paw Arroyo Grande Alexandria Keuks Pk. Devon Munroe Falls Hammond Las Vegas Nm Schaumburg Fairbanks Kamas, Utah Grand Rapids Boardman Oak Park Olney Sterling Sartell Strafford Seattle Lake Stevens Hampton Upper Darby Melbourne Wauconda Staaten Island Independence Peabody Fairview Storrs Cumming St louis Park Marlboro Evanston Silver Creek Hampton Cliffside Park Rushville Portland Brooklyn Plainview Goodlettsville Rock Island Vienna Brooklyn WA IN OH IL MD TX MI CA VA NY PA OH IN NV NM IL AK UT MI OH MI MD VA MN NH WA WA VA PA FL IL NY MO MA NJ CT GA MN NJ IL NE NJ NJ IN OR NY NY TN IL VA NY Consumers Union 249 Melissa Yvette Paula Ransom D vera blh Richard Elizabeth robin Richard sharon S Nancilee Griffin Luis F Marianna Gloria Cheryl Scheid Vandunk Copp Stone crumley blh Raup Gomez hernandez Massery craig Fleming Iozzia Lindsey Diaz-Rolon Mejia Moreno Johnson Sandy Dingmans Ferry Santa Rosa Vancouver Asheville blha Guys Mills Redwood City San Jose Walnut Creek lenoir Corte Madera Decatur Topeka Biloxi Soquel Jamaica Cary UT PA CA WA NC MN PA CA CA CA NC CA GA KS MS CA NY NC
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