August 2016 - Demopolis Presbyterian
August 2016 - Demopolis Presbyterian
F I R S T P R E SB Y T E R I A N C H U RC H N EWS—D EMOPOLIS, A L Our Vision Statement: The First Presbyterian Church of Demopolis, Alabama, is a body of believers in Jesus Christ, That wants God’s love to grow in us and radiate to all people through us. To that end, Our Mission Statement: First Presbyterian Church of Demopolis, Alabama is: a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ, striving to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, by making disciples for Christ, in Demopolis and beyond by: • Exalting God in authentic biblical worship and prayer; • Building up believers in knowledge and faith through biblical preaching, teaching, discipleship and fellowship; • Evangelizing the lost by sharing Christ and living according to His example; • Extending God’s mercy through sacrificial service to those in need. Rev. Tommy R. Carr Pastor Established 1839 What a great vacation! We were in six states we had never visited before: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont. And the train ride? Well that's an adventure in itself and you should try it if you get the chance. Of course, sitting up for twenty-five hours straight traveling from New York City to Tuscaloosa was a challenge but we survived. The little town where Erin is working for the summer is only five miles from the Canadian border and sits at the edge of a lake that was gouged out of the earth by a glacier more than a few years ago. It is thirtytwo miles long, twenty-eight miles of which is in Canada. There are a lot of lakes in that part of Vermont and mountains covered with trees. I guess that's why they call it the Green Mountain State. It is truly beautiful. One of the many interesting sights we were blessed to see is the Haskell Library and Opera House. It is located in a small town called Derby Line, Vermont. When you get off the interstate to go into Derby Line, you can see the U.S. Border Patrol check point on the interstate. Derby Line is right on the border between the U.S. and Canada. Actually, the border passes right through Derby Line. Well, really the border passes right through the Haskell Library and Opera House. You can literally stand on the main floor of the library with one foot in the U.S. and the other foot in Canada. Upstairs, in the Opera House, the actors on stage are in Canada while most of the audience is in the U.S. Now we might think that this was an accident. Perhaps the original survey was slightly off and this was not discovered until after the Haskell was built. We would be wrong. The Haskell was the gift of Martha Stewart Haskell to the communities of Stanstead, Quebec and Derby Line, Vermont. She wanted to provide the people there with a center for learning and cultural enrichment. The purpose of the Opera House and the revenue it produces to this day is the support and maintenance of the library. The building was completed in 1904. 300 N. Strawberry Ave. ,Demopolis, AL 36732 334-289-3895 I can now report to you that I have been to Canada and I do not have a passport. The proof: The Haskell is interesting because it is truly unique. Nowhere else in the world can you sit in one country watching a show performed in another. But the Haskell is also an illustration of the Christian's dilemma. The Scripture teaches us that we are in the world but we are not of the world. In a real sense, we have one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. Sometimes we go more into the world and suffer the consequences. Sometimes we go more into heaven and receive the blessings. You would think we would always go for the blessings, but that is not our nature. When we know Jesus and love Him, our desire is for Him. We want to know Him better and love Him more. We want to turn from the world to Him. But these desires are not perfect yet and so we dilly-dally with the world and all the allurements of the world that catch our attention and sometimes more of our hearts than we want to admit. The Christian life is really about learning to live more and more in heaven than on earth; becoming more and more like Jesus than like the stars of culture. One is eternal, the other is ever so fleeting and while we know that, we still want to look back, like Lot's wife, at those things we are leaving behind. Leave them brothers and sisters! You have to leave them because they will not leave you. Leave them with a burning passion to be like Jesus! 2016 August 2016 Received through August 7th Liam Rimes July 23, 2016 7 lbs 13 oz 22 inches Congratulations to parents Josh & Heather Rimes And grandparents: Billy & Ruth Symon Warrior Presbytery Women’s Ministry Ridge Haven Camp Scholarships Offering used by the Warrior Presbytery Women’s Ministry to offer scholarships to campers within the Presbytery ATTENTION LADIES!! Work Day Friday, August 5th 9:00 a.m. Kitchen We will be preparing the food for tomorrow’s luncheon. All hands needed! August 2016 FPC Missions Faith Promise Summary Our mission’s calendar as most of you know runs from April to April so this report will be for the 2016/ 2017 mission’s year. Total Faith Promise pledged for the coming year is $28,260.00 The breakdown of how that money is distributed to our missionaries is as follows: Robert Stewart Nathaniel Gutierrez Johan Van der Westhuizen Doug McNutt Aaron Zapata Beth Acton Clete Hux Sav-A-Life $1440.00/ year $1440.00/ year $1440.00/ year $3120.00/ year $1440.00/ year $1440.00/ year $1440.00/ year $1440.00/ year Jonah & Jennifer Palmer Home Chris Gill Jimmy and Nadia Dukes Guillermo Salinas Chaplin’s Ministry Isaiah 55 Sewing Project Palmer Home Missions Trip Total $1440.00/ year $3120.00/ year $3120.00/ year $3120.00/ year $1440.00/ year $300.00/ year $500.00/ one-time gift $200.00/one-time gift $26,440.00 • Uncommitted pledge at this time $1820.00 • The uncommitted funds are normally used to give one-time special needs gifts to missionaries. If you have any questions or concerns I invite you to come and join the missions committee. Meeting will be announced in the bulletin and newsletter. Thanks for your support! Dennis Davidson, Missions Committee Chairman Some have asked why we do not put updates on our missionaries in the newsletter. Well, we do publish updates as they come to us. Some months we get none and other months we receive a lot. This month, we received several so we will split them over the next few newsletters. You can also read them on the bulletin board in the hallway between the SS building and Fellowship Hall. Robert and Lisa Stewart—serving with MTW om Shin-Urayasu, Japan Church planting is very interesting work. My tendency is to become discouraged about how slow things seem to move in our day to day ministry. However, when you take time to look back at the work as a whole, you see God working in many ways. That is what makes it exciting. We are excited about the new Jr. High Youth Group our church started in April. We have had 6-7 boys attending each week. Two of William’s friends from his time in Japanese elementary school have been attending. (Still cannot believe that William will be a teenager this July.) No girls have come yet, but Isabel and her friends are still in grade five. I am especially encouraged by Mr. N. He has been attending church for almost a year and he has started coming to men’s Bible study at our house. He is so close to believing! He asks great questions, and recently said that he feels like the Holy Spirit lives in him. I cannot wait to celebrate his profession of faith. Yui, Yumi, Yuri, Yuko, and Yuki. Lisa is enjoying meeting with these five young moms and their toddlers to build relationships and to study the Bible, most for the first time. Another mom, Yuka, is planning to join soon. The group is still looking for a mom to join whose name doesn’t start with a “Y”! We are coming to the point where we need to start looking for a larger place for Sunday morning worship. We currently rent an apartment for the church where we have Sunday worship as well as Bible Study groups, Moms and Kids Club, youth group, and team meetings throughout the week. As we get closer to 40 people in the room, it feels overly crowded. We are praying for wisdom for timing, the perfect place, and the finances to make this next step. I cannot begin to express how grateful Lisa and I are for your faithful prayers and generous financial support of our ministry in Japan. Your giving at the end of last year has served to stabilize our ministry finances and given us freedom to concentrate on our work at ShinUrayasu Grace Church. Thank you! Your partner in the Gospel, Robert (for all the Stewarts) Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 6 5 Meal prep for Women’s meeting 9:00 kitchen 7 8 9 15 16 10 11 12 17 18 19 Saturday Warrior Women’s Spiritual Connection Meeting 9:00 Demopolis 13 Ridge Haven Presbytery Offering 14 Diaconate/Session Meeting 8:30 Communion 21 20 Bingo First Day of School 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 Puddle Jumper Check-In Day And room set up 31 Puddle Jumpers Sept. 1 Puddle Jumpers Sept. 2 Puddle Jumpers Sept. 3 Puddle Jumpers Church Luncheon 28 HOP 2:00 Harris’ Puddle Jumper Check-in Day 2016 Special dates and committees for August August 1 3 4 Courtney Lawrence Maryann McGee Lydia Buroker Carly Lawrence Caty Lawrence Sara Dukes Heather Rimes Madison Solliday Carrie Morgan Wilson Ray Evans Bruce Brown Karen Davidson Laura Morgan Lizzie Johnson (1) Billy Symon, Jr Aubrey Ward (2) Matt Carr 6 7 8 11 15 18 20 23 25 25 26 30 Deacons of the Month August Mike Cork Joey Morgan BACK TO SCHOOL PRAYERS Please be in prayer for the students, teachers and administration as they begin a new school year this month. Nursery Schedule August September 7 Nadine Coddington 4 Jackie Tripp 14 Joy Mackin 11 Katy Basinger 21 Andrea Ward 18 Patty Kirkpatrick 28 Bess Weltin 25 Ruth Symon Flowers for August 7 14 21 28 Lashley Open Melanie Evans Open August 21st **Billy & Ruth Symon Glenn & Katy Basinger Andrea Ward September 18th **Bill & Melissa Weltin Eloise Harris Beth Lashley (Need another volunteer) August 11 17 28 David & Nadine Coddington Bill & Melissa Weltin Ozzie & Ann Resto CJ & Mary Hilchey (38) (31) (26) (12) Food Ministry for August HEAD: ** Elaine Carr FPC News August 2016 Church Luncheon Committees and Food Ministry Chairman List located on the bulletin board in the hallway outside office areas. Please check to see when you are on the committee and swap if needed. Please notify the office of any changes you make. Tablecloth Policy • • • Tablecloths MUST be washed and cleaned of stains after each use. If a stain cannot be removed - Report it to the church office. All tablecloths must be rehung after cleaning. Instant Church Directory Mobile App Your can view the directory from your iPhone, iPad, Android or Kindle Fire by downloading the free Members App. Search for "Instant Church Directory" in the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore, or at this link: app If your email is listed in the directory, you should automatically be able to open. But if it asks for password, please call the church office. Treasurer’s Report Total Contributions for June: Less Total Expenses $ 9,168.65 $ 9,018.35 $ 150.30 YTD: $59,127.68 $59,289.21 ( $ 161.53 ) FPC News August 2016 Prayer List Shut-Ins: Luiza Coburn, Billy Fleming, Betty Krusmark, Frances Lackey Cancer: Betty Jenkins, Nathan Hamilton, Linda Browder, Tom Boggs, Stephen Gentry, Jody Daughtery, Emily Sawyer, Rita Poole Horton, Varanda Golden, Ava Hunter, Rose Breitling, Luke (Jonah’s son), Kate Carr, Aaron Zapata, Angela Green, Hope Grace, Angela Green Illness: Aline Williams, Joey Morgan, Billie-Marie Davis, Laura Morgan, Jennie Husbands, Jennifer, William Burke, Joe Bunn, Cohen Sullivan, Sarah (Jonah’s daughter), Marlene Chapman, Glenn Shealy, Horacio, Brian Schrieber, Dennis Smith, Cathy Hand, Stanley Bond, Elizabeth Forehand, Special Needs/Surgery: Joel, Billy, Melinda Walton, CJ Golston, RJ Blount, Joe Lashley, Cam Cameron, Hugo, Charlie, Michael Jacks, Melanie Hulsey, Susan, Sue Entrekin, Carrie Ramey, Michael Woodham, Liz Bond, Louise Strable, Loretta Strickland Expectant Moms: Katie Gill, Cassie Coddington, Shannon Carr, Kami Basinger, Abigail Rehbeck All Military Personnel: Ch William Broderick, Kyle Westbrook, Dan Parsons, Sam Brasfield, Ricky Lee, Kyle Newton, Jason Freeman, Steven Mackin, Gregory Harrington, Jason Johnson, Jimmy Hart, Aaron Thornton, Jonathan Stephens, William R. Horton, Victor Resto, Daniel Phillips Supported Missionaries/Ministries: Aaron & Leticia Zapata, Guillermo & Jennie Salinas, Robert & Lisa Stewart, Andy & Bev Warren, Clete & Karen Hux, Beth Acton, Sav-A-Life, Doug & Kelly McNutt, Nathaniel & Alicia Gutierrez, Jimmy & Nadia Dukes, Chris & Katie Gill Hooked on Prayer List Allen Joe, 454 Allgood, Louise 125 Aoyagi, Towa 522 Aycock, Chelsea 462 Barkley, Mack 424 Beeler, Peggy 331 Boggs, Ben 142 Boggs, Tom 352 Boswell, Davis 512 Brooker, Chrissy 324 Brooker, Jan135 Browder, Linda 464 Brown, Pearl Joy 255 Burge, Raymond 222 Busby, Rhae 251 Calloway, Terry 225 Cistrunk, Narsis 355 Coburn, Luiza 132 Coker, Jean 121 Coleman, Willie 212 Collins, Bette 431 Collins, Brandon 423 Cook, Darren 224 Cook, Susan 122 Copeland, Roy & Judy 523 Craig, Kaleigh 261 Cross, Margaret 422 Daughtery, Jody 151 Davidson, Karen 361 Davis, Barbara 552 Denson, Leita 144 Douglas, Jerry 365 Duncan, Conner 163 Dykes, Cory 443 Eatmon, Megan 511 Espy, Emily 155 Etheridge, Brooks 563 Etheridge, Mary Ellen 563 Farst, Dick 421 Farst, Maria 412 Finley, Betty 124 Fleming, Billy Forte, Tony 112 Fuqua, Blake 553 Gentry, Steve 265 Grace, Hope 455 Griffin, Gay 543 Gross, Jane 114 Hamilton, Nathan 233 Harvey, John 241 Heath, Cindy 264 Hedrick, Gail 254 Hilbish, Bette 561 Hogg, Ian 562 Hollinger, Walter 115 Holman, Joann 342 Hudson, Shanna 463 Huizinga, Carol 333 Jarvis, Val 253 Jenkins, Betty 411 Jennifer 513 Jones, Beverly 341 Kelley, Bobbie 234 Krusmark, Betty 544 Kyser, Helen 335 Lackey, Frances 235 Landerfelt, John 314 LaRocca, Dominic 363 Latham, Jeffie 514 Latham, Whit 514 Leascher, Chad 334 Logan, Stevie 531 Hollingsworth, Lynn 325 Mahaffey, Larry 221 Marquis. Alana & Jim 343 McCraw, Beverly 453 McDonald, Nelda 461 McIntier, Jodie 442 McGee, Emily 252 McGiver, Logan 521 McKinley, Pam 244 Miller, Tommie 344 Milsap, Goldie 444 Morgan, Laura 143 Mutisya, Cecilia Ndunge 551 Newberry, Madi 542 Osburn, Beverly 145 Parker, Mary 263 Peacock, Faye 211 Phillips, Max 321 Pickerill, Paula 215 Pickerill, Sharon 524 Plummer, Kaegan 152 Radcliff, Cecil 362 Randall, Rexx 242 Randall, Ruth 213 Ray, Brenda 531 Reynolds, Christy 123 Sakon, Ethan 332 Scott, Kay 165 Sharp, Chris 551 Sims, Sarah 432 Snyder, MaryEllen 111 Stephens, Carol 232 Stephens, Maxine 243 Strable, Louise 451 Stringer, Wilson & Ginny 313 Taff, Cathy 231 Tarrence, Polly 154 Tartt, Tommy 312 Taylor, David & Marie 415 TenHaaf, WM 133 Terry, Pope 532 Thornton, Alaina 413 Trayler, Drew 262 Treadaway, Jean 434 Trotter, Dottie 354 Tucker, Sadie 113 Turnipseed, Stone 364 Van Austin, Inabell 311 Walker, Olivia 433 Walls, Christian 414 Wellman, Glenna 131 West, Ruth 162 Whittington, Judy & Ricky 351 Williams, Ed 223 Williams, Ethel 164 Williams, Jimmy & Joyce 425 Williams, Keith 541 Williams, Mary Lynne 214 Williamson, Trevor 345 Wilson, Christy 323 Wise, Winton & Naomi 315 Womble, Caleb 161 Wrensted, Leah Price 452 Wright, Hettie 245 HOP meets 4th Sunday’s only 2:00 Home of Eloise Harris 1607 Mauvilla Dr. Public Sale Dates: August 31st—September 3rd Consignors need to register by August 24th. Applications link found on website or by contacting the church office: 289-3895 Workers needed August 29th-September 3rd Monday: 3:30-6:00 Wednesday: 3:30-6:00 Friday: 2:30-6:00 First Presbyterian Church 300 N. Strawberry Ave Demopolis, AL 36732 Tuesday: 3:30-6:00 Thursday: 2:30-6:00 Saturday: 7:30-2:00 (2 shifts)
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