new releases summer/autumn 2012 - ORF


new releases summer/autumn 2012 - ORF
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Baked Beans
Baked Beans
In Memory of My Father
In Memory of My Father
Martin and Maria, both burnt children when it
comes to relationships and marriages, meet at a
vernissage. Unlike Andreas, Martin’s best friend,
who also is in a woman-abstinent phase of his life,
Martin throws all his concerns and resolutions to
the wind and dares to step out of his “comfort
zone” into the free fall of love. This time, however,
there supposedly won’t be a crash landing at the
divorce lawyer; all the weak points of the relationship will be considered before the wedding
and have the relevant therapies successfully applied just in time.
Hollywood, Modern Day – a film legend bribes
hisson to document his death under the unquestioning assumption that it will be historically important. The Result… In Memory of My Father, a
festival favorite and winner of multiple awards including Best Picture at CineVegas & Santa
Barbara FF, it boasts a top-notch ensemble cast
and a superb soundtrack by indie veterans Belle &
Why shouldn’t it be possible to once in a lifetime
have a relationship that from the beginning is
based on a partnership of equals?
Duration: 93 min.
Directed by Gabriel Barylli
Written by Gabriel Barylli
Produced by Novotny Film
Cast: Gabriel Barylli, Sylvia Leifheit, Isabel Scholz,
Michael Dangl
Available worldwide
Duration: 96 min.
Directed by Christopher Jaymes
Written by Christopher Jaymes
Produced by Persona Film and Interspot Film
Cast: Jeremy Sisto, Judy Greer, Matt Keeslar, Monet Mazur,
Pat Healy, Christine Lakin, Nicholle Tom
Available: check
2006 Best Picture at Santa Barbara Film Fest; 2006 Best
Debut Feature at Sonoma Valley Film Fest; 2006 Director’s
Award at Santa Cruz Film Fest; 2006 Grand Jury Award at
CineVegas; 2006 Best Director at San Diego Film Fest; 2006
Best Picture at AOF FEST; 2006 Spirit Award at Ft. Lauderdale
Int.; 2006 Grand Jury Award at Lake Forest Film Fest
feature films drama crime comedy
The Camera Murderer
Der Kameramörder
Inside America
Inside America
Easter at Lake Neusiedl: Thomas has a designer
house hidden in the reeds on the Hungarian side
of the lake. He and his new girlfriend Sonja invite another couple to visit: Heinrich, an old friend
and notorious cynic and his wife Eva, who seems
to have a more complicated past with Thomas
than a simple long-lasting friendship. Small irritations even before the guests arrive suggest that
the idyll is not to be trusted.
Inside America is a portrait of six High School At 19 years old, Niko is still a proper “mummy’s
kids in a small border town in Texas. The Ameri- boy” and is desperate to experience his “first
can flag is proudly raised at school every mor- time”. When his parents go to a party out of town,
ning and the dream of prosperity and freedom is he decides to make the most of being “home aloinvested in their mind, but the reality is tough; ne” and invites the attractive Angelina to join
drugs, violence and security at the school gate him. But she doesn’t come on her own, and
are a part of the daily routine. The six teenagers what’s more, Niko’s friend Luke plans to throw
fight for their future in between ROTC Class and the party to end all parties at his house. He tries
Home Economics, somehow managing to retain to avert the worst, but then someone else pulls
their vitality and dreams.
“his” Angelina. The initially unprepossessing Sophie, who turns out to have hidden depths, tries
to distract Niko, and suddenly he is caught between two women. Just as the bash reaches its
excessive highpoint Niko’s parents burst in.
Directed by Robert Adrian Pejo
Written by Agnes Pluch, Robert Adrian Pejo, Günter Pscheider,
based on a novel by Thomas Glavinic
Cast: Andreas Lust, Ursini Lardi, Merab Ninizde,
Dorka Gryllus
Produced by LOTUS Film, AV Medienbüro, COBRA Film and
MYTHBERG Films in association with ORF, SF Schweizer
Fernsehen and TV2 supported by Austrian Film Institute,
Film Fonds Vienna, Swiss Federal Office of Culture,
Filmfoundation Zurich, Motion Picture Public Foundation of
Hungary and Media i2i
Available worldwide except for German Speaking Territories
and Hungary
“Directors Price” at Hungarian Filmweek
Duration: 107 min.
Duration: 93 min.
Directed by Barbara Eder
Written by Barbara Eder
Cast: Raul Juarez, Aimée Lizette Saldivar, Zuleyma Jaime,
Luis De Los Santos, Carlos Benavides, Patty Barrera
Produced by Arge Schumann Eder in association with
Filmakademie Wien
Available worldwide except for North America
Directed by Hans Selikovsky
Written by Hans and Nikolai Selikovsky
Cast: Nikolai Selikovsky, Teresa Blaschke,
Lukas Hammerschmid, Elisabeth Schuster, Wolfgang Böck,
Adele Neuhauser, Harald Krassnitzer, Wolfram Berger
Produced by Selikovsky Film
Available worldwide
© AG Schumann Eder
Duration: 95 min.
Free Crib
The Way You Are
So wie du bist
Following the send-off on her last working day,
callous judge Helene Offer, under the influence
of alcohol, causes a car accident with grave consequences. To save her reputation, she takes
care of the victim’s daughter, Michalina, who suffers from Down syndrome. With her spontaneity
and warmth, Michalina turns Helene’s lonesome
life upside down and has her reconsidering her
relationship with her estranged son Rupert. And
the young woman needs help with an impossible
plan. She wants to marry her boyfriend, Sebastian, who also suffers from Down syndrome. And
that is legally impossible. Helene attends to the
matter and against official and family resistance
attempts to make possible a church wedding for
the unusual couple. Through her commitment to
Michalina, Helene finds an unexpected way back
to her son Rupert.
Duration: 88 min.
Directed by Wolfgang Murnberger
Written by Uli Brée
Cast: Gisela Schneeberger, Juliana Götze, Sebastian
Urbanski, Cornelius Obonya, Rita Sereinig, Nicole Beutler,
Lukas Resetarits
Produced by DOR Film for ORF/MDR
Available worldwide except for Germany
tv-movies drama crime
Falsch verpackt
While loading a refrigerated container at Vienna’s
Danube port of Albern, a defective cooling unit is
discovered. When the container is opened, in
addition to tons of chicken, three dead Chinese
are found. At the same time, a drunken Chinese
rioting at a Chinese restaurant is arrested. The
next morning, body parts are found, which, as investigations quickly reveal, belong to the previously arrested Chinese. He had however been
released early at the intercession of the head of
the immigration authorities. The clues from the
three bodies from the container and the murdered Chinese lead to a meat wholesaler by the
name of Klaus Müller, who pretends to be
the innocence personified. During their further
investigations, Moritz Eisner and Bibi Fellner delve deeply into the unimaginable illegal dealings
of the Chinese mafia, in which, as it seems, both
the meat wholesaler and the head of the immigration authorities are involved. And then there’s
mysterious Ms. Gu, head of the Chinese restaurant, who appears to be the keystone of the puzzle.
Duration: 87 min.
Directed by Sabine Derflinger
Written by Martin Ambrosch
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Adele Neuhauser, Nahoko Fort,
Thomas Freudensprung, Thomas Stipsits, Stefanie Dvorak,
Stefan Puntigam, Tanja Raunig
Produced by Aichholzer Film for ORF
Available worldwide
No Way Out
Kein Entkommen
Operation Job
Operation Hiob
A bus belonging to a cleaning company is attacked before the start of work.
The driver, a student, is shot dead. Moritz Eisner and Bibi Fellner’s inves‑
tigations point to it being “mistake” – the stand-in driver was killed instead
of the usual man. He, however, is at home with flu, and is not left in peace
for long. The killers appear at his house, but he is able to flee to the police
and discloses that he is a Serbian refugee from the Kosovan war, has married
in Austria and taken the name Müller, which is his wife’s name. The explosive detail is that he was a member of a paramilitary grouping that, as a hit
squad, had massacred Bosnian Muslims. He, then Mirco Gradic, now Josef
Müller, deserted, and has precise records of all the atrocities committed. He
is able to identify members of the troop who are living incognito in Vienna,
and above all the ringleaders. One of these must have disappeared in Vienna and have discovered Müller’s presence here, along with his true iden‑
tity.The case develops into a pitiless battle with Serbian ultra-nationalists,
which almost ends in an inferno.
When the chief financial manager of the syndicate that controls the Austrian
heroin trade is found murdered, Moritz Eisner is sent on an undercover operation: “Operation Job”. With Eisner’s help, the undercover agent who has
worked in the drug-syndicate for years is to be led to the head of the organization to bring him to justice. Initially, the plan seems to work. Eisner’s
investigations expose a competing criminal organization that pushes heavily into drug trafficking and challenges the market-controlling syndicate. But
while Eisner tries to prevent a war between the rival groups and protect the
identity of the undercover agent, he gets himself ever deeper into a web of
organized crime …
Duration: 89 min.
Duration: 90 min.
Picture: © ORF/Petro Domenigg
Directed by Nikolaus Leytner
Written by Max Gruber
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Sarah Tkotsch, Heribert Sasse, Hubert Kramar,
Juergen Maurer, Christian Dolezal, Nicholas Ofczarek, Arben Murseli
Produced by Satel Film for ORF
Available worldwide
Directed by Fabian Eder
Written by Lukas Sturm, Fabian Eder
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Adele Neuhauser, Tanja Raunig, Christoph Bach, Johannes Silberschneider, Serge Falck, Monica Reyes, Samuel Jung, Michael König
Produced by Cult Movies for ORF
Available worldwide
tv-movies crime
Wiped Out
When chief inspector Moritz Eisner is called to a crime scene in the Vienna
underground, he is horrified: once again the victim is a teenager who has
been brutally executed. Everything points to the perpetrator being a serial
killer. The victims themselves are all convicted violent criminals. However,
none of them had been imprisoned as they were all too young when they
committed their crimes. The only condition was that they seek professional
help and attend therapy. Gruesomely, they have each now been killed in
the same way as their own victims.
A naked man is found in a car park – lying in a shopping trolley with bullet
holes in his knees and temple. It transpires that the victim is Bulgarian, and
was involved in a break-in at a jeweller’s shop. Is the murder part of a gang
war? After contact is made with the Bulgarian authorities, a Bulgarian
special investigator, Donka Galabova, travels to Vienna. Then a very similar
burglary takes place in a car showroom. The crimes always follow the same
pattern. Who is the Austrian middleman, who selects the targets for
breaking, and who disposes of the goods afterwards? During their investigations, police inspector Eisner and his assistant, Bibi, repeatedly come up
against a lawyer who represents the victims, and also against a probable
fence who seems to be implicated in the case. Can the Austrian special investigation team and their Bulgarian colleague solve the case?
And if the case were not unsettling enough, to make matters worse Eisner
has also been assigned a new assistant, who, however, is not unknown to
him: Bibi Fellner, who is burnt out and teetering on the brink of alcoholism,
yet somehow intensely human. All leads point to the “Youth Health” therapy centre, which specialises in resocialising young violent criminals. Together with his assistant, who sees Eisner as her last chance, he sets out to
search for the culprit …
Duration: 90 min.
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Wolfgang Murnberger
Written by Uli Brée
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Adele Neuhauser, Harald Schrott,
Rasa Weber, Tanja Raunig, Josephine Bloéb, Aglaia Szyszkowitz
Produced by Allegro Film for ORF
Available worldwide
Directed by Harald Sicheritz
Written by Uli Brée
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Adele Neuhauser, Tanja Raunig,
Dessi Urumova, Bernhard Schir, Simon Schwarz,
Hubert Kramar
Produced by Superfilm for ORF
Available worldwide
The Competition
Der Wettbewerb
Father’s Day
The Kebab Incident
Kebab mit Alles
Life is good for Hubert Fischbach. His charming
wife, Henni, is a wonderful mother to his children,
Alina, 10, and Theo, 8. His career with an energy
company is about to take off. The only thing that
gives him any stress every now and again is his
relatives. Whatever Hubert has achieved never
has been and never will be good enough for his
father. It all comes to a head during family visits;
after all, the Fischbach brothers, Hubert and
Viktor live side by side in two halves of the same
semi-detached house. For the children’s sake,
the Fischbachs take part in an eco-project. But
the fun is soon over. A fast-paced family comedy
with Harry Krassnitzer and Ann-Kathrin Kramer.
When Otto plays – and he plays for money – he
usually wins, and it doesn’t seem to do any harm
to his fortunes in love. Women find him
irresistible. Which is the root of a problem – or
three problems, to be precise – his three children,
David, Julia and Pius. Purely from a logis‑
tical point of view this is something of a challenge, since the three mothers are not supposed to
know anything about one another. Otto’s web of
lies collapses one day: the children’s mothers
get wise to him and take the kids away. Otto’s
new friend Josef helps his friend and tries to
make a new start as a father and friend in an honest and happy “patchwork family”. After all, family is what you make of it.
Johann Stanzerl feels hemmed in. Every other
business unit in his Vienna neighbourhood
is owned by a Turk. Only his beloved Café Prinz
Eugen is still offering any resistance, with its
regular, upstanding, Austrian clientele. To Johann’s
surprise, his wife and him were not the only one’s
extending their café. Mustafa, the Turkish business man was expanding his new restaurant on
the other side of the wall. Evidently the Count
had sold the same premises twice. It could hardly
be worse for Johann. The enemy is not just in his
own building, he is now the landlord, too. The
Turkish neighbour must go, no matter what it may
Duration: 90 min.
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Michi Riebl
Written by Kati Bali, Susanne Freund & Ines Häufler
Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Cornelius
Obonya, Julia Cencig, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Bibiana
Zeller, Madgalena Kronschläger, Manuel Rubey, Hary Prinz,
Michael Schönborn, Fritz von Friedl, Gerhard Liebmann,
Nike van der Let
Produced by Allegro Film for ORF/MDR
Available worldwide except for Germany
Picture: © ORF/Oliver Roth
Directed by Michi Riebl
Written by Susanne Zanke and Mike Majzan
Cast: Alexander Pschill, Simon Schwarz, Marianne Mendt,
Angelika Niedetzky, Maddalena Hirschal, Stefanie Dvorak,
Anna Rot, Christoph Grissemann, Gerhard Liebmann,
Gerda Drabek
Produced by Dor Film for ORF
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Wolfgang Murnberger
Written by Tac Romey, Don Schubert and Rupert Henning
Cast: Andreas Vitasek, Franziska Stavjanik, Tim Seyfi,
Sascha Söydan, Michael Ostrowski, Michael Fuith,
Thomas Mraz, Karl Fischer, Mike Galeli, Tayfun Bademsoy,
Veronika Polly
Produced by Allegro Film for ORF
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
tv-movies comedy romantic comedy
Molly & Mops – 100 Kilos of Love
Molly & Mops – 100 Kilo Liebe
Molly & Mops –
Life is Not a Piece of Cake
Molly & Mops –
Das Leben ist kein Gugelhupf
Molly & Mops – Café Mops
Molly & Mops – Café Mops
Molly is somewhat rounder than the fashionistas,
nutrition junkies and self-appointed judges of all
that is beautiful, good and right will ever accept.
Nevertheless, she has three main points in her
favour – she knows who she wants to be, she
knows what she wants to be and she has the
energy to succeed. And on top of this, don’t
forget, she has Mops the dog, who speaks to her.
When Molly faces a number of travails – such as
being left by her boyfriend for another woman,
moving from her small home town to the big city,
and winding up stranded and alone in Salzburg
after getting conned out of her money – her skill
as a pastry chef, her willpower and, of course,
Mops ultimately help to save the day.
Molly’s café in Salzburg went bankrupt. Then she
reads about a high-calibre confectioner’s competition to be held in Vienna. If she could win, all of
Molly’s financial problems would be solved! But
from the first day everything in Vienna goes
wrong. First Molly’s competition entry is ruined.
However she succeeds, without ingredients or a
kitchen – and not least thanks to Mops – in
producing a new creation overnight in a laundrette. Despite the stiff competition, Molly gets
through the first round and finally reaches the
final with two other contestants. A game of
intrigue behind the scenes of the show and Lukas, her attractive fellow competitor, threaten to
upset Molly’s emotional balance still further …
Molly’s grandmother, Klara, and friend, Azra,
battle through the exciting events with her.
Molly has opened a small café with a personal
touch in Vienna, which, thanks to her imaginative
creations, has soon gained an excellent reputa‑
tion. Once again Mops the dog is her helpful
assistant. Molly receives a visit from Valerie, the
diet-mad manageress of the “Neon & Blau” café
opposite, which attracts far fewer customers
than “Café Mops”. Valerie is under huge pressure
from her boss, Mrs. Rot, to do something to stop
their flourishing competitor. A variety of different
struggles develop between the “Neon & Blue”
and “Café Mops”: mice hightail it through Molly’s
kitchen, and a fire threatens the eatery. On top of
this, Molly actually experiences her first great
love, which leads to a surprising and unexpected
end. Azra thinks that she is pregnant, whilst
Mops actually is, and gives birth to three pups.
Duration: 87 min.
Directed by Titus Selge (final version by mungo-film)
Written by Peter Hajek and Susanne Freund
Cast: Monika Reithofer, Monika Baumgartner, Atischeh H.
Braun, Matthias Schloo, Sissi Perlinger, Ferry Öllinger,
Sonja Kirchberger
A co-production by ORF and ZDF, produced by mungo-film
Available worldwide except for Germany
Duration: 87 min.
Duration: 87 min.
Directed by Michael Karen
Written by Anna Morgenrot and Peter Hajek
Cast: Monika Reithofer, Monika Baumgartner, Atischeh H.
Braun, Heinz Marecek, Herbert Knaup, Adele Neuhauser
A co-production by mungo-film, ORF and ZDF, in association
with Television Fund Austria and Vienna Film Fund
Available worldwide except for Germany
Directed by Michael Karen
Written by Kathrin Pilz and Peter Hajek
Cast: Monika Reithofer, Monika Baumgartner, Atischeh
H. Braun, Andrea Eckert, Laurence Rupp, Susanne Wuest
A co-production by mungo-film, ORF and ZDF, in association
with Television Fund Austria and Vienna Film Fund
Available worldwide except for Germany
Homo Sapiens
Die Steintaler – Von wegen Homo Sapiens
The story takes place at a time in history when
people still ran around scantily clad in hides and
animal skins, carried bows and arrows and stone
axes with them, wore loin cloths and generally
did not have a fixed place of abode. At least that
was true for half of mankind.
The other half already wore clothes made of
plant materials, built houses, reared livestock,
cultivated the land and made decorative and
Duration: 12 x 25 min.
Directed by Rupert Henning and Michi Riebl
Written by Uli Brée and Rupert Henning
Cast: Gregor Bloeb, Franziska Schlattner, Uli Maier,
Cornelius Obonya, Michael Niavarani
A co-production by ORF and DOR Film in association with
Austrian Television Fund and Lower Austria
Available worldwide
1 x
practical clay pots. However both groups had
one thing in common: they paid no taxes and had
no aggro from bureaucrats or the worldwide
financial crisis. Instead, every now and again
they were eaten by bears, forced to creep around
for days in the forest with empty bellies, and constantly feared bad harvests or the next ice age.
But all in all the hunters and gatherers on the
one hand and the farmers on the other that lived
in the valleys of the Alps had everything pretty
well under control in those days. Just as long as
they didn’t get in each other’s way. Because then
the sparks would fly. Or, indeed, the loin cloths
and hemp skirts.
Rather a long time ago, more precisely during the
Neolithic period, there was a revolution – the first
in human history, if you will. A couple of hunter
gatherers had obviously had enough of hunting
and gathering and decided to put down roots.
tv-series comedy
Nomads became farmers. Except for those who
weren’t in the mood for revolution. They had
spent almost 200,000 years living as nomads,
and didn’t see why things should suddenly
change. All in all they weren’t especially interested in new-fangled trends. But in the end there
was no stopping the revolution. And so the
unavoidable happened: trouble!
The Stone Valley was claimed by two different
clans. The problem was that neither clan could
stand the other. And unfortunately the leaders of
each were the two most stubborn members of
their respective groups imaginable … Meso, the
leader of the hunters and gatherers and Nea,
head of the farmers. Both were, of course, firmly
convinced that their way of doing things was the
right way. Furthermore, Meso had a ravishingly
beautiful daughter and Nea a good looking son.
And since the Stone Valley was spacious but not
that enormous, it was inevitable that one day the
two young Stone Valley kids would run into one
another. And so the whole mess came to a head.
For now it was, so to speak, an affair of the heart.
And when it came to affairs of the heart, regrettably even in those days, people weren’t prepared
to stand for much nonsense.
Braunschlag is a more or less idyllic place in
Austria, whose inhabitants are a league of their
own. Among others there’s a former beauty
queen, a UFO landing site operator, a pair of
weird doctors and the gouvernor’s nephew.
Gerhard Tschach, mayor of Braunschlag, has a
problem: After several failed business ventures,
his town is bankrupt. Therefore, with his best
friend, disco‑owner Richard Pfeisinger, he decides to fake a Marian apparition, to make tourists
flood the ailing town and bring about the hopedfor financial recovery. Braunschlag starts to flourish, but the two hard-drinking men soon lose
control. Somewhere between the delusions of
the locals, pressure from the state capital, intractable marital problems and the Vatican, the situation escalates more and more – and the miracle of
Braunschlag is becoming a nightmare fast.
Duration: 8 x 45 min.
Directed by David Schalko
Written by David Schalko
Cast: Robert Palfrader, Maria Hofstätter, Nicholas Ofczarek,
Sabrina Reiter, Nina Proll, Manuel Rubey, Raimund Wallisch
Produced by Superfilm for ORF
Available worldwide
Q3/12 812901
comedy crime
Fast Forward
Schnell ermittelt
Angelica Fast is in her mid-thirties, a divorced
single mother – and a successful investigator at
Vienna’s criminal investigation department. The
good-looking young woman handles the balancing act between her job and parental duties
with humour. Even if her teenage twins keep her
on her toes, she goes all out for the pursuit of
criminals. That professional and private life isn’t
always separable, is not least due to her ex-husband, the chief of forensics: Some teasing is part
of the daily routine, and it may well happen, that
childrearing is discussed on the crime scene.
Sentimentality has no room in all this – Angelica
Fast knows what she wants and always keeps
the facts in sight.
Duration: 40 x 45 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Michi Riebl and Andreas Kopriva
Written by Eva Spreitzhofer, Verena Kurth, Rainer
Hackstock, Guntmar Lasnig, Katharina Hajos, Fritz Ludl,
Constanze Fischer, Stefan Hafner, Thomas Weingartner
Cast: Ursula Strauss, Andreas Lust, Wolf Bachofner,
Katharina Straßer, Mortezer Tavakoli
Produced by MR Film for ORF
Available worldwide
Oscar 2009 nomination for “Revanche” with leading
actress Ursula Strauss and leading actor Andreas Lust
new !
Soko Kitzbühel
“K-Files”/“Kitzbühel Homicide” features a dynamic young team of investigators, a gourmet chef full of bright ideas, a countess well acquainted with
jet set life and a large portion of humour: the result is a witty and exciting
detective series of a very special kind!
The series is built around a young team of CID officers, Karin Kofler and
Andreas Blitz, who constantly encounter extremely baffling murder cases.
As Andreas Blitz gets promoted and is sent to Vienna, his successor Klaus
Lechner starts his work in Kitzbühel.
1–33 distributed by ZDF Enterprises/34–151 distributed by ORF-Enterprise
Duration: 164 x 45 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by various directors
Written by various authors
Cast: Kristina Sprenger, Jakob Seeböck, Hans Sigl, Andreas Kiendl, Heinz Marecek,
Andrea L’Arronge, Ferry Öllinger, Christine Klein
A co-production by ORF and ZDF Enterprises in association with ZDF, produced by beo-Film
Available worldwide except for Germany
44 x
Season 12: Q3/12
Four Women and a Funeral
Vier Frauen und ein Todesfall
epis w
crime drama 19
White Beauty
Das Glück dieser Erde
Julie, Maria, Sabine and Henriette – four remarkable women sharing an Katharina Lenz has got a quick tongue. It looks like she’s got everything
exceptional pastime – join forces in order to bring some excitement to the under control. She looks great, she’s a successful business consultant, and
boring village life by suspecting murder in all those cases which initially in two days she will marry a dreamboat. What more could you want? Isn’t it
seem to point to the opposite. Never failing to be present at any village awesome? Right. But then fate strikes, and Katharina’s got to act when
funeral, they investigate the deaths by unnatural cause in a highly uncon- there’s a fatal accident in her family. She calls off her wedding, not at the
ventional way. In the second season of the series, Henriette helps out Julie last minute, but at the last second. She ends up caught between two men
with a friendly turn, indispensable to Julie’s life and as a consequence has to — and between all fronts. Almost overnight, Katharina Lenz becomes the
go to jail for quite some time. Mona, a young community doctor with inves- new stud manager at Piber, the mistress of hundreds of Lipizzans. For the
tigative skills and medical expertise, joins the team. Due to her work abroad very first time in all the centuries of the glorious history of the stud, the
her sister Lola quickly takes her place in the third season and it doesn’t take million-dollar enterprise with dozens of employees is in the hands of a
long until the next case gets them going.
woman. But Katharina couldn’t care less — she’s busy around the clock.
She really doesn’t have everything under control anymore. But, hey, you
can’t plan happiness.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Duration: 13 x 50 min.
Directed by Harald Sicheritz, Wolfgang Murnberger,
Andreas Prochaska, Claudia Jüptner-Jonstorff and
Walter Bannert
Written by Uli Brée and Rupert Henning,
based on an idea by Wolf Haas and Annemarie Mitterhofer
Cast: Adele Neuhauser, Gaby Dohm, Brigitte Kren,
Stephanie Japp, Martina Poel, Julia Stinshoff
Produced by Dor Film for ORF
Available worldwide
12 x
18 x
© ORF/Hubert Mican
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Walter Bannert (1–5), Holger Barthel (6–9)
and Gloria Behrens (10–13)
Written by Martin Ambrosch and Agnes Pluch
Cast: Eva Herzig, Thomas Unger, Christoph von Friedl,
Jürgen Maurer, Cornelius Obonya, Julia Cencig,
Franz Buchrieser
Produced by Satel Film for ORF in association with ARD,
with assistance of Cinestyria
Available worldwide except for Germany
Picture: © ORF/Satel Film/Petro Domenigg
Duration: 30 x 45 min.
7 Wonders
7 Wunder
Explorer Express
“7 Wonders” presents wonders that are big and
small, obviously spectacular, and hidden yet sensational. In this popular science magazine for
children, Thomas Brezina and his assistant,
“Nelson”, go looking in their animated Wonder
Express, “Crazy Lola”, for things that appear to
be wonders – be it the Dead Sea, in which
Thomas reads a newspaper whilst swimming, the
language of dolphins, with whom he also goes
swimming, historical sensations that still astound us today and “do it yourself wonders” that
show children how they too can create something
amazing. There are things to wonder at everywhere, not only far away, but right around the
corner. Some are tiny, others gigantic, but they
all have one thing in common: they astonish us!
Why does the koala bear have a speckled post‑
erior? Can plants sweat or air be liquid? And how
can you transfer news from one continent to another without any electricity? These and many
more questions are answered in this extraordinary and successful series for young researchers
from 8 to 12 years. Travelling through time,
space, air and water, Thomas Brezina and Kati
Bellowitsch take you on the special Explorer
Express en route to “discover, experience, investigate and do it yourself”. During these exciting
trips the two presenters reveal facts worth knowing about nature, animals, technology, physics,
chemistry and history. They also conduct experiments for viewers to do themselves at home.
Each episode of the series features interesting
stories, stunning experiments and vivid explanations.
The international nature of this format is underlined by the fact that the films were shot not only
in Austria, but in England, Iceland and Jordan
among other places, enabling wonders from all
over the world to be presented close at hand.
Duration: 94 x 25 min.
Duration: 13 x 23 – 25 min.
Written by Thomas Brezina
Produced by KidsTV for ORF in association with Story&Co.
Available worldwide
World Media Festival Hamburg 2011, intermedia-globe
Gold award
Written by Thomas Brezina
Produced by Interspot Film for ORF in association
with Story&Co.
Available worldwide
Romy 2004: Special Prize of the Jury; Platinum Remi
Award at Houston International Filmfestival 2005
children & youth
Trick Factory
Quiz Castle
How many corners does a honeycomb have?
Which animal can use its nose to take a shower?
And how many eyes does a fly have? Interesting
and amazing information from the animal world
presented in an entertaining and exciting way –
that is Miniversum: the animal magazine for kids!
Thrilling and unique stories reveal more than a
few well kept secrets of the animal world and
encourage the viewers to make their own investigations. And that’s not all: Every episode interested kids are posed a quiz question by Balduin,
the cute and inquisitive wet-nosed monkey. Fun
and excitement for young explorers!
The Quiz Castle, a combination of 3D animation
and film elements, is a funny show in which the
audience gets to guess along. It specifically
caters to the needs of pre-school children. The
two ghosts, Rattlehead and Pizza Poltergeist,
invite viewers into their castle to take part in fun
and entertaining games and quizzes. They have
to answer tricky questions in each and every hall
and in each and every chamber within the hallowed walls. And they get to learn amazing tricks
and recognize optical illusions. “Quiz Castle”
was developed in cooperation with the British
Company “Absolutely Cuckoo”.
How does a magician get a rabbit into his top hat?
What is a magic cup and how is it made? “Enchant
and astound” – that is the tagline of this children’s
show! The makers of Explorer Express whisk
young viewers away to the astonishing world of
artifice and magic. Children are given an insight
into the world of artists and illusionists through
exciting magic tricks and unusual handicraft,
which they are encouraged to admire and imitate.
Some of the best kept magician’s secrets are also
revealed: Cuddly toys miraculously disappear
and heads are made to turn around!
Duration: 52 x 25 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Written by Thomas Brezina
Produced by KidsTV for ORF/ZDF in association with
Available worldwide
World Media Festival Hamburg 2010, intermedia-globe
Silver award; Eyes & Ears Award 2009, Price for Audio
Design & Composition
Duration: 240 x 5 min.
Duration: 140 x 12 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Produced by ORF
Available for Europe only
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Written by Thomas Brezina & Sascha Stradtmann
Produced by KidsTV for ORF in association with Story&Co.
Available worldwide
formats & entertainment leisure & lifestyle comedy
Vive Le Roi!
Wir sind Kaiser
Champion is the ultimate combination of a knowledge quiz show and an
action game show for the prime time program. Fitness, skill, knowledge,
luck and team spirit are just some of the requirements for the candidates.
In every show, a certain number of candidate pairs vie with each other for
a place in the final show, where you can win a grand prize. Each team consists of two persons – a man and a woman who must know each other well
and be physically fit. The candidates represent certain regions or federalstates, which gives this show a distinctive local touch. Each team has its
own block of fans in the studio, which provides additional support for the
respective team and is crucial for a quiz.
A comedy series for all countries who used to be reigned (or wish to be!) by
an emperor. The Austrian Emperor and his adjutant are the main characters
of this scripted comedy show that took the hearts of the Austrians by storm.
Sitting on his lavish throne, the Emperor grants audiences to popular personalities from politics, society and show business which are completely
at his whim.
The appearance of the odd couple on TV or in public is always a treat – The
two characters (master and servant) have become so popular that they are
booked to perform their skits for advertisements, public appearances at TV
shows and gala events.
Duration: 49 x 45 min.
Duration: 100 min.
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
Directed by Wilfried Reichel, Leo Bauer
Written by Rudi Roubinek, Rudi Schöllerbacher, Robert
Palfrader, Gerald Fleischhacker, Ully Aris
Produced by Gebhardt Productions
Available worldwide
documentaries culture & art
This is the story of two generations of Neo-Austrians – “Darkheads”, as they
call themselves – born and raised in Europe, but misfits nonetheless. Nazar,
the 25-year old protagonist, suspect of armed robbery, is released of
prison and confronted with his troublesome financial situation. Jobless, he
seeks sanctuary in a world where he is respected and well-known – in the
world of German rap music.
While confronted with this situation, Nazar and his two best friends look
back at a life of disruption – shattered families, street life and delinquency.
A past connecting them with the present life of a new generation of immigrant descendants …
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Arman T. Riahi
Produced by Golden Girls Filmproduktion in association with
Vienna Film Fund, ORF and BMUKK
Available worldwide
Pictures: © Golden Girls Filmproduktion & Filmservices GmbH
Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt
A Kiss Cashes in –
Klimt Between Art and Business
Ein Kuss mach Kasse –
Klimt zwischen Kunst und Kommerz
When Gustav Klimt was born into a poor Viennese family of artisans in 1862,
Europe was about to undergo epochal changes. At that time, Vienna more
than any other European city embodied the life of a cosy society, which
considered art primarily as the realization of an innocent and harmless
dream. The highly talented painter Klimt started his artistic career creating
this harmless art, but later made his mark among other things as a cofounder
of the Vienna Secession and vehemently resisted the commercialisation of
In 2012 we celebrate the 150th birthday of Gustav Klimt. The artist seems to
be suffering a similar fate as W.A. Mozart did some years ago: being buried
under a just about infinite avalanche of exhibitions, merchandising products
and tourist deals. Klimt teddy bears, Klimt dog blankets, Klimt china figurines,
Klimt chocolates, Klimt Barbie dolls, Klimt umbrellas, Klimt cookbooks: All
that counts is that “The Kiss” is reproduced on it; apart from that, marketers’
imagination knows no bounds.
In this documentary, Herbert Eisenschenk not only examines the colourful
personality of Gustav Klimt, the historical artist, but also explores the tortuous paths of today’s perception of his unique art.
Duration: 30 min.
Directed by Herbert Eisenschenk
Produced by Vermeer Filmproduction for ORF and ARTE
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
Q3/12 813107
© ORF/Herbert Eisenschenk
Directed by Thomas Macho
Produced by FOR TV for ORF/3sat
Available worldwide
© ORF/FOR TV/Thomas Macho
Duration: 52 min.
In contrast to this boom is the fierce criticism Klimt’s work attracted in his
lifetime. The film’s protagonists quote sometimes very coarse news‑
paper articles from the Vienna Secession era and thus show how quickly a
scorned artist can become a superstar.
documentaries culture & art
The Vienna Roll –
A Little Cultural History
Die Wiener Semmel –
Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte
This documentary shows the life and work of Breakfast in Vienna – without a Kaiser roll with a
Arthur Schnitzler, the greatest German-language golden-brown crust? Unthinkable! In apparent
writer of the early 20th Century. Like no one else, contradiction to modern nutritional awareness,
Schnitzler knew how to describe this special time a handmade, crispy Kaiser roll from white flour is
of fin de siècle change. Approximately at the still the number one in popularity, be it for
same time as his contemporary Sigmund Freud in breakfast, snack or dinner. Closely linked to the
psycho­­analysis, Arthur Schnitzler addresses the cultural history of Vienna and the coffee houses
taboos of sexuality and death. The critical ap- of the city, which have just been listed as a
proach to military and state, then unusual among UNESCO World Heritage Site, Viennese bakers
intellectuals, was vehemently opposed. The life still manufacture Kaiser rolls the old way. Plus,
of the trained physician is documented in a large rolls have a special culinary charm not only for
collection of diaries and letters and offers a per- the Viennese, but also for visitors from around
fect setting for the portrait of this extraordinary the world. Why? What makes a good roll? Isn’t it
man and artist. In a documentary these two lines possible to make crisp rolls from whole grain? Is
are narrated at the actual locations in Vienna and it true that rolls used to taste better? Why are
Reichenau and complemented by excerpts from they called Kaiser rolls and in Germany even
plays and films.
Duration: 35 min.
Directed by Herbert Eisenschenk
Produced by Vermeer Filmproduction for ORF
Available worldwide
HD Q2/12 813057
Duration: 25/45 min.
Directed by Alexander Schukoff
Produced by Alexander Schukoff Film
Available worldwide
Austria’s UNESCO
World Heritage Sites
Begnadet für das Schöne
This documentary captures extraordinary places
in Austria, which the UNESCO designated as
World Heritage Sites. The summer residence of
the Habsburgs, the imperial Schönbrunn Palace
with its world famous zoo and extensive gardens, belongs to the historico-culturally and artistically most important Baroque complexes in
Europe. Salzburg owes its international fame to
the incomparable magic of its urban fabric, the
scenic beauty of its region and the coincidence
that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born there.
At the heart of the legendary Salzkammergut is
a special gem – the historic cultural landscape
of Hallstatt, Gosau, Obertraun and Bad Goisern.
The historic city centre of Graz, the cultural landscapes of the Wachau Valley and around Lake
Neusiedl and especially the historical centre of
Vienna with the most beautiful monuments in Europe supplement the ranks of uniqueness.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Ronald and Roswitha Vaughan
Produced by Vaughan Video
Available worldwide
Q3/12 813106
© Vaughan
Dreams Are Desires Without Courage
– Arthur Schnitzler’s 150th Birthday
Träume sind Begierden ohne Mut –
Arthur Schnitzlers 150. Geburtstag
Uruguay –
One Laptop for Every Child
Uruguay – Ein Laptop pro Kind
Tiny Uruguay in South America is the first and
so far only country where every schoolchild has
their own laptop. In the context of the international education initiative “One Laptop per Child”,
the government in Montevideo has provided
400,000 primary school children and 20,000
teachers with robust low-cost laptops, which
are specially tailored to the needs of children.
The aim of this ambitious program is to improve
education with computers as learning tools
and to close the digital divide between rich and
poor and between developed and developing
or emerging countries in the long run. Initially,
many parents and teachers were sceptical about
the laptops, but the children’s enthusiasm has
convinced them.
Duration: 31 min.
Directed by Julieta Rudich
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
documentaries environment & globalisation
Urban Mining – The City as an Everlasting Source of Raw Materials
Urban Mining – Die Stadt als ewige Rohstoffquelle
Before the Flood Comes –
Civil Protection in Northern India
Bevor die Flut kommt –
Katastrophenschutz in Nordindien
While the rubbish mountain is growing, raw
mate­rials are becoming increasingly scarce and
expensive all over the world. For decades, natural resources have been shipped to the industri­
alised countries and used among other things
in tower blocks, mobile phones and cars. Thus,
cities contain enormous amounts of raw materials. Researchers and companies are now starting
to prospect for urban mines.
Every year during the rainy season, floods inundate whole regions in north-eastern India. Hardest hit are the people on the lowest rung of
Indian society, the so-called “untouchables”. They
live in primitive villages of mud and straw huts.
When the great flood comes, they have no way to
fight it and are at its mercy. The development aid
agencies ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief
Agency) and Malteser International, which are
supported by the European Community Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), have been active in the
most affected states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
since 2007.
Precious metals and minerals are to be extracted
there. So far, they are stuck in the walls of condemned buildings, long forgotten landfills and
disused everyday electronic devices. Those huge
and growing urban mines must be explored at
great cost and put to use systematically in order
to ensure reliable long-term access to raw materials in resource-poor countries.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Gundi Lamprecht
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
Directed by Christoph Gretzmacher
Produced by Twovisions
Available worldwide
© ORF/Lamprecht
Duration: 45 min.
Energy Regions of the Future
Energieregionen der Zukunft
Gas Monopoly
Gas Monopoly
Gradually it turns out that our current energy
resources are finite. Interest in alternative methods of energy supply keeps growing. Today,
some regions already seek energy independence,
including major areas in Central Europe. While in
Lower Austria wind provides the required energy,
Salzburg bets on smart power supply systems,
so-called smart grids. Others, however, rely on
hydroelectric power and biomass. But these new
paths alone are not yet sufficient. At the same
time, accompanying measures are taken to reduce energy consumption for “energy guzzlers”
and mobility. This film shows the various paths
regions take to reduce their dependence on major energy companies.
We are dependent on gas. Gas heats our homes.
Gas powers our heavy industry. In the near
future, we won’t have any alternatives to this
limited resource. In Europe, the demand for natural gas will increase significantly until 2030 yet
and at the same time its domestic production will
decrease. Who will supply us with gas in the
future? Whatever we may think of it as an energy
source – we need to know the answer.
Gas Monopoly is the first feature-length documentary dealing with this hot topic and shows
the business in big, strong and spectacular pictures: unknown landscapes, impressing facilities
on- and offshore and key players in beautiful and
unique rooms.
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Doris Fercher
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Twovisions
Available worldwide
Pictures: © Richard Lakani/Fischer Film
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Richard Ladkani
A co-production by ORF, ARTE and Fischer Film in
association with European Commission PRINCE, Austrian
Television Fund and Vienna Film Fund
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
documentaries environment & globalisation history & biography
Calendars, Cults and Cultures – The Long Road to 2012/12/21
Kalender, Kulte und Kulturen – Der lange Weg zum 21.12.2012
2012: The Turning Point –
The Maya and the End of the World
2012: Die Wendezeit –
Der Mayakalender und das Ende
der Welt
What do we really know about the historical relationship between humans and the cosmos? It has
always been to some extent a religious relationship and beliefs were usually exterminated along with
ancient knowledge. What remains are small remnants, such as the Maya calendar, which reveals amazing things even without its famous expiration date in December 2012.
Predictions have always fascinated people –
particularly negative ones. In 2012, the Maya
calendar will end – a calendar consisting of the
remains of millenniums-old time records and
forecasts of the Maya culture. The public is
spooked by wild doomsday fantasies on that
account – not least spurred by Roland Emmerich’s
blockbuster 2012.
This documentary covers a wide range of aspects, revealing worldwide phenomena: From calendar
stones to the stone lines of Carnac in Brittany to the seasonal traditions of Christians, Egyptians and
Chinese to participation in a pagan fertility ceremony in the imposing stone circle at Avebury in the
South of England.
Will the counter reset to 0? Scientists are confident that it’s simply the beginning of a new cycle
of time. The New Age crowd, in turn, interprets
this “reset” to 0 as a moral turning point – as a
start into a better life. All the fuss about the ominous date 2012 originates in the New Age scene;
they expect a giant leap into a new dimension of
Duration: 52 min.
Duration: 36 min.
Directed by Ronald Vaughan
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Vaughan Video
Available worldwide
Q4/12 813114
Pictures: © Vaughan
Directed by Stefanie Maler
Produced by drahtwarenhandlung for ORF
Available worldwide
Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg – Fascist and Patriot
Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg – Faschist und Patriot
Prisoners of War – Deported and Exploited
Kriegsgefangenschaft – Verschleppt und ausgebeutet
Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg was the most glamorous politician of the
First Austrian Republic. A man descended from an ancient noble family, a
womaniser, a patriot and a fascist who turned from Hitler’s admirer into
his grim opponent. In the republic, the declared monarchist of noble birth
becomes the leader of the “Heimwehr” (Home Guard) paramilitary groups
and the bitter antagonist of the socialists, who he fights. For the Austrofascist “Ständestaat” the enthusiastic fascist organises the support of Italian
“Il Duce” Benito Mussolini.
In November 2011, the contemporary-history special on the Second World
War created by Andreas Novak is concluded with a four-part series on
prisoners of war and homecoming. The year 2011 is the 70th anniversary of
Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. This is where the first episode begins a program covering the years to the end of the war. With that, the ORF
has produced a TV special of 15 parts in total on the greatest catas­trophe
of the 20th Century.
The historical documentary evaluates the life of a colourful politician and
a conflicting person who as a playboy and a womaniser was a very public
star in his time with enthusiastic adherents and rancorous enemies. Elaborate set pieces illustrate key turning points of his life, watershed events of
the republic before 1938. After numerous affairs, the Catholic nobleman
marries his lover Nora Gregor, a Burg Theatre actress, who launches a film
career in the United States during the Second World War.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Walter Seledec
Produced by Gebhardt Productions for ORF
Available worldwide
By December 1941, almost two million Red Army soldiers had been captured and used as slave labour in concentration camps, armament factories
and at farms. There they met fellow sufferers from Poland and Western
Europe. In the subsequent years of “total war”, hundreds of thousands of
civilians from the former Soviet Union were deported to the Third Reich for
forced labour to replace the manpower of conscripted Germans and Austrians.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Andreas Novak and Wolfgang Stickler
A co-production by ORF and Pre TV
Available for Europe
documentaries history & biography
The Last Jew from Drohobych
Der Letzte Jude von Drohobytsch
South Tyrol –
Between Hope and Violence
Südtirol –
Zwischen Hoffnung und Gewalt
The Last Jew from Drohobych is the story of Alfred
Schreyer – in his own words – the only surviving
pre-WWII Jewish resident in this Western Ukraine
town. In the 1930s, Schreyer was a student of
the eminent Polish writer, Bruno Schulz. During
the Nazi occupation he survived forced labor and
concentration camps. He returned home – after
the war – alone. Schreyer became a singer and
violinist in a local Cinema Lobby Orchestra, which
was – until 1963 – a truly unique Soviet tradition
in cinema culture. Today, Alfred Schreyer is living history; his life story chronicles a century in
Drohobych caught between tragedy and resi
On 11 June 1961 – in the Night of Fire – a series “The best serenity teacher in the world” is what
of bombings rocked South Tyrol. Within minutes her son André Heller called her in a Christmas
of each other, more than sixty explosive devices card. The 97-year-old Elisabeth Heller sports
were detonated. The rolling thunder was heard the pragmatic worldview that he seems to be so
throughout the night. With these acts of violence, utterly lacking. Elisabeth Heller’s life constitutes
South Tyroleans tried to call attention to the a kaleidoscope of a century of Austrian history:
oppression of the German-speaking Tyroleans in growing up in a “good family”, being evacuated
South Tyrol by Italian politics. “Freedom fighters” to the countryside during the First World War,
or “terrorists“? Half a century after the start of in the interwar period a beguiling beauty geta series of attacks that claimed more than twen- ting married to a man twice her age. Domestic
ty lives and ended in the arrest and torture of life, without being allowed to work, at the side
South Tyrolean perpetrators, some of them of an eccentric, dreamy confectionery manufacspeak out about their motives. Italian Carabinieri turer. Through the “Aryanisation” of the family
officers and politicians tell of the shock the livelihood and the indignities her Jewish husband
bomb attacks meant to Italy. Finally, the ques- suffers, the Catholic experiences what it means
tion is investigated of what Austrian politicians to live in a Nazi dictatorship. Going on 50, she reknew and how they influenced the “militants” of bels and gets a job: in a fancy fashion studio. At
the “Befreiungsausschuss für Südtirol”.
the age of 80, she mortgages her home and her
jewellery, for son Franz, who now calls himself
Duration: 98 min.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Paul Rosdy
Produced by Rosdy Film
Available worldwide
Directed by Brigitte Moser-Schuöcker and Wolfgang Winkler
A co-production by ORF and pammer film
Available worldwide
HD 813085
© Rosdy Film
Elisabeth Heller –
The Century Woman
Die Jahrhundertfrau –
Portrait Elisabeth Heller
Duration: 52 min.
Directed by Isolde von Mersi
Produced by WR Filmproduktion for ORF
Available worldwide
Q2/12 813086
The Secret Source –
The Hunt for “Elementary Power”
Die Urkraft-Affäre
Austria’s Forgotten Visionary –
Nobel Peace Price Laureate
Alfred H. Fried
Österreichs vergessener Visionär –
Der Friedensnobelpreisträger
Alfred H. Fried
Eyewitness to History –
Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral
Der steinerne Zeuge – St. Stephan:
Ein Dom erzählt Geschichte
This three-part documentary series tells the incredible story of two self-proclaimed scientists who
in the 1920s allegedly discovered something revolutionary that puzzles posterity to the present.
The forester Viktor Schauberger and the retired
postmaster Karl Schappeller claimed to have discovered a new low-cost energy source that allows
you to run cars and airplanes almost without fuel
and silently, with energy from air and water. All
the world’s energy problems were supposedly
solved forever. The secret of this revolutionary
energy source was said to be “primeval power” or
“space power”. Both Viktor Schauberger and Karl
Schappeller received incredible amounts for their
inventions and patents. Even The New York Times
referred to Karl Schappeller as the “discoverer of
nuclear energy” in 1928, ten years before Otto
Hahn and Lise Meitner.
A contemporary history documentary about a
personality once known all over Europe and
now utterly forgotten: Alfred Hermann Fried.
Around the turn of the century, he played
an important role in initiating the European
peace movement, for which he was awarded,
among other things, the 1911 Nobel Peace
Prize. Even during and after the First World War,
he continued his commitment and could not
be dissuaded from the fundamental idea that
ultimately only an – as he put it – “organisation
of states” would be in a position to regulate the
peaceful coexistence of peoples. The film portrays Fried’s career. It’s the way of an adventurous, tragic life and at the same time the path to
the origin of the idea of a united Europe.
The Cathedral, the emblem of Vienna, tells a story. After 374 years of construction, it has only
officially been a cathedral for 43 years. This cinematic investigation passes from the legend of
the Eberhardslinde via the remarkable barter
contract of Mautern and the dominant role of
Passau in Vienna, to the well-financed citizens’
church and the “Wiener Bauhütte” (Viennese
Workshop), which was of European significance,
and which actually for the most part did not build
cathedrals in the sense of the seat of a Bishop.
Secrets, legends and special features of Vienna’s
cathedral as well as hidden number games in the
structure are revealed in this documentary and
show both its origins and its future.
Duration: 50 min.
HD Q3/12 813087
© Pro Omnia
Duration: 52 min.
Directed by Ute Gebhardt
A co-production by ORF, BMUKK and Wega Film
Available worldwide
Directed by Roswitha and Ronald Vaughan
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Vaughan Video
Available worldwide
© Vaughan
Directed by Andreas Sulzer
A co-production by ORF and Pro Omnia
Available worldwide
© ORF/Clemens Loinger
Duration: 3 x 52 min.
documentaries history & biography leisure & lifestyle
Tilt – The Costa Concordia Drama
Schräglage – Das Drama um
die Costa Concordia
One of the largest, most luxurious and most
expensive cruise ships in the world approaches
the Tuscan island of Giglio much too fast and
much too close. It hits a rock, lists and runs
aground. The crew launches the rescue operation
too slowly. These are the facts of the disastrous
so-called “bow” of the “Costa Concordia” commanded by Francesco Schettino. More than 3,000
passengers are panicking, more than 1,000 crew
members aren’t sure what to do – at the end of
the tragedy are 34 dead. Was it recklessness or
madness to go so close to the island? Was it
irresponsibility or conscientious calmness to
take to the boats so late? Ulla Haider chronicles
the course of a preventable disaster that shocked the world on 13 January 2012 and is reminiscent of what probably was the most terrible
maritime disaster, the sinking of the “Titanic”,
almost exactly 100 years earlier.
Directed by Ulla Haider
Produced by ORF/3sat
Available worldwide
Pictures: © ORF/Ulla Haider
Duration: 30 min.
Let’s Dance!
Let’s Dance!
South Face Rescue Operation! –
The New Dimension in Mountain Rescue
Einsatz in der Südwand! –
Die neue Dimension der Bergrettung
“Let’s Dance” is the story of people who have one thing in common: the love
of dance. Breakdancing, ballet and Latin dance are their passions, and all
have one great goal: to appear on stage. Director Florian Gebauer accompanies a Latin formation, a breaker combo and students of the Vienna State
Opera ballet school on the way to the decision on success and failure. In the
process, he captures the passion to dance, shows personal moments and
provides some interesting insights into the extensive rehearsal and preparation work. And of course the camera is there when the curtain finally rises.
The film “South Face Rescue Operation!” tells the thrilling story of this
unique scientific and engineering project and accompanies scientists of the
Dresden University of Technology, surveying experts from Austria and the
mountain search and rescue team of Ramsau am Dachstein in their attempt
at a rescue exercise in the Dachstein South Face never dared before – blind,
guided only by satellite navigation and digital map. For the first time, the
Ramsau mountain rescuers intentionally scaled the enormous rock face
in dense fog, guided only by the new navigation technology – this kind of
technology that can revolutionize mountain rescue.
Duration: 30 min.
Directed by Florian Gebauer
Produced by Langbein & Partner for ORF
Available worldwide
© Florian Gebauer
Directed by Thomas Hildebrandt
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Sichtzeit
Available worldwide except for Germany
© ORF/Sichtzeit
Duration: 52 min.
leisure & lifestyle
Spirit of Ski
Spirit of Ski
After a season filled with professional challenges
four Austrian pro riders go for the pure freeride
adventure. They decide to visit Norway and hike
their way through the local mountains in order to
find perfect runs, spectacular couloirs and some
relaxation from the pressure and the challenges
of a pro freeride season. In Norway they want to
calm down and get back to the very core of freeride lifestyle and spirit. Passion, nature and time –
3 reasons to Hike3.
Spirit of Ski is a film series about freeriding that
aims to combine spectacular off-piste skiing
action with atmospheric grooves and breathtaking shots. Spirit of Ski conveys the protagonists’ sheer delight at the free and unrestricted
movement possible in their Alpine surroundings,
their great love of snow sports and respect for the
beautiful yet rugged landscape through which
they move all over the world.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Stefan Tauber and Ramon Rigoni
Produced by illuminati film
Available worldwide
Duration: 24/46/33 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Stefan Häusl, Ramon Rigoni and Stefan Tauber
A co-production by Blue Danube Media and illuminati film
Available worldwide
© Ötztal-Tourismus
Duration: 30 min.
Petros Markaris – My Athens
Petros Markaris – Mein Athen
Worlds Apart – Easter in Greece
Osterfeiern am Peloponnes
As an author and a political commentator, the most
popular contemporary author of Greece, Petros
Markaris, who celebrated his 75th birthday on 1
January 2012, is considered “The Voice of Greece”.
Athens is not only the setting of his crime novels.
The Istanbul-born author has lived in the Greek
metropolis for around 40 years. The documentary
presents the life and works of the writer, screenwriter and translator and, against the backdrop
of the current Greek debt crisis, undertakes a
cinematic journey through Athens along the
city’s oldest metro line. The “line” of the Athens
metro runs from Piraeus to Kifissia, across working class neighbourhoods, immigrant quarters,
modern urban areas and the historic city centre.
It is like a journey through 3,000 years of European history. The explosive social situation in
Athens due to the country’s dramatic debt crisis
is a major theme of the film.
Monemvasia on the southern Peloponnes in Lakonia is considered to be one of the most reflective
places in which to celebrate Easter. The historic
lustre of the medieval town takes on a new complexion. The car-free fortress town is synonymous
with the mystically intense experience of the death
and resurrection of Christ. On the other side of the
Parnon mountain ridge, Easter is celebrated quite
differently. In Leonidio, the capital of Arcadia, the
resurrection is positively bombed into being. Since
time immemorial the male population has bombarded the small town, which lies between two
rock faces, with home-made dynamite bombs.
Even during the celebration of the resurrection on
Easter Saturday, the detonations drown out the
entire liturgy. This documentary shuttles between
the two contrasting poles of Leonidio and Monemvasia in order to capture the meaning of Easter in
both the orthodox faith and everyday life. In times
of crisis in particular, the festival of the resurrection takes on an even greater symbolic importance.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Duration: 45/52 min.
Directed by Günter Schilhan
Produced by ORF/3sat
Available for Europe
Pictures: © ORF/Günter Schilhan
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Werner Zips
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Werner Zips
Available worldwide
© Manuela Zips-Mairitsch
Duration: 45 min.
availa es
Cathedrals of Volatility –
Stories and Histories of Famous
Train Stations
Kathedralen der Flüchtigkeit –
Bahnhöfe als Bühnen des Lebens
Return to Europe
Balkan Express
Grand Central Station New York; London’s Victoria Station or Charing Cross; the Gare du Nord in
Paris; Chhatrapati Shivaji in Mumbai; Atocha in
Madrid and Haydarpascha in Istanbul; Berlin,
Vienna, Cologne – the names alone promise anecdotes, adventure and technical and logistical
wonders. This film documents an entire day’s
worth of events in some of the world’s largest and
most famous railway stations, highlighting particular aspects of the comings and goings in each
Savagery and darkness, tribal feuds and vendettas, political chaos and the belief that might be
right: numerous myths are interwoven with the
Balkans and there is hardly another region of Europe which has to put up with such deeply entrenched clichés. To the prevailing negative image
has recently come a folkloristic embellished picture of a people who would rather put themselves into an earthy celebratory mood with wild
brass music than attend to any “sane” economic
Around the world – almost – in 24 hours …
Episode 11: Croatia
Episode 12: Moldova
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Gustav W. Trampitsch
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Moonlake Entertainment
in association with ORF-Enterprise
Available worldwide
Directed by Fritz Ofner
A co-production by ORF/3sat and NGF Geyrhalter Film in
association with Erste Stiftung and Austrian Television Fund
Available worldwide except for Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Turkey, Serbia, Greece, Romania,
Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia
© Miroslav Vajdi�
Duration: 2 x 52 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
epis w
Also available: Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania,
Turkey, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Bosnia
Duration: 52 min.
people & places
Like Fire and Water –
Unity and Diversity in Indonesia
Wie Feuer und Wasser –
Einheit und Vielfalt in Indonesien
In the Valley of a Thousand Gods –
The Knights Templar of Kathmandu
Im Tal der tausend Götter –
Die Tempelritter von Kathmandu
If liquid magma finds its way out of a volcano, then – at least they say so In the valley of Kathmandu in Nepal, between rice paddies and the Himaon Bali – because the cosmic turtle, whose shell bears the world, has to‑ layas, the rulers of a two-thousand-year-old kingdom have left behind
ttered once again. Therefore, it is called Bedanang Nale, boiling water and treasures of architecture and craftsmanship, namely in the royal cities of
fire. This special blend symbolizes the magma that makes its way from the Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur, which today are UNESCO World Heri­‑
ocean to the surface and forms new land. A large part of Indonesia owes tage Sites. Where trade routes between Tibet and China intersected for
its existence to volcanic activity. Politically, the union that forms a country centuries, a fascinating synthesis between Buddhism and Hinduism emerout of 18,000 islands is scarcely less precarious. On about 6,000 inhabi- ged, which expressed itself in pagodas, stupas, monasteries and palaces.
ted islands live more than 300 ethnic groups speaking over 600 different Yet the art treasures are threatened by deterioration. When the now 91lan­guages. According to the state motto “unity in diversity”, the existence year-old Viennese Eduard Sekler, Harvard professor emeritus and architect,
of the multinational state may seem like an active volcano, whose insides came to Nepal during a world tour in 1962 and saw the art treasures, he
seethe with violence. Yet in their film, Manuela and Werner Zips would like was deeply impressed. To protect them permanently, he founded the
to show that with this challenge come great opportunities for mutual en- “Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust” with his colleague Erich Theophil.
To date the Trust has saved innumerable important buildings. Among the
“masterpieces” are the former royal palace in Patan, now one of the most
important museums in Asia, and the “Garden of Dreams” in Kathmandu.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Werner Zips and Manuela Zips-Mairitsch
Produced by Werner Zips and Manuela Zips-Mairitsch
Available worldwide
© Zips
Directed by Gundi Lamprecht
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
© ORF/Lamprecht
Duration: 50 min.
documentaries people & places
The Fire Within
In der Mitte ein Feuer
The Desert Nomads of Afar
Die Wüstennomaden von Afar
The film accompanies Gernot Gleiss on his journey to the Tuvans, a small nomad tribe in Western Mongolia. The Austrian photographer has
set out to document the Tuvans’ everyday life,
their traditions, customs and manners with his
pictures. “Before it’s gone”, says Gleiss who
has visited the Tuvans once before in 2008, and
he adds: “Their traditional way of life is about
to vanish”. Together with Galsan Tschinag, the
renowned chieftain and spiritual leader of the
Tuvan nomads, Gleiss has decided to publish a
book about the Tuvans, people on the brink of
a new age. The film shows Gleiss at work in the
fall camp of the Tuvans where he has been living
in his own yurt for over three weeks. Finally the
book of Gleiss and Tschinag as well as the film
“The Fire Within” have become a unique document of a people who’s traditional way of life will
soon be gone forever.
Valerie Browning knows what it means to live in
one of the most inhospitable and impoverished
regions in the world. The 60-year-old is at home
in the Afar region of Ethiopia – and that’s the
hottest desert in the world. Mile-long hikes in 50° C
heat are part of her everyday life. The Carinthian
Erfried Malle has worked in the region for years
with his aid organisation “SONNE international”
(Support Organisation for Non-formal Needed
Edu­­cation), working closely with Valerie
Browning’s organisation APDA (Afar Pastoralist
Development Association). Their projects cover a
wide spread: They dig water reservoirs, purposefully replenish livestock after droughts and train
health workers, who carry out vaccination campaigns or assist at births.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Gernot Stadler
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Gernot Stadler
Available worldwide
Pictures: © ORF/Gernot Gleiss
Directed by Gundi Lamprecht
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
© ORF/Lamprecht
Duration: 45 min. / 52 min.
The Panama Hat
Der Panamahut
The Last Real Iceman
of the Chimborazo
Eis vom Thron Gottes –
Der letzte Eisholer von Chimborazo
It is probably the most famous hat in the world.
Nevertheless, most know little about its true
origin – it comes from Ecuador, not Panama –
and the complex art of weaving straw hats. The
finest Panama hats are still worn on royal heads,
and celebrities like to adorn themselves with
them. They pay up to 10,000 € per hat, because
they appreciate uniqueness and quality. The origin of the legendary Panama hat can be traced
back to 4,000 BC. That at least is suggested by
archaeological finds of figurines from some sombrero-wearing coastal cultures. However, the
traditional headdress didn’t come to fame until
much later. European emigrants, dazzled by the
California Gold Rush, discovered the “sombrero
fino” on their way from the Old World via Panama
to San Francisco in 1848.
For centuries local Indios have been climbing up
South America’s highest volcano, the Chimborazo in Ecuador, to pick ice from the glaciers and
sell it to the markets in Riobamba and other
villages at the foot of this majestic mountain.
Balthazar Ushka, 68, is the last iceman, the “ultimo hielero”, to walk up to the ice mine, 4,800
meters above sea level, twice a week with his
donkeys and carve out ice blocks. The people in
the numerous towns, villages and settlements
surrounding the volcanos – the Altar, the Pichincha or the Tungurahua – have learned to live with
the threat and danger as they have profited from
the advantages of the enormous frutility provided by volcano activity.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Gernot Stadler
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Gernot Stadler
Available worldwide
Pictures: © Gernot Stadler
Directed by Gernot Stadler
A co-production by ORF/3sat and Gernot Stadler
Available worldwide
© Gernot Stadler
Duration: 30 min.
The film portraits Balthazar, who lives in a small
village named Cuarto Esquinas with his wife,
daughters and grandchildren.
documentaries people & places
The Wildschönau – A Valley on Two Continents
Die Wildschönau – ein Tal auf zwei Kontinenten
Becoming a City in the Country –
25 Years State Capital St. Pölten
Vom Werden einer Stadt im Land –
25 Jahre Landeshauptstadt St. Pölten
A documentary that deals with the Tyrolean high mountain valley of Wildschönau and its fifth village in the Brazilian Treze Tílias (Dreizehnlinden).
Bavaria also plays a role in this story, as in the past the Wildschönau belonged to Seeon Abbey on Chiemsee. The pioneers of this beautiful Tyrolean
valley are as present as the “Krautinger” distillers – a schnapps that may be
distilled only in the Wildschönau. The culture of the valley and its wellknown personalities are presented. And there’s the story of the emigrants
who left the country for South America out of sheer necessity in 1933 and
built a new home in Brazil. Treze Tílias is now one of the country’s famous
tourist destinations.
St. Pölten’s traditions go way back into prehistory. The youngest state
capital of the Republic of Austria has grown into a major political and cultural centre, a magnet for politics and business, and it’s a modern venue for
sports and culture: Every August, more than 120,000 music fans pilgrimage
to the so-called “Frequency Festival”, and the “Ironman 70.3 St. Pölten” is
known for its special ambience not only to sports fans.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Kurt Mündl
A co-production by ORF in association with Lower Austria and St. Pölten
Available worldwide
© Power of Earth
Directed by Toni Silberberger
Produced by Toni Silberberger
Available worldwide
© Toni Silberberger
Duration: 45 min.
Pol-Ares – On the Way to Mars
Pol-Ares – Auf dem Weg zum Mars
In the Midst of Humans
Unter Menschen
It’s supposed to happen in 20 to 30 years. The
first man sets foot on the Red Planet, Mars. All
the world conducts research and development
to that end. In Austria, the Austrian Space
Forum is in charge. One of their developments, for
example, is the space suit Aouda X. For one week,
a Mars landing was simulated at the Rio Tinto in
Spain. The area is a semidesert and has Martian
features. In the process, the Eurobot, the Mars
car of the European Space Agency with a price
tag of 1.5 million, was field tested for the first
At the far end of Austria is one of the most special places on earth. At this focal point meet the
moral challenges of our civilization: guilt, re­‑
sponsibility and compensation. In an overgrown
former safari park, hermetically sealed off from
the rest of the world, there live 40 chimpanzees
from the former experimental laboratory of the
pharmaceutical company Immuno. Infected with
HIV and hepatitis viruses. Traumatized, unhinged and highly aggressive. They hate humans
and have every reason to. Two of the four female
keepers were their jailers at the laboratory. Today they manage the unique rehabilitation project, aiming to get the chimpanzees out of their
isolation and into species appropriate groups.
Duration: 45 min.
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by Gert Baldauf
Produced by Gerd Baldauf Film- & Videoproduktion
Available worldwide
© Gert Baldauf
Directed by Claus Strigel
A co-production by ORF, WDR and DENKmal-Film
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
Q2/12 813101
documentaries science social issues & religion
Eden II – A World Without Men
Eden II – Welt ohne Männer
Turkey – Self-Confident Women
Türkei – Die selbstbewussten Frauen
The future is female, geneticists claim! Men will
become superfluous and simply die out! Currently, fewer boys are born worldwide than statistics
expect. “The male is an error of nature, a dinosaur of evolution”, researchers say. This documentary not only shows what unusual measures
nature resorts to in order to get rid of the male
species, but it also explores the question whether the continued existence of mankind completely without men is conceivable at all.
Although politics remains men’s business in Turkey, more and more women determine the fate
of that country. Nowhere in Europe do so many
women head multinational companies, run university departments and clinics and shape public
debate as journalists and writers. On the other
hand, there are millions of Turkish women who
have no chance of education or a profession.
One fifth cannot read and write. Despite strict
laws, extreme acts of domestic violence and
so-called “honour killings” of young girls are still
the order of the day and covered by almost inviolable traditions. Christian Schüller has accompanied four strong women and shows how each
in her own way attempts to break out of existing
stereotypes. What unites them in spite of ideological differences and contradictions is the conviction: “Women change Turkey!“
Directed by Michael Satzinger
A co-production by ORF and Magic Movie in association
with BMUKK and Cine Styria
Available worldwide
Q3/12 813102
Duration: 30 min.
Directed by Christian Schüller
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
Duration: 80 min.
Light from Another World –
An Ancient Religion Returns
Licht aus einer anderen Welt –
eine antike Religion kehrt zurück
Even for the church and theology of antiquity it was a challenge – Gnosis. A
mystery religion, which holds that the material world is the prison of souls.
People can free themselves – by brightening their inner, God-given sparks
of light. In antiquity, so-called “hermetic” thinking was taught in secret
societies. Even today, there are small circles of initiates that impart Gnostic
“enlightenment” – which includes the belief that you can find God in yourself.
With their “Appeal to Disobedience” the Austrian Priests’ Initiative for
church reform have caused a great stir among Catholic laity and church
authority. According to a survey, 71 % of Catholics in Austria support
the aims of the rebellious priests. There is particularly great support for
a priesthood of married men and for female priests. But what does the
priests’ “disobedience” mean in concrete terms? How does the church
define obedience, or in other words, who must a priest obey: the bishop,
his own conscience – or God? The documentary “Obedience!” attempts
to find answers to these questions and provides an outlook on the con‑
sequences of disobedience for the church of the future.
Duration: 45 min.
Directed by Peter Beringer
Produced by DEGNFILM for ORF
Available worldwide
Duration: 35 min.
Directed by Julia Wallnöfer
Produced by Tausend Rosen for ORF
Available worldwide
documentaries social issues & religion
We Do Not Eat Animals
Essen ohne Tiere
Laziness – Instructions for Idleness
Faulsein – Anleitungen zum Müßiggang
“We Do Not Eat Animals” explores the phenomenon of vegetarianism from
philosophical, religious, historical and socio-cultural perspectives, as well
as the various forms of and motives for vegetarian diets. A dinner of “herbal
priest” Benedikt Felsinger with Anita Sahni, the president of the Hindu
Mandir Society, the largest Hindu community in Austria, serves as a cinematic frame story. The various dishes start a conversation about religiously
motivated dietary commandments. For example, the classification of fish as
Lenten food that is not subject to the ban on meat, as if it were a “water
vegetable”. In Hinduism, one of the few religions that generally practice
strict vegetarianism, meat-based food is considered an obstacle on the
path to Nirvana.
Laziness, idleness, living for the moment, hanging out – what many people
actually like to do best is frowned upon. For modern life is organized around
constant productivity and useful, paid work. The movie takes a trip to those
places and people that today purposely expose themselves to the taboo of
uselessness and idleness – and who love to just be lazy.
Duration: 35 min.
Directed by Bert Ehgartner
Produced by Langbein & Partner for ORF
Available worldwide
Duration: 35 min.
Directed by Thomas Grusch und Elisabeth Krimbacher
Produced by Tausend Rosen for ORF
Available worldwide
Springtime in Vienna 2012
Frühling in Wien 2012
On the occasion of the traditional Easter concert, the Vienna Symphonic
Orchestra takes the audience on a top class holiday adventure, under the
leadership of chief conductor, Georges Prêtre. The orchestra travels with
Bizet, Offenbach, de Falla and of course Johann Strauß. It’s a journey
embellished along the way with lively waltzes and polkas, a hallmark of
Viennese classical music.
Franz von Suppé: Overture from the operetta “Leichte Kavallerie”
Alexander Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, No. 1 (Presto)
Alexander Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, No. 2 (Introduzione: Andantino)
Alexander Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, No. 4 (Allegro)
Alexander Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, No. 7 (Presto)
Alexander Borodin: Polovtsian Dances, No. 8 (Allegro con spirito)
George Gershwin: “An American in Paris”, symphonic tone poem
Ambroise Thomas: Overture from the opera “Mignon”
Manuel de Falla: Ritual Fire Dance from the suite “El amor brujo”
Pablo De Sarasate: “Zigeunerweisen” for violin and orchestra Op. 20
Georges Bizet: L’Arlesienne First Suite, No. 1 (Prélude)
Georges Bizet: L’Arlesienne Second Suite, No. 4 (Farandole)
Jacques Offenbach: Can-can from the operetta “Orpheus aux Enfers”
Johann Strauss II: “Unter Donner und Blitz”, quick polka Op. 324
Duration: 90 min.
Orchestra: Vienna Symphonic Orchestra
Conducted by Georges Prêtre
Directed by Agnes Méth
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
Q2/12 813108
music classical music
Summer Gala Concert – Grafenegg 2012
Sommernachtsgala – Grafenegg 2012
This year’s concert of the “Tonkünstler-Orchestra”
will take place in June and like all other Grafenegg
concerts will not fail to impress. This major musical event at the beginning of the Grafenegg festival has become a by word for festive joie de vivre
in recent years. Guesting at the “Wolkenturm”
are Joyce DiDonato, mezzo-soprano, Michael
Schade, tenor and Vadim Repin, violist.
Duration: 90 min.
Orchestra: Tonkünstler-Orchestra, Lower Austria
Conducted by Andrés Orozco-Estrada
Soloists: Joyce DiDonato, Michael Schade, Vadim Repin
Produced by ORF
Available worldwide
Q3/12 813109
Pictures: © ORF/Ali Schafler
Hansi Hinterseer –
Music & Nature: Salzkammergut
Hansi Hinterseer –
Musik & Natur: Salzkammergut
Hansi Hinterseer –
Music & Nature: Rax Mountains
Hansi Hinterseer –
Musik & Natur: Rax Gebirge
Tyrolean Mountain Christmas
in Brixen with Zabine Kapfinger
Tiroler Bergweihnachten in Brixen
mit Zabine Kapfinger
In the first program of the year, Hansi Hinterseer
visits the Salzkammergut. The focus is on the
lake Attersee, along with the bogs located in the
region. On this show he meets all sorts of
guests who introduce him to fishing around
the Attersee, drops by the Konrad Lorenz Research Centre in Almtal and searches for traces of Gustav Klimt’s time at the Attersee.
Furthermore, he visits the Traunsee and the
Wolfgangsee – which guarantees wonderful musical moments with the superstars of folk music.
In the alpine areas including Schneeberg, Rax region and Ötscher, Hansi Hinterseer meets nature
lovers and experts, who give the audience an
understanding of this picturesque landscape. Of
course, as always, featuring the superstars of
folk music and “Schlager” (traditional German
language pop music).
On the trail of Christmas customs, Zabine Ka‑
pfinger visits the Brixental in the Kitzbühel Alps.
She presents farmers who preserve old traditions
like “Anklöpfeln” (similar to carolling or trick-ortreating) and pass them on to their children. Zabine is there when fruit bread and schnapps soup
are prepared and is initiated into the mysteries of
wild herbs’ healing properties. Plus, Zabine and
some Tyrolean fellow musicians make sure that
there’s no lack of music.
Duration: 105 min.
Duration: 105 min.
Duration: 35 min.
Directed by Peter Hackl
Produced by Interspot Film for ORF/HR Hessischer Rundfunk
Available worldwide except for Germany
Directed by Peter Hackl
Produced by Interspot Film for ORF/HR Hessischer Rundfunk
Available worldwide except for Germany
Produced by DEGNFILM
Available worldwide
Q4/12 813112
© Interspot Film
© Interspot Film
Q3/12 813113
music folk music
Star Night at the Wörthersee 2012 Open Air
Starnacht am Wörthersee 2012 Open Air
When the Music Plays – Winter Open Air 2012
Wenn die Musi spielt – Winter Open Air 2012
This year the “Star Night at the Wörthersee” takes place on the lakeside stage in Klagenfurt for the first time. In the summery ambiance of
that night, Alfons Haider presents, as every year, the superstars of pop
music and “Schlager” (traditional German-language pop music). The musical fireworks right on the Wörthersee feature among many other stars
chart-topping Andreas Gabalier, blockbuster act Opus and Johnny Logan.
This year, Bad Kleinkirchheim once more is the gathering place of the stars
of folk music and “Schlager” (traditional German-language pop music) at
the “Wenn die Musi spielt – Winter Open Air 2012” , which takes place for
the tenth time.
Duration: 130 min.
Directed by Heidelinde Haschek
Produced by IP Media for ORF
Available for German speaking territories
HD In a placid winter ambience, Arnulf Prasch presents a colourful music mix
featuring stars of domestic “volkstümliche Musik” like Marc Pircher, the
Nockalm Quintett, Petra Frey, Die jungen Zillertaler and the shooting star of
the industry, Andreas Gabalier, and many more.
Duration: 111 min.
Directed by Fabienne Pinter
A co‑production by ORF, ZDF and SF Schweizer Fernsehen
Available worlwide
Q3/12 813110
HD 813111
wildlife · nature · science · history
Limits of Light
Grenzen des Lichts
We recognise the world primarily through our sense of vision, yet the light
we use to see is only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum that
surrounds us and impacts on our lives. From X-rays to microwaves, from
ultraviolet to infrared, we’ll explore the world of colour, both seen and unseen; we’ll discover what colour really is, how our colour vision works and
compare it to that of other creatures, some who see less colour than us –
and some who see more. We’ll explore insects that can see ultraviolet light,
whose colour vision is far more sensitive than ours. Following the multiple
award-winning “Limits of Perception” and “Time Limits”, this is the third
and final part of the trilogy that explores beyond the limits of our everyday
perceptions. In a thrilling hour, this journey through the entire spectrum
explores strange worlds – worlds we never dreamed existed.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Alfred Vendl and Steve Nicholls
Produced by AV-Dokumenta for ORF in association with BMUKK and ORF-Enterprise
Available worldwide
Little Monsters – Hide and Cheat
Täuschen und Tarnen –
Über Lebenskünstler der Natur
This world premiere 3D documentary presents
some of the animal kingdom’s strangest survival
strategies. The most startling behaviour patterns
aren’t found among the classic big animals such
as lions or polar bears, but among nature’s
smaller creatures: Poison dart frogs, chameleons, praying mantises and scorpions, to name
but a few. These “Little Monsters” are masters of
survival. Until recently, only a handful of scientists enjoyed the technical means to study them
up close. But now, thanks to 3D visualization,
large audiences can experience a chameleon
thrusting out its tongue at close range, rattlesnakes striking at their targets to within fractions of an inch, praying mantises hunting and
hummingbirds feeding, filmed from inside the
flower! Rather than simply delivering a flat representation of these amazing stunts, modern
3D provides for an emotional experience. And
with its ingenious combination of slow-motion3D and timelapse-3D, “Little Monsters” even
improves upon state of the art 3D for greater
impact, yielding unbelievable scenes the world
has never seen and “felt” before.
Duration: 50 min.
tV | VOD | DVD | tE
Directed by Kurt Mündl
A co-production by ORF and Power of Earth in association
with ORF-Enterprise
Available worldwide
Mystery of the Fairy Circles
Das Geheimnis der Feenkreise
When it rains in the Namib, a thick carpet of grass
covers the sand and stony desert. But this green
layer is punctuated by bare circular patches, as
regular as if drawn by a compass. And there are
not just one or two of them, but hundreds of
thousands. Observed from the air, they could be
innumerable golf bunkers – or an abstract painting: “Red dots on green background”. They
appear between 60 to 120 kilometres from the
coast and stretch from South Africa to Angola.
They are bordered by a ring of tall, thick grass,
which stands out from the surrounding sparse
vegetation. But where did these mysterious “fairy
circles” come from? Are they caused by mineral
compounds in the ground? Did poisonous plants
or poison gas contaminate the subsoil? Are they
the work of insects? Or is it the impact of meteo‑
rites that is responsible? And what crucial role do
they play in the ecosystem? Three scientific
teams have conflicting theories, but finally the
amazing secret of the fairy circles is revealed!
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Barbara Fally-Puskás
A co-production by ORF and EPO Film in association with
Available worldwide
Wild Nairobi
Wildes Nairobi
With a population of around three million, Nairobi is one of the largest cities
in Africa. However the metropolis is surrounded by wilderness which extends into the city itself. Just a few metres from the airport lies the Nairobi
national park, with its vast savannah and spectacular wildlife. Beside the
highway, lions, jackals, giraffes and buffalo wander through grassland, separated only by a wire fence, while in the city centre hundreds of marabous
breed above the tree-lined streets. Hordes of monkeys entertain picnickers
in the city’s parks, hyenas prowl round Nairobi’s meat market and leopards
stroll through suburban gardens. This is a journey of discovery through a
city of contradictions, teeming with nature, technology and wildness, where
humans and animals must live together as neighbours.
© Cosmos Factory
© Cosmos Factory
Directed by Udo Maurer, Manfred Christ
Produced by Cosmos Factory for ORF in association with ORF-Enterprise
Available worldwide
© Cosmos Factory
Duration: 50 min.
Alpine Meltdown – Just a Few Degrees More
5 Grad Plus
INN-side Story
Inn – Der grüne Fluss aus den Alpen
The climate is changing; global temperatures are rising. The impact is already
apparent. It is particularly noticeable in the mountains but can also be seen
in the lowlands. The permafrost zone is shifting ever higher and the masses
of snow melt rushing from the glaciers to the valleys are already increasing
incessantly. Rivers are going to rise and cause powerful floods, before dwindling to extremely low waters almost immediately. “Alpine Meltdown” takes
us into a world of the future, investigating changes that are already occurring
and examining how alpine landscapes are going to look like at the end of the
21st century.
A cascade of water pouring from glaciers and a lake in the high mountains,
a water fall tumbling from high up into the valley, a series of lakes at the
base of 10,000-foot peaks, rocky chasms disgorging the torrent, drawn-out
gravel banks and mudflats, undercut banks and river bends, and extensive
riparian forests at the river’s lower reaches: the Inn has many faces to show
and an interesting tale to tell. It is the longest tributary of the Danube in
Central Europe, flowing through Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria along its
520 kilometre course.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Waltraud Paschinger
A co-production by ORF, Posch-TV and BMUKK in association with Land Steiermark and ZAMG
Available worldwide
© Bernhard Berger
© Franz Hafner
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Franz Hafner
A co-production by ORF, Interspot Film, BMUKK, BR, SF in association with Vienna Film Fund,
Austrian Television Fund, Cine Tirol, Landesregierung Tirol and Landesregierung
Available worldwide except for Germany and Switzerland
Radioactive Wolves
Radioaktive Wölfe
In 25 years the nuclear wasteland around Chernobyl has re-emerged as a complete ecosystem and
one of Europe’s largest wildlife sanctuaries. And
yet, it is radioactive.
Where humans are unable to live, nature is flourishing. Somewhere in this nuclear wilderness,
there are packs of radioactive wolves, wandering
through overgrown villages and abandoned
towns. Here they thrive, living in large packs as
they used to. Before 1986, wolves were scarce;
there are now an estimated 300+ wolves making
the most of this deceptively beautiful landscape.
But are these wolves mutants? Have they been
affected by nuclear contamination after the ’86
explosion – an explosion that released 100 times
more radio-nuclides than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined?
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Klaus Feichtenberger
A co-production by ORF, WNET, NDR and epo film
Available worldwide except for Germany and USA
Festival in Xanty-Mansijsk, Russia; 1st Price;
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival 2011: Best Wildlife
Habitat Program
This film embarks on a journey to investigate the
fate of the wolves and other animals in the contaminated wilderness. Biologist Christoph Promberger traps and collars Chernobyl wolves for the
first time and follows their progress through a
land littered with plutonium, caesium and strontium. Byelorussian wolf expert Vadim Siderovich
checks new-born wolves for mutations and discovers how wolves and beavers – together – are
changing the landscape forever.
Termites – The Inner Sanctum
Die geheime Welt der Termiten
They cannot tolerate sunlight; some of them are completely blind. How‑
ever, they are among the world’s most ingenious builders: termites. They
build high-rises that are 25 times higher, comparatively, than the Empire
State Building – without any technical devices. They are the only animals
that have managed to construct an air-conditioning system without electricity. Their nests are architectural masterpieces that rise up to eight
meters above the ground and contain brood chambers for larvae, corridors
for transportation, fungal gardens for nutrition and even emergency exits
for hostile attacks. The team behind award-winning documentaries such
as “Bees – A Life for the Queen” and “Ants – Nature’s Secret Power” takes
us on a journey into another world. Visit the skilfully built termite mounds
and experience dramatic and exciting stories in the life of a termite-colony
through state-of-the-art macro film technology. Filmed in the US, Kenya
and Borneo.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Wolfgang Thaler
Produced by Mayr’s Filmbüro for ORF in association with ORF-Enterprise and ARTE
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
Pictures: © Mayr’s Filmbüro
coming soon
coming soon
Danube – Europe’s Amazon
Donau – Die Lebensader Europas
Romantic river banks and unspoilt nature – these landscapes flank the Danube River. This comprehensive cinematic portrait of Europe’s second-longest river presents scenes of breathtaking beauty along the banks of the
Danube, and investigates the tension between humans and nature, civilisation and wilderness. Dams and power stations alternate with sections of
natural wilderness along this mighty river, which flows through metropolises such as Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest and untouched natural landscapes like the Danube National Park and the Kopaki Rit. Further south, between the Carpathian mountain range in Romania and the Serbian Ore
mountains, the river passes through the so-called Iron Gate, 137 kilometres of Gorges that are among the largest in Europe.
The mighty river ends in a unique labyrinth of water, mud and reeds – the
Danube delta. It is the last remaining major river delta in Europe and the
largest reed bed on earth, used by huge colonies of pelicans, cormorants,
sea eagles and spoonbills for breeding and nesting.
Duration: 2 x 50 min.
Directed by Michael Schlamberger
Available worldwide except for Germany and France
Q2/12 812038
coming soon
Extreme! – Light and Dark
Extrem! – Licht und Schatten
Humans prefer moderation – neither too hot nor too cold, neither too light
nor too dark. But Earth doesn’t cater to our preferences. Our planet offers an
abundance of extreme conditions, and people everywhere have had to learn
to adapt to their surroundings. “EXTREME! – Light and Dark” is a journey to
the brightest and darkest inhabited areas of the world: places where a cloud
hardly ever crosses the sky or months pass without a single ray of sunlight
reaching the ground. How does so much light, or so little, affect the mindset
and emotional well-being of the people who live with it? How do they protect
themselves? And how do they take advantage of their situation? Yuma in
Arizona just recently lost the title “world’s brightest town” to Agadem, a tiny
oasis in the Sahara Desert. Meanwhile, the Italian village of Viganella has
winter sunshine even in the depths of its alpine ravine – ever since the mayor attached parabolic reflectors to the mountaintops. Following the previous episodes of “EXTREME!” – “Valley Deep – Mountain High”, “Drought to
Deluge” and “Freezer to Furnace” – this new episode brings to life the brightest and darkest places on Earth in spectacular images.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Manfred Christ and Udo Maurer
Available worldwide
Q3/12 812303
Pictures: © Cosmos Factory
coming soon
Kings of the Masai Mara
Die Könige der Masai Mara
This is the unusual portrait of two hunters, the cheetah and hyena. It is a
dramatic story built around the competition for prey and territories, and the
fight for survival. The setting is the legendary Masai Mara in Kenya and our
headquarters is a research camp. For years, the Michigan State University
biologist Kay Holekamp and her team have studied the behaviour of hyenas.
They travel into hyena territory with Kay and her young colleagues, showing
from above and from ground level how hyenas snatch prey away from the
cheetah, and how they sometimes attack the spotted cats. They witness
how differently both of them hunt: while the cheetah relies, for the most
part, on its staggering speed, hyenas approach the hunt in a more tactical
manner and hunt in groups. The two rivals share a common arch-enemy:
the lion. The big cats deliberately kill hyenas and young cheetahs whenever
there is an opportunity. The film shows why this happens, and questions
whether there really is a “Number One”, a King of the Masai Mara.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Harald Pokieser
Available for German speaking Territories, United Kingdom, Ireland, USA and English
speaking Canada; other Territories distributed by Fremantle
Q2/12 812430
Ships of the Desert
Camels are masters of the art of survival. They can go for up to ten months
without a drop of water, then drink 200 litres in only 15 minutes, and even
digest seawater. Domesticated as beasts of burden they laid the foundations of ancient long-distance trade. Legendary salt and incense caravans
2,000 strong regularly crossed the most hostile landscapes in the world.
Today, camels are still the most important source of milk, meat, leather,
wool, fertilizer – and fuel – in large parts of Africa and Asia, and for the Bedouins of Arabia. Because of this, Bedouins call the camel Al-Ata Allah, the
gift of God. Bedouins believe that mankind knows ninety-nine names of
Allah – but the camel alone knows the hundredth! Now medical researchers
are exploring the miraculous properties of camels’ milk – apparently effective against Alzheimer’s, cancer and even Aids! The film shows animals in
the wild, defying the deadly conditions of the desert, and males battling
brutally for control of the harem group; while the specially bred racing camels are worth up to $3m each.
Ships of the Desert follows the ancient routes of the camel-caravans across
Arabia, Africa and Asia, telling fascinating camel-stories along the way,
from ancient times to the present, in this 5,000-year epic of coexistence
between animal and humankind.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Georg Misch
Available worldwide
Q4/12 812982
coming soon
Woodland Warriors
Der wilde Wald der Kaiserin
A palace in a private woodland park near the city of Vienna; 25 square miles
of lonely beauty designed for a tragic empress. The Lainzer Park was a gift
from the Emperor to his wife Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, more than a
century ago. It was to be her sanctuary from the suffocating protocol of
court. Today, visitors are restricted to the official paths of a walled wonderland that is both completely wild and fully protected, a landscape
untouched by the age of industry. In the midst of the forest is a garden
whose four-hundred-year old oaks have trunks with diameters greater than
four metres. The crowns of the trees are host to more than 1,000 insect
species, including a hundred different kinds of butterfly. In the spirit of
Thomas Rilk’s last film “Wasteland Warriors”, set in Vienna’s building sites
and scrublands, this hidden ecosystem reveals a macro world of astonishing
variety, beauty and colour in the trees and on the ground, and
follows the free-roaming deer and wild hogs that live so close to the busy
centre of Austria’s capital city.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Thomas Rilk
Available worldwide
Q4/12 812986
Pictures: © Thomas Rilk
HD EV 66
Realm of the Hoopoe
Die Rückkehr des Wiedehopfs
coming soon
Travels With My Owl
Across Europe, the Hoopoe is struggling. But amidst the orchards and When a female barn-owl’s home – an old disused barn – is demolished, it
vineyards of the Wagram region near Vienna, the small bird with the specta- has to go seeking a new place to live. On the way, flying through forests and
cular crown feathers is thriving. This documentary shows how the Hoopoe grasslands, it encounters all the different species of owls in central Europe
made a comeback in the heart of Europe and how it deals with its neigh- – some can live peaceably beside, others must shun or risk becoming their
bours: Stone martens, owls and green lizards. Cultural landscapes like prey. During the journey, this film illustrates how owls fly so silently and
Wagram offer countless opportunities for wild animals to discover new hunt so efficiently; it shows what they have meant to humans since ancient
niches. Kestrels and barn owls use the church tower to breed and bee- times, and how they live beside us today. It explains why they have become
eaters live in the same layers of loess vintners grow their grapes on.
– unfairly – associated with death. Our barn owl finally finds a new home, as
the guest of an owl family, in time to see the new clutch of young taking
their first ungainly steps and then launching into the air.
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Christian Puluj
Available worldwide
Duration: 50 min.
Directed by Istvan Nadaskay and Elisabeth Korinek-Schönthal
Available worldwide
Q3/12 812690
Q4/12 812990
Gustav Klimt������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Radioactive Wolves������������������������������������������������������� 57
The Maya and the End of the World���������������������������� 29
Hansi Hinterseer – Music & Nature:
Realm of the Hoopoe ��������������������������������������������������� 66
7 Wonders ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Rax Mountains��������������������������������������������������������������� 48
Retribution��������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
A Kiss Cashes in – Klimt Between Art and Business���� 24
Hansi Hinterseer – Music & Nature:
Return to Europe����������������������������������������������������������� 37
Alpine Meltdown – Just a Few Degrees More������������� 56
Salzkammergut������������������������������������������������������������� 48
The Secret Source –
Austria’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites��������������������� 25
Hike3 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
The Hunt for “Elementary Power”������������������������������� 32
Austria’s Forgotten Visionary –
Homo Sapiens��������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Ships of the Desert������������������������������������������������������� 64
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Alfred H. Fried ��������������� 32
In Memory of My Father������������������������������������������������� 6
South Face Rescue Operation! –
Baked Beans������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
In the Midst of Humans ����������������������������������������������� 42
The New Dimension in Mountain Rescue������������������� 34
2012: The Turning Point
Becoming a City in the Country –
In the Valley of a Thousand Gods –
South Tyrol – Between Hope and Violence ��������������� 31
25 Years State Capital St. Pölten��������������������������������� 41
The Knights Templar of Kathmandu ��������������������������� 38
Spirit of Ski��������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Before the Flood Comes –
INN-side Story��������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Springtime in Vienna 2012������������������������������������������� 46
Civil Protection in Northern India�������������������������������� 27
Inside America������������������������������������������������������������������ 7
Star Night at the Wörthersee 2012 Open Air������������� 49
Braunschlag������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
The Kebab Incident������������������������������������������������������� 12
Summer Gala Concert – Grafenegg 2012������������������� 47
Calendars, Cults and Cultures –
K-Files����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Termites – The Inner Sanctum������������������������������������� 58
The Long Road to 2012/12/21 ����������������������������������� 29
Kings of the Masai Mara����������������������������������������������� 63
Tilt – The Costa Concordia Drama������������������������������� 33
The Camera Murderer������������������������������������������������������ 7
The Last Jew from Drohobych��������������������������������������� 31
Travels With My Owl����������������������������������������������������� 66
Cathedrals of Volatility –
The Last Real Iceman of the Chimborazo������������������� 40
Trick Factory������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Stories and Histories of Famous Train Stations��������� 37
Laziness - Instructions for Idleness����������������������������� 45
Turkey – Self-Confident Women ��������������������������������� 43
Champion����������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Let’s Dance!������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Tyrolean Mountain Christmas
The Competition ����������������������������������������������������������� 12
Light From Another World –
with Zabine Kapfinger��������������������������������������������������� 48
Danube – Europe’s Amazon����������������������������������������� 60
An Ancient Religion Returns����������������������������������������� 44
Urban Mining – The City as an Everlasting Source
Darkhead����������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Like Fire and Water –
of Raw Materials����������������������������������������������������������� 27
The Desert Nomads of Afar������������������������������������������� 39
Unity and Diversity in Indonesia��������������������������������� 38
Uruguay – One Laptop for Every Child����������������������� 26
Dreams Are Desires Without Courage –
Limits of Light ��������������������������������������������������������������� 52
The Vienna Roll – A Little Cultural History ����������������� 25
Arthur Schnitzler’s 150th Birthday������������������������������� 25
Little Monsters – Hide and Cheat ������������������������������� 53
Vive Le Roi!��������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Eden II – A World Without Men����������������������������������� 43
Miniversum ������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
The Way You Are������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Elisabeth Heller – The Century Woman ��������������������� 31
Mispackaged������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
We Do Not Eat Animals������������������������������������������������� 45
Energy Regions of the Future��������������������������������������� 28
Molly & Mops – 100 Kilos of Love������������������������������� 13
When the Music Plays –
Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg – Fascist and Patriot����� 30
Molly & Mops – Café Mops ����������������������������������������� 13
Winter Open Air 2012��������������������������������������������������� 49
Explorer Express����������������������������������������������������������� 20
Molly & Mops – Life is Not a Piece of Cake ���������������� 13
White Beauty����������������������������������������������������������������� 19
EXTREME! – Light and Dark����������������������������������������� 62
Mystery of the Fairy Circles ����������������������������������������� 54
Wild Nairobi������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Eyewitness to History –
No Way Out������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
The Wildschönau – A Valley on Two Continents ������� 41
Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral ������������������������������� 32
Obedience!��������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Wiped Out ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Fast Forward ����������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Operation Job����������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Woodland Warriors������������������������������������������������������� 65
Father’s Day������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
The Panama Hat������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Worlds Apart – Easter in Greece��������������������������������� 36
The Fire Within��������������������������������������������������������������� 39
Petros Markaris – My Athens��������������������������������������� 36
Four Women and a Funeral ����������������������������������������� 19
Pol-Ares – On the Way to Mars ����������������������������������� 42
Free Crib���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Prisoners of War – Deported and Exploited��������������� 30
Gas Monopoly��������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Quiz Castle��������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Publisher: ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG, Content Sales
International, Wuerzburggasse 30, 1136 Vienna, Austria,
ORF; Graphic Design: vektorama.; Print: W&H Media
Druck+Verlag GmbH