Little Gaffers - Wooden Boat Association NSW


Little Gaffers - Wooden Boat Association NSW
Photo Falmouth oyster boat with cabin
Our Pittwater column returns! See inside this issue
Alan Williams - Design Matters Part 2 - Little Gaffers
April 2012
The Cairns Report -
Good news to report; one of our members Don Roberts has just had
his 90th birthday and also that Don is making a full recovery from a
recent bout of pneumonia. Don assures me he will be at our April
general meeting.
Fifty of our members and guests came along to the March general
meeting to hear a very informative talk by Shipwright/Naval Architect
Noel Riley on the topic of “Developing Hullforms of Yesterday’s Timber
Vessels.” Noel explained how he obtained sufficient information on
a vessel Mary Ellis from National Archives and then used computer
aided drafting (CAD) to draw Mary Ellis’ hull lines. Noel had on display
a beautiful half hull model he had built of this particular vessel and
also on display was another fine half hull model of the Bell Bird.
For our April meeting, the guest speaker Mr Carl Ryves a former
Australian Olympic sailor, will address our meeting with a talk titled
“Designing & Building a 24foot Honduras Mahogany Speedboat”. It
promises to be an interesting talk, Carl will bring along a hull model
and a Lines Plan of his speedboat Rhapsody in Blue. I hope all of our
members can attend this meeting.
A reminder that a Build a Boat Survey 2012 was included with the
March edition of Scuttlebutt, would you please take the time to fill out
the form and post or fax it to the WBA. The postal address is WBANSW
PO Box 884 Gladesville 2111 and the fax number is (02) 98793990.
Our Committee is looking for nominations for the 2012 Hal Harpur
award. Further details of this worthy award can be obtained through
the Editor of Scuttlebutt, Chris Goddard.
The WBA end of year dinner will be held on Tuesday 11th December
2012 in the club’s dinning room at the Gladesville Bowling & Sports
Club. The sit down evening dinner will comprise turkey& ham with
vegetables & gravy, Xmas pudding with brandy custard, tea or coffee,
cost $25/head. Over the coming months we will be compiling a list
of names of those members & guests interested in attending the end
of year dinner.
A social event has been arranged for members & their guests on
Saturday 19th May 2012. It will be a BBQ & movie night, showing the
movie “White Squall” and shown inside Simon Sadubin’s boatshed
at Chowder Bay, Port Jackson. Members can be transported by Andi
Morgan’s boat Pathfinder; pick up of members will be at various
wharf locations i.e. Gladesville, Balmain & Pyrmont. Passenger
numbers aboard Pathfinder are limited to 40; or if you wish you can
travel to Chowder Bay by car. If you are interested in attending the
movie night and wish to go via Pathfinder please phone Andi Morgan
on 0416279887 to reserve your place. Further details including wharf
departure times and movie starting time will be advised in the May
issue of Scuttlebutt.
There is a saying “Your trash may be someone else’s treasure”, why
not contact the Scuttlebutt Editor Chris Goddard and perhaps place an
advertisement in The Buy Swap and Sell section of Scuttlebutt.
Presidents Report
The Cairns Report
Pittwater Pirates
Design Matters
Little Gaffers
Part II
Buy, Swap and Sell
Guest Speaker
On the Horizon
& Rhumb Line Reg, Gilli & Chris Dicker
I have been wanting to write about RLR for a long time but my
respect for the law has deterred me. He is an ex detective sergeant
or sergeant detective and knows His rights.
We planned a trip across the Coral Sea and though Reg was
heading for the Kimberly he invited himself along. Before long we
were actually going with him.
Reg was certainly an experienced sailor, he once anchored off
the coast somewhere and went to bed, he woke up with no land
in sight. We were to witness his anchoring prowess on several
occasions. One particular time we were anchoring off an idyllic
little island in the Conflict Group, PNG, Westwind had got a hold
in the steeply shelving sand but Reg had dragged out into deep
water and was dangerously close to the reef. He came back in for
another go and we could hear his wife, Lulu, yelling and screaming
and Reg retaliating with all guns blazing. That is putting it mildly!
As is usually the case the atmosphere on Westwind was calm and
relaxed when we saw over the top of the books we were reading
a catamaran drifting out towards China and with no apparent
action on board. We hoisted the dinghy over and I had to row
flat out to catch them. Reg and Lulu were sitting about as far
apart as you can get on a 35’ boat and looking very despondent.
Their sounder showed 40 metres and they had 20 metres of chain
swinging in the tide. “What’s the go”, I ask, “anchor won’t hold”
one of them says. It was the most exquisite day and we were in
a far flung paradise, so much so that we look back on that place,
sun drenched, turquoise water and a tropical breeze wafting over
a lazy afternoon as if it belongs in a dream. Sometimes all people
need is a little support, I helped Reg haul the 20 metres of chain
in and Lulu fired up the engines, we headed back to the steep
white beach, Lulu on the helm, she starts yelling that we are a
bit close then starts screeching and I felt eternally grateful for
all the forces of fate and circumstance that brought me my wife
Gilli. “OK, drop her now” I say to Reg, he drops her (the anchor,
not Lulu) and I call for both engines astern, the anchor bites and
I jump in our little dinghy and row back to the real world, which
is surreal anyway.
Rhumb line Reg cursed the bad luck that blew out all his sails, lost
a propeller in 50 meters of water and numerous other calamities
but I would be more than happy to have his amazing luck.
Pittwater Pirates
Brian Hunter & Geoff Docker
Presidents Report Alan Stannard
Association Members Geoff Docker and Brian Hunter convened a meeting with the view to increase boating activities for wooden boat owners
on Pittwater. The first Friday Skippers meeting was attended by six enthusiastic starters and two apologies were received from other keen
skippers who were unable to attend that afternoon. The meeting was held in Geoff’s business workshop at Mona Vale which is a great venue
being a wood working shop with lots of stacked timber, sawdust, machines etc. One corner of the shed is currently occupied a gorgeous putt
putt in the final stages of restoration. Along the opposite wall a bench was stacked with glued up laminated deck beams for the 6metre class
YEOMAN which Geoff is totally rebuilding in an annexe at the front of the shed. YEOMAN is almost ready for turning right side up after epoxy
sealing the bottom of the hull is completed. The shed is a great atmosphere for wooden boat enthusiasts to hold a meeting so after a sausage
sizzle and a few beers were consumed it was voted that the Friday meeting would be a regular thing to discuss and plan future activities and
men’s secret business.
The second meeting Friday the 16th March had seven attendees and two apologies, the agenda moved along and an Easter event was
planned. This starts of Good Friday the 6th April 12noon rendezvous in Towlers Bay to spend the night and Saturday sail in company up to
Yeoman’s Bay for a raft up, off course all woodies are invited if you are in Pittwater just join the group where it suits you, we won’t be hard to
find just look for WBA burgees. There promises to be much discussion over the weekend about a course for a race home on Sunday or Monday.
Skippers at the meeting were charged with networking with as many other woodies to get a good roll up. It is envisaged we will shortly set a
calendar for the rest of the year with input from skippers coming to the Friday meetings which all woodies are invited to attend, there is already
discussion about sailing to Hobart for the festival in February 2013.
For more info ring Geoff 0414479714 or Brian 0417208830 happy boating......Splinter.
Pittwater Pirates Logo by Alan Williams. Thanks Alan!
Beautiful Ginara Islet
Rumbline Reg heading for China, me in hot pursuit, taken in the Louisiades
Little Gaffers
Design Matters Alan Williams
Alan Williams, ( Quirky ) continues his series on design matters.
I wonder if anyone reading this
can help me out. I recall a few
lines of a poem from school days,
but not the author nor anything
else about it except that the
writer was planning to retire to
the coast, somewhere
Golant gaffer, strip plank design.
The Itchen Ferry
“west facing where
I shall keep a dainty craft
In which to dart and dream“
Interesting how a handful of words
can hang around in your brain for
years and set the imagination
going….In my mind’s eye I could
see that this would be me and the
Quirky & crew aboard Stormy...
about to dart and dream
boat was always a little gaffer
‘Whoops, just broke the gaff jaws.’
with tan sails. Probably of West
Country workboat origin. Since I
first read those lines 60 years ago, it is encouraging to see that the stock
of little gaffers, rather than becoming an endangered species, may even
have increased.
Here in Australia we have the wonderful Couta Boat embodying
everything that one could
Couta Boat - Thistle, a dainty craft!.
wish for in a wholesome
little vessel...Our recent
viewing of that excellent
DVD showed us how
brilliantly they were
conceived to meet the
requirements of their
noble calling: supplying
the fish and chip industry
to feed Melbourne day
trippers. They were fast,
to bring the catch back
in fresh condition, stable,
even with a centre board
and shallow draft. A bit of
internal ballast and plenty
of beam helped here and
the beam gave them the
carrying capacity for a
ton or two of barracuda.
Replicas are being built
and it is a strict condition of the class association that all construction
methods must follow the original boats. Plank on frame, no hollow spars
nor any fibreglass allowed. If you want to cheat, and build something
similar, but trailerable in strip plank, David Payne’s 17 foot Snapper boat
deserves your attention.
The Couta boats resting at the SASC Gaffers Day 2011
Golant gaffer, foredeck.
Over in the Solent that separates the Isle of Wight from the mainland,
they faced even choppier conditions than Port Phillip Bay .You get a lot of
wind against tide when you have four tides a day. To fish in these lumpy
conditions, year round, the Itchen Ferry was evolved. Similar in size to
the couta boat but with just a bit more draft and no centre board. They
were cutter rigged and had their staysail bowsed down to a curious iron
bumbkin that ran alongside the bowsprit. These fishermen were expert
sailors and during the summer months often gave up the pleasures of
handling dead fish for white flannels and well paid jobs of crewing on
those vast racing yachts they had between the Wars.
Moving westward to the
wonderful Fal estuary, even
today, oysters are legally
required to be harvested from
little gaff rigged open boats.
Some may be over a hundred
years old but the local firm
of Gaffers and Luggers has
been churning out copies
in that hull substance we
don’t want to talk about. But
they look just as good as the
In the same way that the
Mazda MX5 and others have
brought topless two seatering
to drivers who were not alive
when MG and other long
dead marquees were making
the bare knuckle originals, it
is always interesting to see
how traditional designs can
The Falouth oyster boat with cabin.
be used as a basis for modern
creations. Just as the modern two seater motorist and that includes me,
has little interest in chasing 15 grease nipples every 1,500 miles, there
are many sailors who appreciate all the strings and pleasures of gaff
without having to hammer caulking into their garboard seams. Strip
plank and clinker ply bring the idea of building your own boat to the DIY
craftsman who has just put up his first set of shelves.
You probably
didn’t expect
to hear from
again, but I
have been bu
sy trying to
out the woode
n Shrimper
but I am af
that I have
been baulked
by the new ow
of Cornish Cr
abbers who
have now re
the design an
d name of th
Cornish Shrim
preventing an
yone from co
pying it even
although I do
n’t get any de
sign fees!
Having recent
ly had severa
l people ask
about a woo
den Shrimper
I decided not
beaten and
to be
started on th
e id
boat of simila
ea of a revi
r size but w
ith a differen
hull shape, t
motor position
, centreboard
and a hand
y rig I have
attached a
of a prelimin
ary drawing
for you to lo
and would be
ok at
interested in
any commen
you may have
Just to let yo
u know we
have decided
build one an
d have now h
ave a friend
ours who hope
s to start w
ork on one as
Plans are w
ell on and I
will shortly be
printing off
the full size
sections etc.
best regards,
The Cornish based architect Roger Dongray
has designed more than his fair share of
modern gaffers. His original container sized
19 foot Shrimper was built in clinker ply to
suit his own family needs. Since then, this
and nearly a dozen of his other designs have
being made in fibreglass. It is a sad fact of
life that when this happens, the design is
no longer available to the vegetable fiber
enthusiasts. To overcome this, Roger has
produced the jaunty 19 foot Golant Gaffer
for strip plank construction and the clinker
ply Golant Prawner which embodies 30
years of experience and feedback from the
Shrimper and others. Lovely. But I miss the
Shrimper’s porthole.
The Cornish Shrimper.
The 19 foot limit was not intended to fit
them into a 20 foot container, that’s the
maximum length he can build in his garage.
All lovely little gaffers in which to ‘dart and
dream’. Now who on earth was it that wrote
those lines?
Cutter rigged yacht MAGIC well known festival and
classic yacht regatta participant that outperforms
other yachts her size regularly. Custom design and
built to a very high standard by a perfectionist
, Magic is 35’ LOA, 28’ LOD, 8’9” beam, 5’ draft.
Constructed with King Billy Pine hull and ply decks
and sheathed with dynal and epoxy she is as good
as when launched in 1997 after many sea miles.
The coach house is solid Silky Oak, this together
with Mahogany and Merbau, creates a warm
traditional varnished interior. Quality furnishings
and fittings together with specially made bedding
and SS cooking pots to fit the stove complete the
comfortable functional interior layout . Great galley
with Origo stove, 12V frig and plenty of cupboards
and good worktops. Magic has 4 berths, private
toilet with holding tank option and plenty of storage
and is totally dry below decks for comfortable
cruising. Electrics include 2 separate battery banks,
solar panels and VSR smart charge system, near
new VHF with DSC, Colour Chartplotter (Full Aust
Charts), Depth sounder, Autohelm, DVD/TV/CD
stereo, lights everywhere. All the usual gear with 2
anchors plenty of chain and anchor winch. Sails and
diesel engine are in good condition as is all the gear.
Spares and tools and rubber ducky with outboard
included. Must sell, looking for offers around $55000.
Phone Brian Hunter 02 99793873 (evenings) or
WBA members may place a non-commercial ad free of charge if the member’s name and phone no.
appear. Non-members are charged $20 for a text ad (maximum 25 words). $30 with a picture. Ads
will run for two issues, members ads longer if you ask for an extension. Submissions close on the
20th of each month NOTE Items for free. NO Charge. Contact Editor see page 7 for details.
FOR SALE: Putt putt, 19ft with 5HP Simplex engine.
Hull considered sound but needs minor repairs and
painting. Best Offer.
Phone Marcus 0414 870 821 or 02 4283 3489
FOR SALE: 36’ Trawler project. Spotted Gum hull,
Celery Top Pine laid decks with ply overlay
with fibreglass sheathing. Merringannee is in
sound operable condition with much recent work
completed. Built by Kemp and Cunningham in 1979
for offshore trawling. Comfortable 4 berths and
toilet in forecabin, wheelhouse has small galley
and storage, new equipment for outside bbq galley
supplied plus other materials, genset and tools.
Good project with plenty of potential. Power is Volvo
MD100b 150HP diesel ,reliable and economical,
with 3:1 Twin Disc gearbox driving a 35”x26” 4
blade prop thru a 3” dia prop shaft. She has stacks
of power and cruises easily at 9kts at 800RPM with
fuel consumption 7ltrs/hr. POA currently seeking offers around $47000. For more details contact
Brian Hunter 0417208830.
Mr. Noel Riley a Shipwright and Naval Architect, explained the process of
making a half hull model from a ships build data, tonnage lengths, transverse
framing arrangement etc and using a ‘free to download computer program’,
producing laminate drawing data. We are so so lucky to have passionate people
like Noel, keeping alive the true beauty of days gone by.... Thanks Noel.
Peter Muras & Nigel Renfrew
have joined our association. Welcome!
The Wooden Boat Association
of NSW inc.
Members Monthly April 2012
Meets at the Gladesville Bowling and Sports Club,
the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm
Next Meeting Tuesday 10th April
Guest Speaker - Carl Ryves
Designing & building a
24’ Honduras mahogany speedboat
The Wooden Boat Association of NSW inc.
PO Box 884 Gladesville NSW 2111
FOR SALE: 16’ putt putt. Built 2011 in Huon
Pine & Spotted gum. As new Vire 6hp marine
engine with gearbox. New trailer, oars, life
jackets, anchor and rope, stainless petrol
tank etc. For more pics email ; braeng@ihug. or phone John Wagemans, (02) 4369 7687.
$14,600 o.n.o. Wooden boat member pays $1000 less
Aussie made Products
Designed for Aussie Conditions
Alan Stannard
9416 7238
Vice President
Ross Mclean
0425 330 560
Ross Andrewartha
4739 3706
Chris Goddard
0414 447 007
Phillip Turvey
0417 657 613
Tony Curtis
9452 4166
Marine Epoxy System
FOR SALE: “Seaweed” – 11’ 6” x 4’ 6” rowing skiff.
Single chine, flat planked, copper nailed and roved/
clenched. Removable floor boards. Professionally
made of unknown vintage. Some soft areas to be
replaced plus a good rub-down and repaint needed
to be someone’s pride and joy. Rowlocks and
handmade oars included. Located Woronora.
$550. Jon Bell 9545 2584
Water based Polyurethane
half hull model of the Ketch Mary Ellis, Designed and built by Thomas Riley
Shipyard: George Frost. Kincumber NSW 1898
Are you looking for;
- Silicon Bronze
FOR SALE: Nantucket is a one off build , in 1975, by
Harlan Hall who was General Manager for the Sydney
Maritime Museum from 1980 to 1985. Cold mould 5/8”
thick timber construction (no ribs or stringers). Hull,
topsides, deck and cabin top all epoxy sheathed. Cat boat
designed hull from Chesapeake Bay area of USA. Presently
gaff sloop rigged with older style alloy spares. Gaff main
not put up for over 10 years. Pro-furl headsail, large sun
awning, Honda 8hp aux, S/S centre board. Length on
deck 20’ 10” Beam 8’ Draught 1’ 8”centre board up. Sink
and toilet, basic interior with two small bunks. Boat is in
good condition, presently berthed at Long Island Marina,
Brooklyn, NSW
half hull model of the Bellbird, Designed and built by Thomas Riley
Shipyard: Riley’s Island. Woy Woy NSW 1883
Long Life Clear coating
Rubberised Non Slip Paint
Barry Manton. 0429 945 600. $9900.
 Nails
 Screws
 Fasteners
- Copper Boat Nails
- Bronze Boat Fittings
- Jeffries Marine Glue
- Oakum & Caulking Cotton
- Rot Repair System?
We have them all available
No items from Asia
Andi Morgan
Raffle Winners
FOR SALE: 14’ 6’’ WHILLY BOAT Designed by Iain
Oughtred - Constructed in Honduras Mahogany
throughout. Hull finished clear. Steel centre plate.
Tip up rudder. Fine grain Oregon mast and spars.
Standing Lug rig. Newly completed.
Together with Heavy gauge “Easytow” trailer
(new). $6500.00 Alan Chinn 03 9578 6418
mob 0408 380 104 (Victorian WBA member)
WANTED: Bluebird Timber, must be in good
condition. Sydney Pittwater area.
Phone James Nash 9969 4913
Guest Speaker
DRIVE Marine Services
02 9533 5470
0412 366 998
Advertising and Sponsorship: The committee is still looking for
advertising and
sponsorship in order to cover the higher costs of Scuttlebutt and associated postage.
If interested or know of anyone who may be interested, please contact any member of the committee.
Advertising would include an advertisement in Scuttlebutt (circ 300+) plus a sponsors link on the WEBsite
front page (Avg 1,400 visits per month)
Disclaimer: Opinions and advise expressed in this publication and the Association’s meetings are those of the individual
originator’s only. The Editor and the Association’s Committee do not necessarily endorse views expressed at such forums
Participation in events organized by the Association may involve certain risks which include the possibility of harm or
damage to vessels, equipment or persons inherently associated with the perils of the sea or weather. Such risks will require
the exercise of the prior judgment of members on behalf of themselves, their guests and invitees whether to commence or
continue any particular activity irrespective of information supplied by Association officers.
Scuttlebutt &
WEB stuff
Andi Morgan
Based on a series of highly popular
articles written for Classic Boat
Magazine, this witty collection
recalls some of the incidents the
author has survived in over half a
century of messing about in boats.
Most sailors will find something to
relate to in these escapades from around the world
and they will bring a wry smile to any boaters lips.
The author’s wonderfully witty cartoons help bring
these anecdotes to life. All these stories are true so
WBA member Alan Williams writes under a pen name
so that his architectural clients do not think they are
entrusting their work to a seagoing Mr Bean. Copies
are available from Boat Books in Crows Nest at $24.95
or less on Amazon . WBA members can get copies
from Alan at meetings for $ 20.
NOTICE: Wish you could have a colour photograph
of any image seen in the magazine or on the WEB?
Call or email the Editor or Andi from just $5:00 each
April 10 WBA Meeting - Guest Speaker Carl Ryves, Designing and building a 24 foot Honduras mahogany speedboat.
May 8 WBA Meeting - Guest Speaker Dr. Ian Hoskins, Historian, Sydney Harbour: A History.
May 19 WBA Movies in Chowder Bay Boatshed. Transport and times TBA
June 12 WBA Meeting - Guest speaker Andrew Randell, building the yacht Jackie R, the winner of the Hal Harpur 2011 Award.
June 15 - 17 Timber and Working with Wood Show – Moore Park, Sydney. Visit
July 10 WBA Meeting - Guest speaker Sean Langman ‘Business of Wooden Ferries; preservation verses bottom line’
August 14 WBA Meeting - Guest speaker Ross Gardner, Building & sailing an 18th century replica - Ellen Mary
September 11 WBA Meeting - Guest speaker Joe Walsh, Maintenance your best mast insurance.
September 22 - 23 The Classic & Wooden Boat Festival, Australian National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Sydney.
October 9 WBA Meeting.
October 21 Davistown Putt Putt Regatta and Wooden Boat Festival Contact
November 3 - 4 RMYC Timber Boat Festival
November 13 AGM - WBA meeting
December 11 WBA Meeting end of year dinner and Hal Harpur Award Presentation
February 8 - 11 Australian Wooden Boat Festival, Hobart. Visit
- WOT ROT Repair System
Are You Looking for:
We have them all available
- Copper Boat Nails
- Silicon Bronze
* Highly elastic
* Permeable –
lets wood survive
* Single packs
No items from Asia
- Nails
- Screws
- Fasteners
* Easy to apply
* Resistant to
weathering & UV
Quality items from NZ, UK & USA
DRIVE Marine Services
02 9533 5470
0412 366 998
- Oakum & Caulk Cotton
- Bronze Boat Fittings
- Jeffries Marine Glue
- WOT ROT Repair System
We have them all available
Quality items from NZ, UK & USA
* Crack-bridging
No items from Asia
DRIVE Marine Services
02 9533 5470
0412 366 998
NEW Custom etched Glass
Single purchase $25 ea + gst
$22 ea + gst
Set of six
$20 ea + gst
Classic Boats
We love listing and selling
quality Classic Boats...if you’re a
serious buyer, take a look at
these stunning yachts below...
Sell Says
26’ William Atkins “Jameil”
25’ Ranger “Valiant”
9m Storm Dragon “Sama”
Red e Pric
uct e
30’ Gaff Rigged Sloop “Monsoon” $75,000
Red e Pric
uct e
37’ Ron Swanson “Camille”
0415 431 337
28ft Arie Wetsteyn “Magic”
See Phillip Turvey at meetings
or call him on 0417 657 613
34’ Herreshoff Classic “Zest”
32’6” Falmouth Sloop
For more details and additional photographs on the above boats go to our web site:
Contact Clive Gregor y on 0419 175 562 or email: